HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-91-0104A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF J. LARRAURI, G.C., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $70,800.00, BASE BID PLUS ADDITIVE ITEM OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE STATION NO. 9 PROJECT B-2974-C; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 10782, PROJECT NO. 313018, IN THE AMOUNT OF $70,800.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND $16,257.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR A TOTAL OF $87,057.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received January 8, 1991, for MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE STATION NO. 9 PROJECT B-2974-C; and { WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid from J. i LARRAURI, G.C., be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, was adopted on September 27, 1990, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contract, .� project expense, and incidentals under Project No. 313018 of said Ordinance; i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The January 8, 1991;. bid of J. LARRAURI, j- G.C., in an amount not to exceed $70,800.00, for the project ii STATION NO. 9 PROJECT B-2974-C.for _A entitled MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE the.: base bid Plus additive item of the proposal, based on lump sum and unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. CITY COMWSSION::'� 'ING 4F #r }2 FEB 14 1'!1 -' 4F^ L *low� 4 r �' i =1 �9 ALN Section 2. The total project cost of $87,057.00 hereby allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Project No. 313018. Said total project -cost consists of the $70,800.00 contract cost and $16,257.00 estimated expenses incurred by the City. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract l� on behalf of the City of Miami with J. LARRAURI, G.C., for MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE STATION NO. 9 PROJECT B-2974-C, base bid plus additive item of the proposal. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption pursuant to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of February 1991. fig--�✓ -ATTESTV A IER L. SU R Z, M R CAPITAL PROJECT: 91 A HIR A I, CITY CLERK TDUARDO R RIG EZ CIP JE T MANAGER - LEGAL REVIEW BY: SUBMITTED BY: t, G. IRIAM MAER S PRI -P RTAR, Ph.D., P.E. CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DIR TOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: N Ez`} CI Y ATTOR EY i { 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City- Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. •.4 - 2- F 91, iii -'<i att Y �r Oak 41 SBCb�tiT LIST ''w } S ID ITM Modifications to Flre Station No. 9 rrrrrai.o.—rar----.nwr----- Fire Department rrw..r_.r.--.rw...�ar..u.r rrr�rrrrwr—_rrr_r___rrr—r+.—r_rr.rr_rr.r—rrrrrrr — 220 NO. t 90-91-035 --.Yr-- Yriirr.Iw—_r---iY—rr.r iY. iiiir bAT$ B tD (Sf) OPINED., _ January, 8,_ 199111: OOia.m. ...... .rw.rW.rwir�l:ir.i.rr TOTAL AID sOND,.,SorZ DYDDBR DID AMOUNT CASH2W8 CHECK -r..—_�•—---------- ------- J. Larrauri G.C. --r-----_----- $66,000.00 r—_—r—r_----rrrr�r.—.w.rrr..w. BB Voucher D.E. Gidi & Assoc., Corp $68,800.00 BB Voucher —------�----------_-- -------------- G.L.G. Const. ------------ —$76,690.00 --- 20 No.8234518C0ashier's Ck. JCI Intern., Inc. $78,000.00' 5% BB —---------- Bichachi Construction, Inc. -------------- $84,900.00 ------------------------- 5% BB Pino-Fonticiella & Associates, Inc. $87,572.00 BB Voucher Apex Con. Enterprises $101,612.00± BB Voucher Frank J. Moran, Inc. $107,400.00 5% BB ------------------------------ ..,--------- ------- -------- --------------------- -------------- ----------L•------------- ------------- --- ------------ ------------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------- ------- -------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------I ----%^ — — --- ---------— — ---------------------- s Bid No. 90-91-035 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS W i vpd Izi r1la N tv MAIIAR01- Sealed bids for "MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE STATION " the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida a A. on the anus at the City Clerk's office, first floor of the Miami ,u1nner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. The project consists of major modifications and renovation work to are bathroom three dormitories, and adjacent areas at Fire Station No. 9, 69 N.E. 62 Street, Miami, Florida. Bidders will furnish perform and bid bads in accordance with Resolutians ND. 86-583 and No. $1-%S. For clarification of technical issues as presented in the documents and specifications, please contact Fernando Paiva at (305)579-6865. Prospective bidders will be repired to a twit, with their bid, a coW of tin apprtpriaW Certificate of ConpetM, as issued by Dade CmM, which author m the bidder to perfone the pr+nposed worts. All bids shrill be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. New CiV regulations will require each bidder too suborn proposals in diplicaee originals. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Director of Public Works, 27 N.W. 2 Street, 3rd floor, Miami, Florida, 33128, on or after Decanber 20, 1990. If bidders wish, a set of plans and specifications will be mailed to than by writing to the Department of Public Works and including a separate check for $8. There will be a $2D deposit required for the first set of plans and specs cafitiit "ons. Adds tion-al sets may be purctila for a fee of $20 per set and fffl ss 1 s not refundable. Deposits will be refunded only upon the return of awe set of plans and specs ft cati ons to the Department of Publ t c Works, unmarked and i n good condi tiara wi thi n two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10538 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. The Ciiy will expect prospective bidders to submit an Affirmative Action Plan, as defined in said Ordinance, and as required in the Instructions to Bidders. The City of Miami has adopted Ordinance No. 10032, which implements the "First Source Hiring Agreement." The object of this ordinance is to provide etployment opportunities to City of Miami residents on contracts resulting in the creation of new permanent jobs. Contractors may be eligible for wage reintiurseieent under this program. For further information contact the Department of Public Works, City of Miami, at (305)579-6856. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to cmplete the work on time. The Civ Commission reserves the right to waive any informality+ in and bid, and the City Manager may reject only or all bids, and readvertise (B-2974-C Req. 5611). Cesar H. Odio City Manager za "' C= 7 in r "'" 104 W" I • i. CITY OF MIAMI, FLOAIDA -INTER-OFFICE MEMOAANDUM ..'.CAm7 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members DATE: JAN 2 91991 FILEB-2974-C of the City Commission SUBJECT: Resolution Awarding Contract for MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE STATION NO. 9 PROJECT FROM :Cesar H. O d 1 O REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION r It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution accepting the low bid of J. Larrauri, G.C., a company located within Dade County and not within the City of Miami,. for MODIFICATIONS TO FIRE STATION NO. 9 PROJECT B-2974-C, received January 8, 1991 in the amount of $70,800.00, Base Bid plus additive item; autho"ri zi ng the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND Amount of Bid: $70,800.00 % of Cost Estimate: 101% "Cost Estimate: $70,000.00 Source of Funds: Fiscal Year 1990-91 CIP Ordinance No. 10782, as amended Minority Representation: 242 invitations mailed 11 contractors picked up plans & specs (7 Hispanic, 1 Black, 0 Female) 8 contractors submitted bids (6 Hispanic, 1 Black, 0 Female) Public Hearings/Notices: No.public hearing/Bid notice published. Assessable Project: No Discussion: The Department of Public Works has evaluated the bids received on January 8, 1991, determined that the lowest responsible and responsive bid, in the amount of- $70,800.00 is from J. Larrauri G.C.,a hispanic -minority controlled company. Funds are available to Cover the contract cost, and for such incidental items'` as postage, blueprinting, advertising, and reproduction costs. Attachment: �# Proposed Resolution 71 � h 0ll 10 ,_ __ _ __ _ A- t � � .. '� � . ' � _- ., TABULATION OF'BIDS FOR MODIFICATIONS -TO FIRE STATION NO. 9 B-2974-O ablesived by the tity omission. City Manager. City Clerk. City of Miami. Florida at 11:00 A.M. -Pv* JANUARY 8,1991 b J.LARRAURI G.C: D.E.G" A ASSOC..CORP QLMCONST. JCI KFERNAMML.MIC. 4 1 i t lAANCE e5 PER CITY CODE 6 METRO ORD. YES YES YES YES Alt mom ACCOWT 8B VOUCHER BB VOLO-ER $3.835.20 CASHEWS CK 5% BB �i4iEOt�l.►ftiYlfS .. AbOUTY VANED I 00. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL OAW gD: TO L OF ITEMS 1 .AND 2: 66.000.00 68,800.00 76,690.00 718.000.00 i For aKdOcations to Fire Station No.9 61.000.00 63.800.00 71.690.00 73.000.w 0 pmvision fcrr Sal items 5,000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5:000.00x Anovitof rm: TmE sum o. 4.800.00 5.000.00 3.155-00 3,120 00 Bethroom Trailer for male and female Fkefighters for the Arratim of the bethroonm constnrction. XSPIILITIES LEGEND _ THE DEPARTMENT OF PU9LIC WORKS HAS DETERMINED THAT A- j1qio fewer-of-i►ttorney THE BID OF J. LARRAURI G.C. APPEARS TO BE IN ORDER AND IS ,IB7!! ,Affidavit as to Capital 9 Surplus of Bonding Company - LoprRctid Extensions RFSPQ S1VF Al Unsigned or Improperly Signed or No Corporate Seal Ct� old Bono Q' "` . acted old I �� ZI-,A �// JOB N0.. e ! BID NO. 90-91-M 0-2W4 C SHEET 1; OF 2 PINO-FONTK*LLA & ASSOC. BICHACK CONSTJNC. APEX coWT. ENTERPRlSES.lNC. YES YES -St'epWE a JNSLqW4CE AS PER CITY CODE G METRO Ow- VIES 5% BB 88 VOUCHER 1010 9011111) AMOUNT BB VOUCHER 6"M UNIT PRICE TOTAL W PRICEIT TOTAL 1"N amwiPTIaN UNIT PRICE TOTAL 89,900 .00 1 101,612.00 BASE jWD.- TOTAL OF ITEMS I AND 2:' 87,572.00 84,900-00 96.612.00 lam to Fwe Station "0.9 82,572.00 Pmvision for Special Item ADDITIVE ITEM: THE 'SUM OR Us"woom Trailer for male and female I 4uration of the be"woom constnpctkn the I B-2974-C FRANK IMORAN-M YES 5% BB UNIT TOTAL PRICE 40 102.400-00 5.000-FO 9,750.00 11