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PZ-4 ZONING FACT SHEET L+OCATIONII.EGAL 3328 SW 23 Terrace Lot 54 Block 9 AiLAMY SUBU88AN ACRES AMEND (4-73) P.R.D.C. APPELLANT David W. Gillis c/o Sara Sharpe Catering . 3328 SW 23 Terrace Mismi, FL - Lucia Dougherty, Esq. ~- 1221 Srickell Aweaue ' Miami, FL 33131 Phoaa 579-O6Q3 ZONING _ RG-1!3 General Residential (ane and Two ~amilr). ~~~ Apgreal of 7.oniag Administrator`s dacisioa is tiffs =? letter of October 27, 1989 eliminating cocking ` oa pra~aisas for tha catering se~cvice .allowed on above site. RECOMMENDATIONS Z021ING SECTION REECOI~ND DENIAL. Ordered cooking facilities resoved on Actobar 27, 1989 after is#osmad by Planning Department that the Clasp C permit vae approved with the understanding that no coolcia,g for the catering wan to be done oa site. 7~VING SECTIQ~! At its meeting of Decetber 18, 1989, the 7ming Board Resol uti on ~ 130-89 b,~ a vote of 9 to 0, granting the appe~-1, reversing the decision of the Zoning Acininistr'atflr. APPEAL. letter dated December 28, 1985 from Arturo 6. Caraballo. Art~ar~s G. ~arabatit~ ~~ To the buildira:g end Zoning Department of the Cit3r of ~i2,m3. I, Arturo G. Cara~allo, doisicil~d at 3322 S'A 23rd. Tsrr. ix1 t~.i~ Cit, of ?ri2mi, uein.€ mT ri~hte do ,~PEAI+. the de~ ci;sioa of the Eoard of December 18, 1.9$9, in tine case Af Sara SYsarpe Cateria~r Service Kf.th reference to a catering Serva.ce authorized at 3324-26.:28 SrY 23rd terrace. ~i2mi, Deeeaber 28, 19$5. 1 = '`d1 Ca 7 ~ ~ w w -d ~ ~ ~ '7 ~~ -J '.'~ C C ! ,/1 .~ J. Gen~sardi, ZoniaR Administrator ~ ~ _ -= E.M. Fuentes, EBcZ Director - G. C2,medi].1.o, Dep. Direct. of Planning All ~iembars O f thg EOard ?322 S~11 23x^d Tarr. +~i~., ~"• 331.45 ~Y~4.iJ~~V cii ::., v,f v V ~~C 2 9 t~89 ~~iGe of fi~`~e ~ ~ ~ r RESOLUTION ZB l30-89 RESOLUTION TO GRANT APPEAL, RSVERSLNG THE OECISIO;i OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S QECZSION Iit HIS LETTER OF OCTO$ER 27., 1989 ELIMINATING COOKING ON PREMISES FO R THE CATERING SERVICE ALLOWED FOR THE PROPERTY LOC-4TED AT 338 5W 23 TERRACE ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOT 54, BLOCK 9, MIAMI SUBURBAN ACRES AMEND (4-73) P.R.D.C. AS PER PLANS ON FILE; Z©NED RG-1/3 GENERAI. RESIDENTIAL (ONE AND TWO FA~EILY) . Upon being seconded by Mr.. George Barket, the u:otion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Ms. Basila, Morales and Cr.u~ Messrs. Sands, Luaces, Moran-Ribeaux Alonsa-Poch, Dunn and Barket NAYES: gone. ABSENT: Nane Ms. Fox: Motion carries 9 to 0. De~:asber 18, 1959 ~ir~a / 1 Zonl.ng Board • ~ ,~ T r ~ ir4 ';~1 6AW OCFICE$ G~e+~~e ,''ftY1Al1RiG, HOFFMAN, LIPOFF, RO~IEN Al QtJEMTEL. R.A. t'Ck~t'• 1221 ORIf,~K[LL AViSNUE M AMt, Ftt?RIDA 3~l~1 O 303) X23.8 u lROY/AAO OFlrtC[ ~~ 1.j~Q'~~ S Q ~ lAOIVA/i0 ( 1 W[fT rALM t![ACM OrFiCk SOO t{Al6T •ROWA{40 t30Ut[VA/~YO T[L[?C HC~-3124 IEt71 fOAUM PLAC[ ~' t3U1TrIC JO7 tSU1S[ 1'60 "[L[CO~r (3p'3) 578.0717 w[ST pA~M •tt:ACM. FLOAIOA d»OI f'OiPP LALlO[ROAI[. FLOg10A 7]30 (<071 tiB3•t3d11 (~4S? 7tS'.3.OSOO TEl[COPr ~407~ d®~-~4L7 T[L[COIK (3Q8) TdE•{A77 LUCIA A. OONmM~t9TY PLtLWt{ R[PLY TO: '37p•OlJO~ MIAMS QF/IGt November 6, ].98~ Ms. Gloria Fox Hearing Hoards cxiief City of Miami Building and Zoni~q Department 275 N.L. 2nd Street Miami, Florida 33128 Re: Appeal of Decision of Zoning Administrator and/or Department of Planning regarding Catering Service at • 3328 S.W. 23rd Terrac® Dear Gloria: Pleases can>sfder this latter an appeal, pursuant to Section 3000 of the Zoning Code of the City of Miami, of th® decision as reflsacted in th® attached Llctober 27, 198 letter from Joss®ph Ganuardi {Exhibit . "1") . The basis of this appes~l is as followsa 1. It is alleged that cooking isa a, violation of the attached Class "C" Permit No. 8~-120 (Exhibit "2"),. However, no such prohibition is captained in such Classe "C" Permit. 2. It is clear that the use for which the Glas~>s "C" was issued is a catlaring service. Catering requires the preparation of food on site to be cooked in then home of the ultimate consumers however, some cooking is required in the preparation ©f food. 3~. Cooking is not the again use of the premiseess, but, instead, preparation of fond is the main use. ~. There is no requirement under the law for the removal Qf any ranges:, stove, hood, acces:~ory Chimney or exhauset stack, rsagardles~s of what rase iss paraitted on the premises{. _ 5. The .>spplicant has; r~sceived peraita for the installation of the. rang~e+, stove, hood, accessory chimney or exhaus3t setracxk and bases relied, to hiss detriment, on the issuance of suet: por>caita~, ., ._ .. _ Y- -.---- Ms. Gloria Fox November 6, i~8~ Page 2 5. The appellant herein has expended agproximately $30,000 in reliance upon such permits and decisions bey the vara.ous pity inspQCtors and/or permit processors. It is, therefore, requested that you set this matter before the Zoning Hoard of Adjustment as an appeal of th® interpretation of the Zoning Administrator and Planning Department in this matt®r. A January hearing date ~rauld be convenient for my client. Mis check in the amount of $550.00, made payable to th® Dity of Miami, is enc],osed. sine ly, L cis Dougherty LAD/jhd enclosures cc: Mx. Joseph Genuardi Mr. Guillermo Dlmedillo ... - - cn, <? ' - ~- :^ _ . r- _ ~ ^~ ~ ;--- U x ~ • C~~~ .cx~ • c~t~t @OITH M. FUENTES Director Mr. David W. Gillis c/o Sara Sharpe Catering 332$ S.W. 23 Terr Miami, Florida -~-F~ ... ~ ... , e ~' ~ •; .., ..• ~ CERTYi'I~L~ `E~i 7 ~M ~: ~5 tr ~~~ ~, ». ,...~.~ ;: X227-7-19 ,. ~ ~,o. , , • .:.. ~,,, October 27, 1989 Re: Catering Service at 3328 S.i~. 23rd Terr t~D i•:~ Dear Mr. rillis: It has come to my attention that under Building Per®it No. $9- ~7~7, you had installed a range, stove and hood and are cooking on the premises. This is in violation of pour Class C Permit fro. $9•-ZZ04 far change of a non-eoasforming use from a Print Shop to a Catering Service. T have been infprmed by the Planning ~eparttaent that the catering service as appr©ved is anly for thS preparation of food and any cooking required is to be done at the customers site at which the food is being provided. You are therefore directed, within tiro (2) weeks of receipt of this native, to obtain a permit to remove the range, stove, hood and any accessory chimney or exhaust stack which wan required for *.he equipment. Failure to do so will necessitate taking enforcement action and possible cancellation of your Class C Permit and Certificate of Use. _- VRry truly yours, • ~ ~ ~ ,~ 0 EF~ A.• GENBARDI Ch ef, Code Administration ,;, _, JAC/ ~ R cc: :;a:rgio Rodriguez, Assistant City Manager ~/Guillere~a 4lmedillo, Deputy Director. Planning Dept. - Edith M. Fuentes, Euilding ~ Zoning Direeto 0 Santiago .Torge-VNntura, Asa ~ t . Director, D1~ ~ Zoni,n~t Connor Adams, Chief} t4echanical Section, Bldg & Zoniri~t File '"""~"~" - BUILQlP6G ANO ZONING GEPARTMEheT • 2: S N.1h. ,Tnd Strtsul~.O.lFoa 2~010~/Miuw• FL ~tfi0~3i ,~P9~9' t , _ _---- ~ ~ '" a -- - - - Arturo G. Caraballo ~::.~ii Edith.ffi Fuentes, Director Buildin~z and Zoning Depart;aent City of 1~i3.ami Nis Fuentess ~` Referenc® is mad® to a communication that at 7 pm, December 18, 1989 the Hearing Board Division gill held a Public Hear3.ng in relation to an Appeal of the Zoning Adv mi~i,atrator's decision of e~.iminating cooking on pr~3.ses of a Catering Service a1~Lowed at 3328 SW 23 Tern. This letter is issued in substitution of the card that was supposed. to be included r-ith the above mentioned Comn~uniea~ion, but that was not/. ley Property is located at 3324-22 SW 23 Terr, therei'ore I have a direct interest in this case. I am oppose to the appeal against the October 27 1989 Zonir~ Administrator' e decision eliminating the cookizsg on the premises, xhich never has been complied with, up to this m.oment~. But the most important thing, which I am repeat- ing hers, iss there is no valid right to a no~confot~aing ,..., status. whatever. ror the owner of the 'era~ertr e~ this aa~~. nce said right waa extin,~uf.shed is ac ^ i~ii~ea~so ~sa~~i ~i~~~~ of the Zoni Ordinaacee, for bein~_ excess of lti0 Maras. The inspection that supposedly was practiced in. June 14, 19$8, to aa.'open and operating printing shop is ab- $olutely t'als+~. At said time the place was eadpty for menthe. Thst Public sct is a felony. And to include it in .the Pu~.ic Recarde is another. To cover it up is also another :Celar{~r. ~isati, December 11, 1989. 3322 S~ 23 Tern ~ R~;V`~'!~ giarai,, PZ 33245 ~" fL4ilVG ~ ~L:~sING '~, '~k CiT' ~JF MiAF+Af. Fi,.CaRifC1A !(VIER-0l~F1CE MEMORANL3UN0 Sergio ~odr~.gueti, Dizectar November 8, 1989 `O' Planning Departnteat ai171~ ~~c= Joseph Ceauardi, su~ecT'Appeal of Class C Z ni g AdmiaistreCOr Permit $9-12.04/ Zoning Administrator"8 RROM: (,~,~' REX[R61db~Cialon Of 14!27/89 i Fox, Chie 'Hearing Boards Division er~c~ocu~tter of Appeal dated Bmi~Idiag b Zoning De~partmeat II/6/89 - Attached is a copy of the appeal received of the above meationad Appeal. Pleasai submit all materials which constitute the retard upon which the dsecision vas takes. Also please ia~clude the names aizd mailing addresses of nit parties who have expressed iat~erast or opposition is this matter. C!?'Y C:" 41 -~~ CITY OF MIA I.ORIDA INTER-QFFIClE NIE~RiIW P 4 ~ ro: Gloria Fox, Chief Hearing Boards Division ,/~ DATE: ftOVember ~3, ~~89 =ALE: sua,ECr : Appeal of Decision to Remove Cooking Facili- ties at 3328 SW 23 Terr Sara Sharpe Catering .Ro os h A. Genuardi, P.E. REFERENCESGIass C Permit -- ie Code Administration No. 89-12Q~ _ ENCLOSURES. . ~ Attached are copies of documents in my file pertaining to the appeal, other than those already in your file, and which entered into my decision. ~_ 1. Letter from Sheila Wolfson to Guillermo Olmedillo, dated April 18, 1Q89. 2. Letter from Sheila Wolfson to Mayor Xavier Suarez, dated July 19, 1989. JAG/,fig cc File - _ - r ~~ ~~~~` ~LrTw[•• P AGAON e[wNAN06 C. ALONfO CtliAw L. ALVAw[L _ NpA C ANOwtwS .~JOOLer O •AAGON .1 [tiwl 1. wAwBN .,•rAAI[ wAfs •rYSSA M eAyMGAATCN yQOMAN J e[NfQMD „ !A d ORI16[w .IAwA a IiLAOM .tCNAA00 - iw~TO e AANrnlf • iFODAN. dA suAT swurpN $~=V[ •YLLOGII Apf[wT A iURLItaOTON Ar8[ATO 4 CAAO[NAi ~••~LUA J CAwv[w iu[ ~ .C®~ t[NOALL 0 COr~Cr ~tAN[ M C7NN1~. .ERrw[" O OtCAMLO ~SCAw G Ct .w 6yAAOlA AL!![w~ 4 fit. GASTILLO ALAN T OIMONO LLCIA • OOtJ6M[RTr Ct•AwL[s W [OCiAw, 111 4u0AN O [LSCY ..[Nwr .. :fuCKrl ~OII 4os[wr J rwl[®MAw ~gi[wT C. gANO o1C••AAO 6 GAAw[TT eA•AN w DAwT ePLCL ~ Q~LL S'KLCIN .1.^, r•ApOJ GW3T0 •.ww[NC[ 6COOtfK• L~::>dil Law OFFICES GREEN®ERG. TRAURIG. HOFFM9AN, LIPOFF, RO8EN 8c OUcN7'EL• P. A. ALAN f. GOLD O[BUI[ M OwSN[/!AY [TCV[N [. 60LOMAN 9T[VAN J. FAA00 1}T[V[N M. OOLOSM/TM OLOA [. PAwwA JO![PN O• GOLOSTCIN MA RSNALL R. PAST[wN ACK LAww[NC[ i• 60wtlON irwON •3. -[T[wQEN •AAT1N[W •. 60A60N AL~[wT O OU[NT[L OIANN[ Ow[[Nf[RG JO[L A[IN6T[IN M[LVIN N. 6w[[NID[w6 MAAM J. fJ 61$M AN pOw[wT L. ~POSiMAN L1JIf w[IT[R CONlTANC[ M A100[w CARM[N M. ME ANANO[L ANON[9 wWCwO LISA A. N~AsCN M[NN[TM i. AOitN60N H[NN[TN C. pO~lMtAN NIC PIOLAS wOCKW[LL _Awwr J. 1aOFPM AN al-OU[L A wODRIryU[i •+AACOS D. JIM iN[L ALAN M. wO LNICK MAwTiN 0.AL0 MAwVIN R. AOS[N -_Oql [. ItILf U6 AICNA~tO A. AOf [NeAUM ~IMOTMw [ K1$•+ wQNALD M. wDS[NOAWTCN sr¢v[N J• KwAVITt oAVID L. woes s~[VtN A. LANOT ALGLN [. AUDOLPN ALAN i. L[D[wMAN GAwT A. 9AUL ~1wT A L[VIN SON VLt«OwO A. SG•'•ULMAM VONMAM M LIFO« MAwL[N[ M. 1}IlV[wMAN ~AwLD1< l~ LOUMILT fTUApT q ltNO[R JUAN P LOUMI[T wpLLY A SKOLNICM NANcT wwu•coN[N aAVlo w eonNCSf wwVCE [ MACOONOUON LAURA P eTCP•t[hfON AOf,[w)T P MACINA 9AVID J~ TAN[T nNOw[W L• MANN LAYwA M TMOMAB P[ow0 J MAwnh[i•rwAoA ClvAL00 r. TDwR[f rGRI O MAs[A AOf[wT N TIIA{,/wiG :UAN J. MATOL. ~w JCwwuLD•A. wlpH wILL1AM L[[ MCGINN[sf wOi[wT M IIrDLF JCNN T M[TLD[w TIMDrMY D WOLF[ LQCII• w. MgNTELLl:. rw SM614A wOl/fOh AL'C.'IA M MORAILS ADAM s EIPP[w JAN[T L O ewl[N '~~~ wKf[CCA R OtoANO 2ACNAArw WOL«'RtT1uC01 April 18, MIAMI OrFICE IZ$t 6wICKeLL AVdNUC MIAMI, FLORIDA ~OI,fl '[L[PNON6f Muw+I 13051 679.OSOO OROWA~O 130'S~ 52] • 8111 rneeDwY 13091 5'9.0717 w[fT ALLM IttACN OCrttlt 'OQ ALftwAL~AN •Ir[NU[ • ly.TL 20' WILeT PALw •[Atw. ~LOw10A 9YOd Ao71 eia •eel~ •cLeeol..IAOrt eia •sA•.T ewOWAAO OI'~•C[ soo [wST ewpwaw0 wMJLaVAAO + fwT[ 1»C •owr LAUOawoAL[. rl•owtpA seen. ;~09) TbD •Of00 'eLa1COw~.aOf1 76D •.AT7 (305) 579-4581 PtEAlE iftRLY Tp: MIAMI pFF1GE Ly ... a~ 19 89 =• ~ ^1 • -o t ~ ~ ]ti 1 c~ .. .~ ., BY SAl~D-QELYVERY Mr. Guillermo Olaredillo Deputy Director City of Miami Planning Department 275 N.taT. 2nd Street Siami, Florida ..r, s / ~ t' .a •• ® o r ~ w R8: Class C Permit, 3328 S.W. 23rd Terrace - - _...v Dear Guillermo: _ This firm has been retained by Sara Sharpe with regard to her application for a Class C Permit to allow the aperation of her catering service at the above address. You have indicated -~ your intent to deny this Class C Permit and a conference on this matter is scheduled for 2:30 p.re, on Thursday, April 26, 1989. • krior to that ti~¢e, i would. like to submit for your conaiciecat#on -~ the following additional information that I believe addresses the concerns expressed in your Notice of Intended Decision. The applicant wishes to 1©cate her catering service, Sara. Sharpe Catering, Inc., in a small commercilsl building that pre- = sently houses a print shop operation. Ms. Sharpe, her husband and child would live in the residence located on the rear of this property behind the comaaercial structure. The subfect pr©party is located in the RG-lP3 zoning classificatfor: ansl is therege~r~ non-confor~aing use, originally established in approxia~ateiy 1936. As an existing non-~:onformfng use, the print shops c+F i ~~~, . ,_ ,. ~..~, - ,r .- Mr. Guillermo Olmedillo April l8, 1989 Page 2 course, has th8 right to continue in operation, while a different use would have to secure approval through the speeial permit process. We believe such a permit for the proposed catering service would be in the public interest because it would replace the more intensive use of the property as a print shop with one that produces less impact an the neighborhood because it will generate much less noise, have fewer employees not require the use of any hazardous materials, have no customers visiting the site, have only a handful of deliveries per week, and have a very limited need for parking that can tie adequately satisfied by the existing parking on the site. The proposed catering business is one that, by its nature, operates on stn intermittent basis. Unless there are orders to be pregared for a particular party, there Ss no activity. .Unlike a restaurant, the catering business only purchases supplies and provisions when there is a forthcoming events therefore, there is no daily delivery of provisions. Moreover, the owners of the business purchase many of tae iten-s theaaselves , thus else mini- mizing deliveries. This is a snagll family operated business, with Ms. Sharpe and her husband as the principals. There is only one full time employee, a chef. Other employees, such as a pot washer, work only part-time and i.n most instances walk or use • public transportation. The owners use no trucks in the operation of the business, only their two personal vehicles, a van and a station wagon. With regard to the specific concerns regarding this business raised in your Notice of Intended Decision, we would note the foxlowing in response: 1. Inare~ss and Earess. Ingress anc~ egress to the property, which will be minimal due to the wall number of deliveries and. no customer visits, will be accomplished in e~cactly the same way as that for the residences located ug and dawn the street, where the driver is rec;uired to .back out into the street. Mor~sover, there are no _- trues ar other obstructions blacking the view for vehicles exiting from the driveway to the street. 2. Off-Street Parking and Loading. -n . is~.r~.r~~.rr+.~ or ^ r Although your Notice of Zntended Decision indicates that ~' -there is no off-street parking and loading facilities, several -= doors are located on the side of the building diractiy ad~soent to the driveway, which have always served over the past ~i~ty - years for parking and loading. Please keep in ®iad that thence s tm~eaer~acea. Tiu.u+e+a. Har~r~+~. ira~etrr, A~sira++ a Quswsu.. ~: A. ~r. _. _. . _ ... .. 4 -- ~ ,~ Mx. Guillermo ClmedilZa April 18, 1989 Page 3 will. be no large trucks such as tractor trailers entering or exiting the property, and the largest vehicle that will be on the premises is a standard $ixe van. The existing loading area is quite adequate for such a vehicle, and parking is available in the driveway. 3. Refuse and Service. R11 refuse will be neatly packaged and stared in waterproof and vermin°-praof containers at the rear of the building. Col- lection will occur at least twice weekly and more frequent arrangement for collection can be made if necessary. Tn sum, we believe that the proposed use of the existing commercial structure as the site of a catering service will rep- resent a reduction in the intensity of the use from that of the existing printing shop, that the site has adequate parking aa~d loading Lor the proposed use a and that the proposed use will not adversely affect the neighborhood. In light of these facts, we respectfully request your reconsideration of your intended decision to deny a Class C Permit. Sfnc rely yours, Sh~aila wolf son cce David Gillis :Aw orrlces aREENSERG. TfiAURIG. F90R'FMAN, I.IPOFF, R(~SEN 8t OUENTE{.. F~. ~4. -[rrwdr s •GwON r[wN4NOCIC ALON30 C[fAw L. ALVAw[Z _ NaA C. •Naw[wf ~LOOLON r arA00N .Cwwl 1. eANSM -•_Awt[ eAsf ..rsfA M eAyMaAwY[N VORMANJ e[NrO wO _ fA r i[wa[w •.AwA O •LOOM ,coNAwao r swlTo rwANClf e. RwOGAN. Jw e~wTiwuTON s*[v[ au~LC~N aCi[wT r RUwLINBTQN •Le[wTp w CAwOtNAf wM'LUw J CAwV[w sICInAwO O. CN[ww. S.[ •• CCee QIAN[ M CONNIFr -trrw;r O OeGAwtO OfCAw G. slt •A GYAAOIA Al.f[wT A O[• \.AiTILLO A,•AN T O!WONO ..C'A A. 001JGNtMT•v ;,»AwLttt w. ttoGAw. al >j s:,AM C CLL>jtr -'[Nw+M •fuCwTl tOx .oi[wT.! rwl[oMAN wpe[Rt C GANG w1CMAw0 G.OAgw:TT i R1AN w GAw7 iwuct !+ a1LQf • wL[~N •!CI•AwO~. GlufTO ~awwtNCt GQGOr%xr n •LAN f. aOLO SttV[N [ O ::IIMAN yT[VtN M GOLOEMIT~ Jos[w>r a oot.osTt~N _Aww[NClf GOpOON MATTW[W (~ GGASOh :MANN[ GNECN~(w0 M[LVIN N GwRr•/e[w6 •Oe[wTL 3wOf¢MAN CAwM[N M n[wNA«D[2 -!6e • I+IwSCI• !I[NN[TM C wOrrMAN LAwRT J. ,aOrrM AN ••AixGOf O r'1./[N[Z MAwtIN InALe _C41 t. wlLe[w0 -'•+tlTMV C wlSn fT[V[N J. rtwAVITZ 4"[VtN • LANOr .L.N a. t.[acwMAN NONMAN N L1ROrr CAwLOi [• LOUMI[T r~AN w LOYMI[T NANCT LU771A•CON[N RA6JCC [. /rACOONOtlalh wOi[RT w MACINA ANOwtwL MANN •[Ow0 J MAIITIN[Z • rwAt3A JOtL o. MAscw r .IAN J. MArOL. Jw '11C/4LIAM Lt[ MCOINNRff rONN T M[TZGtw LOWe A ••ONrtLLO. rw aLIC1A M. MQwA LLs JAN[T L O dRItN w[ftC1:A w. OwAnO HAS-DEI.~RS~ The Honorable Javier Suarez Mayor, City of Miami 35~OS Pan American Dr. Miatai, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Suarez: July 19, 1989 •n,-wl brnC6 .22! eweGll[LL AvtNVE M.AMI ct.OR10A 33131 •[L[PI•!ONI~Cf Ii M.~M11.3QS1 S79•b50C AwOWAw6 13051 Sa' • ®111 '*__tx 00 •]124 'f.[COtn 13061 579.07!7 «[fT .AIM e[AC-! orP/cc •00 YUIjT wA L!AN AV[NY[ • Stn IC td' «esT eALU !-[•c» ~~owro• a~Aoe J07t ee3 •Ae't •c_eeolr.. e0-1ee3•e+.T owGwAl-O Orr!C[ aca aAtf.T swQw•we soul.tV.lala • su'-[ aso r17wT .AUa[wgAL[. rt,OwraA JDaM 70D1765.6500 •t-[¢OI!w •3041 Thy • •s T7 W wITtN s Olw[CT NC' 579--0551 Pt,[AiC ![tPL7 TO: MIAM1 Orvlt; This letter is in response to Arturo G. Caraballo's letter to .you, a copy of which is attached for your convenience. The undersigned represents Sara Sharpe and her husband, I?avid.Gillis, who apsrate Sara Sharpe CateringE Inc. in a small commercial building at 3328 S.W. 23rd Terrace, which is located next door to Mr. Caraballo. On behalf of ary clients, I would like to respond to the concerns expressed~•in Mr. Caraballo's letter to you. The catering service is aperatinq in a commercial buildi~-g originally built in approsimlately 1936. The property has pan AGw 1/3 zoning classification and therefore the commercial 6uildimg is a nonconforming use. On the rear of hhe prop®rty behind they commercial building is a residence, which, since Mss. Sherpa and her husband have an ingant, was ®ne of the att~~ra~tive featurem ~f this prog~rty, allowing thefr child to be nearby and under the supervision of his parents wh31e they operate the catering service. The prior business i.ocated on this property was,a ST[VAN J sAp00 OLGA C wAwwA MAwfr•ALL A P•6T[w HACK erwON L. p[T[wf[N +e.e[wr o our. -[. _OtL w[!NSTf'N V Aw!t J. 4[If MAN rJlf w[IT[w GONSTA•IC[ '•~ w'OC[w ANOwR3 Rlv[w0 !5[NNtrN 9. woe!N40N N ICMOLAf wOC1(W[LL wApuh A wOaw10U[2 a LAN •. wOLNICII MAwVIN s w03[N AICMAAO A wOf CNeAUM tab HALO M wOftHOwwT[N DAVIO v. wOEf •LOLN t w000LwM ~Aw. • PAUL tLlrrQwa A ec!+uLM.N • 1.!!-wLtN[ K flLVtwMAN STYART N lINGCw '+ou.T w swo~N/ex OAVtD w. fOrTNtif LAUwA w fT[wN[N60N OAVIO J. TAN[T LAUwA w. r-~owwf esvAUao r Toww[s wtlit RT N TwAURfO JtMOI<O A. wrfM wOetnT M WOLr TiMOTMr O. wOLr[ fM[tLA wOLrf ON •DAM >ti. tl~w[w ZACNAAV H wOL~r ~At*!w[OI The Honorable Xavier Suaxez July 19. 1989 Page 2 print{ng shop, a nonconforming use established some years ago. which of course had the right to continue in operation, whil@ the catering service had to secure approval through the special permit zoning process. Contrary to Mr. Caraballo's statement. Mr. Joe Genuardi did not authorize the catering use= under the City of Miami's .Boning Code a Class C permit for a different nonconforming use is issued by the Planning Department. Yn this instance, issuance of the Class C permit occurred after a meeting with Mr. Gc;3~Ilermo Olmediilo, Deputy Director of the Planning Department, .and Teresita Fernandez of the Planning Department, in which the' prgposed use of the property was thoroughly discussed with the owners of the property and the printing shop, ter. and Mrs. Brodeur, and Ms. Sharpe and her husband. This discussion revealed that the catering service would be a I~ intensive use of the Qroperty than the printing shop and produce Ies~n~aact on the neighborhood. Facts were presented supporting this conclusion in~cludinq the followings (I) The- catering service would have fewer employees than the printing shop. 3Mrs. Brodeur states that the print sbap had 23 employees. whereasc the catering service- is limited to 2 full-time employees; ~2) The catering' service generates less noise than the operation. of the printing presses; (3) The .catering service. would not require the use of any hnzardo~ss materials such as the chemicals used in printing;. (4) The catering service has no customers visiting the site,. unlike the printing shop, thereby presenting a lower volume of traffic; and (5) The catering service has only a handful' of deliveries per week and has very limited need for parking that could tie adequately satisfied by the a=fisting parking on the site.. The catering business is one that, by its nature, opera•tss on an intermittent basis. Oniess there are orders to be gr~pared for a particular party, there is no activity. tTnlike a restaurant, the cat~aring busfnesa only purchases supplies and provisionm when there is a forthcoming event; therefore, there 3s no daily deiiv®ry of previsions. Moreover, the owners of the business purchase many. food supplies themselves, thus also mini- mf:zinq deliverie$. This is a small, fa~nihy-cs~perated bua3n~~s ;~ with Ms. Sharpe and her husband as the principals. ~'hexea axe only two ful]L-time e~aployees. Other emQloyeest -such ass a pe~t~- washer, work only part-time and in tao~st instances, walk or use public transportation. Ma. Sharpe and her husband use nc truckm in the operation of the business, only thai~r taro per~t~mal vebicless m vats and a stations wagon. .~ • :.a' ,_ ~~ i. ~; ,, ,. ~~~'~ Gs~rr.Nai~r~. YitweJAicii MorrNww. 6rwrr, ~oser~ 8~ ous~~c~., P. A. q .._ ___ _.-_ ._ 4 ~.. :~ • y The aonorable July I9, 1989 Page 3 Xavier Suarez With regard to the specific fears concerning this business raised in Mr. Caraballo's letter, we would note the following in response: 1. Air pollution. .There is no deep-frying of any kind occurring o~n e~ie premises, accordingly, "the grease floating in the, air" and grease filters feared by Mr. Caraballo do not e~eist. Catering involves f, mad ~reopara~tion~ rather than cookfn . Cooking is done at the customer's home immediately pr or to serving the food. Foad preparation, on the other hand, consists of preparing the ingredients which will later be cooked at the site of the party. For eacample, hot hors d•oeuvres would be prepared at the catering service location, however, they would be baked and served at the site of the party.. At the present time, there is not even an oven on the catering service premises that is used for baking. Moreover, the building is fully rcir- conditioned and therefore even if there were extensive cooking, minimal odors would be carried to the outdoors and ~ the surrounding neighborhood. 2. Noise pollution. As previously stated, the catering __._._.._r._ __.. business is one that operates on an intermittent basis.. pn many days, there is no activity whatsoever. Deliveries are also minimal, and certainly not daily, since the owtaers of the business purchase many of the supplie8 themselves. In addition, there are only two full-time employees, attd a handful of part-~ tune employees. On most days of operation, the employees all leave by 4x00 o'clock since they need to set up their equipment and prepare the food at the site of an evening event. There are. no trucks used in the operation of the business, only a van and a station wagon that are the personal vehicles of the owners, thus, these vehicles produce no more noise than any other residential veh icle~ in the neighborhood . Fitaally, the noise generated by the food preparation activities in this fully air conditioned building is certainly no greater than that of the average faffiily preparing dinner. 3. pests. Although all refuse is required to be neatly packaged an~red in waterproof and vermin-proof contair~Qrs at the rear of the building, in fact, since the catering service boson operation, most of the. wastes have been deposited in a commercial dumpster presently available at another location some blocks away. This is simply a .matter of convenience for the owners, aince~ salsa of the large cardboard boxes fit more easily . in the dumpster. fiherefore, there errs no food wastes to attract radenl:a and insects , and , in the event wast+~s ors stc~rad ©a the prraperrty, they will be packaq~ed as described above. '~~ GR~EK~~[~ec~. 7t#wt~p~d, Hor~-e~N, L~norr, RaaeN 8. Qu~ce~re~. P. A. The Honorable July 19, 1989 Page 4 Xavier Suarez 4. Traffic and Parking, Trucks loading food to be delivered, as state in Mr. Carabailo's letter, do not exist; the only business vehicles are a van and a station wa+~on. Deliveries are infrequent and do not involve tractor-trailer size trucks, but mostly vans. Deliveries' are intermittent and certainly not a daily occurrence. In addition, since there are only two full- time employees, parking on the premises is adequate. There are no visiting customers at a catering service business because the catering service comes to the customer, not vice-versa. Moteover, it should be noted that any parking and loading occurs on the western side of the building, away from Mr. Caraballo's residence on the east. 5. Fire Sazard. Due to the minimum amount of cooking that occurs on the premises, it is unlikely that the catering service operation provides any more fire hazard than if this property was usEd as a residence. In sum, we believe that the catering service represents a reduction in the intensity of the use of the groperty from that of the previously existing printing shop, and that the fearffi of Mr. Caraba~,lo concerning the operation are not justified based on the past two months of its actual operation. In fact, Mr. Caraballo has never complained of any problem to Ms. Sharpe or her husband, nor has Mr. Carmballo even come over to meet his neighba~cs. We appreciate the opportunity to address Mr. Caraballo's concerns, however, and would welcome the opportunity to•r~eet with him and intend to attempt to do so. You s very trul , ~n hails Wolfson cc: Mr. Victor de Yurre, Commissioner Me. Athalie Range, Commission.:' Mr. J. L~ Plummer, Commissioner Mr. Miller J. Dawkins, Coma~igsioner Mr. Cesar Odio, City Manager Mr. Guillermo Olmedillo, Deputy Dizector of the City of Miami Plmnning Dept. Mr. Joseph Genuardi, Zoning Administrator a~ SP'9f~a jc . G~eesrra~c~a, TeAUR~a. Ho~ra~-M,1r~ofiF, R4seN 4 t~u~e~ctse., A I! ..., ,._ - - -- y,,~ ., ~ r ~'.y To whom It May Concern:,, z am an owner of p~spe~~ located at and have no objection to the use of cooking facilities Por the catering operation located at 3328 S.W. 23 Terrace. Mr. Gillis and SaraSharpe Catering have been good neighbors and the ease is. totally compatible with our neighborhood. - '/ ,~ i To Whom It May Concern: - ~ _ i' ~ ~ Cam/ •~~ -i ~ ~ ~~ ~. , I am an owner of property located at „~ ,v ....,.., and have no objection to the use of cooking facilities for then catering operation located at 328 S.W. 23 Terrace. Mr. Gillis and Sari Sharpe Catering have been ood neighbors and the use is totally compatible with our neighbor no _ ~• ~; ~~ ____,~. /- -M __ ~ < ~, ~ IKEI~N~R & V~~AV~ ~ G~~~ con,r~aoroRs $425 SW 96th Street MIAMI. FLORIDA 33156 .. ~.r• +-N . .ter 1~2~~ r~or ; oaeaa~w 4303 27i-~a88 - __-~__~..~. s_~ ~, t awl ~ w astoiw~ uai~ waa~ 1 Mr ~ David G i 11 i s ~ pAY woAK ^ CONTfiAC'T ~ EXTHA TO p.q,.E,N•1181 ands ~ •nwmooaa ~~ t2yY. I ~ ~- l~llTEtil11L f .:>. . i -,~ :.,. ' .~~ ,•~, ., d~E$t'~!P'1•7C1N QR .,,,i- ,- :e. ,•a~ ~ Sav~on En er rises ~ ~ - -- , I I _ ~-- , i ._._, _r. _ .~_ i fc:-TA:. u r1~ ....-. T. ~.. _ ... - -- -- .... .T. -1- .. .~v ,e.1t{Qe! ~ il11~. ! ~/.e L AN41i~dT ~ ~_ iJ lilsC~a~~ - ~.~ ~.~~ - ~ ~-~ , --..._ _._ _ .. -. _~~7. _ ... _ _.... _ - _.~ _. ._-~_ ' y . - - .~ ' - ... ... _ . ~~_~ j. ...~..... r.~_.. .... .~._~_.. _.t._ .~. ~ ._ _..~~ -i :... ' ' 1 '_ __.._ ! 1 1 ~,.. ~._.r _ ._. .._ _ . ----~j° ~ _ ... --- - --~ 1.A8Q~'~ ..~,..,.' .. TOTAL " ~. a.~k ~iolru „ 1 TQI'AL [IiAttl'~+AL5 -- .•._-----~ TOTAL IIItAT'~iIALB . roTAL©T~F1 ! waa~, unawnw w . __ ....._._. ._ . .. _ _ ~.. _.__ ~ ~ r' ~ ~~ ; I h~aiW evw,~tyli w. ~.:.`.....r a~ doP mow. rw.i~ ~ ~ _ ~~~r Gi ^' ~~ ~ `.Gf7~GR / ~ENERA~. ~N'r'RA~C4'ORS $425 5W 9f~tn ^strest • f1r<IAMI, fL~RlDA 33156 (3~8) 271.5488 r0 David Gil1i~ _ ~ _y__ '328 S.W. 23 'I'arrace ~~,ia~f , F'loxida 3315 O1'1f. IV1Aj'E~. . ~ ' ~ '•:c(Cinney~• •Suppl~ Co . _ ! 39S 7 ;Lankford Equipment Co. ~ 6© 31 i ~ ._. ._......_ ..,. - ---_ __._.~.~..._ _1._. I _ _.e,._.._._.__~... _ . ._.. _ __. ..~____,____.~,...,_ . _ ~' . ~ ~- 1~62 _. _._. o.,~,.as. j~ ! OAY WORK [~ CONTRA-CT ( ~ ExTilA Taiwdsn~uwrer _.-" _ ~~ s j • 1 . uTAI.O r»EF ____ ~ ---- . - - -r . r ....:a~a : rya. a-tr , . • ~ Walter ^ . ~~EA'S/ER ~Z ~ 30 3G :;C~ ~~ Jamey S ~us~eli 8 ~ 1R !4~ .~Q i ~ t _ . t .~ _ ~ u rN. -,u ~ ~.~;.. a ~ 5~ _,... _ .. . •----•r- ~ r a rte. rwrt~ : u~. T~Tw~.ot •K ~!/ TAX ~~• Y ~p.sSN..~MI~-~+ ••~M. N wMMr.M.ti •...6.•'N U{M• ! .r a 9 1.26 6 _ `=- VItrEAVER &~ 4NEAVER ~ ~L°~ J IJ V~~ ~L GENERAL GOMTRAG•i'8RS X1426 SW Stith Street __ MIAMI FtaoRiOA 33155 !more a~nv~ ~30$~ 2'1•'459 aro~..Kw~ oslar~ Td :~~~C 3, l i i s _ _ oAY w~R~ ^ conrr~cr ~~ ~~ ++~~ g~ t,~ ~ T ~rwre.e~aTw ~~iddtiY..~~~.JS~fr~~w i~ ~'' d C e ~~~ ~t i a m i. F L,Gl~slrZ ~~ -- TER11l: 1 1 ~ ~ I I Home d~oot ~ ._-_~ 276 ~ I T_~ ..._~.. -- -~ ! i `~' ~1 ~1 ---- - --r--- -~ ----------..__;_.. _ I . ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ rC~TK fhAA E! :.t.:: j tJ "1 ~w~s ,~..~. ~ ~rr.ryr de ~ • ~~rT.rrs+rdi+~ ww~Y..•~rrJwd...~!- ,•. ,.:~ ~. ac'V' .~...~ `~~t } ~~ _! lair j 6~aiter M • .:::aver James 3. f:u~sal]. ----- ' ~ ...~.~ .. M~ ~ ^ EXTRA i, r • Y ~~.- ~- • • t~ .~.~~... YM ~--.,..- ~ ~ _ --s--- - roTa~ oTt~t 1 _ ,, _ ~; ~ Aill/P,iler 21 3© 63U~ •: 16~ 1 S 29 ~.~~~ - ' ~~ - '~ _ ~...r....:.nr y--'''~ TO7J~.I.A90R 9;~7 I~; .,' .. .s. TTi3JU.MA~ 5U9 ~ ~~.!. Tt;A4Id. Ut'iiBdi ~~t ~~~~~`~~ t~ .. ..~.. _. ........ l ,~ ; _ W~d~~ ~ ~~ ~~E~~ ~~~~~~~~5 8425 SW 9~itti Street MfAMI. FLQRfl3A 33156 (30S) 27'1.54 ~a David Oiilis __~ 3328 6 . c~. 23 terrace ~.. M„~i~mi, Florida 33145 Bid ~~ -, ::.~ ~~ G ~ 0 rso,f i ow. a~ ane~ '17 October 19 9 i avri u~'~r astv~m~ar~tM~r~o i p~J UAl~ woFiK ^ COM'AAG"t' (~ EXTRA m:~;a __- ~oswiaa ~ suen,ooai Pa1ffietto Metal Fabricata~ s 256 ~ i ~ ..,~....~. i . _ I s .._.a._.~.-.._...~..-- i , f f . _ . _. _ _ ._ __~ .f _ i _._..- _ _ ~. _. _.._..._ --- ~ . _._.,._ . - - ~ - -- ~--• - -- --. -Y. ~ _ _ - .w. _ .. ~ ---~ (OTAI OTHER - .. .. ~- - .~ ._ ._.~..~.. ~~ ~~ _ .~...-y - _. . . _.-._ __.. ....- _ T - - ~ ~ 30 4 c+talter Di. ;:c~dver i ZO U0 . i + ~~ ~ .._ . -- .~ .._..._ - .__ - .. _. . - --- - - ~ ~ . r_ . ...__ . - -- - ~ , ~ ~ ~. - ToT~f.Alfs~ i~~t.. '.V4 '~` ,~.,- ~~~,;~.-~. _. _ . r TtiTAt ~u-TEt~+-~ s ~ --------- T~r~u.. ran: . 1 1 Tt~~ 9TM~1 - . WorlcwotKaoqr _.._-•...,,_....-•.-r_.• r.T_. ..._._r.ur .._ aw .. -. I.. ... ,.,~.~, r ilij~'~~~~ ~~ w i . w.wr v....,.,,.. ,ww. go ~o. w wrra~n a eM ~ ir `, ~` .: .. --~ . • ~- ~- INVOICE I.AVIGI~t~ ~L~CT~t,IC A.SSOC~.~~ES, II~C. ~i.~CTPtICAL. CONTtgACTQlZ5 2781 S.W. glad CT. /Miami.. FtoridA 33t63 i ' (3CiS) 23b-0210 - •.-•-- 81~RA SZ3AIiPE ~1C„ W . O . ~ 4692 = - • • 3328 SW 23 Tertaae pAT~ 10/~/$9 _ -s ~., ~ ~ ~ YOUf! ORDRR NO: - ATA9: David ~.3.?.#~t J ~ ~- ~ - NOAK ~ON<• - ~- -PAS HIIS~IIJDs P~t~ji.a]. and Iabc~t ~0 1Q/'12,/8'9 $2,300.00 LLSS DIO~I #1 i.48~S,00 = H11Id4NCE $ 815.00 At~I~I' YX3E l #2 - 58150 DO TERM:: NET OUiE UPONI RlaCtiNT ., 1NVAICE ,~,. - L.AVIGNE ELE~'I'RIC ~-~S4CIATES, Y~tC. _ ELEC°TFt1CAt. ~ONTRAC"i'ORE 2788 &.Vi/, 92nd CT. / Muni, ~'Iorida 33165 (305) zZ6-0110 . ~,. '1 W.d.f# -~...- 5I4D ggl.RP! CD*iBT90 DINE ~ 332! SN 83 41IflDCt ktDtt, et., YauR oROEtN No: t... ~ - ~ . ITflt . E7At: 442••81 • .r d11i 8t?A1K: ~,. ~ •'~ DIIOLIlIOD OP OLD NIIlt6 DID II3tD1~Lt0 OO4LB4S PQt ICl llICLIYl~ ADSStt DIO 9RIlt. IISIILLtD ~IItCt UD tI,QQItlCdXi :,:68i'!. 1SPbIAED (t1 SNI'tCIES I6D COIDQB!S :3 NDI OP !!f C4IStIQC4i0i. ?lStltGtD iNBtCII DID ~P:1~ lI~P41Ct~ I! 9tt IDil1sO0L~. 1~OItD t1P0liD N!!I!O 0! ST!1::OLBII. t0tIISItD DxD IlstDbLtD C32~IlO t11!'~t I! ID4IIIt~t. yD~!~:a_~ s::~... :r . :.:; :: ... . . TERMS: NET - OU-at UPOl~ RE~E~pY INVdIC~ ~ LA~IOsI~TE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATES, IhTC. Et.~CTP~21C~-l. CAHOTRACTGaFi3 _ 2781 S.W. 92nd CT. /Miami, Floric{a 33165 _ (30S) 22b-0210 • ~ _ , W. O. ~ 5i47.~ - • _° •``- SL~1 SEMI?E Cl".?x:;G ®AT E 11o1L~:~ :~, ~ 1/®UR CRCE~t NO: - L ~ ~- J ,~~~ ~~~Z?' ~ a ---- - .OA!{ OifNa G ~~ EIT'Hl !p CGiItAC'. 1QD1t:OtIW NIItI1G 119 COIBxOt CF HOOD t1~5. RHPI.ACS9 11:.°15' :3 ~3??.E :[.SLAG DQI6Da1C. _ .r ~.:~. Y•: 11~ TEI~AAS: NAT • Dl.lif IJP©N R~CifiPT i IPI' ~?R AN4? SEINER A-Ai~T~'H~RElTY DEPART ~!~i't' wEw 8t1SIWESS aFFiCE . ,CVO I CE ~ s 3840 P.a.sax 33a3~a pgTE : 06~ 12!®9 MtAM1. FLOH~A 332330318 CUSTOMER COPY - -,AMOUNT OF ®ILL tp~r detail blow) ~ ~*+-,r+-+-s173.33 ~ ''4'TVACCOUNT W 17Fd BRIAN BRODEUR 5683 S.W. 85 ST. . MIAMI , FL 33143- REREflENCE 3328 S.W. 23 TE. .. I. I T1iSTALLAT I Otd DESCA F PT? oN 24a- a nS..as.-nnn eMn~ Wore ~ NATER b SEWER I MPAC'C FEE _ I TdC ~ OF 89 GPD ~ 0/1t TN0RiT~1 , t ~~.~~ ~~ ~ ~ ..r ~~,,.--. MATER CONNECTION GHARGE SGAL.) 293-110-36-000 660.10 SEWER CONNECTION CH~iRGE t GAT..) 2,93-110-34-00 ~~ a93 . k5 T~ i' '~ w~~.-Y-173.55 _.__--- REDUE5TED k~Y BEVERLY HUSBANDS PREPAitED (sY AR v ~. _ P f s~ = a ~~~I~tQ~i~. ~ tro. 1 i~VIGNE ELECTRIC ASSOCIf~.TES, II~'~. ~L~tCTRIC~iI.. COl~1TRI`C"f'CA~ 27815.yV. 92od C'~. / MIAMI, FLQRiDA 33165 --~ 2~6-OZ10 r -....ra.~.~..---- . ~ 1 ~. '~`'"''~`"~° TO ~~• ~+uNC 443-4399 ~~ 6/16/84 33!'l8 S1+t Z3 ,o. ev+.rE Kitt A1 21i C~Ot1t aTY. lTAdE M JOi IOGTWN L a ~ i i~.~. ~i UICINTEiC4 ' DATE ~ /SANS 1~ MIO~R As~tiibec+~ Stud3ro 6 6 • vw Mr.otr wa+kt ~ sna ssumate~ ~«: Tn~>tr 1 ~}~ Og SS j~E'S' ~e@t(AQ i4i~ ~~ At.~C1C1 id~.~'i M>r. Dav~+d Gi11ia~ oa 6/15/8'9. A3ao, a11o kl, El, ~1 and ~C2, meted ~ 6/6/89. Quote is ass s~ssta 1~bsl,ad aai aloe Al as "'~1Yaat~t" at~].y. Z3~3,s ft>rclt~3es t Ly Pe~oit. 2} gnat ~l} lsto head battffiy P~ 3~ t39aar tl~ exit light Frith ~tt~r 1?~ 4) Eight (8f 2 ~ 4 lay i:t f3.xttars w3.tta l~unps, , fuses i~C11~*s ~ 'ttxst.~tllation of sup~iy ~d ex3uttsst fans by otF:ers 2) Insta.ila~i of hood art3 ansutl sya~em i"iy at~sB ~irq;lt3lit tares to turnash malaria! aTeo tabor -- ca~mp~rta in accordluwc~ with at~va sWcificatiats. for the #IN~t of: 71ro ~~ttsand thz~der hutx3red collars ~n3 no cer~ta daltara ti ~-'~~ ~~...~`.~1. to tw m~ep a~ toelo.+K: bi i i M rM1M7M r SYrrMrMi M M M ~pKrNYi A11 wsA M b iY111/1My M• .iwM~M~r. 111YArM rawrw M N~M/I . A.ip Mhrw~..r wswai~ MM .Mw wwMa+• Atdiwnisd ~s r~1111s ~IMr oYlrtf IwM M i Mw Yp11 wtrMN wMiw..a{ wM M ~~ wa w~rM wr aer dww. w Ar rl.. wr.r..wr«K tlc~: tlti~ PTIP~wI +a•~ bs .. swr. ~w++w••r a..ra ow.w m w.ry ~. w+~w..»r rwr ~.+~.-~- ~.wrrca 'S- (30? ' Door wrrrcu.w Mhr ~wM air MWr~w~'s Ge.r.~..wri 1~«iasp. 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