HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-90-0663F}t J-90-699 9/7/90 �s t 90 oc moN Na. 663 A AMMISING THE CITY MANAGER. TO aGha "a SWMCES OP 'VX=t AWMWI CAPP AM ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR TES PPMSION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES; A IXATM PJWS THE► IN AN ANXW NOT TO MCM $163,000, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR, FROM MM POLICE DEPAtWM t.RERAL OPERATING HUDGETt UNDER CONS 290201-270, IN TIE AmoUNT or $112,000, Ate 290201-260, Its Me AN XW OF $51,000; AND Ati1 MZ33G THE CITY MANAGER To EMEM AN AGENT, IN A FOEi 4 ACCEPTABLS ZO THE CITY ATTORW AND IN AC CO TES SUBKI'i'TSD p AL, wrm SAID ORGANIZATIC N PM TNS INITIAL YEAR AND '-REA%'IEK 70 Mff= THIS CC1 TRJ LT ON THE SAME TEFWS AND CONDITIONS FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. WHEAS, the Police Department must screen applicants for the position of police officer as part of the Department's background investigation to determine the applicant's psychological fitness to hold that position; and WHEREAS, the Police Department must provide psychological services to those employees currently working for the Department who develop a need for this type of service; and muTmAS, the Police Department solicited proposals from several organizations that offer these types of services; and WHEREAS, a canmittee was formed, utilizing personnel fray the City Manager's Office, Personnel Management, and the Police DeparbMit to evaluate those organizations that submitted proposals, which evaluation included a - visit to the facilities of the organizationsand an interview with prospective providers; and WHEREAS, the decision to select Valle, Axelberd, Capp and Associates, Inc. is based on its ratings on several criteria, including: tests offered, services provided, physical facility, reporting nM cW a~ i ms, experience in testing law enforcement personnel, cost, and prior experience with the City of Miami Police Depart nen and - WHEFWM, funds to cover the necessary expenses required for these services are available in the City of Miami Police Department General ....................... 1A, Y M rr wam BY "M O"asalm ar IM aw or wM# r7; 9aftion 1. The recitals and findings contained in the ProMble to t)" % hasolution am haloby adopbad by reference thereto and rpOrrated h9wain a if, fully set forth in this Section. of Valler Axelbardt CaM and Section 2. The City Manager' Associ&t,", Iw,, for the provision of psychological services, is hereby authorized with funds for the initial year, in an amount not tO excel $163,,000, being hereby allocated from the Police bit Oral (�erating Budget, index Codes 290201-270t in the mount of $112,000, and 290201-260,, in the amount of $51r000r with an option to extend the services on the same tenm and conditions for two additional one-year periods. an agreal in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and in accordance with the submitted propxmle, with said organization for the initial year and thereafter to extend this contract on the saw term and conditions for two additional one-year periods, subject to the availability of funds. Section 4. This pasolution shall beccue effective immediately upon its Section, 3. The City Manager is herObY authorized to Owcute L IUM "-ol PA&M M ADOPM this 7th day of RHigffb:yv:MI673 *6 -1 1990. aye 90-M 90 L i t 4 t£ r v_: I CITY OF MIAMI.;FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUP.. h tc : 14 The. Honorable Mayor and Members DATE :� jC ;� i���r{ of t City Commission 3 ! , SUBJECT : Recommendation for . Res+_+�.�+t, i r�1r�, Selection of Vendrjr to)., ; Psychological Servlce#' FROM: Cesar H. Odio REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES: RPr_QMMLIjDATIONs It :is respectfully. ;recommended that an award be made and a resolution be passed accepting the proposal. of Valle, Axelb!+r+�, Capp and Associates,. in the amount of $163,000, for furniphi:rtg psychological services. ACKGROUND } ThePolice Department has analyzed the proposals receivQ{f r.tr March 24, 1990, for the furnishing of psychological,sexvtre These services will include preemployment testing_ as,•we.11' services.for current employees. On: March 10, 19-90, Requests for Proposals were sent to prospective vendors These Proposals were to be returnfid•by x March 24, 1990. Four (4) vendors submitted prop®sa]a,.tw+�.t:2) vendors declined to submit proposals and two ,(2) vendorsi!+"+� s: respond.; A committee was formed to interview the respondents; a. k to evaluate their facilities. The comlmittee consist of Assis.tant,,'City Manager, Angela R. Bellamy,, Deputy Director b Department of Personnel -:Management, Rene P Larrieu, Personnel . officer.; -of the Department of, Personnel ManagPm* , Jorge M valladarea, and Police Sergeant . Edmond - ,Croughwel l PF results of their findings are attached for your review. f�4 On May 15, 1990, the Committee visited the facilities of Cables Mental Health Associates and Associates ;for Psychiarrri+< Services, Inc, On May 22, 1990 the Committee visited the serf,»+►1 facility of the Associates for Psychiatric Services, Inc,, Valle, Axelberd and Capp and Associates, Inc . The propQsal...r�L Valle, Axelberd Capp and Associates best met the needs, !�f tls+�e ,4 Police Department. Valle, Axelberd, Capp and Associates, Inc . , speci.allze ".si.n handling police department personnel, sworn and ci,vi.i.'T currently provide screening services to 27 law. enfprc' I'..' agencies. None of the other vendors have any expert handling police related problems. The Police 00pnt currently utilises the. services of Valle, Axelberd,, Capp. �' ;arid x sr i a 4 r 33' i �£r The Honorable ` Mayer and Members Page of the City Commission Mount of Hid $163,000 $ of Cost Estimates 100% Cost est matel �►e*gd Amount: $163,000 General oj�erating,Budget : -f Ming R *' s nt2 ; on: Minority vendor - Hispanic p t; "' = n Ibl i s Hear i Ug j ea C N /A -Ai A_sspmgable project: r4, 74 i" ryry wt L t 'm 2 x Y a gg}ynf -ty�i' y- 3 R h t Y.3 js. 1pp �k t! 0 T j yt ob k'ri31s Cs a CITY, M, MIAMI, FLOAIDA INTgR•OFFICE MEMORANDUM tb GATE �UST r Wi�:daaltn J. Schaut > : Chief Procurement O.f f ics�:- , SUBJECT Psychological. services FROM : REFERENCES - Perry L. Anderson, Jr. _-Chief, of Police ENCLOSURES ,,This department has �Elr�=ied that funds are availaible with he t, DepaIrtments-: of -:Finance and Budget to cover the coat of, purchasing psychological services at a coat of $163, O0O . Funding in to ; bi. .' from the Police Depart.-.cnt General Operating Budget, Index Codes 2902Oi-270 and 260, the amounts of S112,,0+04 and S51;flOgY respectively. .: FINANCE REVIEW & APPROVE& BY: ADDITIONAL APPROVALS"- 4 - (IF REQUIRED) 43 Car r�s. Garc m, D recto= Department of Finance .; BUDGETARY REVIEW & APPRC 3D BY: klno4r sura�na, 'D rectsar ,. Dep tment of Budget C:o tmut>�ity De relvp lnt x: (Thin form properly Sig.111cl is part of theb" : av�llualtiqn t rwomendetion packisqu Lo be p4ced on tie 4"hda a t F. attached to t1w aresaiut ;: r carer aorandu>a � t "'Sir tih� R i FR-g s 'd i� S f h Y►ittr Rated/ liana, Aoslbard Coral Gables fiental tat"* Mars i Capp Saalth Assae�► _4Y In, A f # t 1 iy�t Angela A. Ballsdy 24 10 8 Aast. City HAMOOr _ Rene P. Lu`�eieu, Jr - 16 1� - Deputy Director Deputy .Dept. of Paraonnal Met. Jorge 14. Valladares 20 sr Personnel Officer - Dept. of Personnel Mgt • f x Ed.Croushvell 23 9 12 i Police Sergeant41, j .: .. • po=T TOTALS - f i Yt: f wy a .. _ . �, � .. .f.: ^rat a.i Y t .tr �-{ ^,z s� .s, i. ,->3«•.N„ y. 4 .ss .. •r. :. :ry,::. _^ a ., r x .Y'` : `.,�.�... m,= ,w- . y� r TIT. 3 , . .... .. . ....:.:.. >:. :., . ....,. .. ,.... .,.. .. .._fir' : #%q.. tl�`.k'.=. �Yv >.., r ":. -... ... ., :i. d .` 000 vt, . ,. ", ,. " ". „ Gc`osl � �•7�'•��.11t .±aAR MM: % . ,.. -. Y.: ., .. '" �; .. _; } y. n Kip i �. ,L'J,�� h fi� �" '�' � F �l. child py+e�giot , . t atsisto, two clloie 1.-Gocicl;potkars. t t ehrea . rrsiaj�: and ., talil[, :fi1MxdWe s t ae psyeiitatiric, `egrW. and -000' 3 aantat bealtb 91t. j jtseet comMlors• cate testlnj xooa [acilityis.loa&` 4 Location i eGeilie facility Gas sapaetsd "lit at ti.S.f 'l en•►9age Wltb eob""s accom�odatlag 17 to - i 57 Ave TMCM is ao testing soon 7500;'.dart 4i4' iP. ': 20 applicants. facility, is at this ties; bet flats is swab 3tses� la 1lt+tl�• located in gossl Qpblos ens bLoek space!or oueb accommodation. wst fror Douglas Road.- �:psKeeca in L" teforeement this f its has bass in esiatGnee for tics bag w esptotsaca is enforcement, � "Is tire Msg me ampt" "A It .gun dad s dsYsu� pdsncil� ; s»nt �r+e;ss�}ag ,tog. - +ae, a.�forcrac ..., sa 3a�e anlo �, . an?d Scseenist i Couaaslingist. Iw . _ eawsli�•:. ` to lay eoforcamest fctoeaing - Versional• One, pay, j a so" stei 'esparlesca ,la Caulaelln8 coaaselioj. Cou"Itsnt has expo - i dad considerable tins. and .atfoct la*�- sniorcement pncaommah s 1a ,aeveloplag a vary effective and wp-to-dato battery, of tests dad clinical pro" JOCL fffeealog few ?fi3 • eafoccesant ponosaal. , .Since l95O this figs bas serum$& approximately =.: tp.000 including 5 poliee•Gppusants many minorities dnd,romaa.. Nambers of the staff ace full-time eoawsloto Gad are familiar and at duliaj with the sensitive proficient gad aomples James is providing vaKed psychological services for law entorce- +:. vent species. ?big titm provide• actanlnj Gerdes to twenty aevaa (27) law esforeesant , species. } '} y , i j i'o o ir. IYy ) �,•gyq....+n�,.,:e,4.y 1c"], _ .. - - .. , I I � �I ._ .. i i i j �. } d?' �,,.�• � •1,: t "w��y.♦ �A.. I t �.-.