HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-89-0289J-89-295 3/23/89 s . RESOLUTION NO.9'"` A RESOLUTION APPROVING CREATION OF A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT FOR BELLE MEADE ISLAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN ORDER TO PROVIDE TWENTY-FOtlR HOUR GUARD SERVICE, SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS. V _ ' WHEREAS, the citizens of Miami who reside on Belle Meade — Island in the City have petitioned Dade County under Chapter 18 of 'the Metropolitan Dade County Code to create a special taxing district for special guard protection of the Island which is located in said proposed district; and ;I a- = WHEREAS, a letter from Dade County Public Works Department dated April 29, 1987 has been submitted, which letter confirms the fact that the required number of the resident property owners of. property within the boundaries of the proposed district have signed -said petition; and WHEREAS;.,. :delays have, occurred in the processing of said _ petition by the petitioners; and tF_ WHEREAS, the residents of Belle Meade Island still request the approval of :the Miami City Commission to have a referendum of the residents- of said Island authorized and conducted by Dade. County at no expense to the City of Miami, to determine whether the herein proposed special 'taxing district should be created on r said Island; and WHEREAS, this Resolution of the City of Miami Commission is required by Dade County prior to its authorizing and conducting.a. referendum by the residents of Belle Meade Island; f NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE ;CITyx' — OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The,creation of a special taxing ditript off►',.' Y S 1N Belle Meade Island located in the City, Miami, of Florida; infi�9. F, i} cil. �A/-Cy�.�f7 } v �t a if V, iyh � Tb a rx a- F. Ar accordance with Chapter 18 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code, for special guard protection is hereby approved, said special guard protection to consist of contracting for twenty-four hours u } yq a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, unarmed, uniformed, guard service with a duly licensed and bonded State of Florida approved security guard service, to provide such services at the _- entrance of the district, such approval being further conditioned upon the affirmative vote of the residents of Belle Meade island in an election to be conducted, at no cost to the City, according ,i to the Metropolitan Dade County Code and being further subject to approvalof the Dade County Commission. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of March , 1989. XAVIER It,.AUAREZ, MAYOR— A E _ MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK r PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: T: ROBERT F. LARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JOR L. ERN DEZ CI ATTORNEY a{ RFC:dfh:M993 71 fr<J t � t � r xis .,a" F �citi'3 s r,fF'4FFq '£a - {ia"'kr t` 6 e 3 _ Cesar Odio To: City Mah ger .. Miller J. Dawkins r<ROM: City Commissioner. Xi < g k a CM OF MIAMI• FLORIDA INTIM-OFFICK MEMOIRANDUM DATES SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES:� M mto,�h — x a { �lil fiRO1 41 `AN IC NTY FLORIDA - META(-C)At eNTE Gar 5 Punic WORK$ 09PAOMW 31IlIYE iifiD ' 111 NA ist 8TOWL , A MIA041, FLORIDA 331P�1M March 20, 1989 Mr. Edwin W. Reed, III 1100 Belle Meade Island Drive Miami, . Florida 3313$ Dear Mr. Reed: Security Guard Special Taxing District Please be advised that the petition submitted requesting the creation of the "Belle Meade Island Security Guard Special -Taxing District" has recently been`revi#-Nwd by this office. We have determined that'the petition contains the required mmlber of signatures and therefore it is valid. Prior :to t of the preliminary, engineering -work necessary to.. obtain data for the formal report to the County Commission, :.tt"s office will require a City of Miami Resolution authorizing,.b�ut'not requiri .:as a cony tion of district approval, the following: r. A. Creation of a security guard district and special assessment.levied to support this service. r B. Construction of a C.B.S. guardtiouse, within the public right of way at the northeast:, end of .the Belle Meade Island `Bridge:` .4 a C. Construction and operation'of a- gates within t3ie public right of way to enable security pesacn�el ; to record' descriptia and t$g rnmber of all1 incaning vehicles'. Mr. Carlos`Ansoategui of our•Speciai'Taxi»g District Divisian.has begin assigned as our -liaison. If additional information is required or que tiarua arise, please contact him `at 3754596. - Very trul - Deborah Cµrtin, ChiefE Special Taxing District Divilicn {� DC: COL: cj E A ,,� } Subztt@C�t0$. "cc.: � • Alvin No8nick j Alex VV���+,f,j}�= item: on egulr Qpp 1uMly/HVWiVVp EmpAvi��/SNv/a�t" { - = x, � , >y,�� rr - �' ter, x * {��14�3id '• • �D/CITY 01p MIAov. FLORIdA � '- 11�iTER•CF ICE MEMORANDUA� ro Donald:,W�. Cather, Director September 15, 1981"Lis: MIA=67' Department of Public Works ;UNJ«T,_ Legal Opinion/got Guard Roue` nd 'Gate, for Belle Meade • sland row (=ItvaA A.Doug�erty ttorney KNCLofVRCM You have requested a legal opinion on the following issue. ff _ { WHERE, PROPERTY OWNERS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE '�'�• SECURITY OF BELLE MEADE ISLAND AND HAVE f REQUESTED APPROVAL OE' A SPECIAL TAXING z DISTRICT TO PROVIDE SECURITY GUARD SERVICES FOR THE ISLAND, AND WHERE THE PROPOSED SECURITY GUARD SERVICES WOULD INCLUDE THE _ CONSTRUCTION OF A GUARD HOUSE AND GATE ON THE } NORTHEAST CORNER OF BELLE MEADE ISLAND BRIDGE, WHICH IS DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, DOES THE_ CITY CODE PRESENTLY PERMIT SUCH CONSTRUCTION? t The answer to your question is, under the'existing'-code sections, E , �t in the,.negative. ti �1 City Code Section 54-100 provides in pertinent part that no building, structure or part thereof shall be erected,— structurally,'altered,..enlarged dr extended beyond the,` base ;. building line. (Furthermore, Section 54-107 entitled I11ega.L # Encroachment provides that the Director of the Department. of Public Works upon being notified of construction or installation A— { of an encroachment within dedication right of way without the #= benefit of a covenant and permit as provided in Section 54-105`of the City Code, has the obligation to commence enforcement proceedings for removal of said encroachment.) Thus, under the existing provisions of the City Code,. the proposed guard house which per the petition and sketch would be y located on dedicated public right of way, is not permissible. ' r ' However, it should be noted that Section 54-100 was amended.'.by �. {M the City Commission to allow restaurant arcades (second ,;;floor extensions into the airspace over the public right <of .waya�` :i Flagler . Street) in 1985 and could further be amended.. to provide specifically for the location of the .proposed guard hqusQ gate,on.dedicated.public right of way at the proposal location =}i �r y Y' Li Al +� .• •dam•" %" �'r .�,�.T t tz k ¢ � g T :�' ;x�'try'f�tu" v�'� ??� .x- �i"1'"r., r +"r a w.y. � 5,. 6s s'�r �.+� "i �'M?•%� y� • ��,���`3��'`sa;.fie°i. Pb�'�,H:' .4?? , ., . _ ... .... , . .. ... , . {.. _ n. - L,'as�'yrts#'m.u�t�ar�''`w-.fi �� �3?.� _ � z x .. 7 S # 4 , y -87�-62 Legal Opinion MIA belle Meade Island Guard House and Gate Page 2 In response to a telephone request from the President of the Homeowners Association, Joel E. Maxwell, Assistant City Attorney, verbally opined that prior to any further action being taken, subsequent to County Commission approval of the requested special taxing district, the proposed location and construction of any guard house and gate must be reviewed by the City Commission. In conclusion, this item should be brought back to the City Commission in the event the property owners wish to pursue their proposed plan of erecting a guardhouse and security gate for .security of the island. PREPARED BY: G. Miriam Maer Assistant City Attorney LAD/GMM/rcl/M084 ; cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission. Cesar H. Odio City Manager 1= Walter L. Pierce ' Assistant City Manager ` — ass t l Lh �•i' t w< r r .. 'i ,i j } i k4� Y Tt� 4{42--5y 1 F 2 Y (� M ' ��.•- rt1 '.:tr z z .r t ��� j S � k , �r�hz ,���#��•�d � G..-1,# ai t. f c.�-,F'ri�' < ,t •_ iY l: ` i i h 2'�Y"kq��.4:: ���3 x::n»t�>; x,,..:H"....:, .. .. : .' .. `.,.' . - ,' . ':` .. .. .. ., . T a : , r..4; ..;. S.�t,��s.„•I. '-`-eTn. ent�.�..,ic5i'uf � .. 11-6 -AT 6/18/61 RESOLUTION No. A ARSOLUTION APPROVING CREATION OF A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT FOR DRUB MEAD8___ISLAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN ORDER TO PROVIDE TWENTY-FOUR SOUR GUARD SERVICE, SUBJECT TO ttX]NPLIANCB WITH APPLICABLE y METROPOLITAN DADS COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS. WHEREAS, the citizens of Miami who reside on Belle Meade Island in the City have petitioned Dade County under Chapter i8 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code to create a special taxing district for special guard protection of the Island which is located in said proposed district; and WHEREAS. a letter from Dade County Public Works Department dated April 29. 2987 has been submitted, which letter confirms the fact that the required number of the resident property owners of property within the boundaries of the proposed district have - signed said petition; and WHEREAS, the residents of Belle Meade Island request the approval of the Miami City Commission to have a referendum of the - residents of said Island authorized and conducted by Dade County, z at no expense to the City of Miami, to determine whether a -a special taxing district should be created on said Island; and - WHEREAS, this Resolution of the City of Miami Commission is. required by Dade County prior to its authorizing and oondueting a ;? e, referendum by the residents of Belle Meade Island; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE -CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA: Section 1. The creation of a special taxing district on - Belle Meade Island located in the City of Miami. Florida, in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code ,ta for special guard protection is hereby approved, said a ecial n;ti ' u guard protection to consist of contraoting. for tVenty-foul a 'day, seven days a week. 365 days a year unarmed., unior�npd, k Q ' ` guard service. vith - a d uiy licensed and bonded State .;of Flcr�a r tr a r,� Ina RJ� ' �• . j ,.e :; . a �rtri �-ay+rri&.a. i• § x :• Ott � � t k,., L* 77 - t►►r 6e+t1310 oet*ioe 4 dot r awaftoe .6t tht Ust at. Nuoh ALppro e + t o itbn d upon the affirmative vote of the residents of Belle Some Wand in an tleotion to be oobdiot6do it no oost to the City, a000rd ng to the Yetropolitsn Dade County Code and being further subjeot to -- E y Y �- s MEMORANDUM TO: Ray nd Reed+DeVuty Clerk DATE: of The Board of County Coumi.ssioners e Attn: Jorge Garcia SUBJECT: "Belle Meade Island _ Security Guard Special Taxing District" FROM: Welter A. Herndon, Jr., P.E. _ Director Public Works Department w Pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, the attached ' petition requested the creation and establishment of the above captioned - E special taxing district. Based on the records of the Metropolitan Dade County Property Appraiser's Office, we determined that there are: 1. 53 Total Parcels of land within boundary area. 2. 46 Total Homestead Exempt and Resident Affidavit Parcels — within boundary area. I 3. 27 Total Signatures on the attached petition. 4. 25 Total Resident owners signed the attached petition. ' 5. 54 Percent of resident owners signed the attached petition. 6. $10252,593 Net Property Valuation. Utilizing.Hiopmestead Exemption or.an Affidavit as the basis for the resident owner:'requir'ement, this petition does have the required mzber of signatures .and„therefore it is valid. i 4 k4 WAH:CA: cj cc: Anthony J. Clemente Attachment F.4 SEe t � Pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, the attached -3 petition requested the creation and establislxn:nt of the above captioned _ sed on the records of the Metropolitan Dade special taxing district. Ra —;, County Property Appraiser's office we determined that there are: 1, q_pg__ Total Parcels of land within boundary area. ' 2. 332 Total Homestead Exempt and Resident Affidavit Parcels within boundary area. 3, 197 Total Signatures on the attached petition. ,{ ri 4, 171 Total Resident owners signed the attached petition. 5, 52 Percent of resident owners signed the attached petition. a ' 6. $33,619,579 Net Property Valuation. t Utilizing Homestead Exemption or an Affidavit as the basis for the resident owner rc�quirc�mnC, this petition does huive the required number of signatures } and therefore it is valid. {' 2 :z WAH: CA: cj S cc: Anthony Clemente Attachment y}. h - S a ? : L tU X' xk r 5 V I ati{ F 4 . t � J-89-295 3/23/89 s . RESOLUTION NO.9'"` A RESOLUTION APPROVING CREATION OF A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT FOR BELLE MEADE ISLAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN ORDER TO PROVIDE TWENTY-FOtlR HOUR GUARD SERVICE, SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS. V _ ' WHEREAS, the citizens of Miami who reside on Belle Meade — Island in the City have petitioned Dade County under Chapter 18 of 'the Metropolitan Dade County Code to create a special taxing district for special guard protection of the Island which is located in said proposed district; and ;I a- = WHEREAS, a letter from Dade County Public Works Department dated April 29, 1987 has been submitted, which letter confirms the fact that the required number of the resident property owners of. property within the boundaries of the proposed district have signed -said petition; and WHEREAS;.,. :delays have, occurred in the processing of said _ petition by the petitioners; and tF_ WHEREAS, the residents of Belle Meade Island still request the approval of :the Miami City Commission to have a referendum of the residents- of said Island authorized and conducted by Dade. County at no expense to the City of Miami, to determine whether the herein proposed special 'taxing district should be created on r said Island; and WHEREAS, this Resolution of the City of Miami Commission is required by Dade County prior to its authorizing and conducting.a. referendum by the residents of Belle Meade Island; f NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE ;CITyx' — OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The,creation of a special taxing ditript off►',.' Y S 1N Belle Meade Island located in the City, Miami, of Florida; infi�9. F, i} cil. �A/-Cy�.�f7 } v �t a if V, iyh � Tb a rx a- F. Ar accordance with Chapter 18 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code, for special guard protection is hereby approved, said special guard protection to consist of contracting for twenty-four hours u } yq a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, unarmed, uniformed, guard service with a duly licensed and bonded State of Florida approved security guard service, to provide such services at the _- entrance of the district, such approval being further conditioned upon the affirmative vote of the residents of Belle Meade island in an election to be conducted, at no cost to the City, according ,i to the Metropolitan Dade County Code and being further subject to approvalof the Dade County Commission. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of March , 1989. XAVIER It,.AUAREZ, MAYOR— A E _ MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK r PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: T: ROBERT F. LARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JOR L. ERN DEZ CI ATTORNEY a{ RFC:dfh:M993 71 fr<J t � t � r xis .,a" F �citi'3 s r,fF'4FFq '£a - {ia"'kr t` 6 e 3 _ Cesar Odio To: City Mah ger .. Miller J. Dawkins r<ROM: City Commissioner. Xi < g k a CM OF MIAMI• FLORIDA INTIM-OFFICK MEMOIRANDUM DATES SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES:� M mto,�h — x a { �lil fiRO1 41 `AN IC NTY FLORIDA - META(-C)At eNTE Gar 5 Punic WORK$ 09PAOMW 31IlIYE iifiD ' 111 NA ist 8TOWL , A MIA041, FLORIDA 331P�1M March 20, 1989 Mr. Edwin W. Reed, III 1100 Belle Meade Island Drive Miami, . Florida 3313$ Dear Mr. Reed: Security Guard Special Taxing District Please be advised that the petition submitted requesting the creation of the "Belle Meade Island Security Guard Special -Taxing District" has recently been`revi#-Nwd by this office. We have determined that'the petition contains the required mmlber of signatures and therefore it is valid. Prior :to t of the preliminary, engineering -work necessary to.. obtain data for the formal report to the County Commission, :.tt"s office will require a City of Miami Resolution authorizing,.b�ut'not requiri .:as a cony tion of district approval, the following: r. A. Creation of a security guard district and special assessment.levied to support this service. r B. Construction of a C.B.S. guardtiouse, within the public right of way at the northeast:, end of .the Belle Meade Island `Bridge:` .4 a C. Construction and operation'of a- gates within t3ie public right of way to enable security pesacn�el ; to record' descriptia and t$g rnmber of all1 incaning vehicles'. Mr. Carlos`Ansoategui of our•Speciai'Taxi»g District Divisian.has begin assigned as our -liaison. If additional information is required or que tiarua arise, please contact him `at 3754596. - Very trul - Deborah Cµrtin, ChiefE Special Taxing District Divilicn {� DC: COL: cj E A ,,� } Subztt@C�t0$. "cc.: � • Alvin No8nick j Alex VV���+,f,j}�= item: on egulr Qpp 1uMly/HVWiVVp EmpAvi��/SNv/a�t" { - = x, � , >y,�� rr - �' ter, x * {��14�3id '• • �D/CITY 01p MIAov. FLORIdA � '- 11�iTER•CF ICE MEMORANDUA� ro Donald:,W�. Cather, Director September 15, 1981"Lis: MIA=67' Department of Public Works ;UNJ«T,_ Legal Opinion/got Guard Roue` nd 'Gate, for Belle Meade • sland row (=ItvaA A.Doug�erty ttorney KNCLofVRCM You have requested a legal opinion on the following issue. ff _ { WHERE, PROPERTY OWNERS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE '�'�• SECURITY OF BELLE MEADE ISLAND AND HAVE f REQUESTED APPROVAL OE' A SPECIAL TAXING z DISTRICT TO PROVIDE SECURITY GUARD SERVICES FOR THE ISLAND, AND WHERE THE PROPOSED SECURITY GUARD SERVICES WOULD INCLUDE THE _ CONSTRUCTION OF A GUARD HOUSE AND GATE ON THE } NORTHEAST CORNER OF BELLE MEADE ISLAND BRIDGE, WHICH IS DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, DOES THE_ CITY CODE PRESENTLY PERMIT SUCH CONSTRUCTION? t The answer to your question is, under the'existing'-code sections, E , �t in the,.negative. ti �1 City Code Section 54-100 provides in pertinent part that no building, structure or part thereof shall be erected,— structurally,'altered,..enlarged dr extended beyond the,` base ;. building line. (Furthermore, Section 54-107 entitled I11ega.L # Encroachment provides that the Director of the Department. of Public Works upon being notified of construction or installation A— { of an encroachment within dedication right of way without the #= benefit of a covenant and permit as provided in Section 54-105`of the City Code, has the obligation to commence enforcement proceedings for removal of said encroachment.) Thus, under the existing provisions of the City Code,. the proposed guard house which per the petition and sketch would be y located on dedicated public right of way, is not permissible. ' r ' However, it should be noted that Section 54-100 was amended.'.by �. {M the City Commission to allow restaurant arcades (second ,;;floor extensions into the airspace over the public right <of .waya�` :i Flagler . Street) in 1985 and could further be amended.. to provide specifically for the location of the .proposed guard hqusQ gate,on.dedicated.public right of way at the proposal location =}i �r y Y' Li Al +� .• •dam•" %" �'r .�,�.T t tz k ¢ � g T :�' ;x�'try'f�tu" v�'� ??� .x- �i"1'"r., r +"r a w.y. � 5,. 6s s'�r �.+� "i �'M?•%� y� • ��,���`3��'`sa;.fie°i. Pb�'�,H:' .4?? , ., . _ ... .... , . .. ... , . {.. _ n. - L,'as�'yrts#'m.u�t�ar�''`w-.fi �� �3?.� _ � z x .. 7 S # 4 , y -87�-62 Legal Opinion MIA belle Meade Island Guard House and Gate Page 2 In response to a telephone request from the President of the Homeowners Association, Joel E. Maxwell, Assistant City Attorney, verbally opined that prior to any further action being taken, subsequent to County Commission approval of the requested special taxing district, the proposed location and construction of any guard house and gate must be reviewed by the City Commission. In conclusion, this item should be brought back to the City Commission in the event the property owners wish to pursue their proposed plan of erecting a guardhouse and security gate for .security of the island. PREPARED BY: G. Miriam Maer Assistant City Attorney LAD/GMM/rcl/M084 ; cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission. Cesar H. Odio City Manager 1= Walter L. Pierce ' Assistant City Manager ` — ass t l Lh �•i' t w< r r .. 'i ,i j } i k4� Y Tt� 4{42--5y 1 F 2 Y (� M ' ��.•- rt1 '.:tr z z .r t ��� j S � k , �r�hz ,���#��•�d � G..-1,# ai t. f c.�-,F'ri�' < ,t •_ iY l: ` i i h 2'�Y"kq��.4:: ���3 x::n»t�>; x,,..:H"....:, .. .. : .' .. `.,.' . - ,' . ':` .. .. .. ., . T a : , r..4; ..;. S.�t,��s.„•I. '-`-eTn. ent�.�..,ic5i'uf � .. 11-6 -AT 6/18/61 RESOLUTION No. A ARSOLUTION APPROVING CREATION OF A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT FOR DRUB MEAD8___ISLAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN ORDER TO PROVIDE TWENTY-FOUR SOUR GUARD SERVICE, SUBJECT TO ttX]NPLIANCB WITH APPLICABLE y METROPOLITAN DADS COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS. WHEREAS, the citizens of Miami who reside on Belle Meade Island in the City have petitioned Dade County under Chapter i8 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code to create a special taxing district for special guard protection of the Island which is located in said proposed district; and WHEREAS. a letter from Dade County Public Works Department dated April 29. 2987 has been submitted, which letter confirms the fact that the required number of the resident property owners of property within the boundaries of the proposed district have - signed said petition; and WHEREAS, the residents of Belle Meade Island request the approval of the Miami City Commission to have a referendum of the - residents of said Island authorized and conducted by Dade County, z at no expense to the City of Miami, to determine whether a -a special taxing district should be created on said Island; and - WHEREAS, this Resolution of the City of Miami Commission is. required by Dade County prior to its authorizing and oondueting a ;? e, referendum by the residents of Belle Meade Island; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE -CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA: Section 1. The creation of a special taxing district on - Belle Meade Island located in the City of Miami. Florida, in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code ,ta for special guard protection is hereby approved, said a ecial n;ti ' u guard protection to consist of contraoting. for tVenty-foul a 'day, seven days a week. 365 days a year unarmed., unior�npd, k Q ' ` guard service. vith - a d uiy licensed and bonded State .;of Flcr�a r tr a r,� Ina RJ� ' �• . j ,.e :; . a �rtri �-ay+rri&.a. i• § x :• Ott � � t k,., L* 77 - t►►r 6e+t1310 oet*ioe 4 dot r awaftoe .6t tht Ust at. Nuoh ALppro e + t o itbn d upon the affirmative vote of the residents of Belle Some Wand in an tleotion to be oobdiot6do it no oost to the City, a000rd ng to the Yetropolitsn Dade County Code and being further subjeot to -- E y Y �- s MEMORANDUM TO: Ray nd Reed+DeVuty Clerk DATE: of The Board of County Coumi.ssioners e Attn: Jorge Garcia SUBJECT: "Belle Meade Island _ Security Guard Special Taxing District" FROM: Welter A. Herndon, Jr., P.E. _ Director Public Works Department w Pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, the attached ' petition requested the creation and establishment of the above captioned - E special taxing district. Based on the records of the Metropolitan Dade County Property Appraiser's Office, we determined that there are: 1. 53 Total Parcels of land within boundary area. 2. 46 Total Homestead Exempt and Resident Affidavit Parcels — within boundary area. I 3. 27 Total Signatures on the attached petition. 4. 25 Total Resident owners signed the attached petition. ' 5. 54 Percent of resident owners signed the attached petition. 6. $10252,593 Net Property Valuation. Utilizing.Hiopmestead Exemption or.an Affidavit as the basis for the resident owner:'requir'ement, this petition does have the required mzber of signatures .and„therefore it is valid. i 4 k4 WAH:CA: cj cc: Anthony J. Clemente Attachment F.4 SEe t � Pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, the attached -3 petition requested the creation and establislxn:nt of the above captioned _ sed on the records of the Metropolitan Dade special taxing district. Ra —;, County Property Appraiser's office we determined that there are: 1, q_pg__ Total Parcels of land within boundary area. ' 2. 332 Total Homestead Exempt and Resident Affidavit Parcels within boundary area. 3, 197 Total Signatures on the attached petition. ,{ ri 4, 171 Total Resident owners signed the attached petition. 5, 52 Percent of resident owners signed the attached petition. a ' 6. $33,619,579 Net Property Valuation. t Utilizing Homestead Exemption or an Affidavit as the basis for the resident owner rc�quirc�mnC, this petition does huive the required number of signatures } and therefore it is valid. {' 2 :z WAH: CA: cj S cc: Anthony Clemente Attachment y}. h - S a ? : L tU X' xk r 5 V I ati{ F 4 . t �