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:-90-690 0"1/UM 0 90- Gio RESOLUTION NO. _ . A RESOLUTION CONPrAMING Us REAPPOINTMENT ZIPPARY B2100W, . DOW A MON i WILL AM - R . A KLRIIN, JOHN LOWNLL, M, An DOUGLAS MCEII+ONOX s. TO THE BOARD OF DIRROTORB OF THE D 111"WN DSVELOPNINT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI , FOR 'TERMS MCPIRIMGf - JUNR 30, 1994, AND CONFIRMING THE APPOIINTMENT OF HENRY A. ADORNO AND ANNME 118EMBEN TO THE BOARD I OF Al DIRECTORS OF TES DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENTqk AUTHORITY OF TRIG CITY OF , MIAMI FOR TERMS UPIRING JUNE 30, 1994. WHEREAS, the Board of Direotors of the Downtown Development Authority met on May 18, 1990, and voted to re -nominate Jeffrey Beroow, Doran A. Jason, William M. Klein, John Lowell, Jr. and Douglas MoKinnon to the Board of Direotors of the Downtown Development Authority; and VHEREAS, the Board of Direotors of the Downtown Development Authority met on May 18. 1990, and voted to nominate Henry A. Adorn to fill the seat vaoated by Miohael Kosnitzky who resigned from the Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of Direotors of the Downtown Development Authority met on June '18,1990, and voted to nominate Annette Eisenberg to fill the seat vaoated by Garth Reeves, Sr. who resigned from the Board; and WHEREAS, eaoh of the above nominees fulfills the qualifioations for Board membership pursuant to Seotion 14-27 of the City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Seotion 1. The reappointment of the following individuals to serve as members of the Board of Direotors of the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami for terms expiring June 30, 1994, is hereby oonfirmed: JEFFREY BERCOW DORAN A. JASON '. Jogs UYV= Seg ► o . The appoints"t of the following individua e are hereby appointed to serve an XeMbere of the Board of Difeatere of the►. Zovatown Development Authority of the City of wMiring s �- Miamifor terms June So $ 1994, in hereby oonfirmed HENRY A. ADORNO - A9TTE ,StSE2M8RG- 8eotion 3.This Resolution shall beoome effe+t.vo 3 immediately upon its adoption. 4_- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of Ju1V19g0. _ • may' ,L WAVIER T. AQUfAIMIM., MAYOR r� CITY=CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Ax A& aZ.1XAXW= BF ASSISTANT/Ty ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: J . F ANDEZ CITY ATTORN JZX:bf :M1810 Dear. Mir. bercow s >,r `!ry Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-90-610 which was Pas4661. *' and adopted by the City of: Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 26'r 1990, reappointing you to the Hoard of Directors of` the Downtown Development Authority. Pursuant to -the -Financial Disclosure law, Chapter 84-318(3), Lams of Florida, and as a member of the DDA, you will be required to'• file a Statement of Financial Interests form with the Supervisor of Elections, Dade County Department of Elections. Their address ist Metro Dade Center., 19th Floor, 111 N.W. lst Street, Miami" Florida 33130 (Tell 375-5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez,, City Attorney,, dated October 11, 1988, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying.witi the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed$ for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements concerning. Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding,'° circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said -bodies'. - Congratulations on your appointment. S' rely, TTY HIRAI City Clerk MHtvg Enc. ajs ,ztio r x OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/City Hall/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O.8ox 33070I!/Miami, Florida 3=13~3" 6f9.5W zy: r.y= 4$ tit JK August 241 1990 Ms. 'laoran 'A. Jar�tl►n 00 Bricked Plata Mi6ki, PL 331`31 Dear Ms.4asont Enclosed herein please find a copy,of R-90-610 and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at on July 26, 1990, reappointing you to the Board the Downtown Development Authority. . Pursuant to the Financial Disclosure law, Chapter 84-w318(3), Laws of Florida, and as a member of the DDA, you will be required 'to file a Statement of Financial Interests form with the Supervisor of Elections, Dade County Department of Elections. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 19th Floor, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Miami# Florida 33130 (Tel: 375-5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney, dated October 11, 1988, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying'with the Government in the'Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office - Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. WTTY ly, IRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s S f. qa-41 .y' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/Cky Hat!/3SW ran American DriveR.0.6oz 33070e/Miami, Florida 39�t33-p�704!{30S) 9s0 y} f 77, rVs'" A > TS iy lb Al MAI � t, AN It 0 i1YM31iLt E { t August 24, 19y0 i Willi42 �>�a �'lagl�r: street , �� A lI�ii11 Fl, 3334 ¢}� ... De$r Mr. Kieint Bndlo,eed he ,x pleaee find a copy of R- and adopted by the City of Miami Com�af ss on 1 which was on. July 26, 1990 PassedY reappointin meeting held 9 You to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority. Pursuant to the Financial Disclosure law C } Of Florida, end :as a member of the DDA hapter 84-318 3 file a Statement of Financial tote ( �,. Laws Of Elections, Dade Count D you will be required to Interests form with the Supervisor ress is: Metro Dade Center, loth Floor, 1Of 11Etiont Florida 33130 (Tel: 375-5553). N.W. 1st Street, Miami, Sections , 2-305 through 306 of the Cityof elective and a y` ppointive ..Miami Code require all submit to the Cit officers or employees of. the y Clerk a Statement of Real Pro ert City to" him/her, whether the title be either legal P, Y Owned!, by r. owned inwhole or in 4 orequitable part, as well as a Statement of Corporate Real Property in which he%she has a controllin an officer g interest fill out. Enclosed herein please find a co :or, is", .,Kindly complete and return them to us at said forms to s, convenience. your earliest.. ,. Also enclosed is a co City Atto, PY of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez to assist members of it BoardOctober s 2968 outlining some guidelines Y ds and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational from the City Attorney,Purposes, is .another. memorandum. r{ concerning.ofated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements Conflict circumstances which may Interest and Dual Office Holding y prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on Your appointment. S rely.. ld MHsV9 Ty HIRAI v Lr�c.` sale City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK1Ctty H#1!/'1500 Pan A LL R+erican Drive/P.o.Box 33WMIMi#mi, Florida 33233-0708/(�157y.� ya IV ev sia,t X Y {.f e + Y r y s33si _ -.=r' >r..t.:Y}..y.....4...-.a._.., .. _ x t August 24, 1990 r Mr •. JVhli`.L1Y/^GJ.1i-�/i► 801;.Briakell Avenue y, Miami, r 33131 Dear. Mr. Lowell r j Enclosed herein please find a copy of Ri-90-610 which was passed, -held ` {1 -' and adopted the Cityof Miami Commission at its meeting on July 26, 1990, reappointing you to the Board of Directrs of, p 4. the Downtown Development Authority. '- Pursuant to the Financial Disclosure law, Chapter 84`318(3), Laws of Florida, and as a member of the DDA, you will be required. to file a Statement of Financial Interests form with the Supervisor of.Elections,. Dade County Department of Elections. Their addreat i'ss Metro Dade Center, 19th Floor, 111 N.W. lot Street, Miami, Florida 33130 (Tel: 375--5553) . - Sections 2-305 through 306 of the City of Miami Code require all elective and appointive officers or employees of the City to _ submit to the City Clerk a Statement of Real Property Owned by-, him/her, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, as well as a Statement of Corporate' Real Property in which he/she has a controlling. interest, or ig an officer. Enclosed herein please find a copy of said forms to - fi'll'out. Kindly complete and return them to us at your earliest convenience. Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez,, City Attorney, dated October 11, 1988, outlining some guidelines to assist members of. City Boards and Committees in complying with, the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum' from the City Attorney, dated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements - concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office`.- Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. MH1vg Enc. a/s. Si rely, Y HIRAZ City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/Chy Hall/35W Pan Amerlun Drive/P.0.8ox 330706/Mbmi, Florida 33U3.0W(US) V9400 �yry N.W. taft N.W. 7ty if l}r�liyll��Ienue Miat�i7 FLi 131L7 Dear Mr. Mcginnons �t Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-90-610 which was papsed and` adopted by the Cityof Miami Commission at its meeting held a r. on duly.26, 1990, reappointing you to the Board of birectors of the Downtown Development Authority. Pursuant to the Financial Disclosure law, Chapter 84-318(3), Lawn of Florida, and as a member of the DDA, you will be required to file a Statement of Financial Interests form with the Supervisor of Elections, Dade County Department of Elections. Their address a isss Metro Dade Center, 19th Floor, ill N.W. 1st Street, Miami,'. Florida 33130 (Tel: 375-5553). Sections 2-305 through 306 of the City of Miami Code require all µ. elective and appointive officers or employees of the City to submit to the City Clerk a Statement of Real Property Owned by him/'her, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether. owned in whole or in part, as well as a Statement of Corporate Real Property in which be/she has a controlling interest-, `or is an officer. Enclosed herein please find a copy of said forms to fill out: Kindly complete and return them to us at your earliest convenience. r"t%T Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney, dated October ll, 1988, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. R- Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum` from the City Attorney, dated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual offi4.a Hol ing ; circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies.` Congratulations on your appointment. MH:vg Enc. a/x S cerely, Tt-4-11=RAI City Clerk q0 r- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/City Hall/35W Pan American Drive/P.©.Box 3307Ce/lriismi, Florida 332334Tg4AM) 579-WS 4 { z6o1 s.;Hayshore Dr., #1600 Coconut drove, FL,33133 r Dear Mr. Adornos Enclosed herein please find a. copy of R-90-610 which . was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting he''Id ' b on ,July 26, 1990s appointing you to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority. Pursuant to the Financial Disclosure law, Chapter 84-318(3), Laws, of Florida, and as a member of the DDA, you will be required .,to file a Statement of Financial Interests formwiththe Supervisor of Elections, Dade County Department of Elections. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 19th Floor, 111 N.W. lot Street, Miami' Florida 33130 (Tel: 375-5553). Sections 2-305 through 306 of the City of Miami Code requre.all elective and appointive officers or employees of the City, to submit to the City Clerk a Statement of Real Property Owned by him/her, whether the title be either legal or equitable, ,whether owned in whole or -in part, as well as a Statement of Corporate Real.Property in which he/she has a controlling interest, or is an officer. Enclosed herein please find a copy of said forms..to fill out. Kindly complete and return them to us at your earliest convenience. Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez„ City Attorney, dated October 11, 1988, outlining some guidelines i to assist members of.City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Bolding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. N Congratulations on your appointment. 5� S' erely, arA TTY HIRAI MU:vg City Clerk J ,` Enc. a/s f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/Clty HaA/ = Pan American Drive/P.O.Box 330700/Waini, Florida 33233407+00/(30) F; a fi } it Cfty I+i=rk f city i�tii�iet -. q August 24, 1990 r it Mir. Annette Eisenberg . 1111 Biscayne Boulevard r f. Miami, rL 33138 Dear g: Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-90-610 which was pasie �•° and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting heid on July 26, 1990, appointing you to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority. Pursuant to the Financial Disclosure law, Chapter 84-318(3), Laws of Florida, and as a member of the DDA, you will be required to file a Statement of Financial Interests form with the Supervisor of Elections, Dade County Department of Elections. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 19th Floor, Ill N.W. lot Street, Miami, - Florida 33130 (Tel: 375-5553). Sections 2-305 through 306 of the City of Miami Code require all elective and appointive officers or employees of the City to submit to the City Clerk a Statement of Real Property Owned by - him/her, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, as well as a Statement of Corporate = Real Property in which he/she has a controlling interest, or is an'officer. Enclosed herein please find a copy of said forms to fill out. Kindly complete and return them to us at your earliest convenience. Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney, dated October 11, 1988, outlining some guidelines `< to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated April 3, 1989 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. Sin ely' ,E 1 MA TY I MH$vg City Cler Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/City Hail/3500 Pon American Drivo/P.O.Box 3WOB/Miami, Florida 33233.07W(305) 57$4M$ y - r Y e R y x _ a YN — tY k bb�i 6b •0. The Honorable Mayor Members of the City 'ROM Cesar Odio City Manager CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA f NTER.OFFICE MEMORANOUM and DATE : AL '" 3 1990 FILE Commission - suwecr: Re -nomination of DDA Board Members and Nominations of New REFEaer►cssBoard Members ENCLOSURES For City Commission ,getting of, 3/12/90 Recommendation It, is respectfully 'reeommended' that the City Commission, approve .. the attached resolution reappointing Jeffrey Betcow, Doran A. itaono William M. `i Klein, John, Lowell., Jr., and Douglas,, McKinnon to the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority for terms expiring June 30, 1994. tt is also requested that.•th: City.' Commission approve the appointment of Henry A. Adorno and Anartte ` $isenberg to the Board' of. Directors of the Downtown Develop an Authority for terms expiring June 30, 1994. {; a Background 1• kground - MichaeV Kosaitsky and Garth. Reeves, Sr. have roeigned .`fros:_.ths T" Board of Directors of the. Downtown Development Authority.on May, ; 18', 1990 the Board of the Directors nominated Henry A. Adorno..to P replace Mr. Kosnitsky on the Board. On June 13, 1990, the Board of Directors nominated Anaette Eisenberg to replace Mr. all ,*A the Board. Both nominees fulfill the requirements 'for DDA Board taemb4r#hip +� M as "-per- Section 14.27 of the City Code and *sob has i.ndicato4 their desire and villingness to Lary on -tho Board r R h . S 2 r .. M.,..,, ..-.-. t_ .•,s� F �, `.3 ems' :.�. .F�a��t?'. S ; RSSOLUTtOi NO. 10i90. i t r A RBROLUTION 12409ST186 THS CITY r ,.. OOMMT88I0ff TO ' CONFIRM : Tax :{ NOMINATIONS:. ltEAPPOI8TIN0 JEFFREY �. lkloov OORAN • A. JASON, _ WILLtAX M RLEIN#�_:JOH# LOWELL , JR. AND DOUGLAS MCXINNON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 3, AUTHORITY FOR TERMS EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1994-,,, 'FURTHER APPOINTING HENRY N. ADORNO TO TUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE JUNE 30, 1994. WHEREAS,- Jeffrey Bercow, Doran A. Jason, William M. Klein, John Lowell, Jr. and Douglas McKinnon whose terns expired 'June 30, 1990, haveexpressed the desire to continue to serve on the Board of Directors of- the Downtown,Development Authority; and WHEREAS, Henry N. Adorno has expressed a desire and willingness to serve on the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority 'and has met the qualifications for Board membership as per Section 14-27 of the City of Miami Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, that: Y Section 1. Jeffrey Bercow, Doran A. Jason, Fii�l3aai': M. -Klein, John Lowell, Jr. and Douglas McKinnon are hereby nominated to serve terms on the Board of Directors of the Downtown t r Development Authority expiring June 30, 1994. Section 2.. Henry N. Adorno is hereby nominated to serve on r' — the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority for 74 a term expiring June 30, 1994. PASSED. AND ADOPTED THIS Day of_, 1990. - ayox Xavre h. mare Chairwaa �a 4 !oa-vomw Vf �eawwm Z ice. u 1 - 2, AA t RESOLUTION NO. 13/90 Y A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ANNETTE f� SI$2148210 : TO Till BOARD 'O8' b RRCTORS ' • OF THE DOWNTOWN, DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY rOR A TERM EXPIRING JUNI = 30, 1994. r WHEREAS, Annette Eisenberg has expressed a• desire '�And : willingness to serve on the Board of Directors of the Downtown w Development Authority; and r WHEREAS, Annette Eisenberg has met the qualifications for Board membership as per Section 14-27 of the City of Miami Code. .e NOW THEREFORE', BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI$ that: Section 1. Annette Eisenberg is hereby nominated to serve u_ on the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority' for a term expiring June 30, 1994. PASSED:AND,ADOPTED THIS Day of , 1990. c�y • s<F Mayor Xavier L. Suarez Chairman ATTEST: S 1 5 Matthew D. Schwartz Executive Director r Executive Secretary r liY M C e