HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-89-06076/19/89 8.9"'607 RESOLUTION N04 - r _z A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE 131D OF DATAPLEX FOR FURNISHING A MICROFILM CAMERA FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $4,519,00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ; THE 1988-89 OPERATING BUDGET ACCOUNT CODE NO, 290201-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received April 24, 1989 for the furnishing of a Microfilm Camera to the Department of Police; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 20 potential suppliers and two (2) bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase will be available from the i 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code No. 290201-840; and - t WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Police, Record Unit; WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Police recommend that the bid received from Dataplex be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: { Section I. The April 24, 1989 bid of Dataplex for furnishing a Microfilm Camera to the Department of Police at a total proposed cost of $4,519.00 is hereby accepted with funds } therefor hereby allocated from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code No. 290201-840.41 _ yk1 .{ ' ... - } t C e x , 6 d ' t-k RESQwTIQM�ajt 1 RF*T d' Y' '*Spam"9aT3' l'"tYL l�+i3 t''d "i. y l 1 Ali fF Y 1 (�Yx1_ Z i - ti ._-,•^;{.mow.. ,.. ,.. _. .. _ ___. _. 0 The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a Purchase order for this equipment. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this_13th day of July.__ , 1989. XAVIER L. SUARE , MAYOR . AID SECUR11Y LIST lice___-, f. DATE SIDS REMIVW TOTAL WD BOND (Cr) gIC iEi 131D AMOUNT CASHIER'S CSC Micro imaging Systems, Inc. Broken down Dataf lex " NO BID: American Micro -image A. Navarrete Commercial Depository .z i 4 F A4_ . y j 10 :.RECEIVED 0 t ) envelopes on behalf of s , s` •� ity Department " 3 SlGNE. LATE: �eceived the hereinabove described checks this day of in onnecti n with the ,hereinebove cited bids, w is were an o to the un . rsi ne tin$ vivislon tor) '3 ity I�ispartment)^�e"� aF'•� .�.,'i,k�,.xu' � �}�3.,:k'i j - y 3 > ��t n 5 � ; �'r ��ar �$ t tax 2m I MME r ++awl, . �a•ae.� 7..'zA r _ _ .. .. ... .. •. ,,, > �'M.'*...'�Z+!r. �. ... s-.'ti:x -rtt •x :. ..`SC' a r "'6�. i.-r. . f .y, } -... v,,, t yy E r k. MUMCW ' i T(�3I FAR aDVADVERTISEMENT+This§ number MUM REQUISITION Iri tha at�ve b�Pfi1bIV Procur pent (for Police) � ACCOUNTCODE 290201-287 1 DA-M_:Ap989 PHONE S 7 5 - 517 4, . APPROVED —_ i PR�i'l►� D t3Y Mare`'' Abij ali l DIRECTOR OF ISSUING D&AaTM i• Publish the attached advertisement One (1 ) . tunes. (number of times) Type tit advertisement: i legal XX classified display (Ghb& tine) Legal Startindate Apr g il _10 1989' Sire: -• ` "fourwords`ofadvertis ment: � a o, $$-89"090: Sealpd bids" Will be. - Frsf Remarks. r -< M b t� ilm Camara (o en 4-24-89 �' "2 a 00. ``.m: } 77 } kv 'e 0 NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE, FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY �P<;' • DATrS) OF :y i k LINE E CATION ADVERTISEMENTSINV4IGE 04 e r n 1'. FGf•` ' .. 04 39 2 0 2 V DESCRIPTION low CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM RX TO: The Ho norable Mayor and Members DATE : J U N 2 31989 FILE of the ity Commission i7 SUEIECT : Recommendation for Resolution & Award of Bid No. 88-i89-090, Microfilm Camera - FROM : REFERENCES: _ Cesar H. Odio City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION: � -� It is respectfully recommended that an award be made and a 3 resolution be passed accepting the most responsive bid of Dataplex, in the amount of $4,519, for the furnishing of a P � Microfilm Camera to be utilized by the Records Unit. BACKGROUND: The Police Department has analyzed the bids received on April 24, 1989,.for the furnishing of a Microfilm Camera. This camera will - be utilized by the Records Unit to maintain records as required; by law.. Dataplex and Micro Imaging Systems submitted identical bids. As Dataplex is currently providing service on other 3 Microfilm Cameras within the police department it is recommended z= — that Dataplex be awarded the bid. i _ On April 7, 1989, invitations for sealed bids were sent to prospective vendors. Bids were opened on April 24, 1989, with ty two (2) vendors submitting bids and three (3) vendors submitting r "no bids". Ms. Adrienne Mac Beth was contacted referende to Minority Participation and she concurs with the Department's recommendation. - It is, therefore, recommended that the award of bid.be made to.. r;w Dataplex. The Department's specifications have been met,`and'the r3` funding source will be the Police Department Operating Budget, =3, Index Code, 290201--840.0,4 G; r I --- - r,>t ..# ..:...>.s. --..-,�.�...s.,�._..._s,E 0 0 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO William J. Schaut Chief Procurement Officer Perry L. Ander on, Jr. Chief of Police DATE : SUBJECT REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: MAY 2 4 1989 FILE : ��- Bid Approval, Bid No. 090, Microfilm Camera This department has verified available funding with the Departments of Finance and Management & Budget and funds are available to cover the cost of a Microfilm Camera at a cost of 4,519. Funding is to be from the Police Department Operating 1~� l udget, Index Code 290201-840. FINANCE REVIEW &APPROVED BY: ADDITIONAL APPROVALS —_ (IF REQUIRED) { - Carlos Garcia, Director Sergio Ro riguez, Director _. Department of Finance Planning Department BUDGETARY REVIEW & APPROVED BY: a 1 Man hair Surana, Director Frank Castaneda, ' Airootor �, t Dep rtment of Management and CommunitX Development fudge ` :� «'*• � F 10 rr i 4 (This form properly signed is :part of the .bid { eval>�at.san and tox recommendation package to be placed on . the agenda` .;end ;mua attached ..tct -the--resolution cover.,me�larandum, j.a y ri 4 r r: r ' .V err t;w` 4'""tf?` Yta't+✓' e: ME°5 fl . M4.w=,4+.Y+�w�iM,'•YLaLamflr'n�'i.JiCAFv�u.c+'.1iwn`<"%JvL"La3VdPY- _ i P.� BOX 330708 A� 6ITV OF MIAMI • PLok-')A Miami, ri 33233-0708 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT TELEPHONE NO. 575-5174 =k Dlv%sloN HID Nb. 88-89�09C1 _� l BID SHEET +` I IMPORTANT: BID SHEE T AND BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MUST BS RETURNED IN TIME - p�I�T1s !! THE ATTACKED ENVBLOPB IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER. Ai F' SECURITY IS REWIRBD. A HID WILL NOT AND DATE OF BID OPENING- I BE ACCEPTED UliLBS3 THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS t,OlE. roan t P assent, if any)' EpVs Terms NET 30 •••"'•(Include cash discount for.p p y Additional discount of " 3 if awarded all items - Additional f Warranty and/or guarantee: 1 YEAR variances to specifications (use separate sheet if State any !r necessary): -30 calendar days required upon re of Purchase order.. Delivery:2�c .� Delivery Point(s)s Department of Police -Property Bureau ' 400 N.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Fl 33128 4 In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the Speci ationAtooBidderserwe> !I Conditions, Special ConditiotYs, and General In orsn agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices indicated on the attached `bid r sheet(s). -f NAMES OF COMlANY OMNER(S): NAMES OF COMPAIIY OFFICERS: �s ' Please use the back of th s page if more space is necessary P applicable)., Vane of individual holding license in this , (if aPp f MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE The undersigned bidder acknowleages that t has received a copy 4f Ordinance No. 1.0062, the Minority Procurement Ordinarfdl of=the City Miami, and agrees to comply with all ' applicable. , aubs tant�ive thereto, x: F procedural. Provisions therein, including any amen dmenis YR{.. 81ADERt DATAPLEX INFORMATION SERVIstggnatures 000pany, name '" vY Print Na1Re: TODD C MCFALL' t £n Date: 'APRI + Lh, _women RTHIS E?i7RW . DORM IIAY:=,.DI 1FY+l'H1 _ DEPARTMENT: Police TYPE OF PURCHASE: Single purchase # REASON: This system will be utilized by the Records Unit POTENTIAL BIDDERS: 20 i' r BIDS RECEIVED: 2 c TABULATION: Attached FUNDS: 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code #290201-840. MINORITY WOMAN PARTICIPATION: Invitations to Bid were sent to one 1 black, two 2 h spanic and one (1) woman -owned firms engaged in the microfilm equipment as located in the following sources: 1. New Vendors Applications f 2. Previous bids on file in the Procurement Mgmt. Office. 3. Yellow Pages Telephone Directory 4. City of Miami Minority Register No Minority response was received. ' BID EVALUATION: The bids meets the specifications. Following is an analysis of the Invitations to Bid: Number of Bid Number of 3 Category Invitations Mailed Responses Prior Bidders 0 0 Black 'American Hispanic American 1 0 Woman Owned 0 0 Non -Minority 2 1 New _Bidders Black rican 1 0 Hispanic American 1 0 Woman Owned 1 0 Non -Minority 14 1 Courtesy Notifications 24 0 No Bids" 3 Late Bids 1 Totals 44 1 1 r a. W, of a e $ } t x t- Amerit a i +tici o It�ac a " "Not aft autboritted Kodak Equipment dealer." A Navarrete - "Do not sell this equipment." 3. Commercial Depository, - "We only supply storage service." RECOMN1ENbATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD SE MADE TO DATAPLEX FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $4, 519.00. Procurement Supery sor T TABULATION OF BIDS FOR t � - City Manager. City Clark A. 11- f 'd P M C C i C1/ CI«i City of Miemir toff a of { t o calved by tl►a ;JF yf} try onunret ertr y s'..v /AGE /G rJ AT ,, p ; ` 'here Onto Total Unit Total Unit Pfice Tate) Unit Price s DESCRIPTIOIi TY Price Price _ / r t . 'IRREGULARITIES LEGEND. THAT IT IS RECOMMENDED Y .� ; tli► %1e �Pa.+�r a1,.Artorner, n �i nll3�� F 'f f r t ��►%�, 'cl'',/ /1 S «, 'ri2' 0 Allije,it'as 1e�.'CapiSol Surplus of gantlet Company f tJ.' rf/iS� "' rtoctsd I:rgonsreas !'Or'Y1f'i7Y� /�' '„1 / if f� .roc /� S�/r _ •ai ;r7/�G^i.rt r ,y-� ..iayrosal UnttiO��d,orimpropariy Stoned or No Corpetata Seal v !•� >! '-)r'>^'F �• ,/J aUr`.,�kttnlil I T Nei I] I ec) Out F oil, Ie Or. �icaad $id b BID BID