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PZm 7
LOCATION/LEGAL 1801 NW Miami Court
All of Block 21 lying W of
FEC r-o-w
of Miami (B-53) P.R.D.C.
Tract 19 A
Block 21
(50-15) P.R.D.C.
APPLICANT/OWNER Randolph Weinsier
1 Kensington Gate
Great Neck, New York Phone 358-0737
Grace Cantor Maslow
980 5th Avenue #8B
New York, New York Phone 358-0737
Theresa Cantor, as Personal Representative of
the Estate of Earl Cantor
c/o James McDonald
5355 Town Center Road, Ste., 1002
Boca Raton, FL Phone 358-0737
Christina Echarte Brochin, Esq.
150 W. Flagier Street, #2701
Miami, FL 33130 Phone 358-0737
I Industrial.
REQUEST Special Exception as listed in Ordinance 11000,
as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Miami, Article 4, Section 401, I Industrial and
C-2 Liberal Commercial, Conditional Principal
Uses (2) to allow construction and operation of
a rescue mission and transient facility.
91-- 91
114:13"Alu'll MY
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RESCUE MISSION WALL5. e Special Exception as
requested must mee the intent of Zoning
Ordinance 11000 which requires that due
consideration be given to potentially adverse
effects generally on adjoining and nearby
properties and the neighborhood. Therefore,
consideration should be given to special
remedial measures to reduce the impact on the
neighborhood in this particular case such as a)
waiting lines only within the interior
courtyards and longer opening hours to avoid
having clients waiting on the public sidewalks
and immediate neighborhood, before and after the
meal; b) 12 hour surveillance; c) client control
and d) tram service. It is suggested that
surveillance and control (above) could be
accomplished by hiring security guards, or off -
duty policeman to watch over the area,
especially the
91 - 91
park and the school area. Regarding item 4, it
should be left up to Camillus House to choose
the three special occasions during the year, in
which up to 800 clients will be allowed to be
PUBLIC WORKS Right of way dedication required on northwest
corner of lot #2.
At 'ts neeting of N6venber 19, 1990, the
ZONING BOARD Zoning Board adopted Resolution ZB 107-90-
by a 6-1 vote, granting approval os the
Forty-four OPPONENTS and -Shirty -nine
PROPONENTS were present at the meeting.
Nine replies AGAINST were received by Hail.
Letter dated November 29, 1990, signed -
by several property owners.
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November 29, 1990
Gloria Fox
Chief of Hearing Boards Division
City of Miami
275 N.W 2nd Street
Miami, FL 33131
Dear Ms. Fox:
The undersigned appeal, pursuant to Article 20,
Ordinance No. 11000 of the City of Miami, the decision of
the Miami Zoning Board made in relation to that Board's
November 19, 1990, agenda item no. 3. (A copy of the agenda
item no. 3 is attached hereto and incorporated herein.)
There are a number of reasons as to why the appeal is --
being taken. The proposal violates the City's Comprehensive
Plan which precludes residential units in industrial areas.
A special exception for a Community Based Residential
Facilities use was not requested although the same is
required by special exception approval by the City
Commission. Additionally, the proposal does not meet the
standards for a special exception and conditional use. We
would also add that whatever the circumstances the proposed
use is not compatible with the area and will be detrimental
to the public, including the undersigned.
Nlow/ C (..cr rmw T, iIK/.tNvJlis�
Name & Address
A-A,v --P. s * V/-7iL
I9 20 iV . 47 Jf a•yi A9 VA'
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t�I01- I.I.Jr wej. `ii!
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Name & Address
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91- 91
Name & Address
IZJL%L� Of Tw/ IA t
1Po G 0-
tgK LJ
u.. ,
JOHN G. FL$Tcs88
SUIT[ 304
OOU= KIAN& IMOMMA 6ssa • 64"
_ rcupmcNc (303) 665 • 7521
FAx (305) 665.0328
December 17, 1990
Gloria FOX
Chief of Hearing Boards Division
City of Miami
275 N.W. 2nd Street
Miami, FL 33128
Re: Appeal by Alan Savitz, et
al., of Camillus House
application (Miami Zoning
Board Agenda Item 3 from
November 19, 1990)
Dear Gloria;
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the
Wynwood Community Advisory Board is joining in the appeal
referenced above (also know as the O.E.O. Owners and
Residents Appeal). It would very much be appreciated if the
City records in this regard would be so noted.
cc: Those on the mailing
Cordial ,
J n letcher
'SJ OCT -4 A 8 •12
File Number DSE•83-
Within the City generally, or within certain zoning districts, certain structures, uses,
and/or occupancies specified in this ordinance are of a nature requiring special and
intensive review to determine whether or not they should be permitted in specific
locations, and if so, the special limitations, conditions, and safeguards which should
be applied as reasonably necessary to promote the general purposes of this Zoning
Ordinance, and, in pw icuLar, to protect adjoining properties and the neighborhood
from avoidable potentiaLLy adverse effects It is further intended that the expertise
and judgement of the Zoning Board be exercised in making such determinations, in
accordance with the rules, considerations and limitations relating to Class D Special
Permits and Special Exceptions (See Arttcie.ZG.).
-_ Formal public notice and hearing is not mandatory for Class D Special Permits, but is
mandatory for Special Exceptions In other respects, these classes of special permits
are the same.
The Zoning Board shall be solely responsible for determinations on applications for
Class D Special Permits and Special Exception& All applications in these classes of
special permits shall be referred to the director of the Department of Planning for his
commendations and the direct w shall maim any further referrals required by these
it CriStim Echarte fin, Esquire hereby apply to the. City of
Miami Zoning t3oura for approval oi, check one:
Class D Special Permit
x Special Exception
for property located at _ 1801 N.W. Miami court, Miami. Fi orj._ ,
Nature Of Proposed Use (Be specific) Rescue Mission and transa nt farri, 4 «ae-
Form 10-83
Porte I of 3
I attach the following in mxwrr or expionation of -this application~
x I. Two sur m" of the property ptrpared by. a' Sfitte of Florida Registered Lane
—` Surveyor.
_x _ 2. Four capiao oft site pian snowing (as reouiren) pt;ppefter-b6un4&it i, existing am
ptapoaed strttcrUre(s). parxina9 ping, screening, etc: building elevations 61'
required) With dimensions only c:olnm ttens of lot area (9= and net), LUI ratios
(open sQC m. floor area. parking, etc.4 building spa=q and height envelope.
Set Seat= 2204.LZC).
3. Affidavit disdosing mmership of property covered by application and d'tsdosure of
interest forth ((Farm 4-83 m d a=ach to appticaam.L
.x..._ 4. Certified list of owners of reaiestate within 37.7 rodiolu from the outside
bodes of property covered by this application. (See Form 6-83 anct a=m is to
X S. At (ems two pitiartagrapahbas, that show the entire propxrry (land and Improvetnents).
x 6. Other (Specify) Powers of Attorney from title holders
7. Fee of $1.3oo. oo : . bated on following
Class 0 $450.00
Special E=Wrion $650.00 _
Sltdn eauol to a*lc®!e fee from W or (b) above rot to exceed
be refuemd if there if no (C
$650; to
Address 150 W. Flactler Street. # 2701
City, State, T.cp Miami, Florida 33130
phW* (305) 358-0737
Cristima B=harte Brochin being duly sworn+,
epases ena says that ne is me tuwnera tournorizeaaceml or the reoz property deseribee
above; that he has read the f oreminq onswers and that me same are true and cornptete•. and
(if acring as o"m for owner) that he has authority to exeeute this aWfication form on
behalf of the owner.
Form 10-83
91- 91
e this a
w^���15.Q,� p .
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Faun 10-83
Dona. 7 of I
Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally
appearedCristina Echarte Hroch�n who being by mre 'first duly sworn,
upon oath, deposes and says:
I. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the
owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as
required by Oniinance No. *M of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida,
effecting the real property located in the City of Miami as described and
Listed on the pages attached to this affidavit and made a part thereof.
2. That all owners which he represents, if any, have given their
full and complete permission for him to act in their behalf for the change
or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in
the accompanying petition.
3. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this
affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and
legal descriptions for the real property which he is the owner or legal
k. The facts 'as represented in the application and documents
submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct.
Further Affiant sayeth not.
Sworn to and Subscribed before me
this 34 day of DL Q�19 go .
MM �'PXAW i =1 4'
OA Vim
My C vdssion Expires: a -1 I- cl i
91- 91.
Rarxblph Veinier
% undivided interest
1Kensington Gate,
Neck, New York
Telephone Number c/o 305 358-0737
Legal Description:' All that portion of Block 21 lying West of Florida Fast Coast Railway
0onvanyIs right-of-way of Johnson & Waddell's Addition to CITY OF MLWI, Florida, accord-
ing to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, at Page 53 of the Public Records of
Dade County, Florida; AND ALL bf Tract 19A, Block 21 of RE -PLAT OF joliNSON & 1•MDDELLIS
AADDD,ITION,,aaccording to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 50, at Page 15, of the
Dwnerqs Nameds of D819cPSAft"A fi&' 25% undivided interest
Mailing Address 980 Sth Avenue 8B, New York, New York
Telephone Number c/o (305) 358-0737
Legal Description:All that portion of Block 21 lying West of Florida s st Railway
Company's right-of-way of Johnson & Mddell's Addition to CITY OF MLA11I, Florida, accord-
ing to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, at Page 53 of the Public Records of
Dade County, Florida; AND ALL of Tract 19A, Block 21 of RE -PLAT OF JOHMCN & WAMELL'S
ADDITION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 50, at Page 15, of the
Meliv Records of Dade County, Florida.
r s Name Theresa Cantor, as Personal Representative of the Estate
of Earle Cantor c/o James McDonald,, Esquire interest
Mailing Address 5355 Town Center Road, Suite 1002, Boca Raton, Florida
Telephone Number c/o (305) 358-0737
Legal Description: All that portion o ying t Railway
Company's right-of-way- of Johnson & waddell's Addition to CITy OF MIAMI, Florida, accord-
irx3 to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, at Page 53 of the Public Records of
Dade County, Florida; AND ALL of Tract 19A, Block 21 of RE -Plat OF JOHNSCN & 4JADDEL.L'S
ADDITION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 50, at Page 15, of the
Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
Any other real estate property
(by corporation, partnership.or
site is listed as foll.ows:
Street Address
Street Address
Street Address
owned individually, jointly, or severally
privately) within 375' of the subject
Legal Description
Legal Description
Legal Description
y1 91
oisa 16URE OF owNERsnIP
1. Legal description and street address of subject real prmo�erty; All that portion
of Block 21 Wing blest of i Florida East Coast lz�iilway Company's right+-p Zay of Johnson &
Waddell's Addition to CIWIPF MIAK , Florida, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in
Plat Book B, at Page 53 of. the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; AND ALL of. Tract 19A,
Block 21 of RE-PIAT (F' JCS IN-SX) I & . VADDELL I S ADDITION, according to the Plat thereof, as recornIet
in Plat Book 50, at Page 15, of the Public Records of. Dade County, Florida. 1801 N.W. Miami Cr
Miami, FL2. .Owner(s) of subject real property and percentage of ownership.
Note: City of Miami Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties
aving a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject
matter of a presentation, i7equest or petition to the City Commission.
Accordingly, question 12 requires disclosure of all shareholders of
corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties,
together with their addresses and proportionate interest.
1) Randolph Weinsier 5.0% undivided interest
2) Grace Cantor [Maslow 25% undivided interest
3) Iberesa Cantor as Personal Representative of the Estate of Earle Cantor
25% undivided interest
c/o Cristina Echarte Brochin
150 West Flagler #2701
Miami, Florida 33130
3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a)
owned by any party listed in answer to question f2, and (b) located within
375 feet of the subject real property.
t.xiSLlna rAmarLe vrucfLLn
Attorney for owner
Cristina Echarte Brochin , being duly sworn, deposes ands
says that. ne is the (Owner) (Attorney or Owner) of the real prouerty,
described in answer to question fl, above; that he has read the foregoing;.
answers and that the same Are true and =Mlete; and (if acting as attorney`.
for owner) that he ha authority to execute this Disclosure of Ownership
fom on behalf of the =r.
before 'IV this
day of U
trotacy Public, State o
Florida at Large
Cristina Echarte Brochin being duly sworn, s and
says that he is the Buly appointed representative of Brot ers of tie Goo
the owner of the real property oescriueu in answer to question , aoove,Sheae
that he ha$ read the foregoing answers; that the same are true and com-
plete; and that he has the authority to execute this Disclosure of owner.
ship form on behalf of the owner.
before ff e this -X )G�civ
day of I9cl?
.>-- (i - 91
Notary YuD ic, State of
Florida at Large
** with Power of Attorney for Randolph Weinsier,
Grace (Cantor) Maslow, and Theresa Cantor
WK/ab/025 - 91- 91
POW[w or Aft011N[r
wAMco Fo"w As
0 W
'"know RU Men By These Presents
That Grace (Cantor) Maslow, as to an undivided 25% interest
ha s made. conslilttled and appointed. and by these presents do es make. constilule and ap-
lawful altorney, for herself and in her name, place and stead
to submit an application, prepare all paperwork, make all appearances
and do anything that may otherwise be necessary in connection with
applying for a special exception for the premises described as:
giving and granting unto CRISTINA ECIIARTE BROCIIIN said attorney full power
and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing tuhalsoet►er requisite and necessary to
he done in and about the premises as fully, to all intents and purposes, as she might or could do
if personally present. u►ith full patter of substitution and revocation. hereby ratifying and ronfirm-
ing an that CRISTINA ECIIARTE BROCIIIN said attorney or
her substitute shall lrttvfally do or muse to he done by virtue hereof.
In 10itness 16hutd, I hate hereunto set my hand and
seal the 1 day of October. . in the year one thousand nine
hundred and ninety.
al d and delivere in the presence of
............. .... ....... �............(l.. .S.)
Statt of
County of
It It Uowa, That an the day of C one
thousand nine hundred and ninety . before me. r
a Notary Public - in and for the Slate of.�,-
duly commissioned and sworn, duelling in the
personally rame and appeared �1�14-�,{ t to me personally
knott►n. and ►.notion to n►e to be the same persons described in anti who ereruled the u►ithin pacer
of attorney, and acknott►ledged the tt►ithin power of attorney to be kk act
and deed.
In Testimony Uhtrtof, I have hereunto subscribe my name and of re t my seal of fiMee
the day pall year last n 1l1�d Yak .(/.. .S.)
................. .
knowtl men By These presents
That Theresa Cantor, as Personal Representative, of the Earle Cantor Estate►
as to an undivided 25% interest
ha s made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do es make, constitute and ap-
lawful attorney, for herself and in her name, place and stead
to submit an application, prepare all paperwork, make all appearances
and do anything that may otherwise be necessary in connection with
applying for a special exception for the premises described as:
giving and granting unto CRISTINA ECHARTE BROCHIN said attorney full power
and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to
be done in and about the premises as fully. to all intents and purposes, as she might or could do
if personally present. with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirm-
said attorney or
her substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
In VRAM 7liltt►t0f, I have hereunto set my hand and
seat the , 24 day of October , in the year one thousand nine
hundred and ninety.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
ItW Of Florida
bounty Of Palm Beach
Ik It K OWA, That on the 2nd day of October one
thousand nine hundred and ninety , before me,
a Notary Public in and for the State of Florida
duty commissioned and sworn. dwelling in the City of Boca Raton
personalty came and appeared Theresa Cantor to me personally
known, and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within power
of attorney. and she acknowledged the within power of attorney to be her act
and deed. 9 1 -- 91
3n 'restunoay IItCCOf, I have hereuntoi cribed my nwne and affixed Ty seal of office
�- .
the day and year last aNOTbo ie►tAtOF FWRIDI�. „ ,( )
_ MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRES: APRIL 40, isss. N KKI? PUBLIC., State of �.^� ._ ►.
rowtft or A'"ORNtr
"AMeo FORM ds
. r of !Attorney
Know FJ1 SCR By Rest Presents
That Randolph Weinsier, as to an undivided 50% interest
ha s made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do es make. constitute and ap-
true and
lawful attorney, for him,
,Olf and in his name, place and stead
to submit an application, prepare all paperwork, make all appearances
and do anything that may otherwise be necessary in connection with
applying for a special exception for the premises described as:
giving and granting unto CRISTINA ECHARTE BROCHIN said attorney full power
and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to
be done in and about the premises as fully, to all intents and purposes. as he might or could do
if personally present. with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirm-
ing all that CRISTINA ECHARTE BROCHIN said attorney or
her substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
]a Wilm WkrLvf, r I have hereunto set my hand and
seal the 3 nJ day of October . in the year one thousand nine
hundred and ninety.
�S,e�aTyd a delivered in the presence of
Statt of Ajl -w ac% K
County of N 655 A v
It It NOWn, That on the
thousand nine hundred and ninety
a Notary Public
day o/ C.)L1t-V16 one
before me. Po it-m yt.,
in and for the State of / !;vu' Vvx
duty commissioned and sworn, dwelling in the GL)v N"ry v F lt''(+-C)S /� L/
personally came and appeared +` r}ti OV L t) ►T tt'4C1 to me personalty
known, and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within power
of attorney, and `t.i acknowledged the within p
and deed.
10 Utimony Whtrtof, t have hereunto subseri
the day and year last above written. MORTON A
Nobly Public
er of attorney to be ff I � act
91 - 91
my me nd a zed al of office
.r'(L. s.)
a e o f -'
All that portion of Block 21 lying West of
Florida East Coast Railway Company's riy}it-
of-way of Johnson & Waddell's Addition to
CITY OF MIAMI, Florida, according to -the
Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B,
at Page 53 of the Public Records of Davie
County, Florida; AND All of Tract 19A,
ADDITION, according to the Plat thereof,
as recorded in Plat Book 50, at Page 15, of
the Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
91 - 91
g�K N0� 13 p,112* 1-2
1920 P40PTM MIAMI Av[NUR OA A 6 • 1305) 573.5700
WHOLESALE - IMPORT - RXPORT � : • ` /T TCL[x: 529104 IUNP MW _
Mr. Harvey R. Vieth, 8oecutive Director
Brothers of the Good Shepherd
726 N.E. let Ave m
Miami, F1 33101
Dear Harvey:
August 30, 1990 =-
J I =
(Corner NW 19 St and Miami Avenue)
We must address the Mi W PAJBLEM of why residents, nlerdwits, and omu&ssioners previously
rejected your propose new ocation. It has nothing to do with the "Poor and tameless"
but the certain perosntege who are mentally disturbed, trespass, defecate, urinate, loiter
and sloop wherever trey went; break numerous laws= and violate the human rights of their
neighbors. This is the problem, not the true "Poor and homeless"l
We applaud you and the "Brothers of the Good Shepherd" for tits fine work you are cluing in
aiding the "Poor and Homeless". The City of Miand is not prepared at this time to properly
help these people, so, it must be left to other caring organizations such as "CMiIM
HWSE". We boo are not insensitive to the needs of the true "Poor and Homeless", and do
our part to help these people.
On June 7th, we attended the City of Miami Commissioners Meetin where you and I were part
Of the working* of City Oovern ent. City Corm ssioners are human and can be wrong in their
asssswSnt of any given situation, especially when they do not have all the facts. Such is
the on" here l I 6 others requested they delay their $2 MKliorn vote until your new
location can be fully explored. We believe ti-bo be The Key Elementin the City'; purchase
Of e410tiAq piMperty. With this in minds,we - - - _s'ted that veryone study the following
facts and. look for a different location thanNw 19st and Miami Avmenue:
1. The PR MISS that your new location will be situated in an "Area mostly of warei:ouses and
few paop�ie �" is K=1gl
2. universal soma Ptoduets is across the street f=m your proposed new location. We serve
a useful purpose. We are a small Wholesale -Distributor of ready made Twctile Products.
Weseal an a Im mark-upto small t mordants who would not patronize us if
Ciilus Houas Minas 4=ou the street. We depend upon these small store owners who
visit our an a daily basis.
�P�Y Y They will cease to x,rmms and we will have to close,
after 25 years at Chia an loasticn! -
I =u that wo +00011 "entrepreneurs" may be the sacrificial lambs on the altar of
PrOgVwl Our WOU voice may never be taard over the loud din of the big business
Ift mat you out of their present location. That is life, and I am aware of
it, b0t Wat about the followlM awtors of this community:
9 9
3. City of Miami Fire Station #2 (on Miani Avenue across the street from NW 19 St)
Fire v ANescue trgshoot out of there fast on life saving missions.
The "loiterers" could not only be run over, but may also delay the rescue missions
beasuse the fireman would be forced to be on tlae lookout, for "stragglers".
4. City of Miami Cemetery (South side of Fire Station No 2) We are proud of that little
city ceneeasyi It is Kept up, and it has mnrrf famous people buried there. It is non-
sectarian. People of all religions, raves and creeds are buried there. If you move
here, rose of your people may be sleeping there, fertilizing the ground, and desecrating
family gravesit".
S. MW WOW visit d work in this areas At the Board of Education Building, at a nearby
Talevislon Staftion, etc. One bad EiRdent, with one of your people, will scare then off!
Sane Realtors recently lost sales and leases just on the "Rumor" that you were moving
into this area.
6. Miramar Elementev<v'School and a Slue are one block east of your proposed new
io st1m. W141 the CLty pay for the Security services than may be needed at these
facilities, if you relocate to this area?
7. The Vert own Oamaunity will be affected:
Corse Bark is adjacent to your proposed new property on the Southwest side. This is
a Park where many youngrbers go to play and have funj
The , M llis Ma!tlay 8lemmntary Sd=l and two Churches are one block away. On N.W.
a t a School Athletic Field exist. There are new
single family homes tone block west on tal 1 Ave and 10 St.) One bad incident with one
of your people could send this conmmity into an uproar.
We are an the Northeastern perimeter of Overtown and have been located here for over
twaty years. We have seen the slow painful-irovanent of this area. It has been
a long time in caeaingl Unfortunately, if "Camillus House" moves to this area, the
dream. and hopas of many will be shatbered. I am surprised that Commissioner Miller
J. Dw*1= was not as vocal an this issue as Oommissioner Miriam owo was in preventing
MEus lkxese's now location into "Little pavans .
On June 7th a Loader from a Black ooalition group spoke in favor of your new location.
ApparsntlY, they don't live nor work in this areal Years ago it was whine coalition
groups who wbd in favor of proposals that would lower property values in Overt m ml
Cnmmissi+orw Victor do Yurre stated on June 7th that "When 'Camillus House' moves out
of the Mind r►reina area, property values will double there." Liikewise► if you now
ll blocks North (to our area)► property values will be cut in half.
Pad aps the blank coalition group was not fully aware of the proximity of your now
location to bLak playgrou nU p churches, schools and houses. They were merely supporting
y= Q'mcp=wo for the "Poor and homeless", which we also support.
g. "Qxd contsr tscoi*W (2 blocks East:) is a popular positive $500 Million program for
fut= pOWU of the people of MiNdjand it will have a good residual effect: on our
pVt of "" • that is if you don't move inlil
91- 91
Page 3
9. Please rote that no: of the above (2 thru 8) are warelousesl
10. You hold "7h@ Miami Pascua Mission", at their new location 2020 N.W. First Ave, to
be a model operation. however, during recent visits to the area late at night, we
found derelicts, who prd3obly are harmless, but Aw intimidate those who must enter
the area, during the day, to earn a living for their families.
In conclusion, we support the rights of all Iwmaui beings, but oppose those who break the
Lew and infringe upon the rights of others. 111nis is not your fault, but neither can you
control it, not am with a big wall 'tb help one area (by moving out) and to hurt another
area (by moving in) is not right) For he who in the name of helping one does harm to another
has not helped anyoouel The Ardidiocese of Miami should study your proposed new location. The
Poor and Hamaless are human beings; they need a place where they can have a sense of dignity,
but being sore the street f= = a fire station with periodic wailing sirens, and to be placed
in the middle of this "sensitive area" is ant inrjustice bo all)
As an alternative solution, you should do wltiat "Brother Paul J0190011" recently did in f3rvward.
He bought "an old Condo that has 28 Apartments and a restaurant" . No construction and
building headadnesl You can m m out and in► fastl Your new location should be farther away
from da tmin, at least 26 blocks North, because the City Oom issivners may grow tired of
paying $2 Million every few years to prove you, and may instead start passing detrimental
Copies of this letter will be sent to all interested parties in order to obtain a concensus
of opinion, and it by soma chance you nave across the streetp you can count on us to be
good neighbors (even after we are out of business)I
very truly yours,
Alan D. Savitz
91— 91
dDq�V���6 r46~
• ..
Noweirt)er 7, 1990
AT NW 19 Street AND Miami Avenue
1. 5:30 PM (ice) NOVEHM 14, 1990
2742 Biscayne Blvd
Miami, F1 33137
TELEX 525104 (UMP MIA)
This will be a strategy Session. It is important not only to meet your
neighbors but to discuss the very big problems that loom ahead if "Camillus
House" naves into our area.
2. 7 PM share (M7td) NOVEMM 19, 1990
Miami Commissioners Chambers
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami (Coconut Grove), Fl
This is a Zoning Hearing and as many voices against the Camillus house moving
to our areal, the Better! Each speaker will be given about 5 minutes . Let's
all say a few words.
3. Please plan your time to attend these important meetings. You are not may
helping yourself but your = minty as well. Thank you.
very truly you.
Alan D. Savitz
91- 91
R 90-43
/:1/90 •
R 90-111
9 1 - 91
AT 700-728 AND_732-740 NE 1 AVENUE (CAMILLUS HOUSE).
R 90-436
Report Title:
Folder: 1990
Search Keyword: camillus and house
Records Found: 5
Pages of Data: 2
Report Completed: Fri Nov 9, 1990 12:08 PM
91 - 91
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner De Yurre, who
moved its adoption:
(Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on
file in the Office of the City Clerk.)
Upon being seconded by Mayor Suarez, the resolution was passed and
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre
Commissioner Miriam Alonso
Vice Mayor Miller Dawkins
Mayor Xavier L. Suarez
NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr..
Commissioner Plummer: I vote no because I don't think they were done
Commissioner Plummer: Now, the question resolves, Mr. Mayor, we have the
appraisals. What the hell are -you going to do with them?
Mayor Suarez: Item 31 - that's what I'm going to do!
Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no. What are we going to do with them?
Mayor Suarez: I'm going to go on to item 31, which ...
Commissioner Plummer: What are we going to do with the appraisals?
Mayor Suarez: I'm going to go on to item 31...
Commissioner Alonso: Keep them in a file.
Mayor Suarez: ...which is ratifying the City Manager's action accepting the
appraisals at your favorite item, which is the golf courses. We have a
motion. Why are these so much higher? Why are golf courses so much higher to
161 January 11, 1990
Mayor Suarez: Is that about the acquisition of what used to be the Rescue
Mission's property?
Commissioner Plummer: When we acquired...
Mayor Suarez: We paid them good money - not as a loan. We just paid them,
and we paid them a bonus over the highest appraisal. In fact it was
characterized as relocation costs, that's what.
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, with the proviso that if they ever vacated
the premises, that the City of Miami got its money back in the form of the
sale. They're asking...
Mayor Suarez: Oh, because they were going to build a new facility. It isn't
clear that Camillus House is going to build a new facility at all, and a lot
of people don't want them to build a new facility in the area that they're
planning it. I'm not sure we want to get into that in this case -
Commissioner Plummer: Well, we agreed on that issue.
Mayor Suarez: No, we try to keep one separate from the other.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, I'm saying is that I'm putting it on the record,
Mr. Manager - Hello?
Mr. Odio: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: - that if you do that for the Camillus House, the
Rescue Mission, in all fairness and interest, are asking for the same. OK?
And I don't know how you can deny it.
Mayor Suarez: On item 30, can I get a motion to pay the appraisers, please.
Moved. And, by the way, the fees are beginning to look a little bit more
reasonable on appraisers. I've seen Eight and $10,000 fees, which don't make
any sense to me.
Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask a question?
Mr. Williams: We're actively competing them, Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Suarez: Thank you. I was hoping there'd be some competition because
we're getting quite a few appraisals.
Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask which one of the appraisers gets the forty-
five hundred? Was that the 800 appraisal or the million -three?
Mr. Al Armada: Mr. Waronker, who is the lower appraiser gets the $4,500. The
higher one gets $5,000. The one that came up with a higher figure.
Commissioner Plummer: And that is Chastain, Chastain appraisal.
Mr. Armada: Lee Chastain, that's right.
Commissioner Plummer: And he's a local company.
Mr. Armadas Yes, sir, he's a local company.
Mayor Suarez: All right, do we have a motion and a second? That's right, we
pay them mo*e if the appraisal oomes in highorl All right.
Ms. Hirai: We need a second, Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Suarez: I think we do have a second.
Ms. Hirai: Commissioner De Yurre moved it. I don't - I apologize - I don't
Mayor Suarez: He's moving and seconding! OK, I'll second so we can got on to
the next item.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Any further discussion? Call the roll, please. 9 1 9 1
460 January 11, 1990 7
6 0
Commissioner Plummer: A half a million difference, between 800,000 and a
million -three.
Mr. Odio: I was there today, during lunchtime, and we need to do something
Commissioner Plummer: For what?
Mr. Odio: Because we have a huge investment in Overtown - Arena Towers, etc.
We need to move it.
Commissioner Plummer: You know my feelings. There's no way I'm going to give
them $2 million.
Mr. Odio: Well, but you already voted and you lost,. so we go ahead and move
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, item 30 is to...
Commissioner Plummer: Let me tell you something. I voted against it, but the
federal government says, "Hey, Plummer ain't so far wrongs"
Mr. Odio: No, but -
Commissioner Plummer: That's why you're back here!
Mayor Suarez: But one appraiser says you are, so, in any event, we have to
pay both of them.
Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no.
Even he is at a million -three.
Mayor Suarez: Right.
That appraiser doesn't say I'm wrong.
Commissioner Plummer: You're giving them $2 million.
Mayor Suarez: We're giving them a million -five.
Commissioner Plummer: You're giving them $2 million of taxpayers' money.
Mayor Suarez: And we have to pay them relocation costs in accordance with the
Commissioner Plummer: You're giving them two million dollars!
Mayor Suarez: ...and Camillus House is very difficult to relocate. In fact,
they're impossible to relocate.
Commissioner Plummer: All right, now, Mr. Mayor, in all honesty -
Mayor Suarez: Anyhow, but that's not what's before us, J.L. What's before us
is paying for...
Commissioner Plummer: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mr. Manager?
Mayor Suarez: Please, in the back, in the back of the chambers...! We're
going to have to move an officer over to that side or else get Carl Goldfarb
out of there.
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, I have received a letter from the Miami
Rescue Mission.
Mr. Odio: Yes, sir.
Commissioner Plummer: In the interests of fairness that they are asking to be
treated as you are proposing to treat the Camillus House. And I don't think
this Commission could do anything less. What they're saying is, we gave them
money on a basis of a loan if that place ever went under. You're not doing
that with Camillus House, and they're asking that if that's what you extend to
Camillus House, that you extend it to them.
9 — 91
All159 January 11, 1990
Mayor Suarez: Item 30.
Mr. Odio: To ratify the action taken...
Commissioner Plummer: I move to deny.
Mr. Odio: Excuse me - for the appraisals of Camillus House, that we have to
go out on an emergency basis so that we could finalize the leasehold -
Commissioner Plummer: Are you sure that those two appraisers were both
looking at the same piece of property?
Mr. Odic: That's a good question.
Commissioner Plummer: No, I'm being serious.
Mr. Odio: Yes, they were.
Commissioner Plummer: One came in at what? - 800,000 and the other one came
in at a million -two.
Mr. Odio: Three.
Commissioner Plummer: A million -three.
Mr. Odic: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: How in the hell can two A.I.A. appraisers come in at
almost 40 percent difference?
Mr. Odic: I don't understand. We're trying to review the lowest one and.find
out what happened, there, but that's what they came in -
Commissioner Plummer: Hey, forget about that. You know my thoughts on
Camillus House, OK?
Mr. Odio: I don't want to hear them again.
Commissioner Plummer: But the point I'm trying to make is, how can two
appraisers be that far apart on one given parcel of property?
Mr. Odic: We are asking them, now.
Mr. Ron Williams: Commissioner Plummer, we took a look at that and it appears
that one of the appraisers took a far broader sampling, i.e., I think, 30
parcels - 20, as compared to 10 - and, therefore, he obviously took in a wider
area and, therefore, the comps. came back higher.
Mr. Odic: We'd just like to...
nr. Wiiiiams: We're doing a rev ew ng'oT_appraisals.
Commissioner Plummer: We're doing a what?
Mr. Williams: What we call a reviewing of appraisals.
Mr. Odic: I would like for you to approve this -
Commissioner Plummer: A half a million dollars difference.
Commissioner Alonso: How much?
91 -- 91
15$ January 11, 1990 O?q
AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre
Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr.
Commissioner Miriam Alonso
Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins
NOES: Mayor Xavier L. Suarez
Mayor Suarez% I'm going to vote no on the deferral because I'm satisfied, but
I understand that my brethren want to get more information, that's...
Mayor Suarez: Resolution, item 13, authorizing the City Manager to execute an
and to agreement, purchase and sale, Brothers of The Good Shepherd for the
acquisition of the fee simple interest and leasehold interest in the property
located at 700-726 NE 1 Avenue, also known as Camillus House, right?
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I question, should we hear this now, since
item 28 is also I think in reference to the Camillus House, or is it just the
homeless situation?
Mayor Suarez: I think they are dealing with the whole issue of a homeless
coordinator and all that.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Why don't we take this one up now?
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, for the record, you had two appraisals, a
second time, is that correct?
Mr. Odio: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: All right, the low appraisal was how much?
Mr. Odio: $800,000, I believe.
Commissioner Plummer: And the high appraisal was...?
Mr. Odio: $1,300,000.
Commissioner Plummer: $1,200,000, I heard.
Commissioner Alonso: Two.
Commissioner Plummer: $1,200,000.
Mr. Odio: A million two point something.
i�fNIM1l�gf i�i•1�e' F112er: So then ♦h.1varai a of •10 twv .-;pr
ainraei in
$1,000,000, is that correct?
Mr. Odio: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: OK, now, tell me what does this amendment today have as
for as... are we still on the same negotiated of being a contributor and
benefactor of $2,000,000?
Mr. Odio: The purchase price is a million...
Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, the total cost.
Mr. Odio; The total cost is $1,500,000.
91 �j
85 February 7, 1990 ��
Commissioner Plummer: And?
Commissioner Alonso: Plus?
Mr. Odio: Plus we would give them $100,000 a year towards the...
Commissioner Plummer: All right, I'll ask my question again. What is the
total cost of the taxpayers to close the Camillus House deal?
Mr. Odio: $2,000,000...
Commissioner Plummer: $2,000,000. OK, call it what you want, whether it is a
supplement, or whatever, the cost to the taxpayers is $2,000,000, based en
what is the agreed average of the two of $1,000,000. Now, just for the
record, they are proposing to move the Camillus House a block and a half from
the east to a block and a half west of the arena. Am I correct?
Mr. Odio: It's next to Lummus Park, in that area.
Commissioner Plummer: Is that not, Mr. Bailey, a block and one-half...
Mr. Bailey: From the arena. The new site...
Commissioner Plummer: Yes.
Mr. Bailey: On the west side of I-95, it's about two blocks.
Commissioner Plummer: All right, two blocks, all right. So instead of moving
out of the area, they are going to move from a block and one-half east to two
blocks west of the arena. For all practical purposes, they are not moving out
of the area, correct?
Mr. Bailey: That is correct, Commissioner. That's one..
Commissioner Plummer: Now, part of this money and their proposal, was to
establish satellite serving stations, correct?
Mr. Bailey: Feeding stations.
Commissioner Plummer: Of which they now have established one at 6th and
Flagler in a church and my phone has been ringing off the hook saying, "Why �O
are you taking a bad area and making it worse?" Now, I don't understand, for
the life of me, the Rescue mission._3d3g this C=votissiod-dealt with, &14 In
fast w _ - area, emove 7h par 7_fr_M,' &4== MVR
downtown and'12Be
there is sw oawisturbed. I don't understand for the life of me, first
and foremost, how we can give someone $2,000,000 for $1,000,000 of value.
Second of all, they are not moving out of the downtown, they are moving from
one side of the arena to the other side and I just want to remind the
Administration, in all interest of fairness of the letter I received from the
Miami Rescue Mission asking to be treated just as fairly as you could or could
not treat the Camillus House, that we made a provision in their contract, that
if for whatever reason, any day they vacated those premises, that the City got
its money back in the form of a loan. From my knowledge, that is not being
proposed with Camillus House. In all fairness, if this passes, I am then_
going to offer a motion that in fact you deal with both in equal terms,
especially the one Mho moved out e--, sea sat has
not created a sisg2� #robin.
Mayor Suarez: vice Mayor Dawkins.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: The last page, which it looks, there is an addendum,
first you've got to delete "H" or "K," because they are both the same thing,
"H" and "K". Nov, problem with it is, it says the property is currently used
to provide overnight shelter for approximately 100 persons and a daily meal
for over 1,000 persons. Within 12 months after the closing date, the seller
shall discontinue the daily meals services for any but residents of the
facility. When will they finally, permanently and forever move? Because,
according to this, all it says that within 12 months, they will be down to
feeding only the people who reside at the facility, but nowhere here do you
tell me when the facility will move permanently.
91__ 91
86 February 7, 1990
Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Dawkins, may I interject something here? I
think it has to be remembered that presently the facility as even proposed
cannot be built because it does not conform to zoning and it will have to go
through a complete zoning application which I'm assuming, would take, Mr.
Manager, six months under normal conditions. So you're talking, and that's if
we give them another piece of property to use for a parking. facility. That's
across, as I understood it, the parking that they wanted is on a piece of
property across the street and that's what they need for compliance, am I
Mr. Odio: Well, true, but the issue is also that the people that use this
facility don't have any cars, you know.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's not the point. To comply, they've got to
have it.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Can I get an answer to my question?
Commissioner Plummer: OK, I just wanted to give you that.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you. Can I get an answer to my question, when will
Camillus House cease to operate where they are operating?
Mr. Bailey: In the addendum, Commissioner, it is not clear. In fact does not
even address the point. The item you just read was from the addendum
submitted as a negotiating point with Camillus House. Our contract originally
stated that they would be out of the facility and location within 18 months
after the date of purchase.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, but see, that's not in here.
Mr. Bailey: I know. You are correct. The addendum would nullify that
provision in our contract and we accept the addendum, yes.
Commissioner Plummer: I'd like to offer them $1,000,000 and let them run.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right, this would. Yes, all right now, the second
part, and under no circumstances am I as a person going to vote for it, but
there again, I can vote for the rest of it. It says here any hazardous
material, in the event the purchaser determines that there is hazardous
material, waste or toxic substance found in or on the property, purchaser,
which is the City of Miami, as an alternative to voiding this agreement, may
take any corrective actions to void this agreement, no, I mean, to remove or
eliminate this material at its -own cost.
Mr. Bailey: That is a concession, Commissioner, we could recommend, that
would not have any additional cost to the City, because when we bid the site
out, once we acquire it and put it out for development, we can pass that cost
onto the developer.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, I go by there...
Commissioner Plummer: Wait, whoa, whoa, excuse me.
Commissioner Alonso: What about the payment for the testing?
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead, J.L.
Commissioner Plummer: Wait a minute, what happened to us across the street?
How muen snoula we pay over there when tnis developer or somebody covered it
over with a bulldozer and that we paid $160,000, was it?
Mr. Bailey: That is correct, Commissioner. We did not have the provision
that passed the obligation to the developer in that lease agreement. We can
adjust it in a new lease agree...
Commissioner Plummer: But we are buying... you don't think a developer is
going to come in there today and accept that property without that provision
of hazardous waste.
Mr. Bailey: We could do that, because we make adjustments in the lease
payment up and down.
57 February 7, 1990
Ms. Linda Kierson: But the Commission needs to be made aware that although we
can pass along the cost, we can't pass along the liability and that's a
concern. If there hazardous material on the property, everybody is liable.
Mayor Suarez: Everybody in the line of succession is liable.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Say what now?
Ms. Kierson: That's right, everybody is liable.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right.
Ms. Kierson: While we may be able to pass along the cost of the removal, we
cannot pass along the liability associated with the environmental hazard.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: You have answered my question, OK? Why should I allow
Camillus House to pass on to me its liability, whatever it may be, for a part
of removing this toxic material.
Mr. Bailey: They ware not...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait a minute, Mr. Manager, wait a minute. The City
Attorney just said, sir, that you cannot pass on your liability. So what we
are doing, we're telling them because we are benevolent, and J.L. always says,
you got the taxpayers' money, you know, you don't have to pay it, we'll get
the money.
Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, I'd just like to make a clarification on what she
said, and we both heard the same thing. If that applies to us, it also
applies to the previous owner. That means they still are liable regardless of
whether or not we take it on. It goes back to the original owner and
sometimes all the way back to the person who caused the pollution, if you can
=ind uui, whc cney were.
Commissioner Alonzo: Was the law in effect?
Commissioner Plummer: Herb, why would the City not demand that they give us a
certificate that there are no hazardous wastes and that can be determined.
Mr. Bailey: I would say we should demand that. I think what we are dealing
here with now is a matter of... we are dealing with an emergency, we are
dealing with the problems of downtown, we are dealing with a lot of things
with which there are...
Commissioner Plummer: What is the emergency?
Mr. Bailey: Well, we have people who...
Commissioner Plummer: To move them a block and one-half to two blocks?
Mr. Bailey: No, no, we have a lot of.concern on the part of an existing
developer and future developers and people who are tenants that are very
concerned about their environment that Camillus House creates. We have been
dealing with this for three or four years.
Commissioner Plummer: What is the difference environment if they can look
from the 15th floor over straight down or over cattywampus and see the same
damn thing?
Mr. Bailey: It's not the same thing, Commissioner.
Mr. Odic: Commissioner, the proposed...
Mayor Suarez: It's a whole different kind of facility over there. We've gone
through this already. Everybody knows how we feel.
Mr. Odic: The proposed site will only house 150 residents.
Commmissionor Plummer: Mr. Odic, lot me tell you something, my friend. You
are a very practical man, but lot me toll you what you are overlooking. The
site they presently have only houses 100. It doesn't speak to the 300 on the
91 - 91
Be February 7, 1990
sidewalk that you tell me cannot be removed and you know as well as I do the
minute that new facility is established, you are going to have the same
problem there that you've got over on 1st Avenue. There's no way you can stop
it. If you would, you could stop it today and it wouldn't even be a problem
before us.
Mr. Odlo: Well, that's one slight...
Commissioner Plummer: How would you stop it tomorrow? Just because they have
a new facility, doesn't mean that there are not going to be 300 people on the
Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, they are just...
Commissioner Plummer: You can't guarantee me that.
Mr. Bailey: We can't guarantee that, no, but...
Mr. Odio: No, we cannot.
Mr. Bailey: ... but that one is quite different than the new operation. They
will not have the feeding, the soup kitchen.
Commissioner Plummer: Oh, I understand that. I understand that.
Commissioner Alonso: Yes, because we are just changing the location. Now it
is going to be in Little Havana because right here in this building they are
going to start serving 200 people according to what they say, but we know
quite well that it is going to be much more than that.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, just a minute, I beg to be excused, because
the last time we discussed moving things from Little Havana to different
places, I spoke up and then I got placed in the papers, so I don't even want.
to be here.
Commissioner Plummer: Miriam, excuse me...
Ms. Kierson: Vice Mayor...
Mayor Suarez: Let the record reflect that any comment from this moment
forward does not include the voice of Vice Mayor Miller Dawkins that can be
attributed to his Blues Brother, J. L. Plummer, or anybody else.
Commissioner Plummer: This Is only the first of many places that they -are
going to use.
Commissioner Alonsor I know, I know, and the problem is, how in the world the
City of Miami will pay $2,000,000 for this property and then create problems
all through the City of Miami by allowing this to be the case. We know quite
well that East Little Havana has had enough problem. We did a study in 181-
182, and we say that area could not stand any more problems. It is one of the
worst areas in the City of Miami and we are just sending more problems to that
area. i don't know how can we possibly explain this. We are not resolving
the problem of the Camillus House. We are paying $2,000,000, we are creating
more problems for the City. What are we doing?
Mr. Bailey: May I explain for a minute, please? She had a question, go
Commissioner Plummers Let me correct a statement you made. They are going to
be feeding at that facility, supposedly only the occupants of the structure,
but they are going to be feeding.
Mr. Bailey: All right, that would be sort of a halfway house, which...
Commissioner Plummer: You said that there would no feeding. There will be!
Mr. Bailey: No feeding lines. There will be no feeding kitchen.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, you didn't say that.
91- 91
89 February 7, 1990
0 0
Mr. Baileys Well, I stand corrected. That would be no soup kitchen for which
you have the general public coming. Can I make one statement? Camillus
Mayor Suarez: Hey, to Herb, wait a minute, we've done this calculation
before, but just so that Commissioner Alonso, in case she hasn't heard it.
Camillus House, typically, and I think I am right on this figure, feeds as
many as 800 people a day.
Mr. Bailey: 1500.
Mayor Suarez:... with 60 beds, so it works out like 15 to 1, or 16 to 1 and
the idea is that that kind of functioning is not recommended any more by the
homeless coalition, by anybody who is trying to deal with the homeless.
Presumably the new facility would feed only the people who are residing there
and in fact will be preempted by our zoning laws from feeding anyone else.
Commissioner Alonso: Yes, that will happen in that area, but what about in
the other areas of the City?
Mayor Suarez: Then we have to of course deal with the efforts to decentralize
the feeding of people who are homeless. We have to deal with the homeless
anyhow, I mean, they shouldn't be homeless.
Commissioner Alonso: Well, as a matter of fact, we are not really dealing
with the problem, that's a fact.
Mayor Suarez: We're not doing a real good job of it, we are improving, let me
tell you.
Mr. Bailey: I Mould just like to make a statement for the record. We are not
recommending and we never have recommended that Camillus House move anywhere.
We are only recommending that we buy the facility so we can have the site. In
terms of what nwfehhnrhood will accept and will not accept, I'm pretty suro
that the political concerns and pressure that's been exerted in other
neighborhoods can be exerted in Little Havana and I'm pretty sure that if that
kind of resistance is there, they will not move. We're concerned about buying
the facility and moving there. Where they move is their problem.
Commissioner Plummer: No, it's ... wall, it's their problem until it gets to
our level.
Mr. Bailey: Wall, no, I'm saying, you are going to have that problem
regardless. They are going to. move eventually. We are not advocating that
they locate to anybody's neighborhood. That neighborhood has to make that
decision and that decision will be made the same way that they have not been
able to make a decision on any other neighborhood, because the moment they
select one, they come here and the people in the neighborhood protest, and
they don't go. If everybody protests, I don't know what may happen, but our
concern is to buy the facility and move them.
Commissioner Plummer: I still, for the life of me, can't understand how you
are going to take 42,000,000 of taxpayer's money to buy a...
Mr. Bailey: The Commission made that recommendation, we didn't.
Commissioner Plummer: ... piece of property that is appraised at $1,000,0001
Mr.. Bailey: We did not recommend $2,000,000.
Mr. Odic: Commissioner, that agreement...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: J.L., you are not being consistent.
Mr. Odic: Being consistent, the Commission negotiated that agreement.
Mr. Bailey:
Absolutely, we did not, as you remember.
Plummer; No, no, excuse me, just for
the record, and I'm not
casting any
aspersions. The Commission, Commission
De Yurre, and I respect
his negotiating...
three votes of this Commission voted
to give them that.
Two votes of
this Commission said no way, OK? So let's
make the record 1 ar.
February 7, 1990
0 0
Mr. Odio: All we did here was bring...
Commissioner Plummer: There is no way that I am going to give anybody
$1,000,000 more than they are entitled to.
Mr. Odio: No, what we did here is bring back an item that...
Commissioner Plummer: I'm not finding fault with you. The Commission
instructed you.
Mr. Odio: This is already negotiated. This is an agreement that was already
signed by Camillus House and all we are doing here is saying, let me allow to
close, based on what you passed.
Commissioner Plummer: And let me tell you, I do not find in here the
provision that was put in at my request, even though I was on the losing side,
that the money that they derive from this had to be spent in Dade County
addressing the homeless issue. I don't find that, OK?
Mr. Odio: That was a condition that I remember and should be incorporated.
Commissioner Plummer: I haven't... Will somebody show it to me?
Mayor Suarez: That's fully agreeable, it is fully agreeable to them. It
might go counter to some of the other ideas of hoping that the homeless will
kind of leave the County and go away, but...
Mr. Odio: I also want to tell you, Commissioner, that the Beckham Hall
experiment, which is what it really was...
Commissioner Plummer: Is a total loss.
Mr. Odic: :t is not, it is working very well.
Commissioner Plummer: Let me tell you...
Mr. Odio: I consider, Commissioner, that if we save ten people that have now
jobs and are productive, that was a success.
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, you see that's one of the things where you
don't go to the meetings that we do. I wish you had been at the Allapattah-
Community Development meeting on Wednesday night. One of their biggest
problems and one of their loudest outbursts was over Beckham Hall of how you
have effected their area by bringing these victims of society, Miller..
victims of society into their neighborhood, OK? Now, you know, it's the old
namby, not in my backyardl I'm saying, let's take, if you want to address the
homeless issue, let's take the $2,000,000, start a Camillus House and put them
out of business. I just for the life of me don't understand.
Commissioner Alonso: I want to put on record that we are quit* aware that we
are creating another problem for the City of !Miami.
Commissioner Plummer: Many.
Commissioner Alonso: We going to have different spots all through the City of
Miami and I want you to be very well aware before you give a vote here today
that when we have people coming back to us and tellin us we have more problems
in our community now because we also have the feeding in our neighborhoods and
it's going to be all over town. It is going to be starting in 6th and
Flagler, in East Little Havana where they cannot stand any more problems,
where the people who can barely survive day by day, because the situation
there is horrible, it is called the Vietnamese area and it is not because we
have Vietnam there, because we have people killing each other, because we have
drugs, because we have all kinds of crime, and it is horrible, the situation
and we are telling the people, we want to improve your neighborhood. Is that
the way we are doing it? I can't believe that we are giving $2,000,000 and we
are not even facing the issue of the homeless.
Mr. Bailey: It's a pretty big backyard, Commissioner, and I understand
everything you are saying and I talked to the people downtown and from
everywhere all the time about whose backyard does it be in and I remember the
91- 91
February 7, 1990
statement I made to Brother Paul some time ago when he said they have a right
to be there and what they are doing ;.here is just in cause and God's on their
side. I just had to remind him God is on the people's side that he just put
out of business. He's on everybody's side. It's a big backyard. We have to
decide what backyard can we put it in.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, why not...
Commissioner Alonso: Mr. Bailey, why not there then? Why are you asking us
to move Camillus House?
Mr. Bailey: We are not asking you to move Camillus House. I'm asking... we
want to buy the site now...
Commissioner Alonso: Are you happy with it7 Do you think you can be
successful in all the projects that you have there?
Mr. Bailey: I will give you some economic figures, if you want to reduce it
down to dollars. This City has already spent, and not counting the
$57,000,000 for the arena... $32,000,000. We have $10,000,000 from the
Federal government.
Commissioner Plummer: Where does this $57,000,000 come for the arena?
Mr. Bailey: That's from another...
Commissioner Plummer: I thought it was fifty.
Mayor Suarez: Fifty-two.
Mr. Bailey: Fifty-two, it is $100,000,000 all together. I may have a few
nickels and dimes off, but we are in the ballpark. We have thirty-two...
Ma;'or Su 71.0 know wha6 �.he,- say in Cungreus, a biiiiu.j dwilars here,
billion dollars there, pretty soon you are talking about real money!
Mr. Bailey: But let me tell you what you are talking about and why some
decision has to be made sooner or later. We've got $32,000,000 of public
money from the City of Miami in that location. We've got another $10,000,000
from the Federal government that this Commission fought very hard for, we went
to Washington to lobby to get. We got three developers. One developer is
spending $22,000,000, another $28,000,000, another $9,000,000 and we hope to
get much more. When you look at that and in terms of what we have to do to
make sure that that does not -cause you to lose that kind of money, then you
have to realize that we have to :sake some kind of decision soon.
Commissioner 2ssssat's But you see, the problem is, and I've said this to you
before "znd 2.11 say it . _.T. sa4 _faal entirety different on the
Lame -knd..� would jo- abo the 004,G=--v&UA..4Lppx&isal if they were moving
out of the-ersa, but they're nott
Mr. Bailey: The matter of moving is something that probably has to be
addressed in some other arena. I don't know what to do about that.
Commissioner Plummer: No, no, this arena, this arena, right here, OK? Now,
You got the Salvation Army, who is basioelly.I&-.xbua4aess, they went
up to the warehouse district, around 23rd SttMt st`-ivinue. You've got
the Rescue Mission that went up to 22nd Street and 1st Avenue. You don't hear
any complaints because there is...
Mr. Bailey: Maybe we ought to try to negotiate another site, if we want to
get into that, but you know.
Commissioner Plummer: I'd feel a hell of a lot better and I would be willing
to go more than the $1,000,000. I don't know that I'd go $2,000,000. But to
allow them to go two blocks to the west, instead of a block and one-half to
the east, and to establish six to twelve satellite serving areas, I don't
think we are accomplishing... you know, fine, for the Overtown, maybe we are
helping them a little bit, but what in the hell are we doing to Little Havana?
What are we doing to Allapattah? What are we...
91-- 91
92 February 7, 1990 '117
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, I was going to try not to say nothing, hold it, hold
it, I was going to try not to say anything, OK? - but what is that little
lady's name who came here from Lummus Park, the little...
Commissioner Plummer: Mrs. Miller.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, that lady has been here complaining from day
one that we not put this in her neighborhood. That lady brought, who?...
Goodman in here, Gutman... to speak on her behalf. Gutman went to Tallahassee
in an effort to get some aid of relief and this Commission ignored that lady
in totality, but now it is going in one area, we are concerned now about the
area. See now, I'll be back in The Miami Herald in the morning, but I mean,
so be it, you know? If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, OK?
All right, see, so now, if it is all right now for that little white lady to
come down here and tell you she don't want it in her neighborhood and you
ignore her, then you also got to ignore these other Latin Spanish people over
here who say he want it, if you are going to be fair, OK? But now I am sure
that there are some people who may want it. I don't know, but let's be fair
up here if you are not going to be fair, then you know, let's don't pussyfoot
around. You know, don't say that you are concerned about one area, we are
concerned about the total City of Miami and don't nobody raise no more hell
than the other one.
Commissioner Plummer: Just for my own satisfaction I've got to. put on the
record. I brought to this Commission's attention in which the Brothers of The
Good Shepherd bought a private home in the Roads section for $185,000 in cash,
spent $100, 000 in cash to fix up the house and put in a pool, for $285 , 000.
As I announced before, that is my kind of poverty. It is now for sale for
Mayor Suarez: OK, Commissioners, we have debated, discussed, analyzed.
Commissioner Alonso was not with us through all of these meetings. I really
think that it is time to decide what we are going to do on this and...
Commissioner De Yurre: I think Mr. Mayor, that one thing we have to address
is, one of my understandings was, the soup line, as far as the satellite
concept was concerned, they would go to existing services that were providing
that kind of service.
Mr. Bailey: That was for churches.
i Commissioner De Yurre: Churches, that were already providing soup lines to
j feed and they would take on a few extra more and kind of spread it out, and I
need to be corrected if I am wrong. My understanding is that these two
hundred that they are talking about in East Little Havana, that would be a new
facility that did not exist there, is that correct?
Mr. Bailey: That's correct.
Commissioner Plummer: Brand new, it used to be a funeral home.
Commissioner De Yurre: What, Rivero?
Commissioner Plummer: Yes.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: What, Plummer's funeral?
Commissioner Plummer: I wish.
Commissioner De Yurre: OK, is that the case?
Mayor Suarez: Well, you are saying that would be. Let me clarify. You are
talking about the church that has been built there?
Commissioner Alonso: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: It's a brand new facility.
Mayor Suarez: It is there.
Commissioner Plummer: It's just been opened up in the last...
93 February 7, 1990
Commissioner Alonso: The church is... not yet.
Commissioner be Yurre: But have they been feeding? Are they providing a
service? The concept was that they would not go into with this ccncept ntc
any area that didn't already have this type of facility.
Mayor Suarez: Well, that's a good question in terms of the zoning. I mean,
don't know what required zoning, what zoning you ere required to have to be
able to feed 200 people.
Commissioner Plummer: It's a high commercial.
Mayor Suarez: Well, from a church, but I mean I predict...
Mr. Bailey: We were not really a part of the new location in Little Havana.
Mayor Suarez: This is not anything that we decided ourselves, but what are
our guidelines if any applicable to that situation, Herb?
Mr. Bailey: Right, in terms of the churches, I understand, to the best of my
knowledge that the overture was made to many of the churches throughout the
Miami community, there was not a wide acceptance of the churches to be
involved in the feeding. I can imagine, and I am pretty sure they put forth
an effort to contact these churches and we just didn't have any takers. As I
Mayor Suarez: Well, in this particular case...
Mr. Bailey: We don't know, nobody wants it in their backyard.
Mayor Suarez: But this particular case he's talking about...
Commissioner Plummer: That's not a true statement. They don't have any+
;rcitleri :n Lhe w&Lehnuae district, vxt There has not been a single complaIIlt.
Mayor Suarez: You mean because of the Rescue Mission?
Commissioner Plummer: No, there is no one there to -ca ppkaln. .. Thtre is aar •ene
there to be disturbed.
Mayor Suarez: The Rascus Mission is a different kind of a facility.
Commissioner De Yurre: Now, let me finish my second...
Mayor Suarez: Wo, they don't have a soup kitchen for people that don't live
there —
Commissioner De Yurre: ... point. The second point that I have is that here
we are looking out for the economic interest of that neighborhood, of the
immediate area, all right? The economic benefit of the owners that own the
property in that area, and I have yet to see owners coming here and saying,
"Hey, we are willing to put up dollars to clean the area, you don't have to
put up all the money. We're willing to go on a partnership type of thing, we
are willing to put up money because it is going to benefit us." When Camillus
House is gone, all those properties are going to go up in value, who is to
benefit if not the property owners that are there right now and yet, they just
want to windfall. I don't see them doing a damn thing to help in that
process. Now, we come up with the asbestos issue and I'll be damn if I am
willing to give another penny, you know, either if there is an expense them.
they have to pick up that expense. If they are not willing to do that, then
we walk away from it and let Camillus House be there for eons and that's the
and of that.
Mr. Bailey: That's not that simple, Commissioner. No, no, let me respond to
that. This City Commission and the County decided to make that a
redevelopment district, we didn't. We were given the task to make it work.
By the time we got started there, any business that was in that area that had
any chance of succeeding had already gone out of business because of the
environment. The only beneficiary now to anything that is happening in that
area as a result of Camillus House moving. will be the City and whatever this
can do because they can attract more investment.
91- 91
94 rebruary 71, :990 � ''
6 40
That will not be any reinvestment in that area. People who were there, who
had businesses, have gone out of business. There has been any number before
us, in fact, one of the facilities that Camillus House owns was bought after
the Studio of Lighting went into default because they couldn't do business.
The property owners there would not benefit. We would benefit do to
redevelopment process, through more taxes, more reinvestment and a relief on
some of the services that you have to provide because you have Camillus House
there to...
Commissioner De Yurre: Herb, are you telling me that once Camillus House is
gone, or that Camillus House is not the cancer of that area, once Camillus
House is gone and you've cured that cancer, there is no reason, that is a
prime area next to downtown, there is no reason for that area not go up with
redevelopment and that property goes up in value tremendously.
Mr. Bailey: We hope so, because we'd get a lot of taxes in the trust fund and
then we can finish doing the redevelopment.
Commissioner De Yurre: Well then, don't tell me that these guys don't have to
benefit from it.
Commissioner Plummer: Let me ask another question, Herb, and maybe I
shouldn't be directing it to you, because I fully understand you're not in the
business of the political, which we are. What the hall is going to happen to
all of these people? Are they going to disappear?
Mr. Bailey: They will not disappear.
Commissioner Plummer: They are talking about...
Commissioner Alonso: Going where?
Commissioner Plummer: They are going to talk about 100 people. Now, they are
tellin; sr. that they feed :,000, 1,500. Whore are these thousand people going
to go? Are they going to leave the area?
Commissioner De Yurre: St. Peter and Paul.
Commissioner Plummer: St. Peter and Paul? Hey, they've got to go somewhere.
Mr. Bailey: The solution to the problem that we have there is a national
problem, Commissioner and we're not saying that because we buy Camillus House,
we're going to solve the problem of the homeless, the mentally ill, and the
street people.
Commissioner Plummer: That's not my point.
Mr. Bailey: That's not what we are doing.
Commissioner Plummer: My point is that if I accept What they say here, that
they are feeding 1,000 people, and I accept that in the new facility they are
only going to feed the occupants, which you are roughly 100. Where is the
other 900 going to go?
Mr. Baileys They are going to stay on the street where they are.
Commissioner Plummer: What?
Mr. Baileys They'll stay on the street just like they were.
Commissioner Plummer: And do you know where they are going to stay? They are
going to stay right where the hall they are. You know why? That traffic
light is one of the best in town. They aren't going to move.
Mr. Bailey: You won't have the attraction of the food. That does create more
people. Every city in the Country has homeless in this downtown. Well, I'm
not saying we are going to eliminate that situation. I'm saying we are going
to eliminate a concentration in a specific spot. You are going to have
homeless all over the City until the problem is solved nationally. We are not
attempting to solve that problem. We should address it in some other
situation, but this is not an effort to solve the homeless problem.
91- 91
95 February 7, 1990 '
Commissioner Plummer: Well, give me then, your justification of paying
$2,000,000 for $1,000,000...
Mr. Bailey: I did not recommend that and we never would recommend anything
above the appraisals that we get, we are bound by administrative order and the
Charter to do that. This Commission decided $2,000,000 as a matter of
expediency to get them to sign the agreement.
Commissioner De Yurre: They want more.
Commissioner Plummer: Who cares what they want. Hey, they want the world.
Mayor Suarez: Mr. Vice Mayor.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: I want to put on the record, we're being unfair to the
business establishments in that area, the business people, the downtown
people, merchants, all have come forward in an effort asking us and offering
assistance in the removal or relocation of the homeless, so don't say that
nobody else is concerned. We do have the downtown merchants and everybody who
is willing, to help us. Mr. Mayor, 1 think he's been trying to say
Mr. Eladio Armesto: Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Suarez: I'm not sure of the relevancy of this Mr. Armesto, but try us
sir, very quickly and briefly.
Mr. Armesto: My name is Eladio Armesto. I am here on behalf of the owners of
Arena Towers, the two buildings, 17 and 18 story buildings across the street
from Miami Arena.
Mayor Suarez: There are no owners of Arena Towers other than the developers
because those are rental buildings.
Mr. Armesto: OK, the developers, let's put it that way.
Mayor Suarez: You are representing the developers?
Mr. Armesto: Yes, the two corporations, Park West Limited and Park West
Mayor Suarez: Are you a registered lobbyist on their behalf, or...
Mr. Armesto: I am part owner of those.
Mr. Bailey: He is one of the investors, he says.
Mr. Armesto: A few months ago I was talking to Brother Harry, Brother Paul
and Brother Jack.
Commissioner Plummer: I thought Brother Paul was gone?
Mr. Armesto: The problem is a problem of numbers. They only feed there 700
people a day, not 1,000, not 1,500. Seven hundred people a day, that is the
soup kitchen. The soup kitchen they have, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners...
Commissioner Plummer: Wait, a minute, just for the record, let me correct you
to this point. In their document, not ours, and it is not that I pulled
numbers out of the air, let me read to you from the document. OK? The
property is currently used to provide overnight shelter for approximately 100
persons and a daily meal for over 1,000 persons.
Mr. Armesto: 700.
Commissioner Plummer: That's their document.
Mr. Armesto: Still, Mr. Commissioner.
Mayor Suarez: It varies, it varies. Some days 800, some days 700, some days
Mr. Armesto: The maximum is 700, the maximum.
96 February 7, 1990 41
Mayor Suarez: The average may be 800. Go ahead.
Mr. Armesto: They go from Monday to Saturday. They don't feed on Sundays.
Mayor Suarez: That's right.
Mr. Armesto: The soup line, you call the soup kitchen line is because they
only have a seating capacity of 35 people. They seat 35 people each time and
until those 35 people are fed, they don't come out and other 35 go in.
Therefore, I went to see several people, even in Overtown and in Little
Havana, to get a place to move the soup kitchen. I found this church in 641
Nest Flagler Street who is willing and able to facilitate the second floor of
the building, which is the zoning regulations there are completely met. It is
zoned CR-3/7 commercial zoning that allows restaurants, dining rooms, hotels,
transients everything is allowed there up today. I went to see the pastor of
the church, Mr. Armada. He gave orders free, without any charge, without
paying any money rent, even one dollar a year, the use of the facility to feed
the people there. Why there? Because there will not be any line.
Commissioner Plummer: What is the address?
Mr. Armesto: 64 West Flagler Street, across the street from the old funeral
home. The congregation owns almost the full blocks in two sides of the
street. They own the whole block and there is not going to be any line atall
on the sidewalk because the seating capacity at one given time of the second
floor is 1,000 persons. You can sit there in a very comfortable manner...
Commissioner Plummer: Are you talking about the old Flagler Street Hotel?
Mr. Armesto: No, no, this is a new building, Commissioner. It is a three
story building next to the old Flagler Street Hotel, next to the hotel. It is
a new building. It is a three-story building plus a parking garage and over
there you will not see any people on the street because at one time 700 people
can sit there to receive their meals and the agreement with Brother Harry,
Brother Paul and Brother Jack is to send these people over there. They are
being fed at one time only and go out. But for your information...
Commissioner Plummer: Go out where?
Mr. Armesto: To where they came from.
Commissioner Plummer: To where?
Mr. Armesto: To the moon or the streets or someplace else, but for your own
information, the same facility exists right now in NW 2nd Street and the Miami
River, where the Salvation Army has five buildings there doing the same thing,
even with drug addicts, halfway house, drug people, alcohol, and everything
between NW 2nd Street and the Miami River...
Mayor Suarez: What, Mr. Armesto, is your point, unless Commissioner Plummer
is inquiring, what is your point? What are you trying to tell us?
Mr. Armesto: My point to show you what is happening right now in order to
stop that crying wolf because the wolf is there and nobody has said. The
other facility, the Salvation Army is at 905 West Flagler Street, where they
have breakfast and lunch and the other facility is at 1398 SW lot Street in
the corner of 14th Avenue, SW lot Street, half a block from the telephone
company office.
Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me, those are entirely different facilities.
Mr. Armesto: No, sir.
Commissioner Plummer: 14th Avenue and 1st Street is a facility operated by
the Salvation Army for battered women.
Mr. Armesto: No, sir.
Commissioner Plummer: Yes, air.
91- 91
97 February 7, 1990
0 �
Mr. Armesto: For every woman that goes there and needs to be fed and needs to
be sleeping over there.
Commissioner Plummer: It is a facility for battered women. The facility on
2nd Street and River Drive is basically a housing facility, OK? - it's a
halfway house. You have another halfway house across from Victoria Hospital.
Mr. Armesto: But you have another one in 905 Flagler.
Commissioner Plummer: But you don't have 300 to 500 people sleeping on the
Mr. Armesto: I'm not talking about the sleeping. I am talking about the
feeding of the people. The feeding...
Commissioner Plummer: But you are not going to stop it. You are not going to
stop it!
Mr. Armesto: The feeding of the people, the feeding of people a day, maximum
will be done at one time at 641 West Flagler Street, only one shot, and that's
Commissioner Plummer: But they are not going to leave, they are going to stay
Commissioner Alonso: Exactly.
Mr. Armesto: Why?
Commissioner Plummer: Because they've got nowhere to go.
Mr. Armesto: They don't stay in the other place.
Mr. Azmes�o: Sure trey da. They are wound the Camillus House all day long.
Mr. Armesto: Because Camillus House, in that facility, has sleeping
Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no, excuse me. Once they feed them, they still
stay there. They sleep there all night. They are out there on cardboard.
Mr. Armesto: I tell you...
Commissioner Plummer: Let me tell you, the feeding place is the nucleus, OK?
They are going to go and stay in -the area vhsr*_.X% T are baiag ted._ S'hat's
why I say, go to a warehouse district. There is-nebeaiy to be bother. There's
no places to break into. I'm saying to you, there you are not bothering
Mr. Armesto: Mr. Commissioner...
Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, that matter... wait a minute, wait a minute!
That matter is not before us. What's before us is whether we want to acquire
the property known as Camillus House. Where the same people are fed, we can
affect with all kinds of other regulatory tools that we have at our disposal.
No one wants to have a situation where 15 people are being fed for every one
that is being housed and that we can attack from many other ways. We can try
to direct them to tbos warehouse district like Miami Rescue Mission. Aetwsily,
I don't *hi teed there anebodv except the peonl o why Are thmv. which
is the ideal way.
Commissioner Plummer: That's correct.
Mayor Suarez: And we don't disagree on any of that. We have a policy
decision which I don't know, Mr. Armesto, what more you can add to that, which
is whether we are going to pay what we have negotiated, whether we are going
to amend the prior conditions at the request of the Camillus House or their
request to our staff, because of the problem of possible contamination and we
just have to make that decision today. I think that is unfair to the citizens
of Miami, not to mention the Commission, that we constantly rehash this whole
thing. The philosophy of all this is as complicated as the problem itself and
God knows it is a complicated problem. CJ . 91
98 February 7, 1990 _L
+�j 1
Mr. Armesto: Mr. Mayor, only one minute please, to finish. Is this, for your
information, before you make the decision on not to buy Camillus House or not.
For example, you have there, promises, the City of Miami is backing up more
than $100,000,000 of investments down there.
Mayor Suarez: That point has been made by Mr. Bailey.
Mr. Armesto: Listen, listen to me carefully. If those towers, or those
buildings , I will lose something, the others will lose
something, but the City is going to lose more and then who is going to be in
the business of running the apartment building, you people?
Mayor Suarez: We are fully aware of that, we...
Mr. Armesto: You got a worse impression, because every weekend, Arena Tower
loses $12,000 to $15,000 in refund money to tenants that go there Monday,
Tuesday and when they see the whole thing there, they said, "Hey, kid, give me
my money back, I don't want to live over here," where I have to see these
Mayor Suarez: We're aware of all that.
Mr. Armesto: And...
Mayor Suarez: We're aware of all that and we'd like the project to succeed.
The question is...
Mr. Armesto: Like it or no, you are part of the marriage to the marriage.
Mayor Suarez: Right.
Mr. Armesto: I will offer on behalf of our company, addressing to Mr. De
T.r,a a Tha City of Miami would make more tax money from those
Mayor Suarez: You were about to tell us how much you are going to offer on
behalf of your...
Mr. Armesto: I will offer that if he needs any assistance and we can
Mayor Suarez: How much are you willing to put into a pot if we have to pay
for contamination?
Mr. Armesto: We can cooperate, we talked to Cruz Development, Mr. ...
Commissioner Plummer: Where is the check?
Mayor Suarez: What... cooperate to what extent? How much? "Dinero."
Mr. Armesto: To what extent? I cannot tell you. In money I cannot tell you,
but, if an action is neither, he can call me, or Mr. Bailey can call me...
Mayor Suarez: We're calling you right now. We need your money.
Mr. Armesto: And we can call them, Mr. Cruz, the other development...
Mayor Suarez: To eliminate the contamination which could break this ele•l
which previously was approved by 3 to 2, the slimmest of margins, all right?
Mr. Armesto: I think we would cooperate...
Mayor Suarez: Well, I haven't heard any figures, no...
Mr. Armesto: ... like a joint venture.
Mayor Suarez: Great.
Mr, Armesto; And that, we don't opposed to that, but let's do it next weeic.or
tomorrow morning.
99 February 7, 1990 11)
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor...
Mayor Suarez: All right, thank you, Mr. Armesto. Mr. Vice Mayor.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Bailey...
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Suarez: Mr. Vice Mayor and then Commissioner Plummer and hopefully
we'll vote on this.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, you've heard the concerns of the Commissioners and
each of us here share the other one's concerns. Is there any way that you can
go back to Camillus House and in the bill of sale or whatever, the concerns
raised by Commissioner Alonso that we get some assurance that Camillus House
will not move there. You've heard the concern of Commissioner Plummer that
they move more than a block and one-half away and you've heard my concern
regarding the hazardous waste and you've heard my concern about a definite
date of removal. Do you think if this... and I'm just guessing if this was
approved tentatively...
Commissioner Plummer: No pay I can go with this.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... with those conditions, would you feel comfortable
with going to them in an effort to try to negotiate that arrangement?
Mr. Bailey: We'll go back and relay the Commission's concerns and try to
negotiate the best deal possible. On a couple of items I'd just like to
remind you the site that's three blocks away from the arena, they own that
site and we have no prerogative there other than to not permit or permit
zoning. On the matter of the Little Havana, the Law Department will have to
determine this. I don't think we can put into an agreement of the sale that
restricts freedom of movement during the place that they would like to go. On
the mati.er of the toxic waste disposal...
Mayor Suarez: Nor do we have to, I mean, they are so restricted in their
movement, that was the whole point with the Miami Rescue Mission, there was so
few places they could go to in the City that the zoning is proper and that the
neighbors are not going to go bananas, that we actually pay them a premium for
their property because of that. The cost of relocation is incredible for this
kind of facility. That's all been stated.
Mr. Bailey: In terms of the toxic waste, Commissioner, I really would not let
that be a stumbling block. We*can really satisfy that very comfortably and in
terms of a definite date to move,. I agree, we should get definite date as to
when they would move, that we could agree to some sort of settlement.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, we give them half the money before, and as they
start to move,and the other half when they move.
dr. Bailey: The payments are in installments. If you agree to... well of
course, what we have today, anything that is different than what the amendment
is being presented, it is an outright rejection of the amendment and we don't
have an agreement anyway, we have to go back to negotiate. So, if you're
saying that the amendment is not acceptable and you have mentioned some things
in there that are not acceptable, we have to go back to the drawing table.
!Mayor Suarez: It constitutes a counteroffer to them and they may not accept
it. All right.
Mr. Bailey: Yes, it constitutes a counteroffer and it is null and void.
Commissioner De Turre: Their amendment constitutes a counteroffer to us.
Mayor Suaraz: To ours, yes.
Commissioner Alonso: Exactly. We don't have a contract right now. As a
matter of fact, we do not have a contract.
Commissioner De Yurre: Because, let me tell you, when we sat down and put a
lot of time into this, and we came to an agreement, that was it. Then they
started coming back.
9 1 - 91
LOO February 9, 1990 /'::
0 0
Commissioner Plummer: Wasn't there a stipulation of time in that agreement?
Commissioner De Yurre: Yes, they said they were going to take three months
and they would- have to see their Pope and a whole bunch of guys and then they
were going to come back with it.
Commissioner Alonso: And once you change a contract, you do not have a
contract, so right now, we do not have a contract with them.
Mr. Bailey: You have no contract, you...
Commissioner Plummer: Let me ask this, Mr. Bailey...
Mr. Bailey: ... are really voting on to accept or reject the amendment.
That's really what we have.
Commissioner Plummer: When was... there was a time limit in that other
Mr. Bailey: Eighteen months.
Commissioner Plummer: Oh, it was a total of eighteen months?
Mr. Bailey: Eighteen months, yes.
Commissioner De Yurre: For them to be out.
Mr. Bailey: They were to be out.
Commissioner Plummer: OK, but we're still within that time frame.
Mr. Bailey: Well, the clock starts from the day you signed the agreement. We-
dcn't have an agreement.
Commissioner De Yurre: Not this time, I'm not going to wait eighteen months
after this. At least, that's me, speaking.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me speak for the record, and then I assume we
are going to send it back to them. I see no reason whatsoever to deviate from
the norm. The norm is to take two appraisals, divide it by two, that is
$1,000,000, give them a 10 percent bonus and that's where I am. I would not
offer a dime more than $1,100,000. I think that is very gracious.
Mayor Suarez: The present offer...
Mr. Bailey: We have a third appraisal already, Commissioner.
Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Suarez: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: Don't let me play semantic with you. That's total
cost, not in...
Mayor Suarez: OK, but all I'm saying is that in any event you are out of line
with the offer that was made, so you'll still vote against it, that's...
Commissioner Plummer: hall, that's what I'm saying is...
Mayor Suarez: Nov, there was a third appraisal, which was how much, Herb?
Mr. Bailey: $1,200,000, and with considerations of some fixtures, that were
missed, we'd probably get a 41,500,000 valid appraisal out of the site, based
on a review appraisal.
Commissioner Plummer: But one was as low as eight hundred.
Mr. Bailey; That was eight hundred and the other was one four. We got a
review on that, it was one point two. However...
94L i
101 February 7, 1990
9 0
Mayor Suarez: Yes, even if you took the two highest, you are still a few
hundred thousand dollars away from one point five, which he doesn't accept to
be the actual figure we are offering, because he wants to include the $500,000
side deal, so he's still going to vote against it and we've got it on the
Commissioner Plummer: Well, if...
Mr. Bailey: We can justify one five.
Mayor Suarez: You've put it on the record probably 20 times and you've been
very consistent.
Mr. Bailey: We can justify one five. I think the other matter now is the
$500,000 which is really not for the site, it was for social services to care
for the homeless.
Mayor Suarez: Which they have to do anyhow. All right.
Mr. Bailey: Providing they were using the City of Miami.
Mayor Suarez: Right.
Mr. Bailey: Well, the $2,000,000 is still OK. We just need to get the
conditions as to when do they move, when do they stop this and other kinds of
things and we are not arguing about the $2,000,000. I don't have the problem
with that.
Commissioner De Yurre: Well, they are arguing about the hazardous waste, the
cost of removal.
Mr. Bailey: I don't have a problem with the hazardous waste..
commissioner De Yurre: Well, but I ao. You see, I'm the one that has to
vote, and I do have a problem, because it becomes a matter of principle that
I'm giving $2,000,000 of the taxpayer's money, which...
Mayor Suarez: What do you want to...
Commissioner De Yurre: Which as it is, you know...
Mayor Suarez: What do you want to make clear as the final terms that you
would agree to, assuming that we get three votes?
Commissioner De Yurre: We do not give a penny more than the $2,000,000 and
that's it.
Mayor Suarez: And we absorb no costs on the issue of contamination whatsoever
and you're not willing to lot the contamination be an issue for future
Commissioner De Yurre: No, no, we deal with it now.
Mayor Suarez: OK, so you want to have a guarantee that the place in fact is
not contaminated or a cleanup of the place.
Mr. Bailey: And of the time removal.
Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'd likes to makes a mo*.tnn *t this time.
Mayor Suarers Commissioner Plummer.
Commissioner Plummer: I'd like to make a motion at this time that we offer
Camillus House a maximum total cost factor of the normal procedures of
$1,100,000. I'll so move.
Mayor Suarez: So moved. Do we have a second on that motion?
Commissioner Alonso: I second.
Mayor Suarez:
that motion.
Seconded. Any discussion? If not, please call the roll on
91 91
102 February 7, 1990 �/
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved
its adoption:
(Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on
file in the Office of the City Clerk.)
Upon being seconded by Commissioner Alonso, the resolution was passed
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr.
Commissioner Miriam Alonso
Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins
NOES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre
Mayor Xavier L. Suarez
ABSElv'T: None.
Ms. Kierson: Just for clarification, please, you're saying that you have
rejected the time proposal by the brothers and you are now offering...
Mayor Suarez: I can't imagine any clarification on the clearest motion that
has been made here on this issue in about seven months, counselor. $1,100,000
is all he wants to offer.
Commissioner Plummer: And I said total.
Mayor Suarez: No, that's it, total, period, and of! All right, please
complete the roll call.
Mr. Dawkins: J.L., that's 41,500,000 and they got to pay the closing costs...
Mayor Suarez: $1,100,000.
Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no.
Commissioner Alonso: No, no, no.
Commissioner Plummer: Just the formula that is normally used. The $1,000,000
appraisal and ten percent bonus for closing, that would be $1,100,000. That's
what we use day in and day ^++r and that'z ••hat : zaid.
Mr. Bailey: The review appraisal is $1,200,000, Commissioner. I just wanted
to, for information.
Ms. Kierson: $1,200,000, you don't have...
Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry, I'm going on the numbers given to me,
$800,000 and $1,200,000, is $1,000,000 in dividing.
Mr. Bailey: We were directed by HUD to get a third appraisal, a review
appraisal and it came back at $1,200,000.
Commissioner Plummer: What is the average, then?
103 February 7, 1990
Mr. Bailey: It's in arbitration
review appraisal.
$1,200,000, based on arbitration, the
Commissioner Plummer: Then I will then be beneficial and say they are offered
no more than one million one hundred...
Mr.. Bailey: $200,000.
Commissioner Plummer: ... two hundred thousand. I'll go that extent. Does the
second agree then?
Mayor Suarez: $1,200,000 is now the motion. Does the second accept that
modification. All right, we are up to $1,200,000.
Commissioner Alonso: Yes, we are generous.
Mayor Suarez: Movant and second...
Commissioner Plummer: Hey, Miller, "in nomine Petri, filie, Bantus."
Vice Mayor Dawkins: $1,200,000 and the right to move in 18 months.
Commissioner Plummer: Within 18 months.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: I'll even go less than that if you want.
Mayor Suarez: Why did you even say anything further? This is not going to be
acceptable to them. We've been negotiating this matter for two years.
Mr. De Yurre: What was his vote?
Ms. Hirai: Yes.
Mr. De Yurre: He voted yes?
Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir.
dr. De Yurre: I vote no.
Mayor Suarez: All right unless anybody makes any other motion. We'll let
that pass though. We...
Commissioner Plummer: OK, now...
Mayor Suarez: You have an offer of $1,200,000. I think we have been
negotiating $1,500,000 plus another $500,000 on the side, great.
Commissioner Plummer: Nov, Mr. Mayor, when they go back with that, I think it
should be that this Commission is open to any suggestion they would like to
make. That I think puts us then in the driver's seat.
Mayor Suarez: We are open to any suggestions you might want to snake. You are
also open to have the door shut in our faces too, of course. All right.
Mr. Bailer: I Muggiest you let us condemn it. I suggested that five years
Commissioner Plummer; What is that, air?
Mr. Bailey: Condemnation. It's not popular, but it's accurate. The courts
will determine what you pay.
Mayor Suarez; Anybody want to move to condemn the property and have the court
prescribe the value?
Commissioner Plummer; You mean under quick take?
91- 91
104 February 7, 1990 J 12
Mayor Suarez: I have previously voted for that too.
Mr. Bailey: We could go to a long take.
Commissioner Plummer: It's worth considering.
Mayor Suarez: Not a quick take. We had a motion, it didn't pass before, but
I think I voted favorably to.
Commissioner Plummer: A quick take?
Mayor Suarez: No, no, regular condemnation, not a quick take.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, we can't quick take...
Commissioner Plummer: No, I wouldn't, no way I'd go for quick take.
Mayor Suarez: The Commission has enunciated a problem with the concept of a
quick take because the price is fixed by the court and we have to proceed to
complete the purchase...
Commissioner Plummer: How would a regular condemnation proceeding take?
Mayor Suarez: ... whether we like the price that's fixed by the court or not
and whether we are interrupted by our fellow Commissioners like Plummer, who
does it all the time.
Mr. Bailey: We already have appraisals. We could probably do our filing. It
may take a total of maybe six months with all the paperwork and administrative
Commissioner Plummer: Isn't that what the normal procedure has been in the
area that we've done in either of... we've neither settled or taken it to
Mr. Bailey: All of the Park West side was negotiated. On the Overtown side,
on the four blocks paid for by UMTA, we had quick take.
Commissioner Plummer: Yes, but that was the County did that.
Mr. Bailey: The County did it, yes. That was the County's decision.
Mayor Suarez: The County crucified us.
Mr. Bailey: We have not made any decisions here in the City of Miami to do
any condemnations.
Commissioner Plummer: I would like to see by next Thursday, if I may, Herb,
your pluses and minuses to the proceedings through condemnation or otherwise.
Mr. Bailey: Or the long take?
Commissioner Plummer: Yes.
Mr. Bailey: OK. What was the motion that vas passed?
Co®issioner Plummer: Lotion passed was that we would offer them a total cost
not to exceed $1,200,000.
Mr. Batley: And we will come back to this Commission with the...
Commissioner Plummer: And also the provision that that must be closed
within... that facility would have to be closed within 18 months after that
Mr. Bailey: We will come back with the procedures on the long take.
Mayor Suarez: OK.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, wait a minute, now, Herb. Herb, I can't let you
go away with that attitude.
91-r 91
105 February 7, 1990 j't
Mr. Bailey: Oh, I'm happy.
Commissioner Plummer: No, it is not a matter of being happy, it's a matter of
your saying in so many words, that that offer you can forget it, throw it out
the door.
Mr. Bailey: That's our personal opinion. We don't know.
Commissioner Plummer: Your personal opinion you keep to yourself.
Mr. Bailey: I'll go and negotiate what you said and I'll bring you the
results back from the negotiations.
Commissioner Plummer: Thank you, sir.
Mayor Suarez: Item 14, Miami River Coordinating Committee appointments. Who
are the candidates? What do we do? Somebody from staff, please. How many
appointments do we have? We'll go through these quickly and get to personal
appearances. Nobody knows anything! Yes, Commissioner Alonso.
Commissioner Alonso: I know I have one appointment coming up.
Hr. Odio: She has an appointment.
Commissioner Plummer: To what?
l Mr. Odic: To tha Miami River Coordinating Committee.
Commissioner Alonso: I suppose you people have two, I think. There are three
Mayor Suarez: We've never allocated these, I don't think among the
Commissioners. How many do we have vacancies, Mr. Manager, please tell us,
i somebody from staff.
Mr. Odio: Yes, one appointment.
Mayor Suarez: One appointment.
Commissioner Alonso: One?
Commissioner Plummer: And it's hers?
Mr. Odio: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: OS:.
Commissioner Alonsos Then I'd like to reappoint Lou Waldmann to the board.
Mayor Suarez: Is it on the Coordinating Committee now?
Mr. Odic Yes, he was and he is an incumbent♦
Mayor Suarers OK, so moved.
Commissioner Plummer: Second.
Mayor Suarers Seconded. Any discussion? If not, please call the roll.
91- 91
106 February 7, 1990
AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre
Commissioner Miriam Alonso
Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr.
Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins
Mayor Xavier L. Suarez
NOES: None.
Mayor Suarez: Item 37.
Mr. Leonard Turner: My name is Leonard Turner, 811 Hest Flagler Street. I'd
like to ask Commissioner Plummer where these people that are doing these
crimes live. Are they homeless or do they live somewhere?
Commissioner Plummer: No, doctor, you and I have been friends for years and
you've pounded on my mouth for years and I'm going to tell you the truth of
the matter is no, they're not. Most of them are mobile, unfortunagely - they
steal a car to do it, but they're mobile.
Mr. Turner: All right. Now then this puts me between a rock and a hard
place, because to speak against the homeless is like speaking against
motherhood and Americanism, but I think all of us agree that we are sorry for
the homeless and are in sympathy with the homeless. However, we have had the
urmaiess witu us since the beginning of time. They congregate in the large
cities where they can find food, where they can beg and where they can steal
for their existence. The thieves, drifters, homeless created the thieves
market - called the flea market on the west bank of the Seine in Paris
hundreds of years ago. It is a very famous homeless hangout. In the past two
or three decades we have watched the death of downtown Detroit. We have
watched the death of the Loop in Chicago. We have seen the degradation of
Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York. Here in Miami none of you will walk
unescorted through our Bicentennial Park which is a beautiful park, our
Bayfront Park or our Jose Marti Park which is in my neighborhood because you
would be afraid of mugging, panhandling or being caught in some type of a drug
reaction. Now there is a proposal. Oh, one thing. Around our new
multimillion dollar City Arena, there is a whole area of slums. Now then,
there is a motion or a proposal to take part of the people that create these
slums and when these people congregate, no matter where it is or in what city
they create a alum are unwittingly maybe, uncaringly maybe but they do create
a slum. Now there is a motion to take some of the people that created the
slum around the Miami Arena and divide them to take them to another part of
the city and thereby create another slum. This proposal was instigated or at
least aggravated by the developers of a development that knew what was there
when they bought the property, and I'm going to quote, they wanted to upgrade
their community by splitting this slum and taking some of the people from
Camillus House and shuffling them out into some other part of the city. I
would quote directly from the Miami Herald, January 21, 1990 the developers
said "the homeless weren't a big selling point." The proposal was made
thr*outh t;feir sttnr"44" t.n thn SOI.''.:L::. .:: 'CrQ39 4444 is seturn and
again this is a quote "in return for several thousand dollars the church would
furnish and set up a soup kitchen to feed two to three hundred daily." For
this the church would have no expense for the food or for its preparation. If
thls true, if this is true, the church is operating a restaurant and it should
be taxed as a restaurant and licensed as a restaurant. A representative of
the Mayor's office walked the street with me several weeks ago and was visibly
shocked by the filth, the vandalism and the evidence of theft that he saw in a
three block area, along Flagler Street from South Hest 5th Street Avenue to
South Hest Sth Avenue. He saw closed abandoned buildings, he saw window bars
and chains where people are trying to minimize the theft and the vandalism.
What's going to happen to this area that is already depressed if you dumped
two to three hundred to five hundred more, call them homeless if you like or
drifters, into this 'area. Where will they go to the bathroom? Question,
91 — 91
116 March a, 1990
where will they go to the bathroom? Where will they get their water? Where
will they get their wine and their beer and their crack? And I'll guarantee
toy they get wine and beer and crack. What do you think is going to happen to
the few remaining revenue producing tax paying businesses in the area? What
we, as tax paying residents in this area are asking, number one, is that the
life and rights of a community be considered as much as the right of a few,
relative few individuals. We ask that the city continue to plan with its
development westward along Flagler Street to the'west edge of downtown Miami
and we ask help in preventing the death of Flagler Street. In the past ten
years, there have been at least twenty one businesses in a three block area
that have folded. Some of them have taken their revenue and their tax dollars
to other communities. Some of them have gone bankrupt and quit. If this
kitchen is allowed to open in this area within a very short time the only
thing that would be left would be the soup kitchen and the Soldier of the
Cross Church which is surrounded by a 10 foot high fence because they don't
want the drifters on their property. We ask that the City Commission consider
all of these points and consider the plight of the poor taxpayer, thank you.
Pedro Gonzalez: I am Pedro Gonzalez my business address is...
Mayor Suarez: Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Commissio"r,El�ti,: Let me try to maybe short circuit this cause nobody
knows better than I what Dr. Turner has just stated for the record and I was
out at 14th Avenue and I had to close my business because I could not stay
open because of the environment. God know the police department tried to do as
much as they could to keep it safe in the area. We are right next to the
church and they could not and I wound up having to sell my business because I
could not exist there, so I am a victim you might say of what has transpired.
Mr. Mayor what I an trying to say and maybe cut short, I had and as I
explained to teu earlier this morning, a very fine discussion what I felt was
with the Director of the Camillus House, Brother Plarry and he is -lwe ant
and of course can speak for himself. One of the criteria which I put forth to
►.:iu M _.: arda oz settlement was in fact just this location. Brother Harry
explained to me that he would try and see what he could do to relocate that
facility. Now I don't think that there is really any more that we could do
today than ask, or accept the spirit of cooperation that he will try to find a
site away from this problem area where it is. Now Brother Harry, I don't know
if you are in a position to want to say that on the record, but I think that
if you do, I that think you are going to get a lot of people as you did with
: me yesterday converted from fighting you to being in your corner. And I don't
know what else we could ask of the man who came forth and said that he would
make every effort to try find another location. We understand that wherever
this goes there is going to* be some opposition, but my statement to the
newspaper last night was that knowing what the East Little Havana Development
Authority has been trying to do, that I was opposed because of the fact that
it did portray, at least portray, a negative, and I don't think that was
needed in that particular area. So I think that if, if Brother Harry will
have to speak for himself but 1 think that if he were to express that to you
now as he did to me yesterday, that he was willing to try and find another
location, I don't think we could ask any more than that, I think we would all
be big winners today, if he wants to say that, and Brother Harry I am not
trying to put you on the spot, but I am just saying that if you want to, say
whatever you want to say, please.
Brother Harrys Thank you Commissioner. Can you hear me? First of all, I'm
very pleased to see the representation here from Little Havana. I can
appreciate very much your fears your concern and all your questions and I
probably would do the same thing if T -se, +^ w+„r .:%n.. c:.d : ...•.ioa8%4644%; i;&Oi
and I am rather proud that you are all here. Probably more than proud that
you are all here because it shows me that you are looking at a lot of issues
and there are some hard issues that we all have to look at so congratulations
for your turn out, I think it's admirable, very admirable. We had some very
fine meetings with the Commissioners and we are seriously looking at a site,
an alternate site so I would like to allay that fear. By the way, Camillus
House, the entire Camillus House was never planning to move into east Little
Havana, not by any means, not by any means. As a matter of fact we met with
this gentleman yesterday and several of the other gentlemen and we are going
to set up a meeting tomorrow where we can sit down and discuss this whole
question and I would like your input, you may have good suggestions that are
already in the area that we could be looking at that we may not be aware of,
so I would endorse and encourage your help to help us find another site close
9 i - 91
117 March 8, : 990 �'
mat hand because the people we were looking at serving are already in that
area, we had no intentions of bringing into the area anybody but we were
looking at serving the needs that are already in East Little Havana area so...
Commissioner Plummer: Just for the record, Mr. Mayor I had suggested now you
might not find this acceptable but this was my suggestion that there were some
places that were vacant at the present time over on the river by the Salvation
Army of stores that are no longer being used and I suggested that Brother
Harry look over in that area. I think it would disturb the least amount of
people, keeping in mind, I don't care where you go, there is going to be some
opposition but I don't think that it should be and I expressed to him on
Flagler Street. I would hope that the group here today headed by Dr. Turner
and the CAMACOL could sit with Brother Harry and try to come up with a more
reasonable site something that could be accomplishing what needs to be
accomplished but not detrimental, totally detrimental to the area. Mr.
Mayor, if and I am not trying to cut any speakers off, I assume that Dr.
Turner is as he always is, was very thorough in outlining the problem but at
any time that you wish, I'd be glad to make a motion endorsing a meeting
between Brother Harry of the Camillus House, CAMACOL and Dr. Turner and
whoever else wants to attend to try to find, help him relocate out of that
immediate area, but you have got to help him find another location so if
that's a motion that is necessary I would be happy to do such or whatever else
and I am not trying to cut you off from talking but I really don't know
what else could be said because Dr. Turner was...
Mayor Suarez: Wait, wait and I am inclined to, I'm sorry Commissioner, I
don't know, I just want to add something very quickly that I think is
following along the lines of what another Commissioner mentioned in the paper
if I read it correctly, was Commissioner Alonso. I think all of us are
looking for a system that would never have a high concentration of people. I
think the f igure she used is 50 to 75. The lowest number of people that we
can feed in the facility would be the system that I think the Homeless
Coalition is heading towards, the city would like to see, and obviously the
peoolo whn sic al:Eouy iu Lhmi. vicinity is w:at makes sense. We don't like to
have people transported across the city to be fed, who are homeless and who
will then do the kinds of things that you described before. Commissioner, I
interrupted you.
Commissioner De Yurre: Yes, if I can sense a feeling of this Commission
certainly it's one that we would not like to see, that type activity where its
being proposed today. Certainly this is not the moment to deal with the issue
because there is legal proceeding that we have to go through and I want to
deal with that right now so that we can cut that procedure at least bring it
before us so that we can make a determination eventually. It is my
understanding that in order for the proponents of this soup line, if it's
called that, or soup line to be put into effect, they need a special permit
from the City of Miami. Is that correct?
Commissioner Alonso: According to the memo, right?
Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Yes Let me try to give you an answer more complete on*
Mayor Suarez: By the way, you outdid the City Clerk in the cryptic nature of
your memo, this was even more difficult to figure out what it says. I read
through it and at the and I wasn't sure if it could be done or not done but
anyhow maybe you can clarify it. The two of you are in competition for...
Mr. Rodriguezr Nest time you ask me and I will try to haln.
Mayor Suarez: You will clarify in person I am sure.
Mr. Rodriguez: I will help you any way I can. I gave determination which is
an administrative ruling on February 22nd that can be appealed by any party,
anybody, and the last day to appeal that determination is tomorrow which is 15
days. That appeal can be made to the Zoning Board and then ultimately to the
City Commission.
Commissioner De Yurre: Well, the appeal is made and you have to go through
the process of appearing before the Zoning Board and eventually to the City
Commission so I would...
9 1— 91
l 1 e March 8, 1990
Mr. Rodriguez: And then t'o the City Commission. Let me 'finish one second,
the determination that I made if it is not appealed by tomorrow it will be an
administrative ruling that will stand and that recommendation that I made
basically established that this type of facility, in association with a
church, is not a permitted use in the commercial residential district, the CR
district. The only way this would be allowable will be by applying for a
special exception and then going to the Zoning Board with a possible appeal to
the City Commission and taking into consideration the possibility that this
type of facility might have an impact in the neighborhood and an effect on the
free flow of traffic on sidewalks and so on.
Commissioner De Yurre: So I could be clear and everybody here can be clear, I
am understanding you correctly when you are telling me, or what I am
understanding that if we do nothing at this point in time by tomorrow if
somebody hasn't step forward to challenge your determination then they cannot,
N-0-T have a soup line at that location.
Mr. Rodriguez: Unless they, anybody else appeal this tomorrow.
Commissioner De Yurre: Well, that's what I am saying, if no one appeals your
Mr. Rodriguez: The only was they could have a soup line or distribute food
for the poor in conjunction with a church activity will be by applying for
special exception and going through that whole process.
Commissioner De Yurre: And if they do appeal your determination then they
will appear before the Zoning Board and then eventually they can be brought
before the City Commission and we would make the final determination.
Mr. Rodriguez: Right, and you will make a final determination on whether the
determination that I have made if I may repeat the word, was correct or not.
Commissioner ve Yurre: So then by us not acting on it today, that is the
proper procedure as far as what this group here wants which is for them not to
have a soup line.
Commissioner Plummer: Yes, but do you see Brother Harry's smiling over there?
He just...
Mayor Suarez: The status -quo is that they cannot do it at this particular
point. That's what the Commissioner is asking and therefore by not taking any
action other than to consideration of their concerns we are preserving, the
status -quo
Commissioner Alonzo: Yes, but the point is, we better address this issue in
the proper content because most likely, by tomorrow this decision is going to
be appealed and then what's going to happen, so...
Commissioner De Yurre: Then it will come before us.
Commissioner Alonso: Zxactly, so let's address the problem as it should be.
I had a very fine meeting with Brother Harry and a group of people who are
very concerned about the homeless situation, also with merchants of the area -
and by the way in response to some of the signs, "Where are our
Commissionersl" Working for you, trying to find a solution to the problem. I
am sure most of the people doing here, at least I have and they want, trying
to find a solution to this problem. I think that unless we really address the
problem, we will not find a real T•==rrcv az w.11: apppaar agalu and
in 10 days or 15 days and within a month we are going to be faced with the
same problem and maybe will not be in relation with a church. It Mill be in
relation with who knows, a restaurant or what have you, I don't know and in
order to avoid that I think we have to face this problem. And as I see it,
this is a problem that whenever there is something that they want to resolve,
usually people think in two areas, Overtown and Little Havana. Usually these
two areas come to mind immediately. I guess the feeling is in these areas
people are going to take whatever, they have enough problems, therefore, who
caresl One more problem it's not going to make a difference. Well I think
that those two areas have had enough of the share that they can assume in this
community. I think that this has to be done in ways that everyone gets a
little bit of the burden. Maybe if we have a small group here and a small
group there and I'll be very pleased to see that not only the City of Miami
91 " 91
119 March S, 1990
carries on a little bit of this problem because it's not only ours it belongs
to Dade County. And maybe some other people, caring people of all the
communities might be willing to take a little bit of the problem and not only
in Little Havana. The number that's been mentioned before for soup line that
was going to be served in Flagler, and the solution is not to find another
place not in Flagler, but perhaps in Sth Street or in 27th Avenue or in 37th
Avenue. It's going to be a difficult problem regardless of the location. So
the point is, they been talking about 200 people.- We know that the intention
was much more than that because I sent inspectors into the property day one
and there were tables in place and they had enough space to serve about 500
people. Can you imagine the situation right there, 500 people? It is
serious. Now we are facing the problem. I am sure we are not going to
receive 500. I am sure we are not going to receive 200. But I think what are
we going to do with these people? Where are we going to feed them? What is
going to be done? It's not going to be the disappearing act, so we have to
face reality. How do we do it? And maybe if we decide that it's going to be
small numbers in different locations, I don't see why the people of Little
Havana can receive 200 people and the people in Coconut Grove cannot receive
50. I think it should be in equal terms. Maybe it should be 50 in Coconut
Grove, and 50 in Coral Gables and 50, in other areas and everyone gets a
little bit of the problem and then the situation will be resolved. A small
group and maybe if we all face reality world maybe it doesn't' have to be 50
maybe it's only 25, and we can even be successful and start resolving a
serious problem and addressing the mental problem that these individuals have,
drug addiction, mental problems and then trying to resolve the problem because
it is not only to give them food, it's to provide so many other things in
order to resolve the problem. And I very disappointed to see that it's only
the problem of the City of Miami when we see that it's according to the
regulation is the problem of Dade County. But Dade County do not face reality
and then we see that Seattle, Washington has received 10 million in a grant in
order to help the homeless but us, we have not received not even 2 million and
I wonder why. Maybe because we have not taken a stand as to say, this is a
problem of the entire community and let's face the problem and perhaps now is
the ti= tc :d3r(-es Uila and 3 am not one to say If :•d don't take any action,
the problem will disappear because that's not true. The problem perhaps,
according to the memo that he wrote, it will disappear today, tomorrow but it
will come back to us and maybe will not be 641 West Flagler but it will be
1415 Sth Street or it's going to be 27th Avenue or it's going to be some other
location and it's going to be exactly the same problem. No one neighborhood
can receive 200 people no one area can receive 500 people so the problem is
the same. If the area in downtown cannot continue to sustain the number of
people, the homeless in that area because it is affecting the new
construction, well, I want you to know that the same problem exist in other
areas of the city. We want to develop Little Havana and Overtown and Liberty
City and some other areas Allapattah and Wynwood that has been mentioned as
another location. We want all of those areas to improve as well, therefore we
have to respect the new construction in those areas so let's think of very
small group of people, something that will be really be the people from the
area because I have to repeat myself and say as I told to Brother Harry, I
don't believe that the 200 or 500 are living in Little Havana right now. I
don't buy that idea. I think they come from other areas as well, I know that
they don't belong to Little Havana, and if even they do, they have to spread
around so a real solution could be found to the problem and I think that by
really facing the problem perhaps we will resolve it.
CossnissLoner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, two things. Number one, I just asked the
Administration, this Commission went on record, at I think the last meeting,
to tell Dade County who is in charge of welfare that either they are going to
do the job which they are not doing today, or give up tho -n— for vhich he
collect from our citizens and in spite of that, if they don't, we are going to
file a lawsuit. Now, when is that 60 days up?
Mr. Odio: I notified the County Manager two days ago that he's to give us an
answer on the homeless, so I guess it would start from two days ago, the 60
Commissioner Plummer: OK so in other words, if we don't get an answer that is
what we feel is legitimate...
Mr. Odio: We will file a lawsuit.
120 March 6, 1990/'_
Commissioner Plummer: ... then within 60 days the lawsuit will be filed
against the County.
Mr. Odio: Yes, sir.
Mr. Fernandez: Before we file a lawsuit, we have to follow a prescribed
Commissioner Plummer: What is the prescribed method? Let's don't beat around
the bush, let's do it.
Mr. Odio: Let me put on the record what I wrote him. It says,
"The Miami City Commission on February 7, 1990 passed motion 90-129
which reads as follows: 'A motion requesting Metropolitan Dade
County to come before the City Commission and demonstrate that they
are addressing the problem of the homeless; further stating that if
within 60 days, the County has not adequately demonstrated that
they are addressing said issue, the City of Miami will be forced to
institute a lawsuit to force the County to face and assume its
Commissioner Plummer: And what is the date of that?
Mr. Odio: This was dated March 6th. If it is convenient for you, I will set
aside time for your representative on the April 12, 1990 City Commission
agenda in order that the County can address the issue of homelessness in the
City of Miami.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's almost what we said. Second of all, in
my discussions with Brother Harry yesterday, I can tell you that he was
agreeable on the so-called satellite areas of which they would feed to limit
it to a hundred. He spoke of that, I didn't offer that, if we could offer
that. Pnd I e;icza sa A wr.LLer of humor, 1 is liXo to bring up one more time
that the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables is just gone into receivership and I
think that would be an excellent place. We could give Coral Gables their
share. Jack Eads won't speak to me for a week, but... well, here again, I
think this group of people have demonstrated in the past that their
willingness to help. I think this time it's your willingness to help yourself
and I think that if you were to get together with Brother Harry and go and
help him find another location, I don't 'think he would object to another
location. I will tell you that immediately I am now thinking that I would
want you to go look in the area on the other side of the river between Flagler
Street South, because there *is no residence. In that area, it's mostly
parking lots. You know what I'm talking about from Captain Tom's Fishery
South? There are absolutely no residence as a matter of fact, it's 90 percent
if I'm not mistaken, parking lots, so that might be an area to explore. He
has given his word that he has a willingness that he would be glad to explore
moving and with that, I think we can accomplish something.
Commissioner Alonso: Ah,
ah, but Commissioner
Plummer and then you are
thinking in that
area that,
of course, it's true parking lots and vacant area
but very close
to some areas of Little Havana.
Again, the proximity is
tremendous, but
my question
is, how many people,
how many in that location
everything that
is downtown,
hundred, what do we do
with the rest of them?
Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me, in the settlement which he brought to my
office which was not official but unofficial there were five locations, five
different locations only one of them us Flagler Strewn sett+ apprnwr-h t.`.ct
little particular area, four... OK...
Commissioner De Turret .... how many of those four are in the City of Miami?
Commissioner Plummer: They all were, as I recall, yes, yes, that's the thing.
Commissioner De Turret You see, that I have a problem with that. I think
it's time that you know, Kendall?
Commissioner Alonso: Yes.
Commissioner De Yurre: And Coral Gables and Hialeah.
91 .. '91
121 March 9, 1990 517
Commissioner Plummer: Oh, I wholeheartedly agree.
Commissioner Alonso: Yes.
Vice Mayor Dawkinss Key Biscayne.
Commissioner De Yurre: Well, you know it's, Key Biscayne, you know, it's....
Commissioner Alonso: Let's face it, when people go to downtown, they go to
their offices. When they go home they don't want to see picture of things
that are ugly and poverty, it's ugly and homeless, it's not a fine picture to
see. So they want the problem to remain in someone else's neighborhood and
not ours so really it's not fair and I don't want this problem to go to one
neighborhood. I want it to be divided in very small groups so as no one will
have to suffer a serious, serious problem.
Commissioner De Yurre: Florida City, Homestead.
Mayor Suarez: OK, any last statements because I think the Commissioner is
about as much on the same wavelength as you could possibly be and further, we
have yes, Esteban, can you introduce all the petitions into the record by
giving them to the City Clerk? Yes, we will let you Pedro. Wait a minute,
wait a minute. Do you want to have him introduce them or do you want to may
into the record what they contain?
Mr. Pedro Gonzalez: I'll do the presentation, let him. My name is Pedro
Gonzalez, my business address is 100 N.W. 12th Avenue and just for the record,
we don't want to be perceived as a bunch of insensitives because we do
recognize the rights and the needs that these individuals have. And as
opposed to being part of a problem, we want to be part of the solution. We
are willing to sit down with Brother Harry and the rest of the Camillus Group
to be able to reach something that's workable and acceptable to both parties.
The only thing that we want to make clear is we can not allow an operation of
t::at t;re to Su in an eraa where it will :mpair the efforts that we been
incessantly for years and years working with this Commission's help in
enhancing and for the betterment of the area. That's just not acceptable.
Commissioner Plummer: Ve agree, sir.
Commissioner Alonso: We couldn't agree more.
Mayor Suarez: All right, thank you Pedro, thank you all of you for your
involvement. Ma'am, you want to make half a minute statement? You say you
have a solution to all of this and I'm going to give you thirty seconds to
state it.
Mr. Esteban Torres: OX, my saw is Esteban Torres and I am a businessman from
the area and I give to you more than three thousand signatures from the
businessmen and residents of the Little Havana, we are opposed to having
Camillus or dining room in the Little Havana area. We have enough trouble.
Thank you.
Mayor Suarez: OK Esteban, thank you for all your efforts in Little Havana.
Ma'am, last statement.
No. Olga !Marti: Good afternoon, my name is Olga Marti sponsor, coordinator of
the homeless in the street. Everybody knows what I work for the homeless,
what I work in Overtown, what I work all over. I protest for putting the Sun
Dining Room in Little Havana. I have the solution. Some Cheirrh frnm inn
Street, the name is New Hope Church. This church is the name for homeless
church. This church is coming every Sunday for this disgusting the Camillus
house, Sunday is a day of God and they never give a full Sunday and the some
protestant people, I have nothing problem for the protestant, for this is
cruel and they do not give a full Sunday. Either these people have license
for homeless and these people is working for the homeless every Sunday and
these people is supposed to do bring the homeless over there for these people
collected too much money for homeless and I tell them that not only the
homeless need... I tell Ms. Miriam, they not only need food, these people need
jobs, these people give a hand and these people give for church, not for
business. I appreciate too much, no give permission to put in Little Havana.
When cannot eat dinner in Little Havana and dessert in Camillus or Camillus
eat dinner and Camillus eat over there. This disgusting Camillus, a thousand
people, is true. 91 - 9 1
122 March S, 1990 f�
a 0 .
Mayor Suarez: Ma'am, where do you live? You didn't state that in the record.
Ms. Marti: I live at 1615 Pennsylvania Avenue in Miami Beach and Miami Beach
now, I have some groups of people that give food every day and now, and the
Mayor and nobody likes the homeless in Miami, and the police, everybody say
that homeless in Miami. I don't know when you are tell... put, you like...
heh? Help me for support me for my dining room in Miami Beach. Work, sister,
work on everybody, but I saw this, I like the homeless...
Mayor Suarez: We'll make sure that there is a center for feeding homeless in
Miami Beach also because we want to treat all of the areas, you know, fairly.
Thank you for your presentation.
Me. Marti: No put for the homeless, help the homeless. Help for the homeless
persons too. This is disgusting what happened at Camillus House. Represent a
couple of people and no like me prayer inside at five fifteen. I stand there
over there, I asked for a piece of bread and don't give a piece of bread for
the homeless. This is what kind the Catholic people help you. Thank you,
God bless you.
Mayor Suarez: God bless you too. OK, last statement, sir?
Mr. Herbert W. Abramson: Herbert W. Abramson, I maintain my law offices at
634 West Flagler, immediately across the way from the Soldiers of the Cross.
Since it's been announced that there's going to be a soup kitchen there, our
neighborhood has been infiltrated with a great number of the homeless that are
anticipating this. On behalf of all of the residents and businessmen in our
area, we would like to invite you to come to our area at any time of the day
and see these people. Just this morning I was panhandled by one that I have
just noticed coming into the neighborhood. As I was driving over to the
Commission at 3:10 I had the unfortunate situation of having this panhandler
that I saw running with somebody's purse and almost ran in front of my car.
What hits happened is and this is something,* and I sympathize with Brother
Harry in trying to find a location. Nobody wants it in our backyard syndrome
is present throughout no matter where you go. I had it with my drug
rehabilitation center. The problem is that we must deal with this and we must
take them away from areas that they are going to panhandle, that they are
going to wait for their meals. They are going to know at 5:00 or whenever it
is that they are going to get a meal. And what they are going to do the other
twenty four hours? They are going to hand around, they are going to
panhandle, they are going to commit crimes. So on behalf of the residents and
businessmen of Little Havana we would like to invite you to Flagler Street at
anytime that you see f it and see what it is. You can come in back of my law
office, which is now I guess known as the Flagler Street latrine because
that's what it is, in back of there. My clients are panhandled, they are
harassed, they are afraid to come here as at the rest of the residents and
business people. We would like to see you come down to Flagler and you will
see what we are talking about.' Thank you.
Mayor Suarez: Thank you sir for your statement. Thank you all of you for,
your involvement, suggestions, etc.
Mayor Suarez; Item 38, split second timing, street closures another
Unidentified Speakers Not closures, we are not closing them.
Mayor Suarez: You're not closing, what do you need from us?
Unidentified Speaker: We are requesting to you...
Mayor Suarez: The blessing, we give to you.
Unidentified Speaker: OK, great.
9 1 .-
123 March 8, 1990/�
AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre
Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr.
Commissioner Miriam Alonso
Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins
Mayor Xavier L. Suarez
NOES: None.
700-728 AND 732-740 N.E. I AVENUE (CAMILLUS HOUSE).
Mayor Suarez: Now, is this pure coincidence that this is item 137
Commissioner Alonso: I asked the same question.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Where is Brother Harry?
Mayor Suarez: Let the record reflect that Roger Soman told us that Brother
Harry is doing the Lord's work, we hope... yes.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: I guess Brother Harry thought he couldn't help us, so he
stayed away.
Mayor Suarez: Where are we on this?
Commissioner Plummer: There are objectors, Mr. Mayor.
Commissioner Alonso: And I have some.
Mayor Suarez: OK. Mr. Manager, why don't you make the presentation for the
administration and then we will hear from any objectors. Is that your
purpose, sir, to object?
Unidentified Speaker: Yes, sir.
Mayor Suarez: OK. And sir, is that your purpose, are you objecting to this
Unidentified Speaker: Yes sir, I'm objecting.
Mayor Suarez: All right, we know, we have two at least. Anyone else wish to
be heard?
Commissioner Plummer: We got a third, fourth.
Mayor Suarez: I will allocate a grand total of ten minutes to all objectors,
so i-f you don't agree, then the maximum each will have will be two minutes by
City code. Otherwise, you can split the time any way you want. Herb.
t !!r. Herb Bailey: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, we have come back with
i whai, we 6hi:avk is s &—wi,.tion :o the acquisition of Lae %;amiiius house issue
and: the site where they're currently located. In our discussions, they have
located a site to build that's in the warehousing district that appears to be
satisfactory to everybody involved. The amount of money being offered, which
is very similar to what we've had in the previous contracts have been agreed
to in terms of the one point three million for the lease and the site and the
five hundred thousand dollars which is a social service grant for the next
five years which is allocated for the purpose of helping Camillus House
service population.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Point of information, Mr. Bailey. The five hundred
thousand dollars, that brings the purchase price to two million dollars?
Mr. Ssiley; Yes.
91- 91
75 June 7, 1990 / /"�
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Right or wrong?
Commissioner Alonso: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: That's part of the deal, yes.
Mr. Bailey: That is a total consideration.
Commissioner Plummer: There are two provisos that I have as an agreement.
The first one, any impact fees of construction cost that are now applicable
would be deducted from the hundred thousand dollars.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: A hundred thousand.
Commissioner Plummer: Per year.
Mr. Bailey: The five hundred... yes...
Commissioner Plummer: Over the five years. In other words, if they had fifty
thousand dollars worth of impact fees, it would be ten thousand dollars a year
less spread over the five years. And the second provision is, that if in
fact, the City Commission as we know have for the past two or three years been
cut by the Feds every year, like six percent or seven percent, that they would
take that same percentage cut as the City takes. So if the City for example
were cut ten percent next year on Federal, they would get ninety thousand. I
can't give them something I don't have and they agreed to that.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. The other thing Brother... Plummer. What happens if
the land is contaminated?
Commissioner Alonso: That's my concern. Toxic materials.
hr. Bailey: In the last presentation...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: What if toxic material... what now?
Commissioner Alonso: If toxic materials... if we have the environmental
concerns the test has not been done. Who will pay for this? And if so, I want
it very clear at this time of the agreement.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know everything else, tell us.
Commissioner Plummer: You're asking me?
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes.
Mr. Bailey: You want me to answer to you want the...
Commissioner Plummer: With my understanding and I did not talk to them in
reference, that it was going to be split fifty, fifty. Is that not what was
the previous agreement? The study as well as what the study resolved.
Commissioner Alonso: The study, yes. The study I was told the City will pay
twenty five hundred. I have no problems with that.
Mayor Suarez: And it's estimated to be fifty five thousand, is that fifty
Commissioner Alonso... But then if it comes and it's positive, we have toxic
materials, I want it to be spelled out, they would be responsible and not the
City of Miami. I want that to be crystal clear so we are not liable after we
close this deal.
Mayor Suarez; I guess you're saying five thousand. Are you saying that the
study is five thousand, Herb, just let me clarify that because I heard fifty
Commissioner Alonso: No, the total amount is five thousand. Twenty five
hundred for the City.
Mayor Suarez: And so twenty five hundred is fifty percent. All right.
76 June 7, 1990 f
Commissioner Alonzo: Yes.
Mr. Bailey: We are paying fifty percent of the study of the level one
testing, which_i.s already being conducted.
Commissioner Alonso: Excuse me, you're say a test?
Mr. Bailey: It's a level one testing, yes. We have to do a walk through
first. That is...
Commissioner Alonzo: Who did that?
Mr. Bailey: ... that is, I just sent the contract out yesterday.
Commissioner Alonso: We don't have...
Mr. Bailey: It has not been completed, but let me ask all of you a question?
Commissioner De Yurre: You say that you signed a contract yesterday?
Mr. Bailey: We've sent out, yes. We've sent out the agreement yesterday, for
the level one testing.
Mayor Suarez: Is that subject to the approval of this Commission, today? Is
that the idea?
Mr. Bailey: No, you don't have to approve it.
Mayor Suarez: Because why? It was in the Manager's discretion or what?
Mr. Bailey: It was in the Manager's discretion.
Cz=aibaiuner ue xurre: :tow much was .t?
Mr. Bailey: Twenty five hundred dollars.
Commissioner Alonso: The total amount?
Commissioner Plummer: How much?
Mr. Bailey: That's our amount.
Mayor Suarez: Herb, that's a little risky...
Mr. Bailey: I would like to...
Mayor Suarez: I'm not going.. I don't presume the Commission is going to pick
a bone with the Manager on that but that's risky. If the total amount is five
thousand and we hope to agree with them through this deal to split it,
theoretically, it could end up being five thousand dollars if we don't reach
this agreement therefore, he is beyond his discretion.
Mr. Bailey: No, no. You have already agreed to this at a previous meeting.
This is...
Mayor Suarez: Regardless of whether we purchased the property or not.
Commissioner Plummer: That's why I didn't discuss the issue. It was alreer:v
agreed upon.
Mr. Bailey: I would like to... look, if I could answer the question, I
Commissioner Alonso: No, no. Excuse me, Mr. Bailey. Commissioner Plummer
said it has been agreed. We agreed to pay and I think that it's... I was told
that there is a general understanding of each member of this Commission on the
twenty five hundred...
Mayor Suarez: Right.
9 1 -- 91
77 June 7, 1990
Commissioner Alonso: ... that we are going to pay for the test. But I have
never agreed that we will pay one penny for the cleaning of the property. If
in fact, toxic material exist at the site, I don't want the City of Miami
being burdened with any amount to clean the site, therefore, I want this to be
done before rather than get in a legal battle after the effect, when in fact,
they will feel better, we will feel better if it's done at the right time,
Mr. Bailey: Can I bring you up to date first, so you...
Mayor Suarez% What is the... please, yes, Herb... let's bring... and we may
have to hear form...
Mr. Bailey:... because we're getting... all of the concerns you have, I will
give you the chronology so you can address appropriately. At the last
presentation we made here when Camillus House had submitted a amendment to our
original offer to them which included Camillus House as a condition of our
purchase, would guarantee that the site would be free of contamination.
Commissioner Alonso: That's why they lost the contract because the came back
with that and it was not accepted.
Mr. Bailey: No, no. I would like to finish and you're right. We never did
get to a contract. Because of their amendment...
Commissioner Alonso: Mr. Bailey, I'm sorry. We did have a contract but when
they did not accept that part then we lost the contract. As a matter of fact,
a contract existed from all points of view of real estate. The contract did
not exist when they changed one of the clause, that it was, they did not want
to pay for the toxic materials if in fact existed and that's the point that we
are coming back and it has not been discussed because I checked with them and
that item has not been addressed and is to me, of vital importance to the Citv
of Miami because we don't even know how much it will be. 5o, if you address
that, if in fact exist.
Mr. Bailey: I would like to... I'm trying to get to that. When we came back
the last time and that was one of the conditions which caused us not to have a
valid agreement and we had to bring it back before this Commission to get this
Commission to determine whether or not the amendment would be acceptable. And
the amendment said, they will be given a specific amount of time for which to
relocate the facility, they would stop the feeding and that they would assume
no cost for the contamination removal, if any were to be found. When we began
to discuss that, we presented, the administration presented its point of view
in terms of how we felt about the contamination. We felt that it was so
important to have Camillus House removed that there were ways in which the
administration could have that cost underwritten without any cost to the City.
Then we got into a discussion about the price and I think Commissioner
Plummer, in his discussion about the price caused the entire negotiation to be
deferred and to come back for some other reason but at that particular time,
we were presenting and recommending the price which is still the same amount,'
two million dollars and that the time to remove themselves within an eighteen
month period of time and that the contamination would not be an obligation of
the Camillus House. Now we're back to this point and in discussing, what we
have in front of you today, we are still consideration the price, we are still
consideration the point of time for which they have to move. They will stop
the feeding lines and the contamination. We are recommending that the
contamination not be an issue because we have other ways to deal with that.
Commissioner Alonso: Which one would you tell me, without any cost to the
City of Miami?
Mr. Bailey: When we put the site out for bid, whenever, at that point in
time, we don't know when it's going to be, we can include in our arrangement
with the developer that all cost of contamination removal be the
responsibility of the developer, not the City.
Mayor Suarez: And there is one other one, which we seem to be forgetting. We
can initiate action and request that every single entity that is owned
regardless, of what the deal we reach is with you in a chain of title or use
or supplies or otherwise the materials over there that have contaminated the
site be made to contribute under super fund legislation.
70 June 71 1990 /_�
Mr. Bailey: They do not rule... they are still obligated.
Commissioner Alonso: That's right but the problem is it will be costly to the
City, we will have to pay the fines if imposed and we will have to get after
every single owner of the property and it will end up that we will lose more
money than we will get.
Mayor Suarez: Typically, you know, we are the last purchasers, we of all
people who have had no responsibility for occasionally we do have a situation
where the past users, owners, etc. just simply are not around to be collected
from. Chances are, we will be able to collect if in fact there is
contamination and if so far...
Mr. Bailey: If there is.
Commissioner Alonso: Right. Why not address the situation at the right
time?... now.
Mr. Bailey: Well, the Camillus House...
Commissioner De Yurre: Herb, let me say something. Are we getting into and I
think that's where we're heading, into the same situation that we have, what
is it, Las Palmas or whatever?... that that's contaminated they can't build
anything there now?
Mr. Bailey: That's the convention center with Las Palmas. We are...
Commissioner, I would like to submit to you... we have had to remove
contamination in the Park West location already. We don't think that the
level of contamination on the Camillus House site will be any where near what
we have experienced on the site where the Arena Towers and Biscayne View is.
We don't know but we feel...
Commissioner De Yurre: Let me tell me what 1 do know, OK? Because you know,
I've gotten... I'm tired of this process and there's a limit to everything and
we keep coming back and you know, it's the same thing back and forth. It's
like a tennis match. First of all, I stopped at the two million dollars, I
will not give one more penny beyond the two million dollars because I think
it's too much to begin with. And the only reason I've gone to the two million
dollars and the package that we've created, is to finally get rid of this
problem in the area, that's number one. Number two, if I've looked to anybody
to put additional monies, it's going to be the owners in the area because they
are the ones that's going to .benefit from this because they have been buying
that land for a long time, they've been hold on to it hoping for us to buy
Camillus House and automatically, their property value is going to go up, if
not double, it's going to go close to that. If we are looking to twenty five
hundred dollars and the problem is Camillus House's problem as far as the
contamination, they should put up the five thousand dollars, they should do
their study and they will know how much contamination they have there. And if
it's too much for them to handle then don't get into the deal with us. Now,
what happens is, that we are committing twenty five hundred dollars to sae
what the study says, if they don't like it, we have no deal, we lost twenty
five hundred dollars. Unless there is a commitment that the result of this
study will be borne by the sellers which I doubt they will do that, then I
don't see why we should spend a penny in the study.
Mayor Suarez: Wall, we are beyond that.
Cnmmixxioner De Y'ulra! Lot le Sm to thN owner_ :f ♦ht first inn stint d40%Iww
out some dollars towards this outfit.
Mayor Suarez: I don't imagine the twenty five hundred dollars will be an
issue. I think we're beyond that but I have a feeling that we could get the
twenty five hundred dollars, if fact, I would pledge it if we had any problems
getting it. Vice Mayor Dawkins.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Bailey, what happens if we acquire the land and then
it is determined that the land is contaminated? Who gets sued for DERM
demanding that it gets made environmentally clear immediately? Now, 1 hear
you say that we could tack on to the sales price the cost of clearing the land
and making it safe, but what happens if no one is willing to buy the land and
assume that cost of clearing it and we are stuck with it, we the yC ty, and
~� 91
79 June 7, 1990
DERM demands that we, the City, make it environmentally safe. What happens
then, sir?
Mr. Bailey: We'll clean it up.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: We'll clean it... and as Commissioner Alonso has asked,
where will the money come from?
Mr. Bailey: All of the money involving those projects comes from our Overtown
Park West Trust Funds through the bonds we issue, it does not come from the
City's general obligations funds, it does not come from the City CD funds.
Those monies are earmarked for that purpose and we are obligated under the
statute and the redevelopment plan for all infrastructure improvements. It
doesn't matter whether it is contamination, roadways, storm sewers, utility
line removals or whatever, we are responsible for the infrastructure
improvements of the site including contamination.
Commissioner Plummer: What is the potential cost of removal?
Mr. Bailey: The last one we did, which is on Biscayne View, I think we spent
pretty close to one hundred thousand dollars and it really wasn't
contamination it was really debris, we took some tanks out of .the ground that
at one time there used to be some sort of filling station there. We don't
feel and this is just our professional opinion, that that particular site has
severe contamination.
Mayor Suarez: Anything from the Brothers of Good Shepherd, I see their
counsel getting up eagerly and I also see you, Mr. Vieth.
Mr. Harvey Vieth: My name is Harvey Vieth, I am executive director of
Camillus House. You know, we've spent a lot of time with everybody and I
appreciate that and I knew this was going to come up. I feel that the
responsibility for getting rid of the contamination ultimately, if you went
through the courts, would lie with us or someone before us that caused it.
Mayor Suarez: Are we not... If we went through with this deal Madam City
Attorney, we are not in any way changing that allocation responsibility, are
Ms. Linda Kearson: That's correct. Even if we agree to indemnify Camillus
House, the courts would still look to the City of Miami for that corrective
action as with the federal agencies. So, we cannot remove ourselves from the
line of liability...
Mayor Suarez: That wasn't my question...
Ms. Kearson: What?
Mayor Suarez: My question is, are we removing them from the line of liability
Ms. Kearson: Only in terms of having to pay whatever cost they may incur. If
we indemnify them, if we say that we are responsible...
Mayor Suarez: Are we... isn't it proposal?
Ms. Kearson: ... as between the City and Camillus House.
Msvnr Ctlsra7., T AiArl* think we were indemn1 fy!-T t'h_sm in thi-C e.. Y,.Y Y....
Doesn't sound like it would fly if you want them to indemnify them in a
proposal. They are not asking to be indemnified in a proposal.
Commissioner Alonso: So, why don't we include that they will be responsible
for payment if in fact, we find the contamination. Let's spell this in the
- contract and include this, so they know that they will pay and then we feel
that we don't have any kind of obligation on this matter.
Mr. Vieth: My feeling is after talking to all the Commissioners and
specifically to Commissioner De Yurre is that you stretched as far as you
could the first time for the two million dollars. Is a lot of reasons
certainly, why we want to move and you want to move us, I understand that.
But if it's ultimately our responsibility let's get it on the table, we take
39 w 91
80 June 7, 1990
the responsibility and we move on, because we can't continue and people are
starting to get irritated again. We spent last three months trying to get
this thing worked out. I think we have it worked out and I think that's what
Camillus House should do.
Mayor Suarez: So your understanding is, that if we make the deal, the
responsibility would remain as they presently are in the law.
Mr. Vieth: That's right.
Commissioner De Yurre: Without lawsuit.
Mayor Suarez: Well, to the extent that they are responsible for it.
Mr. Vieth: We're responsible according to the federal law now.
Mayor Suarez: Which under the law is, probably most of the responsibility
because they have owned it all this time or they have used it.
Mr. Vieth: Right.
Commissioner De Yurre: But what I want to make clear is, that if there is an
issue and we're going to purchase the property at the time of the closing, or
it has to be determined how that payment has to be made, either we are going
to do the cleaning up and you give us a credit at the closing for the monies
or you know, something along those lines so that we can wrap this up.
Commissioner Alonso: The test will be completed by that time, therefore, we
will know the extent of the contamination...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor...
Mayor Suarez: We will certainly know before the cleaning.
Commissioner Alonzo: Therefore by that time, then we will have... so, what we
should do is instruct the City Attorney to include this in the contract, that
the Camillus House will pay for this clean up and the City of Miami will not
have any kind of responsibility.
Mayor Suarez: Well, at least that the City will not...
Mr. Bailey: May I suggest something, please?
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Vice Mayor, do you have any suggestions?
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, I have a suggestion.
Mayor Suarez: Otherwise, we'll never get out of here.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'm going to move this and I would like to move it with
this proviso. Everyone in the City of Miami, all businesses, media and
everyone has said that the City of Miami has not in anyway addressed the
Camillus House issue. I'm going to move that we go ahead and purchass this
land and all of those hypocrites out there who beat up on us about the land,
if it becomes necessary to remove any contaminations, that those in the public
who have beat up on us, step forward with their money and help Camillus House
clean the land.
M*vn♦ Ruarez: I 410#12etT the »wtien 11+1 includ2c cc--issi ne "lons='_ ..A �1w
Yurre's reservations about the City not occurring any of the liability for the
clean up of the contamination.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: What I'm saying, I said...
Mayor Suarez: I think Herb, I wish that I could understand it differently but
I can't.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: What I'm saying is, that we will not, that we will let
the public sector, let them step forward and put their money where there mouth
is, if they are so concerned about our not meeting the needs of solving this
problem, so now, we're going to do what we have to do.
y1-- 91
8l June 7, 1990 ��i
Mayor Suarez: Vice Mayor, are you willing to go as far as to say that let the
responsibility for the clean up remain as prescribed by law before the
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir.
Mayor Suarez: All right, I'll go with that motion.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: And then, it's up to the Camillus House...
Mayor Suarez: Which means that we don't indemnify you, you don't indemnify us
but we'll certainly pursue you for the cost if by any chance any of it is
attributed to us, which I don't think it would under the law.
Commissioner De Yurre: And that includes...
Commissioner Alonso: Two points of clarification, if I may. The first one, I
was told by Camillus House that as a result of our action here today, they
will not continue to work toward having the...
Mr. Vieth: Satellite.
Commissioner Alonso: ... Flagler and 6th Street servings, no satellite
kitchens, serving or deliver, to that location and I want that for the record
that, that will not take place, that you will not be involved in any way
whatsoever in satellite kitchens anywhere in the City of Miami. Is that so?
Mr. Vieth: I agree.
Commissioner Alonso: And especially the one in Flagler, it's not going to
Mr. Vieth: I agree.
Commissioner Alonso: All right. Now, one other item I want for clarification
on the record. I don't hear anything about Dorothy Reader. This lady owns
700 through 728 NE 1st Avenue. Have we...
Mayor Suarez: Why are we on the acquisition of that, Herb... Is that?...
Commissioner Alonso: ... taken into account that this lady has an interest in
this and it is to our interest to handle her case at this time...
Mayor Suarez: And get that resolved too.
Commissioner Alonso: ... rather than waiting at a later time. I think it
will be much better for the City of Miami to address the problem now, rather
than a time that it will be her choice.
Mayor Suarez: Where are we on that, Herb?
Mr. Bailey: Well, that's a total different issue. However, we are buying the
leasehold rights that Camillus House has with her...
Commissioner Alonso: For forty seven years.
Mayor Suarez: Oh, this is the fee simple ownership?
Mr. Bailey: how, the fee simple ownership f.nr the site is a matter that we
have to negotiate with the property owner at another time.
Commissioner Alonso: Exactly.
Mayor Suarez: Have we got any indication from her what she is looking for?
We do have a...
Mr. Baileys No, we haven't.
Mayor Suarez: We do have an appraisal of what that's worth, right?
Mr. Dailey: We have an appraisal.
91 -- 91
82 June 7, I990 ,/' /
Mayor Suarez: Almost nothing, right?
Mr. Bailey: But the issue here...
Commissioner Alonso: Now, perhaps it's nothing, who knows.
Mayor Suarez: The more we delay, the more it'll be worth.
Commissioner Alonso: The more we delay, the costly it will get for the City.
I want it done now.
Mayor Suarez: Because the lease is beginning to... absolutely.
Mr. Bailey: But, I would just like to remind you that the issue here, which
is inclusive of real estate is a matter of the operation of Camillus House,
and once we can resolve that issue then we'll have time to resolve the land
issue and even if we don't, we have forty-two years the use of the property.
Mayor Suarez: Well, the Commission has indicated, I think Herb, that we.have
to move very quickly to obtain fee simple ownership. It has done so in,more
than one occasion and I'm frankly troubled by the fact that we don't even have
negotiations going on that. Maybe it's because you thought that until we got
the leasehold, which is a more valuable part, resolved, should move on the
other. But we really ought to get that resolved.
Mr. Bailey: We've had discussions with the property, the representatives of
property owner and they have, at that time no interest in discussing the sale
of the site.
Mayor Suarez: Have they advanced a figure at all? I mean, I'm not asking you
to put it on the record but have they?
Mr. Bailey: No, we did not advance a figure, we know what it's worth by
Mayor Suarez: Have they asked for a figure? That's the question.
Mr. Bailey: No, they have not. They have not asked for a figure.
Mayor Suarez: All right. Commissioner has indicated that for this to be
sealed, - signed, sealed and delivered, she is going to want to see that fully
negotiated and I'm not sure if it's a Commission's consensus but it sounds
like a...
Mr. Bailey: If we resorted to that...
Commissioner Alonso: This is not the first time that I have brought this
item. I have presented my concerns and I don't know why this is not done. The
City, it has plenty of experience in cases like that and we know quite well
that if we deal with this person at this time, it's going to be much more...
it is convenient for the City to do it now. Later, I don't know, the price
might escalate.
Commissioner De Yurre: Well, let me ask a couple of things as we have dealt
with this issue before. Wasn't there a price determined based on the lease
amount that is paid, which is a nominal amount as to the value?
Mayor Suarers Yes. We have in our own estimation of what it's worth.
Commissioner De Turret OK. Now, based on that, we can start condemnation
proceedings which we discussed before also.
Mr. Bailey: We have absolute control on whether or not we would like to
acquire that site either through further negotiation...
Mayor Suarez: Well Herb, it sounds like the Commission is heading in a
direction based on the estimates that we have which we don't have to disclose
on the record but I think all of us know, what they are roughly. To begin
negotiation$ forthwith and if not negotiated, begin condemnation as to that.
Mr, Bailey: I understand what you're saying, Mr. Mayor and I understand
Commissioner Alonso very well, but I submit to you, if we have to at this time
enter, add on to the negotiations with the property owner... 9 1 w 91
83 June 1, 1990
Mayor Suarez: We're not necessarily doing that...
Mr. Bailey: Well, that's what she is saying.
Mayor Suarez: ... we're trying to solve the bigger issue but I'm saying that
the Commission also maybe as a separate motion, will instruct you to negotiate
quickly on the fee simple and if not negotiated by, let's say the 28th,
assuming that we close on the other deal, we begin condemnation... and fix the
prices, the Commissioner is saying. So it doesn't get...
Mr. Bailey: I have no...
Commissioner Alonso: Yes, I want to state for the record at a later time, I
will make a big issue if you come back with a figure that is higher than what
it's estimated at this particular time. I think that this deal with the
length of time that has been discussed, we should have addressed all the
parties involved and I have no idea why we never discussed with this lady and
finalize at the same time of this contract, in order resolve the problem of
the property and not to hear anymore about that.
Mr. Bailey: Can I correct the record, please. We have discussed at this
level and we do have correspondence from the property owner regarding their
ownership of that site.
Commissioner Alonso: May I have copies of that please? Because I've asking.
Mr. Bailey: Yes, we will.
Mayor Suarez: And Herb, you make it sound like it's the simplest thing in the
world to get that resolved and yet you know, for some reason, we're not in a
position of imminent resolution of it as you would think we would be, given
that the more complicated and more expensive portion of this has taken us like
two years.
Commissioner Plummer: If it was so simple, why wasn't it done?
Mayor Suarez: OK. We have a motion and a second.
Mr. Bailey: Can I get a clarification, please. I want to make sure...
Mayor Suarez: We don't have a motion on that issue, so unless somebody moves
it we're going to go with the existing motion.
Mr. Bailey: Are you moving on... you're not amending his motion? OK.
Mayor Suarez: We are not at this point. Commissioner De Yurre.
Commissioner De Yurre: OK. I just want to make clear, when we're talking
about toxic waste removal, we're talking about asbestos or anything that's
found on the property?
Mr. Bailey: Well, that's part of the demolition and if we... that's not
included in what I consider to be toxic waste removal from the soil
Commissioner De Yurre: No, no. It isn't what I consider it to be for this
Commissioner Plummer: Hazardous.
Mayor Suarez: I Want to reflect in the record Herb, that the sellers of the
leasehold interest of the property have nodded, meaning yes, they
Mr. Vieth; We understand.
Mayor Suarez: ... that those responsibilities also will not be altered by
this deal, as prescribed by law.
Mr. Vieth: I agree.
9 1 - 91
84 June 7 , 1990
Mayor Suarez: OK.
Commissioner De Yurre: And what does the law say? That the seller at this
point in time is responsible for the removal of all toxic waste including
asbestos or anything found on the property?
Ms. Kearson: The law says, that any person in the chain of title is
responsible. Once we acquire the property, we are jointly and severally
liable while the owner may have been the creator of the problem, once we
acquire, we too are also responsible. That's what the lay says.
Commissioner De Yurre: OK. The bottom line. So, we are clear at getting
away from law. For my vote, it's Camillus House, the sellers that are
accepting the responsibility of the cost of any removal.
Unidentified Speaker: Yes.
Commissioner De Yurre: Ok, that's fine
Commissioner Plummer: One hundred percent.
Commissioner De Yurre: One hundred percent.
Mr. Bailey: They are accepting the cost...
Commissioner Alonso: For the record, yes?
Unidentified Speaker: Yes, yes. We have to anyway, if you go through the
courts and you spend a lot of money, we spend a lot of money, we would anyway,
so, why don't we just say we will and...
Mayor Suarez: Well, you may be able to collect some from the fee simple
owner, that does not preclude you from trying to collect from other people
owner tnan the laity.
Commissioner De Yurre: That's up to them, they can go and chase who ever they
Unidentified Speaker: The City could get a new developer to do it, we
certainly wouldn't rule that out but right now, we...
Mayor Suarez: We wouldn't either.
Mr. Bailey: Well, that goes back to the part Commissioner Alonso is bringing
up and you know, the owner, property owner as of this time, even though we are
buying the leasehold, rights of Camillus House is still responsible for any
toxic waste found on the Camillus House site. That's why I would like to
clear up the matter of getting Camillus House operations out before we deal
with the owner of the fee simple land for which Camillus House has the lease
Commissioner Alonso: Hold it a minute. I want a legal opinion on this. If
Mrs. Reader then will be the person responsible... if Camillus House is
telling to us, yes, today, it will mean nothing to us?
Me. Kearson: Mrs. Reader is not solely responsible. Mrs. Reader as a fee
simple owner is also jointly responsible but Camillus House as the person
operating the facility will also be responsible. So, we're talking about Mrs.
Raeder, Coaaillus House and the City of Miami.
Commissioner Alonso: Not us, because we are not going to be part of that
until the responsibility.
Ms. Kearson: Well, we don't... No, under the law, if we acquire the property,
then we are responsible as well.
Commissioner Alonso: I see. So, the hundred percent that Commissioner
Plummer just said, is not really so, because we haven't heard the lady say,
Commissioner Plummer: No, it is so, because they have agreed to it.
85 June 7, 1990 170
Vice Mayor Dawkins: I move this...
Commissioner Alonso: And do they have legally, the power to talk on her
Vice Mayor Dawkins: I move this.
Commissioner Alonso: They will pay.
Ms. Kearson: Let the attorney speak for them, I can't speak for her.
Commissioner Alonso: They will not ask Ms. Reader to pay for anything, you
will be responsible, hundred percent for the cost of removal of any toxic
materials including asbestos.
Unidentified Speaker: Yes, ma'am, but without precluding our right to look to
other people than the City of Miami to reimburse us.
Mayor Suarez: But it doesn't preclude their right to try to proceed against
anybody else?
Commissioner Alonzo: That's fine with me, but as far as I'm concerned...
Mayor Suarez: Thank you.
Commissioner Plummer: With one proviso, you can proceed against other people
but not the City of Miami.
Mayor Suarez: Except for the City.
Unidentified Speaker: I said that.
Mr. Vieth: That's right.
Commissioner Alonso: OR.
Mayor Suarez: All right. That's in the record, we have a motion and a
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll.
Commissioner Plummer: There are objectors.
Mayor Suarez: We have to...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh, we've got to hear from the objectors.
Commissioner Alonzo: One last comment on my part before I can vote on this
Mayor Suarez: Please, please, Commissioner Alonso.
Commissioner Alonzo: My concern again about the amount of money that we have
to pay to Mrs. Reader is, the cost of this deal as far as we are concerned, we
are saying is two million when in fact, we don't know how much will be the
total amount because I have not been given a figure from the administration as
to how much this lady will accept. I want that to be part of the record.
Mr. Bailevs Commissioner; can T ovr1•In the. — "over acquir:d ;r:;:rt7 until
we come to this Commission with appraisals and that establishes fair market
value, it may change from month to month.
Mayor Suarez: She is putting into the record that she didn't get that figure.
Yes, Commissioner.
Commissioner Plummer: Question. The remaining fee simple is for forty seven
Mr. Bailey: In the forty year range, I think, I'm not certain.
Commissioner Plummer: OK. Does that preclude us, does that preclude us from
leasing out that property on a basis of forty seven years?
86 June 7, 1990 ��
Mr. Bailey: No, it doesn't, we have...
Commissioner Plummer: We could do anything we want with it.
Mr. Baileys We could do anything we want with it for the lease, yes. For the
period of time we are buying the lease rights.
Commissioner Plummer: There's the new City Hall.
Commissioner Alonzo: I think so.
Commissioner Plummer: We got it as part of the deal.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the question.
Commissioner Plummer: No, you've got objectors.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Well, let's hear from he objectors.
Mr. Alan Savitz: Yes.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir.
Mr. Savitz: My name is Alan Savitz, president, Universal Home Products. And
I would like to wait for Mayor Suarez to be off the telephone because...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, anybody also want to state their concerns
while he is waiting, would you like to state yours, sir?
Unidentified Speaker: I do.
Mr. Alan Savitz: I'll wait until we have full attention, sir.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: You're going to wait for the Mayor. All right, you, come
on in, sir.
Unidentified Speaker: I'll wait until everybody can hear me.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, then let's break for lunch and come back after
Commissioner Alonzo: Please finish... OK, fine.
Unidentified Speaker: That's not fair, we've been here since early this
morning. This is...
Unidentified Speaker: I have a business to return to.
Commissioner Plummer: Wait a minute, who is feeding this homeless?
Mr. Savitz: All right, OK. We're on.
Mayor Suarez: I think the way we're going to have to handle this, we're going
to have complete presentation by the City and of course by the Brothers of the
Good Shepherd, subject to anything you might want to state afterwards, but
unless the Commission wants to hear briefly from the objectors, I think the
Commissioner Plummer: I think people ought to be aware of the policy. The
last speaker at noon is the last speaker, the last item at nine is the last
item. So...
Mayor Suarez; And I'd like to give you the benefit of you know, the ten
minutes at least that you are entitled to and two minutes per speaker, so...
Mr. Savitz: OK, we appreciate that...
Mayor Suarez: The vote will be held until after we hear form you. We do have
a motion and a second on the floor which can be maintained until after the
91 - 91
87 June 7, 1990
Ms. Matty Hirai: We have a motion by Vice Mayor Dawkins, we need a second,
Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Suarez: .1 thought it was seconded?
Commissioner De Yurre: OK. I'll second.
Mayor Suarez: Seconded by Commissioner.
Commissioner Alonso: Could you clarify your motion again, Commissioner?
Would you read the motion?
Ms. Hirai: The motion is moving the item as stated leaving the responsibility
as it presently appears under the law.
Mayor Suarez: All responsibilities as to contamination are left as presently
In the law and not otherwise affected.
Commissioner Plummer: Well, but that's a part of the big motion?
Mayor Suarez: Yes.
Commissioner Plummer: And the big motion is. that the other two items that I
had in there that I don't think have been written in yet in reference to the
development fees and the possible... if we gat a reduction they get a
Mr. Odio: We had the letter signed yesterday.
Commissioner Plummer: OK, fine. I haven't seen it.
Ms. Kearson: We need a point in clarification though, however. As prescribed
by law means that we are liable, we want to specify in the contract...
Ms. Hirai: But they have stipulated separately as to their own responsibility
Ms. Kearson: OK. But that is to be included in the contract, that they would
be responsible.
Commissioner Plummer: And they would surrender a letter accordingly that
would hold and indemnify the City from any cost.
Ms. Kearson: Right.
Mayor Suarez: I deemed his statement on the record to be precisely that and
if you can get it in the form of a letter, and Counselor, provide that to us,
so much the better. In the meantime, that is the motion before us and we will
take the objectors right after lunch. I think we are scheduled to be back at
2:00 p.m.
Commissioner Plummer: Thirty.
Mayor Suarez: And the Commission always request for that to be 2:30 p.m. so
we will adjourn now and come back at 2:30 p.m. Thank you.
FtCES S AT 1 7 : 06 P.M. Amp nwrnwimn AT 2 : 45 P.M.. WITH
91 - 91
88 June 7, 1990
Mayor Suarez: We are reconvened and had finished hearing from both the City
and the Brothers of the Good Shepherd representatives and we have a couple of
objectors. I'm going to keep you to the code mandated limit of two minutes,
so, give us your name and address and state your objection if you would, sir.
-y Savitz: OK. Alan Savitz, president, Universal Home Products. We are
located on the corner of 19th Street and North Miami Avenue right adjacent
across the street to the new proposed building. We object to this because of
the following reasons and what we requested is is delay, to give the people
the opportunity to speak their objection against the project because we just
heard about this, this morning, as you can see, we're here.
Mayor Suarez: You told me before in the recess what kind of business you
have, would you put it on the record? I forgot what it is.
Mr. Savitz: It's a wholesale textile type business with sheets and pillow
cases and small items that we sell, Mom and Pop shops and small department
stores and small business people that are daily coming in and out of our
r.. --- -: �'� _- _; :r.d jG:.'. _,...a;.ed wiacLe?
Mr. Savitz: On the corner of NW 19th street and Miami Avenue.
Commissioner Plummer: That's the fire station?
Mr. Savitz: Right across the street from the fire station and right across
the street from the new proposed purchase of the property. Now...
Commissioner Plummer: But you're on the west side of the street?
Mr. Savitz: No, the north. North side of...
Commissioner Plummer: Oh, you're between 19th and 20th?
Mr. Savitz: Yes, sir.
Commissioner Plummer: Isn't there a seat cover place up there or something on
the corner?
Mr. Savitz: No, that's the next block over. We're right next to... and we're
right across the street from Miami Fire Station. That was another thing I
wanted to bring up, that the Miami Fire Station, their trucks and fire rescue
cars shoot out of there fast for rescue missions and with a lot of people
walking around the area, they could get run down, they can get hurt, they can
delay and they could bring lawsuits even against this City. And I think that
tnis snoula be thought of a little bit more regarding the new area of
location. My son who just graduated from .the University of Florida joined my
firm in February. This business has been there for twenty five years. Our
business would definitely be ruined by the location of Camillus House right
adjacent to our property, right across the street. I read...
Mayor Suarez: Have you seen the Miami Rescue Mission facility right in that
Mr. Savitz: The Miami Rescue facility is in back and behind and more towards
NE 2nd Avenue.
89 .;une 7, :99C /`�-//,
Mayor Suarez: Have you seen it though, have you sort of driven by there and
seen how that's operated and how that's affecting or not affecting the
Mr. Savitz: Well, just yesterday someone stopped by and they said, can you
give me $4.50 to get into the Miami Rescue Mission because I want to get a
shower and...
Mayor Suarez: Well, that happens to me right here in front of City Hall.
Commissioner De Yurre: May I ask a question of the City Attorney? Do we have
any say over where people may purchase or not purchase property?
Ms. Keason: No, sir. You do not.
Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Thank you.
Mayor Suarez: That's the problem. But anyhow, anything further?
Mr. Savitz: Well, the thing is, I understood that this was all tied in so
they would not purchase property near their present location, that part of
your selling or buying is to make sure that they out of your area but the only
thing I want to bring up is then, they have just moved into another area in
downtown and the same problem will be there. There's also two schools in the
area, Miramar Elementary and there is also the Phyllis Wheatley, and these
little kids go walking through there, there is light to cross the street
around that area and I don't think it's conducive to have men and people
lounging around the area and it's not the fault of Camillus House, it's just
the way it is, you know the facts of life. The community will be better
served by relocation to a more distant area and you know, we've invested over
twenty five years, a lot of money in this property and the thing is, just as
somebody stated, that the property will be worth double where they are
leaving, it will be worth half where they are going to move to. And I think'
that there is going to be a zoning problem with restaurants, and hotels that's
similar to what they are running. They have a kitchen, they have restaurant
facilities, they have rooming facilities and, but most important I would like
you to go by there sometime and see how good the fire station number two, they
react quickly they pull out of there fast and somebody is going to get hurt
and get run down. I think it's poor planning to make a deal where they have
to get that. Let me turn the thing over to someone else and I thank you all.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Two questions from you, sir.
Mr. Savitz: Yes.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: How many people do you employ?
Mr. Savitz: Ten people.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Ten people and you've been there, how long?
Mr. Savitz: Over twenty five years. This year is twenty five years... May.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you.
Mayor Suarez: Thank you, sir.
Mr. Dan Dawson: My name is Dan Dawson, I'm a business and property owner at
1140 Nnvth !Miami Aven::a. TIva haan t.hara for twa)va •a.•a: I'm a flft!-
generation restaurant, store and bar equipment dealer. Basically, I just want
to state for the record that I'm for the Camillus House purchase but I'd like
to be a little skeptical on how the funds are spent on the Camillus House.
You're going to be giving these people two million dollars for this property
to hopefully alleviate the problem of the homeless in downtown Miami. But
basically, we have to look at why the homeless are in downtown Miami and
what's to stop another organization from coming in and opening up another
homeless facility and then you have to do the same thing all over. My
building has been for sale for three years and the neighborhood has gotten to
its worse point in the last four or five years. I have stacks of police
reports from many different situations I've had to deal with from life
threatening to just loss of property. I've also been approached by different
missions to purchase my property and maybe open up a mission there, and
91 w 91
90 June 7, 1990
basically, even, it might be a smart move for me to open a mission and ask you
people for a million dollars and make a quick sale and you'll get me out of
there. Basically, it's kind of a joke but the truth of the matter is, we are
promoting the homeless downtown and there are policies that have to change
before we ever" talk, even start to negotiate purchasing the property from
Camillus House. We have street feedings going on, whether it be the Camillus
House or the concerned churches from distant areas, we are promoting the
people to be there and as long as this occurs, we're going to have the problem
and we need to take a long in-depth look at what's going on. If we were to do
certain things along with it, say, zone out the street feeding, something for
nothing doesn't work, if you turn around and feed these people, a lot of these
people are mentally incompetent, they really need to be helped and we're just
-turning our backs on them and leaving them on the street. You feed them
today, they are going to be there tomorrow waiting for another meal and they
are going to be there as long as you keep the food coming. In the meantime,
they haven't got the help they need, they are stuck on the street and nobody
is really doing anything in-depth about it and the problem just won't go away.
You know, I was wondering basically, if you guys could tell me what you've
done towards that so along with the purchase of the Camillus House, what type
of plans that you have to make sure this doesn't occur in the future.
Mayor Suarez: Well, I'll tell how it worked in the case of Miami Rescue
Mission. We purchased their property, we helped them to raise the funds from
the private sector, they build a new facility, the new facility has beds only
for the people who are fed and has not created a problem that I am aware of in
the neighborhood. That's exactly what we hope will happen with Camillus
Mr. Dawson: Oh, that's...
Mayor Suarez: People are always able.to locate a...
Mr. nawann: A vp-v. good brief anew.r
Mayor Suarez: Right.
Mr. Dawson: And it's good in the respect that it will be doing some help, but
the problem is...
Mayor Suarez: It's a beautiful facility, I think it's run well, there are no
lines outside that I am aware of...
Mr. Dawson: I'm in agreement. .
Mayor Suarez: ... Only the people who are residing there are fed, just like
my house and your house.
Mr. Dawson: I'm in agreement. If I were take a couple van loads of these
people though and bring them to your house and camp them in your front yard...
Mayor Suarez: I take that back, at my house a lot of times, we feed people
who are strangers.
Mr. Dawson: ... or on the sidewalk, they wouldn't be there in twenty four
hours to forty eight hours. I've had to endure for twelve years and I tried
to help some of these people, I deal with the police department in great
depths, I'm trying to improve the City of Miami downtown and I try to take a
long range look at what's going on down there. Basically, seventy percent of
my vu6i....... is isx;a t. And in the area, the uverLown Bark iiesL area, Lhese's
a great deal of import/export going on in that neighborhood. And basically,
there's two major seaports on the east coast of the United States that people
deal with in South America and the Virgin Islands and that's Miami and New
York. Now you take into consideration the reputation that we've gained over
the last few years between the riots and people coming down here having bad
experiences in the neighborhood, driving along looking at the blight, and you
take the property depreciation, the loss of business, domestic and foreign and
we are talking about billions of dollars here. Now the City, we're going to
give two million dollars to Camillus House and we're just passing the buck.
Basically, the way I look at it, if we were to take two million dollars and
initiate a program of our own and take care of our own homeless, and remove
them from this downtown area with a good well thought plan, I think it would
be better than just giving Camillus House two million dollars and allowing
91 June 7, 1990
them to go off on their own and try to take care of something that's really
our responsibility to begin with. The police in the area sometimes I've had
on life or death threatening situations I've had up to a three hour response
time. I talked to officers in the neighborhood and said, well, you know, how
many of your calls are related to the homeless from window washing to murder?
And basically, I was informed, I said, come on, what, seventy., fifty, seventy?
And they said no, it's more like ninety percent of our calls are homeless
related. I don't know if that's a hundred percent,.you can find out from the
City of Miami in that area. Basically, as a taxpayer, I'm paying for the
police to take care of the homeless and when I need them, they're never there
for me. My father fought in World War II, he doesn't want to carry a weapon
anymore, he doesn't want to hurt anybody and yet, I can tell you a number of
times where he has almost been killed down there and I don't feel that he
should have to go through that as an American or taxpayer or a business owner
Mayor Suarez: Thank you for your statement. Mr. Vice Mayor.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: How many people do you employ, sir?
Mr. Dawson: Well, right now sir, we have, a few years ago we had about
fifteen people employed for us but people are afraid to frequent our area
Vice Mayor Dawkins: As of today?
Mr. Dawson: As of today, right now, we have four people employed.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: You have four people employed?
Mr. Dawson: Yes, sir.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. Now, you made a statement that it's our...
i.uia ia1 r�)uL �:mi.�acenL...
Mr. Dawson: Yes, air.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... It is our responsibility to care for the homeless.
Explain that to me, please.
Mr. Dawson: Well sir, as active members of society and tax payers and the
people who set laws and pass bills are the responsible parties in the society.
We have to take care of people who aren't mentally capable or don't have the
drive or initiative to take care of them, for them, because they apparently
can't do it themselves.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: And if we as the elected officials, seem to think that
the better way to do it is to work with an existing organization that already
has quote, unquote a plan, that's supposed to be attacking this quote, unquote
evil, you think that we are in error in not attempting to assist this agency
to meet this need.
Mt. Dawson: Well, I believe you're twisting things a bit, because...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: See, that's a matter of opinion. I think you're twisting
them a bit.
Mr. Dawson: All right, you have the right for that opinion, I have the right
for my opinion also. _
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Ok. Thank you. So, let's don't get into some matters of
how we feel, you know.
Mr, Dawsons But basically, what I was saying, in answer to your question...
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you.
Mr. Dawson: ... in answer to your question, I feel, if you remember the first
thing I said, I was in favor of a Camillus House purchase. I do believe
something needs to be done and rather than picking at it, if you work with it,
you'll see that I am not crazy. I have been in that area for twelve years,
eight hours a day, I don't think I've spent more of my life anywhere else than
91 —
92 June 7, 1990 �X7
I have down there. I have two small children and a wife and a house and I
have to take care of them too, and I am responsible to them. If I were to
take you in that neighborhood...
Mayor Suarez: Where do you live, sir?... as long as you have mentioned your
family and your kids.
Mr. Dawson: I live in Hallandale.
Mayor Suarez: All right.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Mayor.
Mr. Dawson: If I were to take you into that neighborhood that I do pay taxes
in there, my business record, licences and everything.
Mayor Suarez: You mentioned your family and your kids, and taking care of
them, that's why I wanted to know whether you lived in the City, that's all.
Mr. Dawson: Oh, no problem, I understand. But he was ready with a rebuttal.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Let me close this Mr. Mayor by saying, that we share your
concern, OK? But we are not in my opinion, the perpetuators of this. If you
will go down to Camillus House any night, you will find people who do not live
in the area, who bring food down there every night and put the food out there.
And Miller Dawkins said, they put it out there to keep them out of their
neighborhood. OK? The people from Virginia Gardens, they bring food, the
people from Coral Gables, they come, and they only bring it so that they do
not go into their neighborhoods. Now, all we are trying to do sir, is
establish some kind of a, like you said, a mechanism that we can control this.
Now they are supposed to make sure that no people hang around outside because
if we allow the people to congregate and hang around outside, just like you
said sir, the same people that we drove out of business around the Camillus
Htuzz, to �i:�w..:it, .iti^. Lu happen, :•Jill happen to you. And 1 ague with yuu.
Mr. Dawson: What I'm trying to do is improve the neighborhood and the quality
of life down there for everyone concerned. I'm going to be out of there. My
business and building are for sale, I can't wait to leave. It's a shame, I'd
like to stay there. Commissioner De Yurre, you received a plan on the Seattle
homeless plan, didn't you... a few weeks ago?
Commissioner De Yurre: We were out there and we saw how things worked. They
also put in like six million dollars out of their general fund into the
program which we don't have.
Mr. Dawson: All right now, I had mentioned a little while ago, about the
reputation of Miami being soiled basically by the way downtown appears to
people who come there from out of the country, plus our own domestic people
who live here in the state of Florida. I mean, I'm sure you are all aware of
the competition we have for tourism from Disney Land and Central Florida, it's
not worth it for people to come down here as it is any more, they can do -
everything they want in Central Florida.
Mayor Suarez: Well, eight million of them came by last year.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: And tell your father that you looked and talked to an
individual who also fought in the second World War. Who went from England
through the Anzio Beach head all the way through France, England and Africa in
the second World War and I got two gins.
Mr. Dawson: I thank you, but if you were there everyday, you probably would
have to use your guns, air.
Mayor Suarez: We don't have to get into the issue of the military service.
Mr. Dawson: Oh, he was bringing it...
Mayor Suarez; You stated your dads, he stated his, that's it. Anything
else, air?
Commissioner De Yurre: I have an uncle that served with the marines.
93 June 7, 1990 /'%
Mayor Suarez: All right.
Commissioner De Yurre: Just, for the record.
Commissioner Plummer: I was only in the salvation army.
Mr. Dawson: Basically, I wanted to say something...
Mayor Suarez: Please, please.
Mr. Dawson: ... before I left quickly, in shortness. A couple things I did,
was I got the department of transportation together with the City of Miami
police department and they're going to be working together now to keep the
people from sleeping underneath the bridges. There are a number of properties
in the area also, that once the grass reaches a certain height people go in
and they start to build up...
Mayor Suarez: The problem of the underpasses in downtown Miami and in many
other areas is just horrendous. Anything you could do to get DOT, FDOT,
County, to maintain those properties and keep them clean, it would be
magnificent and they will have the effect of creating a disincentive for the
homeless. They don't tend to hang around if the place is all .fixed up. They
have no place to lie down. They have no place to use for cover and besides
that, the downtown shouldn't look that way, and the Overtown area shouldn't
look that way with those overpasses. They are awful. And they are not our
responsibility, not our jurisdiction, no matter how much we try to clean them
Mr. Dawson: No. I'm in agreement.
Commissioner Plummer: Let me ask the administration a question. Mr. Manager,
they just brought out about the underpasses. Cannot we go into, underneath
those underpasses and eliminate all of those shacks that are being built with
the sanitation departments
Mayor Suarez: Can we not fence them in? That's another...
Commissioner Plummer: No, no.
Mr. Dawson: I have DOT...
Mayor Suarez: Sir, this is not directed at you.
Commissioner Plummer: Don't come with Miller Dawkins fencing again.
Mr. Odic: It's a DOT problem.
Commissioner Plummer: But can't we go in there with sanitation and clean up
the area.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Violating... you all are going on private property.
Mayor Suarez: Well, but a lot of them are, a lot of the right of ways, is
owned by the state.
Commissioner Plummer: I'm just saying to clean the property, it's ugly, it's
horrible and it's dirty.
►{„vn� C,tarez: Can PR ;^~ •
==�� "t"==i=�•:�» rc --♦: t: DOT to ;o in `hcrz =t
do something? _
Mr. Odic: I was checking because of some other reason, not because whether we
should clean it or not. And it is...
Commissioner Dawkins: He's got all the Sanitation workers. He don't have no
Commissioner Plummer: There is almost thirty huts under the 395.
Mr. Odio: I know where they are, exactly where they are. There is also here
on the Coral Way.
94 June 1, 1990 jq
Mayor Suarez: You know, if they would give them to the off street authority,
they are magnificent at creating parking lots and putting nice landscaping and
fencing around it, nobody uses them, under the underpasses, but they are great
at fixing them up, make them look real good.
Commissioner Plummer: The point I was trying to make, I don't think there is
anything in any law that says that we can't go in and clean an area.
Mayor Suarez: Absolutely, and we would get authority from...
Commissioner Plummer: Now, what you clean up in that area is up to you but it
seems like to me that if you cleaned up the area. the Bicentennial Park, I
must of counted at least a dozen little lean-tos that has been built in that
place. It seem like to me that we ought to go in there from strictly a
sanitation standpoint and clean the area.
Mr. Dawson:: I am for the...
Mayor Suarez: No. Go ahead, sir. We've got to get on. We've been debating
this issue probably for the last three years.
Mr. Frank Martel: Thank you, Mayor and all you other nice people. I am Frank
Martel, I own a piece of property at Miami Avenue and Northeast 19th Street.
I'm immediately north of the fire station. I took any old warehouse twenty-
five year ago and built it into Rats Electronic school. This is the largest
private technical school in the state of Florida. We have five hundred
students in attendance twelve months out of the year, day and night. Forty
percent of our students are young ladies today. By placing Camillus House
right across the street, it means that the parking or the bus stop there will
probably have to be eliminated, no one's going to use that spot and we will
lose our student body. Nov, I came here in Miami in 1954 and established
Rats. And we have trained most of the technicians that work for the County
and Cape Canaveral, IBM and the banks, the hospitals. Now, this spot that you
nave p:nl:o:nted for Camillus House has *tho Phyllis flhiailey School out the
back door at 18th Street and NW Miami Place. You have Rots Electronic school
right across the street, you have the Miramar School about 600 feet east of
our building and then Temple Israel and a very nice park on the bay. Now, I'm
part of the Omni Center development district. Hopefully someday, we will be
able to do something with the old Fincher property, the Jefferson property, a
few others, the Sears...
Mayor Suarez: Excuse me, maybe you know the answer to this. What are the
names of the principals of those two schools? Wheatley and Miramar.
Mr. Martel: They are public schools.
Mayor Suarez: What are the names of the principals? Do you remember?
Mr. Martel: I wouldn't know Phyllis Wheatley. I think there is a gal by the
name of Doll, I think her name is Doll, that's the Miramar school.
Mayor Suarez: You ought to get to know them real well, since you're in that
Mr. Martel: Well, I would always talk to the doll, you know that. The
important thing is, we would like the folks in the neighborhood to help, like
to help Camillus House in solving their location problem and we have talked
with Mr. Vieth, the executive director. What we would like is for this
Commission in structuring ym,r purchase Cpf #"wv%+11*i* Umege, n^t t^ !ie i" tl:ia
specific location. The people who run Omni, Norm Raymond and all the other
folks in the neighborhood are going to be affected by this greatly, and we got
a spill over from the Rescue Mission as it is. Florida Power just put in a
new eighteen inch water line down N.E. Miami Court for their now facility on
20th Street there, the old Charles plumbing property. So, they paid five
million dollars for a piece of property and they are about to start
construction on a facility there, and I'm sure that Florida Power would have
something that you would like to hear about what's going to happen to their
facility there. I've worked all my adult life supposedly to build the
technical school and pay for the building and all of its renovations and I
fear that my pension as such, is going down the drain because I will not be
able to hold the school in this building. I will not be able to sell the
building, I'll have to give it away. I will not be able to get a tenant but
91� 91
95 June 7, 1990
pleased with this new arrangement and we support the Camillus House in their
efforts to relocate to this location. The residents have no fears and the
people who are speaking here, they have not done anything to help or to assist
the residents of the community in any form or fashion. You would see that a
lot of personal self interest has been expressed and we are talking about the
entire community, so we support this wholeheartedly.
Mayor Suarez: Thank you, Don. In the...
Commissioner Plummer: Ben, just for the record. Ben, there is nothing wrong
with personal interest. I'm talking to you... when a man has his whole life
savings involved in a situation, there is nothing wrong with that. The
problem that exists, let's put the cards on top of the table. There is no
good location. OK? We all wish the problem would go away, but it's not. And
as such, when I went with these people, we searched this entire community from
the top to bottom and there was no one place that was not out going to be a
problem if that was the chosen location. The reason that I agreed with these
people on this location, as you know, I was adamant about the other. I agreed
because to the best of my knowledge on the east side, there is a fire station
and a cemetery. On the -west side was Dixie Freezers, a huge, humongous place.
On the south side basically, was the railroad tracks and really not a whole
lot, and the only area of concern that I had was to the north. To the north
meant from 19th Street to 20th Street, I guess I can say, with the hope and
desire that someday they could buy that property to expand. Now, in return,
what did we get? Number one, I have an absolute promise from them, there will
be no satellite serving centers, number one. Number two, they have assured me
that that place will be fenced in and run as the Rescue Mission had been run
and I have been there now on three occasions and I have to tell you, if there
can be a first class facility of this sort, Frank Jacobs, I take my hat off
to, who in fact, runs a first class, good operation. Next to that is the
Salvation Army, and they run a good organization. I want to tell you that if
they don't run this Camillus House in the same fashion, shame on them, and I'm
going to be around to tell them so for at least another year and a half, and I
.. r
nope more.
Mr. Benjamin: I share your views, Commissioner and we had supported, we had
said exactly the same thing. I didn't think I had mentioned it to you, but we
felt the same.
Mayor Suarez: Don, and you participated in the other hearings but as to
people who now are in the vicinity, the key is that they are not going to
operate soup lines. They are not going to feed sixteen people for every one
who resides there, which is what they've been doing. They have beds for about
fifty, downtown and they are feeding as many as eight hundred people a day.
That's sixteen for every one that resides there, even on a temporary basis.
They are not going to do that. They are going to have a regular in-house,
residential facility where you of course, get fed too, in addition. And it's
a whole different way of functioning and that's the key as to what we are
trying to accomplish. We don't want to impose a problem like we have had in a
particular area of downtown or Overtown into another community, that's not the
idea. All right, thanks to everyone, Commissioner Alonso.
Commissioner Alonzo: One last question. Funding source. It's blank.
Mr. Odio: Yes. We have the community development funds.
Commissioner Plummer: For the Commissioner's edification. Please spell out
how that's going to be paid. It is not a lump sum.
Mr. Odio: It is S500,000 on closing, and then a year later, it's $500,000 and
then the next $500,000. And then the other...
Commissioner Plummer: No, no. The last five hundred comes in when they have
completed the building.
Mr. Odio: Yes, yes. And then the other five hundred thousand, it's a hundred
thousand a year.
Commissioner Plummer: Less the possible deduction.
Mr. Odio: Less the deductions that were mentioned.
91- 91
97 June 7, 1990�
Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is the time limit we have placed on a complete move?
Commissioner Plummer: Thirty-six months? Is it thirty-six or twenty-four?
Mr. Odio: Twenty-four.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Make up... all right, put it in the record.
Commissioner Plummer: It's in the record.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: For the record, what is the time limit on the move?
Ms. Kearson: It's twenty-four months or until they receive a certificate of
occupancy, whichever first occurs.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Now, let me say it differently...
Ms. Kearson: From the date of closing on the acquisition.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... so we will understand what we are saying. Twenty
four months or before.
Commissioner Plummer: Correct.
Vice Mayor Dawkins: Not if, if... not no if now. If they would... because.
they could be waiting for something another eight months or ten months or
twelve months. Twenty-four months total or before.
Ms. Kearson: Twenty four months from the date of closing, or before.
Mayor Suarez: Right. You might want to put that wording in.
Commissioner Alonso: So, community development... and the money is available?
UK. .�
Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. For the record, of the five hundred
thousand paid out through social services on a yearly basis, that money is not
in the bank until we receive it in the annual allocation.
Commissioner Alonso: Hopefully, because that will be... and we agreed that it
is going to be a hundred thousand a year and if a reduction, they were willing
to take the reduction according to the amount of money that we receive. OK.
Mayor Suarez: OK. We have a"motion and a second. Any further discussion
from the Commission? if not, please call the roll.
91- 91
98 June 7, 1990
The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved
its adoption:
(Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on
file in the Office of the City Clerk.)
Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre
Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr.
Commissioner Miriam Alonso
Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins
Mayor Xavier L. Suarez
NOES: None.
Mayor Suarez: The Manager be advised that Commissioner Alonso's concern and
the rest of Commissioners about the fee simple property moving on that very,
very quickly, as soon as this one looks like it's going. Hate to acquire the
leasehold interest and still be stuck with the fee simple, so we can't sell
the property outright.
91 " 91
99 June 7, 1990e3
ti - -- -
/IH. •� �1 � �\\ i / .� 'fir' i /
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1020 NORTH MIAMi AvENkilE M�Ml, rLtOA • • •
August 30, 1990
fv. . , C.
vio4i I..
jIr. Harvey R. Vieth, Executive Director
'Brothers of the Good Shepherd
P.O.BOX 1829 (Corner NW 19 St and Miaini Avenue)
'Miami, Fl 33101
Dear Harvey:
we must address the MAIN PROBLEM of wtiy residents, merchants, and colmiissioners previously
'rejected your proposed new location. It has nothing to do with the "Poor atxi 1cmeless"
but the certain percentage who are mentally disturbed, trespass, defecate, urinate, loiter
and sleep wherever they want; break numerous laws; and violate the human rights of their
neighbors. This is the problem, not the true "Poor and Homeless"1
we applaud you and the "Brothers of the Good Shepierd" for the fine work you are doing in
aiding the "Poor and Homeless". The City of Miami is not prepared at this time to properly
'help these people, so, it must be left to other caring organizations such as "CAMILUS
'""USE". We too are not insensitive to the needs of the true "Poor and Hormeless", and do
;!our part to help these people.
On June 7th, we attended the City of Miami. Commissioners Meeting where you and I were part
of the workings of City Government. City Commissioners are human andcan be wrong in their
,assessment of any given situation, especially when they do not have all the facts. Such is
the case here! 16 others requested they delay their $2 Million vote until your new
location can be fully explored. We believe.�
t�o be The Key Element in the City's purchase
of your existing property. With this in mind, we requested that everyone study the following
facts and look for a different location than NW 19st and Miami Avenue:
The PMUSE that your new location will be situated in an "Area mostly of warehouses and
few people " is Wrongl
Universal Hams Products is across the street from your proposed new location. We serve
a useful purpose. We are a small Wholesale -Distributor of ready made Textile Products.
we sell on a low mark-up to small independent merchants who would not patronize us if
"Camillus House" was across the street. We depend upon these small store owners who
visit our Campany on a daily basis. They will cease to come and we will have to close,
after 25 years at this same location!
I realize that we small "entrepreneurs" may be the sacrificial lambs on the altar of
Progressl Our small voice may never be heard over the loud din of the big business
interests who want you out of their present location. That is life, and I am aware of
it, but what about the following mlenbers of this comwnity:
91--- 91
3. City of Miami Fire Station #2 (on Miami Avenue across the street from NW 19 St)
Fire trucks -andjeec trucks shoot out of there fast on life saving missions.
The "Loiterers" could not only be run over, but may also delay the rescue missions
because the firemen would be forced to be on the lookout -for "stragglers".
4. CitX Miami Cemetery (South side of Fire Station No 2) We are proud of that little
city Cemetery' l It is kept up, and it has many fa:mus people buried there. It is non-
sectarian. People of all religions, races and creeds are buried there. I£ you move
here, some of your people may be sleeping there, fertilizing the ground, and desecrating
family gravesites.
5. nU WMW visit and work in this area: At the Board of Education Building, at a nearby
Zee on Sta n, etc. One bad—ina7dent, with one of your people, will scare them off
Some Realtors recently lost sales and leases just on the "Rumor" that you were moving
inbo this area.
6. Miramar Elementary School and a Syue are one block east of your proposed new
oca W City pay for the security services that may be needed at these
facilities, if you relocate to this area?
7. 7he Overtown Ommzd will be affected:
Dorsey Park is adjacent to your proposed new property on the Southwest side. This is
a Park Where many youngsters go to play and have funl
Thef llis Wheatley Elementary School and two Churches are one block away. On N.W.
1 Ct and 1 S3- t a Basketball and a School Athletic Field exist. There are new
single family homes (one block west on N1 1 Ave and 10 St.) One bad incident with one
of your people could send this com xnity into an uproar.
We are on the Northeastern perimeter of Overtown and have been located here for over
twenty years. We have seen the slow painful g t of this area. It has been
a long time in camingl Unfortunately, if "Camillus House" moves to this area, the
dreams and hopes of many will be shattered. I am surprised that Cc ndmioner Miller
J. Dawkins was not as vocal on this issue as Camdasioner Miriam Alanso was in preventing
Emi-Illus House's new location into "Little ilavana .
On June 7th a Leader from a Blade Coalition group spoke in favor of your new location.
Apparently, they don't live nor work in this areal Years ago it was white coalition
groups who voted in favor of proposals that would lower property values in Overtownl
Ommissioner Victor de Yurre stated on June 7th that "When 'Camillus House' naves out
of the Mianni Arena area, property values will double there." Likewise, if you nave
11 blocks North (to our area), property values will be cut in half.
Perhaps the black coalition group was not fully aware of the proximity of your new
location to black playgrounds, churches; schools and houses. They were merely supporting
your programs for the "Poor and Eicmeless", which we also support.
8. "Ond center vroast'l (2 blocks East) is a popular positive $500 Million program for
the :tare benefit of the people of Miami,and it will have a good residual effect on our
part of "Overtm" - that is if you don't nave in I I I
91 - 91
Page 3
9. Please note that tone of the above (2 thru 8) are warehouses!
10. You hold "The Miami, Rescue (Mission", at their new location 2020 N.W. First Ave, to
be a model operation. 11owever, during recent visits to the area late at night, we
found derelicts, who probably are hannless, but who intindddate those who must enter
the area, during the day, to earn a living for their families.
In conclusion, we support the rights of all human beings, but oppose those who break the
Law and infringe upon the rights of others. '11iis is riot your fault, but neitlier can you
control it, not even with a big wall! '110 help one area (by noving out) and to hurt another
area (by moving in) is not rightl For he who in the Mamie of helping one does harm to another
has not helped anyonel The Archdiocese of Miand should study your proposed new location. The
Poor and Hczalesd are human beings; they need a place where they can have a sense of dignity,
but being across the street from a fire station with periodic wailing sirens, and to be places
in the middle of this "sensitive area" is an iii justice to all!
As an alternative solution, you should do what "Brother Paul Jolumn" recently did in Broward.
He bought "an old Condo that has 28 Apar then is slid a restaurant". No construction and
building hesdecesl You can move out and in fastl Your new location should be farther away
from downtown, at least 28 blocks North, because the City Commissioners may grow tired of
paying $2 Million every few years to move you, and may instead start passing detrimental
Copies of this letter will be sent to all interested parties in order to obtain .a consensus
of opinion, and if by some chance you nove across the street, you can count on us to be
good neighbors (even after we are out of business)l
Very truly yours,
Man D. Savitz
y1_ 91
11/16/90 _ -27
November 13, 1990
Brother Harry Sommerville
Camillus House
726 N. E. 1st Avenue
Miami, FL 33101
Dear Brother Sommerville;
I will not be able to be present at the upcoming zoning meeting, being
hold on Monday, November 19th. I would, therefore, like you to have
this letter in suppor. of the zoning exception, which has bees► proposed.
I have every conitdence in the management and judgement of the Camillus
Houk leaders, and know that your decision to go forward has been well
rrsarched, and is in the best interest of all concerned.
We should alt be aware of the importance of your efforts, and the great
need for what you arc trying to accomplish.
My best wishes for your success, and my total support of this wo:nhwhile
ariarwwu rd, Weiser
fi10 MAZY I7111Try14Y:• /:9/30A M3!11,10s) 4_41.4110171i_1_fAY I/CI)_601.41/1 _
11,,16i90 09-51 p82
KNIGHT _ _ _. ^ ._.. W
Catel A. Webei
Ese:utive Astutam is tnn
Chiwman ono Ch,N Necoive Officr
005? 176-387'
November 15, 1990
Mr. Roger Boman
Little Arothers of The Cood Shepherd
726 NE let Ave.
Miami, FL 23101
bear Mr. Bomant
Kn1nh1-R1ddGr, IM4.
One Ma's d o'tue
9.001A 33132 1693
Ji" Batten is'out of town but asked me to respond to your
query about our position on a proposed move of Camillus House to
a site on Miami Ave, between northwest lath and 19th streets.
Knight-Ridder firmly supports the move and your continued
good work. The homeless of this community,'and the community
itself, owe a great debt to the Little Brothers of the Good
Shaphard for their work here.
A campus -like Camillus House that will alter health aid and
rehabilitation is an excellent way to begirt dealing with the
problams of the hopeless in Miami.
Please acoept our very beet wisibes on the continued success
of Camillus House.
A. Weber
cca V " Batten
91 - 91
Conditions Recommended by the Planning Dep
and Camillus Houses Response —
Special Exception for a Rescue Mission
and Transient Facility
Condition 1:
Restrict the manner of operation of the rescue mission and
transient facility, to allow waiting lines within the interior
courtyards only; gates have to be open 3 hours before and 3
hours after meal serving time or overnight registration.
Response 1:
Agreed. Camillus House will execute the same Covenant which
the Miami Rescue Mission executed in 1988. The Covenant will
provide that there will be no waiting lines outside the
courtyard. Camillus House cannot agree to opening its gates
3 hours before and 3 hours after the meal serving time or
overnight registration. Meals will be served from 3:30 to
5:00 p.m. and Camillus House will agree to open its gates one
(1) hour before, at 2:30 p.m., and remain open for one (1)
hour after, until 6:00 p.m.
Condition 2•
Provide a 12 hour �7: 00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.) surveillar.ne system
on N.W. Miami Court, and N.W. 18th and 19th Streets within 100
feet of the facility.
Response 2:
Camillus House will agree to provide twenty-four (24) hour
surveillance by providing approximately eight (8) cameras
around the building.
Condition 3:
Provide a system which controls the clients within the area
bounded by N.W 1st Place on the west, N.E. 2nd Avenue on the
east, N.W./N.E. 20th Street on the north, and N.W./N.E. 17th
Street on the south. The system to be provided by the appli-
cant, must be acceptable to the Law Department, Public Works
Department, and Planning, Building and Zoning Department.
Response 3:
Camillus House proposes the following system:
1. Twenty-four (24) hour camera surveillance.
91C- 91
2. One off -duty police officer during meal hours (ap-
proximately 3:30-5:00)0 six (6) days a week.
3. Approximately Thirty-two (32) crew members and the
Brothers to provide security at all times.
4. No loitering or sleeping around the premises is
Condition 4:
Limit to 500 clients per day, except three (3) times a year,
in which case, 800 clients will be allowed.
Response 4:
Agreed. Camillus House will limit serving meals to 500 people
a day, except three (3) times a year, 800 people may be
conaition 5:
Provide at least two (2) off -duty police officers to assist
the park personnel in the surveillance of the park from
sunrise to sunset.
Camillus House cannot afford to provide two (2) off -duty
police officers. It would cost approximately $111,372 a year.
Camillus House will agree to assigning its Crew, as a part of
its work program, to help keep Dorsey Park clean, as well as
the area within a one (1) block radius of the proposed site.
Condition 6:
Provide a van tram or jitney service available to clients in
the area to transport them so they can wait inside the rescue
mission walls.
Response 6:
Camillus House cannot agree to this condition. It would be
too costly and bring even more people into the area. Further,
no other rescue mission is required to do this.
726 N. E. 1sl Avenue • P.O. Box 1929 • Miami, Florida 33101 • Telephone: (305) 374.1065
Our evening check -in for our overnight guests is at 6:30
P.M. The guest's arrive and are registered, and are offered .the
opportunity to shower and shave and receive a clean exchange of
clothing. They arise at 5:00 A.M. an are served a light
breakfast at 5115 A.M. By 6:00 A.M., the overnight guests have
left the area, most often to work at a labor pool (this is known
from past experience).
The next time our doors would be opened for service is at
10:00 A.M. for mail distribution. On Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, showers and clothing will be available from 10:00 A.M.
to 11:30 A.M. Meal time in the new facility will be scheduled in
accordance with the local school dismissal. The overall Camillus
operation is closed right after the admittance and registration
of our .last overnight guest.
Our history shows that our guests respect and appreciate our
services. Any untoward behavior is not acceptable and is dealt
with accordingly. We feel our guests will not inhabit the Dorsey
park or disturb the area because they are appreciative of the
life saving services we provide. Very seldom to we have any
problems with guests a-t our present facility.
The new Camillus House dining room facility is 4,000 square
feet and has seating capacity for 250 guests per meal seating (15
square feet per person). Two rest'rooms are planned for inside
the dining room area (one male and one female), as well as rest
room facilities within the rest of the campus complex (all is
reflected in the architectural plans).
Guests will be permitted to enter a walled -in waiting area
30 minutes prior to the scheduled dining hour, which is one and
one-half hours (Monday through Fridays and over the noon hour on
Saturdays. The dining facility will be closed on Sundays). At
present, we are checking the operational hours of the
neighborhood elementary school to coordinate and adjust our meal
91 91
The corridor walkway within the courtyard area will allow
guests to line-up within the campus on their way to the dining
room. There will never be an overflow of guests on to the city
streets. In the event of rainy weather, guests will be offered
cover by the outdoor pavilion roof which will be within the
confines of the complex.
In order to optimize the neighborhood environmental
integrity and achieve waste control, we will continue utilizing
reusable plastic meal trays. Disposable drinking cups and
plastic utensils will be collected and disposed of prior to our
guests leaving the dining room area. Any carry -out meals will
only be served if guests bring non -disposable food storage
containers. '
Camillus House has had three months experience serving 230
guests at one time as opposed to 96 we were historically serving.
In July, the dining room was enlarged to accommodate this
increase. This made it possible to reduce the serving time by
one hour each day (serving hours now are from 3:30 P.M. to 5:00
P.M. as opposed to 2:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.). It immediately cut
down on the tong waiting lines and enabled us to keep a constant
flow through the meal line in the dining area. Because of the
design of the new facility, there will never be a need for guests
to wait in lines outside the complex.
Camillus House feels it is inhumane and undignified for
people to have to wait for their meals under the public. It -is
because of dire circumstances that they are even there in the
first place.
The new Camillus campus has two proposed living
environments. Fifty-six (56) male guests will be accommodated in
our overnight facility. This part of the campus will house a
recreation area, ten lavatories, ten showers and seven toilets
that will access both the interior courtyard as well as the
overnight facility.
The Camillus Crew Program is a long-term transitional
program that will house up to 32 male residents. These members
will have access to private educational and meeting areas. They
are involved in an intensive six month program that offers our
clients structure and an opportunity to transition "street -life".
9i- 91
Crew residents become role models, and are a stabilizing force
within the House. Each crew member is assigned an on -going
responsibility. They assist in the daily upkeep of the facility
and provide our dining and overnight guests with a sense of
continuity and security. They are also involved in surveillance
around the perimeters of the property.
At present, the CHC is opened 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Monday
through Friday and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30
P.M. - 8:30 P.M. The clinic has 60-100 patient/client encounters
per day. We• have never had a problem of• massive numbers of
people waiting outside the building. In fact, on an average day,
no more than 3-4 patient/clients are waiting to be seen by staff.
The new facility will only provide a 10% expansion of the
present clinic. It will house three separate waiting areas that
will seat 35 people as compared to 17 presently accommodated. In
the new clinic the men's waiting room will. have a 20-seat
capacity. The women and children's waiting room will have a 10-
seat capacity, and, the Social Services section will have a 5-
seat capacity. The 3-4 patient/clients waiting to enter each
morning will be able to safely wait within the walled -in area of
the campus until the clinic officially opens each morning.
Since there is a constant flow of client/patients throughout
the day, there should never be any concern with internal or
external traffic "tie-ups".
The Camillus Health Concern has been designed to provide
primary care in the following areas:
Primary care medical, Pediatric, Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Psychological services for children, veteran services, and legal
aid are also offered. Five social workers provide case
management and intervention. The clinic serves as an educational
site for the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital,
Barry University, Florida International University and Miami Dade
Community College. Residents and interns, nursing students and
nurse practitioners rotate through the clinic for their clinical
The average new patient visit takes approximately one hour
from registration to discharge. Within this time frame, the
typical patient/client flows through various components of the
clinic. Our efforts in this regard are not intended to provide
the level of care reserved for hospitals, but rather, are a
contact point for mainstreaming referring of patient/clients and
providing timely follow-up care for on -going medical problems.
The patients/clients served at the Camillus Health Concern is by -
in -large limited to the homeless population..
yi._ ai