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AQUEMIENT Th I o Agreement, entered Into this dly. ` of `betW66M ` the -City Of `Nit rwi (h+iifISIrraf��i~ r I~`e srri�e t 3 ea the NC I ty") and the Shli i tat i a I1 > t i )t� +b , Ase eliiiti ir�ii IhO (hereInilfter- referred to, = „ 1A*so I fat t on" 5 PREAMBLE' WHEREAS, i t 18 the Intention of ` the rjart l es to set ft5rfh s. herein the ba6Ic and full Agreement between the partles concerning terms and conditions of employment which :are wIth1h A; the scope of negotiations -� -+ NOW, THEREFORE,, 'the parties do agree as fol=lows:` NO ARTICLE 1 = Pil RECOGNITION .. Sect1on•1: Pursuant' to and IW accordance" WUth hilt - apPl Icable 'provisions of ` Chapter` `447, ' Part `I I '=of° 'the VIb'r da r , • Statutes, ' the City 'recognizes 'the =Assoo'I at ion as ,the exc ""' ' a =. A .. � =: barpa i n Lnp ,representat Iva --for' a l'I ` 'lattp I ogees �" Inc'I ded t h • bargalninp.`unit. F r Sect t on'`2 . Thb' barga'I n i ng" uin t t ° s as de# 1`ned' Cert t f i cat i on issued by the F I or i da,r; Pub 1°i o Emp 1 ogees ' Red at'ttts y o Coam! sa t on September =23, 1977 ': (Order Ado";,77E'44377; . Cert.i f 1001 on` *355) =`and as'- amended 'on August 7; 80E-243) which inoeludes a1 i the ctaaaif icatlons ` °listed;*!ttY`r APPENDIX tiA of ' tfi I s Agreement and excludes all c 1 ass 1 f I cat bone •` } c t t Steil I n : APPEND I X� `B" of "Ih I s Agreprnent . ��- Sect tcnr 3. For the purpose' of repre`sentAton oVitpl+Qyei«z *; i n the c I piss 1 f i cation' " Qf Stantlby `Labor . and I'Kis apo 1 1 cat ! on r ! Ghrts qr ° benef t Is=•. In.='•. • th 1 s Arees»ent �., enip I+Qyees .`i +a kx` ® l Ssa 1 f l oat°I ot1 ;of Standby Labor . w i l ! 'be I'�!m ! ted IQ "'Ihe l��'iav i1f ART !l l E.' •2 ,:STANgBX LABOR, ARTICL9 :• QU�S ''CFIECKQF .. RRAt3f1,T-I ONARY PIER 100, and M,9W of UN DR i'AtYQ l i r SUBSTAK4JAL MOL .� -''PAR QNI�i�L`; tCREgtgl g{- r a 3_ STANOBY LAaOA regular work schedule, For the purpose of computing overtime i tIms agent In negotIatlons shell not be considered as hours work6d.. , Shift d i f ferent i a l sha i ! not be paid for tithe spent : 10 nsoot i at;l ons, section 34 Non -employee Assoolatlon r+epresentetived.will -� be allowed to meet with bargaining unit employees' on City property during the one-half (1/2) hour prior to "work ca l I " Dry the. condition -that the Department Director Is advised one (1� i working day prior .to the proposed meeting. The Department Director or. his designee shall designate the. place- in_<the assembly, room for said meeting. It Is agreed, by the parttes-.the meetings referred -to herein will not carry over beyond "work call" unless specifically approved by the Department ;Director., o nor shall they Interfere- with Management's right to direct the .k workforce. ART CLE _ t5 4° MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Section 1. The Assoctation.agrees that the City has and will continue to retain, whether -exercised - or not, the sole. right.,, to oper.ate.,:and manage its- af,fa l rs : I n a i I : respects;- and, the' powers . or: author I ty wh t ch ;;the.,:: ,,City has not spec (f: t cla,t .l y abr I dgedy de I_egatod or mod i f i ed by: ;the express prov t s l one of th I's Agreement ; _ are = rot a -I ned by.. the: City .,. The ;r I ghts of :the .Clay,_ through �,,' I Is .. manggement-r of f I c I a.l s, , sha t I ,_ I nc I uOe, but _ ahe l� not be, 1%tm I ted Ito; , the -determine the .,organ7 zat I on ;: of. C I ty ,government . Ito J - s r detQrm t ne,. they purpose of, ;each: of.' Its_ coast tuenv_deparIments, #o { QrcerC { ae ; ; contro t and : ;, discretion.- , over the ,;: 'organ.t zat4 on ., ,dad 9 ff: I:c I,.e3ncy ' , o,f operant ions - -W the C,I ty ; to. set standnrdw. � f©t• s n sor:v lees to be.. of.fer.ed :to the pub l l c; -to cl l r. eot- : the } 1.0YQes the }.CI,ty#. Inc!udIno the right to assign work and overt Imes to hire y t ores#dr',! >a1tn.i ne; . c ! ass t f promote, ,train or rertra 1 n .: r , aiiss i tart. ,. end , scltedu t + amA t Oyoas I n pop I t l ons ° w it tp t#�►a.. .1 ty I.isPprt.�1, ;x+ emote, d1:schar•pe, or take ;_oth+sr:.dlscjlpl 1nsryr.'aqtni+ptr � Ov+iO-Ist emp I gyses.. for proper c 4usQ r to ,. I noressox 00.161 zo, ,:clr4t100,7 .. n .-' � xe ; MOO 141 R n � ' r e. ,111 i, �'. ;. �� �'�'+I i t� #R.".. rand, 1169 1SS P wp }d'``'t : r f � i - alto ''the soacIflo CIvII ,Service Aule which Is the balls of the comp'I a i t►t of , where the I eaue, Is a hatter subject to Collett IVil }: baralk I n i nb s' t ARTICLE NOT I CAS r j Section 1. The CI'ty ,of Miami agrees to provide to the �. { Sanitation'- rEmp l oyees `Assoc l at l on . the following of i-ces ..'.,cs0 e _ a bu I 1 dt I ns ' City Comm i sat 1 on Agenda, the: Solid Waste D'OoArtmsnt � ri Planning Budget ' Est i mate, the So I l d Waste-' ' Budget preseintat i bt1 sFg material piveh to the' City' Commission the Solid Waste=flnal departmental, budget, the City of Miami Budget and rev i s Ions 'rl►nd any other hot lets, 'bulletlns or material :which the`'C1ty"Matnaaar u, B' or his des Ignee determines" wou i d affect the --terms and cond i t 1 ons - e� of employment of the members of 'the Association. Such 'not'iobs and eat imate§ wi°I'i be~available for pickUM by an'Associatlan �i 1 - -fa' representik ve at thee' C l ty of M l'am i,' s `' Labor Relations 0f f i ce. ®` ARTICLE 1 ATTENDANCE`'AT MEET INOS /EMPLOYEE'�>ASSOCIATION T1ME�POOL, rz try ♦ Section A1.:"' : On) y the President of the'. Assoc.1 at i`on, or. ':one K deal gnated-� representative, sha I i.' be' a I' Iowa d to = attenl! L repu.ie meet l'nps ''and spec l a i meet ivngs of 'the C i �ty '`Comm'i ss i on the C i v l r Service Boa rd - the °' A'ff i emnt 1 ve Act icon ' Advisory, . Board and the x Pension P Ian' Board. T itrle Fof# `for the =Assoc i at l on'q. President or , h? t� fi any others barga l n`i ng Wilt, amp l oyes rto`' attand `other moist i.ngs Vv.i be i n accordance wl'th - Sect'I on'' 2 of ' th I se,`AO t 161 `<} . � - Seetl on- = 2. An -,Assoc°i iat i on = Time Poo °i s Hereby iu*#nor l id 'y s7 f t Y t+i '.. .i x fi 1 subject -With fo°I lowing'i r ,{ 3 i v'-b e s 2 rp'2 A. t+ACh f i'sea I ` year, the-,,, Cagrsse° `to . priwfi de�x a iifri= 7 �- ;;44MU l mt' i ves t lme poo 1 -bank of 3=, OQO�'T ho�irs�X to be `�isasd '� s Y ecaordltnC�r with, the prov1$Klons *of :this:=Artt�3l t. '°F F return' for "tf14 'i;x.3, O hours° ,non-o4Jmu i pt i l+D l Q`R DI pN tea, ) _ ' zC'it S t gwh�f�di bAnk', 'st1 end.: I -I � h4tir.s h+ ret ►it�re' ,q4s ll�i�d oQt1s�lde4�l�'�1t'Q�ably� fxndeg BRQne+B, i 4� '�o ma nSt'� yp -NJ 'T .4.'i Y;f -h ..t P � ?. her regularly assigned duties for the City. the tei•Ihs # this Agreement for such release are only to be imp i eMent6d If the to! lowing Qualifications are ���` by = the A6960 l at i on 1. the Association President* or a designee,'` reasonably be available through the Age' iatt+bll office currently located at 2300 N.W. 14th Street, Miami, Florida 33126 for consultation with the Management of the City of Miami. 2. As provided in Section. 1 of this Article, the President or a designee shall be the Only representative to attend meetings. 3. The Time Pool will be charged for all hours during which the Association Representative Is on off -duty _ release except that absence due to use of vacation leave, compensatory leave, or -sick Leave will be charged to the employee's accounts. The Association Representative shall not be eligible for overtime or " compensatory time. ,r —� Section 3. All applicable rules, regulations and, orders e _® . shall apply to any person on Time Pool release. Vlolat ons `of tiA s; the above -mentioned •rules, regulations and orders. shall subject v} �. $ the employee on pool time 'to regular disciplinary processes. Section 4. The City reserves the right tof rescl'nd provisions of this Article in the event any portion of this ;r Article is found to be Illegal. Canceling the Artlele ahnli,'riot `. preoltrde� further negotiations of future employes pool time >C�p . r ARTICLE 11 fii SPEC 1 AL MEETINGS Soct i on I. The Clay Manager, or his/her dea i gnee, and ;°thin !at Ion agree to meet and confer on matters of interest uA+�R , yr Wr 11rton request of either party. They wr I tt,4n res�yoet shah I eel Wi 1 th+a - net rat of the matter to be d I SCUssod and the reaeetn _ t request) hg the meat i ng, D 1 SODAS I an sha I I be I Im I ted to : fflattere bet forth In.the raauest _but It Is ;understood that these:spgolal meet l nps Sha i I -not be used to renegotiate th l a' . Agreement Sped I Al- ,stest i,ngs. 9hA is-1 -: he he I d w l th In f l f teen 1;1A:)•, work i o die of the.: r` co I pt of the written request and she I l be held: betwee11 = . t 8:00, am. and 6:00 ;P.m,, at a time and place designated ;by the ; - a s City, The Association shall be represented by not more than five ' _ �{6),persons . at -;apse lai:: meet l ngs. Two (2) persons- of the � flVe e,11glbie shall be the person on full time release and the s President or.,his/her designee. Section - 2., Release of an from h I s scheduled work ,employes assignment for the purpose of attending a special meeting shall be made In accordance with ARTICLE 10, SECTION 2, of this Agreement. However, if the meetIng.Is-cancelled by the City Manager or his designee,< nc charge shall..be made to:the employee to me:.-, Pool ... .. w ART I,CLE 12 ; z PERSONNEL:-;PRACTICE=COMMITTEE. fr C ®. Soct;lon-, 1., There shall a be._:a Personnel .,,,Practrice '.;C.omm1ttee wh tchaha.l 1,; consist of not more .than f 1 ve,. (6 ):;members who.r shn;l i des,l_:gnated b,y then: Assoc;l,at•Ion and. not more than five (6) memberrs;,, das t grated. by; :the, ..;:Depar.tment::;D tractor . The Assoca at 10s , �. membereh i p, asha I I ,cons:i st :of. •t,hrae (3);_ ,barga,lntng„ un lit elnpI'oyees� the %Prep INdent or h 1 s/her des;) gnee, 'y and,;t,he a Asa©c et.I,on j Representat t ve referred to , I n 'ART I CLE 10 SECT I0N.,_2' (:F_,). $ ' 10 , Management membership shall consist. of employees witfitn they �= Departm ntt dos I noted b the_Do ertmerit . D I rec.t r.a e ;� 8 Y�_ P Q r g , x fi Sect l on 2 a ..: ; Pereonna I , Praot,i ce.: Conyn i tteQ. lope# nge 3 ama1YdW r+sgtie tad.: oy , e �,.ther ;; party' land: such meetings she I i be schedu I d dual ng w�ar.k l no. hours nt . A • time pot,_ bYs ,the: 04par tmont Ill 0004. The-10opartment i p i rector,,, or.; h l s dead pnee sha►.i;1 �r+ee„�_�e . ` �"�`�� Q` l�# II1Rist I,pe.z: That. p>�IrA48.e , Of. these.alrleet i ngsdItil PI7001;SMS, li: : wal ,ec t Yes .� -of mutua� 1 A!�W ys1 g aEpt r { matters which have been or are, the suly rr co l i ect I ve garge Ina ng between the Isar t 1 QiF • 7 { tt � �° y Wk t; Mata4y C,.k{4. x ` q A:. - Sedition 9 . Meet Inge sha I I be Conducted on $ som i -forma t baA I s ► fo I I oW I hid an aga imda, which shall Include I terns ` bUbm I tt+ed • Icy a kny..m6mbees of tho Committee''to this Ino0artmaht Olrector at- le itt l Ve wt rk i ng days pr l oh -to the meet I hg, together w I th- SUdh . :1 hforrhat lon as may . be he i pfu-1 In preparing a mobLh t n0fu 146ondt rb railtib The agenda shall be provided to each member of the z; _ ss Coittee and one (I copy forwarded to the Of of the Dlty mm Manager. "The Department Director shall arrange for minutes to be takeh of each moating and 'for'the distribution of copies to each {j { member of the Committee and the office of Labor Aelations within r a tan (10) working days after the close of the meeting. { �i ARTICLE 13` # VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS Section 1. All bargaining unit employees of the Solid Nl a'13te beplartment involved I h veh i cu ! ar 'type. accidents, w l I 1 be governed by the gu I de I I nes b"e i'ow . `2 'Vv ` Sect l on . Emp 1 oyees '' of 'the Solid ° waste Department i e ® cons I dared not at fau It when the other party `or part 1 es ° 1 nV6, I'ved :. i ® a n the acc i dent` ' are ` g t ven a c 1=tat Ion ` or summons o`r the `°' Po I t ce - Department's' t nvest ! gat i on cone l ude`s the ' ° aco l dient ` peventati I e'-on 'tfie part `'of the amp i oyes i �n G act ton 3 : Those ; 1`n t v.1 duaI s operat i-n y motor t zeds wen 1 o — u ZY Uy t o the So I "t d Waste '' Department w i t= '`demonstrate to the t r hsr supery l isors po§session of ' the `appr'opr `t'ate f-1 orTi da ryoparators 1•Ccense on _",an` as' needed `basis ° but" not Less 'than four {4)��t linen T''P Soot tori 4. = :Those operators ; whos+s` 11 tense Cs` revoked; s Zia suspended or restr l cted i n "ar,y way by = the' State .iof t ,F i or't Clara shA Fl # hot�fy° #hetr ;"superv'isor tr»ntedi t 'ly SectIion, -6. �`AccfUdonts *1 11' be"`revIewved 'by the 'SEA President or h I slher`=ts1es i gne6" anal , the" 4 Asia i sta t D I rector or des 1 ghee ; of , Z the SQ1 i i;f. ,'Waite ' Depmrtime , Cr !ter 1 a 'for ' °they o�cc 1 c ants fik�,� VT ® .�.� 'f reque�npy ..end' ° never t t, ofdam�►�e, r' p�_"+�► r x, y1'# r -� d+��i V ! i G <,k? -` a 1 ii l4_'". ptm •. k+'Y�i .ty� , ` k,,,.�Cw�t . S sat Iafactor 11y obtain said IICanes and endorsements by AprII 1, q` 1002 *hail result in the employee being placed Into a non-drivar r i ass i f i cation at the egU`1 rya tent step In the salary range of th+a .c 1, i iron-dr"I ver ' ' C 1 ass 1 f l oat l on W i'th no change in Ann I versary; , idla' e F I np l oybe" S`, who are placed: In A non-dr i var c 1 asb i f 1 cation due- to Ilk thel r " fe i l ureto sat'i sf'aotor I i y obtain the required commerc l a'i tlrlvsr'o license and endorsements shall be given priority .to the! I,r: ` 0rev i ous' dr I ver classification up to June 1i 1902. -future = � opportunl#ies of promotion to a" driver cIassIf-ication for the: L `eipioyee 'placed In a' non -driver ciass`if_Icat 1on sha11: be .fn e ` aacordihda with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Employees ' who do not have a commercIat driver's Ilcense and required a endo'rsaments tha I I not be'' e l l g"l b l e to Work Out of class" -In �dr,lver class IfICat Ions. cd ARTICLE 14 ... BULLETIN BOARDS Sectlon 1. The City W141 provide for the use of the Association at ion a glass ass enc 1 osed _ I ock 1 ng". bu I' 1 et i n board at the -Solid," �r "din Waste,.:,:-, Department bu i i g . A, :key: to -the . bu l I et i n ; board, w "C `kept== by"' the `� Super I ntendent of the' Department ->or .his des i onee,°�nd y y 'tba 'represent'ative of"the Association. The bulletlnFZoar&->shaii "fo I 1 oW I'ng= notices: " ^' s �f ` FA. Recreat I on and spec'la I of fa Urs of.'.z the}"Assoc 1 at i on iA, t' B: `"Assoo i at`I on Meet`i ngs a ns w, �� s 6 `i C. Assoc i at` ton E I act i ons" "D.=Reports on Association Committees Contract ,Ad' TnI'stration, Informatl:on -p. Seat long 2.' = Noticesor announcement* aha t l . =note.. xk+conta in 46yth`I n9"' o l I t to i`°flr r°ef loot VjigAdvereie l y' on 'Ito 'of f l ,ers or emp l oyee$; - not ices -or: announceme�ntw vh I Ch tv. * z F # ' jhePovi ths ehnot-eb.-poste! . _ NQ lees► >' f =Announoemtnt pOstesd must 'bo *datod and <muak° be:ar'=t�1e► si�rli�t�rr�.,�of x� F�resltlbnt orY h ee/bQr='IQe�lgneei:-4 =II=n" thy' rvavrllc I�tny�ten-,� .2 ; F kYta posted��n ##�e� #au l�� �t 1 n � p*tin., : amp by "fiwncivad � b� `s. r'sprbsentatiVe ..::ol� : tiiwe Ar> o #. li t 1 6* 1 ve of, tho 0,4 ty 14'11 AM ;1 ART I OU 1 r I $01 PL 1 NApY : pF�CCEbWt �S R 8166tI on i . When an employee has reasonable grounds to - conclUde that his participation In am Investigatory IntervieW W I I Irreau'i t in his redO I Ot of d I sc i p I I nary action, the emp f oyee j may request that the Sanitation Employees Association President or h'I slh6r dens i ghee or a City employee Association representat f ve fI be preeer+t at the Interview. The employee's representative shall ■ confine his role' i n' the Interview to advising the employee of h 1 s 3 rights and assisting In clarification of the facts. ulp6m rer:quest, the City w i I I make a reasonable effort to contact they _ 6►np loyee's cho i ce''of representative, but sha I I not be ob I I ged 'to de I ay` the I nte'rv'i ew for an unreasonable period of time If that indlvlduaI I's :not readily available and the interview shall � proceed:` _ = Section 2. Investigatory interviews shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably while the employee is 'on`duty, d '. a unless the seriousness of the Investigation is of such degree that" `lamed f ate action Is required. If the employee I s requ i red . :� to be interviewed outsfde"h1s`Ass ifined'work scheduire, he:shaiI tie 7 s. paid``at the overtime rate`. However, if he is.eventuall y 'found uiityof� the charges through the 'appllicabieadmintstrati've pl'ocess'es any overtime gained sha I I be repa l d to the C i,ty, i n . addi'toh to any, penalty imposed for the viofatlon. Seotion 3. At the commencement of the . i Mery i e3w, ${ ` emp 1`oyee all1 I be advised of the sub jest matter' of. the tnv east I gatcon. h ;; c 1rK fi M W� $e=at Con.` ' 4. 1 n*ory i ews sha I i `be for reasonab I Q' .per Lode ali41 1 `a l 1 ow for such personal necessities and ` rest per lode as sir . �., reAsoneib I necessary . +, 3 "t Spot ' Ion 5. I n cases when e i t becomes, neae�¢sarY �,Q , � ti' r Imms IotaIy' discharoo or suspsno 4 peramanent, clpiesif!e:d pmp,#+pYl*a� coverQc1 by th"-.$ Agreement, the omploYoeC shall bo rep f#VOdof, .— �M1#h pe>Y.�. �Rr;211 rocolpt of written not Ico front msnag pn p e x r >ilpesG I # 1 et +vhar es, the arnp WOO 4174 11 be epnm I e�gt"p� :' e I ttio" Vetdk J.J �w- t 4 k d s. i r 1 at n4 e k OU110e11ded as spec I 1 ad I n the wr I tten not i f I oat I on. Proof of Nary ice shall coneIst of eIthert a) hand deiIvery to, th6 a Ono Ioyee or b) certIfIact MaII deIIvery to the emp Ioyes`s Isat known address on file with the bepartment of Solid Waste - Section 6. 1f an appeal of any dlscharge or other ; dIso1011nary act Ionaxe IudIng orsl or written reprlmands1.6 h # f I I ad W I th the C I v I 1 Sery i ce Board i n accordance w I ththe Board Ru Fas and pegu l Ott f ons ' such appeal Shall be an election of -remedy t' and ` sha I I Wa I ve any right ` on the part* of the employee `or= the ; Association to file or process a grievance under the terms of this Agreement protesting such discharge or other dlsc'ipllnary action. Should an eligible employee elect to grieve'dischargCr e a other disciplinary action, excluding an orsl or written.: reprimand, such grievance shall be made in accordance with the terms' of ':the Grievance Procedure Article as`contalned-'in this Agreement: Relative to bargalning urftt employees, ,the q Association, Its members, and agents acknowledge that only those, r i ghts spec`I=f i ca'f 1 y 'cited i n' - th i s. Art i c i e sha I I apply to :the 2 Imposition of dismissats'and suspensions" or. the resolution "of' Objections to:them. ®_. Section 7. Emp'Ioyees "who have not =.attained' permanent z f status In'' the cla s'Vf'Ied- s•ervice, or• Who°` . area': entrance "......tr> MM,, probat honary -emp i oyees; .. may not g'r I eve "d t sc t'p l unary .. act t oti' under4 rk ..' _ the prowl-s i ons of th i s � Agreement � = Permanent c I"ass If 1'ed'be .rr Service emp�l oyees � who ,' havve been appointed 3 to r' a i .promot Ion, l _ position but who have 'not completed 1he}requ1red .-probatIonary — por i od "may � be - reduced : I n rank at, any time pr For-` to >tlie ex i rat I on " of the °_ probat I onary ,per I od : Said , demoted emp l oyes f'6ha 1 I y.°notr Abe = accorded a hearing before the C i v f i - 1,Serv,l ce;f Board =or }acceess to the 'gr'I evance .:procedure contained herein, An entrance _ probat I la¢r..ym;.'erilp oyes mny be d i scharged 1 at t any' ,� ime' pr l or 'to c the kj oil expiration -'of fine proba!tt l oneiry -per tod : S4 i d, d 1 sch'aroo-d 451 of _ ®_ d l sc i p i I ned' emp l oyes *hall not be accorded a hearing aofore #h�► , � , � �� a. Civil,. ,r, Dery t c4 Soarti or .. adoess --to *hef , gr.l aysnce p17,004dtr�► "'�¢«r 20 L 3#S• S t i h ii oc►nte nled here 1 n.: 3 t ' N�ll�bsin a'i~ i natan�se d.i 8di p 1 i ne ,: Ord instance in annual period Written reprlMalld nth ,instance i h= annual' user lod Written repr Imand K r `day. Sth instance l n annua lr 'per l tad Threw (3) work " - suspension w/o pay .1 Sth i nstahce` i n annual <period one work week suspension w/o pay 7th Instance In annual period blamissal t„ Section 4. Tardiness is reportino for work In excess of 1i minutes beyond the scheduled . start l ng time of the shift, except that for those employees who have reported for -work during 1,106 16-in I nute "Grace peel od" more' than f I ve, '(5) -t lmes In an,,, ennua,i per t od, -. `thereaf ter . ' ,tardiness As -reporting for work:: beyond = start Ing t.1me of the shift. Employees shall be disciplined for _ tardiness'by :being sent home without pay -on each day he.,; reports _ to work- =1n a _.tardy -,Status--.. After. an- employee As. tardy six (63 -times i n- an annua I 'per i od, he. sha I -I be _ adv i sad 1 nz. wr-aUt-I no that one: moreinstance'of,--tardIness he annual period will result r _1n t In di wl sea l.` , -Section 5.Exceptions,..:;: to ; ' the• ` ' above schedules ;may be aranted,. by the C I'ty ,- Manager and : the Labor,:. Re'i at Ions - Of f i cep- . l # i`n .the! r-x>so1'e - d f schet I on -" t nd"i v i dua l -4 c I rcumstances ;waTra , such ¢: act 1 on i.. - K o ` R ti rART ICL'E 19 , LOSS OF :EMPLOYMENT:41. - :Sect ion '1 .. Employees` =shad i r 'lose ''thel r : sen l or i-ty_ ar�d a they rIVI ,a s g-, E employment° snail -.be,i term i nated:--for:°,the r{ffll lows n reasons:� D lacharge`. 1 f no#` ;reversed; 4- 2 ... Resignation. I ' $ Abandonment oft'- posit lore* ; 'An emp loyee = absent,": for three_ f coriseoutive work-, -days= WlthoUt-, noti f;ls etAlon oaf Y aoaeptabIw, reason may be` oon$i ior*d 9ke`h9iVlhpr l elpn �l Y °L °•unless -the' °employee has :a!:. legltilnA'te tao6op .4ble# rrq��oi� hei ty .. - o r F L4 f+l#r "OIi iUr .: e i a `�'�t!#1tt10A►.�� n; lie�tOlid ',d �li •�� T�' � �lfT �-� �Y ii�� `"`"'��4 �ktT31F�3 ldrlir s Jje- 04 r: `n 1 JQ y S ■r- a r �� -' each cIass1ficatican with the number one (1) being the i senior person In:.each classification, ;.lv. , Prov I de time, frames during working hours in ,: wh I.Oh employees will be directed to selecttheirvacation. Sy December 31-0 each employee shall be, granted a vacationx. period subject to the provisions of this Article. VaoatIon time periods shall be granted on the basis of the �{ i! employee.'s classification seniority. Employees shall not be perm Itted;-to exchange seniority rights In the ,selection of If i vacat(on periods. However, subsequent to January 1st of f ■ -,the vacation year, employees may exchange vacation periods within ' their classification subject to the Department_, Director's approval. Such. approval shall not .be unreasonably wIthheICf Where an employee does not submit a vacation preference as required above,, the ,Depar.tment D1,rector wil6 assign a mandatory } 4, vacation period equa 1 to.. the,, emp,l oyee,'s current accrual rate_ V :.not withstanding carryover ,time up .to .100.-hours. our i ng thanYe - o vacation year„ employees ..use ...add i_t l ono l : vacat 1 on I enve at the :may discretlon,o.f.the Department Director. . b Secf Ion ; 2.,. Vacat ions, sha.l I be taken ; w,I th i,n thirteen (13) months of the end of the calendar year In which the vacation was earned. Effective upon January -t, 1886, employees shall only be .d allowed to ,carr.yover.; 100:_hours ,of.:the previous .'year's credited �t vacat, Any excess: vacation ,over, the ion1;00: hour: ,autorrla,ia carryover; sha l l be_forfeited as . of F F ,9, February, 1s.t of, each r y ;Y p:rbv i cled,; however., that. MP i oyees who have been ;csrr I:�d : on M, ` 'for d l sa�b 1 11y ,.the -.entire prevl ous Y+ar shn { l 6be, paid all excess k a vacat lob , oy+er 100 . hQur.s 4t the r , a pay..:the etnployQet a .:: � Qe�rrll;ng a t . the t i.lne . the. emp �.oyee .-.was, pl aced.. on fu 1�1 i sob{ 1 ty : _ k I„ .an smpl eye 1 s 4�un4b i e to: .take. n prev i taus l yu kh4{"r{a a4a due to.taan any hoWra1A t lQh . Cask P i =M ,�Xltich .Wou1,4,,h .V tseen,, fOrf.:Itechfie ii#,ei� ,, f,�r x ea's cgrrent,,,, r.,Atp,:of;, a ! :fit' sh l I hilly hi+ �Rt)PAAAf { ` ; . F Ai I'lequ lai Jtaii the: 1' ¢Y I pus '�►}� t�� � "� � ' r ty� , wt /� AAA �rR /� j /� y;, �.y� v' 711li Qt ;. aR; ,170 . ricsAt 19P WAP4 ''s *+HR 1 4a ! lr' f $ , c h*'t"i'• S 4 t 5 Ailthof 116d by th I b A°rt I 16 Shay I I only be pa l d where an p 1 oyej pi wel bees ili pa i'P o# safety shoes whose qua'l i ty Is pert i`# ied As obptae`f 6 by Mhhai aembmt imp oybbs sha!'i I be AdV' i sed `of bhi6; .. Mil61 b" wh l ch 'non'i~orm t6 0I ty atandgllds a6'a `16'h 3. Emp'1 oyees" I n those c I ass I f 1 cat i oiis re 1 re-d ``try `°i�afb'ty wear shoes ih`dlor protective eye g l asses, shall . hb sub,j, A " to th'+a foss of 'a" day a pay for each day that the '` emp I oyes fe1'I s s to - report` for work" wearingthe re+qu i red safety 'shoes "a ind,mr pra�tbct i vfe bye ` p l asses $ Action` against 'the'°emp l oyee 'undor t6"16 section" sha l I hot be gr i evab i e Under ARTICLEt 8 -=' alR I EVANck i 0nod EbU 11% Sho I d ` the '`emp I oyee losing a day' s pay wish the ... x. bepartment birector to review the loss of pay, he'hay:.requbd same of "the bepartruant b l rector . ` Section 4. City" furnished equipment which Is''authorized f and requested wili'be replaced' when worn out or damaged only If LLA the employee returns the 'Worn out or damaged equipment 'to the -. bepartment. `` Thls Includes tote' barrels, gloves, boots, foul weather gear, and protective eye glasses. n Section 5. The City' agrees to annually provide each .. emp.l oyee, except employees: . i n' th'e- '`c I ass 1 f I cat I on of . Standby p. Labor; with'`four (4) ` shirts, four . (4) pants; one` (1`) cold leather �4k� ' } +of j`adcket andan t n t t i a i issue° one ` (1 ) ` safety belt ` snd tjpon�ahe w u rsrnp 1 oyee's request up to" four''" (4) caps ,' i f regu t a'ry,i y r ass i ghedto ; i ■� ... ® 4' 10,x achedu i e 'and4 I f 1 ve ' C 5) of each; " 1 f regu i ar I`y?. as§ i fined#o" P � schedU l e' ' The 'col d weather'"' j adket and safet'y be t +"w 11 bye rep 1 aced every other year. Should an emp I oyee I ose. the 1 n 1 t i a l 1 y " is safety' belt, the `employee° shATI V be i ssued'`a` second �. : safe " be i t . ` HtswQver . 'shou'l d the' 'emo l oyee i ose ` the a'econd sa f ety Off ' ---'' - 4€.:.-.., ... a .. +'... the en1P f' oyee shaT°"1 iMod I ate I y 'r`e I mburse . the C 1 fiy "f or% ' 'aecch -e l# ani i 1p'ay, the" "City' `for the iTseuanae of any +subsequent dAfi ty'"b41 p'r, or ` 'to- race'Ipt { of'r Itie 'subsequent ` eaf.ety l,e' ' Annual' req Uosts for q un i "forms must be' mnde to too` l=Qrrarnan `tiy4the 0 e� np t oye9> Our')'np t the month of January or `fihe nemR`1 Woo-' {e;had ! _ j samOd` the same types of un l forrtl rocs 1'ved 1n.tie prr�c i ng ye i1<r, � �' �- I[ach In i fpdraw. 6ha � � ` kw roporby `rt119 'Foramnain' Aod"�`-�� `� s ' . i't " -( _ i` 'v. y" . - 'M ",�fi u44`.S 4 L •✓''SLri Y ithr 1ap�+ ya mploy�+�a .W 9, are a1�se:nt QI' Whe� } - controversy with representatives of the Cialma Division Of the City of MIami, the Assoc IatIon represantat1ve shaIi be aiIowed • the time :off. 1mcaccordanceMith AAT i CLe 10 - SECTION 26 .. Sect Ion .:4 . When an emo I oyee on d i sab 11 1 ty leave I a Audoed by a City des Ignated :physIcIan .to have reached maximum medIcai i morcV►sment ,, > then that emp I oyee sha i I have h I s seniority and anniversary.. dates advanced one day for each day he Is In fa t: dIsab'lIIty Ieave, status, Nor shall such employee accrue sick leave, vacation,. holiday benefits, or be eligible for recelpt of any: pay increases until he has returned to his regular s assignment. Sect:ion.S. Nothing In this Agreement shall be construed as e _ a,walver of the City's rights under applicable State law. e: ARTICLE 27 WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICAT bN Sect on 1. The Department Director, or his designee may dl.r_ectan' employee to serve in a classification which is above. Y the classification to which the employee is permanently assigned. Higher classification assignments shall be made from a pooi of �. ; ` eilgible`employees, whenever possible. 'Section 2. To be considered for , eligibility to work an. j �• acting assignment to a. part.1cuIar.bar gaining unit ciass ificatIon, , . an employee must have.successfully completed the Department's basic tr.nIn1ng course fcr: she cIassif.icatIon o which the rT a ® empioyel be assigned and have satisfactorily demonstrated ' acceptable ,work habits and Job performance.' r The Department Tra i n i;np Program sha ! I _ be'. +cons I 1:ent w 1 th rho ' provisions of, any 'Consent Decreo whlchI$ 1n effectf sectlom 3. 0nce an ` amp i oyes has been* dst¢rmi nsf+d tQ irle t {` 3 R the criteriA fpr working out of class AS sPeolf1dd the, , , employee shal i be assigned tO il c l Asa 1 f l oot 100 based- on son for I ty of c 1 asis:l ff 1 ed sor . J cep w 1 t # If i t �y for bhp , o r.1 off Q t Jms� 0 teriM i n*,d : b g t* a f� y::anAd sr�ds�r for >n:R:Q��eQ !'+�wl.lve, -work��nv� ��,��1� 0 ! j. N is 7N#f� °M.iI M! 1. ..vAl ., ��# 1 3 1 be law Ui Wsllr s b i I +�ertcr a3pe1•ator i., 6 *Ok do .:, ;:: Wsseci I reiGtor +pperator i l Car'bas) 35 work days t�isto , 01 1 ector, Opera'tor' I t (Sweeper) � a. 3' work `'dayl� WAAte tau I pment 6perat6r�' 108 wcrk dayl� .:.,.. Ohce' the empIoyee ha-s been temporarily assigned to the I �: p art l u i air 01 ass l f I cat t on 'for. more than ' the per i dd of ` t lib _1 ns l oatbd 'I n: `Sect l on 3 1 n "each` f I sca I year, the emp l oyee sha l I b� pa i d an increase of f I ve '(6%) . percent above the I r nortma i base' pt► for 81l'hours worked in'the`h'Igher classification beyond the work # days as 'spec I f I ed for the' par t i cu 1 ar classification I nd fcated ) ii Section 3. i 1 `TNOse ' qUa l i f l ed employees ' who 'Satisfactorily demonstrati acceptable work habit§ and fob `'performance and who'have worked out. of class, a m` 'i n im im o`f'` 1040 hours' "I n `a fTdch 1 yeas-' shall not have requa I ffy `for receipt ` of work Ung out of,� ,c I ass by -- r spa t n nav i ng to "'work the `'spec f 1 ed work days An Sect I on 3, '. i nb fo I I ow I ng `,f i sca 1 ``year AR`T 1 CLE 2a3 CiROUP INSURANCE ME x Soctaon1. �'Aebruary 4-` 1986,- al-l. current, futur.eg, and ret'i`r6d' un,l t emp Loyees °tha I'1 be",�`e t'1 A i b 1 e''Yto 'part I`c i pa' a ` n the Asaoci at i on's - Or`oup' Heal th ° I nsurance t Life `and- Acc i des Dentti t ntiei ° D i''smemberiYient ' Plan , but sha l I '' forfeit the r i fjhti to _ V p .unCEmpoyees vho��rop„Qt'ofolpate 1partlh� San i t it iron Emp I ogees Assoc iSty on''s }'Oraup" Hea 1 th 1`n'surance, Life ..t and AcQ i dents I `Death` and D i srnemtiertrient= P:fya ,r x n `aha I IP:` °for r ht to >�a`ib'cov r`a e. = �, s7 e g Shou `I d `sa I d f'emp l ogee 'w 1 sfi' to x re ;o't1 th SEA M0417 h:fTrust, ` h`679 e-inay`,pot ItIOn�'tha SEA'�Hej` th` True#o T z t of -Tr rfk j �uot t re'Jo1 n °' sl at J ori' ° The �'_ ASSoo atl on. '* Ian , x 19 at�Q lIetr�ta i derathld 1 am+�l►bgrnieh# cQvera'Oe +OquA 1 t'";".tia wh� p1"QX l did Icy="the =01 t ai rpup 'p 1 an.t ` ` Thp n ,u Per . pai►y per l od toWar� t1q �QB of th 1 tl �i0Y41'I��� j t.. .Section Pit IIUrb of the Assoc IatIon Plan to meet these i ' obiioations ,shall result In rescission of this Article and enr.o IAmen t Csf the P i an a participants In an Insurance a rift= author l Zed by: the Cl ty.: Section: 7. The Assoc l at I on Shall Indemnify and hold:t`he C I ty ,harm.l ess aga l,hst any _ c t a lm o demand, suit, or I l ab I l i ty and� for, AII iegai costs ;arising in relation to.the Implementation. or; administratlon-of;the Association's Plan. 41 ' LL Section S. The Association agrees to enroll Department' supervisorsInIts Plan if those Individuals elect to participate " In that Plan, x r Z ,. Section 9. Upon request, the Association and its: Insurance, f P1an'Adm1,nl:str.ator ;shall permit the City to review any reoord&. related to the Assoclation's.insurance,plan. Upon request',. the C,Ity-shall permlt an Association representative reasonablel'accass. t' to rev.)ew public records which are related te the adminlstratlon%,'� of,,,the : Assoc i at i on.' s: _insurance plan.,,: ; r t ART I CLE 29 HOL LDAYS - Y 3 :.. ;SectIon 1. ;The; fo1!owIng',;::days sha11 be cons: dared ' �t 3 x iY- ho l Wit . ,.;. New Year;' s Day.' Co I.umbus Day f t Wash 1„ngton's , B I.rthday ,Veterans!:Day Ve Memo.rl a I , Day Thank sgiving s Day P Ipp ndependence oey. ,Fr I day after "Thank so I Y 1 ngk :Labor .. Chrl.atmas; Qay�, #,t9 � t? 4 x k. ; Pr,;w„ ,Mar...t l,h thar King, Jr . 's Birthday tz 4 * _ Seet.l vn , 2 rt .. Any ado i t J ona l ho i l day$ deed aracl by hA f i o l e 2 ..of � ,. r e tit,l o#: th w .4�} �. Q.n o Cl;ty Comm is Ion, Ibov�Ae i3� sha I i be added °. to- �; #�o ., Sect i an 3 . All full-time employees not ` on Ihsr ya Plan. per torm 1 np work on ..any of the :above-*: ho I I day' s their discretion be paid time anq *no- t #fat the i rati"#t i � n .: Ill QWr i y rate Of pay,. 00 atia I 1 be 91 vain � g p ymy b 1y� and /� j]�� /1� •ua - I� II Of: I� ti. s�nl��h�l i f f►r t.��.,' i+p�li'II� acier5-` lly e � if a - ho 1 i day l prOV I fled that an employee shall be paid straight time L : for hours assigned to the ' f l me Pool. Seen l6n 4. In order Ad'be eligible for holiday ptiyy; the ` 60iirs l046 'fust'`be, I pay` Status the f u I wbrk1no day precedl fld iAl'ld i the 'fu 11, work 'I ng day fai l i`ow l'n0` the' sub Jett `ho l l day , 1 6eot l6n 5 . The `' garbage incentive personne l working on tha � arbaoe,.toll`ectlon routes during the holiday period, w I I I be h arty 1 { provided,overtlme'compensatoon where 011g1bIa. Those eligible ei'nli I oye1. ee w i l -I receive the equivalent of one day ` s pay i ' P i us td h (16)"'hours'of holiday pay, for a' total of twenty (20) hours compensit 1on.>' ; It`'is'recognized that by working the holidays, the City F will Inbrease the cost -of operating the Garbage Collection'Syst, w'ithn the Department and that the' Administration will -be halancin the collection routes, reviewing the utillzation;,,of manpower:` and the ° organ t zat`1 onal de I i very of the tan i;tat I oh _ serv'i aes to, the ' c ft I zens of M I am I The emp I oyees of :the_ bepartMer t" recogn I ze that th I s' :1 s a necess I ty• i f we are } to ` 4 del 14er san i tat I on sery i des to t he - o I�t t'zens of "the 'C I ty, of eM l am i e co'ft scant with funds ava I `l ab I a to the Department .`:°. ® Sec't`'i on' `6 . Al l ` cond It' I ons ' and - i'I `f i `cat l ons u'out•) a ned _qua - ,: A;RT'ICLE` 22 = OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME/CALL-IN shall apply`,to� tin I a "Xi c I lee'` Hours' `of `compensatory =t Ime, `accumu fated under ^th=I st : i c;i`e; whRen"`added-` to the: compensatory- time earned' under I ART 1� 22 - `OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME/CALL-IN shall not exceed twoME hundred (200) hours. , me Section 7. EmpIoyees assItined to the Rubbish` 01wIs!op shall work on al 1 ho I I days;:. 'whero' . employees assigned to tThQ ` s FF f, Gars)ape,, D 00 l 91 on are, work i ng :: � < - .> >�;-� � •���� � � . - k ' S`eot'1bn' '8, Rr' Mart Ch L-uther K I'ng:, r otiserv�dY °as a ° non -working'':' h i I'day• :by b i seal fa ed� raervle ; �a , dR- T ✓t � -bar aa1iilny un'1t enipioyees, R, A�?F3� f k rg a 41 �}.)iN K T3 � 5y F _ b g � �. tS ..w4''�rF <. ..%: .., , C t ...- .. - .. ., .. ♦. `?c -J; a..�'-.F� J...: F CC�kk�S'xi�' AAT 1 CLE SCE ' tA_ANr:D "8SONAL LEAVE sect i yin 1. i t I s. agreed by the par t l es tlia't a 11 g l b`s e mblhbers of the baroa l n l ng 'unit who have ,auaaesgk ul l y 'coMp 1 dted _ n I nety.• (GO).,-. work I no days sha l I be ent l t I ad- to carta I n hours oro ' earned ,-persona l I save time off each ca 1 ender year . :..7hoee empicyilses working on a four (4) day per week, tan (10) hour' day, OrSLI,X(a) day per week, ten (10) hour day during the last full pay 'Oar iod° of the preceding calendar year, w I I I be ant ItIad to fifteen (16);hours of earned personal leave time. All other el;Iglble,bargaining unit employees w.III be ant ItIad to twelve (1.2) hours>of earned..personal leave time.. Section 2. The earned personal leave hours shall be mutually agreed upon by<the employee and -his Immedlate.supervlsor a outs i de= 'of .. the barga t n I no un I t - cons 1 stent w l th the needs of the Department.;_ The earned personal Ieave hours off shall not, be accrued;;:they must: be used, by the employee °dur.ing the calendar L ' year;,or' be: for fe.lted. LThe -earned personal leave hours of are not r subject- : to being converted to cash dur t ng' : ,the ;empa;oyee''.s ; e employment) or as severance -pay upon ` the emp-1 oyes < term t nat=l 0o, h s employment ..w l t h the C t ty •There, sha l Vbe-no,, I i ab i' I I ty to- pay.`:, over,timesunder.' this. Article., =s > ;»Section `3..:. Emp 1 oyees :sha 1.1 i be. a`1 I owed to use earned,, personal ,. leave- for, a.:•persona 1 -day::or .b t r.thday cons 1 stent wlah the �. y ; r proV,I s i ons. •o f t h I-s:,-,Art i c I e. wiz q. } ° ARTICLE f{ S-I CWLEAVE -Seat 1 on 2.1 . .:The par# i os 'agree' that . car4 and d I scret t " 4 exero lid . by Manage ment� ;and he ° Assoc t at i on ' i n. orders°to S' - A Y prevent ;the:, abuse of:. nick ! cave -privileges Absences :; on. a QouI) } Of .., tr 1 w.i a I ,., I lad I *Pon It l one . must . be d i soouraged . - TO,, dot errrn i o+s . e x1:+�nt r ,re ►sQne • : Qr: „an employee, a absence on s I Ck . I eav tMe y ei?loye+#t:e:s Itllmediate ;suppru:jsor�:.•Outa#de . theal*ge(ling.anit3 I {{�� a i ! �! lA�e q ! y�i s y }� # I/�h�#'" 1i'l�Mifel on ; ':�. �! 1 71h4►1�� ..p�M, '.W1.th L,PA e t ^Y l CCOrdah0b With Section $ Of this Article shall Of 'each year =have ohs -half of the excess sick orev l ous� year, cred i td tO Aheir leave bank. Thai ■ Ibava shot l I per day be Paid off at the rate of one hundred ($ i 00) do l lira, (not to exceed $800) and shall not be et11� loyeea vacat i Can 1 save, bank. Seat Ion 7. Alf:fulI time bargaining unit credited to the on or, after October, : 1, 1984 sha I i accrue s I ck -I save at the -rate of, $0 . , hours per year. Upon normal service ret i remont ,- , any l; employee h I red on or af.ter October .1 , . 19154; shall be- pa l d : for- a1.1 accumulated sick leave In excess of four hundred (400) hours not to exceed total accumulated sick leave of one thousand . Cti oOo) : a hours. SIckI eave shall be. cashed out at the -following rates s. 3 More than;7, but less than 10 years of service 2696 f - More than 10, but Iess.than>, .15 'yearn of: service 5096 .: �. .' More than. '16, but Less than 20 years of 'service: 7696 rr 'Mores20.'years' of, service-, N 3) Soot Ion 8. -;= Pa of•f = for accumulated .a Vcir,' I•eave4.sha 1.1 n6VI6 , used to calcuIate average earnings for Pension purposes, Suction 10. Effective upon ratification of the iatbor agreement, employees of the�bar.gaIni;ng unit shaI'ibe ai;igitr1e:for 7 k .f l y a sick Ieave cash bonus incentIve of` one hundred twenty five,. o ($12B.j do l.a ars.. i nr orders , for the employee ; ko Y.rece l ve the 1 c' ' l eays ;cash° bonus: i ncent-_i ve, -,.tho -._emp I oyeo . must -,not;-;ha:.ves u 1t) zed spy 'sick ,.leave nor have been :.in:,any:wwlthout AnY .stot, us.-.dUr.l"g;ar. Al Fd conaeout l ve ' , tw.e i ve AA . (12) ; month - per.--1 od .. An.;; emp l oyoor w 1..h i>> r*e1sAF ve i ,V 51 an addit'lonaIr..one :,:hundred �5seventy-f I -0 ($176)...:sio1.1ar rr imave x .:sick r� x cash: h04 3 Alfi :. at .: i cast,one .: hundred C 100 j.° : bor 9a,l n 1 _ . + np.i oy ¢ ;halve not u1: i # 1"'Ll. -,nor, hava vj-,tho u_t PaaY 5.stat4$ cur l ng ., the soins. v©nseaut tve : two l vo p,,1�;o, et''l.d�' In irf►e.:_overlt `yin-.-- gp#oyeo, Imo- �u`4 sIcl�or= 117Is+p�* �' �. oti!41�0a that ) I i..,cQb$1lrpto ue 1r�ttk 'aA►h13)iih�zi'4tiii�# fF 7 r tc '04 J.-JAY '. W NX I. 1; t A _ Section 2. 1n Consideration of receiving their regular i gAy, erip 1 ogees Called to serve oh Jury Duty Shall promptly notify .x the l r eupery i sor of- the 08 1 1 ,to Jury Duty, the super+v I si of shed i 'Oopy 'the make; & of >summons to Jury Duty and forward sail,:= boy Fw i with the°peyro11 cheats fOr,the week 1n which the employee Is bn } Jury Duty. The; 1'ayrpi1 DIvIston of the FInames- Department shall deduct the Jury Duty fee from the empleyes `s°paycheck In the payroll perl'od iwailewing the week in which the employee was on l= Jury Duty In accordance with the following schedules y. 1)``'Federal Court - $40 per day 2) State and County Court $10 per day° ' Any changes by the Courts In the above fees;.shall Abe reflected in the employee's paycheck as they occur. ARTICLE 36 VATERN I TY ` ... Sectlon:-1. When a:= City` designated` physician, In consultation with the employee's physician,- determines'`that a ? female employee Is temporarily incapacitated for duty because of Y conditions ar`IsIn directI out 'of her 9 Y pregnancy, the emp:loyee _ a may request that: � 1be,"l \ 3 ) ==She . " A I i owed to use 'accrued 'vacat I on ,. earned ' = t Jme; u =sJck ' -1.eave,`,',and; - thereafter,.=ybe ,;granted z ` t" _.l.save'-o,f >Absence -without pay not to- exceed, thirty 00) work imp . days* or 4 2) She'be "ass 1 gned to perform = such other, work �--for'! whl oh ` y f she I:squa I If led, ;",and which; In the Dspartineht 4 '={Directors ..,judgment,, makes t tang Ib'l'e o'Qntr=lblrit'1fion o E J a r j'thb�mission'`of the=Department. 9 SO �. Section 2. The Director shall make a good faith effort` tQ y 1� A-B_ — aceommgdaite such requests, -s; ff e P - L c ke has been successfU11y program, the.employee;_wili o work If the program hews . a ; rl dk record of hav 1 ng passed and cant I nue to Bess the Wts�th arid IehsbIIItat IVO ServICes Ihsgebti+bns as required by this : 3t&tG Of F I Or Ida seat t dn' ° 1 � , par t i c i pat i on -A n °the Cal legs of,. Amer l a NAM 1 oil i sta Prof 10 I enay Testing Program would be s desirable ' qualification of the testing laboratory. Sa1d tab licensed directors should have experlence In spectroscopy toxicology end s` drug analysis. Such ekper ende should be supplemented by formal education and appropriate lab work for a minimum of 10 years. 21 INITIAL_TESTS -- URINE - Section 16. The Initial testing shall use an Immunoassay ' method which meets the` requlrements of the Food and Drug :I a Administration for commercial distribution. Sedtl'on-17. The following cutoff concentrations-shaii:be applldab"ie to determinewhether specimens are negative or pos 1't 1 ve for the fo I i ow I ng drugs or-'c l asse'e of drugs -utilizing 'the= fn t'la1'" test procedure: Initial Test Level (ng/mI i "- '° Tota 1 ` Cannab i no l d Metabo i i tee 40 e To't'n 1 ='Cocei'i ne Metabo I ties*"� 50 � �1000 bpiaties -. _ t. 26 'Ptencyc i I d i ne y w rx Bai•b1 turates x,300 '!s :Benz-od'i a4ep t nes 300 Amphetamines 1000 `•Methaqua�l one 760 ; . CONE 1 RMATORY ' TEST �- = UR -1 #+iE 'Sect on =18 : Al I ° spoc imens 1 dent I`# i ed. as ' pos i`ri i�t'l a"I s.te$t sha I I be conf`1 rmed using ' gaa �. chrprnatographY/lnaes ry • l yes, epect'rc�metry (C3C/MS) ' technl quet'. aC/MS'� confirmation prbcadl v wfir #Qi 1 ow'I ng cutof f , concontrnt i on `8ha 1 I ' by udlsd #ort ;iAl! , t;, #o i iiow i np 'dray ,Conf l rmatorz,-- Test 'Love - tag/m� 5P3- I .: .. ;filar I Juana Motaooi l to* ,:. L f x � N E j { _ ..-6x f - r h ia41�Gd I n this Agreement � of with �`espeElt to any `aaeub ja�l�ti a�f matter. not spa3t! i f �a l ly refar,red to, or C:ovore f, r a� tl it _ Agreementplant even though such sub Jects of matters m�►y :not 1106 I w!'th ! n < the know Fedge or odntemp I at I On of either psi+ bath bf, pasr;t ea ; Il►t the .t i ape hey negot I ated or s I fined this AGeaelfierlt Sa9C�t ion 3. Such Agreement precludes the I n i t I'at i oar by IMe Association Of-, any municipat,1egis1ation which would result In a the`►lteratlon or Bost Increase of the benefits agreead'to:ln Ihls I1 Co 11 ect lye >Bar.ga l n l ng Agreement or to increase the Cost of othe3f`r a- employee ::beneflis not specifically provided for in this -:h Colleotrve Bargaining Agreement. . ARTICLE 42 'PROVISIONS -IN CONFLICT WITH LAW' Section 1'4='°; 1f this Agreement or any,provlsion, section; subsect.lon, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Agreement, I In,..confIIct wath'any existing`State or'Federa1 law or future State or°«yFedera l Law • or. W i-th ` zany -. ex 1 st ing C.I tyr ord i hanice: ,err w.ith::nny=.interpretation of this Agreement made by :a court -of competent'° . Jur.i sd i ct l on , that � port I on of , th I_s Agreement' con f <i ! ct w i.th said . • a aw or ord 'hence or reaso 1 ut'i on, or``r {court k i.nterpretat;l on of; I aw, sha 11 s' be� nu 1 1 `and = vo I d ; butt #tie 4rema i dr of _the..Agreement sha 1 I remain In full force and' of fact w I th r t rk"k being presumed that the intent of the parties herein was to enter 7;E .,Into the Agreement without such invalid portion or por lone. Pj,T :. sy F ARTICLE 43 y TERM OF AGREEMENTS ` Section 1 on 1 . After a ma Jor i ty vote of those bar gaa� I n 1 no un ! t emp 1 oyees voting on the question of ratification andtharoaf tale' Y1 �� upon 1 t;i rest I f I cat ! on by An official resolution +of the Cj ty 1� 1 4 j6 t ti Comm 1 asaa<! on ratify 1 n8 the Agreement and author`s Z i np ttl!o ty ({ l�aanaper to sign the Agl'eempnt on behalf of the C I ty, pintas�i�J t, rt otherw 1 It<a agreed to by IhQ pea►rt l eat, than . the �gr�+t�rti�nt� ����► ` ` , r i ' F f 1j ry rytzj77 �••: being 41 grad by the api�reRr late Ao 3oc i at i on ro r.+�al�aantaalt i fi3{'1 >J ff kS3 i yF q'yl l'',M�l { o � � • t. 4 t n ATt T t SANITATION 9MPLOYM A986C I At I ON f 1NOO Pteib (Clant . ATTESTt ON THE PART OF THE C1TY,OF MIAMI, MIAMII, FLORIDA _ City Manager °CITY"CLERK, APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS MG T E • a •" i3,". 4 01, 1' •�'94�'�'t�A t 4 !f' { €i CITY 8P PLORIDA _ MIAMI, INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM r4 -° to : Honorable Mayor and Members WE : BILE D A 8f the City Cotm m i ss i on: SEf � � �791 ;. sua tct : Resolution Ratifying Labor , Agreement Between the City, of M I am i and the Sanitation ' #mpiogees Association PAW : Cesar H � Od l REFERENCE ; 1 City Manager IF ENCLOSURES: � RECOMMENDATION - t It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the City, Manager to enter into a collective bargaining agreement between 14 the City of Miami and the employee organization known as the Sanitation Employees Association for the period of October it 1991 through September 30, 1994 per the attached resolution. ® BACKGROUND: a Under Florida Statutes, Chapter 447, the City is required to bargain collectively with the certified bargaining representatives of the Sanitation Employees Association. The City and the representatives of the Sanitation Employees Association have been meeting since May, 1991 In an effort to reach an agreement acceptable to both sides. As a result of those negotiations, the City and the Sanitation Employees Association have agreed to a three year agreement providing for a 0% wage increase for fiscal year 1991-92, a 4% a - wage Increase for fiscal year 1992-93, and a provision to reopen negotiations for fiscal year 1993-94. Beginning In fiscal year 1992-93 bargaining unit employees may be eligible to receive`a cash bonus payment based on savings realized by the City resulting from the diversion of yard waste to composting and Z mixed trash and. garbage to resource recovery. In order for the employees to receive a bonus, a targeted amount of $2.34 mlIlion 1n savings for fiscal year 1991-92 must first be realized. Thereafter, 51% of the monies saved above the targeted $2.34 Gf: million savings are to be applied first to the 4% across -the- < a board Increase for fiscal year 1992-93 and the balance shall be t divided equally to the bargaining unit employees as a cash bonus. x Additional changes to the labor agreement include providing ` safety belts, an increase In the shoe allowance from $51 to $58, j an increase in the savings bond Issued for being accident free for a fiscal year from $100 to $150 . Two other changes to the ....r labor agreement providing a savings to the City Is the ability to ,x ®; pay Standby Laborers hired after June 1, 1992 only for hours. 50 worked and new language providing for the payment of overtime l "�9 t cw� K ¢ 1 � (s k t"R motiorab i e Mayor and Members of the City Comm i es i on At.,. Resolution AatIfyInO Tabor Asreement Between the City of Miami and the sly nttat I on grip i oyees Association worked i h ece+ses of a normal Work week. prev i ous i y, the City Was also required to pay overtime worked In excess of a normal work r. day. � While the current language- under Group Insurance remains s unchanged', - it , is still an open item. The City and the SEA have agreed to continue negotiations on this and expect to resolve,. this issue within the next two weeks. , _ ji a ccs Law Department budget Department e e is 3 I - 4 'fir ku€ a CI Y OF MIAMI, �LOAMA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM t Cesar I�i : A i o oaTE : September ! , 1991 VILE D 1 ty 14anager 3 sua:Ect : Contract Settlement with the Sanitation EMP I OYees - Association REEEgENCEb; Rdfa A. Sue Wei t or Labor Relations Officer ENCLOSURE$: The City's negotiating team. successfully concluded contract negotiations with the Sanitation Employees Association on Tuesday afternoon, August 27, 1991. The contract that was agreed upon is a three year agreement that will become effective October 1, 1991 and continue In full force and effect until September 30, 1994. For your review, 1 have prepared a summary of the more significant changes and their estimated cost Impact which Is displayed below: Article No. Subject Cost Increases 2 Standby Labor,: Provides FY'91-92 $2,093 for a safety belt to reduce back injuries FY'92-93 $O (approximately 70 belts a $29.90 each). FY'93-94 $2,093 } Standby Laborers hired (Undeterminable Savings) after June 1, 1992 will only be paid for hours actually worked. if 13 Vehicular Accidents: FY'91-92 $2,500 Increased amount of savings bond issued for FY'92-93 $2,500 being accident free for fiscal year from S100 to FY'93-94 $2,500 October, 1992 and a bonus payment based on 4% w/ro11_up: $626,511 savings;.: and a reopener In October, 1993. FY_ 93-94 - Reopener { distributed 1,000 pales. This new agreement aIIows, for $68.00 per pair and we project :-{ 1,000 pairs to be distributed. Also, Included 1n thir, FY'91-92 $11,083 article we have approxi- mately 370 safety belts FY'92-93 $O ,at $29.90 each. FY'93-94 $11,063 Estimate of Total FY'91-92 Cost Increases: $22,656 Estimate of Total FY'92-93 Cost Increases: w/rollup $636,011 Estimate of Total FY'93-94 Cost Increases: $22,666 (plus any reopener costs) With regard to the group Insurance article, the parties have ' agreed to continue negotiations on this article. This article should be resolved within the next two weeks. The: SEA - has already ratified the labor; agreement and we anticipate submitting the contract to the City Commission for _ ratification at the City Commission meeting- scheduled for September 11, 1991. RSW / sW CC: Manohar S. Surana, Director, Budget Department A. Quinn Jones, Acting City Attorney, Law Department P t I k i _. -A k �i 4k 3 TV * 0A tT*g Of It. SU(WELUK wtoll tilt AUCUSt 29, 1001 Lionel Nelson, President Sanitation Emoloy6es Association 2300 N.W. 14th Avenue Miami, Florida 33126 RE: Group Insurance Negotiations Dear Lionel: