HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0390J--90-366 `i/4/90 RESOLUTION NO.90- 390 A RESOLUTION, BY AN AFFIRMATIVE 4/5THS VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF A VALID PUBLIC EMERGENCY RELATING TO THE WAIVER OF FORMAL BID PROCEDURES FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN ITEMS REQUIRED FOR THE CARIBBEAN BASEBALL WORLD SERIES HELD FEBRUARY 5 THROUGH 11, 1990 AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM; FURTHER RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S ACTION IN ACCEPTING INFORMAL BIDS AS FOLLOWS: THE BID OF FENCEMASTERS, INC. FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING FENCING AND MATERIALS AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $16,000 AND THE BID OF CONTEMPORARY SERVICES, INC. FOR FURNISHING PERSONNEL SERVICES AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $30,000 FOR SAID 1990 BASEBALL SERIES, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR IN THE TOTAL, AMOUNT OF $46,000 FROM THE FY'90 ORANGE BOWL ENTERPRISE FUND OPERATING BUDGET, TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SAID 1990 SERIES. WHEREAS, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities is responsible for the operation of the Orange Bowl Stadium and seeks to secure the presentation of various sporting and other events at said facility; and WHEREAS, Polysport, Inc. conducted the Caribbean Baseball World Series, ar• international sporting event, in said stadium on February 5 through 11, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Director of the Department of Parks, Recr.eatior• and Public Facilities and the City Manager had determined that modifications to the standard use charges, terms and conditions as specified in the City Code were appropriate for said evert; and WHEREAS, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities prepared an agreement for the City Manager's signature which delineated the various charges, terms and conditions for said use, and which corstaired provision for the City to furnish particular items for said evert; and WHEREAS, under the terms of the proposed agreement, the City was required to furnish certain improvements and services, CITY COMMISSION MEETING Of .4" MAY 24 1990 90- 390 RESOLUTION No. specifically, baseli.r.e and outfield fencing and ticket takers, ticket sellers and ushers, i.n addition to the normal anal customary facilities and services provided to stadium users; and WHEREAS, said agreement and the modified charges, terms and conditions were approved by the City Commission by Resolution No. 90-0069, adopted January 25, 1989; and WHEREAS, as stated or that date, suffici.ert time dial not exist for adher.er.ce to the requirements of formal sealed bid procedures for the procurement of said fencing and personnel services; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has made a written finding that the immediate procurement of said items for the 1990 Series was necessary for the welfare and convenience of the City, thus constituting a valid public emergency and justifying the waiver of formal sealed bid procedures, specifically, waivi.rg the requirement for public advertisement and allowing the use of informal bid procedures; and WHEREAS, the Chief Procurement Officer received i.rfor.mal bids for said items; and WHEREAS, award was made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders as follows: Fencemaster.s, Inc. for the furnishing and installation of fencing and materials at a cost not to exceed $15,000, and Conteporar.y Services, Inc. for the furnishing of ticket takers, ticket sellers and ushers at a cost not to exceed $30,000 for the seven day series; and WHEREAS, Section 18-52.6 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, provides for the City Manager to waive competitive sealed bidding requirements based or a finding of an emergency and directs that such procurement be made with as much competition is practicable under the circumstances; and WHEREAS, the herein resolution has been the subject of a properly advertised public hearing before the City Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP' MIAMI , FLORIDA: 0 Sect.ior. 1. rn reci.taIc; rortai r:ed it t_he Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto ar:d incorporated her.ei.r as if fully set forth it this Section. Section 2. The City Manager's fi.r.di.r.g of a valid public emergency, relating to the waiver of formal bid procedures for the procurement of certain items required for the 1990 Caribbean Baseball World Series held February 5 through 11, 1990 at the Orange Bowl Stadium, is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. Section 3. The City Manager's action in accepting informal bids as detailed herein is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved, with funds therefor hereby allocated in the total amount of $46,000 from the FY'90 Orange Bowl Enterprise Fund Operating Budget to be reimbursed from the proceeds of said 1990 Baseball Series: the bid of Fencemaster.s, Inc. for furnishing and installing fencing and materials at a cost not to exceed $16,000., and the bid of Contemporary Services, Inc. for furnishing ticket takers, ticket sellers and ushers at a cost not to exceed $30,000. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of ,/- MMZ,'1990. XAVIER L. S[J1�REZ MAYOR VV MATTY HIRAI, CITY CLERK PREPAREL�i'// /-AN' AP/. O F.'� j WZANDRO V7LARF.LLO IEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JO GE 4FE ANDEZ t CITY ATTORN .Y - 3 - 90- 390 31 CITY OF P,, 10,1I, FLORIDA - INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO DATE tl FILE -- Honorable Mayor and Members of the Ci. ty Commi.ss lon FROM A�6� Cesar H. Odi.o City Manager. SUBJECT Resolution Appr.ovi.r.g Emergency Purchases for. the Caribbear Baseball World Series Gaines REFERENCES ENCLOSURES Background It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution ratifying the City Manager's emergency finding and his award of informal bids for the procurement of fencing and per.sorrel services required for the the Caribbean Baseball World Series presented by Polysports, Inc. at Or.ar.ge Bowl Stadium on February 5 - 11, 1990. Recommendation The Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities, with the Saw Department and City Manager's office, diligently worked to complete arrangements for. the 1990 Caribbean Baseball World Series games at the Orange Bowl Stadium. Presented by Polyspor.ts, Inc., the Series r.ar. February 5 - 11, 1990. At the, City Commission meeting of January 25, 1,990, Resolution No. 90-0069 was adopted which established special charges,'terms and conditions for this event. As presented to the Commission, the agreement conditions included the requirement that the City provide certain equipment and services that are not normally provided to stadium users, specifically, outfield fencing and barriers, and ticket takers, ticket sellers and ushers. At that point, sufficient time did rot exist for formal advertising and receipt of sealed bids for these items since they had to be in place prior to the first game on February 5, 1,990. '1'�: F 1^ Honorable Mayor. and Members of the City Commission Resolution Concerning the Car.ibbear. Baseball World Series Oames at Orange Bowl page 2 In acor.dance with Section 18--52.6 of the City Code, the City Manager has made a written finding that the immediate procurement of these items was required for the welfare and convenience of the City, thus constituting a valid public emergency. Accordingly, informal buds were solicited by Procurement Management, and the bids received from the lowest responsive and r.eponsible bidders were awarded by the City Manager.. They are: Fencemaste.r.s, Inc. for furnishing and installing fencing and related materials at a total estimated cost of $16,000., and Contemporary Services, Inc. for furnishing ticket sellers, ticket takers and ushers for the seven-day event at a total estimated cost of $30,000. Funds for these items are available from the stadium operating budget, to be reimbursed from the proceeds of this event. Dote: Ratification is requested of the emergency finding on the basis of the need to safeguard the welfare and convenience of the City by the immediate procurement of fencing and personnel services for the 1990 event, because insufficient time existed for formal advertising and receipt of sealed bids and because the City's failure to provide these items would have resulted in a loss of revenue. Z 94.6 390 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO William Schaut Procurement Supervisor. General Services Administration hW FROM Alberto Ruder, Director 'T Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities DATE January 29, 1990 FILE SUBJECT . Funding for Purchases Relating to Caribbean Baseball World Series REFERENCES' ENCLOSURES This department has verified with the Departments of Finance and Budget that funds are available to cover the cost of the subject bid in the total estimated amount of $51,500.00 from the following account codes: Item Orange Bowl Enterprise Fund/Operating Budget Fencing Rental (and installation) Account Code #580402-610 Shade Cloth Account Code #580402-70G Personnel Services Account Code #580402-340 Scoreboard Account Code #580402-840 Estimated Amount (not to exceed) $16,000* 1,500 30,000* 4,000 $51,500 All of the above were procured on a fast -track basis for. the 1990 Caribbean World Baseball Series. The items over. $4,500 (*) are the subject of the attached resolution ratifying the City Manager's emergency finding. It is understood that these accounts are to be reimbursed from the proceeds of this event by an amendment to the appropriations ordinance, if required at a future date. FINANCE REVIEW AND APPROVAL: BUDGET REVIEW AND APPROVAL: N/A Carlos Garcia, Director. Manohar Surana, Director. Department of Finance Department of Budget cc: Max Cruz Jon Lindeman D.E. Johnson `, 3 90- 390 i I j 1 r r J tllAtll I I I I[ MIA IN f V-_P - VV1CP MEMt)!l/itdDUM T(' FILE Z_sio, IIn I; f I{ �I� City Manager 11I, ; rt'.1!1.I Jantuiry 26, 1990 FItT l,mergerncy 11indi.ng: Waiver of L•orma l 13id Procedures for Caribbean Baseball World Series at the Orange Bowl This memorandum serves as the written finding of a valid public emergency for the immediate procurement of rental chainlink fencing and personnel. services (ticket takers, ticket sellers, and ushers) for the 1990 Caribbean Baseball World Series to be held February 5 - 11, 1990 at the Orange Bowl Stadium. This finding is based upon the following; * The Orange Howl. Stadium is a vital recreational resource and public facility that depends upon revenue from its special events to support its on -going operation and maintenance and to fund needed capital improvements. * The 1990 Caribbean Baseball World Series is scheduled to take place at said stadium be -ginning February 5, 1990, and is anticipated to bring in a significant revenue contribution to —_ the stadium in the form of use fees, ticket surcharge, parking concessions and food and beverage concessions. The ,administration h:js just completed negotiations on t agreement with Poiysports, Inc., the promoter of this which requires the City to provide the above -referenced in time for the first tgamu of the Series. Sufficient time does not exist for compliance with aL1 formal competitive sealed bid requirements, namely. advertisement and the receipt of :sealed bias, for the procurement of these items. Failure to provide_ these items may result in the City's loss of this event, and its revenue, to another local facility, which would impose a hardship on the City deleterious to the welfare of its citizen) and to the convenience of municipal affairs. 0 0 MEMO TO FILE Emergency Findinq: Waiver of Formal Did Procedures for Caribbean Baseball. World Series at the Orange Bowl page 2 In order to have said items in place by February 5, 1990, formal competitive sealed kid procedures shall be waived for the procurement of chainlink fencing on a rental basis and for the procurement of the services of ticket takers, ticket sellers and ushers for each ballgame as required for this event, pursuant to Section 18-52.6 of the City Code. Informal bids shall be obtained for these materials and services, and shall be awarded by the City Manager through the Chief Procurement Officer, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders. Ratification of this finding and the City Manager's action will he sought at the next available City Commission Meeting. 9A- 390