HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1991-03-28 Advertisements11% a✓'y MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle VAIllams, who on dalh says that she Is the Vice President of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAML Notice of Public Hearing March 28, 1991 xxx Inthe ......................................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of March 21, 1991 Affiant further says that the said Miami Review Is a newspaper published al Miami in sold Dade County, Florida, and Mat tM said newspaper has heretofore been continuously publlshed In sold Dads County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has boon entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first bl6llon of the attached copy of advertisement: and aflgn re nt or says that she has neither paid nor premised any Pe If or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or u for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publ In the id newspaper J — •...aa fA1 Swore Y +; before me this $ y of . *, A.D. 19.9Z... vy �" (SEAL) R �+ OF FL *tea! •ease• "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" OCTELMA Y. FERBEYRE My COMM. EXP. 7/9/94 c;7 zi3 4a j ; �1 'ram C) C� suerte, et centro empo- brecido de Miami tiene un elemento del que ca- recen todas las otras ao- rtas; una situacidn y una ilAwstructura de trans- porte capaz de eonvet*- p en la prkima regidn tle aug'e comercial y resi- dencial20 estadvrvoeso. DisneyWotid � $ODnd1C10t1e3loc* ven favorecidas por Males tendenaas ales, que Plan tic n cites, J . Brasil q la Cotnunidad Eutvpeaestdn ddndose uri peque tt uaae. - de c ahadado cuenta que el sur de la Seftestacies 6n de com utir eta Florida es el lugar de re- creo por excelencia, can la sofisticaci6n de Ciudad do NuevaYorky el encanbo Miami, del avant-garde de San Florida Francisco. Con el aero- Puerto unido al dowtown N o t i f i c a C i 6 n por el fenwarril, to linieo de R u d i e n c i a clue faltar'Aseriunaco­ Pub 1 i c a nexibn con el sur de Mia- _ miBeach, que vinculeei Por media de Is MDeco las 1 y playas presents to denies o tole is eludedenle de una red detransporte quo to eslsbrorh una eudiencle Pablica nor `u tiani o 6n del eml arW DwUn '+ raelreo. ' , , tuca 1 corrupbn g 1 • Quit;ro rec"r0111 mm PATM .1 hoc�arcio a de des- en mi porel pre 1 r 1 onto dew al a11o. 1 NornbreDh= 1 � idin CkXW Zip Tel&bw . - 1 1 Frrvie a: H�� � � I P 2, i 1 �e1�+.eweer,�.tetutt.�r�twees��rew EI prOpNtlta Ii� df,* the sudlehtls sorb} el ; do tone,dererOur oat -I f to de Is Cam1060 eb- ffp Jeclones do tuelqular. parts Intere=ads quo to use stecteds por una resolucibn ratin- 5 condo is declsl6n del adminittrador do Is eluded de eemblor lee tirminos g condlcio- net do un'scuarde con,' IF outorizando of page final de Toxlcolagg Tasting Services, Inc., per la contldad de $35,421.11, per earn, ties brindedot duren- to at periods do mega lose a sgesto as 1988. Todes lot personas Interesedes an eats stunts astie Inuits des a prssenterse an aste revalba g>sorbs ascuchedet per to Ca misl6n to reforencie e dicks cuastlia. Es sl ease do qua cuelquler solar cuqule9MINSr dedl6p e do Is Comisi6a do Is Cle- dad ces rospatta a to cuestilia qua sari tontidereds as Otte `-sudlencla, dkha Par' some debars esegnrsr que an ndne* hags gg qus dicks record fnduge Lode al testimeale 11 let Prue bas sabre Is$ Miss pedrb baserss_ usr spolociis. t/ t JU tJ V1 Ml.awi,fisnr. ie359f I A V 3 0 9 En nuestra iglesia, Alpha y Omega, nuestro mayor interes es el poder sex de bwdcibn para usted y sus sexes quelidos. Sabemos que cualquiera que sea su si- tuacibn, Jesus tiene una respuesta positiva y victoriosa para usted. para su vida. -Rev. Alberto M. Delgado, Pastor. aente una n ser to". iita el jode- wes- del nos cen a .NKIyd Programa radial Impacto debAko WSUARadioSuave-1260AM De a2pm-LunesaVwies 285-1260 Martes: 7:45 pm - CultO de Oracidn Jueves: 7:45 pm - Sanidad y Liberacibn Vlemes: 8:00 pm - Reurt& de Jbvenes SAW= 9:00 am - Ayuno y Oracidn Dw*Q)s: 9:00,11:30 am y 7:00 pm - Culto de Adorac& PublicMail NOT itICACION DE ELECC 1 ON _ ESPECIRL. OICHR ELECCION SE EFECTURRR EL MRRTES 6 DE NOUIEMBRE DE 1990 EN LR CIUORO DE MIRM1, FLORIOR. EN CUMPLI- MIENTO DE LRS RESOLUCIONES NO. 90-71 1 V 90-589. una elecci6n espe- cial de referendum se Ileuarb a efecto el maries, 6 de nouiem- bre de 1990 de 7:00 de is manana haste las 7:00 de Is noche an Is Ciudad de Miami, Flori- da, an los distintos co- leglos eiectorados de- slgnados por Is Junta de Comislonadot del condado de Dade, Flo- rida, coma Is misme se encuentra estipulada aqui, a no ter que Is misme est6 prohibida por In ley. Dlcha elec- cl6n tendrb at objetluo de someterle a lot electores elegibles de sa-sstrled. Os vmieml •sea ..: ...� sigulentes preguntes: LDeberi adoptarse Is Enmlends No. i a le — Carts Constitutional a fin de disposer que an Comisionedo Municipal — selecclonedo por to Co- misl6n Municipal actne oficieimente. sin re- muneracl6n, Como mlembro-presideate de Is Junta de Estecio- namlentos (parquime- — tros) Municipsles, can derecho a voter an to - des Ins asentas que se traigen note dicks Junta por un plaza de tiempo sagYn sea dis- puesto medlente orde- nanze o resoluciin cuyo plaza no kabri de eutenderse mis alli del ultlme die en que dicks Comislonedo presto sus sereicies come tot? 'ttleberi adeptans In Eamlands We 1. a to Carta Constitatlanot a fin de disposer qwe partir del primers do octebra de 1991. Ns reglamentes do to sts- ma relaciansdas cos ,as salaries del Ucelds y lee Comislonades seen atiminades do to Carte Constituclenel g qua dicks Carte dis- pongo que Of saaldo g los bonsficlos del AI - colds y los Comisions- dos, Incluyendo is for- ms do page de lot mis- mos, seen fijados me- dients ardenanza? PdOitceds por Orden de IS Com16160 Munici- pal de is Ciudad de Miami, Florida. M attg Viral Secratarle Municipal Miami, Florida v ew (83181 �_ P r► �— 90O NW 54th STREET 6 MIAMI, h`L( RIBA 33127 (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLOKIDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE J PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: March 28, 1991 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida each. week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. n Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 28th day of _ March A.D. 19 91 ilk cri f10i fir NY COF" PUBLIC STALE 0 pcoprw IIISSION EXP JULY .8,1991 ' BOMOEO THRU GERERAL IIIS, 011% r Aptibildtie Aprli ii�il fsAAA09 bibttiet ii�i ' tmi stilt mam "r � HtiiYi1'i u0m, width 4 t�ti41 .0 Miemi. Florida on at city hall, 85M hidybe heard concerning this item. Iftwon to the City Commission wlth ft brat person shall enstire that a 4 thdoding mill testimony and evidence rutty corral City Clerk Miami. Florida 7,1 r Req. No. 5494 �1;i11�`1' D'AR DEVELOPMENT tlnnottflce thdii /y�1�'■�(/��N� LTC EMARMG a` public hearing to discuss the The City of Miam;: p g proposed finale 17th Year Community Develop- 0 ment Block oraz► < Cil'iC; y PUBLIC HEARING MiamiCity Hall on Chambers „ t rican Drive, Florida potation which conducts and All interested n ariopportunity to comment on t programs through Dade hould an person desire to appeal he proposed fin ; Y Pe Ppe na Wilencoi raged to attend ariY.detision df#h ion with respect to any matter i;,F1►Ote orelectiontotheBoard considered a} Ili. '.1991, hearing before the City Commission. that' d ensurethat averbalized record bet oan'0 7, by. April 200 of the uding all testimony and evidence �i�l(tfions� please callornan upon which=atly` be based: .BIDS NOTICE , OPENING OF N,i.�►IDs Sealed bidswill b 11he School Board of Dade County, Florida; tort he herein, until 2:00 P.M. local time, ^OUN1Y. FLORIDA Tuesday the Y8 til; 1991. Room 352 1450 N.E. . is announ, g.the iavailabil- = Secorid Aven it,`following which time and place, 0 obtained through the Dade or as soon theme,: __: can attend to same, the said D do 111 N.W.:.lst u read and tabulated in the Board C ? ��� ��` �ds �fp ro q t ,ltiditQriia�m;?a ool Board Administrative Buil- s ding' by:alirau entative of the Board. The Board - ' ,`ntractbased upon the erSWCcombined base bidste, o . basisofthe #icer,Q y'�Wedne$day, for both g�haee� as covered by -applicable laws and k t 1gtilOni;. U REMOVAL f'';arious i�etcrleuip .. "`i.C�..f•Rrf� r � !� r� 1 { �F �k : �� �VC�/F.77/ OOFINQ man PIZE BID `i�AIL . WAND _PRE HID CONFERENCE ' A.T'lF�1IOIr R Olt HIS QUALIFIED REP- } 4.RY PRE -REQUISITE FOR THE THE; CONTRACTOR. r 'iiiE` PEE 1S $=DULED FOR APRIL 9, OOL SITE, MIAMI SENOR HIGH, 'ta11 Cyr Cleaner . " 2-0'iN Drip Pats Treatment Strips 2-07n Water Saving Devices :g wtU be opened air 1t00 p.m, on Wednesday, ai�1�ti> P�o+I STREET. ROOM 120� on and after March 2 said documents be ni days after contract a returned the bidder i t, ou nty, Florida, the 4 4 bid rA lot M BEEN SCHEDULED FOR T THE SCHOOL SITE. or two sets of the asbestos intract documents from: THE -- > VENDOR SC1400L, gOARD OIL 0ADr, COUM, FWMA. 1490 M21 s1 COND AV'ENtM. MIAMI, rwidnA 331321s seeking Venom to provide tonti-acted Mental health counftling seivieft %t emotionally handicapped students. Licensed psych016gists of clinical social workers, or agencies which employ these proces- sionals are eligible to apply. For further information tegatdifift the services sought and requirements for vendors. a letter of . interest should be, sent to: Mr. WIIIIAM t. Scott, Supervisor 11, Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management, Room 3520 ; at the above address, no later than Monday. April 1, 1+991 Minority applicants are encouraged to apply. ; THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST ` OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA INVRATION TO SUBMIT: u�u REQUEST FOR 4UAUMAtowiffb�— SHARE SAVIN 1 r ENERGY MANA09MENT AND ENERGY RELATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMW 1E�tVICEB �y The Public Health Trust is seeking specific quimeations interested Energy Services Companies capable or provld comprehensive energy management and energy related caps improvement services. ' The PHT is interested in contracting for a full range of energy services financed through a performance based contract. guaranteed savings or similar agreement. Qualifications must be submitted by April 22, 1991, a pre submittal conference will be held on April 16, 1991. Outline document illustrating the request for qualification can be obtained at no cost: JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FACUJTIES PLANNING? AND PROGRAM M G DEPARTMENT A"Z RO ANDO OON'LA � 1611:N.W: 12 'AV'EM PARS PLAZA WEST HUILDI1 G SUITE. I1210 MIAMI. FLORIDAg3136 z Projects under this contract will include goals for the partid r; � tion of Black owned. subcontractor/contractor firms purgtiont#o the previsions of section 10-38 of the code of Metropolitan Dade_ g3 County Each project will have a degree of parficipatidn: Submittal received after the specified time and date wlll'riht bey, considered. Submittal will be tabulated and evaluated by the Trust. A short listwill be developed by the Trust and firms will be invited z ' r to participate in a detailed oral interview. "a NOTICE COVERING OPENING OF BIDS 4n Bids which were to be received by The School Board of Dade, County. Florida. on the 26th day of March 1991, have been.: F postponed, therefore, sealed bids will now be received until 2 00. i P.M. local time, Tuesday, the 9thday of April, 1991. Room 3520 . 1450 N.E. S_ econd Avenue, Miami, Florida, following which time. and place, or as soon thereinafter as the Board can attend to same, the said bids will be publicly opened . and read and , . tabulated in the Board Auditorium, Dade County School Board.;. Administration Building, by an authorized representative of the Board. The Board will thereafter make the award of the contract, based upon the result of the tabulations as covered by applicable r laws and regulations. Project No. A-0216 - Additions and Alterations Miami Senior HI& School 2450 S.W. 1 Street Miami, FL 33135 The General Contractor shall make every good faith effort to comply with M/WBE Subcontracting Goals as follows: 11.Oor6 Black. 7.0% Hispanic, 15.0% Women and 1.0% Other. TWO PART BID SUBMITTAL — 2nd Envelope due on Thursday, ` �Rt V, tAMI TIM" +Itsday, Marth 20, tool tj"L ADVERTISEMENT COVERMO OMNMG OF BIDS ''hit h *m to be received by The School Board of Dade 2. 1991 have postponed until _&&fi,1y,,bh,TuesdgLy, A ril r for the oWing project: X76, "868 "tat Reroofing a kft l y Middle Athool ft"et W688 `i'1#CTt50L BOARDa.. , OF DADS COUNTY, l±LO. RIDA C --ftwo, J Visledo doalfttdhdent.df tehob]o NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING DADE EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. (DEEDCO) The DADE EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORA'nON, INC., (DEEDCO) is pleased to announce their annual: meeting. `TING ANNUAL MEL :395AW. 1 STREET miami, FL 33128 Room #211 WEt)XESf)AY, Apr1l: 24, 19911 it r):oo P.M. ,h j%arpbse:of thib meeting is to induct the annual elections of &6" t6jard` of Directors. DEEDCO is a private non-profit corporation which conducts and supports business development programs through Dade County. All members and interested persons are encouraged to attend this meeting. In order to be eligible to vote for election to the Board of Directors, you must be a member of DEEDCO by April 20, 1991. For information and membership applications, please callornan Rizo, Special'Projects Director at 347-466.6. LEGAL. ANNOUNCEMENT OF BUDS METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Aropolltan Dade County. Florida is announcing the availabil of the following bids which can be obtained through the Dade 4n A T­­--f-Uninadement Division 111NW.lst W717, 1 13LIC �A.pYrt1 II. 1991. AVA A blatrict for Se&M FOr All Interested pdW0 0* deft6h t6 tht city 66ftwWwon with Should any 1per9.a:6d6*e-tb t to any Wh Urn record Of the .1 hwft. "t petw* Aw thwm that a C. Iftehtftg am kethb" ohd e4deftee upon which Any a mitty lam City Clerk NOTICF4,.:(_, The City of Miami VA proposed final atkten ment Block Grant.4 CITY C61 All interested persa the proposed final 6 any decision of the considered at the Commission, that 1 of the proceedings I upon which ariy".a NOTICEC Sealed bids will Ix Florida. for the pr Tuesday, the, 1 .61 Second Avenue., A or as soon therein w2­8­�-Ilj* ($06)V5 W66 Auditorium. Dad idol i must lac .'repeived. in the ding., by aft"auth ljj N.W.10tSti-eet, Suite 210 win th4jMafter d opening Date in order to be result of the tabu for both phases 'c at lio'll pin. on Wednesday, regulations)osal of 'Various Petroleum require containing s. Multiple ­PSA PRE -BID WALK 0t:1q"�,.j:) prW Paint RESENTXMVF,:j Ilk AccEPrANM,, '4 THWPRE-BID' A 1 91 9 'AT9. '3'd * ' 49-5/92-OTR Rail Car Cleaner Old 0 30,57-5/92-OTR Drip Pan Treatment Strips Bid # 3058-4/92-OTR Water Saving Devices The Wowing Bids will be opened ar 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 1991 Bid # 1057-8/91 1991 Summer Food Service Program A Sub -Vendor goal of 30% participation among Black Vendors and Sub -Vendors is required. The 10110wing Bids w4l be opened at 1.-00 p=, 4= Wednesday, STREET, R09, on and after saiddocuments days after contras returned the bidd County, Florida, t obtaining bid and ­ All questionsco Reqi� rr I _ It a public hearing to discuss ,'- ie 17th Year Community De�ve16 iX PUBUC HUMG ky, April 11. 1991 2:00 P.M. I City Hall 6don Chambers American Drive given an opportunity to comment on Should any person desire to appeal' thission with respect to any matter 1991, hearing before the City lid ensure that averbalized record uding all testimony and evidence !be based. 'OPENING OF BIDS11 e school Board of Dade County, herein, until 2:00 P.M. local time, 1991, Room 352 1460 N.E. following which time and place, can attend to same. the said:, read and tabulated in the Board: pool -Board Administrative Builr' tative of the Board. The Bdafd of the-contracL based upon, . -basts of the combined base bids covered by applicable laws and"' ` REMOVAL tpO.C.0297-8 ANp :PRE BID ,CONFERENCE ER OR HIS QUAPFTRjK.-_ FUMF �111 � F_ 1, FLORIDA. j HM BEEN SCHEDULED M4 AT THE SCHOOL SITE.' ior, two sets of the asbesto iontract documentsfrom: TH . �1 tNT red by�the City Florida at 11:00 tries office, first n Drive, Dinner lace they will be �bol N,Vti', 21 ifffi tee and 1: "and Nb, t1d specipCp- ► ,M at (+305) l tibi. t, :with inpeterlcy. as ear to perform E;38 amity Lion .the Dtty No. 90-91-080 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construcUpn of "DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE lI blia "B", B-4521 ", will be received by the City Commission of the C9V Of Miami; Florida at 11:00 a.m. on the 1 lth day of April, 1()gI. at the City'CCifnmisalon meeting first floor of the Miami City Hall, SSW lean American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133. atwhlch time and place they will be publicly opened and' ead. The project consists of the dOnstructlon of approximately 0.45 mile of N. 1 Street betweeti N.W. 1 Mpitte acid Biscayne Boulevard. Construction w111'include the 016t+uliig: elearing & grading, construction of asphi`tltic pavement,coficttete cttrbs and gutters, concrete sidewalks, storm sewer facilities ohd landsta- ping. Bidders will furnish performance and bid bonds in ; accordance with Resolutions No. 86-983 and No, 87-015, Por clarification of technical issues as presented in the documents and specifications, please contact Richard Blount, Project Manager, at (305) 579-6865. Prospective bidders will be required . to submit, with their bid, a copyof the appropriate; Certificate of Competency, as issued by Dade County, which authorzeft the 1s-,,ibiddeti�to tietfom ithtC peril ed work. C bill§ht►llbe 8tibiilittetl int�ecordance with the Instructions to dds 'andi�a'tions =l11ew City regulations will reugtre Lchbldderto i iibM' Itproposa)iis in duplicate originals. Plans and cations #> be bbtain l from the office of the Director of iblie Woorks,.: 75 N.W' 2;. ireet, 3rd floor. Miami. Florida, 112f3, tin br after March M-091. If bidders wish. a set of plans id specifications will be t*11ed to them by writing to the +epat°tmelit of public Wdrli�,. d including a separate check for B, "'There, arlU' be a `t#2b' d' sit, for the Srst set .of plans and peeiSc i�tions. Additional se ybe purchased fora fee of $20 er set anti this is not refun le. Deposits will be refunded only poti' the return of one.,,- ;` plans and specifications to the ►epattment df Public Worlasnmarked and in good condition nthin two (2)` weeks after,iie opening of the bids. udders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10538 egarding allocation of.coittMAs to minority venders. The City Oltexpeet opospective��ifddera to submit an Affirmative Action Kan.:, as defined nance. and as required, in the nstru'ctions; to Bidder».a, ���; Cite City of:Miami has Ordinance No. 10032, which mplements the' "First bt` i Ifiring Agreement." The object of his ordinance; is to,pr+ovij .e ployment opportunities to City of w1anii>residents for vraget . # bursement under this program. y or, fuTther'iriforitttioTt cati, the Department of Public Works, )erformance, and specifications d damags for failure to complete immisslon reserves the right to and the City Manager mayreject se (B-4521 Req. 5638). H. Odio tanager The School Board of Dade County. Florida intends to commission three (3) architects to perform architectural/engineering ser- vices for projects listed below. The services for these projects may include the use of specific building systems, methods and/or processes as designated by the School Board. Building additions tray be re -used at other facilities. Additions. Remodelings or Renovations — estimated 06flstfi k tion cost over $500,000. Management Information Systerns building S New Elementary Schools or Ancillaty► Patties k Lindsey Hopkins Parking Garage Southwest Regional Transpoftatlm Center ' , Joint ventures wAl be considered fdt the abt�re iKoii fo i fir one submittal will be accepted per dpplli trit`either Prime ilrni, or as part of a joint venturer ; Letters of interest and US, L 0owsrerrttneht Adminstration Form 254 and #drrn 288 ifitist Divisidti of nocument cbntrot and Contract Mari ei 110, Mezzanine, no later than 4:30 p.m, Mda�r► Aprd t iult88 ' ''4- Such, forms must ltccurately describe the i:u tit stir Lis conflgilration of the applicant, 'x It the applicant is a joint venture, art executed'copy ld the jolri ;, : venture agreement must be submitted with the application. Percentage participation of fees must be clearly stated for each •- joint venture partner. Architects must name and provide 254 forms for each of the following engineering consultants unless . they are "in-house staff": electrical, mechanical, structural civil. The School Board of Dade County, Florida adheres to a policy of ` _ non-discrimination in educational programs/activities and employment and strives affirmatively to provide equal oppor tunty for all. Applications of minority owned, operatedi and controlled firms, joint ventures consisting of one or more MBE firms/individuals, and/or teams utilizing MBE consultants are . solicited and should be accompanied by a DCPS M/WBE Certificate. Applicants must submit copy of a DCPS M/WBE Certificate or %' Application by 4:30 p.m. April 12, 1991 to be considered a MBE . applicant. , - Forms and pertinent M/WBE instructions are available in Room 450, School Board Administration Building, 1450 N.E. 2nd . Avenue, Miami, Florida or by calling (305) 995-1494. The successful applicants will be required to sign contracts . which contain professional liability insurance requirements from $250,000 to $1,000.000 for architectural and structural engineers, and from $250,000 to $500,000 for all other consultants, depending on project cost. Proposals are to be submitted to: THE DADE COUN1Y PUBLIC SCHOOLS A/E SELECTION DIRECTOR Mr. Rudy Gonzalez, R.A. 35 N.E. 17th Street Room 110 — Mezzanine Miami, FL 33132 MI sid No. 90-91-085 "VERTISMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for 'CURTIS PARK REDEVELOPMENT — TRACK SURFACE PROJECT B-2983-13" will be received by the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida at 11:00 a.m. on the 16th day ofAprll, 1991, at the City Clerk's office, first floor of the Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. q'he project consists of constructing the running track surface and specified field event amernities at Curtis Park, 1901 N.'W', 21 Avenue, Miami, Florida. Bidders will furnish performance and bid bonds in accordance with Resolutions No. 86-983 and No. 87-015. For technical questions regarding plans and specilica- tions, please contact Nancy pantoja or Lnritlue Nunez, at (05) { M-6865. prospective bidders will be required to submit, with their bid, a copy of the appropriate Certificate of Competency, as Issued by Dade County, which authorizes the bidder to perform the broo sed work. 13113 NO, 90-91-080 ADVEIMSEMENT FOR BIB Sealed bids for construction of "DOWNTCI"` RIO IMPROVEMENT PHASE II BIB "B«, B-4521 ", will be rece the City Commission of the City OfMIAM, Plft lii at tli.06 on the 11 th day of April, 1991, at the C(ty tfilsslen fie first floor of the Miami City Hall, 3W pM American tV Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time and place t1 will be publicly opened and read. The project consists of the construction of approately 0, mile of N. 1 street between N.`GV. 1 Avenue and Bisca3 Boulevard. CotlstructI6ft wi11 `-include the ,.raft, 4*4 grading, constructiot gutters, concrete sid, ping, bidders will accordance with flee t Manager, at (309) 576-6 to submit, with their bit Competency, as issued ► uampe supaulLmu oiaaer co per for m ,tne , prof ' Mfti9liit=l�tt `. it r f iilatio wfll''i�egUh* ' Alll ids shallbe tit btrtitfed iil bf` +ilLt��#latlPbtYtiPh0upudme orals. Plans acid Bidders. and spec,$cations, d y b+e�4b�aii't ii th,e oii�ce )f the birYectbr of each bidder to submitpropoi ckbie,l7i:dbt,�V'► 2tfet srd floor, .Miami, i+lorida; specifications may be obtain ilkb, ti#i orifEer Marcii 281t9131 Y h bidclet� wish. o i�et of plans Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 d 1, itilitttioris , by g tii+fll be, tinailed. tb filet,! writing to the 33128. ono! after March 26, °06 bAMAAA bf lPubfie 1VV"'ks and plans and specifications. and specifications will be.Y ditlonal seta r" ' bt oz J h33Bed far a feebf$20 perset and this Departmentof Public work,, :W i6troi"ithdf ible� Deposits Will be refunded on upon the return _ poa $' po $8. There will be a $20` dej ,ofobe get of plan and specifications to the Department of Public specifications. Additional se .unmatked and in -good condition within two {2) weeks per set and this is not re&hd 1� after the tipentrrg of the bids. " upon the return of one. set Bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10538 Department of Public world 'regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. The City within two (2) weeks after' will expect prospective ;bidders to submit an Affirmative Action Bidders are alerted to the Plan, as defined in said Ordinance, and as required in the regarding allocation of cunt ins?tractions;#o $adders will, expect, prospective bidd! tip' 'hevXlit ► ilf Vlts il,li s atlrSpted :Ordirlarice No, 100321 which .. Plan,. as defined in sattl 0 g.m j instructions to Bidders.,; ,,: �p�tirire� p'iiyst SOurze 111riti ant..:. The ob ect of : k1_ _ K! oV aric6 is to Provideemployment opportunities to City. of The City of Miami has ado, RK"r � 1residents on,, 4traCts.resulting in the creation of new implements the."First Sours I nt jpbs :Contractors may. be eligible for 'wage reim- this ordinance is to provick; ant Under=thls prcgtstn., Far,furth r infomation contact Miami residents for e. x ti'the bepartiient of_ Public. Works, .City of Miami, at (305) .-For further information coati City, of Miami, 'at (305) 57t uuc pavement, concrete curbs and (Otm sewer facilities tdid landsioia3 Oftfo and bid bonds in o. 86-983 and No. 87-als4 f or :a as presented in the documents tohtact Richard Blount, Proj a-1-1 speettve bidders will be required , of the appropriate C:efrtifliate Of de County, which authorizes the:, ed work, cortiance with the Instructions to dew City regulations will reuglie Is in duplicate originals. Plans and from the office of the Director of , treat, 3rd floor, Miami, Florida, 991. If bidders wish, a set of plans afled to them by writing to the hd including a separate !heck for slt, for the first set,of plans and � Y be purchased for a fee of $20 Deposits will be refunded only t plans and specifications to the unmarked and in good condition ie Opening of the bids. ,visions of Ordinance No. 10538 68 to minority venders. The City . 9 to submit an Affirmative Action U.nance, and as required, in the dd, Ordinance No. 10032. which Hiring Agreement." The objectof r kployment opportunities to City of ibursement under this' program tthe Department of PubllcWorks, 3856. _ !performance, and specifications ed.damags for failure to complete bmmissIon reserves the right to i and theCityMamgermayreject ise:(B-4521 Req. 5638). . Viariager i a §+0.