HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-89-0475f Pys i y & "tP 1 '. 1 '+� 1 ! ,y, ."! h :: i 7 3 .�. �'• i/' i, sri5t P s r the ZoM ng' 8aerd ZOAt its t�aeetina NI BnARb of March 20� 1989,? adopted' esolut ari'Zs 32,49, by an 8 to.; vote w deny the appeal by `ern aggt' iewed party tthus'.'uploifinp thb'' P1 anHinp .Di rector's,, decision, r incl uding a:6�' solid masonry. wall on the west side` of Ah+� iitt {4 +< n del et 6n oi: curb` per provision, ,Of "sped: baps :ate s Public Works Ge emendations partment rec -x.. were present et m oneropo entand''one opponent n y... ' meeti nv }_ fPom u f. letter' dat 1989ed March 2 , . ti O r y z ? ��} ��, h h.l) Ifnf P fr}}t_ - 5 ; t:' { � 'r- ( Y� x Y'l: -+. i M.,r.•s 4' h y- . �< ri r�"'3�-i x`Y'�' f �.� . �'' ..- t p + j � t i 4) •j^* 4* :_ x• r �. �' N � L ',�` _ r � ,y 4,; ,'�.� Y� N } 1 f7, hi �!4 S SFXz w ` F 1 x 3:s WA Y � r �. ' f� t'.R % F1 u r 4 �- S }} x� r �. S i kl {� b� �k { j %.- } ✓ :� � 'x y � .. ) 5 f V j':. 5 NOUN 43 Mg 8ti ST 35 93 3 fib 440 dmw Aff ET* MillAM. An 71 OM ,A• � .ice �, .. st •rt�, 4` . � Ar►�'�-..y' 'yrE+11 �. %�_._ gr1v:-•...�f'w+fr . "'� _ "/ ■ i M� R• '4 f � (Y er. r i. rt• .t �-'y+j y .ram .+ a• .r h;.. Y r L 4c qq // • + fi l , .•+• . � � 1 i i � ' � } / op` � op 00 IT00 r•3 "• ,� �' ' � r 9 � . - _" � �J' �+•. �' Lam{•. ^� �... ;$OFF+{` � €•� � . � �I� c , � .,� '� f � y 1 its r � P(3 � 1 .► f� +. Y } .r!r�5.' �' •- ; + � a� t . i•.�r+:► ' .air. -,.� IMP Al PO- b 2 t i s i �f.brie 1bX'r thief ero nerd's Dio'sibr► t i` ` i ` `tended ilea efa►e .+.. g;; the Director substantially changed h s n fi �rh�tant to 'the t�otide.of 12/1 Jg8 and` arrived at the finh�. ;. decision of Ptib ary 2; 1989, vhiah° Pet'itibl 8r eee�Cs`' o ceV# �5 the :+�i�laoWin r+aeene: AN onerlieves-,hat the fnal+ecieliso��, • i `iinprov+ rent n) relst Diredtol 'onw Piebrusry 2, 19,�9 an r, intended a decision wrehattt to the t� µ 77, +etit oner� believes tha thyilitet�c 8 8 10�Illc �laVe created'a cad. -dean eft 'a ° �a,s►► A cxms�tair�ce�t'tQ�'Aop1`icant oar; Petii tiene�cia]. under `the cif v� Y h v�' fined.' deaiaib` ' C ` Petitioner be evesthset �� ehoulc9' beaodiie�osFrreie LLM'tor1►it%�wRQbr�nar i. "� baicbei� moire` on} the top of 'the :feaae l ',tvmiaencng20 4 feet' foam" the < South aria 'extend.ng to F the {r'th eat Qf Shea ,Wes# 13 c fence... odld servos. s to prebend park.dg area fromrt�ralking; Goering , tc pet .boner s pr+�p,; rtY `to �p v W, trash cuetoare leave' or.tto►'.n a euabls`:hn' a_:fa►ceh'oul,,t �sn iiis �41atd cj'Peitio��r; .6irue el, :$nd� : ll p „fair a - � x N fir. e d 1p Ms • Glor ia` Foxe Chief Hearing Hoards Division Page:y,3 z vj elimination of the six foot ( 6') masonry wall on the South roprty 'line,; and. °"thereby: creating a 'teans`af ,ingress from Nazi• t P N.�g )35th Street creates a fairly direct route. for t�aeaninq , _ vehicular<traic thrbugh�:the offsite, property to.the obi�e }y aervi'ce�; ne ;a d area. of rApnlacant .s teas a antobtheaiChartergClnb per$onsfairaveling South an`gicayne soul at th¢ easterly .,.end flf<<: N• g!.• .35th: Street :it have, learned to`ta the leftturn;lead, fi fright at - N.B.. 36th, :Street,. theneturthne ter9 ugh the Tacos Be11; pro )4rty,; acr088,11.B. ;35th. , err ApPliaant's .ma n property }:and , then ;.exit :on.: N.8 • 35th Street so as ��- to avoid -the;left turn traffiec kprablem ott tBscaysie �oulevara for ua�r , it n t atron ° N. B.;r 35tii .Street and :the semen n , v � persons.Eaete 9 . aveL,: Batt; rse fo rote is ; osed = im# reve: r F acres"s to nth, traffic, flow .will kbe. ,aided; by :ingress �not North,vds and cJ the result through the„orfsite parking site t .resir'1tf *Petitisner,s traffic+ lbws vi11.'-bes increased: as �vehicolar firaff .+ $ndx' F pro a rt 9 the 'miaale of > circnl�iiic � 10 i p y in.ts +Eb» a• on;rApplicaut s°=PIrope-tY trw r theequreaent of speed p:. c .k 8dst e;tfF+fistit'ioltler's raper Gill pretnt+the ahoy out.ing1,5 Pt y mill F, rxx sloe the flo P` s4 F u vehicular traffic. to ana from' N.$.: 36th Street ,.but hopevtalt.� to .eteQme extent,. e, of traffic . sown` and 'in �tr of the': that ; sect contribute �to Petitioner's enjoyment t resident..sr'1of''l�er v ootrty al aeuect rK , aayy s }{ /i � 1 o+w "UP.ied $the prcpe�cty�� which 1.'now4:own. wit�ic►y �T I acn` aware o aa� appreciate :the need. for commercia de vet 7 Z,e ent ve he secur. of �ya.propert ask peraoxs,7r hQvrever r `: I belie y } + lKccoxia a's > r w rester: than'.> the ofisite 'parking need for Acm..cant�ialr► au. , 9, Opera tion aad that tie. ;Di�reotor +e �E restaurant.. far+l,lt ° cr £ 3,'e a c nested' "hereby. be : reversed . re- e�aOw h protection that I ` reasonably entitled to: as tQC r P ...,the '.. -",;i ,^ . ' r "x ` . �' Y" nd`vrN ajd " s.. iw__,: i -. 3F...�:s �` �'t•"�;._. i..s �':a.�. a � _���.._:e.:�..s. ice' -- — — - ;. (2 originals) Number-tso-tvyo READ ARtICLES 23 AND 25 OR ZONING ORDINANCE 9500 AND ATTACHED DIAGRAM PATTY', to 1 OF BRV CONSTR...F MCDOt1ALD t apply to the director of the for approval of a Class C Special permit under the art nt of i�'Timfling iaali Zoning Ordinance. provisiont of Article 23 and 25 of the.City of Y Address of Property 3ra01 BISCAYNE BLVD Beitur"e of proposed Ose OFFSITE PARKING FOR RESTAU�' ",NT Z+i►irrg CR*3j7 'Atlas Sheet 21 t ` lication (Be specific) JOINT PARKING FACILITIES SECTION Nature of App 2018.462. f"r p attach the following in support or explanation of this application: •.- ;j I Location Map tree survey and planting plan r> Property survey ,� Zoning facts RrChitibct's seal (unless owner's -built) , Fully dimensional plans with rights of way 'One set -of plans shall be submitted in additred sets ion I bee in thePlanning0 engit. This set of plans will for the building p - Departtnent file and shall have no amendments :on the print. **PERMIT FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE** . Fee of $100.00 Paintingg (only in SPI districts) ................... Signs, fences, canopies, minor appurtenances, and minor as required by the Schedule of repairs to be reviewed q District Regulations....•.....................•...•�$66 00 00. Section 2003.6........... '............. .... ....:.0....s100.00 h RS,....................:.:....... 5 6f 7� 9, R6-2.1. 2.2. 2.3; RO-2.1;- SPI-1, 2. 3,' 4�'; 10. 11,,12. 13, 14, 14.1 14.2* is# 16#16,11 16.2, 17 18; Sections 2014.1, 2510, 2511, per square foot of gross r_ building area, based upon the definition•of building_;�015 , (Section 3602).....:.....,.......:....................•$300.00 minimum**** .............................................. s;tE� PO-H, PI?-HC. PO-MU.:per square foot of net lot area..••-..50.015 M1 �7fi0.00 . In go goes ......:...............A ,Yy Al l pother, app l ications . as ` requi red by the tent or% the Schedule of Dist' Name: :.••••••=��••• ••= 03100.00 Name: MCDONALOS CORPORATion f; Address: 5200 TOWN CENTER CIRCLE 0600 Phone: 407-391-8003 City, State, Zip: BOCA RATON# FL 33432 m� Agent's Phone: 238-7953 In'casejof an appeal, the owner agrees to full disclosure ofownership•'s ignatu Publ'itc Notary Seal er WTamr Ptiaiffff& RORIDA AIr Jai He A4a,/J My COlssla:: SORES SEPT. 30, 1991 eWW THRU F &0 DEPOSIT M OF MO. *_ x; -_ ra act requirin a Class C Special Permit must first be -reviewed by ; Any. P 3 g the, Building and. Zoning,0epartment(2nd Floor)to insure hat each pro3ect confoilips to, all by the on ng..n.spect0r,'bffn artment►_ 8oih pgpa faTp ;r finale royal.by. tha OireGtar ,of. thaKPlanni, .,XP . '' PP: ,leted-.:P .:of ya"�las� �Speci��►� P"e it���`' �,l ' „'c ee /n>Riar .to the granting _, Iti.fit �Y1 f - ,., var ..a..s. r ?.?.-5! Nr�•u.us!`p+tPl'rr4t`it@A?++� � �„Y� �fi+� . w�,K ... y :'the �8ui l�dln ntnndytnlait►����ep�rtnt � fi ��,"� :•.: ... 4�, : _ . , nTh;e.'i`rnect has.. been- reviewed by .:��,�:�:__<_�n ��...�:t:.:,:ts54����a���.•.. -= vT t4srb�az C�-99-1096 that Class D Special Pamits be required wts tt is irtenc`]od al issues us" involve substantix�l. to Planning post • rompnom of the - of Planning shal3 solaly Iho pi ton for C0miJ� Of CtSt�= foa� Class C hits • Directro= shall MOM such referrals to other officers 110 ular special. pmdt and may' the 4,a _tto yy him before erriviriq at his as=jm nKxws2301.3� otherr ,�is3rn. (�ctioc► its final decis ion of the Plan=�ing �i May bs appealed to ice) of , { hr rt�iC2:� pasty, within fifteen the �1ing BCarL:, �► any and fee a written appeal the date of issuance, by filing 275 N.W. Na iring Boards Di%,Uionr eufld 4 a9 S with O� Sec. • 2nd Street, m a i, FL 33128 (OLTUlu m F : paferrals: Yes x No -: Sarah Eaton, ' adjacent p=• Conditions: Yes x No : Subject to a unity Of title sixmincJMmlytinuance of the offsits Parking 't according to Section 2019.5.. Subject to a six foot (6') high 00 MY wall on the east subject to ingress only . property line and from NW 35th St. Subject -to 7 new 14' min. height oak trees as shown on Pam• ,a the pso ed zestana'Mt s�ecessitatea FinilmOs: The existinJ `fast '#cod: wars modified ` 7 r 4? < y f 7t SpecialPez"its 1t+e=pized 7Tt is i d tmt s � uses �� involve relating 1�Y'• tc� planner � of this � of Plaming st�al3 be soisl = for Class C Special Peaonits• ooaa Ttsi y3�ation Of applicadoes foa� ` Direct` Shall. male such referrals to othw Officers ti+octs to the parti it ar special panait and my ere required by. . an d�aaned neoessa by ham befcs:A ancivinq at his : otter raf�ra a > deciaim, (Sectitn 2301.3) I�f11'1C2+: Th0 final decisioc: of the Plmudx g Director may be appealed to PAY within► fifteen► � 151 of ttt® Sang Board, by anY a and . its fee the date of iss< by fing Haild written , 275 N.W. with Hearin Boards Division,, 9500: Sec' 2551). 2nd Street. Miami, FL 33128 (off peferrals: Yes X : jacMIt Pr'c'peYty ems • No Sarah FatOn ad r. t CmdW—ons: Yes X No :Subject to a unity Of title showing - offaite aording to of 018.5ect to a cc six foot (6' j high me �ttY wall an he serf a lim and subject to ids only f� NN 35th St. Subject to 7 ';sees 14' -min.: z t height oak trees as shown► an Plans 7 '�3 fr sitates Findings = The'. ex ' fast . food'. s.�estautaat wens i . facility. The original Pam° kkx of P to shr, r Bare of the c mditions of the amatemded T'he ` adjacent proPaztY ow�ac ' to the .west } ¢ objects the subject spp],icati,on. , K N frF$t L S 3 5�N y'.' ---- Art., yj r E 35 h et r Y r i t acco'r 1'" to they �plit.: thereof as record" io Plat _ ' i1coRiwAr ♦ Elorids• and lots-. ),A 9,IO aad it of ccordinr! too the p it : thartof. as recoeded •-. W Dade; County: r.ida sylnp and'-belnqlast o1 plstayne flo off; tr of l4iawl;'toKtaGouhty� florida..btinit �or� pa�tlevlarly :� .' aid !bE 1�; tiwnct S89"•b7'.�'i5"11 alonb the. Soutw-Ilea of i w .a pnlnt,of intersectioa;NIth:;the East rtnht=ot•war AighrwY iltv--thence N2•-l0'-5A"E alone said Eastj,rlr t-oE- th li Qt said lot ot,.of 1�tersect.ion with the Nor 1� for R9;10 feet to Ihe`.;IbrtAeast ` �ort>t 11 of `lots :13 .and° $long the iast" 1 ine of eaid tot 13 for .1Z0.11a: fret y 0 390 Acres, VMS ,or less. lot- 7 of JE"ItEV& AND I MINS SU�U1YIStON1 thence of said Lot for;9699� feet'`:to": he 5outheisi cornerrthere- ae South l the of saki t6ts 7.d 910 &1 11 'for. M 0! ;feet ho%teeard. �N.t-Nighwar w the last' rlohtwo/-way►11ine ot�llsca�me 95 12 fed; thence- N7041,0 V e IdEast . to ;i o "int�rsectioo with tine wth . i the t' 1or ?. .feet „pout °E alcnn t#ie said{Ibrth lf1"'Oul.ots Ito and 10 far 20a.OS D.+tSU Acres,; -ore-ovlei3. -t (fit Z ti hY.^TT-. .. �. a •. _ L"ajand of `j7eCt realIs�oplrL'y'Y1s : Street Address - Not available , - Legal -Description - SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN. :- Owner(s) of subject real property and -percentage of ownership. Note: City of Miami Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties aving a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject _ matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City COMiSSion. — Accordingly, question:#2 requires disclosure of all shareholders of trusts. any other interested parties, ' $ ^` and/or on*, beneficiaries of - N w witYtheir addresses and �� interests ss-_ Owner- McDonald's Corporation -100% 5200 Town Center.Circle, Swt. 600, Boca Raton; F1. 33432 =r Shareholder with more than 5%-Joan Kroc 8939 Villa La Jolla Drive Suite 201 La Jolla, Ca. 92037 Directors and Officers -see Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated`hereirt 3. Lsu&l description and' -street adciresa of any teal prgm'-' owned by any pasty listed is answer to question s:• and (b) iCmtw �a•.LiA = 375 feet of the subject real property. .• SEE EXHIBIT "B" 1 ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN. ■ „•,,,� �T} l ! rs: L•-;. tom. ;.: ..Gaa.�... �.:-�,. s,.:.:�:u.. �.. ,... -- ::$ '�' �•"".-'i�i�.1..7L�st..�. �'.Yt.a -- .'. ii°"'acLC” .. ._ _ •• 'i '4'» L.., �. =8ei` at thi th�!ast corner of said tat 7 or .IEFflTS ADO 1�l9Bt115 S11ViSIt1N' the E along theSt 1 itte !tf 5a1tt Lai, T for 95.94 : eet to tlt� Saurnea3t t'if, th _:mot- A- Alma tm st1= late of 5010 LOU 7.' 8%9 i ° � � .:_e U �' W. At I - tt � Mat - �"' t eiu►�k1Ln AND.N.Ell 3sth ST Er w,a s r irx >a7 NNOltZCOURT" accordtnh.to the .plat thereof.. as recorded is Plat. 7IC'11160i'ds:o► tMde Coati 'flortlli and LOts J;t19iilt ty _: ItSION" :sccordinl to they:p 1�t ttiethots: s recorded lh R1 Gook 3 •t :6rd3 01 Oade tovnty. Florida, iylap and bit" �q last of slscsYne 1a Ctty of Mtant, Dade Couhty. flortdf rubet� oq'er,partleeiarty M said tbt. 13; thence SW-Sf'-'IB"Il alanq thi; SatAh l ine of i9.`.tset to a paint of WOrseetion wlth th! fait rlabt4f-wrr (US.:Higle+al► ri1;; thence M2•-10'-5A"E alone said Eait rihht-ol- .. p intee�sectfoin with the ;North"line .ot =sliIII, 1.ef. IS.. laid Wirth ilne.ot tots :13 end i� for R .lq feet :to ihe:Nort hoist' �eSO'-10'-�It"M along the Exit line of said lot 13 fors f2000 fief f JI et;I ori 0 390 Acreso mori or less. er; of sm id Lot 7 of JEFREWS.',AND AIIMINS, SwDIYIS[0Nithence 11oa at satd Lot' 1 four` 96;99 fee! is ;the Southeast eoenw there : the Soetfi jine'of said Lbts 7 8 9;ibHan,!` IV for 2M. 09 :feet , wt°ah the [fat rtaht-of=wiry ne of I�Itca;►nr Ibalevard� '�N.s Illglir r x, • " w ;' p. tad East ri+�tit of-Naryline for 95.Y1Z feet; toenceN�. �r �me s'tor, i 6i feet "w a point of intersection �1th the North It Re -59 .lk3 E sloiHl the said North 11ne of lots y.A9 sail for 200.0S ING• • �, ' yet or0 0 Acres, pore'or less. a. v �_ y` ;zpf, ix 's. ;� ''+1 - i MAi.. _A } Yet.- a- at' ... r t :&: ai B':.:3R' r;� L. ;r. F • r. _� ' -t � F • t T - 1 1 kx'x � a•M . f . � t i ':'i may. , pia t � -„ tt ..�_�``i.4 b 1, rt ' -z .i �.- 1• j - „� t� -.a..y..-�''•,'e- ;!rc�':"J?'''e"�.-„t'`'-u-`/ !, Yh '".-r ;fy n'1=3 Y._,y 4', '`4 +.a yp:.: - 1 .,,a.. • fit!' �,. ,.- u �,! ..--u .e.s� `£tk� + %`?;. ��'r` : w.!-,�4} zi'.1 >r, �.:;f v x :i.2r.:3�• .,,a ivC' ✓' x � ..�"'' -°tr �' � '"' ::a + tb-Y .•a. , .. . _ .,3, ,s-r?!c!;Yn' .'x'€ +. � t,..y.:e ,?S_.y,.. � ;.4.�,,;:�'Z^�`,,�''r .3 'x'. - _.a;ir r` r• l -'� .:'�" ,:. Wit{ buyers. k VIIIRR __�-- — Zen SWAIWAM OM rsee kor�• H �leda"tE' Mil�latt i Rabww idwtd t Rod* �emt razw�s { � . Rd*d.-1 OmiaCwpL jC{m W. %uslY r N1l'�li (�LrwltO Itl1lf ��++Pa' t s rl~ 'a i+a► M. Gteenbe�R 1 P J in«iis IMrM in,+utition B.++•► Pawl td. tseais " ! QMtraiepmtht Cam t)dewk i:. lnbin c Clow i�. �M.r�r Dei+ A. Koltun w9lAm C• %Urbk lr Shawn 1~�bu tw+eh "l+etrtaa b. AM Pw.ie: + PVAr 1oi+n C. Coe�ke i ► L.rn v1ar.;aQ r�A,d,aet r. v►'.>*" cie; Gerld Nervrn+n :Utidrid R Q +n 5 ► J&Y And C mines, jc D" S. Noisin Gre WM4 Pa-mdc WK&W iYilfrtd E �urcMAd : . � H. Reim tioberi J Dort" md-Ael F. Rordaec Pram+'- 'a "�'� tt.�•tr M.w IWO 14K+Iat y Pwl D 5rchralta BatVed "r. 5wulh yMi ►st► Bnrte E. Red Surt�1i� �!h'reen Vi Nlnts Chrptophtt �. i'tirerr+rla t W, Rowrrt semd Jack = sw*wl" /nk"Aw"I r Ri�1 Rrwrs lr lw.� VuFe�M+ ~""rM•�rw,* T�'Li�tstnwallet OMCM,andjwnt , Syve�r►►s RebertN. Itwr 11 x► C. Fa••iLtr Thor m m who* venmm ft ntts 0 ` !."w..w V.►P+«M►' i artp B. LeuraR++ i _ unkt two M. George A Cotm 7M Holm * ;z Vler�rliwM pw*t Ge 6mw 1 _cb~11�rt+tic!- tQ,Btirveddec Jr. Iaioaar vim 'dome W G11bIMIt 7Fae+n 8 AWn Ray—, say O L jc joy, p, Baskwv& r cheAws w e Road L. Cob" Camda M�a ` E. CaroOn WYce► «IlrlvjtP�r~r. jack M. Gteenbesg Efi= L Gra= BuAonD Cohen TistO.Dondwe EdwrdoSanchee t . � Ksatalh v!• Faq D" BB. %%Mmtw F,. i � -trs Faipt A. Cahn Srr�bedtnd _ — orwtrCwnrr• Kavhn VEGwBory % R. Mad(arTd Mil L4 _ 1p+e t+Aarluw fwt►Vrtwiltt wi Ciw�rCa�! Rmat A. - """Door ZMA40W Detrida.Creer< ��tiANN. a„da, lder>'►.!VeMoa - SeymowrCrre«�n+�+ sewk�. � ,w.,rArorrr�. 1 .. —' si+�rvrrt;r■Mr da,niei`M tca RwAdL%. Iuu 1 1YsWoe►B.CfieblMlnler► Rp� }ih.Mawir AMM*.I IIII t .+r.rpA4err��r s- ,ad% Of-RmWM(b-M e,&wt►a� e.n►, Rom L Wan: , oak w: Gr+w .e Ktu W. Satsageout Mlet+td W. `h;' e ®.Vwrmr�•yi Gw.ir A'.itfieaA Qw 1�1.. adioed K Raba C�pg<M.S�nta MW w.wom AtiilerM tiadaet RoREKeet� = aG.Few�r pyE.a.r Oor► SiepnanP.Seno�► �P� tla'a�t�sbb ! �,r•1'.ittiaini� Ti�rAiha► W>lpen H•Swd+slsnd Oer6d'4iQL*'��- • Y Otad `g _ at,,..a.t�. prrw-it3�t 5sepeMnl.Zdunsc 1�o,r,.c p,;:Fa�+.OR.W ,.rr�rts tRa•r � C&dm F ' 5ws N+h!wRt Aedtr� Jaratid! T�lmis+ +r1a . ; ■' KainMINSLAW. bu►tn.ria:Vst�wiw+ cwmmwvofw M.Baerdt 5bephwC.Btcws Pad& 1 A�y�S.�m M�eebt tiaaoMr tD.► ! y•��}��-��•y`s �a t K��o+�+� Ayr .�}.lia��y{�� . EdNasrrl A Ce*Y C.Og3a+ �! `"`` Sw+tey L SWjh Amid L RiGtard itobKt l: Betsd i rp - lied t~. %ntr jtR„� M• Ksaxna t'e'a W. Rititires Atptoid C'anc C"'" Wda D. Karoitt Gars D Gbee Doti wii�a k Wy R Lans t 5eepl�era C, ice+ :f R.De+ooOWunaet Faoe Dww+et'•'tit 4 t_ ?•b t 3� �, r r���y�}( ; a t .� t ,�;r "A, e i{{ t s �'^'_I�Vr C} 2� "�y � ✓1 � k4 1'S`�•�� f � f � 'r � �"D` € ` '�-7'�;,,ai • y,t,yd 5 y��''�ti�#��..,c'"�t .¢`}�.r��+���a+'„, aka t` rr' ?"jt-4 �n}4 A. F .i .c o- � 5 ruh #5_ 7 j i l , 9 3 n r� t r+ iihVtU Y1. i"lttLLthS. PA. -� Z `+ f1`�Nr/ AT LAW h + Is s .rp�tlr�ibNt to &JOrr I" WWNV IR.�AOI.i/l"' rTilr�r MiAMb Nt pil/lpA rrtsef a s" January 11', 1985 ..fr Thomas L. Cf:echo., Esq. Estate/Legal 4: Departstent Regional Attorney o {:.Real McDona3 d ,4 aCorporation McDarialds Plazi� . oak I'OO�Ci='Z1�.3.nb#'$ 60521 "ffY US } `. s Ree tav��ranty Re McDonald caN. yne.:8ou Dear Ir. Ci"ech ., ti 2 i te4s1AjrjatiL :.decided - ';.::The�Johane�ns;..and Jan a v. rhich delivers �������������/ ������««� �.�� �� �� � � \\t»?2d \�� \d d y; w ?>\\ \ <� \ ?< . w� ?� i ������±� . \� ( .\ \�/� � � / 5. s 1404 pENIT ( originals) Number CPECTAL - - RD'{'.RTICLES 23 AND 25 OF ZONING ORDINANCE 9500 AND ATTACHED DIAGRAM - PATTY lLANO OF BRV CONSTR..FOR N�DONALDS, apply to the director of the alrent of Planning for approval of a Class C Special Permit under the provisions of Article 23 and 25 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Address of Property 3501 BISCAYNE BLVD Nature -of Proposed Use OFFSITE PARKING FOR k Zoning CR-3/7 Application (Be specific) JOINT PARKING FACILITIE5 SECTION Nature of 2018.4.2. support or explanation of this application: . :I attach the foil owing in Location.Map . Property surwey,.tree survey and planting plan G Zoning facts F. Architect's seal (unless owner's built) _ Fully dimensional plans with rights of way , One set of plans shall be submitted in addition to the two required sets for the building permit. This set of plans ills on bprint• the Planning Department file and shall have no amee in nd **PERMIT FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE** Fee of $100.00 Painting (only in SPI districts) ..... ..•••..•••••••••••••••525.00 Signs, fences, canopies, minor appurtenances, and minor repairs to be reviewed: as. required by the Schedule of00 District Regulations..,..-*........... .:.............•�65.00 Section 2003.6..........:....:......................,:... • RS, RG-1...................:::...........:....6..7..9,...�100.00 RG-2.1, 2.2, 2.3; RO-21; SPI-I, 29 3; 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13,.14, 14.1, 14.2, 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2, 17 18; Sections 2014.1, 2510, 2511. per square foot of gross building area, based upon -the definition of building (Section 3602)...........................................�0.015 Minimum......................................r, ..........300.00 -- PD-H PD-HC, PD-MU square foot of,net lot area......=$0.015 Min mtm .;.,. .:.::........:...... :.....:...:..:.....$750.00 w - All other applications,as°:,requiredbyahe;text.or-; he �140:00� Schedule:of District,Regulations:........'.....,........: N Name's MCDONALDS CORPORATION ® ' Address; 5200 TOWN CENTER CIRCLE #600 City, State, Zips-BOCA RATON, FL 33432 Phone: 407-391.8003 Agent's Phone: 238-7953 In case of an appeal, the owner agrees to full disclos re of ownership.-,xs Public Notary Seal &zw, t gnatu y r NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT URGE Mr COMMISSIN EXPIRES''E?T.'20. 1991 BONDED THRO F & D DEPOSIT CO.. OF 140. f y� Any project requiring a Class C,Special. Permit must fir..st be reviewed by..".: the Building ;and Zoning Department(2nd.Floor)to,.nsure that: each project , conforms -to all zoning. requirements. Therefore,'this form must be signed �r�A Y ro ect uwi l l <be considered fob' t£2a by the Chief;Zoning Inspector before''the p*f final val , by ahe 'Director of : the Pl a6hi.ng epart nt. aro ranti>n of a Claw CpeG3e1 ,Pxtak;. r to the Este feted prio 9 y C� ��xca m w. wExr�.. :.¢ v,+.u.F: x�xaa :h= � i :i t _ _ ",.:��.. r5'"• Ana it C, i t• � LT 4 .�:�� 1C�{,d-� : E k �f " t'�.q, -y iE��r � '�� ^ ,.� ja 000 A ] �„ ., � za �y •; 1• v ci r ,,._ ,- ... A ,�. _ i t. .. `4'i'�'°� ,/• ._^.71i" � �iwA:iii�A�M�Y��_<'n'sR�..�ti�nMd?�4E2�fl+.aH�"•.d:+�7r�'i�.h.. .. .. 07 1-7 . 1 .144. ZIA IL Ti" lot AT 7 a Y 0, 7 n Now! -W A A Of r V, I WOW 0.7 "Et 00. - D TIONS Wyo- Aw" SIM }! ztkia r a+rxJ s ; 2 .. ' y 'GRT I N t..�El4 Y SK I I -KO s i --so wig FORTIN j LEAVY. SKILES, INC. F North Mlamt Beach, FL 33162 , ISO N.E.166th Stresty palm Beach: 39 3.73T8 ' code.- 0'33•�9►" . erdward;. 463�i180 _ . �nnunt'y Ill 1989 AJ _2 :l y ; Cor reti on McDonald s • po . 35o1..Biscayne Blvd un Fte= Sandricot:rt 3l83 Dade Co tyu AD,iACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: n z ��- . 0 11 Bloc k0� i.L t . west of, •� �� r ... i u- ..c w ..�� r y rr p Ig Fa1io p1-3230-003-010 - JS F.' JbMansen '' a �. ,�+ ' r'i. ' rs. tf-r a ,+A kr ,r Margaret 325 NE ;3Sth -street iLa � , is i A F� 33,137 . � .. s 2. East of'Lot Us Block Stanl ey KoWal ewski `���1tE�•35th�,Street � ,F j�a�}� Miaatt Fl r _ 33137 ;.: of west ilo',. 8104� 1 of Easy 140tr; lest'0' EaAt t,ot it Less North 10 for ai i ey .41` { 1 �•f3Ff'�"!�'i : w :,Y''f[�'y J is<k YF d: ^4 i 44.W1 J(tI�• .S� �M3�'�f R" 5 �� �`+ � `� 3r �e "S � r�� �j• _� iS A i � �16 s 1';y r �. , �'. J N� r 1,: � � �i: � s� �i �',st .J . ,. _ ..,... .... ...._ _ ....... _ ..� ._ _ .,.. _ ,. .. � ..,,,.._ .-: ��.... ' v t ; r ' 57 u,, 1 TIM V0 y 4 b�� �► the unersigned is the owner of that property described as:; r j! see Exhibit A tit.i� t +14 See Exhibit A also knowh as ld�Ilb ,' �;iatei �• f'1�Dfide�, an _ . 'f`he undersigned t"lCt� izes and acknowledges that for the public health, welfare safety or iproper should not be divided into separbte parcels owned by morels* the herein destr�ibed l owners to long as the save is put to the hereinafter use. and severe : In consideration of the issuance of a permit PY the undersigned hereby agrees to restritt• and for othergoodand valuable considerations. •. _ the use of the subject property in the following manner: x_ • be -considered as one C ot and parcel of land and that no w 1. That said property shall be c artei of land; id lot and parcel of land shall sold, transferred, devised or portion of sa p assigned separately, except in its entirety as one plot or P And limitation shall ned further agrees thatthis c andtshaior ll remaincInofull force and effect.- deemed2.. The undersigned be deemed a covenant running with a and Inspection be bindingupon the undersigned, their heirs an�i�esiRescuuntil such time as the,. •, Y sane may be rleased in writing'by the Director of Services or his designated representative; t this Unity of Title may be released by the Director of Fire, provided. however, the ices 'or his. designated representatives after approval of a site - provided Rescue and Inspection'Sery plan which meets all applicable City regulations. -,_--� acknowledged on this s,I.a .Yacnted and 18th day- of tegeroaced permit application be approvea.7ba SiAcetley, �i MCDOIIlALA8.CQRF'ORATSON , Ana Naria Arian � �r Coastr�ict� o� Engineer y, cc s , Patty.;;P�"Ipf BRV: CoAstructi on a ,,.s ys T r , .r -➢ s Its �l L l i ME r �� - 4n�i TFd � dW' 1 T DIRECTORS' us unoN SECRETARY'S CERTIPICA?IO1 Mcnor�al di s that I am an Assi slant .Secretary of. .. I, . �eyour 6 reenpan, ,certify tant Secretar')► ation and as such Asti Corporation, a Delarmr�e,corpor ration►; Iurttnlr ' access eta alI orig#nai records;of the Corpo 0 ;the col atco l n to" I orr;1 the. byrU t a aeeting conrered� the fol]or f 4 orun=�be ng present Nand vat�ng�. areI i, trae . a ado tad; at ;tie 2,foll owi ,�, mere ieu[ni�noust�► r P r pn the = records. of ,the corpo� of tie rro`lutiotis:asttiey.;appea r officers of the coi oduly° authorised and: grope 3 { certia=1ied copies ot� tts records in,tsa behalf•-� r ` � i n ton 8.� Chr}i stiasen, Mi e RESOLY.ED, �7tat M s p i derft aid'- AsChi e# net�ci a1$0 =r�etdse�rg ExecutiveVi� :sti Vice"President, and`: AssistantSectary; Seyaou� 6reenaan • President 5 law and S�ecrelatrl►; • Notz,Executlreex�,ce SeExacuttinz,YcePresdent` and ChiefJ4ccounting Of M Vi Assistant Secretary and 1 Robert e. cyan, - ce.° President; and:;lliltiurn H.: SutheriW. and_Yice President"a1lie r intracts, :leas i ni ng�, theretoi notes, An10 cease` ft eta`: 1 ud ng of �Sw R,RESOIYED. that saga P_s'aawfw '.ru1 �tiael . ;J • T d_ She'I by;`