HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1990-12-06 Marked Agendat M/1YOR XAVIER 1. SU1IREZ ~w ~~ • (.. ~,. ,yd~ 0410 Cp, F1. CITY MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: _ _ _ __„ CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE ' CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF 7HE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. _ Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shalt ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made Including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The Clty Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess wtll begin at the conclusion of deiiberatlons of the agenda Item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings wlli adJourn at the canclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) i * This meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM * ~ FOA MO?IONS AND RESOLUTIONS WHICH DO NOT A.PFEAR IN THIS PAINTED AGENDA, HINDLY REFER TO THE CITY CLEAS'S ~I REPORT, ATTACHED HERE?O. J.L. PLUMMER, IR. DR. MIRIAM ALONSO MILLER J. DAWKINS VICTOR H. DE YURRE • OF W {} iweoeo oR~r~ {t ~e 4e C 04` q~~'cQFW4~ CIiY CONNIISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 ~ 1990 PAGE NO: 2 CONSENT AGENDA Item 1 which is comprised of Items CA-1 through CA-14 has been scheduled to be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 2 through 21 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. RECIEPT OF BIDS I i Item 22 has been advertised to be heard at 11:00 AM. The City Commission shall consider this item at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 23 has been advertised to be heard at 11:05 AM. Item 24 has been advertised to be heard at 11:10 AM. Item 25 has been advertised to be heard at 11:15 AM. Item 26 has been advertised to be heard at 11:20 AM. Item 27 has been advertised to be heard at 11:25 AM. Item 28 has been advertised to be heard at 11:30 AM. The Clty Commission shalt consider these Items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. r CITY COMIAISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 3 PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 29 through 34 have been scheduled to be heard after 2:00 PM. The City Commisslon shall conslder these i terns at the spec I f ted t Ime or thereafter as may be announced. DISCUSSION ITEMS ` F w ~ IM 00110 0114tF {7 19 96 e o~' 9p~,C ..~~0~ti Items 35 through 40 have been - schedu I ed to be heard after 2 : 30 PM . The City Commission shall consider -= these i terns at the spec I f f ed t i me or w thereafter as may be announced. 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DELIVERED A. PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS B. Approving the minutes of the Planning and Zoning City Commission meeting of September 27, 1990. SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA APPROVED MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ~. ' ~d ~~ CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6, 1990 PAGE NO: 4 1. Officially accepting the attached City Clerk's certification and declaration of the results of the special municipal election held on November 6, 1990, for Charter Amendment No. 2, which provided that effective October 1, 1991, Charter provisions dealing with salaries of the City Commission be removed from the Charter and that the Charter provide for emoluments of Office for the Mayor and City Commissioners, including compensation and method of payment thereof to be fixed by Ordinance, was disapproved by the electorate. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific Item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-14 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each Item will be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following mottos: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items CA-1 through CA-14 be adopted..." The Mayor or Clty Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items Included In the Consent Agenda Is taken, is there anyone present who is an obJector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." CA-1. RESOLUTION - [J-90-792(b)] - (ACCEPTING ELECTION RESULTS) CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1018) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizing the purchase of automotive batteries, under existing Dade County Bld No. 2582-7/91, from Southern Battery P/B/A GNB Inc. (a non-minority/Dade County vendor) for the Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management in an estimated amount of 518,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1990-91 Operating Budget, Account No. 420901-702; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this equipment, subJect to the availability of funds. R-90-915 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-916 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS cmr eoMMissroN ns~xoa MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 5 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1019) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Clover Communications, Inc. (a non-minority/non- local vendor) for furnishing six (6) packet-mode network units to the Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management at a total proposed cost not to exceed 56,500.46 allocating funds therefor from the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department Protect No. 313232, Account Code No. 289401-840; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment, subtect to the availability of funds. CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1017) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Leadex Corporation (a _ Hispanic/Miami vendor) for the.furntshing and Installation of playground equipment for the Rainbow Village Park for the Department of Parks and Recreation at a total proposed cost not to exceed 519,590.00; allocating funds therefor from I the Capital Improvement Protect No. ~ 331303, Account Code No. 589301; -: authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment, subtect to the avallabllity of funds. CA-5. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1001) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Sigma construction I and Engineering Corp. (a Hispanic/Dade County contractor), in an amount not to - exceed 554,594.50, base bid of the ' proposal, for Overtown Storm Sewer Retrofitting - Phase I; with monies therefor allocated from the 1991 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 352276, In the amount of $54,594.50 to cover the contract cost, and $11,343.50 to cover the estimated expenses, for a total of $65,938.00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. R-90-917 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-918 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-919 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS CITY II~MMISSION AI~NDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: g CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-6. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1006) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS) Approving five agreements, In substantially the form attached hereto, between the City of Miami and Manuel G. Vera and Associates, Inc., Biscayne Engineering Company, Fernando Z. Gatell, P.L.S., Inc., Weidener Surveying and Mapping, and Lannes and Garcia, Inc.; further authorizing the City Manager to execute said five agreements to provide professional surveying services for the 1991-92 calendar years in conJunctlon with City of Miami protects with funds therefor allocated from the project expense for each Individual project. CA-7. RESOLUTION - (J-90-992) - (AUTHORIZING - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT & EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant from the Organization of American States (OAS) granting the City exclusive ~ performing rights of the OAS international I Artist Series, and granting an amount not ~ to exceed $25,000.00 for travel per diem costs and part(al fees of the artists from said 1990-91 OAS Washington, D.C., y PanAmerican Hall international Concert _ Series that will travel to Miami and perform in the City of Miami ~- Organization of American States j International Artists Series; further allocating an amount of 515,000.00 from budgeted fiscal year 1991, Special Programs and Accounts; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed X10,000.00 in in-kind services from the Department of Community Development budgeted funds as the City's match portion; authorizing the City Manager to enter Into the necessary agreements to accept and implement said grant, subJect to applicable City Code provisions. R-90-920 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED PLUMMER SEONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-921 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS ~~ !{ ~ Y F ~ ~` - it ~y NA~ 4,3 j'., ~~.. N IM CpRO OpMEO N tB 96 ~'' ~? O,~ ~Q? ~~ ~FCQPI.~~ ~~ F: CITY COMMISSION AI~ENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: ~ CA-8. CA-9. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-90-993) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Conditionally authorizing the Clty Manager to execute a professional services agreement, in substantially the attached form, in an amount not to exceed $100,000, with the Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation ("WCEDC"), for the Implementation of the Wynwood Safe Nelghborhood Improvement Plan, using funds therefor from the State of Florida Safe Nelghborhood Program, with the execution of said agreement being subtect to such modifications as may be required for Its approval by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; further authorizing the City Manager to make payment to WCEDC as sha I I be approved by the State of F I or i da Department of Community Affairs and the City of Miami. RESOLUTION EXECUTION OF - (J-90-989) - (AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with Jose Fabregas, an individual, for professional development consultant and construction supervision services, in connection with the development and construction supervision of the City Sponsored Scattered Site Affordable Homeownership Program, and the St. Hugh Oaks Village Protect, for a period of one (1) year for a total fee of 520,000, with funds therefor allocated from Capital Improvement Protect No. 321034, "Scattered Site Affordable Housing Development Program" R-90-927 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS SEE RELAT] ORDINANCE MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO ~D EMERGENCY 10815 DAWKINS PLUMMER R-90-922 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLUMME R ALONSO `~{ OF ~~ 9~ r {} IN CDPD DN4TED {`( IB 96 e v4 q~FCQ P1~~Q`` CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6, 1990 PAGE NO: g CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D '~ CA-10. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1007) - (AUTHORIZING s,~ ACQUISITION OF LAND) -~~ Authorizing and directing the City Manager ,~ to acquire by negotiated purchase the fee ,~ simple title to a parcel of real property located at approximately 129 NW 34 Terrace '~ (between NW 1 and 2 Avenues), Miami, I Florida (more particularly described herein), for the purpose of expanding the pursuant to an Roberto Clemente Park; updated appraisal by Gabriel Garcla- Menocal, MAI, at the fair market value of $55,500 with funds therefor being allocated from the Capital Improvement Program, Clemente Park Renovation Protect a No. 331056. CA-11. RESOLUTION OF LOTS REVOCABLE - (J-90-1010) - (APPROVING USE & AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF PERMIT) Approving the use of Lots__17-20 of the City-owned Curtis Park by the Allapattah Community Action, Inc. Day Care Center, for the development of a child care facility; further authorizing the City Manager to execute a revocable permit, in substant(ally the attached form, for the use of Lots 17-20 In Curtis Park located at 1901 NW 24 Avenue, Miami, Florida, for the aforementioned purpose; further stipulating that any structures and/or Improvements on the site shall become the property of the City immediately upon their completion. CA-12. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1012) - (ESTABLISHING SPECIAL MOORING FEES) Establishing a special mooring and dockage fee of $0.65 per linear foot per day for the use of available slips at Miamarlna by participants .and .guests of the Biscayne Bay Marriott Hotel and Marina and the I Miami International Boat Show In connection with said event during the ~ period February 9-23, 1991; subJect to and _ contingent upon such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed by the Administration of the City of Miami; a further authorizing and directing the City Manager to establish special mooring and j dockage rates for this event In subsequent years, subJect to availability of slips and based upon considerations of the then- - current marina operating costs and dockage fees, Increases In the consumer price Index, and an equitable volume discount. R-90-923 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-90-914 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-90-924 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN GAY OF ~' ti~ `~ t} IN ttAI+ gPME {r i0 96 e v~' q~FCO.,EGO~~ CIiY COI~IISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 9 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-13. RESOLUTION - (J-90-987) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES & ESTABLISHING AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS) Related to the Three Kings Day Parade to be conducted by Three Kings Parade, Inc., on January 6, 1991; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic subJect to the issuance of permlts by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; establishing an area prohibited to non- festivai retail peddlers during the period of said event; conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs of City services associated with said event and subJect to the organizers obtaining Insurance to protect the City in the amount prescribed by the C I ty Manager or his designee. CA-14. RESOLUTION - (J-90-986) - STREET WINE & RETAIL CLOSURES, PERMISSION ESTABLISHING AN AREA PEDDLERS) (AUTHORIZING TO SELL BEER & PROHIBITED TO Related to the Taste of the Grove Festival to be conducted by the Taste of the Grove Committee, on January 19-20, 1991; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic subJect to the Issuance of permlts by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; authorizing a two-day permit to sell beer and wine in connection with said event subJect to the Issuance of all permits required by law; establishing an area prohibited to non-festival retail peddlers during the period of said event; conditioned upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs and subJect to the organizers obtaining Insurance to protect the City in the amount prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. R-90-925 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-926 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS END OF CONSENT AGENDA r G~~Y OF ~'" ~~ '97~ j} iN tOND ONA~E 'Cf ~8 96 e oa q~F~Q F1.~~~ CIiY COMIAISSI011 AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 10 NOTE: Items 2 through 21 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 2. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-90-1021) (4/5THS VOTE) (NOTE: Thts Item is being presented on an emergency basis so that funds are Immediately in place for Protect R.A.P. for which grant funds must be expended between October 1, 1990 and September 30, 1991 by agreement with the State Department of Natural Resources.) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled "Protect R.A.P.", appropriating resources to said fund in the amount of $110,000 consisting of a $100,000 State line Item grant and a $10,000 private donation; also authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to accept contributions, grants andlor other donations to the City EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10816 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS for this fund; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. G~~~ OF ~^ .. H~ ~~ {} IN CORD DR~ttE {j IB 9B e v~' q~f ~Q.f1.~~`~ Clilf COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 1 1 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the Clty Commission. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-956) rovidinq that all present__employees of e City of Miami except as_stated herein sh II establish resldenc within the Ctt of lama no later than 18 months from the effe Ive date of this Ordinance and shall mainta n such resldenc Burin Clt emplo m t; also providing that newly- hlred to ees establish and maintain such rest nc further providing that the Cit Mana shall bar ain in ood faith with the bar Inln a ents of each of the inclusion in the City Code. Date First Reading: Oct 25, '90 Moved Comm Dawkins Second Comm Alonso (Y) Suarez, Alonso, Dawkins (N) DeYurre, Plummer collective bar a to a regiments of a provision requlrin continuous resldenc within the City for I City employees for so long as they a employed; also providin that vlolatlo of the resldenc requirement shall b rounds for termination of employm t; containing definition of residency; eclaring the Ordinance to be an Ordinance f precedent; containing a repealer provision, severabllity clause and prowl ng for an effective date; and prowl ng for emplo ees' co ective bar ainin units, it bein the inten Ion of the Cit Commission to ne otiate th inclusion to all future DENIED BY M-90-937 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO NOE5 DAWKINS + SUAREZ GAY OF ~~ 9~ t} 1M CORO ON RTE N e i11 96 ~, Q qp~,C .F`~~t CIiY COI~IISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-916) Creating Chapter 12.1 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida as amended, entitled 'Convenience Store Security"; to provide for definitions; requiring certain reta I i grocery stores to be equ I Aped w! th specified security devices; requiring certain levels of lighting for parking lots; requiring posting of certain signs; requiring posting of specified signs; prohfbit(ng window tinting; requiring training for certain employees; providing for civil fines; provlding for noncompliance fees; containing a repealer provision, a severability clause, and provlding an effective date. Date First Reading: Nov 8, '90 Moved Comm Dawkins Second Comm DeYurre (Y) Suarez, Alonso ABSENT Plummer 5. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-938) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, the Capital improvements __Approprlation Ordinance, adopted September 27, 1990, increasing the appropriations for the protect entitled "Fire Rescue Special Support Equipment FY '90", Protect No. 313237, in the amount of $50,000; appropriating funds in said amount for said protect from the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Grant; conta(ning a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: Nov 8, '90 Moved Comm Alonso Second Comm Dawkins (Y) Suarez, DeYurre ABSENT P I ummer PAGE NO: 12 ORDINANCE MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS 10817 DAWKTNS ALONSO 10818 DAWKINS ALONSO :.,::~ CIiY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 ~~~ r~rr ~ ~ ~i~ ~~ ~6 AO ~~A~, PAGE NO: 1 g RESOLUTIONS Department of Community Development 12. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1011) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager. to execute an `~ a4reement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Miami Capital `~ Developments Inc. (MCDI), for the purpose of•managing and administering a 51,000,000 ~~~ Little Havana Business Development ,~ Program; reallocating 5200,000 In MCDt's '! Sixteenth (16th) Year Community Development Block Grant Revolving Loan Fund Program for said Little Havana Business Development Program; further allocating an additional 5800,000 from the Economic Development/Physical Improvement i Protect Pool Fund (Mint-UDAG) for said Little Havana Business Development Program. Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management 13. RESOLUTION - (J-90-977) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizing the additional purchase on Bid No. 90-91-014 of eighty (80) police pursu 1 t ve_h I__c_Ies f rom Maroone Chevro t et Hollywood, Flor(da (a non-minority vendor), for the Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management/Fleet Management Division for use by the Police Department in an amount not to exceed 5972,560.00, funds for this purchase being available under a 36-month lease purchase plan wh(ch shall be financed by the manufacturer or other financial institution; the remaining funds for this purchase being avaflable from the Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management, Protect No. 509000 Account Code No. 420901-880 and Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund; authorizing the Clty Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this purchase, subject to the availability of funds. c 'CY OF N~ 4~/~, IM X0110 ONnTED yf Q to 96 Q ~~F~Q.FL~~`t CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6, 1990 PAGE NO: 13 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 6. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-937) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: "EMS First Aid Resource Training (FY '90)"; appropriating funds for the operation of same In the amount of $25,040 from a grant-in-aid from the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as follows: $12,546 from FY '90-'91 General Fund: Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services, and $12,512 from FY '90-91 in- kind match of salaries, services and equipment; containing a repealer provision and a severabillty clause. Date First Reading: Nov 8, '90 Moved Comm Dawkins Second Comm Alonso (Y) Suarez, DeYurre ABSENT P i ummer 7. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-903) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, as amended, adopted September 27, 1990, the Capital improvements Appropriations Ordinance, by increasing the appropriation for the existing protect entitled "Federal Law Enforcement Buildin ", Protect No. 311014, in the amount of $12,000,000 from additional rental revenue bonds; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: Nov 8, '90 Moved Comm Dawkins Second Comm Alonso (Y) Suarez, DeYurre ABSENT P i ummer NOTE: Item 8 is a companion to Item 7 and may be considered at this time. ORDINANCE MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS 10819 ALONSO DE YURRE 10820 DAWKINS PLUMMER c GAY OF ~w ~~ {r i^CO~D OA~TED {'( 18 98 Q q~f CQ.F~~~` CIiY COMMISSION ACEIIDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 1 ~ ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 8. RESOLUTION - (J-90-815) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) t Authorizing the City Manager to execute ~'~ the negotiated agreement, in substantially ~, the form attached, between the City of Miami and Miami Capital Facilities, Ltd. ~~i' for the design and construction of a i;i ?.~; Federal Law Enforcement Building In the F amount of $35,000,000 on a City-owned land ~~~ parcel located on Block 78N between NE 4 +h and 5 Streets and NE 1 and North Miami `~ Avenues in Miami, Florida; authorizing '~ compensation for protect design and ~; development from funds appropriated and 'i available In Capital Protect Account No. i 311014 entitled "Federal Law Enforcement ~I Building" from Rental Revenue Bond `' Proceeds, Series 1988, and from the authorized Issuance of additional Rental Revenue Bonds; and further authorizing a U.S. General Services, Design and Construction Division, employee to act as - the full-time, on-site Clty representative _= for the protect, In accordance with Section 1.29 of the attached agreement, at -° no cost to the City. 1 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING i NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for first reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure. upon being so determined, by the Ctty Commission. 9. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-991) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10689, adopted January 11, 1990, by increasln~ the appropriation for the Special Revenue Fund entitled: °Dade County EMS Grant Award (FY '89)°, In the amount of 5160,046; paid increase consisting of a j $t56,046 grant for FY '90 apportioned by Metropolitan Dade County from the State of _',~ Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services under the "Florida Emergency Medical Services Grant Program far Counties", and 54.000 in anticipated Interest earnings; and further authorizing the City Manager to accept the aforementioned grant award and enter into the necessary contract and/or agreement with the Florida Department of Health and -; Rehabilitative Services and/or Metropolitan Dade County in a form acceptable to the City Attorney; conta(ning a repealer provision and a ,} severablilty clause. i '- R-90-938 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS FTRST READING ORDINANCE MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DE YURRE c CIiY MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 16 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D 10. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-114) Amendfng Section 50-2 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by providing for enlarged boundaries of the protected or restricted anchorage areas within the Dinner Key Marina Yacht Area Basin and the Bayfront Prohibitive Anchorage Area, with the name of the tatter area being changed to "Miamarina Bayfront Prohibited Anchorage Area"; containing a repealer provision, a severability clause and providing an effective date. 11. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-1033) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, adopted September 27, 1990, as amended, the Capita_I lmproyements Appropriations Ordinance, by reducing appropriations to the protect entitled 'Bayfront Park Redevelopment - Light Tower", CIP Protect No . 331230, I n the amount of $10, 000, and increasing appropriations to the protect entitled "Bayfront Park Redevelopment - Pepper Fountain", Protect No. 331306, In the same amount of $10,000; and by increasing appropriations to the protect ~ entitled "Bayfront Park Redevelopment - South End and Chopin Plaza Court", CIP Protect No. 331305, in the amount of $225,222.75, from US Corps of Engineers; containing a repealer provision and ~a severablllty clause. ~ ~Y OF ~ {} ~^tOPO ONEtED '~ Q i8 96 Q go6~Q,E1~0~1 SSION A6EIIDA FIRST READING ORDINANCE MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO ABSENT DE YURRE FIRST READING ORDINANCE MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED PLUMMER ABSENT DE YURRE `~~ OF W~ !4~ IM tO~D ON~i[0 ~( IA 96 e c~' q~~CQ,fLOQ`~ CITY C~IMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 16 RESOLUTIONS Department of Community Development 12. RESOLUTION - {J-90-1011) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Miami Capital Development, Inc. (MCDI), for the purpose of managing and administering a $1,000,000 Little Havana Business Development Program; reallocating $200,000 in MCDI's Sixteenth (16th) Year Community Development Block Grant Revolving Loan Fund Program for said Little Havana Business Development Program; further allocating an additional $800,000 from the Economic Development/Physical Improvement Protect Pool Fund (Mini-UDAG) for said Little Havana Business Development Program. Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management 13. RESOLUTION - (J-90-977) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizing the additional purchase on Bid No. 90-9i-014 of eighty (80) police pursuit vehicles from Maroone Chevrolet, Hollywood, Florida (a non-minority vendor), for the Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management/Fleet Management Division for use by the Police Department in an amount not to exceed $972,560.00, funds for this purchase being available under a 36-month lease purchase plan which shall be financed by the manufacturer or other financial Institution; the remaining funds for this purchase being .available from the Department of Environmental Services and Operations Management, Protect No. 509000 Account Code No. 420901-880 and Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this purchase, subtect to the availability of funds. R-90-951 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER "Ait~ough a6sor>t during toll C3il, Plummer ~,,.. ;sz~r~~trd of the Clerk to ~C S~lB:~1 2S Votirg Yes R-90-939 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS `YOF V H~ ~~ iM CORP ORIRf '~( ~9 96 e c~' 9p~,C . fL~Q`` CITY I~MIAISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6, 1990 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Planning, Building and Zonln 14. RESOLUTION - (J-90-889) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONSENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a consent to lease agreement, in substantially the attached form, and execute an easement agreement with Metropolitan Dade County relative to its encroachment upon a riparian area of the Miami River, for the construction of the Metromover Miami River Bridge Pler and Fender System by Dade County on that portion of Miami River bottom owned by the State of Florida. (This item was deferred from the meeting of October 25, 1990.) NOTE: Item 14 is a companion to Item 15. 15. RESOLUTION EXECUTION EASEMENT) - (J-90-890) - (AUTHORIZING OF RECIPROCAL GRANTS OF Authorizing the City Manager to execute reciprocal grants of easements, in substantially the attached form, with Metropolitan Dade County, as follows: granting Dade County an easement to construct and matntaln a guideway for the Omni Extension of the Metromover Extension Pro ect over a portion of the Mlaml Municipal Railway right-of-way located on the westerly side of NE 2 Avenue between NE 10 and NE 11 Streets (approximately 0.02 acres); and receiving from Dade County in return a conditionally permanent easement (approximately 0.237 acres) across Dade County property to construct and matntaln thereon the proposed SE 1 Avenue Roadway Extension between SE 6 and SE 8 Streets along the guideway of the Brlckell Metromover extension. (This Item was deferred from the meeting of October 25, 1990.) PAGE NO: ~ 7 R-90-941 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT PLUMMER : DAWKINS DE YURRE R-90-942 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS ABSENT : DE YURRE `~1 GAY OF ~`~ ~'~3. r iM CCpO Op~TE {7 t8 98 (~ Q~ q~FCQFLOY`t CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6, 1990 PAGE NO: 1 g RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Police 16. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1016) - (AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES) Authortztng the City Manager to engage the professional services _of Festival Floats, inc., in an amount not to exceed $30,000, for the creation of an Antl-Drug and Crime Prevention Parade Float for the upcoming holiday season, .with funds allocated therefor from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Protect No. 690001, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. 17. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1015) - (AUTHORIZING SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING) Authortztng the supplemental the fundin of the Alternatives Program and allocating funds therefor In an amount not to exceed $65.000; from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such expenditure having been approved by the Chief of Police. Department of Public Works 18. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1002) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Leadex Corporation (a Hispanic/Miami contractor)._.in an amount not to exceed 5159,943.00, base bid of the proposal, for Allapattah-Comstock Park - Lighting (secpnd bidding); with monies therefor allocated from the 1991 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 331309, in the amount of $159,943.00 to cover the contract cost; and $37,472.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for a total of $197,415.00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. R-90-943 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT DAWKINS PLUMMER DE YURRE R-90-944 MOVED SECONDED r ABSENT DAWKTNS PLUMMER DE YURRE R-90-952 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS G~~Y OF q w '~• {x I~~ono any+co {Y 18 98 O Q'4` q~6~Q.F~~Q`` CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 1 g RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 19. RESOLUTIONV - (J-90-1000) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Site Tech Engineerinc Corp. (a Hispanic/non-local contractor), in an amount not to exceed $773,600.00, base bid of the proposal, for Loca! Dra(nage Protect, E-66; with monies therefor allocated from the 1991 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 352275, in the amount of $773,600.00 to cover the contract cost; and $133,048.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for a total of $906,648.00; and authorizing the C t ty Manager to execute a contract with said firm. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 20. RESOLUTION - (J-90-981) - (REAPPOINTING MEMBERS) Reappointing certain individuals to serve as members on the Board of Trustees of the City of Miami General Employees' and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust. 21. RESOLUTION - (J-90-982) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Selecting a member of the Board of Trustees of the Ctty of Mtaml General Employees' a_nd Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust as provided for In City Code Section 40-227 for a specified term of office. 11:00 AM RECEIPT OF BIDS R-90-947 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT PLUMMER ALON50 DE YURRE R-90-948 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED PLUMMER ABSENT DE YURRE R-90--949 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE 22. Opening of sealed bids for Morn(ngside M-90-935 Highway I mprovement (second b I dd I ng ) MOVED DAWKINS 8-4523. SECONDED ; PLUMMER UNANIMOUS `qY OF ~w ~~ {'E iwCOpO ONME {j i8 96 ~q~f C0'F404~O~ CIiY I~MMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 20 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 i : 05 AM 23. RESOLUTION - (J-9O-998) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK) Accepting the completed work of Mlri Construction, _inc., for Downtown Hi4hwar improvement - Phase ll In Downtown Highway Improvement District - Phase II H-4521, Capital Improvement Program Protect No. 341115. 11:10 AM 24. RESOLUTION - (J-90-999) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK) Accepting the completed work of Russell, Inc. for SW 16 Street Highway Improvement in SW 16 Street Highway Improvement District H-4488, Capital Improvement Program Protect No. 341094. 11:15 AM 25. RESOLUTION - (J-90-997) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK) Accepting the completed work of M. Vlia and Associates, Inc., for East Llttte Havana Highway Improvement - Phase II in East Little Havana Highway Improvement District - Phase II H-4528, Capital Improvement Program Protect No. 341124. 11:20 AM 26. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1004) - (AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN CONTRACT & RATIFYING MANAGER'S FINDING OF EMERGENCY) (4/STNS VOTE) Authorizing an_ Increase In the contract amount of ;25,000.00 in the contract between the City of Mlaml, Florida and Pino-Fonticlella and Associates, Inc., dated March 26, 1990, for the Grand Avenue Park - Building Renovation, C1P Protect No. 331342, said funds to be provided from the Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10782, with funds already allocated to the protect; further ratifyln~ the City M_anager's written finding that the herein Increase __resulted from emeroencv circumstances by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of the Clty Commission, and adopting the findings and conclusions set forth In the preamble of this Resolution. R-90-953 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-954 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-955 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-956 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS l ' ~` ~.. nr {i iMCORO ORM {'j ~! 06 cmr co~issieN ac~a MEETING DATE: December 6, 1990 PAGE NO: 21 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D 1 1 - ?!S AM 27. RESOLUTION - (J-90-996) - (ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK) Accepting the completed work of Douglas N. Higgins, Inc, for North Flagler Sanitary Sewer Improvement in North Flagler Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR- 5500-C (centerline sewer), Capital Improvement Program Protect No. 351273. ~~-gin nM 28. RESOLUTION - (J-90-1036) - (WAIVING COMPETITIVE SEALED BID PROCEDURES & RATIFYING MANAGER'S FINDING OF AN EMERGENCY) (4/STNS VOTE) Waiving formal- competitive sealed bid procedures for construction and equipment for the Allapattah Elderly Program Facilities Expansion Protect; ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding that an emergency exists -Justifying such waiver for said protect; authorizing the City Manager to hold such competition as may be practicable under the circumstances for the construction of necessary improvements and Installat(on of equipment at said facility under sald~ protect; allocating funds therefor in an amount not to exceed 5110,000 from 16th Year Community Development Block Grant; further authorizing the City -Manager to execute _ and/or_ issue the necessary documents. in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the particular firm selected. WITHDRAWN R-90-957 MOVED . SECONDED ; UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COI~AISSIOII AI~NDA MEETING DATE: December 6 , 1990 PAGE NO: 22 2:00 PM NOTE: Legislation Commission Appearance. PERSONAL APPEARANCES may result from City consideration of any Personal 29. Representative(s) of Dignity for the Disabled, Inc. to discuss various Issues concerning handicapped access and facilities. 30. As per Commissioner Alonso's request, Mr. Humberto Sanchez of the Liberty Column Inc., to discuss the proposed placement of a monument In Bayfront Park. 3i. Representative(s) of The Lipton to request street closures In connection with their "Street Match" scheduled for March 12, 1991 . 32. Representative(s) of the Waterfront Advisory Board to discuss the Board's recommendations concerning waterfront Issues and request appointment of board member. 33. As per Commissioner Alonso's request, Mr. Javier Soto and Mr. Jorge Perez of the Latin Stars to request approval of a star for singer Fernando Albuerne. 34. WITHDRAWN DEFERRED TO NEXT AGENDA M-90-958 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-90-959 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS M-90-960 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-90-961 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-90-962 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT ALONSO DAWKINS DE YURRE END OF PERSONAL APPEARANCES ~, , AMENi)ED 12/2$/90 Clilf COMMISSI011 ACEI~A MEETING DATE: December 6 , t 990 PAGE N0: 23 2:30 PM DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City } Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 35. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, discussion regarding the removal of toxic waste in the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area. (This Item was continued from the meeting of November S, 1990.) 36. Discussion regarding service delivery area designation for Job training services. :j, 37. As per Commissioner Alonso's request, =j discussion regarding consolidation of office space for Clty departments and the location of a City Administration Building. ;' '? 38. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, discussion concerning the proposed Charlee Program Facility at 2915 SW i Avenue. 39. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, discussion concerning the Martin Luther _King Birthday Celebration in Bayfront Park. 40. WITHDRAWN END OF DISCUSSION ITEMS a, DISCUSSED DEFERRED DEFERRED TO JANUARY MEETING M-90-963 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M -90-964 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENAA PRESENTATIONS ..\ .I} Commission Meeting = December 6, 1990 Proclamation to: Operation Dessert Assist Day, an effort made by Veterans Life Insurance Company of PRESENTED Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to gather items from a "wish list" made by our U.S. military personnel in the Persian Gulf. Commendation to: Kathryn R. Daegling, for being j PRESENTED selected by the Florida Fire Marshals Association Selection Committee as the 1990 Fire Tnspector of the Year. Two Cheek Presentations from the Pig Bowl Charity Fund, PRESENTED Inc., to the United Way and Partners for Youth. ' Proclamation to: Battling Barracudas Day, Miam-Dade Community ~: ~ College, Wolfson Campus Volley Ball Team, winners of the 1990 Junior College National Championship. _ PRESENTED Presentation to Tom Branden for his dedication to City Children by his dressing as Santa Claus. ~~ PRESENTED Proclamation to Metro~Miami Action Plan for their business entrepeneurship. i ,'1 1 f