HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1990-12-06 Advertisement,a..- F' ~ NotIFICA~ croN D~ AUDIENCIA PURL 1 CR CIUDAD DE MIAMI Por medto de fe presents se hottficq a lode is cludadanf e de qua se calebreri una eudtencle p6biica por to Gomislbn de to Guded~d~e~M~loml, Flo- utr a,~ _fd~_"_"_T~II~fa1"'8`T~' -T~:'~°'fs"' m a flan e an el Ryuntemlento, tocaltzado en el 3500 Pen Itmerican Orlt-e, Mlemt, Fiarida. EI propettto de cliche eudlaacl6 sorb el de contldarer to apra- r bectbn de to cons- .ti000CIbn de le meJo- r!b' db !a calla 16 del Sur Oesta, Proyecto tt-4d88. EI proyecto com- prende la construc- cidrn de 2.0 millet de calla, Incluyendot ie Ilmpleze y nlueleze- cibn, !e construcclbn de pauimento acfa!- tndo, tos bordiilos de concreto y/o elcan- tarlllada, oseras de concreto, alcantarl- Iledo pare tormenter y la slembre de 6rbo- las y cesped en el brae locatizada en to 16 Ce1te del Sur Oesta antra ter auentdes t 7 j y 37 del Sur Oeste. ~ Todes Ies perso- nai atectades ,por este proyecto qua- den lnultadas a com- ps~ecer y .podrbn ser e'scuchedes por le Comisibn ds la CIu- d6d con. respacto e dlcha proyecto. En 'e! taro de qua cuel- qulpr persons qutara apelac: suelqutsr ds- Nsi6n de la Comislbn e,e`is ttuded` con ras- p~cta_.;e.; la , cyss#t8q .. qua serb cansidersde en seta audtencle, dlchs parsons debar6 asegurer qua un re- card eMacto de to qua see tratado en !e su- ~ dlencie se hags g qua :. dicho record In~tuye lode el testimonio g tef pruebet sabre les cosies podc6 basaFsa , lane epelecibn de. to determinedo por is Comistbn`. MP.TTY HIflRI Secret~rla Municipal Mlaml, Florida i • ~ I, ;~ . • :,.,~ v ..~~ r ~ ~ .tr i• J ,SRI L ,~`: ~~`~r!,• - TY.~ h•7 ~ly~ . TTTj' . /~ ..~ .L . ~. X62 .south Flbr>fda a FI~t nlah Week! ,' a t~''~!S.r~, fir~~~ ` ,~, •ACiCiDU1dT: pU1~~.J.' TtC~,-i.T,, -•r.~ ~, ~ , .;;~:r~ SIZE ~ •;•,' t. ~~ AGENCY ,~ ii~NUMBER~•;~,'- '- ••.. ~: ~• r. - . COMMISSION COUNT DUE . ~ 1v -'~f !b r ~ •~ v Sl. f' ~ *~ -} ' ~T. M r ~S,ift~` az r " * ~ "." ;y~~..y-4f ,- tit a' •' ~.' l • Y~• , ~'q Y O'fNER CHARGES`~'~~`_''~~ 'ma'r •~ AMOUNT DUE • - PLE~ISE PAY s ~ t f1 ~'`~ a . • r .~ • • - ,.,ter ~ yv~-~;%?: ;~' •'•~~'••. THIS TOTAL - ~' ~` ~~,~, .~~n 8'~~t.~Cr1i~'~.;rL ~ _.h;: , Cou r to try .` ~ Remft and make check pa able to: `'~~" ~ j~,~~ `''~`~`' ''` ~. PERIODICO PATRiA, Inc. y ~. .e c t- r ~ .. n. , _ ;~ L ~y~'~~?~ ., : ;.~ ~,. •., , ~ -~ Miami FL 331,35. - ~ - ` U .~; ~- ~~ , ~ lnclude~Yeilow.Copy with yourpayment' '.~~i '''~~'~~'~.~ ~~ ~'t ~'_PATRIA,`$outh`Fior~da's'~Flrst•Spanlsh Weekly, ,.~, •~:, r .;, >. ,:;;: +~ ~ r ''thanks yowl ~ ~ ' ~ ~. . • . ~jf ~ y'3`~Nf~, rr~i6j'1tSE , 2, t =, ~. ~y-: is ~ ~~ ~ ~[~- ~ ~~ i ~ S~ ~ ~ -~ b ~4~IC ~ 3p~~~ riC~a,ei....'~'~ ;~uL~r i~-1.: x1'sh S ~`l: w..•~~. SY:, ~ ~,: a.... ~c -_ ..! . ,. ~..~+. _ .~' . ' .~: ' . ' ^-1 ~ r tp -"N .~ , ~~ ~ -~ a~`fl Q D . - -. i'o14tr~1tSn t~t~~24 - O~f l Y el 57'3•~DO t'i# i`I C)odttn~t~ ~ de l7io. ari11s~1®la una d~ le tattle en ~I bA~Ai~U1iV~A OAN- f~1~7' i:iALL se efectuar~. un grandbso acto eels- btartda kss 23 aRos de ` MGsloa de ml fiierra dirigWo af~rrpte por Pieir~ntel Mbli- ne el ~etr +emigo dd todos its Niuriklpios Cubanos del ezilid, cooperemos con Pirrtantai al igual que el $iem~te ha cooperado con _ - iwsotros, los asistentes di$fruterAn de un suculento almuerzo y mGsica pare tieilsr, eats Cubanisima - Mvitaaibn la hate to comp- hero en ias.luchas Munici- ' patistas, pare mes informs- ~bn ilamar al tel~fono. 634- 5080, puede Ilamar de 8 A.M. a 10 P.M. Luis Rodr(guez Sec. M, Paima Soriano faf Para oonocimiento de todos los Tuneros y amigos en general, Antonb Franco Tauter (Chucho) ex Presi- dente del Municipio de Vic- c toria de las Tunas en el exi- ~' lio ha fijado su residencia en ei 5617 N.W. 7 St. Apto. 507. '_ : Miami fla. 33126. Tel~fono 287-1648. .., ~_ 7 ,~ Y 'i ~: -~-~[i1(-li JI. f tra i`I Municipio de Gijira de Melena en el exilic convoca pare la seleccibn y corona- cibn de la Reina y sus Dames, que se efectuarfi el $abado 24 de Nov, de 8 P.M. a 2 A.M. en el Chateau f3an- quet Naii 4162 W. 12 eve en el tranecurso de la cane bai- lable de contraternidad GUi- reila, las candidates tlenen que tenet de 17 a 25 aRos, set soltera, naddas en GOi- ra, set hija o familiar de GUl- reiios, donaci~n $18.00' in- formacibn telef. 826-7239. ... EI Sebado 1 ro. de Dic. de 2 a 7 P.M. y el Domingo 2 de Dic. durante todo el dla bs Municipbs de la Prov. de Pinardel Rfo en el exilic cele- braran su traditional Verbe- na Pinaref5a en la que se eligir~n la Reina Provincial y la Reina infantil con sus dos Princesas, por los tikets se sortear~ un viaje a Sto. Domingo pare dos perso- nas, un crucero pare dos personas a Bahamas en el Sea Escape, fin de semana pare 2 personas en el Hotel Dilido de Miami Beach y 15 premios donados por los 15 Munidpios Pinarefios, cads Municipio tendre su kiosco con comida tfpica de la Re- icn lu ar Robert Kin High y rtatael wumtana, vicepr chairman de la campafia. •aa AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Todas las personas interesadas son notificadas por este medic que una audiencia ptibiica se Ilevara a cabo en la reunidn de la Comisidn de la Ciudad de Miami, ei prfixi o Diciemb 1990 a las 11:25 A.M. en la Camara de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, pare considerar la aceptacicSn de la compietada construcctbn de NORTH FLAGLER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT 8-5500. EI trabajo incluya la construccltin de un sistema sanitario de aicantarilla- do, usando tuber(a de alcantarillado 8" - 30" y laterales 6" - 8" junto con todos los anexos necesarios, localizados en el area comprendida por North City Limits, West Flagler Street, N.W, 47-57 Avenidas. Todas las personas afectadas por este mejoramiento quedan invitadas a comparecer en persona y set oidas con referencia a este asunto. Si alguna persona desea apelar cualquier decisic5n tomada pot la Comi- sibn de la Ciudad, con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado en dicha audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse que un record verbal de los resultados de dicha audiencia est~n disponibles, incluyendo cualquier testimonio evidencia en el cual puedan baser su apelacidn. Lin Op ~ ~s a -~«. a.,RO a Malty Hirai g g g „ „ City Clerk Juan Rufz Delgado del Flagler St. y 70 eve, tefefs. °+oE. ~~.~ Miami, Florida Municipio de Remdios, 362-6402y 261-5116. hate sabers sus oompafie- ros Municipalistas, que b respalden en sus aspiracio- nes alaPresidencia Nacid- ~IVE1V'r'0 Per AndrEs Cuenca. sabios hen dicho que el ~ es la rueda. Sin embargo, sl hombre es cl 13piz y la ~d puede entrar en la cfitcel. ~tcd puede salir de ella. d puede hacer una fortune: fisted puede perderla. . Ileva la contabilidad del ~mundiales. tiene un scr humano en la scribi6 con 1'apiz y plume y ;lA. Por to canto, yo me a, y yo sc el porquts. SIN EL V C1~IST0 YIDAIa --. ~- .., ~ELEC~'RIC/SSA •COMERCIAL • INDUStRIAI • PESiDChtClAl. Hacemos Todo Tipo de Trabajo en Eiecfricidad ... Velit~c~r~s d~.tro .: .... CAMBIAMOS SU PANEL ELECTRiCO DE FUSIBIES A BREAKERS 2D A~103 DE EXPERIENCIA NOCME 2~'~2~ llcencla y Seguro ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ll IMPRENTA Y ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS COMUNICACION DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA East Little Havana HWY. IMP. Phase II B-4528 Se comunica a codas las personas interesadas, que una audiencia publica se llevarb a Cabo en la reunibn de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami, ei dfa 6 de Diciembre a bu 11:15 A.M., en la Cbmara de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, pare considerar la aceptacibn de la complete construccibn de "East Little Havana }Iighway Impro- vement-Phase II B-4528. EI Irab~o incluye la construccibn de 2.5 miller de caller incluyendo "clearing and Grading", construccibn del pavimento astaltico, contenes de concreto y/o "gutters", aceras de concreto, akantarillado de tonmenta, y "landscaping", loca- lizado en el Brea bordeada por S.W. i-11 Caller, entre S.W. 8-12 Avenidas. Todas las personas interesadas afectadas por ester mejoras, estfn fnvitadas a presentarse y ser5n escuchadas en asuntos rnncernientes tan to aquf tratado. Si alguna persona desea apelar eualquier decisibn de la Comisibn de la Ciudad eon respecto a algun asunto considerado en esta audiencia, dicha persona deberb asegurarse de que se haga un record verbal de los asuntos Iratados en esfa audiencia, incluyendo cualquier testimonio y evidencia sobre la cual puede ser basada alguna ~ ~ ,.~ ~F: F ~i ' F a ;ar.~" ~_ _._~. LA NAC10N, VIERNEg 23 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1990 / 7 y: MIAMI REVIEW Published Deily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florlde. 8TATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DARE: Beforo the undsrofgnsd authority personally appeared 8ookle Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Vioe Proeldent of Legal AdveHlelnq of the Mlaml Review, a dally lexoept Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holldsye) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legsl Advertisement of Nolloe In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 6, 1990 In the ........... X.. X . X .................... Court, wee published In veld newspaper In the issues of November 20, 1990 Atiient further says that the sold Mlaml Review le a newspaper published st Miami In sold Dads County, FloHds, and that the said newspaper has hsrofoforo been eontlnuouely ppublished In sold Dads County, Florida each day (except ~ Sstunlay, Sunday and Legei ttolldaya) and has been sntersd ss second clsss mall matter al tM post office In Mlaml In said Dade County, Florlde, for a period of one year next precsdlnq tl» tin Ilcation of the attached copy of sdvsrtisemsnt,• and aHiant uH er says that sM has neither paid nor promised any perso , fl or corporellon any discount, rebate, eommistlon a n u for the pu se of securing this adverissment for pubil a n In the se newspaper. Sw~~~9rr,»d subscribed betoro ma this ,,,~ • .. ~ ~. day of ... ~~~......., A.D. 1g...9 0 • T (SEAL) s"-~a' :• •~••q~y. ~' 4 •t>FFICI~****Al NOTA++RY SEAL" Cttt:RYL H, HARMER MY COMM. EXP. 4/12/92 ? try _{ cti L'? r-- _.._. r ' ~' : ~, ~ ' f ~) b .... N CO C~`Tlf' O~ IIIHIIMI, F4t»t1~1':', NOT~C~.~i.l~lrbLlC NEARINt~ , A public heating w0i tie 1t,efd_ by the t".orhmiaslon, of the Clty dt Mlaml, Florida on Thuraat-y; g~ t 11:34 a.m. fh ttt~ CIty~Commiasibn Chambers at y al; 3~P~`t A1neHtsan Dr•Ive~ Miami, FloKida.. 7he.hi}aring rvlll .be-cot~Butlttitf:for thtt `plir~6ry oi' considering a walveC of the requirements for fom~al;t~tnpbt(tlvi5 esaJies bid procedufea,for the,t»r~urathentot-goesds aid freivlr~t lobittitis~c! ~9ncy, as it~tetates.to'suah waiver.- ' All Interet<tad peragns arb inv(ted to appear and may be, heard cOncem~hp the propbsad waiver. The heatir(p will tie held AYthe~tima and place specif-ed Shove. Should'any p6tsQn deslte to appeal any decision of the pity (,om•_ `n,ifsdibh with respect to'any matter considered at3hts heartnq,~;hat pertron`.shell ensure that a verbatim reobrd'ofthe,'pnaoe~dinpa_hi made, Including at{ testimony and evidence upon which an at`ipltei .:may ba based. r Malty Hlral : + _ City Clertc•i Miami, Florida ` ., (8325) ;: t'1l20 . . 90~•ti2005M ~ ~R ~~ MiAMt REVIEV~I, Published Daly except Saturday, ~:y and Legal Holidays Mtamt, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie Williams, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertlsing of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; That the attached copy o1 advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement o) Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI ~' , ,. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Meetings scheduled for month of December rescheduled to take place on December 6, 1990 in the ......... X . x . x ........................ court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of November 23, 1990 AHlant further says that the said Miami Review Is a nevvspapar published at Miami in said Dade County, Ftorlda, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dadde County, Florida, each day (axce t Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) end has been entered as second eas mall matter at the post office in Mlemi in eald Dads ou y, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the t p Itcation of the attached copy of advertisamani; and aNia fu ar says that she has neither peld nor promised any pen t or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or u for the urpoae of securing this advertisement for pubes on in the id nawapape ~ }+e~~~~lf "C` •`subscribad before me this .2~...~/ay.~of ~N .... ~........, A.D. ~s...90. ...... C, . ... » G..r!f~.......... . heryl H. Harmer •~ ,Stale of Florida at Large {SEAL) ~~~'iast••4 My CommIS~61(Iik~t~4lestiA~ARV2$8A42'. MR t38 CHERYL H. HARMER MY COMM. EXP. 4/12/92 DADE COUNTY,R~.ORIDA' ;,.. ;:. -~_. ~- PLEASE ALL. TAKE NOTIGETHAt t15f! Regular and"the Ptagtli,~_~ and Zoning Qiry of Miam), Commission Meetings previously sah8tt~ f uled tar 'the month. of Decetnber, have been teschedtile(t 1o t'61t place aq j~~t~L~.~9~. 7tie Regular meattnp W(il bebin r'tt 9`bd,' a.m. and t e Planning and Zoning mtaeting` wiiPbegitl of 200.pan,; said meetings tintlil be held (n the City Commiasttirl=ChamDet~,' 3500 Pan American Dive, Miami, Florida. , Matty Hirai City Gferk Cltyof.Miemi Flork}a - (8321) - ; 11123 9o-~•ti~3toM: k. ___~' ~~~~ ; s !d~'J PlOV 27 Pu~9 14 37 ,~ ,~:-, .~ • ~ ` i~lf1~ ~ `t i~~ T rC1 TrY tC.l~ 4} f i~C MIAMI REVIEW Published Daity except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Betore the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams, wha on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dede County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the mailer of I~it1"y''IC~ 01~ 1~~~~$B~ ~l~klINANC~i' NoticA Itt hereby gtveri'-that tha Cit)+ Gaffirfli9slon at the Ci~y:Bf_ Mlaml, t:lbrlda, will abntilder the ibiltSiiVinp brdlnances an Sdad'f~ _ and tinai -6ading bnj~~bdt-'Iment:in~ tit 1):Ob tt:tti; In ih8 City Cbtrtrhtsa on Chambbb, art American Drive, Mtanrl; OgD11r1ANC~ NO. ~ , AN ORDINANCE WITH ATTAt1WM~N7 CR(rA~'IPJ1~ GWAPY@R i$.i: OF THE CCOE OF tHE CITw=OF MIAtu~l, FLOIi1DA A~~70.1viL~ii9~t3; ENTITLED "CONVENIENCE B'tOf~E SECURITY"; TO PHOVI~ k"t9A DEFINITIONS; REiiUIRINO C$ATAIN REfiAIt`QRtSCE~Y $#b~~' ' TO BE .EOUIp.PED WITH9PE(21FI~D ;SfrCUii1?1f~, ~~V~~E~;: FIEOUIRINt3 CERTgIN LEV~t.S OF I.iCiHTING.FOR pA1~KINQ6b~;~` '' REgUIRiNd POSTINt3 OF CERtAIN $IONS; REQUIi~IN~i°ROStfNt~;s OF SPECIFIED SIGNS; pHOHIBI'tINq~VtiINDOW TiN~'IN~t= CONTAINING A AEPEA4ER PRVVlsivn, R Stvtr+wn~e.~.r;r;, CLAUSE, AND PROVIDINd AN EFFECTIVE DATE. OF~b1NANCE NOr . "`': CITY OF MIAP1I NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 In the .............X..X..X..................... Court, was published in Bald newspaper In the Issues of November 23, 1990 Aftiant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in sold Dede County, Florida, end that the sold newspaper has herototora been continuously ppublished In sold Dade County, Florida each day (except SetuMay, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and bras been entered as second class mall matter at the post oltice In Miami In geld Dade Count ,Florida, for a period of one year next proceding the tl u cation of the attached copy of advertisement; end sill t furthe says that sha has neither paid nor promised any pe on, firm or corporotlon ~y ~4ount, rebate, commission or lund r the pu `e~~serj~s advertisement for pu Ilcatlo In the ~Ovv~perP ~ O ~ .~'" ••. ' l>~„~Ti4 R ~~ ... ~.......... =S to and su sc~hed ~re me this ~~ 23.... day ..E ......~. „A$.,9..9.Q.. .. n •y ~?ia •~q.~oi .......... . • / '~~~ C: ~~p d7e b~~l[s'~'Plorida at Large (SEAL) ,rrrrarr~nrsus~s My Commission expires Aug. 18, 1992. MR 143A AN ORDINANCE AMENDINt3 SECTION 1 Off, ORDINANCE NO , 10782, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED SEPTEMtlER 2y if194,•tNE SAP ITAL IMPROVEMENTS AppROpR1AT10N5 ~1~tD)N_A~ICEr__gY RENTl1L. S~V.ENUE ,9gNDS; GON`ti1iN1N~ A REPEAti}1; PRQVISION~ANb A~5EYEIiA81W'R' CLAUSE: - ' OgDffrANryE N0. AN ORDIIVANCEAMENDINf3, SECTION i `OF ORDINANCE NtJ, 10782,.TH'P CAt?ITAL ihIPROVEMENTou..At~P,~O~F~I/ry'T1¢.1'1, iN SAID~~AMOUNT•'~f:OR SAIp t~iO;IEGT t=ROtMt TIiE~-~>~TATE'C1F .... wa,:n. nt•-..e.r..,e•,~?.e--~ul~n.t'-a~n~ei'tuan~r'~ArtIYt CC'tfV... ',, -•' 1 `SEVEttASILITY-~tJ\U5>: ~}~'M , : Said ordinances may be inspected by the public et the Otfica;nt thtrCity Clerk, 3500 Pan Ameriban Drive, Miami Florida MOndgyf through `fr'tday; :ex'cluding hofidays,'between the hgurs of ~'6Q`u a.m. and 5:00 p.m: ~ F d *> G<: t All n)eissteQa?et8ons may apps@r at the meeting Arid be heaRt~` .with respect to the_propoged ordinances. ~ -'~~ ~~ ~ ~ r '` , .._,, , - ShW,id any parson desire to appeal any decision,bt tb$ City' ' Commistsibn, with reap4ct to any matter to be considered at Ma Ing;~that pereoh ehall'en3ure that~a~ve`rbatlrh reootd~b(~h~i -procttedings Is made Includ)rip all tdatimony end evl`dence thin= which any appeal may be based. ' ~ ~ ~ ~' ~, A s S ~~~ MATTY HIRAI ~ } CITY CLERK- _ MIAMI, FLORIDA ~ ' ~~~ .~ -~ (831) ~ as r , +,-.~ r4tr. ~ , m ,~ _ _.._ .,. _,. ~.,,_..~_....___ f ~F..(~~:.~~:~ ~~ E~1 ~~0 cov ?.7 ~~!~ ;0~ 37 ,~~i~tT I r ~i~;~r";~ CITY Ci_f~f;r{ ~i e ~ ~ ~~~~~~"r#, f=1_A. MIAMI REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie WIIliams, who on oath says that she is the Vice Prealdent of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published At Mlarnt !n Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Nollce In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 in the ............ X..X.,X_ .................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of November 23, 1990 Afflant further says that the asid Miami Review is a newspaper published et Miami In said Dade County, Florida, Ppend thhat the sold newsppaper has heretofore been continuously SatutdaytlSundaylend Legal Holtdaysj arnds~esabeen enteeed es second class mall matter al the poet otfice fn Miami to said Deds County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the f bl(cation of the allached copy of advertisemenh and aftl t fu er Bays that she has naUnw. ,,.~,r ......,...~,__~ __.. Pe on, n or C or fun for the ~Ur~1Ty .-..5.,...... S m to ~,,gykiacrtbe~ betorCme this .23.. daY/.~"1~'~_ '~"•~/4C11.1•~,~ ~ 9~.. /~~.D.ite... at Large (SEAL) -•••~ov-- My Commission expires Aug. 18, 1992. MR 143A ~~ ~r~v ~~ M~aw~t,~ ~~t~~~~~~ ::: . NOTICE Oh ~~iOP~'?33~~'~~I~I~N~~Mi~~ NoticB is hereby given that the Cfty CothrrrFssitS~ of tht# City of Miami, FIor1Ge, will odnbtder the f011owing ortlinbrtb~~ l-n et)C6~tid and tMal raadihp on Dets tuber 8 1990, obrhmena)rtp dt 9:t~0 a.tn: in the Ctty Commissf~Rl. a e ,~'''M1r~AtAmefiCBn Ortve, MIAmI, Ftoride: G<~D)NANCE NO. AN bRDiNAiVCE WITH ATTACHMEN"C, CREATING CHAPTER 12.t OF, THE CODE OF THE GItY OF MiAMI, fLdRIDA AS AMENLiEq,; ENTITLED "CONVENIENCE STORE SECURITY'; TO PROVlOE F'l71'1''. DEFINITIONS; REQUIRING CERTAIN RETAIL GROCEI4Y~~'~~tEB` TO 9E EQUIPPED.WITH.BPECIFIED SECURITY q>:VaCE9. REQUIRING CERTAIN LEVEL8 OF LIt~HTINCi F4R PARKINdi 1075;'. REQUIRING pt)STINO OF GEFtTAIN SICiNiS; REQUIiiINr3 Pb8liirti: OF SPECIFIED SIGNS; PROHIBITING WiND!bVY tiN1'iNCi, REQUIRING TRAININf3 FOR CERTAIN EMIst.OYt=ES;,P~iSViblNt3, FOR. CiVll FINES; PROVIDING FOR NONCC)MPI:iANCE PEE$. CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISiON, A SEVr:FtAl3fLiT.Y CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CIRDINANtCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENbINt3 $EGTION .1 OF 4ROINANCE tVO. 10782, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED. SEPTEMBER 2t 1990, tHE CAFE ITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPRbPRIATIONS b~tt~INANCE, 8Y INCREASING'iHE APPROpRiATION FOR THE EXISTi1VG PRQJEC'f ENTITLEb "FEDERAL LAW ENFORCENiEN1'~UIt.01NC9,"~PEO;If;~T N0.81101A, IN THE AMOUNT OF S12,b00,b00 F~fdtJ)'ADCitTiDNAL`; RENTAL. REVENUE SOND$; CONTAININCi!A REPEALE~1', PRtlViSiON AND A SEVERA9IUTY CLAUSE. 0~tt)INANCE N0. AN.ORDINANCE,AMENDINt3 SECTlO t OF,ORDINANgE.NO.; 10782; TFiE CAPiTAt IMPflOVEMi~NTS APP:R6PRt.ATib(:1; ORDItJANCE, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER `21','ig90, BY tNCREi48tti(i; THE AphROPR1AtION$_FGR THEPROJECT ENTlTLE4~ ':'f=1RS;; ICES''C3RANT,• CONTA1NING A'REPEALER PAOVfSiQN ANb A-`. SEVEi'iA$ILITY CL~4USE. T • $a)d ordinances may be inspected by the pubitc at the Qiitce ofd the City Ctetk, 3500 Pan:Arnerlt:an briVe,,M~amI;l=lorida, Mondey' through Friday, excluding holidays, betwetfn,-the hours of f3:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All ihterb@ted. persons may appear at the +ti't3eting and t>e"beard wNh'respect to She prOpoaed ordinances... Shoufd.eny, person desire 19 ~Ppeaf any decision of the City; - Cbmmtssigh "with reaped fo iti-y matter Lo be considered ~t lpla'•- meetfng, that paraon_ shall Haute that,tti verbatim rarsord:"of {he,., pioceedinga is`trtade tncltitl~ng all~test)'mony and evidence upon whicfi' hny appAal mtiy tie tiasttd. , MATTY HiRAI CITY CLERK ~' ": MiAMi, FLORIDA ' ~" a _ .~ (8931) .,c;: ;, • ~ 1123 8(1-41 y 2309M a ~3~J hiOV ?_7 J`~11 i~~ 37 can ~.~ ti°~ ~,, ,, :. t`1)~ ~ ~ I ?;11i~', CiT~f ~~ ~{I~aP~i, Fl_.a. MIAMI REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Wlillama, who on oath says that she la the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Mlaml Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published et Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 In the .............X..X..)(.....................Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of November 23, 1990 Afflent further says that the said Miami Review Is e newspaper published at Mismi in geld Dede County, Florida, end that the sold newspaper hae heretofore been continuously published In ssid Dede County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday end Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first cation of the attached copy of advertisement• and affian urthe says that she has neither paid nor promised any peroo ,firm r corporatlo ~~pp3 d(s count, rebate, commission or ro and r the pu dT-e~Ltiffiaa~lhls advertisement for publl tlo In the ^neWipepry ~~ /J ' -~~p~Ak~~SS ~ om to and s baFribed t)bfore me this ,~..~ i ~1J' II D l%e~~ 1 ..- d ...~ . .~..v ~ ' u of .......... . ~e~ ~air'fitY• a),~1 ~lorida at Large (SEAL) -"••nauuss•'" My Commission expires Aug. 16, 1!1.92. MR 143A ~~ +crty o~~ rNrA~ni,- ~~opr~-~-, r~orr~~ o~ ~ro~os~n ah~rr~~-w~~ Notice is hereby given that Ihe~City CbmmlagfoY( of tNe ~ty'oi Miami, Florida, will cbnaider the follbWing ardinan6e6 61~ 66r:fyttitf and final reading on omrnenttlhS at 1~:flb' ~.)ii. in the City Corhlntssibh~an Amencau- Drive, Mtemt,' Florida: ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE WITH ATTACHMENT, CREATING CHAPTER i~:t' OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AS~-MENDED;= ENTITLED "[:ONVENIENCE STORE SECURITY' ; TO PROVICtL~R DEFINItiONS; REQU1RiIVG t;ERTAIN RETAIL tiROCERY StOREB T TO BE EQUIPPED WITH SPECIFIED SECURTTI( DE,VICES~ REQUIRING CERTAIN LEVELS OF LIGHTING FOR PARKING LOTS;': gEQUIRING POSTING OF CERTAIN SIGNS; REQUIRING POSTING , OF SPECIFIED SIl3N5; Pf~OHIBITING VVINOOW TINTIN.4;~ REQUIRING 7RAiNiNt3 FOR CERtA1N ~MPLOYEI:'S; PI#OVIDINti,. ' FOR CIVIL FINES; PROVIDING FOR NONCOMPLIANCE, FEES,,- ; CONTAINING.A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERAB)LIT~t, ', CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: _> ORDINANCE N0. " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF.ORDINANCE.NO, 10782, A5 AMENDED, ADOPTED SEPTEMB81a 27,1990; tHE trAp- ITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRiATfON6'ORDINANCE,:BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION_FOR'THE Fa(ISTINi~ PROd~Cfi, ENTITLED "FEDERAL tJ4W ENFORCEiu'I ENT BUILDINl3; ', PROJ8C7` NO. X11014, IN THE AMOtaNT OF S12,000,OdO i°ROM'ADDItIi9NAl ; RENTAL REVENUE t30NDS; CONTAINING A REPEALEf~ PROVISION AND A SEVERABILI7Y CLAUSi. ' ` tlRDINANC£ NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ~SECYION 1"01= ORDINANCE Nt5-: , .10782, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS'l~PPROPRIAYI6N; ORDINANCE, ADOPTED SEPTEMBEp'27`, 1l~9b, SY`,1NCft~A$1N(i: FLO~tDAbEPARTMENT OF FJEALTH AND RENABIL'ITATfVE$ERV . .ICES GRAM; CONTAINING ,A REPEALER PROVISION'AND A SFYERABILtTY CLAI)SE. • &eid ordinanctaa'may txalnbpectad by the. public et the Office of ~.tha CIty~Clerk, 35bQ:Pan'Amet-can Drf'va„1Nlami, Florida, Monday •through Friday,. excluding botidays,'between the hours of Bi00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All interasted.persotta may appear at the meeting and be heard w;ih re~peg,t to the;proposed ordinances: Should ~,y perysOh d8sire to appeal: any ~ecislon of the City Commi~slon With t~Ppat;t tG any rristter ~o be considerrid at this •~in~eting;~that person sR811enaure~-that aveFbaNm record oY~the~ ' prpceedings Is'made lttaluding all testimony and evidence upop which any_appeai may be ba9ed. - - MATTY HI(iAl ' CITY CLERK ' ' MIAMI, FLORIDA I~311 - . ".~ , ;' 11/23 ~ • 90~1123pgM : - todo el tlemlpf~` eau V ~~.-_y-.-.c:. _- _-__.._-_ .t. .i ~~~D ~~IOV 27 ~~~1 (0~ 37 p, •~ ;'~'~ sk !;i~ l' fiir ~~,I~ifll, Fail.. MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie Wliitems, who on oath says that she Is the Yice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Mieml In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 In the .............X..X..X..................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of November 23, 1990 Alfiant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Mlaml In said Dade County, Florida, end thhat the sold newspaper has heretolore been continuously published In Bald Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Hoildeys) and has been entered as second class maU matter at the post otlice In Miami in sold Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the !i pu Iicetlon of the attached copy of advertisement; end affia furt sr says that she has neither paid nor promised any ps on, f or corporsllon a count, rebate, commlaslon or fu for the pu tlP AMg~ls advertisement for pu Iic on in t s+i~iLl~~we~parp /~~Qa+ .` H R -. . `` ~ ~ o and su~cr~d beige me this • 3 ;, ~ C 23.... day o 0 .:'.tTICS~P....~ ..tA. s..9.~.. l~n ~ ..... .... : . r. ..•~ ........... r~r~ P I ~- _ 1(ly~~b ,L S e Q~ lorida at Large (SEAL) ''aaaenuaaV``• My Commission expires Aug. 18, 1882. MR 143A r"1' NOTICE Ot= PAOPCIIS~D OpDtNJlhlC Notice Is hereby gW~2n that the Clfy Cornhilastoh of the Clty of" Mlaml, Florida, wlli consider the }btfowing ordinarlbsll i~Sh" littcbrit4 and flnat reading oty„pir'°'~'w.w a' 1°0^.~?;omtnenbitl~ i1t x:00 at-t. iit the City Cafimiffislon Chatttbers, 3500 Pen American Drtve, Miami; Florida: Ogt~iNANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WITH ATTACFIMENfi, CREATINC3 GWAI?'TER 1s?.i OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMi, FLORIfSA AS AMENDt:D ENTITLED °CONVEMENCE 8tl3gte SECURITY"; TO PgOVIGIr f`•O~ DteFINIt10NS; gEQU1RIN(i CEgTAIN RETAIL t3f}OCEii~! ~1'b1iE6` TO BE EOUIPPEO WITH. 3PECIF}ED~$ECURITY t°3EVMCES;' REQUIRING CERtAIN LEVELS bF LICiNTINti_ FOR tSAgKINt~ LOTS;•: REQUIRING POSTING OF CERTAIN $It3NS; REgUIRiN(dit~b~T'iNt31 OF SPECIFIED SIGNS; PRbHig1TINO WINp4W `itNfitN~i REQUIRING TRAINING FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES; i~~tiJYID(Nti;: FOR CIVIL FINES; PROVIDING t=~iR NbNLt3Mb6iANGE t=EE8,- ; CONTAININGi A REPEALER PROVISION,' A SEVE14A81LiTY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE... , f3HbtNANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION ,1 OF. QRDINANCE NO. 10782, AS AMENDED, ADOPtEb SEPTEMBER'17, 19$U,'TWE CAR ITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS'ORDINANCE', BY INCRFAS)NG THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE EXiSTINf~".~FtWECT.. ENTITLED "FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BUILDING " I~O,tEC1'' NO.311014, IN THE AMOi1NT OF t12,000,bb0 FROM ADD17ttDNAL RENtpL REVENUE BONDS; CONTAINING A, f}EPEALt=R` PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY GLAUSE. ~ '' ORDINANCE NO. • • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION t OK ORDINANCE NQ..'. 10782, .THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROpF11j1YlON ORDINANCE, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 27, 11390, RY INCB~EASINO: THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PROJEC'I"ENTI'i'L~C "t=IRE;. RESCUE SPECIAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT FY'90", PROJE{:1' NO::. 313237,•IN T.HE AMOUNT OF_ S50,OOb; APP140pRUTING:~UN~S IN'SAIO AMOUNT,FOR-SAID, PROJECT FROM THE SfiAT~ t:SF" FLORIbA DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH ANO REHAB(C1tATIVE &~RV• ; ICES GRANT; CONTAINING' `A REPEALER PfiOVi61ON AND 'A' SEYERA8ILITY CLAUSE.. ,' Said ardlnancea may be lhspected by the pupllc at the Otflce nt, • the City Clark, 3500 Pan Amer+can Drjve, {1Aiaml, Florida,. Mtindsy through Friday, excluding' holidays, .betvJeen the hours of '8'00'; am: and 5:00 p.m. All interested persons may appear 8t the meeting and be heard` vrlih respedi to the Rropo$ed ordinances.. , 'Should any person desitti: to appedi any d6Cision of "the Clty Commission with respec} io sr-y matter to be'consldered at ihts- rt-eettng, th8t peratin sha11• ensure that a verbatim record,bf'(he proceedings is~ mode fricludlnfl atl testimony entl evident upon xlrhich any aPUeei maybe based MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK ` f ' MIAMi, FLORIDA .(~31) . ~ ~/2~ 80,4.112309M r- ~~90 i~OU ?7 1;"~ in: 37 ir~h~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ; I I , :., CIT Y f:,, f ~t~~ rift t~F ~:i!li~?!, F!_i~. MIAMI REVIEW Published Ually except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie Wlillama, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Mlaml !n Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 in the ............ X . X . X ..................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of November 23, 1990 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Mlamt In said Dade County, Florida, and that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously Published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holitlays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post olflce in Mlemi In said Dade ounty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the re ubllcatlon of the attached copy of advertisement; and aff nt 1 rther says that she has neither paid nor promised any ps on, Irm or corporp~ gyp discount, rebate, commission or rofu d for the pNtlt3se~of a~LiAfpp this advertisement for p Ilc IOn In thA~e eawsolaar._ a._ • fJtAky; `~.Swom to and a~scribea before me this 23 ~, No~v+~fiber t 90 v 'i4 " CN~yr ptdttlsll'~ytb of Florida at Large (SEAL) ,asa~lrsa~s~NSSSSS` My Commission expires Aug. 16, 18f)2. MR 143A ~~ ~r~rr c-~ ~rA~~, ~t~~~~~ NOtICE tyh pl~~I~~f~~b t~~bl~1~-f+~CE3 Notice le hereby given that the Clty Cclrir`fiitTsloti.ot the City b{' Mlaml, Florida, Will t:tlnsidet thA following ordina~ottts_tsh s~dbntt" and final tea8ing an becl,~ts~r &, 19~b, cornmenctfi~ a1 t#.~'~:fr)• In the Clty Cbmm1s'sion~ft-am'~Fi3','350~'pan American brava, Mlamt; Florida: OF~bINANCi NO. AN ORDINANCE 11111TH ATtACHMENt, CREAtING CHAi?tf=R 12,1 OF THE CODE 01= YNE CITY OF M1AM1, FLORIDA.Al3 AtW~Ci~C); ENTITLED "CONVENIENCE et0~1F SECUC•tiTY"; 1'O PFt~bVID~ (yE1~l~, DEFiN{T10NS; REQUIR{NG rWEf;7AIN RE'iA{L f3~lOCl;RY•8?bAE$'; TO SE EfSUIPPED WIfH. SPECIFIED. SECURItY; D1rVlG`E8 REQUIRING CERTAIN LEVELS Oi: LIGHT{NG,FOR PApKiNt~ LOt3; REOUIf±;ING POSTING OF CERTAIN SIGNS; REdUIRINt`3 ~+OSTING OF SPEGIFIEb SIGNS; PROliI~1TING WINb~Wr 71~~~l.TINI~,;' REQUIRING TRAINING FOR C$iitA1N $MPLOYEES; ~ROVIbING; FOR CIVIL PINES; PROVIDING FOR NONCOMPLIAN~f:,FEE3;, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SI_V~~!-EILITY;; CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE BATE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION .1 OF ORDINANCE: N0. 10782, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER Z7, it•~0,• T~'tE CAR ITAL IMPROVEMENTS-APPROPRIATIONS OI~CJINANCE, BY. N0.311014, IN THE AMOUNT OF S12,OOO,t>DO FROM ADfMIONAI. RENTAL REVENUE 80NOS; CONTAINING A, ~IEf'i:ALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE N0. - , AN pR01NANCE AMENDING SECttON 1 OE'OgDINANCE N0.' 10782, T.HE:CAPITAL ~MPROVt3MENT5 APPaO'}~I~1A1'tON~: ICES't~RANT CONTAINING .A REPEALER PROV15i0N AND A" SE~ERA~ILI'fY CLAUSE. Sa)tt ordinances may be Inspected by the public at the Ottice of~- the•CltyClerk, 3500Pan`Atnerican DrlVtf;f4llami; Florida, Monday through Friday, exctuding holidays, between the hqurs.ot 9'tl0; a.m. and 5:00, p.m. _ A11-1f)tifeeted peraorts.may appear. 8t the meeting and be heahd .~wit~=r~gpe¢j to lheproposfid ordinances. SiiCUld any pertton,.detsire.to aQpesf, any decleion ofihe Cltyr~ Commltision vvMth respect to any matter W be considered z-4 this meeting, that prtrson ehall ensure that-a Verbatim record of the; proceedings is made includfnQ alt testimony and evldenCe upon "which any appeal may Ge based. ~~ MATTY HIRAL . r '_ CITY Cl~itC .` 1 ~`: MIAMI,.FLORIDA t ,~'111~i - g0.4=1j~d~M ~~ ~.- _~g_. r~I~.CI:~\f E'.~ ;990 PiOV 27 A~9 i0~ 39 G1TY CL(=(?i{ CiT~~' p~ t,'I[~PTiI, FLt1.. MIAMI REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams, wha on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Mlaml Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legai Holidays) newspaper, published al Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Nollce in the master of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 in the ............. X..X..X.................... Court, was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of November 23, 1990 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Mlamt in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in sold Dads County, Florlde, each day (except Saturday, Sunday end Legal Holidays) end has been entered as second class mall matter at the post oflice In Miami in Bald Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the fir 1 publication of the attached copy of adverisement; and effla rther says th sMdr/~rayj er paid nor promised any pars n, irm or c atl en dls t, rebate, commission or fu d for t pyr/gs~ot ~~n 4yls advertisement for oub Ic Ion in -lflhe aSid`hewaoeoer~+ i ~. SwoTTr'trlsnd auti~cribed~etore me this .... 23da~r~'},P ~QU~lrl ~... 4~aa. ,8...90. ~~a~~~p)arLr_Pu V atenof uFlodda et Large {SEAL) My Commission expires Aug. 16, 1992. MR 143A ~~~rv o~ w~~arwrt ~~e~r~ra>~- ~otrc~ o~ ~ -r~~ Notide is hereby ~Iven that ihd Clty Commission tit. the Clty of Mietfil, Flnrida, will bonslder the totlowirig bidihArtceb oIS bet:bnd i bnd 11na1 reeding bn December 8 i tsmrnencing 8t 9:D0 O:rn. In the.Clty Commissidl'iLMf>~f6ere, an Aesnertcen iMve, MlArlri, Flewlda: i)RDiNANGE NO. AN OR!)INANtaE RELATIFili TO CONFLICTS OF INYER• _ EST; AMENDING 1'HE CODS O1i THE~'+CI1'Y OF MIAMI FLORIDA, AS AMENbED, 9Y AMENDItV{3 SECtI(yN 2.3t~2 ` THEREOF TO AUTHOfIiZE APPF.ARANCE$ BY MEMSEhS OF BOARpS, COMMISSIONS ANI~ ACiENCIE3 ±bl~ 7NE CITY BEFORE tHE'CITY COMMISSION ~ REPRE$ENT• ATION OF TIiIRb PARTIE$• CONtINUiN `PFtOHt61TiON ON APPEARA. N,~3 S't3EFt>t~Il tJIEMBER'SCi1NN 80ARD, ` COMMISSItTFTOA AGENCY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABIUTY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING -FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , ORDiNANC~,NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING~;'THAT ALL PRESENt' EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI EXCEPT'AS ' STATED HEREIN SHALL ESTABLISH RESIDENCY WITHM "' THE Ctl'Y OF MIAMI NO t.ATEIi THAN 18 MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS pFiDINANCE AND SHALL MAINTAIN SUCH RESLDENGY DURING-CITY EMPLOYMENT; ALSO PROYtD)Ht3 THAT NEWLY•HIRED EMPLOYEES .ESTABLISH At~ID,MAIIVTAIN BUGH. RESIDENCY; FURTHER PROViLI1Nt3:THAI` THE, CITY MANAGER SHALL BARGAIN IN t~bbb FAITH WITH THE BARGAINING AGENTS OF EACH OF THE EMPLOYEES', COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNITS, tY BE1NCi tHE)PI'tEN• TION OF THE CITY COMMISSIdN.Tt) NEt30TIATE THE INCLUSION IN ALL FUTURE COLLECTlYE :BARGAINlNt3. AGREEMENTS OF A PROVISION, REOlI1R1NG,COtV'1rIN- UOU8 RESIDENCY ,WITHIN THE CITif FOi# ILL. CITY EMPt.OYEE$ FOF- SO LoN~;A3 THEY Ai~E ~MPLOYEh; , ALSO PROVIDING THAT VIOL'ATION3'OF TH:E ~: RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT SHALL BE (iR0lJNDS FOA , TERMINATION DF EMPLOYMENT; CONTAININGi ~tiEF1-~ " N)TtONDF RESIDENCY; DECLAR)Nti `THE ORtS)NAtVer TO BE AN ORDINAyCE O~ PRECEDENT; CO17TAIN1'N(3 A REPEALER PITOVISi~( ~EVEtiAt3llIlY~GI:AU$E AiQD PROVIDINt3 FOR AN ERf~TIVE DAVE; A1HD PtiOYiDIN_ t'3 - FOR INCLI~SION 1N,~HE GiTY CODE: ~ ~ ~ , Sald:ordlrlattF4a tray:be Inspected byt~li public at the Olfice of the City Clerk, 35Q0.Pari;American DrWe, Mlitrltl, Florida, Monday throupt- Frtday, excludi~q Aolldays, 1Sbtwesp, the hours of B~Q. ., a.m: ens! 5:00 p.rr- ;_; All interested persona may.appear et the meetirrg and be heard :with respect 1o7he propotied ordinances- - 8tltiu)d any person desire toy appsd any .decis)on ot, the City Cptralllssipn yiritti pp¢patit to ta<rry`itttrtttsr io Da corlsldeted at ttiis Ineeltin0. that person shpts , _ "" urs tliaf ~ vstbnttrri record of ttter pn>~itliny$ ~fl made inefudlnQ aU tetitkrwrry end evidence upon' whi0h _anY lppd ay be; based.: , _ H ' ~ ~ : MATTY HIRAI - -..~Ci'FVCLERK (dtU11~1.FLORIDA. . ; , .... _ ~4- .. Ii0.4•t~2308M _ _ __ _ ~ .z - - ~~~'~'~~~ Sad,Y~6~sa}~~~emanatodotl~~~npo de;~pl~l ~ "`,~°~ a F~E''_CEI~.~t~L~ ;990 r~OV 27 ~~! -0= 39 ~~ia11~~1 ~i ~~lii11 CITY CLf•:f;i~~ ~i i .~ {1F P~i-aMl, FLr1. MIAMI REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Belore the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie Williams, who on oath says Ihat she Is the Vlce President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy o4 advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE December 6, 1990 in Ihe .............X..X..)(..................... Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of November 23, 1990 Aillant lurther says that the said Mlaml Review Is a newsp~p~r published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday end Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post olfice in Mlemi in said Dade nty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the ret p bllcation o1 the attached copy of advertisement; and aff nt lu her says that i4asn er paid nor promised any pe eon, rm or cords on any dla t, rebate, commission or ref d for th rpggNof s~Lyrjng tMjg advertisement for Swonrlo~d sub~ribed ~fielore me this 23.... dav6f . ~ 1 .,~?J!1~?R.~~t:z ..,aa.o.s~..90.. ......,...r..~ .. .~-,. . ,,.,., .- , ............ . •~~~gyptery Publig. a of u~lorida at Large (SEAL) My Commission expires Aug. 18, 1992. MR 143A ~i'1'Y O~ MIAMI, ~4~~~~-1~ Notice 18 h~ieby ~itren that thA Glty!~11rr113si~i of the,Ctlty ail- Mlafl`ri, Florida; wtil coh3lder the Iryiiowln~ brdlnaftt;e~ o'n eeaorrd ahd (lrtal re6dl-ig bn b ~ I mi4ianolnp 91 S;U'O,~.H1. in the City Commlesion~era Ainerlcilt+i brave, fJltin~li, F'forlda: OROINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATINt3 Tb CbNFL(CTt3 b~ IN1`Fli~ EST; AMEN6ING,THE CObi:,tlF'I'WE bITY bF MIAMI FLORIDA; A$ AMENDED, BY, AMk~N151Nt~"'~ECS'ItlN` 2;A'J"d 'THEREOF Tb AUTHORIZE APFrEARANOES 8V MEM~~~ 6F BOARbS, CbMMIS310N$ AN At;IENCIE$ ~' •" E " • CITY BEFORE THE CITY ObMMISl:11bN iH°REi~~I~i'I'~ ATION OF fiHiRb PARTIES; CONTINUINt'1 PRbH1$11"itlN ON APpEJCRANCES BEFORE A MEMBER'S OVVN iC1Ai4t~, COMMISSION OR AGENCY; CONTAiNINt3 A REiflliL'SR ' " PROVIt310N, SEVERABILITY GLAUSE AN0 PRO~il01Nb " ..FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE Nt). , AN ORbINANOE PROVIbINti CHAT ALL PRte>;ENt 'EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI EXCEPT`~k"$ STATED HEREIN SHALL ESTA9LISH RESIDENCY WITIi1N THE CITY OF MIAMI NO LATER THAN 18 MONTHS FgOM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORbiNANCEANO SHALL , MAINTAIN SUCH REStDENbY DUFtiNG;OiT:Y EMPLOYMENT; ALSO PROVIDING.THAT NEWLY•MIpED EMPLOYEES ESTABLISH ANb MAIN'~A(N SUb11 ~ , 3 RESIDENCY; FURTHER PROYIOINti THAT-.THE CLTY MANAGER SHALL BARGAIN IN OCibb FAITH WITH'tliE 1 BARGAINING AGENTS OF EACH OF~THEEMPLOY>~E$' COLLECTIVE BARGA{NING UNITS, IT BEINQ.THE iNTEN• TION OF THE CITY COMMISSION 'f'O NE(i0'~ATE TyE INCLUSION IN ALL FUTURE COLIE~fIYE BARGAI~1~O, , AGREEMENTS OF A PAOVISION`REQUIRtNG" COaTfN- UOUS RESIDENCY" WITHIN THE CITY Fpp"ALL C1~1~~ EMPLOYEES FOR SO LONE AS THEY ARE pLOY~tI, ALSO PROVIDING tHAT ViOL.ATION Of THE. " RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT SHALL $E GROUND' FOR .,~ TERMINATION OF EMIPL~YMENT; ~`ONTAIF~tNt}'~D~1 NITION OF RESIDENCY; DECLARINQ THE ORt~iJVI~N~E TO BE"AN_ORb1NANCE"OF PRECEDENT,"bON'~711tril~lt3 ' ,, • ~ A REPEALER t?ROVISlON ~EVERA6ILITY CLJIUSE ANb ' PROVIbING~FOR AN EFFECTIVE BATE, AND'PRtri101NG INCLUSION" IN Ti~E CITY OODE.. s~,., _. ,_ ,_ ^ f - u,~ilc at t i.in: snd 6~b p.m - ~ ~ . • 'r Ail interested peroona• may,aPpear al this rresetlnp and t» heard.. _.' with~rospecl to-the propoeed'txdinrtce~ ::., •_ , -... , _ :~i $Ittiuldaaty person deairo to:;y-PIbp1:AnY dsciz<~ ol;"tltn Citti- ,•y FOR MIAMI REVIE Published Dally except SaturdaytYay and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNtY OF DADE: Belore the undersigned eulhority personally appeared Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Vlce President of Legal Advertising of the Mlaml Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Mlaml in Dede County, FtoHda; Ihat the attached copy of edvertiaemenl, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 6, 1990 in the ......... X . X . X ........................ CouH, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of November 23, 1990 Afflant further says that the said Mlaml Review la a tpaper published at Miami In sold Dade County, Florida, thhat the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously Ish d I ld D d C F i s n so a e ounty, lor da each day (except rdey, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered es n ss mail matter at the post oilice in Mleml in said Fi f ld i i ou y, or a, or a per od of one year next preceding 1 p Ilcatlon of the attached copy of advertisement; and t fu er says that she has neither paid nor promised any n, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission u for the urpose of securing this advertisement for Ion In the id ew a n p . sp j ~a~apd subscribbd before me this `~, .: i ~-' !'" ~ -~a 2~.... tdey of +r-~ .. *........, A.D. 19..90.. .+ _ ieryl H. Mermer ~-M Stele of Florida at Lerga (SEAL) +ea~~ ~•i, My Commis~~~~e~Y1?gEt~9~. MR 138 CHERYL H, MARh~R ~ E~• EXR. 4/12/92 *~ ~t~r~r ~i~ Mrr, ~ . i'iAt'y1~ CO~NTIt, ~~L~I~tti~A NO'~~Cts O~ PU~~1C t~l~ARI~!It~ All interested persons will lake nottbtt thAt ~ pUbltrs heartrig wilt ba teitl at the 1111am1 Clty Cofnrtila`alcstt`rrla9ting of Dect~tft~": At ii:20 a,m., In the Gity t;omnnisatoh G ; a~an~A~merican Drlpe, to `consider an Irtoroaae In oontra~t:i amount for tlrafrd AVanus Park -~ Building f#enbvtttlort, Additional modiNcatlons were reyuesCed t>jr the marks arSd Recreation Department as well as local ne{phbtr~,theae.IrSatiide'; a new sewer. connectlbn, security louvers, h~ridicap ramp and grettitl seal for the exterior wails. Ail int9rested pereohs aNected by this tmproverrtttnt are invited to appear and may be heard conoerniAg thta Item.':&hvuld any:. persons desire to appeal any decision of the City Commistslort, ~ vrith respect to any matter con8ltiered st this nt~adn~,. that. person shall ensure that ttverbatim, record of the_ proceeding is ' made, including eti testimony, and eyldanoe aporiwhioh;any, appeal may be based. :Malty Hirst City Clerk Miami, Florida ,~,. \. ' .', CJ r~1 ~~~-~ , ; ~. --- . _ - _ ----- _ -,w '. ' MIAMI REVIEV~I,~ Published belly except Saturday, ay and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA ~ (" ti - COUNTY OF DADE: ~~ ;-. C~ ~` ~ i.,' ~_:~ ~~~ ~ .. i_! Before the undersigned authority perst[,r~yy 5~qppared Sookle Williams, who on oath says that IsC'~~tt1N ~~ ~ rr . ~± Preeldent of Legal Adverftsing of the Miami Review, a dally ~'~ ~ (~: 3p (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holldeys-, gews spar published et Miami In Dade County, Florida; Ihatrffp~r}t aqh ~ t copy of advertisement, beta a Le sl Advertisement-o 11 e ~ • ` In the matter of g g r` `~~I 9 i_ I_ ~,' , CITY OF MIAMI ~'~+ (~r ~~r`f,;tiil. ~:~ ,, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 6, 1990 In -he ............ X . X ..X ..................... Court, was publtshed In sold newspaper In the Issues of November 23, 1990 Alflent further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in aetd Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Da a County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) end has been entered ea second class moll matter at the post office In Mieml in geld Oeda C unty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the tl ublicallon of the attached copy of advertisement; and alflan her say6 that she has neither paid nor promised any pars nn or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publi Ion In th said newspa r. ~ ~ ~ , before me this ...2.3. day of ...~... r :......, A.D. 19..9.. • w 1h~eeryl H. Harmer ~_ _y~State of Florida at Large 5FJ-L) -••"••- __'':' My CommissfipFlE~O~AE AI~IiAXi- • ~; MR t36 CHERYL H. HARMER _!i Ml' Ct7t~M1. EXP. 4/12/92 _.,~ C~~'Y O~ IIi11/1Nl~ ua~~ ~+~uwr~-, ~~o~~oa NOT~~E ~f~ ptr~LlC H~~-~#If~Gi All Interested petsohe will take notice that a publio.heaHftg~ will be held at the Mlentl City COmmlasion meeting of e be~$~ '11:25 a,m., In thA City Commission.Ch O ere,_ 3500 Pan American Drive, to consider agceptanoe of the com• pletgd construction o1 NORTH FLAQLER t3AMttAI~Y SEWER IMPROVEMENT t3.8500. - The work Included construction of a sanitary i3ewage syetetn using 8"•30" sewer pipe And 8"-8" laterals together with all neceAsary appurtenanoes located in the area boupded by tt-e . North Ctty Limlta, West Fiegler Street, tV.JY. 4.87 Avenues. All interested persona affected by this improvement are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this item: Should any person desire to appeal .any tieoislon of the CIty Comlrilsslon with respect to. any, matter considered at this hearing, that person bhali ensure -that a verbatim recoN of the prooeedinpa Is made,TnclUding ail testimony and evidence upon which. any appeal may be¢ased. . Matty Hirst City Clark . e Miami, Flor<da tie l3'23 _ 90.3-'t 12308M o .,...,.,. ,,._ _ ~~.. ~~ ~~ MIAMI REVIE Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the underelgned authority personally appeare~Y'J ~~lJt~ Sookis Willlsms, who on oath eaye That ehe le the Vice Proddent of Legal Advertieing of the Mleml Revlew, a daily ~, ^ ~~ ~ ~ ,(except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newepeper, c t~-t ~ ~ ! 1 publlahed et Mlemi in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Adverllsemenl of Noticr}, _. ~ I 1 { ``' ~ ~' In the matterot ,j; i {~~~ (~i;,. CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 6, 1990 In the ......... , x.. x.. ~ ....................... Court, wee publlahed In Bald newepeper In the Issues of November 23, 1990 Alflant lurther says that the said Mleml Revlew Is a newepeper publlahed el Miami In said Dade County, Florida, end thhat the sold newepeper hea heretolore been continuously publlahed In sold Dade County, Fioride, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second claea mall matter at the poet office ~In Miami In said Dads C Florlde, for a period of one year next preceding the tl pu I~catlon of the attached copy of advertisemenP end elllan fu sr says that she has neither paid nor promiseri any psre t or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or u for the urpose of securing this advertisement for `pub/ on In th~ald newspe I ' • w A /, before me thla ..23.. day o} ;.N ...~ ......., A.D. 19..90. . r ** y*~ Cheryl H. Mermer Nbt'1fF~ Public, State of Florida et Large (SEAL) "OFrFICIvAL NOTI1AI1~~RY SEAL" My Commis~QrfCY~~~~lt~ MR 138 CITY O~ M~AIiNIy ~~1~ 1iAD~~CO~NTY,;~~~R~~A ~K aricE ~~ pu-~rr,t+~ ~~A~~~o ~~ f ~~. All interested persons wilt take ntltlce that a public fiitaAhg will be held at the Mlaml City Commtsaltlh riieetili~ eif em• ,~~.181a0 at`t:il) a.tn., in the City Commissitln Ghat'n rs, 500 Pan American Drive, to cohsider aodeWtance of the COm• plated conahuction of S.W. 16 StpEET Htt3HWAY tMPHOVE- MENT B-4bti8. The work included construction 012,0 thilas of atrt381 iridlutl• Ing: clearing and grading, construction ofasphttlHc pavement, cohorete curbs and/or putters, concrete 8ldewalktt, ttform sew• are and landscaping located in S.W. 18'Stttiet betvr9e{~ S.W. 1'7.37 Avenues. All interested persons afieoted by thin tmprovefndnt arrt irtviled to appear and maybe heard concerning this Item, Should any pereon desire to appeal any decision of the City Commisaitln with reaped to any matter cortaidered at thia~hearinp, that person shall ensure chat a verbatlrn record:of the proceedinpti, is made, Including all testimony and evidence upon wtllch any appeal may be based. Matty Nitai ' , City Clack , " ; Mlarni, Florida (83277 .. 11/23 -. a 90,'i~1123WM -~,:;. t i~ .I~ MIAMI REVIE Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dede County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Belore the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Vlce Proaldent of Legal Adverlising of the Mlaml Revlaw, a dally (except 3elurday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published el Miami In Dede County, Fiorlde; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 6, 1990 In the ................ X . x..x................. Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of November 23, 1990 Afllant further Bays that the said Miami Review la a newspaper published at Mleml In said Dede County, Florida, and thhat the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In Bald Dade County, Florida each day (exce t 3elurday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered es second ae mall matter at the post ofllce In Miami to said Dads ty Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the f t bi~callon of the attached copy of edvertlaement; and alfi t f her says chat she hea neither paid nor promised any W n, rm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or } d for th~rpose o1 securing ihla advertisement for pu 1 ellon in the Id newspaper. ~ /l A * - d`~subacribed before me this .23.. dayot~... .e~........,A.D.19.90... ..... ~ ~ ,~. y~' //~,.c..., ....... . ~ DF FW' r' Cheryl H. Marmer ,.,.,~ Ci~YY ~~ y ~aoE couNt ` Nl~TICB QI~ P~~ Ali Interetxted persohs will take rtttice that a ptlbll'c fiearing- wlh be held et the Miami City Comrritealon meetln~ of erff- 8 1 ~t 11:05 e.rrl., In the Clty Comfttlssion-~h , an Ah~erican Drive, to cohelder acceptance bf the cam•' plated ocnelruction of DOWNTOWN H1aHWAY iMPt•10VEMENT -• PMASE II B•b521. ' . The work Included construction of 0.3 fills of street irlcfud- Inge clearing and grading, construction cf esphattic pavement; concrete cuwa and gutters, concrete bldewalks, btorm sev+ero and landscaping located in N.W. 1 Avenue between NrW. ~i•5 Streets. All interested persona aftected by this Improvement are invited; to appear and may be heard col-cerning this Item. Should any: peroon deaMre to appeal any tieCision; of the City Commlesion with respect to shy matter cohaldered at this hearing; that perean shall ensure that a yerbatlm record of the proceetfings, . Is made; Including all testimony and evltlence upon Which arty appeal maybe based. Matty Mlrai , , Y City Clerk = Miami, Florida (~~) -11!23 90.3.1123t>,5M ~;! eNelary'~ublic, State of Florida et Large (SEAL) 'dtfICIAL NOTARY SEAL" My Comml~l~{r~XP~4/1~2~/922. Mp 138 MIAMI REVif Published Deily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. _ _ ~ , ; -- t~, c. c: ~-_ I ~.~ c. ~ ~ , {{~~ ~ dt r Before the underolgned authority person'~il~ a~~re~ 7 f •~~I {n• ) - STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Sookle Williams, who on oath says that she la the Vlce Proeidenl of Legal Advertising of the Mlaml Reviee~yvr I1~~ ~ ~ { ~ : ,~ I (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) nitr~saa~eF, t ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ~' publlehed el Miami in Dede County, Flodda; that the atta had t, l ~ C~ i copy of advertlaemenl, being a Legal Advertlsementyl 1 c1e InlhemaHerof ~'~` f' (~' ~{-[~1'gl, ~-~--11• CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 6, 1990 In the ........ X . X . X ......................... Court, was publlehed In Bald newspaper In the issues of November 23, 1990 Afflent further says that the Bald Mlaml Review Is a newspaper publlehed et Miami in said Dede County, Florida, and thhat Ihs geld newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Oede County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the poar office in Mlaml In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the Ilrot p ication of the attached copy of advertisement; and aiflent t r says that she has neRher paid nor promised any parson, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refu d or the p ose o1 securing this advertisement for public In the a newspaper. • • •• _ +~ om to an~'s~scribad before me this i • 23...... ddl~e of ...eN . ... ~....., A.D. 19..90.. ....C~. .. .. .. ~ti1?'t"ti............ • ~ aryl H. Marmer ~b1aw. v Rc, State of Florida at Large CI'~Y Oi~ MlAlli~l, DAC~L Co~INtY, ~'4+o~yL~lk NoTic~ o~ Pusti~ N~a~i~+~ Ail intere9ted persons will take notice that a public h8ar{np will be hold at the Mlaml City (;orrlmtseloh h-eetlfigi~o r 8 ig~,. t 11:16 a.m., in the +;Ity Coprmleg(an,Ch . ~~fC~IP3n i~"m ricdn brlva, to consider ect:eptarit;~ i~f tht3 c plated conetruc4idn of East Little Nsvane Hiphaigy liitprov9rrien(', -:.Phase, II t~~4626. The work Included construction of 2.5 miles of atroets inc-,ud`} Ing! cieanng and grading, construction of asphaltic pavf3tttertt!; conorete curbs endlor,gutters, conorate sidewalk, etbrm 8ew~. era and landscaping located In the area bounded 4y S:Vd 1•B, Streets between S.W. 8-i2 Avenues. Altlntereated persona affiected by this Imprayement ate lftvltdd to appear and may be heard at)ncerning this itert5: Shouitl any persona desire tb appeal any decision of the Ciry Comr4tlsaloA' with respect to any matter doneidered at°thid heArli>tQ, that', person shalt ensure that a verbatim:recort! of ths;probeedingb'> Is made, Including all testimony and evidence upon which auiy' appeal. may be based. Malty Hirst city clerk Mlamt, Fiodda (~8) 90c3-112303M 11!23 - . _ (sEAL) 'OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" ' My Commission i~BR~f1AMIdIFLRitM@g2. MR t38 ~ C~• EXP. 4/12/92 __-__-__ _ =l _1 i .~ i l0 #rl Lit3#la~~ r"~ i "o. Community Nt>twspapers 30S/ 668214 A FgEE INbEpENOENT NEV10SpAFEq VOICE • SEiiVING tu1DE COUNTY SINCE 1958 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED FRIDAY MIAMI, DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF DADE: Before ttie undersigned authority peraonelly appeared JOAN ROSS who on oath says that she is OFFICE MANAGER of Legal Advertising of Commu- nity Newspaper, published Friday at Miami in Dade County, Fbrida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legai Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI in the X X X Cart, waa puts fished in said newspaper in the issues of November 23, 1990 Affiant further says that the said Community Newspaper pubGahed at Miami in said Dade Count', Florida, and that the newspaper ha: heretobre been continuously published in said Dade County, Fbrida, and has been entered ac second dasc mail matter at the post office in f1A'iemi h said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preoedinD the Pint publication of tl~e attached copy of advertisement and affront further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dicoount, refsate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PROOF OF PUBLICATION - E„ _. AFRAFi'f rn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day o1 ov r 19 90 ._. ~sr:A~~ nay ~': ~ ~ r ~ Com ~ . ~~ ~ , ~ ~~ C ~ ~i~ry r..~ :,~ r :~~, l~ iA ~;t:'gs, e.'~ :~`. '~ ~ .,D ~ . ~ ~;, ~ L. N~?'i1~'CC) 'I1-~E P[J~IC PI.E4SE AIJ.. TAKE N(7'IIC~ THA`t` ~ H Ca m~ss~on pn?Via>~y ~ ~t~1e piaoe C~ 6 199(1. The Regular L~~ ~ `Z:~Q p.rri. S`^ b2 tlrJtl i~l. Cominissioft ~ n ~ ~~~R 3.~1:.PaC1 >~YfEi'i(~Yl UfiVi2, t~ami, ~lotida. 1~'°: `` ..nC. -, M2tfy 1 L110.1 r (821) - ,. ~'~ ': City Clerk t: . ~_ 4 "` ~ : ~~ .City of Nfiami,= Flf3t~3da .. - ... - _11/23/90 ro-.,_ ~ s~,.i~=..9..... - ~. My mission pres. _~ ;~`.` ~. ~~~ ;~ -'-' Community Newspaper 6796 S.W. 62nd Avenue, South Miami, FloMda 33143 • ~ 665-8214 ~. ~, _ ~ _-_ `, ~ .. i 'r i11111i +~ i tit? R-i 0~ . ~ E~ ~::. ~ F I ~' ~i~11'~ ~ OJT! ~ 1990 t`;0V 3 d ~~~ iC 3 ~~~~~T I ~` ~~i~~i CITY GLERIt r~ ~ ~F P~IAMI F~ ~otso~allY aQpea~ed bstoca ue the vn3ac~t9n~, Joc~e ~. Co~ava9rec to i-e matt-1~r+o~n, vho batn9 dvii r+oco depocc• artrt •aY• tra! t+e to Ccodt! ~'ana~e~ aL 'Oia~tvr tat 1M+~ctest, ~r+•~p~pet of fan*ca1 tttcvlatton, oubttsbed dally oxcapt >Korwar, 1~ Niaa~l, Oade coontr, flotld~. J-~ttan! tuctf-~t ~ay• tlta! die above ~ar.ad nc~+spapct teat tQ~ctnuo~Y pu:.llsh~d aatly s~ccapt t`o~daye ~- Oade ~ountY, ~~ •loctda, tot a-oce t~+an one yeat lnradtataly pttcaltni ttca! puLitcatton of aat~ teal Nottco of advvtttser•cnt ana vas dustn~ ail •ucl~ tine and nar is a~eacea a• aacon4 elate a+att aattat to tha t'nttad ttatee' toae Otttce to Mia~al, Oade ~ov~tY, floetaa, arr~ that tI1~ tegat t~ottce of ltdvsctt~c~rent, alt copy of vf-iofs t• hate R attact-ed, vas pubitst-ea to t ,. 4 on tho tol for t n9 d a;~ s ~ 6' ~': ,' o~.B• ~ ~ i , /l 9 O A+ot~ to ar+d svbsCTclted y roc.•~ V ~ ~ ~ ear of ~J~ _,,,~ . iA Ntan-i, Oade ~ovnty. t'lostde. v Jti old a c ~ t~ ~ 7C S11Y01t~ ~ O Q 3 0 ZAVO~t~ 1~01iA` ~ ~ I'C • :~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ : s "" <''J c i.- x~ . ~; -~'~ '~ _~ Sta~~,of F blic P _ ~, lorida 2 .~. . , u ~" pota s!fAay ir Ex 149 ~6' e p Sion My Comm o,n.lnsu•u u na Bonded hr ~ •. ~• Motacy fLDtt~ =_ 0 tWtsl~t~! ~11TNCLtA -~ - --_ _ _ ••. ow~.a ca~~a• prior se puede entender extensf- tica espafiola, Vizcaino sonrien- -El humor en nuestra politics iro. Hay algunas exeepciones. ~neral, el humor eats en contra- los politicos espafioles. Toman con trascendentalismo ygrave- enen aquellos, por ejemplo, de hurchill que, aGn en momentos ltd nacional, suavizaba sus ma• ies con un sutil contrapeso de ~~ uno de ids invitados male apre• sate Feria Internacionall del Li• +ttcluimos•--, ~qud impresibn le ha $ti estancia en Miami y qud im- ~a encuentra en sate evento inter -t~ keno -responds-, Miami me ha ldo. Y mucho aprecio la acogida habr;is brindado. Estos lazos ten- esde Miami a hispanoamdrica y 1 son una continuacibn del espiritu l que sobrevive y se robustece. A t1 contiribuyendo, en su seccibn his- la Feria del Libro. Navidad ~lfo Persico ~ los hombres y mujeres que sirven en i en el Golfo Persico, que nos sentimos ~nuestro mils decidido apoyo... Son mug ericanos en general los que hen muertct inuchos de ellos que estaln sirviendolo i cause de la libertad en el mundo" dijo Beruvides. s de zapato o similares, deben ester ad• trarias, ya que tienen que ser inspeccio• `definitivamente. Deben pcner sus nom- inanote de cariiio pare el que la reciba. ,. ~.euauvrCa uC ~..au.aE,a.cp ~ ......,,....__., o- _ _ tado#'CTttidc-s obtuvn el "Master" en literature espafiola en la Univer• sided de Lexington, Kentucky y fue profesor en esamateria en la ciu= dad de Louisville. Es fundador y secretario de la Asaciaci6n de Ga- naderos de Cuba en el Exilio. )Jl Ing. Armando E. Hern>lndez estudib la carrera de Ingeniero Ci• vii en el Miami Dade Community College y en la Universidad de Miami. Ocupa ei cargo de administrador de Asuntos Gubernamenta- les de la Florida Power & Light Company. Es director de 1a Asocia• `cibn de Ingenieros Civiles Cubanos; es presidents de los Hialeah Jaycees yVice-Chairman del Congreso Interamericano de Ingenie• ria, que se celebrar$ antra los dies 3 a16 de diciembre en el Hotel Hyatt Regency. El programs "Conozca sua4 Valores" es conducida y dirigido pfyr el Dr. Alberto G. Menocal. PresentarAn obra teatral s+~bre la vide de San Francisco de Aefs La Oficina de Ministerios Laicos y la parroquia de San Juan Bosco presentaraln la obra teatral titulada La Vida de San Francisco de Asis el domingo 2 de diciembre a las 2 y a las 6 de la tarde en el Gusman Center for the Performing Arts. Este obra la dirige el sefior Juan Roig, un ministro eclesf al laico de la parroquia de San Juan Bosco cuyo ministerio es e1 de la evangell-` zaci6n a traves del arts. La actuacibn como San Francisco de Asis es- tars a cargo de Pedro de Acevedo y la escenografia la 1levarA a Cabo. Demetrio. Ambos artistes tienen amplia fame en el >lmbito del teatro de habla espafiola. Los precios de las lunetas son de $8, $10, $12 y $I5 y pueden obtener- se en cualquier Local de Ticketmaster o a traves de las parroquias. Para mayor informacirSn llama a la parroquia de San Juan Bosco, aI 849.5464 o a la Oficina de Ministerios Laicos-aT fi57-8241, e~.3?l,; AVISO AL PUBtiCO Se avisa por este medio que las reuniones Regulares y de Planifica-. cibn y Zonificacibn de la Comisibn de la Ciudad ~de Miami previamente fijada Para el mss de Diciembre, se ha fijado nuevamente pare ser efectuada en D,~1e re 6,19.90•. La Reunion Regular comenzar8 a las 9:00 a.m. y a reuna 1°!!~'Ala-nificacibn y Zonificacibn comenzard a las 2:00 p.m. y dichas reuniones debe- ra3n ser efectuadas en las Cbmaras de Ifi Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Matty Hlral City Clerk- City otMiami, Florfde , seral informado por las emisoras ~ remitir las,cajas de zapatos. i#8321) ISO ~IA~PUBLICA des que una audiencia pubtica se efectu- ed de Miami de Diciemlxe 8,1990 a las de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, complete de S.W. Ili STREET HIGH- illas de calla incluyendo: limpiaza y nive- ~, coMenes y cunatas, scares de concreto, .W.18.Street antra S.W.17.37 Avanidas. mejoras eaten invitadaa a comparecer y iateria. Si alguna persona deseara apelar Ciudad con respecto a cualquier materia sone.deber8 asegurarsa de qua un record incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencie ie fundamentarse. Malty Hirai City Clark Miami, Florida ~, . AYlSO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA . , Se lea avisa a lodes las personas interaeadas de que una audiencia pubiibe se lle• varA a efecto en le reunion de la Comis~n de la C~dad de Miami Dit~ernbfe 8,1990, a las 11:15 a.m., en las CBmaras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, pare considerar aceptacibn de la construccibn complete de East little Elevens Highway Improvement • PHASE II 8.4528. _ EI trabajo inciuye construccibn de 2.6 millas de Galles incluyendo: limpiaze y~pive- lacibn, oonstrucc(bn de pavimento aslahico, contenes y cunetas, 'ec~ras'de'oorxxeto, 3 tragantes de desague y 8reas verdes situada en el area iimiteda por S.W: 1.8 Galles antra S.W. 8.12 Avanidas. ` - Todas las personas interesadas efectadas por sate mejoramiento est8n invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser o(das concemiante a sate materia. Si alguna persona deseara apetar cualquier decis~bn de la Comisibn de la; Ciudad con respeoto a cualquier asunto considerado en eats audiencia, diche persona'debar8 asagurerse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo testl- monio yevidencie sobre los cuales cualquier apetacibn puede ser fundamentada: .~~V ~R ~' _ '__'; Malty Hirai ' City Clerk ~A~~,,~,,o°~• Miami, Florida. ,rQOOO~ _ ~ ~ • ~, "~ x r - ~~~ ~I~I1~I ~it1~C~~ c 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 " (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADS j PROOFOF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says That he is the Managing Editor 'of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 21, 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy o[ adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. ,.~ , , ging Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 21st day of Novembe D 19 90,_ ~^ .7 r~ rte,., NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGD.,My~oornmisstq~,~xp}res; ~' Yi;i G6'i tr,SS«Pi EXI-l6fES Di;C"^ l1 h, j~~tj ~; tiOtZDEG Zt.t'L @UCKi f~fBRP r! q~., ~ ~ ,~r _a ~, i" _, ~i _j . ~, ,,~ ~OTICE ' TO , »fSEA(~, NOTlC>£'iflATtheRe~ ` ; Ml~it'I.Commib°i°n N4oe:ttit~~ pc+eytously ` hav~obcenYeactieduied>:otakEplacea begfeatt~~Qa~n:af~dxhtPlamitng t 'yoitE~lt1[#4:ara"Il'be lield'in the City (`oin~ '~ . tasai);; L1:, Y` y~3I,,jC and t}. endZoaingCityof xtuled rte. the: mo~th'of tkceiber, xr8.1880. The Rr~galarmeetlngvnlll '~'Ollk6aglnat:t.~00p,m,.said ,on Chambers. 8500 Pan Ameticair ; .Natty HIrai City. Clerk . City of Miam1. Florida "" G:: :~.. m .~-- __ ~ _. r__ t"_G -- -- --____ ~ ~~ ~, _' ' ~ '~' j _ , ~~~-1~ ct et~oNto~- . ~ ~~ ~ swan or o~cs 1 to:sonallY •~peaced 1e1'oca ro ~o wtidccttsn~, Jor~• !. ~oncvsgcaa tr c~• welt-kr+o~o, rho bttr+~ duty tti+ora dQpo~at ~ •sYa tra! 1-o t• !`c*dtit rana~ o! 0latly Las 1Nt+~cieas, t+e••zapcQac of ~tnecal titcvtaetona Pubtlthed deity oaear >M1orr:ar, !w Mlaa~l, Oado Caontr, ttotida. J-tllant ~acRh~c cay• tAa! l~~o above n+i~ ~tttiypapc~ t~av tQncinuv,~Y Dutitchad daily aacat! ttondaYt ~ Oado tovntYa flocidaa toe roco t?tali ono jrea[ ieYadlalrlY pt~codin~ ttsct tutlicatlon of sa! that ebtico 0o adv~rctiaea~cnt ano vatl duttni alt cucb tiaa and nw i• ontatei second ctasa ~atl oattac in tho ~'nited ttataa~ toc! Otilca io Mia~al, Oado cove flociaa, acrd tftat tl~~ LeQat t,ocico of ltdvccti~cus~t, alt cow of vhicll l• hoc attact-~ed, was fvbtist~ea tw - ct~o cis u;~uc~rs on tho [ol la+ i n9 d a; s ~ ~ocn t(4'ar /%'c~' U ~ / ~ 0 ~ _ ~- ~1 subscclt b.tor~ -r--"_i-_t~ ~-~ =-; ; . _; ~ .~ ~` ~ Y _ ca T to D W _~ ° _ o~ day o! (-°-- !A Mlan~i, Oado ~ount~, flortda. v f.0. • ~-~ ~ k' Jet ocaac ~~~ ~~ .a ty ~,~ :pY01~~ ~ ~/ 0 3 ~ 3 =wois• li~ovn~ ~ /// ~ • 0 tUWI~[~t ~t1tAiC1.t4 :.Q U ~ ~~ fW Orn . 'C ~c co PabI1G State o4 Flor'-da ~ --•~ '" ~et~-Y Zb,199 ~ ~ x.. mi sion es NbY (Oii~ turanc.lM. yrt. MY BOnd.d hr~ irol Forn o ~% / ~ ~` Notary R+~y .~ A ,~,~.,, ..... _ ...... .. ... +v p,cilcl at, y ' °1~Pr' en el Hotel Sheraton Ri- zi greso comprende una peti- de Armes y derails pref3os >td con los opositores al rts• an dentro de la isle. Luego I ja que discutirdn las viota- ~dbres bajo el castrocornu- sl del exilio; 1as directrices los obreros en la lucha por )13 8indiCatos en el future de Eas el doctor Efrdn C6rdo• is IJniversidad de La Iia- 8 afios en la OrganizacitSn inebra. Es miembro de la -o Laboral; trabaja Como ~ternacional de la Florida ~s , )aeries JosE Gonzalez Vello• 4 tet:tos de Cuba, que hablarA ib : espurss del derrocamiento de y 'greso politico, que disertaral ~s '1' 27 de aoviembre de 1871. 2 -~~ -- ~zo por el de Gracias li> Palg.i•B) ~ Adem>ls, los voluntarios del cen- eja, de comprasy a recoger los cu- .Balart dijo qua "el programs pare uy exitoso. Es un programs humani, 'ondos estatales y federates, y que se de=5aint Brendan, qua iitentamente '~. Lis beneficiarios reciben servicios~ son asistidos en todo momento ppr. ~r su capacidad y profesionalismo". unaito asiste al comedor, dijo quelos que:quisiera comer m>is comida;cu- :on8 3 comidas cubanas y 2 amer>~Ga- -ris; -Elsie SAnchez, expres6 que "la untarios del Centro es excelente". 1S0 ;IA PUBLICA Ies seise qua una audiencia publics se ilevar$ ~in de la Ciudad de Miami de Diciembre 8, s de is Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan ceptacibn de la construction complete de R IMPROVEMENT 8-5500. sistema de alcantarillado sanitario usando terales da 6" • 8" conjuntamente con todas en el Srea limitada por North City Limits, des por este mejoramiento est8n invitadas ;erniente a esta malaria. Si alguna persona is Comision de le Ciudad con respects a audiencia, ass persona deben asegurerse dimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo tes• ~Iquier epelacibn puede ser fundamerrtada. Malty Nirai City Ctark Miami, Florida ~~ Los votos deben ser depositados en et complejo de tlfiEinas de A.tne.. rican It-stitute of Polish Culture, Progressive American Tours y la Fundacibn Chopin de Estados Unidos, oficinas 117.1440 del terraplt'n de la Celle 79 North Bay Village. Los que tienen dereeho a voter deben reunir los siguientes requisi• tos: Ser mayores de 18 afios, ciudadanos polacos que hayan adquirido ciudadania extranjera despues de115 de enero de 1951 (tendrslil que presenter documentos que demuestren su nacionalidad polaca ).Las personas que carezcan de documentos podrian ser etegibles pare vo• tar si dos testigos declaran que es ciudadano potato, No podren voter las personas que hayan renunciado voluntaria• manta a la ciudadania polaca y las personas que se hicieron ciudada- nos de un psis extranjero antes de enero 15 de 1951. AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA A lodes las personas interasades se les seise por este medio que una Audiencia pOblica sa IlevarA a efecto en la reunion de le Comisibn de !a Ciudad de Diciembre 8, 1990, a las 10:20 a.m., en las Cgmaras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, pare consfderar un aumento an la centidad del oontrato pare Gran Avenue Park- Renovacibn de Edificio. Mod'rficaciones adicionales fueron solicitadas por el Departamenro de R~cxeacibn y Parquea asi comopor vecinos de la localidad estas inciuyen una conexion de alcan- tariilado nueva, lucemas de seguridad, ramps de handicap y seliado de graffiti pare las parades exteriores. Todas las personas interesadas afecttiadas por este mejoramiento esWn invitadas a tbrnparecer y puedan ser oldas concerniente a esta malaria. Si alguna persona de- seara apelar cualquier decision de la Comisibn de la Ciudad con raspecto a cual- quiera malaria considerada de esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los euales cualquier apelacibn puede ser fundamentada. (Y F . _~: Malty Nirai City Clerk ~'~~o,,,p°'• Miami, Florida. '(E328) AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA A lodes las personas interesadas se les seise por este medio qua una audiencia publics se Ilevar~ a efecto en la reunion de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami de [ntt[e 6, 1990, a las 11:05 a.m., en las Cfimaras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, an ibrt~3rive, pare considerar la aceptacibn de la construction com- plete de DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE II 8-4521. Ei trabajo incluye construction de 0.3 miNas de caAe incluyendo: limpieza y nivela- ciort, const-uccibn de pavimento asf8ltico, contenes y cunetas, scares de concre- Lo, tragantes de desagiie y lireas verdes ~tuado en N.W. 1 Avenue antra N.W. 1.5 Cailes. Todas las personas interesadas efectadas por esta majors estiin invitadas a com- parecer y pueden ser oldas con relation a este asunio. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de fa Comisibn de la Ciudad en relation con cualquier ntateria considereda en esta audiencia, dicha persona se asegurar8 de que se hags un record literal del asunto, inclufdos todos los testimonios y evidencias en los cuales ha de fundamentarse cualquier apelacion. OF i *_; ..ti :.,: !/8326) '~ . ~~ `' Matry iRirai City Clerk Miami, Florida M ~ Pte, M~ a ,~ - .. ._ ~_ ~. +.. _ ' AFL y' - l .„ v ` t ~ _+ _' ~. ~~ j~ GiViSt~A~„t;E~~~'r ~ gpp NW 54th 5'I'RE~S) 157AM~, FLORIDA 33127 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida COUNTY OF DADEA j SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on Dad Countyt, he is the Managing Editor ~of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, o[ advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of Florida; that the attached copy 1990 November 21, Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, r has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida cach• and that the said newspape of adver- week and has been enter ee thasn one year next preceding date of pubicati nfof the attached copye Coun y, Florida for a period of mo rson or corporation any dis- tisement; further a[fiant says that he has neither pose o[ sepcur ng this adve tis~ement for publication in this count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpo ~ ~ ~ Q~ _ newspaper. ~/l~ ~ a ~, ~ Managing Editor worn to and subscribed before me on this, the 2~-day ofNoye_ my A.D. 19~- S N TAR PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA ~~~AT LARGE. My commission expires: LTBL~~ ~A~N~.. ~. inatapubticl ~nv~l,aa~t'th~ra+ ty+ nber'S; '11~. _ 11:05',a~•, in ~, to consider accePtar-ce of the.::. iWN Iii(31~IAY iIVLI'ROVEt~~ - pHg5E li ltniteofsrittt~n~d~g:ck~°~'~d~ding. - at; 'concrctc rcuct~s and guttEm, con W , ~ptnglocatedinN.W. fAvenuelxtween ie Improvement are invited Lo ~PP~d~slon ~of deairc to apps any m~aidercd at thie`heartng. that ~eord of thep~e~ ~ ib~ c: t»cludingall ic1- >~, api~ .,nay . ~rsatcy x,rai • . city Clnrk , Miami.. F~oTida r ~ ,. _ .. i ~• f .. t11-1'~t Of t WRt0~1 • ' - ~~+s~t or oust ~ ~~~0 ~NQ~ ~' ~ , ~• ~~2 crr;~~ l+:+onlity app+acea e+loco *• the vnd+crt,nrd, Jdi~~~~. Cbi~~t~u+S- to a~• ~~a1t-1c,e+ovn, vho h+tc+N duff :vor~ dapof+s ar~d rayr tlta! ~~ io Cc+dtt 1'a~ of Oiact~ tae l4n~ctci+, t+++•~p~p+r of t+n+ra1 tircvtat[on, fv8tl~hed dat1Y tx- Mon:aY, i~ Ni+u~t, Oado Coontr, floctda. J-[llant turth+r saga tAat f~tio abov Warta ~n+spapcs t~a€ tght[nvot~t puL11a?+*d dattY aac+tt ttondayt !r Oado ~ovnt- flortda, tot oor• t?tan ono ~•aae le+r+diat+lt ptfc~'int ttcat ~+tltcattoA of s t+9al Notico 0o adv+tttae~~cnt ar+v va• dvtint aft avc~ ttao at+d nv~ i• anttr~ s+cond ctaat Pratt raft+r t~ the Cnited tat+s~ Coat O[tice !R Mia~ai, Oado you flociaa, ar~d trat t1~~ ts9al t:otica or )tdvectt~cu~nt, aft coj+y of vt+ic~ is h attact~+d, vas pualt~t-ea in • . otu~o w ~;sut~s on the tollo+rin9 da; s, styntrd ~; ~ J .~ l~+ocn t subsccl ed b+toco •+o t1+io ~ 6 dat of t~ ~ . _`... . in Mta~*t, Oado County, Florida, a • rv v ~ JV otdotai !~~'x ~~L v~~ / (' ~AYOtc~ ~ D d 3 6 ~ _ ~AYOa• ~~OuAt ~ ~~7" • ~~ S~. ~: t~0 •. ~~ Pubtic. o e oridd ~ ~ P Notary 1492 My Commission fx fires Mrn! 2 Bonded ihru Tro7 ain • IMUronc. .. a,;, ~~~~ is"~ i:.. rA. cr', ~• . _„ ~ ~ ~' Notary t~1~' .~ 0 t Wl=i;t~t 111 tA~Cl.t4 . .~ (~r~,ani~~,.~~ eta vio cl a ar_ ticulos ~.~-~ so~.dados Por AttIEL REMOS destacados en el .The American Legion Post No. 346 y la V.F.W. Post 10212 "Josh Mtlrtt", han organizado la Operacidn Caja de xapatt3, con objeto de que los ~oldados de las Fuer~as Armmadas de EE.LTtT. que se encuen• trap en e1 Golfo Prsrsico, recibati Para las Navidades e1 testimonio del apoyo de 1a comunidad cabana a hi$panoamericana en general de, 1Viiami. ;: '~ ;~ i a:, .+ ~~ ~. Le han puesto bee tlombre~ precisamerite porque se estd recabando del ptiblico que, individualmente, envten una Caja no mayor que una Caja de zapatos, rellenadas con articulos de todas las clases: desodo• rantes, talco, cepillos de dientes, peines, mediae blancas, pasta de dientes, juegos galletas, caramelos, espejuelos negros, jabGn con acete, etc. Se ruega no envier ni productos con carne de puereo, ni choealates. Reun~dn .die Ant~iguos Alumnos de Ia Ciudad Estudiantil de Coldn Los antiguos alumnos y profesores de la Ciudad Estudiantil de Coy 16n; Mbtanzas, compuesta por los colegios Felix Varela a Inmaculf~=. da Cancepcidn, tendrAn reunfones especiales sate mismo domingo 25 de noviembre, a partir de las 12 del dia. A esa Nora se' celebrarsi una ~misa en la iglesia de Saint Kieran. Terminado el officio religioso, loi3 antiguos alumnos y profesores se reunir~n en la Ermita de la Car[= dad y la lards concluiral con un tiempo de compafierismo, refrigerio y fraternidad. ' Invitan los antiguos alumnos y profesores Agustin A. Romtin, Juan. ~Aamdn Perez, Gerardo Busttllo, Josd A. LtSpez, Roger Herrera ,Y Marta Mufiiz Somarriba. ' Faltan 31 dfas pare Navidad Si celebra Navidad porque es cristiano, manteng~a el espiritu cristiano de la Navidad. NAVIDAD SIN CRISTO, NO ES NAVIDAD::. ~e hl av1t~1.~.C1 -- Golf o P~rsico ~~ "EI objeto es demostrarle a los hombres y mujeres que sirven en tas Fuerzas Armadas y est&n en el Golfo Ptsrsico, que nos sentimos orgullosos de silos y que tiene nuestro male decidido apoyo... Son mu- chos los cubanos a hispanoamericanos engeneral losque han muerto sirviendo a sate pats y hay muchos de silos que est4n sirvidndola tambidn, sirviendo con silo la cause de la libertad en el mundo" dijo el coronel retirado Esteban $eruvides. Los remitentes de las cajas de zapato o similares, deben ester ad• vertidos de que no pueden cerrarlas, ya que tienen que ser inspeccio• Hades antes de ser cerradas defiiiitivamente. Deben goner sus nom- bres y direcct6n en ingids y una riots de cariiio pare el que la reciba. En las prbxim as horse, el publidd ~~rn inform ado por las etnisoras de radio leeales, a donde pueden remitir las cajas de zapatos. <: AI~ISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Se lea notifica a lodes las personas intehesadas que una audiencia publics se efectu- arz; en la reunion de la Comision de la Gudad de Miami de Diciembre 6, 1990 alas 11:10 a.m., en las Ct;maras de la Comisi~- de is Ciudad, 3500 Pan American [lrive, pare considerar aceptacion de c~r~stn~ccion t~mpleta de S.W. 16 STREET HIGH- WAY IMPROVEMENT 811488. EI trabajo incluirt• construccion de 2.0 miitas de calla incluyendo: Itmpieza y nive- lacion, construxion de pavimento asfattico, contenes y cunetas, scares de conaeto, tragantes de desague, y areas vardes en S.W.16 Street antra S.W.17.37 Avenidas. Todas las personas afectadas por sates mejoras estSn invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser otdes concerniente a seta malaria. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de la Comision de 18 Ciudad con respecto a cualquier malaria considerada en seta audiencia; dicha persona deber8 eaegurarse de qua un record literal de los procedimientos sea hechb, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelacion puede,fundamentarse. :~~~~s ~~~ =~d Many Nirai l~e '1; City Ctetk '~'`~~.~~,;°T~ Miami, Florida (8327) : ys~ a ';. ,~ ,',r ., ~,: i cuel~ _ ' de t `: HI' o' b ~- 1 3 -~- 9 0 F R I 1 2 .. 3 «1 ~~ e P_~..Gl i__.__~_ -. ATTNr HUMHS1tT0 BALLSST$R CIT1''_Or~MIAMI AUTHORIZATION TO ADVBRTISB 11/1S/90 Publicatio~i DiARIO LAS AMBRICA3 ~ P . 0. #8337 Pleaae publish the attached ad ertisement on. t ime. Publish on: 11/ /90 SeCtionr Local Sizes Headline i2 Point, Body Type ~ point, Singl• Line Spacing/Ae Naceeaary Subject: S.W. 16 ST. HWY. IMP. B-4488 Pisase send notarized proof of publication and invoice to: M4tty Hirai Gity clerk City o! Miami P. o, Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 l~or further information, contact glva C. Gallaa teQui at 2s0-x..360. :~ -.. . cn ~} --r , ~,, -~ ~..r, .~. ~, _~ c, ;m m - ~- ~- `: w ~ ~ ~ * ~ r ~ ~ ~. w N E'' _ i ~, • .~ ~ 1 _s 1 a~ a is ~~ + ~ ~. c -- 900 NW 54th STREET ~ MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OFFLORIDA~ SS COUNTY OF DADE J PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor ~of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 21, 1990 Aftiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each• week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Olfice in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy o[ adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporafion any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. ~ ~~ ~~~~ Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 21st day of NovemberA,D. 19 90 LC~~X~-~`~Ie-~-vim Q NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA ~ ~, AT LARGE. My commission expires: Cn .~.~ ~: ~:" t.; ._-- N z~ .~'- ------- __ W -.-~ fi:si3morry, aitil evtdencc upon which arty appeal .may be bated. . ~ Matty # lira ;k„ Ctty Cktic Miami, r'todda ~r,`-.~. NQ?`ICE • :CAF; PUBLIC HEARING' loll fn[ucated per'eons will take notice that a public' ~gwill be held aE the Mlaml City Commission meeting of I~„ipl~el~w19S 11:10 a.m., to the Cif} ` ;,Ton Chambers 3500 Pan Americai- , coconatder acceptance of the tell constxucttoit'of S.W. 16 STREET HIGHWAY UYg'i20VEMENT, Thexroiliinchided coirstnrctfon of2.O mtk of streetincluding: clearingand giading. ~;optuitrticpon of,:asphaltic pavement, concrete curbs and/or gutters, concrete ',isi~cro~kb. stoiril sewers and landscaping located tri S.W. 18 Street between S.W: , >. fT-37 Avenues. <,. ;A]I interested pet%ona affected by thin lmprvvcment are Invited to appear and may , be heard eonccrntng thte Item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of, } ,rthp Gty, Com~nisaion wtth respect to any matter considered at this he~rhtg. thak pe~ovt slia]l enetu^e ~-at averbatkrti record of the pros:eedingnte made, tncludingaA- ,• ~~ ~ ,, i1,-~x of ttlo~to~- . ~ t co~;art o~ oACs t ~~~ G il.~ rv CITY t rfT t' OF toraonaltY atteared tatoc• of the v~ndacstynad, Joc'a~. t`dtiaua~s~a to •~~ Kati-1u+otin, vho ~atr+! 4vt[ r+oro dcpoca• and taY• trat ~o t• Ccodtt Tana' eL •otacty~ tas l4~~ctcas, ~t-~apapas of Sanesat ctacvtatton, Publtahed dattr oaea~_ rion~:aY, to Nlar~l, Oado GoontY, ftoctda. 1-tttant (ucthar caY• tra! tJ~o above gar od ~cvspapes teat cgntlnvo~Y put.ttshad daffy aaca~t ttondaYt ~ OaB~ County, •lostra, [os a-oco tAan ono j gas lnr~adtatat[ ptac~tnt ttcct putltcatlon of sat tagal Notice oc adY.ectte~~cnt ano vat duttn~ •11 auc~ ttao and nw !t ontac~ :tcond eta» a+ati aatt~s to th. Cntted ttatat~ loaf office to Mta~al, Oad• Oount+ ~loctaa, and. that the Legal t~ottc• os 1-4vattitcutnt, alt totry of vt+tc~t t• 1~sc attached, was pu~ltal-ro i~ . on the toltovtn9 da: s~ ~iNtLtO W N;iRItAS .~ ~rvB. ~ ~~/9Y~ 3tyned Svocn !o and svbscttted L 1 i' i r~ ~' . oc o a+o ~ >±a ~ day o t 1!„`~0 _,,,~ , iA Mia~*i, Oado Oou~t[, t'locida. Jy osdocoi ! ~ y. E~ ~~~ tAVOtc~ / Q ~ -~ 6 tnvote• I~+ount ~ /~/. ~ • ca ;~ ,~' -.~ '~ ' potory Pu61i4 State of ~~~d1992 ~ "' ~" ~~ Ex fires McY 26. ~ ,~. y Commission P C, M Inturonc• InG • ftii Bonded 1hrv Troy Fain • th :-~ ~ ,.. ~ Q?-U7.l.~C. ~ NotasY ~ t~ .~ 0 tWl=1~~! ~1t1~Ci.tA ~ ~i~1e si esa caracteristica esga• r..~.. ~s or se puede entender extensi• lel ca espartola, Vizcaino sonrien• ~ p 3~E1 humor en nuestra politics ~,. '1Fo. Hay algunas excepciones. ,Q ~teral, el humor esta en contra. ~ , `los politicos espafioles, Toman iron trascendentalismo y grave. ~. omen aquellos, por ejemplo, de tairChill que, slut ett momentos ad nacional, suavizaba sus ma• ~~ ;riles con un sutil contrapeso de I uno de los invitados mats apre- ~ata Feria Internacionall del Li- elui;mos---, ~qurs irnpresi4n le ha iu estancia en Miami y qud im= encuentra en este evento inter. eno -responde--, Miami me ha do. Y mucho aprecio la acogida hab~is brindado. Estos lazos ten- asde Miami a hispanoam~rica y son una continuaci6n del espiritu que sobrevive y se robustece. A contiribuyendo, en su secciGn his. ~ Feria del Libra Navidad lfo Persico los hombres y mujeres que sirven en ;n el Golfo Farsico, que nos sentimos ~uestro mss decidido apoyo... Son mu• ricanos en general los que hen muerto uchos de ellos que estan sirvl~ndolo ;aura de la libertad en el mundo" dijo 3eruvides. ' de zapato o similares, deben ester ad- ~arlas, ya que, tienen que ser inspeccio- efinitivamente. Deben goner sus nom- a note de carfiio pare el que la reciba. sera informado por las emisoras t remitir las cajas de zapato~. -VISO A PUBLICA des que una audiencia publics se efectu- ad de Miami de Diciembre 6, 1990 a las de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, complete de S.W. 16 STREET HIGH-_ Illas de calla incluyando: limpieza y nive- r, contenes y cunetas, scares de conaeto, W. 1 B Street antra S.W. 17-37 Avenadas. mejoras est8n invitadas a comparecer .y ~aterie. Si alguna persona daseara apelar Ciudad con respecto a cualquier malaria sons debars! esegurarse de qua un record incluyando todo testimonio y evidencia le fundamentarse. Malty Hiral City Clerk Miami, Florida 'mt' Cebadores de Camaggey y es~~c'~'o ~`~acler~ d~ la zdn~. Lt! las Ear tados Unldos obtuvo el "1VIa$ter" en litertltu>ra~ dliTS>~6of ~ ~ 1» U'rli+t~ir•=`:: sided de Lexington, Kentucky y fue profesbr en es~ m r;etd~i;f i~ri 1~ dla= dad de Louisville. Es fundador y secretario de Iti AsaetACi3>~I age Ida=:- naderos de Cuba en el Exilic. El Ing. Armando E. Hernandez estudi3 la earreta d~ Ingat;!le>+o Ci= vii en el Miami Dade Community College y en to tlniverslds~Q de Miami. Ocupa el cargo de administrador de Asuntos Gubernamei~ta• les de la Florida Power & Light Company. Es director de la At#ocla• ciaSn de Ingenieros Civiles Cubanos; es presidente sle los ~Iialeah Jaycees y Vice•chairman del Congreso Interamericano de Ingenie= ria, que se celebrara antra los dies 3 a16 de dieiernbre en el Hotel Hyatt Regency. El programs "Conozca sus Valores" es conducido y dirigldo pot` el Dr. Alberto G. Menocal. PresentarAn obra teatral sobre la vide de San Francisco de Avis La Oficina de Ministerios Laicos y la parroquia de San Juan Bosco presentaran la obra teatral titulada La Vida de San Francisco de Asfs ei domingo 2 de diciembre a las 2 y a las 6 de la tarde en el Gasman Center for the Performing Arts. Este obra la dirige el seHor Juan Roig, un miaistro eclesial Iaico de la parroquia de San Juan Bosco cuyo ministerio es el de la evangeli- zaciGn a trav~s del arte. La actuaciGn como San Francisco de Asfs es• taro a cargo de Pedro de Acevedo y la escenografia la llevara a Cabo Demetrio. Ambos artistes tienen amplia Tama en el ambito del teatro de habla espafiola. Los piecios de las lunetas son de $a3, $10, $12 y $15 y pt}~den obtener• se en cualquier local de Ticketmaster o a travds de )<as parroquias. Para mayor informaciGn llama a la parroquia de San Juan Bosco al 649.5464 o a la Oficina de Ministerios Laicos al 757.6241, ext: 371. Avlso AI. PuBl.lco Se avisa por este medio que las reuniones Regulares y de Planifica- cidn yZonificacidn de !a Comisidn de la Ciudad de Miami previamente fijada pars el mes de Diciembre, se ha fijado nuevamente pare ser efectuada en Diciembre 6,1990. l.a Reunidn Regular comenzara3 a las 9:00 a.m:~f1'a'tgiTRTri~•dt; Planificacidn y Zonificacidn comenzard a las 2:00 p.m. y dichas reuniones debe- ra3n ser efectuadas en las Cameras de la Comisidn de !a Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 4 Many Hirai . __„ , City Clerk (#8321) Cfty of Mlami, Florida AYlSO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Se les avisa a lodes las personas intarasadas de que una audiencia publics se !le• vary a efecto an la reunion de is Comision de la Ciudad de Miami Diciembre 8, 1990, s , las 11:15 a.m., en las C3maras de la Comision de la Ciudad; 3500 Pan American Drive, pare considerer aceptacion de la constn~ccion complete de East Litda Havarte Highway Improvement - PHASE II B-4528. _ EI trabajo inciuye construction de 2.5 minas de Galles incluyando: limpiers y Hive- :. lacibn, construction de pavimento esfaltic:o, contenes y cunetes, at~res de, conaeta, tragantes de desague y Breas verdes situada en el yea limitada por S.W. 1$ Callas antra S.W. x3-12 Avenidas. Todas las personas interesadas afectadas por esta mejoramiento estin invitadas.a comparecer y pueden ser oldas concerniente a esta malaria. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision ds le Comision de la Ciudad. con respacto s cualquier asunto consideradd en eats audtencia, dicha persona debars', asegurerse de qua un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyando todo tasti- monio y. evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelacion puede ser fundamentada. `~r or ti~ r~`';~'sy Malty Nirai 1~. Ciry Clerk ~~~~ Mlami, Florida.' 083281 "-'~ .~t ~ , 4. ~, ~' . =_ ~ ~~~ ,~1~t1~1 ~I11t~~ c 900 NW S4th STREET • M[AMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757.1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE j PROOFOF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 21, 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each• week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says fhaf he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. ~~,,~~z.,!^^-K.u.~ ~~ } Managing Editor ep t~ 21st November 90 ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the day o A.D. i9 Orl Y ~.~.w V f~~~~~ f V NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: rV air - ` x ~ ,~T'IGE OF PUBLIC H~A~NG . 't~lt~terestadp~rnonawlIltekanodccthatapubllch w111beheklattheMiami Cltb'~Catntiitseton meettngofIkecmber 8,-''1890. is#b,a.xn., in the City: Cor»mtseton Chambers, 3 considtr;a«xpiance of the , . completed corretructian of East Little Reverie Highway improvement -;Phase 11 $:4528.. , ' Tlia work fntludcd eattshvatian„of'2.8 mtlee aC atreeta including: dearing and :. graEfirig, `;constructiaor of,aitphaltlc pavement, concrete ctrrba and/or- titre..,. concrete atdevvalka+stor~n aea~ ahd landetaptnglotatcd fn areabrnuidcd by B,W. ` 18 $treetw beli,'d~W .ti-12 Avenues. `. All interceted ~iwons s~'ecEed by this improvatient are invited to appear and may `be heard conctrntrig this ttcat ~Shold any person desire to appeal any deMsion of the etty corximibion wtth.atepoot to arry mattes consWeml at this hearing. that ,. ;person shall insure that a~cTbstim tttcrord of thq proeecdinge is made. tnduding all: teatlmony and tvlderice upon which any appeal may be basal. ~~y ~~' C1ty Clerk - ~ . ~.Mlaini. Florida (t3328) A -a x, ra rn rY+ ~rn~ t ?~ cn a ~ :h. yi Ta.. r.r .~. a~ ~tioRtoll • f; E; CF_ I a~ . ..,..._ ~ i i t r,~' C~ j ' Cl~Y' ~,;E_Ei~i~ ^iTt' ~r 1s11~1~~1, f' ~attaAallY aQDaaced ba~oct ao t~-o vrtittctisnad, Jot'c ~. Contvo9tta to •~• ~~t1t-1~+o~n, rho betray dvt~ r+orA de~otaa ar+~ •aY• tree he is tltedlt Yanag et '0lattor Las f~r+~ticat, ne.•cpcpae o~ 'onocst titcvtatlon, publtst~ed dal1~ cxcar Koer: ar, i~ Ni a~~i, 0 a4~ Coontr, ~locid~. J-«lant ~vcchat ~aYa t>tat tiro .b~ov~ narad nc~+spapct teas cQnett+vo~ty o~.llahed datl~ txceyt ttondaYt tr Oado CovntY• flottdaa tot a-oto t?+a,n one jest inrtdlatetY ptfc~tny Qlrs! Quiltcatton o~ tali ttsal Notlco of advrrticen~cnt anv vat duslny all such tt~a and ~a~r 1• sntace~ a stcond elan a+att aattet !n tha Grafted states loaf O«tcc !A >ttiAi, oado ~ovnlY tlottas, a~ tl+at tl~~ legal t:ocica of Rdvactliea.a~l, •il cow o! whit?! 1• hat- attict-ed, vas puaitst~ea to otuuo W ~V:tucAs ~ollvwin9 ~~ . did »,~ Q ~ . iA N1 awl, Oadc County, blot lda, c • :~ ,~ otd.coi tr ~' x E L~,~~ tllvOlC~ ~ ~ 4 3 ~ t~vois• I,a~ovn~ 1 ///. ~~ . w T.h+ Notary Pubti4 State of Florido = MY Comnrinion Expires ~ Bonded Thru hor Fain • In lance In4 (~ ... •. ~• Mot tt~ rY, ~~ r-, ~~~ 47 y~ Gh ~A:"' 7tiC x. r~ai iti • 4 c~ ~~ .~ t 4tM41~Cbt ~11T1~l.C~O bra en el Hotel Sheraton-Ri- ngreso cotnprende una pen- s de Armes y dem>is presos dad con los opositores al rd• hen dentro de la isle. Luego ra jo que discutirs;n las viola- jadores ba jo el castrocomu- es del exilio; las directrices e los obreros en la litcha por los sitidicatos en el futuro de ,arias el doctor Efrdn C6rdo- de la Universidad de La Ha. to 18 aSos en la OrganizaciGn n Ginebra. Es miembro de la echo Laboral; traba ja como i International de la Florida Horses Josh Gonziilez Vello- Itectos deCuba, que hablar>i espu~s del derrocamiento de preso politico, que disertard 27 de noviembre de 1871. ~zo por .el de Gracias P~g.l-B) Adem>is, ios voluntarios del cen- a, de compras y a recoger los ~u- rt dijo que "el grograma pare itoso. Es un programs humans= s estatales y federates, y que se lint Brendan, que atentamente beneficiarios reciben servicios asistidos en todo momento por. capacidad y profesionalismo". do asiste al comedor, dijo que los quisiera comer mtis comida cu• 3 comidas cubanas y 2 america• Elsie S>inchez, expresb que "la Trios del Centro es excelente''. -PUBLICA i que una audiencia publics se Ilevard ii Ciudad de Miami de Diciembre 6, 18 Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan ion de la construction complete de OVEMENT &5500. de alcantarillado sanitario usando e 6" • 8" conjuntamente con lodes ea timitada por North City Limits, Este mejoremiento estdn invitadas a esta materia. SI alguna Persona i6n de la Ciudad con respecto a esa persona deberd asegurarse sea hecho, incluyendo todo tes- ~ladbn puede ser fundamentada. Many Hfrei City Clerk Miami, Florida Los voto8 deben set depositados en el complejo de oficinas de Ame- rieari Itlstitute of Polish Culture, it'rogressive American Tours y la Fundacibn Chopin de Estados Unidos, oficinas 117.1440 del terraplen de la Celle 79 North Bay Viliage. Los qae tienen derecho a voter deben reunir los siguientes requtsi- tos: Ser mayores de 18 af[os, ciudadanos polacos que hayan adquirido ciudadania extranjera despu~s del 15 de enera de 1951 (tendraln que presentardocumentos que demuestren su nacionalidad polaca). Las personas que carezcan de documentos podrian ser elegibles Para vo- tar si dos testigos declaran que es ciudadano potato. No podr>ln voter las personas que hayan renunciado voluntaria- mente a laciudadania polaca y las personas que se hicieron ciudada- fins de un pass extranjero antes de enero 15 de 1951. .. AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA A lodes las personas interesadas se les avisa por este medio que una Audiencia publics se Isvard a efecto en la reunion de la Comfsfbn de la Ciudad de Di gyp. a as 10:20 a.m., en las Comoros de la Comisibn de la Ciu an erican Drive, pare considerar un aumento en la cantidad del contrato pare Gran Avenue Park- Renovaci6n de Edificio. Modificaciones edicionales fueron solicFtadas por el Departamento de Rerxeacfbn y Parques ass comopor vecinos de la tocalidad estas fncluyen una conexi6n de alcan- tarillado nueva, lucemas de seguridad, ramps de handicap y seliado de ~reffiti pare las parades exteriores. Todas tas personas interesadas afectuadas por este mejoramiemo estdn invitadas a comparecer y puedan ser oldas concarniente a esta materia. Siaiguna persona de- seare apelar cualquier decisi6n de la Comisibn de fa Ciudad con respecto a cuai- qulera materia coruiderada de esta audiencia, esa persona debe aseguratse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentada. ``Y ` -~ Malty Hlraf ~~ ~~! ~ City Clerk ' w4~oaa~; Miami, Florida. (4329) ,; ::. DE~AUDIENCIA PUBLICA A lodes las personas interesadas se les avisa por este medio que una audiencia publics se Ilevard a efecto en la reunion de to Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami de Diciembre 6, 1990, a tas 11:05 a.m., en las Comaras de la Comisibn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, pare considerar la aceptaci6n de la construcci6n com- plete de DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE II B-4521. EI trabajo incluye construction de 0.3 millas de toile incluyendo: limpieza y nivela- cion, construcci6n de pavimento asfditico, contenes y cunetas, aceras de concre- to, tragantes de desagiie y dress verdes situado en N.W. 1 Avenue antra N.W. 1-6 Galles. Todas las personas interesadas afectadas por esta mejora estdn invitadas a com- parecer y pueden ser oidas con relation a este asunto. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decisi6n de la Comisibn de la Ciudad en relaci6n con cualquier materia considerada en esta audiencia, dicha persona se asegward de que se hags un record literal del asunto, incluldos todos los testimonios y evidencias an los cuales ha de fundamentarse cualquier apelaci6n. . ,(Y R , _ _~ e ..;~ ;„: Uti3261 `°` ~ Matry Hirai , City Clerk Miami, Florida M Mti ,• a ~ ` '~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~,~Cia~tttt ~im~~ r ~ ~~ - c 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORID~127 t~ :~ - (305) 757-1147 ,w.: Published Weekly ~ ~~~~~~ ~~'~~' ~ 7~,. c»~ Miami, Dade County, Florida ~ ~ rsa STATE OF FLORiDA1 PROOF OF PUBLICATf~ COUNTY OF DADS j SS ~,,, u~t -.' Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED NAMALUDIN, who on oath says thal he is khe Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 21, 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date o[ publication d the attached copy of adver- tisement; further aftiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. _ Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 21st day of Novemberp,D. 19 90 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: '~ _ Commiaslon Chambers, 3`' F'2~'F conlmet amount for Grano Avenue .-Additional modiBcatlone wererequcs es well as 3oca1 neighbors, these handlcali;ramP and gralRti,seal;fai Ap ~~ pcr8ona giiccted 1 be;hc3~1??gntxrs-tnBails item. the`LYty Commtssfon with resF 1 (saa~ ,,w. BI,IC,,.EARING apubilci' wi111xhe1datthcMiaz GG 1991. 11:2o aan.: irl the <:1 ark ='Building Rcaovtttlon. 1 by the Parke attd'Rceteation Depattmtnt ~. a new xwer connection, security louvexe, ie extexlor wolfs: . ~„ nproveti~entpYti tt-vited to appear and inay . ~Y P ~~~_?? aPP~ anY de¢leian oC ny matter cortekienx! at this hearing, that kd of the ptnceedings tsmade, tncludingali urry appeal 'may be based. Many Hirai City Ckuis (Miatnl, Iilotlt}$ .. '~ ~ .. i1 ~-1'1t Or' f WIlZO~ • ~ 1 s~o~;~t'! or o~-at 1 to:sonalty •ppeaced b~ctoco *• ~o vndccttgnfd, Jot'o !. Consvast~c to s~o ~otl-k~+o~n, rf-o batr+9 Butt r+oc• de~otas and saYo t1+at ~-• !• Ctadit rana~ e! ~0lattar Las l4~~ticas, ne~•cp+~pat of ~anatal ticcvtatton, p~tictted datt~ oacai+ tton~:aY, !w Nlaa-!, Oado Caontt, ttottda. 1-ttlant tucthat taYo tl+aL E~~o above nar ~ ~cvspapcc t~a• tgntlnuo~tY puLttaf+rd dattY except f`ondays tr Oade ~ountY,c •tottda, tot a~oco tAaA ono feat iev*adlatatY ptac~tn~ tlcrt Qutttcatto~ of t•i! tt9a1 Nottc• os advrtttce~.cnt ar+o vat dvtini alt tuck ttao and nw is o~tacei • second elms matt aattat !~ cho ~ntted ttatas• lost Otttcs t• Mta~-i, Oado ~ovn ftottao, arm trat ths~ tegal t:octca of ltdvctti~cuant, alt cow of dt+icl~ is T-ac attached, vas pubt i:hea t~ . _ ~; ~~., ._, ~~ --t --a W , _i~ C~ --< C~ __.. Y ~.y_ ..,~. ~... on tho totlowin9 da; s ~ ~~' ~,x ~~~ ;.~~1 r v W W 1 ~ signed ~ ' _~_ s+oc n to a1+d svb sc t ited stoc• as tRi • ._____, ~ ~ day o! 1l~~~ ",~ . iA Ni a~*i, Oado ~ountt, blot ida. ~ -~ ~, ~ ocd a c fi tY ~E~ ~~~ ~~ tinvotc~ 1 0 0 3 ~ ~". tA1l0~t• 1~oVAt ~ ~j~~ ~ tLJ1p.~l~t;f a1tJhC1.tA v ~ r~ rv ~!'~ t,p *C fur i.? ~ r.•r of Florida t St bli P ~a a e c, u Notory My Commission May 26,1992 t4 $~ ra~a • Boad.d Thru T oy Foin • 1 vranu Irk ° ~, ,~ ~• lbt atY ~ .~ _ r.i~ tormidabte en ei Campo sur de iz Universidad que parses ester logrado mover ray vvrtuu.~uc.~ peru is presencia de un coach es• i>tgtia~>"dando sus mejores dies, telar podrfa hacer shore la dife- 'Wet14Ch se refiere a su presencia rencia. ~t~ )'4~t~IMi .sin machos adornos: "E~It~ t~9 mi pritnex afro aqut, es• Este viernes por la noche ei toy +r+~#tociende sa los 3ugadores y , siibato pitar>1 por primers vez en eret3 tie nns espera una tempo- dada buy dificil seta temporada pare las Pante- ras de FIU, que ba jo la direccibn ` "Ltl ~unteria es nuestra prin- de Weltlich se hen estado prepa- rattdo intensamente con sesiones ~iplal ,: arms, hero .113 estatura ~i;ei'dtSdio de nuastros $ugadores de entrenamiento de dos horse y as >~i~t>~tivamente baja, to que se .examen de jugadas por video. ` `cot3'vi~f~te ~h 3tuestra principal ilebilid~d" agregb, Cdsar Boca Chica es el tinico ~~ hispano Bet equipo. Originario de Pero en realidad el mayor pro• Puerto Rico, dl es hi jo de un gran .+ #sleTtia de las Paiitortts i7oradas baloncelista boricua del mismo to cgnstituyen.stis riyales Para Hombre, y su aspiracibn segtin seta tdtnporada. Aun`sin afiliar- afirma el coach asistente, Romo, se a t-inguna conferencia, los es convertirse en jugador profe• irnuclachos de FIU ~ugart3n sets sional. Boca Chica es uno de los ' afio ern equipos diversos, la ma~ pilares del equipo, to mismo qua yorta de ellos pertenecientes a la su principal estrella, Dwight Tran$ America Conference, en la Stewart, una adquisicibn exce~ lque'camenzar9tn a jugar en la tents con 6.7 estatura, egresado temporada de 1991. del Miami Edison high School, Los poderosos equipos Como el "Los rectores de la universe de Little Rock, Arkansas, o el de dad hen hecho un compromiso a la Universidad de Stetson, en De• favor del basketball, y eso fus land, Ceres de Orlando, no son una de las rezones por las qi8 precisamente un pedazo de que• accedi a venir desde Texas" que Para las panteras duress. afirma Weltlich, qufen aunque Weltlich, con tents sinceridad no ha tenido la oportunidad d~ Como su fame, admits que no es• escoger a sus jugadores, Como a pera macho de seta temporada, tsl le gusts, estd decidido a exigir en to que se refiere al record de al msiximo a las Panteras Dora• victories y derrotas. des que, conviene recordarlo fie nalmente, tambien tienen que, El problems d'el baIoucesto en , er may buenos alumnos. d ,v- `f ~. tom, un,tcu, arreK s ors es y o roe. AdetiiQs, lob 4o un ar o-T s c e den, tro los llevan a passer, a la farma~eia, de compras q a recoger los cu- pones de alimentos". El representante Mario Diaz•$alart dijo gtte "el programa Para las personas mayores ha lido muy exitoso. Es un programa humani- tario que se sostiene con pocos fondos estatales y federates, y que se realize en el Centro parroquial de Saint Brendan, que atentamente cedib el local a nuestra solicitud. Los beneficiarios reciben servIcios sociales de gran impartancia, y son asistidos en todo momento por voluntarios, que se destacan por su capacidad y profesionalismo". Jose .fiimenez, que desde hace ut- aSo asiste al comedor, dljo que los servicios son muy buenos, Pero qua quislera comer male comida ca- bana, porque el Centro proporcioba:~ comidas cabanas y 2 america- nas a la semana. Otra beneficiat~>~; ~1sie Ss;nchex, expres6 que "la asistencia roue prestan los volutttarios del Centro es excelente". AV~S~ DE AUDIENCIA PUDLICA A lodes las personas interesadas se lee evise que una sudiencia publics se IlevarA a efecto en la reunidn de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami de Diciembre 8, 1990, a las 11:25 a.m. en las CAmaras'de Is Comiafdn de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Para considerar la acs" clbn de la construccibn complete de NORTH FLAGLER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT B•5500. EI trabajo incluye construccibn de un aisteme de alcantariilado sanitario usando tubos de aicantarillada de 8"•30" y latetales de 6" - 8" conjuntamente con lodes las pertenencias necesarias, situado an el Area limitada por North City Limits, West Flagier Street, N.W. 47 - 57 Avenues. Todas Ias personas interesadas afectades por sets mejoramfento estSn invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser otdas cancetniente a seta materia. Si algUna persona deseara apetar cuelquier decisibn de Ib'Colnisibn de la Ciudad con respecto a cuelquier asunto cansiderado en seta audiencia, sea persona deberA asegurarse de que un record verbal de los procedimtentos sea hecho, incluyendo todo tes- timonio y evidencie sobre bs cuales cualquler epelat~6n puede ser fundamerttada. .sue' city clerk (N8330) ,~~~`~_-;°i~ Mieml, FloMda --~ ie32s1 ., . S :'^ d v ...~ tllyl~=~~y'~f,~~ ~F~~ __ = ~__ ~ ~ i~I11I ~1t1`~~~ ~~ . _ _ ~ ~ ~• _ t 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 ~~ (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OFFLORiDA~ PRUOFOF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE j SS Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 21, 1990 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each• week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida fora period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. `, lt1A~ ~~t.. G~c~•-e,d' -tom ~ Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 21st day ofNovember A.D. 19 90 ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: ~~ -1~„Q'TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~~ }Aid(xfYtrcetedpecsonewSIltekenolicethatapublieh` wtnbehekiaitheMiami ,C1ttyyr•,~umfbsbn, meeting `of~ >~~~1:25 a.m.. 1rr .the: C1ty Cofnnaltastori Chambers, 3500 ran nmerscen Lrrvc, to consider acceptance of the.. - compk0ed canstruc',ion of NOR2'H FIAGIER 3ANtTARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. ~ 'The woc}c lncluaea conatiucUon of a sanitary sewage system using S'-30'j sewtr - pipe fluid 8'-8" lateral$ together with all necessary appurtrnantcs located to the ataa bounded by'' rise North City I.tanlts;-. West 'PSagkt Street, N.W. -47.57:. ~ ~ AU ~rrterested persons alieeted >?Y this improvement are Inviked to appear and may. ~; lie Beard corrccrning this steam: Should any pcraon destr¢ to appeal any dedaion of ~; the City Commission with n~ptet to any matter carisidered at thts hearing,"that ~ person shall ensure that averbatirn nxard of the proceedings smede. fncludingell tes#tnion3',and evidrnee upon whip}r any appeal r-ie3r bo based.. Many l~trat ' ' ~ City. clerk (8.930) ~`` " - Mfam1,:F7otida ..» `-~ NOTIFICA- CIbN DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA CIUDAD DE MIAMI Por medlo de le presents se notificq a lode le ciudedenle de quo se celebrer8 une eudlencle pfiblice por le Comisibn de le Cluded de MFeml, flo- rlde, g~ 6~, ore d~ 990 a les 11:ID de ie meFfene en el Ryuntemlento, locellzedo en ei 3500 Pen Rmericen Drlue, Mleml, Ftorlde. EI proposito de diche eudlencle ser6 el de conslderer le epro- becl6n de le conc- truccl6n de le meJo- rle de le cello 16 del Sur Oesle, Proyecto 8-4488. to en mi corazon extiefxio a anted y a su familia un caluroso saltxio jnuestro Senor Jesucl7sto y en el de nuestra congregacidn. EI proyecto com- prende le construc- cl6n de 2.0 mliles de toile, Inciuyendo: le Ilmpleze y niuelezo- ci6n, la construcclbn de peulmento esfet- tedo, los bordlllos de concreto y/o elcen- teriiledo, snores de concreto, eicenterl- Iledo pare tormenter y le siembre de 8rbo- les y cesped en et 6ree locelizede en le 16 Celle del Sur Oeste entre let euenldes 17 y 37 del Sur Oeste. Todes Ies por~o- nos efectedec por onto proyecto que- den Inultedes a com- perecer y podr6n ser escuchedes por le Comisibn de le Clu- ded con respecto e dlcho proyecto. En el ceso de quo cuel- quler persona galore epeler cuelquler de- clsi6n de le Comislbn de le Eluded con res- pecto a le cuesll6n ~;'"Igiii ~ wr.~`zoet-tat~-rrs~ en ssts eudlencle, diche persona deberi esegurer quo un re- cord execto de to quo see tretedo en le eu- dlencle se hags y qua dicho record Incluye todo ei testlmonlo y les pruebes sobre les cueles podr6 beserse une epelecl6n de to determinedo por le Comisl6n. Programa radial Impaci~o deloAlto WSUARadioSuave-1260AM De 1 a2 pm - Lunen aViernes 285-1260 7:45 pm - Culto de Oration 7:45 pm - Sanidad y Liberacibn 5:00 pm -Reunion de Jovenes 9:00 am - Ayuno y Oration 9:00,11:30 am y 7:OO pm - Cutto de Adoration MN1TY xlitRi Secreterle Municipal Mleml, Florida te3z7t t y.. ~, a- ,~ =' __: _-- A / Novlembre de 199Q / Segundttfdici8n ,~ -! ___.. TRIlUNA LISPE A TODA ~~ m o A m i MINION RESrON9ABlE SPANISH LANGUAGE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING lNVAICE rei, (305) 643-1494 643-1503 342 S.W. 12 AVE. MiAMI,FLA.33134 Date Fecha ,., ~ ~, ~ , ~, ~, ~ ~ o r~ r- .~.ri ~. -..._ .__ _ ~ ; ~,,, ~~ Name ' ~' ~ Nombre MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI -~ ~-~ Address p-0. BOX 330708 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33233-0708 Direccibn ---.....---------.-......-----------••----•----------------•----..__-._...----.__-.-_.-._.....------- Product Advertised Producto Anuncio NORTH FLAGLER SANITARY SEWER IMP.B-5500 P.o :#8330 --w....__--___.___..__._ Date Published NOVEI~ER 23 1990 Fecha Insercifin .._----------------------------------•-------------.__..._.....---_..._...._-._-•-----------•-..._-.._-- Space Sold Espacio Vendido hCO~--~-~----•--_..---•---------._.-.._..._.___-.__._____.-----•------------•--------•---------- Coat Costo Discount Descuento Amount Due Cantidad a Pager Oo0000000©000000 All Invoices Due and payable upon receipt. Las factures vencen a su presentacibn 00000000000000000 "IEL EXPRESO DE MIAMI" IS DISTRIBUTED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN ITS OWN TRUCKS WITH A CIRCULATION OF OVER 25,000 ISSUES. "'-""~fltli'tlet'fi~tttit' pi~,~ " off :915'L~14U'L y 'c'tl1-511 tl. ", _ fartlriSr~ f01~is..i?159+e32d _ F ~ ; ~ ~C~'t ~ ~ ill !;~`q-2~i0;~: ~ . i ++ E) Municlpio de GUira de ~ s'~ ~ ~4 t~rttltrge ~ de bk. l~lelena on el exilic convoca time ~ utlg d~ ~ terde en Pew le seleoclon y corona- ~. ~~~~~~~ EIAN• cibn de la Reina y sus ~~ ~~ ~tXi.L ~ efectuar~ Dames, que se efeduara el ~' ~' tl(i, grarxjkteo ado cele• BAbedo 24 de Nov, de 8 P.M. ~ ~ f~rwdo bt; Q3 abets. de - a ~ A•M. en el Chateau Ban- ~; ~ ~ i~'islcede rril t1ert~ dirigido goat Nail 41 g2 W. 12 eve en tai~mpr~ pdt ltneritet Moti- eitranscurso de la cane bai- ~t, , ~ t>tt dl grad ~rnigo de todos .labia de coniraternidad GUi- ~; ~. ~ Itfs Muttlo~ti+cs Cubenos del retie, las candidates tienen i~tillb, codper~rhos Con que tenor de 17 a 25 afios, plmontel a! igu~-I que 61 aer salters, naddas en GUi- sie~ttpre ha Cbaporado con ra, ser hija o iamiliar de GUi- r-nsiatf~s, )os asister~tas retfas, donaci6n X18.00 in- dlsfrul~i~Art de un suculerita formaci8n telef. 826-7239. alm~erzo y musics pare '~ bgilar, esta Cubanisima MYit~-ckSn la lace to campa- fiom en Ias luchas Munici- EI S~bado fro. de Dk, de 2 ~papstas, pare mks informs- a 7 P.M. y el Domingo 2 de Cidnliameraltdibfono.634- Dic. durante todo el die bs b08b, puede lamer de 8 Municlpbs de la Prov. de AM. a 10 P.M. PinardeiRfoenelexiliocele- Luis Rodriguez braron su tradkional Verbe- Sec. M. Palma Soriano na PinareRa en la que se eligiran la Reina Provincial y • • • la Reina infantil con sus dos Para Conocimiento da Princesas, por los tikets se todos Ias Tuneros y amigos sorteare un viaje a Sto. en general. Antonb Franco Domingo pare dos perso- Taulsr (Chucho) ex Presi- nos, un crucero pare dos dente del Munidpio de Vic- Personas a Bahamas en el - toria de las Tunas en el exi- Sea Escape, fin de semana `• Ibhafijadosu residenciaen Para 2 personas en et Hotel , ~ e15817N.W.7St.Apto.507 Dil~do de Miami Beach y 15 , - Miami Fla. 33128. Telofono' premios donados por los 15 267-1648. Municipas PinareUos, cads Municipb tendra su kiosco ... con comida tfpica de to Re- - gion, Iugar Robert King High Juan Ruiz Delgado del Hagler St. y 70 eve, telefs. Munkipio de Remdios, 362.6402 y 261-5116. - hate sabers sus oompafie- ros Municipaiistas, que b - ' ' " respalden en sus aspiracio- nes a to Presidencia Naao- y iTa3aei t~u'rntan0, vicepresidente superior~y co- chairman de la campafia. ... AVIS4 ~E AUDIENCIA PU~LICA Todas las personas interesadas son notificadas por este medic que una audiencia publics se ilevara a cabo en is reunic5n de la Comisi~n d® to Ciudad de Miami, el prdxtm~o iciembre 6 1990 a las 11:25 A.M. en la Ca3mara de la Com s n e a iudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, pare considerar la aceptacicSn de la compietada construccicSn de NORTH FLAGLER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT B-5500. Ei trabajo inciuyb la construccibn de un sistema sanitario de aicantarilia- do, usando tuberfa de atcantariilado 8" - 30" y laterales 6" - 8" junto con todos los anexos necesarios, localizados en ei area comprendida por North City Limits, West Flagler Street, N.W. 47-57 Avenidas. Todas las personas afectadas por este mejoramiento quedan invitadas a comparecer en persona y ser oidas con referencia a este asunto. Si atguna persona desea apelar cualquier decision tomada por is Comi- sidn de to Ciudad, con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado en dicha audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse que un record verbal de los resuitados de dicha audiencia estdn disponibles, incluyendo cualquier testimonio evidencia en el coal puedan baser su apelacian. L~'CY OF ~_`' s Matty Hirai ,... o-`~~ ~°~° ~ City Clerk 'O~' F~oa`°' Miami, Florida .,~R - ~"~~ - r