HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-90-0778:i F~~M ~~ ~n~~ ~~~u~ + ~~ v~~rrr~~ ~~~~~i~~ ~+c ~~-~rT~a i~~~r~~~-a~. A.~ T.~ ~~ r.~a~ __~u~~r~ ~~~r t.Ati1 MiAME+-f1alit IiAMl~MIW11! tyAME ~ , w _ ME OF aOARQ C81! Dawkins,. M1~.e~ J. 1 ., Cit _ of alA1W1iR1 +lWIaElS _ anAaR C'a1JNCIh rtHtk'N t lEkVk It A U . ~5C10 pan American brave ~~~T~~'Y i~`~ X ctlr ;,trttuNtr _ _. _ _.. .•... a. n iMi.ami ~iT IAh41 -._.. .____~....s_~..~~~. _. _ _._ _ _- Vice-Manor October 18. 1990 t iNltElt t[~CAt IIOENCr X; at.ECTtvE wr~olwttvE w1~0 Musn r~ rORM ~ This form is for use by any person servint at the county, city. or other local level of tttNertttttent On an appointed or dected board, council, commiuion, authority, a committee. It applies egwlly to members of advisory and non-advisory bodice who arc presented rrrith s votint tonfUn of interest under Sectiun 112.3113, Florida Sutures. The requirements of this tav-• are mandatory; although the use of this panicular form is not required by law: you are encourajed to use it in tmakint the disclosure requited by taw. Your responsibilities under the Iaw when faced with a measure in which you Mvc a conflict otinterest wilt vary trcatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. for this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before eompletint the re-erse side and fitint the form. M~ISTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH iECT10N 412.>11~3, L~ORIDA R'fAMES ELECTED OFlICER~: A person holdinY eleni•e county, tmuni••ipal. or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from votint on a measure v-~hich inures to his spr~ial pri+•ate fain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knov-~intly votinS on a measure which inures to the special lain of a principal (other than a taYrnment agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the contlirr: :PRIOR TO THE VOTE BE1NG TAKEN by publicly statint to the assembly the future of your interest in the measure on which you arc abstainint from votint; and , M'ITHIN IS DAPS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completint and flint this form with the person responsible for recordint the minutes of the meetint, who should incorpontc the form in the minutes. `. Att•Ot\'7Ep OFFICERS: A person holdint appointive county. municipal, or other bai public office MUST ABSTAIN from votirtS on a measure which inures to his special privue fain. Each local ofreer also is prohibited from knowintly voting on a treasure which inures to the `; especial fain of ~ principal (other than a torerttunent agency) by whom he is rtttined. A person hotdint an appointive bcal office otherwise may panidpate in a tratter in which he has a conttict of interest, but must. disclose the ruture of the conflict before tnakint any attempt to inftuencc the deci:ion by oa! or written communication, whether made by the officer or at hu direction. 1F YOU INTEND TD MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PR10R Tp THE MEETING AT V1'HICH TliE.VOTE.WILL of TAKEN: ~ You should complete and tik this form (before makint any attempt to inAucncc the decision) with the petwn responsible for tteeordint tl-e minutes of the meetint, rvllo wtl! Incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the fornf ahould be pro~•ided tenmediat~ly to the other trtemben of tltc tltlsrty. ~ The Toren should be read pubtidy at the ttneetint prwr to oonsidention of the matter in which you heave a conflict of interest. ~~ ---- .. ~ ,. ~ ~ Tt~ 1N~'4ti1EN~'~`NE D~CtS1i~N '~XC'~!"~' DIY ~1~5f~N A'~ INK td18~1'iNb: 1~ ~OrJ M/11t~ t+l~ A"Ml~''t r You ~hou14 disrbs! er~ily tht t>itur~ of Your tohnic~ in th! ~lrsure bltore prt~titiprtittd: ~: ibk ror ~in~ the minutes `~ ` ! tht torn end file i! within 1 ~ drys Ir(trr tb! vot! otx~ttn with the i Yot~ si~ouid t~pk~ rite ilk ~Ortn in the tttintttls: ~ . ~~ ~t 1he trteetir~, w~ r~houid ineor~ ; _. __ _ _. ~CLOIIi(tE 1~bCAL 04~IC~R'= Mi~t~~ , . ' , 14 ,.5 0...~. ' :~~~ 1 n r t i] a wk i n c _ ~ ~erlby disclose that on ~•~• ~' ~~ r+^'~ dal A ti~ersurt trine or will ootne before my aSency which (theck one) ,,,,,~„ iqurcd to my :peti-l private Sain; or by whom 1 am retained,. to tht :pedal. `ain of lam-Dace Commnnit Colle e ,,~ inured ~ The measure before a+y rsency and the nature of my interest in the measure i< as follows: +lbl ee of the agency . Z am employ -. r ,_ ~Qn , -. ', .OCTOBER `25 , 199 ~ ; Darr Filed hIOT~CE:~t~NDER PROVtS10NS OF; F'WRIDA STA'~S ;112.517 (19aS~. A FAIUJRE~'1~0'MAKE ANY REQUIRED DIS~LtJStJRE CONSTITUTES GROUNDSFOR AND MAY 0E PUNISHE~OPIBAY YMENT. DENIQTION~REDUC'TION h' tMPFACHMENT~ REMOVAL OR SUSPENSIpN FROM OFFICE OR E: , SA<rARY, REP1tIMAND~ OR A CIVIL .PENALTY. NOT TO F,XCEED X5.000. °' _ ' [( iQItM i1 16M ~r~ .~ ~ i f R n .,.._ .. d ~.. _ ,: , ~ . r ~ ~ _ ft 1 C Y ~ ~ IA I M M l f=LO R bA ``,i+y~~w~ y /~ ~ r /~ ~r ~± ~ y ` ' f 1111 6rS~W~1'~W~6 IYIGM~r7NN~~~ 'ro : ~~i~ t#(~NrS~A~L~ Nt~LL~f~ ~. ~A~1~tNS nAt~ : d~t~b~~ ,~ ~ j 199b FILE s 'Vice t~~yor ~uB,lEC7 : ~+l~i'~Cf~~l$dUfd ef. 'VCit i~~ ~, _ Gbtl~l3.~t Ff~OM . MA ~'~ A i pEFEF1EN~E5 . ((// ENCLOSUgE5: ~. At the Commission meeting of October 18, 1990, you abstained from voting on a motion related to item CA-30, namely: "Waiving the fees in connection with the closing of the streets for the 1990 Miami Book Fair International." Kindly fill-out parts (a) and (b) in the back of said form under "Disclosure of Local- Officer's Interest." Once both portions are duly filled, kindly sign, date and return to our office at your earliest possible convenience. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated.. ,~ MH=s1 ,, ENC: a/s ,~~. {_,. - ~~~ ~ . ±r ;, ~_ :,. . { " ".' . - ;, -- _~ ' _ _ - - ~, . ,. .