HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1991-04-11 Marked Agendaow MAYOR VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER ER XAVIER L. SUAREZ J.L. PLUMMER, JR. DR. MIRIAM ALONSO MILLER 1. DAWKINS VICTOR H DE YURRE �p w ♦�` E INC1 is oil . CITY CLERK COMMJSSION �, • - Q�, — �o_ Fti�/ OMMISSION AGENDA #in C CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MEETING DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PE APACITAPPEARING BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE C COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE WITH EACH ITEM THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL VA IJLABOLENECTIFORON NSPECT I ON DURING 1 NG APPEARING ON THE AGENDA S AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. BUSINESS HOURS ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THECITY ITEM SOAIANDOSHALLANY AS SOON APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA IS INVITED TO DO CLERK OF HIS/HER DES 1 RE TO SPEAK, AS POSSIBLE INFORM ,,THE CITY GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS I O HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULDAPPROACHO THE PRESIDES P OVER HONE N THE CITY BE RECOGNIZED BY THE WHO coWAISS1ON MEETING. s s s s s Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami to be considered at City Commission with respect to any matter that a verbatim record this meeting, that person shall ensure including all testimony and evidence of.the proceedings is made CONSENT AGENDA Item 1 which is comprised of Items CA-1 through CA-18 has been scheduled to be heard In the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS items 2 through 26 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS item 27 has been advertised to be heard at 11:00 AM. item'28 has been advertised to be heard at 1 1_05 AM Items 29 and 30 have been advertised to-be`heard at 11:10 AM. Item 31 has been advertised to be heard at 11:15 AM. Item 32 Is a companion Item to Item 31 and may be considered at this time. �. Item 33 has been advertised to be �= heard at 2:30 PM. Item 34 is a ' 'companion Item to Item 33 and may be onsidered at this time.+ c The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified times or thereafter as may be announced.= r PERSONAL'APPEARANCES 35 :: through 45 have been edhedu l ed oe -heard iPM, 'tia..:C'I ty C6t v l Ss 1 on ha -I I -.consider J ns ,'these Items at . the-' specified time or thereafter as maY be announced. r i? I SCUSS ION ITEMS, :1 $ 1r�g been - - 4. E, CITy COMMISSION UENIA MEETING DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 3 9:00 AM A. B. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS Approving the minutes of the Regular City Commission meeting of February 14, 1991. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes Ito remove a specific Item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-16 constitute 'the Consent -Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each Item wltl. be recorded as Individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: that the Consent Agenda comprised of ., items CA-1•-through CA-16 be adopted.. ' The -Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting Items lncluded: In the:Consent Agenda Is taken, Is -there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any Item in mot, the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on adopt Ion of the Consent Agenda will now be u taken.",' CA-1 RESOLUTION (J-91-275) (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Alan Deutsch Assoc`lates, Inc (a non--minority/non-local vendor) -for the furnishing and i nsta l Iat;l on 11 of , stage:__curtains at the Manuel Artime Performing Arts Center for �k the. Department of: Gommun.l ty Development at a total proposed amount of $13,692.00; t�llpoeting funds therefor from the Capital improvementProject No. 333083; aufihorizIng the.Clty Manager to Instruct the Ghlof PropIrement Off Icer to issue a purchase older for this purchase. �y 7ft'4 5? xt W ..Y �ilr.•: 'fit.. It' t.[v.-w DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA APPROVED R-91-252 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS } i, CITY COMMISSION AGLNDA MEETING DATE: April 11, 1991 PAGE NO: 4 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-91-273) - (ACCEPTING BID) the bl lal Off Furniture (a woman/non-local vendor) for furnishing four (4) fireproof file cabinets for the Department of Police at a total --proposed amount of $5,580.00, allocating funds therefor from the 1990-91 Operating Budget Account Code *290201-850; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Issue a purchase order for this equipment. CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-91-268) - (AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF FILING FEE) Authorizing the City Manager to pay a filing fee not to exceed $35,000.00 to the South Florida Regional Planning Council for the application for development approvalfor increment 11-of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Development of Regional Impact and allocating funds In than amount from Protect: No. 689001 entitled "Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Trust Account". r, CA-4 RESOLUTION - (J-91-292) - (CORRECTING SCRI.VENER'S ERROR) Correcting a scrivener's error, amending Section1; o f Resolution No . 90-0134 , tiopted .Feiruary 7., . 1980, by modifying the lease agreement with Metropolitan Dade County,.to provide for the use of a larger port, ion of .Henderson . Park, Located at 871 NW 2;:. ;Str.eet, Miami,, Florida; .. for the construction and use of a public health c 1nlc . slsld (ease being for a per.:iod of twenty years at $1.00 per year. r x§ }x •.pis ., u.+ - q , q R-91-253 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-254 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-255 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS t i C,J COMMISSION MENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I I 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 5 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-b. RESOLUTION - (J-91-255) - (APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, DESIGNATION OF SPONSOR) Approving, in principle, the design tIon of the Urban League of Greater Miami_, Ino. ,`a not -for -profit corporation, as___a sponsor to undertake the development of a low density rental housing project affordable to families and individuals of low and moderate Income on the City -owned Highland Park School Site, subject to certain terms and conditions as enumerated herein; further rescinding prior City Commission legislative actions which granted development rights to Circa Ltd./The Barness Organization and Senior Citizens In Action North, Inc. (SCAND) for development of the aforementioned parcel. CA-6. RESOLUTION - (J-91-276) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT) - Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement of purchase and sale for the property located at 235 NW 13 Street and the property located at 245 NW 12 Street, In,.;_substantlaliy the form attached, for prices as stated herein between the City of Miami ("purchaser") and the Estate of WIII'lam Patterson Sr. ("seller") for the purchase and sale of the property (more particularly described herein), for total, purchase price of $36,002, with fundsfor the acquisition of said property being' -used from Section 108 Loan Proceeds, for' the purpose of development of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Pro`ecfi; further authorizing the City Attorney to take whatever steps are y necessary to close the transactions with the seller as early as practicable; said aukhorizatlon being conditioned on the appropriation of the necessary funds. ` CA_79 RESOLUTION', (J-91-281) `- (AUTHORIZING ATTORNEY TOASSIST :IN OBTAINING LiQUQR' P RM!'I'). , J#tJtitt©r ! Z! n` the C I t Attorne to assist t o bta !! n three-+►da = t I uor.y `j wrtnI t or _ _ _-� R-91-256 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-265 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ------------------ SEE RELATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10864 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS qr CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I I 1 1 , 1991 PAGE N0: 6 _ --------------- CONSENT AGENDA CONT_'_C� CA-8. RES0LUTI.014 - (J--91-286) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES & ESTABLISHING AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS) Related to the Annual coconut ur-ove oeu Race and Pajama 5K Run, to be conducted by the Muscular Dystrophy Association on May 19t 1991; authorizing the closureof designated streets to through vehicular traffic, subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departmr.,nts of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; establishing an area prohibited to retail peddlers during the period of the events; further conditioning all approvals and authorizations herein upon the organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services associated with the event and obtaining Insurance to protect the City in th Cit the amount as prescribed by e y Manager or his designee. CA-9. RESOLUTION - (J-91-285) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Re,ated to the "Youth for Llfe" Bicycle Race to. be conducted by Cure Aids Now on April - 28, 1991; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic subject to the Issuance of permits by theDepartments of Police and Fire, Rescue- and inspection Services; further conditioning all approvals and ' authorizations herein upon the organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services associated with the event and obtaining Insurance to protect the City in the "amount as prescribed by the City Manager.'or h l s des i gnee. r CA-10. RESOLUT I ON: '"- ( J.._91.--287 )' - (APRROV 1 NG USE qF .-STREETS) Ap,prov i ng the part i a i use of _ _ certain streets and thoroughfares during the pry ocession to be conducted by Renovacion Car I3m;►t Cato i i ca H l spans on MaY 18, 1891, sub ject to the issuance of permits K_ k b he-Departmentsof Police and Flre, �dpue and Inspection -services; sibt.hor,1 }_. z� n� the Police Department to +./ � �Prxrol trn#flG: f !mow on :said streets ;to,ps y pert Qf' t11�P procession rout; ' ' flrtlr. o.rt I t pn 1 rip ;s t approYl�►1.13 and au t32�AS1 •a. .= �F.' n4. ..` Yl re: .,`' UP �,,�A,'.� lalr��n i zero!' R-91-257 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-258 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS cITY COMMISSION Uson y MEETING DATE: April 11, 1991 PAGE NO: T CONSENT AGENDA CONY D RESOLUTION - (J-91-288) - ( AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Related to the Clean Up, Fix Up, Paint Up Parade to be conducted by the City of Miami- Committee on Beautification and 1: Environment on Friday, May 3, 1991, i" between 'the hours of 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic subject to the Issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services. CA-12. RESOLUTION - (J-91-289) - (AUTHORIZING STREET CLOSURES) Related to the Manufacturers Hanover Corporate Challenge, a 3.6 mile running event, to be conducted by the Greater Miami Running Association on May 9, 1991; authorizing the closure of designated streets to through vehicular traffic subrject- tc the issuance of permits by the Departments of Police and Fire, Rescue and Inspection -Services; further conditioning all -approvals and authorizations herein upon -,-the organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services associated with the event and obtaining the Insurance to protect the City in amount as prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. CA-13. RESOLUTION—- (J-91-282)':- (AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE -OF DEEDS OF DEDICATION): Authorizing- the proper officials of the Cal fir: Of., Mi'aml to_accept, twenty-f Ive (26) Deeds, -of Dedication for highway purposes r° ands ApPr+py l ng 'rthe :recording of. sal d deeds l.n ,fie <. Fub l 1 c Records of Dade County. FlQrlda. r i ry 1 r `rr u 4 ' R-91-260 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-261 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN - CITY COMMIS AGENDA MEETING DATE April 11, 1991 PAGE NO: 8 CONSENT AGENDA CONT`D CA-14. RESOLUTION - (J-91-281) - (ACCEPTING MODIFIED PLAT) Accepting the modified plat entitled "DeGarmo Estates", a subdivision in the City of Miami and said revised plat having been modified as required by Dade County at time of recordation; in all other respects reaffirming and ratifying Resolution No. 90-515; further approving the new legal description for the platted lots; and authorizing and directing the City -Manager to execute effectuate this documents necessary approval: CA-15. RESOLUTION - (J-91-279) - (AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT) Authorizingthe Director of Finance to pay tovPablo Guerra without the admission of Viability, the sum of $35 000.00 In full and complete settlement of any and all claims and demands against the City of Ml'aml," Florida, upon the execution of a ;>" release releasing the City of Miami from any and all claims and demands, with said funds therefor being allocated from the Insurance and Self -Insurance Trust Fund. CA-16 •' RESOLUTION . `- (J=-91-261) -- (AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF LAW FIRM) Authorizing the City Attorney to engage the Taw firm of Holland and Knight to rovlde-t,`a-formni writtenbond counsel ti p I n on the `Issue of whether_ the Parking may Department � Of May contribute funds for Infrastructure . ,i l rect i y re I ated to the Lmprovemsn!ts ,,not proposed-6000nut�,Grove Playhouse Park ing i►TAi'.rl th`�' the cast °,`.f Id : i ega l not to.,. exceed theor,, n• y _fv)+s�s 6 Q00, ©Q A be i nQ a 1 1 coca#+�d :from Department of Off- 'Street Park I no anon I es . ��, /� q. rl:.i#I 70 I '-iRVi �� i '/#Ia�ENDA R-91-262 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-263 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS -1 Rn91-264 - MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS =tt 1- i%� CITY COMMISSION AGLumBA PAGE NO: 9 MEETING DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 NOTE: Items 2 through 28 may be heard Inthe numbered sequence or as announced by_ the Commission. CITY COMMISSION REQUESTED REPORTS Item 2 constitutes the City Commission Requested Reports Section. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission Information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters. NOTE: Legislation may result from City ' Commission consideration Hof any matter i herein. 3 2. As, per. Commission directive at Its meeting of 'March 140 1991, discussion concerning pre paid legal services for C1ty employees. z3a END OF CITY COMMISSION -REQUESTED REPORTS ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 3. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE='(J-81-310) (4/5THS VOTE) NOTE: Tht$ Item Is being presented on an eme.rgenoy., basis In order to insure that funds are available, for the payment of Qxpenses,on'°proJects,now being considered for Corm I ss 1 on approva I . ) Mending'OrdInance No.10021, adopted on Judy,. 18. .1988, as amended, which es tab llshed 1nf Mal resources and Initial ts" a ro rlatlons,r for the Law Enforcement 'rust=Bind rece'I ved and `depQs 1 te?d pursuant I nan+ce No: 9287, adopted Apr i I - 9, *o rovlde for a`n Incrense"'1n the #t aritiDilnt Of ° 370 .00tj as a result of ZV-addltlonal mcmJos oe nsltoo 1n smlo fund utie:o successful' forfeiture actions; DISCUSSED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10865 MOVED ALONSOL. SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS '^ y may,, C ITY COMMISSION AGENDA f tETINO DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 10 ORDINANCES x- SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-196) Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 10782, adopted September 27, 1990, as amended, the Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance, by increasing the appropriation for Grapeland Storm Sewers - Phase I, Project No. 352188, In the amount of $500,000; Increasing the appropriation for G-rapeiand`Storm Sewers - Phase 11, Project No. 352266, In the amount of $500,000;_ Increasing the appropriation for Citywide Local''Drainage Projects - FT 91- 92, Project -No. -352276, in the amount of $1.0 million said increases for all three projects coming from Storm Sewer General ObII'gatIon, Bond Funds; containing a repealerprovision and a severablllty clause: Date First Reading: Mar 14, '91 Moved Comm Alonso Second Comm DeYurre f; (Y)' Dawkins, Plummer ABSENT Suarez fE S. SECOND. -READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-182) Author 1` I ng. the C i ty Manager to accept A ' giant In the amount of $85-,261 from the DAdo .County, School Board; establishing a ceW : spec I a I revenue -' -fund entitled . "Schoo!- Resource. Officer Program' and roprlatlg.f�unds^ therefor In the amount va f. ;385,261 consisting .of a grant from the Cpt�nty School.''_ Board; conta I nl ng a ¢ r.ssp.oair ,.. ,prow l s i on and.: a_, severab l I I ty cfaae.' Qmte i rst Reading . `Mar 14. 81 4 Nfove+d { : Gomm A I onso �es4nd t Comm t9mwk I no, # i�eYurrQ P I ummer ORDINANCE 10866 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT • DE YURRE "Altkough absent 111111119 roll Call,, DE YURRE requested of the Clerk to be shswn as Voting YES on the Motion." ORDINANCE 10867 MOVED : ALONSO. SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT DE YURRE f Y' 5'. { f � A �} 31 SuarQa: i y ._ .. _, vY t -���wR �'�.-. �� F•. � _ .�.,, r..te.. "5_ a,.w. �,; ._a.3k`3;A. �'F�i��� 1'i �� _ C1 COMMISSION AKNUA MEETING DATE: April 11, 1991 PAGENO, 1 1 _.. _ ORDINANCES- SECOND READING CONT'D 6 . SECOND -,READING -ORDINANCE - (J-91-241) M-91-268 j (RECONSIDERED SECOND READING Amend l na Section 54-17 of the Code of the VOTE ON ORDINANCE 10841 1991) city of Miami , F i or Ida, as mended, ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 14, { thereby authorizing the D I rector of Pub I le MOVED :PLUMMER Works to place and erect a fence across SECONDED :ALONSO Natoma Street, Ta- I u-ga Drive and A i_atka UNANIMOUS �- Street at their respective Intersection _ __________________� i- with South Dixie Highway for the enhancement of public safety by ORDINANCE 10868 prohibiting pedestrian access at such MOVED : PLUMMER locations- further , prov t d I ng that as an SECONDED : ALONSO alternative measure, a wall may be UNANIMOUS constructed by the City of Miami, Florida. at any or all such intersections subject to the condition that construction of the walls) shalt not commence until such time as neighbors have placed all funds necessary to pay for construction of the walls) on deposit with the City of Miami with the date of 1991 being established as the deadline for such deposit(s) containing a repealer provision, severability clause and an effective date. Date First Reading as modified Feb 14, 091 Moved Comm P I ummer Second Comm Dawkins vote Unanimous 7. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-90-114,) Amehd�nD,SectIon 50-2 of the, Code of, the City of...M_IamI Florida, as amended, � . p*edv1dIn� for enlarged boundaries of the Drot� ectedt.ar restricted anchorage areas within tha:OInner Key Marina Yacht Area; 8aa�, t n_^;and the , . Baxf runt. Prohibitive U Anchorage ;:Araax with., -then .name of .the 1at-or.., ,.' araa , be 1 no - chaned to <'M I amar I na BsYfront Prohibited Anchorage Area".;, cQlat1nlha1.. raQaa:1®r . provlsiton, a $ev eEr* "I vi tv } I auger and prs>'Y 1 d 1 ng an Q+9 rllrt �f V,11 Iv1sy r; R 1 i pr COW &*: ;ii ♦ Y PAW) as f^% J�tAF�'f �.,.+. _ ..ik., _ :Jt-_ps.AY.a4., 'v ,u�.{T�f ikR. 1s. �t� � . vet . '+}'•:.e , , . .. CONTINUED TO APRIL 25, 1991 MOVED ALONSO ! SECONDED ;'DE YURRE UNANIMOUS �r ' t- C� SON CITY AGENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I i 1 1 , 1991 PAGE N0: 12 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an Item for first reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 8. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-298) Relating to sidewalk and street vending; amending n_g Chapter 39 of the Code of the City of Miaml, Florida, as amended, by clarifying intent and establishing a new "Miami Arena Special Vending District" for the area around the Miami Arena (more particularly described herein); providing definitions; adding a new Section 39-17.4, entitled "Limitations within the Miami Arena Special Vending District"; providing for hours of operation; providing for establl'shment of vending zones; providing Iimltatlons containing. a repealer d : provision and a severabillty clause; an providing an effective date. 9. FIRST..READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-317). Creating new Chapter 45.5 entitled 'Public Crea Nuisance' of the Code of the City .of Miami, Florida, > as amended.,. and thereby providing for the creation of a Nuisance Abatement Board for the City of Miami, ' Florida; the filing and hearing of complaints _against buildings, places or preen l ses a I 1 aged to;, be a public, nuisance; procsdures> or f i i ng of notice to owners and/or operators of said buildings, places or: premises and, further providl.ng the >yt procedure f^or. the Nu i.sance Abatement Board Hearings, = Including presentation of # QV"clanpi� .rsard 1 ng ar. tine related act 1 v I ty Annoy.1 ng ' 'conduct on p.r.em i ses `x3 ' iobaxed. (n M 1 am 1 . ' author I ty to ...dec 1 are fi:ram? asonl awfu 1 public nuisances 1$ tQttonic r or;dOT4 ;prop I b`i t I ng , _ the , .v: m' t1t.vatlot of ;' sa I d I ociR l 9n and J4r t oRQrmtl W. .. sty 1 d premises ; prpv I Gl ! rig',for Fey° the br i n ixln of ,< euI t for perir►anent ;,. .�. u11pi l 011virthar: ma i n*enanre.. of {x t� ldliQrratnia; furth71 +Rr 1p DEFERRED BY M-91-269 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS SEE RELATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10869 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS FIRST READING (AS MODIFIED) MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO ABSENT DE YURRE -1 ;1 J# S$ 1% COMMISSION AG,ENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I I 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 13 10. f ervatIo RESOLUTIONS t LUTION - (J-91-235) - (AUTHORIZING UTION OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT) AUth*kr1ZIn9 the City Manager to make an offer and execute an agreement, in substan (ally the attached form, with the proper t owners for acquisition of four parcels ( rcel A - Lot Nos. 104-1, 104-2, 104-19 and 04-20; Parcel B - Lot No. 104- 3; Parcel K Lot No. 17; and Parcel L - Lot No. 104-1 ) within the Little Havana CommunityDeve pment Target Area and the Latin Quarter, and which are more particularly and gaily described in the attached exhibits ", "Big,"C° and "D", to be used for the veiopment of housing affordable to low a d moderate income families and for et hborhood and specialty retail - sere ces; allocating funds from the Fiscal Yea '90-91 Capital improvement Ordinance No. 0782, adopted September 27, 1990, which ap oprlated the amount of $1.8 million dollars for Project No* 321038 of sald ordinance en Itled "The Latin Quarter Specialty Center, and are available for the acquisition of the subject properties; and, authorizi the City Attorney to proceed to close o the subject parcels after 'examination of the -,. abstract and confirmation of opinion f ti le. (This,item was deferred from t meeting of -March 14, 1991.) 11. RESOLUTION., - (J-91�-258) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF'PURCHASE &SALE..AGREEMENT) Related toiaffordable housing; authorizing M the'Clty Manager to execute the agreement V.of-=:purchase and sale. In substantially the #Qrm attached, between Ifie' C I tY of ' M l am t andh> CODEC i nc. i.n connect i on with the pp" devei+apment o one hundred=,fifty (150) }� townhcsne project p I armed on the pub I i c i Y- owno�i $:5' acre Melrose Nursery site, author the City Manager to convey t 1 tieo one • { 7 pares vacant I and LL 1 under Cif wnersWe 7iituated on the p Meihose Nurser site to C".ODEC I•nc.; reaff-lrm110 $7fi©,OOOa g �tge,n� eeoe}A,s�/sle�3�oa�j uppn/n�.,—r�,e�s �. nrenc��sd ©ire SEE RELATED M-91-279 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I I 1 1 , 1991 RAGE NO: 14 12, RESOLUTION PRINCIPLE, RESOLUTIONS CONT'D - (J-91-293) - (APPROVING, IN SELECTION OF PROPOSER) Approving in principle the selection of Bays Ide Seafood Restaurant, Inc. and Virginia Key Marina Associates, Inc. as the 'successful proposer for the Unified Development of the Virginia Key Basin Property subject to the said proposer ptoduoi.ng sufficient evidence to demonstrate within 60 days, the formation of the legal entity authorized to Implement the proposed development project and their financial capability to successfully undertake and complete the planning and design, construction, leasing and management of a restaurant with ancillary marine -related commercial and recreational uses on approximately 2.88 acres of City -owned waterfront property; authorizing and directing the City Manager or to negotiate an agreement with said proposer to include certain terms and conditions (more particularly described herein) and to comply with the City's minority procurement program ordinance requirements and other applicable laws; and further directing the City Manager to present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for Its review, consideration and approval prior to Its execution; further providing that the herein selection of Bayside Seafood Restaurant, Inc. and Virginia Key Marina, Inc: as'the successful proposer does not confer any contractual rights upon said proposer.. unless and until the proposed agreement has been executed by the Clty of M)'aml, and, there has been a favorable vote t` by : =;ahe e i ctorate as required by City Ci1af'.terSsct on 29-B; further reserving k t>�e = r l gh to discontinue negot I,at I on with x, k se l.<d .:.pr:oposer, I f -deemed to be I n best .. interBSt.of the City without Incurring any _ = f l,npnc i at l or. 109a l 1,1 tab 11 l t i as , t "i � OR A R-91-276 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS AGENDA CITY COMMISS18N k METING DATE' Apr I I 1 1, 1991 PAGE NO: 16 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of General_ Services Administration/Solid Waste Department 13. RESOLUTION (J-91-274) (RATIFYING ACTIONS OF CITY MANAGER) (4/6THS VOTE) F. Ratifying, approving and confirming, by a i= 4/6ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, actions of the City Manager In finding the need for the additional purchase of twenty-six (26) Chevrolet Caprice Pursuit vehicles under Bid No. 90-91-014 from Maroone Chevrolet (a non-minority/non-local vendor), Hollywood, Florida for the Department of a` General Services Administration Services/Solid Waste to be used by the Police Department at a proposed amount not €: to exceed $316,082.00, with funds therefor be allocated for, this purchase from Speclal Programs and.Accounts, Contingent Fund Account Code No. 921002-880, said ' acquisition to be financed through the manufacturer or other financial institution. R-91-281 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS Department of Law 14. RESOLUTION - (J-91-296) -. (AUTHORIZING ' R-91-275 SETTLEMENT) MOVED : DE YURRE _.. SECONDED : PLUMMER Author, t i 1 ng the Director of F I nance to pay :UNANIMOUS to the Estates of Allan _Blanchard,; decedent, and Clement Anthony Lloyd, 'r 'decedent and to certain heirs and beneficiaries at taw the sum of ' $500.000 00, for each plaintiff group, N I a I y 1?ar I n rt .cash and pa I to pure Aso ar�nu I l i es for the use and benefit " t o#_ children,. #parents, brothers and sisters Ih' tag decedenlrs .w hour any admission ' y u!i late #. 14abllityin sett i emertt-'. of ' an and a I t claims and _. ........ t. r S a ellA+.'!L—"RR�ailan S `alga! nat the �� n Clty� � of _ M� �m 1 Viand v - N91.11I!11f—lR..�'S'.'lR�1a r�#aril n other:�,defendan# a j Y#�Q OX80ut�l on "i. M }� p p ] y� _iolvt ap ro�r, reTeAvoi ..re �I1Q .: #�e 4 4a mnd fi , demand, w l th {- "fag lip r; J , Trust +✓i f11+FQt lRt . - . IL. .Y wwtltl M�tlt/ lY Olin'` COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I I 11, 1991 PAGE NO: is RESOLUTIONS CONT'b I Department of Planning, Building a Zoning 16. RESOLUTION - (J-91 Y-321) - ( FORMALIZING INTENT TO PRESERVE CHAILLE BLOCK ARCADES) Confirming the action of the City Commission on February 14, 1991, approving In principle, the process for retaining the historic Chailie Block Arcades, 401- 446 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida. 16-A. RESOLUTION - [J-91-320(a)] - (APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE CONSTRUCTION OF SECURITY BRIDGE) Approving, in principle, that process Involving replatting which would allow a security, bridge to be constructed connecting the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Federal Courthouse, 301 - North Miami Avenue,.Miami, Florida. - OR - 1 RESOLUTION - [J-91-320(b)] - (APPROVING IN NCIPLE CONSTRUCTION OF SECURITY BRIDGE) A rovin n principle, the process i<nvolvin a. pu se -of air rights which wou,.l d !-, a I I ow a sec bridge to be constructed connecting t Metro olltan Detentlon Cer Courthouse, 301 F., l or i da' . _. r.'.t Department of P+ e 17. RESOLUTION; -° SPOIR Author I z I, :the ' :Ur.imfna n� �n ft therdfor, In an amount cJ $36,000 from the Law a Jch coos haw I nq Y . bav Ch l0f of PC. I j Ce R-91-271 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-91-272 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS DAWKINS ALONSO DAWKINS ALONSO NO NEED FOR CONSIDERATION j CONTINUED BY M"91-283 x MOVED s PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO }`7 UNANIMOUS b . i M51I 'ING DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 17 r (t �wee�o ow iY ie 9e d Q�' q�f FtipQ`� CITY COIN�IISSION ADACEN RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 18. RESOLUTION - (J-91-267) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) Authorizing the commitment of funds in support of the Agape Program of the -South Florida Jall Ministries, and allocating_ funds therefor, In an amount not to exceed s15,,000-, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. 19. RESOLUTION - (J-91-278) - (APPROVING PURCHASE) Approving the purchase of dive suits suitable for diving in hazardous materials, and allocating funds therefor, In an amount not to exceed $16,000, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police and being subject to applicable Clt Code Procurement provisions. Y Department of Pubitc Works 20. RESOLUTION - (J-91-283) -.(ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 'AGREEMENT) Accepting the bid of P.J. Constructor Inc (a` non-minority/Dade County `contractor) in an amount not to .exceed $812,644.00, total bid of the proposal, for Local Drainage Protect E-67 B-6581; with monies therefor allocated from the {� °4 Fiscal Year 1.990-81 Capitol Improvement 'f• Ordinance NQ, 10782, Project No. 352276, +1 n°_ the"amount of $912 644.00 to cover the contrmct.cost and $168,194:00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total flf 07.�, 838 . 00 ;, and author t z 1 ng the City execute a..,contract,. with sa i d , w" �.7+4 — k h.�i= k '- R , '� . �' S,:'k 4 t ,1 .e � i •A kE +YL k R-91-282 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS CONTINUED BY M-91-283 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ! ALONSO UNANIMOUS I� R-91-285 MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS 5t' y v r= r, M `x g ��d {� �eceeo n.K*c i7 �e 96 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Apr I I 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 18 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 21. RESOLUTION - (J-91-284) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) the bid of Central Florida of nndp county_ Inc. (& non-minority/Dade County contractor), in an amount not to exceed $573,565,00, total Bid of the proposal, for Heavy Equipment Facility Storm Sewer Retrofitting Project B-5557; with monies therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Project No. 362274, in the amount of $573,665.00 to cover the contract cost and $119,209.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total of $692,774.00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. 22. RESOLUTION - (J-91-299) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Y & W Roofing and Remodeling, Inc. (a black/Dade County contractor) in an amount not to exceed $161,882.00, total bid of the proposal, forCoconut Grove Exhibition Center -West Exhibit Area Roof Replacement B-3227-A, with monies therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Project No. 416002, In the amount of $151,882.00 to cover the contract cost and $23,118.00 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total of $175,000.00; and authorizing the City Manager to ; execute. a contract' with said f I rm . 23. RESOLUTION (J-91-263) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Pino-Fonticleila and a Hispanic/Miami; = Associates. Inc.. contractor), i n an amount not to exceed yak $128 826.10, total bid; of the proposal, fir er# I s ark Redeve i o ent ; - Courts fro act s-2983-*A, �►i #h mOn I Qa therefor a I�ad from the I' 18oa 1 Year 1 a90-8 t k� cap I to t I mt ovemoht . Ord l name No . 10782, Pro` 1elo 3 1388. 1 the Amount. of "4 21 2 ,1 9 +�► ovor the s�oi�tr�ot , 0o3xt , 0+8 total Q� R-91-286 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-287 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS 4.: CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 11, 1991 PAGE NO: 19 -W RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 24, RESOLUTION - (J-91-264) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accept I ng the b I d of Y & W Roofing and Remodeling, Inc. _ (a lack/Dade County contractor) In an amount not to exceed $110,700.00, total bid of the proposal, for Dinner Key Marina - Dockmaster Roof Replacement B-3202-1-1; with monies therefor allocated from the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10782, Project No. 414005, In the amount of $10,700.00 to cover the contract cost; and $2,697.91 to cover the estimated expenses, fora total of $13,397.91; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 25. RESOLUTION (J-91-290) (CONFIRMING APPOINTMENTS) R-91-289 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED R-91-290 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED DE YURRE UNANIMOUS A H 10c01ko ONAT to 96 CITYCOMMISNION AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 11, 1991 PUBLIC HEARINGS 11:00 AM 27. RESOLUTION (J-91-272) (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE) (4/6THS VOTE) Waiving requirements for competitive sealedbids due to a sole source of procurement and approving the acquisition Of maintenance of software related services from Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) (a non-minority/non- local .vendor) at an estimated annual cost of $Sj348.00i and Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) (a non- minority/non-local vendor) at an estimated annual -cost of $9,300-00 for a total estimated annual amount of $16,648.00 on a contract. basis for a period of five years renewable annually for the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning; allocating funds therefor from the 1990-91 Operating Budget Account No. 290201-670; authorizing the City Manager to Instruct the Chief Procurement officer to Issue a purchase order .. for this service and thereafter to renew this contract annually subject to the avallabi lity of funds. 11:05 AM 28. - RESOLUTION(EXTENDING FOR (J-91-269) T-YEAR THE FLAGLER/CORE1 AREA SECURITY DISTRICT, SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT) Confirming Resolution No. 89-548, adopted June - -7,, 1989, and determining that security and street maintenance and similar':: services, as: declared by ResolutlonNo,.89-828. ,, -- adopted on : , September. 14, 1989,be extended for. the f. per,,Iodiof one (1) year In the Flagler/Core Improvementr Area-Secur.ity Distr.Ict,Special Dlstrlct,as..,-. adopted., -June 7, :, 1989, �,r.828; further pursu4nt,lution No. 89- .to Reso contlnulngl­to ,Ievy..special assessments fe �1 nat'. ropert said - district aga ns banof I'tedAhrouoh the provision of such servicbs.Jor said additional one (1) year, I na I assessment -r* 1: V to be filed forthwith with the City PAGE NO: 20 R-91-291 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-91-292 i. MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS CITY00'��I SOS ION �0 LNUR MEETING DATE. April 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 21 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D 1 1 :_ 10 AM 29, FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-246) Amending the Zoning Atlas of Ordinance No. 11000, the zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by changing the zoning classification of the property j located at approximately 1712-1814 NW 22 Place, Miami, Florida (more particularly ! described herein), from R-2 Two Family i - Residential to PR Parks and Recreation; by making findings; and by making all necessary changes on Page No. 25 of said zoning atlas; containing a repealer provision and severability clause; and providing an effective date. NOTE: This is a companion Item to Item 30. 11:10 AM 30. RESOLUTION - (J-91-247) - (CONDITIONALLY APPROVING MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT) Conditionally approving a Major Use Special Permit, pursuant to Article 17, Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the ZonIng;Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, for the Curtis Park Day Care Center Project to be located at approximately 1820-1840 NW 22 Place, Miami, Florida (more particularly, described herein), to be comprised of a nonprofit child care facility for the area's residents, with capacity for 80 chiidren,:.maximum of 5,000 square feet of building area on one level only, and Including a parking area comprised of eight parking spaces and a drop-off area; establishing an expiration date; making findings;` directing the City Clerk to m` tran.smlt..this Resolution to the developer; prov;ding that the Major Use Special £ Permit shall be binding on the applicant and ucoessors In Interest; provld ng for := ....:.rv. *nee gn ' the app l 1 cat I on ; and providing an effect late date,, NOTE ; T#'w 113 �I $ a� caR Ian .1+esm to 1 tem 29. i t L i Y.. t FIRST READING MOVED ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-91-293 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO v iwco�e 96 t �t NN rouir summISSIONA AGE PAGE NO: 22 MEETING DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D 11 :,15 AM 31, RESOLUTION - (J-91-311) -- (WAIVING PROHIBITION IN CODE) (4/5THS VOTE) Waivin by a 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission after a duly advertised public hearing, the trohlbltlon contained In City Code Section 2--302 for the procurement of professional services by Eloy Vasquez in connection with the promotion and solicitation of sponsors for the "July 4th Weekend Extravaganza" being held by the Bayfront Park Management Trust at Bayfront Park. Item 32 is a companion Item to item 31 and may be considered at this time. 32. RESOLUTION (J-91-318) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement; in -a form acceptable to the Attorney, with Eloy Vasquez, for City.th professional services related promotion and solicitation of sponsors for the'"July 4th Weekend Extravaganza" to be held at :Bayfront Park, for a payment of $2,000 plus 10% of gross- sponsorship sales, said percentage to be payable as funds generated by such sales are received by said Trust, with funds therefor allocated from Bayfront Park Management Trust Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget, Special I Events Account. IESOLUTION (J-91-271) - (AUTHORIZING �UBM1'SS,1ON QF APPROVED GRANT PROGRAM FINAL ,TAT- ENT) ►uthorlxinilthe City Manager to submh •nrnnt eroarem f ! na I statement to - t muw 7 912`.81 11882 i f U R-91-294 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS i } R-91-295 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS M-91-277 MOVED s PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS UNANIMOUS -------------------- M-91-278 MOVED : ALONSO ,- SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS -enr•.�•ew.w��e�w.—�•--e...wT--R••weel•* _ M-91 .204 MOVEp : DB YURE SBCONDEA - I iI p1SQ NOES : PLC ., iMi`' t} mew 69Atf {r i8 96 9p�, 511 T I ummilab Ul ACL1IR MEETING DATE: Apr I I 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 23 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D 34. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-91-270) Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: "Community Development Block Grant (Seventeenth Year)"; appropriating funds for eft Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant award and $1,400,000 from Community Development Block Grant Program Income (Seventeenth Year) for a total of $14,013,000; containing a repealer provision and a severabllity clause. END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 3:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 35. Representative(s) of the Bayfront Park Management Trust to request appointments to said Trust. (This Item was continued ! from the meeting of March 14, 1991.) FIRST READING MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-91-297 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS F�-91-298 MOVED PLUMMER 36. Ms:: Pat Ke I 1 er , President of the I SECONDED ALONSO Allapattah Community Association, Inc. to UNANIMOUS discuss the placement ofa day care center. In the Allapattah Mini Park. DISCUSSED 37. The Consu I General of Spain In M I am I , Erik R-91-299 1 .:� Marte i , to d i`scuss the dedication 1 on of a MOVED z DAWKINS y monument honor i ng - the''Spanish Navy On the SECONDED : ALONSO ocogslon,: of the 1992 Qulncentennlal UNANIMOUS �r t; Celebration. 30. Rlpf51(lNatln! Puerto a= B 1 can=f"ar'um l no : to request as i stance In NO APPEARANCE r: _..,. _ _ . .. connection ,wItiti, = a. "vocational � trainln Qnsnt= r Q �` . thb l r' educe# f ona 1 tra i n i n and-, R am,�i o rmen enter 1 in," d � a M Ah Mel 9 xt {l CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 24 PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 39. Representative(s) of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce to discuss a proposed renovation plan for Peacock Park and as Y per Mayor Suarez' request, representative(s) of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce to discuss the City' s noise ordinance. 40. Representative(s) of the Infants In Need, Inc./Linda Ray Center for Abused and Abandoned Children, a not -for -profit organization, to request exemption for 1990 taxes. 41. Representative(s) of Health Technology Services, Inc. to request funds in support of their conference, AIDS and the Black Church scheduled for May 13, 1991. 42. Representative(s) of the 11th National Veterans Wheelchair Games to request street closures in connection with their Opening -Ceremonies Parade scheduled for June 11, 1991. 43. Representative(s) of the Miami/Bahamas Goombay Festival in Coconut Grove, Inc. to request street closures, restriction of -retal-I peddlers,- a two-day permit to sell alcoholic beverages and fee waivers In connection with .,the Goombay Festival - scheduled for June, 1991. 1� 44. Repr.esentatIve(s) of.Mlami Loving MiamiL inc:. to request fee waivers and a do or<sement-ofthe I revent :a. Uni ty :.Bi ke-a- T hon,sm eduIed for May -1V,1 1991 h j .. — 45. .. Represent¢1~ I've ( S) Q f tti,e Puerto R t can `uest j Cu 1 turd l" Foundatl on to re wa I vers for the street banne'MI ermlt feet restriction i i �f r+�ta l i edd t era &' authorization for use R-91-301 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DE YURRE ABSENT : PLUMMER R-91-300 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED R-91-303 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-91-304 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-91-305 MOVED a ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS WITHDRAIWN It �}wEEme 6 0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Apr i I 1 1 , 1991 PAGE NO: 25 4;0O PM DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 46. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, discussion regarding the City's towing contract. 47. Discussion concerning the City's proposed purchase of Department of Off -Street Parking 'property & the leasing of said property to New Washington Heights Community Development Conference,Inc. 48. Discussion concerning appointment of Commissioner as it member' of the Coconut M-91-306 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE NOES : SUAREZ NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP Grove Standing Festival Committee. 49. As per Mayor Suarez' request and Vice DISCUSSED Mayor PIummer's request, discussion concerning Motion 90-322 Instructing the City Manager to work with Episcopal Community Development Loan Fund, Inc. to try and include them among programs presently contained In the mini-UDAG funding program. 60. As per Comm i ss I oner A I onso' s request , R_91-307 discussion concerning Florida Hous I ng MOVED AIANSO Cooperat i ve' s contract.. SECONDED PLUMMER b ABSENT DE YURRE.AND ENQ QF DISCUSSION ITEMS - , e NOT TAKEN UP }T 24 -- i)7Ssra F E"r...„#�'Gj�y;�'•��'�Scar+Y k -«a z%�'£, a&tl`r$ a.:r' r _ r _ _ '9,.:� f �00� Oil AGENDA O� iY O O�_. PAGE NO: 26 MPPTINQ DATE: April 1 1 , 1991 4.:00, M , DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE; Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 46. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, discussion regarding the City's towing contract. 47. Discusslon concerning the City's proposed 48. Discussion concerning appointment of .Commissioner as a member of the Coconut Greve Standing Festival Committee. 49. As per Mayor Suarez' request and Vice Mayor plummer's request, discussion concerning Motion 90-322 Instructing the City Manager to work with Episcopal CortmunIty Development Loan Fund. Inc. to try and include them among programs s presently contained In the mini-UDAG funding program. ;tt :i t E1 50. -As per Commissioner Alonso's request, I! discussion concerning Florida Housing Cooperative's contract. 81. Asper Commission directive at its meeting of March 28, 1991, discussion concerning complaints from Individuals who have s.> rehabilitated houses within the City of Miami who _ experiencing security �s t ROL IN CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE., April 11, 1991 PAGE NO: 26 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS .00PM TE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion I tern. 46. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, discussion regarding the city's towing contract. 47. Discussion concerning the Cityes proposed purchase of Department of Off -Street Parking property & the leasing of said property to New Washington Heights Community Development Conference, Inc. 48. Discussion. concerning appointment Of Cono. I ss I oner as . a member of the Coconut Grove Standing Festival Committee. s. 49. 'As 'per Mayor Suarez' request and Vice Mayor P I uminer I s request, discussion concerning Motion 90-322 Instructing the City Manager to work with Episcopal Commun I ty Development Loan Fund, Inc. to try . and i include them among programs presently I nod In the mini-UDA funding program. 60 As per -Commissioner Alonso's request, - discussion` concerning Florida Housing Cooperative's contract.. As. per .co.,mmis's Ion directive at~ its meeting x. �f March,26...19.91 4.IscussI*cn concerning Iftami"l nts -.f roin Andividuals who have F] who are :experiencing security ems. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = April 11# 1991 Proolamation to: The 100th Anniversary of the Barnaelep PrMsmr= Presented to The Barnacle Society on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of this unique part of Miami's history. Com'mendattons to: officer Thomas Braga and William Goldingfor having been selected Most Outstanding officers of the Month of M arch 1991.