HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-91-0662 _ __ - - _ __ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ,, _,.~,~ ~r '. ~i`f1t ~~ ,' _ ,. ~..,~ IalAN11. ~4+~i~1~11 '.,,, ~ ,, _ ~, r ~ -- ~ ' ~;E j =~ Lr . ~, ~ ,tN't'~~~'l~~1~~ M~M+G'~~AN~WM ..... ~ ,. , ~ ~~, ~ t. i ' ~• ~ .. ~.. .... . • ~. ,, ~ j~. ~. r P.• •- _ _ _. ,ICS ICi ''! 'i ft5: ~~~{~Y:` ~C~j,t~ i : il~ ~;~ t~A1'E: July 9, 1991 ~~~e: . ~i~~ ~~f1a~~r : SUilJ~Grt: Agenda ~tt~id ~f DHpt~~~~' ` ! '; . ~r F++ J~ . 12th ~cmmigsion i~e+stng ~ i kht5N1: Miller ~ ~ t~atakine R~~'~l~ENZ~S: II ` f ; ~~Yt1ri1i$~ ~.o~l~r ; i ENCIOEUNEB: _. _.:. {{ 'I ; . ; , ~ '} please soh~dule a discu~Bit~n at _ the., September 12~ 1991 commiss3.on t's mailing ne A ~{{ ~`i - meet~g`~~r One Art, ~1no. 55, 8 B r tb discuss funding. O Mi~utti, `Florida 33155, telephone' (305) ~73y - address is PO. , ox 5 5373. ccs Hon. Ntayor Xavier L. Suarez ~ fellow Commissionsr~` , J ~1 _~ ~~ 1 ~: _! ,---f -~ ~. . - - . - _ - - .. i~ ;-. ,. ~ _ ~~ 3~`1 _, ,~ i =; =. -: _ , .~, ~. _~ _~ - ~. - . ,. ~.F :~~~ f ~, . -, ~;- ~~ -~- ~ ~?, ! 3kx. i. . . 1 k - {.yr ~L! _ ~ r -- - ~ . ;, is i ~, , _ ~~sg~ l of ~ ;' r ~ t C/pdi~Ai'E~J to tha tulrursl sr-Nrhrneht rr hsndfrspped arrd underp~tWleged rh~idren, einre t9y'S ' - }s ,~ ]i jl .. ~ `.1 ~z CITY' ~~' MiAMt pltbpOSA ;~ ~~ A briaf flescription of Special banes Concert Series and the timetable for its k;, '~ccot~plishttat~ts. , One Art is preparing participants of "S~ecial bancers of America," fnr ~ -~ caries `of performances to be presented for handicapped at:d underprivileged i$ children throughout The City of Miami. The prdgratn period is from September 1, 1991 through June 30 1992..' ~ Rehearsals are scheduled to begin in September at One Art's banes Studio, ~c Mondays,. Wednesdays and Saturdays in The Miami benign District - Plaza 2, 180 NE 39 Street, Studio 210. Performances are scheduled for the months of November 1991, February and June 1992 at Booker T. Washington, The Joseph Caleb Center, Arcola Lake :Elementary ~- and The-Ma~-ue1 Ar ime Center. This concert series will also include touring t:o handicapped-agencies for children within The City of Miami. A statement concerning the overall cost of the project for whieh. funding 3s ~~ sought, the amount of funding requested from. Thee City of Miami and the amounts and sources of additional'support for the project. The total overall cost of .the pro3ect is $27,264.00. One Art is requesting,a , total of $10,000.00, in order to matcha grant from The: Department: of State, Division of Cultural Affairs in the amount of $.10,000.00, Grant Number 92-0050. For further information call: Ms. Linda Downey, Bureau Chief (904) 487-2980. ,; r ` ,, New Phone: (305) 279-5373 P,O. Box 8555, Miami, fL 33155 t3A5) 666-621:7. 1= NornPrafit 501 (c) (3) Arts Organization Ft.-License No. 745855 ;,, ~, - ~.~ ~7 ~ - ~, - ~' ~ 1g }'~~~ -- - A e ,r: rage ~ Of ~ s --:,_~~~. CI~."Y 0~ I~iAMi ~~t~POSAL T A ~~iaf;. d~sctiption of ONg Alt's, 1NC. one Art is ~ nonprofit argani~ation dedicated to the cultural deveit~pment of handicapped and underprivileged children t~ith professional dance instruction ~.. and performing opportunities. One Art's mission is focused on screening. and recruiting developing talent fto~i it ~ s year-~rdund in~schaol dance residency programs raithitt selected bg~1 -•~ Count~- pubic Schools, and to assist in individual development through proper :guidance, performing experience, and exposure to the cultural arts. "Special bancers of America" is the. performing dance company`. made-~up of lei children mho ai'e deaf,.hearing impaired and learning disabled. _ Classes are provided at One Art's Dance Studio, where participants take part in intensive dance training and rehearsals in preparation for performances presented throughout the year, under the professional guidance and supervision' of Jose Martin, formerly of the renowned Joffrey Ballet of New York City. HISTORY OF ONE ART In 197.7, Jose Martin and Diana Martin, served special youth and adults through the City of Miami program "CARE", "Creative. Arts in Recreation and .Education". This successful program provided outreach dance and cultural programs for the handicapped and underprivileged. Unfortunately, due to administrative changes in The City. of Miami, this valuable and worthwhile program was cut only two years later. In 1979, One Art was then incorporated for the purpose of continuing these efforts in providing quality cultural programming designed to enrich the lives _, of. special populations throughout Dade County. -_ In 1980, One Art established "The City of Miami's, First .Annual Dance Festival of Children", presently in its 11th year, under The Florida Department of State, ,Division of Cultural Affairs', "Arts in Education Program", with the _ assistance of The Dade County School Board and The City of Miami. This program was designed .specifically to serve Dade County school children with professional dance instruction, workshops and dance festival presentations. In 1985, due to demand and increased. enrollment from .Exceptional Education .Departments of local participating schools, $dditional classes for exceptional, students .were opened. When this segment of the program grew-and later became ° an enormous success, "Annual Special Workshops and Performances for Special Populations," was then created to provide dance: classes. `and presentations to culturally underserved children. ° As this 'program expanded, Oae Art .developed "Special Dancers of America" in 1987, as a program entirely dedicated to training• and prepazing handicapped - children -with professional dance instruction and performing-opportunities throughput the year. a 35- a ~~.~ ~~~ - , r . r . e~___- - - - -