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J-89-514 5/30/89 i 9( T- 50 R�.Srnr�cu No . - • s, al • • I •i . •�• 1 � � ! i1 � 01 t • 1 � 1 !• L �.. , ,, ,r. DIM 1-01121 4• .,r.• �+ ill � ��•� � « • � :1 • 1 1�1• �!: 1 f� � I ' • ti i ' 1 WHEREAS, the Dade County School Board has recently ccmpleted the demolition of the "Lindsey Hopkins Building" at the intersection of Northeast 14t1i Street and Northeast Second Avenue; and WHEREAS, the permit for demolition requires the Dade County School Board's contractor to reconstruct improvements within the public right-of-way that are damaged by the demolition work; and WHEREAS, part of the redevelopment of the Ovletown/Qnni/Plaza Venetia areas include the realignment of Northeast 14th Street between Northeast First Court and Northeast Second Avenue to provide a direct roadway serving these areas and the Dade County School Board has agreed to the aforesaid realignment; and WHEREAS, due to the ccoplexities of constructing the realigned roadway, the Dade County School Board's contractor is unable to acccnplish the reconstruction under the conditions of the contract with the School Board; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami has agreed to acconplish the reconstruction of the aforesaid street and accept $28,846 fran the Dade County School Board as its contribution towards the reconstruction, providing that an agreement is entered into between the City of Miami and the Dade County School Board so that the City can accept responsibility of the reconstruction work and the School Board can audit the accounting records of the project; The herein authorization is further subject to carpliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney as prescribed by. applicable City Code provisions. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF IS JUN 7 1989 RESOLUTION No. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CUIMISSION OF THE CITY OF MI MI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City of Miami hereby accepts from the Dade County School Board a contribution in the amount of $28,846 towards the City's reconstruction of Northeast 14th Street between Northeast First Court and Northeast Second Avenue, Miami, Florida. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement 2/, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the Dade County School Board, with the City assuming responsibility for the reconstruction of Northeast 14th Street between Northeast First Court and Northeast Second Avenue allowing the Dade County School Board to audit the accounting records of the reconstruction project. Section 4. This Resolution shall became effective inr ediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AMID ADOPTED this 7th day of t„NAVY HIRAI t CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATIORt3EY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JO L. EZ CITY ATTORNEY RFC:bss:Ml07l June , 1989. XAVIER L. SWO, MA 21/ The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the city attorney as prescribed by applicable City Coda provisions. -2- M 89 -550 26-- CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE : MAY 3 'i 1989 FILE To: Honorable Mayor and Members {� of the City Commission SUBJECT : Resolution Accepting $28,846 from Dade County School Board and Emergency Ordinance Amending Capital Improvement FROM : REFERENCES Appropr I at Ions Ordinance Cesar H. Odl City Manager ENCLOSURES: Resolution, Ordinance, V_ Location Map -- RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution accepting $28,846 from the Dade County School Board for the reconstruction of N.E. 14 Street and the emergency ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10521, the City's Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance, to Increase the appropriation for Cltywide Street Improvements - FY '89, Project No. 341175. BACKGROUND: The Dade County School Board has recently completed the demolition of the "Lindsey Hopkins Building" at N.E. 14 Street and N.E. 2 Avenue. The permit for demolition requires the School Board's contractor to reconstruct Improvements within the public right of way that are damaged by the demolition work. In a related Issue, part of , the redevelopment of the Overtown/Omni/Plaza Venetia areas Includes the realignment of N.E. 14 Street between N.E. 1st Court and N.E. 2nd Avenue to provide a direct roadway serving these areas. The Dade County School Board agreed some time ago to the realignment of N.E. 14 Street adjacent to the "Lindsey Hopkins Building" site. However, due to the complexities of construction, the Board's demolition contractor was unable to accomplish this reconstruction under the conditions of his contract and has agreed to reduce the School Board's demolition contract by the amount of $28,846.00. The Dade County School Board has agreed to assign the $28,846.00 to the City of Miami for the realignment of N.E. 14 Street. These funds will be Included In the appropriations for Citywide Street Improvements - FY '89, Project No. 341175, so that the City can advertise the project for bids and accomplish the reconstruction of N.E. 14 Street. Additionally, an agreement between the City of Miami and the Dade County School Board will be necessary so that the City can assume responsibility for the project and the School Board may be allowed to audit the accounting records of the project. 11 I li11111llllllllill1111!IIIIIIIll I11;J6.1�1III,l,1ll�il,llI���IIill, 11111I 1 1 IliII lI'l�IIIIIIId„I,Illiill ldl1111lAlllllIllllI.IIItl I1IIIJII6J1 1I,liI11,11111'1,ill 61 i I I 1I. 1 i `na°`�or raPims eao� sarrs� 0:----p 0 1 'm MIOi. Imo. < Q4 y 10 C 4-a47lilli U5 U.M. SL 4F— _` Z fwmns f i Al 4P` 7 .� KSQ i1LW MMEF2vf Ole � 0 G z p n p B IC a �� i OF �dr�tl U' POSTED SPEED 34 14. P . H . ,X W� 1I �i II I � I,_,Ill i0u�rq�i�nitliliIIIIIIIIIIIII�I1�1161111111111111111JIIIlIIiIIfI 111III�IIII IIl1IMl1111111 II r II III IIII II llllllllllll llll�l IIIIIifl�IIINllllllllllllllllllllll��llillllll111IIlIIIIM91Jil�l�llflll�lh IIf�IIIIIIIIV111,Illllllllflllllll�llll�ill 1111�1 V�IIII�III IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIII11 ! �IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII JLV. OW w I I MKa'v'— 1 — 111ED IUIS A PRIETO-PORTAR, PH.D., P.E, DIredor May 25. 1969 04 r-'e_rr,L_ I r_- r.1V, S -r•L_ F-- ILP 1. t f C, Dr. JoseAh A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools 1460 N.E. 2 Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dear Or. Fernandez: LETTER -- AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF N.E. 14 STREET CESAR H. ODIO City Manager This letter agreement. when properly approved and executed by the Dade County School Board and the City of Mlartil shall sot forth those terms and conditions by which the reconstruction of N.E. 14th Street between N.E. Ist Court and N.E. 2nd Avenue, required by the demolition of the "Lindsey Hopkins Building" shall be aCG4mPIIshQQ, The City of Miami agrees to the following: 1. The City of Miami accepts the responsibility for the Complete reconstruction and maintenance of N.E. 14tn Street between N.F. lat Court and N.E. 2nd Avenue according to the construction plans On file In the City of Miami Public works Department consisting of two sheets bearing File Number Misc. 34-243. 2. The City of Miami agrees to allow the Dade County School Board to audit the account of the aforesaid reconstruction. 3. Liability for the reconstruction and any additional engineering and construction costs Incurred in exces3 of the contribution by the Dade County School Board shall rest solely with the City of Miami. The Dade County School Board agrees to the following: t . The Dade County School Board aare9es to contr 1 bute the amount of $26,848.00 to the City of Miami towards the reconstruction of N.E. 14tn Street between N.E. 1st Court and N.E. 2nd Avenue, in advance of any construction work Initiated by the City of Miami. Page 1 of 2 S DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC_' WORK5/275 N.W. 2nd 5treeVMlamp, Florida 3312H/(3o5) 579.6as6 M r H e4 `i — 1 — _ =' W E T1 1 r:• 1+! Ec - F' L. Ft ,_ i r1 Dr. Joseph A. rernandez May 20, 188V Superintendent of Schools 2. The Oade County School Board Is relieved of the obi lgatPon of the restoration of N.E. 14th Stre©t between N.E. let Court and N.E. 2nd Avenue as shown on the Construction plans on file In the City of Miami Public Works Department bearing File Number M l so . 34-2-13 . If the terms and conditions herelnabove Outlined clearly sot forth our mutual agreement, please Sion the enclosed copy of this latter in the space provided and return It to tnis office. Very truly yours, Luis A. Prieto-Portar, Ph.D., P.E. Director LJH:pG The aforementioned terms and Conditions are agreeable to: Cesar H. Odio City Manager City of Miami Date Approved as to Form and Correctness: Jorge L. rernandcz City Attorney Page a of 2 N Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools Dade County School Board Date Approved as to Form and Correctness: Dada COUnty School Board Attornoy