HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1990-09-27 Advertisementt',wTrntsrrity Newspopx+m 30 �/ 665.021 A A FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VOICE • SERVING DADE COUNTY SIN � V 9gp NOV Is P11 3. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FRIDAY MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF DADE: Before ft undersigned authority personally appeared JOAN FLOSS who on oath says that she is OFFICE MANAGER of Legal Advertising of Commu- nity Newspaper, published Friday at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a LsgalAdvertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI in the X X X lished in said newspaper in the issues of September 21, 1990 Court, was pub. Aff lent further says that the said Community Newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, and has beers entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year nest praoe&V the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant furdw says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund far the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PROOF OF PUBLICATION — Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21 sr day of Sev"Injaerg 19 90 r My Commission Expires. Community Newspoper 6796 S.W. 62nd Avenue, South Miami, Florida 33143 665-8214 AI )r 1 ii((A Ci i 1' C1.Erw _ lip Ft.4. ram•, s» G7 e 1/ stxit.knn t.ht ntgll shai L r long are now in 4ifcx c. Irk�r.is and/or figures �r&icxi . Tl1c3 i n1 ng p n,,�,t�ria l . aRt1/r�r t' i c�n�s 9hA1! �tP3 lt3kg irxilcaLe c'mi�te-�i and ut'tch�g� ,ttui fi�t�iri tinc:s�ngecl �r R M S Founded July 25,1959 CERTIFICATED PROOF OF PUBLICATION TO: Matty Hirai, City Clerk = - Z::� X City of Miami -� �, �_ M Post Office Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 c-, c:) ..v cq CJ STATE OF FLORIDA ] Q' COUNTY OF DADE I, the undersigned authority, hereby certiffy that the attached newspaper page, containing an advertisement o the City of Miami, Florida, bearing Purchase Order Number & q3 , is a true and exact original newspaper page belonging to Patria newspaper, published in Miami, Florida by El Nuevo Patria Publishing Company, a Florida corpo- ration, with mailing address: Post Office Box 2, Miami, Florida 33135. The advertisement appearing in the attached page was published in the �2 2 C edition of said newspaper. Eladio Armesto III Notary Public at Large State of Florida official seal, this ;_7'�- e6� _ day of Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires March 2, 1992 Unded Thry Troy fo,n • Insurance Inc. Commission Expiration Date PostOffice Box 2, Miami, Florida33135 V (305) 633-8787 /633.8989 FAX _ U�rsrot-t�1 deleted• r in St ricks rt t ht�,uc�11 5� Lnrrisions aim �/ 1rk�rciS aril/or fic�urps 11t0 intn9 P maueriat. ac1+� • iCCc�1 and unt�'df►gt=d an(i/nr f 191"" shall ter asks i►ylicat-e an it�ic:lk�ngc�i - As de fraude udo mtrTe tin con gubm-a- he tliadar del Ir asa de Cdel , pot: stipuesta- mite conspires -4 , Ao robarle su par- del ; ee In garlancias qu D:b - Y, pro 0. Sin ego ► rela }� de mien- ctonado con los car- m ggoos federales formula- Ks Padreda, . t6fan contra el e.o el PMPio Hirarn Ma i- f 4 nez ha lido acusado fcdeM por un gran jumdo fe- deral de 8 cargos de pp fraude entre los cuales los de falsificar '+tue hubs g bextta= " estan doculnentos legales tener la njen apto ,fin ba de prestunos el de iasa del ` r isque 66 ofre- wa fumciar Casa '' ca mas`deta�es. del Lego. +..w www jai w 1110I MVIR Beal 141w IS ■ IPoc A%alo, Aeostt: pueblo cubano no cejara, Nn comonolohiaoenel E00dapaso 1895siguiendocomo EINUM pabid bandera,aguellasideas Martiftie un hombrre de Marti: "Sin afire la tie- Viwadoalaideadela& rramuere-Sinh%ertad, id del indivititto y de como sin aim propio y �1 NO~ iATtM / O t #M* de 19M / Prlrrts , lEdk46n Aerso- -- Padreda. quien se fttum c4mewe, engullirse a Laos, hubie- ca, Pero si estarnos se.- espera cooperara con las autoridades en • Kme de to Pdgipw 2 sen arremetido contra Tailandia y Birmania. guro que el Tio Sara se ha puesto Jos pantalo- otras investigaciones dos Unidos se prestaran Mess fie, por felts nes. de corritpcidnp uI a responder al peligra de decision total, Cam- Actuar con decision que estan pendiente, inminente de invasion boya y Viet Nam caye- es la formula que pace a es un antiguo presi- roja a Tailandia. ron en )as garras del co- Estados Unidos la mar dente de Latin Buib Si los comunistas se munismo. Pero ya Esta- yor potencia, digna y jus- dens Association, una apoderaban totalmente dos Unidos aprendio esa to del mundo. influential organize- de Laos seria el comien- triste lecaon y no hay cidn de contratistas zo del fin de Asia fibre. Hussein ni nadie que le intimamente ligada al La detenninacion, pees, ponga el pie encima. N 0 T I !: I C A C 10 N comisionado del Me- de la Casa Blanca de ac- No sabemos a cien- 0 L 0 S D U E N 0 S tro Jorge Valdes, de tuar con energia era la cia cierta c6mo acabar$ BE P R 0 P I E D R D quien en los ultimos garantia 6nica que evita- la crisis del Golfo P6rsi- A U i S 0 meses se comenta ex ria que el sudeste de __ P R E L I M I N R R traoficialmente que se Asia cayera bajo el co- N O S I f i C A C 10 N D E encuentra bajo invest gaci6n por las autori- munismo. Reacciono el Kremlin R L O S DUE -NOS DE P R O P I E D R D I M P O S I C 10 N dades estatales y fede- con aquellas obligadas R U I S 0 BE I M P U E S TO S Pro e c t o de rates, De ser encontrado bravatas de Khruschev. Pero to cierto es que P R E L I M I N R R M e j o r i o de culpable, un juez po- dria sentenciar a Pa- cuando Estados Unidos se decidian a frenar las 0 E I M P O S I C I O N la C rre t e rtt del 0 e s t e de dreda a una condena ambiciones del consor- BE I M P U E S T 0 la P e q u e fi o maxima de 10 anos de cio comunista, las balan- p R 0 Y E C TO D E H e I>w o n d- tercel y una multa de dronada se desvanecian M EJ O R I R I R D E E 0 s e 1, $20,000. Hiram Marti- en el aire. L R C R R R E T E R R H- 4 5 i 0 nez encara una post- Si Estados Unidos no BE DESIGN ble condena maxima hubiera actuado con tal P L R Z R Todas la: perso- de 28 af1oS de CarCel y decision, los Comunistas NO. 4509 nas tnteresades, por to presents estbn no- una multa de $60,000. en China, despues de Todes les tincodes que to erec- n de la Jse' Marti' �. roico quelleva mess de 30 ahos padeciendo, lucha porel derecho ajeno que es el de todos, pars mere- cerse el propio. Yasi como la Uuvia enriquece y hate f6rtil la tierra, y ali mueve a los pueblos, car- garon con tanta violencia que hicieron retirarse al ej6rcito espahol. Poreso tenemosla creenciaguelas situacio- nes de 1895y 1990 son not Interesadas, por In presents est6n no- tifitedes que se etec- tuerb una reunl6n de to Comisi6n de to Ciu- dad de Miami a Fes 11:05 de Is Mahone el 27 de septlembre de 1990 en at sal6n des audlenclas de to Come- sl6n Municipal, situa- do en at 3500 Pen Rmerican 0rius, Mia- mi, rlorlda. En dlcha reunl6n se escucharbn obJetlonot a to confir- mecl6n de In Imposl- t16n prellminer de Im- puestos pars sutreger las costos del pro Use- to de majoria des ta- rratere denominado tuarb one reunion de In Comisl6n de In Ciu- dad de Miami a las 11:30 de Is mahons el b�r .de 1990 an el saran audlen- ties de to Comisl6n Municipal, sltuado en at 3500 Pan 0meritan 0rlus, Miami, Florida. In diche reunlbn se escueherbn obJeclo- nes a Is tontirmacl6n de is Imposition prell- minor de Impuestos pare sutreger lot cos- tos del progecto de me,jorta de carraters denominedo West Little Rauane Righwag improusment - Phase 1, 11-4510, comprendt- PostOffice Box 2, Miami, Florida33135 Y (305) 633-8787/633-8989 FAX 1/ 4k)nis Aril/or figures aryl/or f i giiivs shall aW jx nrnin »nrivingcA. strickon t-*-- MMC- i . Asterisks «� t hc,0ur�11 snot 1 t� deletes. Utxlerfi�orckl TI)o rEmaining prrvtslons aiz rx:)w in offa-:t. indicaw cxnittf�(-2 and unchbmged material. P] OSYa' Gesaim pongue iA F l vrvc . ` 4) ambiciona, rlienXa ices aroows y rru� tos, al roves de ]alluvia de il%eas paraletas perrque nunca dos cocas son iglla- �t ;p dtirato que un sangre clue labestia de les, ni la Historia se repite. �bloouiere". Poreso rrarrla no comprende que lion coincidencias, pero t. 11khraen Cuba pesar to destruirat. Ese no de los actors& son distintos 60 lareoedk brutal y sangre to ahogara, por- aunque sigan los mismos xt de Castro el Paya que is Sangre trae sangre, caminos, comp raices que 00 porque teme, ylo tie- yet pueblo no teme y se brotan a Jos muchos anos i�eporro,lepuede juegalavidaenlaislalo cuandoyasecreeexter- eder;loquea'lcomu- mismolovenesquelos minadaesayerba,nacede 'tsnoeriEuropayesos mayoresynoimportala nuevoperonoeslamis- i+esdeli'bertadtlenen edad,sblolaluchaliber- madesuorigen.l.asyer- ittis tali pulmones y el co- taria. bas se nutren y fortalecen tl raz6o del pueblo sojuzga- Marti, con su ideario cuando estan juntas por do.Aesos aires de fronda de la libertad y la prepara- sus raices, separadas se letienepalrico el Payaso. ci6n del Partido Revolu- erxtinguen. Asi sucede dual= Cuando algo de esto cionario Cubano, le dio con los pueblos en este mtu .sucede, surge el paranoi- raices a un pueblo para momento el cubano esta lti co asesino quevive pe- que desde ellas partiera propiciando su Ilbertad y 5 raennemente en 61. Nadie hacia su libertad, y los mas ahora que de manera por le puede hater sombra, que estaban en la islacon- indirecta recibe la ayuda ni discutirle sus dispara- fiaban en la ayuda que de los paises que se han ,un tes.Yfusila; condena; prestaria cuando se Jan- ido liberando del yugo co- rnaltratayelhambreau- zaron a ]a guerra, porque 'comunista. qua menta en el pueblo. tenia esta que comenzar La gran labor de Jose es- Poreso nos aferrarnos dentro de la isla. Despues Marti radica sobre la base ice,, al ideario martiano, por- para los del exilio se abria dela acci6n realizada por Sue. que este es el faro y guia la oportunidad de desem- el, en la unidad que tree ,ala que salvara la patria. 0 barcar un ejercito bien entre los cubanos. Marti, 'fie cubano, martiano por co- armado. Ylo prueba poetay orador, dabs de si blo nocimiento o intuici6n, to cuando Ftor Crombet ata- todo por su patria, por su e3y. pone en prk&ay sigue ca un ei6rcito espahol pueblo cuando se lanz6 sate, su pr4dim "Todo aquel que no permitia el des- al suicidio en Dos Rios, ya ie ac que no mimpor el der e- embarco de su hermano el habia cumplido 5u mn eno choajenocomoporel ycaemuertoenlapeleay, sion.Ysaliodel escenario i6n propio, mereceperderel , sirvi6 pars redoblar la ac- de la vide, Para entrar en propio". Yeste pueblo he- 66n, que es el eje que la inmortalidad. s 1cerrSloscamt 1250 N,W. jenemos las medidnas que ud. neoesita! Oarmacia Santa Gema &&vgawsmedidnesadomiefflo AceptamosMedrfd Flande seguros y tarjetas de a6dto Gwlela Rolumen, R.Ph. 7 Calle, Miami a 320-1077 WC)rds arxi/oi- f igurip5 AtKt/()i f f Vrres shall +1X1 )*t31N j n Ainrivingad - iMPAOUt;MENT .y_-49t!#, comorpndido per of 6rea rndeadn por in toilet 40-41 del Nor Est@ entre le suenidn North Miami y In oue- n1da 2 del Nor Este y Ins eu@nlda i del Nor We, entre Is auenlde t del Nor File entre las calla& 38-41 del Nor Este, cokes desig- nadas comp Design Plaza Highway impro- vement District 14- 4509. Olchn sutso prell- minor de Imposlcl6n de impuestos est6 an Is actuelided disponi- bte pare In Inspecci6n del publico an Is oficl- no de Is serretarle de Is Ciudad, situnds an el 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida Todas ins perso- nas interesadas an este asunto est6n In- vitsdas a presenterse y podr6n ser escutha- das per to Comisi6n de to Ciudad can respecto e diche cuestl6n. En at case de que cueiquier persona qutere spelor cueiquler desisi6n de Is Comist6n de is Ciu- dad con respecto a la cuestl6n que ser6 considerada on este audiencle, diche per- sona deber6 asegurer que un record 0Racto de to que sea tratedo an to audlencla se hags g que dicho re- cord Incluge todo el testlmonio 9 lee prus- bes sabre tee cusles podrb baserse una apelecl6n de to deter- minado por Is Comi- sl6n. Msttg Hlral Secreteria Municipal Miami, Florida A (6934)�a� put, to wane a-*"* MWI drsto, to toile 7 de Nor Oeste, is evenide 17 del Dior Daste y to ovenide 22 del Nor Oeaee, redt ageudeei pqeue leel tails 8 de Sur Oeste, in cells 10 de Sur Oeste, Is ovenide 22 del Sur Oeste y in evenlde 27 de Sur Oeste, culls brae he sido designs - do West little Havens Highway Improvement District -Phase 1, H- 4510. Olcho nets prell- miner de Imposlel6n de Impuestos est6 an Is actuelided disponi- ble pare to inspeccl6n del pisblice on Is ofici- no de In secreteria de Is Ciudad, sltueds an e1 3500 Pen American Drive, Miami, Florida Todas tes perso- nas Interesadas an este asunto est6n In- vitodes a presenterse 9 podr6n ser escuchs- das por Is Comisl6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a diche cuestl6n. En at caso de que cuolquier persons qutere apelar cueiquler decisl6n de Is Comisl6n de Is Ciu- dad con respecto s Is cuestl6n que serb considerada an este sudlencle. diche per- sons deberb esegurar que un record *matte de to que sea tratade on In sudiencle to hags g qua dlcbo re- cord inctuys toda at testimonlo g lee prus- bas sabre las cuales podr6 bssarse une spolotl6n de to deter- minado par Is Coml- s16n. Malty Viral Secretarte Municipal Miami, Florida (6946) ttlti�li�111 Sh311 uca�• - are rin 4)ffr'r"t Tttt3 rEmaining prrNisiona material. in(licat.e ornitt � aril Unc.hanged t Founded July 25,1959 CERTIFICATED PROOF OF PUBLICATION TO: Matty Hirai, City Clerk a in cr> 1;0 �, City of Miami � n Post Office Box 330708 Y, _ : —s w rn Miami, Florida 33233-0708 o �-- tS -- - L9 STATE OF FLORIDA ] ] COUNTY OF DADE ] I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the attached newspaper page, containing an advertisement of the City of Miami, Florida, bearing Purchase Order Number 11941(23, is a true and exact original newspaper page belonging to Patria newspaper, published in Miami, Florida by El Nuevo Patria Publishing Company, a Florida corpo- ration, with mailing address: Post Office Box 2, Miami, Florida 33135. The advertisement appearing in the attached page was published in the ,r'�---2 5'- 2C - _ edition of said newspaper. ess my .. an Eladio Armesto III Notary Public at Large State of Florida official seal, this •.:2 d a. day of Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires March 2, 1992 landed Thru Troy foin • Insurance In0 Commission Expiration Date Post Office Box 2, Miami, Florida33135 Y (305) 633.8787 /633-8989 FAX rF5 St rirks'n t hs�n�gt► shallisioRs aim rx�t in Of fit 1/ a,}orcis Rry-►/ar fitN $<ic1Gx1• Ttte ar�aintn9 P r-h'w� material. c�n(1/nr fit��t�es shall t� ttC.�1 and un AfMt �Z�IIlr7in l3Rc:IlFiflcl. A.StPri$kg lr�iic�►t� °m con bin. IL de k ha Lido O del 'fir&M- - o fe` de R9 r� — 0 telwMsw PAMA / Octubre de 1900 / Primers Edkg6in s;_ Fad a, quien se veg engullirse a Laos, hubie- co, Pero si estarnos se• espera cooper ar'a con lac autoridades en a rmw de la p4gina 2 - sen arremetido contra Tailandia y Birmania. guro que el Tio Sarn se ha puesto los pantalo- - otras inves_tigaciones dos Unidos se prestaran Mas tarde, por falta nes. de corruperhn ppuu' Mica a responder al peligro de decision total, Cam- Actuar con decision que estan penile ' inminente de invasion boya y Viet Nam cage- es la formula que hace a es un antiguo presi- roja a Tailandia. ron en las garras del cif- Estados Unidos la ma- dente de Latin Buil- Si los comunistas se munismo. Pero ya Esta- yor potencia, digna y jus- ders Association, una apoderaban totalmente dos Unidos aprendio esa to del mundo. influencial organize- de Laos aerie el co mien- triste leccion y no hay cion de contratistas zo del fin de Asia libre. Hussein ni nadie que le intimamente ligada al La determinacion, pues, ponga el pie encima. N O T I F I C R C I O N comisionado del Me- de la Casa Blanca de ac- No sabemos a cien- R L O S D U E R O S tro Jorge Valdes, de tuar con energia era la cia cierta como acabari BE P R O P I E D R D quien en los ultimos garantia linica que evita- la crisis del Golfo Pkrsi- A U 1 S 0 meses se comenta ex ria que el sudeste de P R E L I M I N R R traoficialmente que se Asia cayera bajo el co- N O T I F I C R C I 0 N D E encuentra bajo investi gacirSn por las autori- munismo. Reacciono el Kremlin R L O S D U E R O S BE P R O P i E D R D I M P O S I C I O N BE I M P U E S T O S lodes estatales y fede- rates, con aquellas obligadas bravatas de Khruschev. R U I S O Pro e c t o de Do De ser encontrado Pero to cierto es que P R E L I M I N A R D E t�l a j r u d e culpable, un 'uez o- dria sentenciar a Pa- cuando Estados Unidos se decidian a frenar las I M P O S I C I 0 N la C a r r e t e r a del O e s t e de dreda a una condena ambiciones del consor- BE I M P U E S TO la P a q u e ii a maxima de 10 aiios de cio comunista, las balan- P R O Y E C TO DE Habana - c k cel y una multa de dronada se desvanecian _ M E J O R I R I R BE F a s e 1. $20,000. Hiram Marti- en el aire. L R C R R R E T E R R H- 4 51 0 nez encara una Si Estados Unidos no BE DES 16 N t�iVwiO ; vwwawa w Y�,rav 1:N cuet+estatnos ble condena maxima hubiera actuado con tat P L A Z A 01 e; . pitf _ass de 28 afios de carcel y decision, los comunistas N 0. 4509 { di'I una multa de $50,000. en China, ciespues de aX0, wl,, ion de 'n Jose df Wiiiihom a delil[a ' imai satie- o►aiaid�deiat� i��tr�te• O14r1lbS� i�ik�ew' roico quellevamas de30 alios padeciendo, lucha porel derecho ajeno que es el detodos, pare mere- cerse el propio. Yasi como la lluvia enriquece yhace Wail la tierra, y ali- Marti mueve a los pueblos, car- garon con tantaviolencia que hicieron retiraiw al ej6rcito espaiiol. Poreso tenemos la creencia que las situacio- nes de 189fiy 1990 son Todes lea perso- nas Interesedes, par Is presents est6n no- tincadas quo se ofec- tuarb une reun16n de to Comisl6n de Is Ciu- dad de Miami a Is* 11:05 de Is magana el bra de 0 eaaa a ,a16n de audienclas de In Comi- si6n Municipal, situe- do an at 3500 Pen American Orlue, Mia- mi, Florida. In diche reunl6n se escucharbn objeclonos a In confir- masi6n de In imposl- ci6n preliminar de Im- puestas pars sufrager lot costos del progec- to de majorla de ca- rretere denamtaedo DES16N PLAZA HI6NWAV Todas las perso- nas interesedes, por Is presents estbn no- tificades qua se efec- tuar6 una reunl6n de 1a Comis16n de Is Ciu- dad de Miami a las 11:30 de In maPians el 11 de octubre de 1990 an alsol6n de audlen- cias de In Comisl6n Municipal, situado an at 3500 Pan American Orius, Miami, Florida. In diche reuni6n se escuchar6n objeclo- nes a to confirmael6n do is Imposlcl6n prell- miner de Impuestos Para sufrager tot cos- tos dal progecto de mejorla de carretera denominade West Little Nousne Nlgheuag Improunment - Phase 1, N-4510, comprandl- do per el Arts rodeads Per Is calls 3 del Nor MIAMI REVIEW,,,, Published Daily except Saturday, Su. and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Notice of Public Nearing September 27, 1990 In the .............. X . X . X ................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of September 17, 1990 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade Co Florida, fora riod of one year noxt cedlnp the tiro ub1 lion of the attached copy at "Wert'sam t; and efflan ud says that she has neither paid nor promised any 11 or corytoration any discount, rebate, commissbn or and the purpaas of securing this adverisement for pub t in the ofd newspaper. , ,A _ s > o1s Sworn to and %bbEtdbA#4x ff nfe this ..17... day of .... Sept -ember-- - - Che a Notary Public, State of ride at Large "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" (SEAL) 9r Yl_ , MARIOIR � ^mmission expires April }�Zr �, tt EfaY,f . 4/12/92 RECEIVED ;990 OCT -4 F4 2, 10 tlp 01A t A r oy �tts cam► cal olr mlit" bw any Intws"d pt NS WIPM612,41Py R1la,fnwoeas in t otttmo for aChitgcft Bt f to; ... a f - n W. MIAMI REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORMA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octatma V. Ferb"re, who on oath says that she Is the Super• visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPERTY OWNERS PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL DESIGN PLAZA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT #4509 September 27, 1990 in the ................. X.. X.. X ................ Court, was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of September 17, 1990 Afflont further says that the ssld Miami Ravlew Is a newt r published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and tha9 tfie said newspaper has herstofore Man continuously Lm Nshed In sold Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has Men onto -red as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dede County, Florida, for a period of one year next precedlrtp the tint publication of the attached of advenlaemen� and af?lant soya that she has Id nor promised io Irm of corporation an ours nMts, a�rttmissbn or n or the Dumose no is advertisement for Kou Svafr,j1WArsbVp`cribo6 before ma this .....17day df iay ovi to pli �tAR�•yli��f� tli�l� � , Dam R111111"" All Interested persons will take notice that V aA meeting of ,ttte Miami Ctty Commission to be held at 11�05&Jn., S� tiAr low. in the City Commission chembara; 310 Psn Miami, Fiodds, their objections Will be havd"to the t asitfim►81{Orr 01 the Pnellminary Assmailient Roil for the cost of D1wtsK K PLAZA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-45M In the areas bordered by N.E. 4041 Street* between North Miami Avenue and N.E. 2 AnhorMa� N.E. I Avenup botween N.E. 3"1 Streets deslone0ed All01Mk PLAZA HIGHWAV iMPROVEMENT *4%*. Said P'n"Imtnluy Asaseestntent "I Is now open to pt ICL lion In the Office of #t9e 01), Cierk, 3%0 pan Am~ tbflft Miami, Florida. All Interested parsons are Invited to atPpe rand may- hpaio: with`t"pect to ssdd Item. Should any pefbcxt desire to salt deciston of the city Commission; with respect to any m aet r sidered at this heating, thirx peiaan ISI+sii lonsure lhi a v&rW*t* record of the proceedings Is oval}able, inciddlno'Wl ta3lstIt�tan� Md evidence upon which any apesl snaMy t>e:baeed., tom) "ty Hirai City CIA Miaf 4 Flot Oft . oft? 90� 1iYtt±e+t c'} —i ;rs U:) C= C R i n --C '--1 rn— ,ITt .. iF r iR ;r4�r•.Y,''."'�r#i tfi�:.;�•M"' .. MIAM1 REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared Octel,ns V. Ferbeyrs, who on oath says that she Is the Super- visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) nowspsper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of adrsrilsemort, being a Legal Advertlsoment of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT N.W. 47TH AVENUE September 27, 1990 In the ............. X..X..X..................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of September 17, 1990 Affiont further says that the sold Miami Review is a newspaper publishod at Miami In said Dado County, Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously publishod In said Dade County, Florida each day (oxcopt Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In solor next d Dodo the Mal ppubli cation of the attached riod of o of Mortlea ind offloni further says that she has of id roc promised any rm or corporation o ant, rebate, commission Or nd !car the bUrD*" n0 s advertisement for and suCrlped before me this Swori ♦ 17... day Of ..... •ep- +, A.D. 10..90.. .......s... • ................ (SEAL) `'.;Tf o;-♦` "OFFICIAL tIOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. MARKER N.y COW-1. EXP. 4/12/92 6 .. '�yT�ly,l�yafil�lM!!e�#Ili r ''w `tUNlis♦ �� � E "H w"V Poptl►. It!"iftl at` , All interasted persons *111-tske notice tttaUICAOft' of thteE� Miami City cmmisaion to bs bold at 19b0, in the City Ctxhtnlssioe chambers; %M Pawn rice, Miami. Flottdfi, ttalr objections wit! be be"I to She ognitnrtut�btt CN the Preliminary Assessment Rollfor,,the"cast Qf liiiltf1 iMPROVEMMT H-45% Ili tite sates boNured, ts� N. . i• 1 between West- Plapter Street and N.W. 7th 13tra� daslynatpt! �! , Nlt3HWAv hMMOV9MEJNi Ham. A. SaId Preltrnlrury Aaaesb~t Roll is now. tD puold tittapeeaa„ tlott to thin OfNt:a of the City t{terk, �. Artrat'ibrsi a. Miami, Flo" All intersate 1. persons are invited to`Mppeat and may healed withrespect -to sW darn. Should any person desire to a decision *I ft city Commisaw with aspect to.:�y ski"" 4this hearing, libel persa>n"3hW eirtalnsthat ss; record of the proceedings is atvallaWa; 4naluding sit #lsrtiTlfcrhtr iden" upon which rny.>ePpea3rd nosy Deb 1. s _ Mstiy Fhlral c .r? a� City V17 sr `� v iecsonally eQpeacQ4 befogs as the W418cot9ne40 Jocle e. Consuo'caa to Big `sib -known, who betnq dvty wogs deposes apt save that h® is Credtt Manage - •t Clae;ts lss MICIcis, ne+•gpepe` of Senecet cisculattons published daily except mor4aye to Niaa.ta Dads Coontyo tlectda. Atttant ructhee save oat the above - nar ed ncwsdapte has c9ntinuo„y p4lisliA daily except 11ar4ays ip Oads County# •ioctda, rot Pogo Oan one Fees inreatately ptecodtnd fiRst fAlicattoo of 94t4 L41al retie cc adv*cttaep-cnt an* was ductnl sl1 such %toe era aw to ontacei ag- 1econA #lass P4611 Patter io the L•ntt*4 States" Post ®rttce to Iltatal# Oads County, Blocte�e, ark. that file Legal t:ottce oc Advactticeent, all Carl of which is hece attached# was pubilehesc in • 4 e • an the followtn$ da; s � : t-ined iti+acee t ar+A Y..jbsCrttADeface as We iay of � .Q V. CD s !o Miami. Oads County, rloctda. Yam• g Rotary Publi4 Stote �Y Q°mr`','sslan of P�!o o f Ftp q�f : Invoice ! 0 3 • a U � t�otaty I�� Invols® l�oun� • M/1 •e a tt�t;t�,t �►1t�C�.t.� lue r"aIcar At9emds, lag sdiones podrian ser des - a ao{Dues que to- trozadas al t erced de los vientos hu- e I cW df c}u se rasanados, { � an unas,cantra obras. ss�e1• ,;- lla ntctlsiftaclf. Ante- * S,enale&n is, los participantes que si A delall cei6ndeAguas las embarea son pequefias deben ser 1ai:deltt , dart169propietarfos sacadas del: r las grandes deben ser .,jl+tap y atracaban atracadas e snuelles, y las que tengan t ' i elyt lostatlalesencasodehu- permiso bermanecer en el rfo Pero enfatizaron podran permanecer en el _ rfo las que 2 gan seiialado on espacio. mo ofoft la ordett Mencf: da, los 108 { sche Bondy $o vig encia t�nsfitucion d o vlgeaia Abosados de Cuba, y forma par.. , fyturo.doIs to del cielo con que los letrados cubanot cetetiran el cincuente• r s`< nario de is etrtrado en vigor en tlt§rittflR u ,agsplela• - Cuba de la Co>!istituci6n del 40 # �aingl+u,;facoual .dq Con esta conferencia del doctor # 4, E` Sfiachez Doody. comienza en di- R ebo clelts el estudio del texto de is 2pu : Constitucl6n del 40. El letrado se 3 �� bass en cdmo is Constituci6n del : r r 40 es uno de los mds finos instru mentos juridicos construidos por ,f=y una naei6n y al mismo tiempo - pruebA c6rno jurfdlca, politics y socialmente, y en toda el drea, Is = Constituel6n del 40 esth vigente, sostenlda por el pueblo cubano RS tie aquiyde all&. Y c6mo sus pre �. A" a . ceptos ;estfin arraigados en Is d- hfstoda;de Is naci6n cubana. b El Colegio Nacional de Aboga- ' dos de Cuba invlta a este acto. JOSE SANCHEZ BOUDY a1( chat la psis am tlesila Ferrer > ue? y d esculto Fi"' G190a (Pau .' Alewt Y folklore im el Festival de la ocean Base: de, lmam�i 1n nCia de los de Cen�uamCa Ferrer7eana � � � (Viene de is Pfig.1-B) kneia fue proclamada por Ga. ' Te6JIlo Also Ferslta, de Mana- bino Gafnza, vino el Grupo Rana, .LLt'llkl O CABRERA LEIVA disfrutaba dean nientras El Salvador estuvo re- gua, Nicaragua, }resentado por Fiebre AmarWa. baho de viandas y vigor6n, cuan• gtttarjdtiiblico sB realiis6 !a zlttra da Iet . ` do t omeni6 is actuaci6n de los La comunidad de origen y cut- +e qa It pintora cubana IWAA 1� Go- Ilarnaanos, Mores, de El Salve• Tura de los passes centroameri- sugar en Iss aam►plias `:-$alas dui Matt dvr, tanos era exaltada durante el "ait4eF3JyatAcPan Aristides Sequelra is no.aeFestival medfante Is musics, los ch6 habfa lido fabulosa con los bailee y las canclones mds tipi- O tt J3oetedad pare Ia PreaerPat3t� de itty` bad , Ballet Foltsl6rico de t as. ' l 1Reyes ROW.; ` ' ; 11104durK su patria. Dijo que, Eulogio Huete y su esposa Te- ademis de los tamales hondure• tesa, salvadorefla, recordaban ante$, rcomo ea anteriores':mateMfrits* r ti$ #os, babia saboreado un ceviche el ritmo de Ins danzas tipicas de �s (Rterevelrta por su coloridoy DWI faela jerttaao. la patria : el pasillo, el m ango y el -Tff(ibrtlsta -�-uas creativldsd que - barretio. mfiiiEaea' de ar4evss ratdivsdoste4,ee . Atli tambltsn habia arenas ve• ` 1si vitltita q t~tztimuianies ltara La itq , , .. b tarlmero 6# clue patrocina Ia S= •. uaa delas instituciones mtfia acirad8d at tl of b britetica y cultural de Mi$nti, en �+ dlEtfi- '�'9 se leabecho sentir , pm(chosam;ate. d pd mas sfsludar, aI escultor c0a ,t gallo 'pinto de Costa Nicaragua, el tech6n cu- las pupusas salvadoreiiss ebos con arepa colour• t,:'.->Que gente simpAtica a eu los quioscos engalana- Gatlin, autar de una formi"mo eaU Ad* ��i ll -a;adale, Florida. n" es, Is del imponente 94, tenfa una buena d6n en el grupo "La $ abierta al priblico hasty el fin 4eileGiiafemala, cuya indegen- Los grupos folkl6ricos, Ins ex- bibiciones de pinturas, los desfi- es de trajes tipicos y los quioscos de artesania fueron tambl6n grandes atracciones turisticas. El Festival de Is Independen• tia de Centroam6rica tuvo a DIARIO LAS AMERICAS Como Wo de sus patrocinadores, y fue organizado por el seffor Alex Fernfi.ndez, Presidente de Alex Production Enterprise Inc. a:. �v,.rci n,aUcfx +,e fa a- tti ttl,a, uv+� iar ax su,ca, as �►ussuu Rcvaue:.a u.. cha, con las concejales y ejecutivos durante Is rennildh mensual de Is ry Camara die,AIWCrclo a Industrlas de "faleah. De izquierda a dere eha, PauI4Wfiez, Nataeha Se as Milian, guez, ij Vicente P. Presidents ut is Camara; el gobernador itlnrtinez y Bert, Echeve rria, concejal y ex presidents y actual Director E jecutivo de In nut's- (Foto GORT). ,. Celebran Primer Festival. del Libro; y -A.rtes Graficas de Colombia en Miamii Por GUILLERMO CABRERA LEIVA En In noche del viernes tuvo lugar Is apertura del Primer Festival del Libro y las Artes Graficas de Colombia, en los amplios salones del Consulado General de esta naci6n (280 Ara- g6n Avenue, Coral Gables). En medio de una extensa va- riedad de obras impresas en Co- lombia, que cubrfan numerosas mesas, se reuni6 on selecto pu• blico para disfrutar de un recital de estudiantes del Conservatorio de Musica del New World School of the Arts. Patrocinan este evento la So- ciedad Interamericana de Musi- ca de Miami y el Consulado Ge- neral de Colombia. El Primer Festival destinard los fondos recaudados a dos be- cas especificas: a Mario Bara- caldo y Luis Baracaldo, j6venes mnsicos pertenecientes a la fa- milia Baracaldo, que forma Is Orquesta Sinf6nica de Colombia. El sdbado el program a consis- t16 en una serie de conferencias por los senores Jorge Zorro, Pi- lar Leyva, Luis Zalamea, Fabidn Ruiz, Lietty Ravent6s de Pubi- Hones y John Angee. Las casas expositoras que par - ticiparon en esta feria del libro , colombiano son las siguientes: . Carvajal Inc., Editores Lerner, Editores Margabby, Ediciones Prensa Colombians, Ediciones Universal (de Miami), Edicio- nes Violeta y Pink Planet Inc. Los patrocinadores de este'­ acontecimiento artfstico son Ru bi Bacarl, Banco de Bogotfi, Carvajal Inc., Ediciones Prensa Colombians, Florida Internatio- nal Bank, Shaw Ross Internatio- nal, Inc. y Morgan Music. Se brind6 un excelente buffet a los concurrentes. III CIUOAD DE MIAMI t AVISO OE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia p6blica tendril efecto par la comisi6n do la Ciudad de Miami, Florida el dia 27 de septiombre, 1990 a las 9:30 a.m. en , la camara de los corms�ona os en el ayuntamiento de la Ciudad, sito en el 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Con el prop6sito de que los Comisionados de la Ciudad, pueden , escuchar cuaiquier objeci6n que afecten interses personates por este aumento en el contrato de los servicios de arquitectos pars Is: Subestacion del Districto Sur de la Policia .� Si cuaiquier persona de.,ea apelar cualquier decisi6n de is tunisi6n - de la Ciudad con respecto a cuaiquier asunto a ser considerado on esta reuni6n, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal " l de los procedimientos sea hecho incluyendo todos Jos testirnonios - y wAdencias sobre las cuales cuaiquier apetaci6n puede ser basada. (069321 ! R . .e MAIN of CAult b Personally sppeaced before ae the vrrderattnede Jocye its Consuetces to at* `e1L-kAowne w'ho being dull adocw depose &M oaP• Ost Ae Is Ctodtt i'anats of darter Las ArIctces, P4%-Ipapec ®f general eiccvlattona p411sU4 daily except 1�omay* tw Niasile Oade county, Florida. Hdiant fucthac save 04% t81e above hared Rcw*pspcc has cgntinu*%1y 8vlltsAe4 datty except ttonds 1 tP We Countye IFtocldae roc Mac OARone hQac inrt4tatetY pttteltnd ftcst p<+t11eatiow e►t' sate LtIal fbtic• oe advrettem.ent one was dmctnt all sue% tine an® mm to entecei ex eeeor+d class mail aattee 1n the united states' fast Aff tee iR shall, Oade county, fYoctoe, and tbat the legal ucttce cc Advectticrirent, all earl of V'htcb !ece attached, was pual ishoo in on tie follovtn' da;se Sc�T'E7 ityned Qg11ttT4 tJ�! 71}:E1�StA3 . . Not" to UA 'ubsecitsd before as We o� �3 day of .19J,D� O In "!arms Dade county «ott8s. #A ear 0 c e4 t3p C-: G =Ablest• fd�AultR�, A/90 r Notary Publi4 State of ricrocr - ` MY Commission Expires hicy 26, 1912 • bonded Thru Troy F n • jnaur cj �np 4� !fit a cy t0 a x1 ml-c4 Lt1 Ii 1� !1 a ra uaa le"�r Celobrael6n de Ciudndanfa duranfel semana Nacional de Inserip. cit5rt de Votantes de 21 At 28 de #errrbre. V1 proosito de este evento es ediitg a log ciudadanes acerca del process democrht.it+o y proveer intoo6oci6n a log ciudadanos natu. ralirstdos reclentemente y a todos 401jos que planeen htrcerse chi• rladA nos americanos. Este programs tambien servirti de repaso a la I3'ttFat'- cludadania en general acerca de laantuebos temas civicos que nos 1, �a t'tfectod localmente. lilltalt,fls� E1 programa darn comienzo con.ltua conferencia a la 9:30 de la lmationa.-A dontinuacif+n se har4n fffiostraciones y se darn infor. Jmaei6n sobre eI sistema politico bi-rtidista, c6mo una idea se con - vierte en ley, tramites de ciudadarlis#iumigracion, y otros temas de da de interds civico. El juez federal Fred j enehe confirm ado su compa. stsi day; recencla el sAbado 22 de septiertlb'a y'hablara sobre "La Ciudada• eiitor. nfa: privilegios y responsabilidatl ". Res- Param9l>ainformaci6n: Maribetg16 Torranzo, 885.7488 (casa), 883- lA sin Ceti- 2094 (trabajo). el r ! AIDS "> :A.a viernes ZI y sAu .4 22 de se to tie 10:00 a.m. a I M p.m. I W, t 1 W- .dill arado, Be dedicf►n 1 � es en deftWtIVA gar: Miami -Dade Community College, ggelato Wolfson, 300 N.E. Second Ave. R 1rD�#l1Aii ��. t . tar .c fras publicadas x+"parlirslt DepfartaMentos de Salud lox Estadtfa Unidos y de la y . Florida, en is que va de a81o, has- s La agosto 1". se babia regortado =4 M ;adultos corn SIDA en Dade, mar del 91% de todos los nuevos carol; en el Estado. En diem afios, . Dade e8ti11 a Is cabers de 1a Flo- { ride, con 8a40 casos, que es casi un 30% de todo el Estado. ~. La Florida ocupa el terser lu- I;, ; 'gar de Is nac16n, detrAs de New York y California, Obviamente, Is tragedia es de todos en la co- F>: mimidad. Como to es el deber de aliviarla'y la obiigact6n de pre- ventr' an onnanaihn 1 " Cmre AIDS Now offrece sus aeyltWsren iiaglds y_espa6ol y E " ti Ile lalll :p rtes=abiertas para r tt4t�lOJt,'Agmto var•a �O1�reCer Como t .._ s>R'a inecibir la sylada:tan nece- lam:' 1+'b �r#+errnedada istlesesados yen recibir' ff us fif ii ofrecer, st rolabora• r` i p>I[eden' llamar al 858.8378, ` empJre .:lencoutararan allt core', alblerttl, y una faportuni alatt #tincl; as de colaborar con �t,eauca noble. �wai`'a k busca volfaafiaripa Para parti :fit:llimip'Co;ttera de.1a Florida. s eJta ,00 eu art 6122 de septifellubre de 9 de lo, —a>�de► segtl4 di a gu" a'arque?.ilia Garvlla. she A °ii»elGcan p inseriblrJie pars esta aCti metoVon Biacayt e, 11 onalPark al 247-7275'en- yA de la tsrde. rco alas Islas que bordeanlas costar florid' or el serlricfadeparquetinaciot ales. PeratadAs — . ue,teugafl botes o yates y� quieran utillzarlos en bieuvenidas. cUrA0 cQMEN -G0N EXITo EXisten muchas ventaoas fIN �EGQpro.Y pp rdepen encia, ingresos, satis- lao6ft seguridad, ahorro de impuemm. tSsW tasted qua of 89% de personas con Ingresos superiores a $50,000 anuales saft'djeflos de pequefios negocios? ISin embargo, 4 de cada 5 negocios no dut4r�rti1a9 do 5 arios, y pocos generan las ganancras que debenl LA DIFERENCIA ESTA a kLEL. CONOCIMIENTO Los cursos pr6micas disefisdos pot WayroState University, a traves de n-As de 8 albs de experiencia, han ayudodo a emog0rios t+omo usted a trfunfar. INVERSION $175.00 (incluye libro de tents, hide do 280 p6ginas, 12 horas de. closes pr6cticas, consultas gratis, certificado at fits ides curso, etc.) Lo que usted aprendet6 en coda claselcapttulo es: 1. ZTiene usted to necesario pare empezartsnpequeno negocio? 2. Como determiner el negocio adecuado*i usted. 3. Como determiner si "La oportunidad a0lemando a su puerta". 4. Como determiner si su negocio dar& gans<scias 5. Formas legales pare su negocio. Como erontrat y mantener buenos empleados. 6. Donde y como conseguir of dinero. Sf NO ESTA SATJSFECHO SE It DEVOLVERA SU DINERO. Si se registrb antes de la primers clase pper aaolamente $145.00. El director del curso, GERARDO F. SALCO", CPA, MBA, CCM, tiene anos de experlencia como dueho y consultor de P64MAos negocios. fwm ADO, sisEta t. 2210:40.12:00 P.M. 'tms Y 1 d,0 -2m P.M. AIRPORT REGENCY HOTEL I I LEJEUNE ROAD. MIAMI CUP0 LIMi7'ADO, LLAME HOY AL 447 A noches y fin de semana of 531.1173. WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY _SCHOOL OF BUSINESSM- MOLT. MICHIGAN AVISO A LOS F P IETARIOS LLAMADA PRELIMINA11i PA11A TASACIONES MEJORAMIENTO #4509, 1GN PLAZA HIGHWAY Yortsarr ttoaa today lay personas ir►tersad *,ti 4 an un una reurtios de Is Comisi6n tfiilwMided do Miami'que tendra etecto aW 111-05 AM, septiembre 27, 1990 en of ' Arlo coil Ayuntamiento, 3500 PariAmorican Drive, Miami, Ff., se oaan sus a W confirmaci6n de la Ilamada' etiminar pare tasaciones del costo de 1i INTO 14509 DESIGN I'LAZAtf'oiiWAY an el area bordeada pa of kEW40i leis canes 40 y 41 y entre North Miami Avenua y N.E. 2 Avenida y N.E. t Ada Ore in calle 38 y 41 del 1'+id:,. designadas como DESIGN PLAZA �HIGI l AY MEJORAMIENTO 14509 i3it9ta Ramada Pr�inninar de Tasacibn e� *00 abierta pare la inspecci6n p►iblica on llaa oficinas del Administrador de Is Cladad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fkxida. Todas In personas interesadas estan inl"a comparecsr y ser oido con res- Pecto aJ tame tratkio. Si cualquier per apelar cualquier decision de to iCOMW4n de le Ciudad con respecto a asunto a set t onsidetado on esta OudIGACIS, ON perwna debe asegurarsO, un record literal de los pnoca& mierttos mean hectors, incfuyendr, todoa �{-tatirnonios y evidencias sobre los cUR*ier spelaci6n puede ser *04 Ma" Hirai .,. CltV Claris Miami, Florida M! IU11 ,Q, {,. ltRLrv.3 C" .1t a74[ii flu V6.t •1"'1 , , su s, aav , w, s n.f..w v..v de grandes mates de la civilizaicl6n. Un flaglelo que abate a millones de serer humanos del mundo entero: Co{esterol, diabetes, asma, artritis etc. Inf.: Tel: 11164-61011 0 3264rM (7131 &W, 17th Terra) NEtas11i. USA AVISO A LOS PROPIETARIOS LLAMADA PRELIMINAR PARA TASACIONES MEJORAMIENTO HIGHWAY N.W. 47TH AVENUE Tomen rota todas (as personas intetesadas de que an una reunios de to Comision ds la Ciudad de Miami que tendra efecto a las 11:00 AM, se �1990 on e! Consistorio del Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Mimi F es oiren on objeciones a la confirmaci6n de la flamods preliminar pare tesaciones del costo de MEJORAMiENTO HIGHWAY H-45% on of area botdeade pot of N.W. 47 Avenida entre Is Celle Hagler y N.W. 7th Celle, designada conto MEJORAMIENTO HiGHWAY HAWS. Dicha Ilamada Preliminar de Taw.i6n esta ahora ablette pera Is inspecci6n PCrW= an las oficinas del Administrador de fa Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Driive, Miami, Florida. Todas las personas intaresadas estan invitedes a comparecer y set oido respecto of term tratado. Si cualquier persona desee apelar cualquier decision de Is Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquia► asunto a ser considerado an am audiands, era Para" debe asegurarse de qua un record literal de los p►ocedimientos seas hedv% incluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias sobre los cualas cualquier apefaci6n puede set besada. CRY clefti Miami, Florida AVISO A LOS PROPIETARIOS LLAMADA PRELIMiNAR PARA TASACIONES MEJORAMIENTO CiTY WIDE HIGHWAY FASE 1 #4497 Tomen note todas las personas interesadas de que una reunion de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami que tendra efecto a las 11:15 A.M., septiembre 27,1990 an of Consistorio del Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, F., se oidn sus objeciones a la confirmaci6n de la Ilamada preliminar pare tasaciones del costo. CiTY WIDE HIGHWAY MEJORAMIENTO H-4497 FASE 1, an of area bordeada pot N.W. 26 Celle entre las avenidas 14 y 17 del N.W. y S.W.calle 10 entre las Avenidas 12 y 14 del S.W. designadas como CITY WIDE HIGHWAY MEJORAMIENTO FASE 1 rr4497. Dicha Ilamada Preliminar de Tasaci6n est6 ahora abierta pare to inspecc(6n p6blice an las oficinas Administrador de la Ciudad, 35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Todas las personas interesadas estan invitadas a comparecer y set oldo con res- pecto al tema ustado. Si cualquier persona desea apelar cualquier deci66n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto a set considerado en esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedh mier:tos scan hechos, incluyendo todos its testimonfos y evidencias sobre los cuaies cualquiera apetaci6n puede set basada. rAral (6936) Matt) ark 5- MMat i. Flerida AVISO A LOS PROPIETARiOS - x LLAMADA PRELIMINAR PARA TASACIONES MEJORAMIENTO #4496 EDGEWATER HIGHWAY Tomen note todas las personas intersadas de que en una reunion de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad de Miami que tendra erecto a [as 11:10 A.M. septiembro 27, 1990 en el Consistorio del Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FI., se oiran sus objeciones a Is confirmaci6n de Is Ilamada preliminar para tasaciones del costo EDGEWATER HIGHWAY MEJORAMIENTO 14496 en el area bor- deada por el N.E. de Is 20 a Is 36 Calle entre Biscayne Blvd. y Bis- cayne Blvd designada como EDGEWATER HIGHWAY MEJORA— MIENTO #4496. Dicha Ilamada Preliminar de Tasaci6n estg ahora abierta Para Is inspecci6n ptiblica en las oficinas del Administrador de Is Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Todas las pif onas interesadas estan invitadas a compareew Y ser oido con respects at terns tratado. Si una persona desee apelar cualquier decisi6n de Is Comisi6n de la Ciudad son respecto a cualquier asunto a ser considefado en ests audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sean hec-hos, inctuyendo todos los testimonios y evidencjas sobre las cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser basada. many Hirai . Clark (6935) wr.M1 ts...t.ta , M AW P Pag. 2-B-DIARIO LAS AMERICAS OF — z0 DF SFPTIENIBRE nr t9�o --�— _ Mandela Buthelezi =p y Catalane� Por Lincoln Diaz-Balart Por GUILLE}1MO to mo Ot Mai 1am: GyI n at 04 Ltgal ! f 4cor4 , flog i41 ettdClu Ott t?,e ega trivet teivel SU Existe una gran confus16n en grandes cireulos de la opini6n publica americans en relac16n a la actitud contraria a Nelson Mandela de personas que estAn sinceramente en favor de la total democratizaci6n de Africa del Sur. 0 se deffende a Mandela o se recibe la acusaci6n de racista y antidemocrAtico. Sin embargo, los mAs opuestos a Mandela y a su organizaci6n, el Congreso National Africano (ANC), no son precisamente gente blanea de Europa o Esta. dos Unidos, sino los hombres y mujeres de la raze negra que constituyen la mayoria de la po. blaci6n negra de Africa del Sur, es decir los Zulues. Y to estfin no solamente, ni siquiera princl. palmente por las ancestrales di. ferencias que han dividido a Zu. Ides y Xoxas, sino principalmen. te por la naturaleza totalitaria del Congreso Nacional Africano, organizaci6n comunista (aunque el comunismo se ha quedado sin justificaci6n ideol6gica en su mismo centro de la Un16n Sovi6- tica y Europa del Este) que aspi. ra a apoderarse del poder total en SurAfrica a imponer una tira. nia tipo Stalin, Ceaucescu, Mao o Castro. Para muestra, basta re- cordar las tropelias del "Winnie Mandela Football Club" que se dedica a torturar a sus victimas quemAndolas a fuego lento con una rueda de goma atada at cue - Ito mientras arde pavorosamen. te. El lider de los Zulues es Man- gosuthy Buthelezi, a quien la propaganda izquierdista de todo el mundo ha tratado de desacre- ditar de todas las formas posi- bles por el delito de no colaborar con los totalitarios del grupo de Mandela. Los zulues son guerreros de le. gendario valor y gran capaci- dad, como to demuestra su larga historia de guerras contra los co. lonialistas europeos. En una sola batalla, en 1879, los zulues ani- quilaron a 6 mil soldados britAni- cos at mando de Lord Chelmsford en un lugar que ha pasado a la historia precisamen- te por ese suceso, Isandlwhana. A pesar de esa heroica histo- LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART ria, at jefe Buthelezi y a sus se- guidores zulues los calumnian y los injurian, porque no son co- munistas, no son totalitarios y se oponen at llamado Congreso Na- cional Africano. Las fuerzas democrAticas de todo el mundo fibre deben movi. lizarse Para tratar de que la de- mocracia y la libertad lleguen a Africa del Sur, pero no deben continuar dejAndose engaflar y confundir par los que desean es- tablecer una tiranfa racista co. munista para sustituir at racis- mo capitalista de hoy. Hay que tener en cuenta que en la organizaci6n INKATHA, for- mada mayoritariamente por zu- lues, hay tambidn muchos miembros de otras etnias negras e, inclusive, un buen numero de blancos. Mientras tanto, el Congreso Nacional Africano de Nelson Mandela y su organizacigon sin- dical, el COSATU, son allados pdblicos del Partido Comunista surafricano, cuyo secretario ge. neral, todavia boy, es nada me - nos que un coronet de la KGB, el sovidtico Joseph Slovo y cuyo programa "Camino hacia el po- der", enfatiz6 el a$o pasado, en la reun16n publica celebrada en La Habana, bajo los auspicios east.ristas, que las armas y la violencia son su estrategia para tomar el poder y no soitarlo. Hay que combatir el racismo. Pero tambidn el totalitarismo y a Iso que promueven la confus16n para establecer otra tfrania. pavimaatar En la tarde del pasado 11 de sepi9`Ad lunya) se celebr6 en la Universida,- talufia, en conmemoraci6n de la a - 8f% V ' cuando la cudad de Barcelona see XC *pI Borb6n, to que si bien sign.ific6 el tural de Catalufia, seiial6 at mism�v s raci6n de la identidad national fltVPs El Dr. Joaquin Roy, distinguid !t4 Miami, y el mAs visible de los tnteC t4 01 partt6 entre los asistentes una serli U n en referencia a los pr6x1mos juego; Ciudad Condal en 1992. h 4 C 0 Asistieron numerosos catalanes Miami, que dieron labor especial E de su idioma, hablado por casi i El Dr. Roy dijo a DIARIO LA "Nos sentimos halagados de ver triotas, y confiamos en que la ident to a los acontecimientos, en que U 1992 y se celebrard el V Centenar Mundo. Nueva Serie ;Lducac El Canal 23 ha iniciado esta sema Escolar" sobre las eseuelas public tros educacionales mAs important+ nistradores o educadores y comeni Ilamados "magnet schools" que r denela en el Ambito educational. E e cundaria Holmes Braddock Senior Florida, en los momentos de talcia vivo a las 12:30 p.m. y posteriormc (De izquierda a derecha) la produ rez Rivas del Departamento de Lopezndf/� Maria pez Alfonso productora Chaos presentadora del Canal 23 3 tax L6pez. El program incluye at q y el cornentarista y entrevistador ; Ruben Dario Middle School el mar mldreoles y Coral Way Elementar; gunas entrevistas de alumnos del Liga de Mujeres a cab® xina Celebra AIM Of ILOOP49A J CM114 d Cw DAOg legoonallp appeased hefoge as the wao`otTned! Jogge O. eonsuegrea to ate yell-kAowns Oto latrel duty ,evogm deposes snit rays that Its is Create Manage •f Otarto US mIctcas, nevspaper of Senegal ctrculattone rAItshed datly eatepl bsonevaye to 141AS-t• Dads coyantyo flogtde. AittanR further says that tlis a►bovea _ Rased ncwbj?apcs !►asp CqnttnUoJOj pvl,lte*ed daily oxcept itorrdall If Cade County@ Florida# for *age tl+an vine Vise tare®lately preceding Iles% rAltcetton of said Segal Notice or adv,rcttaU.ant ane was ductal all such %tee srd nav to entac04 go' second class matt Matter in the Cntted States post Ofitce in Nt4m1f Oads County, flogtde, W4 that tape Lariat, Vattce or Advectt;cirent,, all Carl of vhtc% is hegs attached, was publ ist►ea to . Y on tote following da:so ftyned I+OrR tdv a1 "2 d LI cc subscrSteed eface a►e tills der of`� • In Ni ami# Oade countye rlor tda. JwB •rd e t ad ty L !/�j InvOtte i 99U tavett® /�ovn� • /,�/ . ® T�loCi� A1T�C1.ta! ��or°ry F�bIi4 Sf �ni7�R 0. Motar� 1t- ISIA40% Cr .. Al pessoneelty appsaChi Wage via the ur+detet'nes, loci* It. ConsueSCo't q to at* welt-lwovw, rAp betel duty swam deposes AM says 04t Ae is Ctadit Vanalp of *04146 t.as AMICIcas, mevspapec of aneCat cttcvlattone puhltsAe4 dally► except hort4aye in Nlaa•!! 0Ae Coontr, dloCtda. Atttant fuC0109 lode that �10 above #%&wed n+cvspapet has cgnttnu*%Iy p4110v4 dotty except ftoeA416 10 0a40 COuntYe Iwtottdae tot Dote than one year tnrsdlately pCstedtn: ftCat VA11c4tton of sale - tesal Notice oC advf`ttow-ent one Vol durtng alt fur% ties and nit is enteCei at secoe+d class oPatt rattee to the Cnite4 States* too! *(etc* to 11tamle Oado county, � , tloslae, ar,�s that the Legal Uottce at Advectlisuent, elf coVI Of vbtctl is hecs attachede was published in _ 4 . on the following da; eo e Notn subacCtt VeioC®�me this �� ,aY ®t -P-� is�� o a in "twI, Dada County, !'loCtda& r'+�r Y Pchlic, s"t of Flariaa 1i9y Commission f"I Ires filLy 26, 1992" "' • • 6unded Ih.ry rtcy Fain •! uranc• �'.' otdece� • , EL uq i�vOtce ® ��� � .3 _ •. 4, soti� t6� �AtiOles ®�ovnt i �•.� �• �� • • �o sari dad,snaoa . e#n`.tWles do pOtson s a Uma,.,-_ ow y ... P w pat ®anally &#$e sc ed Aatoce as the w4ecst9nods Jots. K. Consuelcsa 4,1 to sts �sil-hr►QV"# seA® 1letny duty svocw depotos ar+d Saxe tT+at 11® is CW*at% = er 01acto Las AMICUass awspapec or Senegal etccutattono puhitshod daily eseool moricare In Nlaaats Dade foontrs floctds. Mighttucthec says !fiat Wit above nar.e4 riewbpapce !►as Cgft%1nuoN1y 14110e4 dattp except 110nd416 to cads County, tloirldes roe vote Om one inreatately pcecsdtng dtcst rAltcattoA of s4t4 t.ojel Mttce oe adVetttam.cnt ane prat dustny sit such %too arA mm is entecea of -' sovor4 class aatl matter in the United States' Iost 01f tcs is Ntaais Oade County, tloctgr, and'. tM+at t1is Legal, t:ottco oc A4vectticirents sit Copy or vhtcW is here attacttede was 1PuAlts11e4 to on tte rotlawIny da;se S tyned svOCR to at , sulbscctt�! rocs o►e We 40 asY ®r' 4LL ri o In, M6i ami s ®ads County$ Cloctds. � 84 ocd ec *4 tit �. InvotC4 ® ?�� 4/ :NV6144 ��4un� ®�1/ • ' ttA,Adl�L1,,4 hitttr+ti.� c.ro 110tary Public, State a crida 1 - "` • y tor;Trnission Eup'u !�y 2 I992 CA�AG,W#dThruTroyFoin Myw ?` �1 _ . . , ,r dt �111f, �' tRrOl�OJ1 =C 441v 0f Does 1 RECEIVED i990 SEP 28 AM ICE 54 r' CiT i' Gl.Cftr1 Ci` i OF 1111AMI, FL�1 peteonaily appeace4 lefoce as thel wderstlaed, Joel• It. Consuelre t® aye 'Well-known, who being duly worn 4*pases w%4 says that he is Ct edtt ran& •B 01arto tde AmIctciea nev•spaper of -general circulation# pvbttshed daily sate, monr,;ay, to ptaa•le Dade County, flottdso Afftant further says that W14 above naared ncws84pcg has c9ntinuo�y #4110s4 daily axce,pt 11or4ays 1p dads County@ llorlde, tog note than one j•ear twedtately 8c*ce4tn' etc$% ratllcatton of sat -= Lt'al Notice os adv*rtism.ant, ano was ductal all such UV4 Ara now is enteee4 —= 1ecor4 etas* Pall Batter to tho United States* last Off ice tw Xt4ml, Dade Coun% Rlortaa, arx: that th-g Legal l:otice or Advictlicirent, all Carl of which to htt attachsds vaa published lw OtAA10 LAS NIR.YCU . . errs the tollvwtn� 6a:'r S l-jned error et to and s ub sc r tted b e t'oc a s+a We0 r .1.10•Ift Hiapts Dade CouAty, t'lortda, L� zv r Notes, N'6k Stott of Flerido 9 S goo i my tommt-Mon • ,",,—goadedlht roYFain•y, ��� , '; +toss � #A ordered X Ice ® • savett• tlo a 1t � yt�s�t4►t A1't1vC1.t� "1T29::'Xei. t1;MYA►iTIF1 M Mks ,:.�.FOB%"►4�44.L"'iV1Y11i.Sj/`V4,+�f+,sm......__M........... i"lbe+ 48 ni -elea d; l8p dgcj;WO raitas en los cabMad i�t' Iotg �ISIt109 a Igo po- . Y s varws.p�s ut aaroaricanos, lftfcas. ec q#� IC s, v# Os distin• b>aCe ego d� Was etas desereiooes trios recordr a un fanaoso bailarin etribre de 1W, protedeftte del Ha - ousels vemos et► la toto eotho estrella del Casino de Paris, en 01"peetacu• a ifA*bst vedette Zilri J'EAN'1► MVj- _j, enferm6y murid en Eurupa, peg e busca de la libertad, sigue'Itenieud4. tha$ files del dictador a Ca*0, 1 "Festival Ernesto l,0cu0na" I990, �o 23, en el Dade County Auditorium, a constelaci6n estelar. La Saeledad -:RIO LAS AMERICAS, invitan a PA' `idable. En verdad, es uno de los es. scalmente hablando, que tiene lugar '16tica Cuban& (Delegael6ndeN.3.) "Ito Fernandez como Pdte, escoglen- =e a un representativo de diferentes =mo, la Brigade 2506, C9legio de Pe- -Aria y Libertad, Camara de Comer- ,-R.C. (A) Club de Leones, Acci6n Cf- Estudiantes, C.T.C., etc. IQud bona. Que Bonita lure tambien la bote- -.abroso Sofrito Kirbyyyyyi iY que 'Casa Juancho". IY que bonito es el -'un vecino nuestro, que se to compr6 —= a de 32 Avenida y Calle 8 del SAu- la malanga son insuperable&. iico para el polio a! BarBecue. LLD KIRBY Vy. -- --_ rtn tambien -. e Central; y q se efectGan seminarios y talleres de triabajo pars discutir pantos de &ran relevancia pars el mejo. rarniento de Las politicos econ6. micas rnas adecuadas. "Arnbss actividades han reu- n1do a personalidades destaca. das de los sectores publico y pri• vado de coda uno de esos passes, Ski igual clue de los organismos de iotegraci6n y cooperaci6n, corno tanmidn a Jos pricipales investi. gadores y profesores de las uni• versidades a institut.os de inves. agaci6n de la regi6n", declar6 Salazar Carrillo. Entre los temas clue se han tra. tacto, figuran el de la apertura de las economias al comercio mun• dial, el fortalecimiento del Mer. eado Comtin Centroamerit ano, ,as pollUcas financieras en la re. g16n y las medidas de protecci6n a Las actividdades nacionales en egos poises. Por otra parte —nos sigue in. formando el Dr. Salazar Carri. llo— se han estado llevando a ca. bo diversas investigaciones y es. tudios como parte del proyeeto, que cubren temas como los acuerdos preferenciales de co• mercio de los passes de America Central con Venezuela, Colom• ombran a me' dico cubano- mericano di rector de � a ��Care Fl orL �199 por GUILLERiS 0 CARRERA 1J NTA El Dr. Mario Torres, destaca. do medico de padres cubanos na- cido en Nueva York, ha sido nombrado Director de la organi. zaci6n de mantenimiento de la salud "Care Florida", segun anunci6 Paul Ceias, presidente y chairman de Care Florida He- alth Systems. El Dr. Torres, al aceptar el nuevo cargo, declar6 to siguien- te: "He decidido incorporarme al Care Florida, porque conside- ro que esta organizaci6n tiene un tremendo potential de creci- miento, Y esta Ilamada a ser una importante entidad en su clase en la Florida". La instituci6n Care Florida proporciona el contacto personal entre los pacientes y los m6dicos, un aspecto de suma importancia en la tradici6n medica nortea- mericana, moldeada en el con. cepto del medico de cabecera, que es to que la mayoria de las personas desean. El Dr. Torres se-gradu6 de Organizan homenaje a fundadoras de "Cuban Women's Club" Per OLIMPIA ROSADO El "Cuban Women's Club" rumple este atio (10 de octubre) el vigesinio aniversario de su fundael6n (1968), y con este mo• tivo, su actual diectiva 1990.1992, integrada por las damas tuba. nas- Mercy Diaz Miranda, Re. medios Diazs Oliver, Eugenia Sierra, Haydde Garcia Rios, Elena Agilero, Belen Saborido, Marina C. Silva, Marta B. Pazos y Manuela Oliu, ha organizado un almuerzo de reconocimiento aJ entusiasta comite gestor, for. mado por Elena de Arcos de Fernandez Hermo, Marta de Castro, Lilia Cervera de Vieta, Elvira Dopico, Carmelina Guan- the, Minion Perez de Medrano, Inds Segura Bustamante, Ofelia Tabares de Fernandez y Juliet& O'Farrill de Secades, que & origen a esta instituci6n que se ha ganado la simpatia y el reve• to de nuestra comunidad por su sale pre al servicio de las causes nobles y justas. Este almuerzo tendrA Lugar el MERCY DIAZ MIRANDA shbado 22 de septiembre en los salones del "Union Club" (One Biscayne Tower, piso 14) a las 12,30 de la tarde. Los cocteles es. tan set3alados para las 11:00 a.m. El espectAculo artistico estA a cargo de Los Espaiiolisimos. Los tiques para este almuerzo Uenen el precio lde $25.00 por Persona y pueden resery arse por 105 telefonos 858-3738, 376.2906 Y 271.1774. decenio de los afros 70. "lie venido a Miami —sigue diciendo el Dr. Torres— porque esta es una ciudad extraordina. ria. Tiene toda la variedad de Nueva York, pero con palmas. No hay mejor lugar para vivir". Torres abrira su consulta pri. vada en 2727 Ponce de Leon Blvd. en Coral Gables, en septiembre. "Me gusta teabajar en Care Florida —dijo— porque esta en- t1dad se preocupa no tanto por los d6lares y centavos, sino por ofrecer una atenei6n de alta ca- _ lidad". MARIO TORRES medico en Princeton University y sirvi6 por tres afros como el re- presentante de ventas de la Casa Upjohn Company a mediados del AVISO A LOS PROPIETARIOS LLAMADA PRELIMINAR PARA TASACIONES MEJORAMIENTO BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY-FASE 11 # W61% (SUBASTAS "A" Y "B•` ) Tomen nota todas las personas interesadas de que en una reuni6n de la Comision de la Ciudad de Miami, que tendrA efecto a las 11:20 a.m., sep 'era�bre 2 , 1990 en el Consistorio de Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American O . uami, Florida, se oiran objeciones a la confirmaci6n de la Ilamada preliminar para tasaciones del costo de MEJORAMIENTO BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY -- FASE II - SU— BASTAS "A" Y "B" H-4506, en el area bordeada por el N.W. de la 46 a la 54 calle entre Norht Miami Avenue y N.W. 2 Avenida, desig- nada como MEJORAMIENTO BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY FASE 11 (SUBASTAS "A" Y "B") H-4506 Dicha Ilamada Preliminar de Tasaci6n est6 ahora abierta para la inspecci6n publica en las oficinas del Administrador de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Todas las personas interesadas estAn invitadas a comparecer y ser ado con respecto al terra tratado. Si cualquier persona desea apelar cualquier decisi6n de la Cornisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto a ser considerado en esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sean hechos, incluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias sobre las cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser basada. Malty Hirai (6937) City Clark Miami. Florida d r 0 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida fora period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. IA A j it n . - — �Managing E " r o Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 20 day of Sept. A.D. 19 90 _ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA r,s AT LARGE. MY commission expires: 10TARY FUEL ICI STATE or rCORIM ATL' A�� COt1M15S10K EXPIRES DEC: 041 19911 `'a ciC iHaU HUCKLEBERRY X A960C(Apjf 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Weekly 4%= unty, Florida 'p PROOF OF PUBLICATIV r^ d MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that(? ,ekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, ,,,,, iublished in said newspaper in the issues of: %3 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each, week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper, t n If /I Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 20 day of Sept. A.D. 19_ 90 NOTARY PUBLIC b'rATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE, My commission expires: %DIARY PUBLIC; STATF OF FLORIDA AT LAREF Mr COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC: 0411992 BONDED 7HRU HUCALEBERRK 1I ASSOCIATES _ an ��X �[�,'I�iSi3SNTAY UVM WtbChVeW .W, 12 ad 11 _ 900 NW54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 t305)757-1147 ttw tft the ofilm of Seek ly W emf3 my with nty, Florida 'h smn enMift "t e . and PROOF OF PUBLICATION IV OHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that kly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, _blished in said newspaper in the issues of: $ept:enber 20, 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each, week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. /I . Managing Edi% pro` 1 "V X" Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the .__.__20 day of Sit„ A.D. 19_90 OTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT WME. My commission expires: VOTARY PUEOC,, ItTAIF or rt ORIDA AT LARGF MY COWSSiON WINES DEC: 044 1992 BONDED THRU HUCKLEBERRY A ASSOCIAlfe R, f t SAY- ;� PHASE At+lI3 In ltk _6 _ �..a fin M dfe 049ae d TbeiRial"iTimpo 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (306).757-1147 Weekly m reW' ount , Florida 1 i0s 16irotied to *pp6w w ='* i' � with y 6fdWC1Ny .-0 desist ithodAnn env= dukt aPROOF OF PUB I.IC/ON"gMSOW mid a io reoad of iE> a raq be .1I40441 ed MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says4%at eekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade Co>3iri .y, tx , published in said newspaper in the issues of: .� 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida eW_i week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one ,year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. _— � -(4 Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the ?q_ day of Sept. A.D. 19--go-_ - r NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: NOTARY FIMLICi C767t of FLORIDA AT LARGE MY COMMISSION t1pIRES DEC^, 0411999 BONDED THRU HUCKLEBERRY 9 ASSOCIATEM �'O�'twGrmsat%E- � _•mom,. _.......�.. .___.._ ..._ _....._._�....... ........... .� YiA's'L.:`SF.A#taCkY3v,`t'.BY�"'aNl i;.:Ftir �i 1. A j._r Lam= P�minise�'�Y�t���� a dw e s , tmttilni 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 Wifidnv and eVRItnte - (305). 757-1147 � A 4S '± • a A Weekly 60 t3eilc _. 3ounty, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: 5eptembex 20, 1990 — Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, = and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of mare than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this _I newspaper. CD Ah• c Managing EM r Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 20 day of fit• A.D. 19 90 Ga= 4• s� p a+ scc L)a -' OTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: NOTARY PUeUCI G'+eT» OF riOR10A AY-EM -- MY C0MMISSION EXPIP.ES DECI 041 1992 — BONDED THRU HUCXtEEifRRY I ASWC104f0 � ,k,.a,.��.,.>a�.t.�...y�_,-.:�..,:_ a.�., �.,�«.�r�ua::���,.�..:.e<x.�.�,..�-Y,,��.�:r�a�-��ata�Q,a�va�•� W. ic k ia>t�.L li xlra>tsi�c 1+>i.'CiP: a(1*,'Jif1iJANSM0 �t� ut��"tAtt 0ftmWit�ty � I t�iY�� its M = n at t #I�c imt:tatir i i s ►st of 1Fi0i i►AY _ 90o NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 _ '° tCl l# it in'tlJ�s> b W..4`�i1W'itnthetW�Y t (305) 757-1147 �P� � N W .h $tltr tiled ;Mtii I31dit5V1�1C I1V0D12i11J1t�' _ .. a� CAI t l Ar i ci tngubke fhs #1se et 1 Week l y+ a�it+e#wtts ta�rarii 10i60dvAtSa"*Pbetn0ftd ounty, Florida �a�j►iaiaf�r� � � iti't2� (��i t1�t a � � �� PROOFOF PUBLICATIONS M eAt k ' red MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that 5 veekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Its :; published in said newspaper in the issues of: . 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the — 20 day of _Sept' A.D. 19 90 N TARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: %07ARY FUCLICI sTATF of EIORMA AT CARCF MY COMMISSIOP WIPES DE0 0411992 BONDED THPU HU XIESERRY f t'SWIATF1 _._�---.m+..w�.�:c,:nra.,_ "_....I,"�Y`k"u;iw'n+r'sft,�a.�&ac:�s+•ursues��a4:cu:�.,X.s+,.++ ,- *--,._.'.:"`''.,,�•a,..,.^- -� ... .. .... _ .. _`ter✓.+' _ .� _ MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Oetelms V. Fstboyrs, who on oath teye that she is the Sv4w. visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Notice To Property Owners Preliminary Assessment Roll Buena Vista Highway Improvement Ph II (Bids "A" and "B") In the .............. X . X ..X................... Court, was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of September 18, 1990 _Apfaflpasnt further says that the sold Miami Review to a and that the a, d newehod l ermhalsyheretofore beenucnontinuo�usllyy satuird Sshod unday and Legal County, and has each een enured as aocond class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a perlod of one yrrar next precedlnp the first publication of the attached copy of advedisenanh and offlant further says that ohs has Id nor promised an pu%/f ,on an 7 n is, commission or of fta pu as ring b advertisement for a !n the M Swo4to $afore me this ..18.. day, of ...Septekb , D.,e..90.. (SEAL) "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" 11. !4ARMER 4'12/92 Of i jil SEP 20 P11, a �> 1 C)TY i:;t.�=fir C-ITr Or- 1414MI, Flea. If c evfder" uponwdNatt tarty appsad may be I>raao. M�tX Nlrall �'�:..: �..3'n.y .�,L..-..�x.� �...�....\. 1.�_..•�rR..w�..e��....'�.�h-W-.e`Vti�. �....�..v. j -' ^ ..� .. -_ 5v'T"��.�W'1✓ ti. MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personalty appeased Ocistma V. Ferbeyro, who on oath soya that she Is the Super- visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holldays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dells County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Adverilsemsnt of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Notice To Property Owners Preliminary Assessment Roll City Wide Highway Improvement - Phase 1 #4497 In the ........ , .. X . X . X..... . ................ Court, was published In sold newspaper in the issues of September 18, 1990 Aftloni further says that the sold Miami Rovlow is a rowspaper publuhod at ttaMiami in said Dodo County, Florida, 7p,1d" published tt in ssi newspaper tstyyrheretofore beeneach day continuously cept f9aturdsy, Sunday and Legal Hol{dap)) and has been entered as Dade County, se mail matter for a period of one ysaor nexMiami in sanipd the first publication of the attached y of adwnisemanG ux! affiant furOw says that she pskt not promised any t{rm or corparatlon Ift it, rebate, commission Py �t In tItio-ei ruri this sdwrtlsemeM to ' sue s'r PIVA '0 Swomio tielore me this 18. , day of .....Sep.iiE.m. .., Lo. te.. 90.. (SEAL) "OFFICIA.t. NOTARY SEAL" 1. a; C.tiLn',•,_ N• f4ARtfLR RECEIVED 100 SEP 20 PH 3 41 MiATTY C1`t'Y CI_r- CiTY OF NIAMI, FLA. �i7f i tt ��y F DAIP Ii�t Till �ll�ilt'T O trt'iY tt� i>tlAY �YBNHp1t «•• ���-� `l�IE:'� All tnfeiexiat!eratns titiist tMsi`t�tk% tf1 ttwil of tits.: miami City Colilrtfniasten to b�e'.fiew Ik it is a.ni. l nbeir . low$ in.tfwe aty traftt tlati ft rebate; t i4 . `'Miss{ot, 1W tI tsttta011ons wiq 6�i`h tt Vha 61 the 7+itiesi it Rott for the rt of C�'rVV` 1i tK ; HKdi1VKi1'Y` ' 0q E i N+i+i�if i»'ths Sesst'b� t `W N.W. 8t fi trt t bossittfl fi tNwrf #T A+eeltilrDic �i►il It 'iti ffitribef bet~ S. W. 12 *414 AWK1106eileigttlNsd ala 1:R i Y VtifbE ' t ''HfC3NMY IMpROVE1001EN1 P14ASE t N#40?. t3rfd lattt{ii�inary Ae�sisefrrtt>ti;t Rat Nt notr/ oprlNt 4r► WbHe* #Aiipe� t�kjlF�ty1 #0 of I*_ City Birk. M PIp AffIllaffa t.00 i^�r•� t , k. 1 �. . 101ift ISK110 i; 110 -M 1lUottt,:ss wAl daft% is of. ift0 trky Ownriwisslon isiflflt 1 >+b art�r Ne+afttatr o�n-- tlitietld a1 th4 .1fa1� paNiOn d14ii tl ttsl0t tlsli0ttit � is1! � is arattabiw` ;� _Oro` arm t3fil6 T s;o67-b� , MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Ocbims V. Fwbw^ who on oath says that she Is the Super. vloor of Legal Advertising of the Mforrel Review, a daily {except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, publshed of Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Notice To Property Owners Preliminary Assessment Roll Edgewater Highway Improvement #4496 in the ........... ,X..X..X...................... Court, was published In sold newspaper In the issues of September 18, 1990 ApNellaOnt further says that the said Miami Review is a anted that rihe�uid n4 afA;XsMiami I h said bbgocontinuo�usly published In sell Deride C;ounty, Florida each day (except Satutday, Sundsy and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as sold D� County, Flaorida, it tar a pw�riod ofon*or next mipric dlrl the that publication of the attached copy of edwrtlsemenk and stflant furtfw says that she has nstb! e"Id nor promised any person, ,firth of conmratlon anti 9t&c nL rebate_ temmh•Inn 1f to 'Affore me this ..18.. day of ....Seep/./tp ...,?►D.1o..9Q. •s�s� (SEAL) "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHE PI'!. t. t!ARMER MATT%' H";i"N CITY CLFRX "IT t OF-141AMI, FIA MI,AMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appears! Hook% VAIllems, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Adrettlaing of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, pull" ed at Mtaml to Dads Courdy, Fto ft that the attached copy of advertteement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE in the ........... X .... X.................... was published in said newspaper In the Issues of Alllant further says that the sold Miami Review Is a ne par puWlsbed at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, andt the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dsds County, Florida each day (except Sshuday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and 6s been entered as ssowW class matt mallet at the post office In Miami in saki EDA&nft,y FWda,for a period of one year rwext preceding 6tion of the attached copy of adverlisomenq and says that she has neither paid nor promised anor corporation any discount, robate, cornmisaton the purpose of securing this advertisement for n cid newspape • • F Sworn t�/'0 :fo subscribed before me this r s • y • - 1 4 . eav e; - - -- - - - - .bar ....... A.D. 1g.. g 0. %�>,_ ........ "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. HARMER MY COW EXP. 4/12192 RECE IV ,31, SEP 19 Fill; try MATTY CITY CLERK ^,iT f OP ht110I, F1 �. �1 ATTACHED ;...•nu. _ ..._..m..�,.,,,M1.�: ads:.i:..a:s:.::::�:a„N.s,...r_:.: �.�r -r� s....-� �..r.z. :::: -:;.�. �,. ry _ �.._.,. � ...... .`... ,...�,y , .F . - �._.._..,�..�._� �.e..,....-.�.�..�+j..-•- _ _ ...-_ _.J. _�-....ram-.........��r _ _ _ _ .. _ ,.,., - - 0 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice Is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Muni, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and RnM reading on September 27, 19W, commencing at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Cambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CITY OP MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; CONTINUING AND REVIS- ING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, ESTABLISHING NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TO BEGIN DURING FISCAL YEAR 19W41; REPEALING PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO, ?0642, AS AMENDED, THE `FISCAL YEAR 1989.1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMEkTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE WHICH MAY BE IN'CONFLICT .WITH THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING CON ITIONB,;' AUTHOWAT'UM AND DIRECTIONS TO THE W.00SA01% ANO 00 ARK ' ibRa5fl�AiyCL� k0. . AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRI- TOIML LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE PURPOSE OF TAXATION; FIXING THE AILLAG AND LEVYING TAXES IN THE CRY•OF MIAIiA1, A F01iUE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- 11111NG b&OISER 1, 1**. AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991; O0WA, 11NO A SEVERABILrI Y CLAUSE. CiRDINAWS NO. AN OWNANCE MAKING I I ►ONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEi'T ISER S0, 1991; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION; AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE, WITH ATTACHMENT, RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE ?TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLOMDA; FIXINGTHE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FI''r CAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1900, AND ENDING SEP- TEMBER 3% 1001, AT FIV&TENTHS (.fi) MILLS ON THE 006 LAR OF THE NONEXEMPT ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN RAID DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID MILLAGE AND THE TAXES LEVIED HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO THE FIXING OF THE MfLLAGE AND THE LEVYDG OF TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AS REFLECTED IN THE CITY'S MILLAGE- LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH IA REWNRED BY CITY CHARTER SECTION 27, PROVIDING THAT,THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING OF TAXES HEREIN SMALL BE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AS REPEALING OR AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIX- ING MKIAGE OR LEVYING TAXES BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. AN 0001INANCB MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FROtri -THE, 00WHIMAfN. DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AO VALOREM TAX ? LEVV AND OTHER MMCELLANEOUS INCOME FOR THE DOWNTOWN -DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FL+ONDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM- BWi 30, 40tii1; xM_0AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF DW.NTiT'WN Di:VEN.OPfAlIiNT AUTHORITY TO INVITE OR 4►ElYE1Ri i D ISM-PROVIVINAM BUDGUARY FLE* ' WN; PFO"DM THAT-" CIpLNWANCE 1M' Domw SUP. C+OliT NINT3 A CI.AUi K AND PR WFOR CITY OF M gEVERABI E DATE. saw ordinawes moy be Insowed by "W gutaFFc a1 the Olftte of thin City Cleric, 35+iyB Pan Ameften Difta, Mtarni, FtorW fly thmuo Friday, exelvdltlg holiday$, belweon the I"Ndtltll Of 8:00`e.0. and SM p.m. An httMested Pomona miry apperx at this► ~Ing end bs heard With nwpw to Ow proposed orftIkneas. Should! 'may person dealra to OP60 My 4180111401 b} "W CRY Commlaaion with nsp M to any Mahar to be * M*6001 at tlife mae ", that psreon +$halt sn"M than a va WIM mood of tin$ pr000""" to mach w4ho" sN Intirrtorty WW avtdst * op" whNch any appeal may be baeMf- MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA t�1) 9114 9"491490M (2) of (2) 4, Al MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Villllems, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Lepat Advertising of the Miami ReWew, a daily (excW Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, Published at MIsno in Dade County, Fww., that the atlnched copy of advertisement, haing a Legal Adv Ieement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE inthe ...........A . — ?�..................... Coon, was pubiished In said newspaper In the Issues of September 14, 1990 Afflant further says that the sold Miami Review Is a r putdtrhod 0 Att Mllaml iin� said D"o County, Florida, newtpiper has nd�gunda end leg Countyd Florida, cache a toform been continuously and close mr11 matter at the pot office In Miami in said s County Florida, for a p*fta of ens year next pracedlrq first pubf6stlon of the attached copy of sdvartlearno" and Nil f~ says that she has neither paid nor promised Say or convocation any discount, rebels, commission s for the puraoao of securing this adwrtlumeM for I n In l_sold nowspr lbed befom me this A.D. 19... 0. "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL F' WMFR MY CON14. EXP, 4112192 t— tir' ; YIEGI i.' ID SE 12 PM ems' 22 t 4 1 A T T.,Y I1 tvrkA CITY CLERA "iT ( OF NiAMI, RA. SEE ATTACHED '. .. - . - ...--���!t — .. , � — - ...+....... .i ...- � ..✓ '.^'.`v ..^ems -- - .... .ar - ... 0 i CITY OF MIAMIt FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on September 27, 1W, commencing at tY00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers, 3WO Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CiTY OF MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; CONTiNUING AND REVIS- ING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, ESTABLISHING NEW CAPITAL tMPR0 ENT PROJECTS TO BEGIN DURING FISCAL YEAR 10100 REPEALING PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO.10642, AS A4ENOED, THE FISCAL YEAR 1989.1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATiONS ORDINANCE WHICH MAY BE IN CONFLICT WiTH THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING OWDI71014%. AUTHORIZATIONS AND DIRECTIONS TO THE;; tX'41f MANMW AND GRY CLERK. 06104NCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRI. TORIAL LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF MiAMi FOR THE PURPOSE OF TAXATON;41XINp10E MlU.AQE-AND LEVYING TAXESJN T'HE CTTY OF NMIM, ELOWA, FOR NE FOCAL YEAR BEGIN- *44 Ot'`TOBER 1. 100, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991; CP WAININdABEVERASILITYCLAUSE. OItiXNAft-t No. 'AN 04PONANCE MAKM APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1921; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION; AND A SEVERAIILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. i AN ORDINANCE, WiTH ATTACHMENT, RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; FIXING THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES iN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE M CAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1990, AND ENDING SEPR TIMBER 30, 1991. AT FIVE TENTHS (.) MILLS ON THE D04 LAR OF THE NONEXEMPT ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID MILLAGE AND THE TAXES LEVIED HEREIN SHALL BE IN AODCTItNI TO THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CRY OF MIAMi AS REFLECTED IN THE CITY'S MiLLAGE- LEVY ORWNANCE FOR THE AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH i$ REQUIRED BY CRY CHARTER SECTION 27: PROVIDING THAT THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING OF TAXES HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AS REPEALING OR AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIX- ING MILLAGE OR LEVYING TAXES BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, FEVERABILiTY CLAUSE AND PROVID- iNG FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 'ADi ORM- ,ANCE MAKING' APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AD VALOREM TAX LEVY,,A:NO OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME FOR THE DO9IYI YAWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF T14E'CITY, OF W4IAML FLORIDA. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM. elEla'30,1091; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THL DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO INVITE OR ADVOMM REQ MIED BMPINGS; PI1�NG METAR Y FLEX I0gJPik3NlDttit(i THTY. AT THIS ORDIINANCE BE DWOM SUF, BER 34; 0", FOR THE 0PERAT60ANIi OF'THE CRY OF ..:' f�-1�uTe�Yl�uf1:.A 000CAS val'Onnufairtu 4tgva.aa Sold orc9r> a may be inspected by 04 POWC a4 the Oface bt the Cary' C101 , 3'r00 Pet'► AftWICan Offs#, Miami, Fl &- MOrIft thrvsvo f0ft, tnml%xA0 } htsltdays, iretttaeart the hours of"a.m. and 540 p m. A9 interested persona may mppw at ilia meetina v#d be t*we'd with respect to the proposed Ordinatnces. mould a" person desfre to appow any decisltfe of the City C*rnmtsstt)n wtM respstt to arry mstter to to aoneidared st ttNe Q "*Mh , that person ehatl #Haute that a wubrittrn iec0dd of the prot##dInge is made Including a" testimony and eshktt any appeal may be Based. MATTY HiRAI CITY CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA Im11 9114 90.4.09149DM (2) of (2) h] MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned suthorlty personally appeared Sookle VAIllams, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Renew, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday 'and Legal Hands") newspaper, pubnohed at Miami In Dads County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertiosment, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE In the ............. X . X.. X................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of September 14, 1990 Affient further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspapor publishod at Miami In said Dads County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuousry ppubiieMd In sold Dade County, Florida such day (except 8otutdsy, Sunday and Legal Holiday$) and has been onto" as second afnl firat ct$ i In sald tbn ai tiie 1 of 04 t of adwrtlsWmms�n�and offlant vsdOwl she has neither paid nor promiss sib tlon any discou t, tab s, eom Deg of seoudng this advertisement for nowspaper. s to an`aetlWd befcfs me this A.D. 19.. 9 ....... ..0 . the the ..14. day of ... 1.�-•r `L- (SEAL) *,*cr FR�C N07MY Y�.co%.£pNov a SEAL (1) of (2) RECEIVED 1990 SEP 19 Ni 3* 22 %TATTY 111RAi CITY CLERK CITY OF NIAMI, FLA. SEE ATTACHED 6-2 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OP PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Muni, Fiortda. will consider the following ordinances on second and final reeding on September 27, IM, commencing at 9:00 a.m. M the City Commission Chambers, 35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida_ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CITY OF MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; CONTINUING AND REViS- iNG PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, ESTABLISHING NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TO BEGIN DURING FISCAL YEAR 1OW91; REPEALING PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO.10642, AS AMENDEO,'THE FiSCAL YEAR V969.1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE WHICH MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH THiS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING COND!TION3,, AUTHORiZATIONS AND DIRECTIONS TO THI✓ AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRI- TORIAL LIMITS FOR THE CiTY OF MIAMI FOR THE PURPOSE OF TAXATION; -FIXING THE MILLAWE AND LEVYING TAXES IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FiORDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- NINQ-OCTOSEA 1, 1110R AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991: COWAIN" A SEVERABILdY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDNANCE MAKING APPTIOPRIATiONS FOR THE FWAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION; AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE, WiTH ATTACHMENT, RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND OESKGNATiNG THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF MIAMi, FLORIDA; FIXING THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE M CAL YEAR BEGiNNINGG OCTOBER'1. 1QIiD, AND ENDING SEP' TEMBER 30. 1091, AT FiVE-TENTHS (.Is) MILLS ON THE DOL- LAR OF T-!¢ WMEXEMPT ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID MILLAGE AND THE TAXES LEVIED HEREIN SHALL BE iN ADDITION TO THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CiTY OF MIMA AS REFLECTED IN THE CITY'S MILLAGE- LEW OFd)INANCE FOO THE AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH IS REQWED BY CITY CHARTER SECTION 27; PROVIDING THAT THE FILING OF THE MILLAGE AND L.EMNG OF TAXES HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO SPEML ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AS REPEALING OR AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIX- ING MILLAGE OR LEVYING TAXES BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERAWLITY CLAUSE AND PROViD- iNG FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. IINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATiONS FROM THE )WNDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AD VALOREM TAX 140 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME FOR THE L:OEVELOPMFNT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY, OF - MOA, FOR THE:FiSCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTFM- 199% AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF 1kN'TGlYYl4;DfVELt�Pt+1E�' AtlTHORITaf TOINVIi'E LM t3�8; PR01/t01N4 tiit90lGETARY FLEX P'RDVIDMlG THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE DEEMED SIP MALAW IN ADOrnm TO THE ORDINANCE MAKING gBRTIQrIS FOR THE FWAL YEAR ENDiNLG SEPTEM- 1>IDt, FOR THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY OF MIAMi; iNING A REPEALER- PROVISION. SEVERASILITY : AND PfI;OVI004 FORAM EFFECTIVEr DATE. Sam t10ft may be i"600e d I}y the "fe et the Ottice of OM Chrtr, MM Pest AM~ CH", 1e1ISM1, Fierlr a, Man46y this O Ftify, ftetu"h0k*s, between tfm t wd" Of tl:txr• Wm - sod &W p.m. AN interos%d Per"mY appear M the rrwettng artd be hWd with mpect to the propoetd otdinane". sham any pamm d"Ire to appeal any decleion- ai the +CttY Commi"I" with reapact to any mettet to be conttMnd at 1Ma t►me31t thet pereon atual ensuie trod a retbaMtTtrr nod o1 V* txocevdlnlM is made inatedtttg an tastltm" end which ww oppeall may be ttased. MATTY HiAAI CITY CURK MIAMI, FLORIDA (Mill 0 9ft4 94J't181a9Bi41 (2) of (2) U MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dada County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie Williams, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Lapel Advertising of the Mistni Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the shaded copy of •dvertisemsn4 being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE In the ............. .. ................... Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of September 14, 1990 Affi*nt further says that the said Miami Review Is a M published at Miami in said Dada County, Florida. and t the Said paper has h retoMn been continuously dished In said did* County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday *red Legal Holidays) and 6s bs*n entered as second it matter at the post office in Miami In said Dad* Fiorhda,for * period of one Year next proe*dlrq the udvert on of the attached Copy of ais*msn •nredd afftnt Says that She has neither paid nor proml a" or corporation any discount, robaf*, commission or ref nd the purpose of Securing inls Sdvsrtisement for In the sa newspapers + aa' «bscrl6sd before me this �.4. d* of ....�J. e]'� ...... A.D. 19.. 4. • �/+ram MA (SEAL) ••s+s*+ "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. MARMER MY COMM. EXP. 4/12/92 , (1) of (2) 13"-ECEIV E D "J30 "EP 19 Pei 3- -22 141AI3Y I - I IN 1I CITY CLERK (;IT r OF HIAMI, FLA. SEE ATTACHED W r «s CITY Olt MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE O PROPOSE® ORDINANCE Notice Is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the foilowing ordinances on second and final reading on September 27, 1990, commencing at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers, 35M Pan American Drive. Miami, Florfd& ORDINANCE NO. Ati`OWINANCE ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CiTY 16# MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; CONTINUING AND REVIS- ING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPRt7iV MEW PROJECTS, ESTABLISHING NEW CAPITAL IMP6ICVEMENT PROJECTS TO OF -GIN DURING FISCAL YEAR 19Wffl IREPEALING PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO.10642, A3-AMENDED,THE, FISCAL YEAR 1989,1990 CAPITAL iMPROYMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE W141CH MAY RE iN CQt OLIICT WITK TM18,.ORDiNANCE AND PROVIDING C,ITX.lAR1F!fA6>rRwFt{?-c+� FRii. _ a�..._: •., ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRI- TORIAL'UMITB FOR tkit-p"'Y OF MIAMI FOR THE PURPOSE f �+ OF TAYA'T O t G#1*(9 MIL,LkGfi AND LEVYING TAXES iN TfiE off O'F ULM F"i.�ilbA, FOR 11 E FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- '�I0 OOTOBER 11 1000, AND ENDiN&UPTEMBER 30,199% IDMAI MG A SEVERABILiTY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORD#4 CE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991; CONTAINING A' REPEALER PROVISION; AND A SEVERABiLITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE, WiTH ATTACHMENT, RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; FIXING THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE M CAL:YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,19M AND ENDING SEIX TEiJ1SER 30,1901, AT FIVE-TENT148 I ) MILLS ON THE DOL- tAR OF THE NONEXEMPT ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. iN SAID DISTRICT; PROVIDING f THAT SAiD MILLAGE AND THE TAXES LEVIED HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND THE L.EVYiNG OF TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AS REFLECTED IN THE CITY'S MiLLAGE- LEVY ORMANCE FOR T14E AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH tS' REQUIRED BY CTY CHARTER SECTION 27; PROVIDING THAT THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING OF TAXES HEREIN SHALL BE IN AODMON TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THiS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AS REPEALING OR AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIX- ING MILLAGE OR LEVYING TAXES BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING A REPEALER PWMIOM, SEVERASILJITY CLAUSE AND PlROVID- MG FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORaNANCLE No. Ali til��p#I �ANC% MAKINCH`A ROPRIATIONS FROM THE. ? E9t1TiTifN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT -AD VALOREM TAX LEW,-,AN0 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME POR TH£ fXWNTOWW. DEVELOPMENT AUTV"ITY OF THE CRY OF ,. Q_4Msit3 FWRIDA; FOR THE FISCAL: YEAR_ENDINi3 SEPTEM•: Wk,30, 1991; ALTTHORiIING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF 3*11, DOWMTOM-1 p�►k .QPMENT , UTTHORiTtr TO INVITE OR E 3tE l!lEi� BLM PROtf"G NOGETARY FLEX- 1 i.ET1f;TRO1lRWG THAT THIS Opp BE D MED SUP,' +IiAL ANQ.IN .ADMTiDN TO THE ORDINNANCIE MAILING I '. a117fnA YTUwa tram rue atneu(f Vaau 0"rrMrs ttoprpu..:. pND Pf OnDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SW onthwicaa may be in*W%d by the Pubffc Of the Ofttc* Of the CFfy C4Mk, 3W Pan AM*ft" Oetve, Mutt, Fl(Ptfde, MOndwy lhri*v9h FMoV, laxot+idtn+II fldlttfAya, battww it* twins of 8". &m. and 5A0 p.m. A111Mwesiod Persons may ^"W at the rne6tfnq end be WNW% with rtspeet to the propoa#d a 1111"W ts. Should any parson desire tO OPP01111 any deMtalon of the CNy Ccmmlaafon wtth mspaat to any meow to be eonlIkk4d Ile Oft meallift thet parson shall s4lsurat that A 1 tfnl t+VCOeB of the pmooWngs is made lmludhV 01 tettir 4hy &W *V4511466 export whtch any appeal may be bated. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERIC MIAMI, FLORIDA (MI) 9114 (2) of (2) 9D 44)91490M ■! RECT±f VUE:D 1a90 SEP 19 FU 3- 22 NATTY h�R,�;i CITCEK Y of i ra i FLA. MIAMI RF-VIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COU14 Y OF DADE* Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Bookle WNilarna, who on oeth says that she Is the dice PreoldeM of Legal Advertising of the Misml Review, a dotty (oxcept Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami M Dade County, Florida,, that the attached 'ropy of advortlsemenf, being a Legal Advertisement of Hotk>o In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE In the ........... X ..x . X..................... Court, was published In said nowspapa to the Issues of September 14, 1990 Afflant further says that the sold Miami Review Is a had at Mtomt In o0d Dods County, Morida, = thepaald too WpWhss tw olotan been Continuously published In saidDzo Ca nty, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday snd Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second close man matter at the pit office In Miami In said Dade County Florida, for a petted of orw y next procedinp the first publication of the attached copy of advertisemenN and aMonijilirthor says that she has nelthw paid nor promised any or corporation any discount rebels. commission of for the purpose of sscuufhq this advertisement for In said rows • �114�P�rE+ SaFb►7u r0 N1lbseAbad before me this 1.4.... day of ...•.... e ...., A.D. te.. 90. (SEAL)•. .OF "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. MARWER MY C�-10f. EXP. 4112192 (1) of (2-) SEE ATTACHED CA 1.1 sst CIVY OF MIAMIl FLOAIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that the Glty Commission of the City of Mimi, Flortde; will conaldet the following ordinances on second and final reading on Ssptembet 27,19M, commencing at M a.m. In the City Commission Chambers,_35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CITY OF MIAMI CAPITAL: IMPROVEMENTS; CONTINUING AND REVIS- ING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS; ESIABLISHING NEW CAPITAL IMPRO"MENT PROJECTS TO BEGIN tWRING FISCAL YEAR 19"; REPEALING PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 10042, AS AMENDED,, THE FISCAL YEAR 1989.1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE WHICH MAY BE IWCONFLft;T WITH:THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING CONDlT04-AUTHORKtATIONS AND DIRECTIONS TO THE, CITY-MANAW:AND-ti 1C1r t Li RK. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRI- TORIAL b1Mrm FOR THE CITY, OF MIAMI FOR THE PURPOSE OF TA.+ AT'IDN',PWINd THE IMIL.LAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN TIfE or i OE WMi, FLORIDA. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- Nli 4 OCTOBER I.19W. AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,1991; CONTAINING A SEVERABILtTY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30; 1991; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE, WITH ATTACHMENT, RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF I THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF f MIAMI,.FLORIDA; FIXING THE MILLAGE ARID LEVYING TAXES ` IN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE M CAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1.19M AND ENDING SEP- TEMBER 30. 1991, AT FIVE -TENTHS (.tJ) MILLS ON THE DOL- LAR OF THE NONEXEMPT ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID MILLAGE AND THE TAXES LEVIED HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF "#At AS REFLECTED IN THE CITY'S MILLAGE- LEVY ORDNANCE FOR THE AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH IS REQUIRED BY CITY CHARTER SECTION 27, PROVIDING THAT THE FVJNG OF THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING OF TAXES HEREIN SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DMED AS REPEALING OR AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIX- ING MILLAGE OR LEVYING TAXES BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIO- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FROM THIS. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT: DISTRICT AD -VALOREM TAIL LEVY' 011) OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME FOR THE DOWNTDAYI4 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CI Y OF MIAMI" FLORIDA, FOR THE'FW. 4.YEAR ENDS BEPT011- BERA 1991; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE OIRECTM OF TUa rtrwaNf&AN nFVF nPM0ff AhTNORITY TO INVITE OR Cl."E. AND PRIOVIDI G FOR E fECTIVEDATE. aW ovdirAmfS mey 1* InsAect+tri by Ift Public et the Office Of go, betw�lran " iKsaFlorarmof t ern lilt tip ptr3. An inteteoW Pefmw"M»DPM at the meaNnp snit bet hwd w" No"" to the Prod otdinanow. SfwuW " Derson desire to eADeW any doefflort of the CITY Corm mWS1on with mgwt to any info t to be considered e1 Oft to ft tW hereon 0611 ensure t Kell a vMblklifn meord Of the rfte*iW N mode tneludtnp sit tdetNtrwtY w W WkWv e UPM wj Wped nuY be beset. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK MIAIA, FLORIDA 1�1? W14 9D4W149DM (2) of (2) factor au acaastre local. Aprenda a "COMUNICARSE CON EL MUNDO ESPIRrMAL COMO UN NATIVO" Interesante informacidn ABSOLUTAMENTE GRATIS! Escriba a: A.R. Reports 210 Fifth Avenue Suite #1102 Dept EX New York, N.Y. 10010 ' ANUNCIOS 643-1494 PARA IHACER DE SU FIESTA ALGO CONRE LA MUSICA , LOS PROFFMONALI S DE OF music D J " RODAS - DESPEDIDAS SHOWERS -QUINCE 0 CUAILQUIER OCASION ESPECIAL AVISO A LOS QUEAOS DE PROPIEDADES IMPUESTO PRELIMINAR MEJORAMIENTO BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY FASE II (SUBASTAS "Alf Y "B's H-4506 Todas las personas interesadas por este medio son notificadas que en la reunion 990 de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami at celebrarse el pr6ximo S�mbre 2n"'D' i alas 11:30A.M.enlacAmaradelaComisi6nde[aCiudad 3500 an menncanbrive, Miami, Florida se oirdn las objeciones de los mismos sobre la c onfirmaci6n de un Impuesto Preliminarpara costear los mejoramientos del BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY FASE 11 (SUBASTAS"A"y"B") h-4506, en las 6reas comprendidas por N.W. 46-54 callesentre North Miami Avenue y N.W. 2da. Avenida, designadas coma MEJORAS AL BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY FASE 11 (SUBASTAS "A" y "B") H-4506 Dicho impuesto preliminarestA disponible pars inspecci6n pubflca desee ahora en la oficina del City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida. Todas las personas interesadas estAn invitadas a comparecer y ser oidas con respecto a este asunto. Si aIguna persona desea apelar cualquier dedsi6n tomada por la Comisi6n de la I Ciudad, can respecto a cualquier asunto considerado an dicta a dlietxi^ esa persona debe asegurarse quo un record verbal de los resuttados de dicta ? audiiencia est6n disponibles, inctuyendo cualquier testimonio o evidencia an at cuai puedan basar su apelad6n. � 3 p "ana rind x f�fl Maty Hirai City Clelk MiarM, Florida 0