HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-02070 P 1;S01,111 10111 1'10 _ A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION Oh ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -- PHASE 1, BIDS "Alt, "B" , "C" IN ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 11-4485 A14D REMOVING ALI., PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. WHEREAS, the City Commission met on the 8th day of March. 1990 pursuant to due legal_ notice of said meeting under Section 30 of the City Charter, as amended, to receive all objections to the confirmation of the preliminary assessment roll for the cost of ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, BIDS "A", "B", "C" in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H--4485 in the area bounded by N.W. 20 Street, N.W. 21 Terrace, N.W. 17 Avenue and N.W. 27 Avenue; and WHEREAS, no objections thereto by any person interested in, or affected by, said assessments were sustained by the Commission, and said assessment roll appeared, in all respects, regular and in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the City Charter, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The prima facie assessments, as apportioned and indicated on the preliminary assessment roll for ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, BIDS "A"„ "B", "C'r in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4485 are hereby, in all. things, confirmed and sustained for any and all lots or parcels or ground described therein. Section 2. The sums and amounts assessed against each of the lots or parcels of ground in said preliminary assessment roll are less than the amount that each of said lots or parcels of ground is especially benefited by said improvements, and such assessment amounts are in proportion to the special benefits that the property received. EiTY C.10M.1ffi,Z")SION 1AEETING O1' MAR 6' Seel- ior) 3. They t:nt:a1, aq!:;f-ssme it cc) sI: of �,ii_(I T,IAPA'ITAII INDUSTR.IAlf, AREA IIIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PIIASE I, BIDS "Lt", "}",", "C"' in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTR IAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEP4EtdI' DISTRICT Ei-4485 in the amount of, $1 85.458. 1 3 be, and the same is hereby, approved and confirmed. Section 4. That any pending lien in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL. AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, BIDS "A", "B".. "C" in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4485 for highway improvement not appearing, in the preliminary assessment roll, and not certified hereby, be, and the same is herby cancelled and removed. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 801 day of March 1990. XAVIER L. SUARE MAYOR � / ATTEST- MAATTEST- MAII CHIRAI, CITY CLERK SUBMITTED BY: LUIS,-A. PJRTETO-PORTAR, PH. D, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS LEGAL REVIEW: G. MIRIAM MAER CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY P,TTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNEI SS : JOI CE L. FE-1Z NDEZ , CITY ATTORNEY 9020 7 El I CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM iO Honorable Mayor and Members of DATE j, the City Commission SUBJECT ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE BIDS "A", "B", "C" FROM �REFERENCES Resolution Confirming Preliminary Assessment_ Roll esar H. Odio ENCLOSURES (t�} City Manager x RECOMMENDATION: ®. It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution confirming r'ie proE-liminary assessment roll for ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA ­GHWAY IMPROVEMENT. o PRASE 1, BIDS "A", "B", "C" in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4485. BACKGROUND: -i Construction of ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -- PHASE i, BIDS "A", "B", "C" in ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4485 has been completed, and the preliminary assessment roll for this improvement is ready to be presented to the Commission for confirmation. The construction for this highway improvement was in the area bounded by N.W. 20 Street, N.W. 21 Terrace, N.W. 17 Avenue and N.W. 27 Avenue. The total assessment cost of the highwa.v improvement amounted to $85, 458. 1 3. A public hearing is scheduled for March 8, 1990 to hear objections to confirmation of the assessment_ roll. If 'no objections are sustained, it will be in order for the Commission to adopt the resolution confirming the assessment roll. A section has been included cancelling and removing pending liens placed against properties not benefited by the improvement. EMP:ge Resolution attached �)0-0207 ASSESSMENT FACT SHEET PUBLIC HEARING - ASSESSMENT ROLL MEETING DATE: March 8, 1990 J013 ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PH I LOCATION NW 20 Street and NW 21 Terr, between NW 17 and 27 Avenues COST OF IMPROVEMENT: ESTIMATED ACTUAL ASSESSABLE �I Total $ 900.000 $ 857,338 $ 378,985* Construction Only $ 783,000 $ 737,814 $ 326.150 — Front foot swk. $ 8.60 $ 8.40 $ 2.10 Front foot C & G $ 7.60 $ 6.97 $ 1.74 Square yd. paving $ 10.40 $ 6.91 $ 1.73 —�1 4 Typical 50' Lot CL $ 1,525.00 $ 1,225.00 $ 350.00 * Amount on which highway assessment will be made (per Charter) Number, of parcels in District: CONTRACTOR: FRE Construction Contract Amount S 799,962.50 Started Work 2 Apr 84 PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: Ordered on 6 A p r 83 Accepted work - Final Payment on_ REMARKS: 199 Final Cost $ 737,814,00 Completed Work 7 Feb 85 ` Confirmed on 18 Jul 83 19 Dec 85 P repa red by : Eugene Pei aez Date: REV 22 Feb 90