HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-068190- 681 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING THE ' AMOUNT OF $250,000 FROM THE "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC 1990-1991" FUND TO DR. ARTHUR E. WOODARD, AN INDIVIDUAL, AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, TO' -RE UTILIZED FOR PROMOTIONAL EXPENSES RELATED TO.` THE 1990-91 ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC; CONDITIONING SAID ALLOCATION UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH APM-1-84 AND ANY OTHER CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE STATE `bF FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the State of Florida has granted the amount of $250,000 in support of the 1990-91 Orange Blossom Classic to be held in the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida, Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development, has agreed to pay these funds to the City of Miami to cover promotional expenses related to the Orange Blossom Classic; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami has agreed to disburse the $250,000 grant to the Orange Blossom Classic organizers in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement to be executed between the City of Miami and the State of Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section I. The amount of $250,000 is hereby allocated from the "Orange Blossom Classic 1990-1991" Fund to Dr. Arthur E. Woodard, an individual, as representative of the Florida A&M University Alumni Association, to be utilized for promotional expenses related to the 1990 and 1991 Orange Blossom Classic. Section 2. The herein allocation is hereby conditioned upon substantial compliance with APM-1-84 and any other conditions and limitations as may be prescribed by the State of Florida and the =e City of Miami which shall include prior budget submission to City z Administration for approval thereof. M' s' hi f eolutic�n k shall b6b itewdigtely upon its adopti0h, D AND At '�Ei this i�. d y of 1000 7(�/Ti A1iCHi BUDUTAR'Y REVIgwt ALBERTINE H'. SMITH ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: X1I i4,gab I t ITATA Of VWIMA DIPANTMENT OF CORM �vaiiaa 6R �rt►+k tkv��t - j#jtaaer 9, logo t� }. Bob Ispe Avalos Administrative Assistant =- i 1143 Rerthuset 11th Street Miami.; Plorida 23136 r— Y Dear No. Avaios: j 'Thai 1990-91 Appropriation Act and Summary Statement of Znteftt contains a grant (line item 336 A) to the City 4of Miami.Ior the -:— ' Orange Blossom Classic. The grant is in the amount of C2504,0004 we bid, anticipated thatlawk4dvac"ayment-vould be made as in peat".hears. However, the legislative appropriations committsas, _ the authority granted in sute iB.192(4)r F.d., has adVisad re exaaive branch that it i not n the best interest of the Late to advance funds in tot* were appropriated as grant and -aid to local governments an not -for -profit corporations. - The reason gives is, HParsuant -to the uncertainty of 000nosi c conditions, revenues may or may not materialize as anticipated* vutthermore, some of the now revenues anticipat*d in 1990-91 may be.scratinixed for their constitutionalitys, s.g., the surcharge ' on first time vehicle registration for people moving to norida.e .Mw-tirst quarter release for your grand iUi .sae 831 of. he grant ;appropriation for the Orange blossom Classics. Releases art anticipated in September 1990 for the second quarter and in aecwiber 1990 for the third Quarter. Fourth quarter releases . should be made monthly beginning in March 1991. vdloanoe payM-9-M have--been--11stited by -the State ..Comptrolle qU&z"rIY- `P%YateutL. a�. WAWW bhotly o� ` see ad Upw" �o you sr tovu� vov"S.mao scow 4100 COUMS OULO m TrAU AMUSK. FLORVA 323294 o EAX SO4/4V-I40'r c - 4a r I. I! F 7, 90 r x s � � M -sm: w. ,y� t 7d7 •"' f2'�j ZT7i iota x - '.9 3, AOL tw "14"ber 7, • 000 Us i asps Avalos roissistratAve Assistant city of Kiami 114S Jtortbwest 1.2.th stroet 9tiami,. �°icrida �3lJd ,t Dear ids. �RvaLos: the .i990 -91 A,ppropriation Act and S'Q=& Y Stat meOf t� � �''a contains a 4r�►r►t (fin• item 236 A) tR.•h Y along= Classic. The grant is in the amount Of $ 25O1000. Me had_ anticipated that }.100* 48 "M_P8tYm*n"mU1d be mad* as in yeast yeast. How*v*r, the legislative appropriations/Comi ta"'r b the authority granted in �* 1ai19a�4�: interest Of the a axtcutivt branch that it i not n the best tat* to advance funds in tot& were appropriated as grant - and -aid to 1004L1 governments an not-ior-profit corporations. The reason given is, "pursuant -to the unoartaintas fxntienamicdi vondi.tiome ravanuts MY or may not materi pwcthaz-meta• aoms of the new xevenuss anticipatad in 1990.91 ►y sosutinised for their constitutionalityt a.g., the se urcharg on first timt vehicle registration for peopit 20ving to Florida." ant iI4 be 251 of, the grant ,�bs.lis-st, artsr z�eisase for your gr �- �epproprfatioa !or the Orange sioss= Classic. Ritiaases are an in September 1990 for the second Varier mete es flecanbar 1990 for the third quarter. Furth quart should be made monthly beginning in March 1991. VdN#Aoe Pa~YR WTm have4men-1imi.ted by -the State..Gomptratlsr..to-a�-maxi�nuti►-st"d -opal quarter3y-paymanta.. .q aim ` mss 9owm.�eo ZMAA"ANO. FLOR A 90 0MW`` itd' ft P16tift I*Pt. o+ c mob III)* Avalos Ab gapte's11r - %, logo Page wo The 9511k release plan has been applied across the board to all grant -and -aid to local government and note -for -profit corporation grant*, we bealis+a thin will require adjustments in fiscal planning and will a ovary effort to speed the quarterly releases to your as tib'►y occur. Please advise all concerned that *there is a potential shortfall Of state -revenues which nay result in the unavailability of total grant funds as required by paragraph 9.0 (d) of the grant agreements In order to implement the grant, duplicate originals of an agreement between the Florida Department of C"merco, Division of Eeonomia Development and the city of Miami are enclosed. Please have both originals signed by the appropriate authorised official and return them to me for signature by the Division of Sconomic Development. Paragraph 5.0 of the agreement requires that a detailed written project description showing the types and amounts of expenditures must be submitted prior to transfer of any funds. The project description must be specific on how state funds will be spent. Please submit your project description when you return the signed agreements. The approved project description shall be made a part of the agreement. Also, submit the first quarter invoice for 25% of the grant total with the signed grant agreement and project description. Call me at (904) 468.6300 if you have any qquuestions. We look forward to working with your organization in promoting Florida. Sincerely, t - Chuck Saul* Administrative Assistant CS/vg _� �,. Enclosure M� _1—s 90— 681 .77 :. � ii► .yid gait jii nois& tops., 64 Ddl�i C� 1dt?Mld �►E�t�fi $ to= AGMU T, entered into this of , 1990, by and between the State of Florida, Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development# . hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor" and the City of.Kiabi, (Orange mlossom Classic) hereinafter referred to as the *Grantee". WIVREBBETs t ME1SlJM # the Grantor is empowered by provisions of section 288.03(22), Florida Statutes, to make grants of funds in accordance with legislative appropriations for same, and 11'EERBAB, the Legislature of the State of Florida has made an appropriation for such grant in item 236A, section 1 in the 1990- 91, aeneral Appropriation Act and Summary Statement of Intent (copy of the pertinent portion of such act is attached hereto, incorporated by this reference herein and designated as "Exhibit A" for purposes of this Grant Agreement). 32 as, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, agreed between the Grantor and the Grantee as follows: 1.0 The parties and their respective addresses for the purposes of this Agreement are: 1.1 STATE OF FLORIDN - DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DIVISION OF ECONOMIC DEVELAFNENT . ROOM a018, COLLINS BUILDING - TA%JAHASSE$, FLORIDA 32399.2000 90- ss 1, F'1 r { !< k- 90-- 681, 4 ��3 4 i MAVW MIT "%to ta1vt Shan COwwftC* iration of teru of griArit until the" ively opp turAs the Wisltt bt6a of iance by tha Ou mup,rx US b"U OOV1 b* 0*00d" tor lProvr&%'�' provisions hereof MrVA prior to the 3, 10 rti*sr provided for btAtwasift the P& .2 irmed telex or Certified onfirmed fax, con shall be by eitherc ad delivered to the addr**$ of the 3. , ratUrn rooeipt reqU*19t Rai sties as set forth in action I.o above. Pa 4.0 sppBE Or WOPJKO. The Grantee will expend grant funds in accordance vith 2.&npuq& and statement of intent provisorMas made. available by *Zoibit to item 236A Ot attached ement shall be Ox"nded sol*IY Grantor pursuant to this kgro the for the pyrposa of the project PUrsuant to the legislatively appropriated par;0916 - 5.0 ferred and sadw- Sefore any funds are trans Pu"Uant to &V&j,ab).4 by ths Grantor to the Grantees, shall *Omit the Grant** Aitions OL Mid a., 't he types and il.ed vritten Project aescription showing dets, 9 6`6 2* Em h } l�G i� �� t �'J.�rT°+gj �+�.� � .4�. .w'.Sva� i/7• i@T� i�� t �T — i asounts of +Andtuged td taade pu`s1�etlt tO the i+irtletivei► apprbpx'Iated pttrTOsa and the terms and conditions at this 1vreemintf %&LOU description shall be made a part haraot by attaohmant hereto. The description may only be amanded by prior approval of the Grantors (b) Annually, until the transferred funds are totally expended, the -Grantee shall provide the Grantor a written accounting of actual expenditures in comparison with the proposed expenditure. said account shall also include: 1. The total funds transferred to the Grantee by the Grantor pursuant to this Agreement; Z. The total income, interest and other —' revenues obtained from the investment of funds; 3. The total project costs paid from funds made available by the Grantor pursuant to this Agreement. (c) To maintain financial records and reports = related to funds paid to any parties for work on the matters which are the subject of this Agreement and submit an independent audit report as required pursuant to taw, to the Grantor, covering the period of grant fund expenditures. (d) To maintain books, records, documents and other '' evidence according to generally accepted accounting principles, ;s= .� procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Agreement, and retain said copies for a period of three (3) years after termination of this Agreement. {`f 3. n 90- 681 �k A i :rka M 900M ss; sk 3 fi� stzf �C 6 t Y ~ flWtft 'ta a# "r'-4'b afwvYLt ft, sf. 'Yitl' ; Ia.+r F is 'C (6) To son the aforesaid reoords t eke, docuftintn, and other aividefto aVALIAble at all times tar inspection, review$, Or audit by State personnel at the ottiao Of the Auditor General, bttLat of tbo daptroller, or other state personnel. - t) To inoludo the afaxscentLonod audit and record v:-- keeping r6quirementS in contracts and subeontxacts thereto snored into by the Grantee with any party for Work t4QULre4 andeY terms of this.Agrtament. (9) To act as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the Grantor in the performance of the tasks and duties which are the subject of this Agreement. The Grantee - shall be liable, and agrees to be liable for, and shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Grantor harmless form all'elaims, suits, judgments, or damages arising from the Grantee's performance of the tasks and duties which are the subject of this - AgMement. (h) To deposit and invest the funds advanced under this Agreement in a separate interest bearing aeeount;until. . totally expanded for the purposes provided herein; and to return all interest income on said account to the Department upon expenditure of the principal funds granted by the Department under this Agreement. 6.0 PAIM Ts s :f Funds in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) subject to paragraph 2.0(d) and upon approval and continued approval of advance payment of the state Oomgatrollar, will be made available to the Grantee as followss a. 90S1 r +r 26% the MMUOtt 0f this Agra"W"t �z (b) 19% en or About +ftober It 1990 - Y f � am on or auut January 1, 1991 Ca) balemee in three (9) monthly install is on or about April it 19910 may it 1901 and June 1, 1901. 9.0 PRITYEd AMS t O MU ,&M s . The Grantee shall •l1OW public - amass to all documentst paper, letters or other material — subject to the provisions of Chapter 119e !'lorida Gtatutes, a made or received by the Grantee in conjunction with this Agre�nt. (b) Terminations This Agreement shall be terminated '- by the Grantor in the event of any breach of the conditions contained herein by the Grantee and specifically for failure of the Grantee to allow public access as set forth in (a) above. In the event of termination, the Grantee shall return to the Grantor any and all unspent grant funds. i- (e) Reversion. All funds transferred herein shall _ revert to the Grantor if not expended or otherwise obligated by _ June 30, 1991. All unexpended funds, even if obligated but not expanded on December 31, 1991 must be promptly returned to the Gra�ttor. - (d). A"llablifty of Funds. The Grantor's liability ander this Agreement is contingent upon the continued availability of appropriated funds at the time of payMnt. The Grantor small be the final authority as to the availability of 'r such funds at the time of payment. rY (a) yagai Reauiroments. With respect to Its 5. 90, `All r� } v i I i ?4 u s i iYr tQ4A Tvr. P Y. i 1 r i lk int�erp►te ►time "astruotion, arreot, performance* anfbr ew n-Vot and all other vatterD, this Agro entnt shall be gaverned by, acid be consistent vitb, they vhoi+e lav of the state at norida, both Procedural a»d substantive. Any and all litigation ariiring under this Agraiaaant shall be brought in thee apprepriata state of - Florida court in Leon County, .Florida. (g) MMjLJMLtLM. This Agreemnt May be modifiod span tbo written and autual consent of the parties. (g) 2M2 icate Origin. This Agreement is executed In duplicate originals.- Eit 1tIMes M tREors the parties have caused their band to be set by their respective authorized officials hereto. 9TATS OF FWRIDA DIPARTMMNT OF COMMERCE DZUB203+1 OF XOOVOMZC DRY WPHENT DtRNMR I 6. ciTY OF MMUZ AV=ORI88D AGENT TXTLI S NITMoss 90- 681 T r= D M fir. Y� S yy i 681 r� 3 {, 6 E a� 47, aa SS^� S ylF t5 r z �r N - CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FILE DATE TO The Honorable Mayor and ilk ' Members - of the City Commission AUr 2 3 sua,ECT : Resolution- 1oCating -� State Funds for Promotion of the 1990-1991 Orange.. —'` Blossom Classic REFERENC FROM Cesar H. - odio - ENCLOSURES: Agenda Item City Manager September 71 1990 • —E t •ree ectfully recommended that he City commission from} the — I_ is. P an amount of $2s, attached_ resoluion allocating t t orange Blossom Classic 1990-1991 Fund (Sae' °f Fhe i Florida , A&M - Dr. of Arthur E. Woodard, as representative rangs gl'oseom1+ssic University Alumni Association and Committee. BACKGROUND: ` provided a $250,000 grant to The State of Florida legislature has =ister6dte`` the 1990-1991 Orange ' BlossomClassie. These fundsby utilized exclusively the City of Miami, should be —' to 'promote t e 1990 and ' 1991 orange Blossom Classic: _- Senator' Carrie `Meek, representing the Florida A&M Unive�tsi.ty Association and the orange Blossom Classic Committee, has designated Dr. Arthur E Woodard as Custodian of the' 199�J-l�. ` S*.ae Grant• t Commission adopt.$ this resolution, the City will ` Once the City -- execute a' grant ' agreement with Dr. Arthur Z. Woodardu4 w} Attachment', { j' Proposed Resolution hi s i. • J Y ut' _ a vt3 pry ,r°zt. _ 3 t 5i . 1 g