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A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF COUNTS MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE FURNISHING OF PORTABLE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUCTION UNITS AND E DEPARTMENT OF REPLACEMENT CONTAINERS FOR TH FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES/RESCUE DIVISION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $8,139.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FY' 89 FIRE BOND ACCOUNT NO. 313230 ACCOUNT CODE #289401-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received July 5, 1989 for the furnishing of Portable Emergency Suction Units and Replacement Containers for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services/Rescue Division; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to seventeen (17) potential suppliers and four (4) bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase will be available from the FY' 89 Fire Bond Account No. 313230 Account Code No. 289401-840; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services/Rescue Division for the purpose of providing advance life support to the citizens and visitors of the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Fire Rescue and Inspections Services recommend that the bid received from Counts Medical Equipment be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The July 5, 1989 bid of Counts Medical Equipment for the furnishing of Portable Emergency Medical Suction Units and Replacement Containers for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services/Rescue Division at a total proposed cost of $8,139.00 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the FY' 89 Fire Bond Account No. 313230 Account Code #289401-840. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF SEP 14pp,1' 1.9899� DN No. 8+�,, ____S TOTAL BID BOND for) BIDDER BID AMOUNT CASHIER'S CHECK Counts Medical Equipment Broken down Dyna Med Inc. Magen Corporation Armstrong Medical Industries W-9 pigs 3M Corporate ">sarketing Services Randel Medical Sales & Rentals, Inc. Medical Equipment Co. � e7 RECEIVED -S (_) envelopes on behalf of GSA - Procurement Office ( epartment SIGNED: (���'� DATE: YIN6 Received the hereinabove described checks this day of , 19 in connection with the hereinabove cited bids, which were handed to the undersigne on behalf of the Accounting Division (or) (City Department) i cir.ti�n. M a TC. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk at her office located at 3500 an Amer an Drive, Miami, Plorida, 33133 not later than x0 or the furnishing of Portable Emergency SULTflon units as or equal to Ohmeda Model #B17209 for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any other location or office shall be deemed not responsive and will be L rejected. Ordinance No. 10062 established a goal of Awarding 51% of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for All Goods and Services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises on an equal basis. Minority and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority or women vendors are advised to contact the City Procurement Office, 1390 N.W. 20th Street, Second Floor, Telephone 575-5174. Detailed specifications for the bids are available upon request at the City Procurement Office. The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertise. (Ad No. 6295 L' tl. yLr S J t Jt l OMMRE �' +' M...,CC !l REQUISITION FOR A©VERTISEIIM 'JUIN 26 P114 -Procurement ( for Fire, Rescue & insy. Serve A 06M 31,323Q-289401-287 i i )' ("j-H M'7�r �i.. i�'ri�;y DATE June 14' - 1989 _PHONE 575-5174 APPROVED PREPARED BYMaLa Abij alit DIRECTOR fSSUING PARi'MENT Publish the attached advertisement One (1) times. (number of wnes) Type of advertisement: legal X}C classified display ((heck one) Size: Legal Startingdate June 20, 1989 First four words of adverUiement: Baal No. 88-89-121: Sealed bids will be.,... i • Remarks: Portable Emergency Suction Units (open 7-5-89 - 2:00 p.m.) , DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE I PUBLICATION ' 0 The Miam A-1 ` i B-2 DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INv6ICE AMOUNT D-4 — E-5 ! F3 F4 FS F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DD Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 13 1 11718 1 12534 39 42 45 50 51 56 57 62 63 65 66 71 J0 1 2 4 1 V P12101217 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 12 314 15 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT 72 AM0t1W St) White - Purchasing Yellow copy: Pink copy:," Approved for Payment Yellow - Finance Pink -Department Silvia Mendoza, City Clerks Office Maria, Procurement Management CITY OF MIAMI, FLOAIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM — TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission DATE : S E P - 1 1989 FILE SUBJECT : Recommendation for Resolution and Award of Bid No. 88-89-121 - FROM :'- REFERENCES: Portable Emergency Suction Units Cesar H. Odio ENCLOSURES: City Manager RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that an Award of .Bid be made and a Resolution passed accepting the Bid from Counts Medical Equipment of Ballentine, South Carolina, as the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications for twenty (20) Portable Emergency Medical Suction Units and twenty (20) Replacement Collection Containers at a one-time cost of $ 8,139.00. Please note that a lower bid was received from Armstrong Medical, but research revealed that the product offered did not meet specifications. BACKGROUND - These units will be utilized by the Rescue Division of the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services in providing advanced life support to the citizens and visitors of the City of Miami. These units meet the latest suggested medical protocols for protecting our Paramedic Personnel while treating patients with possible infectious diseases. Amount of Bid: $ 89139.00 of Cost Estimate: 64% Cost Estimate: $12,800.00 Source of Funds: Fire Bond Account Code 313230-289401-840 entitled, "Fire -Rescue Special Equipment- FY189". Minority Representation: Public Hearing/Notices: Assessable Pro eet: This recommendation agreed upon by Ms. Adrienne MacBeth and Division 7 Y, }., - :r%•xxr �: ks•' . r T�.) Sy _ o- * u .� Fd+Y2.� 7i� a�&" 1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO William J. Schaut DATE August 79 1989 FILE'. Procurement Supervisor Procurement Management, GSA Dept. SUBJECT: Bid No. 88-89-121 (Portable Emergency Suction Units) Approvals FROM : �� REFERENCES: C. H. Duke," Chief Director of Fire, Rescue ENCLOSURES: and Inspection Services This department has verified available funding with the Departments of Finance and Budget that funds are available to cover the cost of the subject bid in the amount of - $ 8,139.00 ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 313230-289401-840 PURCHASE REQUISITION #E19980 FISCAL YEAR '88-189 CAPITAL BUDGET REVIEW. - FINANCE REVIEW & APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: N/A Carlos Garcia-, Director Eduard Rodriguez` Department of Finance CIP Ma r` ' �o Q 1:, CS *�.. BUGET.ARY'REVIEW &-APPROVLD'BY: 77 7. N/A -+ Ma oha ana, Director Frarn'Castaneda, Director LaSujr Bullet rtent Community <Development t ?" k � �_ 1% L Oi a. ..l.. ♦ _ Ya'' - 'i .. .,z, Y", H ':; r2 S`t 'K"".,1 $ 5`6a Y�pr�- y j ritlf .•4, .. .-. AND 61TY OF MIAMI, FLOA PROCUREMENT MANAGE �..NT DIVISION P.O. BOX 330708 Mi4%, F1 33233-0708 TELEPHONE NO. 575-5174 BID NO. 88-89-1 1- BID SHEET EDG T BE RETURNED IN D BIDDER ACRNO TIME IMPORT�T: BID SSEET gI,OPE IDENTIRBOVI B A BID WILL NOT DUPL CATB IN THE ATTACHED ENV Sg DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS �p DATE OF BINLESg,DtING. IF SECURITY any) BE ACCEPTED U 'Prompt Payment, if Y �EWPE* nclude cash discount for :Eh�i��Ga Texas:1 .� s ifawarded all items. Additional discount of Warranty and/or guarantee: sheet if variances to specifications use separate State any of Purchase Order - Delivery on receipt Delivery:,���. calendar days required up Delivery Point(s): Cit of Miami - Fire Gara e �atthe Specifications, Gener.ai and General Information to Bidders, we In accordance witch he tions,ion to Bid, indicated on the attached bid Conditions, Special at prices agree to furnish the Item(s) sheet(s)• OFFICERS: ER S s NAMES OF COMPANY X� NAMES OF COMPP1dY OWN i ) ll ` • J N o a t a F'� i�1 t "P) L tnc,t C f t ,A�p is nPcoSsary) �ltase uaa the b�ec:k or th.-Pr,'f�•ssiorf (if aPplirnhte) Name o! individual hOLd419 I.ICelina in 34, 141NORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE of es that r has received a copy The undersigned bidder acknowle 9Procur.ement Ordinance of the City of Ordinance No• 10062, the Minority applicable -substantive and and agrees to comply with all Miami, Provisions therein, including any amendments thereto• procedural p - Signature: e'. BIDDER: co rills name . Print Name' Business: Date: 6'2 Indicate it Mieorl, Hispanic C ] Women C ] Black C ] -- ..w eis4Ol�I.IlX THIS a Bid No. 80-89-121 Twenty (20) Portable Suction Units & IT M: Replacement Containers Fire, Rescue & Inspection Services DEPARTMENT: TYPE PURCHASE: Single purchase -Or REASON: These units will be utilized by the Division of the Department of Rescue Fire, Rescue & Inspection Services in providing advance life support to the the City Of citizens and visitors of Miami. These units meet the latest suggested medical protocols for Personnel protecting the Paramedic while treating patients with possible infectious diseases. POTENTIAL BIDDERS: 17 BIDS RECEIVED: 4 TABULATION: Attached FUNDS: Fire Bond Account Code No. 313230- 289401-840. MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to bid were sent to two 2 Black, two ) Hispanic and t tbusiness as woman-owned lrms the engaged in the Medical Equipmen following sources. 1. Dade County Minority Register 2. Yellow pages telephone Directory 3. City of Miami Minority Register 4. New Vendors Applications Minority response consisted of one bid received from a hispanic firms. BID EVALUATION: Following is an analysis of the Invitation to Bid: Number of Bid Number of Category Invitations Mailed Responses Prior Bidders 0 0 Black American 0 0 Hispanic American 0 0 Woman 0 0 Non -Minority New Bidders 2 0 Black American 2 1 Hispanic American 4 « — Woman 3 3 Non -Minority 10 0 Courtesy Notifications 18 3 "No Bids" - _ 0 Late Bids 7 Totals a 77, page 1 of 2 - - { Y < c "' — t�Y f r ago Sian were as sonabla to subsit " . '� ... _. �....�..,.�. .�,r�'xi:arii. Jr lF�rilrlflit��'��lf� i � _ _ ,. _ �i_.c. • _ x ,...�., . , .... ' 4 a' 4 r ; rocurement Supery sor .F C •��,� ( Y L 9 1 x Date. r i4 y L, _ u L �• .,'n rY� -_ g• -.t � S t t S is '� � �; Y F # �• �.., ( 4 t .,, # MITI 4µ � 5 ,,,h,�,:.;,}. i� axs y w. 3 xga, d 9 s t Q. $ 710 xirq ih z i Y a_ a p s .. .J= �' : u $ r S 1 �'•, K-it k.. i y� S a n F k i:.- ;w ,a.. {fit All l � A � f � >� „.� l.�. [,.! ,� �• a yp r � � � � �' .� � i . METOY ra f P E 9- iF i *$�, R AM M i f r 4— AV ak c;who 410, ,[�:p�yf t t 4 rt n } '� bi ' L,..'� ; a) 5'F' y" -� { .+ < k am � nr� •�'' * -`iF,rxws s FEr!L �� # - yE;'� �• Y �d� -s�` ", 't�a_� . Yoo MMMI ` z z ot k � � o.� _f( t � � �� �rh 1 ; mac;, �' wG.)X�� - ° _ �` ��'� err• ` -x "•{ .Vy,.�ti':,�. t.�� y." J...� ? ,� �s{.a . , ,_ ...x „.s„ _ �i.Z``�;'±�ak Yiru, �.�a•"�ih't�1ra�rt��;,.1, 'mil F �,*"�,a:Y 3 e %: S�+„ F�. -�, w� -r �i 1 ' �t 1 f r=, it Kim M�Ci