HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1991-07-11 Marked Agenda MAYOR XAVIER 1. SUAREZ VICE MAYOR ).L. PLUMMER, )R. COMMISSIONER DR. MIRIAM AlONSO COMMISSIONER MILLER 1. DAWKfNS COMMISSIONER VICTOR hl. DE YURRE 19 (r ; ,.. *i *, IMCOIIt OMIItE Q `. 11 11 4Q' i O~ 41 ~ ~~~~ C~ _ F l,O i ~~_~~ CITY MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , i 991 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE N0. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING iN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY ERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. TH15 PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON ' AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HtS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK. GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD. THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO s BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY i COMMA I SS I ON MEET t NG . s s s s s s s s s s Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commisslon with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. s s s s s s s s s s The Clty Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin nt the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda Item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Cornmission meetings will adJourn et the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda Item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) ~ ~ This meeting shall convene at 9:00 AM ~ ~ FOR MOTIONS AND RESOLU?IONS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR IN ~ THIS PRINTED AGENDA. HINDLY REFER TO THE CITY CLERS'$ ~ REPORT. ATTACHED HERETO. f ~' i F~ f ~} ~ree~~ of c {t O t 9~~, f1~~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 ~ 1991 PAGE NO: 2 CONSENT AGENDA Item 1 which Is comprised of Items CA-1 through CA-25 has been scheduled to be heard t n the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 2 through 31 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. RECEIPT OF BIDS Item 32 has been advertised to be heard at 10:00 AM. Item 33 is a companion Item to item 32 and should be considered after this time. The Clty Commission shall consider - these I tams at the spec 1 f I ed t Ime or ~ thereafter as may be announced. i ! PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 34 has been advertised to be heard at 11:00 AM. Item 35 has been advertised to be heard at 11:05 AM. Items 36 and 37 have been advertised to be heard at 11:10 AM. Item 3B has been advertised to be heard at 11:20 AM. Item 39 has been advertised to be heard at 11:25 AM. Item 40 Is n companion to Item 39 and may be considered at this time. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. --- --- - - - --- F ~ ~ w ~ ~r~r e~.+ro d i~ ~~ G,~DE FL~~De CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju iy 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 3 PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 41 through a6 have been scheduled to be heard after 2:00 PM. Items 47 through 55 have been scheduled to be heard after x:00 PM. The City Commission shall consider these Items at the specified times or thereafter ns may be announced. DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 56 through 58 have been scheduled to be heard after 4:00 PM. The City Commission shall co-nsider these Items at the specified time or thereafter as maZr be announced. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS Item 59 has been scheduled to be heard after 5:15 PM. Item 60 has been advertised to be heard at 5:30 PM. The Clty Commisslon shall consider these Items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced. 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS B. Approving the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Clty Commission meeting of April 25, 1991. the Regular City Commlsslon meeting of May 9. 1991 and the Planning and Zoning Clty Commission meeting of May 23. 1991. DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGEND; APPROVED MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS F ~ ~ .. ~ ~.ee~• ee~t {r u r~ o r' qp~ f1~4`O CITY COI~IISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 7 , 1991 PAGE N0: 4 1. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific Item from this port(on of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-25 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each Item will be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of Items CA-1 through CA-25 be adopted..." The Mayor or Clty Clerk shall state the fottowing: "Before the vote on adopting Items included In the Consent Agenda Is taken, Is there anyone present who Is an obJector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." CA-i. RESOLUTION - (J-91-529) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID) Accepting the bid of Four C's Services, Inc. (a woman/Dade County vendor) for furnishing events maintenance at the Coconut Grove Convention Center for the Department of Conferences, ConUentlons and Public Faclttttes on a contract basis for one year with the option to extend for two (2) additional one year periods at a total proposed first year cost of 591,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1990-91 (518,200.00) and 1991-92 (572,800.00) Operating Budget Account Code No. 350201- 340; authorizing the Clty Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this service. and thereafter to extend this contract for two (2) additional one year periods at the same price and upon the same terms and conditions, subJect to the availability of funds. WITHDRAWN ~ - ---- ~ F .. ~~ '~~ ~p .+ee~~ o~nro Q C ~• a t; O 9~ECQf1A~ CIiY COMMISSION ACENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1, i 991 PAGE NO: 5 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA~-2. RESOLUTION - (J-91-531) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BIDS) Accepting the bids of Schindler Elevator Corporation (a non-minority/non-focal vendor) in the amount of 51,212.00 and Broward Elevator Maintenance Sales and Services •(a non-minority/non-local vendor) to the amount of 515,180.00 plus the hourly charge for the as-needed attendance of mechanic during major events for n total first year cost of 516,392.00 for furnishing elewator maintenance at five (5) Clty locations for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste, Property Maintenance Division, on a contract basis for one (1) year renewable annually for four (4) additional one (1) year periods; allocating funds therefor from the 1991-92 Operating Budget Account Code No. 420401-670; authorizing the Clty Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue purchase orders for this service and thereafter to extend this contract for four additional one-year periods at the same price and upon the same terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-91-520) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Stalntess Metalworks, Inc. (a Hispanic/Oade County vendor), for furnishing and Installation of stainless steel counters at Flre Station No. 2 for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste, Property Maintenance Division at a total proposed amount of 58,445.60; allocating funds therefor from the Capital Improvement Protect No. 313018, Account Code No. 289301-860 (54,821.00) and 1991-92 Operating Budget Account Code No. 420401- 670 ($3,624.00); authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this acquisition, subject to the availability of funds. R-91-986 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS DE YURRE DAWKINS R-91-487 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS __ -- - - -_ ___ _ __ - --- - ~ K'~ F ~!. w '~ ~ •"0f.i iii tt G O~ qp~, f~~~ti CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE N0: 6 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-91-545) - (ACCEPTING BID 8~ AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Leadex Corporation (a Hispanic/Miami contra_ctor), In the proposed amount of 643,968.00, total bid of the proposal, for Curtis Park Redevelopment - Demolition Protect B- 2983-F; NVlth monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 331353, in the amount of 543,968.00 to cover the contract cost end 68,757.59 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 652,725.59; and authorizing the Clty Manager to execute a contract with said firm, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. CA-5. RESOLUTION - (J-91-552) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of McDonough Equipment Company, Inc. (a non-minority/non-local contractor), In the proposed amount of 534,987.56, total bid of the proposal, for Citywide Underground Tank Retrofitting Protect B-5597; with monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, In the amount of 534,987.56 to cover the contract cost and 56,533.44 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 541,521.00; with 529,331.00 nilocated from Protect No. 311009, 58,610.00 from Protect No. 312015 and 53,580.00 from Protect No. 420012; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. CA-6. RESOLUTION - (J-91-553) - (ACCEPTING BIO & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of MET Construction, Inc. (a non-minority/Miami contractor), in the proposed amount of 676,750.00, total bid of the proposal, for NW 7 Street Bridge Renovations B-4546; with monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1990-91 Capitnl Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 341175, in'the amount of 576,750.00 to cover the contract Cost and 617.646.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 594396,00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with sold R-91-488 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-489 MOVED DE YURRE SECUNDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN firm, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 1 \~ G ~ H~ `i p wCMr ornco {t .e r~ a9a~'c fW~~~f t Clilf COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: July 1 1 , 1991 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA~7. CA-S. CA-9. CA-10. RESOLUTION - (J-91-528) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) Approving the purchase of underwater video equipment, and allocating funds therefor, to an amount not to exceed =5,000, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having beep approved by the Chief of Police and being subJect to applicable City Code procurement provisions. RESOLUTION - (J-91-525) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) Approving the purchase of a telephone coupler, and aliocafing funds therefor, !n an amount not to exceed 514,500, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police and being subJect to applicable City Code procurement provisions. RESOLUTION - (J-91-526) - (AUTHORIZING SPONSORSHIP) Authorizing the sponsorship of the Youth Crime Watch of America Program, and allocating funds therefor, In an amount not to exceed 520,000, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. RESOLUTION - (J-91-5$9) - (AMENDING RESOLUTION) Amending Resotutlon No. 90-522, adopted July 12, 1990, as amended, which funded operating expenses for two air rescue heitcopters. by Increasing the approved number of future operating hours by 357, with an Increase In allocated funds not to exceed 549.980 for such operating expenses. PAGE N0: 7 R-91-498 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-499 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-500 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-501 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT : DAWKINS PLUMME R DAWKINS PLUMMER DAWKINS : PLUMMER PLUMMER DAWKINS DE YURRE "~tt#ough absent during roU 0811,. Comm.De Yurre requested of the Clerk to he shcN~ as voting Yes on the motion." l~ ~ ~ ~} ntM~ orttt0 {7 O ~• r~ ~; 9~E F`~~o CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Jut y 1 1 , 1991 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-11. CA-i2. RESOLUTION - (J-91-527) - (AMENDING RESOLUTION) Amending Section 3 of Resolutlon No. 89- 798, adopted September 14, 1989, relating to the disposition of weapons previously Issued for individual use by sworn personnel of the Mlaml Police Department, thereby establishing a City Commission policy to be In effect for a one-year period from the date of this Resolutlon to provide that if more than one weapon had been Issued to said sworn personnel for their Individual use, they shall have the right to purchase one such other weapon, If the weapon Is available, at a price which is equal to or greater than the amount that would be reasonably anticipated from the sale of such other weapon through public auction; further ratifying, approving and confirming nny such actions the Clty Manager may have taken In authorizing the purchase of such other weapon prior to the date hereof. RESOLUTION - (J-91-433) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS) Authorizing the City Manager to execute professional services agreements, in substantially the form attached, with Strategic International Inc., In the amount of S11,520, Larry Ward In the amount of 59,650 and Carlos Zervlgon In the amount of S5,250, for the provlslon of two `Shared Vision` workshops. for the City of Miami Police Department, with funds therefor allocated in a total amount not to exceed 526.420 from the Law Enforcement Training Trust Fund, Protect No. 619001, Index Code 290508-270, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. (This Item was continued from the meetin8 of June 20, 1991.) CA-t3. RESOLUTION - (J-91-598) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the Clty Manager to execute a professional services agreement, In substantially the form attached, with Florida Memorial College, In an amount not to exceed 511,000, for the provlslon of two, eighty-hour pre-academy orientation classes, for the City of Mlaml Pollee Department, with funds therefor allocated from the Law Enforcement Training Trust Fund, Protect No. 136002, Index Code PAGE NO: g R-91-502 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-91-503 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-91-504 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS 029073-429. W ~ ~rte„ O~4+t tt i• •• Q ~T 4pE ~~~~ CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING GATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'O CA-14. RESOLUTION - (J-91-559) - (PROVIDING NOTIFICATION) Provldin~a official notification to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and the Director of the Metropolitan Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management that the City Is exercising Its option for exemption from the County's Stormwater Utlilty. CA-15. RESOLUTION - (J-91-359) - (APPROVING MOST QUALIFIED FIRM) Approving the most qualified firm to provide professional engineering services for obtaining a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the City's Storm Sewer System; authorizing the City Manager to undertake negotiations with the most qualified firm to arrive at a contract which Is fair, compet(tlve and reasonable; and directing the City Manager to present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for Its approval. CA-16. RESOLUTION - (J-91-568) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the Clty Manager to execute an amendment_ to_ the__a~reement dated September 15, 1989, In substantially the attached form, with Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Architects. Inc., Increasing sold agreement in an amount not to exceed 520,000 for completion of the design development and construction document phases in connection with the development of a twenty-three (23) unit single fam!!y residential sales housing development for moderate Income families on_ the City-owned St. Hugh Oaks Academy Property located In the Coconut Grove neighborhood; further allocating morales therefor from Capital Improvement Protect No. 321034, "Scattered Slte Affordable Housing Development Program". PAGE NO: g R-91-490 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-505 MOVED SECONDED . NOES R-91-491 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS ALONSO DE YURRE DAWKINS DE YURR£ DAWKINS F F~ '~ {} ~ree~r unto it ~~ u oe ~9~EC4F~a9`` CIi1f COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-1,7 . CA-18 CA-t9. RESOLUTION - (J-91-564) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to amend the existing contract. between the Clty of Mlaml and Miami-Dade Community College (M.D.C.C.) for the City's rendering of In- service fire training, to thereby extend the period of said contract from August 1, 1991 through July 31, 1992, said amendment to be executed, In substantially the attached form, with funds therefor being allocated from the Flre, Rescue, and inspection Services Department's General Operating Budget Account Code No. 280201- 180. RESOLUTION - (J-91-519) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with the Wyatt Company. for professional consulting services concerning the review of the Fraternal Order of Pollee, Lodge No. 20's Union Health Trust which Impacts on the City of Miami; allocating therefor an amount not to exceed 55,200 for such services from the Police Department Group insurance Account No. 290301-130. RESOLUTION - (J-91-159) - (AUTHORIZING CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT) Authorizing the Clty Manager to execute n consent to assignment, in substantially the attached form, for the revocable permit Issued to Bernard Poltler on September 22, 1987, for a strip of land located In Morninpslde Park; said assignment enabling Bernard Poltler to assign said revocable permit to Miguel eerme)o. PAGE NO 10 R-91-492 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-506 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS DE YURRE DAWKINS PLUMMER ALONSO R-91-493 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS DE YURRE DAWKINS ___ -__ ~ -_ -_____ -- -- ---- ------------ y ~ 4x H # "`°~i iii ~ O ~q°ECaF~.oa~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: July 1 1 , 1991 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-20. RESOLUTION - (J-91-583) - (AUTHORIZING EXTENSION OF EXISTING AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to extend the existin agreement, In substantially the attached form, between the Clty of Mlaml and Raymond James and_Associates. Inc. and Howard Gary and Company for the provision of financial advisory services for a one- year period, wlfh compensation for such services being allocated from appropriated Capital Improvement Protect No. 311016. CA-21. RESOLUTION - (J-91-593) - (AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN CONTRACT) Authorizing the Clty Manager to approve an Increase !n the total collection cost of the transport user fee for the current (1991) contract with Automated Medical Services, Inc. in t_he. amount of 575,000, said Increase automatically resulting from Increased volume of use by the public of transport services. CA-22. RESOLUTION - (J-91-563) - (CHANGING DATE OF EVENT) Amending Section 1 of Resolution No. 91- 305, adopted Aprlt 1i, 199i, concerning the Miami Loving Miami Unity Bike-a-Thou therebv changing the date of the event from May 11, 1991 to July 27, 1991. CA-23. RESOLUTION - (J-91-539) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Related to Bastille Day to be conducted by the Renaissance Historical Society of Florida, inc. on Sunday. July 14, 1991; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic; sub Ject to the I ssuance of perm I is by the Departments of Poilce and Flre, Rescue and Inspection Services; further conditioning all approvals and authorizations granted herein upon the organizers paying for the necessary costs of City services associated with said event and obtnlning Insurance to protect the Clty in the amount as prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. PAGE NO: 1 1 R-91-507 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-552 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT DAWKINS R-91-494 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-495 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I,y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 12 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-24. RESOLUTION - {J-91-523) - (ACCEPTING PLAT) Accepting the plat entitled "Poinciana Close', a subdivislon in the City of Mlaml, subJect to all of the conditions of the Plat and Street Committee, and accepting the dedications shown on said plat; and accepting the covenant to run with the land postponing the Immediate construction of certain Improvements until required by the Department of Public Works; authorizing and dlrecting the Clty Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat; and providing for the recordation of said plat In the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. CA-25. RESOLUTION - (J-91-524) - (ACCEPTING PLAT) Accepting the plat entitled 'Two Stallions Estates", a subdivislon in the Clty of Miami. subJect to all of the conditions of the Piat and Street Committee, and accepting the dedications shown on said plat; accepting the covenant to run with the land postponing the Immediate construction of certain Improvements until required by the Department of Public Works; authorizing and dlrecting the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the plat; and providing for the recordation of said plat in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. END OF CONSENT AGENDA R-91-496 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-497 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS \~ F w >Z {} ~eeeee etrtto d ~ u n ~; 9~E ~~C CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 13 NOTE: Items 2 through 31 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 2. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-91-536) {4/5THS VOTE) (NOTE: This Item is being presented on an emergency basis to order to Insure that the protect may begin on a timely basis in order that the State's contractual requirements may be met.) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: `Wagner-Peyser 7(B) Discretionary Funds (FY '91-92)` appropriating grant funds In the amount of 545,000 from the State of Florida, Department of Labor and Employment Secur(ty; authorizing the Clty Manager to accept said grant award and enter Into the necessary implementing agreements__wlth the State of Florida; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 3. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-410) Relating to streets and sidewalks and construction and repair; amending Sections 54-47 and 54-46 of the Code of the Clty of Mlaml, Florida, as amended, by clarifying the reQUlrement of right-of-way dedication prior to Issuance of permits; eliminating the requirement of a covenant prior to Issuance of permits; and containing a repealer provision and a severability clause and providing for an effective date. Date First Reading as modified Moved . Second . vote . Date(s) Continued May 9, 1991 Comm Alonso Vice Mayor Plummer Unanimous June 20, 1991 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10897 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10898 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS r~ ~~ ~ F ~w ~ ,.ro.. a...~o tr e ~.~a ~Ip~, E1~,~O CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I ~ 1 1 , 1991 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-430) Amending Section 53-135 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, establishing special charges for the use of the Orange Bowl Memorial Stadium and the Miami Bobby Maduro Stadium parking lots for events held thereon; contalning a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. Date First Reading: June 20, 1991 Moved Comm Dawkins Second Vlce Mayor Plummer Vote Unanimous 5. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-444} Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, the Capital Improvement s_ Appropriation Ordinance, adopted September 27, 1990, decreasing the appropriations for the protects entitled `Fire Apparatus Replacement and Modification FY '91`, Project No. 313233, In the amount of S454,400, and the protect entitled 'New Fire Station X12`, Pro)ect No. 313239, in the amount of S115,900; and Increasing the appropriations for the protect entitled `Renovation of Flre Stations and Oid Drill Tower°, Protect No. 313018, in the amount of 5570,300; contalning a repealer provision and a severablllty clause. Date First Reading: June 20, 1991 Moved Vice Mayor Plummer Second Corm Alonso (Y) Suarez, DeYurre tN) Dawkins PAGE NO: 14 ORDINANCE 10899 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10900 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS OF ~ ~~ H {~ ~.ee.• e~n~ Ct ~ ~~ •~ t; O '40E F~~~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Jut y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 15 RESOLUTIONS 6. RESOLUTION - (J-91-584) - (ALLOCATING FUNDS FOR CONTINUATION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES} Allocating an amount not to exceed 5150,000 for professional legislative consultation services, during FY '9t-'92 to be performed by the law firm of Holland and Knight, PA, under the ternrts of an existing contract with sold firm. authorized by Resolution No. 89-823 on September 14, 1989; further atiocating an additional amount not to exceed =25,000 for reimbursable expenses of said firm as approved by the City Manager with the above funds being allocated from the FY '9i-'92 Legislative Liaison General Fund; further apgrov(ng and authorizing an additional one year engagement of said firm during FY '92-'93 upon the same terms and conditions with the compensation for said additional one-year period being allocated from the FY '92-'93 Legislative Liaison General Fund. Department of Community Development 7. RESOLUTION - (J-91-535) - (ALLOCATING FUNDS 8r AUTNORIZlNG EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS) Allocating 5196,445 of 17th Year Community Development 81ock Grant Funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 10885 adopted May 9, 1991, as follows: 547,597 to Jewish Family Services, Inc. fo- r the c_Itywlde senior crime watch p,_rogram; for the Greater Mtaml Service Corps, and 543,270 to the Black Archives History and Research Foundation of South Florida Inc. for lyric Theatre Rehab111tatlon; further authorizing th.e Clty Manager to execute Individual agreements,` In substantially the attached form, with the above agencies. R-91-510 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED PLUMMER NOES R-91-511 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS SUARE2 PLUMMER ALONSO t'; ~ y~ ~~' 'fit ~ ,.~.. o~..~ a ~ ~~ ~e t O CIiY COMMISSION ACENDII MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 16 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 8. RESOLUTION - (J-91-534) - (ALLOCATING R-91-512 FUNDS & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MOVED PLUMMER AGREEMENTS) SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS Allocating 51.743,032 of Seventeenth Year --------------------- Community Development Block Grant Funds SEE RELATED previously appropriated by Ordinance No. M-91-513 10885, adopted May 9, 1991, to previously MovED DE YURRE named social services agencies listed SECONDED PLUMMER herein for approved social service UNANIMOUS protects; further authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements, In substantially the attached form, with said agencies for such protects. 9. RESOLUTION - (J-91-599) - (ALLOCATING R-91-514 FUNDS & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MOVED PLUMMER AGREEMENTS) SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS Authorizing the Clty Manager to execute individual contractual agreements, fn substantially the form attached, with six (6) neighborhood based housing community development corporations (CODEC, Inc., East Little Havana Community Development Corporation, St. John Community Development Corporation, Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation, Florida Housing Cooperative, Inc. and Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation), for the purpose of undertaking activities to stimulate the development of housing affordable to low and moderate Income families and Individuals; further allocating a total of forty-three thousand two hundred seventy dollars (543270) each In Seventeenth (17th) Year Community Development Block Grant Program Funds for the purpose of providing said administrative funding grant to the aforementioned community development corporations. .i ~e`' F- ~' ~} ~.eerr e,nc tt C ~~ e• ,~; Q '¢Of f1.p~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 1 ~ RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Development and Housing Conservation 10. RESOLUTION - (J-91-521) - (APPROVING SELECTION OF PROPOSER) Approving the selection of the Sawyer's Walk Ltd. as the successful proposer for the Unlfted Development of Clty-owned Blocks 45, 55 and 56 located In the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment District ('Property'), sub)ect to the said proposer producing sufficient evidence to demonstrate, prior to the approval of the lease agreement, its financial capability to successfully undertake and complete the planning and des(gn, construction, leasing and management of residential and commercial uses on said property; authorizing and dlrecting the City Manager to negotiate a lease agreement, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with said proposer to include certain terms and conditlons (more particularly described herein) and to comply with the Ctty's Minority Procurement Program Ordinance requirements and other applicable laws; and further dlrecting the City Manager to present the negotiated agreement to the Clty Commission for tts review, cansideratlon and approval prior to Its execution. 11. RESOLUTION - (J-91-506) - (DIRECTING PREPARATION OF CHARTER AMENDMENT) Directing the City Attorney to prepare Charter Amendment(s~ for the November 5, 1991 election, to modify the process followed In tmptementing Unified Development Protects and In handling protests flied by aggrieved parties in regard to said projects and In regard to contemplated sale or lease_ of Clty-owned property R-91-509 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED M-91-509.1 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-91-515 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS -_ _ _ _ -- -~.._._ ~ll.. ,... _.__,.~. W ~ r {~ ~.ee.r orr*ce {r D .a a ,~; CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING GATE: July 1 1 , 1991 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 12. RESOLUTION - (J-91-512) - (CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION) Calling and providing for a spectat municipal election to be held September 3. X991, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the Ctty of Mlaml, Florida, for their approval or disapproval of the City's entering Into a lease agreement with Baystde Seafood Restaurant and Brewpub Partnership to operate a restaurant, brewery and mnrlne-related facltity on Ctty-owned Waterfront property of approximately 2.88 acres located ad J scent to and I mmed I ate t y west of M i am 1 Marine Stadium on the southerly shoreline of the Marine Stadium Basin, Mlaml, Florida, more commonly known ns the "Virginia Key Basin Property", subJect to Baystde Seafood Restaurant and Brewpub Partnership making a capital and equipment Investment of no less than 52 million and paying to the City a minimum annual rent of 5200,000 per year for a term no longer than 20 years with an option to renew said tease for two addltlonal terms of five years each and subJect to such addltlonal requlrement5, (f any, as may be determined by the C(ty Commission; designating and appointing the Clty Clerk as the official representative of the C(ty Camr~lssion with respect to the use of voter registration books and records; further directing the City Clerk to cause a certified copy of the herein Resolution to be delivered to the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, not less than 45 days prior to the date of such special municipal election. PAGE N0: 18 R-91-518 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS ~~ ~ ~ r~ {} ~.eerr or.*to d ~ .e rs O 4~~, ~~~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I•y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 19 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 13. RESOLUTION - (J-9i-533) - (APPROVING MOST QUALIFIED FIRMS 8~ AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATION r~ EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Approving the most qualified firms to provide professlonal Inspection services required during construction of the Federal Law Enforcement Building in accordance with Chapter 553 of the Florida Statutes relating to threshold bultdings; authorizing the Clty Manager to negotiate with the most qualified firm to arrive a at contract which is fair, competitive and reasonable; authorizing the City Manager to execute the negotiated agreement subtect to approval of the fie by the US General Services Admintstratfon and the City Manager; and authorizing compensation for the required professlonal Inspection services for the period commencing upon execution of said agreement and terminat(ng upon completion of professlonal services from funds available In Capital Protect No. 311014 entitled "Federal Law Enforcement Building". 14. WITHDRAWN Downtown Development Authority t5. RESOLUTION - (J-91-518) - (AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF MILEAGE RATE) Authortzing the Executive Director of the Downtown Development Authority to establish a proposed mltlage rate of 5 mills for the Downtown Development District of the Clty of Mlami~ Florida, fo_r_ the fiscal year beginning October 1. t991 and ending September 30. 1992. R-91-519 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMUUS R-91-520 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS ALONSO PLUMMER F ti~ !9i ~. {t ~.ea~ o~n~c {r ie u O9oEC4 F~Da`O~ CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju i .y 1 1 , 1991 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Finance 16. RESOLUTION - (J-91-505) - (APPROVING ISSUANCE OF HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY 80NGS) Approving the issuance of not to exceed St,600,000 City of Mlaml, Florida Health Facilities Authority Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 (Passageway Residence of Dade County Protect), for the purposes of Section 147(F) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; approving the minutes of the public hearing held by the Authority pursuant to Tax Equity and Fisca! Responsibility Act of 1982; and providing an effective date. Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services 17. RESOLUTION - (J-91-522) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the Clty Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with the Public Health Trust of Dade County, Florida, which operates Jackson Memorial Hospital, for the coordtnatton of emergency medical services provided by the Rescue Division of the City of Mlaml Flre. Rescue, and inspection Services Department, for a period of two (2) fiscal ears, 1991-92 and 1992-93, with an am~Uai compensation of S58,560 for the first year and 563,250 for the second year, with funds therefor being allocated from the Fire, Rescue, and Inspection Services Department`s General Operating Budget Account Code No. 280501-260, subtect to the availability of funds. PAGE NO: 20 R-91-521 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-522 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ~~ o ~~ ~~ ~ ~.ro.. e..,EO tr ~... C9~~ f~~~r CIiY COMMISSIOR AGENDA MEETING DATf`: Jul y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE N0: 21 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Law 18. RESOLUTION - (J-91-480) - (AUTHOR121NG SETTLEMENT) Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay twenty-four ponce officers In the K-9 Unit of the Miami Police Department, wifhout the admission of liability, the sum of 5500,292.05, plus interest. In full and complete settlement of any and all claims_ and demands against the City of Mfaml relating to their entitlement to overtime compensation pursuant to 29 U.S.C. 201, et seq., In US District Court Case No. 90-1152-CIV-SPELLMAN, upon the execution of a settlement agreement and upon approval of the settlement by the United States District Court releasing the City of Miami from any and al! claims and demands for past liability; further providing a schedule of payments for said settlement amount, plus attorney's fees In the amount of $20,000.00, with funds therefor allocated from Risk Management Police Tort Liability Account No. 270401- 652. 19. RESOLUTION - (J-91-59fi) - (APPROVING CHARTER AMENDMENT} Approving, setting forth and submitting the draft of a proposed Charter Amendment, amending the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, known as Charter Amendment No. 1, to eliminate the requirement that the title to each proposed ordinance be read aloud prior to Its_ initial consideration by the City Commission; more particularly, by amending Subsection (f) of Section 4 of said Charter; calling and providing for a special municipal election to be held on th_e 5th day of November, 1991, for the purpose of submitting Charter Amendment No. 1 to the electorate at said election; further, directing that a certified copy of this Resolution be delivered to the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, not less than 45 days prior to the date of such special municipal election. R-91-523 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-524 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO f H ~ 'x {r near otr~to {t ~ .a +a O '40E f `~~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I,y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 22 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 20. RESOLUTION - (J-91-595) - (APPROVING CHARTER AMENDMENT) Approving, setting forth and submitting the draft of a proposed Charter Amendment, amending the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, known as Charter Amendment No. 2, to provide that the Clty Commission shall have the authority, by ordinance, to grant subpoena power to such boards and committees appointed by the City Commission as the Commission may deem appropriate; more particularly, by adding $ new Subsection (b) to Section 14 of said Charter; calling and providing for a special municipal election to be held on the 5th day of November, 1991, for the purpose of submitting Charter Amendment No. 2 to the electorate at said election; further, directing that a certified copy of this Resolution be delivered to the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, not less than 45 days prior to the date of such special municipal election. 21. RESOLUTION - (J-91-594) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS) Authorizing. with conditions. the City Manager to execute agreements, In substantially the attached forms and as approved by the City Attorney, whereby the _City shall consent to assignments of teases, purchase money mortgages, and related agreements by and among C.P. Tower, Ltd., Miami Tower Associates Limited Partnership, C.P. Retail, Ltd., end Miami Retail Associates Limited Partnership; and whereby 'the spaces encumbered by such leases shall be clarified; further similarly authorizing the City Manager to furnish estoppel fetters and nandlsturbance agreements and related documentation. R-91-525 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-526 PLUMMER ALONSO MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS G ~ ~. .. ~~ p ~reerr o+~+to t7 ~~ ~~ o,~ ~~ °~ca,Ftpa CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I•y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 23 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Public Works 22. RESOLUTION - (J-91-567.) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of South Dade Electric, Inc. (a non--minority/Dade County contractor), in the proposed amount of 5228.046.00, total bid of the proposal, for Orange Bow! Modernization - Phase II - E{ectr{c Equipment B-2991-B; with monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordnance No. 10782, Protect No. 404238. In the nmount of $228,046.00 to cover the contract cost and 64,560.92 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 5232,606.92; and authorizing the Ctty Manager to execute a contract with said firm, !n a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 23. RESOLUTION - (J-91-551) - (ACCEPTING BID 8t AUTHORIZING EXECU710N OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Yanes Equipment, Inc. (a H{span{c/Dade County contractor), in the proposed amount of 6104.971.70, total bid of the proposal, for Orange Bowl Area Sanitary Sewer Protect Phase II B-5596; w)th monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1990-91 Capital improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 404238, In the amount of $104,971.70 to cover the contract cost end 520.061.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an est{mated total cost of 5125,032.70; and nuthoriztng the City Manager to execute a contract with Bald firm, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. R-91-527 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-528 MOVED SECOND~:D UNANIMOUS PLUMMER DE YURRE PLUMMER DE YURRE _- _ __ CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I~y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 24 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 24. RESOLUTION - (J-91-550) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Solo Construction Corporation (a black/Dade County contractor), In the proposed amount of 5780,340.00, total bid of the proposal, for Local Drainage Protect E-68 t3-5585; with monies therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 352275, In the amount of 5780,340.00 to cover the contract cost and 5137,799.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 5918,139.00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 25. RESOLUTION - (J-91-554) - (ACCEPTING BID 8~ AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Lewts Green Construction, tnc. (a btacklDade County contractor), in the proposed amount of 589,700.00, total bid of the proposal, for Scattered Slte Housing Protect - Coconut Grove - Phase I (2 houses) (third bidding) B-3241-A; with monies therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 321034, in the amount of 589,700.00 to cover the contract cost, and 56,877.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for a total of 596,577.00; and authorizing the City Manager_to_execute a contract with said firm, In a form acceptable to the Clty Attorney. R-91-529 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-530 DAWKINS PLUMMER MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS F {r nCD~r or.r[o Ct ~ ~~ r• ! . 9~E F~~(. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 25 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 26. RESOLUTION - (J-91-556) - (ACCEPTING BID 8~ AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Apex Construction Enterprises, Inc. (a black/Miami contractor), In the proposed amount of 5131,250.00, total bid of the proposal, for Scattered Site Housing Protect Coconut Grove - Phase I (3 houses) (third bidding) B-3241-B; with maples therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 321034, In the amount of 5131,250.00 to cover the contract cost, and 59,513.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 5140,763.00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm, in a form acceptable to the Clty Attorney. 27. RESOLUTION - (J-91-555) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Lewis Green Construction, inc. (a blacklDade County contractor), In the proposed amount of 594,460.00, total bid of the proposal, for Scattered Site Housing Protect - Mode! City - Phase IV (2 houses) (third bidding) B-3242-A; with monies therefor allocated from the Fisca! Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10762, Protect No. 321034, In the amount of 594,460.00 to cover the contract cost, and 57,120.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 5101,580.00; and author l z l ng the C I ty Manager to execute a contract with said __flrm, !n a form R-91-531 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-532 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS acceptable to the City Attorney. ~~ F ~w 4~ irMRr Q~Mt ~t ~ .e •~ t 9pE F4~Q~4 CIiY COMMISSION ACERDA MEETING DATE; Ju i y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 26 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 28. RESOLUTION - (J-91-557) - (ACCEPTING BiD 8t AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Apex Construction Enterprises, Inc. (a black/Miami contractor), In the proposed amount of 5131,250.00, total bId of the proposal, for Scattered Stte Housing Protect - Model City - Phase iV (3 houses) (third bidding) B-3242-B; with monies therefor allocated from the Flscnl Year t990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Protect No. 321034, in the amount of S131,250.00 to cover the contract cost, and 59,513.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 5140,763.00; and author I z I ng the C t ty M_ anager to execute a contract with said firm, In a farm acceptable to the City Attorney. 29. RESOLUTION EXECUTION OF - (J-91-558} - (AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Agreement, In substantlaliy the attached form, and to subsequently execute a Joint participation agreement, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for the purpose of the Clty conducting _t he preliminary engineering of the Biscayne Boulevard New World_Design Prolect for the 51,700,000 designated funding. 30. RESO!_UTION - (J-91-548) - (ACCEPTING BID 8t AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of , fn the proposed amount of S , total bid of the proposal, for Curtis Park Redevelopment - Bleachers Protect B-2983- G; with monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordnance No. 10782, Prolect No. 331353, In the amount of S to cover the contract cost and 5 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of $ and authorl2ing the C(ty Manager to execute a contract with said firm, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, R-91-533 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-534 (AS MODIFIED? MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN G ~ h;~ t} ~~tOf1 O~MtO tT d i~ •6 Q 'SEC Ft~~ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju 1 y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE N0: 27 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 31. RESOLUTION - (J-91-473) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain individuals to serve as members of the Nuisance Abatement Board of the City of Miami, Florida. 10:00 AM RECEIPT OF BIDS t= 32. RESOLUTION - (J-91-570) - (OPENING BIDS) Acknowledging receipt, opening, reading, and the referring to the Clty Manager for tabulation and report, those bids authorized to be received th 1 s date under Resolution No. 91-449, adopted June '20, - 1991, for the sale of 57,000,000 Sanitary Sewer System Bonds and 13,000,000 Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facility Bonds of the Clty of Miami, Florida. NOTE: Item 33 Is a companion item to item 32. 33. RESOLUTION - (J-9i-540) - (IMPLEMENTING 8~ SUPPLEMENTING RESOLUTION) Implementing and supplementing Resolution No. 91-449 adopted June 20, 1991. of the City of Mlaml, Florida, which Resolution authorized the sale and issuance of the City of Miami 57,000.000 Sanitary Sewer System Bonds and 53.000,000 Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facilities Bonds; awarding the sale thereof based on bids submitted at public sale. and approving the terms of such sale; establishing the _interest rates for such bonds; making certain findings, representations and covenants with respect thereto; providing an effective date for this Resolution; and providing certain R-91-535 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-508 r-70VED PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-91-516 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS other detalis with respect thereto. G F ~`' 's ~, ,.~.. e...~o a ~ n n ~ . ~~E~Q.P1A~0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 28 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 1:00 :AM 34. ~ ~ ~ n~ nat RESOLUTION - (J-91-497) - (RESCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING) Rescheduling a public hearing from July 11, 1991, at 11:00 AM to October 10. 1991, at 11:00 AM to take testimony regarding a Unified Development Request for Proposals for the development of the Ctty Administration Bulidins~ - Phase It on City-owned land located adJr~cent to 275 NW 2 Street, Miami, Florida. 35. RESOLUTION - (J-91-565) - (APPROVING FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE) (4/5THS VOTE) Ratlfylns, confirming and approving, by an affirmative vote of 4/5ths of the members of the Clty Commission, the City Manager's finding of sole source, thereby waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bids and approving the purchase of a microwave system for a mutual aid radio link between the City of Mlaml and Clty of Miami Beach Police Departments, at a total proposed cost of 517.000.00, from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. (non- minority/bade County vendor); with funds therefor being allocated from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Protect No. 690001, Index Code 290956-640, such casts having been approved by the Chief of Police; authoriztng the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. R-91-554 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-536 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS RLONSO DAWKINS PLUMME R DE YURRE F w ~~ .~. r ~} ~~[Df~ DII IIrtD ~! i~ fi d ~' 9~E CQ F~~Q1 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: J u l 'y 1 1, 19 s 1 PAGE NO: 29 PU8lL t C HOAR I NGS CONT' D 11~7A'OM 36. RESOLUTION - (J-91-542) - (AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED CDBG PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT) Author I z t ng the C I ty Manager to subm i t an amendment to the approved Seventeenth (17th) Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Final Statement to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reflect a proposed ailocatlon of funds to the amount of 55.000.000 for a Community Development "Float Loan' during the 1991-92 program year, subJect to the availability of funds, and to reflect a technical Increase In revenues by said amount plus Interest on said amount at three percent (3%), for a period of two (2) ears; further directing the City Manager, upon approval of said amendment by HUD, to bring before the Commission for Its review and approval all necessary agreements for a proposed loan to N.B. Realty, a Florida General Partnership. NOTE : I tem 37 i s a cornpan ! on to I tem 36 and may be considered at this time. .~ 37. RESOLUTION - (J-91-541) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with N.B. Realty, a Florida General Partnership, to provide a Community Development 'Float Loan", subJect to the availability of funds. In the amount of =5,000,000 at three percent (396) Interest rate for a period of two (2) years. secured by an acceptable letter of credit from a bank approved by the Department of Finance In accordance with Federal guidelines; for the purpose of constructing a new multi-franchise auto dealership on NE 2 Avenue between NE 20 and 21 Streets in the Wynwood Neighborhood Target Area. 1-537 RECONSIDERED BY M-91-538 MOV PLUMMER SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKIN$ UNANIMOUS R-91-539 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-91-540 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS G F w '~ Q ~^eM~ o~Kto {r N f~ 4 OqD~ f~~~`e CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 30 PU9LIC HEARINGS CONT'D ~ ~ . ~n• eiu 38. RESOLUTION - (J-91-560) - (AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT) (4/5THS VOTE) Authorizing an increase !n the contract amount not to exceed ;50,000 In the contract between the Clty of Miami, Florida and the Poole and Kent Company. dated October 18, 1990, for the Lawrence Pump Station Modification - Phase II Project, CIP Project No. 352184, said funds to be provided from the Capital improvements Ordinance No. 10782, with funds already appropriated to the protect; further ratlfying the Clty Manager's written finding that the herein Increase resulted .from emergency _c_Ircumstances by an of f I rmat I ve vote of four/f I fths of the members of the Clty Commission. 11:25 AM 39. RESOLUTION - (J-91-587) - (RATIFYING ACTION OF CITY MANAGER) (4/5THS VOTE) Ratifying the Clty Manager's finding that the removal of asbestos at the structure located at 1336 NE 1 Avenue, Miami, Florida, was an emergency need; ratlfying, approving and confirming the Issuance of a purchase order for this service to DPC General Contractors (a non-minority/Miami vendor) at the total amount of 539.000.00 for the Department of Planning, Bulldfng and Zoning, with funds theretor being allocated from Account Code •No. 455017- 340, Protect No. 799206. NOTE: item 40 Is a companion to Item 39 and may be considered at this time. R-91-541 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNP.NIMOUS R-91-542 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED ALONSO ABSENT PLUMMER t~~ p ~.ee~• Dent t7 ~~ •~ G ~4 4~ECQ Ft~Q` CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I~y 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 31 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D A0. RESOLUTION - (J-91-530) - (RATIFYING ACTION OF CITY MANAGER) Ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the City Manager In finding the need for the demolition of a structure located at 1336 NE 1 Avenue to be an emergency and authorizing the Issuance of a purchase order for this service to J.R. Builders (a Hispanic/Miami) at a total proposed amount of 334,650.00 for the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning, w(th funds therefor being allocated from the Community Development Demolition Fund, Account Code No. 451620- 340. END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: 2:00 PM Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. Items 41 through 46 have been scheduled to be heard after 2:00 PM. 41. Mr. Kent Harrison Robbins, Esq. to discuss the case of Carol Joseph vs. City of Miami. (This item was continued from the meeting of June 20. 1991.) 42. Representative(s) of the Hospital of the Great Living God, Inc. to request assistance for said organization. 43. Representative(s) of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation to request waiver of dockage fees In connection with the 5th Annual Catch-a-Cure Fishing Tournament scheduled for August 24, 1991. R-91-543 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT DAWKINS ALONSO PLUMMER STATEMENT MADE BY COUr?SEL DISCUSSED R-91-545 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS `I O ~, w '' ~ ~»ee~. o«,~~o it ~ .e n f' O q~ECtl F~04` CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: JU I y 1 1 , 1891 PAGE NO: 32 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 44. Representative(s) of the Allapattah DISCUSSED ~~ Community Association, Inc. to discuss the Ailapattah Minl park located at 1500 NW 16 Avenue. 45. WITHDRAWN 46. Mr. Jack A. Winston to request the M-91-546 creation of a redevelopment district for MOVED ALONSo the area between SW 13 Street and the SECONDED PLUMMER Miami River and SE 1 Avenue and the UNANIMOUS Metrorall. 3:00 PM Items 47 through 55 have been scheduled to be heard after 3:00 PM. 47. Representative(s) of Miami Senior High M-91-547 School to request support for use of the MOVED DE YURRE Orange Bowl in connection with their home SECONDED PLUMMER football games. UNANIMOUS 48. Representative(s) of the Haitian American DISCUSSED Civic Glub. Inc. to discuss funding for said organization. 49. Representative(s) of the New Age Dance DlscvSSED Theater to request fee waivers for use of the Manuel Artime Community Center In connection with their film production of •Fauno• scheduled for August, 1991. 50. Representative(s) of Handicapped of DISCUSSED America. a non-profit organization, to discuss their rent obligations at the Manuel Artime Community Center. 5t. Pursuant to Commission directive at its NO APPEARANCE meeting of June 20, 199t, Members of Exile Organizations to discuss advertising In local newspapers by the Clty of Miami. ~' ~ ~ t} ~»ce~~ o~nc Q CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 52. Mr. J. S. Rashid of the Coconut Grove Street Merchants Association to discuss issues concerning clarification and enforcement of existing street vending taws within the Coconut Grove vending district. 53. Representative(s) of the Black Archives, History and Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. to request an additional allocation of funds in connection with the reconstruct(on of the Dorsey House. 54. As per Commissloner Dawkins' request, Mr. Emmanuel Schllter Sanon-Jules from the Committee for Commemoration of African Historical Events to request .sponsorship and participation by the City In connection with two special events scheduled for August, 1991. 55. As per Commissloner DeYurre's request, representative(s) of the Biscayne Communications. Inc. to discuss a proposal regarding slgnage on Biscayne Boulevard. END OF PERSONAL APPEARANCES 4:00 PM DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: LeDislatlon may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 56. Discussion regarding Pottinger et at vs. City of Miami relative to existing situation of homeless individuals. PAGE NO: 33 DISCUSSED M-91-598 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS M-91-549 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS DA41KIN5 ALONSO PLUMMER ALONSO DISCUSSED R-91-594 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS 57. As per Commissloner Dawkins' request, DISCUSSED discussion concerning the City Manager's proposa! for an audit of the City of Miami. ALONSO DE XtJRRE ~~ CITY I~MMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Ju I y 1 1 , 1991 DISCUSSION ITEMS CONT'0 58. As per Commissioner DeYurre's request, discussion regarding appointments to the Mtaml Sports and Exhibition Authority Board. END OF DISCUSSION ITEMS SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ITEMS 5:15 PM 59. Mr. Adrean Lans to discuss Issues of concern In the Overtown area. 5:30 PM 60. RESOLUTION - (J-91-543) - (CODESIGNATING STREET) - Codesignating SW 17 Avenue from South Dixie Highway to South BaZ/,shore Drive, Miami, Florida. as 'Alice Wainwright Way"; allocating the amount of =1,500.00 from Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund, FY 1990-91" to pay for the purchase and Installation of signs codeslgnattng ` said street; further, directing the City Manager to Instruct the Director of PubllC Works to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the herein designated offices. PAGE NO: 34 R-91-550 MOVE D SECONDED UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED R-91-551 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT PLUMME R DAWKINS ALONSO PLUMMER DAWKINS r SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting July 11, 1991 'RESENTED Proclamation to: Dia del Dr. Manolo Reyes, far his contribution to the enhancement of Miami's image and for his 50 years in show business, the law profession and the executive world. Commendations to: Faliee Officers, Oscar Baez and Jose 1p APPEARANCE Fernandez. E'or having been selected Most Outstanding Officers for June 1991, Distinguished Visitors to: Ramon Sebastian and VO APPEARANCE Guadalupe Meneses, per Commissioner Victor H. De Yurre request. PRESENTED Special recognition of Dr. Hansel Smith for the fine work he has done in the City of Miami through his involvement with the Black Student Opportunity Program at Miami-Dade Coaununity College, and as former chairman of Metro-Miami Action Plan.