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J-90-269(a) 3/27/90 RESOLUTION NO. 90-0 32 A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE ZONING BOARD TO GRANT A SPECIAL EXCEPTION, SUBJECT TO CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, FROM ORDINANCE 9500, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING HE ORDINANCE OF TCITY OF MIAMI, SCHEDULE OF I DISTRICT REGULATIONS, PAGE 4 OF 6, CR-2/7 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL (COMMUNITY) AND CR-1 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL (NEIGHBORHOOD), PRINCIPAL USES AND j STRLUrL RES, TO PERMIT A DRIVE-IN FACILITY FOR CITICORP j SAVINGS OF FLORIDA, LOCATED AT 1600 SOUI`HWEST 22 STREET, (CORAL WAY), ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOTS 14-19 LESS NORTH 25' OF LOTS 16 AND 17, BLOCK 3, WOODSIDE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5 AT PAGE 28, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FTARIDA, AS PER PLANS ON FILE, THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION BEING FILED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR A REDUCTION OF THE TRANSITIONAL AREA WHERE A CR LOT ADJOINS AN RS-2 DISTRICT; THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION BEING ALSO SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS STIPULATED HEREIN AND TO A TWELVE MWM TIME LIMITATION IN WHICH TO OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT. WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that it wishes to review all applications for the installation of drive in -facilities; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at its meeting of March 5, 1990, Item No. 6, adopted Resolution ZB 28-90 by a eight to zero vote (8-0), granting a special exception, subject to City Ccmmission approval, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Com fission, after careful consideration of this matter, deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami. and its inhabitants to affinn the decision of the Zoning NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C0114ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Zoning Board's decision to grant a special exception, subject to City Commission approval, from Ordinance 9500, as an'Lended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Schedule of District Regulations, Page 4 of 6, CR-2/7 Ccamwrcial Residential (Community) and CR-1 Comw-rcial Residential (neighborhood), principal uses and structures, to permit a drive- in facility for Citicorp Savings of Florida, located at 1600 Southwest 22 Street, (Coral Way), also described as Lots 14-19 less North 25' of Lots 16 and 17, Block 3, WOODSIDE, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 28, of the Public RQcords of. Dade County, Florida, as per plans on file; zoned CR 2/7 ' Fi-ALL CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 1PL%0LUJ1UfJ No90-4 : kEMf1kKS: OP f Com,TeT-ci_al (Co,.M.Ini_ty) , filed inn: c�cm jnnction with a. specj_al. exrrYption for a reduction of the transitional area where a CE lot ad joins an RS-2 District, is hereby affirmed and the speoi 1. exception is hereby granted subject to the following =jditions : a. an eleven (11) foot buffer with heavy landscaping and a seven (7) erected; b. buffer and wall small, at all times, shall be maintained by Citicorp Savings of Florida; o. the flow of ingress and egress of the drive --in facility S all be reversed; d. ingress a d egress from and to the street shall be conducted in such a iranner that a turn bank into the neighborhood shall be prohibited, forcing all traffic into Coral Way; and e. a buildirg permit must be obtained within a time limitation of twelve months. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2 6 t h day of April 1990. XAVIER L. PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: h G. MIRIAM MAER CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATICRW !}',!!'• �1.1 y Illy✓ N !1•I 9W lu 90-0332 N ZONING FACT SHEET LOCATION/LEGAL 1600 SW 22 Street (Cora Way) Lots 14-19 Less N 25' of Locs 16 and 17 Block 3 WOODSIDE (5--28) P.R.D.C. .APPLICANT/OWNER Citicorp Savings of Florida, a Federal Savings 6 Loan Association I Citicorp Savings Plaza 8750 Doral Blvd. :tami, FL 33170 Phone 599-5811 Juaa J. Mavol, Esq. 1221 Bricke"_ :Avenue Hiami, 71 33131 Phone 579-0570 ZONING CR-2/7 Commercial -Residential (Community) tEOUEST Special Exception as listed La Ordinance 9500, as amended, --he Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Schedule of District Regulations, page 4 of 6, Commercial Residential (Generally), Transitional Uses, Structures, and Requirements to permit a proposed drive-in teller facility for Citicorp Savings on above site, as per plans on file, with a reduction of the 50' transitional area to a 11' landscaped area. This Special Exception is filed in conjunction with Special Exceptions to permit a drive-in facility. REC0:1M°NDATIONS ?LANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO LANDSCAPE PLAN APPROVAL BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. The City of Miami Commission approver a drive -through facility of similar configuration on 4i9/87; the applicant allowed the previous permit _o lapse, jr.d is presently requesting a drive -through with an :aiproved configuration, which will have 'less impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The Planning Department has no objections to the Special Exceptions for the drive -through facility and for the same rich a reduction of .he 50' transitional area to 11' landscaped area. 90-0332 N 13 PUBLIC WORKS BADE COUNTY TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION Right-of-way dedication required. No objection. ZONING BOARD At its meeting of March 5, 1990, the Zoning Board adopted Resolution Z8 28-90 by an 8-0 vote, recommending approval of the above. Four replies in favor received by mail, and one reply against. Three proponents and three opponents were present at this meeting. .90-0332 Im i I 'N'T • , MENEW Planning Department Zoning Board City Commission HISTORY Special Exception for a drive-in facility, and to reduce the number of reservoir spaces from 10 to 1 for one of the three tellers, both with City Commission approval. Special Exception to reduce the transitional area from 50' to 10'. Denial as requested. Approval with the 10 required spaces behind each teller window and a 20' landscaped transitional area. Granted. Res. ZB 24-87, ZB 25-87, and ZB 26-87. Continued to 04/09/87 on 03/31/87. Motion M-87-301. Passed on 04/09/87. Res. 87-335, 87-336, and 87-337. 0 0 0 0 0 OTTE% d i.1 M OWIM-:4 I ULM— sc"+amy IJ •aOw #("TV T Gi tu ow , "„°� ,� .� n•e •;� +'ey��`,'1^'Fs^r`a� t �� d �{•dr, rt �"'.S�'+N�3.A (��,�.^1� � � c A '� !;7 "+ r •TT % ri �y.. ,.5. 4 V .'A. 3 �� i.. CL,a. e•'_=,+ems+'."` e'3'+ye' r•�irrx ., .. # ti �, ; I,V,� 1 �`4:W�' ,�" �- ,j,;,,_r e► •t.: i.. .s' a.s.. .,.,. Te,�- i� � mom ' � y j'}qc� �' � —• '�•'.,q� Rl, .Sf�'• �'�'�t ,v � _ N4�V .- • - i r,+. - IV r •y�>� ;.il}�••.�� � .' t r + �X � ..•. .^ � ...�.. vc S, ` . !'� r _ �.� �i• le 4,09 PP -L gc — —t -AL ' lam', y�•i' ' `�,"' +,r' y1 - µ • 1 � 't Y - t. Ll ,4 +f '; • � ,� } �� ' � » * �''� / y, }•4 T� � , 1 � tic :.'i � - Liv I 4t • ram. u y APP;!CA TION FOR A CLASS 0 SPECIAL PERMIT GR SPECir.L EXCE=TiON F—He Number C5':E-Z3-„�,�� Within the City generaily, or within certain zoning districts. certain struc :fires. uses. cvWor occupancies specified in this occ are of a navire requiring special and intenstve revtow to determine whether or not they should be permitted in specific IocadoM and if so, the special, limitations, condition& and safeguards which. should be applied as reasonady necessary to promote the general, purposes of this Zoning Ortfinance, and, in par_fmdar, to protect adjoining properties and the neighborhood from avoidabLe potentially adverse et f ecm ft is further intended that the experttse and ;udgement of the Zoning Board be exercised in making such detersntnations, in accordance with the rules. considerations and limitations relating to Class D SpectaL Psrmtts and Special EzeQptions. (See Arttelase"s ). ForMat public notice and hearing is not mandatory for Class D Special Permits, but is mandatory for Special Exceptions. frt other respects, L, ese classes of special permtu are the saute. The Zoning Board shall be solely responsible for determinations on appLicattons for Class D Special Permtts and Special F.xcepticas. ALL applications in t'tese classes of special, permits shall be referred to the director of the Department of Planning for hLa 'rscommendsttons and he direacr shall make any further ref errals required by these r:gutattorm li Juan J. Mayol, jr., Esquire , hereby oppiy to the City of Miami Zoning cQ!ra tar pprovoi or, cnecx one: � I Class is Special Permit X Special Exception for property located aY 1600 Coral Way Miami. --.�. =...........�._.. �.......�....._.r.....,.�...._: Natureof Proposed Use (Be specific) To construct a drive-in teller facility for an existing bank, with two drive -up full service tellers and one automated teller machine. This special exception is requested pursuant to the scneaule orD strict FRegulation, Principal Uses & Structures, Section, LR-1.11 and A--1.1, St-)ecial Permits, of t^e rm. r oning C t (Itta>~: -;za foilawina in sutmart cr expS=anon of'thfs eaptit=tftar>e x 1. Two s a ww" of tt.c pr=errY p epw by. a Stets of Florida Registered L== . x Z Four =ties of: :its picn showing (as re-cuireat m=errr b===e& existing aria p room d str9c:%.° MW, ping: I sue, e?= I.-Widinc eievats= {if regwunk with dinmw aria carrmarrariorss vt lot a {gross mid net), L UI ran (01W apacefiocr are= paritincr cic.1, buiidinc srcaing == height enm=e. x .3. Affidavit dLmdcsmq awnermun at; prooarry eavw. b r app iartfcn am dis a of inter= fomrn (Fwm 4-43 ana ==ft to apptt .1. x (+. Cestttiei list of cw rms cf resdevare withfn 3-17 rcaian #t ern the outside bMun itss caf lax apratY carered by this appiic n=u (5ge ram d-83 arts a= to x 5: At low that show the retire propeszq EIar:d anal �• 6„ Other (spsce7) 7. Fee crf $� 1,300.00 . bosed on faftwing: (oY Clays 0 $450.00 (b) S=Cicd lion $650.00 C+ $ 50.00 - ppeal Fee) (c) eci tc cppiicie fee from. artbi a 6;to be eesu=imi if them if no =pvci (C'ltyt M I Ate Ng¢rrr Name Juan a% a1. Jr. , Esc . Aden 1ZS4-#IBrickeI T Avenue atyv Statue =p Miami, FL 33131 Photo (305) 579-0570 STATE CIF FLORMA 3 w =LNTY OF DACE ) Juan J . Ma v o l , J r . being duly swe n• aaaosea ona saxa trtcat ;.e m ine ttjwner) tautnarixza.acentt or Ire rent p=WTY deseris:ed amve: rrar he h= reset the foreccina erawera and that the some arty true and =npiet= m"d (if cc=o as agent for cvvneri that ne nas authority to exevurre this ap*i=ian form on behctf ci the owner. 90-0332 Form t 043 SWORN TO AND SUBSC.IB;:-n before me this day Of ,Tant�;�•r 1 MY C06MMISMCN E;<PTPZc- ��JSEAU Nots:ry rvottC, -Z:=c or r c IQQ ar t,=-qc arm t ©-83 90-0332 TV LA S"1'ATE OF c A. ) SS. C= OF DADE ) Before me, the undersized autnority, t..is daY PP.rr...o MU'; appearvaJuan J . `lavo 1, J r . who bet-4 CN n-- first duly sworn. upon oath, deposes and says: 1.. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accanpany3mg application for a public hearing as required by Ordinance No. 9500 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida. effemizZ the real prope= located in the City of Miami as described and listed on the pages attached to this affidavit and made a part thereof. Z. That all caners whirh he repmsents, <r any, have given their full and comnl.ete permission for him to act in thei'" ehalf for the cr ige or modilficati= of a classification or regulation cf zc=ling as set cut in the acc..... a =T=,g petition,. 3 . That the pages attached hereto and .:de a part of this afficavi� c=a3n the c.am .. _nt nes, caili.=2g add. asses, phone m=e-s argi legal des=-.ptions for the real property which he is the owner or legal mines—mtative . - 4. The facts -as represented in the application and docL.m= su=ritted in conjurcticn with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Sworn to and Subscribed Before me this 1st day of February 19 90 Notary Public, State. o� Floriaa t Urge My Ccxn ion Expires: 90-0,132 OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name Citicorp Savings of Florida. a Federal Savings & Loan Association Mailing Address Citicorp Savings Plaza, 8750 Doral Blvd., Miami, E'L 3312+ Telepnone Numoer (305) 599-5811 Legal Descri oti on : Lots 14 and 15, lots 16 and 17, less the north 25.00 feet and lots 18 and 19, block 3, of "WOODSIDE", according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5at Page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: Owner's Name Mailing Address . Telepnone Number Legal Descriotion:- Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375' of -the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address 1�o ra, Street Address Street Address Legal Description Legal Description Legal Description 90-0332 /0 Di9CLCZUF%E OF OFIIERSUP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real pztpert-!: Lots 14 and 15, lots 16 and 17, less the north 25.00 feet and lots 18 and 19, block 3, of "'d00DSIDE", according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 1600 Coral Way, aiami, Florida 2.. • Owners) of subject real property and percentage of ownership. Note: Citv of Miami Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 recuires disclosure of all shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, toaether with their addresses and proportionate interest. See attachment "A" hereto. 3. Legal, description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2, and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. :None MtWX= A=RgEY R CJtOff�.R J1 an J. ` avol,`•,Jr. STATE CF FLCRIDA ; SS: J CA(L4n- CF DADE loan 1. Mavol, Jr. , being duly sworn, deposes and says that ne is the t Cwner) ( Attorney for Oumer) of the real property described in answer to question 41, above; that he has read the foregoing answers and that the same are true and completer and (if acting as at rney for owner) that he has authority to exe te/ this cLo7re of -ship foam on oeaalf of the owner. � � `- +,SEAL) (Nam) Sir ; To AMID SLT Ua. ED before re this 1 s t day of February— , 9 90 1 � ,,//%1 rn I tart' Pub IC, Stage oL. Florida at Large MY COD24MI-M MIM.- 90-0332 t STAFF OF FLCaMA ) SS: — Ct7M4 Y OF DADE Juan J. :iavol, Jr. , Deina duly sworn., deposes and scnrs tnat ne is the cult/ a=o=teo attornev Of owner , the owner cf the real prcnerty descricea in answer :.a question i.A., aoove; that he has read the foregoing answers; that the same are true and com- plete; and that he has the authority to execute this Disclosure of owner- ship form on behalf of the owner. Z_- 1 /' t , A SUM TO AM SUBSCP= before me this 1st clay of February 990 MY CCK%USSIW E?MIFES : ^.., CR13A AT LARGE -- Trig %wpc/ab/025 . terry Puniic, state at Florida at Large ,J 90--Q332 , low ATTACHMENT 1dAw Citicorp Savings of Florida - Owner Chairman: John Ream President: Roberta Arena Treasurer: R. J. Mugve A wholly -owned subsidiary of: Citicorp Person -to -Person, Inc. 670 Mason Ridge Center Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63141 Officers of Citicorp Person -to -Person, Inc.: President: Vice -President: Secretary: Treasurer: A wholly -owned subsidiary of: Daniel Saklad Jerry Fenstermaker George Poland Stephanie Gartman Citicorp Banking Corporation Barley Mill Plaza 4303 Lancaster Welmington, Delaware 19805 Officers of Citicorp Banking Corporation: President: Vice -President: Secretary/Treasurer: A wholly -owned subsidiary of: Citicorp 399 Park Avenue New York, New York 10043 Officers of Citicorp: President: Chairman & CEO: Executive Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Richard Freytag Wallace Campbell Walter Sullivan None John Reed Donald Howard Paul Kolterjahn None Citicorp is a public company, regularly traded on a national. stock exchange, and to the best of our knowledge, no one person or entity owns more than five percent (51) of the company's stock. Ji/Ji/YG 1JJNy[ I 1 I[0I0.41. 9033 Mr. Arsenio 'Milian offered the following Resolution and r- moved its adoption. RESOLUTION ZB 28-90 AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SST FORTH IN SECTION 2305 OF ORDINANCE 9500, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING BOARD GRANTED A SPECIAL EXCEPTION SUBJECT TO C ITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, FROM ORDINANCE 9500, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 'MIAMI, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, PAGE 4 OF 6, CR-2/7 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL (COMMUNITY) AND CR-1 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL (NEIGHBORHOOD), PRINCIPAL 'USES AND STRUCTURES, TO PERMIT A DRIVE-IN FACILITY FOR CITICORP SAVINGS LOCATED AT 1600 SW 22 STREET (CORAL WAY) ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOTS 14-19 LESS N 25' OF LOTS 16 AND 17, BLOCK 3, WOODSIDE (5-28) P.R.D.C. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS FILED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOR A REDUCTION OF THE TRANSITIONAL AREA WHERE A CR LOT ADJOINS AN RS-s2 DISTRICT; ZONED CR-2 /7 COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL (COMMUNITY). THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION HAS A TWELVE MONTH LIMIT TO OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT SUBJECT TO CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. Upon being seconded by pis. '-lavel Cruz the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Ms. Cruz, Morales and Basila Messrs. Barket, Alonso-Poch Sands and Luaces, and Dunn NAYES: :Messy. ABSENT: `iessr. Luaces and 'Moran-Kibeaux `ls. Fox: 'lotion carries 8 to 0. 90-0332 .larch 5, 1990 Item it' 6 / Zoning Board 7 INTF R-OFF"ICE: MEMORANDUM � o HONORABLE XAVIER L. SUAREZ April 30, 1990 IL``- MAYOR =l1_ 1P:i T Memorandum of Voting ---------------------- Conflict FMATTY H I RA I City Clerk =-- E_raci At the Commission meeting of April 26, 1990, you abstained from voting on a agenda item PZ-4 (R-90-332), namely: "Permit for a drive-in facility for Citicorp Savings _- at 1600 S.W. 22 Street (Coral Way)." Kindly fill out. parts (a) and (b) in the back of said form under "Disclosure of Local Officer's interest." - Once both portions are duly filled, kindly sign, date and return to our office at your earliest possible convenience. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. MH:sl ENC: a r FORM 80 A- '"CONFLICT FOW WEMO.AANDUM OF VOTING COUNTY, MUNI THER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICER LAE'T 1�!AM4—rlRt:T laAMk�-MIRu#,k McAME FIAME Of IK'ARR MUM"<'�M#T�EOH, All1TNORITY, Q#t COl+tNtTTEe City of Miami Commission SUAREZ, XAVIER L. StMt a�MRGI f:OU1•IC11- (•pMMt'" A!!?F#ortlTY, Olt COMMITTEE [rN !!lAtLt (: AQtMltElii wHI(*M I WltVk IS A tUW1 Of: X E11T : !"NJ TT t! "Let 10VAI AGENCY I CM EXAM" NAML of Kti.tTiCAL at1aMMMM Miami Dade Mayor 0^11 ON'"W" MIA nl'IVAREU April 2 6, 1990 wy MWTH�N is: X: tt�rtvE ArluDlurTevE WHO (MUST FIiLEI FORM " This form is for arse by and Person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elated board, council, Commission• authority, or committee. 11 applies equally 10 ntembe» of advisory and non -advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest undet Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The requirements of this law art mandatory; although the use of this particular form is not requited by taw, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the Is* when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this mason. please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the nverse aide and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITN UCTION "2.3143, FLORIDA STAWnS ELECTED OFFICERS: A person holding elective count), munidpal, or other local public office 1v1UST ABSTAIN from voting on a measurt which inures to his special privarr gain. Each local officer a6o is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In either cam lvu should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE ATE BEING TAKEN by publicly seating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and %%'ITHIN 13 DAPS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting• who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on it measure which inures to his ttpecial private gain. Each local officer also b prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the &mist pin of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom be is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may penicipate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IT YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO iNF'WENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT k'HICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: You should complete and Rik this form `before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for `wording the minutes of the awning, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the firm should be perovided Immediately to the other members of the agency. The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest e MAXF NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE "IE, DF-CISiON IEXCEif MY DISCUSSION AT '1P'iiE HEFTING: Yov xhautd disclosa onfly the vAturt of your conflict In the c ure berm PanidPoktitt. yos, shauid complete the form and file h wkhin 13 days grief the vole occurs with the Wwn respo"ible for racordin` the minutes of trot entering, who should incorporate the form In the minfatcs. 94CLO► IN OF LOCAL OFFICER'S IMRfST j. ..XaUi EX f • -�?. . Aen+y disclose that on APB" i-1 -26 -- . 19 _ 91L tot A awasure come or will ooent before my agency which (check One) inured to tray special private Rain; or � �iy r�i S Sauced to the special Rain of f ©� �/by whom )-an retained. (id) The masurt Wort my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure as follows: o _ 1 Date Filet! We NICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES 1112.317 (10115), A FAILJURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY RE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOV\'1NG: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT. DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY. REPRIMAND. OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED S5.01Xl. foam as " PAGE