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- ! #ia........... ........~......K,,..,,~,.,...,....,....~.. ,v..,,,,,,..a,.,aa.... CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA • ,;, ;~ ,-, .~H~~R•OFFICE MEMOI~ANbUM ..i.... ___. . ., ,,... ~ ~u n. ^ ~ -- ro : Mattlt i:Iirai DATE . August 7 ~ 1991 FILE ~it~ Clerk , • t ; • •, t ••~ ~ ,~ ~ sue.iECr :pending Legislation I ~ ~/~`7`i,~sy'; iii J ~, FRd ,.TOe1 . M~~tWell REFERENCES :City COmmisslOn Meeting Chief Assistant City Attorney of July 25, 1951 Planhin evelopment Division ENCLOSURES I A. Please be advised that legislation for agenda item PZ-12 (J- 91-1054) cannot be submitted to your office in a revised condition which reflects the City Commission's action of the referenced date, until such time as a survey of the exact locations of existing boatslips which will be grandfathered in, is completed by the Planning Department. Said survey will be attached and incorporated into the Ordinance upon its receipt for second reading. The Planning Department is aware of this requirement and the need to complete the survey and will comply as soon as possible. Upon receipt of the survey by this office, I will expedite the _ revised agenda item to your attention. B. As per mutual agreement of our offices, the DDA loan action by the City Commission shall remain in motion. Thus, no resolution from the July 25, 1991 meeting will be necessary. However, this office will notify the administration and DDA of the need for a clarifying resolution regarding the $25,000 balance of the $100,000 homeless pledge the City Commission made at the referenced meeting. JEM/sls/P296 cc: Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney Matthew Schwartz, Director/Downtown Dev. Authority ~.. ~ S"`7 1 :. _I_ ~U~L.I~At~C~S P~~ ~~'~S i (Cubans for Chtles Corp.) _ Carr'Ipai~n ir?fflCO ~ Meiit~lq Addr~as 1'14 Weat Pi~gler Street 22~ Santillane Avenue Miami, 1=lorida 33125 ~ Suite Coral Gables, 1=lorida 33134 Manuel Gonzalez Goenaga ~ ter-' ~ ~ 9 ~ Phone: 448-8416 '. Chairman Submitted into the pubiic t with! ~ ~.. ~` ~p~w~~, ,~, `~~ p ~ ,~,~vA/r'C Z xecord in connection r~ 'v-~ 1tem,~_d___--- .~_ ~-, --. l ~~ Nlatty ~iim f} ~,S~UC'.-~.' C1 ~iI ~ ~i~Int/ (r''t~ G~ ~' U 1 ~'~ ~ ~~- ~' ~. s ~ 4 ~~~ t~ / a- f ~ m~~~ ~ ~ ~- ,~ ~~ ~~ ~~. ~ ~~ -~~ ~ . ~ ~~. ~ ~~~ ~.~~ ~ - 3 ~ ~ ~/~~ . ca~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ s ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~'~- ~ « ~~~' . . ~~ ~m ~-~ ~~ c~ ~~~~~ ~%~~ ~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ,~~~~ ~ ~ s ~ - ~~e ~~=~ . ~ ~~. ~~,~ ~~~ 91 5 71 -~- tie. ,te. ~ ari- ~ ~~'~ ~ ~~~~`~''' ~ , ] , 1~' i ~ `~LJL-~~-1p91 ~t^ s dE ~ROh1 D C A- H C b ~ ~ TO , 63tb585dd0b1 P ~ ~J2 r STATE OF FLORIDA ' f~EPARTMENT OE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Zi'~p CENTEkV1EW DRIVE ~ TAL[ANASSEE, FLORIDA S1S99 'tAWTON GHitES Governor WILLIAM E. SADOWSKI fecrelarY July 25, 1991 x The Honorable Xavier L. Suarez Mayor, city of Miami Submitted into the 3500 Pan American Drive Public Post- Office Box 330708 record in connection with• Miami, Florida 33233-0708 item N_.,,., ~ ._. on 7 ~ . _ Mr. Joaquin G. Av~.no Manager, Metropolitan-Dade County Matte Hirai 111 Northwest First Street ~! Miami, Florida 33128 C1tY CleYk Dear Sirs: We are in receipt of the draft home],ess assistance plan for ` Dade County prepared by Anita Bock of the Granter Miami. Chamber. of Commerce in cooperation with City, County and community . representatives. The draft reflects important .progress toward .the goal of achieving acommunity-wide strategic plan for dealing - with Dade County's homexess popuiatiorl. For that S offer my per$onal congratulations and continued. encouragement. Notwithstanding this progress, however`, there are significant '~ further steps »eeded in order to achieve tho desired goal laf a ~meaningfu2 plan for the homeless: ~~ Sased on a review of the draft plans it is taus undaretanding that Dad1a County seeks to move 300 to 500 homeless per6o»s now , living under the 2-395 .overpass (and immediate vicinity to area homeless shexters. During this time period, a multi•dscfplinary _.,~ `team (located in temporary quarters at the =-39.5 overpa~tdl~ will ~ assess the px't~blems and needs of the homelesl~ population, develop ~~ service plans. o assist them, 'and provide case management, and , ~' ' follow=-up fcr 90 days'. to help a»sure that t~ot;s hOfie~.eS~Bt who want to`be assisted obtain the aerv3.ces they regurs, including , shelter, hou:;<ing, employment, government benefits, aioohol, drug abuse and mental hQaith treatment, and domiciliary ca:r~, we haws been advised that this projeot will involve the voluntary cooperation o~ thQ homelests. we have also been assluxed that this '~ EA1ERt;ENC1r MANAGEMENT • MOUSING ANp COMMUNITI' DEVEIQPMENT • RESOURCE ry,ANNINC ANQ MANAOEMt:MT •:, •Jl.~..~-25y1991 t37:4? FR©I~t b C A- H G D The Honorable Xavier L. Suarez Mr Jbhq~in `G. Avino pltge Two i TO 6~Cd5854A0f~1 x.03 homeless population will be treated with dignity by looal ' of f ioia-lts . To staff this in3~tiative,.the draft plan'call$ for azea ageyncies and organizations to assign 15 personnel (~ fuil`time) to prov~,de screening, assessment, case management, transportation and security at the I-395 trite. Area sheXters have agreed to furnish 375 homeless shelter beds for the 90 day lift of the project, though it is not cXear to us whether these are new or existing bQds. I ata please to inform you that the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and its local providers are. prepared to immediately set aside 60 residential substa»ce abuse treatment-beds for up~to 180 days to assist those found to be in need of such services. The value of these treatment slots is estimated at $605,000. Onae an acceptable plan is adopted, the Florida Department of i~2tbor and Employment Security will assist in the 30-day assessment and referral effort by placing an Employment Interviewer"in eaeh''of the three trailers. In addition to placement assistance, they will also assist with intake/assessment.for.the Neighborhood Job Program. In.addition, the Florida Department of Corrections has agreed to return'Beckham Hall,~which Corrections is currently leasing from Metro-Dade County, to the County on October i, 199.1. The Department would be willing to vacate the premiseeearlier, if necessary. IfBeckk~am Hall is to be used for the homeless it contains more than 200 beds), the Department of Corrections wi~l commit an inmate work crew of ten inmates to assist in the renovation required to convert it to a homeless livinq:.feciiity. Other state and local agencies, including the Florida Department of Labor-sand _ Employment. Security,,..: have agreed to; ~. pravit3e. a .rangs~ ,of services to the: Z.-395 homs3less~ popule~t,io» as3 needsQ, ;end, will work with local off-3,Ciatls to ~ expedite services. To date, tha,.,City of Miami has -allocated $38, 691. ~o_~ h~- p7~ojec~ '~ Marv-Dade.County has committed $19,960. Mast of this local- ,- govern~aental participation appears to involve the temporary allocation of existing resources. ,, . , , . . .. , ., ,Submitted ,unto the pub~iC;~ ,. ...E w , ~ ~...~..._.~,~~ ~...~.~.~ ..,.,.... 1 ., s ,; ~' ~~ •~'tA~2~-19Ji ~'7: d7 ~F20M b C i~ .. H ~ b fid 630585ddC~1 The Honorable Xavier ~. &ua~rez Mr. ~~~quin ~. Avino pec~e Thz Beyond. the current resources committed to this pro3ect, we are advised-that it will likely r@gvire en estimated additi.onai X748,560 to fully carry out the short-term plan. We undsrstnnd these fwnding needs, as identified its the draft plan, to be as follows: 8mergency SheXter - 375 $214,560- beds for 9o days (azea shelter providers) Project :Administration $ 30,000 and Coordination (Miami Coalition for Gare to'the Homeless) ~noL .specs=sea/ - •: -;,_ .i . TOTAL 3748, 560; , .. ,. ,. t An estimated. $748, 560 in new money is...called~for in;the~ draft plan. Local officials- will sesk_ substmritial amounts of .hew cash Exam: the County,: the. City and the prfvats Rector.. Ws understand _that none of this money -has heart committed or. ,6~our~ad at this time. The State of Florida is being asked to contribute 1 at least $348,560. - s chile we applaud the initiative oP lacn~: 4ffiQ~als«~o b-elp ~- the homeless living at and around the x-395 .overpass, we are Submitted into the public record in connection with- item N ~ ,...~. oL, "~ ~ ~.(. ~Cltty Hirai - - ~. .. ,~.... • •n ~~^ ~~~ .r r _,. _~ i , .~ •~ .~ 4' •J'WL-251591 07; 48 ~'R©P1 b C A- W C D The Honorable Xavier L. Suarez Mr. JoaquS.n G. Avino Fage.Foux ~~,~ ~. , tp 6305B54d001 A.05 ' '?~ concerned about the lack of local resources oommitted to this project, particularly on the part of Metropolitan-Ueda County and the City of Miami. Collectively, these local units of government _ appear to be furnishing less than $60,000, most of which is in the temporary allocation of existing resources. The state of Florida views this initiative as a partnership in which the state, county, city and private seetor should share equally. As you are probably aware, assistance for .the homeless has long been the primary responsibility of local communities, and it remains so today under Florida statutes. Federal and state efforts on their behe~lf are of very recent origin, dating to 1987. _ Moreover, as with local governments, current eoanomic conditions and declining revenues have placed the state of Florida in the • position of having to reduce existing services to needy. populations. Until these conditions change, the state has little new reoney to provide to any new initiative. These conditions`are -~ a further reason why the final plan must be fully and carefully thought out Aso that 'the results are maximized. We are also concerned .about .the extent to which this project wall have a meaningful impact on Dade.Coupty homeless Conditions. A_signi,ficant dumber of the homeless persons may either refuse.:...,; treatment or will be back on the street within a r@Xatively short period of time. Some will be heXped to make meaningful changes in their lives, and for this reason, the state of Florida is willing to `make a substantial investment of resources fn the'Dade County project.' However, we do 'not see thin es an emergency` situation unique to Dade County. Comparable~condt,tions exit throughout Florida and we must retain some of our limited fu~dc in the event that-other areas require temporary or emergency _ homeless assistannce. In this regard, please'under~tand that in~ assist~,ng Dade County with its homeless problem,. we are establishing a state precedent that may be very. difficult to .: honor elsewhere. For this reason, ws are unable to offer state financial assistance fn the full amount requested. Wo are willing to oammit $150,000 in additional funding needed to c"arty out the short=ter3tt Dade County homeless-assistance plan. ""Beyond our committaent, it will be the responsibility of Dade County's`. _, 1 i TNl1 7:~2 t fi ~r~,. _ -. Submitted into the ~sublic record im connection with item ~ ~ on ~ +~z~~l.,,... . • Matty Hirai City Clerk ~'04.9~25~b23 P. @~' ~.#„~ ~ f ,r ~c • ~l.IL•-'~'5-19J1 07 ~ 46 Ff20M b G p -- H C D ,w` ~ '~ 1 tp .6305854400.1 p.06 f ~. Submitted into the ,public The Honorable Xavier L. Suarez record in connection ~rrith Mr. ~roaquin c. Avirio ~ item N . pag~a Five --.~._ on 7 Z. ~ R I~ , . ~ ' Matty Hirai City Clerk agencies,-local units of government and the private sector to cover the remaining costs. our financial commitment, .under current circumstances, 3.s as follows: 1. A total of 5107,500 in unallocated Community Sexvices Block Grant Emergency Homeless Program funds which can be contzacted with Metro-Dade County to be administered by the community Action Agencys and 2. An additional $42,500 in Federal drug abuse funds `to be distributed to Dade County via amendment of its present contract with th,e Department of Community_Affairs. We also urge Metro-jade County to seriously consider devoting an additional $187,776 to this project from,Comn~unity- Sezvices Block Grant Emergency Homeless Program funds. There< funds have-been contracted with the Department of Community Affaizs, but not yet ..released. Before: the state can agree to release funds for and fully pazticipate in the short-term emergency hcmehess..assistance project, however,,, several #ssues need to De .addressed., They are as follows: o Present local zesource commitments do not reflect'an edual partnership. From our perspective, the state `of Florida is being asked to assume an unreasonable share of responsibility. The City of Miamf did Metro-Dade County should substantially increase-;their.-financial participation. Pursuant to-:.the.. plan,: we .hope hat each will contzibute at least 5150,000 (the same as thQ state) toward the additional funds needed to implement .the-90 day project. >.. o There Qhould be greater evidenoe of~:-private seator~ contzfbutians. The plan calls for Such donations to ,total- $200,000s but we seQ no dacu~entation thnt~_a~ty such funds have been received to date.. This ne@d~;to be done.. • o There must be a ~elear designation • of th~a ugertt ~ ~ . responsible for ttis overall administration o#; this project (both short- and long-term). T ~~~~ T~~~Q ~ T.41dJ l j *i i l 1 • JtJL~~~-2591 0'7:49 FROM b C A - W C b ~'0 63~5~5440~1 f~.07 Submitted into the.. publi C .record in connection with The Honorable Xavier Y,, suarez item,.,•„~,~` Mr. Joaquin G. Avi»o on ~ page Six . Matty Hirai City Clerk o The 375 sheltez beds referenced in the plan must be »ew beds and must not result ih displacement of present homeless persons. o Regarding the six social workers committed by Camillus Health Concern, we hope these services will be dan~tted. o There should be letters of agreement from all .parties that have agreed to commit substantive resourves to those homeless persons served by the 90 day emerge»cy project. o We believe that some of the homeless persons served by ' the 90 day pro3ect wall be eligible for SSi. -- Aocordingly, the plan should reflect a aommitm~nt to expedite eligibility determination. Indeed, expedited eligibility determination and service deliverywll'be. essential for all aspects of this project if it is .to be successful.. o We agzee that the draft strategic homeless assistance •plan for Dade County needs to be more fully d_eyeloped. Locale funding deficiencies appear to be a serious barrier. to implementation of those concepts And sexwices outlined in the. plan. As previously ' indicated, Dade.County officials should not depend`att • the state for the significant additional funding that will be needed to implement the strategic plan. Regarding the long-term portion of the strategic plan, nothing appears to be firmly committed. Several issues which need to be addressed are as followss o we need to know what services .will be made'availabls to the I-39,5 homeless population upon completion~o!`~the 90 day emergency services period, and by whom... • o The emergency services plan to assiat~the homeless of Dade County and the long-terra strategic plan should be incorporat®d as part of the Comprehensive Homeless Assistance Strategy now being developed by Dade County govsrnm®nts for inclusion ix~ their federally ,requirad Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS. P A7 'T `a .tlA_~-~-1991 07: S0 Ft~©t1 b C A- H C b The Honorable X8-vfer L. Suarez Mr. Joaquin G. Avi,no Page Seven t0 6~0585440t~1 P.~9 Submitted into the public ' recoxd in connection with item on ~ ~ ~ ~'- , Matty Hirai ' City C~exl~. o The longterm strategic plan should elearly commit Iacal governments and agencies to aggressively pursue a21 federal homeless assistance funds made available under the Stewart e. McKinney Homeless Asgietanca Act. These funds will generally be available after Ja»uary, 1992. .From our perspective, McKinney Act resources Wi32 be an essential. source of support for those programs and services called for in the strategic plan. Department of Community Affairs per~ori»el will be available to assist County staff in identifying and pursuing these alternative funding sources. o There are a variety of other state funds and programs • - (in addition to the Department of Corrections commitment), that may contribute to the success of a aoncrete•long~-term plan. The Department of Community Affairs is committed to working with the County and " Gity to fully develop these opportunities. However, we ' suggest that in the final".plan the County and City should commit new, real dollars to this part of the project. I believe the draft plan represents important progress toward the development of a meaningful community'respanse to the homeless challenge in Dade County. Y encourage the Gounty e:nd City to capitalize on the progress to date by assuring that this community goal is achieved. You have my commitment to .continue wanking with you in meeting this challenge. .~ WES/ph cc: Ms. Anita Bock Very truly your , • . r illiam E. Sadowski ' Secretary