HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0006a R/ V � 06 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF DICTAPHONE, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING OF SEVEN (7) CALL CHECK RECORDERS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, TO BE USED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT E-911 CENTER, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST NOT TO EXCEED $14,980.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM 1989-90 OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 420602- 840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received October 30, 1989 for the furnishing of seven (7) Call Check Recorders for the Department of General Services Administration; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to fifteen (15) potential suppliers and one (1) bid was received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase will be available from. the 1989-90 Operating Budget, Account Code No. 420602-840; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Police E-911 Center to enhance the efficiency of the existing setup in meeting the high volume of calls handled by the center; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the .Director of the Department of General Services Administration recommend that the bid received from Dictaphone, Inc. be accepted as the only responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: ;1ft\ .ad r .. 5 " Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the # Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The October 30, 1989 bid of Dictaphone, Inc. for the furnishing of Seven (7) Call Check Recorders for the Department of General Services Administration at a total proposed cost not to exceed $14,980.00 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1989-90 Operating Budget, Account Code No. 420602-840. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a Purchase Order for this equipment. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of January ,1990. PREPARE AP 0 D BY: 4 AL R VILARELLO SaItF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: t -BID SECURITY LIST *D Seven (7) Call Check Recorders 89-90-022 BIDSRECEIVW: October 30th, 1989 3:00 p.m. BIDDER TOTAL DID AMOUNT BID BOND (or) CASHIER'S CHECK Dictaphone 14,980.00 No Bid: Beam Radio e C Bell & Howell o. Bell Audio ApElicarions u LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT BID NO. 89-90-022 RECEIv 1989 OCT 1.3 # MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK 4 CIT f OF MIAMI, FLA. L Sealed bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk at her office located at 35U American Drive, --Magi, Florida, 33133 not later than : p. . c r for the furnishing of Seven (7) a ecor ers epartm"nt of General Services Administration/Communications Division. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any ..ether location or office shall be deemed not responsive and will be rejected. Ordinance No. 10538 established a goal of Awarding 51% of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for All Goods and Services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises on an equal basis. Minority and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority or women vendors are advised to contact the City of Miami Minority/Women Office, Dupont Plaza Center, 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 400, Telephone 579-3366. Detailed specifications for the bids are available upon request at the City Procurement Office, 1390 N.W. 20th Street, Second Floor, Telephone 575-5174. The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertis e. (Ad No. 6336 Cesar H. Odio City Manager ON mmunicatiorrol, j_rgogrement Y I HIRAI MA I 420601-287 Cod GRY1 CLERK 'ITY OF WIA By. PAVE 575-5174f- 1989 pAePARE6 Sy Maria Abi sip l DIRE-6 AAvAn (7) Cail Chebk Recorders F., X-:171ul W vi-: DO NOT TYPE FLOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. q DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE T LINE PUBLICAT 0 Miami RZyiew A4 13-2 C-3 D-4 F3 F4 FS F7 F8 F9 FIO Fll: Ft LINE TAMS VOUCHER D E YYYE MM DATI Doc. Reference Do Adv VENDOR INDEX CQDE OWECT, PFW 3, 17 118 34 39142 45 50161 56 57 0C �2 1411 -1 VIP I 2 7 1 F2 F314. 7 8 V P 12h 3114115 DESCRIPTION n, fur� 72COUNTM 41ow--- Finance Approved for Payment E CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM t0 Honorable Mayor and Members of the fty Commission &alu-j FROM : Cesar H. Odia City Manager DATE : SUBJECT REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES Sid #89-90-022 Purchase of seven (7) Call Check Recorders Proposed Resolution It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution for the purchase of seven (7) call `heck recorders from Dictaphone Inc., a non -minority vendor. This equipment is to be used in the Police Department E-911 Center. The total cost associated with this purchase is estimated to be $14,980.00 which includes a discount for three (3) trade-in Dictaphones model #1100. Funding for this purchase is available from the General Services Administration Department, Communication Services Division's Account Code #420602-840, Amount $14,980.00 as budgeted and approved by the State of Florida 911 Committee. The General Services Administration Department, Communication Services Division has analyzed the bids received pursuant to Sid #89-90-022, for the purchase of seven (7) call check recorders from Dictaphone Inc., as the most responsive bidder. This equipment is necessary to instantly replay any call without actually losing the information. It is a state requirement that each answering position have one (1) call check recorder assigned to each position. The eight (8) units currently in place at this time are insufficient for the volume of calls the E-911 center isrequired to handle. This equipment will enhance the efficiency of the existing setup. The total cost associated with this purchase is estimated to be $14,980.00 which includes a discount for three (3) Dictaphones model #1100 that the City will trade-in. Funds for this purchase are available from the General Services Administration Department, Communication Services Division's Account #420602 -840, Amount $14,980.00 as budgeted and approved by the State of Florida 911 Committee. SOt=E OF FUNDS: 1989-90 General Services Administration Department, Communication 73 Services Division, Account #420602-840, Amount $14,980.00. HINORT_TY P RTTCTPATTON• -A - NON -MINORITY VENDOR 6 DEPT. O D G E *._;,. P® 1 t1GlM 1 47 t :t 1 C;SiA fps 02 CITY OF MIAMI, FLOMIDA INTER-OFFICIR MEMORANDUM WnkWAW :.-.r...�...�.r.� To, wiilIon J. Schaut Preaure>aent 0upet>ry i nar Procurement i4anagement Division ElIpM : �„ 'P a I -tJ on E. wi iiern pirector General 8erV1G a Administration DATi Fps% suereet . old #0e-90-022 Purchasb Of rGVon (7) Cell Check Recorders IREFaReNres. It ThIs department has verified available funding with they 04partments 'of Finance and Managomant: and Budgot that funds are. available to cover the cost or the subject bid in 'tho amount of .Account Code Number JZQ9J*J=A 2. F;PAMCE REVIEW & APPROVED bY: = --00'jo Except for funds already appropriated or items included in TY budget) ' Cestrlo9 Garcia, Director Department of F'inAnce BUDGETARY REVIEW a APPROVED BYt an or Rurena, Director be: rtment: of Management: nd Budget " k- q�� 400/w 1�4/. AODIT100;L APPROVhT..9 (if required) -K _.,r,....._�...ti....,._ Sergio Rodriqubaa Director Planning Department Frank Cantanedaa Director Community DeveiopmOnt W, I uF MIAMI, F L 0 Ajr�+ 1' f?!.rt:U t2rMENT MANAGJ EMCi oN V-k.)- ).. jJfrv•) Miami. F1 33233-U708 TCLEPHONE NO. 575-5174 BID NO. 89-90--022 DID SHEET IMPORTANT: BID SHEET AND BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MUST BE RETURNED IN DUPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS T11E DEPOSIT OR BOND I5 SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. 1 I'erms: (Include casli discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of 0 `g if awarded all items. Warranty and/or guarantee: One (1) Year State any variances to specifications (use separate sheet iE necessary): NONE Delivery: 30 calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order. Delivery Point(s): To be supplied at a latex date In accordance with the Invitation' to aid, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices indicated on the attached bid sheet (s) . UAMlES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): Pit.nev Rewes. Inc t;altc,r H. Whe-ler Jr., Drive NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICERS. - Marc C. BreslawqkX, Pronidonr Gordon F. Moore, Vice President Stamford, CT 06926 John B. Nano Jr. Vice President Finance Please ise the back of this page if more space is necessary Name of individual holding license in this profession (if applicable) DICTAPHONE CORPORATION MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE Tlio lsndersigned bidder acknowledges that it has received a copy of ,jr•.i i nance No. 10538, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of :ti:I 1�i, and agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and ,srocedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. L p• Dictaphone Corporation Signattire:--- Comp ally f13'tt' Print Name: Katy C.,,Rice, Mgr. Marketing 6 Admilnistration Indicate if Minority Business: [)ate: October 30,.' 1989 j filack [ ] Hispanic [ ? Women NONE `AILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN T11IS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS 4 AWARD OF BID Y Bid No. 89-90--022 ITEM: Seven (7) Call Check Recorders DEPARTMENTS General Services Administration TYPE OF PURCHASE: Single purchase RE: These recorders will: be used by the Police Department E-911 Center to enhance the efficiency of the existing setup in meeting the high volume of calls handled by the E-911 Center POTENTIAL BIDDERS: 15 BIDS RECEIVED: 1 TABU LAT I ON: Company Name Total Dictaphone, Inc. $14_,_9ff:00 FUNDS: 1989-90 Communication Division Account Code No. 420602-840 MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to bid were sent to one 1 Black, two 2) Hispanic and two (2) Woman -owned firms engaged in the sale of Recorder Heavy Equipment business as located in the following sources: 1. New Vendors Applications on file in the Procurement Office. 2. City of Miami Minority Register 3. Previous Bid on File in the Procurement Office 4. Yellow Pages Telephone Directory No Minority response was received. BID EVALUATION: C a` te_ory Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Woman Non -Minority The bids meet the specifications. Following is an analysis of the Invitation to Bid: Number of Bid Number of Invitations Mailed Responses 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 New Bidders Black American Hispanic American 1 0 2 0 Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: 1. Mary's Thing N'Such - "We do not carry this item." 2. Tehcnology Associates Corp. - " Our project schedule does not permit us to complete bid requirements." RECOMMENDATIONs IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO DICTAPHONE, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $14,980.00. rocurement supervisor t