HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1990-11-08 Marked Agenda h~AYOIt VitE MAYbR CC7MM15510NER Ci7MM15510NER COMMISSIONER XAVIER L. SUARE2 MILLER ). bAWKIN5 t~R. MIRIAM ALON5C3 VICtOR H. hE YURRE ).l. PIUMMER, -R. ~~~ ~~ ~i <v E~ wr i1t1 ~ ;;AfE ~Oy ~ V ~. j Cii`Y MANA~',ER Ct3AiE N. 81?IC! ~ _._ i I MEETING DATE: Ntwember 8, 1890 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL.. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO 00 SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, G 1 V ! NG THE C 1 TY CLERK H 1 S /HER NAME . AT THE TIME THE 1 TEM i S HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. s s s s s s s s s s Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. s s s s s s s s s s The Clty Commission has established a policy tfiat the luncfi recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings wilt adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) * * Thta meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM ~ ~ ~. ;~ ;~ i ~, 1 w~ ~~ M~E"r1N+t~ C>tA~~. IV~vemb~r S, 19~t5 PAt~fr Ne~~ S~~tW1ALLY ~CH~nUL~b 1fiEM Item i has been scheduled to be heard ~t 9s0~ AM. fihe Clty Commisslon shall consider this Item at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. CONSENT AGENDA Item 2 which is comprised of Items CA-1 through CA-16 has been scheduled to be heard In the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commisslon. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 3 through 34 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS - item 35 has been advertised to be heard at 11:05 AM. Item 36 a companion to item 35 and may be considered `at thls time. Item 37 has been advertised to be heard at 11:10 AM. TheClty Commisslon shall conslder these it-ems at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. PERSONAL APPEARANCES - Items 38 through 43' have been scheduled to be heard after 2:00 PM: The City Commisslon -shall consider these (terns at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 44 through 49 hnva been schedU I ed to be' heard after 2 : 30 P~M, The ~lty Commisslon shall can~ld~r thew .::.items at the specified' time or thereafter as ma~~,'be announced,, ,~ ,~, 9 : 00 ANi 1 NiIOCAT I ON ANb PLECIGE Ot= ALLEG i ANCE A~ B. I~RI=S~N~'At I ONS & PROCLANiAT I ONS Approving the minutes of the Regular Clty Commission meeting of September 7, 1990. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEM 9:00 AM 1. 2. RESOLUTION - (J-90-919) - (APPOINTING VICE MAYOR) Etecting and appointing Commissioner ~-r_r._ r. trm~:R as V ice-Mayor of the Ctty of Miami, Florida, to serve a one year term commencing at 12:00. noon December 1, 1990. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific Item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-16 constitute the Consent .Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resodutlons, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of Items CA-1 through CA-16 be adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall`state the following: "Before the vote on adopting Items Included to the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an obJector or proponent that wishes to speak. on any Item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda wilt now be taken.~~ CA-1. RESOLUTION - (J-90-962) - (AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR Li4UOR PERMIT) Authorizing the Clty Attorney to assist In DELIVERED NONE MhiDE A1?]?ROVED MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT R-90-882 MOVED SECONDED: DAWK~NS ALONSO DE YURRE l?LUMMER DE YURRE ALONSO R~90-1348 . MOVSD ALONSf3 SE~ONAEp: DAWKiNS ABSENT t AB 3CilR#tE obtain 1 ng a f 1 ve-day 11 quor perm I t for~,~the- >~L~R Expo Stars R 1 nc. , fQr fihe d i spli €~y by ~I!!.I-JII !! II I!!!! ' manufagturers qr dlatrlbutors Qf prs~ducta I ~ csnae~i under this State ~3everage Law, as w~tl ae authprlZa consume#iQn Of Such ~': b+~vpr6lpaa Qn the pram i aes of the ~s~eQnut t3t'c~wa Cc~nypnt i on Oenter , M i am I , F i or I s~~, ft'~am ~~pambgr FRB, 91~~0. ,; . NA~LTINGl~A1`E: Novernbar ~, 1 EE8 PAGE NG: ~ fwC)NSENT AG~Ni~A CON'S " 0 CA~2 . RE50L.U~`) ~N - { J..90-941 ) -~ ( AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN ALLOCATION) Amehding Resolution No. 87-654, adopted July 9, 1987, as amended, by providtng_for an Increase. in an .amount. of ;250,000 for the continued financing of complex and/or protracted criminal. lnvestigat(ons, with funds allocated from the City of Miami Law Enforcement -Trust Fund, upon such costs and expenses having been approved by the Chief of Police. CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-90-923) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Public Safety Devices, Inc. (a woman/Miami vendor) for the furnishing of protective gear to the Department of Police at a total proposed cost- not to exceed 537,565.00; allocating funds therefor from the Capital Improvement Project No. 3120.18, Account Code No. 299401-840; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-90-922) - {ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID) Accepting the bid of General Concrete (a Hispanic/Dade County vendor) for furnishing ready mix concrete to the Department of Public Works on a contract basis for one (1) year renewable annually at a total estimated first year cost of 581,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the Capital Improvement Protect No. 34117$, Account Code No. 310501-750 {$40,500) and Account Code No. 319301-750 ($40,500); authorizing the Clty Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for_this material and thereafter to extend this contract annually subject to the availability of funds and the same prices, terms and conditions. R-90-849 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE PLUMMER R-90-850 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE PLUMMER R-90-860 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER DE YURRE ~~ M~~'fi7N~ ~A~`E: No~vei~ber 8 , 19Jt~ I~AC~~ Nth: Ct'SNSENT A(~ENb~4 CONT' D CA-S . FtE5C?LUt I ON - (J-90-904) - (ACCEPT I N(3 91 D & R-90-861 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) MOVED DAW'KIN$ SECONDED: ALONSO Accept 1 n~ the b I d of Jorge_ Larraur i, G.C. , ABSENT PLUMMER (a HI_spanlc/Dada County ...vendor). !n an amount not to exceed $12,900:00, base bid of the proposal, with a total protect cost of $17,225.00 for slgnage and landscaping for the Dinner Key entrance; with monies ~ therefor allocated from the 1991 Capital improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect } No. 415002 in the amount of $17,225.00 to cover the protect's cost; and authorizing ;~j the City Manager to execute a contract F with said firm. (~ CA-6 . RESOLUT 1 ON - (J-90-936) - (AUTHOR I Z 1 NG R-90-862 I GRANT) . MOVED ALONSO ~1 :i SECONDED: DAWKINS Author 1 Z ! ng a grant i n an amount not to ABSENT PLUMMER '~ exceed $35,000 to the Little Havana !~ Development Authority, 1nc., for the maintenance and operation of the City- owned Maximo Gomez Park, located at 1444 ~~-; SW 8 Street, Miami, Florida, for a one- ~~ year period.; allocating funds therefor ~' from Special Programs and Accounts, j Contingent Fund; further authorizing the ~: City Manager to execute a grant agreement for this purpose, in substantially the 'z attached form, between the City of Miami ~` and the Little Havana Development Authority, tnc. ~` ~i a CA-7 . RESOLUT i ON - (J-90-964) - {AUTHOR 1 Z I NG R-90-851 ,_ EXECUT i ON OF AGREEMENT) MOVED ALONSO i SECONDED: DAWKYNS Authorizing the C 1 ty Manager to execute a ABSENT DE YURRE professional services agreement , i n P~,UMNlI;R ~~ substantially the attached form,- with the ?~ firm of A. Foster Higgins and Co.. inc,, for expert actuarial assistance in pension matters at a cost not to exceed 5253000 with funds therefor allocated from the FY ~~ '90-91 Pension Administration Trust Fund, '; Account No. 440103-270, Protect Na. ~~ ii s' 1 ~~ 1 } 681001. j; ~~ ~i ,: ,:; ,, ~~ I si ~, -- i~ F ~i J ~+ ~ ,~: i~t ~l81~ dt,Ift ~~ I et ~ ti} rri iii Mtr~'1`INC~ I~AT~: November 8, 1990 I~AQ~ N~: g CONSENT AC3ENDA CONT'D CA-•8. RESOLUTION - (J-90-963) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a professiohal services _agreement, In substantially the attached form, with the certified public accountant firm of Coopers and Lybrand for actuarial services to the City's self-Insurance and insurance trust fund for the 1990-1991 fiscai year; allocating funds therefor in an amount not to exceed =12,500 from Department of Personnel Management, Risk Management Division. CA-9. RESOLUTION - (J-90-940) - (APPROVING USE OF SPACE & ISSUANCE OF REVOCABLE PERMIT) Approving the use of space of the Clty- owned AIlapattah Residential Mini Park Site by the AIlapattah-Wynwood Development ~' ;; ;~, Corporation, for the development of a child care facility; further authorizing .the Clty Manager to execute a revocable permit, in substantially the attached form, for use of -space in the subJect property for the aforementioned purpose; further stipulating that should the City revoke the permit of the AIlapattah- Wynwood Development Corporation, the Corporation shall convey title to any structures and/or improvement s built on the parce ! to the C i ty . ~ ~' CA-10. .RESOLUTION - (J-90-881) - (ESTABLISHING .SPECIAL CHARGES FOR USE OF STADIUM) Establishing special charges, terms, and conditions for the use of the Miami Baseball Stadium by Rockville Productions, Inc, for the presentation of a musical concert to be held on December 25, 1990; authorizing the Ctty Manager to execute a use agreement, in substantially the attached form, with Bald user for this purpose. R-90-852 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE PLUMMER R-90-853 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE PLUMMER R-90-854 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE PLUMMER ~~ __----. _..~ ..._.._._.._. _. _ ..-- .~~~ _.. ___..___a,.__.~_~__.~,. . .._____._. ~ ~ M~ETINf3 bAtE; November 8, 1 g90 pA(~~ NO; 7 CCaNSENt AGENDA CONt'n CA~-1 1 . R~SOI.Ut ION ~- (J-90-931) - (APPROVING USE R-90-855 OF STREETS) MOVED AL0N50 SECONDED: DAWKINS Approv I ng the use of certa 1 h streets and ABSENT nE YU thoroughfares in Coconut Grove area during PLUMMER the Orange Bowl 10K Race to be conducted by the Miami Runners Club on December 29, 1990 between the hours of 7e0O AM .and 11:00 AM; subJect to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; authorizing the Police Department to control traffic flow on the streets to be '~ utilized as part of the race course; conditioned upon organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services and applicable fees associated with said event and obtaining Insurance to protect the City In the amount as prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. CA-12. RESOLUTION - (J-90-929) - (APPROVING USE R-90-856 OF STREETS) MOVED ALON50 I, SECONDED : DAWICINS Related to the use of certain streets and ABSENT DE YURRE thoroughfares to the Coconut Grove area PLUMMER t- during the Eckerd/Magnavlsion "Baby Boomer" 10K and 5K Road Race to be conducted by the Mlaml Runners Ciub on December 2, 1990 between the hours of 7:00 ~M AM and 11:00 AM; subject to the issuance of permits by the Departments of Police ~' and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; ' authorizing the Police Department to ~~ control traffis flow on the streets to be ~ utilized as part of the race course; ;{ conditioned upon organizers paying for the necessary costs of Clty services and `~ applicable-fees and obtaining insurance to protect the City In .the amount as prescribed by the. City Manager or his ;, designee. ;, ;~ _~ i ;~ F . ,< ;, R W ~ u~= ~~ f~ i CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA iNlC~tlNi~ r~A~'E; November 8 + 19~f~ RAI~~ N0. S CONSENT' AC~~NDA GOiN~'' b CA-13. RESOLUTION - (J-90-928) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES, ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AREA PROHIBItED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS. ESTABLISHMENT OF A PEDESTRIAN MALL & PERMISSION TO SELL BEER & WINE) Related to the 1991 Coconut Grove Arts Festival to be conducted by the Coconut Grove Association, Inc., on February 16, 17 and 1B, 1991 in Peacock and Meyers Parks vicinity; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic; establishing a temporary pedestrian mail subJect to the issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; further establishing an area prohibited to retail peddlers during the period of said event; authorizing a three-day pe~mi_t for the sale of beer and wine subJect to the issuance of all permits required by taw during the event;. conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs of City .services associated with said event and upon the organizer obtaining Insurance to protect the City in the amount as prescribed by the Clty Manager or his designee. CA-14. RESOLUTION - (J-90-930) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Related to the Vill King Mango Strut Parade to be conducted. by King Mango Strut, 1 nc. on_ Sundae December 30, 1990; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic subJect to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Flre. Rescue and Inspection Services; conditioned upon the. organizers paying for the necessary costs of City services and obtaining Insurance to protect the. City In the amount as prescribed by the Cfty Manager or his designee. i R-90-863 (A5 MODIFIED) MOVED DE YU~2E SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT : PLUMMER R-90-857 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE- PLUMMER . , ; ~ ~'t E. r ~~~6.r t;~it ~~~ -- MEETING MATE: Nov~~ber 8 ~ 1 I~~t~ pAt3E Na: CONSENT AC31=tVl~A CONT `D CA~1fi. RESOLUTION - (J-~90-527) -~ (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES, ESTABLISHMENT OF A PEDESTRIAN MALL, ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS.& PERMISSION _ TO SELL BEER & WINE) Related to the Sunstreet Festival and Parade to be conducted by the Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc. to be held December 1, 1890; providing for the closure of designated streets to through vehlcuiar traffic; establishing a pedestrian mall subJect to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; authorizing a one-day permit to sell beer and .wine In connection with said event subJect to the Issuance of all permits required by law; further establishing an area prohibited to retail peddlers during the period of the event; conditloned.upon the organizers paying for all necessary costs of Clty services associated with said event and obtaining insurance to . protect the Clty In the amount as prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. . CA-16. RESOLUTION - (J-80-925) - (ACCEPTING PLAT) Accepting the plat entitled ~Replat of Natoma Grove". a subdivision to the City of Miami. subJect to afi of the~condltions of the Plat and Street Committee. and accepting the dedications shown on Bald plat; accepting the covenant to run with the land postponing the Immediate construction of certain Improvements until required by the Department of Public Works; authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat; and providing for the recordation of said plat In the Publle Records of Dnde County. Florida. ENO OF CONSENT AGENDA ~. R- 858 MOVED ALON$0 SECONDED s 'V~KINS ABSENT DE RRE PLUMME RECONSIDERED BY M-90-874 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER .R-90-875 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED; DE YURRE ABSENT PLUMMER R-90-876. .............. MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT PLUMMER R-90-877 MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT DAWKINS ALONS0 PLUMMER R-90-859 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ASSENT DE YURRE PLUMMER ~~ ~- IVi~~`1`IN~3 ~A't~: N~v~mb+tir ~ , 195r~ PACE N~: 1 ~: Items 3 through 3~ may be heard numbered sequence or as announced Commission. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Item 3 constitutes the City Attorney Reports Section. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available to the City Attorney for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters,. including matters not specifically set forth in this section. NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any' matter herein. 3. As per Commission directive at Its meeting of September 7, 1990, discussion regarding Mr. Ronald J. Cohen's, Esq, recoupment of fees or costs paid by George Manresa, George Lopez, Richard Coleman, Filiberto Arroya, Arlel Rotas, Juan Mendez, Israel Gonzalez, Jose-Behar and Juan Garcia in connection with their defense of civil or criminal charges for which they have been exonerated. (This item was continued from the meeting of October 18. 1990.) .END OF CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS WITHDRAWN BY THE ADMINISTRATION. ~w .. ~~~ ~;~ ~~I~DA MEI~~'iNt~ dAfiE: November 8 ~ 1330 i~At3E N~: 1 t ORbINAN~ES -- EMERGENCY 4. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-932) (4/5TH5 VOTE) (NOTE: This Item is being presented on an emergency basis in order to Insure that the programs can be implemented in a timely. manner and that contractual obligations are met.) Establishing two (2) new special revenue funds entitled: "Refugee Cash Assistance (FY '90-'91)" and "DHRS - Refugee and Cuban and Haitian Entrants (FY '90-91)"; appropriating funds-for operation of each component in the respective amounts- of 542,000 and 544,000 from Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Grant Awards; .authorizing the City Manager to accept the aforementioned grant awards and enter into the necessary agreements with the South Florida Employment and - Training Consortium; containing- a repealer provision and a severability clause. 5. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-935) (4/5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This Item is being presented on an emergency basis in order to meet the State's contractual requirement.) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: "Wagner-Peyser 7(b) Discretionary Funds (FY '90-91)" appropriating funds In the amount of 532,500 from the' State of Florida. Department of Labor and Employment Security; furthor authorizing the City Manager-to accept the aforementioned grant award.. and enter Into the necessary implementing agreement with the State of FIorl~ia; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. EMERGENCY ORDINI~NCE l080~ MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT t PLUMMER EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10808 MOVED' ALONSO SECONDED:- DAWKINS ABSENT PLUMNlER s _ i ~~ i f~ '~{' iiN{M; „~' ~~ ~~~ IV~~~`f'ING DA"~E: November 8, 1990 PACE N0: 1 ORDINANtrES - EMERGENCY CONT'D 6 . EMERGENCY OR(~ I NANCE - ( J-90-$St; ) (4/5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This item is being presented on an emergency basis In order to allow for the continued and efficient operations of the DDA after the December 1, 1990 date.) Making appropriations from the Downtown Development District ad valorem tax levy and other miscellaneous Income for the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Mlamt, Florida, for five-sixths (December 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991) of the fiscal year ending September 30. 1991; authorizing the Executive Director of the Downtown Development Authority to Invite or advertise required bid's; providing budgetary flexibility; providing that this ordinance be deemed supplemental and (n addition to the ordinance making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991, for the operations of the City of Miami; contalning a repealer. provision, severability clause,. and providing for an effective date. 7. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-293) (4/5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This Item Is being presented on an emergency basis in order to increase revenue potential for the current fiscal. year and due to the requirement of the City Code that winter fee modifications be in place no later than November 30..;1990.) Amending Section 30-53 entitled "Green Fees", Section 30-54 entitled "Cart Fees" and Section 30-55 entitled "Special Rates" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by revising said fee schedules for City of Mtaml golf courses; contalning a .:repealer provision and a severablllty clause. M-90-889 MOVED SECONDED: UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10809 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT = PLUMMER ,. ]y ~riwu,..+wwwiwis+.».u..rn.+rAr ...-,..t„bae:`r~wa. t ~. ~ r. i w w~l ~.~` f _. ! ~~ ~' AII~E"t'INt bAT~: November 8 ~ 1 X90 pAf31= Nil: 13 Of(D 1 NANCE~ - EMEI;OiNCY CONT' b 8. EIVIERGENGY ORDINANCE - (J-90-939) (4/STNS VOTE) * * SEE CORRECTION BELOW (NOTE: This Item is being presented emergency basis in order crease revenue potential for current flscai year and due a requirement of the Clt at winter fee modifications be place no later than November 30, 1990.) Creating a new special revenue fund entitled: "Recreation Programs for the Mentally Retarded - FY '91" and appropriating funds for Its operation in the total amount of $384,281 cons sting of a 5264,28 1 grant from the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), 545,000 from Fiscal Year 1991 General Fund, Recreation Division Operating Budget, and 575,000 In carry-over fund balance from the FY '90 Revenue Fund of the same name; authorizing the Clty Manager to accept the grant award and to enter into the necessary agreement(s), In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to accepts the grant and Implement the program,' subJect to applicable City Code provisions; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. CORRECTION: The above emergency Justification was Incorrectly stated on the agenda. The correct reason for the emergency on Item 8 is so the City can meet granting agency deadlines and so that funds are immediately In place for the continuation of the Handicapped Program. 9. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-934) (4/5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This Item Is being presented on an emergency basis in order to Insure continued operation of the shelter for the homeless without Interruption.) Establishing a .new special revenue fund entitled: "Emergency Shelter Grant (FY '90)': appropriating funds for operation of same in the amount of 5282.000 from _. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (USHUD) awarded as a result of approval by USHUD of the City's 1990 Emergency Shelter Grant a,Rplicatiolt;. containing a repealer provision and EMERGENCY ORDIN~INCE 10810 MOVED bE YURRN 5ECONDEb: ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10811 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DE YURRE 'ABSENT PLUMMER s+hverabillty ci~us~. _, 1 tt~m 1 D 1 s t coltlpgn I c>,n I tin tp 1 tem 8 Ind may ~a~ ions I deh~cl ~t th i e t Ime. ~~ r ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~I~A ~1 I ~ ~ ~M NIE~1`INt~ DA1`r`: Noverr~b~r ~ , 195Ci f5A8~ NGS: ~ ~ C~F~b i NANCES ~ E:MER~ilrNCY CaNfi' D 10. RESOLUTION - (J-90-953) - (ALLOCAtING FUNDS) AI_locat,ing 5183,600 of FY '90 Emergency Shelter Grant Fuhds to Metropolitan Dade County for the operatioh of the Beckham Hail Shelter for the Homeless; further authorizing„the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with Metropolitan .Dade County In regard to the Shelter's operation. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for first reading on this. section may be adopted as an emergency measure , upon being so determined by the- City Commission. 11. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-916) Creating Chapter 12.1 of the Code of the City of Mlaml, Florida as amended, entitled 'Convenience Store Security'; to r` provide for definitions; requiring certain retail grocery stores to be equipped with specified security devices; requiring certain levels of lighting for parking Lots; requiring posting cf cer-taro signs.; requiring posting of specified signs: prohibiting window tinting; requiring training for certain employees; providing for civil fines; providing for noncompliance fees; containing a repealer provision, a severabllity clause, and providing an effective date.. R-90-865 MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT DAWKINS DE YU~tE PLUMMER .FIRST READING MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT PLUMMER ~~~ --~'" .: ~. ~ `~i iin .~` ~~ ...:_ ._ r_ __- - -.._~____ -_.... - __- -- - ..._ NIL~'t`INt3 bAt'E: Ndvsmb~r I~, 199b ~A~#~ Nth: 15 O~n 1 NANCt+S B F I I~ST gi=AD I NG CONT' 0 12. FIRST READINC3 ORDINANCE - (J-90-903) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, as amended, adopted September 27, 1990, the Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance, by Increasing the appropriation for the existing protect entitled "Federal Law Enforcement Building", Protect No. 311014, in the amount of 512,000,000 from additional rental revenue bonds; contalning a repealer provision and a severablilty clause. 13. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-938) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, as amended, the Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance, adopted September 27, 1990, by increasing the appropriations for the protect entitled "Fire Rescue Special Support Equipment FY '90", Protect No. 313237, In the amount of 550,000; appropriating funds in said amount for said protect from the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Grant; contalning a .repealer provision and a severability clause. 14. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-937) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: 'EMS First Ald Resource Training (FY '90)"; appropriating funds for the operation of same in the amount of 525,040 from a grant-in-aid from the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as follows: 512,546 from FY '90-'91 General Fund: Department of_ Fire._Rescue and Inspection rvices. an Kind match of salaries, services and e9ulpment; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause.. FIRST READING MOVED DAWRINS SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT : PLUMMER FIRST READING MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT PLUMMER FIRST READING MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER NiEE"f`INt~ bAtE; Novdmb+~r 8, 1 Jg~ PAGE N(~: i 6 ORb 1 NANCES - F I I~5'!r DEAD I NG CONT' b 15. FIRST READING ORi~INANCE ~- (J-90-229) Repealing, in Its entirety, Chapter 19, entitled ",Fire Protection", of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, and creating in place thereof a new Chapter 19, entitled "Fire Protection" to be administered by the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department; adopting the provisions of the South Florida Fire Prevention Code as may be amended from time to time and all of its technical references which provides definitions and standards for fire prevention and safety; said new chapter containing regulatory measures, related but not Itmited to: permits and building plans; inspection of fire suppression systems, places of assembly, obstructions to egress, flammable and combustible liquids; regulation of explosives, demolition, fireworks; provision of special off-duty fire-rescue services; prohibited activity in connection with tampering of said Department's seals, locks, or warning tabs, and prohibited conduct regarding fire alarm reports; investigations by said Department into fires deemed to be of suspicious nature and maintenance of records of said Department's activities; strict Joint and several liability for all persons contributing to violations of said Chapter or the South Florida Fire Prevention Code or its technical references, enforcement, search warrants, inspections, warrants, Independent and cumulative remedies and penalties for violations of any of the above; containing a repealer provislort and a severabiiity clause. 16. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-867) Amending the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by redefining the terms "Affirmative Action Plan, Minority and Women-owned Small Business Enterprise. Set-aside and Vendor" and adding the term set-aside wniver; providing for the application of the set-aside provlslon to all City of Miami bids and contracts; creating a section delineating affirmative action requirements; eliminating the reference to goals; further requiring that a!1 City contracts and/or procurement award documents contain specific set-aside requirements which may be subJeGt to waiver; and specifying the manner in which the good~falth effort requirement may be met; more particularly ~y amer+ding 1 15 '12th) i@ 73 tA) tB) FIRST READING MOVED : DE YURR)J SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER CONTINUED BY M-90-864 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT PLUMMER Sect ! ons ~~-61~, and (~? , stud 15~-74; coma I n 1 ng a reRea ~ ~r pr4v i s! on At~sJ a several ! 1 I tY c 1 arJSe ., ' w~ RESOLUTIONS 17. R~SCLUTION - (J-90-960) - (ESTABLISHING & IDENTIFYING GEOGRAPHICAL AREA) Establishing and identifying the geographical area within the City of Miami having as Its northern boundary NW 7 Street from the Miami River to NW 27 Avenue; and the southern boundary being SW 17 Street from SW 12 to 27 Avenues, and SW 11 Street from the Metrorall guideway to SW 12 Avenue; with the Western boundary being NW/SW 27 Avenue from NW 7 Street to SW 17 Street; and the eastern boundary being SW 12 Avenue from 11 to 17 Streets and the Metrorall guideway from SW 11 Street to its intersection with .the Miami River and the Mtamt River from. the Metrorall guideway to NW 7 Street as a neighborhood that stands as a monument now and forever to the history, language and culture of the Cuban people with sold neighborhood to be hereafter called "Pequet~'a Habana' in honor and -in recognition of the enrichment that the Cuban people have given to the City of Miami; further, directing that signage to Identify the neighborhood be erected at its boundaries and entrances to allow residents and visitors easy access to the neighborhood. 18 . RESOi_UT t ON FUNDS) Allocating - (J-9O-951) - an amount (ALLOCATING 5150,000 fore professional legislative consultation services during FY '90-91 to be performed by the taw firm of Holland and Knight, PA. under the terms of an existing contract with said firm, authorized by Resolution No. 89-823: on September 14, 1989; further allocating an additional amount not to exceed 625,000 for re imbursabl a expenses of sn l cl f i rm rss approved by the City Manager with the above funds being attocated~from the FY '90-91 Legislative Llalson General Fund. R-90-866 MOVED : SECONDED: ABSENT R-90-867 MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT D~ YURRE DAWKII~5 PLUMMER ~: .hxG:MbiS dV.na~w «. nom,..... ....-.. ~..hlM.~av». .. :. V ~~ ~~`( n ~, ~~~~ M~~'INC~ bAfi~t NtSV+~fttdef S ~ i SSI~ t~At~~ Nd~ ~ S (iSSOLU~ IC'?NS CONt `6 t of Development 19 . W ! THDRI4WN in 20. RESOLUTION - (J-90-793) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) Authorizing the City Manager to make an offer. and execute an agreement, In substantially the attached form, with the property owners _for acquisition of :two parcels (Parcel No. 11-01- and 11-14-02j within the Little Havana Community Development Target Area and one parcel (farce l - No . 05-61-03 ) -w i th i n the -. Mode l Clay- Community Development Target Area, and which are. more particularly and Legally described in the attached Exhibits "A" -.and "B",. to be used for the development of housing affordable to low and moderate income families In connection with the -Model .City/Little: .Havana Demonstration. Program; allocating funds from the -10th Year.. Community- Oevelopment BKock..: Grant Program under the Model City/Little .Havana Demonstration Program, Protect No. 321.025, Index Code 5791.02 for acqulsLtion of the subJect properties; and authorizing the Clty Attorney to proceed to close on the subJect parcels after examination of the a abstract and confirmation of the opinion of title. 21. RESOLUTION - (J-90-905) - (AUTHORIZING .EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS) Authorizing the City Manager to execute Ih~ negotiated agreements, In substantially the attached form bets the City of Miami and Keith and Schnars, PA to provide transportation,,,planning and env~l ro~nmenta i sing n~ eer i n~ services i n respons+ls to transportation related r finds I ~'t that ~ ~hR SQUtha~f:~t Fl~nd, Prp Jgp~ Q~p~rtmQ>~t Af Cc~nsdrvat ~ Q~ . the aQpilCatl©~ for nova I e~for ~ the ~ -S_outhemst st ©evalo ant of Re i+onml a! feB ~,tf ;if~8 BBO.QO wlirh e!ie ~ eo ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ e .wee esw es~e ~! a Rl T . eew..ew.e eerv+e ipLJpt k~a i np a! i o0atad f r 4var~Qwg/Pt~rk what ~c~r~d , NQ, 1l~Q9Q, Qf kh Qav~,i Qpmt31~t ~Incl H~ua~ 1 ~~. R-90-894 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R. 90-868 MOV>;P DAWKINS ~~ w ~ +~ ~.eeij ~++e d!t ~~~ INEETIN~3 MATE: November 8 , 1 ~Ec~ PA~3E Nb: 1 pESOLUTiONS CONT'D 22. RESOLUTION - (J-90-804) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REVOCABLE PERMIT) Authorizing the City Manager to Issue a revocable. permit, in substantially the attached form, to National Association for Crime Prevention. for the use of 357 square feet of scare in the Manuel Artime Community Center located at 900 SW 1 Street, Miami, Florida; said permittee to pay an annual fee of 51,606.50 for the use of the area in accordance with the terms and conditions contained In said revocable permit. 23. RESOLUTION - (J-90-906) -' (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT) Authorizing the Clty Manager to execute an agreement of purchase and sale, for the property located at 815-817 NW 2 Avenue, In substantially the form attached, and subject to the Clty Attorney's approval as to form and correctness for prices as stated herein between the City of Miami ("purchaser") and Adriana Fanuele, ("seller") for the purchase and sate of the property (more particularly described herein), for the total purchase price of 591,500 with funds for the acquisition of said property being- appropriated in Capital. Improvement Protect No. 322057, entitled Southeast Overtown/Park Wes t Phase II, for the purpose of development of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Protect; further authorizing the Clty Attorney to take whatever steps are necessary to close the transactions with the seller as early as practicable. R-90-869 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS ABSENT PLUMMER R-90-870 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSEtiT PLUMMER - .u ~ ,yk _d;,~+..:ncaa u~,c;~x > dc.,,Gri~v°m+.f~ _ .. NIEE7WG DATE: November 8, 1990 PAGE NO: ~p Rt_SOLUTIONS CONT'D R-90-871 MOVED: DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT: PDUMMER 24. RESOLUTION - (J-90-958) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS) Supplementing Resolution No. 90-0196 of the City of Mlamt, Florida, authorizing Issuance of Community Redevelopment Revenue Bonds, Series 1990 in aggregate principal amount of 51.1,500,000 to finance cost of acquisition and Improvement for redevelopment purposes of certain properties In the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area and to finance repayment of a loan made to City by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; providing for payment of such bonds from certain revenues; making certain covenants and agreements to connection therewith; delegating to City Manager certain matters to connection with the issuance of bonds including, authority to appoint a trustee, bond registrar, paying agent and authenticating agent and to award and deliver said bonds; providing for credit support for bonds and covenants and agreements for benefit of provider of such credit support, tf necessary; providing for- reserve fund insurance policy and covenants and agreements for benefit of provider of such insurance policy; approving form of preliminary official statement and authorizing. the execution and delivery of final official statement; finding an determ(ntng need for negotiated sale of bonds; approving form, execution and delivery of bond purchase agreement; making certain other .covenants and agreements and providing certain other details in connection therewith; authorizing Ctty officials to take .all necessary actions in connection with sane and delivery of bonds; and providing severabiltty and effective date. _ - ~F.~.~,...,..,,_~ . .,. ..,..v~, .~.., ~` 1 .ti ~ ~reN~ ~i'~~: ~~, ~~~~~ ~AEE'I`IN~ !~A`TE: November g ~ 1890 PAGE N0: 21 aE~OLU~'IONS CONT'b Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management 25 . RESOLUTION - (J-90-837) - (ACCT=PT I NG R'90-872 RENEWABLE BID) (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAWKINS Accept I ng the bid of Ju 1 es Brothers SECONDED: DE YURRE Uniforms. (a non-minority/Miami vendor) for ~5ENT PLUMMER the furnishing of work uniforms to various City departments on an as needed basis for a period of one year with the option to extend for four (4) additional one-year periods at the prices stipulated on Bid No. 89-90-129 for the Department of General Services Administration; allocating funds therefor from the various City departments FY '90-91 Operating Budgets. as needed; authorizing !_ the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase ' orders for this service as needed and also thereafter authorizing the City Manager to extend this contract annually, subject to the availability of funds. i 26 . SOLUTION - (J-90-921) - (ACCEPTING BID) SEE. RELATED R-90-873 Acce n the bid of A i rko Service, Inca MOVED ALONSO (a non I nor 1 t /M I sm 1 vendor) for the SECONDED: DAWKINS re I acemen of the .air cond I t i on i n s stem ABSENT PLUMMER at Fire Stat n No. 7 for the Department of Environment Services and Operations Management/Proper Maintenance Division for a total propose cost of 517,216.00; allocating funds there from the Capital Improvement Protect No. 13018, Account Code No. 289401-850; and a horizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a urchase order for this equipment. 27-A . RESOLUTION - (J-90-91 1) - (APPROVING CHIEF SEE RELATED _ CUREMENT OFFICER'S REJECTION OF `,R~c~O,.g~g P RU T) MOVED : PLUNIMER SECONDED: ALONSO A rov 1 n he Chief Procurement Of f I cer ' s vNANIMOUS _ decision to ~ ect the roust received from Weathert Maintenance Cor oration In. connection i_t.h_.__.furnlshing aIr eonditlaning malnten ce services for the Oc~n Hi+~kmen Administrr~ on Building, 81d N4. 65-90-161, a;g It has een determined tc~ be w i tho4lt mer ! t . NNE; 1 t+B+m 278 I e re i et~d tQ Item 27A an . shQU 1 ~i on 1 y Oti'ns i d1~r~d upon thee apRrQ +c~f sa;llt~ It191T1, ,. ,. ~.... ,. .4,._ ~,...,~. , ...~_,. .., ~... ~~ j ~' ~ ~~~~ ~~~ IN~~~'ING BATE: Nr~velnber >~ , 1 Jib F~AG~ Nb: 22 ___ ._ . . 1~~50L.UT' I CANS CONT' b 27-B. ESOLUTION - (J-90-924) - (ACCEPTING R EWABLE BID) cep n the bid of stems and Services (~ Count ndor) for furnishin annual matntenanc and repairs for the air conditlohih s stem at the Don Hickman Administration Buiidin on a contract basis for one ( year renewable annually at the roposed first ear cost of 622,380.00; allocatl funds therefor from the Fiscat Year 1990 1 Operating Budget of the Department f Environmental Services and Operations Management/Property Mainten ce Division, Account No. 420401-670; and authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a urchase order for this service and therea er to renew annually subJect to the avallab Ilty of funds for succeeding fiscal years. 28. RESOLUTION - (J-90-823) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Chem-Talner Industries (a non-minority/non-local vendor) for furnishing 600 heavy duty plastic barrels to the Department of Solid Waste at a total proposed cost` not to exceed 618,150.00; allocating funds therefor from the Operating Budget Account No. 320302-722; authorizing the Clty Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. Department of Finance 29. RESOLUTION - (J-90-809) - (AUTHORIZING REPLACEMENT OF LOST BOND) Authorizing the replacement of certain CIS of Miami, Florida General Obligation eon, due June 1 , 1893, 1 n tlhe pr 1 nc I pa I amount of twenty-five thousand dollars (526,000.00) to substitute lost bonds. 5EE RELATED R-90$79 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: ALON50 UNANIMOUS R-90-878 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER R-90..8$0 MOVED AUONSO SECONDEDt PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ~.ewj iii` ~~ M~E'T'iNC3 CJA~`i: Nr~v~f~ibgr 8 , 199b PAGi` NC). ~S ~~~OLU'~ I ON'S CONt' b Department of Off-Street Parking 30. RESOLUTION - (J-90-685) - (APPROVING DOSP ANNUAL BUDGET) Approving and adopting the annual budget of the Department of Off-Street Parking for five-sixths (December 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991) of the fiscal year ,_ ending September 30, 1991; providing that this Resolution be deemed supplemental and In addition to Resolution No. 90-741, adopted on September 27, 1990, approving the first one-sixth of said annual budget. 31. RESOLUTION - (J-90-686) - (APPROVING GUSMAN CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS & OLYMPi`A'BUiLDtNG BUDGET) Approving the annual budget of the Department of Off-Street Parking for the fiscal year commencing October 1 1990 and ending September'30, 1991 in the amount of 51,069,921, excluding .depreciation, to provide for the operation of Gusman Center for the Performing Arts and the Olympia Building. (This item was continued from the meetings of September 7 and 27, 1990.) 32. RESOLUTION - (J-90-687) - (APPROVING STRATEGIC & FINANCIAL OPERATIONS PLAN) Approving. .the Department of Off-Street Park.ing Flve Year Strategic and Financial Operations Pian, as amended, said plan being based on implementation of -Rate Ordinance No. 10fi41. (This item was continued from the meetings of September 7 and'27. ?990..) R-90-886 (AS MODYFIED) MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ UNANIMOUS R-90-881 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: SUAREZ ABSENT PLUMMER ~~ R-90-887 MOVED` DAWKINS SECONDED; PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ~» _ ,; ,~++-~, ~~ ~ A~ METING ~AT~: November !~ , 19J0 pA{3E Nl~: 24 pS50i.UT I ONS FONT' D Department of Public Works 33. RESOLUTION - (J-90-920) - (ACCEPTINQ 131D & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of M. Vila and Associates , 1 nc . __(a _ H i span_i c/Dade _ County contractor). in an amount not to exceed 11,107,025.00, base bid of the proposal, with a total protect cost of $1,294,682.00 for Local Drainage Protect E-65; with monies therefor allocated from the 1991 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. .10782, Protect No. 352275 in the amount of $1,294,682.00 to cover the protect's cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 34. RESOLUTION - (J-90-943) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appolnttng an individual to serve on the Miam i Waterfront Advisory Board. (This item was continued from. the meeting of October 18,.1990.) ~ ~~. .1,' ~~": ~ ~ ~~~~_ . PUBLIC HEARINGS R-90-890 MOVED SECONDED: UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN 11:05 AM 35. RESOLUTION - (J-90-.884) - (AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AN AMENDMENT TO CDBG FINAL STATEMENT) Authorizing the City amendment to the aDDi Year ~; Manager to submit an wed Sixteenth (16th) lopment Block Grant (CDBG) Program -Final Statement to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reflect a proposed allocation of funds in the amount of S225t000 fore a Community Development "Float Loan " during the 1990-91 Program Year, subJect to the availability of funds, and tv reflect a technical Increase in revenues by said amount plus Interest on sa 1 d amount at three percent ( 396) , for a period of one year; further directing the City Manager, pending approval of said amendment by HUD, tv bring before the Cgmmis;~lon fvr its review and approval all agreements fOr a Rrvposed Ivan to the M! aam t Manta l M+Sa 1 th ~entar to aye I et I n I and avpu 1:3 t t l Qh fvr 4 is HUt) sect 1 lan 2Q~ MQ~IB ~ n~ Prv last , ll t~tl 36 1 9s a +s~anlp~tn ll vn ~Q t t+~nil ~6 mnc~ maY !~~ pan ~ 1 clsra+~ at ~h li a ~ t ma . ~~-~~ =,`'. R-90-891 MOVED SECONDED: UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO PI,UMMER ALONSO .~ E. -~- -~~ ._ ~ ..,~,~ ~~ , ~ ."~Lr _ ~- ~ ,. _~_ -~s.,~,~~.. -- -~ ---- -~-~--»..,.W.~_~.,__~ . .' r 1'+ yyii r ` {~ iWltli; rift ~~ 11~~:E1°ING bAT~: November 8 , 199Ci SAGE N~: ~5 ISUHL 1 C HEARINGS GON'~ ' O 1 1 : 05 AM 36. RESOLUTION - (J-90-896) - (AUTHORIZING R-90-892 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) (AS MODIFIED) MOVED PLUMMI;R Conti t t i ona t I y author ! 2 ! ng the C I ty Manager SECONDED: ALONSO tO execute an agreement, i n substant t a l l y UNANIMOUS the form attached, with the Miami Mental Health Center to provide a Community Development "Float Loan" In the amount of 5225,000 at three percent (39G) interest rate for a period of one year, for the purpose of assisting in the acquisition of land required to implement the Center's HUD Section 202 Housing Protect for homeless and disabled persons; conditioned upon HUD approval and upon receipt of an Irrevocable letter of credit in the same amount acceptable to the Clty Finance i Dl rector as collateral for said toan. ~~ 11:10 AM EMERGENCY 37 . ORDINANCE - (J-90-907) EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10812 Amend J ng Sect t on 1 of Ord t nance No . 10782 , MOVED PLUMMER the Cap i to I Improvement Appropriations SECONDED: ALONSO Ordfinance adopted September 27, 1990, as ,ABSENT.; .: DE.YURRE..: amended , by decreasing the tote I ------------------------ appropriations to capital protect entitled - "Mode i .City. Land , Protect No . 321039 , I n SEE RELATED the amount of 5365,250. said decrease R-90-893 be 1 ng made 1 n funds ava t t ab i e from Fifteen MOVED DAWKINS (15th) Year Cortmun t ty Deve 1 opment B 1 ock SECONDED: ALONS0 Grant Program Funds, real I ocat 1 ng and UNANIMOUS appropriating said funds for the .purpose of undertaking other Community Development Block Grant .Program Activities in the City of Miami; containing a repealer provlston, severablltty clause, and providing an effective date - 1 1 END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 3 iff 1 t! 1, ~. 1.. ti C +, j ~., J: 1'.. j, .. - .. - - _~,: - 3. i;. _.. ... -. 1. .. .. • - - - _.__ _ _ ~ n V ` h .. '~- ~~ f d ~~~~~ N1~~'1`lNC~ C1A1'~: Nc~vamber 8, 1990 PA(3~ N~: ~~ 2:00 PM PEptSONAL APPEARANCES NONE,: l.eglslatlon may result from City `:• Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 38. Representative(s) of the Puerto Rican R-90-897 Cu 1 tura 1 Foundation, ! nc. to request a MOVED PLUMMER wa 1 ver of the street banner. permit fee, SECONDED: ALONSO restr I ct i on of reta 1 I pedd I ers and vNANIMOOs authorization to use Biscayne Boulevard In connection with the First Puerto Rican Cultural Parade scheduled for Sunday, November 18, 1990. (This item was continued from the meeting of October 18, 1990.1 39. Representative(s) of Green Ribbon Children R-90-898 `' to request wa 1 ver of fees for use of the MOVED PLUMMER • Manue 1 Art tme Community Center 1 n SECONDED; ALONSO connection with their telethon scheduled UNANIMOUS for March 3, 1991. .(This item was withdrawn from the meeting of October 25, t . 1990. ) 11 4`~ 40. Representative(s) of the National Marine R-9o-899 Manufacturers Assoc 1 at i on (NMAA) Boat MOVED PLUMMER ~ • Shows to discuss the 1 eas 1 ng of Watson SECONDED: ALONSO ! s I and for parking dur t ng the Miami UNANIMOUS 1 nternat 1 ona I Boat Show schedu I ed for ---""--- -`°- "-°- February, 1991 , and a I so a d i scuss I on of a M-9o-900 Ong term I ease for said boat show . MOVED PLUMMER i SECONDED:' ALONSO I NOES DAwtcINS ' 41. Mr. Jorge Jacobi, MD and Mr. William M-90-901 Pasa I aqua to request a wa t ver of parking .. MOVED _ PLUMMER ~ fees I n connection with the Second SECONDED: ALONSO ~ Peruvian Festival of Music scheduled for UNANIMOUS November 11, 1990 at the Marine Stadium. y 42. Representative(s) of the Coconut Grove _ .~_ .. _... - - - -; Loca 1 Deve 1 opment Corporation to request R-99-9A2 ~ adoption of a reso 1 ut i on, as requ I red by MotIED : PLUMMER the State of F I or I da, 1 n connect ion with SECONDED: A~LONSCi `. Its app 1 1 cat I on for a Cortmun 1 t~ UNANIMOUS Contribution Tax Credit Protect for _* j community revitalization. ~~ s 43, AS par OQmmissioner Alonso's request, Mr. R~FER~ED' `~C? ADMINISTRAT~O~i Nevin Eisenberg of Reynolds Atuminum . e u ~ .. ei ... i ~ ~ww~n.+i *~ 3 Can an to discuss the osslblllt of , manned and unmanned rec c l I n l ocat l ons ~ ~ _ ~ • w.~. ,~~. .. ~ _. _ through©ut th+e Clt~. ~ ~A•!~~! ~! I ! e m ! 1... Aelew.s:®el !l.11. j. _ END flF REi~SQNAL APPEARANCES S s .: ~ , ~~ ` a ~oeeM~ ~i""~a ~~ ~~ ~~ M~~`I'ING t~AT~t November 8 i 19J0 PAGE Nd: 2'~ LL~ :~~0_, pM D i 50USS 1 ON 1 TEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from Ctty Commission consideration of any Discussion item. 44. Discussion concerning a review of the list of nominees submitted by Latin Stars, Inc., in connection with decorative plaques on SW 8 Street. 45. As per Vlce Mayor dlscusslon concerning ~ 46. As per.. Vice Mayor dlscusslon ..concerning. football and baseball Park. Dawkins' request, police motorcycles. Dawkins' request, grading of the fields at Hadley R-90-903 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: SUAREZ NOES DAWKINS DISCUSSED M-90-907 MOVED :- DAWKINS SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS -~ 47. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request ,_ dlscusslon concerning the City of i Miami/Mandela issue. 48. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request, ' discussion regarding the removal of toxic waste in the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area. s 49. As per. Commissioner DeYurre's request, dlscusslon concerning economic and housing development programs proposals for Pequ a ' Habana. i END OF DISCUSSION ITEMS r- NO APPEARANCE DISCUSSED M-90904 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER ~' UNANIMOUS M-90-905 MOVED AE YURRE SECONDED : PhUMME~2 ' ABSENT SUAREZ ~.~.. "Attl~b aat ~w~ toy 6~~~,1~1a,~e , ~ ,arez te~ud ~t tha Chit ~ ~Q S~Nit ~ Y0~lI~ Yes ~ ~~ .; . .. _, MAYOR Vt~E MAYOa CbMMISSIONER CCIMMISSIONER ct~MMtssIt~NER XAVIER 1. SUAREt MttIER J, (7AWKiNS DR. MIRIAM ALON50 VICtdR H. DE YURRE ).l. pIUMMEti, IR. ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ (.~„ ... IiE~;; ;`AtE b., FV CI"T"Y MANAGER tESAI! H. ~lbl0 CITY COMMISSION ACEI~DA MEETING DATE: November $, 1990 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TINE THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission rich respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City Commission has established a policy that Commission meetings rill adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) * * * This meeting shall convene at ~:DO PM PLANNING b ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 4:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-8 BEGINNING AFTER 5:00 PM: ITEMS PZ-9 THROUGH PZ-11 FOB MO?IOI't>~ 1tND RESOLITTiOI'~ 1NHIS~ DO NQ? APPF.+iI$ IN TIBTB PRD!l'I'BD AGCNPA-. »LY BBF~ ?O >1~ try 4'~ERCB AEPOa't~ ~T!l1C~P ~. _._ _ i __ __-- - -- --- - _ _ - --- -__ _.__.__.v__._. - - ---- ~~-;,~ ~Y ~,,~ '"" I' w ti DoE `oho MISSION AGENDA CITY COM MEETING DATE: November 8 , 1990 PAGE NO: 27 2:30 PM DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion 1 t em . 44. Otscusslon concerning a review of the list of nominees submitted by Latin Stars, Inc., to connection with decorative Qlaques on SW 8 Street. 45. As per Vlce Mayor Dawkins' request, discussion concerning police motorcycles. 46. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request, discussion concerning upgrading of the football and baseball fields at Hadley Park. 4T. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request, discussion concerning the City of Miami/Mandela Issue. 48. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request, - discussion regarding the removal of toxic - waste In the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area. 49. As per Commissioner DeYurre's request, discussion eoneerntng economic and housing development programs proposals for Pequena Habana. END OF DISCUSSION ITEMS