HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1991-07-11 AdvertisementW S yps� 4 _ -- - i., I htu►>�' sails,'r�il''r�r'•ldittlAM1,F1,01tIDAa3127 77111, Published Weekly �' �• Miami, Dade County, Ajila STATE OF FLOR[DA1 SS COUNTY OF DADE j PROOFOF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in Ilia issues or: :Yule 11, 19Q1 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter al the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the allacheel colry of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Ji Managing Editor and subscribed before me on this, the llthday of — `Tul�;� A.D. 19 91 NOT�Y PUBLIC STATE OF41," AT. LARGE. My commission —expires: ai,r ii•A/7�1 �t�� � � �� tiff Su ldit>ng-Phase n Project 11j.L fn A.M. PUBLIC HEARING TO TAKE TFSTIMONy ED twEL.OPMENT REguEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE 'i#1r CfT YAtfM1N15TRATION DUltDING-PHM'E ►I ON A CCTV 5`V) ADJACENT TO 275 N.W. 2ND STREET IS RESCHE. :# 10, 19911,11M A.M. Matty 111rar City Clerk M1am1, Florida 1 (( rr, ��: T'(" u►ib��CiIlll '1'It�.I,r•1t�t�,AM1,Vl (MIIAA33127 1305) 757 I I ,1'r r � � shed Weekly I" , de County, fit 'iiia STATE OE FLOftiDA PROOF OE PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE j S5 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOIIAMED FIAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE, MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, fade. County, Florida; (flat the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issilm of: July 11, 1901 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Counlyy, Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade Counly, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office its Miami, Dade Calmly, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the altached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that tie has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporalion any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisetnenl for publication in this newspaper. / _-- — —v^-^ Managing Editor and subscribed before me on this, the llth day of _ .Tul�� A.D. 19 91 1 /NOTOY PUBLIC STAT9 OV_nOft AT LARGE. My commission► expires: MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie VAIllame, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a dolly (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAII Pub lic Hearing July 11, 1991 Re: Waiver of the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the purchase of a computerized, etc. n the ........... . Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of June 26, 1991 Afflant further says that the said Mlsmi Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the Bald newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered a sDade econd class mall mafor tter at the post office In Miami In solddCchialoattachedopyyedeintlthe fi putctnof the coof advertisement; and affla furl r says that she has neither paid nor promised any pen n, If or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or u for the pu as of securing this advertisement for publl t n In the sal newspaper. .. .... , ...ram•' m s scribed before me this w� ..../. A.D. 19......... 9➢&.V vr. "1:".r (SEAL) OWFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE NY COMM. EXP. 7/9/9d , 'Rld 28 11 in: 07 imi �,-� A public hearing will be held by the City 6rW6llseihK gt th. of Mlami,-flarlde;oh 11 1 at, mi6 AM, in ihi� Cl'ty ,• `mil#sibn'Chenlberss Pah American Drlva, Mlar[Ili Florida, for"the purpose of cahtiiddrlhg`a WWVbr'g(th" tyaqu teitit�nfs 'ot-obtaining seaFad Vds for. the purbli'sde bills b SfrtputbPtS .drafting and design systemti: oonelstill oPdt7r f hil61*415tl lr 0itttV :"tiitlt#•t palible with the existing AcougrapNMew7961okkiwlS"tOm,. °hl@, i :setvice Is proAdid by the Act;lJgraph t?btpoi iioh, Ef l?ast1,'tbtif►tt,. at j. total cost Df $311,000, and the Hevlihltt•P,laottafd t wfatton, biando, Hbrlda, at'a Total cost of sitia,0gir�� � ��� « �` � >L `` , F soiJ lnqulriasYrbrtl tithit potential t es o $ugh that they might be`3abl§ to satisfy tho'City's ti9quttefttii tb fbf ill$,; •piojeci may coglect Lots A irrieto PO►tar, ph f).; f� , ae thel:ltt( Miami bepartmeht of Public CITY CLERK C)TY;OF MIAMI, FLfJRibA , F 1 (M0001) 9 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned aulhority personally appeared Sookie Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami: in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Public Hearing July 11, 1991 Re: Waiver of the requirfults of obtaining sealed bids for the purchase, etc. In the ....................X ................ Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of June 26, 1991 Afflant further asya that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida each day (except Satu , Sunday and Legal Holidays) and bras been entered as s c as mail matter at the post office in Miami in said D s Co u Florida, fora ri of one year next receding t first blicatlon of the attached copy of advertisement' end a lanl rther says that she has neither paid nor promisea any rao firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission nd for thMpurpose of securing this advertisement for cation in QhVssld newap per. A - • ;R0bf 4",. subscribed before me this 26th . day of;.... LAW........, A.D. 19. .1.. . •• ' .......... (SEAL) '+;47F Of 1 f"* « '••ra••s "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. MARMER MY COMM. EXP. 4/12/92 { MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle VAIllams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Public Hearing July 11, 1991 Re: Hearing any objections from any interested parties, etc. In the . . .................... X• x............. court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of July 1, 1991 Affient further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, sy and Legal Holidays) and etas been entered as second ass ail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade unty, lodda, for a pert of one year next receding the If t publ ation of the attached copy of advertisement; and affla furt says that the has neither paid nor promised any pe it or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or re or the pu ae of securing this advertisement for pubil n in the s P-bubscdbad� ',9itRifore me this day of ... k+... y =....., A.D. 19..9 ... (SEAL) OF Ft *aa aa•►M i14 "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" t:H?.RYL H. MARMER k': CLIPA. Eye. 4/12/92 i�' �`I= 1� I ► S JI. C1 9: 51 , A public hOW11IQ'Will be held by the tatty 0 mllhiiikh jif the Cify of Miami, Florida on J at t1.2o am in the pity �i0r11- mission Chambers City Hall, 3500'Pan AmeHodn' Drive, Mtanij,` Florida, for the purpose of hearing :any objections front°aiiyutter-; sated parties affected by a proposed Incresse ln'ihe.eilatfng cots - tract amount for renovations now underwaY at the RENO! tree STORM DRAINAGE PUMP STATION located at S.W. 4t4 St dnd S.W. Jth Avenue. All Interested pefablis are Invited to eppear' and rti@y be heard concerning this fterrt. Should .Any person desire to appeal ahy.deCf- slop of the City Commiaelon with respect ,to:any, matter cons o! ered at this treating, that person shall ensure that a ve+batfm rAcord of the proceedings is made, includirig all testimohY. and en evidce.' upon which any appeal may be based. city clerk Mlaml, Florida ; 71�) MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Wllllams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC NEARING JULY 11, 1991 RE: NEARING ANY OBJECTIONS BY THE CITY i COMMISSION FROM ANY ITTI=TED PARTIES, etc. In the ......................................... Court, f was published in said newspaper in the Issues of i July 1, 1991 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second cla mail matter at the post office in Miami In said Dade Co Iorida, for a period of one year next preceding the tint ubl' atlon of the attached copy of advertisement; and alflant rth says that she has neither paid nor promised any person If or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or ref or the pu se of securing this advertisement for blic In the s rywspaper.�—L/ e �...................................................... Swpd1_'j$* A,%ubscribed before me this .'� d * : . st... day of ....:.. Ju. ...:..... A.D. 19.... 1 .. s (SEAL) 4T ** F OFF *�R Vs* "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. MARMER MY comm. EXP. 4!12/92 i�i0'r"1! fi 014 A bubfiC beerina will be held by Allie t;Ity^ of MierW, FWAdB 8tr'f, at il.Q WWI" 11W: v1%r .r -- Mission Chambers at dffFRa—W,-WW Pah Atfiad6irr tlilva Mlishl; Florida, for this putpoee ryf 'Mearyn� .any .bbjectlot►>s z a { : Commission ftwn MAY Mt9rettited Wits affedtad byk;fibaolt ttbn ratifying the City Manager`s aCUon ln-walving:oompstltive•eleafed bids for the removal of aebeatoa•at a struoture IM9ted ait133fl1Vi1 ; lit Avanue, from DPC-General Contraoto* 1K.Ahe;a nbunt of $39.000,00 All lntareated.'peraons are invited to appetlr end � ! be haeM conceminig this`nem. Should any person desife'fb appee� etty 1. attirf'of the City Commission With respeot to bny"tttatte Cbltdld:' erehating, d at thlis that p6faon Shall brisura that a irarl>etitn iebotd of the proceedings is made, inolading all tebtlmony and evlc�erioe upon which Any appeal may be based. Mat�t}lll'al .. :�AiUatssi+ Floilda' e 71 - ,9�-3-0ib'�50N a 4.713 L.J ^r yi1 Fri rJt MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle WUlisms, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached COPY of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Re: Amending Section 53-135, etc. In the .................... X. X. X............. Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of July 1, 1991 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Su and Legal Holidays) and bras been entered a second cl m I matter at the post office in Miami In sold Dade Co FI do for a period of one year next proceding the first ublic on of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant rther aye that she has neither paid nor promised any person firm r corpora on any discount, rebate, commission or rot the pu a of securing this advertisement for public I In the so ewspoper. t.. .... SworJy)4u0 subscribed before me this �►'.rftPRY ��'a 1st.. day of .... a ...... A.D. 19..91. . (SEAL) CA "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" CHERYL H. MARMER My com.m. EXP. 4/I2/92 CITY OR MIAMI, tMORIDA . N OTICV. OP PROPOSED ONDINA14019 Notice Is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading July 11 mmencing at 9:00 a.m. In the City Commission am ere, 350o Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida;;_ , ORDINANCE 1141`0. . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 534135 OF -THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, =' BY ESTABLISHING SPECIAL CHARGES FOR THE. USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL MEMORIAL STADIUM AND THE. MIAMI BOBBY MADURO STADIUM PARKING LOTS FOR EVENTS HELD THEREON; CONTAINING A REPEALER. - PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE. NO. 10782, THE CAPITAL -IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIA- TION ORDINANCE, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 27, 1990, BY DECREASING THE. APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PROJECTS ENTITLED "FIRE APPARATUS REPLACEMENT AND MODIFICATION FY'91", PROJECT NO, d132M, IN THE AMOUNT OF $454,400, AND THE PROJECT ENTI- TLED"NEW FIRE STATION M12". PROJECT•NOA13239, IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,900• AND .INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THk OROJECT ENTITLED - "RENOVATION OF FIRE STATIONS AND OLD DRILL TOWER", PROJECT NO. 313018, IN THE AMOUNTOIF $570,3Do; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Said ordinances may be Inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, -Miami, Flollda, Monday through Friday, excluding .holidays; between the Ilouricif 8:00 a.nN-: and 5:00 P.M. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard' with respect to the proposed ordinances t Should any person desire to appeal any. declsioft' of thw'CI0 Commission with respect to any matter to be considered W Ihla meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERk _ MIAMI, FLOA,IDA o 7(DO02) 9140701WIM: - - — - -ems✓•^ 16 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookie VAIllams, who on oath says that she is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF rffAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Re: Amending Section 53-135, etc. X X X Inthe ......................................... Court, was published In sold newspaper in the Issues of July 1, 1991 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and thhat the aaid newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in sold Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sun and Legal Holidays) and bras been entered as second cl 11 matter at the post office in Miami In sold Dade Co ride, for period of one year next receding the first bit Ion of the attached copy of advertisement; and affianl f rthe Sys that she has neithor paid not promised any person, i or corporation any discount, rebate, commission of refu r the pu a of securing this advertisement for ubllcs in the Sal $paper. 6 . .......... ...4-....• ........... �.*•srr� +*40%yt 4cu�bscribed before me this day of ..�*.. 13r....... A.D. 19..91.. / Y� « G- . .......« ... %'�+?-'�,......... (SEAL) CY F��.* CITY pF .M1AM1 F'I.IC RIDA , NOTICE OP PROPSIR ORDINAN002 Notice Is hereby given that the City Commission of the Clty of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on July 11 199 , commencing at 9:00 a.m. in the - City Commission CFamFe—r6,__3600 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fiorrca ORDINANCE NO. AN OFIDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 53-135 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ;_ BY ESTASLISHINt SPECIAL CHARGES FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL MEMORIAL STADIUM AND THE MIAMI BOBBY MADURO STADIUM PARKING LOTS FOR EVENTS HELD THEREON; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION i OF ORDINANCE NO. 10782,-THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIk TION ORDINANCE,ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 27, ,1990, BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE:, PROJECTS ENTITLED"FIRE APPARATUS REPLACEMEN'! AND MODIFICATION FY'91",.PROJECT NO. 513233,,IN, THE AMOUNT OF $454,400, AND THE PROJECT ENTI- TLED "NEW FIRE STATION #12", PROJECT N0. 313239, IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,000; AND :INCREASING.:THE - APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PROJECT ENT(TLEO "RENOVATION OF FIRE STATIONS -AND OLD-,DAILL" TOWER";. PROJECT NO. 313018, IN `THE AMOUNT, OF ti5T0,30d; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. i Said ordinances may b6 inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clark, 3500 Pan American' Drive, Mftunf, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 800 IlW." and 5:00 p.m. Ali Interested persons may appear at thejrneettnp and bo heard' with 'respect .to the proposed Ordtn cos Should any person desire to appeal any decislon of,the:Clity Commission with respect to any matter to be considered. sot this meeting, that person shalt ensure thata verbatim record ot; the proceedings is made Including all testimony and evidence upop which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI 0 , CITY CLERK w MIAMI, FLORIDA a - (0002) 117 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle W011ams, who on oath says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1991 BE: CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - PHASE II PROJECT In the .................... X. X ?X............. Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of July 1, 1991 Affient further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In sold Dade County. Florida, end that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and bras been entered as At al! matter at the post office In Miami in said ty, lorida, for a period of one year next precadlnyy bl stlon of the attached copy of advertisement; snd says that she has neither paid nor promised any or corpo tlon any discount, rebate, commission or the p se of securing this scitrertlsement for in the s newspaper.�.................................... .......... .•'�subscribed before me this 91 ....... day of ....... �....... A.D. 19....... (SEAL) a d} ►. J'�' f**• )%p OF f1CfEfR "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" ChERYI_ H. MARMER MY COMA. EXP. 4/12/92 111 _. a � Y�� ,. W tlMe Clb►�a° ' �� • g�tlon 18 t51 �. _ i' - ►ly per fiat fhE td+ lie hnrcl conaxnsd ��► O L,� � s I t,►g alb be Aradsrt,ryw,c� ie�do July ^- , 1991 The Miami T10111Pq %)o N W Ci411►.STItFE'l' • M IAM I, F LOR I DA 331'_'7 (305) 757 -1147 shed Weekly County, Florida PRUOFOF PUBLICATION red MOIIAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on oath says that weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, s published in said newspalx-r in the issues of: Affianl further slahcs that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Comity, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofix-e 1wen continuously published in said Dade Clxully, Florida each wc4•k and has heen entered as second Class mail natter al the U.S. Post Office in Miami, !fade C011111Y, Florida for a 1►eriod of more than one year next preceding dale of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says (flat he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rehate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in Ihis newspaper. Managin6 h:dilur Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the _ 3rd day of TU11 A.D. 19_91__— i CL�1-----__ N TAR PUBLIC St E O LORI AT I & My comnlission ex0te-8: / ` :OHO 0 yINRU)h C� JUY 28Ci991 4 - GEGcCr,iL It'S. (t;,'0 qq .t { AWN Itai its` i , t4M 1 6 _.._ ,� � • ..� . � �I IY ���, M1A�II. PZARTriA aa .• - y+g,pivp�eeri tncm tti j_1=A ,�unt - __�� e , i11ttt 11Yl'IA.IyCJMP nd S �v ,YthAe_FWArw r nrtsi rvlted t' _ �► raeo+t hem d . item. ,rnyd�etrirm oe �1ty.t wlth !tunNWsalhS 1'ItF:F: P. at th ill he�rttig, ih>!t tiere�n ettetlthat a ; MIAM1, ! I.1)ItII)A:t:tI'!7 tnAll iiiadZ. inc'fudtngalt ilstimaaydbnce (:tUS) 7fi7 1147 shed Weekly Hirai 'CiCkeic a County, Florida orida I'R(IOFOF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authu►ily W'rsun:rlly :rppe:cr'el MOHAMED IIAMAI,UUIN, who on h s oalays that he is the Managing; F'dilor of '1'IIE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade ('nunly, Florida; that the attached Copy of advertisement was published in said newsl)rrlKv in the issues u1': July 4 1991 Affiant further slalcw Ihal '1'I1I' MIAMI T(MES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade c'ouuy, FlFlorida, l and that the sai(I newspaper has heretofore Ix -en Continuously published in said Dade County, I Ii each week and has been enlered as second class urail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade Cuuuly, Florida fora Period of more than one Yearnext preceding dale of publication of the atlacbed cnlry of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has nei(her paid nor promisee! any firm, person orcorpor•alion any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing ISdilor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 3i d day of J="ly A.U. 19__._91-- OT Y RU¢L.IC RIDA------- AT RGE. 1'Ay corrimission expires: 1A Ram 4 my CE OP 1b. i 41V iou h1 ise beheld*'the ty in the City 6111f4d"I theptilpliaorh '0 Mi by the Awifti"n Vity C60M -W peams affected by a g the Commission fitivi, Ar . Wintet"N aravingeapetttveeealedbidsforthettmbvalafa�eatos - = �jn�it��iItl�l . fteture, '11 jkt AL 6 1166Add at th 6 ft 0 t m- ekd ja Oi�iaminvfted vi �'bth COO. 900 NW54fhSTItI?Ie,,I,. MIAMI. "I tki With. desim to a ww� " I . , -- with I -010DA33127 �.A W, n (305) 757-11,17 Mjbi considered at this SL tha ' ' tall *e- and'dW'den6e Q'6fthi *ooeedtnoik 6� j 0 be wd Weekly matty 141mi County, Florida I'llOOPOP PUBLICATION he is (fie Managin-"e(l eare(I M it ml� "ll(felSig'1111"Orily W'r-soll-'llly aPP 0 A D IIAMALUDIN, who oil 0;111, ,ilys Before theg E'difor' Of TlIE MIAMI TIMl-,S, weekly newspaper, Published at Miallli, Dade Collilly, Florida; th,11 the attached (.()fly of advel-fiselliellf wits published in said liewspaller in Illp i.%Nll,N A f fia n I JU'Y 4, 1991 MIAMI TIMES is in Miami, Daik! C,MlWy. 101111-ida, and Thal the sai(I newspaper ,as fit- I-1-1 ofix. e Ix -ell continuously published in said Dade Colin 13'. fa d -a 4-11 W(4,k and has been eulen'd .Is second class mail matter at file U.S. !lost Office ill Miami, Dade Comity, Florida fora Ix--riodof more than OnCYCal' next pree(Oing date Of publication of the a Ijached copy ofadver- tisciment; further a ffian (says that lie hats neillierpaid nor promised any firm, person or corporation ally dis count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for Imbli(-;jIiojl ill this newspaper. Managing I. �aiwl- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the --_day Of —A. 1). 19 1 —3T-d MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared Bookie Wllllams, who on oath says that the Is the Vice President of Legal Advertleing of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of Corrected Notice City of Miami Public Hearing City Administration Building -Phase II Project X X X In the ......................................... Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of July 5, 1991 Afflanl further says that the said Miami Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and Gas been entered as taco s mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dad ou y, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding t Irot p llcatlon of the attached copy of advertisement; and a nt f her says that she has neither paid nor promised any on rm or carporation any discount, rebate, commission or re forih,170ne.-spapet. e of securing this advertisement for p atlon In '&i - $� striped before me this .5..th. day of ... J ' z .., A.D. ig. 91.. .................. fir. -..h -4. .............. »r (SEAL) "OFFICIf NOTARY .SEAL" CRI5TI(th INGELMO W CONN. EXP. 4/5/95 z CORRECTED NOTICE CITY OF MIAM 19 FLOAI*A , s. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MARI CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING -PHASE 11 PROJECT THE JU 1, 11:00 A,M, PUBLIC HEARING tO TAKE. TESTING Y REt3ARDING.A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT REOUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY. AD- MINISTRATION BUILDING•PHASE>11 ON A CITY OWNED. LAND LOCATED ADJACENT TO 275 N.W, 2ND STREET IS RESCHEDLED TO OCTOBER 10, 1991 11 a0 A.M. (0007). Malty Hirai City Clerk _Miami, Florida 715 fi/ 3-070575M Ipocaonsll atpeacai tototo os the mmitt'tynad, fie • Consueses _ �• sto %oll-Uown vAp 1atM dvtt tant Rvoca •poto• $416 04% to to Arad!! Vona clacta► Us�ctsat, se+ ctapat of loneratl ttccvlattona r4t10*4 natty once, ma w eNt ;tauota cad's coontr, Irloctde. J►tttant fytihaa ays that %3%0 above d pes t.aa tvntd411aA04 dotty aacadt Ito nd Ys to a ad o County• •%*class tog •oc• than One wear .tnradtatatt c«cqdtnd ttcat r lkattow of oa! ILISat notice of advMtttaar-ent one vat dutr<' Al •veto %too and aw to ontocA s4cor4 41410 Patt eattet tot the CRRA %t►tas• lost 'state to Ntafat, Oads count •loftdo, " trot t114 t"At t:ottco of Advctttivant, all coil of vl+tct► is 'hot 441:4c11440 vas pvbttstteo tis ow the tol low t nj d a; s 1 v styned Otnuo W NIP1 4 • • v i�+otw t e�btcttt batoco c+e t%Wmo dal of *" .1M,..3 a If, "LAPIS Cade county, llottda. r.o. • 4Ua 7� 717' / t�wls� I0e44 1 -�' �, 46 Notary Public, State of Florida'' My Cammission Expires May 26, 1992 • Bonded Th oin • Inwrunce Iac. lb �� Mot ate � l0 Panel que dirigt6 la conferencia de prensa de la James C. McCullagh y Marcia Theodoredis. Moto Asociael6n National de Educadores. De lzquierda DIARIO LAS AMERICAS) a derecha, James II. Williams, Marilyn Monaham. adolescentes usan substancias peligroas Como vAlvula de esca- pe contra el "stress". "En 1950 menos del 5 por ciento de la juventud experimentaba con drogas ilicitas antes de en- trar al ddcimo grado;en 1987 m9s del 30 por ciento to hate". "En 1965 un 16.7 por mil de ado- lescentes no casados de 15 a 19 aHos dieron a luz; hoy el ndmero ha aumentado al doble. Con este incremento aumenta el nlimero de victimas de enfermedades sexualmente transmitidas". "En mayo 3 de 1991 habia un total de 176.047 adolescentes con SIDA. Estos j6venes, sus condis- Notas de NAB BA Elecclones El pr6ximo 12 de julio de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m, elecei6n de directores de la Asociaci6n de Banqueros y Empresarios Nicaragilenses- Americana en el Sheraton Bric- kell Point ubicado en el 495 Bric- kell Avenue. Habrin 7 vacantes. Miembros interesados en ser electos como directores deberan mandar su resumd a Is directiva antes del 10 de julio. Personas in- teresadas por favor ponerse en contacto con Gilberto Wong al ;71-3744. Seminario El 13 de julio de 1991, de 8:30 a. m. a 3:30 p.m. se efectuarA el Seminario Sobre Tdcnicas Efec- tivas de Cabildeo dado por NAB - BA y expuesto por The National Center for Public Research de Washington , D.C. ($50.00 por persona. Incluye almuerzo. Per- sonas interesadas, por favor, po- nerse en contacto con Jorge Te- fel, teldfono 448-6500. ) Homenaje E115 de Julio en Los Ranchos tendrli lugar la celebrac16n del d6cimo aniversario, honrarAn a NABBA como la Asociaci6n Pro- fesional de Nicaragileases mits destacada en Estados Unidos con una placa en Los Ranchos de Bayside. cipulos y amigos, enfrentan de una u otra manera una nueva epidemia con severas conse- cuencias". La revista sera editada por la casa impresora Rodale, una em- presa publicitaria traditional de una familia que se ha dedicado a promover la salud fisica y men- tal de la poblaci6n. La NEA ha firmado un arreglo con Rodale Press para esta labor publicita• ria. Hablaron en la conferencia de prensa, ademas de la senora Ma- rilyn Monahan, el sefior James Williams, director ejecutivo de la cadena informativa NEA; James C. McCullagh, vicepresi- dente ejecutivo de Rodale Press. y Marcia Theodoredis, de la fir. ma Rodale Press. Firma Chiles controversial ley sobre notarios publicos El gobernador Lawton Chiles ha firmado una controversial ley sobre "notarios pliblicos" que entrarA en vigencia en enero primero de 1992. En la ley se establece el aumento de la fianza de operaci6n de un notario de los actuales mil d6lares a einco mil d6lares y se elimina el sello seco de impresi6n como sello oficial y to sustitu- ye-por un sello de gom a que incluye el ndmero de la comisi6n del notario. Tambidn la ley establece que s610 puede emplearse tin- ta negra en el sello de goma. La ley tambidn dice que esta prohibido a un notario pliblico usar otro nombre o iniciales distintos a los que aparecen en la comisi6n. Tambidn la ley establece la prohibici6n del use de la palabra "Notario Pfiblico" a no ser que se emplee el inglds "Notary Pu- blic". Las tarifas que un notario pliblico puede cobrar han sido aumentadas de un d6lar a diez por oficializaci6n y para los ma- trimonios ellos deben cobrar la misma tarifas establecidas pa- ra servicios similares por el condado a travds de sus tortes de circuito. AVISO DE CORRECION 0 s' CIUDAD DE MIAMI AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Proyecto del Edificio Administrativo de la Ciudad - Fase 11 Fr i.a;_ i- ion' a las 11:00 a.m., tendria efecto una audiencia publics para aceptar testimonio relacionado con un desarrollo de unificaci6n solicitado por pro- puestas para el desarrollo del edificio administrativo de la ciudad Fase•II en unas tierras propiedad de la ciudad y adyacentes a la 275 U.W. 2 calle. Este audiencia he sido reprogamada para Octubre 10, 1991 a las 11:00 am. (007) Matty Hirai City Clerk Miami, Florida e �t�t oP ors 1 • _ ._ ,I poetvncltY aQpeactd letoce *e tho vrrrdit>ttf�h4 . socte t. Conauo4e! to aA Uott-w►aw" wto 1etns duty NocA deposes UA save tl�ttt to credt% Ir et 'Otacte t,as APICteits Intvgapet of jonecal ettevlattofts VAU4e4 46111 eats. Mon4aya to Mlaasts Dade Coontys tldcHee Atalant tyctAer save *at Oo above 04004 Aevueepee tas egntinuool+ y #411 4 daily unapt ttondays If Cade countYe dloetdes tos sots th&A dne liar inPeatatety pC.ecedtnd tttst pvtlteattoA of let fetal Hotted oe advocttew•cnt ane vas d"61 all such %toe 4r4 aw to enteca4 second slat• IF411 fatter to tAe Cnttrd states' post Oitteo In NUMIs Oado count ftoetaas a that 04 Unal t:ottce or Mvectttjuents all roll of vt+tc% to t+es attact►ed, vas pubitst�e4 to OtMIO W AIII tt0.1 . . on tho tollwInp da;ss 14 ZZ X s ty n ed svocn to subscrit befoce me a C� day of !A Mt&Mts We Countys sloctda. • i' Notary Public, State of Florida • . •0. i Q r My Commission Expires May 26, 1992 • • Urrnd.d Thru ircy F � Inturo Inc. �• lsotacv fete SAliloi�• I�OUAt � ���` a�• • • ..,.,, ., a.,o-.•.• ••�••�au�. n.aCv . /.4tr?r'Yl,4f `1,. .�ilttilQ �(Ai BICt111�( :egaaaep t3 OP1611019Zl ap Kno3 VjfM U6 U8JUNIA Has del Condado. (12) Serviclos en general, a miembros o no (7) Direcclones y teldfonos, de 1gslYonsula- miembros de la Calmara. En loge incluye, do costo. dos, acreditados en el Condado �. ofrecer a los comerciantes, per' 11 para sus b se ofre• (8) Reerencias en asuntos & t,rabajos negocios liami Be- (Agencias de empleos). (13) Llenar aplieaciones para residencias i 4 (9) Notarizaci6n de documentos (Notario en U.S. y para la ciudadania americana. las Becas Cintes premiada este ano l P5g.1-B) the Arts, en New York, donde ledita un tomo de conferencias sobre los escritores Cubans fuera de la Isla, y coordina el Segundo encuento de Escrito- kes Cubanos en el Centro. ' Asimismo, la seHora Gil ha dietado conferencias sobre 11- teratura cubana en congresos internacionales, celebrados 6n las universidades de Co- lumbia, Puerto Rico, Mdxico, Santo Domingo, Caracas, Co- lorado y Rutgers. Con Lourdes Gil fueron premiados tambidn este afio por la 1~ undaci6n Cintas, el lntor Rafael Vadfa, de Mia- i; los escritores Jesds Bar- 4uet, de New Orleans; y Silvia Curbelo, de Tampa; los escul- tores Linda Matal6n, de Bro- Wyn, y Mario Petrirena, de Georgia; los fotbgrafos artis- ticos Ernest Delamartier ;Cott, de Los Angeles; Ernes- to Urdaneta y Ricardo Zulue- ia y Ernesto de Is Vega-Pujol, Ne New York; el compositor aniel Ponce, de New York; y A arquitecto Carlos Concep- 16n, de la misma Ciudad. Localkan a familiares de personas en "ome La Conferencia Cat6lica esta bcalizando a los familiares de ks siguientes personas que se incuentran en el Centro de pro- esamiento de Krome. Por favor 11amar a esas ofici- -as en horas laborables. Telf. 41.8100. ; Josd Garcia Valladares est& icalizando a sus hermanos Josd r. Garcia, Pablo Garcia y Lgza- Patricto Garcia. t i �.Ren6 Marrero Garcia, est>i lo- Oizando a sus primos Josd A. 4rcia y L>izaro Patricio Gar- - is. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA PROYECTO EDIFICiO ADMINISTRACION DE LA CIUDAD - Faso It La Comisl6n de Is Ciudad de Miami, Ilevarb a efecto a una audiencia publica en Julia 11, 1991 a las 11-.00 a.m. en of Ayuntemiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida para tomar testimonio en relaci6n a una solicitud de desarrollo unificado para propuestas (RFP) pare deserrollo del Edificio de Administracr6n-Fase 11, loca- lizado an el Centro de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Miami;autorizando Is emisi6n de dicho RFP;seleccionando una firma de contedores publicos certificados y nombrar mientros de una selecci6n de comit6 de revisi6n para evaluar las propuestas y re- portar los resultados al Manager de Is Ciudad conforms a to requerido pot Is Carta Constitucional Secci6n 29-A (C) y Secci6n del C6digo 18-52.9. Todas las partes interesadas pueden comparecer a Is reuni6n y ser ordas concer- niente a tat solicitud de propuestas. La audiencia se llevar6 a efecto en la fecha y lugar especificado arriba. Si cualquier persona deseara apelar cualquier decislbn de is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto a ser considerado en esta reuni6n, esa persona debe asegurarse un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fun- damenteda. 1=1 Matty Hirai (0003) City Clerk Miami, Florida. '5CiUDAD DE MIAM1, FLORIDA 1 AVISO AL PUBLICO Una audiencia p6blica se Ilevarfi a efecto por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida en Julio 11, 1991, a las 11:25 a.m. an las C6maras de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, an el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el prop6sito de ofr cual- quier objection por to Comist6n de la Ciudad de cualquier parte interesada afectada por una Resoluci6n retificando la acci6n del Manager de la Ciudad en conceder ofertas selladas competitivas para la remoct6n de asbestos on una estructura situada en 1136 N.E. Ira. Avenida de DPC General Contractors, an la suma de $39,000.00. Todas las personas interesadas est6n invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser oldas concerniento a este asunto. Si cualquier perso- na deseara apetar cualquier decisl6n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad can respecto a cusiquier materta considerada an esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de qua un record literal de los pro- cedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentada. (004) Malty Niral City Clerk Miami, Florida CIUDAD DE MIAM1, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia piblica sarrd efe��ctuada por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida onQlIi��19991 a las 11:20 a.m. an las Comaras de Is Comisi6n de la u a 'el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan Ame- rican Drive, Miami, Florida, al pr6posito de oir cualquier objeci6n de cualquiera de las partes interesadas afectades por el sumento propuesto an la cantidad del contrato existence para renovaciones shora en Camino an la ESTACION DE BOMBEO DE DRENAJE DE TORMENTA LAWRENCE, localizada en S.W. 4 Calle y S.W. 7 Avenida. Todas las personas intersadas est6n invitadas a comparecer. y pueden ser oldas concerniante a este asunto. Si cualquier persona deseara apels cualquier .decisl6n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado en esta audiencia, ese persona debe asegurarse de qua un record literal de los procedi- mientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cusiquier apelaci6n puede ser fudamentsda.• (l>005) Cie Cierk Hlrai Miami, Florida _ a3�CElY.R�.h�'sf.�':!i'La:'Kl.']6iYAHuLLxt..iiy4iv�\'uroiYYM.�pSRIXe'✓..^„^i+yilSra"^'.•..x^^+u...»»x riai 'del Gondado. ~49) $ervielos eft general, a miembros o ho r (1) bireeciones y telefonos, de losApsula• Mienibrok de la Cift "gta. to In noo iiimi va 4 1 �111�'li Or Ytr4l�i0A • • U 1 .• •ecsonaltt' •ppeace0 totaCe go tJ►o oe,,d, ,�t�t�ae�s do:to to Cons4e9941 t• ego vell•knov" Who •stnl dvtj evoco do"M WA save that he is Ct odtt ran& of Vlarts tool micteiss so-spapir of lenecet sttevtattolls rAltshea dotty oxen, hon4als to Ntastts Oado Coontle Ftectda. Action% tucthac save *at f310 above rim e,4 scvtipapet teas ega%lnuo%lY #411oAo4 dotty accept Itondays to Oado CountYs tloetdas tot **to than One fiat .tnredlatolp p ecedtnl ttast pvtlicattoft of sat total Notice of advocttsa.ent ano vat dustnl ill such Use and now to enteeo4 second Class part patter to the vRttld States' Coat Otttce to Pivots Cade Count W10e1440 WA that V, t'"al t:ottce oe Adveetticrento all eotl of vhtc% to 'hot 4tta0,04s vas publ islios to ' ru on Chi'.'-tAilgvinp da;s� �Cj . . • ot"10 w usuCU • ir+otn to arrd subsccttea betoce me We day ot In Mtamts Cade Countp, clott4ea 9.o. • o o, � t• 0 ti"31-a Notary Public.State of Floridd s My commi Bondoc pot a h t %611i • • 1 jp aVb ♦••i �......v..v., ty .'u..-u.. .. ._`....`A' -='..^^•.-..ems..-.._..-..,.-'_-__ Has del Condado. (12) Servicios en general, a miembros o no (7) Direcciones y teldfonos, de los nsula. miembros de Is Camara. En to que incluye, _ cost,. dos, acreditados en el Condado. 1 ofrecer a los comerciantes, persaara sus . ofre- , (a) lReferencias en asuntos de __ Abajos negocios ni Be. ( genciaE de empleos), (13) Llenar aplicaciones pars residencias Notarizaci6n de documentos (Notario en U.S. y pars Is ciudadanta americans. les Becas Cintas premiada este ano pfig-1-11) Arts, en New York, donde a un tomo de conferencias re los escritores cubanos ,a de Is Isla, y coordina el undo encuento de Escrito- Cubanos en el Centro. Asimismo, Is sefiora Gil ha ictado conferencias sobre li- watura cubana en congresos tternacionales, celebrados a las universidades de Co- i<mbia, Puerto Rico, M6)dco, anto Domingo, Caracas, Co- l'rado y Rutgers. Con Lourdes Gil fueron ,emiados tambidn este afio it Is Fundael6n Cintas, el ntor Rafael Vadia, de Mia- 1; los escritores Jesus Bar. let, de New Orleans; y Silvia irbelo, de Tampa; los escul. res Linda Matal6n, de Bro. ;lyn, y Mario Petrirena, de Borgia; los fot6grafos antis. cos Ernest Delamartier .ott, de Los Angeles; Ernes. Urdaneta y Ricardo Zulue. y Ernesto de Is Vega-Pujol, New York; el compositor aniel Ponce, de New York; y arquitecto Carlos Concep. 6n, de Is misma Ciudad. Localizan a famBlares de personas en Krome La Conferencia Cat6lica esti alizando a los familiares de siguientes personas que se mentran en el Centro de pro• lamiento de Krome. Por favor ilamar a esas ofici. as en horas laborables. Telf. Josd Garcia Valladares estai calizando a sus hermanos Josd Garcia, Pablo Garcia y Liza. Patricio Garcia. Marrero Garcia, est>i lo. io a sus primos Josd A. y Lrizaro Patricio Gar- ;cia. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA PROY'ECTO EDiFICIO ADMINISTRACION DE LA CIUDAD - Fase 11 Ls Comisi6n de is Ciudad de Miami, Ilevard a efecto a una audiencia p6blica an Julio 11, 1991 a las 11:00 a.m. an at Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drina, Miami, Florida pare tourer testimonio an relaci6n a una solicitud de desarrollo unificado pars propuestas (RFP) pare desarrollo del Edificio de Administreci6n-Fase 11, loce- lizedo an el Centro de Gobierno de Is Ciudad de Miami;autorizando Is emisi6n de dicho RFP;seleccionando una firma do contadores p6blicos certificados y nombter mientros de una selecc16n de comitd de revisi6n pare evaluar las propuestas y re- porter los resultados at Manager de Is Ciudad conforms a to requerido por Is Carta Constitutional Secci6n 29-A IC) y Secci6n del C6digo 18.52.9. Todas las partes interesadas pueden comparecer a Is reuni6n y ser oldas concer- Monte a tal solicitud de propuestas. Le audiencia se Ilevard a efecto an Is fecha y sugar especificado a►riba. Si cualquier persona deseara apelar cualquier decisi6n de Is Comisi6n de is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto a ser considerado en eats reuni6n, ass persona dabs asegurarse un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fun- damentede. (0003) s Matty Hirai City Clerk IL ^' Miami, Florida. CiUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO AL PUBLICO Una audiencia p6blica se ilevarb a efecto por Is Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida en Julio 11 1991 a las 11:25 a.m. en las Comaras de Is Comisi6n d4 is"Cftj lcy, IRlel Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el prop6sito de oir cual- quier objeci6n por Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad de cualquier parte interesada afectada por una Resoluc16n retificando Is acci6n del Manager de Is Ciudad an conceder ofertas selladas competitivas pars Is remoci6n de asbestos en una estructura situada en 1136 N.E. 1 ra. Avenida de DPC General Contractors, an Is sums -de $39,000.00. Todas las personas interesadas estbn invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser oodas concerniento a este asunto. Si cualquier perso- na deseara apelar cualquier decisi6n de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier materia considerada an esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los pro- cedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentada. (004) Matty Hirai City Clerk Miami, Florida CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia p6blica serd efectuads por Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad de Miami, Florida an Julio 11, 1991, a las 11:20 a.m. an las Comaras de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad an el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan Ame- rican Drive, Miami, Florida, al pr6posito de oir cualquier objeci6n de cualquiera de las partes interesadas afectadas por el aumento propuesto an Is cantidad del contrato existente pars renovaciones ahora en Camino en Is ESTACION DE BOMBED DE DRENAJE DE TORMENTA IAWRENCE, localizada en S.W. 4 Calle y S.W. 7 Avenida. Todas las personas intersadas esta n invitedas a comparecer y pueden ser oldies concerniente a este asunto. Si cualquier persona deseara apels cualquier decisi6n de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado an esta audiencia, ass persona dabs asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedi- mientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fudamentsda. (0005) Matty Hirai City Clark Miami, Florida R -3 ,t�Oti�11i Ot QhDS � • Fectonalt , appeacrd lctoce so the W-Aerotsnae, lotto r. consues[4 to Ito %kett•1unovn vAo tatn0 duty rvogn tapoce• AM saY• 04% to to Ctodlt ran• of 01artf uls mirtcat, ne••wpet of tenerat etccvlottoa, WtsAed datty soce, Mono are to Miaaite Oads Coontr, •toctda. Attlant tvctAec save *at Ois above OW ea nctispadet tKae e4,netnuo.4Y f4ltaAed I41111 sager% ltondavo 10 cado countV0e Ilorldoe [oe pace than dns Vese Iveltatety rctcettns fort% yutitcatton of eat total tbtice or advocttsvcn% ans vas lusins sit suc% %too ani aw to ontece+ second etaat matt ostler to t'he CattA states'post Otltce is NI440 cads count floctda, " that Uiq 'Legal Vottce at Advsttticrent, all coil of vAtch to Aet -' attact%ea, vas pvaits1tot 1n on the tollowlns da;s1 iwocA to at otnuo w_NIPICAA :ubscc�t*4�eloce �ilmeit�`_ _ Iall of OF rta�le Oado county, clortda. • • too* ,/7 IRVOico 4 61 ` '>, d =avout provnt %�� • • tt�Wl.t►t aitac�_c�s___ _ 0 Notary Public, State of Florida -1 My Commission Expires May 26, 1992 Bonded Thru Troy fai ntu Inr. t• dot ary rias del Condado. (12 Servicios en general, a miembros o no (7) Direcciones y telefonos, de I s Consula- miembros de la C&mara. En 19 que incluye, jo costo. dos, acreditados en el Condac'� _� ofrecer a los comerciantes, pp al Para sus . i se ofre. (8) Referencias en asuntos' .'trabajos negocios - 1 iaml Be- AAgengias de empleos). (13) Llenar aplicaciones Para residencias . (9) Notarizaci6n de documentos (Notario en U.S. y Para In ciudadania anlericana. 5 las Becas Cintas f premiada este ano k Patg-1-13) the Arts, en New York, donde edita un tomo de conferencias sobre los escritores cubanos fuern de la Isla, y coordina el ;Segundo encuento de Escrito- res Cubanos en el Centro. Asimismo, la sefiora Gil ha Alctado conferencias sobre, li- `teratura cubana en congresos linternacionales, celebrados en las universidades de Co. lumbia, Puerto Rico, Mdxico, Santo Domingo, Caracas, Co. lorado y Rutgers. Con Lourdes Gil fueron premiados tambien este allo por la Fundaci6n Cintas, el pintor Rafael Vadia, de Mia• mi; los escritores Jeslis Bar- quet, de New Orleans; y Silvia Curbelo, de Tampa; los escul- tores Linda Matal6n, de Bro- oklyn, y Mario Petrirena, de Georgia; los fot6grafos artis- ticos Ernest Delamartier Scott, de Los Angeles; Ernes. to Urdaneta y Ricardo Zulue- ta y Ernesto de la Vega-Pujol, de New York; el compositor Daniel Ponce, de New York; y el arquitecto Carlos Concep• c16n, de la misma ciudad. Localizan a familiares de personas en Krom e La Conferencia Cat6Uca esti localizando a los familiares de las siguientes personas que se encuentran en el centro de pro- cesamiento de Krome. Por favor namar a esas ofici- nas en horas laborables. Telf. 541.8100. Jose Garcia Valladares esta localizando a sus hermanos Josd A. Garcia, Pablo Garcia y LAza- ro Patricio Garcia. Rend Marrero Garcia, estg lo- calizando a sus primos Josd A. Garcia y Lizaro Patricio Gar- cia. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA PROYECTO EDIFiCIO ADMINISTRACION DE LA CIUDAD - Faso II La Comisi6n de Is Ciudad de Miami, Ilevard a efecto a una audiencia p6blica an Jufio 11 11M a.m. an el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, 1R0R'RifFionio en relaci6n a una solicitud de desarrollo unificado pare propuestas (RFP) pars desarrollo del Edificio de Administraci6n-Fase 11, loca- lizedo an el Centro de Gobierno de Is Ciudad de Miami;autorizando Is emisl6n de dicho RFP;seleccionando una firma de contedores publicos certificados y nombrar mientros de una selecci6n de comit6 de revisi6n pare evaluar las propuestas y re- portar los resultados al Manager de Is Ciudad conforms a to requerido por Is Carta Constitucional Secci6n 29-A (C) y Secci6n del C6digo 18-52.9. Todas ias partes interesadas pueden comparecer a Is reuni6n y ser ofdas concer- niente a tal solicitud de propuestas. La audiencia se Ilevar6 a efecto an Is fecha y lugar especificado arribe. Si cualquier persona deseare apelar cualquier decisi6n de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto a ser considerado an este reuni6n, esa persona dabs asegurarse un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fun- damentada. 10003) � Matty Hirai City Clerk Miami, Florida. !" CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO AL PUBLICO Una audiencia p6blica se Ilevard a efecto por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida an Julio 11, 1991, a las 11:25 a.m. en las Comaras de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, an el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el prop6sito de ofr cual- quier objeci6n por la Comis16n de Is Ciudad de cualquier parte intereseda afectada por una Resoluci6n retificando la acc16n del Manager de Is Ciudad on conceder ofertas selladas competitivas pars la remocl6n de asbestos on una estructura situada on 1136 N.E. 1 ra. Avenida de DPC General Contractors, an Is suma de $39,000.00. Todas las personas interesadas estl3n invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser ofdas concerniento a este asunto. Si cualquier perso- na desears apelar cualquier decisi6n de Is Comis16n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier materia considerada en esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de qua un record literal de los pro- cedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentade. 1004) Matty Hirai City Clark Miami, Florida CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO OE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Fdode a audiencia p6blica serd efectuada por Is Comisi6n de la Ciudad Miami, Florida en Julio 11, 1991, a las 11:20 a.m. en ias Cimaras la Comisi6n de is Ciudad en el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan Ame- rican Drive, Miami, Florida, al pr6posito de oir cualquier objec16n de cualquiera de las partes interesadas ofectedas por el aumento propuesto an Is cantidad del contrato existente Para renovaclones ahora an camino an la ESTACION DE BOMBED DE DRENAJE DE TORMENTA LAWRENCE, local'izada on S.W. 4 Calle y S.W. 7 Avenida. Todas las personas intersedas est6n invitadas a comparecer y pueden set ofdas concerniente a este asunto. Si cualquier persona deseara apela cualquier decis16n de la Comis16n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto .considerado on esto audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedi- mientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelac16n puede ser fudamenteds. (OM5) MsttttyCC ark Hirai 151 Miami, Florida