HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0635i 90- 635 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION � It tit T THERE 18 NO NEED TO )MUD THE MIAMI C6MPR8HEN81V9 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1989- 2006t AS,, AMENDED,, : FOR,, THE INCLUSION OP THE . WYNNOOD SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN FOR THE WY 1"WOOD SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT ;. DISTRICTt PER SECTION 163.516 (8), FLORIDA P Q } -STATUTES► WHEEREAS, the City Commission established by Ordinance No. I 10406 A Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District under the terms of Section 163.506, Florida Statutes, known as .the Wynwood Local.Government Improvement District (District), located within the City of Miami, bounded by Northwest 36th Street, Northeast 21st Terrace and Northwest 22nd Street, North Miami Avenue,. and Northwest 6th Avenue, containing approximately 368 acres; and WHEREAS, the District was authorized to receive a planning -grant from.the Florida Safe Neighborhood Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, a Safe Neighborhood Plan have been prepared for the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood District (Wynwood SKID) for the coordinated, balanced, and harmonious development of the Wynwood is SNID, and designed through the use of Crime Prevention Through ' Environmental Design (CPTLD) techniques to effectively change the j physical environment and produce behavioral effects that',•will reduce the perception, incidence and fear of crime; and i ±( WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Wynwood SNID has }, F ( determined the most effective means to reduce the incidence of crime and change the physical environment is to provide a mechanism to increase employment and develop a facility which is heavily secured; and .i WHEREAS, the proposed Wynwood Foreign Trade Zone area r located at Northwest 5th Avenue and Nvrthwes,t 22ndStreet, Will accomplish the dual goals of providing 9 jobs and deterring crime; '< _. and t •cm � { 3}fi JUL . 06 .. 0" •: 4 ?w - - 4 w S iw ;h H yk 77 P Z CITY OF MIAMI. FLOAIDA ` INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM t., TO Honorable Mayor,: and Members 0ATE L 17 i ��9� FIL_ of the City Comisission suajec• Publ is Hearing for Appro�ral of the Proposed Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement District Plen FROM : Cesar H. Odi REFERENCES - (City Commission Meeting of - City Manager July 26, 1990) ENCLOSURES: RCCOWNDATION ; It -is respectful:ly requested that the City Commission approve the 1ynwaod', Safe' Neighborhood Improvement District (SNID) Board's adopted Safe Neighborhood Improvement Plan and find that there is no need to amend the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000 for the inclusion of the Wynwood- Safe �Nei ghborhood Improvement District`: Plan, per Section 163.516 (8) F.S., per the' attached' resolution. BACKGROUND The City Cmission in its capacity as the Miami City Commission is' required — hoid,:two.(2) :public hearings to consider the Wynwood SNID Board's adopted Safe Neighborhood Improvement Plan and find that there is no need to amend the Miami _ Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000 for the inclusion of tht'l*ftwood°Safe° Neighborhood Improvement District Plan, per Section 163.516 (8) F.S. * Y ? On June 7, 19900the City Commission approved the following resolutions: 4 (1) Resolution No. 90-431 (June- 7, 1990), by the Miami City Comission acting, - in i is capacity as the Board of ` Di rectors of the V&hwood Safe; Neighborhood Improvement District, approving the 1(ynwood Safety Neighborhood Plan and finding that the proposed Wynwood Forei Trade Zone (WFTZ) is an integral component of the Mynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan, as required by Section 163.516(5), F.S. .. r� x o i j i (2) Resolution No. 90-432 (June 7, 1990)s ° by, the Miami City ; Col�liesi+on ; yh j� - findinv that the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan is consistent with the City of Miami Comprehensive .Neighborhood' Plan 1989-20009as -required bY" - Section 163.516 (41, F.S. ;j,: The City Administration subsequently transmitted the above,resolution# io �A for` k its review and approval. DCA informed the Administration that& ` P*11c ih for approval of the proposed Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improveant-DriltricV q p y 1990, the City Coalmi scion is required. At a public hearing scheduled for Jul 12, {j$ was to rescind the abovementioned resolutions and adopt identicalreso1Dtions,. vt r r F 4 Page 1 of 3 s 9 t hvhX iMY`- x+"' �� .`.Z• .._ -` sa r z M `Crk�„tf �f "t'ry� +' '" r T a 41, t Ai so, the toC1t 6 ission,,has,. previously approved, the following.3ordinances relating sthe Safe'Neighborhood Program within the City: > t 1. Ordinance 10405 (3-24-88) enabled the.City Wide Safe Neighborhood Programs. t 2. Ordinance 10406 (3-24-89) created the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood improvement N` District. , . 3. Ordinance 10522-(i1-1748) amended Ordinance 10406. On June 22, 1989j,the City Commission adopted two resolutions (Resolutions 89-577 _ and 577.1), instructing the City Manager to execute the following: (1) an agreement,_ between the, City of Miami ;.(Wynwood Safe- Neighborhood .Improvement District) ; ;.and :the: •,,Florida Department of -:Community Affairs, in the amount of $260,000, for - the preparation of a Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Plan and (2) an agreement ,between they City, of: Miami and the, Department of Community Affairs, in the amount of.,.$30,OOO, for technical assistance. On December. 7, _1989:j­, the City .Commission. approved, --;a professional services = agreement ; :betweM. the Wynwood. Safe ,.,Neighborhood It rovement , District. (WYIrn! od SNID) and;_ the: • Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation (WCEDCi .: to prepare a Safe Neighborhood Improvement Plan for the Wynwood SNID, in the amount _ } of t250,000, : and:t on .April, �26, 1990, ,the Ctty,,Commission approved:; a;.,professional serwices�:.agreesent ,be_tween=.'the. City, end.,: -the;= 1 ►nrrood ,SNID; F,artnersnip in amount of-.$30,000 for technical assistance in the preparation of the Safe Neighborhood Plan. ><5 r The Safe Neighborhood; Plan has been prepared for :the, Wrn�aood_Safe Neighborhood ; District,(I�jrnwaod SNID) for the coordinated, balanced, and harmonious doveiapaent of the Wynwood SNID and designed through the use of Crime Prevention Through _ Environmental . Design; (CPTED) techniques, =. ta_: effectively ;change the physical' s environment ;and, reduce, the perception,...ancidence and-,. -ear of 'crime in the ,area. The area is bounded by, N.W. 36th Street, , N.E. 215t Terrace and ...N ty f.22nd Street, North MiamiAvenue- and N.W. 6th Avenue, containing approximately 368 acres, The Wynwood,.Safe=,Neighborhood Plan has determined othat, the most, effective means to reduce the.- ncidence of crime, and change the physical environment; is:'to provide 4 a mechanism to increase employment and develop a secure facility.. The Plen.; yfJ* proposes r. the establishment of ,: a Forei Trade :Zone . {lN:TZ) .et N.)i. 5thsx Avenue and ;: NA.. 22nd Street to accom p I I s'n i e as?' goa� I fl'T-'in rec HITng "P oyeet�t,: and reducin . 9 crime. The Wynwood Foreign Trade Zone is totally contained within .��w' - } the :Nlrnn+aod Safe .Neighborhood Improvement District. The Plan also reconow fol lowing:. r k e Public kmiag along N.Y, undetg4 ZQth Strut should rehibilitotion that includes the application of crime prmventia� k. envirommota7 design tft piques. t Page 2 of 3 4 is low r 0 Certain areas . containing residential uses should be reseed to an li"trial ust -in - order to be consisteft with the NISMI_ Co I" Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000. Strategies, such as privitization and rehabilitation should iacl4di the application of Grim prevention techniques. 0 bealition may be necessary in specific instances. 0 filgh density affordable rental housing units under private owwshPId be rehabilitated through the use of crime , preMUM ftchniques. a Access to the **TZ should be controlled. Mordwest Sth Avow ,should terminate with a cul-de-sac at N.V. 22 Street. N.V. 23rd and N.V. 24th Streets should terminate at N.V. 6th Avenue* • N.V. 24th' 26th, 27th and 28th Streets should be equipped with J`i sec uri gates that will allow controlled access from N.V. 6th 6 The perimetin of the *TZ should be secured with a combination of a 9 feet high cunt fiance and 9 feet high vertical bjrL f6mcing. • iiiin M_ owners in the wholesale area should develop a securflar- plan the Niami Police Departimmt and private security nth . 0, A "Grand EnUftwo should be, created at N.V. Sth Avenue and M.N. 29th Street. The *Grand Entrance" should project a "sense of arrival' and, naturally draw customers to access the Camme cial area at this point. ..... 9 A logo should be designed to reflect the new image of the District. 9 Additional code enforcement efforts should be targeted to the residential area. A detailed explanation of both the crimes associated within 'the d 9' reca ridations for the area were previously presented at the June 7, 1990pity Commission meting. Attachments cc: Elbert L. Waters Assistant Director, Planning; Planning,, Building and Zoning Department Page 3 of 3 m4 90 7, rF 44