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tt M1; ! Publics CITY OF MIAMI :)l1 with DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �r 17TII YEARCb}3tI PROPOSALS 0tty Hirai tv Cleik - 01110 PROGRAMS BECON14 ENDATIORS s (with County- HUD alternative vuliding} Amount Final Of $860,• 600 A ARE OF PROJECT nequea�ad Slaff � million -- - Department of Development and housing 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,461,600 A 1 8 Taoolcy 50,0oo 50,000 43►�7o { L East Little Havana CDC 60,000 50,000 430270 41 1,4 70 0 St. John Community Development, Corp. 50,000 50,000 43,270 .z iD j CW CObEC, Inc. 50,000 50,000 43,270 y3•z�D 000 509000 43►270 .1/3 7 d CW Florida }lousing Cooperative 300 , W Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation (New Application) 50,000 50,000 43,270 Z/ 3.•Z70 CW Dade County HUD 2,067,000 - 0 - 11000,000 8'4v IJdC! CW Senior Crime Watch Program` (Jewish Family Children Services) 80,625 55,000 47►597 lf,_3;rJ' % Department of Planning, Building and 300 00,000 300 000 ,000 3e DOD' Zoning` (Code Enforcement) 3 __►------- SUB TOTAL: $7,007,625 $4,655,000 $5,068,617 Al74103G,$' r '`ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS d , PROJECT HAIL .x A. Al -la pattah `Business Development Authority 50,000' 50,000 43,270 ?r► Coconut Grove Local Development Corp. (CULDC) 50,000 50,000 43,270 y3�74 • Real Estate Acquisition (CGLDC)-Project 200,000 rehabilitation OId:-Grand Drug Store -Project 40,000 { t 60,000 50,000 43,270 D Downtown Miami Business Association (DMBA) 0 O00 y �. Al -0#.t - Business Outreach Prog. (DMBA)-Prof . 5 , Mium1.,:Dade- Community College -Land Acquisition 1 ,075►000 IS'G! o00 Greater Diacayna- Doulevard Chamber of Commerce 50,000 50,000 43►2701,1 3Z7� teyv a. 50,000 50,040 43,276 Iisiti.ap Task :Force- ,i,,ttle }}ava�na-, Develo` 0 000 50,000 43,276 c y+'Jr7Q; L ptoent Authority 5 , Smg°:.Business. OpportunityCenter 50,000 50,000 43,270 !13;27+� 5 t I,ati� i�uarter, Association (Neer Application) 501000 r er ing.Economio Development Corp. 100,000 50,000 43,270 ,f Ec ouon .a :Peas bility and ` } Fs�. iwp�►ot Atialye�e Project 50,000 s ` s }its De►el�►praeat Conference 50,000 50,000 43►270 �iIutfD Yr."+o eQt J*A4 A4ui0itica - Project 477,Oc,}0 fry x z 1F ;.. ?13Q °i3cs Adm. �= Pro jea t 50.000 �}1�.A.y�t11 j��"��'3����}a{�A�p* n 0 t"% 85 '�' 'RF.vI. ix Y•R lat qM ; Y . � � i tt � ?r i CQ poration 000 10p, 00 ; 0 0- 4 4 e�j y klk^a tg- 1 ? .�a ^'� ��.' � ���k �� ����+i1'` • � is �r �'���'�r 11CCOMtUNDAmI01� liCO1OMIC pgyra.OPME11T P11NCCTS � i (Kith County-110D - alternative Punding) Amount final of $1 ITA NAtli tJ)r PROJECT Requested Staff Kim I J-004 O t - Adm. 250 o 000 2509000 216 050 CW Miami Capital Development, Ina., Fund -Project OOO 1,250�00000 Miami Capital Development, Loan 250�000 250,000 �+ ` ' Department of Development, 325,000 3220 50 278,658 Facade program -Projeot 344,650 344,650 2980260 o29i x �► Mini - UDAG - Project Dade Employment Economic Develop., Corporation 172,000 65,000 56,251 .3'" Job gaining Program - Project j Tri-City Community Association 94,060 57,0� 49,327 y % = Job Training Program - Project ____.-- SUB TOTALS: $51067,710 $2,488,800 $2,187,327 ,Z',384l,:5# P 1 ; p11ISICAL IMPROVMEBTS i RAME of PROJECT Submitted into the public Park15,000 206,000 record in connection with A Street Improvements/Curtis Curtis Park Elderly/Facility Plaza Owl 05 100,000 item on 4''�„�''91 - Recreation Building Comstock Park eo,000 Matty Hirai GrandAvenue Park Improvements Ave., Cemetery Fence - 50,000 City Clerk . Coconut Grove Franklin 20,000 Community Artwall . D Neighborhood Recreation Center 220,000 50,000 HS jot and 2nd Avenue/Design Development 250,000 NE 1 et Avenue/Reconstruction >ti..:DayCare Nex Construction & Rehab., Project 200,000 1,000,000 New Park' Construction 100,000 ' police . Mini Station Care - Equipment Acquisition 40,000 40,000- 34, G 16 •31, Notre ,Dame Day L Jose Marti Park Gymnasium 30,000 Specialty Center Land Acquisition 500,000 - Latin `Quarter J FF Latin Quarter Comprehensive 1009000 r` Faoade`•Treatment Pilot Project n Latin Quarter Residential Development 200,000 a,aiQironce Pilot Program 15,000, Latin Quarter`Signage`Program Mini Park Improvements 0,000t: 5 x: L�rnesto Lecuona ':Latin Quarter Murals and Plaques Program 15 , OOO K7 Latin Quarter Commercial Street ' 250,000_x.; aeautification an r, provement Program Rivsreide,Park Restroom Facilities 45 000 50,000r' �.. Le tin Quarter outdoor Cafe Pilot Project 100,000 s Dowis�Q I'arlcxpanaion Child Cage/Leasehold Improvements 33,343 32,500 28,126 f LitloHavana 4QOC�nter GiatM�y Improvements 200,000 . Im rovementa (D.A, Aorsey) 500,000 yp nhvrhoad Dtreot +f►►+A pp p �r p a nn - I ovemonte 00,000 y ,'7Q ' SQ,Q 50t't �ci+oa i�otir Praerxution'; - D2sck Archives preaorVBtion IN t i32,000 �" F gt t i �.1. � Churoh ' !] .. - 10Q,0oQ 10001 00 y 5'AAs¢A�� Ejf if} . - L -�m #`4 P f- ��f_ _. • -. Y' ���� �� �,, 4-k 1 }�h P 4 ���' IL : R - {k `^��:: (�•7i✓�.. ? : ( Yk 5ko- f is 2 gC0110M10 DgyPsLOPMT PROJE . i+A NAn of PROJECT y - a CW Miami Capital Development, Inc., - Adm. Miami Capital Development, Loan Fund -Project Department of Development Facade Program - Project Mini UDAG - Project i Dade Employment Economic Develop., Corporation a Job Training Program -Project ,! Tri-City Community Association Job Training Program - Project F.- 12ECOMNENDATIONS CS +� (with County -HOD alternative Funding) s Amount e uq estea Vinal Staff Of $1 Pillion 250,000 250,000 216050 IS3,175 1000,000 250,000 700,000 250,000 605,780 250,000 652,890 250, 000 325,000 322 050 278,658 3009404. t. 344,650 344,650 298,260 321,455 i 3 172,000 65,000 56,251 60,625 s 94,060 57,000 49_ ,3?7 53,164 SUB TOTALS: $5,087,41u ;bZ,400,0vv Wa, ,�1 - PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS NAIVE OF PROJECT A Street Improvements/Curtis Park 206,000 Curtis Park Elderly/Facility Plaza 15,000 Recreation Building Comstock Park 100,000 ' C Grand'Avenue.Park Improvements 80,000 Coconut Grove Franklin Ave., Cemetery Fence 50,000 Community Artwall 20,000 D Neighborhood Recreation Center 220,000 NE'1st`and 2nd Avenue/Design Development 50,000 NE 1st Avenue/Reconstruction 250,000 E Day- �`Care- New, Construction d Rehab., Project 200,000 cr New Park.' Construction 1,000,000 1 Police Mini Station 100,000 >. Notre,..Dame=Day Care - Equipment Acquisition 40,000 40,000 34,616 37,3oa L 30,000 Jo46E;Marti.Park Gymnasium ■ Latin Quarter Specialty Center Land Acquisition 500,000 a� Latin°Quarter Comprehensive Facade Treatment Pilot Project 100,000 `:Latin Ouarter.Residential Development ' Assistance pilot Program 200,000 Latin uat'ter Signage Program 15,000 Q, Er�aesto Lecuona Mini Park Improvements 50,000 { Latili Quarter Murals and Plaques Program 15,000 Fr �� Latin Quarter Commercial Street y $eautifioaton and Improvement Program 250o000 ti ` eva de.=i'arl� Hestroom •Facilities 45r000 x satin Quarter outdoor Cafe Pi7ct Project 50,000; 100,000 ��miq darkcpansion x,3tt1 Havana Cbiid Care/Leasehold Improvements 33,343 32,5Q0 28,126 30'313y1' t ry 200,000 riM EdieQt ,044tes Gateway Improvements � 4 ovemente (D.A. Dorsey) 500, r x �@$�h�+orhp�?d ,9t�eet. �apr 0010 Y �' £, ProYet�@tts 300,000 �vee tretoa Im 0,000 43t270 4£ w n ha�rrsseration Alac Arch ves 50,000 5 rF G i 0hi�rch Fsaeervation 1320000 I O0, i00 1 QQ,000, 40 V11 ago dlj ' _ �l� s�3� ``y 3y 35 {{ 41* � _ k� tip✓ r+� _ TO : The Honorable Mayor and DATE : MAR 2 81991 FILE Members of the City Commission Seventeenth (17th) Year SUBJECT : Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application FROM : Cesar H. ddi REFERENCESC o mm i s a i o n Agenda Item City Manager April 11. 1991 °- ENCLOSURES: ndOKKKIIDATION : It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve ' the attached ordinance and resolution, appropriating (Seventeenth Year) Community Development Block Grant Funds, authorizing the - ' City Manager to submit a final statement to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requesting funds in the - amount of $120613,000, which includes $111,000 of UDAG recapture funds being allocated by the U.S. Congress to Miami along with $12,502,000 of grant funds, for the proposed Community Development Program during 1991-92, and further authorizing the j City Manager, upon approval of said grant by HUD, to accept the same and execute the necessary implementing agreements. It is further recommended that the City Commission approve the programming of the expected program income of $1,400,000 to be allocated to projects in accordance with the attached information. Mayor and City Commission Housing - Public Service Programs - Economic Development - Public Improvements The 17th year grant of $12,613,000 will provide 13b8% percent more funds over the previous years granti. Tnis million above last year's funding represents as additional $1.5 level of $11,081,000 for project allocations. The members of the Advisory Board should be commended for the long -hours they put into this process of. determining the best way to allocate the City's CDBG funds. Attached (I) is a summary of recommended projects by both the Board and staff. There were over 25 million dollars worth of funding request for the 17th year CDBG program year. Among these request were several large scale proposals such as $2.1 million from Dade County HUD (not recommended), $1 million for new park construction in Edison/Little River (not recommended), $1.1 t million from Miami Dade Community College (not recommended by staff) and another million for Street Improvements and Land Acquisitjon. s The :major.difference,between.the Board and staff recommendations is that staff has. sought to maintain funding for existing housing an: economic development projects with the exception of a few new : proposals, The Board, on the other hand, has recommended: a drastic reduction in funds to the City's-housing program and.is proposing.r the. funding'- of virtually all- community based organizations', -.project, requests. ' �_4 _.I.�HOIISIBGs' Since 1978;:a major portion, of the City's annual-CDBG allocation has,been..earmarked for the provision of low -interest loans and dire* ot,':graats-to low. and moderate income homeowners for the =, .'purpose" of financing needed home repairs. Loan repayments are rolled over into the program and used to provide additional loans end grants. x a w r *2 r , T.fJ �` lit Y 5, E_ .. N k The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page -5- —' Child Care Programs - The Federal Govermmnent has adopted the Child Care Development Block Grant ., which willprovidean infusion r i. w I-_ The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page -9- Staff also strongly considerec services agencies and the pi would have on the delivery of following projects are therefo $40t000 for acquisitic Notre Dame Day Care (Edison/Little River) $32,500 for Leasehold Havana Child • Care fi Elderly housing comple from the Artime Commun $100,000 for the re building in the Rainbo Overtown into a child look the facility needs of the social 3itive impact these improvements services to area residents. The included in the recommendations: of major fixtures for the Center in Little Haiti improvements to the Little :ility in the Rio Towers under construction across ty Center in Little Havana. ovation of the community Village Housing project in are facility to be operated Corporation. - $57,150 for building fixtures for the Miami Bridge Shelter for homeless youth new facility in Allapattah. i - V. CONTINUING PHYSICAL PROJECTS ASSOCIATED WITH HOUSING: Staff and Board recommends the continued funding of the following two (2) projects: i' — 1.Code Enforcement and Building Demolition to continue the City's code enforcement program, funding recommended at $300,000. r >2. Citywide Senior Crime Watch security program, which provides home security improvements on a Citywide basis, recommended at the level of $55,000. r H ` F` .4: S H Sys 5 i Y -I I ( f Y V y °�- wz r �ll�l1¢'d.tii �y ..� , ac 1 CITY or MIAMI - DEPARTMW OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - MR YEAR CDBO PROPOSALS MOUSING PROGRAMS RECOMMBODATIONS Amount Original C.D. Final 'A RARE OF PROMT Requested Staff Board start Department of Development and Rousing 4,000,000 4,000,000 725,940 4,000,000 E Taaoley 50,000 50,000 50,000 $0,000 L East Little Havana CDC 60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 St. John Community Development, Corp. 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CW CODEC, Inc. 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CW Florida Housing Cooperative 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,W0 W Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation (New Application) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CW Dade County HUD 2,067,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - CW Senior Crime Watch Program (Jewish Family A Children Services) 80,625 55,000 55,000 55►000 Department of Planning, Building and Zoning (Code Enforcement) 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 SUB TOTAL: $7,007,625 $4,655,000 $1,380,940 $4,655,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS rROJECT RAMS A Allapattah Busineaa Development Authority 50,000 C Coconut Grove Local Development Corp. (CCLDC) 50,000 Real Estate Acquisition (COLDC)-Project 200,000 Rehabilitation Old Grand Drug Store -Project 40,000 D Downtown Miami Business Association (DMBA) 60,000 Minority.Dusiness.Outreach Prog. (DMDA)-Proj. 50,000 ,Hiami,Dade Community..College-Land Acquisition 1,075,000 E Orcater.Diaeayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce 501000 Haitian Task Force 50,000 L Lit^tle,.Havana Development Authority 50,000` 5ne11 _Dueinese Opportunity Center 50,000 Latin quarter,:Association (New Application) 50,000 . . •• ..__�t� ♦.. lL-- Vt-- L.-----t- ,.�««1�..-..«L. f..w« 1M'AM' 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 50,000 1,075,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 inn nnn 50,000 50,000 50,000 k x s � ( k y } The H6n6rable Mayor and Members of the City Commission — ?Age �1O VI. ADMINISTRATION: We are recommending that the level for administration be maintained at the same level percentage of grant funds (20%) as last year. Administration funds are utilized to cover general administration costs of the program, and planning activities to the City. Attachments: Proposed Ordinance and Resolution K, yr, - y 1Sy - Sy 3 �Q rrt y t - ss i sr A }5 ±r� dui l F g k 6 S •f f 4Y1f.+tti�t _ � Y v � �Cn��'fr�a�v�-�.�. 4kir-�R''.��u �'�.:t` F.....t'�,��� _ �'�" � , �. ., f.: . .".. .. .. .. _ ., ,.. .,. ... !. ...,�,.} � .�u•�'� _ f> RECOMt1ENDAfiS"J(G� ECOt90MIC DEVELOPUNT PROJECTS Amount Original C.D. hoard Final S� - NAM or ,PROJECT hegaented Staff OW Miami Capital Development, Inc., - Adm. �50,000 250#000 1,020500,000� 250►000 250►000 00,000 Miami Capital Development, Loan Fund -Project 2 0,0000 250,000 250,000 Department of Development 320,000 322,150 322,150 322►150 Facade Program - Project 344►00 344,650 344,650 344,650 Mini - ODAO - project Dade Employment Economic Develop-, Corporation 172,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Job Training Program - Project it mri-City Community Association 94,OG0 57,000 n4,Ofi0 57,C00 Job Training Program -Project $5►087,710 $2,488,800 R4►677,860 E2,488,800 a� SUB TOTALS: a PRISICAL IMPHOVERENTS RAKE OF PROJECT A Street Improvements/Curtis Park 206,000 115,000 ' Curtis Park Elderly/Facility Plaza 15,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - 0 Recreation Building Comstock Park. 80,000 80,000 80,000 - 0 C Grand Avenue Park improvements 000 50,000 Coconut Grove Franklin Ave-, Cemetery Fence 20�000 Community Artwall D Neighborhood Recreation Center 220,000 220,000 NE tot and 2nd Avenue/Design Development 50,000 250,000 HE tat Avenue/Reconstruction E Day Care New Construction d Rehab., Project lOOO New Park Construction 1'20 100,000 Police Mini Station Care - Equipment Acquisition 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 ;+ Notre Dame Day Gymnasium 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 0 - _� L Jose Marti Park Latin Quarter Specialty Center Land Acquisition 500,000 500,000 ► - Latin Quarter Comprehensive 100,000 Facade Treatment Pilot Project Latin Quarter Residential Development i Assistance Pilot Program 200,000 15,000 Latin Quarter 5ignage Program Ernosto Lecuonn Mini Park Improvements 15.E Latin Quarter Murals and Plaques Program Latin Quarter Commercial Street - :j Beautification and Improvementi Program 250,000 45+000 Riverside Park Rest Facilities 0,000 Latin Quarter Outdoor Care Pilot Project .- Domino park Expansion Care/Leasehold Improvements 1000,000 33.343 32►500 32+500 32,500 Little.11avana`Child ;s a1 K Ediaon:Center Gateway Improvements 200,000 200,000 200,000 - P1 Neighborhood Street Improvements (D.A. Dorsey) 500,000 a� 0 3rd Avenue Streetacape Improvements 300+Opp 50,000 50,000 50,OQ0 0 000 r Lyrios Theater Preservation - Black Archives 132+000 45 tBethel A.H.E. Church Preservation Greaere 1001000 100,000 100,000 ipp�ppp 'St. Agnes Rainbow Village - 1 1 -2- 4.1 r r �. 66 a � 1 " � m*a W4= �' 3"++,,�rr'��1��v�„„,.ii137�t� 4.h -4L " U •},S �,4. _ _ fi c�"4�^.�c[u�,5- F �` r . AECOt'IMEti6ATlbilS •� � PHtt3ICAL tMIPA011I1TS Amount Original C.D. Final TAiiAliA OY.,PRdJC Requested Staff Boats Staff NW 2nd AVenue Beautification Project 275►000 275,000 2751000 255,000 Yf De Roston Senior Center Domino Kioako 4,000 Child Core Program Bldg., Expansion 425,000 San Juan Day Care Building Construction 350,000 F Memorial itospitai -Trauma Center N/A N/A N/A 300,000150,000 CW Jackson Regis House Land Acquisition 54,800 54,800 54,800 _ 0 . Building Expansion - SW Social Services 72,350 72050 72,35Q Building Fixtures - Miami Bridge SUB TOTALS: $6,332,493 $834,650 $11919,650 $834,650 _ a 374,650 220,000 220,000 220,000 CD Neighborhood Jobs Program _ 0 _ - 0 - CD Contingency 3,860,258 1,891,950 1,E39t,950 1,891►95Q CD social Programs 6 2,522, 00 22,600 2,522,600 2►5-_ 2,522,600 - -- CD Administration $25,163,136 12,613,000 12,613,000 12,613,000 TOTALS: TA: A=ALLAPATTAI( C-COCONUT GROVE CW=CITYWIDE D=DOWNTOWN F-EDISON W=WYIIWOOD _ L=LITTLE HAVANA M■MODEL CITY O-OVERTOWN _ HUD RECAPTURE FUNDS AS PER HUD CIRCULAR 91-05 (ATTACHED): * INCLUDES AN ADDITIONAL 5111,000 OF } ,i i a s{ } r �1. dYY � y V: -3- - A t y - 4I P h. �- 11-1k s JUcMOnvIII O111c@ �,ItiH Iv 326 Wb i A-ts...l131 1 JBckSonVllle, Nlo idd . ,202•d303 4+5CHh CIRCULAR LETTER 91-05 FEB 7 1991 NEMOtW.4DUM doh, All Entitlement Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grogram Grantges and the State of rlorida I I rY 1990 f'11ihL 114CRtR NThL Ct)13G rUNNIM, �«,,n�rtt,t�+j�?1 C�'1'1S• $3 a 000 Boca ttaton 41000 Bradenton. 31000 Cape Pora1 71000 Clearwater 31000 Cocoa Coral Springs (Broward County) 2,000 91000 Daytona Beach 4,000 ' Delray Beach 19,000 Ft. Lauderdale 6,OOb ft. "yarn 71000 Port Pierce 'fort Walton Beach 2,000 12,000 Gainesville 36,000 1tialeah I 11, 000 Hollywood__ 71,O00 � z• bUtlLI . ' AMOUNT HGLNCY RROR uml A ALLhPATTA11 COMMUNITY $ 278,, ACTION C COCONUT GROVE FAMILY $ 60,: HEALTH CENTER p ; MIAMI MENTAL HEALTH $ 29, CENTER -` ST, ALBANS DAY NURSERY$ 30,' b FIRST UNITED METHODIST$ 15,, CHURCH MIAMI COALITION FOR $ 25,1 CARE TO THE HOMELESS E CATI1. CON. SERVICES - $ 20, NOTRE DAME DAY CARE & NEIG11130111100D CENTER HAITIAN AMERICAN COM- $ 100, MUNITY ASSOCIATION OF $ 801 N.L i AGHh1�NT t t 3ERVICCS ORIGINAL C.D. FINAL S'1"r ADVISORY STAFF RECOM. BOARD REC. ACCUM.. __.._. 255,774 $ 255,774 $ 255,774 $ 55►892 $ 55,892 $ 55,892 $ 27,251 $' 27,251 $ 27,251 $ 28,004 $ 28,004 6 28,004 1 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 f $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 t $ 6,298 $ 6,298 $ 6, 298 l 3 $ 47029 $ 47,329 $ 47,329 11AIT. AMER. CIV . CLUB 5 JV 1 # VUV 9 av► vov _ L ASSOCIATION FOR THE $ 501000 $ 40,196 $ 40,196 $ 40,196 USEFUL AGED CATH. CON. SERVICES- $ 69,200 $ 20,992 $ 20,992 $ 20,992 CENTRO MATER CHILD CARE AND NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER CATH. CON. SERVICES- $ 52,540 $ 15,894 $ 15,894 $ 15,894 _ L.H. CHILD CARE PROGRAM LIONS HOME FOR THE $ 76,663 $ 49,020 $ 49,020 $ 49,020 BLIND O AGAPE'ACADEMIC ENRICH-$ 45,000 $ 29,507 MENT CENTER ST. AGNES RAINBOW $ 174,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 VILLAGE DEV. CORP. W ASPIRA OF FLORIDA $ 56,612 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY $ 24,700 $ 7,497 $ 7,497 $ 7,497 SERVICES- SAN JUAN DAY CARE'& NEIGHBORHOOD CTR. HOLY CROSS DAY CARE $ 117,000 $ 29,988 $ 29,988 $ 29,988 CENTER.- CHILD CARE - HOLY CROSS"DAY CARE $ 299,248 $ 185,138 $ 185,138 $ 185,138 CENTER -DE HOSTOS NATIONAL PUERTO RICAN $ 295,847 CW,ACTION COMMUNITY CTR. $ 374,000 $ 293,810 $ 293,810 $ 293,810 'ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS: $ 55,600 $ 50,000 $ 501000 $ 50,000 CURE AIDS NOW $ 265,811 $ 27,887 $ 27,887 $ 27,887 - END WORLD HUNGER $ 14,235 $ 14,235 $ 14,235 $ 14,235 FLAGAMI COMMUNITY CTR:$ 159,726 HhIT. AMERICAN FOUND. $ 791325 - JAMES E: SCOTT+�COMMUNs$': 1081656 $ 95,986 $ 95,986 $ 95,986 ITY ASSOCIATION.(JESCA) L. H. ACTIV. & NUTRI. $ 281,057 $ 251,359 $ 251,359 $ 251,359 CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY � MIAMI JEWISH HOME AND $ 40,000 $ 28,471 $ 213,471 $ 28,471 f HOSP ITAL "FOR: THE AGED POSITIVE, INC. $ 89,907 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 k REGIS HOUSE_ $ 87,000 $ 50,000TZ SOUTHWEST SOCIAL $ 96►957 $ 66,022 $ 66,022 $ 66,022 SERVICES SUB TOTALS $3,860,250 $1,762,443 $1,891,950 $1,662,443 y' SOCIAL SERVICE AVAILABLE $1,875,300 $1,875,300 $1,875,300 [IUD UDAG RECAPTURE $ 16,650 $ 16,650 $ 16,650 VA 'CARS `CONTINGENCX . , $ 0 $ 161' 338 UNCOMMITTED $ 129r507 $ 0 $ 68,169 x _ - 4R ayae .. F 1 e x t• 'i i µ Nonacab.2e M.i�u,arn City aty n� M. a»►�. 35d0 tali AmeA.-t an .. t �... _ .. w Ato&Ao, eomrn a.iorcen A PtU 4 1901, vlk..L' v e. 9 044e," jooa) eauv r& Lw 4.,,, - I I PzOAAe, 4appoAt OUA p^og.&am 4egu,"t 04 $690200 A3 *-. tjrw-mAIL120O.'I't to a mo-6t :-wLLjjLwiiea into the. Public rcorin z6fine64* 6 n-.,w item on AP 0 .9 Mi a-R �` �'�/3% ,�,� .. ,. �_r Apt 4, 1991. 4 Ato"o, COMMt.6AZonet DjLiV e i� i i f APn,t 4 , 1991 r . Honona6to, MtAiam Aton-so, Cti � 06 M-tam� 3500 Pan AmekLdan 04 tva . Mz"ZI Ft . 33133 tiecLn Comm-U-6 i,on� A-Eorvso c r r 7 S Q r. h F, e Qprci,�. ¢ , 19 41 . } k ApptU 41 1991. Nono�cabQe lN�r�Lam C-it y 06 Miami. WO d G tan Ame.,,Uaaan Mi&m�,, rt 33133 kt on-ao, CommiS.6ionen Lehi, v e Mean Commi.4-64onen A2on,6o. Cent -to mat" +zn.u-chanm�t py 1992. od $ vtz 4 o od , edm& Lion and a za4 e.ty and z ecune PLet be, .auppont oat pnoyhum n,eque.At 04 I wUh to exp4e6z my appneci�on 4on yoat zappont to a mo.b.t b ened Z at and hrigh ey Amea".64at p tognam acn o-s.6 the C.r t y . �u}�t k .r' a ..- Yr. a- N � G t4 1 IU k A p)til 4 j 1` L . J Hdn,o>rable Mi&r -am At-o"O 3 5 a a ftw Amy, ,Laai�. 04 i,u e M.4,a n j 3 3 3 3 1� CoMmi-A,6tot gA Mott": 9 ,teat cot d- :' aactn aoAt4A &d -6app o.nt as c omm.i'SA Lome.n, that I am WA'L i q to you to n.ega"k the C i.y od Miami CDG on rY i � t Ott, .into the public o rd'i i` t nn cti0 with , . i cil Clerk Ap&i ;a Hon,onab.te Mi i= Ato"O Comm �,Lonen City o d . M-i.a m-L i 3500 Pan.Ame&-Laan Dn,i.ve j MjAm4, Ft ' 33133 E Dean CoMrnt,"i,-onen A.ton bo: A a wonfun9 moth.e, I appn.2c i e- mote than anyone the City Cen.tno Mate' ob M.c,am-i. e� 6 0 O h.eep zabz Ld-Lz a My ehi.ednen n.eeeLued good, .educati-on, tone and di-4c,Lpt-tne. i,Qdneri! Het urs Do notLet Ci ty �lmd.b be cut � on ch S:i.n.c�5rvt¢-2y ► k Honona.bte MiALaM Aton,60, COMM T 1 f eI A L UJ nlft . Cf!llilil.{.AAkome t Aton..60, Comm-i,4Z i oneA V t, . Lie&.% Commi-6-6tione% A2.o"o : AA a cdncen n ed c ti Lz em I am conce,%med ab oat the, ch f ed ten and h� d u wio- :04 OUA community. d ` y _ ... •..._ �_ tI.� �:' -.) /•n�»►ni AAi hN ho—P-nA to 6t&e.Qhten Y O f Art 3 1 _ 45 S r d M, 0 fth+a public �d } a connectiOA 17 x �l�rk t M1. t •t55 Phi a r.� � � �r� ���� ham' �-, _ 1T#4 i } g Ap4,-U 41 1991. HoitoAabtm MiA-4,cw city 04 midmL 3SO0 Pam AmeAtcAn Mi"41 Ft 33f33 Aton,60 t COMMi4-6i*nQ'% v&ZVO, I Dee-& Cotnmj-4toners A.I-o"04' czn.t&o Matt eo44eA-6 400d, edu cati-on we, d '"VZkotmo,". plea,60" 4appoxt Oak p'togitwn &eqae,6t ion . 92, I wizh to exp&".6 MY aPP&eai*attom 404 Youm .4appo.4t to a. mo-6t beme4,Lctat and htghty -6uaae-644ut P40gtam acAO-64 the City. ApAZ2 4, 1991, H�in.o.�ca6U MZ4-4tiM Ako► o Cornm-i �5 a .omen M.%am.i . y 3560 Pan. Amen,ZcaM Dnti v e , Mtam.i., Ft 33133 Deal& Comm-i.d�s-%on94 Atop bo: ro-% twenty th-Jiee yeaA,6 Cen tao Mat" ,hates made Miamt pnoud 4 o.n q LV Ln.g -the PoZ44bte to oun youth. A :atun¢.d -c,rt wh ich. deUn.quen.cy, �scho0.2 dropout anal t h.Ud_; itb"e t-6 Zncnea 6jnq, .theze .aen,vtee.a are even more needed PQea.6 ; he2P ocvi had -ten .to mahe a betteh �cc#,wce. S.McenQ.2y xecord in connection with 1n Y on Mdtiy i3izi APR 991 t zs City Clerk v ; a s AptU 4, 1991. Hon.oA&bte Min AQon bo, Comm-i. ,6ZOnen city 64 Mt")- 3500 Past. Amen4eaa DAu.va `- M .arn t, let 3 313 3 Dect�c Commti 6 ioaen Ato"O.' .' it t-4 with ghea t conce.nn that r am. w4itimg to Yom to %equ" t you& con inued 4up p o p&t at the City o4 M.i,amZ CDG 4 on PY 1992. rh.e p4og4am neque6t 04 $69, 200 ZZ to .614ppoA-t the wOAA ,to pno vide the heat th, nutk-4#.i.onat and edaeatrLonat component to 460 chitdten, datty. Pte.a�6e, we count on you to be .the votee, 04 the oned that do mot have one. S.i.ncene�.y, Apt 4, 1991.' Y Honohabte MtiAri.am Ato"o, Comm-i.6ZtOmen _ 3500 pan AMVUOan. V&Zve L . M�i ccm�i., Itt 33133 bean Commc.6.6Zonen Ato"O C ,n i,o Mciten o +vr d flood, edacaaon and a .6u6¢.ty and .6ecune ,�69, 200 = ertvtnonmen p.tea.6e, 4(kppont oan p4ogram %equeAt od ion l:Y 1992. r wizh to exP,%"6 my app4ec t.at'Lon 40"c your 4'kppoAt to a moot the C-%ty• t bene��ic.�,a2 andh,LghQy 6acc¢.6.64at p'cogham aa&o." is S-uzcen¢.Ly :i 71 -�"5 ( Z cc Submitted into the public l t - recdrd in sconnection -witli> item an"` = Matty..Hikai x, w City Clerk F SwF rN �r� �` tf ? T P ✓. x Y a r 91 28� 2 APXU ¢, 1991 e` y fa Hononab 2�, M vii.am Ato"o , Comm.i.b-i,on.en y 3500 Pan. AmVacam D�u.ve e M.i a m.L , Ft 33133 Dean C ommt A,6,Lonen At one o : Wonh i.n.9 moth.en I appnectate move than anyone Mciten. the City ,4�b a .eu,b.4�.d-i.ze Cen+.o o4 Miam-L e.d on t.5 o he ep M ch,,2dnem-kee"Ved flood, education, love and d..i.dcipeine. Neap u.6 y unda be cut on c .Udnen! Qet City � Do no S,i MC,6 ene2y f , r a f U yJZ� . 4`t�'. wt i +aY .iw F ; ya ," ttbmitted into the public ecod connection nth Y n Fk 9J 5' fit APR'191 � ; F+jjtIi4rcu r f � �City "M-eirk' 4% 1. ^• j R Y 7 f` ti } i ' Y`y r ApAU 4, 1991. Hon,oha. 2� M.ur� Ato&,So, CommUstonz& U..ty, od M Lam.i, 3500 Pan. Amen,.ican Dn-i ve �- Miami, F2 33133 Dean. Commi,6,6ionen APon-so: A.6 a wong mo.thut r appneata#e mone than anyone the C-ity {un. ; o� M-i.am.L, e.44on.,6 _to help .zab-6.id-ize Centno Mate.-. My , ohadnen %ea"Ved Good, edacQ# Lon, tove and di�6c.r.p2ine. Do not tet 'City 4and-e be cut 4 on ch-Udnen! HeQp S.irLc�s ene�.y , Fs a e. yro 7, a it O f 9 Saban ed into the public aI•-ny■.f,��i(��j� S�yT t..�V�•I�Ij��� cd n 1/�./i+NM rryi� Mattg Hirai 5 Clerk _ Y 41 -85 ,; u f 4 WL APAU- 4, 1991. Honoa b e M�,�ivam A.-owao, Comm�i.aation ' 4 U4 04 am�. w,� ,,,, 1 3500 Pan. Ames. can D tZv e - M4Am i, Pt 3 313 3 .e Dear, Comm-i..6-6,ort" Ato"O Pon twenty.thn.ee ye&4.6 CentAo Mat" has made Miam-f, proud ion g.i.V n.g .the b"t senvta" po. z-Lb.2e to ouA youth. At tjU4 tiffle✓a .i.n which daZaqueney, .shoot dnopoat#6 and ti t2d ab o, -i a �i,► cAe 4in.9, th"e .aenv�.ce.� ace even more needed, PQ2a.-be hap Diva cti i,Zdnem to mahe a be#.ten �wtu�te. ay,.' • Yr i Mrr„ V > ' 41 P 4 y✓ M k FM public t a�n#o r r.yy ` R GOrinGt1OIIth C�7 s t'& 4r ++{/r�.y+:� y (] iv 'D,� ,. %� G i;^xh..l��,w • —;? �!�' - .i . YrQ: y�J,r any X 33 .t j r l t'?5. Lr .d G' f Ap4iP- 4, 1941. _ HoA64 6te M own Ato"a, omm.i. a-Lon+t�c " c4ty 64 Miami n 3 5 0 0 Pan Am e�c�, can DAZ11 e ' Miami, Ft 33133 Dean Commt4.6ioneA Ato"o: P Fon twenty #h-tee yeaaus Cen too Maten, ha.6 made Miami. Pnoud 4 on t g-i vt n.g_ the b e,6•t-6"v.ice.6 p o.6d6t 6t e to ovA youth.. t A h.i.b .imed .i:n. wh.ich de tnquen:cy, �sehoot dnopout,6 and ` ' chi;O-d abtrbe .1.6 incnea.6Zng, #h"e .6env.ice.6 ate even mono Meeded ,.G-.•0.4 ,.n» t mn AD n A it IL OII. M-k Ato"o y 3 so 0 Pan AMe4,Lmn Dtzve MtamZ, Pt 33133 i Dea;L COMMi.6-64oneA A2on-60: Fon twenty th,&ee yea,4,4 Centto Mate, a" made MIzMZ ptoud 40A. qtvLAq the b"t .6eko-Ze" pozzLbtz to ou,% YouAk- A t , thU t-iM" im which detiaqmenaY) -6cAoo.2 d4opowtA and. ULeze -6e.&vLce,6 aze even mote tieededti e.P-p ou4 c*,Ud,%em tomake a bettet 4atwte- Sa&64A" Idd =10',Me ��P4P4 corectiQn vFrith 31� it ?perk� 2' S i "i � ,f Ap,4 4, 1901. Apt 2. 4, 1991. x� a` } ApAit 4, 1901. t . Mononable M. 4,LaM AtMao, Commd a.640nen 04 miam-i. x 3.500 . Pan Am"Zdan D'tzve mtami , Ft 33133 De" Commj4z).oneh Atop"o r Y i rt (4t th 9)Lza t concenn .that Z am w44U-49 to you to neau"t •U your continued .buppon t a t the City o� M�Laan.i. CDG ion 1=Y 19 9 2 . The pnog aam %equeAt 04 $69, 200 tc 6 to .6uppan t the wonh o p4ovide the -h.eatth, nwtn-I�onat and eduaat.Lonae compon¢nt4 to 460 ch-adnen da.i t y. Pied ae, we count on you to be the votee o4 the one. that do not have one. Subaaitted into the public record in connection m,with- � Matti.11' City Cler x {. 7 H� All R=pj i p Z f f l Y i K IP }t { 88 r ; ApnU 4, 1991. Honma.bt a MtA,,i.am At o" o , C omm-r,"Zoaen CZ ty o 6 M iamt 3500 Pan_Amenium Nive Mtamtr Ft 33133 aea t C ommZ",Lonen At o" o r r CenttoMaten oj4eA,4 flood, edu.ataon, and a sa4ety and .6eaa4e en:vz&onmenaE. ptut.6e, .su,ppott oun pnognam %ega"t, 04 $69,200 404 FY 1992. I wt�6h. .to exp4e6d my appneatattom 4on yowl :dccppO t to a mops# bened.i.cZal anal lUghQy-6aaae6.6jat pnoq,%= acno.a.b the City. Stncene y Submitted into the public record ' in connection with _ 33one Matty Hirai x. "111 K . City Clerk { Ea. y ` f 'APR g t � ISM� 4 S�X�Y' - r z' Won.o�r; 6 M,vr.-i.cttrt Ato"o, Camm.u6-6tOnnen ;. .i ty o� miam , �y SSOO Pan AMP-&Zda►t DItive Wa mi , Pt 33133 0 Comm.,Uz on.e& A.Q6"6 - d-b2Ae Cent%% Mgt en 644gA4 flood, educatLon, anal a 6a4ety anct 2t�,u.t tonm2naE. Pte"e., sMppont owc p,cogAam nega"t o4 $69, 70o FY 1992. — r wish to ex p�c vs� my apn�r.eC.-ia#.i.on. 40,t yoUA .pup poe t to a MO-6�: bene tc,tA Z and IUghty zaaae6.64u.2 pnognam aato4-6 the City. S�uicene2y ,,> ,y Submitted into the public - record in connection with ` item 3 3 . on Mat#y Hirai City Clexk J 6y -. �f u` �w E ) i y 1 y .v, G �t ;; t ; Apt4 4 j 1901, } HonoAabte Miv- am Aton,6o, Commt-6,6tone-k C-t.-t y o 4 M-iam-L - 3500 Pan Amet✓i,can D IU v e M-tami, Ft 33133 bean Commi-s4tomen. Aton.60: - A-6 a woo i n,g moth.et r apprec late mote than anyone the , C,c t y _ 04 M.iamZ e44 oAt,6 to ke.2.p 6ttb,6,Ld.ize Cent -to Mate&. My ahuUdnen %ea2..i,.ved .food, edaea t i.om, .love and dt4c Lpt-one. no not tet Uty 4a,ndz be cut 4o,,c ahi,.edten! HeQp cvs! Si,nc,�s en¢Cy , . 3 3 3 �."Submitted into the public M ;; retard in connection with; . on 4 Matty Hirai j City Clerk Y Sial VA r` H6404&bte Mitt" Ato».eo, Comm-L 44-onan City 04 Miami 3560 fan. AMV.. dan D t . Ft 33133 s I AP4,r4 4 j 197 I Ut y o4 Mia )- 35D0 Part Atne tca t Dttve commi-4.6tott" of dno p ou t-6 and .6 a ce even move .e . ,p r, { 1a x f. a�ba ht i 91- �j j ziurJ , �.Fx� Submitted into the public { r record i it herebymake the following demands to our Cit oar � g .t µ Xavier Suarez, Mayor item on , Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer Matty Hirai r 1. Allocate funding to Regis House from the Community Development Block Grants f e r' Clerk partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate oury teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and AA . Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address Phone �' ��/'.�.'��L'.�.. t�7�`t' ll��/1/�Z;c�C�=- �rJ• %��� ���G-� �✓�ffZ- ��P,S.�� T"PASalZek P46 9336 cc, i' -) S- ((- q 3 026 4 .)5a ) c c. G ABUY"S, �3ig(* c.o P- -C. P.O. Box 441744 Miami, FL 33144-1744 .� .,�.. ;.hA unnaitted into the re . mg O p hereby make the following demands to our ity of '�aP4ftj#j n with Xavier Suarez, Mayor itein Miriam Alontso Miller Dawkins on YjILAL Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer gird 1. Allocate funding to aegis House from the Community Development Block Grants for I Wty partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our itY Clerk teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem, Signat Name �de '1 hereby make the following demands to our City of Miami leaders; Xavier Suarez, Mayor Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer 1, Allocate funding to Regis House from the Community Development Block Grants for the partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of lvliarrd limits so that Regis Douse may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name l Address Zvo Q!wq -'S, 11133 Submitted into the public I recorcL in connection with item- 3_ on _ . , Matty Hirai City Clerk 4 { it �f i t i lS you&e 1S a non-profit corporation. P.O. Bo x 441744 Miami, FL 33144-1744 (305)-638-84g4 � . � sad ,� .,•r �� � "1 ubmitted into the pti%ir record in connection vtrit i+ hereby y make the following demands %M City of Niiateaders: Xavier Suarez, Mayor ` Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Matty airai Victor beYurre 11. Plu»uner ie 1. Allocate funding to aegis House from the Community Development dock Grants or ige - partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our '- teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and - 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem, Signature Name Address phone TL Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer 1. Allocate funding to Regis Douse from the Community Development Block Chants fdCW CIO partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and yf 2, Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. F Signature Name Address Phone ANN _11OuDMItted into WO PUDU ' teoord in ooflnea on With hereby make the following demands ur Cit of Miami leaders: Xavier Suarez, Mayor %am Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins { f Victor 1. Allocate fundingto �2e is Mouse from Coetnmunity Development Block Grants f� partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and Secure2. the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis Douse may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address Phone 90ch OU 1900 W ,k5K4. /ate 371/W //Cf --�rA? �r '�L/W- ... l / C al! (A GiI vl V I • ., = MO X - 21 91 1 i.� ��' w� iCtO / `f' , '� �. au W /// it corporation. P.O. Box 441744 Miami, FL 33144=1744 >1 � ousCIS a nonit S (305) 638 8484 t �� Akls B,� i 4 " i pitted into the pt�� 0,fir word in connection with 1Z V.,r1► hereby make the following demands too ty of leaders: Xavier Suarez, Mayor `- , On Miriam Alonso Mill r Dawkins Matty Mraf Victor Del'urre I.L. Plummer 1. Allocate funding to aegis House from the Community Development Block Grants for tY clerk partial costs of operations and capital itnprovetnents of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and 2, Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. i�a Azn929M�No 7.j 'Submitted Into the nublib Ot Opl hereby snake the following demands to our City of Miami leaders: Xavier Suarez, Moor Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins' Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer 1, Allocate funding to Regis House from the Community Development Block Grants for the partial costs of operations and capital improvements of it residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis douse may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Name Address LT.•, !�' . 6 w� IVIJM-p`L 4310 °gas ►t{ Sfiy�-y�i r r eYCe rG n5�%dK e2�31�Scr/ ly�S- W� 4 Submitted into the public record in connection with r item_ onfl'_ :- Matty Hirai City Clerk �QUSC iS a nonR rofiit CO radon. P,4.-$ox 441744 Nlianu FL 33144-1744 P (305) b3844M4 .. "{'§ 'v'ti o rx tO 90plt herebymake the following demands to our City f NC ' leaders: g y o ari11 eade s, Xavier Suarez, Mayor } Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins VictorDeYurre J.L. Plummer 1. Allocate funding to aegis Mouse from the Community Development Block Grants for the partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to Help rehabilitate our teenagers .who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse, and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that t Regis Douse may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. D 27 v A K 1.4 CA re 1A Address 32 �5 ) Vvd iy3it. S.W. IS-i S7% corporation. P.O.: Box 441744 Lru City Clerk Miami, FL 33144-1744 (305).63$14484` Submitted into the public record in con ecttan v�ritt ot ?0101)k hereby snake the following demands to out City of Miamieaders: i �' ... Xavier Suarez, Mayor tem _ __w'U on • Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer Matty 1. Allocate funding to aegis House from the Community Development Block Grants fot partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse,, and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address Phone ' �, � � _ • r jam• L ua V J^ 5 733b_5 w YS ,h his Hrj tse ,is a non-profit corporation. P.O. Box 441744 Miami, FL 33144-1744 (305) 638-8484 u the Publid _ card in Odnnection t�trit hereby make the following demands t"W&Cityo Miatrli leaders Xavier Suare2, Mayor- �5i +� Miriam Atonso Mir Dawkins ' Victor 17ei'urre J.L..L. Plummer Many bird funding to aegis House from the Community Development Block Grants Britt Clerk � is rations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our er from drug and alcohol abuse; and ;. he appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that #f treat these kids —our Community imoptic to Wnrlr tnnatikpr to VA".a ti,ie wrnkln►w idf 1 1 ' t{ r f i t a �3 to the Pubho Iftord in Connection With hereby make the following demands . Y g ds toy ur City 1Vliatni leaders; _ Xavier Suarez, M or IA on Miriam Alonso Uiller Dawkins Victor DeYurre 11. Plummer Math ffircd 1, Allocate funding to ]Regis Mouse from the Community Development Block Grants f Partial costs of p operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that ]Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address phone �STear-.4102 GS2-�S511 t lea _IA5 2n 5LJ 91 0 VP_. 8 ' Co`5 ZLP -#(via Mae -in" -y(oy 6vi q Tf. 553- 7?7� cis, vtn� �osCl �c�uo r edp 3a�o s. w . a TPrr y�6- e Ll l2af �Ll % ,i9r �Ult ill) P ' to6160 1 i 0�lIC!�7'0''odellB 1p66-66-? Ge'v� rt�✓ VUi� l �� (� �1 �tvn rrfbvi .r tj#p }. ,. v✓gn «. Avrwe.( 1 .r_ f f nt SYrs- 3.v. d'�'� t�r V { ir�r�rQ, GZ55 SW t or 1 1 1 V "t r ` e ps pause 3s anon -profit corporation. P.O. Box 441744 Miami, FL 33144-1744 (305) 638 84841- ' y 1 r } 4 i� hereby make the followingdemands s to our City of Miami leaders: Xavier Suarez, Mayor Uiriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Victor DeArre J'.G. Plummer 1. Allocate funding to aegis House from the Community Development Mock Grants for the Partial costs.of Operations and capital impr ovements provements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that — aegis House may treat these kids —our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address Phone R � t VI-W 'z �xn e i �i I �� , , f fdIftto the public h record in connection with hereby make the followin g demands our C' of M a 'lead Xavier Suarez, Mayor i 'Am _ _ � Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins 1� ` VictorbeVurre J.L. Plummer matty Hirai!, I. Allocate funding to Regis House from the Community Development dock grants CItV_ artiai costs of operadons and capital improvements of a residential facility teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and ty to help rehabilitate our 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that E Regis House may treat these kids --out community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address �Phone r - k, =o r,L 614W, 1 f+ 3 C a r' r . hereby snake the following demands to our City of Miami leaders: Xavier Suarez, Mayor Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Victor DeYurre J.L. Plummer 11 Allocate funding to Regis House from the Community Development Block Grants for the partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and l 2. Secure the appropriate zoning for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that Regis House may treat these kids --our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Signature Name Address Phone �i �r 1 t 2 a r✓ru —Submitted Intn. tIiiKfui :a record in connection with r- S 1 item QR A Matty If iral - 7's :t .S s 91 2`8 41 _ Is 1- ouse`is`a non- pro fit'corporation. P.O. Box 441744, Miami, FL 33144-1744 ` (305) 638' 8 4 e i Signature Name Address Phone Oyu buDmliiea LUIV Luc Pra:i,ai.w — — record in connection with item._.. on Matty Hirc 1 City Clerk - Rs k 1 � y- 3 , Qw N ..... ..... hereby make the following demands to out City of Miami leaders'. Xavier Suarez, Mayor Miriam Alonso Miller Dawkins Victor DeYurre J,L. Plummer I . Allocate fundifig to Regis House from the Community Development Block Oratits for the partial costs of operations and capital improvements of a residential facility to help rehabilitate our teenagers who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse; and Secure the appropriate zoni ng for the residential facility within the City of Miami limits so that A e'gis-I.House may trot these kidg:-our community needs to work together to solve this problem. Phone is on, P.O.ox441744 Miami, FL 33144-1744, (305)631 House is an - 3 nod -profit corporad h•;;: ......,,., . c*J,. .r:�axu. w,. e.::na.�an.ntcH,� :# CITY OF MIAMI, FLOIIIDA Itd` VA.C)PPICE MEMOnANDUM to: The Honorable Mayor and DATE: i'llt Members of the City Commission Seventeenths (17th) Year SUBJECT : Community Development Block Grant (CDBO) Application MOM: Cesar H. Odic f1LFrAIENCESCommission Agenda Item City Manager April 11. 1991 ENCLASWIES: A13Cbl�IKLNbATI02r1: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the attached ordinance and resolution, appropriating (Seventeenth Year) Community Development Block Grant Funds, authorizing the City Manager to submit a final statement to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requesting funds in the amount of $12,613,000, which includes $111,000 of UDAG recapture funds being allocated by the U.S. Congress to Miami along with $12,502,000 of grant' funds, for the proposed Community Development Program during 1991-92, and further authorizing the City Manager, upon approval of said grant by HUD, to accept the same and execute the necessary implementing agreements. It is further recommended that the City Commission approve the t d ome of $1 400 000 to be programming, of the expec a program inc , , allocated to projects in accordance with the attached information. BACKG80UND: The Department of Community Development has prepared the - appropriate legislation for a public hearing on the 17th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program scheduled I for this date. This will be the.only hearing at the City Commission regarding the proposed allocation. In `addition, staff has anticipated that $1,400,000 in program income will Ve received during the 'coming year in terms of revenues -from various housing ($1,300,000), economic development' and cither revolving loan funds. This supplement to the City's grant amount brings the total = aimo.unt ,of.funding ,available -to $14,013,000. It is recommendation` of staff and the Community Development 4 Advisory Board that funding be concentrated, on those activities which,'will have the greatest positive impact: t �4 �xX t �.vi+.-vu v-rd a.iaMz-;.Mtar{•.bi5matiN..4elt?�'MA9r'�`' € g t r� z The honorable Mayor and Members of the City Comm' saion t Page -2" y. =2 f'. Yk Housing4 - - Public Service Programs *` { - Economic Development ; Public Improvements rovide an increase. of The 17th year grant of $12,613,000 will P ears grant.his percent more funds over the previous y 13.8% P million above last. year'a funding represents as additional- ro'ect allocations. level of $11,081,000 for p j ers of the Advisory Board should be commen he for way The memb roceas of determining of longhoura they put into this,p is a summary 's CDBG funds. Attached (I) to, allocate the City both the Board and staff._ recommended projects by r over 25,mi11ion dollars worth of funding request for There were o ro ram year.. Among these request were the 17th year. CDBG program such as $2.1 million from Dade several large scale proposals $1 million for new park County HUD no recommended), $1.1. on in Edison/Little; River (not not°�°r commend"ed• by constructi College million from Miami Dade Community Improvement and Land ` staff) and another million for Street Imp gF Acquisition.. 4 r difference: between the Board and staff. recommendations The major f.or.existing housing is . that,:staff has sought ro meets w th lithe nexeeption of. a few ;neyr: an economic development projects has recommended a The Board,; on th.e: other hand, yv y proposals. ',s housing program .ands`: drastic reduction:: in funds to the City of virtually all community based r' t proposing the funding, } v= organizations. project requests. I. ROUSING r ------ annual. CDBG< allocatiot onion of :the City' $ Since. 1978, a mayor P :provision of .low -interest _ 1,oans:' and has`;` been earmarked :.for:: the p ; ;.. i 4 AFT_ c3�y„ C;k r Y ` } tk: rants to low and moderate income: homeowners for; the r r xa, a d3ect 8 airs. Loan repayments ark purpose of financing needed and to provide` additional .loans`: "x F4 rolled over into the grog Y and grant8. WA- 4 1 �'' `1' 'k --ems_.-1A r5Mr.r«�r:Aurµpse: 2� The Honorable Mayor and s, Members of the City Commission page the CDBG funded multifamily rental housing In addition, rehabilitation provides rehabilitation financing program ro eots located to rental housing p j financing for needed repairs City's Community Development Target Areas, at interest increase in the terms which would not require major rent rates and burdens to be passed on to the low income tenants. The Department of Development and Housing Cons Reh biion litation mmLoan funding SingleFamily and Multifamily $1,400,000 and ectiveiy, Programs at the levels of r$2,600,0 City's $4,000,000 fo thetotalling a proposed timated program n to the rehabilitation activities, in dditioisory Board srecom ended the income. The Community Developmentrams. level of $725,940 total for both City programs. er The Board however agrees with staff on ecommend dthe t he fundingof the of r housing projects. The Board and staff six (6) Community Based Organizations, CODEC, East Little Havana John Community Community Development Corporation, Tacolcy, St. Wynwood Community Development Development Corporation, Corporation and 'Florida Housing Cooperative. s are recommended ve `(6) CBO'and ded for lfort These six thei purpose programmatic funding at the level of $50,000 each activities in the City. of assisting - in undertaking new housing II. PUBLIC SERVICES: .support services which complement the physical and economic am re Community. pquality ment rof rlifeain development thrust of the residentsimprove e the essential to assist neighborhoods. The public services programs recommended for funding are tailored to meet, the neid$servicesof g ohild.icarer include: meals, elderly neighborhoods and primary health care and special needs. r; Federal :regulations limit available C.D. funding for public (15) cap of the total C:-D. -grant`: services to a. fifteen per cent in the s . 17th Year CDBG entitlement, the` t Due :to.,an increase -City' available amount for public services will also increase from of $213*150)9 $1,662,150 to $1,875,300 (an increase y s{ t r The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission ryF1s xy4c Page -4- 5 3 i i N'p a�f fi 1 An additional $16,650 is available for public services as e Sy' result of the recapture of funds from the HUD UDAG program, thud making the total amount available for public services -to ' $1 , 8 91 , 9 5 0 Despite a decrease of funding in the 16th Year, the -City w `AM Commission allocated the allowable 15% cap of its C.D. allocation for this purpose and also provided funds from the Special. Programs and Accounts: Contingent Fund (SPACF) to maintain existing programs at the 15th Year funding level. { It J {, ;x The increase of the CDBG entitlement in the 17th Year enables the u $, City to continue funding existing programs at the 16th Year level a�4 (including both C.D. and SPACF funds) and staff's recommendation (Attachment II) includes the aforementioned, except as indicated r� 4 below: First United Methodist Church - Funding for this Agency is #„ II recommended at the requested level of $15,400, an increase of 3�x $5, 965 from the 16th Year allocation of $9, 435 • This Agency is meeting a critical need in feeding low-income Downtown elderly y s � persons with limited support from p pp o the City. The increase will enable le the Agency encY to maintain in its services. ices � W Miami Coalition for Care to the Homeless - Funding for this Agency is recommended at the requested level of $25,000 to a coordinate a feeding plan for homeless persons in the City of. Miami. The City Commission had previously asked the Coalition to develop a food .delivery system to alleviate the negative impact on City neighborhoods. Funds will be used to accomplish this y� purpose. _ St. Agnes Rainbow Village Community Development Corporation- P z Staff recommends that $25,000 be allocated as seed money to open a day care center at the Rainbow Village housing complex in' Al Overtown._ It should also be noted that $100,000 has been ?z, recommended for physical improvements at this facility. If {{ yy k b _ approved, this allocation would represent the only public service. 3 funds targeted specifically to the Overtown area. _ :. .1A } 1,lk 9 t i : A ; t• y � Y The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page -5- :fr s Child Care Programs -- The Federal Govermmnent has adopted the Child Care Development Block Grant which will provide an infusion of $29.4 million to provide child care services to low income children from the State of Florida. It is anticipated that these funds will be available in October, 1991. At this time, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services is developing a plan for distribution of these funds. As a result of these additional funds for child care, staff recommends that the allocations to currently supported child care programs be reduced to one third (1/3) of the 16th Year funding level, with the expectation that these agencies will be able to tap into this new funding source this fall. Staff has been in contact with the chid care agencies (including the convening of a child care forum with service providers to exchange ideas and concerns) and will monitor the State's progress in developing the distribution formula. To alleviate the fear of currently funded child care agencies ' that City funding would be permanently lost if new federal funds x= are not received, it is recommended that a Child Care Contingency; O.A $'. fund in the amount of $161 ,338 be approved. This is the amount .�*. that would be needed to restore all child care programs to the 16th Year Funding level. 4 Following are the currently funded child care programs and how each would be affected by the staff recommendation: CatholicCommunity Services: 3 Centro Ma (from $62,976 to $20,992) ' Little 'Havana Child Care (from $47,682 to $15,894) San Juan Day Care (from $22 491 to $7 497) f Notre Dame Day Care ($18,893 to $6,298) xV Holy; Cross Day Care Center (from $89,965 to $29,988) L r = Y Y St. Albans Day Nursery ($28,004) would not be affected by'the .. it ieP` • reduc`tion.-asCitY funds are - provided to this Agency P gfor-. a y r three (3) month period to supplement United Way and Head Start funds. E t k: } s 3 4n ZM �315� The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page -6- The staff recommendation leaves a balance of$6,1 9 wh would Contingency toicaddrees, be maintained as a Social Service service needs during FY'91-92- critical, emergency social ined the City Staff further recommends that if it esaful tm in securing funds succ supported child care programs are Block Grant, the following projects be funded from the Child Care Child Care Contingency: from the proposed Aspira of Florida - $50,000; This program would provide low income youth in youth leadership development to at risk the Wynwood target area. educe Positive, Inc. - $50,000; This program would work tOrelated youth gang activity, drug users/abusers and gang criminal activities on a Citywide basis. This action would then leave a balance of $61,33.8, which would ;be added to the balance in the Social Service Contingency. Funding is not recommended for the HaitiaYea�ericI is nstaffns Inc. which was funded during the. 16th ro ram were to this Agency's p g understanding that funds allocated understanding on a one time basis. bridging cultural It should be. noted that, if other new projects are funded or increased, then such -funding allocations to existing projects are Day: Care Contingency; must: be: taken from .either :the proposed Service Contingency or other recommended public pro pnsed',Social service _agencies. The Citywide,- Community Development Advisory $Oaof concurs ur public' C C.D. the staff recommendation for the allocation service -..funds, except as,follows: .; 1 ... The Advisory .Board recommends the allocation of .-the entire,=. (there is no Child z $1,891h,950;available for public services Care Contingency _or Social.Service Contingency). -qn 1 � . h x � t The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page -7+ M. 2. The Advisory Board recommends funding the follow i0g Agencies, which are not part of the staff recommendation at this time: Agape Academic Enrichment Center $ 29,507 50,000 Aspira of Florida 50,000 Haitian American Civic Club 50,000 ` Positive, Inc. 509000 Regis House Neighborhoods Jobs Program-, .;. The Neighborhoods Jobs Program is also recommended for continued funding at the reduced level of $220,000, a decrease of $154►650' from the 16th Year allocation of $374,650• This reduction is the obtaining additional funding through the result of success in South Florida Employment and Training Consortium and the State of �. Florida. It is projected that the Neighborhoods Job Program will place approximately 1,000 City of Miami residents in u hardidcore employment in the coming year, including many unemployed individuals. III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPKENT: �i The staff and .the Board recommended the funding, of all existing ten (10) Community Based Organizations for the 1991-92 fiscal year. However, _we differ on the level of funding for several o R, these agencies. The Board recommends $100,000 for Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation, $100,000 for Wynwood Community. Economic Development Corporation and $60,000 for Downtown Miami Business Association. Staff- recommends $50,000 for all organizations. As stated before, the Board .has also recommended the, funding of r - .. every project request in this area. Staff strongly .disagrees with this proposal and believes that the funds for those ;project� should be used, in the City',s housing program as..requested,by `tie G Administration. 7 T Administrative funding for the DepartmentI. of Development' ih amount; of $250,000:ao;manage the Southeast Over Park West f Fa project is also included as part of the CDBG allocations.} i {3a s z ` D z Y A � 2i+ Fit-jS,�,. ri i � �A The Honorable Mayor and z, Members of the City Commission Page In addition, staff recommends providing funds' 'in •the atAoint ' 'b` t $250,000 to Miami Capital Development, Inc., to provide technii and financial assistance to small and/or disadvantaged businesses located in the City of Miami target areas. l,ikewise,`staff g the Revolving Loan Fund proposes to continue fundinProgram at the level of $700,000 for Business Development which is used to provide low interest loans to small and/or disadvantage { businesees'located in the target areas. There are two projects which are designed to develop training and and provide economic opportunities for disadvantaged youth improvements in the neighborhoods. Staff and the Board recommended continued funding with minor changes in program implementation as follows: - Dade Employment and Economic Development Coporation s` Greater Miami Youth Service, Corp. project is recommended at $65,000 with priority to improvements in City parks. - Tri-City-Community Association's Home Improvement x project is recommended at $57000''with a more ` defined selection process for homes which are ray 2 improved through the project. The Board recommended' increasing the agency's allocation' to $94,060. Staff, however, recommends the agency fi pursue other funding sources and will assist the ` tit agency in this regard. IV. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: ter, Staff is recommending the funding of seven (?) projects totalling $834,650 in physical public improvements which include $255,000 for the N.W. 2nd Avenue Beautification project in Wynwood and $50`,000 for the Black Archives _Lyrics Theatre Restoration. Also,..; et;f included is g proposed`$300,000 for the construction of a new Trauma Center at' Jackson Memorial Hospital, a proposal which was ; i>; n u not reviewed by the Advisory Board because of the new, r.G . k recommendations by Staff after the Board's review process was. (14) completed. The Board recommends the funding of fourteen . projects totalling $1 ,869,650. L b t i X }; Y 1" T�1 i' { 3 r i x , i` aJ sr _ K k + , y; Vf h t F F i The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page -9- Staff also strongly considered the facility needs a of the social services agencies and the positive impact these improvements The would have on the delivery of services to area residents. therefore included in the recommendations: following projects are $40o000 for acquisition of major fixtures for the Notre Dame Day Care Center in Little Haiti (Edison/Little River) $32,500 for Leasehold improvements to the Little Havana Child Care facility in the Rio Towers Elderly housing complex under construction across from the Artime Community Center in Little Havana. $100,000 for the renovation of the community building in the Rainbow Village Housing project in Overtown into a child care facility to be operated by St. Agnes Rainbow Village Development Corporation. - $57,150 for building fixtures for the Miami Bridge Shelter for homeless youth new facility in Allapattah. V. CONTINUING PHYSICAL PROJECTS ASSOCIATED WITH HOUSING: Staff and.Board recommends the continued funding of the following two (2) projects: 1. Code Enforcement and Building Demolition to continue the City's code enforcement program, 'funding recommended at $300,000. 2. Citywide Senior Crime Watch security program, which provides home security improvements on a Citywide basis, P: recommended at the level of $55,000. r y, r .ice xC s T The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission page -10y V1. ADMINISTRATION z that the level for administration. be ` We are recommending at the same level percentage of grant funds (20) ss maintained Administration funds are utilized to cover general µ last year. administration costs of the program, and planning activities to the City. R Attachments: Proposed Ordinance and Resolution k i; : r: i• 3G } f7 F ti� a: z 3 °ate 1te air +f • CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 17TH YBAR CDBO PROPOSALS ItbU5It1d PROGRAMS RifCbMl�lt»�►TIb115 Aeouttt Original Requested Staff C.B. BoarBlaf tfinai TA NAME OF PROJECT Department of Development and Housing 4,000,000 4,000,000 725,940 4,000,000 -. 50,000 50,000 50,000 50 *0 E Tacolcy L East Little Havana CDC 60,000 501000 5b,OoO 50,000 0 St. John Community Development, Corp. 50,000 50,E 501000 501000 50,000 $0,000 50,000 50,000 CW CODEC, Inc CW Florida Housing Cooperative 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 W Wynwood Community Economic Development 50,000 Corporation (New Application) 50,000 50,000 50,000 2,067,E -0- -0- -0- CW Dade County HUD CW Senior Crime Watch Program 80,625 (Jewish Family & Children services) 55,000 55,000 55,000 Department of Planning, Building and Z300,000 oning (Code Enforcement) 300,000 300,000 300,000 SUB TOTAL: $7,007,625 $4,655,000 $t,380,940 $4,655,� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PROJECT NAME A Allepattah Business Development Authority 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 C Coconut Grove Local Development Corp. (CCLDC) 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 50,000 Real,Eatate;Acquisition (CCLDC)-Project 200,000 40,000 Rehabilitation Old Grand Drug Store -Project 40,000 Business Association (DHBA) 60;000 50,000 60,000 5M00 D DoNntown.Miami Hinority'Business Outreach Prog: (DMBA)-Proj. 50,000 Acquisition 1,075.000 50,000 1,0 ,0 0 .Miami Dade Community College -Land E oreater Hisoayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce 50,000 Greaten.TaecayneForce 50,000 50,E 50'000 50,E 50,000Haitia Sb,000 50,0� L"Little Havana Development Authority` 50,000 50�000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Small Business Opportunity Center - Association'(Nex Application) 50,00050,000 <Lstin quarter ♦. p Hertin4Luther King -Economic Development Corp. 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 Model ,City -'Economic Feasibility and ` 50,000 50,000 `:'Fiscal. Impact Analysis - Project ., p. New Washington Heights Development Conference 50,000 50'� 477,0� 50,000 itotol Project Acquisition - Project 477,000 50'000 50,000 " Noto1 Project -',Soft Cost A-Adm..='Project 50,000 50,000 Park West Association ` Development ration (WED) 1009000 50,0� 100,000 50,E W- Wynwo6 Economi6 ,e �Y 9,-. 3 , vw. ECONOMIC NVELO"T PROJECTS ECONOMIC NVELO"T PROJECTS Amount Original C.D. 1pilifti TA _EARN OF PROJECT Requested start Board sty i CW Miami Capital Development, Inc., Adm. 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Miami Capital Development, Loan Fund -Project 1,000,000 700,000 700,000 7001000 Department of Development 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Facade Program - Project 325,000 322,150 322j150 322,150 Mini - UDAG - Project 344,650 344,650 344,650 344,650 Dade Employment Economic Develop., Corporation Job Training Program - Project 172,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Tri-City Community Association Job Training Program Project 94,060 57,000 94,060 57,000 SUB TOTALSt $5,087,710 $2,488,800 $4,677,860 12,488,800 PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS NAME OF PROJECT A Street Improvements/Curtis Park 206,000 115,000 Curtis Park Elderly/Facility Plaza 15,000 Recreation Building Comstock Park 100,000 100,000 1()0,000 0 - C Grand Avenue Park Improvements 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 Coconut Grove Franklin Ave., Cemetery Pence 50,000 50,000 Community Artwall 20,000 D Neighborhood Recreation Center 220,000 220,000 NE ist and 2nd Avenue/Design Development 50,000 NE 1st Avenue/Reconstruction 250,000 E Day Care New Construction d Rehab., Project 200,000 New Park Construction 1,000,000 Police mini Station 100,000 Notre Dame Day,Care Equipment Acquisition 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 L Jose Marti Park,Gymnasium 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 Latin Quarter Specialty.Center Land Acquisition 500,000 500,000 Latiii Quarter Comprehensive Facade Treatment Pilot Project 100,000 Latin Quarter Residential Development Assistance Pilot*Program 200,000 Latin Quarter:Signage Program 15,000 Ernesto Lecuona'Mini-Park Improvements 50,000 Latin-Quer'ter ftrals and Plaques Program 151000 'Latin.Quarter Commercial Street Beautification and'Im'provement Program 250,000 Riverside Park Restroom Facilities 45,000 loatiWQuarter Outdoor Cafe 'Pilot Project 50,000 Domino -Park Expansioni 100,000 �Little Havana:Child Care/Leasehold Improvements 33,343 32,500 32#500 32t500 M Woon'Center 08towiky:Improvements 200,000 200,000 Neighborhood Street'Improvements (D.A. Dorsey) 500,000 200,000 0 3rd Aven6e,Vtreetscape Improvements 300,000 :LYrics Theater Piesa'iiation - Black Archives 50,000 50,000 O,ODO 50, 000 Greater Bethel A.H.E.'Church Preservation 132,000 St. Agree 8sinboxage yill 100,000 100,000 100,000 100 '000,•-2- RS PIR$IC3AL _%lSPEOI1+�11T5 Amount gequested Original C.D. Staff. Board Pinal Staff TA NAME ,OtROJgCT W NW 2nd Avenue Beautification Project 275,000 275+000 275,000 255,000 De Hostos Senior Center Domino Kiosko 4,000 Child Care Program Bldg., txpaneion 425,000 San Juan Day Care Building Construction 350,000 CW Jackson Memorial Hospital - Trauma Center N/A N/A N/A 300,000t50,000 Regis House Land Acquisition 54,800 54,800 54,800 _ 0 _ Building Expansion - SW Social Services Building Fixtures - Miami Bridge 72,350 72,350 72,350 57,154 SUB TOTALS: $6,332,493 $834,650 $1,919,650 $834,650 CD Neighborhood Jobs Program 374,0 - 0 - 220,000 22- 0 - - 0 - 220,00- CD Contingency 3,860,258 1,891,950 1,891,950 1,891,950 CD Social Programs 2,522,600 2,522,600 2,522+600 21,522,600 CD Administration TOTALS: $25►163036 12,613,000 12,613,000 12,613,000 TA: A-ALLAPATTAH C-COCONUT GROVE CW-CITYWIDE 0-OVERTOWN D-DOWNTOWN 1-EDISON W-WYNWOOD L-LITTLE HAVANA M-MODEL CITY OF HUD RECAPTURE FUNDS AS PER HUD CIRCULAR 91-05 (ATTACHED) * INCLUDES AN ADDITIONAL $111,000 t r .' 41 M FEB 7 1991 I ME.MORM40ux Eon COMMUNIl5y I)i OPN,1 .......... U.b. UL-IJ01111101k U, I kuoe.-19 Juckgonville 01110 AeOlOn 1V 325 West Adams Sheel Jacksonville. Flotide 32202.4303 4.6CMh CIRCULAR LETTER 91-05 All Entitlement Community Development Dlock Grant (cDOG) Program Gkantees and the State of Florida dim Chaplin , 4.6S% limanager FROMI (�� SUBJECT: Community Development B Grant (CDBG) rinal Increment Fund Assignments for Fiscal Year FY 1990 This Circular Letter transmits the attached Metropolitan citiesattached FY 1990 final tt increment of CDBG funding assignmes fose funds were Urban Counties and the State of Firrida. Th nt ActioneGrant (UDAG) recaptured from the DeveloPms Urban .program. ailable. Grantees can apply This final assignment is now av -u- vv ioqn balance either when applying for their FY 1991 - i_ %s%m4i-i-ina an 1h I 5%rt. fi 5 } rJ�C S� 3 L; �dY.r `4 h i F tT� � f S ry { t r t T� 7, zj4; �y t 1 ry 1990 F3tiAL INCKLMMIT Boca Baton Bradenton Cape Coral Clearwater Cocoa Coral Springs Broward County) Daytona.Beach Delray Beach rt. Lauderdale . rt. Myers tort pierce ' Fort Walton Beach Gainesville 11i�leah . Hollywood Jacksonville Lakeland '*h1 At 7777TI s>ba'ht+,t�.�.fr�kt.!i�?Mitk%iH"•� CbOGDNDtt�G $3,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 a 2,000 9,000 4,000 19,000 6,000 7,000 2000 12,000 36,000 11,000 71,000 • 6,000 q,000 5,000 17,000 1,000 5,000 17, 000 5,000 7,000 2,000 8,000 25,000 7,000 2,000 14,000 37 , 000 4,000 91000 w ._ 2,000 15,000 50,000, 142,.000. 22; 000 " 38,000 14,000 36,000. 44,000 . 18,000 25,p00 30�r 000 9,000 17,000 19000 i V 1 • 91 /84� { iNy - t t.3k KGG PUBLIC SERVICES ORIGINAL C.D. FINAL ,t At40UNT BTA r ADVISORY STA P AGENCY REQUESTED I;ECOM. BOARD_ REC _ RECOM __ A ALLAPATTAIi COMMUNITY $ 278#772 $ 255►774 $ 255,714 $ 255►774 - ` ACTION C COCONUT GROVE FAMILY $ 60,364 $ 55►89'l $ 55,892 $ 55►892 HEALTH CENTER MIAMI MENTAL HEALTH $ 29,431 $ 27,251 $ 27►251$ 27,251 CENTER ST. ALBANS DAY NU1tSERY$ 30,525 $ 28,004 $ 28,004 $ 28,004 , D FIRST UNITED METHODIST$ 15,400 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 CHURCH MIAMI COALITION FOR $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 251000 $ 25,000 CARE TO THE HOMELESS E CATH. COM. SERVICES - $ 20,782 $ 6,298 $ 60298 $ 6,298 ' NOTRE DAME DAY CARE & NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER HAITIAN AMERICAN COM- $ MUNITY ASSOCIATION OF $ 100,000 80,000 $ 47,329 $ 47,329 $ 47,329 tz' DADE COUNTY (HACAD) y j` (IAI'C. AMER. CIV. CLUB $ 307,000 $ 50►000 1 L ASSOCIATION FOR THE $. 50,000 $ 40,196 $ 40,196 $ 40,196 USEFUL AGED CATH. COM. SERVICES- $ 69,200 $ 20,992 $ 20,992 $ 20,992 - 3 CENTRO MATER CHILD CARE } AND NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER $ 52,540 $ 15,894 $ 15,894 $ 15,894 CATH. COM. SERVICES-- L.I1, CHILD CARE PROGRAM LIONS HOME FOR THE $ 76,663 $ 49,020 $ 49,020 $ 49,020 BLIND AN 0 AGAPE ACADEMIC ENRICH-$ 45,000 $ 29,507 3 t� MENT CENTER ` RAINBOW $ ST.AGNES ,000 $ 25,000 $ 25 ,000 $ 25,000 ; VILLAGE DEV. CORP. W ASPIRA OF FLORIDA $ 56,612 $.: 50,000 $ 50,000 CA�'HOLIC COMMUNITY $ 24,700 $ 7,497 $ 7,497 $ 7,497 SERVICES- SAN JUAN DAY CARE & NEIGHBORHOOD CTR. HOLY CROSS DAY CARE $ 117,000 $ 29,988 $ 29,988 $ 29,988 CENTER - CHILD CARE' HOLY CROSS DAY CARE $ 299,248 $ 185,138 $ 185,138 $ 185,138 CENTER -DE HOSTOS NATIONAL PUERTO RICAN $ 295,847 ` - Y` CW ACTION COMMUNITY CTR. $ 374000 $ 293,810'$ 293,810 $ 293,810 ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS $ 55,600.$ 50,000 $ 50,000 $- 50,000 CURE AIDS NOW $ 265,611 $ 27,887 $ 14,235 $ 27,887 $ 14,235 $ 27,887 14,235 w END WORLD HUNGER $ FLAGAMI'.COMMUNITY CTR.$ 14,23^5 $ 159,726 - HAIT. AMERICAN FOUND. $ 791325 656 $ 95, 986 $ 95, 986 $ 95, 986 3AMES E.: SCOTT++COMMUNs$' 108, ITY ASSOCIATION (JESCA) L. H."ACTIV. & NUTRI, $ 281,057 $ 251,359 $ 251,359 $ 251,359 i CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY v - MIAMI JEWISH HODIE AND $ 40,000 $ 28,471 $F 28,471 $ 28,471 HOSPITAL FOR THE:AGED ' POSITIVE, INC. $ 89, 807 $ 50, 000 $ 50,000 z REGIS HOUSE $ 87,000 $ 66,022 $ 50,000 66,022 $ 66,022 SOUTHWEST SOCIAL $ 96,957 $ t F SERVICES 4s 5 3f£ SUB TQTALS $3,860,258 $1,762,443 $1,891,950 $1,662,443' SOCIAL SERVICE $1, 875, 3(d0 $1,875, 300 $1,875, 300 4 �} xA u ti, � �� • .AVAILABLE HUD UDAG RECAPTURE $ 16, 650 .`$ 16,650 $ 16 R 6'SO ' r 4 �. DAY CARE CONTINGENCY $ 0 $ 161,338, UNCQMtIITTED $ 129,$07 $ 0 $ 68,169 91- 2 8 '�Mi" y k i CITY OF MIAhII DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY. DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) �:.PROGRAMS ISONITORED.BY SOCIAL PROGRAMS DMSIOH A L L •O C A T I O& S C.D.B.G. SPACF TOTAL PROJECT TITLE +DESCRIPTION pRpJgCT # AGENCY' 'a. $ 276,160 $ 17,650 $ 293,910 T-793p Action.Comanunity City Wide Transportation Program This Program pro- door-to-door ;demand response transportation ser- Centeic, :;Inc. .'' • vides to a minimum'of 1,235 unduplicated elderly, vices residents. ile City of Miami handicapped,and/or juven Y Citywide basis with an em- Agency provides services on `in'the Allapattah and Little Havana target phasis areas. (Public,Service) Eldezly Sew s - Agency provides meals $ 240, 406 � 15, 368 $ 255, 774 A-S1Sp Allapattah Com- Allapattah and: supportive social, recreational and educational,.;: munity.Action, Inc. services to 2,000 unduplicated elderly residents of Service) the'.Allapattah Target Area. (Public which provides solu- $ 46,996 $ 3,004 $ 50,000 . T-1S05p Alternative Pro- Alternative Programs - A progzam Lion -oriented options to non-violent offenders, servi- LL ; grasus, Inc. ces-include.: ' housing , job r�a�ning and health cane. (Public Service) $ 37;781 $ 2,415 $ 40,196 H`530p Association for Little Havana Assistance to the Elderl - This Program information, education, limited the•�Useful Aged,. P rovides community transportation,and,casework services to a minimum of Inc. 1, 364 elderly` and/or handicapped unduplicate3 Little Havana .residents. (Public Service) i0-1-90 N 3=+} S kp +`H `�" »V'+�.P....�ti. ,:I^-e .�v-'r.e'w. � ✓'> fR�i+ry w t r.Mtii�t 1^ I ... d .. i t C 636p hiv Black Arces, Black Archives/Lyric Theatre - Rehab: This project is $ and restoration 5B'•80g' $ 50`0H0 History and'Re- designed to contsnue the rehabilitation the,Historicl Lyric Theatre in Overtown• Specifically, search Foundation of South Florida, of physical improvements to the theatre itself. (Historic Preservation) Inc. Catholic Commu- nits►" Services, Inc. ,, _ $ Centro Mater Child Care Program -These programs will 59,192 $ 3,784 $ 62,976 H-223p Centro Day, Care and prow a supervised daily care,_ meals, recreation, en- casework services to children Neighboihood richment'opportunities and in the Little Havana target area of the City of Center' residing Miami. The after school program will provide service to 315'undupli"cated children ages 5-14; the comprehensive 170 unduplicated chil- day care component will service 5 (Public Service) dren ages 6 weeks'to years. Little Havana Community Center Childcare This pro- $ 44 820 $ 2,862 $ 47,682 H-563p .. Little Havana provides supervised care, meals, recreation and Childcare gram oppotunities to 77 unduplicated children enrichment to 6 residing in the Little Havana Target Area ages`2 of the City. (Public Service) ' - This Program provides $ 76fd 1.133 $' I8,893 I7 $ , T-1199p :- Notre -Dame Day Citywide Child Care Program supervised care, meals, recreation and enrichment Care & Neigh- oPPo�tunities to tan u6 fromttheA .borhood Cater years, primarily the ages of 2 1/2 and 6 years, River Target Area of the City of Miami - Fdison Little' (Public Service) $ 21,140 $ 1,351 $ 22,491 W-1281p San Juan Day w 'wood After School Care Pr ram- This Program pro sad daily care, meals, recreation, educe- Care and Neigh- v es supery opportunities and casework services boyhood Center tion,-enrichment to 40 unduplicated children between the ages of 5-13 41 chit- in the after school program, and unduplicated residing es 3 to 5 in the child care program, ran 9 Target Area of the City of, Fes, primarily in the Wynwood Miami. (Public Service) _.2 _ ' i0 1-90 . Health Care., This Program pro Coconut Grove Primary.He 52,535 3,357 55,8%2 26PPI Coconut Grove "Real vides �,outpatient :medical, dent al, cpx. and/or fami aml, Y in g, -services to. approximately_ 1,750 patients, center,Inc.1Y from the Coconut residents With..a primary emphas s on Service) Area of the City Of Miami. (Public rove Targetice) This Program ovides home delivered rogram provides 26,202 1,6a5, 27,887 0. 4 d Aids:"Nowt- Cure homebound aids minimum unduplicat ed Inc. meals a -of S. (public Service). tient T-1603p This project pror Greater Miami You Co9-- Youth Service --P-- D.'C.for the to D.E-E 65,000 65,000 Dade Employment- -lop Economic` -Develop- e -adminlsi�xat ve funding s of,a progr am for a minimum of 10 Young M gnt, Corporationestablishment C Commercial and adults'ages 3.6-;22,-,,�rhich will undertake CO=ae Park Improvement Housing Physical Improvement Projects, anti -Child .Care Assistance on a City-wide basis. (Economic.Development) ides funds Gardens:_ This.Project provides community Food, Gard of 13,380 855 14,235 End.:Vorld.- Hunger, T-13o'2b to develop community gardens to me et the food needs nc" on r siding. in public housing p rojects income pers S e to.promote self 9 ufficiency. A minimum of 120 undu- plicated persons will be trained to plant and harvest food gardens. '(Pi3bliC Service) iiiip ID&,Oto,,�n- Hot, Meals Program or the Elderly This pro- 9,%35 602 10,037 It 1i Methodist Church gram, provides hot meals which ar e supported.by recrea counseling and health support ac- of miamif -in.6. tivities educational, to 250unduplicated elderly persons residing in the Downtown.Target, Area of the City of Miami• (Public Service) 10-1-90 3 i. F - ( ) - 329 $ 47,329 47 E710410 Haitian American, Haitian Social Service Program - This Program pro- um 650 unduplicated Coimtiunity'Assoc.vides emergency, food to a of Haitian immigrants residing in the Edison Little River of' Dade County, Target, Area of .the City of Miami. (Public Service) Inc.' E 164PJp Cultural Awareness Pr ram -This program is to and better understand- $ 44,485 - $ 44,485 .._ Haitian, American Foundation,'Inc. ' foster-cu total awareness ng of the Haitian American community and the other ethnic communitiess of the City of Miami such as Anglo and Jewish the `Hiepanic, African' American, communities. (Public Service) nwood Child Care Program - This program provides 84,558 5,407 84f965 $ $ $ W_683p Holy. Cross Day Care Center; Inc. `superyised,,care, meals, recreation, enrichment oppor- to a minimum of 56 tunities and casework services 2-5 living in the Wynwood Target Area ` children ages, Public Service) t of the City of Miami. T74 0I2 9 11 126 $ 185,138 W-240p Holy Cross Day Wynwood Elderly Services - This Program provides re- $ transportation, escort, :;,..; Care Center, Inc. creation, meals education, counseling, health support, information/referral ser- vices to a minimum of 500 unduplicated elderly and/or handicapped City of Miami Wynwood Target Area resi- dents. " (Public Service) City Wide Elderly This Program provides Hot Meals -$ 90,216 $ 5,770 $ 95,.986 T-809p James E. Scott cost- meals, education, transportation and other Community - recreation, supportive services to a minimum of 750 elderly City ciation.-Inc. residents at the following sites: Neighborhood Family (Coconut Grove), Services, New Horizons, Stirrup Plaza (Public Service) Pepper Towers (Model City) and Overtown. i 3 �'i'Wdr'i�ic t +�*.'k y ."�.} } /" r.. w ... •..� .. .v . .. vim{'. r ram This Program $.55,000 T- 1Blp jewish`Family and Cif Wida Senior Crime watce ui meatrao to a n of Children's Ser- will install home security q P vices, Inc. 200 elderly low income residents on a City Wide basis. Housing/Rehabilitation) H-564p Lions Home for Little Havana Assistance to the Blind - Thisaluog , the Blind. -Inc..- provides...soc al �richment, rehabrtation services • + recreation, escbrt and/or transpo re a minimum of 65 unduplicated blind Persons residing primarily in"the 'Little Havana Target Area -of the City of - Miami. (Public Service) als - This Program provides meals Elderly Hot MeProgram and -supportive social and nutritional services to aCmini - mum of 775 unduplicated elderly and/or handicappedY residents. (P,ublic Service) T-810p Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. 5 46,073 $ 2,941 ;? -��,••�., $ 236,253 $ 15,106 Care Center at Legion $ 26.759 e%-r Adult. Dar .,n-2.. Miami Jewish Home Douglas GardnnsRS�minrovides senior adult day care ser ' -- -- - --A $: 251,359 - n-VT M fs2,053 S 3,969 $ 66,022 southwest social Provides Southwest"Social"Services = This Program pr to a minimuta of 150 undupli- T-1108p Soutices� -Inc. multiple. social services elderly City of Miami residents from the cated Flagami area. Services include:., congre5tion eels, iand °tio d re- ;. home -delivered ;meals, counseling, �fA sport ferral.; education► recreation (Public Service) z,. 8: 0 1,683204 $ 26,321 $ Alban Day ra - This Pr in Coconut Grove Child Care Program og and enrichment oPpor- Z20p St. Nsery�_c� provides supervised care, meals 30 children between the ages of 6 months tunities_to to 3 years. Services are provided in a fcaareyfacili- care home as opposed to a congregate day ty. (public Service) - This project rehabilitates $ 57,000 $ - $ 57,000 T-1602p -Tri-City.Community Home Im rovement Program —_ homes through the organization's Job sin le family g Association, Inc. Housing) Training Program, ( g $I,g3g,15A $103,424',0+�2,574s TOTAL • SPACF -Special Programs and Accounts: ContingentF and plots:" (1)CDBG 15th Year , 11a-1-90 i PREVIOUSLY 11MED Pin >: AGESM LIC SERVICE �tirtBEn . pS_1 Action`Cmmnunity Center $ PS-15 Agape, Academic .Enrichment center PS-2 Allapattah Community Action PS-3 Alternative Programs PS-4 Aspira of Florida PREVIOUSLY NEW PUBLIC FUNDED OTHER EWERVI� COMMENTS SERVICE SERVICE Increase of *sro, i7n t.,....... --- 374,000 salaries/fringe benefits, maintenance/ repairs and insurance Funds requested to, provide a supplemental $ 45,000 educational program for youth with high dropout probability- 278,772 55,600 Funds requested to establish the ASPIRA 56,612 Homework Resource Center ithe wynw od area to provide ,a learninn, g lab for income at risk youth. Propose to serve 105 youth annually, 25 on an average daily basis. Most significant portion of $8,804 in 50,000 crease is for insurance. PS-5 As for the `` Useful' Aged " - .. $ 50.000 Black Archives, History 0-1 Research Foundation and of;"South Florida Catholic Community ` Services, Inc. e Centro Mater Day Cara ' PS-6' j`_ Neighborhood Center Fk f1x y +:"Y». r i _ ai',':3"..;$�rx:,,M�F, p� '�: ...4.,,.....T�i. -. a. , � . fit. x ..1 <,; •t ... ...nC ,... n .a.. . PREVIOUSLY r FUNDED PUB- ;P1iOJ8C'f X� ENG? LZC SERVICE �tUMBER Catholic:Comm►unity Services, Inc. s Little Havana Childcare$ 52,540 pS-7 Little Havana Childcare O-2 PS-8 Da Care & 20,782 Notre Dame y Neighborhood Center 0-3. Notre Dame Day Care & Neighborhood Center PS-9 San Juan Day Care & 24,700 Neighborhood Center 0-4 , Sang Juan Day .Care & -Neighborhood Center pREVZOUSLY m PUB ZC SERVICE NEW OM COMMENTS E $ 33,343 Program is expanding through the rental of space at Rio Towers Elderly housing now under construction. to°3 ct 200. in rease Funds in clientsd from 56eat/, requested to. purchase kitchen supplies and leasehold imp 40,000 Funds requested for kitchen equipment/ supplies and leasehold improvements. 350,000Funds requested for construction of facility in Wynwocd area to expand services. PROJECT ICY 6-6;. Greater Bethel A.M,E, Church PS-16 Haitian American Civic Club PREVIOUSLY PUBLIC NEW gUNDED PUB- LIC SERVICE SERVICE PS-17 Haitian American Commun- $ 80,000 ity Association Of Dade County PS-18 Haitianrican i Association ofommun- Dade County PS-19 ,325 Haitian American 79, Foundation Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc-: PS-20 De Hostos Senior Center 299,248 $ 307,000 100,000 FUND= OTHER NEW OTHER SERVICE SERVICE COMMENTS I- 132,000 Funding requested under historic preser- vation to restore glass dcw exit the sanctuary, Place deteriorated in sanctuary to doors, restore ceiling original historic around t Sanctuary' gn and rave lighting in andoud Funds requested to establish a child in Little Haiti. abuse prevention program Request is for $8030000, however,. budget reflects only $ 29- Funding requested to establish a chemical dependency education program in ency Edison Little River aisoas annuea-gally, proposes to serve 3,000 Pe 15-20 on a daily basis - Funding increase of $34,840 requestedto expand services;. significant increases for supplies, educational incentives, insurance, radio time- $5,000 requested for unacceptable "miscellaneous" line item. r Funding increase of $114,110 primarily for personnel costs, food and insurance 12,000 Funding requested for capital improvement Senior Center project. to build a domino kiosko at the De Hostos O-7 current De Hostos site. Funding increase of $27.035 primarily for 117,000 personnel costs - child Care J, 2 ..'� �r rwi4 ALA �;u�-u'-� � a�✓�_� ;' t 4` � _ �" ,�`.r ���� �a":{��a'h.S.4�=:Yi'"�_�5.7�:,.rfs±h'�4e.a�.T✓t.;.wr`1,n.�.c�.....; �ctv....a..�i. m5n w�,.. ,-...;01. ... _.: �a., „ .. - � . ; _ +': PREVIOUSLY FUNDED PUB- PREVIOUSLY NW PDBLIC ��R SERVICE R COMMEMS PROJECT AGENCY LIC SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE ' NQlH3E8 .: Holy cross Day Care Center, Ine s . $ 425,H00 requested to to construct new Funding req wood to serve is Wynwood Child Care child care facility 250 children: option- also to remodel E-g existing City property for same purpose � at a cost of $100,000- Funding increase of $12,670 requested food. Scott Community $ 1H8,656 primarily to purchase additional PS-22 James E. Association Funding increase of $25,625 primarily in $ 8H,625 increased personnel costs- 0-9 Jewish Family and Children's Services Fling increase of $27,641 requested to WorkereXoenses Hom e for the Blind 76,663 create new Senior Social. s s increased operating P PS-23 Lion s and address Funding increase of $29,698 primarily for food and personnel costs - . PS-24 Little Hay. c tiv. & Nu- 281,057 the purchase of building building a Ct tritxo n Ctrs of Dad Y 121,424 requested to purchase Funds q the equipment for 0-10 e Bridge Miami B 9 furnishings and s new shelter to house Agency's cY 9 runaway/undomicil;ed youth - Funds requested to implement a strategy n. in the Downtown $ 25,HHH to feed homeless persons PS-25 Miami Coalition for Care area. to the Homeless of $10,000 requested for the 40,000 Increase purchase o f food - PS-26 Miami Jewish Home and the Aged .Hospital for � P-27 Miami Mental Health Ctr 29,431 ..' - 4 - PREVIOUSLY FUNDED PUB- NEW PUBLIC PREVIOUSLY FUNDED OTHER NEW OTHER PROJF•O'1' AGENCY LIC SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE COMMENTS litUlrIDER Funds requested to provide an. educational Ps-28 National Puerto Rican $ ,847 295 services, vocational training employment for Forum services and case management program of the Wynwood area. law income residents Funds requested to establish a Citywide PS-29 Positive, Inc. 89,807 program to impact on street gang users abusers and gang • act ivity,• drug related criminal activities - Funds requested for professional and PS-30 Regis Souse , support staff salaries for the Agency`s alcohol abuse adolescent drug and treatment center. ' Funds requested for site acquisition and 0-11 Regis Souse $ 150,000 physical rehabilitation to establish a drug and alcohol comprehensive adolescent abuse treatment center. Funding increase of $30,935 requested PS-31 Southwest Social Services$ 96,957 primarily for the:purchase of food. 54,800 Funding is requested for physical 0-12 Southwest Social Services expansion of current facility. Funds requested for 4 separate projects: PS-32 St. Agnes Rainbow Village 174, 000 1) Child Day Care Satellite Facility School Care Program Development Corporation ($I26,500); 2) After ($30,000); Adult Education Program ($10,000); 4) Recreation Prog. ($7,000). I PREVIOUSLY' PREVIOUSLY FMDED PUB- NEW PUBLIC FUMED OTHERS R PRO 'r AGESLZ LIC SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE ERVXCE I_ IIUMBER $ 546►685 $1,168,567 GRAND TOTAL = $5,684,349 $2r629 105 $1,339,992 TOTAL I I _ � _ 6 r ry . ,ei ,q u .�r�y. ��9a�k�.fii�'�. `'1r���+N�'fxd�Y ��c .r.•,?'�'���9.`ro��.... �. £, � ,.... , .. �. ter- .. -. ... =r x- n, r 441. z Et 1"l y n � y?R r f ha Lf ! T �.yxH k wr � U S c' These objectives involved, but were not limited to, profflotitig neighborhood and commercial redevelopment, assisting In the establishment, growth and/or expansion of small buaitAessea'o public/private partnerships, and the attraction of addit'ibfibl _ private investments. _ Generally, the target areas of. the CEOs have experienced a declining economic base, dis-investment and an exodus of a skilled and educated work force. The CBOs serve as a catalyst :in redeveloping these areas, and in attracting industry and busines.a investment. This includes creating an image for the neighborhood commercial district that will create a competitive advantage with respect to other communities. Inclusive in its Sixteenth (16th) Year objectives, the CBOs have taken on as part of their management objectives such projects`as developing and managing commercial properties; restoring and rehabilitating 'commercialproperties; providing' creative financing; and emphasizing a positive, forward -thinking image of the community through' effective citizen participation' and other, similar activities. Presently, ten (10) CBOs- are" under contract with the City of tiw Miami and receive' funding for administrative and programmatic F activities. Since the inception of the CBO structure process, .in .i excess of three million dollars ($3,663,383) of Community Development Block 'Grant funds has been expended for this purpose. �'x K3 } —2— g. t 7 }ys 2 r. . t i r t t !e }. in addition to the City funding received, each organitatiotl f.s contractually required to generate additional income in the amount of $16§500. The incdin e generation requirement was mandated to assist the contractors in becoming financially self- sufficient+ r CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE REVIEW In addition to its management objectives, the CBOs also adhere'to _ the established Community Based Organization Policies and Procedures -Manual, maintain a strong financial management system and are formally monitored on a quarterly basis for both programmatic and fiscal contract compliance. Beginning with the Twelfth (12th) Year contract period, the Department of Community Development began implementing an evaluation process that identified those contractors whose efforts and/or initiatives had a direct impact on its target area and the results of such action could be measured in a quantitative form. Those contractors -who, were unable -to achieve any of their objectives were either recommended for. probationand/or contract termination. As a; result,. the,.CBOs -now: take a more active role in spearheading development:.: efforts in the respective target areas.' and prov4Ad direct leadership in those; areas. .'.�f t ib . yY. I 1 91- r Below is the CEOs (A) (B) (C) (D) anc/or-}-. Lu its present objectives, and,, the:organization's enhance r'2 " ability to obtain additional funding for its programs -projects.; and/or, f � �N �t 4s Z Jr 4 =�f l�. f (E) �.B.gtioH. .nf___the Ccf���r�-igl-acaAp..td rar This area measures the ability of the agency to implement the Commercial Facade Program within its specific target area. — ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHOBITy _INC._(ABbA). a. Provide business/technical assistance to approximately 136 clients. b. ABDA was not fully complying with all administrative requirements of the City of Miami contract at the beginning of the Fiscal Year. As of this writing all requirements have been met in a satisfactory manner. C. Complied with generated revenues requirement. d. Participated in television and radio news programs that featured stories on the commercial and residential developments in the Allapattah community. - Implemented the Fifth Annual Allapattah Fair - The International Salsa Festival, December 8-9, 1990. - In the process of developing the Fern Isle Project. e. Participated in the Commercial Facade Program. Letters of Interest - 24; In Process' - 16; Completed -' 3 COCONUT GROVE-LOCAL"DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. (CGLDC) a. Provided technical/business assistance to approximately f_ 59 clients. b`.. Complied with . the administrative andfiscal requi.remen:ts 3_ y of the City of Miami's contract,` ;may �x k — 5-"_ 3 ,r a y�h yQ g i a c c •.. `' b. Complied with the administrative requirements of the City of Miami contract. c. Has r-ased -- $8,752. ii� generated revenues' thwwarda thL $16,500 requirement for this- fiscal year.. d. Agency is working towards the deve:lopmemt ariid implementation of the Asian Village Proiect. Agency was instrumental in the construction and opeft t•g a Police Mini 9 ation for the hiscayne Boulevard area. e. Participated in the Commercial Facade Program. Letters of. Interest - 4; In Process - 22,- Campleted - I NOTE: Eventhough the Age.ncy'sr performance has improved from. previous years, t•he following occu_rrenc" ha--ve t&kerx= p'lacec - Ms. Dova Cauthen, Board- Chairpersond, ,: passea-vay`# l '. h New Board electionsare sch:edu.led' fo'r. July a3i 4 th.ts year, x - Execu,,t iv a Director r'esrigned: effective Ma.r eht f s 1.941. New 1rirecu•tive Director li-a;s been, .1e'd''++« sr Due- to the a:forem-eat-i-oed` ocevcr'r`en=ce-&, vWe:D'eparrtnre tY- ¢r of eo-mmuixi ty D:avrelopmen,t. recomm-e`rvd-&. that t.h-e- kg nleY- ley pla.ce4 on- a p:roh&.ti 6vary srtatus irn order that: cue WAYa l.. a c:Sas-6j work with aad monitor the° organli zati oow.. o- 4 x Ii Fri r ) 1 a 11. i 4 {ft � S t 4 ,t LYL$ �lAVA1�A n$q�,ONSNfi AU THOt1T't,__��iC� (1,tiA) Provided business/ technical assistance to apprcin�ately a. 50 clients, i b, Complied with the administrative requirement of the -;' City contract. Complied with generated revenues requirement. c. t; d. implemented the Latin Quarter Gateway Project. - Continued to manage and operate the Maximo Gomez Parke Participated in the Latin Quarter Commercial Facade e. Program. Letters of. Interest - 0; In Process - 24; Completed - 0 x NOTE: aggressively marketed the. Latin Quarter LHDA has not agg Y Additional efforts to provide technical - Area. assistance to existing area merchants must be 'r implemented. The Agency should also work closely with Miami Capital Development, Inc. in order to attract new businesses to the Latin Quarter. `. MART LOTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. (MLKEDC). oxmatel 106 Provided.business/technical ;assistance to apprY•. a. clients. b. Complied, with- fiscal requirement of its administrative s STM _ `£ contract. NOTE: MLKEDC_ has not complied with fiscal and/orr' requirements of its Lincoln Square ' administrative._ # Building contract. The Department of Community b: 5 -� 8 4 };C. • FAYy � �'7�J' 6.f't ter. f Wnv n Mson .A i` town N, fi 3' µ' j'. KA- 4 rS J r� i J s r _ d Mk`'' -fir.+. 00,gin i ty .Lf. � s t a2" t � ids �� �������\ SMALL BlUS IRIS S___,0fPORTf3NITY, C%)!Tgk.� y: .� ...... � � rip. . its, son :... .y �s w ti 3 6 4 NZy �* t i T�Z.} sTt t . t` .� z r COMPLIANCE WtTg R9VNNt1L GLN9RATION One of the critical contract requirements which the Community Based Organization must comply with, is to generate additional income. Under the terms of the Sixteenth (16th) Year Agreement, each agency is required to generate $16,500 by June 30, 1991. The total amount generated by each agency is listed below! CONTRACTOR Allapattah Business Development Authority, Inc. Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, Inc Downtown Miami Business Association, Inc. Greater Biscayne Blvd. Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Haitian Task Force, Inc. Little Havana Development Authority, Inc. New Washington Heights Community -Development Conference, Inc. Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation, Inc. AMOUNT $ 91,748 98,993 16,400 8,752 Small Business Opportunity Center, Inca 320,000 Wynwood Economic Development Corporation, Inc. 1261396 91- 284 -13- s � tiaA `r 3- i Jr x ^ iX , O r4 2/12/91 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION WITH ATTACHMENT(S) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED APPROVED GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) REQUESTING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,613,000 FOR THE CITY'S PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DURING 1991y 1992; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, UPON APPROVAL OF SAID GRANT BY HUD, TO ACCEPT THE SAME AND EXECUTE TUF4 NECESSARY IMPLEMENTING CONTRACTS , AND AGREEMENTS, SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROVISIONS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to submit the attached approved Grant Program Final Statement to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for the City's proposed Community Development program during 1991-92. SECTION 2. The City Manager, as Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Miami, upon approval of the above Grant by HUD, is hereby authorized to accept the grant and, upon receipt of same, execute the necessary implementing contracts and agreements to implement the 1991-92 Community Development Program, subject to applicable City Code provisions. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall became effective immediately upon its adoption. 91- 2$ qu� ti 5� + f PASSED AND ADOPTED thib clay of E 1991. �• d'rr �kx i AYOP. ' XAVIERUAREZt COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ;s ATTESTS AND APPROVAL! •. MATTY HIRAI FRANK CASTANEDA, DIRECTOR CITY CLERK DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT poi £: BUDGETARY REVIEW: FINANCIAL REVIEW: ie: MANOHAR S. SURANA, DIRECTOR CARLOS E GARCIA, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE it e" PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ;u49 - l? - j - t�tg : ALBERTINE B.-SMITH 4z CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY x }vi r-: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 7 � JORGE:,L. FERNANDEZ r X? a CITY ATTORNEY ht �z x �e § ! N —2— E�j c'y;5rcy. h�v; 41 ti f 15 ;X7 f�P S f a %f y � s. r Ip dEr �f 2/27/91 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (SEVENTEENTH YEAR)," AND APPROPRIATING $12,613,000 FOR EXECUTION OF SAME; FURTHER APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,400,000 FROM SEVENTEENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM INCOME AS APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND .URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR A TOTAL OF $14,013,000; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will award to the City of Miami a grant of $12,613,000 entitled Community Development Block Grant Seventeenth Year to provide community development activities for the period commencing June 16, 1991, and ending June 15, 1992; and WHEREAS, the City Department of Community Development projected that income amounting to $1,400,000 will be generated during the period commencing June 16, 1991, and ending June 15, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved the programming of said anticipated income of $1,400,000 to provide community development activities for the period commencing June 16, 1991, and ending June 15, 1992; as set forth in Housing and Urban Development Rules and Regulations Subpart J, Section 570.506, paragraph (c); and WHEREAS, the herein Ordinance is a proper vehicle to appropriate the aforesaid grant; 6x Q.. Ly 32 4 i -A. l 1i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORbAINtb RY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following Special Revenue] Fund is hereby established and resources are hereby appropriated as described herein: FUND TITLE% Community Development Block Grant 0 7th,Year) RESOURCES: Federal Grant-U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development $12,613,000 Community Development Block Grant Program Income 17th Year $1,400,000 APPROPRIATION% Community Development Block Grant (17th Year) TOTAL: $14,013,000 Section 2. The herein total appropriation of $14,013,000 for Community Development refers to those publicly supported physical development activities and those related social or economic development activities being carried out within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the approved Grant Program Final Statement. Section 3• All Ordinance or parts of Ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby.repealed. Section 4• If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 5• This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days after final reading and adoption. =r �L j '� rd tf t �t r i k } i t $ 3e1y1r ttz..'f , r i t ti r� z , er.! N 1- �i CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HLOCK GRANT PROGRAM I AP8q1SED STATEMMIT SEVENTEENTH17TH) YEAR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP'MEN O8J9CT1VES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS Pursuant to the 1988 amended Housing and Community Development regulations of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, the City of Miami has developed this "Proposed Statement of Community Development objectives and Projected Use of Funds." GOALS OF THE PROGRAM * To expand the supply of standard housing units for low and moderate income City residents. * To provide economic development assistance to businesses on a neighborhood and Citywide level. * To improve the delivery of social services at the neighborhood level. * To create incentives for commercial development within the City. j, * To expand employment skills and opportunities for low and moderate income City residents. * To expedite the implementation of the overall Citywide redevelopment strategy. * To assist in the preservation of historic and architecturally distinct structures and unique neighborhoods. * To improve the utility and availability of existing public facilities. OBJECTIVE - HOUSING * To improve the City of Miami's housing stock'by improving substandard housing units in the City's - Community Development target areas through rehabilitation financial assistance. 91 284 Area Recomrnendec� Act.iyitie Target Area -Wide * Citywide Single pamilY housing rehabilitation moan and Grsn+= program This project provides low -interest financial assiotance to qualified owner - Occupants and investor -owners of single family and duplex dwelling units located throughout the City. Very low- income homeowners will be provided with home repair grants. The recommended budget is $1,400,000. * Citywide Multifamily Housing, Rehabilitation Loan Program. - This program provides low interest loans for moderate rehabilitation to qualified owners of multi -family buildings located in the City's CD Target Areas. The recommended budget is $2,600,000. * Citywide Senior Crime Watch Program: This program will provide home security improvements to elderly low income residents of the City of Miami. The recommended budget is $55,000. * Citywide Code Enforcement: This project provides funds `in the amount of $300,000 for Code Enforcement program designed to upgrade structures 'with' code violations. The recommended budget is $300,000. * Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation: This project provides special economic development services in ;the area of new housing construction and rehabilitation of substandard structures in the Model City Neighborhood target area: The recommended budget is $50,000 2$4 -2- j * East Little Havana Community Development Corporation: This project entails the delivery of new housing services for the East Little Havana neighborhood to increase the existing housing stock The recommended budget is $50,000. * CODEC, Inc.: This project provides assistance in the delivery of Housing Services in the Neighborhood Target Areas, specifically with the development of (2) affordable home ownership housing projects: The recommended budget is $50,000. s� ' A J l� OBJECTirvu ItCONOMIC DMLO'Pi 1Q'r To create jobs, upgrade quality of employment opportunities and increase personal income in order to strengthen, diversify, and maximize the economic base of the City of Miami. To stimulate investment of other. funding sources in neighborhood improvement efforts and Citywide activities through public/private partnerships. uAnn mended Activities 1% ro= Citywide * Department of Development S.E. overtown/Park West Redevelopment Program: This comprehensive. redevelopment project supports the continued implementation of the redevelopment of more than 200 acres through land acquisition, clearance, relocation, new construction', and infrastructure improvements. The recommended budget is $250,000. * Miami Capital I Development Corporation: This project funds the administration of a,Citywide Development Corporation that works with the City to provide financial business development loan packaging services, technical, and managerial assistance. The recommended budget is $250,000. * MCDI Revolving Loan Fund _for. Business Developments Funds.wll be used to replenish' the Revolving Loan Fund administered by MCDI to assist . small businesses in attaining working capital. The recommended, budget is $700,000. * Tri-City Community Association Home Improvement ' Program`: Tl1e project rehabilitates single family owner occupied homes through the agency's job training program. The recommended budget is $57,000 911 -4-� „k -mkt �.�' "a x } r rg ?Y�y r � r (S � dd s.. i Y,�f ( he k i r x; r ,:,ri. C ram(. Target Area * Greater Miami Youth service Corpas Programmatic funding is provided to Dade Employment and Economic Development to involve young adults, ages 18-23 with experience in addressing the needs of the community by undertaking park and other improvement projects while providing them with structured work experience. recommended budget is $65,000• * Community Based Organizationst This activity entails economic development services and revitalization assistance to businesses located in the following target areas: Allapattah, Coconut Grove, Downtown, Edison/Little River, Little Havana, Model City, Overtown, and Wynwood. The recommended budget is $500,000. * Commercial Rehabilitation Assistance Facade Improvements; Through the commercial .,area facade improvement program, owners of buildings located in selected commercial areas will be provided with financial assistance in making cosmetic improvements to their building facades. The recommended budget is.$322,150. * Target Areas/Economic Development and Physical Improvement Projects Pool: This project would. provide financial assistance. in the .form of a grant or loan to physical improvements or economic development projects within the City of Miami Community Development target areas.. The recommended budget is $344,650,.. 91 28 4 7 im Total Recommended Funding Level $2,488,801 oBJBCTIVS - PUBLIC SERVICES To provide public service activities which include, but are not limited to programs for the elderlyr hot meals, transportation, childcare/after, care► recreation, primary health care, and support services (counseling, information/ referral) to improve the quality of life of low and moderate income residents of the City of Miami., Allapattah Coconut Grove Recommended Activities * Allapattah Elderly Services: This project provides meals and supportive social, recreational and educational services to 2000 unduplicated elderly residents of the Allapattah Target Area. The recommended budgetis 255,774. * Coconut Grove Childcare Program: This program provides supervised care, meals and enrichment opportunities to 30 children between the ages of six months to three years living in the area. The recommended budget is $28,004. * Coconut Grove Primary Health Cares This program provides out- patient medical, dental and/or family planning services to approximately 1,750 patients`, with a primary emphasis on residents Of the Coconut Grove target area of . the ' City, of Miami. The recommended budget is $55`, 892 * Coconut Grove Mental Health L Program: This project provides outpatient psychological and/or :s -6- l y social casework services to minimum of 400 clients With an emphasis on residents of the City of Miami Coconut trove target area. The r. ecommendsi A budget is $27,251. Downtown * Downtown Hot Meals i�rogram ` for the Elderly: This programp el provides hot meals which are f supported by recreational educational, counseling.' and health support activities ttl a minimum of 250 elderly persons residing in the Downtown target area. The recommended budget is $15,400. s * Miami Coalition Care To Homeless: This project provides funds for the implementation of a strategic plan designed to feed and provide other services to the homeless. The recommended +, budget is $25,000. ` Edison/Little River * Haitian Social Service Programt K This program provides emergency food to a minimum of 650 ", Haitian immigrants residing in } the Edison/Litt l River target area of the City of Miami.- The recommended budget is '$47, 329. '} * Notre Dame Childcare program: r This program' provides r t, � supervised care, meals; t� 'fir recreation, and enric hment Kk opportunities to 100 children ` C z $ between the ages ' of 2 1 f 2 and W; years primarily from the Edison Little River target' area of,- the '=r City of Mxami . The recommended budget is $6298: t s 28A_ t A x 5 , ri 4 Little Havana * Centro Mater. Child Care Prigramst These PrograMS will provide supervised daily day care, meals, �recreati+�ri, hF; education, enrichment opportunities and casework services to children residing in the Little Havana target area. The after school program will serve 315 children ages 5� ;- 14: the day care component will serve 170 children ages six _ weeks to five years. The recommended budget is $20,992., * Little Havana Community Center. Childcare: The program provides supervised care, meals, recreation, and enrichment opportunities to 77 unduplicated children ages 2 to 6 residing in the Little Havana target area. The recommended budget is $15,894. * Little Havana Assistance to the Elderly: This program provides _ community information, education, limited transportation, and casework services to a minimum of 1,000 unduplicated elderly and/or handicapped Little Havana residents. The recommended budget is $40,196 . Little Havana Assistance to the Blind: The program provides education, rehabilitation Ys AX escort and/or transportation and other supportive services 4aC to blind persons residing k, primarily in the Little Havana target area. The recommended budget is $49,020. _ 4 s� -r �Y Y Y IN i7 91- 284 41{ - vk a L Azi it ' +e 3d d; J- Overtown * St, Agnestainbow Villages y' This project provides funds for 7 the implementation of a child day care center for a minimum of 35 children, at the Rainbow Village HUD housing, project in the Overtown target area. The recommended budget is $25tOOO- Wynwood * Wynwood Child Care Program: This program provides supervised care, meals, recreation, enrichment opportunities, and casework services to a minimum of 55 children ages 2-5 living in the Wynwood target area. The recommended budget is $29,988. * Wynwood Elderly Services: This program provides recreation, education, meals, transportation, escort, counseling health, support, information/referral services to a minimum of 500 elderly and/or handicapped Wynwood residents. The recommended 4 }: budget is $185;138. t San Child ,Program: .Juan .Care This program provides supervised daily care, meals, :. recreation, education, enrichment opportunities and casework services. to1.4 4!D children between the ages of : 5 . c x to 13 in the after school - program and 40 children between the ages of 3 to 5 in -the. day r care program residing primarily 2j �budget"'xs in: the Wynwood target .area. k The recommended f $7, 497. .' Citywide * Citywide Transportation. Program: This program provides- { r door-to-door demand -response ;a transportation services to a L. J r : 91 284 1 r �t 4 S r �v 1. 'M 12 x. minimum of 1,200 elderly; handicapped and/or juvenile City of Miami residents. Agency provides services on a Citywide basis with emphasis in the Allapattah and Little Havana target areas. The recommended budget is $233,810. * Citywide Elderly Hot Meals Program (J.E.S.C.A.): This project provides recreation, meals, education, transportation, and other supportive services to approximately 750 elderly City residents at the following sites: Neighborhood Family Services, New Horizons, Stirrup Plaza (Coconut Grove), Pepper Towers (Model City), and Overtown. The recommended budget is $95,986. * Citywide Elderly Hot Meals * Program (L.H.A. & N.C.): This program provides meals, supportive social, and nutritional services - to a minimum of 700 unduplicated elderly and/or handicapped City residents. The recommended budget is $251,359. Southwest Social Services: This program provides multiple. social services; to 150, unduplicated elderly .;City - of Miami residents from the Flagami ;area.., Services include: congregate meals,-. home -delivered meals, counseling, information, and referral, education`, recreation, and transportation. The recommended budget is $66,022. S 91 284 z; 5 A 1J . T- $y { pin r t �n z z4 St J x 7: k_. Nf �yi vtt - t Me, J C� f * Community Food Gardens., This project Provides funds to develop community gardens` to meet the food needs of low income persons residing in Public Housing projects to promote self-sufficiency. A minimum of 120 persons will be trained to plant and harvest. The recommended budget- is $14,235. * Cure Aids Now: A home Delivered Meals Program for one -hundred fifteen homebound aids patients. The recommended budget is $27.,887. * Douglas Gardens Senior Adult Day Care Center at Legion Park: Program provides senior adult day care services to eighty (80) elderly residents at City owned Legion Park. The recommended budget is $28,471. * Alternative Programs: A program which provides solution -oriented -options to nonviolent offenders, services include; referral to housing, job training and health care. The recommended budget is $50,000. * Day Care Contingency: This fund would restore all child care programs to the 16th Year funding level should new federal funds` not be received. The recommended budget is $161,338. 91--- 28.4.1. -11- * Social Service Contingencyt This fund will address critical, and/or emergency social service needs identified during FY 91- 92. The recommended budget is $680169. Total Recommended Funding Level $1,8910950 OBJECTIVES - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS To provide new physical improvements in the renovation and redesign of publicly owned facilities. * Jackson Memorial Hospital.Trauma Centers This project provides funds for the construction of a new Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital located in the Allapattah neighborhood target area which will benefit the low -moderate residents of the City. The recommended budget is $300,000. * Notre Dame Day Care Facility: This project provides for the acquisition of major fixtures for the day care facility in Edison administered by a City funded agency. The recommended, budget is $40,000. * 4' t z .a,: y R ��t i �4 a 5 Kuu'y * St. Agnes Rainbow Village gull project nay Care Facility Rehabilitations This project provides for the physical rehabilitation of a day care facility within existing HUD project in Overtown. The recommended budget is $100,000. * NW 2nd Avenue Beautification projects This project proposes the restoration and improvement of properties fronting NW 2nd Avenue between 29th Street and 36th Street in the Wynwood neighborhood target area. The recommended budget is $255,000. * Miami Bridge Building Equipment: This project provides funds to a non-profit agency administering a youth shelter program to assist in the purchase of building fixtures in the new facility in Allapattah. The recommended budget is $570150. Total Recommended Funding Level $784,650 t plans applicable to various . projects in the area► including the City's pirst Source Hiring Agjreement= monitoring all construction ; projects in the area to. 3, encourage hiring city residents; and providing coordination and referral to { other services which.:may enhance the residents' employability . The °. recommended budget is >s $220pOOO. g', t $220, 000 1b.. j4 OBJECTIVES - HISTORIC PRESERVATION _ x * The inventory of sites of historic and architectural significance within the City and the development of a w� program for their preservation. Area Recommended Activities Overtown * Black Archives/Lyric Theatre Rehabs This project.,,. -,is designed to continue the Eyv� restoration of the Historic n _ Lyric Theatre in Overtown, t specifically physical improvements to the Theatre itself. The recommended' budget is $50,000. f �7 y Total Recommended Funding'Level $50;000 �r s' OBJECTIVE - PLANNING- AM ADMINISTRATION * To provide the essential budget and program monitoring, citizen` participation, housing, affirmative action, and planning to f } ensure the implementation of projects and activities of the, Community Development Block Grant program. f f� r� — Pq aT �r ri y I.Total Recommended Funding Level $2,�2260�1, PROGMM ACTIVITIES 1) Housing 2) Economic Development 2 458,80J tip r 3) Public Improvements 754,650 3 r1 4) Public Services 1,891,950 _ 5) Historic Preservation 50,000 6) Administration 2,522,600 , 7) Neighborhood Jobs Program 220,000 12,613,000 li' t Y BLOCK GRANT RESOURCES Entitlement Amount $12, 613, 000 ��. Estimated Program Income: $1,400,000 Total Block Grant Resources $14;013,000 rJtYl LOW -AND -MODERATE INCOME BENEFIT The amount of CDBG funds proposed to :be spent in activities zx benefiting the City;'s low -and -moderate. income persons is =approximately $11,477,830. This amount represents about ninety- z' one percent (91%) of the total amount ($14,013,000)'of CDBG funds; = available for FY, 1990. :,The balance of those -CDBG funds :xe'mainingi F� from FY 1990 :will- be -used to. fund activities which - benefit the entire community, g includin those persons of low -and -moderate' income.: F • 'ti ! , Sy,r'3y .y t PLAID TO ASSIST _PERSONS ACTUALLY DISPLACED In the event that there is displacement, the City of Miami °Will provide assistance to all persons and/oar businesses displaced as a result of CDDG funded activities as provides for under. the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Meal property •acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, and hereinafter referred to as the Uniform Act. The Metropolitan -Dade County Department of Housing & Urban Development is the agent designated by the City of Miami to provide the necessary relocation assistance to those persons and/or businesses entitled to receive assistance. Furthermore# when applicable, the City will provide a supplemental payment to those persons who require additional financial support to make the replacement dwelling affordable. The following steps will be taken to assist families, individuals, and/or businesses that are displaced: 1. All tenant, homeowners, and/or businesses are advised of their rights, entitlement, and responsibilities. 2. Tenants, homeowners, and/or businesses will receive those benefits provided for under. the Uniform Act. Where necessary, additional assistance will be provided to displacees under the last resort housing procedures of the Act. 3. Relocation referrals are provided to persons being displaced. Various methods are utilized by the HUD relocation staff to identify relocation resources. These methods include: a) Referrals from relators or large rental agencies. b) Responses from owners/agents to advertisement published in English and Spanish newspaper seeking rental sales units. •c) Signs displayed by owners/agents in various neighborhoods noted by HUD relocation advisors and/or housing inspectors who report this information to the HUD relocation office. d) Word of mouth referrals from persons with whom the HUD relocation office has dealt with in the past. e) Advertisements in English and Spanish newspapers placed by owners/agents offering units for rent and/or sale. 4. When possible and allow displacees to locate were displaced. if requested, provisions are made to in the neighborhood from which they -16 Mint The City of Miami has developed the following ,policy to Animixe displacement of families and individuals as a result of ommunity Development activities. Displacement of persons will e limited to activities associated with redevelopment plans nd/or for health and/or safety reasons. In connection with redevelopment plans, displacement will be voided unless the following conditions are met: 1. The parcel involved is essential to the redevelopment lan, or 2. The structure has deteriorated to the point that it is a hreat to the health and/or safety of neighborhood residents., - It is intended that any additional acquisition or demolition ill be limited to vacant structures which do not require isplacement. COMPARISON TABLE CATION BY YEAR TAP.GE T AREA AN CITY -WIDE OF IHAMI 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 4th.Year 79-80 5th Year 80-81 6ttt Year I i 81-82' 7th Year TARGET AREA - lst` Year 2nd Year Budget ge 3rd Year Budget Budge Budget Budget Budget Budget 296,747 $ 437,996 S 439,136 $1,364,361 $ 699,036 $ 739, 250 $ 720,256 ALLAPATTAN $ 469,582 972,457 485,535 524,575 550,047 313,185: GOCO.IU7 GROPE 141;124 2,260,700 548,535 916,972 443,326 884,276 . DOWNTOWN 88,892 145,060 713,384 727,684 9 700,479 1,110,129, 211,830 'EDISON/LITTLE RIVER 269.692 698,503 I,266,453 493,206 522,171 1IfTLE HAVA NA 7$$319 1,135,990 2,195,421 1,089,981 ' M00EtC ITY 138, 6?1 745, 540 $11 150 1,3I8,855 1,122,918 T,089,329 T,110,223 '355,658 393.128 816,212 2,679,082 252 788 I. , 1,128,484 1,626,8I2 OYERTOWN 355,878 730,071 143,382 52A,087 768,049 WYNW00 D 217,951 525,006 593,414 790,133 2,8Z3,637 2,957,3 31 I,.832,132 C -W IDE ,. ITY 13,032 2980S86 - 52,310,OP.5 S'l,849,391 $ 9,157,752 $9,734,237 $9,450,Z39 59,039,189 $7,988,934 TOTAL III $5,708,977 $9,666,309 $10,185,003 $10,698,59 ' S11,076,982 510,371 _,1549 ; TOTAL GRANT 52 505,663 Original Original Original 'S10726,Allocation Original Allocation Original ton A1963t000 � Allocation S9,693,300' Allocation S10,187,0 23 000 S11 376 000 510, , r � 1 Re ro p 9• Reprog. Reprog. Funds to , Reprog. Funds to Reprog. Funds to ;tom? nds- to Funds 10th Year. Funds to u loth Year: IOth Year.• IOth Year. 5299,0If1 10th Y e a r: 5541,846- . . Sfi,9912,020 S27,401 } +f ,� n.. . .t rt, ,., ... -„:. a � .,.... ,...... ". *''". '` '• ` -' " i 1" I I 1111111111191M II IIIIII IPIII II 111 �.t I ' I ' I�-I III �Cll 9�li �I111(��71�KII I�IlIIJll p.11 lull hillSlf!lphIIIIIIMIIlYIIIPIIllpl1111111IIIIII111111gIIIIIItlIIIIIIl1111111111�111111III�IIIIIll11lIIIIIII111q�I�J�lI1..IMI�IIIIII�IIAIII,OIIII!!lIII I I II ICI Il pl V Ii I o:l III I 'wsJ y� p ,` ?�. yy,�; �..'4 lV:re 5 n 1 '" P ,., "::, i >��'. �✓ � '� '�; � _: y: _�y y .,�; a`S - v $;2 ��z�1 5 AUAPATIAH $ 248,250 $ 240,300 $ 567,030 $ 339,780 $ 370,222 $ 345,222 $ 306,170 $ 305,774 400,406 $7,819,936 coma TP C,Ra►E 120,894 106,594 113,478 128,478 170,418 145,418 137,612 161,147 154,469 4,695,013 DOWWIOW 290,450 171,950 184,565 268,917 74,051 5,450,312* 50,000 60,037 359,435 12,207,478 IMSOii/LITTLE RrM 85,034 82,750 92,652 87,750 150,M 175,000 197,400 168,682 171,244 5,642,212 LT TT.E HAVANA 622,600 362,000 1,416,647 404,030 289,851 317,389 306,085 299,874 337,866 11,847,883 mmm CITY 599,850 143,850 1,204,828 958,940 121,605 56,397 1,200,000* 425,000 100,000 901997,156 pVEM7 1,202,950 1,248,450 1,353,519 589,248 397,192 106,000 131,000 1,131,000 289965 14,701,173 wnw= 299,300 308,050 335,086 569,330 371,650 371,650 354,924 347,594 329,710 6,555,712 CITY-wjME 3,702,756 4,688,600 8,101,549 7,801,684 7,382,316 7,956,432 6,353,213 6#461,684 6,721,020 69,627,519 TOTAL $7,172,084 $7,352,544 $13,369,348 $11,148,157 $9,327,305 $14,933,820 $9,036,404 9,360,792 8,863,800 143,094,082 TOTAL GRANT $9,109,573 $9,284,794 $16,363,910 $14,166,000 $12,063,810 $17,965,000 $13,492,000 $13,096,000 $12,281,000 $178,154,774 Entitlement Entitlement Entitlement Entitlement Entitlement Entitlement Entitlement Amount original Original Amount $9,627,000 $10,005,000 $14,199,000 Amount $14,040,000 Amount Amount Amount Pmount $11,905,000 $11,940,000 $11,297,000 $11,742,000 U1,081,000' Reprog. Funds Reprog. Funds Reprog. Funds Est. Prog. Prog. Income Prog. Income Prog. Income Prog. Insane Prog. Income }+� to loth Year to 10th Year to 10th Year Income $517,427 _$720,206 $2,164,910 $126,000 $158,810 $625,000 $1,045,000 $1,354,000 $1,200,000 *CD Float of *CD Float of $5,400,000 $1,150,000 i� i i L L+ h F - � �4 } t 1 ' F +%may it a _ tis :! 4. Y i i iSer L COMMUNITY DEVMLOPMMST BLOCK ORANT SEVE11T9911TU YEAR PROGRAM R90OX9NDATIO#8 ROGRAM ACTIVITIES - Economic Development Program $2,488.800 Housing and Preservation Program 4.655.000 Social Services Program 1.891.950 Historic Preservation 50,000 Public Improvements 784�650 C.D. Neighborhood Jobs Program 220,000 )THER ACTIVITIES: Planning and General Administration 2.522,600 Contingencies 8c Local Option - 0 BLOCK GRANT RESOURCES: =r Entitlement Amount 12.613<000 Estimated Program Income 1,400,000 Total Block Grant Resources $14.013.000 h - r apt �- s tad. 5A - 5 4}iq�S py 1 CITY OF MIAMI r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLACK. GRANT - 17TH YEAR PROGRAM FUNDING REQUEST` HOUSING 1. y ( _ PROPOSED A l�EDT TITLE PROJECT-DESCR#PTION CITYWIDE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCATION 3.tywidL°. Single The Home Improvement Board recommends funding at This on -going housing $s ,400.000 y dousing Loan Grant Program the level of $362,970• project is recommended �ehbilitatibn :provides low -interest for-• continued funding Trost and! Grant loans to owners of at a lever of Program single family homes $1,400,OOQ. (4 4 units) to finance necessary repairs to bring the `'properties tip_ to minimum .housing code. The program also provides emergency grants up to. a ' maximumbf $10,000 to qualified owner- occupants, to repair health/safety code violations. This program is a major component of the J City',s. effort to stabilize the inner city neighborhoods through; the renovation o op ;,.. houThe ogram is implemented 3> +� pry marily In.Community LCLM p Development target PAOJEGT�'TiTL.E PROJEG7 pt�c.n*r �•` RECOMMENOATIOHS CONTINUE... G�yw�de Single, available to low- am3y Housing income owner -occupants Rehabilitation;. outside'. the Community Ian .and Grant Development target 4rcgram ` areas, ' -on a Citywide _ . basis. It is the mayor program used to Cit Meet the y,s Housing Assistance Plan. goal 'for owner= occupied., housing: } 5. y' t t: t A � s Y i 'rv'4 4 t t :��."''�u�L,�-��1�4,���vr ``'3�`Y,�e'�'�c }x� u�t �4 i• t� r t ' a � y:''• r - _ - _ �' ` qp v�� nyt £t.trd° �.�;.�$, "}P' i�x � 2 R H ew� �"t{... e._"Y�i9'-,'#s..c,a•' ai'�r».6;�} w� � � . _4 h .xa 1 t^ z- 4 � ,„... .,-r': ��� � a �.. :�trt gir'"Y a. ,.,Y. _ 3 ,�� F w � �` �.. lS.l -;✓ r �e r 'fi. c t _ � v { p +•k',uv .�G Y: `•'' r'�' s , "`�. +b'�?. '� -y,,v: � "tivdr r 'f � l+,k, "�r-�}�� .4 �'�rcwt:�7r .:f �� S'� ..ds�S-�. , r � '� ,� � i y A3� �€ 1+ t r �divi2c � � '3�:,•,y,'� >.yr� _^°t asr'i <_V 5 p. .,�-r`j �� ' .j 5 y .� -: .x ,f: t s� �;,y�z��� i=av u^f"'n°d 'Rer :�,r,cv B�TM�'y ~a±>� � ..,.'4i-wc,l •p?>� m'ap s �- .. h. k PROPOSW CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCATION pIJlICT TITLH ; PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATIONS at,giiid® The Multifamily Board recommends funding at This on-00C- going housing $2,60G. 1ultifmily Housing. Rehabilitation the level of $362�970- project is recommended Ilousipg Loan Program provides for` continued funding hab11-itation be ow'.: market ': rate at a level of ='Ci$A=;and ;Gran.t. loans to . owners of $2,600,000- Pogr�ua;._ rental , housing ' t5 . or, more units) located in Community Development target: areas,`: to finance the necessary property' improvements to .meet the, minimum: , . housing code.::. This,; program is the city, 6 .major tool for ^. increasing the number �:- of . standard rental units. in its housing. stock ` while maintaining- the units : affordable ` -to, lower:: income' residents. It is one,` of. the 4 F pvehicles for ea ing the 'City s ���y( Houi a is Assi tance . M y{ ty Flan goal. {i L R'a <3 t i �R re�GJ.fs YlaA CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS - ALLOCATION .Cr TITLE PROJECT OESCF1VTION RECOMMENDATIONS de The program is also concert.. with g, the Section:8 Moderate litatinn" Rehabilitation Program and. Grant to::. , improve the , economic;" feasibility ofrehabilitation s Vr y -a iJ y K i' ITYWIDE PROPOSED rDE'', PROPOSED CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AECOCAnWN PRb.i�CT TIT1-E` PROJECT DESCRfPTiON RECOMMENDATIONS CODEC,Inc.' This project involves Board concurs with staff The Department of $50.000' the use of CDBG funds recommendations., Development and Housing to defray the"cost of Conservation recommends -administration and funding in the amount overhead ,in connection $50,000 to assist with the.. development CODEC, Inc., in the of two (2) affordable production of new homeownership housing housing resourcesin proje ,.'.planned on cts the City in furtherance ';City -owned> parcels. of the City of Miami's Specifically, the overall housing a projects b> planned improvement strategy. include the development of a 150 unit townhome project k' on: the, Melrose Nursery and 6 unit site 9 condominium project on 'the Civic.Center site. John :This project provides Board concurs with staf Staff recommends $5c,00E3` Community, Administrative fundinf recommendations. this project at the level of $50,000.� Development to St. .John Community orlroration Development .a ,Corporation for the delivery of new G }' dousing services .:= in 'the"Over own �tz nee ghbarhood target. - . ., f...v x.�r'V.' E .�+'4i -{C' ,r,.y)., ;y •...% OFF. � ��. V \/�f .14 aF .;, PROPOSED CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCATION EPROJEC RECOMMENDATIONS Lvrir�a Housuig This project provides Board concurs with staff Staff recommends $ 50,000 imperative,;, funding for the recommendations. funding of this project `the at level of $5Q,000 ac . development:. of a: 40 for predevelopment unit -housing project in .hittle Havana.. expenses Funding is' requested for construction,, soft costs " and -. :administration.; - :Requested 4300,000. ; ' n� i iiwl x a 7P;,iM24 ,ss �j:21*„%t ►�OC�D s RSM P OPEi CITYWIDE BOARD �AOdECT TiTi.E pROdECT; DESCRN'TION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS A!.l.00AZtQN .:_ RECOMMENDATIONS r �yb�ood` This project involves Board concurs with staff Staff recommends 50,000 Cop�.y, the use of CD$G funds recommendations. funding of the project $Coaosiic to defray 'the cost of at the level of �erslopment. administration in $50,ODQ+ Carpni�ation: undertaking housing „Zao. related activities in the Wynwood neighborhood in an effort` to expand rental and homeownershipti opportunities in the area. Requested ?. $50t=- r + - I r } Y-'+$k` �.�✓+YS dJay'�-.,f.c� f f: � ? 4`+;Ya'M;, t'n.. 1.:.. - ., .... ... ... «....e ._,. ., .. .. t', PE PR OPflSE .. CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS TITLE PROJECT DESCR#pTION AELOCATIO16 PAO�ECT , RECOMMENDATIONS Citywide Senior. This project provides Board concurs with staf This on -going project $55,0 00 CriIDe Program home" security recommendations is recommended for improvements.: to the funding at the level of elderly low-income $55,009 residents of the City of Miami.`., Amount requested is $80,000. This on -going project $300,000 This project provides Board concurs with staffis recommended for Code. for the upgrade or recommendations. funding at the level of :'.Enforcement elimination of $300,000. substandard structures by. enforcing code violations. citywide and help remove slum and. blightedrl areas: Requested $300,000• w -. r Y, •e ..;yt ,�}Yw"�vy � h,yt?� i�; tf 'Yw' J.:v � r.: ._ ': =:.". - { ' #,y ra :,3^S�'. �?i dL ri:•tit '.i � 3,., L 7 } ��i �e�i�z��"i.��'L.vkrnii.��5r 3. �l.ih9nr��4!v.Gi x�il , "y.t., l,. .S wr _ •- __ _ i. _... _ _ -. ,. ... _ .. ...r .. ... - - t .. _ ;., _ .. _ z. ,, .. d .b., .t.. ... .. £ ,. 't $� I {�.�.PATTAH X CITYWIDE BOARD PROPOSED PRO.tECT TITLE , PROJECT DESCq�PT10N STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCKFION RECOMMENDATIONS 13#apattah A neighborhood Board concurs with staff This on -going economic $50.0(X F,coriom[c community based recommendations. development program is �evelop�ent organization, located recommended far in the Allapattah continued funding at commercial district. the existing level of This organization $50,000- provides economic/business development assistance to, its neighborhood business and residential community. The CBO serves as the catalyst in the expansion of trade and ti commerce and in the promotion of economic :revitalization in the - C3. s. Neighborhoods. Requested $50,000. j rw jfx Y`Cf 6 4, YY _P. � .a•Yr'. 4 t t :, �rc 7. &�*� }a ip k Y-t.`�['a` Sr X "y � t.,,.0 r G A � 1 ".f 1 u! k "+d��✓2.-i.,.�g 7, 1 - M1 ' DROVE F - S Xl. �.,' CITYWIDE BOARD PROPOSED �ru� hPROJECT ?fITLE PROJECT - STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AL.EEiTilO1E .DESCRiPT10N' RECOMMENDATIONS x- Ctsconut Grove; A neighborhood- Board concurs. with staff This an going economic $50:000 «° Eco�ionuc r community.; based recommendations. development program is °eve opmeiit ''organization, located recommended , for in 'Coconut, Grove funding continued f at commercial district. the existing level of This organization- $50,000. provides economic/business development assistance to 'its neighborhood 'business and residential community. The .CBO_serves as the catalyst in the. , ,,expansion` of trade ' and commerce and, in the promotion of economic revitalization in the City Neighborhoods. requested $50,000. , x, d I 1 MZ sit e 1 r }11T GRvE CITYWIDE BOARD PROPOSED 1AC�JBCT TtT1.E PROJECT''DE$CHiPT10N STAFF REca�r�eNawTtONs A�ltEATtQtf RECOMMENDATIONS The neighborhood I Board recommends- funding atL Staff recommends- I�tIltit Grove rC property community. based, the level of $200,000. against this quYsaion organizationf in allocation. Coconut Grove wants to .acquire ..one of L the .'i areas blighted properties, for rehabilitation. and creation of three new businesses. Requested $200,000. oconut' Grove.,,; The neighborhood Board recommends funding at Staff recommends nC: Grand.' Drug community based the level of $40,000. against thin s to're:.project organization in allocation. Coconut Grove requests administrative funding . th.e associa ed _'.,with rehabilitation of property located at Lg 3640-48 an Avenue` 1 wherea. Drug Store used 'to'.be.: Requested 45,000. ��a �.::*�:�. :�Sx,.aa •,z4 .,,,7,E--. x'.wa. 4 w,v. x,. f?1 .., a . � _..;t, . , .... . _ . . .. .. -. :,. , . . -. .. - . .>. ST15 �" �� CITYWIDE BOARD PROS ' CT'#TLC 1'RO�ECT DESC�RipTION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCARION RECOMMENDATIONS ?ibiruta�n A neighborhood Board recommends funding at This on -going economic $54,000 ,. community based � the level of $60,000. development: program is �e'VBupa4ent organization, located` recommended for in the Downtown continuted funding at comtaereal district. the existing level of This or $50,000. economic/business development `'assistance to its; neighborhood business and residential community. The CBO serves as the catalyst in the expansion of trade and commerce . and in the promotion of economic revitalization in the = City's Neighborhoods. « Requested $60,000 - I x . fl F R' 4'^ x E '�' 9 #a �iiOJEC�Y "T'IRTLEr "} . RECOII�ENOA7rONS POSM P RaCITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONSECTDESCRiP7rONPROJALLOC ATION j,lsm3.Iiadn -This project provides Board recommends funding at, Staff recommends - Q Cotm�nurtt�t , : for,:,,,the acquisition of '- the `level of $t ,075,000. against funding. Goa ege four. .parcels of land' adjacent to the Miami - Dade Wolfson Campus for the purpose . of expanding: the downtown campus. Requested `t 075,000. :D1KBA Miinority This project .provides Board recommends funding at Staff recommends - 0 - Business administrative _funding the level of $50,000. against funding. Outreach.::,for : a new program designed to attract more minority owned ` }�. .businesses to the Downtown target,area. Requested-$50000. h qq, CITYWIDE BOARD ors, TITLE PRO.�ION ECT DESCRIPT STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCATION tI�J�T RECOMMENDATIONS :A neighborhood $i�+Ceyne Board .'concurs with staff This on economic $50,000 Boulevard community 'based recommendations development program is p P organization, located recommended for �hconomac Development in the'' Biscayne funding continued un at Bau]evard commercial the existing level of district. This $50,000. organization prodides economic/business development assistance' to, its , neighborhood business and residential community. The IiCBO ":serves as the ca tal st in th e Y3. expansion"'of trade and commerce and in the, promotion' of economic' revitalization; in ` the s :Neighborhoods. Requested $50;000. _ X � s 4 x a u 'C CITYWIDE BOARD PROPOSED n �Pltb:ECT TITLE PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AtLOC�[TtQI' - i RECOMMENDATIONS ►3."�1:10 Haiti A neighborhood Board concurs with staff This on -going economic is $50.000 community- 'based recommendations. development program for eonomiC I)eVe opment organization, located recommended continued funding at in the Little Haiti the existing level of commercial district. $50,000. This organization -provides economic/business i;development assistance to its neighborhood business and residential community. The CB0.-serves as the catalyst; in the expansion of trade and; commerce and- in the promotion of economic revitalization in the C tyIs Neighborhoods. Requested $50,000. CC � rlr .. a k y� r - �:h'1��.�tr } f.j i } JIP }'�vt YJ r Y r nr r CITYWIDE BOARD P[OPEiSEE: IPAO SECT PROJECT DESCR�pT10N STIFF RECODUENDATiONS ALLOCAV010 1'lTLE; RECOAAUENDAT1ONS 4 Model City nei hborhood A g Board recommends funding at This on -going economic $50,000 community based the level of $100,000. development program is one : evoeb organization located recommended for Model City continued funding at commercial ..'district: the existing level of This. organization $50,0M provides. economic. us -: development .-assistance I to:' its neighborhood ;. `business and _ residential., community. ,.,The CBOserves as the catalyst in the = } expansion of- trade and commerce -, and in the promotion. of ,economic revitalization in the Cty's :.'.Neighborhoods. Requested $100,000. fi � 1 • 'kyy5 r:,'�.�°.'� N rit��i .5 E.t ff y ^ s a... a..l,,,�i r�:$:'M.r .•[;...��x ,F'YSf :^ %,..i!'.':��., ti ..,.,:. ,.. .. w... . t.y.. �... r PTW, TFK . .-' r v , CITYYVIDE BOARD PROPOSED STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1t�JEOT�ITLE �ROJECY DESCRIPTION /�t.E.OATIOl�i RECOMMENDATIONS 4 b, City This project provides Board recommends funding at Staff recommends - ��' 4 �►m� Impact funding `to the "" Cty.s the level of $50,000 against funding. r Study .` 1 Planning • Department ' to conduct:_an in depth conomic:: feasibility d` fiscal` impact ---an.Model alysis of 'the,- Ci`t neighborhood Y :. `:: aarget area: ;:Requested $50 000: a i _ x � v , xk • .. - rk, t�Rmt�0EE0 ' ,: CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOAAYENDATiONS AtpCArtE�31�i � #iO EOT TITLE PROJECT DEgCR�PT{ON RECOMMENDATIONS F� rF Cetown A:; neighborhood Board concurs with staff This is an on -going 00 $5a.0' �conomc community based recommendations. economic development �e�te.+opment: organization; ,located program and is in the` Overtown' recommended for the commercial.. district. funding at the level of -This organization $50,000. provid"es economic/business development assistance to its neighborhood - business and .residential y community.: The-,CBQ serves as the catalyst in the expansion of trade and commerce and in the promotion of economic revitalization in' -he City's -Neighborhoods. Rdquested $50,000. 4 zx k .i f � POSED PRO This project provides _ Board recommends funding a Staff recommends - C? funding -to the'Overtown' the level of"$50,000• against funning- �a CBo to cover- -tate, administration costs Hotel -,,,.:,associated.: with the development of the State Plaza' Hotel project. � Requested 450,000. a r iF _ ;; CITYWIDE BOARD aREiPa►sED` PROJECT ;DESC�ION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOCANION. RECOMMENDATIONS p non profit :;community. Board recommends funding.at Staff recommends -.( - s:orgariization thelevel 0f.$50,000. against funding. ,established ,.to implement .projects: neighborhood and" : ;business revitalization.of the'. 0vertown ' area surrounding' the Miami Arena: Requesting._ <pdministrAtive funding` of $50.000. 4 1 ,t 1 PREP POD . .... �: CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ilCT TITLE CT DESCp�lP.T10N` PROJE AL�OCJ4T1 RECOMMENDATIONS x ' " A neighborhood Board recommends funding at This on -going economic - $5,000 i�mi� ' community `based the level of $100,000. development program. is �tspnsnt organization, located recommended for in "the_' Wynwood continued funding at commercial" district. i level of the existing ".'This ., , organization $50;000. provides economic/business development, assistance to its neighborhood business and .` `residential' community. The• `00 : servesas <the catalyst in` the --expansion of .trade and commerce and ` in the ,. . :.promotion;of economic revitalizat"ion' in the City's =.Neighborhoods. ; Requested-$100 000. " t n ri' h '" � f ." � •y Y I fa PROPOSED �3 CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS /OIAC/4TIOM . F "t`1TLE PROJECT DESCRfpTION RECOMMENDATIONS ti ;i �Capitai This` project will Board concurs with staffThis on --going economic $25E},000' arm 4 relmen3 provide administrative` recommendations. development project is funds to ` a ' ' Citywide recommended for ,, , quasi public lending continued funding at F institution that the level of $25�,000. provides.°':technical; and financial assistance to small and/or minority. owned businesses located in the City;. of Miami target. areas.• Requested $250,000. J - t RevolvingLoan The project provides Board concurs with staffThis on -going economic $700,000 fnd> for low, interest; loans to recommendations. development project is Business small and/or minority recommended for 13ei►eloPanent owned , businesses to continued funding at enable. them to the new Level of r maintain' operations $70a,00a� s and/or create new, businesses in City, of `Miami Target' Areas thereby provide, a employment opportunities for,glow- moderate;: income W F residents. Requested { $1 C100 000 _ r f `Y9 �`4''�t�?"✓' } xi$S. inp`j` H y` S,' { - ,+ E 'I M1���,riZ^� 1'�� t' -y' ..nv.'.1�r . C M S .' , r '.,`. t, T ... •.^ i •.. .. ... .. ... ... .... .. .. .. S theast Board concurs with staff This on going economic $250 a�(}' Feint Overtowri/Park: West recommendations. development project is Comudunsty Development recommended funding at Prcr t .Funding.,!will level of $2501000. be 'utilized- I' -for ` the continuation `= of; the 1m 1 `.i. p ementation .of.:,,the redevelopment. program.' ;:.. Mayor activities will focus ° on'y °the marketing, of projects for housing. an :`investment = opportunities:"" - ! d i *t • CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS DtOCA rnsrr�sx�s+ PIr11ECt tITLE PROJECt DESCp�pTION TION RECOMMENDATIONS rcrmmui�ity This project- provides Board concurs with staffThis on economic $322..�50' reioiment funds.' for the recommendations. development project is „Ct7ae�Cia1 implementation of: the recommended for funding I!acade City' s on -going at the level of !, commerc-al facade $322,150. program which assist in the 'rehabilitation of '. ' .business - store ` fronts inthe eight neighborhood target areas. Requested $325,000 Target Area This project provides' Board concurs with staffThis on -going economic $344,650 Mini-UDAG` Loan. funds for the recommendations. development protect is 'Pool,Fund` continuation,' of this recommended for funding on -going physical at the level of improvement loan/grant $344,650. fund for projects than assist. businesses or CBW S . in implementing projects- that create jobs and benefit. the r }� `1ow/m6derate: income. residentsp. of the community... Requested $340,000 u PROPOSM CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS sa 'iC PROJECT DESCRIPTION ALCOCl4TtOI�E ^�? RECOMMENDATIONS Lyj a or,, This project funds for - -Board recommends funding al Staff Recommends $5"7r000 ,{ Gommtu�ayty : a j:ob-traanang service : the level of $94,060 funding at the level of g Ansociation Job program' designed to $57,000. prepare :Cityresidents �,' � with. skills necessary to `enter the; .construction fields. Requested $94,060.' r _ - Y _ \ i - w� r \ l ; a 1 - �����y - ���' ti.1 �v 5 p r : CITY., OF MIAMI' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 17TH YEAR PROGRAM FUNDING REOUEST PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT I� y IJL yl'si :� � kt r CITYWIDE BOARD pR0113EF f'prO:I�CT yDESG�PTION . STAFF AECOMMENLf/4T(QNS E F 'RE66MMENDATIONS Project `-consists- of Board recommends funding at Staff recommends $ d new:�_,pavements, .curbs, the level of $115,.000. against funding. (-0-) rgutters, `:': •sidewalks, drainage; atorm and 11 sanitary ::sewers ' (Where required). locatedat N:W....22nd Place : and 24th`' Avenue between Miami River and N.W. .20th-''Street. Total project 'cost is This project will be I built phases. Phase I consists = of `the >design and' construction of L N W6 22nd Place: ' F Project consists of Board concurs with staff Staff recommends _ 0 _ the .design and recommendations. (=0-) against funding. development of a plaza where.', 'busts. of Cuban-r and: South'.American •patriots; and ..related monuments _;can be; located, ` brick pavers, lighting: irrigation and:` other design features; . `�-_ %. a+h'2 a. _ .�.., .i ._ . , .. .. , . 4 — ,... ... . .. .s r ,_, .e .i_.,n...0 v.......Ldau: Xtbrrt'nrawT2cw3• 4 J"�ygn.rM,"'� �•'S'�.oxaxa Curtis ,;:?CONTIAUE. �.. _ �...laza` the proposed plaza - Mould" ` be located::": at the S E portion , of. Curti$ Park. in "front t�f the i existing :.+ elderly=f66il.lty. `Private sector. funds {match),,=;will be.'nee ded for : the ;development "of I this, project-* This_ project be'.bullt xn _;phases. Phase I 1 consists of `.the design` of 'the 'project. This total projects is aPProximately`; a 1 50,000 4 r rx i Ott (Syy7fr' ,jet Sv, '..<... .;, :; .. ,..... .,.ra . a i=.� k, rap^ .,t :2y,.•... ..>T'--Y ,., .. ,. `CITYWIDE' BOARD � ��r £ C X1'1'L u r 1;PROJEC STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ELOCATWP- RECOMMENDATIONS project "consists Board` concurs with- staff. Staff recommends 0 e recreation recommendations $100.Ooo• against funding- 0 } • N- tt uildng, . ;parking:: .Z ( .... _ .. '.. ,. and andscaping,°`etc. , at om"toe k Park. ,. The Otal .rpro!ject. ::cost is pproximately'; 400,000• This ro�ect be, 'built ;, n es ,:Phase I a onsists of project, esign, utility elocation and site reparation.OF t i t w :.,, .. sw�^. ;CN:,fi xry �..Q'..''?h,itlm "`a"_'�' . n".-t.,dr #t r j 777 ■■_ IC� :pt, off. tafWT, 7'w'` x� ^•a,r t' a .t :, r[}��rc� r j t CITYYKOE' BOARD STAFF RECOMMENVATtON� x PflOJE�7 DESCpiPT10N A1�fDlE I�IEC RECOMMENDATIONS Grand Completion of the Board concurs with staff Staff recommends 4' f } -Avenue .Park improvements. to recommendations- against funding- 0 `Improvements include: central air conditioning, new plumbing and kitchen sink, replace all bathroom tiles, install new -bathroom mirrors new ceiling` for main:` room, new concrete slab, for a patio play area,, new refrigerator, microwave and furnishings. Staff recommendse 2) Coconut Construction, of a low : Board recommends funding at against funding- f 0) 0- Grove and coral rock wall with the level of $50,000 x`, Franklinwrought iron fence to Avenue secure the site and Cemetery keep, undesirable trespassers out. � CD f t y 5,aJ.-^°^°5�4:!'. ��"-�.�.cy ,_ �.:;:..5....,..>...'.at..? x�« ._+-;ems.., i r -;;.;,. w'l' .....:.f ........:'__ . ,._.._ ., - . �_..._er�.::.•.,y....._ ..." `' . ..,_. �_.�..e.>..��...r..,:s .r�•wtr..r,.�«'.iw^'n"rtw'J`'=ia'au''`7:+�>.=i�.;::ct=siun'.wra� _...,S _. Y ,1 BO�R � tTYWJOE t! STIFF AECO tYIMEND/��i'ttNSQl. `DESCRIPTION PRi�.��CTTlTll: 'PROaECT RECOMM. ENDATIONS w r _ Staff' recommends _ Q `j .Diimmunity . The development , of. staff against funding. (Q-) three: Artwall ,panels Board concurs' with wall" 'approximately 8' x recommendations. The Design .would _ be prepared by the children,, in he afterschool program and. heir work would be executed on ceramics for durability. The theme of the artwork would be our Community.r. CC o Gt 1' ✓+ ,y..,' P } .�-.w..ay..:;o+.+u+.t'�tyµ�k��`,°�. �,4 ,T: " xkt:xsm:�',". 1 G!>E'1lWIDE, BOAkFIF,, { " PRttJECR MENDATIOD w SI' i1TL,E� �� i RECaMUENOATfONS ..._. } t� 5 v� i Downtgwn Board recommends funding at Staff recommends DowatoWn The ._ Develo ment Authority -'thelevel of $220,000. again undin- (-0- at f Neighborhood P $e+creatibnal has ..prepared a `- 'plan Oenter for `a., Downtown. = Neighborhood Rec�'eational` Center. The.- .: properties ` involved include: the . property located adjacent to and underneath the Me tromover system betwieen,',N.E. 1st and 11.th Streets; the, Dade County ,property east. 2nd -Avenue and the, Miami -Dade Community; College;, and , :the Municipal Railroad R.O.W. 'from Biscayne ...`. Boulevard to .N.W. 1st Avenue. z ; r t y r yyyyyy r5`�a:3-v.:.fX,M1:r_.tiv..... w.a::isJ . Y.a. ,._.:. •-_. .. _.. ,: �. .., .. i. . .:.r :'-;: ., 'i•_ ., .... .. .- ... -. .., r .,. ... _--...._._,,.,�.....n,..--...wr,._:1.--a'+:}x 8,6 Tl U1,-• The proposed Downtown Neighborhood RecreationCenter ndludes: 'funding eontrbuti'ons from area ",. businesses and the programming of . ,.recre8tional entertainment activities'' by the 1K,smi Dade: , Community College ., the'-; New . ,and World;=School for the •Arta::, fh 2 L" :^" „ , i .� .. Y ... .2r ... . _ _ .a_ ,... _ 1 _. .. 11 . _ .... _+aY..« t....5... t-: . Irv. _r �i.:zu„��..]�'reY�iiGN .+Y^..k.�+ .t.Cx^.i"�i'Yi _..,e � u.,..'.h'�r.ii•'t"*]� X�'`"� Ass RECOM�MENbA?�dNg_ .. rMR sf �tl wig ap; r; st ..tr dC in m =fl cC h T 2 OWNS- ] E{ U - N 1`it, Avenuie -` Board concurs with staff Staff recommends - E - r a''}'Would involve, recommendations.-0-) against funding. -t3- econstruction of, 1 t Avenue ,. from., bid . intent. `of the 3a1 is to .enhance pedestrian.. and filar environments .the-.the-t addition of priate .. urban tecape- elements, is 'circulation n; elements, section" vements_ and The vements . would ct-., significant oraton of the $lk-.And."'.;street 4 r;would improve. traffic hours. N, t <: RIV � - '•.t �z� �S �a`�'4}��xs �r,7�t�`�,�..s� �-ab n f ROJEC7 �ESCnIPTION 777, CITYWIDE BOARD IiTAFAdCOMM SO* PROJECT TITLE RECO9NDATIONB t Board concurs with staff Staff V6661 ftdn 1) Day care Support for star -up for recommendations. (-0) aga3nat New funding Construction rehabilitation and new end construction for non- ��ei►abilita- profit day care ion Project programs. Pees based on sliding scale, and on ability to Pay - Subsidy would be decreased on yearly basis and on ability to obtain alternate - funding sources. 2) New Park Purchase of land, Board COtiCii"'8+ with gt�fi` (-O-) ��aff , ` redoent�d g Program demolition of existing secammendettifons. structures, site preparation, site design, and construction of $ „z neiebborhood park, to 4: i be located within the area bounded by N-Af- ;tom 42ad and 82nd Streets, between 1-9 and x ,. Bi Ay'ne Borulavard0. Xt r { ;y ���� PTiTI "�li llii�iri" 1"��igii l��ii a ii ii��7f uiilP'Pf"ii ll Ili Ir�9fliidliC jlilllllii� f flllfVl 111lip 1111 A u x1fk1yg 11 � rt :,5 -/'r .tii F'�" f'"{�f�}, 7''4'�'3;"•�"`^S CITYWIDE BOARD PROJECT ?ITLE IPR03ECT .DESCRIPTION STAFF RECOMMENDATION$ RECOMMENDATIONS t New Park CONTINUE... Program City would conduct recreational -programs to be designed to attract youths through the . age of 18. r ��w Z •C,c�h'{�F .t r��i Y��„�,��`���y�'�+#i d ��qyr y�d9Y1 M "-A����jYy�: �..iw`i- ...I� �I r IIII I I IIII I I I I Il I I o• I 1� I� l i I I III11111111111 III I I I I II I I I I IIII III III • r ��i� � rm�r�l I I I I�fdi�Jlllff( n IOIII'IIUIIII'lllllllllil'�IIII'lllllfl'III'<IIIVII'111111111111141'lil�llllllll ll'lllll�lillllllllllll'll'1111111111r1111iltllllli�li'fl1lllllllfllllli'+�li�lrlliil,irilill1�l,m�i �111R�i�VIiIBT17ipId�IiAfliti9GjiiiYiiT�1'illFiilll�lil'IfIF3iliiti'iiij�.iP I'iiilliilli9111i1111111111911. .1�111191 � EDISON-LITTLE R V ER i to be furnished and manned by volunteers from a coalition of neighborhood groups and social agencies. Structure to be leased for one -dollar a year to qualified community -based organization. Police Pond Funds may be used, w .for this project. , tc z r k '6. ftM � ' f'a OltS Y I -b9 t as YL yl"Pe°y�,7..t1.4_i ahA:�, I .,, :'. . • - _ . ' ___ l j-y`"t�._Fy" a rra�'�3Yh�•�- q:i'".'ttcr t`w`� t �_ ,_ _.� ,. ,,.,,.,,..�,,. �..,..._. ................ .e r--..-y,.-��(zr�.r�,+.e.. tC,� ��jr Yri�1{YUWi ■■ Yillnrdl�lYlY.ullelllrlillll.i1111�1 10" • ^� Hl� jD' EDISON U T- TLE1 CITYWIDE BOARD R03ECT TITLE PAOJ£CT` DESCRIPTION STAFF REC RECOMMENDATIONS , 4- Notre Dame This project provides Board concurs with staff" Staff Day Care funding to a Catholic recommendations. $40000. _.. funding -,a facility - .Community service >Equipment agency to assist in lcquisition the purchase of ;., kitchen equipment and other leasehold improvements for the Notre Dame Day Care facility. Requested .$4D,000. w C I Go •...... ..a.enri„ _ ." ., _ ..- ...., _, _. _ �. .. .. ... .�. ANY nt����,�'—t'����i �?' lU��?e)u+��. �Y 'A LITRE N N h CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIOI PROJECT 3',ITLE PROJECT ,DESCR#PTION RECOMMENDATIONS- 2j Jose This project consists: Board concurs with staff Staff recommeW recommendations. $30,000 against funding='{ Marti Bark of the construction of -Gymnasium a structure to house a ,gymnasium. Preliminary cost of project is estimated at $300,000, tc Y H h s t F, --,r g __E VAN CITYWIDE BOARD PIROPOI PROJECT TITLE PROJECTVESCWTION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS A I I nOAT Latin Quarter Specialty Center Land Acquisition RECOMMENDATIONS This project consists Board recommends funding at Staff recommends: ' 4500-m of land acquisition, the level of $500,000- against funding. (_O' development of -approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of specialty commercial facilities, restaurants, cultural related facilities including theaters, and spaces for public performances; office space; housing development; parking structure for approximately 500 -automobiles; building demolition; relocation; site infrastructure improvements and development of public spaces including plazas. A hotel development may be considered in Phase 2 LITTLE "AVA J mod' W: PRQI CITYWIDE BOARD PROJECTS PROJECT OESCRMTION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS:. AIL.Rif RECOMMENDATIONS Latin The intent of this an-. Board concurs with staff Staff recommends Quarter ,going project is to recommendations. (-0-) against funding. -Comprehen- create a stronger 2sive Facade Spanish Architectural .'Treatment ;character in the Latin Pilot Quarter District based project on the approved Design Guidelines - and .Standards. The intent of this project is to ; concentrate public funds in a small geographical area to -;create a visual impact". This program will facilitate the installation of decorative. features in Commercial projects (new and renovated). Treatment to the building exterior will Include painting, ;as r awnings, balconies, ceramic tile, € decorative lighting fixtures, floor 1 o k Si..{; ,e ,M• a2 JL S I .' .' - „_ .rrrra - oraurnrw-mrilra''��w�fYiiYrYllAhnr411niiiYililu dNPialYf�IWldilltllml lif elf CITYWIDE BOARD ��N r a TA�R>: "�ARCOl� MEN1�ATION$' PROJECT TITLE RECOMMENDATIONS. 'DESCRIPTION SAla.Of RECOMMENDATIONS Latin Quarter Comprehen- sive Facade P,Treatment t CONTINUE.:.. pavers, roof tiles, woodwork# ornamental. ironwork, stained glass, sculptures, fountains banners, murals portals and plaques, street sgnage and other decorative design features and artwork. This program requires a 30% match by the private -sector. This is a grant program. Maximum public sector match $4,000 per establishment, or $15,000 per structure (with different establishments). County CDBG, State of Florida or other 4 Federal funds may be used for interior and � exterior renovationsr tch y 1 private sector ma R # �s L;' �� _ �_._v....k,—�.......,,�,.�,..�,���u®ae �' �15�reillWli®isMMg�llfl�iNlIUiIIM!Il��dlilillllillll��lflll�'IIII�III�Pr'iillill�Il�ifIIIR lilli�l�� LITTLE HAVANA PROJECT TITLE I PROJECT'DESCRVTION Latin The intent of this Quarter pilot program is to Residential promote new Development residential Assistance development in the Pilot Latin Quarter. Program Construction in this district us more expensive than in other areas because of City s architectural requirements. This is a grant program paying up to $2,500 for each residential unit. Funds to be used for exterior improvements that reinforce the Spanish/Mediterranean architectural style required in the area. Maximum amount of units per site this 4 program will cover is 24. ]ry CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF AECOMMEND�T10�iS ALLOCAVON RECOMMENDATIONS staff Staff recoinenda. 0 Board concurs with (-0-}' recommendations. against.'funding. i C } l P} i } {.x" . _ _ ---- W.W.o.-,.,..��� r.,:.. - ... .- CITXWtDE,.HOARD i t x';r.wr•-r:.h�s'.,s:�3"'*5i?r...:.:5mryu .rv.; .�.iJ■�i k `�eiaE, ' s?t'`(,x` �."e;% Fr PROJECT PAOJEOT OESCA#PTION - RECOMMENDATIONS. 5TA FF aECQ ENCAT�Osg s „,. 4Et� staff Staff rQcommende Q -. Latin The intent of this Board concurs with, (-0-) . agaanstfundng. _- Quarter project is to provide recommendations.. Dutdoor incentives for the s ;Cafes Pilot develop auent of outdoor cafes including grogram 4: sidewalk cafes in connection with restaurants in the Latin Quarter. The project consists of pavement and/or sidewalk improvements, parasols, landscaping `. and miscellaneous improvements within the right-of-way and private property. This is a grant program. A 30% match from the private sector or Dade County is required. Maximum amount of City match per project is $4,000. This program can be OU used in conjunction k r ftA{ the facader: with treatment pilot 4 Ilr i11911 IIIIi19iMII11iI1111M11#iilllillllllllli' illililli111111111lIII�111111IIII'IIIIIII Illllllllf Illilllllll111 �� i I 1119�1111R®iiiil�Pill i�� •11 II III(NIIIIiilliilllliM�IfRilli��ii caill�ilMlfli Blt P�T�1'i'I+ulrldiiS�lEit?I + i+Ilii!ii@iBffiriiGueBli=�ii>k'Iillia'� i0lifi��i9'i UllliliRil�liilllili . i A rA MM PROJECT TITL9 Cityw���.oaad PROJECT DESCRMT110N RECOMMEd+1t7AT`l�NR - 1F rA d 4 t 1 1 µ f 1 . Edison phis project ,�oi1.1 Board recommends funding',at, Center improve the aesthetic the level 0f.2200.000 pepf,e4; Y"� CITYWIDi'9OARD PAOJ ECT TITLI PROJECT DUCAPTlON ARCOMMENDAT ON$ xxNeighborhood .Street .Improvement ARCO"t��NOA"�+�Hi ` JiL3��Gvl �jj`i.7+���i �p �vy.�©_ (C��I•��.j� Q`.E GR ��Q�fA ki i.@Li _ wi'CiT. !� VCR ItA.11WAO And 1401kp_ i:Ck'Pl�' �-F@j@@t 'All glAd �'����t��i�. �'•��'�W@fly f 5 f � � � Y � 2 \ � * C 1 I 1 � PP4 h t- �-✓�y 4 i�i��Tiw`'Yi 6ilun�L li7 i,1'�I il�llii"ilYf ln �' I �Ii.�w q.i r:i L�rr i�.�yiyL; ,�.,yry�I��I- I' •en il�ur tt •F�ul�li�ii in'ri41 rvl�ui�P -17 ILI fma: &WI Alk LAO`,:,' ie : � • •4'h +r f �' J � WY-N O. Y 1 1 PRQPOSEt�. , CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DESCFHPTlON A6f.OG� ON RECOMMENDATIONS k �) Wynwood This project proposes Board concurs with staff Staff recommends $25 OQO y Northeast the restoration and recommendations. $275.0� funding at the level of Second improvement of all $255:000 - Avenue properties fronting x Beautifica- N.W• 2nd Avenue, Lion Project between 29th Street W--dew and N.W. 36th Street. A planning -and public works program will yi Y propose the ;following actions: commercial y�3= ��� and residential ` facade treatment; a >` decorative sidewalk � N S.d and ;street treatment; .� a planned program of u, tree planting $ compeni�on program of z r landscaping; and a decorative street r` banner program ..�. highlighting the Old P e } ,,,, }' i ty, > .r , '' ri'.:` Bri"E�, r4i,,` '1°iu,*.} ,€•1 San Juan 'Neighborhood. � � r � � ��� '�t F+ n 1 "r y n f 4 " h ; z 1 IS ryy S 777777777 NFL r� R t >< -T. IIIUI°�illlllllllll I'UilRlil�iilllllllulyhllllllliq�(Iii�INl@UII�IK!iimAl1f99��liliEnpi91i1191ip��,�ie�h�i'i����'��ll��i"��»,w,!��.., PROJECT TiTu PROJECT DESCO PTION CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS dwelling -units in the Wynwood 'Target Area. Very low income homeowners may receive home repair grants; additional funds are available through the w HUD Section 312 Rehabilitation Loan Program. Funds t available through City -tide Project No. 16. F ia' 3 Elderly Construction of a Board concurs with " staff Staff � k h 'reogt�ugenda���,��', recreation Domino Kiosk structure recommendations. fyYr { 0 ) aga3nstsrfunding. �r�) —1 at the H Program 08tOs 1 + 1 6 �1. 13 �..! 1 'Fi?.�R�e�.t• Community tenter. .. ... . ,.. . _ .� .. ... _ _ -. ♦ ... 1 ..b :.0 .... e-�,naM: �v S� (±L...:, .ay 1k..� .3#!��..H,s -.. �:'..'.�i'M ....., - k WYNWOOD PROPOSEQ,.'. CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DESCFAPTION RECOMMENDATIONS 4) Child This is a proposal for Board concurs with staff Staff recommends Care Program a capital improvement recommendations. (- 0 -) against funding. W-75 to accommodate the increased Wynwood r demand for child-care and day care. The sponsor would be the Roly Cross Day Care Center, Inc. r w UUSW f • ;- �.j + 't r "' 1 ?j xe`F 4 a5. j'v�,}sx�s` M'',' l'.{�•. zxs,�'"�F; ws i��.,:;�.r ' r ,� a i e� >r ✓ 3'V yy�y/''�� � 'V�ti,',/. ",ICI'. � ., .� , .' ,. .. ;- ,. ., .. .. ». 7'� #. "9r,•.t4 �� i£3i 'r::i t ��:�a a�i'f�".. ask ,& J'i:. j ° h x 4 �'� ..• r� il'1111011-14M ����+ • CITYWIDE BOARD PRO RU>il�D PROJECTPROJECT DESCRtPTlON STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS TITLE RECOMMENDATIONS AWIC06T10, - Regis House Land Acquisition A non-profit substance Board concurs with staff Staff reco=eads „0 abuse Rehabilitation recommendations. (-0-) against funding. Center serving young adults, requires to purchase a parcel of land on which to build housing and a project center. Requested $150,000. A Oi funded social Board concurs with staff Stei�f reGoeeAdB' r,=�r,�t=<. service agenc3r recommendations, ,154,800 against futtdiag. {�"QR A requires funding to �� � expand ex'sting e-q m §� faeility n order :`to cam d t t `� ,improve and increase 9�raT3L'esi 0 th$ .. community. Requested. �,aY S tt . u,�,e ry 4 i k'� _43xs, " '�+.. r r 4'f -� ''"i a %".3 sr 3 x. Ica ,�},�a.aae.r vs 2 1, �rl�l t �hf t fir? `�5.� Y n 7 kgg t k' r .. ,. .. 1, . ,. ,..... ...-.1 ,} r.. ?o ,, i .n'�s.z.,- 't'. y +:�k +f:1P"lir3a. ... J VA CITYWIDE dP� f II ,ill II jl * k `5:t PROJECT TITLE Miami Bridge Building Equipment 01TYWID §TAFF AISOMMCNWISNI E �S iBI PROJECT DEBCRMTIDN NKOOMON®ATION A non -.profit agency 1304rd ono w4h 00f Ogff administering a youth mown4goAfigt shelter program for Ar young adults, reguir6o funds to acquire the necessary buil4ing isproxe"nt equipent for its existing facility. Sequeotod S72,350 s y-: K r I 1.-rbted 1.1 ,,,1 � t iF k, r I•y L r� 4 ^ ' ,>w .rsr,. u rh F� 1 sWl yam- . - 1 �.- �k �t ct m r5'h ^-*, ,�'4�.� � �r• Y f M' rr, r a' `iq�•'u` e s'kix'°'& e'' �..5� �r'�;. �,J"¢ � 1 k LCnit 4!"+.K,A,yL.4 f2 # �` y 1 B.F���+k'"�4^,•"y5^- Rg t � l,: -;; � ` �� " .;� .. �-, ' ' -�. - s - r d. t r. �� y, .,, ,•f c1�N i. � quaryY� t^. 'ti, . ..�, 5•:+•:l�r ��.> :.: �. '' .:. '.. ;.. ., :.":.. �::'� :. ".:'" '' ', '. � � '� f "'- S`l}t;:.l Nf 1y, �+.,y+�^M y.„,}r :��.�r, y.4, "y ti;�f��,:.+�a �......:_....� .. -,.:.. :'. -,.:. ....: :.-_.. ..�:.: �.. .`�..:: . � .. , ... .. i ... •.. .... . _. 4 ., .... :.• .:5'... Y....,./,�.: a<.:�Y'T✓.ti.rvi4�.t.Y'Cik�:.'.'5*..�e�1�t�-N..: iC.. 3?l v.... .4 .. t .. �_ :',•..... ._ FI 4 `� F�+u3 fir. - 4j CITY OF MIAMI { CO1 1tJNITY DEVEIyOPMBNT, BLOCK = GRA►M �{ 1 4 •sf C ? P 17TH YEAR PROGRAM P'MING RROUBBT a k y 1 S 4 x, � t t � � S"� 4.r � y,• 6 "� { �+• "�'"l, Y ad k.�y }-"y'hx 2,o W` wi Ayr ;r'Ali _ - .i .,=� C ui 5 ab iii'�a� rv�' I �i'+�,���Yts� ya �., �"i�G��iS:,��t'•." PDSLiC,SERVI�E _ J+ MAI as,i i v$ Pn M -rV WIDF W"04 Conte WT V#04A r-Tas"m Wxv* ftvftw IkCk;kVxk&*% ikvA 04tritio C%ft*IW" Q* bwb* Qmn" r, zm PROJECT DF-SCR#PTION Proposes top0v'd door to-door djmaprovide response ; transportation services t of 1,4" elderly, handicalef and/or. juvenile City 0 %Joni residents. Services aro provided on a Citywide bakSis Witb an esipbasis im, - tb* Little Havam and All&-. Pat+-Ob target areas. maploses to provide EMMIS *X4 SQppCWt:jVe social amd Watrit$Lanal services to 699 *Xftrl,-y I Ummlicapped Cityj X*mt6mots at Peteros PIALZ&.' Liam gxma for the Slind awd %Uft S't. Dom'=Lc se-lar C,mt,w (Iomted at 5849 EMUNKM t= pCemigme- x7mc3raft- *1014 1 porta- *10m, &me Sur- pmIt-tva mm=vimms to 1,2m ftlaw.tr cjitr XMWAdemtx &t a-=- *,Zma, MmIftmee & CUmale FWp- J�m Ita.%viesm %IFIM25ax Ct'LTDR mW= CmAtmT tAUqpWt�UW-- CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF R11COMMINDATIGNI RECOMMENDATIONS The Citywide C.D. hdVisory into W- saing 9 PE93W is Board concurs with the recoffm6n @d I@F 17th INAF 921): Staff recommendation. funding - M. tb@ 0901nUO, I@V@l ot �2 93,110 This Aq@nc-y F-@=, gory The CitywjA0 C.P. Mvioo ng fqF Soaxd concurs With tb* pro0at 1§ j.F@G~AM,, of staff recomagadation, 1MV The CityV.14U C,V, "V"*FY SAL.. - Board oamm=mv wit* tbs: staff 27, N CT InTLE qF ry 'PROJECT i1ESCRfpT10�1 CITYWIDE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS P"POSEM STAFF4 RECOMMEWAT[O�LS ` �LLOCATICN y mbu GLAS GARDEN Proposes to.provide senior The Citywide C.D. Advisory This on -going C.,,D. project $" 28 471. CM OF M1AMI adult day care services Board concurs with the is redommended for 17th Year 9TIOR ADULT D Y (congregate meals, counsel- staff recommendation. C.D. funding at the continued rAM CENTER ing, education, recreation level of $28,471, The Agency and transportation) to 60 requested $40,000. Miami Jewish elderly City residents. The 'Roane and Hos project operates out of the Viral for the City owned Legion Park fac- Aged, Inc. ility. SOUTHWEST SOCUL Proposes to provide multi- The Citywide C.D. Advisory- This on -going 'C.D. project is $ 62,022 SERVICES ple social services to 275 Board concurs with the recommended for 17th Year C.D. elderly City of Miami resi- staff recommendation. funding of the continued level Southwest dents of the Flagami area. of $62,022. The Agency `re= Social Ser- Services include congregate quested $96,957. I vices, Inc. and home -delivered meals, counseling, information/re- ferral, education, recrea- tion and transportation. COMMUNITY FOOD Proposes to provide assist- The Citywide C.D. Advisory This on going C.D. project is $ 14;235, GARDENS ance in establishing food Board concurs with the recommended for 17th'Year C.D. gardens at public housing staff recommendation. funding. at-- thwcontinued`'1eve1 £nd World sites for 120 City of Miami of $14,,235,..which is, also the . Munger, Inc.'' residents. amount requested. 00 -,;, :� iJ III '. i' �Iri }` � y � I, i`� s.� ., ... ,.:. r..:.Y ;. � >•. + Jt,,� `�" 7 JV n AL 1 •' IIIII �":., r' izs - PROPOSED CITYWIDE'BOARD _ STi4FF RECOMMENDATIONS 7rr, , ,t19tCT T FRt33EOT �BBCR#PTiDN RECOMMENDATIONS Ilt1OCIlTtON ,�. a r vide home es to 0 Proposes p The Citywide C.D. Advisory is on -going C. D. project is 27,887 AIDS NOW AI ` Po delivered meals to 500 per- Board concurs with the t 'Year`C D . ecommended for 17 h level ON WHEELS living with AIDS who staff recommendation. unding:•at the continued l sons for f $27,887. The Agency has cure Aids are unable to care equested $265811:" ,Wpw,� Inc, themselves. Project also provides supportive coun- seling, companionship and compassion in a comprehen- sive approach to treat mal- _ nourishment, reduce stress and provide an alternative to costly hospitalization. POSITIVE INC. Proposes to establish a The Citywide C.D. Advisory funding Due to budgetary,constraints,-; - this new project is not rec- Citywide program to impact Board recommends for this at a lev- ommended for '.17th`Year C. D. ' Positive, Inc. an 250 street gang members and drug users/abusers and project el of $50,000. funding. However, if: it is reduce gang related Grim- determined that funds targeted to the, Child Care .'Contingency final activities. Fund are not `needed because funding for .child care, pro- grams lis being met,through the:. Child `Care Black Grant, , it is recommended'. that $50-1000 of Contingency funds 'be allocated,,. to this Project-,..: The Agency requested`$89807.; Proposes to provide a resi- The Citywide C.D. Advisory Due.' to.�budgetary Constraints, $ 0 'project 3i£GIS HOUSE idential and outpatient Board recommends funding this new is not ;'rec- Regis mouse, drug treatment program to for this project At a lev- ommended" for funding The Agency requested Inc. City of Miami youth. el of $50,000. $67000.`I . x, 3 1 00 i r I _. I •i f SF iR��.{t�. 4 k.. ; w/ INYY:iwrlirlloer.allir,' r'-•ir:.irw' �'�i" �. n' 3'�1a�'�" ����'af'5 FROJECT TITLE FiAGAMI Cue ITY CENTER Flagami com- munity Centle Inc. ,RpSECT D _S�}pTiON proposes to provide elderly services to .1,000 persona from the Flagami areAga enocy f tfie City of Miami- proposes to serve 150 per sons on an average daily, basis- Services would alsi counsel- clude°$ rgatioa, and in- io referral. formation/ T Proposes to provide courts to incar- ;p1,,TERs1ATIVES INCARCERATION With alternatives ceration while also provid- society Alternative ing restitution to by having offenders provide Programs• services to the community 8 an Inc. through governmental non -Profit organiz- private ations. Program proposes -services t° provide these 2.000 city residents' to CULTURAL EXC •°„ FOR BETTER U. - T,AMING ..:. Haitian Amer :H- can Foundati n Inc. - :* flO CI W DF- BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS The Citywide C.D. Advisory Board concurs with the staff recommendat'On• proposes to provide a cul- tural understanding program to educate the Haitian cam unity and serve as a liai between the Haitian son community and otbern ethnic communities: of Miami* The Citywide C.D• Advisory Board concurs with the staff recommendation. PROPOS DATIONS ALLOCJCTtQN STAFF REc6mMEN^� roject is not - This new C• D• p due to recommended for funding Also, budgetary, consrraints•suppprts the City currently two multiple Service projects cts for the elderly in the Flagami area (Little aCenterstofiDade and Nutrition cis plaza and County- St.Domini$exvices).The SouthwehasSrequ sted $159.726. Agency � 50.000 is This on -going C• D• project'D. recommendedtY►ercoat need l vel funding The Agency has of $51,000• requested $55.600• S g .. Doc to budgetary constraints, this.;on-going l6th Year C.. D. The Citywide C.D• Advisory Board concurs with the t is`not.recommendee. for project staff recommendation. for 17th Year C.D.funding.;'t'he Agency requested $79325 It should be noted that - funds ;Anrinct the`.16th were all Year' on basis - _:_ �._..,�-�rn.er�xs„_�swn°-�+-� `[ `'�"_..a._ .M.�.�aur�ee�mdiuu Halo nllollll^IIIIIIII'IIiIIII1fIINfI Oi111tlI�illJl11111111111111111�1 II���II I AUAPMAN -1 • CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS PRojer.T T-rrLE PROJECT DESCi TION RECOMMENDATIONS , A * This-vit i ra oes to provides The Ci*.�►+a concurs ith, th z commer�op-drsd ni �i �.hp +�s �D• < i3.LA�'ATTAH £LD Agency Po Board co LY SERVICES taeals supportive social, �urieing lit. �e caintir�u d 2abafi t reczaatianal � educational staif.rersnmmeri�r�tipri.' og $255,7�4': The, AgsnaY� Allapitttail services to 2y900 vridupli- I �!Ai(11b4+iAa► $�l78� � 1f onranriity Cate d elderly residents of Attivn. Inc. *he Allapbttah Target Area A 3 2 J t h U M. a� al C s Tom$ y t t is xS y�R _ zUa us y, T gx7xr✓ d ..ZCU 6 ' f..'+t'""'S„te jaa s ..,, r . proposes to provide outpa- tient medical, dental and/ or family planning services to approximately 6,158 per- sons,, with an emphasis on residents of the Coconut Grove target area of the Cit of Miami L 5 3 CITYWIDE BOARD �q RECOMMENDATIONS The Citywide C.D. Advisorl Board concurs with the staff recommendation. Proposes to provide out -pa- The Citywide C.D. Advisory This on -going C. D. project tient psychological and/or Board concurs with the recommended for 17th,Uar,Cr>). social casework services to staff recommendation. funding" "at the continued level 180 City residents primar- - of $27,251 Tlie. Agehc ily from the Coconut. Grove requested $29'0431.. area of the City of ;Miami. kULUNUT GROVF PROJECT TITLE PROJECT OESCRiPTION COCONUT GROVE PRIMLRY HEALTH CARE Coconut Grove Family Realth Center, Inc. MIAMI MENTAL 17-ALTH CENTER - COCONUT GROVE BRANCH - Miami Mental Bealth Center Inc. COCONUT GROVE CE T= C1%RE 5t. Albans Da Nursery„ Inc, ii • CITYW1Ot: BOARD STAFF R6COMMENOATIONS PROJECT "TLE �At3�SCT DESCRiPTlON RECOMMENDATIONS. Al h Ci* ids C D Advisory This on -going C.D. project is #, l i+IETHODIST COM- 'Proposes to provide a ho+. T e .yw recommended for 17th Year C.D. HUMITY CE4ITER - meals -program supported by Board concurs with recommendation. the fundingn.at the requested iev*l nQfADiTolptA 3iOT educational, . riecreational, staff of of $Is,400, This recommend "g,�,g 3'ROGRAM counseling and health sup- anon reflects an increase of FOR Ei.DERLY port activities to a mini- $5,965 over the Agency':;s°16th mum of 3SO elderly persons Year ailooation of'$9►435.- . ` First united :residing in the Downtown Methodist target area, Church. Inc. FEEDING MIAMI''S proposes to develop and i.m- The Citywide C.D. Advisory This new C.D.,project aoME�.Ess plemant a strategy to feed Board concurs with the ommended for funding. et the homeless parsons in the staff recommendation. requested level o#-�2�Jew0. " Miami Conlin n'Downtown area of the City. for Care to e + '2 - Homeless, In . G?; .44 _ y i i r 00 • � - .wS . a ' �:p QZM as5r 4� � 7"'i�r4 v idhYn.n`"" -m. •...v.mww...,va..,.-.....o.. ..._,._..,a_. ...,....� _. __ _. ,.. ." - . ... .. iF ..-.. e._,.�- fv _;. ., .t°„}t, .....air e�Ec�Ir�'Gig;�Mi%.fJ?�M�j�i���".txSef�: 4 Y § yafiate �i'yI II II'I MOW R'EDIS •e '� _ Ex e.r'st� x� v y.� � i � , � � I j � �; I I I � I I � I �, II II, I I ON LIT L - CITYWIDE BOARD PROPO$ PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DESCRIPTION STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS At -I- Oil 1lTIOt.M N; HAITIAN SOCIAL Proposes to provide 2 pro- The Citywide C.D. Advisory Funding for. the on -going C.D. $ 47,329 g SERVICE PROGRAMgrams; 1. emergency food Board concurs with the food voucher project is rec- voucher program to 2,100 staff recommendation. ommended for 17th Year C .D. Haitian Ameri Haitian persons residing in funding at the continued level can Community' the Edison Little River of $47,329. Due to budgetary Association o target area of the City of constraints, the proposed new Dade County, Miami; 2. Proposes to pro- project is not recommended for Inc.. vide a chemical, dependency funding..' The Agency requested ZH.A.C.A.D.) abuse education program for i $80,000 for the food voucher 3,808 Haitian youth from project and $100 000, for. the the Edison Little River drug education: project., area. EDISON LITTLE program proposes to provide The Citywide C.D. Advisory This on -going C..D. project is- RIVER CHILDCARE supervised care, meals, Board concurs with the recommended for 17th Year PROGRAM recreation and enrichment staff recommendation. funding at the reduced, level opportunities to 240 City of $6`298. This recommendation Catholic Com- youth. tion_reflects a.,.reduction''of'.„ . munity .Serv- approximately 67i . ;from ;the r A enc 's 16th.Year C.D.' a� o- ices, Inc./ 9 Y.i Notre Dame ." cation of.$18,-893. It ,is ;an Daycare and ticipated that.,`fundsi.will`ba Neighborhood I y available from, the. Child. Care Center, Inc. Development. Block' Grant. in 3 October, -1991.' It isfurther kecommended that.'"a,,Child Care Contingencg"Fund be"establ#sh -? ed .to provide fundingat S 16th Year C .D. level'. if 'the : Agency ie'unsuccesaful C taining' funding:: through Child Care DeveW. lopaaent ':Blpclr xl i chant The Agency requested f 1� Aye s� $20.782 BI II II IIIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIYIYn 111 nIGIiY IiY Ylill,lu .......,:::. - nz.._"..-•�,.M�::"�_=^--- --•-- _""___. ,. ., r.., t -+. _IA. ..:c*.h: '' R CITYWIDE BOAD . dN Y._'.�S "° PRQP,QS p,Ri jECT nTLE PROJECT DESCR#PTION S�'AFF RECOMM'EN©Al IONS RECD1r MENDATIONS 1.1.QOAi .. :,ABUSE PHE- Proposes to provide a child The Citywide C.D. Advisory ue to 'budgetalry constraints, .$ - 0 �►: �10N PROGPIM abuse prevention program Board recommends ',funding this'new projlact is not rec- That offers a shelter for for this project at a lev- ommended for Year C.` D. } Raitian Ameri- abused youth: and an educe- el of $50,000. „1?�h fending. The Agency zequestsd -can .Civic C1vb ton program for abusive $307,Fi00. 'Inc. parents. x , ' Y+. {.' a �e�.y 4) •. t Gk ,•P vs . ' y.• _ y yf s r t dal. T �f.'�`7a'. �'�$"'�." , , � 1 A t 6 kk -:.fi. � F :'.. ,• .� ,y t .�§�"G�rti�..:����4 d5 S t :• � f k 4' t '� � �' Fi Y LITTLE HAXIW� laROJECT TITLE " 'PROJECT DESCR#PTION LITTLE HWANA Proposes to provide educa- ASSISTANCE TO tion, community informs - THE ELDERLY tion, limited transporta- ti+on, casework services and Association food distribution to 2,500 for the Useful elderly residents from the Aged, Inc. Little Havana area. LITTLE EAVARA AFTER SCHOOL AND :SUMMER C %RE/CH1L CARE PROGRAM Catholic Com- 1 munity Serv- ices, Inc../ Centro Mater Child Care and Neighborhood Center Proposes to provide super- vised daily after school care, weals., recreation, enrichment opportunities and casework services to children ages 5-14 from the Little Havana area Unclud- ing Summer Camp). Also pro- vides a comprehensive day care program for youth ages 3-5. Agency proposes to serve a total of 720 youth. CITYWIDE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS The Citywide C.D. Advisory . Board concurs• with the staff recommendation. The Citywide C.D: Advisory Board concurs with the staff recommendation. How- ver, the Board did not es- tablish the Child Care Contingency Fund recom- mended by staff. r k6pe STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLOWA .yvua.z raaua. aia va cor�lian - `� :. .�, F to provider fundinq,at` th ith Year C. -D. level..;iE t+hA t"z ""r r r 5 a t i I� L5 �} i�r any lr� k p +Pp e M.9 LITTLE'' CITYWIDE BOARD STAFF PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DESCR#PTION STAFF RECOMMENDAT10NS .RECOMMENDATIONS �L1-QCQI�" LITTLE HKVANA Proposes to provide super- The Citywide C.D. Advisory is on -going C. D. project is 15,894 CHILDCARE vised care, meals, recrea- Board concurs- with the ecommended for'17th'Year C.D. ton and enrichment oppoz staff recommendation. How- unding•at the 'reduced level Catholic Com- tunities tc 425 children ever, the Advisory Board f $15,894. - This recomdenda— munity Berv- residing in the Little Hav- did not recommend the es- ion reflects a seduction 'of ices, Inc./ ana target area. tablishment of the Child ppzoximately 67.$ from the Little .Havana. Care Contingency Fund. ' g y gency s 16th Year,C,.D. allo- Childcare ation of $47,682. It is-an- icipated - that funds will be, vailable from the Child Care. evelopment Block Gran* in •,' ctober, 199.1. It ..is :; •further ecommended that >;a Child Care ontingency'`Fund be.establish to . provide-: funding .at` 6th.Year =C. D. level if the gency 4s unsuccessful:!,in ainipg funding thxough the x ild Care Development H1Qck ;r rr rant..' The Agency xequeat+ad s` 52, 540. LITTLE HAI/ANA Proposes to provide educa— The Citywide C.D. Advisory is on -going C :D project to $ 49,83�{'y „y l :ASSISTANCE Tp tion, transportation, , re— Board _ concurs wi+h the ecommended for 1 THE BLIND habilitation- and supportive staff recommendation. ndi ng at ttie cotsti3scted leyiel services to 75 blind r..esi— f $,49 0�0, The „` Agency► �5, he► L on's Home dents :primarily, from the equested for the Blind, Little Havana target area Suc_ of the City :of Miami. h w w1 `4s I ate` S17Yki11 e�+ F s A LL 2 tS .: J BSc ai k�l"4Ja .r r-yuCtv;n -",e • - 1�- f . _. . .,, _ -. -. , ��.. `r,� 2 ���. Y � Y.�j. r . �f.t r*5Y'"' '� 11M�•.'ff ,,l�� ,y- d ffivuu"ifniiisi ii"'iT'iP7ur.,i �,..,-••,: --m-m—�--.--�:r;,�-..:...,�—:.._.__..f._.1�•....._._._. • _._ <.., .. ,.. ,:, ,. :.-->. .....,, ...._.. ...-,.,... ws.7 a;:. _.a+.�i::, � ..,_..., <n..,_,. M ..,,.,k.._s. ��',,.:,r��`,.*�+��� _ ... , PROJECT 'TITLE AGAPE ACADEMIC ENRS CENTER. INC. n CITYWIDE :BOARD: DESCAiPTJON STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS; ALLOCATION' ; PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS ,` Proposes to provide a sup- The Citywide C.D. Advisory Due to budgetary "constraints, C.D. project $ - 0 - plemental education program Board recommends that this tis new 17th Year recommended for. fund - to 75 youth from the Over- new project be allocated is not ing. The Agency requested town area with high dropout *29,507 of 17th Year C.D. f ds $45,000. i out lned in a needs assess- ment completed for the St.. Agnes Episcopal Church/ f Rainbow Village Tenants Council. Y� 9i `;tl tS:J art{?S�• i I I 11 .. �lilull�li i i1lllllll 1119II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i IIII lIIII"1111111111u1'Illllillllllglllllllll'IIIIIIII'lilllllll11l'I' I ' � II' � ow II 11111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111 IIIIIII Illllllillll II IIIIIIIli911111'' l'll'ill�li�ulir i�� 11 �i+I� slur it 4�e�r�r�ua id6.n r J -i N V.: 1I -'.✓ i.- ��°S +t' � `� �1� r r `i,��'gT���y�.�;+�� {su 2 CITYWIDE BOARD PROPO t DJF-CT TITLE FFiOJECT D�SCR#PTiON- STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ALLACATIO►'t!t° RECOMMENDATIONS MWOOD CHILD Proposes to provide super- The Citywide C.D. Advisory This -on -going C D. project is $ 29.988 kRE PWGRAI+M vised care, meals, recrea- Board, concurs with the recommended for l7t1f,Year C.D. " tion, enrichment opportun- staff recommendation. How- funding,at the reduced level Holy Cross ities and casework services ever, the Board did not of $29,988. This recommenda- Day Care to a 68 children from the establish the Child. Care tion reflects a 'k duction of Center, Inc. Wynwood target of the City Contingency Fund that was approximately 61% from the of Miami. recommended by staff. Agency's 16rh`Year C.D. allo- cation of $89,965. 'It is an- ticipated that funds will be available from_: the Child Care Development ,Block Grant in October, ,1991. -it is.;furiher recommended that a Child Caw ,. Contingency=Fund'be establish- ed. to 'provide ., fuoding.'at `=t1se l6th Year• C. D. 1®+relf tote Agency is unsuccessful ;ln = obi taining' funding. ;'tfikdu0 the F Child Care Development.. Block5y Grant. The ; A0e00y =. roguss$ci $117, O0PJ 'WVIVPOOD ELDEM Proposes to provide meals, The Citywide C.D. Advisory, This .On�goinq ERti1ZCES recreation, education, es- Board concurs withthe recommended; to , 17!th1t�ii4` Csli. , tort, health support, coun- staff recommendation. funding; f holy Cross Da seling, transportation, and Care Center, information %referral ser- questei! at�c.J'9�e Sosto+ioes to a 625 elderly' and/ senior Center or handicapped Wynwood rea- r idents of the City. � I AIND E --ice✓.✓ 'E 1010 3"CITYWIDEBOARD Pit.OlECT DESCRIPTION STAFF RECOMMMDATS hl :CT �ENDITICNSfE A`! Program.provid+Rs supervised The Citywide�C.D. Advisory This on -going C.D..project,is" $ 7049.7 1WOOD AFTER SCROOL tm daily care, recreation, ad- Board concurs with the recommended for 17th Year C.D. at the level PROGRK" ucation, mwe'le, enrichment staff recommendation. How- funding reduced hi ' da- Call opportunities services to 85 and casework -children be- ever, the Board did not establish the Child Caro of $7,497. T s xecommen rion reflects a'`reduction of Catholic munity Serv- twfen the ages of 9 and 14 Contingency Fund recom- approximately 67* from the ices, toc.f residing primarily in the mended by staff. Agency's 16th Year C.D. allo- San Juan Vynwood target area of the ocation of $22,491. It is an - Day Care and City of Miami. ticipated that funds 'will be Seighborhood available from the Child Cake' ' Center Development -Block Grant in October, 1991. It is :further recommended. that a Child Care Contingency Fund be es.tablish- ed to provide funding; at 'the 16th:Year C. D. levelf . tha ' long range goal of enbane- the =arketability skills of r the.iabor force to promote; ,economic ata►bility. ' 4 7 � } 4 te• a. { x � IIIli l III b p Due tor,.'budgataxy" aonitzaint�, =.establish the Proposes to,. The Citywide.C�D: Advisory funding this neW project,,is ;not rec- ASP it�4 aoP , �+,spira Somswosk Resource Board recommends a Aev- ended FWRMCeater in t}1e ,lynwood for this projject at f riding " Howsverh'Ys lit s .area to a learning, lab. el of, $50.0 detexmi.pe�d hat "fulnde taxgstsd Asp%na of -provide 'loxida, for 105 Sow income at risk to the Child Ca Contingsncy Sac ►ouch. Fund axe not :needed bsca�uss funding' for. .child 'cats pro grams is being met thxough:ths Child` Slack Grant;. it'is -Care recommended that'."$50,0H0 :of . Contingency funds.; be allocated. to this Project.. "The Agency requested $56..712. s - r • i 1 4 ryi M 1 .t ' r "I,, i t a i may. � ,,,L�. 'ti. i �� � �� i� ''���i � �u"�� ii,•�;�"� i�i��i�ii,;ii� �I7`'i�li',,!Dlf��i�l;li�lll�'�°II'iII111IIIIIP I�'Illillll'illl illll!D111'IU111PI1'fillli�''II�'iilll�(III ! I�j�'I' 19� �llllnll' °�' " �'III Irl� �' I�' � i�'i�� � �