HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #61 - Discussion Itemqw ad E a }S r a, i - ✓. r Y x 4 CITY OF MIAMI, FLOAIDA INTER —OFFICE MEMORANDUM s�P,} cATE . July 91 1990 FILE To: Cesar H. Cdio , City Manager ''— SUBJECT : Agenda Item REFERENCES FROM D Jam AlonSo (,'olmissioner ENCLOSURES: - Please place on the July 26, 1990 Commission Meeting Agenda nfi ara.nce from Mr. Alejandro N. Fernandezr PPresident personal appe. _ Alex.Productil6ns'Enterprisesr Inc. Attached is informational material for this item. F tk u 1 ¢ , `, r j 2 fT' 1 T i'tZ1'f kt„ r •: sn v • {t1� II t . ''�1 '^ k .jet a ^. Yr H' ,r`1 •' ; +5 � � e.i,�;'. i I� f i � - 11: 111 r ♦ Y • 7'I' � cl, r «1 .S , � r+ .. �.... ��..Y„Ttc' r 0 P"LON BEAUM CARE PRESENTS CENTROAMRRICA AspaAdtlwtCE�lTF1ExANAE1N�IDEPI FESTIVAL, the MISS CEO 198E Beauty Pagentwill behoWtortireseaconrdyaec This beauty pageanlwaaenatedwikFGwelnbr� lionofd n Uftt ' Viandi"tolfeclueMyt the tisautihd Cantrai Americrtrt women Brat giro irr the Dade County erect GUATEMALA, EL SALVADOR HONDURAM NICARAGUA WCOSTARMAVAbeNprsNMaA bvtheflns*taCwlOwetyprdgeawWS81 W,from- ths five finellsts, MISS CENTROAMEFWA 19M MISS CENTROAMERK A, WO repreeene mars ftm200A00CendaIAMWk:e R%11 atncwWeNr our communityc Join us by the celebration, of the 3rd. CENTROAMERICA INDEPENDENCE FEST NAL and MISS CENTROAMERICA 19O Miele CeMroame+rico. Besotp Pageant SepL 13,,19806 7,00 ILM For more detaBt Please call ALEX FERNANDU 1m1541-7077 • P"LOIN JIMIfUROB. PRESENTA EL FINMAL OE I A INOEPENDENCIA DE ORKMAMRMCA 1Nfi EMO aflo, at FESTIVAL de LA INDEPENDENCIA dm se oelsbrui an el TAMIAMI PARK&MIAM1.EsMer me yagradableparque difpone atnpllekrres &fen do estadormaNerdo grads con cepaWW pars mgea de autoai6vNms. Puede aoornsder mis do 100AW pormorm y dlsporw do irassoubWdn pen oxhibidorm de aftemankpinturasyproductmilkwoos,devads w o do loo d0wentes pokes. En in Areas verdss sWrin distrlbuldos be do I esconarioo on elands has prbx#mdn ernlsorme ds radio y tolevisi8n do MIAMI prsmur term ' n, conardswiMemedonela, orqueelftwuposloodkicoammmmymer'o r' ,e Adenris,disemkodos par We at iron, numerosos kioskos ofrecerin at vlsitanto In deficiosas conddee y bebides flpices do CENTROAMERICA Ademiapm aagundo afbconsmdivoceMbnre' mos el cerlarten do bsYesa SEAORITA CENTRO- AMERICAconIapm *ipaoi6ndej6-,mw-pmoedwo- ins de GUATEMAI A. EL SALVADOR, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA y COSTA RICA. Eels she Pro trines vex f, I ' - moo un cumd- nngulardefutbotdonde *Mmgummos la COPA INDEPENDENCIA DE CENTROAMERICA, con a1 auepk=io dm LA LIGA CENTROAMERICANA do FUTBDLOE MIAMI. Sldewoblenorm skdorrneci6nscarcedeEste FESTI VALoomuniquese ion ALEX FERNANDEZ al (" 541.7677. WMIC1111,�os.U. PRESENTA EL FESMAL DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE CRNTROAMERICA 111111" On September I Gth, and 17th, of 1989 the third CENTROAMERICA INDEPENDENT FESTIVAL will be held at TAMIAMI PARK in Miami.This park with nmo0ioend from parking facilitles, and the opacity so accommodate crowds of more then 100AW people also offers areas for trade, art and souvenir exhi0iflons, while the green areas wile be used to soup various noaical stages, and bCs of kbskos offarkrp typical and ethnic foods. To compliment the special guest who will attend Um event a VJ.P. Club will be set-up an the parka premises. This duce show celebration will have lire partF cipatbn of Intematlorral acclaimed singer, bands, folkloric grates, nrarknbas, an exhibitions, Paso Fkro horses, and children dren eMertakrment The INDEPENDENCE SOCCER CUP, a two day soccer competition in the TAMIAMI FOOTBALL FIELD wig be added this year. to magnify this CENTROAMERICA INDE- PENDENCE CELEBRATION. AspertoltheCENTROAMERICA INDEPENDENCE CEI ESRATiON, the second MISS CENTROAMER- ICA BEAUTY PAGEANT, will be held with the participation of beauties from GUATEMALA EL SALVADOR, HONDURAS. NICARAGUA and COSTA RICA. For more details, pleaso call ALEX FERNANDEZ (305) 541.7677 0 REVLON ■eAITT CARIB PRESENTA COWROAMERICA Is" EI ceRamenl de MISS CENTROAMERICA se cskdxa anuelviente on In ckxbd de Mlamk Florida, par& elsgir a to Reins die FESTIVAL DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE CENTROAMERICA. Eats concurso cuenta can Is particrdarided de tenor candidates an representscibn do cads nael6n centroamericans quo componen ls nunmom pobkci& hispons del Sur do Is Florida. Este idea sirve de estimub y orgullo Pan We ovens quo participen on representaci6n de sus poises natales o el de sus padres, a Is miema vex quo se promueve y enagece nuestn culture hispsna. En at Certamen MISS CENTROAMERICA, el psia natal do Is ganadore anterior recibiri tributo dunnte at prognma, quo expondd sus belles y su m4sica Loa conceptos mis altos do, honor, moral a integrkfad son exigidos an toda li game de is orgwd:aci6n aomprandids pro MISS CENTROAMERICA. Se Muiere quo todos bs partk:lpentet practkluen y mantengan estos kleole% on conformide a los shoo valo►es repre- sentados por el titulo MISS CENTROAMERICA. Senorka Centrommerica Sept 13,1989, 7:00 p.m. TROPIGflIR*x ■AKA. A& MLTI.. FCNT I?*B EAU W " r Pill WOBA