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Item #46 - First Reading Ordinance
1.1 E To 1 2 1 t_ ti- W D E F' T F' . A -4 V2, j-90-654 o8ia9/9a ORDINANCF. NO.___„____^__ AN QRDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE 14EW ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY or MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL SCHEDUbE OF DISTRICT REGUT,ATIONS AND ARTICLE 4 ZONING DISTRICTS, H-2 TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, PERMITTrD PRINCIPAL USE R-3 MULTI FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, CONDITIONAL PRINCIPAL USES, R-4 MULTI FAMILY 111GH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL-, CONDITIONAL PRINCIPAL USES, AND O-OFFICE, CONDITIONAT, PRINCIPAL USES, TO CORRECT ERRORS, BY REFINING DISTANCE REQL17R611E:iT5 Atit) REFORMATTING OTHER SVOI1IRE14ENTS FOR COMMUtiXTY MSED RF.SIDENTIAT. FACILITIES; CONTAIIIING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVM DATE. WIIFRF,AS, the Aiiami Planning Advisury Board, at its meeting of Jttly 18, 1991), 1t.ent No. 3, tall©wing an advertised hcnring, adopted Resolttt.ion No. A�-90 by a vote of 9 to 0, o. 11000 as ftECOrIMCNDiNG AF'Pfr amending Ordinance , hereina ter. e f and Wit AS, the City Ctheeirinfter slan, of - c ul C nsideration of this mat et , cteerrts i t a e Viii 0 i the bc5t int erest of the general welfare of then Cf ami and its inhabitants to amound Ovdinslnce tlu. 11000, as set forth; NOW, VIEREFORF., BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION or THE CITY OF r1IAMI, MORIDA Section 1. Ordinance No. Iloot), as amended, the new Zoning 0rc1tnc'inrn of 1.11e City of Miami, Florida,- Is hereby amended by amending the text of said urc.11tiance as fallowaei/ "ARTICLE 4. ZONING$ DISTRICTS It-2 Two Family Residential j/ Vbrds xryl/ar figures stricken through shall to deleted. UndersroLxxl wtzrd3 anti/or f iTites shalt he Ac led. The mining provisions au.-e nriw in offec-:t. Arad it-mraitt unchanged. Asterisks irxilrat-c cmittc-1 and unchanged material. r]