HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-91-0668__ __ -- - ~ 1 ~'v: • f ~ CI`1'Y bP MtAMt~ ,~g,c~~ttbA r - j, ('~ _. _ ~0 tha HDnorabi+~ May+iyr a~td ~U AtE • ~ ~et-besi o~ the City Ddtita3tritotl ~ ~ ~,~.~~'1 ~~~~~' e~~,~liliona tee Ehe b~1- ,, ~~~ bard of t>'irattore t k i ~ ~ fiEl~lE~ttNtlb , i~ro~+: cee~r 9t. Odlo 9or July 25+ 199i ~- City Manag~f i, tNc~osu~t~ i c y C am+n i s is i am It e e l i n~ , ' 'i ccomraend tl.o+t It i• relpeaetuliy-requested th+tt the City Commiarion approve the '4 ointinR CeorSe Knox to the 3oard at atteithed re~olutian app Direttotra of the. Downtown Development ~uthotrity to fill the unexpired tert- ending June 30, 1994 and + ~°y San.Chec and Randi R. Trasenfeid to the Board of >Directore for terms expiring June 30, ~9a39hiliipa A ~lYatfa to Lthee R ardahof Ixi, H. -LelAnd Taylor n '- t DreCtorl~' fr~tr tetrtmr 'expiring June 30, 1993. ~_ ~a~~k~YO nd Kenry Adorno~ Mikki Canton, Zahid Retniawi and Parker Thomson have reai`g-~ed- frotm the Sward 'ot Directors of the Dowgtnan- it!evelepa-ent! Au chori ey . i; ~' On ,July 19, 1991+ GeorSe Knox Was approved by the ObA Boerd !o f.l.11' the unexpi cad term` of henry Adorno endl.ng ,June:.30. 1994, etnd.fi _ + Guy. sanchsa and Randi R. Trasenfeld wnce approved by the DDk'>doard to fill !hc reme nin$>vacsncLea.for. t~sms expiring June 30, 1993. The terms of 5. LaWtrence Rahn, III, A. Lelsnd Taylor end lhillip j ' /-. Yaf fa oxptre'd Just 30 ~ 1991. on July 19, 1991 , ..tt>te;' AAA so,ard, -.°r pprroved theis re-nov-instion for terms expiring June 30, 19.93• '~ Thn nomitnees have bean chosen for their potential to ~contributa ~ ~~ Aign'ii.icant expestise-and: knowledge to -the 3oard~.:ol~ Dl.reciora in r } addreeait~8 future'devsiopment Saeuee within povntoMn Miami. nomines ~fuif~iiis tfie requirements for DDA nvard mea-bership , t. Fach } a• per 'Section -1k•27 0!' the City-.;Code pnd eseh has indicated , y tt-!it desire and villin;n~s• Co serve on the soasd. i r F ,, ! _ a - ' ~- .~ „ . _c { ~ }'~ ~~l 4 $ f v. 3 ' - - _~ ~ ~ ___. ,...emu... _. "~.~._..`._....a~f _~ - ~~~~°- i -~-+~ i W~~ i ~ LAW ~~~`?' ~ r ~~ '! :; /' d~ 5 ~. -l515 ~ ~,~' '~~~6/91 RL~ Si~LUT 1 f~N N0 . 4' _. A' RESOt,U~'idN CON!'IRMiNG 'Y'Ht R'E~-PPOYNTMEt~T Ot" ' ~` 5. LAWttENCE KAHNr III H. LELAND TAYLOtt At~b ~ PHILLIP A. YAFFA TO THt: gOARb OF DI}~EC'C('SftlS bt" 4...,~._ ~< i THE DOWNTOWN dEVE1~OpMENT AUTHORITY l~OR TEAIQS '~ ° EXPIRING JUNE 30r 1993] FURTHER CONFtRMit1G THE ApPOYNTMENT OF GEORGE KNOX Td THE $OAt~b Otr DYl2ECTORS 02~ THE DOWNT0~+1N OEVLLOPM1;t~T AUTHORITY ~'OR A TERM $;CPIRING JUNE ~Or 19J4 ~`' .AND CONt"IRMING 'Y'HE APPOifiTM6NT OF r DUY SANCNEB AND RANDX R• TRASENFELD TO THE BQARD OF DYRLCTORS Ott' THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR TERMS EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1993. ,,( WIIEREAS, the Soe-rd of Directors o! the Downtown DeVQxApmt~nt' _ ~` Authority met on July 19, 1991, and voted to re-nominate S. # I-awrenc:e Kahn, III, H. Lelend Teylor end Phillip Yaffp tothe ,t r4 Soerd o! Directors of the Downtown Development Authori.tXj and 2 WHEREAS, the Board of Oirector8 of the Downtown poveiopment Authority met on July i9, 1991, and voted to nominate Qeoxge Knox to lilt the seat vacated by Henry Adorno who reaignad from tha ~- __ eos~:d; and WHEREAS, the $oa~rd of Directors o! the Downtown pevQippment , ;, Authority met an July 19, j.991, end voted to nominatA __ , Guy Senchvz +~nd Rendi R. Tresenfeld to Mil tho seats vacated by Mikki Canton, $ehid R~mlewi end Perked' i Thomson who resigned from .the Bo~rd~ end WHEREAS, each of the above nominees fu~lfilis the queliticotiona fox 8oerd membership pursuant to SeGtl,on ~,4~27 of tha City Codef ,, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV$D BY THB COMMISSION OF THE CITY ' '-' OF MIA1~;I, FLORIDAt Section l.; fihe recitole end lindinga cor-tein~d i,n the } `. Pr~eemhiv to this Resolutipn aa~a hereby adopted bar referents 1:hexe~to and incozpox~atad ~~ra~exn AS it fully sot earth' in this `~ ~ <~ '1 ~c~tir~n ~. fih~ r~~p~-bintm~~-t of the fr~~iowing ittdivid~tdi t~ K+~~ve e~ members of the ~r~erd r,! tiireotard bf thy, t~b~~ttn~t~- t~a~e~cpment Authc~rtt~- ~!` the Gi.ty nt M~btmi !or the t~a~tns ex~-l.~ih+~ - = ~u~ie 3b, i99~, ig hereby Dontirmed~ :, -~ ~t - b~L~~iNb TAYk,t~R ,, P~IbI~I~ A~ Y1D-FFA i section 3. The..eppoifitment of the lolibwin~ i~-dividuei to ,; ecrve e,a a membex of the Qonrd of Q~.xectars of the t~ovtntgvrn :' l Development Authority of the .City of .Miami fOr a term expiring ~ Juno 30,...1994,,. is h®xbby confi.rmedi ~ Y GEORGE KNOX i Section 4. The appointment of the loilowing individuals i to serve es members of the Boo~Cd o~ Qix~ctoxa of the howntown nevelo ment Authority of the City of Minmi !or terms expiring '~ p 1 .7une 30~ 1993, iB hereby confirmed ~. _.. ,. GUY 511NCHE2 _ i ,` RANDI R. TRASENFELD : <.. Section 5. This Resolution shell become ;. ;. off©Ctiive immediately upon ate adopt3.on. < , ; , ;, PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ~, 1991. '~ - ~4: AVxS ~. , OR 11'1;TE$T s _ _ .. ;' s ~ Y:i~ `MA'TTX HIItAI ~ ; - CITY CU~RK _ , ,. pREPAR~D ANQ AF#'R4VED- 8Y i' ,; ;a .L R . ' AWE. L ' , ~ IEF ~'+SRLaTANT TTY A'T`TORNEY ,, ~-P$RQV~i? Ai5 Tp F'pKM ANQ CORRBCTNE~S s t• ,~., : ~_ . ~ ~~ ~+,_ NANp~? ~ ~~ Y ASR 7l ~ ,,; { ~~ . t _ y iT ~ L