HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1990-07-26 Marked AgendaMAYOR VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER L� RAWER L SUARE2 MILLER 1. DAWKINS DR. MIRIAM ALONSO victOR H. IN YURRE . ILL PLUMMER, JR. CITY COM-MISS1 CITY MANAGER CIS" H, 0d1O MEETING DATE: July 26. 1990 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS'BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) * * * This meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM PART "A": NON -PLANNING b ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 9:00 AM: ITEMS 1 THROUGH 37 BEGINNING AFTER 11:05 AM: ITEM 38 BEGINNING AFTER 11:10 AM: ITEM 39 BEGINNING AFTER 2:00 PM: ITEMS 40 THROUGH 60 PART "B": PLANNING 6 ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 3:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-20 BEGINNING AFTER 5:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-21 THROUGH PZ-28 BEGINNING AFTER 6:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-29 THROUGH PZ-33 FOR MOTIONIS AND RE90LUTIONS V/1" DO NOT APPEAR IN TMS PRINTED AGENDA. ZWKY REM To THE CM CLEIW5 REPORT, ATTACHED HERETO. PART A 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Of ALLEGIANCE 1. A. PRESENTATIONS a PROCLAMATIONS CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item -will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items CA-1 through CA-12 be adopted... The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." CA-1. RESOLUTION - (J-90-625) - (ACCEPTING PROPOSAL) the lorida International furnishing of a mort a e servicing5 STM zo zn�e Depar nt o ve n an ous Conservation a a o amountno o exceed using funas therefor allocated from the 989-90 Department of. Development and Housing Conservation, Community Development Grant Account No. 455015-840-799201 ($22,000.00) and Account No. 455016-840-799203 ($10634.00); authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service. nr Y DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA CITY CMIS'818N ns�n CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-90-548) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE Accept nthe bids of Savin Florida Inc. a non - minor vendor In the proposed annual amount o ;2589348.83,-and Xerox.Corporation a non -an norit vendor in the nr000sed annual amount o CA-3. CA-4. e uIpmen on three year lease agreements, as indicated on the attached tabulation, on a contract basis renewable annually, to the Department of General Services Administration Graphic Reproduction Division for use by all City departments at a total proposed first year cost of 363 738.830 allocating funds therefor from the ! - 1 Operating Budget of the using departments; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds for succeeding fiscal years. REESSO,ION - (J-90-552) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE Accept nthe bid of Aero Tire Co. (a Hispanic vendor for furnishing rereca in services to he Department of General Services Administration on a contract basis for one (1) year with the option to renew for an additional one year period 1990-91 --Operating Budget Account Code No. 420901- 670; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service, and to extend this contract for an additional one year period, at the same price, terms and conditions and subject to the availability of funds. RESOLUTION - (J-90-551) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE the bids of Downtown Radiator Services nc. to hispanic vendor) at a a rurnlsni raaiators ana giass repairs on a contract ass for one year with the option to renew for one (1) additional one year period to the Department of General Services Administration/Fleet Management Division at a total proposed first year cost of 22 5�b�1; allocating funds therefor mom the - en re al Fund Operating Budget Account Code No. 420901-670; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for these services and to extend this contract for one (1) additional year under the same terms, prices and conditions and subject to the availability of R-90-566 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-567 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-568 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE, UNANIMOUS 4 0 C CMIS*SIBN AGNU MEETING DATE: July 26. 1990 PAGE NO: 4 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-5. RESOLUTION - (J-90-642) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Containing findings authoriziEnng the purchase of additional microc u e—r'�a`W peripheral e u fromUnisyscorporation a non-minorityven of under an existina state of Florida Old Awe M%o4 "W. 4 ina. Build r of tine permittin violation notice and code enforcement capabi of the Planning, Building and 2oning Department at a total cost of $84 670; allocating funds therefor from the Building and Zoning Department's budgeted funds, $10,440 from Index Code #560202-840, $30,000 from Index Code #560202-250, $10,000 from Index Code #560202-270, $5,000 from Index Code #560202-610, $21,175 from Index Code #560202-287, -$4,385 from Index, Code #560202-722 and $3,670 from Index Code #560202- 880, Project 421001; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment and containing an effective date. CA-6. RESOLUTION - (J-90-626) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF�AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Individual contractual agreement. n SUbSta-nf Tay e attacfied form, with Wynwood-Community Economic Development Corporation, Inc: or the economic development programis, with funds being allocatea therefor from the Sixteenth (16th) Year Community Development Block Grant. CA-7. RESOLUTION - (J-90-556)' - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) ng the. City Manager to execute an in substantially the form a a�e�T, Swan. an individual. in an amount not to ann on ana recoraing industries in the t;ity of Miami, for a one year period commencing September 1, 1990, plus out _of pocket expenses billed at cost not to exceed an amount of 5 000; further authorizing, compensation for services from monies allocated in the Department of Development's 1989-90 fiscal year budget. WITHDRAWN R-90-569 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-570 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS �f T e I I I OISSIONUNIA 1 NI9nN0 DATE: July _ go PAGE NO: _ 5 _ - CONSENT CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-8. RESOLUTION - (J-90-544) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREE NT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an _a �reemen_ , substantially -`fin the form attached , for nroafessional Mannino services with Reginald - .. Barker. AICP. in conjunction with the completion of the aoolication for development approval for Develo nt of R ionai inact, for a 13 month period rom July 27, 1990 through August 27, 1991 for a total fee of 0 000 with funds in that amount being allocated from the Southeast Overtown/Park West Bond Fund Project Number 113010 of the Department of Development and Housing Conservation. CA-9. RESOLUTION - (J-90-627) - (DECLARING MOST ADVANTAGE US METHOD TO DEVELOP LAND) Declaring that the most advantageous method -to Bevelop certain improvements on cm -owned land is by a Unified DevelopmentProject D; authoriziN the City na er to prepare a draft request for proposals for a UDF, an�c Zo-nflrming the setting of a public hearing for the first regular city Commission - meeting in and management of Miami Marine Stadium on city- owne proper y located at 3601 kenbacker Causeway. CA-10. RESOLUTION - (J-90-624) - (AUTHORIZING SUBSTITUON OF RESERVE ACCOUNT SURETY BOND) AuthorizIM the substitution of a reserve account surety bond for cash on deposit In the reserve account securing e y s outstanding pec a Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1987, and directing the trustee for the bonds to accept such surety bon-; approving arm execution and deliver of a supRiamental trustindenture; aoorov no the orm. execution and delivery o a such substitution; authorizing further official actions to effect such substitution; authorizing - the appointment and payment of a special counsel to the City; providing severability; and providing for an effective date. R-90-571 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-572 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-573 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS jj R CITY CMISSINAD MEETINGOATE: July 26, 1990 PAGE NO: 6 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-11. RESOLUTION - (J-90-409) - (APPROVING EXECUTION OF GRART OF EASEMENT) 8Kroving a rant of easement in substantially the attached foo Metropolitan Dade Count-y for its constructionC--a-Mlation and maintenance of a under and throw n�city of miam1 proper;y proper;jocatea on t e sou westerly side of NW North River Drive at NW 3 Street; further authorizing the City Manager to execute said grant of easement on behalf of the City. CA-12. RESOLUTION - (J-90-628) - (ACCEPTING PLAT) Acceetin the plat entitled 0602 Ca lex', a Subdivision in the City of Miami, subject to all of the conditions of the Plat and Street Committee; accepting the dedications shown on said plat; and authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat and providing for the recordation of said plat in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. WITHDRAWN R-90-574 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS PLUMMER DE YURRE ' �f � Pt•"1�' 0 Iwo MEETING DATE: July 26, 1990 PAGE NO: 7 NOTE: NOTE: Items 2 through 37 may be heard in the Numbered sequence or as_announced by the Camm ss on. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Items2 and 3 constitute the City Attorney Reports Section`. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available to the City Attorney for the purpose ,'of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any matter herein. 2. Presentation of City Attorne 's annual report. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 3. Pursuant to Commission directive at its meeting of June 28, 1990, report on proposed City Code art . (This items was ng o1rJuly 12, 1990.) ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 4. B* RGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-583) (NOTE: This ,items is being requested on an emergency basis in order to provide for its implementation on October 1, 1990.) Amending provisions of the Code of the City of dams, Florida, as amended, all of which provisions relate to fees collected through City administrative departments from users of City services and facilities furnished by the City of Miami; to provide thereby for the application of a cost factor formula on - October -1-- -1990 a -An on October Ist of each succee na year to be used n rixing saia fees; more particularjy py aaaing new ec ons 2-8;�15, 3.5-1, 11-6.1, 17-1.19 19-1.1, 22-1.1, 28-1, 29-1.1, 30-1.1, 35-1.1, 38-1.19 42- 8.1, 53-2.1, 54-1.1 and 62-3 to said Code; containing a repealer prevision and a severability clause. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 120 1990.) NOT TAKEN UP M-90-575 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN DE YURRE PLUMMER 61 CITY COMM18,810H AGENDA 1N&ITIVODA'IE 40y 2E, 1400 PAGE NO: d MOTE: tor ORDINANCES - SECOND READING MY proposed ordinance listed as an item for second reading on this section mazy be adopted as an emergency wasure, upon being so determined by um City Coaamission. [ Mot ion for approval IL." SECOND READING ORDINANCE - tJ-90-584j Concerning fees for City services by amending Sections 2-75 of the Code of the City of Mums, Florida, as amended, foincrease fees for annual reins ection of buildings and promises, said increases being necessary to cover increases in operational cost; also providing that said fees my be increased when necessary to cover the cost of said reinspections; containing a repealer provision and a severab111ty clause. Date First Reading: Jul 12, 190 Moved Comm Plummer Second Mayor Suarez (Y� Dawkins ilk Alonso ABSEST Ifturm 6. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-608) Concerning fees for City services by amending Section 2-83.1 of the Code of the City ofMiami ; Florida, as amended, to increase user fees for the use -of _emergency wdical transportation services. r said increases being necessary to cover increases in operational cost; also providing that said Bees may be increased when necessary to cover the cost of such services; containing a repealer provision and a severab111ty clause�.�p DaWFirst Reading: Jul 129 1190 Moved : Cam Plummer Sward : Mayor Suarez (fj _ : Alonso ply r s fDarkin, OeTurra for this item FAILED MOVED::* PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ- NOES: DAWKINS, ALONSO) DE YURRE] Reconsidered by' M-90-577 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10766 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ NOES: ALONSO & DE YURRE ORDINANCE 10767 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ NOES: DE YURRE & DAWKINS A r �- effy COUU1SSION AGENDA MMIWADAM AIY b. IM ORDINANCES - FIRST READING NOTE: =Ing proposed ordinance listed as an item for first bA :this section my be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. , 7. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-413) IYnendin9 Section 22-2 of the Code of the City of am -,—Florida, as amended, ended 'Garbage and Trash,_ by,adding :a new Subsection (h) thereto rortn to section ZZ-32; further, amens ing Section 22-32 by* adding to Section (d) a new Subsection establishing said administrative fee for such removal, misuse and/or misplacement; containing a repealer provision and severabillty clause. RESOLVI IOWS Q- RESOLUTION - (J-90-648) - (ESTABLISHING WE MR71HE CITY) E5=113h1 a er000sed mills a rate for the city o am , Florida. for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1990, and ending September 30, 1991; instructing the City Manager to ,submit said proposed w111age rate to the Dade County Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector, G. REStiIUTION - (J-90-522) - (ESTABLISHING WE FOh-60btNT0rtN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) the Florida, or t e fiiscal year begins 1990 and ending September 30, 1991. we "aw"1, October 1, DEFERRED MOVED:.. PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-581 LOVED:' DE YURRE 'SECONDED: ALONSO NOES: DAWKINS SEE RELATED - - M-90-578 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS M-90-579 - - - - - - - MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-90-580 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED% ALONSO UNANIMOUS IMotion to approve - millage as recommended FAILED: MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES: DE YURRE, ALONSO,- SUAREZJ M-90-582 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUM14ER UNANIMOUS 7R-90-583 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO NOES: PLUMMER x h 4 MenNO DA`rE: Jul v 26. 1990 PAGE NO: 10 - RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 10. RESOLUTION (J-90-621) - (AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF R-90- 584 = = jNDS) MOVED: DAWKINS —_ SECONDED: PLUMMER - Authorizing the transfer of funds in the amount of UNANIMOUS = o the Downtown eve o nt Author from the General Fund as an advance pa nt o a - valorem proceeds to be reggid out of ad val orem -taxes to be received from Dade county by the CRY - of iami on behalf of the Downtown Development - Authority before the end of the 1990-1991 fiscal year, with interest to be paid to the City at the rate of 6% per annum; and authorizing $100,000 of said total amount to be made available immediately. Department of Community Development 11. RESOLUTION - (J-90-523) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION R-90- 585 OF CONTRACT) MOVED: PLUMMER _ - SECONDED: DAWKINS - Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a UNANIMOUS con ract, in a form acceptable to a CT Attorney, with Miami Capital Development Inc. (MCDI) which rov des $690,000 to increase the _ existing revolving loan fund ; an rovi ing or he adm nis rative o erat ones of- - — am capital Development, nc. for the period of = 1 1990 to June 30 1991, rom he Sixteenth 'JuIX ear community Development Block Grant Fund; further reallocating $83,500 from its - import/export revolving loan program, to the revolving loan fund program. (This item was { withdrawn from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) i Department of Finance i 12. RESOLUTION - (J-90-591) - (APPROVING ISSUANCE OF R-90-586 HUITH FAULITIES AUTHORITY OF HOSPITAL REVENUE MOVED: PLUMMER BONDS) SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS roving the issuance by the City of Miami, Florida, Health Facilities Authority of Hospital Revenue Bonds. Series 1990 n American Hospital o ra on ro ec n an aggmate amount no o exceed or the purpose o Oroviding un s, oge er with other available — monies, to finance the cost of (i) acquiring, constructing and equipping certain capital improvements to Pan American Hospital including, without limitation, reimbursement to Pan American Hospital Corporation for capital improvements to Pan American Hospital paid from internal funds, (ii) funding a debt service revenue fund, and (iii) paying certain costs of issuance with respect to the Series 1990 bonds. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1"0.) RESOLUTIONS CONTID Department of Law 13. RESOLUTION - (J-90-645) - (APPROVING DRAFT OF PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT) roving. setting forth and submitting the _draft o a ro osed Charter Amendment, amending the Charter of the city of Miami, Florida, as amended, known as Charter Amendment No. 1, to provide that a City Commissioner shall serve ex officio without c ensation as member and as cnairperson or the off -Street ParKing oa .ai e r ght to vote on al I ma ters coming efore said Board; more parEicularly by amending SUbsecflon of Section 23 of said Charter by addition of paragraph (11) to said Subsection and by amending Subsection (c) of Charter Section 23; calling and rovidin_gfor a special municipal election o e held on the 5th dU of November, 19510, for the purpose o submitting Charter mendment No. 1 to the electorate at said election; further, directing that a certified copy of this Resolution Se deliverea to thi Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan a e County, F orida, not less -than 45 days prior to the date of such special municipal election. 14. RESOLUTION - (J-90-644) - (APPROVING DRAFT OF PROPOSED'UHARTER AMENDMENT) Approving, setting forth and submitting the draft of a pMosed charter� Amendment, amending the Charter of the city of MiamT_,_FTo_r1da, as amended, known as Charter Amendment No. 2, to provide -for an increase in annual salary to —be id o individuals o n e o f ce of Commissioner, said, sa ar as eStabl I Shed oRinance. no exceeding e formula set by Section 145.UJrUF, Florida Statutes with theCommissionerholding than the salary of other Commissioners aitn ajr race as official duties; more particularly by amending Subsection of Section 4 of said Charter; calling and providing for a special municipal election o be held on the 6th 9U of v er 1990, or Efie purpose of submitting char Wr endment No. 2 to the electorate at said election; further, directing that a certified copy or LIvuuIU110 u: Mrol-typu11I,011 YaY6 VVYIIY,r, rIvi IV% hot less 'Tian 45 days prior to the date of such special municipal election. R-90-587 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS - - _ _ - - - SEE RELATED M-90-588 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-589 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES: ALONSO & DE YURRE RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 15. RESOLUTION - (J-90-618) - (AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT) Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to the aamission of liability. the sum of S38$:-0Db:bff -in ana Aemana5 4941n3l the G1t oT Miami, in circuit Court case o. -44- - 3, upon the execution of a release_ byboth Miami Center Associates. inc., ana ueorqe Hyman construction Company releasing -the City of Miami from all claims and demands; said monies to be allocated from the construction account of .the Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Funds. Department of Police 16. RESOLUTION - (J-90-327) - (AUTHORIZING ESTABLISH ENT OF PROGRAM) Authorizing the establishment of a Career Criminal Program and allocating funds therefor, in an amount not to exceed from the City o7 Miami aw Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. (This item was withdrawn from the meeting of May 24 and continued from the meetings of June 7 and July 12, 1990.) 17. RESOLUTION - (J-90-333) - (AUTHORIZING ESTABLIS ENT OF PROGRAM) Authorizing the establishment of a Citwide Crime Preyention_tducation Program and allocating funds therefor, in an amount not to exceed $21-"w from the Caw Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. (This item was withdrawn from the meeting of May 24 and continued from the meetings of June 7 and July 12, 1990.) 18. RESOLUTION - (J-90-516) - (AMENDING RESOLUTION a ALLOCATI FUNDS) Amending Resolution No. 86-665, as amended, and allocating an addTfional amount of S300.000 fram continue the activities of the Forfeiture Fund Detail,!upon such costs and expenses having een approved by the Chief of Police. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) R-90-590 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRS UNANIMOUS R-90-592 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-596 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-597 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ NOES: DAWKINS RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 19. RESOLUTION - (J-90-540) - (APPROVING FUNDING) Approving the funding of the Niami Coalition for a fir— mu ree onn ram; and d allocat n�n`as therefor, n an amountno to exceedi from the Law Wo-rc�emen `Trust Fun , upon such costs having been approved y We —Chief of Police. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) ' 20. RESOLUTION - (J-90-528) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) 8mroving the purchase of a film video processor, two forensic cal comparators, a prefa5 process na structure. and a facsimile transmitter, and allocating funds therefor, in an amount not to exceed $20.000 from the Law Tn-forcement Trust Fund, upon such costs having been approved by tFe hief of Police, said purchase to be made in accordance with applicable City Code procurement provisions. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 21. RESOLUTION - (J-90-547) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement, in substantialTy th e form attach , w Positive Tho ht Enterprises,in an amount noE to exceed for We provisiono two execut ve staff and trainer seminars for the City of MiamiPolice Department, with., Ends therefor allocated from the Law Enforcement Training Trust Fund, Project No. 136002, Index Code 290505-270. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 22. RESOLUTION - (J-90-629) - (APPROVING FUNDING) rovi the funds of the 'Do the Right Thi • P ro and a oca _ n un stherefor, n an not to excee , from the aw Enforcement �TrustFun , upon such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. R-90-598 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDEDt ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-599 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-600 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-601 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS Sf �� w � 4R off y MOSION A811m1wRA M9VING GATE: July 26, 1990 PAGE NO: 14 NOTE: s 1 i i 1. RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 23. RESOLUTION - (J-90-632) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) Approving the purchase of DEvrammable radios and accessor es; an allocating un s therefor, in an amount n`� to exce , from the Law tif3rcement TrustFund, upon such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police and subject to compliance with applicable City Code procurement procedures. 24. RESOLUTION - (J-90-631) - (AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS) the City Metro -Dad Assistance for aeposit into a special revenue fund entitled 'The Intercultural Sensitivity Training Fund", and further authorizin the City Manager to enter into a Professional services agreement wil- Be Nat Unal OjanTzatlono Back Law -Enforcement Executives for the -aglinistration of a survey designdesignQ to assess the nature and extent of problems between the community and the ity ofof Miami Police Department. Item 25 is a companion to item 24 and may be considered at this time. 25. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-630) (NOTE: This item is being presented on an emergency, basis in order to have funds immediately in place for payment of services in connection with the professional services agreement with the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled. - on justice Assistance; containing a repealer provision and severa ility clause. R-90-602 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-603 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE` } 10768 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS CITY M11Vd I3ATe: July 26,, 1990 PAGE NO: i6 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 26. RESOLUTION - (J-90-619) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) TABLED Appointing certain individuals to serve on the =_ Miami treet Coded nation`Review Committee. (This Item was continued from the meefing o u y 12, 1990.) 27. RESOLUTION - (J-90-602) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) R-90-604 pointing certain individuals as members of the amI Sports and Exhlbi#ioniinu�horit . (This H was continued from a mee ng of July 12, 1990.) 28. RESOLUTION - (J-90-454) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) !0ointing certain individuals to serve as members and alternate members on the nternational Trade =t Board for terms of .office to begin July 1, 1990 -i a`n-d-to expire June 30, 1991. (This item was i continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 29. RESOLUTION - (J-90-530) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) �ointing five (5) members to the Private IndustEl Council (M) of South Florida for terms to expire June 30, 1992. (This item was continued from.the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 1 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-605 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE NOES: DAWKINS R-90-606 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M i! f 'Nyi tr y $ f eff MISS N Al��= ----WE`Ma 0A 6 v 1 0 PAGE NQ t o 0 WARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 30. RESOLUTION - (J-90-532) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) !ppointing certain individuals to the eighteen member Citywide Community -Tevelopment AdvisoCy Board in accordance with Resolution No.- 87-1006, adop ed by the City Commission November 19, 1987. (This item. was continued from the meeting of July .12, 1990.) 31. RESOLUTION - (J-90-555) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appointing one individual as a member of the City of Miami, Florida, Health Faci t es A-Rhority. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 32. RESOLUTION - (J-90-494) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL) oint_ ing an individual to serve as a member on e Board Of rus ees of the�.`'i� of Miamigenera Employees' and SAnitation o ees' Retirement Trust or the remainder of a term of office as pr`ovi�ded for by Ordinance No. 10002, appearing in the City Code as Section 40-227. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 33. RESOLUTION - (J-90-529) - (REAPPOINTING & APPOINTINU INDIVIDUALS) !!!minting Jeffre Bercow, Doran A. Jason William 14. Klein. John Lowell. Jr.. and DoNNIS aevelo moment Authority of the city of Miami, for arms expiring June To, 1994. and a ointin Henrr A. Adorno and Annette Eisenbe-rg to the SOArd of Directors of Be Downtown Deve o nt 'Authority o e My of Miamior terms expiring June 30, 1994. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) R-90-607 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-608 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-609 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-610 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS MEW OUT �1 AS mN r MgE" ING DATE: .iui v 2a. i99A PAM Nrl- DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission . consideration of any Discussion Item. 34. Discussion concerning a re uest from the Dad County School Board for She' Ci to urcfiise parcel ad aces to the Doug as ementary Schoc which will enable them to undertake a $2. expansion program. r 35. Discussion concerning the financial advisors contract. 36. Discussion regarding the proposed County Cable Television Ordinance. 31. Discussion regarding authorization to the Orange Bowl Modernization ProJect. _ PUBLIC HEARINGS 11:05 AM 38. REPO UTION - (J-90-595) - (APPROVING PURCHASE FROM SOURCESOLE VENDOR) (4/5THS VOTE) ►aivina the reouire nts for caroetitive sealed deplontsystem software from Analysis Central, e sole source vendor op� provide an _n ra ed software system to optimize Police sc edUTin an eployment. at a Proposed totil cost not o Pxceid $92,000.00; allocating un s therefor from theLaw' Enforcement` Trust Fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this purchase. (This item was continued from the meeting of July 129 1990.) M-90-611 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS - - - - M-90-612 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-593 3_ MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED% ALONSO ABSENT: SUAREZ R-90-613 4 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-594 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-614 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO NOES: DAWKINS CITY U MF- t1NQ 0A'tE: July 269 1990 PANG NO: 18 11:10 AN 39. 2:00 PM NOTE: PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-90-643) - (RATIFYING CITY NANAGER'S-FINDING OF EMERGENCY) (4/5THS VOTE) Waivi tive in piace before Jul 4 19 , the formal dedication date o a Mildred and Claude Pepper Memorial Fountain in Bayfront Park at a cost not to exceed ;22 308.65; ratifying, approving an confirming the City Manager's finding that a valid eublic emergency existed us fy ng such waiver for said purchase; ratifying, approving and confirming the City manager's acceptance of the lowest responsive and responsible i s for such purchase for said project-,— allocating funds therefor from the Capital Improvements Project entitled "Bayfront Park Redevelopment - South End and Chopin Plaza Court", Project No. 331305, Account Code No. 319201-830. D OF PUBLIC PERSONAL APPEARANCES Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 40. As per Commission directive at its meeting of July 12,..1990, representative(s) of People United for Justice to discuss the recent activities In the oiiorfFeast area involvinO the Haitian conmunity. 41. As per Mayor Suarez' request, Mr. Jacques Des i�nosse to discuss concerns of the Haltiin C mmunl ty. 42. Mr. Ronald J. Cohen Es . to discuss the recoupment of fees or costs Kid� by George anresa, George Lopez, Richard Colawn, Filiberto Arroya, Ariel Rojas, Juan Mendez, Israel Gonzalez, Jose Behar and Juan Garcia in connection with their defense of civil or criminal charges for which they have been exonerated. (This item was withdrawn from the meeting of June 7, 1990 and continued from the meeting of July 12, 19".) R-90-615 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE NOESs ALONSO DISCUSSED DISCUSSED WITHDRAWN 4 yIMM _ "1'.; PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 43. Ms. Olga Marti, sponsor and coordinator of "Homeless in the Street", to discuss her program entitled "Homeless United". - (This item was continued ram the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 44. Representative(s) of the Bayfront _Park Management Trust to discuss the south end of Balfront Park. (This i t as con0 nu ed from the meeting Of u y 12, 1990.) 45. Ms. Amy Ros_ichan and Lori Rosichan to discuss treatment o ce officers. (This item was continued rom the meeting o my 12, 1990.) 46. Representative(s) of Miami Children's Vi it/UNA (United Nations Association) o iscuss the mWorld Summit for Children Candleligh!�::V:jjilw scheduled or SepEember 230 his item was continued from the meeting of July 12, 1990.) 47. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins request, representative(s) of the Little Havana Develo nt Auuttho�ri ll to discuss the expansion of the Maximo Gomez Park, Dom no Club. (This item was de errs from the meetings of May 24 and June 7, 1990.) 48. Ms. Kathleen Winchell to discuss garbage Eollection fees within the City.(This item was a errs Urm the meeting of June 7, 1990.) 49. Representative(s) of Keep Dade Beautiful to request a release of funs for their non-profit orgation. , 50. As per Commissioner Alonso's request, Ms. Aida T. Levitan, Executive Vice President of Sanchez an Levitin Advertising/Public Relations to discuss or000sal entitled *Mimi - A New World Center. 51. Representative(s) of . irket Inc. to New World Gel NOT TAKEN UP WITHDRAWN NO APPEARANCE DISCUSSED NOT TAKEN UP WITHDRAWN M-90-618 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS M-90-628 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-90-619 MOVED: DE XURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 0 CITY MISS -ION U'&w1A MRSTINGDAV: July 26. 19go PAGE NO: �n PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 52. As per Commissioner Alonso's request, Chiuz of the, Asian Village of Florid Vi fnc`: 53. Representative(s) of Friends of the Japanese Garden. Inc. to request a waiver of al surcha es until such time as the organization is financially stable. 54. As per Commissioner Alonso's representative(s) of Alex Productions Inc. to discuss concerns relative R request, rorises. connection witn their centroamerican Independence restival scheduled for September 1, 1990 in a$�r`ont Park. 55. Representative(s) of --the Grea CoriDs to discuss the use of —Me _ac ity aster base coeratioi . NO APPEARANCE R-90-621 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDEDt ALONSO UNANIMOUS !� DISCUSSED Service R-90-622 iue Park MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DE YURRE 56. Mr. Lance Paskewich to discuss his endin DISCUSSED AND rehabilitation loan request orehabilitation REFERRED TO uzerne Apartments. CITY MANAGER 57. Representative(s) of Haitian Ame Foundation to discuss their ro o! Comnitvbeveloomnt Block Crant F1 58. As per Mayor Suarez' request, discuss a request for a Coi oa oan for Miami River nn. 59. As per Mayor Suarez' request, Ms. discuss funding for temorary7 install n the MornindSide ne a 60. As per Mayor Suarez' request, Mr. 7 Executive Director of Regis House request for Community Dever Funds. i . R-90-623 MOVED: PLUMMER rational SECONDED: DE YURRE USC-Of UNANIMOUS_ R-90-624 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE Jude to UNANIMOUS =� L'-R-90-625 MOVED: PLUMMER i SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS :wton to R-90-626 Ong MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ;ortada, R-90-627 seuss a MOVED: DE YURRE Grani SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS LAMA PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEMS_PZ�i THROUGH PZ-20 SHALL NOT THIS Im AFTER • 3:00 PN - PZ-1. SECOND READING OROWNCE - (J-89-1149) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AND APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 890 NE 69 St; 7000 NE 9 Ct i 950-990 NE 71 St (City of Miami Bayvista Marina) PETITION : Consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989- 2000, Future Land Use Plan Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Single -Family Residential to Recreation. Planning .Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL. 8-0 Date First Reading : Dec 14, 1989 Noved- : Comm Plummer Second : Vice Mayor Dawkins — Vote : Unanimous NOTE: this is a companion it= to item PZ-2. 7W Im AFTER 3:00 PN L PZ-2. SECOND READING ORDINANCE-t(J-89-1108) ZONING ATLAS AND APPLICANT(S) : z City of Niami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) t Approx 890 NE 69 St; 7000 NE 9 Ct A 950-990 NE 71 St (City of - Miami Bayvista Marina PETiTU N: s -Ord SSW atlas change free RS-2/2 to RR.. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 8-0 Date First Reading : Dec 14, 1989 Moved : Vice Mayor Dawkins Second Comm Plummer Vote Unanimous e , ..eke.. ..' F s MEETING BATE: July 26, 1990 PART B PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-20 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 3:0-M THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-1. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-89-1149) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Approx 890 NE 69 St; 7000 NE 9 Ct & 950-990 NE 71 St (City of Miami Bayvista Marina) PETITION : Consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989- 2000, Future Land Use Plan Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Single -Family Residential to Recreation. Planning Department Recommends Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second Vote APPROVAL APPROVAL, 8-0 Dec 14, 1989 Comm Plummer Vice Mayor Dawkins Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-2. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-2. SECOND READING ORDINANCE-•(J-89-1108) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Approx 890 NE 69 St; 7000 NE 9 Ct & 950-990 NE 71 St (City of Miami Bayvista Marina) PETITION: Ord 9500 atlas change from RS-2/2 to PR. Planning Department Recommends Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Date First Reading : Moved : APPROVAL APPROVAL, 8-0 Dec 14, 1989 Vice Mayor Dawkins Second Vote : : Comm Plummer Unanimous MOTE: This is it companion item to item PZ-1. PAGE NO: 21 ORDINANCE 10769 a MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS F _4 l r ORDINANCE 10770 MOVED: DAWKINS ' SECONDED: PLUMMER 1 ABSENT: PLUMMER IWO 6ft Id ? 01, Comm. PlummerNow i i fV Mak f� 1 )y g THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PH PF3. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-48) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): A. E. Quinton, Jr, Attorney Representing Owners: A. E. Quinton, Jr., individually and as President of Maquins, Inc.; Walter Beckham and Michael Olin, Trustees Under a Trust Agreement for the following beneficiaries: Aaron Podhurst, Robert Parks, Walter Beckham, Jr., Robert Josephsberg, Harold Cotton, Michael Edelman, Barry Meadow, William Hicks, William Colson, Michael Olin, and Joel Perwin PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 120-186 SW 13 St; 1315-1325 SW 2 Ave PETITION . Consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000 (MCNP), Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Office to Restricted Commercial. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 Date First Reading : Feb 15, 1990 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Conn Alonso Vote : Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-4 A PZ-5. ORDINANCE 10773 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENTS DAWKINS & DE YURRE 4 11 THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-91) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S)/OWNER(S): A. E. Quinton, Jr, Attorney Representing Owners: A. E. Quinton, Jr., individually and as President of Maquins, Inc.; Walter Beckham and Michael Olin, Trustees Under a Trust Agreement for the following beneficiaries: Aaron Podhurst, Robert Parks, Walter Beckham, Jr., Robert Josephsberg, Harold Cotton, Michael Edelman, Barry Meadow., William Hicks, William Colson, Michael Olin, and Joel Perwin PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 120-186 SW 13 St; 1315-1325 SW 2 Ave PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RO-3/7 to CR-2/7. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL, 9-0 Date First Reading : Feb 15, 1990 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Alonso Vote : Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-3 b PZ-5. ORDINANCE 10774 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE I I i FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS DE YURRE { i t= 3. t { FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO -= ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE `? THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-5. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-296) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 120-186 SW 13 St and 1315-1325 SW 2 Ave PETITION Ord 11000 (the new Zoning Ordinance which will take effect September 4, 1990) atlas change from 0 to C-1. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 Mail replies AGAINST : One Mail replies Tn FWR : One NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-3 A PZ-4. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-6. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - [J-90-345(a)] ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 1701-1991 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RS-2/2 and RO-3/6 to CG-2/7, retaining a one foot strip northeasterly of, parallel to and abutting, the northeasterly right-of-way line of Delaware Parkway in the existing RS-2/2 and RO-3/6 zoning. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 8-0 OPPONENTS present at meeting : Two PROPONENTS present at meeting : One Aail replies AGAINST : Seven Date(s) Continu-e '—! : May 24 Q June 28, 1990 NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-7. n THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-7. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - [J-90-345(b)] ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 1701-1991 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 11000 (the new Zoning Ordinance which will take effect September 4, 1990) atlas change from R-1 and 0 to C-2, retaining a one foot strip northeasterly of, parallel to and abutting, the northeasterly right-of-way line of Delaware Parkway in the existing R-1 and 0 zoning. Planning Department Recommends: APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board : APPROVAL, 8-0 OPPONENTS present at meeting : Two NbAMS present at meeting : One aFl fil replTes AGAINST : Seven Date(s) Continu- e�i — : May 24 b : June 28, 1990 NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-6. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-8. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - [J-90-346(a)] ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 2810-2916 NW South River Or 6 that section of the North Fork of the Miami River located along the South- easterly property line of 1851 Delaware Parkway PETITION Ord 9500 atlas change by applying HC-1 and retaining the underlying zoning district. . Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 8-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two e s ontinued : May 24 & June 28, 1990 NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-9. a„y T FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMIER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRF. 4 r" rn ' f a N EE"I'ile Cl/a`I July gas 1990 PAGE NO: 26 THIS ITEM AFTER 3.,00 PM PZ-9. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - CJ-90-346(b)] ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 2810-2916 NW South River Dr & that section of the North Fork of the Miami River located along the South- easterly property line of 1851 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 11000 (the new Zoning Ordinance which will take effect September 4, 1990) atlas change by applying HC-1 and retaining the underlying zoning district. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 8-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two a e sContinued May 24 & June 28, 1990 NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-8. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-10. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-386) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD - APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Block bounded by NE 50 Terr & NE 51 St between NE 2 Ave &NEICt f PETITION Per City Commission Motion _ 90-83, January 25, 1990, consideration of - amending Ordinance 10544, as amended, the - Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) 1989-2000, Future Land Use Plan Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Single Family, Medium Density Multiple -Family Residential and Restricted Commercial, to Major Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities, and transmitting to the Department of Community Affairs for ninety days. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 Mail replies AGAINST : Two Mail replies Tn"FMR : Five NOTE: This is a coWanion itesty to item PZ-111, ( PZ-12 & PZ-130 FIRST READING MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE FIRST READING MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PN PY-11. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-387) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) Block bounded by NE 52 St b NE 52 Terr between N Miami Ave 6 NE Miami P1 as extend- ed and remnant parcels to the South, West of NE Miami Place PETITION : Per City Commission Motion 90-83, January 25, 1990, consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) 1989-2000, Future Land Use Plan Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Single Family and Duplex Residential to Major Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities, and transmitting to the Department of Community Affairs for ninety days. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 Mail replies AGAINST Two Mail replies in : Five NOTE: This is a co°mpan i on item to items PZ-10, PZ-12 3 PZ-13. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-12. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-388) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 35-57 NE 52 Ter 6 30-58 NE 53 St PETITION : Per City Commission Motion 90-83, January 25, 1990, consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) 1989-2000, Future Land Use Plan Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Major Public Facilities Transportation and Utilities to Duplex Residential, and transmitting to the Department of Community Affairs for ninety days. ;s Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 Mail replies AGAINST : Two Mail replies Tn FAPR : Five j NOTE: This is a companion items to items PZ-10, PZ-11 & PZ-1301 FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT-. DAWKINS & DE YURRE f k FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDEDs ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE 5 4 mum mass WY ��MISION AGERM 28 July 26, 19§0 PAaENds 0 THIS ITEM AFT R 3:00 PN PZ-13. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-389) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Block bounded by NE 50 Terr and NE 51 St between NE 2 Ave b NE 1 Ct PETITION : Ord 11000 (the new Zoning Ordinance which will take effect September 4, 1990) atlas change from R-1, R-3 S C-1 to G/I. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 8-1 Mail replies AGAINST : Two Mail replies bR : Five NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-10, PZ-11 & PZ-12. THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-14: FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-565) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) 596 NW 49 Ave b 4901 NW 5 St PETITION : Ord 11000 (the new Zoning Ordinance which will take effect September 4, 1990) atlas change from R-4 for 596 NW 49 Ave and R-2 for 4901 NW 5 St, to C-1. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 6-0 FIRST READING MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE'YURRE FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 pM PZ-15. RESOLUTION - [J-90-580(a) (b)] APPEAL OF_VARIANCE APPLICANTS) Blanca Espinosa 3157 SW 24 Terr PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 3157 SW 24 Terr PETITION : Appeal of the Zoning Board's decision which denied the request to allow the existing additions to the single-family residence providing a lot coverage of 1,925 sq. ft. or 55% (1,622 sq. ft. or 43% maximum allowed); a west side yard of 1.5' (5' required), an east side yard of 3' (5' required) and a combined yard area of 4.5' (15' combined yards required) for the principal structure; a rear yard of .04' (10' required) and a west side yard of '.2' (5' required) for the utility room on above site, as per plans on file. Planning Department Recommends : DENIAL Zoning Board : DENIED, 9-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Pal replies AGAINST : Two Mail replies Tn--FMR : Two THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-16. RESOLUTION - (J-90-589) ALLEY CLOSURES APPLICANT(S) Miami Chinese Community Center Ltd Isaac Shih, General Partner 1823 Biscayne Blvd, Ste 14 PROPERTY ADDRESS The 2 East-West alleys lying in the westerly half of the block bounded by NE 18 and 19 Streets, Biscayne Boulevard and NE 4 Ave PETITION: : Official vacation and closure of those two East-West alleys tying within the westerly half of the block bounded by NE 18 and 19 Streets , Biscayne Boulevard, and NE 4 Avenue; all as a condition of approval of Tentative Plat #1380 - °Chinatown." Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Zoning Board Recommends : APPROVAL, 8-0 PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Mail replies in FAVOR : One CONTINUED BY M-90-641 MOVEDt PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE R-90-639 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS CITY wmw�wwmalu MEETING# DATE: July 28, 1990 PARE NO: 30 THIS ITEM AFTER - 3:00 PM PZ-17. REVIEW OF SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICANTS)/OWNER(S): Castlewood Realty Corp., Inc. PH 3 204 E Joppa Road Towson, MD 21204 ATTORNEY Ronald L. Book 2875 NE 191 St, #810 N Miami Beach, FL 33180 PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 2721 Bird Ave PETITION : Review, per Resolution 89- 587, of the City Commission's decision to uphold the Zoning Board in its approval allowing the conversion of the existing bar to a supper club without live entertainment on above site subject to a one year review. = THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PH PZ-18. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-468) CITY CODE AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : An Ordinance relating to Planning and Zoning, amending Chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, by amending Section 62-84(i) by changing the composition of the Urban Development Review Board; by deleting procedures for appointment to said Board contained in Section 62-84(2) relative to public notice and solicitation; by amending Section 62-84(4) accordingly; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Planning Department -Recommends : APPROVAL Date First Reading : June 28, 1990 Moved : Comm Alonso Second : Comm Plummer Vote : Unanimous THIS ITEM AFTER 3:00 PM PZ-19. RESOLUTION - (J-90-50) - APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS j A resolution appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Urban Development Review Board. R-90-640 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE CONTINUED BY M-90-641 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE CONTINUED BY M-90-641 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENTt DAWKINS DR YURRE ;fir ,t �qs THIS ITEM AFTEit 3:00 PM PZ-20. RESOLUTION - (J-90-451) - PUBLIC HEARING APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : A Resolution of the Miami City Commission finding that there is no need to amend the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, as amended, for the inclusion of the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan for Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District, per Section 163.516 (8), Florida Statutes. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL NOTE: This item is related to items PZ-291, PZ-30, PZ-31, PZ-32 8 PZ-33. ITEMS PZ-21 THROUGH THIS ITEM AFTER- 5:00 PM PZ-21. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-566) COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD 1 CONSIDERED APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 3260 SW 8 St PETITION : Ord 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) 1989-2000, Future .Land Use Plan Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Major Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities to Restricted Commercial, and transmitting to the Department of Community Affairs for ninety days. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 OPPONENTS present a meeting : Eight PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Mail replies AGAINST : Seventeen Mail replies Tn FA_ -_-,PAR : Five NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-22. R-90-634 MOVEDt PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS r i MSMMMATS: July 26, 1990 PASS N0: THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-22. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-567) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 3260 SW 8 St PETITION : Ord 11000 (the new Zoning Ordinance which will take effect September 4, 1990) atlas change from G/I to C-1. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, 9-0 OPPONENTS present at meeting : Eight PROPONENTS present at meeting : Two Mail replfes AGAINST : Seventeen Mail replies Tn MR : Eight NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ-21. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PH PZ-23.. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-297) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANTS) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Amending Ordinance 11000, as amended, the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, as amended, to be effective September 4, 1990, by amending Article 9. General and Supplementary Regulations, Subsection 907.4 Yard, General Limitations on Occupancy, by adding noise limitations for mechanical and fire -equipment for the purpose of attenuating noise. Planning Department Recommends Planning Advisory Board Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second Vote APPROVAL APPROVAL, 9-0 June 28, 1990 Comm DeYurre Vice Mayor Dawkins Unanimous FIRST READING MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CONTINUED BY -_ M-90-641 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS eln MROM DAM, �ullr gar t990 PAtSIE NO. THIS io /TER 5:00 FN PZ-24. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-364) CITY CODE AMENDMENT APPLICAHT(S) : City of Niami Planning Dept PETITION : An Ordinance relating to alcoholic beverages; amending Section 4-3 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, to allow package liquor stores to open for business on Sundays -during certain hours; to extend their hours of operation on Sundays in December; to remain open on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve until Midnight; subject to one year review; further, by clarifying Sections 4-9, 4-10, 4-11, 4-12, and 4-13; containing a repeater provision, severability clause and an effective data. Planning Department recommends : APPROVAL Date First Reading : June 28, 1990 Noved, as amended : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Mu"t (Y) : Dawkins (N) : Suarez, Alonso THIS ITEN AM 5:00 PM n-25. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-375) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Niamt Planning Dept PETITION An Ordinance relating to land use; amending Ordinance No. 110009 the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida (effective September 4, 1990), by making comprehensive language changes, and non - ORDINANCE 10772 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES: ALONSO & SUAREZ ORDINANCE 10771 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: SUAREZ SEE RELATED: - - - M-90-630 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED- - substantial changes to articles therein which; DE YURRENOES: PLUMMER contain authority and intent and purpose; - - - - - - - - - - - regulate land, water and structures, used and [The essence of Motions occupancies, height and bulk, density, lot 90-631; 90-632; and coverage, lot area per dwelling unit, parking 90-633 were incorporated _ and signs; provide for official zoning atlas into_Ordinance_107711 - and official schedule of district regulations. 90 - 6 31 zoning districts, special districts; provide Mo ; ALONSO general and supplementary regulations; provide SECON : DE YURRE for; nonconformlt/es; function and UNANIMOU responsibilities of Commission, Officers, and - - - ­ - - - - - 0-632 Boards; Special Permits; Appeals from decisions of Zoning Administrator and Director MO = ALONSo of Planning; Appeals for variances; and SECON : PLUMMER provide definitions; containing a repealer UN- - - - - - - - - provision, severability clause and an 0-633 effective date. MOVE PLUMMER (Mat need on not page.) SECONDED; NSO ABSTAINED: SU S iz t; i M ME ain AMM" July 26 19d PAGE NO:4 Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, - as amended, 7-0 Date First Reading : June 28, 1990 _ Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm DeYurre ; (Y) : Alonso, Dawkins Absent : Suarez, Plummer THIS ITEM E AFTER 5:00 PM - PZ-26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-604). CONTINUED BY ZONING TEXT AMD M-90-641 MOVED: PLUMMER APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS PETITION Consideration of re- & DE YURRE commendations concerning an amendment to Ordinance 11000, as amended, the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, effective September 4, 1990, by deleting the existing Article 7, "HC Heritage Conservation Overlay Districts," and substituting in lieu thereof an entirely new Article 7 entitled "HP Historic Preservation Overlay Districts"; providing for: Intent, Application of ? District, Effect of District, Preservation Board, Preservation Officer, Conditional Uses and Deviations, and Appeals; containing a repealer provision, severability clause and providing for an effective date. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL ' Heritage Conservation Board Recommends APPROVAL, with recommendations, 7-0 Planning Advisory Board Recommends APPROVAL, as recommended by the Heritage Conservation Board, 5-0 } NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-27 8 PZ-28. 4 ' a { i i t i E CffYAEFE IuiEE'I'INO DAM July 26, 1990 PACE NO: 35 THIS ITEN AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-27. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-606) CITY CODE AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Consideration of re- commendations concerning amendments to the Miami City Code related to historic preservation by adding a new Chapter 23.1 "Historic Preservation;" providing for: Intent and Purpose, Definitions, Preservation Board, Preservation Officer, Designation of Historic Sites, Historic Districts, and Archeological Zones, Certificates of Appropriateness, and Administration, Enforcement, Violations, and Penalties; and further deleting Chapter 62, Article VII "Heritage Conservation Board" and substituting in lieu thereof a new Article VII "Preservation Board;" providing for: Establishment, Membership, Functions, Powers, and Duties, Generally, Proceedings, Compensation, and Preservation Officer. Planning Department Recommends APPROVAL Heritage Conservation Board Recommends APPROVAL, with recommendations, 7-0 Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, as recommended by the Heritage Conservation Board, 5-0 NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ-26 i PZ-26. CONTINUED BY M-90-641 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE CITY 77777-7, x� ON A MEMING DA`fE: July 261 1990 PAGE NO: 36 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ-28. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-611) CITY CODE AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Consideration of re- commendations concerning renaming the existing Environmental Preservation District and Scenic Transportation Official Atlas of the City of Miami, Florida, as the "Official Preservation Atlas of the City of Miami, Florida," and relocating into said new Preservation Atlas those properties now designated as HC-1 and HC-2 overlay districts in the Official Zoning Atlas of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, effective September 4, 1990; further renaming and clarifying said relocated HC-1 and HC-2 overlay districts 1n said new Preservation Atlas according to their historic classification (i.e., historic site, historic district, or archeological zone); and further retaining the designation in said Zoning Atlas of those properties shown therein as HC-2 overlay districts, in addition to their being included in the said Preservation Atlas, and renaming said HC-2 overlay districts 1n said Zoning Atlas as HP overlay districts. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL Heritage Conservation Board Recommends : APPROVAL, with a recommendation, 7-0 Planning Advisory Board Recommends: APPROVAL, as recommended the Heritage Conservation Board, 5-0 Note: This is a caManiork item to items PZ-26 6 PZ-27. CONTINUED BY M-90-641 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT: DAWKINS & DE YURRE THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM PZ-29. RESOLUTION - (J-90-451) - PUBLIC NEARING APPLICANT(S) City .of Miami Planning Dept PETITION A Resolution of the Miami City Commission finding that there is no need to amend the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, as amended, for the inclusion of the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan for Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District, per Section 163.516 (8), Florida Statutes. Planning Department Recommends : APPROVAL NOTE: This item is related to items PZ-20, PZ-30, PZ-31, PZ-32 & PZ-33. THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM PZ-30. RESOLUTION - (J-90-621) RATIFYING ACTION OF CITY MANAGER Ratifying, approving and confirming the City action in executing Modification No. 2 of Contract o. 89-SH-17-11-23-20-010, between the Ci of Miami and DCA, eroviding for an extension osa contract's eruination date from June Nova6er 1. 1990. NOTE: This item is related to items PZ-20, PZ-299 PZ-319 PZ-32 & PZ-33. R-90-635 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-636 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS milt: AL A 1 1 L1=5 7 ttMa ra-4a anu rc-.Jc air. vc . ny considered by the City--�ommission --Tiey shall be heard by the Cmission in its capacity as the Board of Directors of the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood - improvement District. THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM R-90-637 07-31. RESOLUTTON - 0-90-622) RATIFYING ACTION OF MAYOR Ratifying, approving and confirming the _Mayor's act of as chairman of the nrrood Safe Nei h 765R Y rovemen s r c(Wynwood ) Board of Directors, in executing Modification No. 2 of the Florida DeLarlm—nt of ConmnityAffairs A Contract o. - N-i -li- - - , between the Wynwood SNID and DCAproviding for an extension o Said contract'stermination date froln June 30, o November 1. 1995. NOTE: This item is related to items PZ-20, PZ-29, PZ-309 PZ-32 & PZ-33. THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM PZ-32. RESOLUTION - (J-90-620) AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Authorizing the Major of the City of Miami, Florida, n his calDacity as Mirman of the Board of Directors ("Wynwood o execute a professional services a reement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, between the wynwood SNID and the Wfflmod Communit Economic Development Co ra on or the else on of the Wynwood Safe Nei h o� rovemen an or the period fr-o—m--July rou une , with funds therefor rom e Rate o o'riccia Safe Neighborhood Program, subject to the approval of the Florida Department of Community Affairs;, further authorizing the City Manager, in his capacity as Chief Fiscal Officer of the Wynwood SNID to make payment to WCEDC as shall be set forth in said agreement. NOTE: This item is related to items PZ-20, PZ-29, PZ-30, PZ-31 & PZ-33. THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM PZ-33. Discussion pertaining to donation of Cit -owned Drooerty in the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood - wrove�en€ Dist ct" (Wynwood SNID) to the wynwoc Economic Development Corporation (WCEDC). NOTE: This item is related to items PZ-209 PZ-299 0 �`• PZ-30, PZ-3t i PZ-32, MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN BY ADMINISTRATION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTI PAESENTI Comaiasion Meeting a July 26, 1990 PRESENTED Proolamation to: The Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies Day, for its commitment to professionalism and its concern towards our community. PRESENTED Certificate of Appreciation to: Mike Kosnitsky, for his efforts and dedication in helping students at Miami Northwestern to fulfill one of their dreams, to attend an out of town event. PRESENTED Commendation to the City of Miami by Commissioner - Jim Barker, of Coral Gables, for the City of Miami's efficient handling of a fire at the downtown Woolworth's building. _ a Y 's S. — yH x v ! t/ 1 i �Y j11 1 7 1 s M.