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�e n CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM � { E 'to: Honorable Mayor and Members of the' Ci ty `Comini ssi on FROM : Cesar H. Ddi City Manager DISCUSSION: The City Attorney has drafted a Special < Warranty Deed which conveys approximately 12.6:acres of Ci ty land located in the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood I0100yemert K District ` (�(ynwood SKID), to the Wynwood Community -Economic .Development Corpora on �u ,;.(WCEDC)., for development of a Foreign Trade Zone, subject Co the concerns "and x stipulations of the Ci ty Commi ssi on ' regardi ng - the donati on `of the land. 3 ;;however,; the ,Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation does not agree with these,` `stipulations, specifically` the reverter `clause and therefore, the, deed -has .nbt x been executed (see Attachment A)• _r s The City Administration and City Attorney are hereby requesting further direct on r y from the City' Commission. - BACKGROUND. On October 12, -1989, through Resolution No. 89-939,' the City- Colamission conditionally approved, in principle, the donation of approximately 124 acres ofs City -owned 'land ocated in the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood -Improveont bistricar y; Wynwood SNID), to the Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation Vwctat for 'devel opment of a Forei gn Trade Zone, subject' to the pn ..Darati on '-4 app`ropri agreements, by the City Attorney and City Administration addressing reversioha'" r interests' and 'other concerns of the City Commission, and subject to fink City n' Commission approval (see Attachment 6). r it is the City Administration's, understanding that an executed deed donating subject property is required in order to apply fora Grant of permit o esta� �lrt and operate a general purpose United States Foreign Trade Zone in the_,;�►nM ►d { y .. SN ID. x � cc: Law Department i Planning and Zoning Division Plmnning, Building and Zoning Department} iy ,L Y F4,rb s 4 %hJ - t. f x x� ,v 3 tr U L= ... i i� +la W ti i ''S r3 i.. �► W 1y M5 T R �K } i SrsYiu�"} u z ��TACH� TRIG GPBCZ" WAMM, DMM in Made the ik A 1900 by the City of Miami.t a muniaxpal IM oorpdration .ost the Otate of Floridsi, bereinaft6r, the "OVAntar",- �— f; to,. ,Vynwood 800nosnio Development Corporation. a Florida not-for- Profit,- oor0,oration, the address of wb1oh la 220 NgrthweW34th _ - rry3, etrast.- SAI.Vo 209. Kiami, Plorida 33137. her4inatter. the !7.- .The Grantor. ;for and is consideration of the sum ot;_Ton - Dol1ar©.r(ti®.00),,and other good and valuable oonsidsration. jA by the Grantee. the receipt =4 suffiosenoy Whereof, 18; ; heo� reby adoriedged, hereby grants, bargains, sells. ,. ai�.ens,; 1t 1— S ressices, '. velesaes. convoys aagd, ooufirms unto the Graatoe. all' a that. -certain 12.6 . aore Cpius or miaaus) traot of land ®xoept ail gublio-righto of V&I:. therein situated in Dade , County, - Flori+ds ,P --- • c0per g" Wl>rioh se More pr rtioularly describedbelay aand ; f - whioh :may be supplemented by a„ correotive deed . from; „ Gr&Utor t subacgJ40at do this oonvs8 • Y w {�- • - 7- (See Attaohmeut) t subject to: _ x 3 . ConditionsrestrLations► emements. 1lsaa►itss�►tionw," . a ; reservations. . of record, though this reference is not intended a1&� reimpose Aasp;. f t•.*" { •N� p x. Sa�F.G +r 1.,# e ri a' wS�1. Fr f7� G 8 tp L eeb S 10 1E P '"r t ICt y g, Ap'p ioable zorA ordt nee, ©ode®� rtiie a74 1 t .•" taxem. and assessments for 1900 and :all eubseent,: !. antor"s . reverter ri ht, eot to all of the terms, r g . and ooadittons . set forth _ herein inolu¢,ing Grantoo-, e, right of ogre sot,, fartIL . in paropayn a below, which is reserved. 4erelat to; -' reenter.;oa and -upon_ he Property toterminateGraatee'a estate - conveyed hdrela; , and, upon such termination, to zScOver, UtIO ,to; posagx4rLon of the ,,Property: together With all sioprovemeato ail; fluturee Woated thereon In the event that: (I) .-Grantee fails t4 bu�rre . the _ Popprty de9ignated. _ae . a ;.II. S . foreign trade,. zone wthia five years from the elate of ,this conveyance; Grantee-0418': =rc x to° maiatasss,' the ,Property as a , II $ . foreign trade. zone : purGUOMt to the ; i,yawood , O&CO.., Neighborhood 1npprovement Zletrlot ,Alan so 1Q4 ...ho ledeai:;leglelation enabling the euistenoe of the foreign trade :;eons :;�s. " laa: ' etleAt t or- ;: (lii ),-_'.,Grantee .fail8 : within ;dive �,:eern: fpOw-Ithe daze or. , tUM 4oAVeyanoe._ to.:aeoure a13, .fumda, neoe4eary from tbe- Sete of -FXorida aadlor ,any: • .other e4uroee —Other, tit tram . Grpntor to complete the oon4ttruotion , of the: ,improvementd #} &ttend= ; tv the j'oroLsp t►radn zone,. e. Voantor • s rlgbt r to receive,. , aA anA �. deport r , c rar►tee > approve . G.Vantee's annual - buftga . i fi rt r prog3ee4e +hod status of the.,Grantee'a oporatiou of tut F'?071"� o f ore;&go ; *4* cone; Cl) : gor , a f1ve • 8) yo+ar< ;period .: r9 t +late .�� �i�i,a oonveya�e� or (li) ttnt�.l_ a� date ae=ss�tx't���,o� ��` eta F 1 3 S 2. r t a } 1x � r ygyp :1>• arc 'IL A- -� W L C.P T _ w . f S ` t perao#x�.. claiming by, through or under the Grantor. Tho ry >t Grantor: ht ice! warrants that it ip empowered t0 oot�wey tbp r=. Property to Grant$* and that it has received all the .propejr ,i ` pP o rMso�.ut�.oa� and a rovale r fired b all state &Ad !coal laws . e" ; y and ordiaaAoes to complete said conveyance. IM W-XTH988 InMREOP. the Grantor has hereunto Bet lts Beal. the day and year first above written. CSTY Or HIANs , ?WRIDA , _ ATTEST: a municipal corporation - i ttiy: Sirasi Cesar Odic City Clerk City Manager and Authoriz19t$n&tory APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Jorge L. F nande$ City Attorapy This Inetru�ent Prepared by; Linda !telly' $earsou, Esq. One,Bout. t Third Avenue Hiani,, .?'3or da : 33131 r, _ k7aii F �5 y1� •IR4� Wig` IM 9-0 �Yi��TTIIII" i JY„ �5� l },y i- , w§ x ON M Y4 ? V J i � j k i Y i sf ' t ' y S NbrthWeSt Ith,'Ave. AOD PS 7.36 _• $2O NW 22 Street - JOCK ' * - �.ota .,� Northwest 7tt ,Ave- ADO PB 7-36 vacant got DIOCX s LOT- J "a A.' DAtINS 2hd ' ADO P5 3-25 vacant Lot , J. ':`OANNS. 2nd. AOO: PS 3-25 261 NW 22 Street . sCUTS . t WEAVERS SUB Pt3 6.31 314-3WHW 33 Terrace 320 tilts 22' Terrace WEAyERS SU4 PS 6-31 302 NW 22 Terrace WEAVERS SUB P8 6-31 260 mw 22 Terrace .tt. of Lot 7 - a t° * WERS-, SUB. PO 6=31 EAV 260 `t+Dl 22 Terrce° t5 East 3le5tt. } �Q WEl1YERS 5U8 PO 6-31 go NW 22 Terrace t i WEAVERS M PO 6-31 234 NW 22 Terrance BT+K 5 244 NW 22 Terrace , t WEAYER9► SUd ' P6 6,31 323 NW 22 Terrace .. ,.. Z li l WAVERS.SU P6 6-31 313 1+IW 22 Terrace n gg tf y 3r i4 Pal Z 9f 4 f � 3 L - _ t r. �4 .a 4 ( h yn•� WAVERS ist ADDaU/R PLAT 250 NM 22 Lena felt ft. z or W 62.27' (f 6 308.62 ft. - Of S 50 ft. of N 166 ft. of sE iw of`SW 1/4 Vitt N 10 ft. 'HEAVERS 1st ADD U/R PLAT 234 NK 22 Lane GMK LOT, loss N= ft. 41 _ of- iM ft..-& 274.08 ft. z li of NE cibr. `Of `SE` 1/4 of SN-1/4 th a 62.26 tt. S 50 ft, E 62.26 N SO ft. to PoB w „fe. 1e5s.N 10 ft. µ -; a s s 1iEAVERS-ist ADOU/R.PLAT_ 230 NW 22 Lane MR 40 4 941.44 ft. of E 274.08 ft. -; of of, S. 50 ft. of. N 165 ft of SCIA '.SW . 1F IAL _a .,4 VEAVERS lit ADD U/R PLAT 2244 MM 2 Avenue 8 N `10 t. 3 Lot 2 less `N 10 ft - r. �iEAV2R5' 1st ADD U/R'PLAT ' VacantLot ' C � ti - _ E 232.Q�4 f S SO ft.' Of N 26S 1't o! SE 1/4 `of ' $ 1/4 1ess N 10 ft. AKA a Lot 3, A E 20,83 ft. of LbV 4 Less N 10 ft. \fah n PF Pope 4 0 4 a a a e 1 r nr , 1h4r.• 1 "•: IW.a aiIt .yt W ;it .�w' `Z Y.':1ittI: s.h0 � :; '►3j its addzt t. • RESo1L`T2C�f No. 84=�3$ - -A 11ESOLVTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, oft H 01SIGN , TO DECLARE TWO (2) MPLVS POLICE P L CARS, TWO (2) SURMIS PICX°dP TRUCKS' AND (1) - SDRPLUS VAN AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS S t AND DONATING TH'E SAMS, AFTER THE =Ct?T% or, THE ��- APPR+OPRIATE RELEASE DOCUMENTS, TO THE NE' OR CITY of ,�- SWISTWATM SAID VEHICLES TO BE US Eb THE CITY OF � SWEETWATER IN ITS EFFORTS TOWARD D ING CRIME. Vpon being seconded by Commissioner wkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following votes AYLS: Commissioner J. L. Pi , Jr. Commissioner M. Atha Range Commiissioner Mills awkins Vice Mayor Viet o a Yurre Mayor Xavier Suarez NOES: Done. ABSENT& Non NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, Agenda item 38 was — withdrawn. — 48. APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, REQUEST FROM WYNWOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO DONATE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE MIAMI FASHION/GARMENT DISTRICT - Refer to City Manager and City Attorney for - their recommendations. Mayor Suarez: OK, item 39, Wynvood economic development, community ; development, rather... Do you need a conditional deed from us, is that what you need? In other words... „J. Mr. Bill Rios: I need... my name is... r Hayor Suarez: ...conveyance subject to the project being approved? Is / that... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, for the record, if we may, may we express our great _. gratitude to the man upstairs for the recovery of our good friend, Emilio. Lopez. Mrs. Range and I will never forgive him for getting better to cheat us ,4 out of a funeral but we are happy to see him back and thank God for his recovery. (Applause) Mr. Rios: Thank you. I will convey your message. Emilio has short', days*vj he's only allowed out of the cage about four hours a day. • M Mr. Plummer: That's two hours too much. Mr. Rios: And I will convey your message to Mr. Lopez. Mayor Suarez: What would be the logical next step if we want to gat :this project going, Herb, that we should do at this point? Mr. Herb Baileys t think what is being asked here, Coassission, is that we T have tive aCtas of vacant land over in Ovsrtown, in the gamat canter actually. 171 Qatobor .12, 4,989 • _ � .Y ! it .` � i •ja • �2 t a,• K � ado 1 *01 r, low RESOIUTICN NO. 8043E A RESOLUT*.GN AUNOAIZ1NG THI CITY MANAGER, OR )# DESIMI, TO DECLARE TWO (1) SURPLUS POLICg P L 5 CARS, TWO (Z) ORPLUS PICtt'JP TRUCXS • AND St?1tPLU'S VAN AS CATIOORY "A" SURnub 8 , AND DONATING THE SAME, AFTER' THE ZXICUTI Oh TMS ". APPROPRIATE WAASE DOCUMENTS, TO TM WE OR CITY OF SINOSMATERt SAID VEHICLES TO BE USED THE CITY Oi SStEETi1A"IER IN ITS EFFORTS TOWARD DE We CRIME. - Upon being seconded by Commissioner skins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: - AYES: Commissioner J. L. PI Jr. Commissioner M. Atha Range Commissioner Mille awkins Vice Mayor Viet o a Yurra -- Mayor Xavier Suarez ?TOES: None. ABSENT: Non — NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, Agenda item 38 was withdrawn. 48. APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, REQUEST FROM WYNWOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO DONATE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE MIAMI FASHION/GARMENT DISTRICT - Refer to City Manager and City Attorney for - their recommendations. i� Mayor Suarez: OK, item 39, Wynwood economic development, community development, rather... Do you need a conditional deed from us, is that what - you weed? In other words... Mr. Bill Rios:. I need... my name is... - • i _ /A14-Mayor Suarez: ...conveyance subject to the project being approved? Is that... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, for the record, if we may, may we express our great `= gratitude to the sun upstairs for the recovery of our good friend, -Emilio r Lopez. Mrs. Range and I will never forgive him for getting better to cheat us _ out of a funeral but we are happy to see him back and thank God for his recovery. (Applause) = Mr. Rios: Thank you. I will convey your message. Emilio has short'days, he's only allowed out of the cage about four hours a day. - Mr. Plummers That's two hours too much. Ci r: Mr. Rios: And I will convey your message to Mr. Lopez. - Mayor Suares: What would be the logical nest step it we want to gat Chia project going, Herb, that we should do at this point? Hr. Herb Bailey: I think what is being asked here, Commissiont to that we have Live acres of vacant land over in pwertowa, 1n the garment csagsr, aotually• 171 �12, : � . t 6 OEM 'y k 6t kj U Mr. 21•w�:a:: :,:., *�t �: g2,a:�a:::;, oi_ c^::strs.._i:.:. Mayor Suarsi: And then for the tonstruction, I guess they hope to be able to _ get a lost of the private sector monies, but why don't you go ahead and explain z the financing package. Mr. Aioa: Well, the financing=comcs from two sources. Number one, of court*# you already know about the planning monies that we have to plan the project. The State probided' within that same program a match where we• are maximizing the fact that the land will be mAtchad against the State's donation of I-S million dollars that we're requesting from the State legislature to develop the project. In order not to provide for some sort of a debt service, it wi11 be grant monies that will be utilized to develop the project. , ) Mr. Plummer: Is there anywhere, Mr. City Attorney, in the proposal that, you know, lIs sorry to look at things always on the down side, but unfortunately, so many times that's what we see. If we give this to them let's say conditionally, they make their grants, they get their money. If it goes defunct, do we get the property back with the buildings? C� Mr, Dawkins: Yes. CO) Mr. Fernandez: Yee, we would have a reverter clause in whatever deed we give to them that when it ceases to be used for the specific purpose to which it was deeded to them, the property reverts back to the City, whatever is on the land comes with it. Mr. Plumper: In other words, if this, in fact, is State money matched against the property which we're giving, then nobody has a first lien against or in front of us. Fernandez: There is no lien greater than a condition in the title. Mr. Plummer: OK, .,now, what does the City get back out of it besides the potential employment that it would generate? _ Mr. Dawkins: The City, we have set down, the International Trade Board, and worked with the Wynwood Development and we have numerous entities that are — interested in small manufacturing and we are trying, J. L., to build up a coalition between those individuals who want to go into small clean - manufacturing that would have no environmental impact and right now, we've got about four, I would say, positive that's going -to come in. - Mr. Plummer: No, my question is, the property has a value and I know there's a big discussion and rightfully so between what the property was paid for by _ the City, which was a rip off, and by what it actually is worth today. Now, are we giving it to them on that which we paid for it to show our involvement - in the case of a default? —. - Mr. Bailey: I didn't understand your question, Commissioner'. _ Mr. Plummer: OK, as I remember, we paid an enormous price ,for that property, - How much did we pay? _ Mr. Bailey: X number of dollars, I don't... 4_ 'i Mr. Plummer: How much? — Mr..Bailay: I don't know, Commissioner. It was bought before I was involved with the City. = = Mr. Plummer: You know, how much? `k _ Mr. Fernandez: Your point, two nine. t— Hr. Piumser: Your point, two nine million dollars. When,. in offset, the coal value is like.,.. t; Mr. Rios: Three hundred thousand. - 173 Octobor 12. JOS 0. 9Ir jut di i 15 f — s�r M At w• �iY....Y ii .•. a 'SY� L J��i+�.: ♦1)� Yhit ♦r t'n t in W���be i trYPVt i�J 4IIw6 Y6 . cliaa: to 6g16t, whAt haops::a t ' Mr. Baileys Ali of the &swots that comes from the City comes back to the City, � Y Mt. kiuOftsrs It that the entire projee:t, or just the proceeds? Sea, that"s t ihy_ I think it'i .druaiii, $o we establish it at r $44.2,millioe prsr�ett .fir Ob :biiliotc `dolla3�: proja'a' t7 That's the key; Mr. , Riots ftere did you Set the $300 ' aillica germ? Mr. plummet: Inuus 'me? x— Mr. Rids: 000 miiitont �Ir. flusmneer: 5300, 000. , . = — Mr. tics: Oh yes. dell, the property. has to be conveyed at the cost of the city In order The it to be matched against the Stator: the property has a cost - And it has a market value. The property, you would get it back, you know, the _ book value, you know the book exchange between us would be $4.2 million, but I ou sever are going to get more than 4300,000, 1 mean, unless there are improvements to the property, of course. Absent any improvements you, would gent your regular market value for the property, plus whatever improvements;, if there are any, but the praj act has to be, the has to be conveyed to the project based an the $4.2 million to match against .the State, otherwise the — State won't be, you know, putting in their match, C � Mr. Plummets My final question. WL11 the City have any involvement in the decision making process? Mr. Bailey: To*. Mr. Plussaers Now? — Mt. Bailey:Wyawood Economic Development Corporation is an agency that we fund through Community Development. We have the same involvement with them as ve have with any other community development agency. Mr. 'Plummer: Do we control their board? Mr. Baileys No, we do not. Mr. Plummer: Can we abolish their board? Mr. Baileys No, we cannot, we can cancel our contract. rC� Mr. Plummearr Then I would insist that a member of this Commission, other than_ 1, myself, since I am proposing it, be a member of that board to be a watchdog for this City. I think that's very important. s: r Mrs. Ranger Over and beyond that, you will have an independent board and unfortunately, as we look at the garment district today it is occupied mainly 1° } by the Latin ethnicity, is that correct? Mr. Rios: It is mainly... f F r Mrs. Ranger To*, yes, to a very great extent. That goes without question. Mr. Rios: Tou mean, the owners of the businesses? Mrs. Ratites Yes. INAUDISLE'BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENT = INTO THH PUBLIC RECORD. firs. Ranger Thst's ilmo, I have no problem with that, but when this bsgonss, a `ti free tone business, who is to say who may leaps sp"s there? Is it Saint be an open eirsuebstance where whoever is approved naturally,. un4or norlsai mpaiAs. sirs umstwes, a man must be a good. businessman, he must have his "that: , must, hove whAt�ev+er, ISO wants to invest, but I would like to be ces��is� there will be so discriminatory practices as to who can own a spelt or WV9rsi #fora# is this lrsO s and I think that have to fo to writing• �` l 90 � p f••'L`k . E '7 3 .dafr�{u�6-4`+re �¥-77777 Maver Sway+;., sou kfiow this is eleven vea_s of trying to do AdMething in - that tootuft ity and-ve have an exciting possibility here. Mr. be Yurre: Put housing there. Mayor Suarezt Y440 .housing lay be another alternative, bat the free trade zone that exists In, Dade Coiihty was ever capacity and they have now agreed to expand. • The Department of Commerce I think is going to look very kindly on out application far a variety of reasons including the relationship we have with the secretary, to this is a golden opportunity to improve an incredibly key linkage neighborhood. One of the things they are going to need to get the State funding is going to be the fee simple or the right to the property, just like -we've dome with ether groups. We've given them, we've even given them the revocable use permit, which I get a kick out of and they still get State funding and they still build structures on it, even• though theoretically we eta take it back anytime. In this case, we obviously realize there is a much bigger project where it could get financing and so on. It is going to require little bit cleaner, short of a document or an instrument and if you wanted to define it as an attorney, I... Mr. De Yurres Well- the thing is that no lending institution is going to lend any money on this land as collateral when you have a reverter clause•without us having to subordinate to that mortgage. You can start with that, to immediately of any money is going to come in, we are going to have to... Mayor Suarezt But if you have... if they are in a position of having, let's say, the planning grant, which they've got, the land as fee simple which is worth a substantial amount of money, we won't get into the issue of how much it is worth, because we don't want to get into the issue of what we paid for it in 178. If you've got then, let's say $7.5 million in ,, you've got an incredible amount of equity at that point and I think that the banks will agree. Well, you might at that point be able to put out an RFP and people will build a... Mr. Rios: Yes, but still... Mr. De Yurre: But still, whatever you are going to put on that land, the underlying land with a reverter clause, no bank is going to lend money on that, because they could just... it's just like pulling the rug from underneath them, literally. Mayor Suarez: Well, I'm not sure that at that point you will have to provide the financing with the land as collateral. You've got a $7.5 million cash equity on top of the land at that point. Mr. De Yurre: Yes, but whatever you are going to use that money for is going to be on top of the land, and if there is a reverter that goes with the land, it goes with it whatever is on it. Mr. Plummer: Well, how much is the total project? Mr. Rios: The total project would probably be the land plus $7.5 million. Mayor Suarez: You can build the basics of a free trade zone with that and put it out for leasing with warehousing and all of that already built. See... Mr. Rios: Yes, sir. Mr. De Turret Are we going to put... well, what I want... i Mayor Suarez: There Is almost no fiaancing initially up front. You are ready to go for tenants. i Mr. Rios: The idea of going through.this project... Mr. De Turre: He can't go anywhere until he gets some money, the $7,5 million which they can't get in one shot. "" a Mayor Suarez: All right, well we can specify that 4 � p y you cannot mortgage the land during that period of time. i77 October 12, 19$9. Q t r Al Cx) `b:s oilov►itsg ts3so:___.: :as 1.._-_.._3, :e _i re, gfi9 64ova3 L� adaatiohs RESOLUTION NO. 89-939 A 'MOOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPPOM0, IN PRINCIPAL, DONATION OF APPROXIMATELY 12. G ACRES OF C TY-4 D UM LOCAM IN 'Ta MIAMI irASfiiL�l3Jl; DISTRICT TO THI WINUMID COMMUNITT XCO'NOMIC ttVt_.O1MrbNT COAVORWON FOR ptiwiM or . A romaN TRADE Iona S'CJ J2CT TO PWAKA'Tt OF AlthOPATAU ACOMMENTS BY THE CITY ATTOANW AND CITY ADMINISTRATION ADDRESSING Ui►$RSYONARY INTEUST, AND OTHER CONCERNS OF T1M CITY COMMISSION; AND SUBJECT TO FINAL CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following votes AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner M. Athalie Range Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOESs None. ASSENTt Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Suarezt Yes, and let me go ahead and echo Commissioner Plummer's statement. I think the annual review is important. I know the first year is premature because it will take a lot more than 12 months, but if we are not moving after a certain point, we'd like to be able to exert our right tto revert and maybe some of the other people sitting up here who would think this is abetter use for the land, who knows? OK, Bill. Mr. Rios: Thank you. 49. (Continued Discussion) DISCUSSION CONCERNING ABANDONED YELLOW BUILDINGS ABUTTING I-95 USED BY CRACK USERS (See label 44). Mrs. Ranges Mr. Range, just before we go to the next item. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Range. Mrs. Range: A little bit ago, we were discussing the abandoned buildings over the City and those that have been taken down and those that have not and I asked a question about the yellow houses abutting... Mayor Suarez: Yes, what's the answer on that? Mrs. Range: The answer on that is I called and had.an independent person go and look at it, and I understand that there are 13 units still standing over there. Nine are not lived in, four are.still inhabited. Mayor Suarez: Thirteen out of the - original? Mrs. Range: Yes, Mayor Suarez: Out of the original 13? Mr. Plummer: Twenty. Mrs. Range: No, no, L there were 20... Mayor Suarez: Seven have been demolished. 179 ~ jC "a 5d, ii