HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1990-09-27 Marked AgendaMAYOR VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER `• 4 . , V , . MI R/ IS . ,TI . f ,tt,i,„__.c.,),7- COMMISSION AGENDA XAVIER 1. SUAREZ MILLER I. DAWKINS DR. MIRIAM ALONSO VICTOR H. DE YURRE j.l. PLUMMER, IR. MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 CITY MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO • CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS /HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS /HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87 -115) PART "A ": * * This meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM NON- PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 9:00 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 9:30 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 11:00 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 11:05 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 11:10 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 11:15 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 11:20 AM: BEGINNING AFTER 5:05 PM: BEGINNING AFTER 6:00 PM: BEGINNING AFTER 6:05 PM: BEGINNING AFTER 6:15 PM: PART "B ": PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER BEGINNING AFTER BEGINNING AFTER BEGINNING AFTER BEGINNING AFTER 4:00 PM: 5:00 PM: 6:00 PM: 6:30 PM: 7:00 PM: ITEMS ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEMS ITEMS ITEM ITEM 1 THROUGH 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 THROUGH 21 22 THROUGH 28 29 30 ITEMS PZ -1 THROUGH PZ -12 ITEMS PZ -13 THROUGH PZ -21 ITEMS PZ -22 AND PZ -23 ITEM PZ -24 ITEM PZ -25 FOR MOTIONS AND )U SSOLU?IOPIE WHICH DO NOT APPEAR Di THIS PaiNTEA AGI3 A. KINDLY BEM TO THE cnT caws REPORT. ATTAC. l MEMO. 11111, , ,111 MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 NOTE: CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PART A 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Items 1 through 3 constitute the City Attorney Reports Section. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available to the City Attorney for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any matter herein. 1. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -757) - (AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT) Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Evelyn Rovello Bernard, without admission of liability, the sum of $60,000 in full and complete settlement of any and all claims and demands apinst the City of Miami upon the execution of a release releasing the City of Miami from any and all claims and demands. 2. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -790) - (INSTRUCTING PARTICIPATION AS AMICUS CURIAE) Instructing the City Attorney to participate as amicus curiae in the case of Gene McNary, Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, et al v. Haitian Refugee Center, Inc., et al, United States Supreme Court Case No 89 -1332. PAGE NO: DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R -90 -714 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS R -90 -715 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 3. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -670) - (CORRECTING SCRIVENER'S ERROR) Amending Resolution No. 90 -0332, adopted April 26, 1990, which affirmed the decision of the Zoning Board to grant a special exception to permit a drive -in facility for Citicorp Savings of Florida, located at 1600 SW 22 Street (Coral Way), Miami, Florida, subject to certain conditions stipulated therein, to correct by the herein Resolution a scrivener's error in Resolution No. 90 -0332 to provide that the condition which requires that the flow of ingress and egress of the drive -in facility shall be reversed is subject to the determination of the Departments of Public Works and Planning, Building and Zoning prior to the issuance of a building permit that such reversal is necessary for the best flow of traffic. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS CONT'D ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 4. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J -90 -747) (4 /5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This item is being requested on an emergency basis due to the September 30, 1990 deadline imposed by the merger.) Acknowledging and approving the transfer of the City of Miami's Natural Gas Franchise originally granted under Ordinance No. 8309, or Elizabethtown Gas Company's rights thereunder to NUI Corporation in accordance with the natural gas franchise of the City of Miami, Florida. 5. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J -90 -770) (4 /5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This item is being requested on an emergency basis in order to have funds immediately in place for the payment of vendors and employees who serviced the program which ended August 24, 1990.) Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 10732 adopted May 24, 1990, by increasing appropriations to the special revenue fund entitled °Summer Food Service Program for Children 1990° in the amount of $49,306 composed of grant reimbursements from the United States Department of Agriculture through the Florida Department of Education; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. PAGE NO: 3 R -90 -717 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES: ALONSO ABSTAINED:SUAREZ & DE YURRE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10780 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10781 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS r MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 {COTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ORDINANCES - SECOND READING SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -740) Establishing appropriations for City of Miami Capital Improvements; continuing and revising previously approved scheduled Capital Improvement Projects, establishing new Capital Improvement Projects to begin during fiscal year 1990 -91; repealing provisions of Ordinance No. 10642, as amended, the fiscal year 1989 -1990 Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance which may be in conflict with this ordinance; and providing conditions, authorizations and directions to the City Manager and City Clerk. Date First Reading as amended : Sept 7, 1990 Moved : Comm Alonso Second • : Comm Plummer (Y) : Suarez, DeYurre (N) : Dawkins PERSONAL APPEARANCES ' NOTE:. Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 7. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request, representative(s) of the Culmer/Overtown Community Action Agency and the Neighborhoods Services Center Advisory Committees to discuss the allocation of funds for repairs of murals on the Culmer/Overtown Librarl. 9.. Representative(s) of Celebration Excursions of Miami, Inc. to discuss location and approval of a booking booth for the vessel "Celebration" at Dinner Key Marina, acceptance of a donation for the construction costs for the protect and a permanent dockage agreement at Miamarina. PAGE NO: ORDINANCE 10782 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M -90 -718 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS DAWKINS PLUMMER REFERRED TO WATERFRONT BOARD. 9. As per Mayor Suarez' request, Mr. Selman Lewis to . -90 -719 discuss the Sixth Annual Caribbean - American MOVED: DAWKINS Festival. SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 NOTE: 9:30 AM 13. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 10. As per Mayor Suarez' request, Mr. Bob Suarez of nigh -Q Electric, Inc. to discuss an outstanding debt on a contract at Poinciana Village development. 11. As per Mayor Suarez' request, representative(s) of 'America 500 Years Later to request final approval of the recommendations made by the International Trade Board. DISCUSSION ITEMS Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any discussion item. 12. Discussion concerning the scheduling of the Planning and Zoning City Commission Meeting for November, 1990. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS RESOLUTION - (J -90 -769) - (AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN CONTRACT) (4 /5THS VOTE) Authorizing an increase in the contract amount of $17,081, between the City of Miami, Florida and Khuly Alvarez and Associates, Architects, PA, dated July 16, 1985, in connection with the development of the South District Police Substation CIP Project No. 312008, said funds to be provided from funds allocated to the project; further ratifying, approving and confirming by an affirmative vote of four - fifths of the members of the City Commission, the City Manager's written finding that a valid police emergency existed requiring the additional services by said firm. PAGE NO: 5 REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER R -90 -720 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R -90 -721 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED R -90 -722 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS R -90 -723 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS , 7 411' MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 11:00 AM 14. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -796) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL) Confirming assessment roll for construction of NW 47 Avenue Highway Improvement in NW 47 Avenue Highway Improvement District H -4505 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 11:05 AM 15. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -798) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL) Confirming assessment roll for construction of Design Plaza Highway Improvement in Design Plaza Highway Improvement District H -4509 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 11:10 AM 16. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -795) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL) Confirming assessment roll for construction of Edgewater Highway Improvement in Edgewater Highway Improvement District H -4496 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 11:15 AM 17. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -797) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL) Confirming assessment roll for construction of City wide Highway Improvement - Phase I in City wide Highway Improvement District - Phase I H -4497 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 11:20 AM 18. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -842) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL) Confirming assessment roll for construction of Buena Vista Highway Improvement - Phase II (Bids 'AU and sB"l in Buena Vista Highway Improvement District - Phase II (Bids "A" and "B ") H -4506 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 1lI iiV urrJ rr PAGE NO: 6 R -90 -724 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90 -725 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS R -90 -726 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT: DAWKINS R -90 -727 MOVED: SECONDED: ABSENT: R -90 -728 MOVED: SECONDED: ABSENT: PLUMMER DE YURRE DAWKINS PLUMMER DE YURRE DAWKINS r I MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 5:05 PM 19. 5:05 PM 20. A . D. • CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D SECOND PUBLIC NEARING TO DISCUSS FY '91 ADOPTED TENTATIVE BUDGET Discussion of proposed millage rate and adopted DISCUSSED tentative budget for the City of Miami. Percentage increase in millage over rolled back rate. Response: Two and fifty - eight, one hundredths of one percent (2.58%). B. Specific purpose for which ad valorem tax STATEMENT revenues are being increased. Response: Purpose: Cost % / Partial Funding for $2,475,823 1 Public Safety Services (Police and Fire) SECONDED: C. City Commission listens and responds to UNANIMOUS citizens comments regarding the proposed millage increases and explains the reasons for the increase over the rolled back rate. Actions by City Commission. 1. Amend the adopted tentative necessary. 2. Publicly read the entire ordinance. 3. Adopt the final millage rate. 4. Adopt the final budget. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -752) Defining and designating the territorial limits for the City of Miami for the purpose of taxation; fixing the millage and levying taxes in the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year be innin October 1, 1990, and ending September 30, 1 1; containing a severability clause. Date First Reading: Sept 7, 1990 Moved : Comm Alonso Second : Comm Plummer Vote : Unanimous PAGE NO: STATED ON THE RECORD M -90 -733 MOVED: PLUMMER DAWKINS M -90 -734 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS budget, if M -90 -735 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS millage M -90 -736 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M -90 -737 MOVED: SECONDED: +NOES : PLUMMER DAWKINS DE YURRE sORDINANCE 10793 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 5:05 PM 21. 6:00 PM 22. PUBLIC NEARING ITEMS CONT'D SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -751) • CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Making, appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: Sept 7, 1990 Moved Second (Y) (N) : Comm DeYurre : Comm Alonso : Suarez, Dawkins : Plummer Discussion of proposed millage rate and adopted tentative budget for the Downtown Development Authority. A. Percentage increase in millage over rolled back rate. Response: Zero percent (0.0 %). B. City Commission listens and responds to citizens comments regarding the proposed millage rate. C. Actions by the City Commission. 1. Amend the adopted tentative budget, if necessary. 2. Publicly read the entire millage ordinance. 3. Adopt the final millage rate. 4. Adopt the final budget. PAGE NO: ORDINANCE 10794 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED 8 STATED ON THE RECORD STATEMENT DISCUSSED MIEETINGDATE: September 27, 1990 6:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D CITY COMMISSION AGENDA 6:00 PM 23. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -754) Related to taxation, defining and designating the territorial limits of the Downtown Development District of the City of Miami, Florida; fixing the millage and levying_ taxes in said Downtown Development District for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1990, and ending September 30, 1991, at five - tenths (.5) mills on the dollar of the nonexempt assessed value of all real and personal property in said district; providing that said millage and the taxes levied herein shall be in addition to the fixing of the millage and the levying of taxes within the territorial limits of the City of Miami as reflected in the City's millage -levy ordinance for the aforesaid fiscal year which is required by City Charter Section 27; providing that the fixing of the millage and levying of taxes herein shall be in addition to special assessments; providing that this ordinance shall not be deemed as repealing or amending any other ordinance fixing millage or levying taxes but shall be deemed supplemental and in addition thereto; containing a repealer provision, severability clause and providing for an effective date. Date First Reading: Sept 7, 1990 Moved : Vice Mayor Dawkins Second • Corm Alonso Vote Unanimous PAGE NO: 24. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -692) Making appropriations from the Downtown Development District ad valorem tax levy and other miscellaneous income for the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991; authorizing the Executive Director of the Downtown Development Authority to invite or advertise required bids; providing budgetary flexibility; providing that this ordinance be deemed supplemental and in addition to the ordinance making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991, for the operations of the City of Miami; containing a repealer provision, severability clause and providing for an effective date. Date First Reading: Sept 7, 1990 Moved : Comm Alonso Second : Vice Mayor Dawkins (Y) : Suarez, DeYurre ABSENT : Plummer ORDINANCE 10795 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10796 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS MEETINGDATE: September 27, 1990 6:00 PM 25. 6:00 Pik 26. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J -90 -685) - (APPROVING DEPARTMENT OF OFF- STREET PARKING BUDGET) Approving the annual budget of the Department of Off- Street Parking for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1990 and ending September 30, 1991 in the amount of $6,407,635 to provide for the operation of the entire Department of Off- Street Parking, excluding depreciation and other non- operating expenses of $3,611,234 as described in the budget message and budget materials attached hereto, said budget being based on implementation of Rate Ordinance No. 10641 and upon City Commission approval of the Department's proposed Five Year Strategic and Financial Operations Plan. (This item was continued from the meeting of September 7, 1990.) RESOLUTION - (J -90 -686) - (APPROVING GUSMAN CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS & OLYMPIA BUILDING BUDGET) Approving the annual budget of the Department of Off - Street Parking for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1990 and ending September 30, 1991 in the amount of $1,069,921, excluding depreciation, to provide for the operation of the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts and the Olympia Building. (This item was continued from the meeting of September 7, 1990.) 6:00 PR 27. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -687) - (APPROVING STRATEGIC & FINANCIAL OPERATIONS PLAN) Approving the Department of Off- Street Parking Five Year Strategic and Financial Operations Plan, as amended, said plan being based on implementation of Rate Ordinance No. 10641. (This item was continued from the meeting of September 7, 1990.) 6:00 PM 28. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -756) - (APPROVING MIAMI SPORTS & EXHIBITION AUTHORITY BUDGET) Approving the fiscal 1990 -91 administrative budget of the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. (This item was continued from the meeting of September 7, 1990.) END OF PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS i PAGE NO: R -90 -740 MOVED: - SECONDED: UNANIMOUS 10 R -90 -741 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED :PLUMMER ABSENT: DAWKINS NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP DE YURRE DAWKINS - fi a MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 6:05 PM 29. 6:15 PM 30. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -773) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES) Authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $15,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of the City of Miami, Florida Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 1990 for the purpose of meeting certain of the City's cash flow requirements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991; approving the form of the notes; providing for the rights and security of all note holders pursuant to this Resolution; appointing a paying agent for the notes; authorizing the paying agent to take action necessary to qualify the notes for deposit with the depository trust company; authorizing the negotiated sale of the notes; approving the form, execution and delivery of a note purchase agreement to effect the negotiated sale of the notes; approving the form and distribution of a preliminary offering memorandum; approving the form and execution of an offering memorandum; authorizing the City Manager on behalf of the City to determine the final details of the notes within the parameters established by this Resolution; authorizing the Mayor or Vice Mayor to execute final note purchase agreement consistent with the final details; authorizing other officers of the City to take all other actions necessary in connection with the issuance of the notes; and providing for an effective date. fiso opi CITY COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS As per Commissioner DeYurre's request, Mr. Jose M. Hernandez and homeowner's from the area of NW 57 to 62 Avenues starting at Flagler Street up to the canal to discuss stormwater drainage in their area. END OF SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS PAGE NO: DISCUSSED R -90 -738 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS 11 DE YURRE PLUMMER MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -1. PART B PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEMS PZ -1 THROUGH PZ -12 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 4:00 PM SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -255) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 2490 -2670 NW 18 Terr PETITION : Amend Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989 -2000 (MCNP), Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Duplex Residential to Industrial. Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date(s) First Reading Moved Second Vote • CITY COMMISSION AGENDA THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -2. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -296) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) • APPROVAL APPROVAL, 9 -0 Apr 26, 1990 Vice Mayor Dawkins Comm DeYurre Unanimous City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 120 -186 SW 13 St and 1315 -1325 SW 2 Ave PETITION : Ord 11000 atlas change from 0 Office to C -1 Restricted Commercial. Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second (Y) Absent • • • • • APPROVAL APPROVAL, 9 -0 July 26, 1990 Comm Plummer Comm Alonso Suarez Dawkins, DeYurre PAGE NO: 12 ORDINANCE 10783 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO (UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10784 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 (Y) Absent CITY COMMISSION AGENDA THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -3. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -565) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANTS) • ▪ City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 596 NW 49 Ave & 4901 NW 5 St PETITION Ord 11000 atlas change from R -4 Multi Family High Density Residential for 596 NW 49 Ave and R -2 Two Family Residential for 4901 NW 5 St, to C -1 Restricted Commercial. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, 6 -0 Date First Reading July 26, 1990 Moved • Comm Plummer Second • Comm Alonso • • Suarez • • Dawkins, DeYurre PAGE NO: 13 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 25, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - [J- 90- 345(a)] ORDINANCE ZONING ATLAS AMD 10785 MOVED: DAWKINS APPLICANTS) • • City of Miami Planning Dept SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 1701 -1991 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change from RS -2/2 One Family Detached Residential and R0 -3/6 Residential Office to CG -217 General Commercial, retaining a one foot strip northeasterly of, parallel to and abutting, the northeasterly right - of -way line of Delaware Parkway in the existing RS -2/2 and R0 -3/6 zoning. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, 8 -0 Date First Reading : July 26, 1990 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Alonso (Y) : Suarez Absent : Dawkins, DeYurre NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ -5. MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -5. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - [J- 90- 345(b)] ZONING ATLAS AMD THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -6. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 1701 -1991 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 11000 atlas change from R -1 Single Family Residential and 0 Office to C -2 Liberal Commercial, retaining a one foot strip northeasterly of, parallel to and abutting, the northeasterly right -of -way line of Delaware Parkway in the existing R -1 and 0 zoning. Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second (Y) Absent • • • • • • • • • NOTE: This is a companion item to SECOND READING ORDINANCE - [J- 90- 346(a)] ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) • Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second (Y) Absent APPROVAL APPROVAL, 8 -0 July 26, 1990 Comm Plummer Comm Alonso Suarez Dawkins, DeYurre item PZ -4. City of Miami Planning Dept PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 2810 -2916 NW South River Dr & that section of the North Fork of the Miami River located along the South- easterly property line of 1851 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 9500 atlas change by applying HC -1: General Use Heritage Conservation Overlay District and retaining the underlying zoning district. APPROVAL APPROVAL, 8 -0 July 26, 1990 Comm Plummer Comm Alonso Suarez Dawkins, DeYurre NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ -7. PAGE NO: 14 ORDINANCE 10786 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10787 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -7. SECOND READING ORDINANCE ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second (Y) Absent Planning Dept Recommends Date First Reading Moved Second Vote Date(s) Continued CITY COMMISSION AGENDA - [J- 90- 346(b)] THIS ITEM A, 1 ER 4 :00 PM PZ -8. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -468) CITY CODE AMD City of Miami Planning Dept 2810 -2916 NW South River Dr & that section of the North Fork of the Miami River located along the South- easterly property line of 1851 Delaware Parkway PETITION : Ord 11000 atlas change by applying HC -1: General Use Heritage Conservation Overlay District and retaining the underlying zoning district. • APPROVAL APPROVAL, 8 -0 July 26, 1990 Comm Alonso Comm Plummer Suarez Dawkins, DeYurre NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ -6. APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : An Ordinance relating to Planning and Zoning, amending Chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, by amending Section 62 -84(1) by changing the composition of the Urban Development Review Board; by deleting procedures for appointment to said Board contained in Section 62 -84(2) relative to public notice and solicitation; by amending Section 62 -84(4) accordingly; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. APPROVAL June 28, 1990 Comm Alonso Comm Plummer Unanimous July 26, 1990 PAGE NO: ORDINANCE 10788 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS 15 PLUMME R DE YURRE ORDINANCE 10789 MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS c CITY COMMiSSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -9. RESOLUTION - (J- 90 -50) - APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS A resolution appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Urban Development Review Board. Date(s) Continued : July 26, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -10. RESOLUTION - [J- 90- 580(a) & (b)] APPEAL OF VARIANCE APPLICANT(S) Blanca Espinosa 3157 SW 24 Terr PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : 3157 SW 24 Terr PETITION : Appeal of the Zoning Board's decision which denied the request to allow the existing additions to the single- family residence providing a lot coverage of 1,925 sq. ft. or 55% (1,622 sq. ft. or 43% maximum allowed); a west side yard of 1.5' (5' required), an east side yard of 3' (5' required) and a combined yard area of 4.5' (15' combined yards required) for the principal structure; a rear yard of .04' (10' required) and a west side yard of .2' (5' required) for the utility room on above site, as per plans on file. Planning Dept Recommends Zoning Brd PROPONENTS present at meeting Mail replies AGAINST Mail replies in FAVOR Date(s) Continued THIS ITEM AFTER 4:00 PM PZ -11. DISCUSSION ITEM • DENIAL DENIED, 9 -0 • Two Two Two July 26, 1990 Per the request of the City Commission on September 7, 1990, a report from the Planning, Building and Zoning Department pertaining to those properties rezoned 12 -18 months ago and for which no building permits have been issued. PAGE NO: DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED APPEAL GRANTED R -90 -730 (REVERSING ZONING BOARD'S DENIAL OF VARIANCE) MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED 16 MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 4 :00 PM PZ -12. DISCUSSION ITEM Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date(s) First Reading Moved Second • Vote • Per City Commission request of March 22, 1990, a need to set forth guidelines, criteria and standards to establish a fund to receive voluntary proffers and allow the Commission to make decisions as to its distribution. ITEMS PZ -13 THROUGH PZ -21 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 5:00 PM THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -13. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -155) MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMD APPLICANT(S) /OWNER(S): David & Christine C. Hill 3549 Main Highway ATTORNEY : Stephen J. Helfman, Esq 100 SE 2 St PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3560 Main Highway PETITION : Amend Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989 -2000 (MCNP), Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation of the subject property from Single Family Residential to Restricted Commercial. DENIAL APPROVAL, 8 -1 April 26, 1990 Comm DeYurre Comm Alonso Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ -14. • Cllr COMMISSION AGENDA PAGE NO: R-90-731 MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT: 17 PLUMMER DAWKINS DE YURRE ORDINANCE 10790 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -14. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -268) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) /OWNER(S): ATTORNEY David & Christine C. Hill 3540 Main Highway Stephen J. Helfman, Esq 100 SE 2 St PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : Approx 3560 Main Highway PETITION : Ordinance 9500 atlas change from RS -2/2 One Family Detached Residential to SPI -2 Coconut Grove Central Commercial District. Planning Dept Recommends Zoning Brd Recommends Date(s) First Reading Moved Second Vote • • • DENIAL APPROVAL, 6 -2 April 26, 1990 Comm DeYurre Vice Mayor Dawkins Unanimous NOTE: This is a companion item to item PZ -13. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -15. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -297) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Amending Ordinance 11000, the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, by amending Article 9. General and Supplementary Regulations, Subsection 907.4 Yard, General Limitations on Occupancy, by adding noise limitations for mechanical and fire equipment for the purpose of attenuating noise. Planning Dept Recommends Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: Date First Reading Moved Second • Vote Date(s) Continued APPROVAL APPROVAL, 9 -0 June 28, 1990 Comm DeYurre Vice Mayor Dawkins Unanimous July 26, 1990 PAGE NO: ORDINANCE 10791 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10792 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS 18 AL ON SO DAWKINS PLUMME R DE YURRE THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -17. .::.W din MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PH PZ -16. FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J -90 -653) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Amending Zoning Ordinance 11000, by amending the Official Schedule of District Regulations and Article 4 Zoning District C -2 Liberal Commercial Zoning District, Permitted Principal Uses to add astrologers, palmists, fortune tellers and phrenologists. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, 9 -0 FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J -90 -654) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Amending Zoning Ordinance 11000, by amending the Official Schedule of District Regulations and Article 4 Zoning Districts, R -2 Two Family Residential District, Permitted Principal Use, R -3 Multi Family Medium Density Residential, Conditional Principal Uses, R -4 Multi Family High Density Residential, Conditional Principal Uses, and 0- Office, Conditional Principal Uses, to correct errors, by refining distance requirements and reformatting other requirements for Community Based Residential Facilities. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, 8 -1 PAGE NO: 19 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 25, 1990 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -18. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -604) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Amending Zoning Ord 11000 by deleting Article 7. HC Heritage Conservation Overlay Districts; and substituting in lieu thereof a new Article 7. HP Historic Preservation Overlay Districts; providing for: Intent, Application of District, Effect of District, Preservation Board, Preservation Officer, and Conditional Uses and Deviations. NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ -19 & PZ -200 (Continued on next page) : July 26, 1990 AeN CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Planning Dept Recommends • ▪ APPROVAL Heritage Conservation Brd Recommends • ▪ APPROVAL, with recommendations, 7 -0 Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, as recommended by the Heritage Conservation Brd, 5 -0 Date(s) Continued PAGE NO: 20 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 25, 1990 M -90 -742 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT: DAWKINS THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -19. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -606) CONTINUED TO CITY CODE AMD OCTOBER 25, 1990 M -90 -742 APPLICANT(S) : City of Miami Planning Dept MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DE YURRE PETITION : Amending the Miami City ABSENT: DAWKINS Code related to historic preservation by adding a new Chapter 23.1 "Historic Preservation;" providing for: Intent and Purpose, Definitions, Preservation Board, Preservation Officer, Designation of Historic Sites, Historic Districts, and Archeological Zones, Certificates of Appropriateness, and Administration, Enforcement, Violations, and Penalties; and further deleting Chapter 62, Article VII "Heritage Conservation Board" and substituting in lieu thereof a new Article VII "Preservation Board;" providing for: Establishment, Membership, Functions, Powers, and Duties, Generally, Proceedings, Compensation, and Preservation Officer. MEETINGDATE: September 27, 1990 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Heritage Conservation Brd Recommends : APPROVAL, with recommendations, 7 -0 Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, as recommended by the Heritage Conservation Brd, 5 -0 Date(s) Continued : July 26, 1990 NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ -18 & PZ -20. THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -20. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -611) CITY CODE AND APPLICANT(S) • • City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Consideration of re- commendations concerning renaming the existing Environmental Preservation District and Scenic Transportation Official Atlas of the City of Miami, Florida, as the "Official Preservation Atlas of the City of Miami, Florida," and relocating into said new Preservation Atlas those properties now designated as HC -1 and HC -2 overlay districts in the Official Zoning Atlas of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the new Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, effective September 4, 1990; further renaming and clarifying said relocated HC -1 and HC -2 overlay districts in said new Preservation Atlas according to their historic classification (i.e., historic site, historic district, or archeological zone); and further retaining the designation in said Zoning Atlas of those properties shown therein as HC -2 overlay districts, in addition to their being included in the said Preservation Atlas, and renaming said HC -2 overlay districts in said Zoning Atlas as HP overlay districts. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Heritage Conservation Brd Recommends : APPROVAL, with a recommendation, 7 -0 Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, as recommended by the Heritage Conservation Brd, 5 -0 Date(s) Continued : July 26, 1990 NOTE: This is a companion item to items PZ -18 & PZ -19. PAGE NO: 21 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 25, 1990 M -90 -742 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT: DAWKINS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 THIS ITEM AFTER 5:00 PM PZ -21. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J -90 -761) CITY CODE AMD APPLICANT(S) City of Miami Downtown Development Authority PETITION : An Emergency Ordinance amending Section 39 -17 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by prohibiting vending for a one -year period on the Flagler Street demonstration block (North and South sides of Flagler Street between Miami Avenue and East First Avenue); containing a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing an effective date. ITEM PZ -22 AND PZ -23 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 6:00 PM THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM PZ -22. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -767) ZONING TEXT AMD APPLICANT(S) • City of Miami Planning Dept PETITION : Amending Zoning Ord 11000, as amended, by adding a new Section 620 entitled "S0 -20 Edgewater Overlay District ", to Article 6. SD Special Districts; providing for intent, effect and exceptions; containing a repealer provision and severability clause; and providing an effective date. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, 8 -0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PAGE NO: 22 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 25, 1990 M -90 -742 MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: DE YJRRE ABSENT: DAWKINS FIRST READING MOVED: ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA THIS ITEM AFTER 6:00 PM PZ -23. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J -90 -768) ZONING ATLAS AMD APPLICANT(S) • PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) : THIS ITEM AFTER 6:30 PM PZ -24. RESOLUTION - (J -90 -779) MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICANT(S) PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES) (Continued on next page) City of Miami Planning Dept Area generally bounded by NE 2 Ave & Biscayne Bay, NE 20 St to NE 36 St, & area bounded by NE 2 Ave & Biscayne Blvd from NE 17 Terr to NE 20 St PETITION : Ord 11000 atlas change by applying the proposed SD -20 Edgewater Overlay District and retaining the underlying zoning district classifications. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, 8 -0, with additional recommendations ITEM PZ -24 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 6:30 PM : Bristol Tower Ltd Partnership 701 Brickell Ave, Ste 2610 Darryl Parmeter G. Tom Gurr Sam Burstyn 3050 Biscayne Blvd Ugo Colombo George Marakas 800 Brickell Ave PH II ATTORNEY(S) : Lucia A. Dougherty, Esq 1221 Brickell Ave : 2127 Brickell Ave PAGE NO: 23 FIRST READING MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 25, 1990 MOVED : SECONDED: UNANIMOUS PLUMMER DAWKINS MEETING DATE: September 27, 1990 1 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA PETITION : Consideration of recommending issuance of a Major Use Special Permit, pursuant to Article 17 of Ord 11000, as amended, designating the site as a Planned Development Overlay District per Article 5 of the above Zoning Ordinance, and increasing the Floor Area Ratio, making findings and incorporating Heritage Conservation Board Resolution 90 -23, per Chapter 17 of the City Code pertaining to Environmental Preservation District #37 -7. Planning Dept Recommends : APPROVAL, subject to conditions Planning Advisory Brd Recommends: APPROVAL, as amended to delete hotel use, 7 -0 ITEM PZ -25 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 7:00 PM THIS ITEM AFTER 7:00 PM PZ -25. RESOLUTION - [J- 90- 475(a) & (b)] APPEAL OF ZONING BOARD DECISION APPELLANT(S) PETITION : Appeal of the Zoning Board's decision to uphold the Planning Director's determination in his memorandum of February 22, 1990, concerning the serving of meals not prepared on premises and free to recipients at a house of worship with an assembly hall, by special exception when located in the CR -1 zoning district. Planning Dept Recommends: DENIAL of appeal; uphold decision of Planning Director Zoning Brd DENIED appeal; upheld decision of Planning Director, 5 -4 Date(s) Continued : June 28, 1990 111 1 1'. 11 1 I II n 11 1 11 l 1 11 11 : The Miami Coalition for Care to the Homeless, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, First United Methodist Church of Miami & John Doe (as representative of all homeless persons) PAGE NO: APPEAL GRANTED R -90 -739 (REVERSING ZONING BOARD'S DECISION) MOVED: DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES: PLUMMER 24 PRESENTED SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting - September 27, 1990 Proclamation to: Good Neighbor Day, for their efforts and involvement in bringing together through peace and harmony our multi - ethnic community.