HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0415J--9o--415 5/24/90 RESOLUTION NO. 0" 415 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH FIVE (5) NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, FOR THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED FOR EACH, TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS, WITH FUNDS BEING ALLOCATED THEREFOR FROM THE SIXTEENTH (16TH) YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. WHEREAS, the City Commission is committed to economic development and the expansion of trade and commerce; and WHEREAS, the promotion of economic revitalization in the neighborhoods of the City of Miami is an important part of the City's economic development strategy; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is desirous of continuing the neighborhood economic development program and funds are available from the Sixteenth (16th) Year Community Development Block Grant for such a purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute six (6) individual contractual agreements, in substantially the attached form, with the following neighborhood development agencies, for the amount and contract period specified for each, for the purpose of implementing a Neighborhood Economic Development Program subject to approval of each agency's work program by the U.S. Department of Housing (HUD), with funds hereby allocated therefor ,`from the Sixteenth (16th) Year Community Development Block Grant: CONTRACT CBO AMOUNT PERIOD 1. Allapattah Business Development $50,000 1 Year Authority, Inc. CONTAINED CITY G� OFION J� EE J U N 7 1990 9A - 415 C J30 CONTRACT AMOUNT PERIOD 2. Downtown Miami Business Association, Inc. $50,000 1 Year 3. Greater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber_ 50,000 1 Year of Commerce, Inc. 4. Little Havana Development Authority, Inc. 50,000 1 Year 5. Martin Luther King Economic Development 25,000 6 Months Corporation, Inc. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th CITY CLERK day of June 1990. XAVIER L. SUA EZ MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL: l FRANK CASTANEDA, DIRECTOR D&PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I BUDGETARY REVIEV�AND APPROVAL: MANOHAR SUR , DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT F BUDGET PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ALBERT NE B. SMITH CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ` JO 2GE L'. FE kNANDEZ CITY A`ITORN'EY M1524 9Q- 415 _2_ r; i 'r Y t) F ri 1 1, o r;u;iM1Tl )I TY 1iAS1`1) ()1 tGANT7•AT10N ( C R 0 ) 1'11 ! S AG1l1F,t INF:NT , cent I,rt,d i n t n th is d ay f)f , 19 ._._, b C tW0011 1))r City of Mi Ii .1 milli fcil):11 corporntiorn of ttic_1 StAlt• OI FIC,ritj.l, (hereinafter referrt-'ttl n t h o "CI•rY"), and A 1,f.APATTAH BINS INRSS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. (ABDA), a FIori-da n0)t ) ir 1)roI i t cort)t,r•ttion, (hvi (,I naf'ter rui rrred r_o as thr r�C()!` J' i:At. ('0 P" ) . FUNDING SOVRCIi-, : t.�t�ltl) � � � , t ACT Fi,�"x-, T E R H OF THE AGREEMENT: AMOUNT: $ ! �4 'C ��' VENDOR NUMBER: ` TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.,- h EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ADDRESS d\ _ :r �� i T ' t,L` ";( ^•_>~I ; _�! tl(l; i ice! 1L`! -33 4_ TELLPHONE NO.. NOW, THI"REFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and )bl i ;:;t ! )nt� her in ;c•t forth, the p,.rt ies understand and agree at; ftl I 1 tw�, ART1CLF I ncrc>;s,.ry ))art, of this Agreement, the follocainp., document wilich halve bI een provided hy- the CONTRACTOR and approved by the CI.1'Y ,)tt• lttarh�i: l .f COIpit r,lte R(,!: oIuiion autflorir.ing t•r,ecutiOn of thi-s Ali!, ! .:? Work fr,-);ram (approved by Llie CITY). l;utl;;t-t StImir):l ry, to i nC I(Id e: complet I on of CONTRACTOR-S Nr ))tr,im/Li nt..,--I t tam Budg t./f;xporldit lit e st i f i c a t i ori, Total Acru:iI ind Pr•t)jectG-d funds Di5cloa;Llt- arid Staff Salaries Schedule (c)11 form:; suf)pIied by the CI'l'Y); budget for pi ,', Fart GI -- ).°, t • Il •.- 1-;1 t, t' d r o t) i es t ) 5 u 1) c o I) t. 1A C L :., .1 ' I • i ; r , r' N). i it • :' �' il t' 1) r r' C `-' 1 l' �' `� a 1`, [' C' l' it'i C ll t c. !1 I) (: ii 1 I1 11 U t'. or r ill li., r l I ii l t t ii) 1)r r i=ir•ri i )HEN Kfuhl'l)gG iuv%, lul HVIEV4, PLLASE IDENTIFY AS �'°' 415 r r i I i c,It r, off I;!!;II!,:Irtrn whirl, rrf I r,r t, . C(I*JJPACTr)R"S t :II rent 1 i:Ihi i.i t:y i nr;I,ran;Imi ntr t h r CITY Is 1)r1m,-ir-y or 1(Id i t i oria I i n ;urrd ;It; d(It erini n e d by the Last Department of 111 CI Ty; riIt-rerlt 14orlcer!" Coinpen;I ii iilsnratic curr(Int Fi do 1 i ty I31>1)d (a p))li-c:thte for all pc,rson!; who a r o ;lilt horized tf7 receive and di.Ghrrrse fulid s under this A,crer-inent); and oLher coveray;e ;!s deEmt 1 nerce,sary, if -1 cahI e ( i . e. aIILomo le i nsurance) . 1.5 Cr)INTRAc,r0R's Corporate Se;I1 (to 1) (1 affixed to Signatory Pas,r�, and CflrporatL• Re,aoIuti_ oil) . 1.6 Copy of CONTRACTOR's Art ic]es of incorporation, Charter and 8•�i:ttas,. 1 .7. Li st. of Pr?>,ent P r i n c i p:II Governinn Hoard Of ficers Irid �M(2m1) rs I,f the 13o;Ird (name~, addre e!; and teIeplhone rtumher,). l-8, Li',L of Key Scoff- Persons, with their titics, who wi11 carry oat this 1)roi;ram. 1.9 Cc,mpIotion of' Authrlrized Representative Statement. 1.10 CC) mpieti(fn 0 f StALPMent or Accounting System. I.11 A letter Iom an i n d e 1) e rid e it t. Certified Public Accountant which ex1)rc:;su5 t1)e opinion that the C0NTRACT0R's i.ntern;al cf,ntr-r>1s ;Ire ;idegtIiIte to safet;taard the orya nization"s I ;et.,. 1 I Z C ,I ptlrar1 i ci c,>; acid Procedlrres. 1 1 3 ;ri pt i on valid 1:oslrine:; i or al positions funded in wII„ir oI in praI itudiIr t:tlis AgI eeinent. 1 . 1 Accept ancC of Of f i ee of I.lrari:agement and Bud};et (OMB) CiI-cuI;Ir A-110, Att.ac.hrnents "A", (Cash Depositaries), (i�r,ndiTip :Ind ]astiI anre), "C" (Retention and Cup>todia] flllirt'mt_rtis for RQ,cord5j, "F" (St;andaI-dfor Financial 'lan"Ig(.III erlt Sy;teIns), "li" (Monitor1rig and Re1)or.tiiig Pr. ogress or,01.1111.,e), "1\" (1'ropeI-ty Maniagl.lInent SLandard5), and n fr _ (1 r f) c it I- orq o it t to it d,f vd .`S/ 1 I i Ack,-1)t,inre of III r1) f'f,yrttl;!r Ion,' 24 CPR Part R5 ctitit1-d "Ilnifttrin AdmiIII str-nt ivr, Rr,gtIiroinontti for t,rI and C(;O1)vrarIVe Aslr(-�em4-,nt ; to St ato, I,c)c;lI and 11 eder.113y R(IcogTii.:ed Inrliarl TrIhnI f;ovr,rnrrtent .". A , chta?-I cif Pc)licir�s; ,tad 1,r I(-odnr*1"nua1 for ComMil nity R:?s;ecl 0rgnni Ztt. I o a . As n n(,c-es<5;lry 1)nrt of this Af regiment, tItP CONTRACTOR shall. prnvI'IV the fol lowing documents to the Department r)f. Community DevelopPit ertt, in acc()rd;lnce with tilt' requirements of the Aurecmc�,l t : A. final I?xpondiLit re Roport to be submittod no later than thi I-ty ( 3 0 ) d;Iys nfrer coat -race expir:3tion. R. Certi fi -ed Independent And t to be snhmi teed sixty (b0) day; :alter contr;,ct, e>;Itirntion. CONTRACTORS r(-cc1ving manic>; from the Department of Community 1)evnlnpment mint allocrate in thei r budgets sufficient funds to secure an annual. independent audit wlli cl-t nlw,t i nc ludo the expression of an opinion on the Co tit racre) r's fin;lncial ;tatetne-nts, and a compliance IetLer .t;Itinf; w}letIter the CONITR.ACTOR i-in conformity with fcdcaral grant_ res;ulations (Office of Mana};eInvnt ;and 11udfTet Circular A-110). Said audit must be :ubmi tted no 1at(2r than sixty (60) days .after the c xpi rnr Ion of the Community 1311scd Organization = a,r,r-et'1)101)t with the Department of Community Development. 'file city of Miami's 1)epartnleilt of Internal Audits and Review:; hall ti;rve the :authority to review CONTRACTOR rcocor(I Irlcictdi I I)t-ogr;:onIna tic records acd books of tcc�unt for a I)crictd of uh t.o three (3) years from the rerini n;jt i ur; d;lt e ctf t he ;iy rvern0nt. A11 books of ;tcco+:nt an(i s11)1)0rCin;; (Iktc(Imtntill tion. should be kept by tItc Contract<tr 91, Ica:>t three (3) years for audit I)urhnses. t �f AR -r 1 CI,K ) I i i i 1:1'i1: OF 1' IiFOR !IIANC.F. I� r- rt i f t. It i>; A g r t ern r n t ; I,,, l i t7 f f t u m i, t l y _II i c) 9 n to 1 rnt, 111), 1991. ? .2 Cl TY AUTifOR 17,AT1 ON For the ptarpo"e of this Agreement, the City of Miami Department t)f CommuniLv Development (her_einafter the "UE13ARTPII NT") will act on behaIf of the CTTY in the fiscal cant ro I, progrnmmaric monitoring, and mods ficat ion of this A,=re(1lit etit , OXCt2i,r ;IS otherwise provi.ded ',av this Agreement. 2.1 OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR sla.a]] carry out the services ns prescribed in its Work Program (Attachment I), which is attached and incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement, in a l ,wtul, and proper manner, satisfactory to the CITY, i.n awritten poiicies, proceyditres, and req,iirements as prt­;cribt>d in this A){7 o ent, as set forth by the Urai Led St:;ates Secretary of Treasury and the City of i4iaini 1)e p;trtinent of CoInmuni ty 1)evelopinent. Ctanrra.ct0raware and accepts the Policies and Procedures "i.tnita 1 for Ct�mPitt t7i t y ]lased Organi zations as the off icial d,tt ttm .rnt whi ch oil 1 t nee the f i sca 1, ;admi nist rat i v e .and t AoI Aguirlol i ncrs :and whi ch sh:,ll rertil_att_ the d, y-to-day t>t r:t t i can>- o! t tar CONTRAt:' MIt. t i 2.4 j,, 1)1 N AtN1) 1 Nt;IIRAN';I? C't)P:1'RA,TOK ,heal] Ilt;ainrain in Itr,nnce anti honding coverages tc,tnt;thit• to the c":1TY":; 7nsurrtnC,e Ma11;Igement 1)ivisi.on of CItt t,:to! 1)e:-p;tr'till ecnI Piior tc7 commencing rant' :activity ladder this Agreement the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the CITY ct�rlilic�atc��; ti i.nsuractcc� anti 1)ondiny; indicat.ir�g that th N'I'KAt:')t)ii i s i n com171 i,artc•c tai t1t tine prr)visious of t I trtic 1. - 9 - 415 2 ha1I ;,r:• i d P the In11av1n r ;, ..,,<<:;: ?t Ii1,lt1'IItc't• ?.' vt•!•1j, ti?0r. rvi1ecrn .0ttrlri bttq.inVcR pv"cricr.; :vcppr.tbli to the CITY's incitr:ance Management r, Ui vi- si „n of L11 l,aw 1)e1)artment 4 - bl Fi del i ty 1)oitdIng for al l persons Y _ hand ing funds i c•cei veil or disbursed under- this Agreement in an amount ° equal to or greater than the maximum ramottnt of cash held nt any o n v time. CITY sh.ail be a primmry additionnI insured on al l 1nN"rance polic1.es and there shall he no exclusions in such policies to override the CITY coverage. cl Current liabi I i t y insurance shall he rated by A.M. Best "s as to "A" CInssi fication and "V" as to financial. .size. C"Mpl iar,ce with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its liability and obligations under this section or under iny other- section of this AgrotmvnIL 2.5 LF.l1EL O SERVICE Sho?tl_d start-up time for .a program he required or any deINVs in service occur, thin >)r-partmont of Community D t'lopmunt is to bp iintified in writing iillmediately, giving :all pertinent det.-aLIs and i n d i c a t i a g when service ` ha 1 1 buyI la and/or conL i nue. I t 1s "nderStood and agreed I.h:It th,r l,'Vel of qvrvices, artiviLies, and expenditures by IK- CON"1'itici FDR, 1n VXiqtVnCii prier to the initiation of a a r v i u u n hoivoridvr, shall he continned and ,hall not be i , doc k-d in any way ,as a result of this Agreement. Programs Ionded thro"gh this Agreement shall not result in the di4pI icumont "t employed t:'oHers , impair existing contracts f " r WVrvicv,, or result 1n thy, substitution OF funds a 10CMred undPr dais Agreement for other fitrids in ft„11 to ps,, \Jl t 11 wo1-1•: winch would have been l erformed in t-he I it C' t ', I t 1i i :> AJ' r') i'ID c 111 . 90- 415 Z.fi R1':P PTS, AI1h1TS ANT) I:�'AI,VATI()NS I110 C,ONTRACT()R "lin11 r-omply with thr FF,(Ier.11 pi reactive re(Jui r(}d by the 11,S, Department of 11')tt-ing ;in(I Urhan Devetopme•nt (13SIt11D) trr documrn1" that pro}?ram activities are 1)rovI(Ic'd for rile hens=fit of low to moderate income persons. In iccordance (,cult the Cole of Federal. Regulations; 24 CF'R 11•irt. 57O.5O0, records shill he maintained for each activity to determine that ;ervices benefit 1r)W grid moderate income pertionI; . At: tite I-I,que:­;1 of CITY, (,0NTRACTOR shnII transmit to CITY written tit,Itements of CONTRACTOR-s official. policy on speCifi('cI i!,r.11>s rel:ati.ng to C(1NTRACTOR's activities. ;ITY may c,iI- ry oil monitori(Ii? and eva111.ltio11 itc_tiv%ties, iitcIitding vi.I,icc; and observations by (: TY -,tat-f; CONTRACTOR enr;111'e t-I)e Cooper It ion or i is empinyees and 1? lard In(mhe,1- in such c•:fforts. Any i!iconsistenC inComp1ete, or in,i(Iequato I nformat ion ei tiler received by the CITY or :tt t .)i nod throucTh mnni tor. ing and evalu tr_ ion by thc- CITY, sli,tl I c:tns,�itut e good c:iu-,e. for the CITY t-o terminate this Ay I-ec'tneitt. It ,inv t iine t It (,!- o:i f ter. ARTICLI-. i I T = i 3.1 ('(t11111:NSATI0N A. C:I'I'Y ;h:iI1 p.ty CttNT'RACTO11,, as tnatiiIII taIII coinpeIt;ati.on far tIt :ervicr­, I-ogitirod pur;u;inC to Article li hereof, B C',ITY It:III have tIte ri};IIt to review clad audit the time t r irdre Iud I- I.ttid record~ of CONTRACTOR purtaining to anv p.tymentr; liy Cf •I'Y. - S A. Al I p:tytit( n t s ,h;i1 1 he rrinllurSell) ont for rx1)e11dit(Ires i i ) incurred oitI.y ditriit g the term of this Agreement, and in S a ru11") -1nce with the previously al,provr_d Line - Item IIurl,r(t :;uch writ t t_-n rooite ,t •;Il aI l c 111t;Ii 11 r st.1t e Me11t cI;iI-i it I, i((td 11 f ! rnii it tItiit i'i1 I 0vj)c11di t11rr'S WeI't' tndde in tCt�t,I- aI'LC( w tII C11e 1)1)1ovecl dt;et. ll1 - „� 415 elocnment ati nn i n witp1) r t of 1neh r(,g11r—,t steal l b(� -,u1) le(•r t , I r v a 1 by C1`i'y at the t im(, t he reglte-:t is 71;tr_lt' ;tnt1 ;a I I i II i 1,o It' re,;11i red t o 1)e 1)a1(1 by l;U�ifP1%(T0R 1)ri_')r to t;uhmis.-;ioil. AI I rciin1)ursem('nt, muat he in I i ne- item form :Ind he i_rt accord wi th this A,r, cinenr.. Al I (-x1)en(Iit.,ires m115L he verified 1)y oril,itr:tl invoice wit11 n cof)y 01 the check which was us(2d Lo hay that s1)e 'i f i c i nvoi ce. 1Ji gain 60 days of subin! tt in1, reimbur-';emertt. requcSt, co1)i.e-, of tine c:lrC('I I o It cheek; �;h,al 1 1)o s;rlhip, lrt(-d. In the event that .11, i11vojet, is paid by v;ariou, fitnil in�r sources, a copy of the irtv,)ic(! ill ay l)r s;ltbin itLed hltt rim L indic.are the cxaC'r. +mount f):tid by various funding ,ourceti egti,A i.ng the total of the ir)vc)ice. No iniscctlaneou, r.ateF,oI— es shad he acc('l)tr,d as a line item in tine hudget, Fteduest for line —it('m citaaageS :ire nllowahln, with prior review and ;approval by the CTTY. All Line — item changes must be mrtde p r i o t1) the end of the term of the agreement. (; I;, clI10 Cor p;tyIll ent Should ht math: t ICitSt ort a monthly ba5i ,. Keiill hurtiemcnt V"q11 :ts Should be Submi ttcd to t11e CITY wi Lhin thirty (30) caIendar days fi ::after the inki(rI-)tedI,esr; 11;1s been incurred. Fai.Ill re to , comp I y m:iy resit It i.n the re,j e c t i ort for repayment of 1 = those invoices witit i.n the roimbur.sement package which do not meet: tlii;; requirement. must 5ul)mFr Lh( finial reque!,t for payment to the CITY within 30 c:al_andar dayr; foIlowing the —= ex1)irittion date or termination date oI' thi.s Agreement. I I f the CONTRACTOR fails to co1111)1Y, ai.I rights to payment =+ trr ioI- ite(I and t ie CITY shall not honor any request ut):nittrd 1fLc-r the afore5:ai.d ragrc d upon period. j 1 1). Any p<tYin enif, dlte under this Agreement may be withheld 1,t �1di the. and it1)provsi hV the CITY r, sort., dur 1 rom th( CONTRA(;TOI s a part of this l'uttt tact all(i -iny 1ttOtia 1 t t :at ) U1)S L1aPrt'Lo. 1 90— 415 LA J 1' N:1 JC I A1. ACC()IiNTAIi 1 i., 1 iY f; 1 ('ti T e�:hrvn t 110 ri I'II I t o nl+dot rIir rc•c.o1- of CONTRACTOR ;It I It t i in t, (Iiiri ng the pf`rf orCla i.cP 0f th 1R Agre ome.nt :Ind for a P yield (1f three years ;Ifter finai haymonI- it m-idn under thi': A.;I-eoni.iI C0NTIZACTOR ,igrcs to 1)rvide :II I fin;i11cfal .Ind Other 'IPPlicahte I-('c')yds and docnmrnl;it1.1;n of ;ervices to i ITY. Any poyinent thererufore mad e suhject L0 rednci i 1n Lur :imuullt-; itic lndcd in they 1-eI:Ited iIV0ice w11icll :irc i 0Ulid by CITY, o11 they 6.11;i A (,f P.11ch audit: not to cons.tiLate AIIow:ihIo exprndititres. Any 1) '1 y I' e n 1: r; mad(! to coN rItACT0R :i re: ti uh j ec• t t o "0duct i 011 f or overpa Yin e11t s on previ()11�-,iy 'submitted J.nvoires. 3.4 RECAPTIJRI; OF FUNDS CITY shal l reserves the ri};ht to recapture funds when the CONTRACTOR shaLI fail (i3 to comply with the terms of this Aslrooinent e)r (i 1 ) to acCOpt cnndi Lions imposed by CITY at they Jiroctitln of the fedvraI, State and local agencies. 3.5 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE 1,undi nl? for thin Al;re tnent: is conti.ngtynt on the avai lability of funds ind continoed atithorizatton for program activities ,InrI is tiubje�c�t. ro amendment-. :)r termination due to 1.::ct. of fund,; or- Iut_h•,ri/aLitln, reduction of funds, and/or change in re„ulation!s. ARTICLE, IV 4 .I INUI?P1N I FI.CA•► ION C0N'I',tAC1'OR h;ti I indemni Iy, defend ,and tiave CITS' harmless trim Ind aJ;.tintit ;Itty ;Ind II.I cI:ii!n Liabilities, losses, Intl :acCiun whlcl; may itirsc° oil of C()NTRACTOR`s acti Vittes .tnder tits~ AKroelnent, incIudJ_ng a1.1 otlie r acts or nits ;tr t fill t 11oI CiiN'RIAC1,0P i nc l ltcli :tj; aIt\ �).•1 gill ;i('l. lil�� toIr i"J91 ;I!Id •tgciiItst piny I It U i- d i• I t, , i it tl tl, Iti it t `i , �: 1' d t• C i k- :' , 1,l1, i C 11 ttt a y h e e u L B r ed - 8 - gp- 415 Lj LAI F1 t?a1nCt tIll r CI,fY: ;Ind frf+m :1rtd I i. 11Ct ;111 rn�; (. �., :Itt oC"31 E'v'c' c>xpl,it f,,_:, ;Irtrl l i ahi l i t i es i ncnrred by t11 CITY i n the (' n e +1 t 1 11 `, It C 11 1- 1 .1 i DI s - ri tl L 11 v i It v 1' S t I 1 1. 1. o n t h e r v o f . 4 , 2 At'ii:N1)MF,NTS No :unei('mhnt; to t.ili!, Ail, rvement sha I be I)indins? on either rt•IrIy tit))n writing; ;ind .,igncd by hoth parties. 4 .3 OWNEI;tiIl1 P OF I10C(1MFWr , Al I document.;; dc�v�,Iop(1d 1) CONTPACT0R undrr this Afr,rcemI.,nt sha) i he d-I i v e r e d to CITY by said CONTRACTOR 111,01­1 cumpl(2t i011 of t11e seI•vice!; requi red i)(1r;u I n t t o this Ay,reement ;11d !;ita11 1)1,come the props ,: tv of CITY, without rtriction or Iitit it;Ition o11 its use. C0NTRACT1)R agrees that a t! doe ument!; ma I it i. n e d and j,enerat ed plus;cant to thi s int r:l,: LU:11. 1-oI;Iti0nshi1) l,etwreI) CITY end CONTRACTOR ;hall bz !subj(,ct to nll provi!; k)nti 01: L he Puhiic Recor-ds Law, ChapL�_,r l 19, FIorid.I Statute's. further mid er:;Load by ind between the parties that any dctcuMentS 1r thin} which is civc?ri by CITY t11 CONTRAC'rOR purtiltiint to tItis Agrt,einent ,hn1.1 at all times remain the 1) rot) t-rty of CI.'IY and shal l not be used by CONTRACTOR for any oth1,1- per poses 1,111:1tsoevur of t I I o u t tIt wri_LLen consent of C I_ T Y . 4 .4 AWIA1?1) 0 F AGR1•;I•:Pti Wr C0N'TRACI'0H wir r:1nt!; that it hits not em1) uYe.f or rc:!Lained ..ny t+t•r!;e+ll e,itployc•el by the CITY to •'elicit 01' s0citrE this At,,re,enlI,nt and that iL Ilas not ui f e r e d to pav, p:ttd, or ;I)',vt,ed to pay any per;on c1111)1uyed by the C L T Y any fee°, cunlmiS.sioil pe>r-ce•ntrl„c, 1)1-0ker;Ige fee, or gift of any kind cnnt i ngeitL u11r1It or re �-;ul t i nor, From the award e.lf this ".Io r i°t•Ill 0-1t. . 9 - 90 - 41 4 . S N; l;'. filii,f":t,AIt f LI "I'ti' 111< I, r,l,,(-lt i�I(I'� IIr)dorI 11C,'11 1)v (_IIIu t;'% N T f 1 AC:T () I' I ) I I r`, 11,111t LCI f_IIi,,- Af,r;neat. sh:1 I nl,t hl d o I i-oJ r a ,11r, to arty I)tiIE-r phr;l)n )r fi rnl nnlc s CI'I'1' s,h:+1 I fitin wriLiil te0 t)r n1?ntcnt 0f such st,I. cnr any part tItl_�r<� 1? by t11 1.11 r 1)c•r1) ur Fi rm. 4 .6 C, wNS 1'RUC•f 1 (M F AG,RI;I-,M NT Th i ti Agret,murlt sh:111. he cnn:;t rued and enforced acc_ordinf; to thr 1 1v-, oIthc, Stalct t)f F or'i_da. 4 .7 0(31, 1GAT ION TO RGNb;14 UI)o I expi rat i on of the t erm of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrl c anti understand:; that CLTY liras no obligation to renew tItiti AgrI,emeitt. 4.8 TERHI NATION t)F CONTRACT CI LY rft;_ir, the r i g I I t to terini.nat_e this Agreement rat any time I)ri')r t Ii the cnmplet:ioil of the services required pttr•;iirlitt. to this Agreerr,ent lai.thout penalty to CITY. Tn that cvhnt, notice of rI?rIll i.n,lt_ioit of this A,;reement shall be in writ inq to CONTRACTOR, who shall be oitid for those Vervices pErf ,rmci ;)rir>I- t l file dart, of its rI,cei1)L of the notice c:f tw rminitiln, In uc, r;:se, huwc vr, shall CI'f'Y pay CONTRACTOR ltl IM,)11nt i n Kec s >1` L11 total Sum pI- nvided by this Agr v;n -nt . i r ltc,rc•hy undorsto od by and between CITY and CONTRACTOR t:11r1t any ,)ayIll t. t nrl,lt� i n accordance wi t. It this Section t.o CO,N'TfzACr01? tili•iil he m:id<• )n1.y if said CONTRACTOR is not in nII(IL'r t lit't. t>rin,; I,f thi:, A;reoint nt II CONTRACTOR is i n j,t I(II t then CI't'Y llrll 1 i n no way be obligated and shall nr,t p:jy t c, CON'i"RAC'I'Ok a sty cunt wIli, ts0uv<,r. !.r) t;l;^t!:!;A ('tli`ilaiTI()N,; 11 1 n„t it :, nr ahr r rr,mmunicati«ns whIr -h ahal1. or nay h vFn parstaant to this Agreement shall lie in writ!ng and nhiI I hu do ionred by prrsonal gervi r_e, or by ar jir.iPrPd miiI :adrirrMgvd to the othcr Marty at the .I d d r o,4 , indic.atrd herei n or a� the •„:ame mny he changed from L imr to time. Such notice sha 1 l be deemed given on t he d,ay <rn wl)ic_h per•snnal ly served; or, i I: by ma I, on thv HFfh day nftor heing powed or the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier. CITY OF Ml AMI CONTRACTOR 351,nerIcao 1)rivc Al lapattal) linsiness Development ?Itarni, Fluaida 33133 An Chr,rity. Inc. 2515 N.W. 2tlth Street. Suite 2A Mi ami, Florida 42 H. 1'iLIu and pa rag r,aph headin;ti .arc, for convenient rv! ore,rre :and :are not :a part r,f this Agreement. C. In the r.v"1.1L of confItct between the terms of this Agro,emont and ;any terms or conditions container] in any :attached documents, the terms in this Agreement sha1..1 control. D. NNo w:giver or breach of any provision of this Agreement �Ai,, l 1 const i tutu :a w,a i.ver of •"a n suh, vgtient breach of tlae -�am0 nr- :any other- provision hereof, and no waiver shall be effecttv(, untcsti madt? in writing;. G . Should ,any provi stony , paragraphs, sentences, words or phrases cont:atued in this Agreement he determined by a court r)i competent jurisdiction r_ra be invalid, iII.egal r,r uLItwrwis" unonIorce:a1)1e under t1)e haws of the St.atr� of Florida or the Ci ty of Miami , such provisions, paragraphs, sentences, words or phrases shall he deemed mod f fed to the extent necessary in order to conform wi th such laws, nr i t no modi.FJ. able to conform with ucl, i:+ta5, then ;,imt. ;h,al 1 he dctnL.d scrahle, anti in either event, the inmaini"g terms and provisions of this Agrr vwent nh,a I l remra i n un+rodi f i rd and in f ul 1 force anti U f i U c t . 1 :+1111 i 1 -mI1111vr(i a{?r, T) o (Ire'rn,ed to n11�'I11)11r1(''11. ('t r1�?(!nt�; c1r r'fTllii nyo(,�4 !1f nrYdn11t 1t l rli n ;1n" t I t r h1'ns�f i is under file t'V'(rr I't-ri:; I �)I1 t)1'[I l fl�lnt.'( )I (f TY Ur %lily r I J?i,r fi ^1'n1•r.iliv r111�11 e1:1�;�;ific�d r�r nne1,l�;.ified impll)yee.; f Ir1111'r, they r:It.tl I trot ho dmf-d th(' FIor-i[1;; i4()rk1,r," r:umpen::lt i1)n bollefit': as an empin'.ce cif CITY. S11C:C:i-:SSt)R'; AND ASS),GNS TI ;1s;r .('m>ut ;ha.I I be binding upori the n;irties herein, Lhei r lie i ,rxrcuLor'4 l er;;i l representat i ve �, ,uccessor, , A11d ;ir;s;i;-.11 ARTICLE: V 5.1 CONTRACTOR CI:R'I'IFICATI0NS PACT()K CerI-i I ie!; th;1t: It poSt,esses the Iega I authority to enter into this Agrecinent by way of a resolution, motion, or similar action rh;1t I1.is 1)t,vn duly adopted or passed as an official act of CONTkACTO1Z g()vernint; body, authorizing t1,e execution of t tic- Ap,rI?ement, including a I under,;Landing:; and assurances cont;ii ned her(A n, : nd directi ng and authortzirigr the person idi;ntified as the ufficial representative of the CONTRACTOR to ,Ici- i n connection with the Agreement and to provide such :icidiIion;1l inI(Irrtl.itiI)n n m a v be requi1-ed. Its W I TNESS Iv II I:kEOF, t}1c' parti os hereto have caused this i11"t r1!Ino rii I— ex!'cUted b1 file respective officials thereunto <:i1,Iy nuth„I- i od 1n the first data abl)ve written. (:ITY OF 111AMI, ;i municipal Cor1)j- tioiI of t.1-1cr Staten of I�'lr>r-id,i A C'I' E 5 `I' . "1 V.I_,I_Y_ -__H 11t A i C I I S A R I i,1)1 ti C' i TY HANACEF; - ,) .. 90- 415 Ll r- j C 6Rl'UIZ•11 'l 1[ hI) i i t t, 111c . 'i15 iami Frid 33142 Ii v pR17 lI)i�NT GUARANTEE ( S1;A1,) in cnn i.der,ntion of thc Ci r_y of Ni ami s execution >f the frc-goi ng Agreement, the undersiy;ned, };uar;1ntcc the 1)erf ormance of the terms and condit10TP; in said Agreement requfred try be Performed by the C0NTRACYOR inclucling but not I Iinitvcl to the Provisions reIati.ng to defIII l t, assurances, and certifications. Dat(,d this day of _ T__ `--------------------� .__. W1 T N E S S : , 1990 , an individual , individuaIIy U :1PPhr)V1:1 N, ilR,ANCI' RE0U i i:l:""';TS I N; S URANCE MAN' A';t-:MF'I T APPROVLD AS i'I) Fm,'M AN], CORRECTNESS: r: I I Y AT 1'I1ItN, F.1' - l 90- 41 W 11 F. It E. A S vy (lee tres to enter into nn agreement with the City of MI.Ami ; nnd W It ER F, A S t h v Board of Director.,; at a dit 1. y held corporate meeting, has considered the' matter in accordance with the By -Laws of the corporations; (IOW, Tit IME FORE , BE, IT R E, S 0 L V E' 1) BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that t. h e president , and secretary a r e hereby authorized and instructed to enter into a contract in the name and on behalf of this corporation with the City of 1,ji.1mi Lipoll the terms contained in the proposed contract, to which this resolution ir, attached. 1) AT 1. 1) L h i s day o f 19 ot BOARD' OF DIRECTORS C11ALRPE!!P;/ CRETARY 90- 415 C I TY OF 'I I Al I , FI,0R 11)A %,OPI I11N I TY 1tAS1;11 0;130)) Tit IS At, 111"':hi1"NT, vntrred in1,o rhiF, rlav of: 1 4 hr! wei'n ! 114' City (if 11i anti , :I 11.111ni ri pa 1 crlrpot a t i on "f t: hF, State of FInrida, (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, INC. (DMBA), a Floridn not for pr1)fit cnrpl)rati()n, (her.ein>1ft:er referred to as the "CONTRACTOR" FUNDING SOURCE: TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: AHOUNT: $ VENDOR NUMBER: TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: 1401:J , TNEI LJ'0k}:, in eonsi derati on of the mutual cove!rrants and 1;hlistirltii)n', 1101-Pin Sf2t forth, the pnr.tios under•.t'ind and agree is i-oi IowS: ARTICLE I S i itect,ss;.-iry part of this Agreement, the fo11.owing doctime nts .Ili ch h;Ivr her en provided by the C0NTRACT()I2 and ;lpproved by the CITY aro :t.t;tcheit I. I CO r1>1) 1-:1 i 1 {;1!titl [ tlt lll11 111tlt1)1-- I L f -Ig CY(-,CIIt Lo1) o t11 i S A,;r L,(,ment . 1 .2 Woo-1:. Yrc gI —Im (aP1)rovr'd by the CITY) . 1 i 13ud;!,ot sutnmarv, to i Tic lod(1: comp let ioil of CONTRACTOR'S Pr,)}?raln1,i 11L. 1t eln budgrotlt:xpl!nditore Justif ication, Total A,,t-,laI iIid I'r()io(,l ed Funds 1)i!irI S(Irr ;end St:AkJ, Salariv's SCI10d11i1' (on forms supplied by the ;ITY); hudt;et for (ir, tft':iln—}!1'ill'I':lt(,ti 1"l VPillif' i 1)1)1 t' s r, I1 111)(':,.tf )-,Il"t1:. 3II i11t ti('I vl1'i'-, ';Trcremr11t ti f1111drd i tl ohuI or in ;i:11�1 0lldi•1 l It `; .I}t,ri'i•nlrill. . 'HEN RETt RiflNG VUlr I`UtHI RUIEW, PLEASE IDENTIFY A5 Jr 5 1 .4 Curr i f i cat v of Insurance w11i ch ref 1 acrs CONTRACTOR'S current 1 i:ihi 1 i t y i usnrance, nami rig the CITY as pr i-ma ry or Addi t i Erna 1 i nsured q clot ermi npd by the I,aw Department of thc• CITY, currant 141)rkers' Compvn5nt1nn insurance: current Fidel I L y Rnnd (applic"hle for all. pc,rsons who are authorized to receive and disburse funds under this Agreement); and other coverage as deemed necessary, if Opp 1icab le (1-e. aertomobile insurance). 1..5 CONTRACTOR's Corporate Seal (to be affixed to Signatory Page. and CorporaLe Resoiution) . I Copy of CONTRACTOR's Articles of Incorporation, Charter and Bylaws. 1.7. List of Present Principal Governing; Board Officers and Members of the Board (names, addresses and telephone numhers). 1.8v Li st of Key Staff Persons, with their titles, who will carry out this program. 1.9 Completion of Authorized Representative Statement. 1.10 Completion of Statement of Accounting System. 1.11 A letter from an independent Certified Public Accountant which expresses the opinion that the CONTRACTOR'S internal cc,ntroI!; :are adegtiate to safeguard the organizati.on's assetn. 1 12CorporoLv personnel Policies and Procedures. 1.13; .Icrh Description :end Resumes for all positions funded in whale or in part under this; Agreement. 1.14 Acceptance of Officc of Management and Budget (OMB) Ci rcuIar A-110, Attachments "A", (Cash Depositaries), "Ii" (Bonding; and Insurance), "C" (Retention and Custodial Requirements for Records), "F" (Standards for Financial M; I na geinetrt Systems), "11" ( Mon 1t:oring; and Reporting Progress Pert ormanvo), " N " (Property Management Standards), and n 0n (P!-u(`Ure'IAellt SlaCrd,lrdS 1 .15 Accf,11t '1) �,r 11111) R<�i[111at.ionr; 1.�'� Ci f? fart 85 ntit-I-d r ITl N(I m i n i F t rat i v t` R i, (1 11 1 r" f m (' Tl ir '- r a tit s a it rl C_rat_AiTrccmcitts Statr, Local and Federally Rccog11i7vd Indi:ln Trihal (;overnment,". l.lCi Acceptance of VnliCies ;111(1 1)rocedures Manual for Community 11;1,ed Org;lniZ%lti011,. As 1 itec(,sary part of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the f(ltIowing document, to the Department . 0f Cnmmnnity Development, in accordance with the requirement F, of the As,reement : A. Final ExI)endi.ture> Report tee be Submitted no later than thirty (30) days after contract expirntion. K. Certi.fied Independent Audit to be submitted sixty (60) d;lys after contract expiration. CONTRACTORS receiving monies from the Department of Communi ty 1)vve1 01)me11t must allocate i n thei r budgets >;ufficient funds to secure an annual independent audit which mu,t include the expression of an opinion on the Contractor's financial statements, and a compliance letter srati rig whether rite CONTRACTOR is in conformity with Federal grant regulations (Office of Management anti Budget Ci rcullr A-110). Said audit must be ~ubmitLed no later than Sixty (60) days after the expiration of the Community Based Organization a};reement witit the Department of Community Development. The City of Miami s Department of Internal Audits and Revi (w�; shsl I h;lve the authority to review CONTRACTOR reCOrds, i nc Judi ng 1)rogrammat i c, records and books of .Iccount, for a periled of Lip to three (3) year,, from the termination date of the IgreeIli erlt. All books of account_ and Supporting documentation ;hould be kept by the Contractor at 1ea"L three (3) years for audit purpo!-:eti. 4 -- 3 -- 90,w 415 1.15 At,tnce yet lllllt R C F R Pert S5 nntitI "IT it form �ldmiiti trntivc) R-,cleeir(,m<,nt f er Grant<> and C At,rc•e•menrs to StnI- Lncal and Federally Re•coc*,ni zed i nd i an Tri hn I (:ove_•ritmonL cT 1.16 Arr pr;tncc- ()f Policies and i)roceduros AIaniin1 for Community Rased Organizations. As r ncce,,;sary perrt: of this Ai;reement, the CONTRACTOR shall. provide t h o following documents r_o the Department .of Community Dev(,tol)ment , i n accordance wi tIt the requi rement s of the Ay;r,..�ement : A. Final Expend i.Litre Report to be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after contract expiration. B. Certified Independent Audit to be submitted sixty (60) days of tee- cunt race expi rat ion. CONTRACTORS rc-coivi ng monies from the Department of Commurri ty Development must allocate i it titei r budgets ,;efficient funds to tiecure :in annual independent audit which must include the expression of an opinion on the Contractor's financial statements, and a compliance letter stating whether the CONTRACTOR is in conformity with federal grant regulations (Office of Management and Budget Circular A—I10). Said aud1.t. must be submitted no later than sixr.y (60) days after the expi rar_ i cin of the Community Bas ed Organization agreement wi th the Department of Community Development. The City of Mi ami "r; Department of Internal Audits and Rrviiw_ shah have the authority to review CONTRACTOR records, inc. ikid i ng 1)rogrammati c records and books of .recount, for it period of up to three (3) years from the Lormirration data of the agreement. Al books of .recount and supporting; documentation should be kept by the Conr ractor at I east three ( 3) years for audit 1)uV1)0.;c,s. 3 - 90,m 415 ARTTCLE I1 .I TIMI-, OF PlI�RFOPMANCK Thrtrrrn of ihi , Agreeonr,nt ghat I be f rom .Iu1y 1 1990 to .inrtp 30, I991 . 2.2 CITY AUTHORIZATION For the purpose of t h i s Agreement, the C1ty of Miami Department of Commit nIty Development (hereinafter the "DEPARTMENT") will act on behalf of the CITY in the fiscal control, programmatic monitoring, and modification of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided by this Agreement. 2.3 OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTOR The, CONTkAc'rt1R shall carry out the services as prescribed in i Ls Work Program (Attachment I), which is attached and incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement, in a lawful, rand proper manner, satisfactory to the CITY, in :accordance wi th the written polici es, procedures, and requirements as prescribed in this Agreement, as set forth by the United States Secretary of Treasury and the City of M i a m t Department of Community Development. Contractor is aware and accepts the Policies and Procedures Manual for Community 11ased Organizations as the official document which outlines; the fiscal, administrative and FederiI guideI i nes and whi ch shaI I regulate the day -to -dray oper"tions of the CONTRACTOR. 2.4 BONDING AND INSURANCE: CONTRACTOR Shall maintain insurance and bonding coverages ;acceptable to the C I T Y ' s Insurance Management Division of the Law Department. Prior to commencing any activity under ttai Agreement, Lite CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the CITY certificates of insurance and branding indicating that the CONTRACTOR is in compliance with the: provisions of this art iCIe. 90" 41 - 4 - f;t)MITRAC,TO P. -It;t1I hI-tt5,t(I(I t11c 10110 ir? (-nvf,r.'ty!r :1 ) I it 5; 11 r.:1 11 c 1' (- r e v (' r: t tr 1' C I t: I r 1' f I r C 1)r.1rt ic(,, ac-co1)t;11) tit th(> CITY 111s:lrance hlana'trc-mint Oivi.silrn of t11v 1,:lso 1)e1)artment. It) F i d c I i I V 1)1In(IiII)T fnr :ell pvr,ons handling*, fltnd� received or disbursed under this, Agreement in an amount equal to or g;reaU.er than the maximum amount of cash hoId ;It Iny once time. CITY shall be a primary ;IddttEon;I I n s v r v d on all insurance policies and there shall be no exclusions in such policies to override the CITY coverage. c) Cur. rent IiIb11.1.ty insurance shall be rated by A.M. Beet -s as to "A" C1ass,iF1cati.on and "V" as to financial ize. Comp ianee wi th the forego i ng; requi roment s shal l not rel ieve the CONTRACTOR of i is 1 iahi lity and obligations under this section or under any other suction of this Agreement. 2.5 LEVEL OF SERVICE ShoitId ~tart -up time for a prograrc he required or any delays in service occur, the Department of Community Development is to be notified in writing immediately, giving all 1)ertfnent dotal 1s and indicating when service shall begin and/or continue. It is understood and agreed 1 that the level of services, activities, and expenditures by the CONTRACTOR, in existence prior to the initiation of services hereunder, ;hall be continued and shall not be rt-dltced i.n any way :1s a result of this Agreement. Programs funded through tItis Agreement shall not result_ in the tiisplacernent of e-lnployed workers, impair cxistins; contracts -- ft,r sCrvi ce5;, or result: i n the substitution t;f. funds al located under this Agreement for other funds in -= 1 Co IInec.t.ion witlt work cahich w,luld have beef performed in the ui thiy Ap,reen1011L - 5 -► 415 2.6 REPnRTS AUl ITS AND) PVALUAT IOM') ThP CONTRACTOR Sh aI I comp ly with the FvdvrnD hi rrct ivo req"i rvd by thr H.S. Depnrtmpnt of DIo"R1ng :and Urbnn DvvvI opment (USHUn) to document that program act ivi ties are provided for the henefit of low to moderate income persons. I n accordance wi th the Code of Federa l Regulat i ons 24 CFR Part 570.506, records shall be maintained for each activity to determine that services benefit low and moderate income At the request of CITY, CONTRACTOR shalt transmit to CITY written statements of CONTRACTOR"s official policy on specified issues relating to CONTRACTOR's activities. CITY may curry out monitoring' and evaluation activities, including, visits and observations by CITY staff: CONTRACTOR .hall ensure the cooperation of its employees and Board members in such efforts. Any inconsistent, incomplete, or inadequate information either received by the CITY or obtained through monitoring; and evaluation by the CITY, shall constitute good cause for the CITY to terminate this Agreement at any time thereafter. ARTICLE III 3.1 COMNP.NSATION A. CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR, ps maximum compensation for the gervices required pursuant to Art icIe II hereof, $ SO , 000 . 00 . 11 CITY shal l have the right to review and audit the time records and related records of CONTRACTOR pertaining to :any payments by CITY. A. At I paymc,nts !.hag l hc reimbursements for expenditures incurred only during; the term of this Agyeement, and in compliance with the previously approved I.,ine-Item Budget. Such wri non request shall contain a �itat eme-nit deeciari"g and ;af f irmi ng that all expenditures were arcade 1n accordance with th U approved budget. Al I - 6 - 90- 41 JaN C. dc;rumenI at i nn i n c1I))t,r=rt of such rr�gIIr�st. steal I he s:ubic-rt: to apProv:II by C'I'rY it the time ilia request is made .and rIl I invoices rlre required to hP pairs by Ct)NT11ACTOR prier to suhmission. Al l reiInhursement:s must 1) in i int,- i tr'In norm .Intl he i.n accord wi th this Agreement. All expenditures must he verified by oriiT na i invoice with a copy of the check w h i ch was used tea pay that specs f i c i nvni ce. tdi thin 60 days of submitting reimbursement request, copies of the cancelled checks shall be submitted. Tn the event that an invoice is paid by various funding sources, n copy of the invoice may he submitted but must indicate the exact :Imuunt paid by various funding sources equaling the total of the invoice. No misceIInneous categories shall he accepted ns a Line item in the budget. Request for line --item ch;Inges arc, allowable, with prior review and approval by the ('ITY. AI I. line-i tem changes must be made prior to the end of the term of the agreement. Requests fur payment should he made at least on a monthly h,atiis. Reimbursement requests should be sunmirtt•d to the CITY within thirty (30) calendar days afteer the i ndeht ednt,ss has been incurred. Fai lure to comply may result in the reiection for repayment of those invoices within this reimbursement: package which do not meet this requirement. CONTRACTOR must submit the final request for payment to the CITY wit1)i21 30 calendar days following the expiration date or termination date of this Agreement. if Lis, Ct)N'1'RAC'1't)R fai Is to comply, all rights to payment ;ire furteiL0d and the CfTY shall not honor any rt2quesr submitted after the aforesaid agreed upon period. Any payment duo under this Agreement in ay he withheld 1)endi11t; t.hc receipt ;and �i 1) 1) r (-j va 1 by the CITY of a I I reports due f roIII tht, CONTRACTOR as a part of this cunt Tact ;and ;,ny modi f ications thereto. - I - 900- 415 3. 1 F I NANC T Ai, NccoIiNTAR T t, T TY CITY rrvos t h n riill ht t„ audit the rt>cstrd; 1) r;r1NTRAt;TnR at Inv t imf, d-trini? the performance )f thi,; ARroement and f„r a ncriod (�t three years after final Payment is mad -? under thi ,; Agreement.. CONTRACTOR airrees to Provide all financial and other applicable records and documontatIon of service-; to CITY. Any payment theretofore made shall he subject to redaction fur amoo nts included in the related invoice which are found by CITY, on the basis of such audit, not to constitute al Towable ext)end i.tures. Any payments made to CONTRACTOR •rro subject t() reduction For overpayments on previously ;itbinitted invoices. 3.4 RFCAPTURE OF FUNDS CITY Sha1I reserve the right to recapture funds when the CONTRACTOR shall fail M to comply with the terms of this = Agreement or (ii) to accept conditions imposed by CITY at the direction of the federal, state and local agencies. 3.5 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE Funding for this Agreement is contingent on the availability — of funds and continued authorization for program activities and is subject to amendment or, termination due to lack of funds or authorization, reduction of funds, and/or change in — rogulations. s ARTICLE IV v 4.I 1NN1)El1NI FICATI0N CONTRACTOR 5;haI I indemnify, defend and save CITY harmless from titd 'igaInst any and all claims, liabilities, losses, artd causer; of action which in:ty arise out of CONTRACI'OR's 1 ' activities under this Agreomenr, ineIuding all other acts or I _ -t, tit :tt'i n t h o ►girt 5 of COWl'kACTOR, including any hcrsun acting, fo or on its behalf; from and against any -- relev.,nt orders judf*,rienr5, or decry -es wit ich -nay be cnt:ered v against the CITY: and trom and igNinqt all rnsts, nutnrnvKs fvvq, vxprnqvs, and 1 1 a h 1 1 1 1 1 P s incnrrrd by t I i v CITY in tlir def"nNe "f :any such claims or in the in•:vgVigation thereof. '+.2 MII-;N1)MENTS No :rmr°ndmcnt s to this Agreement s h a I l be hi ndi ng on either party unless in writing and signed by both parties. 4.3 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS A] I documents developed by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement. shall he delivered to CITY by said CONTRACTOR upon completion of the services required pursuant to this Agreement and shall become the property of CITY, without restriction or limitation on its use. CONTRACTOR agrees that all documents maintained and generated pursuant to this contractual relationship between CITY and CONTRACTOR shall be subject to all provisions of the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. It is further understood by and between the parties that any documents or thing which is given by CITY to CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement shall at a1,1 times remain the property of CITY and shall not be used by CONTRACTOR for any ether purposes whatsoever without the written consent of CITY. 4.4 AWAR0 OF AGIJJ-,MENT CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed or retained any person vmployed by the CITY to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not offered to pay, paid, or agreed to pay any person employed by the CITY any fee, eommiss1on pvrcentagP, brokerage fee, or gift of any kind contingent upon or resulting f rom t h v award of this Ag reument . low A. 5 MON-- i)I:EEC ART L T TY Tha "blignfisms- utndertik"n by 1he CONTRACTOR pursuant to thi, Agreement Ah i I I not Ile cl('IvIatvd or asnijoined tt) Inv Wher prr ;"n ur if rm univgs CITY shall f i r s U c()n,,;;,nt in writinit, to thr I�erforin.ince nr osmignment ()f such services or airy part thvronf by another- person or firm. 4.6 CONSTRIIC'TION OF AGRI;I?MEN'r This Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the law", of the State of Florida. 4.7 OBLIGATION TO RENEW Upon expiratinn of the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrees rind understands that CITY has no obligation to renew thi Agrc,eincnt. 4.8 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT CITY retai n, the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the completion of the services required pursuant to this Agreement without penalty to CITY. In that event, notice of termination of this Agreement shall be in writing to CONTRACTOR, who shall be paid for those services performed prior to the date of its receipt of the notice of termination. In no cage, however, gh:nll CTTY pay CONTRACTOR an amount in excess of the total sum provided by this Agreement. It is hereby understood by and between CITY and CONTRACTOR that any payment made in accordance with this Section t CONTRACTOR shall he made only if said CONTRACTOR is not in def;+ult under the terms: of this Agreement. If CONTRACTOR is in dclault, then CITY shill in no way he "bligated and shall_ not pay to CONTRACTOR any sum whatsoever. 90"W 41 A . Al 1 nut i c(,ti ()r ()t her commltni (— It i one .;!) i ch z11;11 1 (1r may he s;1 v('n pur�;uanI to t hi Ag,rvoment sha 1 i he i n wri t i n gr ;tnd shai I ho dcIivcrcby prrsnnal ;ervicc, or by r-egisterod Via l a(Idre sed to the other party at the itddre!; i n d i e n t e d herein or as the same may 1)e ch;inc;ed from time to time. Such notice shall he. deemed given on the d n y on which personal I served; or, i f by mail, on the fifth day after heinp posted or the_ date of actuni receipt, whichever is earlier. CITY OF MIAMI CONTRACTOR 35t)f1 Pon American 1)r1v0 Downtown Mi,imi Bnsinetis t�li ami , F1 uridn 331 13 Atitinci at on, Tnc. nnc 13i!;cayne Tower, Suite 1818 Fliami, Floridn 33131 13. Ti t I (, anti par:Igr 31)h Iteadi n g s are for convenient rofcrence and are not a part of this Agreement. C. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Ag;reemerit and arty terms or conditions contained in any attached documents, the terms in this Agreement shall control. D. No waiver or breach of any provision of this Agreement r:haII constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the amc or ,any ((tItcr provision hereof, :and no waiver ,,;Ila l 1 t) ( f fact i ve itnI e s s made i it lrri t i ng. F. Should any ; rovisi0ns.. jinr:agraphs, sentences, words or phrases contained in this, Agreement he determined by a i•ourt o1' competent iuI- isdiction to he invalid, Illegal r otitrwi.tic itncnforceahle under the Iaw.. of the State >f Florid;3 or the Ci ty of Mi aIT! i , such provisions, t)ir;:;;r;iplt �, it ence!i, wul-ds or 1)hr;i,e5 shop be deemed cl,di f i ed to tltc ext.cnt nucto, ss,Iry in order ro conform with such IaWs, or if not modifia1)1c t(, conform with ,:itch I;i(:s, then s.itit e s11: 11 hr dr-crnc-d s,cvcrahl e, and in ci t ht=r event , t he remai Ili ng t e r m s wind ,irovi si on of thj s Agrveinent ;halt rcm.iiit un(r,c;dificd and in full fce rind effect. 909V 41 ilk 4 . i rt CONTRACTOR and 11 r wnpI ny, tar'; t*r,nt=, �=ha i 1 1)' lrnrnr,rl to b(' I ttdf-prndr'tit Coil t r;Irt ot-<t and not_ nt c ,ir- CmT)i ('<'n of, Ci'ry, rind ;ItaI 1 not: Ott Ai it any rights nr henef its under the Ci.v1.1 Service or t'ensioit ()r(Iinr'tnces of CITY or any rights generally afforded classified or unclasnified employees; further, they shot l not he deemed entitled to the FIorlda Worker; Conti„•rtx.tt ion hv"vt it -. A!; ;in employee of e;l'i'Y. 4.11 Sii(;CESSORS AND ASSIGNS Thi s A,gropmont shall hey hinding itpnn trte parties herein, thei r hei rs, executors, Ivt;aI representatives, success;ors, and nssigns. ARTICLE 4 5.1 CONTRACTOR CGRTIi ICAT1nNS CcNTRACTOR C0rtifi('s that. It j)ossess(.1s the IefTal authority to e rater into this Agreement by way of .t resolut ion, notion, or similar action t1)At has been duly adopted or passed ;is an official act of CONT1' AC'J'O11,'s governing body, Authorizing the. execution of th(: Agre(>ntent, including; all understanding-, and assurances contained herein, and directing; and authorizing Hie person identified as the official representative of the CONTRACTOR to Act in connection with the Agreement and to provide such additional infOrtnation as may be required. IN tdiTNK'SS WLiEKIi0F, the part es hereto have caused this instrument to be exec" ted by the respective Officials thereunto duly nuthr,rizeyd on the first date :above written. CITY 01: MIAMI, ;T municipal Corporation of rho State of Florida ATTEST. C is S A (; it . ri p l) C 11 Y CL.f:f' , CITY MANAGEF. 0 C )ItPORATE S;I,:CItETARY El COrd'fPA(J'O1'.: 1),,.jnt�Tt-'n 'li-lmi R+Tsi n(ss Ag C n C 7 ,T 1 i c? n, 1 T1 (' . Onc liiscnvite Tower. S>>i.Z. 1£il A lmi i'1 oT i d,1 311 3 1 Il v , Ffi-S:N lUIT GUARANTEE (SEAT,) in cony ider3tion of the City of Miami's execution of the foregoing Agreement, the undersigned, gun rantue the performance of the terms and conditions in said Agreement required to be performed by the CONTRACTOR including bit not limited to the provisions relating to default, assurgnces, and certifications. ated this day of 1990 an individual Av individually WITNESS: APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE RI:QIIIREMENTS: INSUltANC1: ttANAGHH1,NT APPROVED AS TO PURM AND CORRECTNESS: JORGE' L. FEItNANDI:G CITY ATTORNEY 5/02/90/g id R. -- 1 3 - CORPORATE? RFSOLQTION WHEREAS ��i h,o desires to enter into nn lgreement with the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors at a ditty field corporate meetirt., has considered the matter in accordance with the By -Laws of the corporations; NOW, THERE. FORF,, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the presldent , and secretary are hereby authorized and instructed to enter into a contract in the name and on behalf of this corporation with the City of Miami upon the terms contained in the proposed contract to which this resolution is attached. DATED this f } day of ' 19 S E:CR :TARP �j 'BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRPERSON 0 I 9A- 4151 C I TY flF rt I Ar11 , F't,r)t? 1 UA COMM IIN I TY P,AS1;,f) ()PC;AN 1 7.ATI ON THIS A(,1,1."NM1.NT, vTiUervd intn this lQt_hdav of l� Q hl'Lwooli they City cif Mi ami, ;1 municipal corporation of the tit:ate of Florida, (iaereinafte-r referred to :iP, the "CITY"), and GREATER BISCAYNE' BOULEVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TNC. (Ct3BCC), a FIoridrl not for pr, F I L corporation, (her,?inrifter referred to <tR titu "CONTRACTOR"). Community Develppllent Block Grant Funds FUNDING SOURCE, TERM OF TIIE AGRI hMENT: `-�Jgj_y 1, 1990 to ,7t)ne 30, 1091 AMOUNT: $4 50�000.00 VENDOR NUMBER: TAX IDENTIFICATION rso.: 59-2808474 P.Xi:Ct1TtVE DIRECTOR ?oscr mart'_ Canals ADDRESS: 81()l jji_;a ay,net3nii c� z'd sujto 501 Tptiami�, F1. 33138 TELEPHONE NO.: 751-1222 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and oblig it inns herein set forth, the parties, understand Bind agree as, f') I I ow 5 - ARTtCI.E I :Ati rt necessary part of this Agreement., th<, following, documents Which have , be,-n providod by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the CITY Ire attached: 1.1 Corporate Resolution authorizing c'xocitti.on c,f this Agr-o(- me-rtt . 1.2 1oI,k 11rogr,+m (approved by the CITY). i.3 1111d,T'('t Sulnm:Iry, to i.(IC1ude: coml',Ieti0n of CONTRACTOR'S Pr,lt;rlm/I,in*--Ite}n 13itdget/i`xpendi.ture Justification, ToraI A, t i:iI nod 11ro ed FuItds 1)1sc1,usure:, aitd haft Salaries SC It ditIe (on forms Supplied by the CITY); budge.1: for I,1 ,r,}}r• nc rritI'd r c=vc }}nc'-, co};ir; r,( :11 1�u1)c,;11tr:Icts DUI- IIi. l I i, tIN (`,lt ->t'J .'i.'e'ti :i ",. l":��'ill ,:'r, r-�; f-111)d if i 11 vil,loI i ,It"- in I1r1 i}17 ' �I i t;Ii l I S1r C','Mc' liC. � 'flf.N hLTUf,,44�(; Fu1t FIi1,i UVIEW, PLEASE IDENTIFY AS q ' Tr — � 415 L I .4 C"rt f f irnt to inv"rnnce= whI ch r etf Ir.ct ,; C;ONTRACTOR"S r"rrent I!Nhi lily InmurnncP, namins the (:ITV ns primary or add 1Linn" 1 1nn"red as dvtermfnod by the l,aw Department of the (,'ITY; ciirront: W,7rker,' Conpenqration 1 n N " r a n c e ; curreent FiefVl 1Ly No rid (appl icahly for all 1)rrson•; whin n r r, authnrtzed to receivo and dishurse funds under this Agr oement) ; and other coverage as deemed necessary, if :aphlieable (i.e. automobile insurance). 1.5 CONTRACTOR"s Corporate Seal (to be affixed to Signatory Page. and Corporatu Rvsnlatinn) . 1.6 Copy of CONTRACTOR"s Articles; of Inenrpor:ation, Charter :and Bylaws. 1.7 Li,t of Pr eseynt Principal. Governing Board Officers and Members of the Board (names, addresses; and telephone numbers). 1.8 Li st of Key Staff: Persons, Wi th their titles, who will carry out this program. 1.9 Completion of Authorized Representative Statement. 1.1() Cornpleti.on of Statement of Accounting System. 1.1 I A letter frorn an independent Certified Public Accountant which expres, ses the opisii(3n that the CONTRACTOR"s internal c,,ntrols, are adequate to safeguard the organization"s assets. I .1 2 Cotp,)rdte Personnel Policies ,and Procedures. l.t_1 Je3h Doncripcion and Resumes fur s11 positions; funded in t,� Oie ar in part under Lhis; A),reement. 1.14 AckupL:ance rat - OffiCe of Management ,and Budget (OMB) Circular A•--110, Attachmorits "A", (Cash Depositaries), "Ii" (ISoodiit:; :and Incur.ance), "C" (Retention and Custodial I uquiremoril s I o r Rocnrds), "r" (Standards for Financial M"nagonivnt SymLemm), "H" (Monitoring and Reporting Progress; Perfurmance), "N" (Proporty Management Standards), nrd "n" (Procurement 5t,nd,ards). 415 t r ''pt:lnc-' ,'( 11I11) P05�n1_:It intl4 2/, C;FfZ P iI-t ii5 .-ant i t_l(rd i I I I r 1`l Af l nl i Ili ti I_ rat i V C' P i i i t- in n o t ti i ') r (, r ;1 n L s; a n d Coo 1),-r,lti-"r AFre,r- mciit>a Lo State, T,oc,a1 -171d 1,edernlly P 1, c , I ';, n i - 4, d Indi;ln 'T'rihll GI)vernmelltS". f lt, Acceptance of Po1.icips and 11ruceditvvs 'Ma nual for Community B.Isvd 0rga.ni7ations. is n 11vice"saI- part of this Asyreeinenr, the, CONTRACTOR shall provi de the f nl lowi ng document to the Dep�lrtment of. Community Dave I oPmc,nt in accordance wi th rile requi remerats of. the Ag.rc'em(-11L: A. F i n a 1 Ex1)Pndiriiuc iZe1)orr to he submitted no later than thi rty (30) clays after cnnLr;act caxpi r iticln. Ti. Certified Tndependent Audit to be submitted sixty (60) days 11 for cant ract expi rat ion. C0NTRACP)lZS rece1,ving monies i ronl the Department of Community 1)evel)pin c,nt rtnist allocate in their budgets ;uffici(>nt Fcrnds to :secure :an annual independent audit whi ch mrist i nw_iude the expression of an opinion on the (.0nir:ict,)r-8 fiIlanci;ll_ statements, and :i compliance letter r;r.rarint; whether the CONTRACTOR is in conformity with feder;tl grant regulation (Of lice of Management rind Budget Circular A-110). Said audit must be �,itbmi tt >d no 1.1ter tilatl :,ixty (60) days after the e x p i r-it i ();r of the C.,mMil ni ty Lased Organization r-emt,nt wi th the 1)e1)jrtment of Community 1)c-veIopin ent. !'he t:iL )f Mi;Itit i s Oc,p.irt(it ent of 1.11Li-rria.1 Audits; anti R vi.iws ::h.111 ll'IVe t11tr aut110rity Ln review CONTRACTOR recI-ds, includin;r progr:amIna tic records and books of .1c.co1111L, t or .a period of up to three (3) Yoarts (ruin the terlit in'iri jn date• ()f the, ,agrcanle11L. Al books of ;account rand su1)porti ng documentation ;It ould be kept by the contrac..tor at Ik-Ist. three (3) years for audit i 9Q-� 41 AF" i 1 C1,1? 1 1 ?.! r1Mti OF PI;RVORMANCI; I'll rm of this Agrooinont shalt he from July 1, 1990 to .i,rlj., M 1991 . . 2 C I TY AUTI1OR I Z A'rT ON Fnr- Lit plar1)s,e of this Agreement, the City of MIamI I)ep;artMeitt tl= Community Development (hereinafter the " D L 11ARTMF•NToo i l l ;act on behalf. of the CITY in the fiscal control, progranimatIc molai t o r i ng and modi ficatinn of this Agreement, except as nther.wise provided b;' this Agreement. 2.3 010AGATI�N OF CONTKAC'rOR Thf• CONTRACTOR shill carry out the servicet4 as prescri0ed in i.ts W()rk Program (Attachment 1), which is attached and incorporated herein and m;ide a part of this Agreement, in a _lawful, alid proper manner, satisfactory to the CITY, n accordance- with the written policies, procedures, and requirements is prr,;cribed in this Agreement, as set forth by the. United States Secretary of Treasury and the City of Mi ,aint Department of Communi ty Development . CO1aLr;jcL0r i>; aware anti ,accepts the Policies and Procedures I'LinuaI fear Cornmunity Rased Organizations as the official document which outline; the fiscal, administrative and Feder.-il guidelines and which Shall rlegul.ate the day—to—day oper-it ions of the CONTRACTOR. ?.4 BOND] NG AND INSURANCE CilN'TRACI'0R shai i maintain i.n.,;uranco rind bonding, coverages .Ict- ptrahic• to tIte CITY InsiIr;ajace Management: Di.visinn of tli'' L:iw Dup;:rtmwitt. Prior to comm,ancing any activity under thin Agrtemeitt, the• CONITRACT0R slial l furnish to the CITY c(- i r i f i crit -, of i nsurrIII ct anti h,�ndi n�; i Ili i csti r►i; that the t'()NTRACT,)R iwith the I)rovisi()n5 of this ,art icicc. - 4 - 90- 415 CCU"1T"ACTt)R s}r;) I I �)r�)vi fill tl(r f nl lnral nit c,rvrIt' tits-,,: :)) lit"itI )n e c(�,"'('r [!*, tl[,tt. reflect r> Snttn(I bit i n(,.ss T)r:rct ici Icc1'1)t:nhlr to they CITY's Insurance, Manat*rment Divi,int) r)I U h c 1,aw i)eprartment. b) F I d e I It:Y 1)o11dIn}T I o r alt Persona; hand1.i.ng fund: rccetve,d ()r di.shtir,;od cinder this Agreement i n an amount 0q11+[1 t-o or Rreat(.r than the max1mitm mmnunt of cash held at A11y one tame. CTTY sh:)L1. be a primary ;id d11:[onaI in!;ured nn all insurance policies and there sh<)l. 1 he no exclnr,i nos i n such 1),t1 i.ci e-, to override the C I TY cerverag,te. c) Current 11 ahi. Li ty 1n!;urance shall be rated by A.M. 3est's a> to "A" Classification and "le" as to financial. size. Cc)mpI iance with the foregoing regtti remonts shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its l inhil itv and obligations under this section or tinder any other Section of this Agreement. 2.5 LEVEL OF SF, RV ICE Should •,tarr--up time for a program be required or any d: l:)yin k,rvice occur, the Department of Community 1) yr lr)pin (2nt is to he notified 1n writ in; immedi.ate1.y, giving; all perr:i.n(,nt details and indicating when service �h,) I 1)cIT, i n :)nd/or continue. it is understood and agreed th,it the Ievel nI- services, act:ivitiee,, an;: expenditures by I- e CUNTRAC"l'OR, i,) xititencc- Prior to the initiation of ,[ vice ; h; rc,un(Ic•r, s'I)a11. he continued and shall not be r.:lduc ed in :+ny ta•ty t5 t rcc4ult of this Agr,_(.ment. Uragraills Iundc d thr,)nt!,h tlti:; AI;rk>eIT] crnt r: I tll unt rersult in the di r'mr.nt of <mployrd tr01-k01-S impair ;:i:,tint; contracts Cur -;crvi e,r I- it I n t lie ubst i t[tV.ion of funds ;)l lr)cated 1111(10r thhis Agree[nc=nt for other funds in c01111ect ion wi t It work wl)i ch would hive heen per fnrmcd in Elie ., h>: ,> r, c c• o f t h i s, A}; r c•,-III ,r n t. 90-% 41 (: ill RPOP,TS All 1)1TS AN fIVAi,IIATi:)NS the COrll'",,At,'V't1R shall compl v ari tla the FcitE,ral Di rective rI r(.'c1 by the I 1)t_,1) 1 ri rne1nC �r llottsi rt„ and Urh=an 1)r c l opment (USIf111)) L o rloculit nt_ that protTr.-)rn a r t ;arcs i)r)vi_dcd fOr the bF�nefi.L of low Lo t�aoderate income persons. In :ar_cnrd:incv with the Code of Federal. RegiiIat_Lnns 24 CFR Part 570.506, records shall. be maintained for each activity to (10Lurm111e th:)t --ervice5 henefit low and moderate income I)t, V 1;011s . At the re,quc,st of CITY, CONTRACTOR shall transmit to CITY written qt;atl-�ments of CONTRACTOR"s official policy on pacified issues relating to CONTRACTOR-s activities. t:LTY may carry out monitori ng and evalaiati-on activities, inc.liiding visits and observations by (7TTY staff; CONTRACTOR shalI k-nsure tIte coo1)erati.on of its employees and Board rneill h(2r5 i n such of forts. Any inconsistent, incomplete, or i (1-ide(1u.at Ee i nfor►nation ei ther. received by the CITY or ,1)t-:fined through monitoring <;nd evaluation by the Cl'I'Y, -= r,it:tl t c 1)11 t- iLuLt' };c)ud c i u o IF the Ci'ry to termin:3te this Arrerment at :any time thereafter. a ARTICLE; iI: I 3.1 CO3M 1;NSATLON A . c; i rY .:ha t I p:ay CON T1'ACTOR, as m:ix mum cmp ensat ion for 3 It r,rvicc t-ogliired p')rE.u;irir. to Article T1 hereof, 51),000,nt), R cITY >h, 11 h<ivc' the ri>;ht to revi(2w :id audit the Lithe rrl:rlr(I rr•co ds of CONTRACTOR pertaining- to my paymc nt by CiTY. A. All payments ,hall be re1ir.bursemenri for expenditures irictirr,�d only during the term of this A;;reement, Itnd in y c ,milli ance with the previously aP1)roved Line -Item I;udgt�t Such wt'itLr�n re<luE:;r steal l eor)t.?in a st:trE>tne11L lci,iriny; ttic.l afiirtt)ii:;�, that a xpenttitnrewI m,ide in icc:)rti:,ncc +aitli tht V�41 hudt;ct. Ail —I 90 415 b - a documont •it ion in R"riport of P"ch rvgnesL s:hal l be n " h 1 p c I t o appro va 1 by Cl TY :at: t hr t ima thr regitest is m.adP tnd a l l i nvoicps; are rPgni rad L0 he hair# by CONTRACTOR prior to .nbmission. All reimburqcments most bV i n 1 i nv--f tem rnrm rind h0 in accord wi th this Agrvement. Al expenditaares must be verified by o r•i-gi na 1 invoice with a copy of the check which was used Lo hay that spVcifIe invoice. Within 60 clays of tiubmi t L fng reimbu rs event: r equast , c0pi e5 of the rancell ed checks shall he s " h m i tt. cad. In the event that an invoice is paid by various funding sources. a copy of t het invoic in may he submi tted but must i ndi crate the exact amount paid by v a r i ous fundi ng snurcew equal ing the total of the invoice. Nn miscellaneous categories shall he accepted as :a line item in the budget. Request for l.i ne—it em changes are allowable, wf th prior revi ew and approval by the CITY. All 11ne--item change-, must be made prior to the end of the term of the :agreement. N,. RequvAts fur payment should be made .at 10ast on a Mon t41y ba,is. Rinimbursomeitz requests Should be submiLtod t<j vile ;ITY within L A i r t y (30) calendar days ;after the i ndebtedness hos been incurred. Failure to c1,mply Ina result in the rejection fur repayment of those invoices within the reimbursement package which do tlr•,t mr,et rh rc .lui romc-nL. C. CONTKACTOR mast submit. the f inal requr-r-t_ for payment to Liar- C111,Y within 30 calendar (Iays, fo11owIng the expiration date or termination date of this Agreement. It the CONTRACTOR fai In to comply, all rights to payment are forfeited and the CITY Shall not honor any request Nubrnittpd after the aforesaid agreed upon period. 1). Any payment dile under this Agreement may be withheld pond ng I lit rer vi rjt a n a :approval h, thCITY 0i ;all repo t.s due from the CONTRACTOR :as d p a r L of this contfact and any modifications thereto. - 90- 415 1.3 F MANC I AL ACCOUNTAB I L 1 TY C I I "t a(-tel"f,-; the ri)sht. 10 anlit thr record of t;nNTRACT0R at any time daring the performance of this Agreement and for I pCa i od of three years raft er f ina I payment is made under this Agrecmcnt. CONTRACTOR agrees to prgvi_de all financial :and ot:het ,applicahle rocords and documentition or services: to CITY. Any payment thuretof"re made shall he subject to t nd"vt inn foa amounts i ncInd ed in the related invoice which •are f ound by CITY, on the ha si s: of such audi t, n n i to constitute allowable expend itnreti. Any payments made to CONTRACTOR :are s u h j e c t to reduction for overpayments on previously submitted invoices. 3.4 RECAPTURE' OF FUNDS CITY shall reserve the right to recapture funds when the CONTRACTOR shill tail (i) to comply with the terms of this Agreement or (ii) to accept cunditfons imposed by CITY at the direction of the federal, state and local agencies. 3.5 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE Funding for this Agreement is contingent on the availability of funds and continued authorization for program :activities and K� s u b i e c t: to amendment nr termination due to lack of funds or authori.zition, reduction of funds, and/or change in regulations. ARTICLE IV 4.1 1NIli•MNIFICATfON CONTRACTOR :,half. indemnify, defend ..and wave CITY harmless from :and agnir.st any and all claims, liabilities, losses, and (-,:uses of :act iun which may .arise out of CONTRACTOR's .ac[ i vit i res sander this Agreement, Including all other acts or owl `-1nns U- :act 00 the part of Ct1NTRAl.NM, lnr1uding ally prrti r1 i:'l ] Ilr; tOI' ')h nll lt5 1)(!11Y1 f f l')a'i ;111(! ;aga1 nsa a11y i e I t Va11( of d c r s jud}',Ili( of n , or decrees which may be entered - S - 90- 41 vigain<;t the CITY and from rived ngiingt all rogLq, aLrnrnvy"s i "P4, rxprngr+., rand 1 i ahi 1 i t i rq i nv"l-red by Lhe CITY in the dvi-pti e of ,any such claims or in the invrstigntIon thereof. 4.1 AMEN11MENTS Nn •lill Pildine11t`; t() thi'; Ay;moment �;Iia11. be hind1n; on either parry unless in writing ,and signed by both parties. 4 .3 O4INP:ft ;H II' Ot7 NOCllrtl?NT', All documents developed by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement sIia1.t be dottverod to CI Ty by said CONTRACTOR upon completion of the services required 11111's<uant Lo this Agrooment :and shall become the property of CITY, without restriction ion or timi tat ion on its use. CONTRACTOR ragroes their A11. documents maiutAined and generated pursuant to this cant rractua 1 relat ionship between CITY and CONTRACTOR shall he subject to all provisions of the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. It is furthrr understood by and between the parties that any documents or thing which is given by CITY to CONTRACTOR pursuant to thin Agreement sh.aII at all - tames remain the property of CITY and shall not he uqeA by CONTRACTOR for any of her purponos whats"Ovor wi thont c h o written consent of CITY. 4 ./4 A141sI, D OF A ;V I;E11.1ENT (',M.1 PAC'I'MZ worrant y that it has not empIoyLid or retained .any pv r n " n empI oyc l by I hey CI TY to s 0 1 icir or rsocurp this Alt -vr oul ,and Char i t. h a N nor offered Lo pay, paid, or ;agrvvd to p;ay <any p e r n o n employed by the CITY any fee, rommi ss ion percent age., brokerage f e'er, or gif t of any kind eonL i ngent "pun or resulting f rom the award of t hi s ^,g rai mcwt . - 9 -- 0- 41 r� NOM f)r';I,r';f:A(i 1 I.I TY Th „hl i uat i mn i„ dor i nkon by Lho CONTRACTOR hurqnanr to this AlrocalpaL qh i1 I not h(r d01vgILvd or asgignc d to any other 1)( r;((n or firm CfTY .hall first cnnNont in writing to thv pvrfnrm.)nvv Or .14qignmrnt Or sOch ,rrvives or my part thereof by another person or firm. 6.6 CONSTRtIC;TION ()F AGRV,NJII?NT TI)i!, Agr(,emf,nt tih;iI I In e o n N t r " v d and enforced according to tho laws of the State of Florida. 4.7 0BLI(,AT10N To RENEId Upon oxpir.)cinn of the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrees, and undersrands that CITY has no obligation to renew this AgrevMcnt. 4.8 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT CITY rvLains the r1ght to terminate this Agreement at any t i M 0 prior to the completion of the services required pur4uant to this Agreement without penalty to CITY. In that evvitt, notice of termination of this Agreement shall be in writing to CONTRACTOR, who shall- be paid for those services performed prior to the date of its receipt of the notice of termination. In no case, however, Shall CITY pay CONTRACTOR on amount i.n excess of the total sum provided by this Agreement. It is hereby understood by and between CITY and CONTRACTOR that any 1)ayment ma(Ie in accordance with this Section to CONTRACTOR shaI i be made only if said CONTRACTOR is not in d(-far)It under the terms of this 'Agreement. If CONTRACTOR is i n dk-f ault . t► en C1'I'Y steal l i n no way be obligated and shall not p iy to CONTRACTOR any :gun: whatsoever. 90- 415 W A (I TTJ I-IJI Tj c -I c Ti I I I T- m :I V t is Ihi A r �m o 11 .1 t J, ht irl writing* d %yet "d by personal :;e r v c o or by rrgI t 12 u c 11 M a i I d d r c e d to L ]I e o r Marty at the address i n d f c ;A e d herein or As the same may be changed f I- m t i in e to L i, m 11 - Sitch entice shall be deemed given nn the day fill which personal ly served, or, if by mt-i 1. 1 on t: 11 day after 1) v i n g p o e d nr the date of actual rrceipt, whichever is earlier, CITY OF M f A H I CONT INACTO R 3501) Pn n Am o r i c rn Drive G r ea t o r B i , c a y n e R 0 U 1 eva rd t9iami, Florida 33133 Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 0 1 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 509 i a m i , Florida 33138 Ti t 1. e ;ind p I r. I r:i T) 11 11 e;I d i 11 l s a r e for convenient reference and are not a part of this Agreement C. n the o v c il t of cunf I ict between L h e terms of this Agreement and any terms or conditions, contained in any attached (10CUMC11ts, the terms in this Agreement shall cont ro I D. No waiver firbreach of -I n y provision of this Agreement s11.1 I I constitute ZI w.aivcr of any s u bs eq u e n L breach of e a ill e or any other 1) r o ky i s i n hereof, and no waiver :;h cl l he vI'ft-,CLiV0 11111OSS made in wr y provisions,T) i ra g ro 1) b s sentences, words or I r.-is e contained in this Agreement be determined by a court of C o M. 1) e t e 11 t jurisdiction to 1) t--, invalid, illegal 11 n 11 o 1. C ".11) 1 under W of tale State: f) 1 ida nr the C 1 t V of 1-1 i a III i I c h provisions, 11 c s nr 1) itrasc_s ,hall hee deemed i tad t;I r y in order to c 0 11 f 0 1-11-1 with Such laws, r if nut mo d i f 1 a b 1. e to conform with t 11 (�jl :hall he d iTi e t- d =c'ver;il>1e, and j ii r.:lulls of this i t h 1,curet, 1 11 ITI cldi f i (A d i Il f u 1. 1 force mind 90- 415 Lk C11' 1't tIAC VOP 'I i t r. �;� {. r,) .•:._-. tnd fr rtl r ,h., i l hr t1 rPmnt1 t n h i It (I nt c not r.,c-I ,rrs: and nrt aI nr ompl nvi�e:; of CITY, ,rail sh.rl 1 not. ;tttai rt i n v T-1ghtn nr honef - its ,ruder the Ci vi I Svrv1 ce or Pens I on Ordinance,, of t; I.TY r7r any ri ghts; y ganot-A I I afforded class if icd or uncIas5j fi.ed employees; fur-I.lit! t they s:hai1 not hr d,emerl entitIod t:o tIto 1,1orida i Workers Compens atinn henefits as an cmnloyre of CTTY. - 4 . l 1 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreeinr.nt sh;111 be hindi.ng upon the parties herein, their heirs, executers, I(!gaI representatives, successors, and assigns. ARTICLE V 5.1 CONTRACTOR CERTiFfCATIONS COP4TRACTOR tort 1.f i es; that: It possesses; the legal authority to enter into this Agreement by way of a resolution, motion, or. simiI ar action that his bwen duly adopted or passed as .an official act of CONTRACTOR-s governing body, authorizing the execution of t lac AS; r(?i'm4'nt , itic Iudi ng all. understandings and assurances cant if need heroi n, and di recting and authorizing the person identificd as the oFtIcI.aI representative of the CONTRACTOR I o acr in r„nnect i on wi th the A, roomc nt and t o provi de such :additional infnrmation as may be required. I N i, UNESS WHEREOF, the part i es hereto have caused t h i s innLrutnent t,t be e),t-cuted by the rempective officials thereunt.o d,tly authorized on the f i rst d;ai:e above written. C [TY OF MIAIII munici pal C"rpor at i err, of rho State of Florida ATTEST: by 1�'+T'IY ill s�A1 C.KSAR H c i l Y ULF: ', CITY MANAM, - 12 - 90-- 41itE5 11 0 i t'0P,1,ORA'1'I; SFA:lZFTARY C;ONTFACTOP.: GrOltpr hi r;t nt° G11;ati11eI ,,f Ci)in-nercP, Tnr. 8101 Ri ; 4Yoc Nn"lov,ird, soitt5�9 Mi ami , FI a i da 331 38 GUARANTE[, YRES T 1)KNt ' ( SEAL) j in consideration +tf th(,' Ci ty of Miami'; execu[ion of the foregntrig Agreement., the undargigned, gun rant ee the performance of t11e term~ and conditions in said Agreement required to be performed by the CONTRACTOR including but not limited ti) the provisions relating to default, assurances, and cert_i fi cations. Dat+_d this; y of APPROVK0 AS To INSURANCE REQUIRKMENTS: INSURANCE, MANA(,'F.M(ENT APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 1990 , an iniTIvidual individually i b CITY ATTORNEY 13 90- 415 0 C CORPORATIt RF,SOTAITION WHEREAS, _.GGreater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber Of Commerce desires to enter into in agreement with the City of Minmt; and 1411E'RHAS, the Hoard of Directors .I a duly held corporate meeting It:►s considered the m?tter in accordance with the By-1,:iws Of the corporal ions; NOW, THRRE. ORE, BE IT RESO!,VED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the president , and secretary are hereby autliorized and instructed to enter into a contract in the name and on behalf of this corporation with the City of t-tt.ami upon the terms contained in the proposed contract: to which this resolution is attached. DATED this -loth day of May 19 90 _- BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRPERSON ��— SECRETARY (CORPORATE SEAL),, � -` 415 CITY OF rIIArII, FLOP IOA CONM(fN'ITY RASF.I1 011,f;ANI7,A'17T WN (CRO) T I I I S AGPEF,PIE,NT, entered into this day of 1 9Y, hetween rise Ci ty of Mi ami , a mnni ci pa 1 corporati nn of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to ns the "CITY"), and LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. (LHDA), a Florida not for profit corporation, (hereinaft(-r referred to as the "CONTRACTOR" ). FUNDING SOURCE: TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: Cof; AMOUNT: $ `50 C (> VENDOR NUMBER: TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.:�) L� g EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR �,`�U�`�L) t (� =J�('. 5c � � �c (('j�i-� Ci��' ADDRESS: _� _1i� _ �J� c �t.t r Ti p 0) / i r; 3\3 Q( TELEPHONE NO.: NOW, TH1:REFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and vhiify:+tions herein set forth, the parties understand and agree as follows: ' ARTTCI.F, I A:: a necessary Dart of this Agreement, the following documents which havt> been providod by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the CITY irc art -ached: ! .1 Corporate Resolution authorizing execution of this Asfret,ment . 1.2 Vork Prograin (approved by th(, CITY). 1.3 liudpet Summary, to include: completion of CONTRACTOR'S Ili o*rr3in/Li ne—I t em budget/Expendi turd Justification, Total. ACtcl;rl and Project ed funds Di ;closure, and Staff Salaries ;ichtdtrie (on forms supplied by the CITY); budges for {>r(t)?,r;lm—t;cnt,raLvd revc.uut, .; cnpi es of al I suhc0ratract. s and/or manrts =tenant scr-vicc=s ;ipreements funded in wht)le or in p rt r t it n d o r r h r t, e l,j e it t 'HEN RETUR111I NG VW( FURL REVIEW, PLEASE IDENTIFY AS 1.4 Certific.ntc, of Insurnncr which rc>f1r,cts CONTRACTOR'S = current l iahi l i ry i nsnrnnce, nami ng the CITY as primary or addi ti ona 1 ins,ur-od a'; d e t e rmi ne(I by the Law Department of - the CI'T'Y, currant Workers- Compensation in,,urnnce; current: - Fidelity )fond (applicable for all 1)crsons who are aut{rorized to receive and dishurse funds under this Agreement); and other coverage as deemed necessary, if applicable (i . e. automnhi le insurance) . 1.5' CONTRACTOR's Corporate Sent (to be affixed to Signatory Page, and Corporate Resolution). 1.61 Copy of CONTRACTOR"s Articles o'f Incorporation, Charter and Bylaws. 1.7 list of Present Principal Governing Board Of ficers and — Mern1)ers of 1 he Board (names, addresses rand telephone numbers). 1.8 List of Key Staff Persons, with their titles, who will carry out this progi-nm. 1.9, Completi.oa of Authorized Representative Statement. 1.10 , Completion of Statement of Accounting System. = 1.11_ A latter f rom an independent Certified Public Accountant = whi ch expresses the op pion that the CONTRACTOR "s intern.l - controls aro adegtiate to safeguifrd the organization's as,.;et s 1.12 Corpor:itc, Personnel Policies and Procedures. 1.13 .1 1)escription .ind Rc-suines for all positions funded in e wIf I e crr i n pa rt under thi s Agreement. e 1.14 Acceptance of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Ci rcul;rr A -I It), AttacItineiits "A", (Cash Depositaries), (Bonding and Trr:;urance "C" (Retention and Custodial Requirements for Records), "F" (Standards for Financial. Management Systems), "if" (Monitoring and Reporting Progress Performance), "N" (Property Management Standards), and e "O" (Procurement Standards). 90- 415 I . 15 Acc:inrr (If [fill) 11,c}tu l a t l 1n; ?.h C F R 11n rt. P5 ent i t. l ed niferrm A d in i n i I r ILivc Rrgnirements fear Grants and rativc AI,reements to State, T'reca1. and Federally Rcc�rs;ni_ze(I Indian Tribal C;overnments". 1 .16 Acceptance of 11oIIcies .and 1'1-ncedures Manun t for Community Rammed 0rnizations. As it rrecessnry part of this Agreement. the CONTRACTOR sha11 provide the fol lowing; documents to tine Department of Community Development , i n accordance wi t11 the requi roments of the Agreement: A. Final Fx1)endi tune Report to be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after contract expiration. R. Certified Independent Audit to he submitted sixty (60) days after contract expiration. CONTRACTORS receiving monies from the Department of Community Development must allocate in their budgets sufficient funds to secure an annual independent audit which must ilie Lude the expression of an opinion on the Contractor's financial statements, and a compliance letter stating whether the CONTRACTOR is in conformity with federal grant regulations (Office of Management and Budget Circular A-110). Said audit must be submitted no later than sixty (60) days after the expiration of the Community Rased Organization agreement with the Department of Community Development. The City of Miami's Department of Internal Audits and Reviews shall have the authority to revi.•w CONTRACTOR records, iIle luding programmatic records and books of account, for a period of up to three (3) years from the termination date of the 'agreement. All books of riccount and supporting documentation should be kept by the Contractor it least three (3) years for audit purpuseS. - 3 - 90- 41 1; A R "I' I r; T, F; I I 2.1 T!"lE OF P1',1;FORMANCI; 'flit, term of thi, Agreemorit shall h.- fIOm JIIIV 1, 1990 to ikIne 30, 1 99 1 . 2.2 CITY A1►TH0RIZAT10N For the purpose of thi s Agreement, the CI ty of Miami Department of Community 1eve101)ment (hereinafter the "I)I;PARTMKNT" ) wi I i act on beho l f of t_he CITY i n t he f iscal control., programmatic monItorin7, and modification of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided by this Agreement. 2.3 OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR shall carry out the services as prescribed in its Work Program (Attachment I), which is attached and incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement, in a lawful, and proper manner, satisfactory to the CITY, in accordance with the written policies, procedures, and requirements as prescribed in this Agreement, as set forth by the United States Secretary of Treasury and the City of Miami Department of Community Development. ContraCtor is aware and accepts the Policies and Procedures Manual for Community Based Organizations as the official document which outlines the fiscal, administrative and Federal. guidelines and which shall regulate the day-to-day operas ion,,, of the CONTRACTOR. 2.4 BONDING AND INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall maintain insurance and bonding coverages acceptable to the CITY's Insurance Management Division of the Law Department. Prior to commencing any activity under this Agreement., the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the CITY certIticaLes of insurance: and bonding, indicating that the CONTRACTOR 15 iii c.ompIiance with the provisicin:> of this .aI-L iC110. - 4 - 7 CUINTRA(;rF1, Thal 1 I)rnvicic thr fol Iowing cov('ra);c-S: a) Insurance cov0rage that ref lects sound business practices acceptable to the CITY's Insurance Management Di vi si on of the Law Department . b) Fide.I ty bonding for a] 1 persons handling funds received or disbursed under this Agreement in an amount equal to ur greater than the maximum amount of cash held at any one rime. CITY shall be a primary additional insured on all insurance policies and there shall be no exclusions in such policies to override the CITY coverage. c) Current liability insurance shall be rated by A.M. Best's as to "A" Classification and "V" as to financial Size. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its liability and obligations under this section or under any other section of this Agreement. 2.5 L1:VEL OF SERVICE: Should start -up tiine for a program be required or any delays in service occur, the Department of Community Development i s to be notified in writing immediately, giving; all pertinent details and indicating when service Shall bej!in and/,.)r continue. It is understood and agreed that the level of :services, activities, and expenditures by the CONTRACTOR, in existence prior to the initiation of Service; hereunder, shall be continued and shall not be r ditcc,ci in any wiry as a result of this Agreement. Programs fuuded through this Agreement shall. not r.esul.t in the displacement of employed workers, impair existing contracts I ,r services, c}r r & s u I t in the substituti.ort of funds a IoCated ernder this Agreement for other funds in c1117vcL i oir wi r: 11 work whi ch wou1 d have been perf orrrred i it t.he. b t ncc cif t his Ag,reenier,t. 99- 415 r r docnmi�ntnt i rin i u �;rrpt��,rt of uci� rc�iue�;r. �hn slit) act to appro,vn 1 by Ci TY at: the t i me the request i G in;ldi, anti nl l invoices sire requi rr,d to be paid bV Ct)NTRA(:T0R prior t��uhmiGsirin. At re1mbursCments must be in 1 ine-i tcam Corin and he in n c r n r d wi th this Ati;reeinent_. Al l expenditures must he verified by original invoice with a copy of the check which was used to pay tlint specif is i nvoice. 141 thin 60 days of submitting reimhur,;emont request, copies of the cancelled checks shall be submitted. In the event that an invoice is paid by various funding sources, a copy of the invoice may he submitted but must indicate the exact amount paid by various funding sources equaling the total of the invoice. No miscellaneous categories shall be accepted as a line item in the budget. Request for line -item changes are allowable, with prior review and approval by the CITY. All line -item changes must be made prior to the end of the term of the agreement. B. Requests for payment should be made at least on a monthly basis. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the CTTY within thirty (30) calendar days after the indebtedness has been incurred. Failure to comply may result in the rejection for ,repayment of tho,;e invoices within the reimbursement package which do not meet this requirement. C. CONTRACTOR must submit the final. request for payment to the CITY wititIn 30 calendar days following the expiration date or termination date of this Agreement. If the CONTRACTOR fails to comply, all rights tit payment arc> forfeit+d and they CITY shall not honor any request 5ubmtttt-d after the aforesaid agreed upon period. D. Any payment dui' ender this Agreement mity be wi thheld pendi r+g the receipt and appr-oVaI by the CITY of al l reports duce f rc;m the CONTRACTOR as a part of this coat ract ,end any inodi f icatir-)ns tlteret (I. - 7 90- 415 3. 3 `r 1 NANC I A1, A(:Cr1I1NTAB T 1, 1 TY C1TY reserves t_he right to ,audit the recnr-d�, of CONTRACTOR at onv t: Imp duri n); the performance of thI s Agreement and for a period of three years after final payment is made under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide all financial and other :applicable records and documentation of service, to CITY. Any payment theretofore made shall. be subject to reduction for amounts included in the related invoice which are found by CITY, on the basis of �,uch audit, not to constitute -11,1own ble expenditures. Any payments made to CONTRACTOR are subject to reduction for overpayments on previously submitted invoices. 3.4 RECAPTURE OF FUNDS CITY shall reserve the right to recapture funds when the CONTRACTOR shall fail (i) to comply with the terms of this Agreement or (ii) to accept conditions imposed by CITY at the direction of the federal, state and local agencies. — 3.5 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE Funding for this Agreement is contingent on the availability of funds and continued authorization for program activities; and i.s subject to amendment or termination due to lack of s fund,, or authorization, reduction of funds, and/or change in _ regulations. ARTICLE IV - 4. 1 INDFMNI FICATLON — CONTRACTOR ::hall indemiaify, defend and save CITY harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, :and c,ausrs of action which anay arise out of CONTRACTOR-s act ivi.ties under dais Agreement, including all other acts or omissions I act on the part of CONTRACTOR, including any p rr,on actin); for or on its behalf; from and against any rc:lcvant orders, judgments, or decrees which may be entered ' - =t -- 90- 415 —�a �� t W IV against they CITY: and from and againut all coots, attnrnev's fees, expanses, and liabilities incurred by the CITY in the defense of :any such claims or In the investigation thereof. 4 . Z AME.NDMENTS No :amendments to this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by both parties. 4.3 OWNL•'RSFIIP OF DOCUMENTS Al 1 documents developed by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall be delivered to CITY by said CONTRACTOR upon completion of the services required pursuant to this Agreement and shall become the property of CITY, without restriction or limitation on its use. CONTRACTOR agrees that all documents maintained and generated pursuant to this contractual relationship between CITY and CONTRACTOR shall be subject to all provisions of the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. It is further understood by and between the parties that any documents or thing which is given by CITY to CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times remain the property of CITY and shall not be used by CONTRACTOR for any other purposes whatsoever without the written consent of CITY. 4.4 AWAR1) OF AGRE,E, MFNT CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed or retained any person employed by the CITY to solicit or secure this Agreement .and that it has not offered to pay, paid, or agreed to pay ar.y person employed by the CITY any fee, commission percentage, brokerage fee, or gift of any kind contingent upon or resulting from the awArd of. times Agreement. 9 - 90- 415 0 4 .5 NON- D-ELEGAH I L [ TY The obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement shal l not hci del egated or assigned to any other person or firm unless CITY shall_ first consent in writing to the performance or assignment of such Services or any part thereof by another person or firm. 4.6 CONSTRUCT'fON OF AGREEMENT This. Agreement shall he construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Florida. 4.7 OBLIGATION TO RENEW Upon expi r:ati.on of the to rm of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrees and understands that CITY has no obligation to renew this Agreement. 4.8 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT CITY retains the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the completion of the services required pursuant to this Agreement without penalty to CITY. In that event, notice of termination of this Agreement' shall be in writing to CONTRACTOR, who shall be paid for those services performed prior to the date of its receipt of the notice of termination. In no case, however, shall CITY pay CONTRACTOR an .amount in excess of the total sum provided by this Agreement. It is here -by understood by ,and between CITY and CONTRACTOR that any payment made in accordance with this Section to CONTRACTOR shall be made only if said CONTRACTOR is not in default under the terms of this Agreement. If CONTRACTOR is in default, than CITY shall in no way he obligated and shall not pay to CONTRACTOR any sum whatsoever. 90- 41 1, GV EI'A1, C,WND I TI ONS A. Al i n(,t.icev <<r OLher- commnnicntions which shall or may he g 1v(,n pugtitin nt to this Agreement. shall be in writing; rind f;h:tl I he del ivcred by personnI service, or by r e j, I !, t o I- o d ma l addressed to the ot11er party at the address indicated herein or as the same may be changed from time to time. Such notice shall he deemed given on the day on which personal ly served, or, if by maii, on the fifth day after tieing posted or the date of actual. receipt , whichever is earl i er. CITY OF MIAMT CONTRACTOR 3500 Pan American Drive hi tt l e Ilavana Development Miami, Florida '33133 Authority, Inc. 970 S.W. Fi rst Street , Suite 407 Miami, Florida 33130 8. Title and pa rag,raph headings are for convenient referenc(I and are not n part of this Agreement. C. in the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement :and any terms or conditions contained In any =ttached documents, the terms in this Agreement shall cont ro 1 . D. No waiver or breach of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or :any other provision hereof, and no waiver shall he effective unless made in writing. !;. Shoul,_I ;tny 1)rovIsions, paraigraplas, sentences, words or I>hrases contained in thus Agreement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal o!- otherwi se unenforceable under the laws of the State oaf Florida or the City of Miami, such provisions, par.+graphs, sentences, words or phrases shall he deemed ntodi f i e d to the extent necc,ssary in order to conform with such laws, or J- 17 not modifiable to confortaa with such 1�awS, than ~sunk, shall be deemed sever.able, rind in either event., the, remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement iliall remain unmodified and in lull force and 1 � f CONTRACTOR and it,; cmhlneops :and af,Pnr q shall_ h- dePmeri to h0 i ridvj)1-1lrlr'tat. 1'(11)t a;1(-t r,rs ;and not a4?ent`: r,r empInyCos of CITY, and v h a I I not ,train any rights or benefits under the Civil Svrvice or Pension Ordinances of CITY or any rights generally affnrded classified or unel:assificd employees; farther, thPy shall run he rivemed cntitIvd to the Florida Workers' Compvnsat.ion benefits as an employee of CITY. 4.11 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Ag r Bement shall be bindi ng; upon the part ies herein, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. ARTICI.,E V 5.1 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR certifies that: It possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement by way of :r resolution, motion, or Simi_ lar action that has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of CONTRACTOR"s governing body, authorizing the execution of the Agreement, including all understandings and assurances contained herein, and directing and authorizing; the person identified as: the official representative of the CONTRACTOR to act in connection with the Agreement and to provide such additional information as may be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be exocuted by the respective of f 1 cial s thereunto duly authorized on the first date: above written. CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal Corporation of the State of Florida ATTEST: By MATTY M RA1 _CESAR H. ODI O - CITY CLERK CITY MANAGEk - 1 2 0 -- 4JL55 11 U I A T i , : :C1RP0 TF. SECRE'I AItY IIECTOR GASCA CriN f P.1Cl 0 P ' l,i t t j r (i :, •.,!,l tla !)E'l'('t:i ��r-�i_nt AIIL111)1ity, inr, 970 S. Fi r.t St:r,00 Snit c ht; rtmi , F'1 or 1 3t) 408 PRESTDF:NT LUIS SABINES GtlARANTFI1: (SEAL) C1 oil f:-(Y►�l� _ in consideration of the City of Miami"s execution of the foregoing Agreement, the undersigned, guara11zeo the performance of t11e terms and conditions in said Agreement required to be performed by thr_ CONTRACTOR including but not Iimited to the provi lions, relating to default, assurancer;, and certifications. ated this da�of Bu WIT 'SS: APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE; REQUIREMENTS: INSURANCE: MANAGEMENT APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JORGE L. F'I.RNAN;)EL CITY ATTuRNEY 5/()2/90/gid , 1990 , , individual indiviN ll.y 90- 41 LA CORPORATE. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY desires to enter into nn agreement with the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors at i duly held corporate meeting has considered the matter in accordance with the by -Laws of the corporations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the presideat,and secretary arc hereby authorized and instructed to enter into a contract in the name and on behalf of this corporation with the City of ;liami upon the terms contained in the proposed contract to which this resolution is attached. DATED this % ? day of UOAItD OF RECTORS CHAIRPERSON LUIS SABINES SE'CRE.TAitY HECTOR GASCA CiTY ()F tIIA?,tI , FkOF' 11)A (IDMIHNITY BASED nRCANi7.ATEnN (C"n) T'H i 5 AGREE,MENT , tint erect i nr. o t h i S d.ay of , 1 c/ betaiecn the City of Mi nmi , a r,tuni ci pal corpornt ion of the St.atr- of Florida, (hereinafter referred ro as the "CT.TY"), and MARTIN LUTHER :LING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. (MLKE.DC), a F I o r 1 d a not for profit corporation, (hereinafter rof erred t n as the "CONTRACTOR"). FUNDING SOURCE: CITY OF MI11III TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: Six hlonthq AMOUNT: $ 25,000.00 VENDOR NUMBER: TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: 59-2042422 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KAI, JI , I,IA _ ADDRESS: 6116 N.W. 7th Avenue, N.iami, FL 33127 TELEPHONE NO.- (305) 757-7652 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual cr,venants and obl igNt ions herein set forth, Lhe parties understand and agree as tallnss: ARTICLE f A{- ;i nococ ;�d:Ary part ) this Agreo-ment, Lhe fnilowin}; documents h hivi, been prnvidt-d by the CONTRACTOR -,nd ;inproved by the ('I TY r it t;)c hed : l.lt p,.r"IV wesolution authorizing execution of this AIrcomvnt. 1.2 Work Program (approved by the CITY). 1 . 3 Budget SummA ry, tc; i nc Iud.: completion of CONTRACTOR'S Program/Li no -It em Budget/Expenditure Justification, Tot al Act aa1 anti Pro Ivcred Funds Disclosure, and St at Salarie�t Schvduly (on forms supplied by the CiTY); budget for pr"grAm-,renorar cd revon"UKI eppi- ens of all qubcont race s A Iid l" r m;i nn4emrnL s ury i uvn ;i); ropmeIIt s Funded in 'whole or in il,j ti .�� tri!t t:'111�. ' t'(''HEN REIJk,�ING W11 NRi (tCV04, PLIAH IDENTIFY AS 99- 415 l ,1, ("r'rt i I i r�tt c' of fnsi_rr,rncr' which rrf I acts C,011 T HACTT9R"S vnrrrnt 1 1 1 b1 11 ty i n.q"rnncv, n.am1 ng the CI TY as prim ary nr i d d i t 1 n n a I insured as; determined by the Law Department of thc- CITY; c..urrent 14orkers' Corn1)eTIs I t i o n insurance: c-nrrent Fidel i ty Bond (applicable for al 1. per.gons who are authorized to rervivc> .and dtsburs,e funds under this Agreement) ; and other coverage .a A deemed necessary, if applicable We. autnmahi l e insurance). 1.5 CONTRACTOR"s Corporate Seal (to be affixed to Signatory Page, and Corporat e Resolution). 1.6 Copy of CO(`l'iRACTOR's Articles of Incorporation, Charter and Hylawn . 1 .7 1.i t of Pres;r nt 11ri nci pI I Governing Board Officers and memhecs of the Board (name,, addresses and telephone nram'hers) . i.N List of Key Staff Persons, W t h their titles, who wi;l carry out this, 1)rogram. i.9 Comp Lotion of Authorized Representative Statement. inn Completion of Statement of Accounting System. I.li, A IoLtor frr,m an iadepondent CortiFied Public Accountant whi ch exprunmus the opi ni on that the CONTRACTOR's internal controls a r v radecluaIV to gnfFguard the organization's Ins Ct.s. 1 .1? Govporratc• Pc rsnnne1 Policies :and Procedures,. l.11 Job bvycription ,and Rosurnc's for :ail Positions Funded 1n whole ov au purl under Thin Agreemeat. 1 .14, Acceptance of Of f i ce of Management and Budget (01.1R) Ci rcuI ar A-1 10, Attachments "A", (Cash Depositaries), " H " ( Bond! ng and Insurance), "C" (Reruntion and Custodial 1?c qui remeni `, I a Recor ds ) , F" (Standards for Fi ncanei n1 Managument Systems), "H" (Monitoring and Reporting Progress Performance) "N" (Property Management Standards), and "O" (Pruc"rvmvnt Straod:ardb). 1= lrdb� w ;I n c o i r) rl C F, P P -I r t 8 r -nt i t I ed i t M Administrative !?eq Ili remoil t c; for Grant., a n el C n V i v A g r I, in I., I) t: t taLr Lo c ;I I and Federally T r i ha I C 1) v c r It M 0 111' S es 16 A c c v 1) t- a it r i of 11 ri I i c I v rend Pr oc odu I Manll:ll for Community Bi!; ed Orgin i z;4t i on'; A q :i n v c ez sn r v p;i r r of this A5Treemert. the CONTRACTOR Sh;311 provide L In c f,) I L ow 1 ng -1ocumc,nts try the c Deparrmont of Co mmii n i t y D e v e I c, pm c n t In ;iccorda lie e w i t 11 the req Ll i reme nt s of the I tgreouient A F i nn I I-,'x p o n d i r u r c Report to he >;uhmltted no later t h an L 11 i I C y ( 3 0 contract expiration. Ce rt i f i ed independent Audit to he �-, it 1) m i t L e d sixty (60) (Jays after contract expiration. CONTRACTORS receiving monies from t h e Department of Community 1) 0 v 0 1 o 1) m e I I t mti,, t. al beat e i n t li e i r b Ltd g c- 1: s sufficient funds to -;ecttre in annitil independent audit vili i c h mint include the expression of an opinion on the C o n t ra c t. o r ti financial Statements, a ii d a compliance i it g whether the CONTRACTOR is .in conformity with F d e r it I ;;rant r eg, it I ;i t i o Li s (Office of Management :and B it (I g e I- C i r c it I a r A- I 10). Said audit Mu S t be I I hni i t L ed 110 1-1 t e r than sixty (60) day: after the eyp i ra t i o n of the Community Based Or ranizatlon � -A ), r v 0 M I, n t with the !) c 1):i r t n (., n t of Community Development. The i I Y M i I IT) i s 1) pa I- t III e 11 of lnterrlal Audits .and 1( v t I w sha I I I,.-, v t_ 11,- nciLltority to revi ew CONTRACTOR records, 1 n c I u d i It?; progr;iminat i c r 0 co I- d and honks of Accotint , for -i puriod of up to three (3) years from the L e rin i n;i t i c) n dat t. if the i-1 jY r e eine ri t All books of c c o u ii t- :And ,; u lip o r t I P),, d o cu In e n t a L i (:) n hhould I) e kept by t It c Co it t r a c I- r at I oa S t r 111 3) years for audit --4 90- 415 ART 1 CLR I I M1-: 1)F t'F,V.F 0RMANC!,, The trrni of thi : Aa;rvemonL sha1 l h- t rom July 1 1990 to Decomber 2 Ci I A.LIT IIOR 17ATI0N For t_hc purpose of this Agi-pement, the City of Miami Dppi rtmunl- of Communi t y 1)c volopmont (herei naf t er the "OEPARTMP,NT" ) wi 1.1 act on behalf of the CITY i n the f i.scal cone ro 1 , progrnmuint i c mont t e,r i ng, and modification of this At , pument, pxcvpL as othvrwisv provided by this Agreement. 2,3 nKhtGATiON OF CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR sha 1 L carry out the servi ce> as prescribed i n i t:s Wo rk Program ( At tac_hmunt t ), which is attached and incorporated herein and mode A Part: of this Agreement, in a IawfnI , rand proper manner, satisfactory to the CITY, in :accordance with the written policies, procedures, and req"irementg as prescrihed in this Agreement, as set forth by Lhe United States Secretary of. Treasury and the City of Miami Department of Community Development. Contractor is aware ,and :accepts the Policies and Procedures M,i111aI or Communi ty Rasod Or,annizntions a the nfFici.Rl. cl,.rilaPnI which nlatl in04 th C F1gcaI, administ"rntive and We-dor"I y"Idol inps and which shall a-eRnlate the, day-to-day opci .at io"n "I the CONTRACTOR. ?.4 KnNtl,1 NC nNl) 1rwSURANC1: C0NTRACT0K sIi al l inrai n t a i n in.uraricf, and handing coverage?" .a ccerptahIe Lo the CLTY"s Insurance Management Division of the Law Department. Prier to commencing any activity under this Agreement, the C0NIRACTnR shall furnish to the CITY cortiflvit,- of in;urince .and h„nding indicatinthat the CONIRACTOR is i Ia compl ianc, wiL11 the provisions 0 V Hair, art Ole. - 4 - 90- 415 CraOFRACTOR shall providic• the following coveragpq: I l ing"rnnup covers t h I r-F I "ur q o " n d buy 1nesn - pract ic•er; "cc eptabIP t;n riac•' CITY" Insurnnce Hnnagement Division of the Law Department. b) Fidrl ity bonding { ur al l persons handIi.np, funds recc•i vod or disbursed under this Agreement in an amount F'gnal to or greater than the maximum amount of cash 11oI d at any nne r ;mcr. CITY shall be a primary :add i t i o n a 1 i ns:urvd on all insurance policies and there shall he no exclusions in such policies to override the ClTY coverage. c) Current li:abi lity insurance shall he rated by A.M. Aest'n as to "A" Clnssificatton and "V" as to financial size. Compliance with the fora„oi.ng requirements shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its I i:ahi 1 i ty .and obl.i .;at ions under this section or under anv other section of this Agreement. Z .5 LF.VK1, raF SF. RV I C-H Should start-up time for a program be required or any dalays in service occur, the Department of Community Development is to he notified in writing immediately, k7ivink; ."ail pertinent details and indicating when service nh.a 1. I begin and%or continue. It is understood and agreed that the level of services, -activities, and expenditures by t:he CnNTRACTOR, in oxistence prior to the• initiation of services hereunder, shal l be continued and Shall not be rvdurrd in zany wary ,as :a rPquIt of this 'lgreement. Programs funded through thin; AgreemonL sh,al l n " t r e s u I r in the displdrement of employed workers, impair existing contracts I o r services, or result in the substitution of funds allocated under this Agreement for other funds in U,,H"Ortion with work which w"ufd have hewn performed in Lho ,ah+rnvc of thih Ashrveme"L. - 5 - 9()" 41 AL PCrORTS, AUDITS AND rVAEOAT-InNS Th C'ONTR 1CTOR Nhn I I rnnn I v wi t h t he 1• o d r r:i i 1)i roct i vc i vqu1 reel by the V.S. D irI ment of lln,eqi rig and Urban Da olopmerit (USUUD) to de,crrmcnt that program activities nre nrovi rled for the— benefit of low to modest o income parsons. [ r jct,Ord.ene e• vii t_h thr Coder of Fode•r.11 RVt?I Izit ions 24 CPR Part 570.506, records shall he maintained for each activity La din tesrmi nee that service: he:•nef it. low and mode rate income pot monR. At th ;, ro(Iito ;t of CiTY, CONTRACTOR shall t r.3nsmi t to CITY wri un gritements of CONTRACTOR-s; official Policy on mpecitied ignues relating to CONTRACTOR's activities. CiTY may carry out monitoring and e v a I " a t i n n activities, i nr l"di ng vi sits and observnt ions by CiTY Ptaf f ; CONTRACTOR sho I I Pn` a r" t ho cooperation elf i V s vmpl nvens and Boa rd memhPrs in such efforts. Any inconsistent, incomplete, or i nredequate i nrormat ion ei ther received by the CITY or obtHned through monitoring and evaluation by the CITY, shall eonsti torte good cruse for they CITY to terminate this Agreement at any time rheroatter. ARTICLE LIT 3.1 COMPENSATION A. CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR, as maximum compensation for they servi cus requf rod purr,uant to Art icle II hereof, 325.000.00. 1,,. e;l'L'1` steal I have t};e riti*ter to reviow and audit the tune records .and related records of CONTRACTOR pertaining to my payrnvnts by CITY. A. Al l paymants: shaI l he re,imhursements for expenditures irtcurrod only during this teat of this Agreement, and in enmiriiNnive with they I-) rev ionsly approved Line —Item Wdgct. 5uuh wriLLcn rreiuent 01"ll enntnl?t i sta1—•newt drularieras; And ifIirming thit all expenditurev were made i" auenid"ncc wiIh Lhc approved hudgvt. Pell 90- 415 doCItmt�ntnt inn in i)1)„rt- +f such r,>q+rr.t chat I he ,;I+hic'ct t 1)1)rnIt;1l by CITY tt l`tit (I the roque4t I in; Id ;tnd t 11 1 nvcr,s ai'c, rc(t i r+I;l t,r he Paid by (A 14T1\11(;V R 1)ri+)r n. L1- r. imhlt1,1;+1m1,11t:s must- It in t iif i t-t'tn In nn(l h< in Icc,)r(I w th this Ayr, r o c inont . AL I c •:Pcnd i turr ti mug t i-)e veri f i ed by (I :r,i n:) 1 invoirc, wi th it c,+pv of 1:h1, check which +7as used tc) I)rly t hat s1)eC Fic invoiI- Ui tIti n 00 days of ;uhmi tt Int; rc;lnhuI,-;event rerlucst , copie�: of the cnncc-LIeci checks shall he submitted. In the event that art invotice i:, paid by various funding Sources, a copy of the invoice may he submitted but must indicate the exact amo+tnt paid by various funding sources equaling the Iota 1 of: the i nvoic r. No inisce I Ianeou5 crtt egori es ,haI l be accept ed as a t i ne i tem i n the budget. RequeGt_ for line - item clt,triges are Allowable, wit1i prior review and anprov.tl by tho CITY. Al line-i tem changes must be m.tde prior to the end of the term of the agreement. B Requtr,tits; for payment sh()uld be glade ,t Ieast on a mr)nthly basis. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the crrY within thirty (30) calendar days .!tier the indebtedness has been incurred. Failure. to c1r11)1y m;ly resent- in tItc? rejection for repayment of tfl0>;o invoices within the rc-iinbur�;etnont packay{o which do (IoL mert ! h it; rciqui rc�mI,nt. �'. CUNTiZtl(,1'C)R nntnt suhlnir th<r f irtal recluCst fnr I)aymcrtt to the CITY within 30 calendar day:, following the. ( kpi r:1l: 1 oa tl;t l 1' o r t l,rfit i n;it i oit (I;1t I, r,i t1) i s A,;r(°(,lneI)t 1 t tIt; CONTiZACTOIZ fai Is I.o comply, A11 right:: to payment ;lr(I I fc,ited ;tnd the CITY shaI I not hr)nor ally request S11bfit ittod :iftrr the aIot,er;aid agreed upon pt,riod. D. Any p.lYin ,'nt duc- under tl,i;s A,,irrcmont may be withheld itdilt;IItc, r,c+,fl-)t ;inrl !1)hro%,al ) thr GITT of ,11 rr,,r,rt duc" I IonI the CO1,,11ItACTOIt is ! part of rltis uit(_r.:ct tncl trIy, tnu,Iitic:it ir,n�: !ling1-tl�. 7 90- 415 Ll E2 1 3 Fl N3ANC l A1, ACCMINJ Alt 1 1, 1 TY CI'iY rt t.tI I i,;ht t„ :ill di t t he rrd�, of CONTRACTOR :tt anv t iIt dn3 int, thn pf,rf )rInn ncv )f thi-, AgreemcnI anal for hi•I i Od f t ltt ('(. V(•rrrt-: .3! t ( I I i n.l l p;)vmL�lit t i,; m;I(Ie 11n(Ier , tl , A);ref,Inoiit CONTRACT(11: I};t i i •. ( it p1 )vido ;II i t i il;ltic l;l l rind other ;ipplic;ible records and documontation of services rn (ATY. Any payment r_horotofnre made 5hal 1 he stil)ject to reducrion f(,r ,imottntti incliided in thv related invoice which ;are found by CiTY, on the hasis of such audit, not to constitute al 1owehle_ expenditures. Anti payment:; made to CONTRACTOR aI-e suhiect to reduction For overpayments on 1)reviousIv ,;iibttiitted i.nvoIces. 3.4 RN:CAI'Tt1RF. OF FUNDS CITY shal I rfservo the right to r e (I ;i I) t u r (I fund~ when thc- c ON RACT0R ';11:1l 1 fai 1 ( i ) Cu comply rri.t h the terms of this Agi (,emenr nr (i i) to accept condi tions imposed by CITY at the diroctiun of the fed(•rnl, ,t;ire and local aIyencles. 3.5 CONTINGFNCY ChAUSF: Funding for thi>: Agreeinent is contingenc on the availability of tends Ind c4)nt:iniied aitthorIzaLion for progra.in activities and itit) ject t,.) aviondmont or termination due to lack of funds or -iiit hori "/, it iipn, r,, du c t i (•n )F i it ids;, and/or cli.tnge In merit 1 .1t i nnr;. Ai:TICLB I.v 4. 1 1 N0FMN i F I('.AT t ON CONTRACTtR hall indemnify, defend ;and save CITY harmless t r,,in and ;ig;ti n s t any and al l claim~, liahi I i t i Ps, losses, ,and c,tuc;es Of act. ion which may arise out of CONTRACTOR"s .ict. ivities under this Agrerment, including gill other acts or I,lili .;i„n:. In .cI I)n t11t11:•r`, :)I- CON' R'AC'VO11,, inc1.itding airy 1>c•11;11f fioIT) .,31d .ij31i3i11.7t 3r1V r� I i ..int Ori1�_ T , iudgilielit �, , r;t (IecI.('es whic 13 Ill)y 1)(- t - II eI( d a«afnP,t th,, Ci'3'Y: in(l f rWn and IffIinst: ;)II c•,,,tr;. att1)rn0,"s f ;, rxt,n:cr~, ,,nd ii:rhilit. ies incurred by the CTTY in the (It f ,I lily r;nch claims )r• in 1lie inv<_5t. igition thereof. 4.2 A1viGN1)MFNTS N, +roe ndment t„ tIti!; Agvo(,in I)I ;hal l he hin,IIII; „II :>itlteI- party tin] rs in writ ing and signed by both parties. 4.3 OWN F,RSIi1Y OF DOCUMENTS A] I document,; developed by CONTRACTOR under this; Agreement shail be deIivered to CITY by raid CONTRACTOR upon cWnpletion of the tieryrequired 1)urSltant to this A�,reement and shaI I bo m(I nc�� property o!` CITY, wit+tout rtriction or iiIII itatiolt I) II its use. CONTRACTOR agrees that nLI doctrme11rF. maintrtiTIeki :Ind generrtted pursuant. to t:niS cant racturl t relat i onsItip between CITY and CONTRACTOR shall be gtthiect to all pr0visions of the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Sr— It:utes. It is further understood by and between the parties that Inv cl()cttmF_°lit ur thi n}, Wit iCIt i s i;i veil by CITY to CONTRACTOR = purs;ct:tnt to this AgrvoInent steal 1 at ali timer, remain the - pr,,perty of C[TY Ind shal i. not be used by CONTRACTOR fur any other purposes whatsoever without the written consent of - CITY. l+.tt AWARn OF Ac;IZF.!;MF:N: Ci)NTRACFOR w, rr.antS that it has not employed or rf.tained any em},lnved by rite C[TY ro r;oIicit mot' st_cure this Asir ernernt :Ind t-h;I : i t h;Is not of IFered to pay, paid, or - aJrr, vd t o p.ty �tny p� rson t?tn1,l dyed by t he CITY any fee, rumni�,sio1 perrcentage, brokeI—Age fire, or gift of any kind cant i n;ent n or result i nif from the award of thi s A1, nt. so- 41 4 .5 WN PVLVGAnI LITY `I_hp obligil inns. undrrt.aWn by the CONTRACTOR purs;nant to this Agrromv"r shil I not be doIP;a.ted or assigned to any ether pprgon or firm ""loss CITY shall first consent in writing to the pprfurmancv or assignment „f such s vrvices or any part. t herrof by ,ruol_hPr pornon or firm. 4 . h COMSTRUCT I ON OF AGREEMENT f!ii!! Agreement shaI I hP construed and enforced necordi.ng to tho laws of the State of Florida. 4.7 ORLI(;AT]ON 'TO RI?NF,1,1 Urrr,n cx1)ir.at.i()n of the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR ,grow; and understands. that CTTY has no ohligation to renew thim Agreement. 4.8 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT CITY retains the right: to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the completion of the services required purquant: to this Agreement without penalty to CITY. In that event, not.icc of termination of this Agreement shall be in writing to CONTRACTOR, who shell be paid for those services performed prior to the dAtc of its receipt of the notice of tI.rmi n,rt ion. In no r_a,c h.,wever, shall CITY pay CONTRACTOR An -amount in excess of the total sum provided by this I; U Vnt . It is, hc,t(,I)y undzrs;tood by and hetween CITY and CONTRACTOR that .any paymprit made is .accordance with this Section to CON'1RAC:TOR .hall he made only if gaid CONTRACTOR is not in , v! 4ult und,r the terms „f this Agreement. If CONTRACTOR Q. in default. then CITY shall in no way be obligated and shall - nor pay to CONTRACTOR any :sum whntscever. 90 - 415 4 . 9 GP,NI:!Z!11, (;t) in i "I' } ttNS A. All ,1o1 icil" )I- ',thfIt mny 1w givk,n 1rnr:;ll;lnt ti, thi,. A,;rc�rro��nt_ !;hall be in wIiIin;r Ind sh;11 1 1)tt dc•I i vercd by p�rrsonal_ servi ce, or by rI,gist ored mai I ;Iddrossc(I tthe o hitr party at the itd(Irc­;s indicated hart=in or a the same may he changed Irom time to tfmr,. Such notice shall he deemed given on t hc clay )n whic,1t por,:onrll I s<-rved; or, i.f by mail, on tite I i!th clay ofter }leing posted or tIt date of actual recei1)t, wIticItevoI- i�; oirIier. CI TY ()F MT A M I CONTRACTOR 3500 Pan American Drive Mal -tin Luther King Economic Miami, Florida 33133 Development Corporation, Inc. 6116 N.14. 7th Avenue Miami, Florida 33 12 7 .,nd p.aragrnptl Itondings :.Ire for convenient reference ;Ind arcs n, t I part of this Agreement. C. In Lhr event of conflict between the terms of thif, AS;rovinent ;ind any rerm5 or conditions contained in any irtached docrimer)ts the terms in this Agreement shall I unL ro I . 1). No w.liv�r or i)ri;,rh of any provision of this Agreement hail cllitstittit e .I w.livc,r of iriy sith�=r-(IuenL breach of ehley of 1wr 1)rovision hereof: and no waiver b o ci f f c c t i v I, it n 1 c .; s in:i o i ii w r i r i it ,r . 5IIouId :In:, 1)ruvi;ir,n,, 11;lr;iV,r:Iph c11tonce,, words or I,'rr:iN, a r retained 111 rllis lls�,lt he dc=ic rrTiinrd by a C011I co111114"e II it? risdicLjot) tCt binvalid, iIIegaI 0r 1)1:1)c�rwi.s0 uncenf0rc(',11)10 under the laws of the Stalt0 id 11 Ci tV o f 1.1i I1111 SltcIt provi si ons, it r ,;;r,l1>11 :011tcl s; k"'rrds or hhrnscts slin i 1 he dcc-ll;ed �i 1;1 d i ( i ed t o L 11t (I t- 11cC0 .1 ry i I) o rd c: r t o cone o rm - I wi t It such lawn, or i f not nlodi f i a b I e to conform with a sul !i I:l,,Is th�_n Bal l hc dl-emed se erable-, and in c•i t Ire I ve 11 11 t- I , ,u;ii 11i it d 1,rovi r:icrns of (hi q h a 1 1 I. o ii-i I i I Il i I it,,: d i t i d a n :] i n f ll l J. 1 i) r c e it lid =3 a -i =i ;e E2 4, i O INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR and its rmhloyees and agents shall he deemed to he indPpvndPnt cent ract or,; and not a{Tents or employees of CTTY, and shall not attain any rights or benefits cinder the Civi 1 Servi ce or Pensi on Ordi nances of CITY or any rights generally afforded classified or unclassified employees; further, they shall not be deemed entitled to the Florida Workers' Compensation benefits as an employee of CITY. 4.11 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties herein, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. ARTICLE. V 5.1 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR certifies that: It possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement by way of a resolution, motion, or similar action that has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of CONTRACTOR's governing body, authorizing the execution of the AgreernOnt, including all understandings and assurances contained herein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the CONTRACTOR to act in connection with the Agreement and to provide such additional information as may be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by the respective officials thereunto duly authorized on the first date above written. CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal Corporation of the State of Florida ATTEST: By MATTY H IRAI ^� _ CESAR H. ODIO CITY CL HkK CITY MANAGER 12 - 0- 415 L2 AT,T1 , : CA) NJRACT0R. M,-trti.n Luther King Economic Development Cnr. poration, Trtr. . 6110 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami., Florida 33127 CORPORATE SECRETARY GUARANTEE a P Rl_ k C N —� r (SEAL) in consideration of the City of Miami's execution of the foregoing Agreement, the undersigned, guarantee the performance of the terms and conditions i.n said Agreement required to be performed by the CONTRACTOR including, but not limited to the provisions relating; to default, .assurances, and certifications. Dated this day of By r WITNESS: APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: INSURANCE: MANAGEMENT APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 'ORGE L. F(:RNANDE;Z CITY ATTORNEY 5/02/90/t;_id 1990 an individual individually CIL 0 - 13 - 90- 415 M CORPORATF RFSOi.OTI.ON W H E RF. A S , MARTIN CAM ER KING ECON0114IC DEVLWPM \Tr MRPORATION _ desires to enter into an agreement with the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors at a duly held corporate meeting, has considered the matter in accordance with the By -Laws of the corporations; NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the pros Ldent , and secretary are hereby authorized and instructed to enter into a contract in the name and on behalf of this corporation with the 'City of Miami upon the terms contained in the proposed contract to which this resolution is attached. DATED this 11th day of SECRETARY rIay 1990 . BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRPERSON rj 11 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM CA! 17 Honorable Mayor and Members To of the City Commission DATE MAY Z 9 FILE'. SUBJECT: Agreement with Community Based Organizations for Fiscal Year 1990-1991 FROM Cesar H. O d i REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute individual contracts with five (5) neighborhood economic development organizations, for the fiscal year 1990-1991 contract period to be funded from Sixteenth (16th) Year Community Development Block Grant Funds. BACKGROUND: The Department of Community Development (DCD) has analyzed the need to enter into contract with five (5) economic development Community Based Organizations (CBOs) for fiscal year 1990-1991 beginning July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991. The Community Based Organizations ( C B 0 s ) have been the City's primary outreach vehicle to assist the different communities in developing their economic development programs and/or projects. The City's objective in funding the CBOs is to provide an opportunity for neighborhood economic oriented groups to coordinate the City s economic development efforts at the neighborhood level. This involves promoting the redevelopment and revitalization of Commercial/Industrial activity in targeted low and moderate income neighborhoods and thereby stimulate investment activities. The CBOs also provide neighborhood outreach services to the local business coiumunity. These services include, but are not limited to, the formation and/or strengthening of a merchants association, business recruitatent, target area promotion, referral service to other federal and county programs that are aimed at economic revitalization, and business retention assistance and/or opportunities. 9 - 415 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 During the last contract period, the CBOs received Community Development Corporation (CDC) training and project assistance. Several CBOs also participated in the Citywide Commercial Facade Program to provide exterior facade improvements to businesses within the neighborhood target areas. Based on contract performance, periodic monitoring and previous evaluation, it is recommended that the following CBOs be funded for the contract period and the amounts specified: CONTRACT CBO AMOUNT PERIOD 1. Allapattah Business Development $50,000 1 Year Authority, Inc. 2. Downtown Miami Business Association, Inc. 50,000 1 Year 3. Greater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber 50,000 1 Months of Commerce, Inc. 4. Little Havana Development Authority, Inc. 50,O00 1 Year 5. Martin Luther King Economic Development 25,000 6 Months Corporation, Inc. Funding of the above organizations is subject to approval of each work program by the U.S. Department of Housing (HUD) to assure compliance with federal mandated guidelines. /gj d