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Item #19 - First Reading Ordinance
~. -s~-~~~~ 11/15/89 p~DINANCS N0. A ORDINANCE. AZiENDTNG CBAP.TER 62 OF THE Ct7DB OF THE CITY OP MIAMI. 'LOAIDA. AS AMENDED. BY AMENDING SECTION 62-16 TO AEQtTIRE A COMPANI©2t ZONING APPLICATION AND TO REORGANIZE .EE SCHEDULE FO~t SEMIANNUAL PLAN AMENDMENTS: • SECTION 62-18 TO REFERENCE 3E PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AS T3S LOCAL PLANNING AGE2dCY: BY INSEATI2tG A NBV SECTION 62-19 ENTITLED "L1~tD DBVELOPMENT REGULATIONS" AND LISTING T8Effi: sECTZON 6a-a~ aY AADI&G A N8X SG'BSECTION (11) DESIGNATING THB PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AS THS LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY A~ LaGAL LAND DEVEY~?PMENT REGIILATI©N CQM~€ISSION; AND CONTAINING A RBPPA~ER PROVISION. SEVE~ILIT`f CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATZ. r~~~ ~~~ '~EALAS. the tiiami Planaj.ng Advisory Board, at its neeting ~f :iovember 1. 1989, S~em No. 3. fo awing an advertised heariwg adopted Resolv,tioa ;to. PAH -89. by a vote of 8 t 0, RECCMhENDING AFP~tOVAL f e the Code of the Cit~r of Mf~ :`~.orida. a9 aatended as', reinafter set forth: and '~'dEREA the C tv offimissioa after ca ful o ideratioa of :.his natter de ms ~.t advisable and i the ~ t interest of the general aelfa a of the C:.t'~ tS iahabitaats to amend the Code of .he City lorida. as amended. as :ere=naf ter : and :i0~1. 'I3EREFORE . 3E IT X TEE COMIiISSION OF '.''?E C+:'_' OF `!IAMI . ?LORIDA ::ecticn I. Chanter 62 cf the Ccde of the City cf ::iani. F?.or~•da, as amended, .s 'aereby amended :n she °ol:.caiag ./ . estec YS .'` -~'~ cords and/or f~,gures stricken thraugh shall ~s deleted. :.ndercored •aords and/or _°igures •shall he added.. T~.e emas.nin~ provisions are :~.oso' in effect and . °~aa.a use aaged. .asterisks indicate omitted and uachantged naterial. 4 ~: '~_