HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-91-0452t 1_I (_. --. ,=� - +� i hi i'_t F4 i. Y l 4 2 t_ A L) b E:" F T �• J-91-461 6/12/91 �..« RES(QLUTTON NO. V-' 56a A tt 'SOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR or PIN E TO PAY TO LINN BAZEMORE, WITHOUT THE ADMIS ION or LIABILITY, THE SUM or $130,0 0.00 IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT - OF ANY D ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY 0 MIAMI, IN CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO. 90-5 435 (CA 05), UPON THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE LEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ANY AND ALL hAIMS AND DEMANDS, SAID. FUNDS THEREFOR LOCATED FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI SELF-INSU CE AND INSURANCE TRUST FUND. 1 WHEREAS, Linn Dazemo e, through his attorney, filed a claim and lawsuit against the Ci y of Miami, in the Circuit Court of Dade County, Florida, Case No. 90-51435 (CA 05), for alleged negligence arising out of a re ponse to a 911 call by Fire Rescue ors February 27, 1990 to 195 S.W. 27th Avenue, Miami, Dade County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the above claim and lawsuit has been investigated ` by the Torts Division of the City ttorney's Office pursuant to Ordinance No. 841.7, which creates he City of Miami's Self_ Insurance program and said office reco ends that this Claim and lawsuit be settled for the $um of $13010 0.00; NOW, 'THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED SY TH COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP MIAMI, FLORIDAt Section 1. The Director of Finance is ereby authorized to day Linn DeXQmore, forthwith, without the admi sion of liability, the sum of $130,000.00 in full and complete set ement of any and all claims alid demands against the City of Mi mi, in Circuit CQcaxt Casa NO. 90-51435 (CA 05), upon the executio of a Release, { roxeaaing the City of Miami from all. claims and errands, with monies th9refor hereby Allocated from the Inauxanc and Solt.- Insurance Trust. Fund. Bj3 a 1CAL. t:?---S4 1 hi0t-4 1 � `4 2 1_F7tJ itrmP T � F . _02, LL J-91,-4$I 6/12/91 RESOT.CITTON N0.i-F 1 -- 45da A R GLUTTON AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FIN E TO PAY TO LINN BAZEMORE, WITHOUT THE ADMIS ION OF LIAnXLITY, THE SUM Off' $130,0 0.00 IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ANY D ALL CLAIMS Arlp DEMANDS AGAINST TNT: CITY 0 MIAMI, IN CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO. 90-5 435 (CA 05), UPON THE EXECUTION OP A RELEASE LEASING THE CITY OF MTAMI FROM ANY AND ALL LAIMS AND DEM.A.NDS, SAID, FUNDS THEREFOR LOCATED FROM THE CITY OF MTAMI SELF-INSU CE AND INSURANCE TRUST FUND. WHEREAS, Linn Bazemore, through his attorney, filed ca claim and lawsuit against the Ci y of Miami, in the Circuit Court; of Dade County, Florida, Cage No. 90-514 35 (CA OS) , for alleged negligence arising out of a re ponce to a 911 call by Fire Rescue on February 27, 1990 to 195 S.W. 27th Avenue, Miami, Dade 4 County, Ploridej and WHEREAS, the above claim and lawsuit has been investigated by the Torts Division of the City ttorney's Office pursuant to } Ordinance No. 8417, which creates he City of Miami's Self - Insurance Program and said office reco ends that this claim and lawsuit be settled for the sum of $13010 0.00; NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP MIAMI, rLORIDAt ` Section 1. The Director of Finance is ereby authorized to pay Linn Bazemore, forthwith, without the admi sion of liability, the aum of $130,000.00 in full and complete set ement of any and all claims wid demands against the City of Mi mi, in Circuit Court Case No. 90-51435 (CA 05), upon the executio of a Release, releasing the City of Miami from all.claims and eManda, with monies thorefor hereby allocated from the Insuranc and Self.. Xnaurance Trust Fund. m r. R .dw✓r 1 t y.'€ '1+40 ,ml T µ, Y Section 2. ThisResolution shall become effective Immediately upon its adoption* PASSED A140 ADOPTED this ,, day of XAVIER G� � A OR ATTEST i MA'rTY kiRA—I—. CITY CLERK SFI,F"IN$VRANCE TRUST FUND REVIEW: SUJAN CHHASR,Ar MINI -TOR RISK MANAGEMENT DIVISION BUDGETARY REVXEW1 MANOHAR 3. SURANA, DIRECTOR BUDGET DSPARTMENT PREPARED AND APBY: , RMON BUTNER MST'ANT CITY ATTORNEY