HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-91-0468J-91-265 6/11/91 i ..i? RESOLUTION NO. — A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), ORDERING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR TO BE KNOWN AS THE FLAGLER/CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT EXPANSION; DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY UPON WHICH THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SHALL BE MADE FOR THE COST OF SECURITY SERVICES WHICH WILL STABILIZE, BENEFIT AND IMPROVE THE FLAGLER AREA RETAIL AND OFFICE DISTRICT EXPANSION AREAS; DESIGNATING THE LANDS IN THIS EXPANSION DISTRICT UPON WHICH THIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SHALL BE LEVIED ON THE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS; STATING THE COSTS THEREOF WHICH SHALL BE PAID BY VIRTUE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OVER A ONE YEAR PERIOD; AND STATING THAT THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF SUCH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS ARE TO BE ADVANCED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO BE REPAID THROUGH THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. WHEREAS, the Flagler/Core area business district in the City of Miami is the largest concentration of retail activity in Florida in terms of concentrated square footage of retail space and annual sales; and WHEREAS, the Flagler/Core area business district represents an area of major employment within the District and generates significant ancillary economic activities; and WHEREAS, the Flagler/Core area business district contributes a significant amount to the tax base for the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, the incidence of crime in the district and in areas adjacent or approximate to the Flagler/Core area business district has damaged the reputation and economic viability of the Flagler/Core area business district; and WHEREAS, the Flagler/Core area business district has received adverse publicity and attention in the local media as a center for crime, thus creating a negative perception of the district; and WHEREAS, Chapter 170, Florida Statutes (1989). provides that a municipality in Dade County may levy and collect special 'ATTACHMENTS CONTAINED CITY CONI MSION JUN 20 1991 N,. w 468 assessments against property benefited for the purpose of stabilizing and improving retail and/or wholesale business districts and/or nationally recognized historic districts through promotion, management, marketing, and other similar services in business districts of the municipality; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 1989, by Resolution No. 89-828, k the Miami City Commission confirmed establishment of the Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District, providing enhanced street maintenance and similar services in the Downtown Central Business district; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 1991, by Resolution No. 91-292, the Miami City Commission extended for one (1) year said Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District; and WHEREAS, various local merchants and organizations have expressed a concern over inadequate security in the herein Flagler/Core area retail district expansion areas ("Expansion Areas"), and have also opined that if security measures were strengthened, the public health, safety and welfare would be benefited by increased patronage and traffic flow to the Expansion Areas; and WHEREAS, the property and businesses located within the Expansion Areas are contiguous to and an integral part of the existing Flagler/Core area business district; and WHEREAS, the goals, objectives and problems of the City and businesses in the Expansion Areas are commensurable with the existing Flagler Core Area Security District Special Improvement District; and WHEREAS, through the ordering of the herein improvement and the establishment of a Special Assessment District for the Flagler/Core area business district Expansion Areas, in the manner provided by law, property within said Special Assessment District will be greatly benefited by the City's being able to stabilize, and improve the security of the Expansion Areas; and WHEREAS, through such an improved district, merchants will also be able to meet increasing competition from suburban centers and generate new clientele; and -2- WHEREAS, by the adoption of the herein resolution and its implementation, the economy of the city will be also greatly strengthened because sales shall be increased and new tenants will come into the district, and higher property values will be realized; and WHEREAS, property owners contiguous to the Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District are desirous of expanding the boundaries of said district for provision of security services only; and WHEREAS, a meeting of said affected property owners was held on March 13, 1991, at which time the expansion of the existing Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District's boundaries was proposed; and WHEREAS, no opposition by said property owners to the herein expansion of the Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District was expressed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District Expansion is hereby authorized for one (1) year and shall be made under the applicable sections of Chapter 170, Florida Statutes and Section 30 of the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, both as amended from time to time. Said expansion district is bifurcated: the Northern portion being in the area bounded by the north side of Northeast/Northwest 2nd Street on the south, the south side of Northeast/Northwest 3rd Street on the north, the east side of Northwest 1st Avenue on the west, and the west side of Biscayne Boulevard on the east; the Southern portion being in the area bounded by the south side of Southeast/Southwest 3rd Street on the north, an imaginary line extending south from the west side of Southeast 1st Avenue on the } west, the north bank of the Miami River on the south, and the west side of Biscayne Boulevard on the East, including an imaginary line extending south to the Miami River. The areas encompassed by said Northern and Southern portions, which jointly makeup the subject Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District Expansion ("Expansion District"), are A depicted on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and more particularly- described in the legal descriptions of said Northern and Southern portions attached to this Resolution as Exhibits "Bitand "C",_ respectively, and are expressly incorporated by reference in this Resolution as if set forth in full herein. Expressly exempted from inclusion herein, thus not subject to any assessment pursuant to the terms of this Resolution, is tax exempt real property located within the subject Expansion District. Section 3. This improvement shall consist of security services, to be provided in the Expansion District as follows% Security Services ................ $84,877 Total $84,877 F Section 4. This improvement shall be designated in all proceedings, assessments and legislation as the "Flagler/Core t- Area Business District Special Improvement District Expansion District ("Expansion District"), and the property upon which special assessments shall be made in the amount of Eighty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy -Seven Dollars ($84,877) representing one hundred percent (100%) of the total estimated ' cost of the improvement, based on property use with special assessments ranging from .1756 mills to .9289 mills of property value, is hereby designated as follows: all lots and lands located within the Expansion District's boundaries (Exhibits "A", "B" and "C") as reflected on the most current Dade County Real Estate rolls, inclusive of both land and building, except exempt nontaxable lots and lands. -4- "' 448 Section 5. Funds for the Special Assessment District improvement are to be advanced from the General Fund to be repaid through the Special Assessment. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th day of J 01 XAVIER L. ATTE5 _ MATTY'HIRAI, CITY CLERK FINANCUW REVIEW AND APPROVAL CARM)6ARCIA, DIRECTOR DEPARTIAtNT OF FINANCE BUDGETARY REVIEW AND APPROVAL ?AANOHAA SURANA, DIRECTOR EP MENT OF BUDGET PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: i , A CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JO dG9 Lo RNANDE CITY ATTO EY JEM/db/M2182 J , 1991. n� �� ,\l `,:N w 14 st 7-4 _51 mmm t wm,�. L' /a Li N. W. 6 St E. 8 St. I l Er t c pf . . ........ . 0 .... 1% ....... ............... =92cut 0VN 1 (• � Q � .• , .-1-1• �,� ��>\;},,,�,._ r � yet• { [TU3 IM, F7T u. eLLLO 1�1- EAST f! GLEN ST K Jill! F I-! A a IZ 4FA-Y- EXISTING EXPANSION EXHIBIT "A" 91— 468 Le al Doscriptinn for Flagler Retail Xrea $004161 Asses$Ment Olitelet Nortnerly expansion Begin at the N.E. Corner of Block 102 North of A. L. Knowlton Map of Miami according to the plat thareof as recorded in Plat book 8 A at P490 41 of the Public Records of Dado County, Florida, said corner being 30 feet south of the City of Miami Monument Lino on N.C. 2 Street and 20 foot west of tno City of Miami Monument Line on Biscayne Doulevardl tnenc* run westerly along the South Line of N.E. 2 Street and N.W. 2 street to its intersection with the East R/W Line of N.W. I Avenue; thence North along tne said East R/W Line of N.W. I Avenue to its intersection with the South R/W Line of -N,W. 3 Street,,, tnence Cast along the South R/W Line of, N.W. 3 -Street and N.E. 3 Street to its intersection with the West R/W Lino of Biscayne Boulevara; thence South along tno West R/W Line of Biscayne Boulevard to tne N.E. corner of said Block 102 North, said corner also being tne point of beginning. EXHIBIT *B" 468 Le at Description for f l agt ei• Retail i-pa Special Assessindnt District Southern Expansion Commence at the tt.E, corner of D1ocK 102 North of A. L. Knowlton Map of Miami according to the plat tnoreof as recorded in P16t BOOK a at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Floridan Said corner being 30 feet south of the City of Miami Monument Line on N.E. 2 Street and 20 feNt west Of the City of Mlaml Monument Lino on Biscayne Boulevard; tnenco run southerly along the west R/w Line of Biscayne Boulevard to its intersection with the westerly extension of the South R/W Line Of Chopin Plata, said tine being 26 feet south of and parallel With the City of Miami Monument Line of S.E. 2 Street extended East to the Dade County oulKhead Lino; thence East along the South A/W Lino of Chopin Plata and its extensine thereof, to a point Of intersection with the East property tine of Tract D, of DuPont Plata, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat DOOK S0, Page 11 of the Public Records of Da.do County, Florida; thence South along said East property line of Tract D to its intersection kith the Easterly extension of the Nortn A/W Lino of S.E. 3 Street; tnenco WOst along said Easterly extension Of tea North R/11 Line Of S•E. 3 $treat. 515+ feet, to its intersection oft witn %no Northern prolong-stion Of the East side of the Miami EXHIBIT "C" 9 1 `-' Aft Center Parking raragu, said point of intersection being the point of beginning of tho foIIowl ng described parcel of Iand I the moo run South along the Northerly prolongation of the East side end along tno East side of &no Miami Center Parking daeage, 1004 fleet, to the South side of said MIAMI Center ParKing Garage; thence Wdst along the Soutli side of said parking Garage and its Westerly prolongation, 280+ feet* to the West R/W line of Biscayne Boulevard; thenCo South along said West R/W line of aisoayne BouloVard, and Its Southerly extension, to the Northerly bank of Elie Miami River; thence wasterly along said Northerly Dank of the Miami River to its intersection with the East property line of Lot 19, of the Amendod Plat of Fort Dallas Park, according to the Plat tnoreof, as recorded in Plat Book a, at Page 08 of the Public Rocords of Bade County, Florida; thence North along the East property lino of said Lot 19, and its Northerly prolongation, to its intersection with the North R/W ar- 3} line of S,E. 3 Streot; thence East f+long the North R/W Lino of S•E. 3 Street to Its intersection_with the Southerly extension of r the wost R/W Line of Biscayne Boulevard, linen;e continue East — fi. along the easterly prolongation of the Nortn R/W Line of S.E. 3 Street to its intersection with the northerly prolongation of the East side of the Miami Canter ParKing Garage, said point of intorsection being the point of beginn`/ng. s, 468 9 1 CITY OF MIAMI, rLOA10A so INTER -OFFICE MEMORANOUM is tU . O"U JUN 131991 FILE k The Honorable Mayor and 4 Members of the City Commissionsuainer. Flagler/Core Area SecurityDistrict 3peciallmp>rovement FROM : REFERENCES Cesar H. Od District Expansion City Manager tncwa�M�v x t Recommendotion It is respectfully requested that the City Commission adopt the n- attached Resolution expanding the hnundarles of the Flagler/Cor+s Area Security District Special Improvement District for a period f of on* year. Background On April 11, 1991 the City Commission determined by Resolution No. 91-292 (copy attached) that security And street maintenance and similar services be extended for another' year (1 year) in the ;F�t Flagler /Core Area Security District Special improvement District and further; levied special assessments against properties in said district benefited through the proviRinn of such services in accordance with it Final assessment roll filed with the City Clerk. The district and its related improvement programs , primarily the "City Ranger Program", has had a signific.Ant positive impact on the area. The success of the Special Improvement District has elicited requests by adjacent property owners to expand the District to include additional areas. The attached resolution calls for the expansion of the District to include on the north y N.E./N.W. 3rd Street and on the south to the north bank of the Miami River. The east and west boundaries are the some as in the existing district. The basis for the assessment formula is the nonexempt taxable value of each property. The proposed special assessments range from .1756 mills for predominantly office buildings to .9289 mills for other use buildings. The total amount levied shall be Eighty four Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-seven Dollars Y ($84,877.00) which will fund security services only, to be provided by additional City Rangers, approximately three. Enclosed is a preliminary assessment roll. 3= CHO/kmh Encl. Z0-d xwtpiw tiaa em: irT nH.L Sa--i PRELIMISARY ASSESSNENT ROLL POR TRL EZPLWDZD FLACLUIC03E AREA SPECIAL ASSESSwzv.r 31smiCr FOIL SECQ3IT t� TAX TOLIO PROPERTY OWNER PROPMY XON-=LEAP? 3MmF:r IIIIKBBA NAME 6 ADDRESS ADDRESS ASSESSED ►ALUt ASSZSS333T :r �! OIC9-070-20I0 4arge D. Barket i Y Linda Etal 2935 S.W. 3 Ave. 231 N.W. 1 Ave. S21l,iSi.OR J // SSa.S1 , FL 33129 /Maul C3 , 1/0110-000-:120 ✓lletropol Building 201 X.L. 2 Ave. $1,020,500.00 z/ $179.20 t/o Rafael Kapustic t 29 S.E. 2 Ave. Ste. 750 t3 Miaai. F! 33133 '• ► V 011"30-:010 I/Dapent Plats Center Inc. Lessee r c/o J. J. Sheppard 30C S.E. 4 St. ;1:,.OS,S05.00 ✓ $3,073-97 300 S.E. 4 St. Klan!, FL 33030 Q $18,145,659.00 $3,29I.74 el E: i .% 6109-070-:010 Est. of Eenry Create 24C M. :liana Awe. S:,045,;39.00 f $971.40 c/o Irvieg Canner Srii.00 } 20020 19.1. 22 Ave. $0.00 X. Miami Seach, n 33:E0 S0.00 ' F' / $0.00 a:09-070-1040 ♦ Sidney C. i Shirley R. Coldstoz $0.00 Y Atevec ae Sharon Goldstot 50 N.F. 3 St. 4339,325.00 ✓ $L92.62 ' h 165 Shore Dr. South m aoi, PL 33131 $0.90 MOO (,` ♦ e309-070-1050 • Sidney C. A Shirley E. Coldst" $0.00 : Steven i Sharon Coldstot 58 N.V. I St. $5261000.00 ✓ $LB8.60 165 Shore Dr. South $0.00 (. Kismi, FL 33133 SC.00 I t JBessie 1 0109-070-1080 V K. Coreton ✓ $0.00 G• c/o Percal Wholesale 201 1.19. 1 be. WS'S18-00 $574.82 201 S.A. I Ave. $0.00 f Kiaa., FL 3312a $0.00 S0.00 0:09-070-1990 Bessie M. Careton 201 N.V. I Ave. $56i.6$0.00 V// $52L.22 On Pe rcal Wholesale $0.90 201 N.V. 1 Ave. $0.00 :Baal, FL 3312E $0.00 % -% r $0.00 V 0109-070-1=00 Bessie M. Caretoe $563.650.00 SS28.22 c/o Pereal Wholesale $0.00 201 B.V. I Ave. $0.00 n 33l28 $0.00 ;0.00 �,• a " clog-070-2020 George Berke., A F Llv4a at al 233-3! B.W 1 Ave. $132.l24.00 ✓ $106.90 2935,S.W. 3 Ave. $0.00 s M.sal, FL 33129. $0.00 yy�4�.a_idea..�,_...e.�a"::.,�xt.c...,ei..,._....., 0-'fi r -4 �C E s 9'm-070-2050 }I N S.dney C. Goldstoo b 245 1.%. 1 Ave. 588,000.OD � sv.00 $81.74 C ' Sl=rley H. Coldstoo $0.00 �Z 165 Shore Dr. Sootb $0.02 Mimi, FL 33133 $0.00 ►• ' s d 0109-070-3020 1a. Fernandez Sit ,T. Gonzalez 222 S. Mau! Ave. $206.959.00 '� $0.00 $192.15 '$ (►� f 1 1040 S.R. 1 St. S0.00 Kiaa!, FL 33130 $0.00 y ✓ 0209-070-3030 9 J Pearl B. Dress 21S N. Mani Ave. 5421,208.00•r $0.00 $392.26 3 5340 Ardona Dr. $0.00 Coral Cables, FL 33196 $0.06 1 0109-070-3040 �/ J Sapozo_k b Corfinkel 200-209 1. Maul Ave. S607,30i.00 $564.12 -4 C 10 R.V. 2 St. $0.00 1liami, FL 33128 $0.00 } ' /Oils-OOC-1120 JPargae del 1No Ltd. 114 S.H. 4 St. $5,800,000.00'l $0.00 $5,387.62 P.O. Box $577 $0.00 f. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310 $0-OC10/ - (R J S 0.0C 3137-022-0030 */Miaw3 Center Assoc L:d $27,SOO.000.C] $Z5.544.75 c/o Sierra Reflection Corp $0.00 �> 6067 Hollywood Blvd #206 $0.00 C1' Hollywood, FL 33024 $0.00 _ d 0110-000-1020 J iropero Investweata 119 L 244 Eisaane Blvd. $5,288,205.00 ;4,$19.32 p Ceorge Coldbloos $0.00 244 Biscayne Blvd. Ste 514 $0.00 =1 3 Miami, FL 33232 $0.00 i4 t f 0110-000-I050 George Coldbloon It Al 242 S.E. 3 St. 32.776.000.00 ✓ $0.00 42,578-63 201 Albasbra Circle $0.00 3 Coral Cables, FL 33134 $0.00 rr i _ V 0110-000-1070 :/Hard Holdin s Inc.$.00 y g 230 W.I.11.E. 3 St. 5792,457.00 ✓ $736.1I c/o 7820 S.R. 146 St. $0.00 !Muni, FL 33158 $0.00 = s / �/ 0110-000-1100 V/Carlos A. Saenz Tr 200 H.E. 3 St. $970,000.OS 01.03 $901.03 1871 S. Huai Ave. $0.00 f Y_iami, FL 33129 $0.00 J 0110-OOC-1110 f + Coloo Building Joe. 229 N.E. 2 Ave. $401.400.00"" $0.00 $372-49 c/o Rafael Rapost_o $0.00 25 S.E. 2 Ave. Ste 750 $0.00 11ia■i, FL 33131 $0.00 ' r 01I0-000-1140 'Port Tack Inc. 227 R.H. 2 St. $638,S00.00 $5$0..0 I0 931 500 S.R. 23 Ave. $0.00 y� naut, FL 33135 $0.00 $0.00 CL A 0110-000-2150 Port Tack Inc. 235 X.I. 2 Ave. $624,850.00 $580.42 500 S.W. 23 Ave. $0.00 � riami, FL 33135 $0.00 } $0.00 0110-000-1180 ✓Eonald Xrongold Tr. 255 R.Z. 2 St- $638,500.00 V $591.10 }� 201 Alhambra Cir $0.00 VD Coral Cables, FL 33134 $0.00 -� /0110-000-1190 $0.00 Gee Coldbloom 4 Jack Ber3stein 265 S.E. 2 St. $633,500.00 Y $593.10 1 201 Alhambra Cir 0514 _ $0.00 s , Coral &abiea, FL 33134 S0.0 , .... ., .. .. .. ,. ...... .. _•. ... .... .._. ...... .,.... ... ., :.: ... :,_. :, .. ... :. _,ai � i i'h, I.1•?,l•!f .. ,. ._ .: ....._ .. ..... r. .. ;.. .._ ..-.. ... •,a .. ... s ., ,. . : .,. ;.. .. ... .. ., i. l Fl4rY:S IIIj I 'x! {..„ iI c"a� R '..+ `-�' •v t�'��si'`�xk�e.I+dieaKatixp+rtti•wa � 711 livl 1 •..:. ' ., ai`•. :-'..:. ..:n ::: .. �jy .a+ ,,;. .^At u�-,`•.e III � a ,i Y. d�?:Ye!,aa'.ar� .�.:.ram�,•-..,..-a.---• ;il'!ie nI,�aernr�S�Rls;ldl I I^b"�il�idli�l ii� U!I.�`�.I�II{(�{�+.I'?�''�'l�'I+4�d' .-Q 0.0ALza i pact ,leruste,.n a 303 A.E. E Jvvenal as 201 Alhambra Circle 514 $0.00 Corl Gables, *L 33134 S0.00 = e 0109-080-10!0 ✓Earl $0.00 r ✓ i Demetre De Mara b 234 1f.•. 1 Ave. 5719.S7a.Ob y� $663.42 1800 S.V. 27 Ave. Ste. ! 302 $0.00 N xiami, n 33145 $0.00 Q� ` / J 0109-080-1020 aela:a iV E 228 E.l. 1 Ave. ✓ $0.00r Combined Investments L:d. sass.471.00 ta$. S0.00 c/o T Cillani - $0.00 5915 Cilbson Blvd. S.E. $0.00se.00 .) Albuquerque, R,lI, 87304 -j 1 ✓ Ol0l-080-1074 Courthouse Plats Aseoeiates ✓ $0.00 1% 60 1f.E. 3 St. $493,46a.00 5458.38 - 1125 .3.E. 125 St. Ste. 206 $0.00 [ Klan!, FL 31 I f 1 $0.00 : .% 0109-080-1140 Courthouse PIats Assee! atell SA if-E. 3 St. $492.223.00 ✓ $0.00 3457.23 �) r 1125 D.E. 125 St. $0.00 s m! am i . n 33161 $0.00 •` / ! j 0109-080-I060 Cniliermo 4osieiia 4,33 ✓ $0.00 7r 9. Was. Ave. ST93,394.00 s'37.17 I800 S.W. 27 Mae. 4302 $0_00 i X!ami, n 33145 $0.00 0109-080-1070 ✓Jeanne Bepvard E Joan vekey 225 K. 21180i Ave. S37f.012.00 ✓ $8.00 S352-ff '�� k► 6225 S.U. tea St. S0-00 Eiami, PL 33156 $0.00 1 010f-080-1030 S0.00 t S Inc.Ine. 2e1 K. ?iiaa: Ave. St32.500.00 ✓ 34t8.19 1 3 $0.00 visit. PL 33123 ;0.00 * fJ y 0109-080-II40 ♦Guillermo soa:clir ::2 K.S. 1 Ave. 5671.500.46 w3623.76 1800 S.R. 27 Ave. 4302 $0.00 Miami, FL 331c S $O .OD _ a 010f-080-I1S0 Guillermo Sestetin 200 X.I. Ave. ;1,639.59;.O? ✓ SO.OZ St,523.OZ ' aS.W. t 0n s 27 Ave.A.e. t 30f $0.00 11iax:, PL 33145 S0.00 ! l � 0114-D30-IOSO ✓:�:am: Center Jo:at Venture � SO.00 ;i3,T03.SE1.00 S3,9t2_S6 P.O.Box 627S $0.00 Cbarlottevllle, TA 22906 $0.00 t V0114-030-1110 ✓ $0.00 1- aai Center Joint Venture ;IS.9S0,351.00 St7,6a2.99 P.O. Box 6229 0 S 0, 0 .� Charlottesille, 4A 22106 $0.0a � w ¢3T,830,8 L3.00 $81,565.31 NiL ry .. • v ,;s .. , ....'�i{ Pi"C,''t',U' [+i:iY ,. wv'c q�( i4j"+jI 410I ��7 u d' ' s Al