HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0232,T_()n--?13 Pf, ;nl.!1z T np( ran . -- F1111f7* A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE THE NECESSARY PURCHASE ORDERS SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROCUREMENT PROVISIONS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $90,000, TO COMPLETE CERTAIN HANDICAPPED IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT - NORTH END AND AMPHITHEATER - PH. II, CIP PROJECT NO. 331302, USING FUNDS APPROPRIATED BY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 10642, AND ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE PROJECT; SAID REQUIREMENTS HAVING THEIR SOURCE IN THE UNITED STATES ARCHITECTURAL AND TRANSPORTATION BARRIERS COMPLIANCE BOARD, THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE HANDICAPPED COMMUNITY AT LARGE. WHEREAS, additional modifications and work not contemplated on the original plans and specifications are required to complete the Bayfront Park Redevelopment - North End and Amphitheater - Phase II project, said project being particularly important and covering the construction of handicap facilities and ramps, as mandated by the United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, the South Florida Building Code, and requested by the handicapped community; and WHEREAS, funds to cover these expenses are available from money already allocated to the Project and remaining in the project Account; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to issue the necessary purchase orders subject to applicable City Code procurement provisions, in an amount not to exceed $90,000, to complete the required handicap improvements to Bayfront Park under the Bayfront Park Redevelopment - North End and Amphitheater - Phase II project. CITY COMMISSION MEE77ING OF MAR 2% 1990 to Section 2. Sai d f►ands steal l be secured from, remH'i ni ng monies already allocated to the Bayfront Park Redevelopment North End and Amphitheater - Phase II Project, CIP No. 331302. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of March 1990. —QUA CAPI JECT: CIPk4ROJECT MANAGER LEGISLATIVE REVIEW: C QA\ VF" EF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORMS AND CORRECT _$ E9"AA N " CITY ATTO NAY W 2 It f CITY OF MAMi, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ro Honorabl e Mayor and Members of the City Commission 4 Cesar H. Od FROMCity Manage. RECOMMENDATION: DATE . MAR FILE SUBJECT BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT CIP Project No. 331302 Resolution to Authorize Additional Work REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES' It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to issue the necessary purchase orders in an amount not to exceed SIO 000 for the construction of certain handicapped improvements at Bayfront Park, which improvements have been required by the United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, the South Florida Building Code, artd the handicapped community; said funds to be provided from the Capital Improvements Ordinance No, 10642 with funds already allocated to BAYFRANT PARK REDEVELOPi+tENT - NORTH END AND AMPHITHEATER, - PHASE II, CiP Project No, 33130,9 and remaining in the Project account. BACKGROUND: The City of Miar�i has evaluated the elements which remain to be constructed as part of the Rayfront Dark Redevelopment project, and determined that there existed a real need for the construction of these items in accordance with requirements specified by the U`; Architectural and Transportation 3arriers Compliance Board, the South Florida Building Code, and the handicapped community at large. Funding to cover this expenditure is available in the Bayfront Park Redevelopment -- North End and Amphit"eater - Phase I:I ?roject, CIA No. 3313n'?. "attachments: Proposed besolution 5 MtIU I[IO O1.1.1AN DADF C10i i1.I i Y. 6 1_.{.)1?11)A �AFxnt� t�sa€ �t~ January 1.6, 1990 Mr. wa ldem.a r: T.,e•? Assistant City M,an:iger Miami City 1ta.l.l. 3500 pan American Drive Miami-, PI, 33133 Dear Mr. i,ee ,.. `.,,' �. ' • P.ht=7fir) t:�ltiiC: t_�F_p,! i IFS iJn �._ _ POA.r1r1 faF Rtl1.E5 A1srr Ar€'EA(,4 CODE F."F0Pr1Fe1FkT SUITE 1010 t t 1 rr M 1s0 IMEET MiA"I. FLOMDA 331?8-1674 ("5) 373.20-9 1 Reference is made I.r1 ynlli- t.r) nit? dated ,itily 14, 1989, and Santiago Jorge-VenLura's ►n13mc1 ()f 0cLo1)el: 1.9, 1909 to you regarding necessary reLr.of i_t hand i r-ap accessibility requirements to be constriicted :at tht� flays isle nniplr i.Lherat.r.e located at 301 Biscayne Buie levo vd . it is my Ilndel .it..inrl111r1 1 hat. sr,lnr, nl IAIF�sn r,orrt�ct:i.on5 of: silted violations have tlrrl; yr'1: (:rmlldl do believe that: all i_nteresL-ed parties invol.vr?d have been more than patient in waiting ror: corrr�cti.nns I'o hr, mado i.n a I..i.nlely manner, yet we are into the new year and t-here iss t i 11 wo: S: t:o be done. At the January 6, ➢.990 me -?I _ny of the Dade County Board of tulles sand Appeals, sevev al menllaerr; of. tale handicapped community discussed the noncompl.iaii,:rr f-)f Lhe Anil ►hil.her-ater at length and very emphatically brought (.n t.l)e Board's aLLenti.on that few of the previously-agreed-t;v access i-bi.l.i.t.y corrections had been made. After dl.scussi.un and with clue r_cans.ider,ai.ion for the necessary life safety repairs to be mane, the i<o.ard directed Me to invoke the authority gr.anteci mr� icy Ch.apt.er 0 of the Code of. Met-ropolitan Dade Co11nLy tn QW--ain eompt i anr,e wi t:h the mandatory requirements of the South 171.c-lrida ituH.dinu Cfarlr .and F.S. 553 fart V. Please consider this a frir-ma1 f1Ut.lro I -Aral: if corrections to render_ the Amph.itheral.nr: siltf icienIJy accessible for the handicapped, and safe fnr :,1. I usnr:s of. Lhe facility, are not made within 90 days: t:he `f'en11-1r•r ovy l:'er: L i f i.cat;Q of Occupancy wi11. be revoked rind use not. pgrmi l,l.nr) hilt' 1 t f:11r:ii 1-ep i a-r:s arp made and the structure Is IIstdr reed s, afo lhy Lhe 130arcl and the Code Enforcement. Division. 0 . r! N Tamar- y 1, 6 t 'l 1101 Page 'J wr) I would also rgr,ttrest: 3 1 i_st_ c,f t:-,) bc? made and a "gall park" t.inte tahle fitr�i.r inip lemerti ,I-i.fit , rai_t:lti.n 30 days of receipt of thi_r; l.et:Ler. I wil.1_ make myself t-f, y„rt a110 yfmr staff as nrtych as is necessary so we may Pxpecii.r,61117,ly rgsol.ve Ll,i., matter. within the time frame stat:.ed IrArei.n. T ,,l,i_�, er, i ate Lha cooperation of yo" and the bttildi-nq deparLmenL t.o (IaLe ,ind .am sijre we can solve these problems I:o otir sat.i-.,far-t-ion and i.haL of the concerned citizenry. ver3, sincerely, Thomas M. Black, t'.C.. Chief Code Enf:orcernenL officr�r- Dade Count: y TMB : jms Enclosures cc. Commissi-onor IL. ilawl;i.ns Anthony J. Cl.ement:e, P.E. Rssl.stanL County Mait,ager Cesar Odlo C1.Ly Manager Bertram Warshaw? Cha i.i-man , Board of Ru ter aitrl Appeals l.s Ed i- t.h rttart ties , 11 i rec City of Miami Bui I.0 i nq Irfn i.ncl SaniJa.yo .tnr'J�-Jentura Chi -of tilli.lrli'liq Off.i.r,i_al City of Miami George l�rnti.L�a{�6� Rep uesPn l_ i. ng CA' II Commission for Lhr� nrlvnw.-ornorij- f()r t:hr? Physi.ca.l.l.y I[anrit-'ite,l 9401-0232 t ��t Tt)iTl1 h4, flllNTF�i 1)it?`riry C January 19. 1990 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Shoji Sadao, Architect Fuller and Sadao 32-37 Vernon Boulevard Long Island City New York, NY 11106 RE: 301 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AMPHITHEATRE AT BAYSIDE BUILDING PERMIT 187-8081 Dear Mr. Sadao: C_ISAR II, t DIO t 1,y Rla;,afS", For your information and follow throljgjl, I am o..ncloning a copy of letter of complaint #89-0127 dated Deoember 18, 1989, from United States Architectural and Tratlsportation Barriers Compliance Hoard to Mr. Waldemar Lee, Assistant, City Manager, regarding the above referenced project. After discussing this matter with Mr. Lee and based upon the determination of this Board, I, as 13111lding Official, am requesting that you submit a new :act of drawings including; the corrective actions. As soon as the new drawings are received by Mr. Lee, he will proceed its accordance with the City of Miami's standard operation of procedures. If you have any comments, please contact me at (305)350-79599 weekdays from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Very truly yours, Santiago Jorge- Ventura, A . I. A . Assistant Director and Building official SJV/djs Enclosure c^.: Edith M. Fuentes, Director Waldemar Lee, Asst. City 11anagor Nancy Pantoja, Publics Works Delft. Daniel Glennon, Chief/Structural Sncl:ion Central file 111Ill DING AND K)NIM`4 MPARTh1fNf 175 N.W. 1n,1 Mi ,O/P U flnr ) in109/Miami, t 1 Ili 11 n7nfl/( Ins) M.791i7 C 1 "Ind i r 3t r S% 51.}14-'V,Al'ric�l Gnillph'ancn 13mard 1111 E:ighlaenth Strepl. N.W. * Skdle 501 A Wnshinglon, DG 20036- 694 - 2024351-7634 ^ rAX 202.653-70u3 ' r i k. 1 Mr. Waldemar C. Lee Assistant City Manager City of Miarnl P.O. Box 3307013 Miami, Florida 33233-0700 Dear Mr. Lee: M„ U L V 1. ( 1 10; ; %J Re: Complaint #09-0127 Dayfront Park Amphitheater Complex Miami, Florida PLEASE INCLUDE THE AI3OVE COMPLAINT NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE �{ Thank you for your response of September 5, 1989, and for Ms. Nancy B. Panto)a's letter of 'October 20, 1909, forwarding the corrective action (CA) drawings for the Bayfront Park, In addition, on November 30, 1989, we received from Ms. Pantoja some of the as -built drawings for the park. Based on our review of the complaint file and the above material, we have determined that the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board has Jurisdiction over this park and that violations of the current Federal accessibility standard, Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)(copy enclosed), promulgated under the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended, 42 U,S.C, 4151 et_ seg., exist within the park. From the as -built drawings provided, we cannot determine the validity of all the allegations listed in the complaint. Therefore, in order not to delay the start of your corrective actions, we have listed below the status of those complaint elements which we have determined are In violation of UFAS and/or are to be corrected. Each of the following elements are keyed to our Statement of Complaint dated June 02, 1989. Element 2: The amphitheater does not have any close accessible parking spaces for physically disabled individuals. Status: We have been informed that live accessible parking spaces were installed near the east entrance of the amphitheater. Please confirm that these accessible parking spaces conform to UFA S section 4.6. Elemenl_3: The east entrance ramp in the service building floes not'have proper Spacing between the handrails and the supporting wall. The Access, Unaf t Ststirs: The CA drawings rlimpr tlgat this h indrall spacing vlola-Oon will b9 corrected. However, the drawings slow that the handrail on the stair's ramp side dne,; not extend 12 inches plus thy* width of onn tread beyond the bottom sUnir riser as regoired by UFAS s;ectlon 4.9.4(2). Please confirm: that the stair hanOrall will be corrected to comply with section 4.9.4(2) and that the handrail end new the sliding gate will be either rounded or will return to the floor, wall or post as required by UFAS section 4.0.5(C3). Element 4: The ramp leading to the stage lacks handrails and the level resting area provided midway 'up the ramp is too small. Status: The CA drawings show these handrail and landing violations will be corrected. However, the top portion of the ramp has a slope greater than 0.33% (1:12). Please confirm that the top portion of the ramp will be corrected to have a slope that does not exceed 1:12 and that the ends of the handrails for this ramp will either be rounded or return to the floor, post or wall as required In section 4.8.5(6). Element 6: The two ramps leading to the tower need 32" high handrails on each side and both ramps have a two Inch -high abrupt change in surface level near the top, due to settling of the ramps. Status: The CA drawings show these handrail and surface violations will be corrected. Please confirm that these handrails extend 12 inches at the top and bottom and the ends are either rounded or return smoothly to the floor, wall or post as required by sections 4.6.5(2 and 6). Bement 7. The primary entrance ramp to the amphitheater does not have handrails. Status: The CA drawings show these handrail violations will be corrected. Again, please confirm that the handrails will conform to section 4.8.5. Element 6_ The sloped access aisles to the seating areas should have signs indicating that they are not accessible for wheelchair users because of stairs. Status: The CA drawings show that warning signs will be placed at inaccessible access aisles In the amphitheater. Will all Inaccessible aisles be so marked and will 1,11e signs, as we recommend, Indicate where the accessible route to the accessible seating Is located. Element 13: The men's and women's restrooms in the office area do not meet proper code requirements for mirror heights, accessible toilet stall size, maneuvering space at entrance doors and, for the men's restroom, urinal heights. 9 232 p) 1 • stratain, Tbrj CA dr=swings will not correct nil the violations In thessr restroom"'. UFAS sections 4.1.2(110) and 4.22 require, In new construction, that every restroom contain at least one standard sire accessible toilet stall. I'leasa confirm that a standard size nccessibie toilet stall conforming with section 4.17 wili be installod in the men' and women's restrooms. I. Element 14: The locker room in the office area. does not have any accessible toilets/stalls and showers. Status: The CA drawings will correct the accessible toilet stall violations. However, the drawings show the doors for both the accessible toilet star -snd shower open into the clear spare required for the accessible lavatories.. Please Indicate what actions you will take to remedy this section 4.22.2 violation at the accessible lavatories. We recommend that the accessible lavatories be moved to the other end of the lavatory rows. In addition, please provide the interior dimensions for the shower stall and indicate It the shower's entry curb is no higher than 112 Inch. UFAS section 4,21.2 and Fig. 35 requires that small size shower stalls to have an Interior dimension of exactly 36 Inches by 36 inches and section 4.21.7 requires shower stall curbs to be no higher than 1 /2 Inches -for 36 inch by 30-inch stalls. if the shower dimensions and/or curb heights are Incorrect, please Indicate what actions you will take to correct the deficiencies. Element t a: The public restrooms located under the tower have accessible toilet stalls with grab bars that are mounted too high, accessible lavatories without lever -operated handles and, In the women's restroom, the accessible toilet stall Is too narrow. Status: The CA drawings Indicate both restrooms will have standard size accessible toilet stalls with grab bars mounted at the proper height. However, from the drawings we are unable to determine It the accessible lavatories have conforming faucet handles. Please confirm that the accessible lavatory faucet handles conform to UFAS section 4.19.5. Element 16: The first floor of the backstage dressing area lacks an accessible shower. Status: The CA drawings indicato that the first floor backstage toilet room is not provided with shower facilities, therefore no accessible showers are required. However, from our review of the drawings It appears that the entry door has insufficient clear space on its pull side. UFAS section 4.13 requires that a minimum of 18 inches be provided. Please confirm whether this door meets section 4.13 requirements or will be corrected. Element 17: The second floor of the backstage dressing area is not accessible because of stairs and no accessible toilet stalls and showers are provided. _7 (4) Stntim: UF=AS, section 4.1.2(5) rech.iiro_ elevitor Pccess to all levels in nil mulll-story buildings and 4acilltles and section 4.1.2(10) requires vetch p�jbiic and common use toilet/bathfoom to have accessible fixtures as described in sections 4.22 and 4.23. Please Indicate the actions you will tako to bring this arcs Intro conformance with sections 4.1.2(5), 4.1.2(10), 4.22 and 4.23. During a phone conversation on December 6, 1969, between Nos. Pantoja and Paul Goally of my staff, we were informed that additional as -built drawings will be sent. However, for your Information and action, we have listed below thv status of the remaining complaint elements. Element 1: The public boat docks at the rear of the amphitheater are not accessible because of steps. Status: Element being resolved with the Army Corps of Engineers. Element 5: The ramp leading to the hack of the amphitheater Is too steep, and lacks handralis and level rest areas. Status: We have been informed that this route has been chained off. It this Is the only route near the amphitheater that provides access to accessiblo facilities or spaces beyond this area it must be accessible. Please provide information to clarify this Issue. Element 9: The ramp to the coral circle does not have handrails. Status: If the route(s) to/from the coral -circle provides access to accessible facilities or spaces, this routes)/ramp(s) must be made accessible. Please provide either a corrective action plan for the coral circle r oute(s) or Information Identifying other alterative accessible routes. Element 10: dA ramp that provides access to the seating area is not pr6perly marked and has a landing at Its base that is too short. In addition, the ramp's handrails are deficient because of Insufficient clearance between the handrails and the wall, the handrails do not extend 12" beyond the top and bottom of 'the ramp and the handrail's diameter Is too small. Element 11: The route from the above access ramp to the stage ramp has nonconforming cross slopes where it merges with the theater aisles. Element 12: No seating area is provided for wheelchair users. ,90-0232 Stntus 10 , 12: without the ss-buiil drawings for the smphithpater seeiing wrens, we are unable to detprmine It the CA relating to these three Qlpments will provide proper correction. For this reason, we request that you confirm that accessible seating will be provided in the amphitheater that cornpliea with UFAS sections 4.1.2(10) and 4.33 And that an accessible route complying with ;UFAS sectlon 4.3 provides access to the accessible seating. Please provide the above requested information within fifteen (15) days of your receipt of this letter. In addition, for all corrective actions, please Inciude in your response the start and completion target dates for each action. This complaint is being processed in accordance with our regulations, 36 CFR Part 1150, which provide a maximum of 160 days In which to amicably and Informally resolve complaints. Please note, once a complete corrective action plan including firm target dates Is accepted, this complaint will be considered resolved even though our complaint file will remain open until all corrective actions are completed. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss the above Unto frame, please contact Paul Beatty of my staff at (202) 653.7951. We appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely, J h H. Newton i ector, Office of Compliance and Enforcement Enclosure cc: Mr. Dave Park, NPS (w/o encl) Ms. Paula Smith, HUD (w/o encl) Ms. Nancy Pantoja (w/o encl) j,— :I1�i