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l C41Y C)F MIAMI INTER-OWC E iIAEW%f A►NDUM Tu Matty Hirai r)a,E . May 10, 1989 rut. City Clerk s.Fr�,EsT Census Tract Data for Election Districts seegio drig EMGl4'.URFS Pidonin Director Attached for your -use is a breakdown of, the City of Miami 'population.by,ethnic , groups, according to. the 1980 Census.. Although we all know the dramatic changes `the in .population in Mini since 1980, the: decennial census stands; .as.both off'i�cial `and the most complete- source of information: on the, -'composition; of small areas within the city. Metro -Dade has generated more recent estimates, of total population by Census tract, or district. However, since corresponding data':of —:: sufficient' accuracy on ' the ethnic composition of these tracts is not + available- at — this time, we suggest that you: use the 1980 figures''. Also attached is_.a map of the tracts as -they existed in 1980. .,If you have any questions .about .this - ,. :. information, please call Alan Roddy or me at �xt. 6085: Ai:tachmeynts , a i d } }}t ff f 41, ra t Fr ?-: �i "i' 1-4 t J y . 0 %a z z t b l _ 7 i- 1 t _ .�y . - i} l .-> 4 _ 1 AA" + 3 INTER -OFFICE WEtV OnANDUM ro, 911RG10 RODRIGUEZ nArF, Clay 5, 1989 Fn.F t." nssiGtant City Manayex ''. 5U0A :t Request for A(1mi11i.;trtit.iV(3 '� Support re. Determin.-Iti011 0 Tracts with in City I3oundr�rier �crt.. or Ad itoc charter Amendment F �'tt)tv1 RE�'rcrcr�cc� TTt HIRAI Committee 'City Clerk cwcuisurzes t Y i 4 -This; memorant)um iE; 1)(-A II.j W ILLen Ili IesNUllfit' ' tt0 a • Yc3i�lYB�t ... �frbn► the City AtLclrliey to pravie iim with .demographic data 1.Ts, on ' F�a 't vetviq pa:.terns. -by. , c�acA and 'ethnicity on. Miami Commission election's since 1980. for the Ad -Hoc ''Charter 11mc'nc me nt . Comma t Lee i Sabsequelnt to said. memorandum : by,,the "City t�ttarney,.. z recently, f� I me+t with Joe Malone, 11sa,i Srclnt .�iUpeZ.vi ar, n? ' ;> a.eCt1 Oils z w)1e` t4 t:h6- resident :statistte-iAn � prlm<-Ari1y chargecT with x}j _ analyzing 01ecti.on . data,` Attached her -eta p2easo finQ . a pl _ synthesis of s�iicl meeting i.n ." which he out:lint s specific,, pfocodural measurer, i'Izat., xiY my, . csfiim<?t.iull� A r b tsssential f to, tiny reco mendatton _ 'o connection with proposed, distz:iut,*4 ' +' and, boulidari.es . t:hereor. . ne ,.feels, and I ac3ree, .that .there ahc�oZd .13e the' est.�i'2 ishment Af a data base (usi,nc the 19'+Btl census ,tract) in c�rtlr,r to partition the `City into _t'�i�Stri.c�ts. Since the iipdat� of: the Inc3.�t recent r_enfiU1 ,caste dV.iik �Iti1e � w,is done by Metropolitan Dade. country's Planning, ' Department in making estimates of t be 1'185 population' of the City . 0 Miami, we feel°. that, this would be an. Important,, resource I thorc�fs�re respect -fully request thnt .you asss�zjn fhe A a , appropriate Yrote :; tt�e.' 'Planning Department; to �: bca�ian L"r, ,staff` r t,Q 'make a detexttllna>T1on, of ap raprxatQ,. tracts within xhe K , triL once cad t: aotfi;' have been. 3t+exn iriaQ the,',' p�v00 — t,ct-ri:_` " WXV,11111 " Ltko sd ` LracLs can, �P ov cla t'2E_ ,� V jtrYF �i1�Q QL'.�Q+F i tr �. Rim • t ! ; 3 a p 9' } .. 4 A�Ff�SSY�as��44}-'j�rr > S &? M1il ski IIIIIIIII II III I II III III III I k I II 1 IIIIIIIIIII III Ill. 111II II HHIl II II II 1 0 F'" 3 r ; Yr i YyHU ALL Nn1l-tiiSP Nt3N-itISt' AREA TRACT TRACT POP H1SPAtJ1C p� BI.nClTS tillIrL1; VA'1i 3 �liikagzx�:�d•.�G2=-'r-: ane_ •. ..rcr. :. �.i��craaa+rwRty �w w.s •; b d i 13+a0 101? 24U4 7 1355 6358 .� 4.1 14.00 105t? lip3 7077 2092 4.1 15.01 4952 8t 4832 4.2 17.01 17 0 15 4.5 17.03 403 251 6 4.1 1t3.41 r20 5 609 63 4.2 18.02 3052 262 2727 4.2 IUAIJ 378 222 100 56 4.2 19.01 4120 4!1 4017 35 4.2 19.0?. $731 133 8437 141 4.1 20.01 °.458 757 4083 51A 4.1 10.02 8167 1313 5973 891 4.1 21.00 3047 855 230 1954 4.112..01 5461 1U79 3224 1158 4.1 22.02 8361 1199 579.1 1369 i 4.2 Z3.00 7029 J96 6649 134 4.6 24.00 11715 9129 1130 1457 *4.6 25.00 7142 3990 251© 634 I; 4.7 16.00 47F38 3462 024 502 4.7 27.01 040 3131 232 3575 4.7 27.02 2090 1647 392 049 4.7 28.00 3071 626 2246 199 4.6 29.00 2,196 2068 301 427 �,. 4.6 30.01 3611 1165 111U 1342 1., 4.G 30.02 8222 5422 938 1062 ' 4.7 31.00 5757 123 :554 C 95 34.00 4583: 81 '; 4437 r.65 .4;9 4.7 36-01 1611 452 930 229 4.7 36.02 6373 $650 95 620 4.7 37.01 1330 492 155 d8 • 4.7 37.02 1410 435 ! 426 555 4.7.. 37`.99 5.1 49.Ot1 tU034.. 0393 04 1557 10057., 0253. 7 1?17 5. t ` 51: UU 76 i9 578L+. 198 h, 5.1 $2.00 9056 8339 57 660 . 5. 1 '' S3.01 72'14 ' 6656 40 52@. ". 5.1 53.02 6274 5921, 16 337 . '. -5.1 54.Q1 1442 i,299 16. 727 5.1 54.02 8060 7463 1p 597 5.1 55.01 5162 4201 7 954 5.1 55.02 6268 5351 0 937 5.1 56"00 3166 2872 13-• 881 �7.01 531t3 4426 0 _ 892 rs.l 10337 -.11$04 .,', 101 1432 .. , 5.1 .:�7.Q2 58.01 5933 4720 3 1210 5.1 5a.02 '1468 5768 10 1670 5.3 63.01 6561 5590, 8 5.3 63.02 4744 3306 9 1429 5.2 b4.00 11374 9557 5.2 65.00 8106 6395 4 1747 5.2 66.00 10563 8689 2?. 1853 {; 5.2 67.01' 3606 1311 10 2205 5.2 67.02 4013 2154 63 17$8 5.2 6$.0Q 60911 1470 68 4559 5.2 69.00 5771 3969 14 17Gi1 5.3 7U.Ua 596Fi 4689 1 127,5 „i 5.3 70.02 '71.Q0 5930 4260 54 2�8 yy 5.3 , '3H51 1340 2314 447 124 5.3 7200 .681 91 2466 r` 25 231q i 5.3 .73.OU 3147 204 34b865 1940U1 t3209J3 iA9Jtii1 ;� a i t i f a 5 L t c 4 i S4��✓� ������.G 4 ^ri ,r 0 .Jefferson Square Building 99 N.W. 183rd St., Suke 203 Miami, Florida 33169 (305) 653-6164 47 M E. p.0. Box 17352 FL lAudeniele, Fla. 33318 (305)' 475.0793 May 9, 1989 CITY OF MIAMI Matty Hirai, City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, F1 33134 Dear Ms. Hirai; Pursuant to your inquiry concerning the Ad Hoc Charter Amendment Review Committee Meetings, our company would be please to cover those for you. Please be advised that our attendance rates for a.m. and/or p.m. is $50.00 and if transcript is ordered it is $3.50 per page; which means that if the reporter is there morning and afternoon it would be $100.00. _ The page rate would depend on how many pages the transcript consist of. For evening sessions of public hearings, our rates are $50.00 per hour and: s $3.50 per page. YR t5 Since Y+ Submitted into the pu:oAc record in connection with RGIA FOSTER item tvA on n. Court Reporter/President Matty Hirai . City Clerk VP P x � - .. J l^�YSYf'�Zlj;Y .3 Mx ti a y ■ ,.'Z'§fi'uL`LiS-<1:.: ... �v .A..., - ., ',Sl: