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Awn � r RESOLUTION NO. 58 s e A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LANKFORD EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. FOR THE FURNISHING OF ONE HEAVY DUTY TIRE CHANGER FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES/FIRE GARAGE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $4,690.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1988-89 OPERATING BUDGET ACCOUNT CODE #280701-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received June 15, 1989 for the furnishing of one (1) Heavy Duty Tire Changer for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services/Fire Garage; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to thirty (30) potential suppliers and five (5) bid were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase will be available from the 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code No. 280701-840; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services/ Fire Garage for the purpose of breaking down and mounting tires on Heavy Fire Equipment Vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Fire Rescue and Inspections Services recommend that the bid received from Lankford Equipment Co., Inc. be accepted as the only responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: 0 0 BID SECURITY LIST BID ITEM: Heavy Duty Tire Changer BID NO: 88-89-115 DATE BIDS RECEIVED: June 15, 1989 2 : 3 0 p.m. BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT BID BOND (or) N CASHIER'S CHECK Jobbers Equipment Whse $3,547.71 Sunset Equipment Industry $5,495.00 Myers Tire Supply $5,706.00 Lankford Equipment Co., Inc. $4,690.00 Amtec, Inc. $7,142.00 NO BID: Southern Too & Equipment Co. Southern Pool RECEIVED �_) envelopes on behalf of GSA - Procurement Office SIGNED: DATE: ity epartment Received the hereinabove described checks this - day of in connection with the hereinabove cited bids, which were handed to the undersigned on behalf of the 19 Acco�jnting Division (or) SIGNED: (City Department) DATE: Pain. � n <: . � .i s _ REGE�I to .. k. .. `ur 4. #. 4 L AL ADVERTISEMENT , �9 VAY 4qi tqy. No. S$�8g-115 $tea f t # r. Ulb C!IYC r> >, f t I'at OF - Sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk at her office Miami, Florida 33135 not ideated at 35 ive, for furnishing one (1) Reams later than P.M. June 15, JLZF anger acheents and accessories for r Duty Truck T re e Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any other location or office shall be deemed not responsive and rejected. Ordinance No. 10062 established a goal of Awarding 51% of the lume of all oods and City's total dollar voicand expenditures Women Minority GBusiness Services to Black, Hispanic Enterprises on an equal basis. and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids Minority as minority or women and who are not registered with the city Procurement Office, 1390 vendors are advised to contact the City N.W. 20th Street, Second Floor, Telephone 575-5174. Detailed specifications forthe bids are available upon request at the City Procurement Off r 1 t i I i n(q) REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT D 'jrN ProcuAment (for rise, Rescue & ins>J. Services) AMWUNT CODE 807n1-287 DAlt May 26, 1989 PHONE 5 7 5— 517 4 APPROVED BY: pREPAAEDBY— Ma.,fta_A.bijalil _._.� DIaEC i( ft humbor tlita>3it rear fn�� ttldvw9�fi�. 01� ISSUING r Publish the attached advertisement One (1) times. i (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal XR classified display ` (Check One) ; Site: Legal Starting date June 1st, 1989: First four words of advertisement: Bid No. 88-89-115: Sealed bids will be.... Remarks: Heavy Duty Tire Changer (open 6,15.--89 - 2 : 30 , p.m. ) DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION : DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUN- 0 Miami Review A-1 B-2 — -- C-3 D-4 E-5 i F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DD DRf Adv- Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE BJO E PRJE- 11 13 17 18 , 25 34 39 42 45 50 51 56 57 ;62 63 65 __ 66 0 1 2 4 1 V P 2 0 2 21817 _ 1 2 314 7 8 V P 12 314 15 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT 6 72 AMOUNT 5 10 0 2 0 1ITTTTI - i i Approved for Payment White —Purchasing Yellow - Finance Pink —Department CC! Silvia(mendoza, City Clerks Office Maria Abijalil, Procurement Management i .41 REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT DEPt11 fV Prpcu 4ment (for Fire, Rescue & Insp. Services) At l fi CODE 80701-287 DAlt May 26, ] 9 8 9 PHONE 5 7 5- 517 4 _ APPROVED BY: pREPAptD9Y Maria Abija1i1 DI Publish the attached advertisement One (1) times. i (number of Wes) i Ihts trurttt m air fh"the advartiaefri bit. G285 f ISSUINO Type of advertisement: legal XX classified display (Check One) Size:' Legal ' Startingdate June 1st, 1989 j First four words of advertisement: Bid No. 88-89-115: Sealed bids will be .... Remarks: - Heavy Duty Tire Changer (open 6_15_.-89 - 2 : 30 , p.m.) - DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE i PUBLICATION : DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 Miami Review A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DD Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 1 1 17118 5 34 39 42 45 50 51 56 57 62 63 65166 71 0 1 2 4 1 V P I I I I 1 1 121012-12 8 7 1 2 314 7 8 V P 12 31114115 DESCRIPTION 36 64DISCOUNT69 72 AMOUNT 80 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 i White —Purchasing cc! SilviaiMendoza Maria Abijalil Approved for Payment Yellow -Finance Pink —Department City Clerks office Procurement Management j NEW } _ • u i } qYy i i } i f` i 1 - CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM CA=2 TO :The Honorable Mayor and Members DATE : SEP FILE —� of the City Commission SUBJECT Recommendation for — J Resolution and Award of Bid No. 88-89-115 - FROM : REFEREN&Are Changer 1 Cesar H. Odio City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that an Award of Bid be made and a Resolution passed accepting the Bid from Lankford Equipment Company Inc., of Miami, Florida as the lowest bidder for one (1) Heavy Duty Truck Tire Changer at a one-time cost of $ 4,690.00. BACKGROUND This piece of equipment will be installed in the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department Fire Garage facility for the purpose of breaking down and mounting tires on Heavy Fire Apparatus. Presently, this work is performed manually and it is anticipated that this machine will reduce work time and cut down on back and hand injuries. Amount of Bid: $ 4,690.00 % of Cost Estimate: 78% I Cost Estimate: $ 6,000.00 i Source of Funds: Fire FY 88-89 General Fund Account No. 280701-840 entitled, "Machinery and Equipment - New". Minority Representation: Five Bidders submitted proposals; one of which was a minority (Hispanic) _ f vendor. The minority vendor is not located within the City of.Riami and did not bid a machine that met specifications. In addition, his bid was not low nor within 10;6 of the low' bid. This recommendation was agreed �l upon by Ms. Ann Whittaker and Division Chief F. K. Rollason on July 12, 1989. Public Hearing/Notices: N/A WORM Assessable Pro ect: N/A FILE DATE : July 139 1989 To: William J. Schaut procurement Supervisor SUBJECT: Bid No. 88�-89-115 (Tire procurement Management, GSA Dept. Changer) Approvals REFERENCES: F M. C. H• Duke, Chief / Director of Fire, Rescue ENCLosuREs 2rd Tnsuection Services available funding with the This Department has verified re Th P Departments of Finance and of thee sub subject bid in thetamounts of available to cover the cos Account Code Number 280701-840 ADDITIONAL APPROVALS(IF FINANCE REVIEW & APPROVED BY: REQUIRED) N/A N/A Sergio Rodriguez, Director -;Carlos:Garcia, Director planning Department.., Department of Finance BODGETARY REVIEW & APPROVED BY: ZV7 N/A a, D refit or ran astane ano ar Surana, D rector Commµnity Development ' B�^ get epartment . .y G^ j it•:14 � 'f i '..: yb. i i tl }ikY Ci WF=c44 { +'i€ia3Hh�'..4S+k4 [ `.c - S fi '.+� Y yp'yi. 1 �,.� 4 P: iM 7S #r < - a CITY OF MIAMI, FLO,' JA _ PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION BID SHEET P.O,BOX 330708 MiaAR, F1 33233-0708 TELEPHONE NO. 575-5174 BID NO.- 18 89 i n IMPORTANTs BID SHEET AND BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MUST BE RETURNED IN DUPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID DUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms:nc-r bAV5- (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of QS _1 if awarded all items. _ warranty and/or guarantee: l %4C- P State any variances to specifications (use separate sheet if necessary): =77s Delivery: ZO calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order. Delivery Point (s) s Fire? Rest& .laspectinn _ Fire Garage 1151_N.W. 7th Street Miami, Fl 33125 .r.�r .••rr.Ir.rrlr��rlrA�..�.r. �... li In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the Specifications, General Conditions, .Special Conditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices indicated on the attached bid sheet(s). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S)s NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICERS: b020r7iy l�Aj�)r_F"S? .. S ��► �c,,,--A Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary Sam* of individual holding license in this profession (if applicable) MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE The undersigned bid er acknowlsclges that it as received a copy of Ordinance No. 10062, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City, of Miami, and a'gzlees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. BIDDEN: I-AA1,prop-o E pr; �. ivC. Signatures company name Print Names JAME75 (,�AN1cFGlc'.D Indieat• it MiOWIty Business: Dates LSfgq C I Black C ] Hispanic [ ] Women FAILURE TO COMPLETE SIGN, AND_ RETURN THIS FORM MAY DIg22ALIFY THIS ...ram... Sick No. 18 S9-115 ITENt Purchase of one (1) Heavy Duty Tire _ Changer tEPAttT firs, Rescue and Inspection Services • TYPE OF_PURCHASEt Single purchase R�ON% To be installed at the Fire Garage for the purpose of breaking down and mounting tires on Heavy Fire .Equipment. Presently this work is ' _ performed manually and it is anticipated that this machine will reduce worktime and cut down on back and hand injuries. POTENTIAL BIDDERS% 30 BIDS RECEIVEDt 5 —� TABULATIONt Attached 1 FUNDS: 1988-89 Operating Budget Account Code No. 280701-840. MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to bid were sent to six Black, twelve (12) Hispanic and three (3) woman -owned firm engaged in the Tire Changing Equipment as located in the following sources. 1. New vendors applications 2. City of Miami Minority Register 3. Previous bids on file in the Procurement Mgmt. Office 4. Yellow Pages Telephone Directory f Minority response consisted of one bid received from a Hispanic vendor. BID EVALUATION: Following is an analysis of the Invitations to Bid: Number of Bid Number of Category Invitations Mailed Responses Prior Bidders Black Amer can 0 0 Hispanic American 0 0 Woman 0 0 Non -Minority 0 0 New Bidders Black American 6 0 Hispanic American 12 1 Woman 3 0 Non -Minority 9 :. i Courtesy !Notifications IS 0 "No Bids" - 3 - Late Bids .._.�01 Totals 48 Page ,1 of 2 Y � i AEI .x { ,"!t2'� '- .. .. ... to ` i .fir` tsyF 5 y x ' `c 6 ,_� ". *tea , 1 9 . I � 1 91, - I I . 9 � '_ ,� ,�, � , � . I .-,. , 9 , . 1,,,�_ I ... ,I � -, , - I , `� , -: N- stt-.." r,_ . 1'} _ '. z t i� _ _,4,Vr3p-..kc .-aig,, yy�yj� , ; 6uthVrn ' � � PM -'ti✓ GIN°1i i _LL 2s ZiYW..� ��� ��i� ,,U .a,, .i Ykr °94 �' s 9 i i a ,�loti 8� - } i d 3 _ i 1, " - � n - �. ' ; : A'� t t% � ;" . IT ` iR R$COMMNND P ' , :souls � fJ� , LANKPORD — � � INC. FOR A 'C'O p►I+ PRt �©RED btu i , A y S `s q M ■ i �- .�" A - 3 i. :� � �" '%I1�.-:,- .� 1":_ � `, I' - , ., : jr.�,�: � �I1i,� .�� '- . �t.�I1 �,1��,I_, ��, .III 1.- I�,I- .� k' �� ,� _��,I:,�, �j.�' 9,j �, 0 , �,1j�t�",INI-;�;�; �_1'',1 ,,.,4' �j,,' .,I j-� �, , -_,;,i�,I,�_ I; ;',.'' ,I ,1j..jI.,�1�_- ���f 1:�� _'-,I,I ," -ajIi�ti,;iXj. - - I' I,�"-r, ' �I� ,.I�,. ' � . . �"�IIr, ,',i-�. r,-�_I,'I �1r , L- Ir,�'1t..A _ .�, .-,IIr� ��''I,, ':,a4Ir., �II-. ',�,,� :.-j��'r .i � _�I�j%LL _II I, �'!,� _t�.j I '., `",_ :, , ,r ",_��- -� -r,. I,�,1 ''�. :'r. I ,,. _�,-, r--:�, '11� ,�r, .�I ,' �f�r "- I �;;-.�:-jI ' T,�,�, �' t1jri,, ,�Ii r,'�,..rII I� � Ji.i,," �,�'r-1 .�-7�,,� ,v,. ,.� . I .t4. '_,,`�J�1,,. , ,jw,'f,..I. "/� -�'�;1.f 1,r,,1I� a s t :" r T - ", .: Y { f {p ', -,I . ,1:,- ,� ,',:.,Ia ���, —,�Jt",Ir t1, rr ■ i �: , i f 6 t. ' '__ ' , ��4 .I, . _ I '' � Procuremetit supery sor - { �4 g kt l { x ; ;,`a � ' `w j t � Date r 1 ",, ,I '*; AI,I1 _ i �� - "r . ,_r � .',ri,'.-"� :�' r'- - �_ �r_..,, - ",�1- -i,r -,�r rI ..�-__ -N; . rI���� �II,.'_L'. I j�'1'� I;�-�..� )i, 'I�r,r-��r;; 1,r,., , 1. 1, I �1I��r-, �- ,_. ,., ,,��4r '����� , I-.1�, '� I ,�, �_,�-, ,kI r ,.��,� ,-f�I ,, ..h a a 'S a c`. S - +! r' ,#?.w. r r+ turn' -a •+--'s - 4 "+!_ , g };_ {. 9 `� sf f. y "r. ..� 4 tip 7 { 4 t ` S J S4F 3 qt `t� �' : }. j,t. ,. , ., ,�., 4, � � +. 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Florida at 2:30 P. 1A. June 15 1989 —�- PaQp 7 of 1 L•cented i tnsweo as par C 8•d ®enity Code i Metre Ord. �AN/cFotp � / V�h4El! � yJ/'. %t1 ���/L T,fCe f4//t /y�G �j✓G. SuNSr-7 6 p, d Amornt l Its" DESCRIPTION 9RANTIn Unit Unit Price Total Totes Unit lint Unit T,keK [� C Price Pnce Totes oTold Total Unit •�ce lt��x 690.- 4yo.v Price Pr,co 3 SY7, 7� 3 Sy7. 7/ 5- 704.N S 06.eo 7 /yz eo 7 �yl .v ?too S `t9S, o0 k�-Lt 670.0� rsr /Mkti� sy l�. l?�cl Ajar-+ 9 111I"('I'n II 'i"l IIIIIHgii�°� �!71u rIII III IV AA PJ PIT l � H uurnrm Yves IU A