HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-90-04730 14 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Cesar Odio'= DATE June 6, 1990. FILE _ City Manager SUBJECT : Personal Appearance June 28, 1990. FROM : Dr. Miriam Alonso REFERENCES: Commissioner ENCLOSURES: Please place on the June 28th Commission Meeting a personal appearance from Mr. Humberto Sanchez, of The Liberty Column Inc., to discuss a monument the organization would like to place in Bayfront Park. Thank -you. cc: Aurelio Perez-Lugones Legislative Administrator 01q 90- 473 BOMID OF D"IECTORM PEDRO ADRIAN j PETER P AGUILERA EDUARDO L BALLORI FERNANDO CANTO ALBERTO CARDENAS. Esq. ALVARO L. CARTA ARMANDO COOINA PONY COSTA LUIS CRUZ GILBERTO DE CARDE14AS CLAM MA DEL VALLE ELENA DIAZ-VERSON AMOS ELSA EATON JERONIMO ESTEVE-ASRIL FELICIANO FOYO, C. P. A. PIORACIO 8, GARCIA JOSE GARCIA RAUL GONZALEZ. M. D. ARIEL E. GUTIERREZ ENRIOLE H. GUTIERREZ ALBERTO M. HERNANDEZ M. D. TRANC19CO J. HERNANDEZ, Ph. 0. WALDO A. LAURENCIO, M. 0, ENRIOUE LAVERNIA, M. D. JORGE LEISECA GARMENDIA DR. CARLOS C. LOPEZ AGUTAR ALBERTO J MARIAO VENANCIO C. MARTI MIGUEL A MARTINEZ JORGE L. MAS CANOSA D INGO A. RA SENIO NUNEZ AAR ELPIDIO NUAEZ EREUO PERA LOMBARDO PEREZ DELFIN PERNAS. P. E JESUS PORTELA LUIS G REDONDO. M. D. JORGE A RODRIGUEZ PED40 V ROIG, Ph 0. DOMINGO SADURNI RAFAEL A. SANCHEZ DIEGO J SUAREZ DIEGO R. SUAREZ RAFAELE.TAMAYO RAUL J. VALDES-FAULT. Esq FELIPE A VALLS OSCAR VAZOUEZ ANTONIO ZAMORA. Esq. CHAIRMAN! JORGE L. MAS CANOSA TREASURER: FELICIANO FOYO. C. P A. VIECUTIVE DIRECTOR: JACOLELINE TILLMAN TRUST[Ei: - GERARDO ABASCAL 11 HENRY N. ADOANO. Esq. - ARTURO M. ALFONSO BRIJ CARLOS J. ARSOLEYA LUIS F. ARENCIBIA JOSE BACARDI OR LUIS BOTIFOLL - SILVIO CANTO, Jr. THOMAS P. CARLOS, Esq. - ALFREDO CORTINA MANUEL J CUTILLAS - CARLOS M. DE LA CRUZ LL. 0 JUAN DELGADO y LEONARDO A. FANDIAO MANUEL R. FERNANDEZ 3 MATIAS FERNANDEZ - J. JOAOUIN FRAXEDAS, Esq MANUEL T. GONZALEZ PEDRO L. GONZALEZ CHRISTOPHER G. KORGE Esq. HECTOR M. LAURENCIO M O. MANUEL LEIZAN GONZALEZ WALTER L. LfSTA. P. E ADRIEL LONGO ISRAEL L MARMOL MEL R MARTINEZ. Esq REYNALDO F. MAYOR HOMERO MERUELO ELPIDIO NUREZ. Jr. FERNANDO OJEDA. Jr. HERMINIO C. ORIZONDO, M.D. DOMINGO PANDO PEDRO R PELAEZ ROD ERTO MARTIN PEREZ JOSE G. PUIG. P. E - —' CARLOS P. OWNTELA ' JULIO RODRIGUEZ ISALOUE ALBERTO SABINA +, EUGENIO SANSON, CP.A ARNALDO SANTA CRUZ RALPH SANTA-CRUZ LUIS TIGERA OR ANDRES VARGAS GOMEZ AGUSTiN VAZQUEZ-LEYVA, M O. S PHEN NN ZACK, Esq 0 June 27, 1990 Mr, Humberto Sanchez The Liberty Column, Inc. P.O. Box 370672 Miami, Florida 33137 Dear Mr. Sanchez: On behalf of all the Directors and Trustees of the Cuban American National Foundation, I wish to congratulate you and express our support of your project to build[ a memorial to the many Cubans who have lost their lives on the high seas, trying to escape the Communist tyranny in Cuba. We wish you the best of luck on your project and look forward to its completion. , JMC/jrs Submitted into the public record in connection with item�on ` z y0 Matt Hirai . City Clerk 9 Q - 473 MIAMI: P.O. BOX 440069 / MIAMI. FLORIDA 33144 / TEL.: (305) 592-7768 / FAX: (305) 592.7889 WASHINGTON: 1000 THOMAS JEFFERSON STREET N.W., SUITE 601 / WASHINGTON, D.C. 20007 / TEL.: (202) 265.28= I* 0 ;:-Aational c4isn- C. D. of gfo-adat -Ync- P. 0. BOX 423 . BISCAYNE ANEX . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142 14 Junio, 1990 Sr. Humberto Sanchez The Liberty Column Inc. P.O. Box 370672 Miami, F1. 33137 Sr. Sanchez Esta organizacion a la cual presido le da a usted y a la directiva de La Columna de La libertad todo su apoyo y de paso extendemos a usted nuestras felicitaciones por su ini- ciativa tan noble. Cuente usted con nuestro apoyo y el de todos los miembros de esta institucion. Si4sidente ram w Alberti P 11rai 90- 473 1-33-/ s a LF) MIA,MI-DARE COMMUNITY COLLEGE South Campus Honorable Commission of the City of Miami Dear Commissioners: June 27, 1990 Being unable to accompany Mr. Humberto Sanchez to show support for the initiative of a monument to those who have died in the attempt to reach freedom using boats and innertube rafts, I wish to express my thoughts to you this way. I have studied extensively the case of the Cuban boat people since the Party 1970's. More than 16,000 men, women and children have managed to reach the shores of Florida but probably three times more have either died or were captured in that attempt. This is a great example of the love for freedom of the Cuban people that so far has been overlooked. It seems to me that a tribute to those that have died in this quest is long overdue. I see a lot of merit on the initiative headed by Mr. Sanchez -- for which he should be highly commended-- which will be accomplished at no cost to the City of Miami. This is for many reasons the right place for such a tribute. It seems to me that this planned recognition is not only the right moral thing to do, but also something that could become an important landmark and attraction for Miami. For these reasons I highly support this effort and encourage you to do likewise. S cerel , uan M. Clark, Ph.D. Professor Submit ed in to ih record in con ec.:on item.Y_..___c� 1 tattg i-irai City Clerk 90- 4'73 HnUKH VK1N11Nb LU TEL No .1-305-261-5'1s16 11 Jun,26t90 6:02 P.01 Sr. HUMBERTO SANCHEZ PRESIDENTE DE "LA COLU14NA DE LA LIBERTAD" Reopetable Sr. Sanchez: LVb rJUTA4VAP.LVp trip W►/4 ♦ 3. Hf+J tv YV .w•{v•• a su hermoso proyecto de.Construccion de ur Monumento que perpetue la memoria de nuestros queridos h rmanos cubanos que huyendo del regimen que oprime a nuest a querida Patria, ban perdido sus vidas en el Estrec o de la Florida. 17aperQM" SUC IA Ci 4Xkd do Riltmi wpoya aatsk .r Muj atentamente 0 . Moratvia Capo ., sidenta Nacional icipios de Cuba . (Exilio) 90- 473