HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0545meN'tiizuertilrnia- ',$ ootuTlON s0. 9 0" 545 A R20011UTION, Win ATTACHtINT, OF THE CITY 4P Ural C IgglON FlurNO THAT THE 1fMOOb MR NEIGHBORHOOD 11PROMENT DISTRICT PLAN (MAY, 1990) IB 00 NOrSI'M WITH LOCAL PLAIDS AND PROGRAMS SPNCIVICALLY ORDINANCE NO. 10844, AN AHMED, WITCH APPROVED THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1969-R000; AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 90-432 IN ITi ENTIRETY. WHEREAS, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 88-589.1 on duly 7, 1986, approving the City of Miami participation in a Florida Enterprise Zone; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami International Trade Board (MITE) approved a resolution on August 16, 1988, supporting the Wynwood Community 800nomio Development Corporation applioation for a, Wynwood-based Foreign Trade Zone; and ® WHEREAS, the City of Miami Commission adopted Resolution No. 88-1039 on November 3, 1988, finding that the plans of the Wynwood Community Eoonomio Development Corporation and the proposed Foreign Trade Zone were oonsistent with existing City plans; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 88-1102 on November 17, 1988, approving City participation in a Federal Enterprise Zone; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approved Ordinance No. 10544 on February 9, 1989, approving the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1987-2000 and addenda; and WHEREAS, the Dade County Commission approved Resolution No. 378-89 on April 4, 1989, supporting the proposal of the Wynwood Boonomio Development Corporation proposal for a Wynwood Foreign Trade Zone; and /.- ::.MmA wwwo= ATTACHMENTS CONTAINED Seotion. s Ag a "ood Foreign Trade Zone in being planned by the 11 "Od Couraity $oonoi LO►eopwyynt Corporation &3A theCity of Miani, in an area within the City of Miami, generally bounded by Northwest 20rd and 24th Street@ on the forth, by Northwest 2lbt Terrace and Northwest 92nd Street on the South; Northwest grad Avenue on the Rant, and Northwest Sth Avenue on the 'hest; and WHEREAS, development is 000urring in a000rdanoe with the Garment/Center Fashion Distriot Redevelopment Plan, Resolution No. 79-883, July 23, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Nynwood Community Boonomio Development Corporation, and the City of Miami, are planning projeots whioh are designed to oonstruot or substantially rehabilitate industrial, oommeroial, housing, or publio facilities, in a distressed area, and to promote entrepreneurial and job development opportunities and reduoe prime, within the Nynwood area; and - WHEREAS, on June 7, 1990 Resolution No. 90-432 was adopted finding that the Nynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement Distriot Plan was oonsistent with looal plans and programs; however, there was no publio hearing held, pursuant to Chapter 183, Florida Statutes; and NHBREAS, a duly advertised publio hearing was held on July la, 1990 to disouss the Nynwood Neighborhood Improvement Distriot Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Seotion 1. The reoital and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by referenoe thereto and inoorporated herein as if fully set forth in this �2- gsotion 9 ► The Miami City Commission hereby resoinds Resolution so. 90-432 in its entirety. 8eotion 3. The Miami. City Commission hereby finds that the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement Distriot Plan (May, 1900), in substantially the attaohed form, is oonsistent With looal plans and programs, speoifioally the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000 approved on February 2, 1989. Seotion 4. This Resolution shall beoome effeotive immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of XAVIER L. SUAR8��y11 ATT T MAT HIRAI City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: LINDA K. KMRS61r Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: J 1\ 1\. t L. FRINANDEZ City LKK/pb/M1890 -3- 1990 . 90 t i C i t Ki .ef 3 ! tF e Y t 5 as _ f"!a�lt J.- �` �kz t - r.rF+t"'�'"+?.;q.t�' •�# rrZ •-' :.sKs'��Y�" _ it t , CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA � INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM . TO : _ DAME Honorable Mayor and Members ..3 199 of the City Commission suRlEcY public Hearing: Approval of the. Proposed Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District plan FROM : REFERENCES Cesar H. Odio (City Commission Meeting,of City Manager ENCLOSURES: July 12, 1990) • RECDMrIENDAl'ION At the request of the Florida Department of Comeunity Affairs (DCA), it is respectfully requested that the City Commission reaffirm their previous approval of the following resolutions at this public hearing: 1.- The City Commission, in its capacity as the Board of Directors of the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District, approves the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement Plan, - in principle, and in substantially, the form attached, and finds that the proposed Jymmd. Foreign Trade tone is an integral component of the Plan,, per the attached resolution. Z. 'The City Commission, in its capacity as the Miami City Commission, finds °tftt .` the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District" Plan is consistent,"With:` local plans, specifically the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 19894000, per the attached resolution. On'June 1, 1990, the City Commission approved the following resolutions: A x I) Resolution -No 90-431 (June 7, 1990), by the Miami City Commission acting in its capacity' as the -Board of Directors 'of the Wynwood <Safe Neighborhood Improvement District, approving the Wynwood- Neighborhood Plan and finding that the proposed Wynwood Foreggn :Trade Zone. (WFT2). is. an integral component :• of• the • Wynwood Safe Neighborhood '. Plan, as.required by Section_163.5i6(5), F.S. = z , (2) Resaiution • No. 90432 (June 7, 1990),, by the Miami City � o Wis finding that the, Wynwood Safe'. Neighborhood Plan is consistint wiih•�;th City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000,,as requireal°by , Sec. 163,516 (4)', F.S, 4 The City Administration subsequently transmitted the above resolutions to QCA fQr its review and .approval. UCA has. informed the Administration that a Page 1 of, r 0. ws { b e �f • :t earipy for approval of -the proposed Wynwood Safe 'Neighborhood Improvement District_Plan is required. Therefore, the previous resolution should'be rescinded and`'=the attached resolution should- be 'considered for approval for this pub)it, hearing. - Upon this` approval by the City Commission and the Wynwood SKID Board," the-Cit Commission, in its capacity as the Miami City Commission, will hold two'`{2� additional` public hearings on July 26, 1990, to consider the approval of the W nwood'`SNID Board's adopted Safe Neighborhood Improvement Plan and find that there is not a necessity to amend the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989- 2000 for the inclusion of the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District•Plan, per Chapter`163.516 (8) F.S. The City Commission has previously approved the following ordinances relating to the Safe, -Neighborhood Program within the City: 1. Ordinance,10405 (3-24-88) enabled the City Wide Safe Neighborhood Programs.' _ 2. Ordinance; 10406 (3-24-89) created the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District.' 3. Ordinance 10522 (1147-88) amended Ordinance 10406: On June 22,`1989, the City Commission adopted two resolutions'(Resolutions.89-577 and 517.1);"`instructing the City Manager to execute the. following: {1) an r± agreement between -the City of Miami '(Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement Diistrict) and the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in the amount of $250,000; for the preparation of 'a Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan- and (2) an agreement between the City of Miami and the Department Hof Community `Affairs, in the amount.of $30,000, for technical -assistance. - On December 7, 1989, the- City Commission approved a professional services agreement between the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District (Wynwood`>' SNID) .and the Wynwood Comaaanity EconomicDevelopment Corporation' (WCEDC), to prepare a= Safe- Neighborhood Improvement Plan for the Wynwood °SIIiD, in `the tat of $260,000,`an4 on April 26, 1990, the City Commission' appproved a professions'# , services. agreement between the. City. and, the Wynwood SNID Partnership - amount of $30,000, for technical assistance in the preparation` `,of' the. safe _ Neighborhood Plan. The Safe Neighborhood Plan has been prepared for the Wynwood Safe Neighbo'rhopd ' District (Wyl. nwood SNID) for the -coordinated balanced, 'and •harmonious�developlwl t of the Wynwood SNID and designed,. through the use of Crimps Prevention Thugh .;. Environmental Design (OPTED) techniques to effectively change thefiys;�m1 environment and reduce the perception;• incidence and, fear. of crime. in # e i<a� The area „is bounded by N,W, 36th Street, '•N,.E 21st' Terrace •and N W 22nd Str4ety t-- North, Mi .m .06nut' and N.W, 6th Avenue containin a pro ate I 3 eq sf , i Page 2 of 4 90 f N ZP ie.0 The Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan has determined that the.most effective means to. reduce the-,incide'nce of crime, and change the physical environment, ts`t vide OT4" increase employment and develop Plan a mechanism 10 p a secure. facility. de Z '. proposes the establishment of a nwood Forai gn Tra to (WFTZ) at N.W. Sth Avenue and N.W.,22nd Street to accomplish the dual goal of Increasing employment a d' reducing, crime. the Wynwood Foreign Trade Zone is totally contained within the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood- Improvement District. The Plan also recommends the following: 0 Public housing along N.W. 20th Street should undergo rehabilitation that includes the application of crime prevention through environmental design techniques. is o "Certain areas containing residential uses should be rezoned to an industrial use, in order to be consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000. o Strategies such as privitization and rehabilitation should include the application of crime prevention techniques. o Demolition may be necessary in specific instances. o High densityaffordable rental housing units under: private ownership should be rehabilitated through the use of crime prevention techniques. o Access to the WM should be controlled. Northwest Sth Avenue should terminate with a cul-de-sac at-N.W. 22.Street. o N.W. 23rd and N.W. 24th Streets should terminate at N.W. 6th Avenue.' o K.W. 24th, 26tho 27th and 28th Streets should be equipped with security gates that will allow controlled access from N.W. 6th Avenue. o Thai perimeter of the WFTZ should be secured with a combination of -a 9 feet high cement fence and 9 feet high - vertical bar. fencingy o Business owners in the wholesale area should develop a security plan with the Miami - Police Departmentand private security agencies. o A *Grand Entrance" should bo'creaied at N.W. 5th Avenue and N.W. 29th Street. The *Grand Entrance" should project a "sense of arrival* and naturally draw customers to access the c9mmOrcial area at this point. a A logo should District. ySk be designed to reflect the now image of the Pap 3 of 4 - 2.. ,. .-,..< r. .._.��.,..-•'fir �n o Additional code enforcement efforts -.should be targeted to the residential area. A detailed 'explanation of both the crimes associated within the area and recommendations for the area were previously presented at the June 7, 19901 City Commission meeting. Attachment - cc: Elbert L. Waters etnictsnt Director. Plannina: