HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0634{ � x t, ...��. 4. - 8�ir9a 9 0 .. 634 RESOLUTION 110. A 128OLUTION OF TRR Mimi CITY COMMISSION r INd UAT UIRR IS No RED TO AMRNO TRR - MIAMI COYPARRINSIVE NEIGIBORMOOD PLAN I980 -- {_ 9000, As ' ANWO, Pon TUR INCLUSION OF TUB �000 SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN FAR TUN g_ MWOOD SAFE VNIOHBORROOD IMPROV DISTRICT, PER SECTION 163.818 (8), FLORIDA STATUTES. ._ WERRBAS, the City Commission established by Ordinanoo NO. } 10406o A Looal Government Neighborhood Improvement Distriot under ,ate the terms of Section 163.606, Florida Statutes, know as the - 'Py►nwood Looal Government Improvement Distriot (Distriot), looated within the City of Miami, bounded by Northwest 36th Street, Northeast 21st Terraoe and Northwest 22nd Street, North Miami - Avenue, and Northwest 6th Avenue, containing approximately 388 ' r &ores; and - WHEREAS, the Distriot was authorized to reoeive a planning - grant from the Florida Safe Neighborhood Trust Fund; and i WHEREAS, a Safe Neighborhood Plan have been prepared for the x Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Distriot (Wynwood SNID) for the coordinated, balanoed, and harmonious development of the Wynwood 1 SNID, and designed through the use of Crime Prevention Through j Environmental Design (OPTED) teohniques to effectively ohange the s physioal environment and produoe behavioral effeots that will reduoe the peroeption, inoidenoe and fear of orime; and WHEREAS, the Board of Direotors of the Wynwood SNID has t determined the most effeotive means to reduoe the inoidenoe of orime and ohange the phyeioal environment is to provide a meohanism to inorease employment and develop a faoility whioh is S' c heavily seoured; and WHBRBAS, the proposed Wynwood Foreign Trade" -Zone area looated at Northwest 8th Avenue and Northwest 22nd Street, will a r 4 1' SOLMION No _._._. A PASOMMION OP T92 MTAVI CITY COMMISSION FINS "mot uns i8 Nb nin " AMEND TNH 111AMt OOMPPMOBIVS NMIGHeOSMOOD PLAN logo- 2000, AS AWN , P©H THE INCLUSION OF TNR WYNXOOD SAPS N1 TGOORHOOD PLAN FOR . TNR W"YN1fOOD SAPS NI GISORROOD IMPROVSKICNT Disiki T, Pn Sam= 163.819 (a), rLORIDA STATUTNS. WHEREAS, the City Commission established by Ordinance No. 204060 A Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District under the terms of Section 163.606, Florida Statutes, known ao the Wynwood Local Government Improvement District (District), located within the City of Miami, bounded by Northwest 36th Street, Northeast 21st Terrace and Northwest 22nd Street, North Miami Avenue, and Northwest 6th Avenue, containing approximately 368 acres; and WHEREAS, the District was authorized to receive a planning grant from the Florida Safe Neighborhood Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, a Safe Neighborhood Plan have been prepared for the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Distriot (Wynwood SKID) for the coordinated, balanced, and harmonious development of the Wynwood SKID, and designed through the use of Crime Prevention Through y Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques to effectively change the =" physical environment and produce behavioral effeots that will reduce the perception, incidence and fear of crime; and 4 WHEREAS, the Hoard of Direotors of the Wynwood SNID has Y determined the most effective means to reduce the incidence of crime and change the physical environment is to provide a �A meohan3.em to increase employment and develop a facility which is heavily secured; and WHEREAS, the proposed Wynwood Foreign Trade 4-Zone area located at Northwest eth Avenue and Northwest 22nd Street, will Ar 777,7@-, a6001i fish the dual oa1N of P roVidi �► �' � jobs and deterring oftue; ti aibt� UnUS, the proposed Wynvood Foreign Trade Zone arse is totally oonta$.ned within the Wynaood Looal Government Neighborhood Improvement Distriot; and VNEREAS, a major portion of the WInaood SKID target area is T � r- inoluded in the City of Miami portion of the North Centi4l Dale p " County Enterprise Zone established under Chapter 290#' Ploridi Statutes, and Dade County Resolutions R-1001-86 and R-1126--86 and F City of Miami Resolution No. 88-889.1; NOWo THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Seotion `1. The reoital and findings oontained in the Y Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by referenoe thereto and inoorporated herein as if fully set forth in this ;'- Seotion. Seotion 2. The Miami City Commission hereby finds that there is no need to amend or modify the Miami Comprehensive r- Neighborhood Plan 1980-2000 for the inolusion of the Wynwood Safe.: Neighborhood Plan for the Wynwood Safe Neighborhood Improvement Distriot, per Seotion 163.516 (8), Florida Statutes. Seotion 3. This Resolution shall beoome effsotive, immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of July 1990. City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Assistant City Attorney C/pb/M1332 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM _ ; l to . Honorable Mayor and Mmwers OATE j UL1 1M of the City Commission SUsaECT Public HearinD for ApproVel of the zr Proposed Wyuwood. Safe. Neighborhood Iwpravement' Di strict Plan - FROM Cesar H. Odi AEFERENCEs (City Commission Meeting of City Mahager July 269 1990) ENCLOSURES. RMMKNDATION It .is -.respectfully requested that the City Commission approve the lij►nwood: Safe Neighbor666d� ImproveIment District (SKID) Board's adopted Safe Neighborhood Improvewnt PI an and fi nd ' that there is no need to amend the. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan i�► 1969-2000 for the inclusion of the Woad Safe Nei ghbor!homti . I , p roV60ent District Pi an, per Section 1630516 (8) , F.S. , par ` th e attache rsolution. e BACKGRQUMD �; The City. Com®ission, in its capacity as the Miami City Commission,` is required Co hold two (2) public hearings to consider the Wynwood SKID Board's adopted Safe Neighborhoorovement Plan. and find that there is no, need.., to anwd , then ComprrehensiMe Neighborhood Plan 1969-2000' for the fncltision of ties irnriood Sai`e NeighborhooDistrict Plan' per Section 163.516 (8)F. S j On June 7, 1990, the .City Commission approved the following resolutions ' (I) Resolution, fib. 90-431 (June ',7 1990), by the Mialli, City Co�isiionact og ; in its` capacity as the Board of Directors of the *iwdod Sete Neighborhood, Improvement District, approving, the terpwao6uSaf+a`: , Neighborhood Plan and finding that the proposeol rlynwood Fore i n ,.Tradi y Zone (tiF1'1) is an integral honent of the .Mynwood Safe Neig+� Plan, as rehired by Section 163,516� (SY F.S. . (2) Resolution No. 90-432 (June 17, 1990). by the Miami Ci#Ji Co. ito0i00 .. finding'`ttY#at. the. Mynwocd Safe Weighborhood Plan . is cons#sent w� kf 'q City of Miami COEBrOblinisive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000,` as `rii�td by x, Section 163.516 i4j, F.S. The Gity Administration subsequently tran5mlitted the, above . re;otution,..to for its revs ear and approval., `. DCA . i nformed the Adei ni strati on that 'a MI is*40 for approval of thTo e proposed Wymmd Safe' Neighborhood Improvement s �p 7 r� is required. At a public hearing scheduled for July 12, 1990, the City Coasslpn was to rescind the abovementioned resolutions and Adopt identical resoluti;,i s Page I of 3 d Y s � b ^x f i ' t S+ e3 C 't �c tin` has prey► ously approved the following "ordinances Al Also; ,y the y ref ati ng to trie .,safe lief ghborhood fwogr a wi thin ;the City • 1. Ordinance 10405 C3-24481 enabled the City Wide Safe. Neighborhood Progra�as. - 2. ordinance 104C (3-24-69) created the �grrnroo d Safe Neighborhood 1mprbve nt District. 3, Ordinance 10522 C11-17-88) amended Ordinance 10406. 22 ig8g, the City 77 comissfion adopted tv�o resolutions CResolutions 89-5a S On June . C1) any and 577.1) , instructi ng the City Manager execute Safi Neighborhood following: a the :City of Mliami CMy agree�aent. betred� Affairs,= in the amount of Di stri ct) r and , the P 1 on da , Department of Comeuni ty Plan and (2) an for",the preparation of a wynwood Safe Neighborhood 3250,000, artment of Cnity .Affairs, in t between the. City of Miami and the oep agn for technical assistance. ' the amount of $309000, ..: the City, Coa�issian approved a professional services On December 7.._ 1989, . Safe Neighborhood ioroyement' Otstrict tW►nwood age to beti�reen .-.tithe KYnwood z t Corporation .NCEDCI . mood Coamtni ty' Econovic` Devil opmM SNID1 and the 1�h► roveaient Plan for the Wynwood SKID, in the amount prepare a Safe Neighborhood Imp roved,.a professional fh ril 26 1990, the City Coifission appp in the Of 3250,OOo, . and on, AP d SNID ''`Partnership L services agreewent betw"n the. City and :the 00 ration of the Safe ' - _ amount of . $30r technical cal assi stance i h the PrePa Neighborhood Plan.- The St d,P1An has been prepared for the Wrnwood `Safe t Neighborhood_ SKID) for the coordinated, balanced,`andTho harmonious develop t Oistrict `C11 through the use of Crime Preventtion x d SNID and designed of the Nye techniques to effectively change Environmental Design , ccPTEQ i, : inci deuce' and 'fear of cri' lit, the rea. enviroin�int and `;reduce the perceptgn, £` 21st Terrace and.'N�i• 22nd Street, x The area i bounded by N.N. 36th street, N.,. roxiaately 368 acres. 1. North Miamp AvenI 1"ind N.N. 6th Avenue, COntaining'aPp means to d.Safe Neighborhood P]an has determined that the most effective hx The WY n sfica1 'environ�oent; is -"to provide reduce the; incidence of crime, and change the phy The pip to nt and develop a secure facility. a mechani so to increase WP YW Forei Trade Zone t1i 'tZ) at N M • : 5th proposes!e . establ fi shment Of a re fig empldt } Avenue and N,�1., 22nd Street to ace s g a and reducing crime. The Nymropd Foreign Trade 'Zone is totallyntainedtithin� The Plan a�i So recomlet►ds�# the .Nymod Safe Neighborhood Ieprorement. District. -v following'' _ should N • Public housing along N.V. 2Oth Street lication of crime VMve"tien robri1 itatiom that includes the aPP "WITOWentai design teclarf9uee9 Page 2 of 3Y� Ps . r r • Strategies such as priv tiz.ation am rehabilitation should include the application of crime prevention techniques. e Demolition may be necessary in specific instances. g e affordable rental housing units ender private "ghdonsity p should be rehabilitated through the use of crime prevention techn ques. • Access to the HFIZ should be conb lied. Nortbest Sth Avenue N.Y. 22 Street. should terminate with a cul-de-sac at IS N.V. 23rd and N.Y. 24th Streets Should terminate at N.Y. Go Avenue. e M.Y. 24th, 26th, 27th and zeth Streets, should- be equipped with, security Sates that will allowcontrolled access frog N.Y.' 6th Avenue.. e The perimeter of the MFTZ should be secured ritb a ooebiaatioA of a 9 feet high cemnt fence mad 9 feet high vertical bar ` fewacia�g. e Business owners in the wholesale area should develop a security plan' with the Miarh Police pepartrnt and private 's;861 14' agencies. • A 'Grand Entrance' should be created at N.Y. Sth Avenue and N.Y. 29eh Street. Thee "Grand Enb am" should `pro*lect , a 'SWM of arrival' and satarally draw customers to access the comercial area at this point. e A logo should be. designed to reflect the new image of the District. o Additional code enforca m t efforts should be targeted to the f uidential aren. A detailed explanation of both the crimes associated within the area and recommendations for the area were previously presented at the dune 7, 19941, CiIW CoeNmission meeting. Attachments cc; Elbert L. Waters Assistant Director, Planning; Planning, Building and Zoning Department Page 3 of 3 �3 k