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M4 L5M- a g i 1 A3 ^ ' RtSOLUT I ON NO. 91— 875 h ,. , i A RESOLIITION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING THE i PLAT ENTITLED EAST UTOPIA ESTATES, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PLAT AND STREET �. COMMITTEE, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS, SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS O=DAbE` COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Department of Public Works recommends the acceptance of the plat; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: _ Section 1. The plat entitled East Utopia Estates, is a resu'bdivsion of Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 of East Utopia (16-7), all 1y1ng i n -Section 29, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, which plat by reference is made a part hereof gas if fully ` incorporated herein, and, subject to al l - of the conditions required by the Plat and Street Committee .as s`e,t forth 'as Exhibit "A° attached hereto is hereby accepted. The = dedi cations � 'shown on the plat together with the dedications to the. perpetual use of the public of all existing and future - planting, trees and shrubbery on said property. are also hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. - ,Section 2.: The City Manager. and City Clerk are hereby - authorized,and directed to execute the plat and cause the same to be recorded in the= Public Records of Dade County, Flacid kr, i. -"5 6�:__- 3 '�^� t 3i i 'i >< S Y t�¢ ,= 1 �� f -,. L✓ k 1�4 4"� t Sow On 3. Thl9 Rdiolution mall become effective it'modiately upon'Its adoptions :-: PASSED AND ;,00PIE0 thi;s:.�,$th day of , ti�cem}�O�. .. .. " , . XAVILK MAYUR L�yAREL ATTEST: CITY.CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Cfi ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS T,0 FORM, AND CORRECTNESS: . . :. I T Y AT,TO L d # E 3 1� E r � } 3 �+f 1 t � � The accompanyin PERTINENT"INFORMATION The property platted is a resubdi vi sion of Lots Js, s4; s5 and 36 of East Utopia, Plat BOOK 16, Page 7, of the Public R'ecordis Hof Dade County, Florida, Section 29, Township ` 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida. The area platted consists of two (2) lots containing 053+ acres. It It zoned R-1; SD-18 overlay, 2. The location of the streets and the widths conform with the _G ' standards of the Department of Public WorKs of the Cityof, Miami, " Florida. 3. As certified to by Juan Jose Bonfill, Registe'red Land:` Surveyor' this P1 at complies w1 th the plat f 11;1 ng Laws of. the Stato of Florida. E 3r. y7> ti`'t i - i`tte Certificate of Title examination dated September 30, 1g+ , signed by Arvin PeltK, Attorney, indicates that the fee simple title to Arid property platted is correctly vested An Michael NMale and Judith A. Male, his wife, and the P at.has been correctly executed. ;. 66 The area platted is encumbered by mortgages and the mortgage holder has executed -the Plat and joined in its dedications. 6. - As , a result of a field- Investigation by tni s ,Department, It Ys has ; been determined that no improvements shall be required at this time. Sanitary sewers are_ not available ', i n the' vicinity of the property platted. This Plat will. be forwarded to the Ci t' Commission of Miami, Florida, without the usual formality of providing Bond and Contract. T.., The attached Resolution has been prepared for the acceptance of he ,Plat ;,by the City Commission of Miami, Florida. A ranK R. mcm,anon,jr-7 or City Surveyor r FM:au s " Y s , i ( i 20 _ 91 8.75 '1 `<Y, �. z 1 fx34�i Fj tf S R, 'P`i^ Fart 6� Y b } d ! Mgt, P { t 3 TO CITY OF mlAMii a municIpaL c©rYviCL%-- AA With the understanding that this opinion of Title Lin furnished to CITY Or. MIAMI FLORIDA in compliance with Section 54.5-8 of the City. of Miami L Coda and as an inducement for acceptance L of a proposed final subdivision plat covering the real property herein after L described. It is hereby certified that we have examined the complete Abstract of Title completely covering the period from the beginning to 11:00 P. M. September 15, 1991, inclusive, of the following described real property: Lots 33, 340 35 and 36 of EAST UTOPIA, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 16, at Page 7, of the Public Records of bade County, Florida. Basing our opinion on said complete abstract covering said period we are of the opinion that on the last mentioned date the - fee simple title to the above described real property was vested in: _ Michael H. Male and Judith R. Male, his wife Subject to the following encumbrances, liens, and other exceptions:: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. All ,taxes for the year in which this opinion is rendered 5. Zoning and other restriczions imposea Ay gvverama-11L-a-L authority. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: Listing.should include, but not be: limited to suchexceptions as 6. Holder of Mortgage - Chase Manhattan Financial Services, Inc. y:f 7. Restrictions - None a. Notice of Lis Pendens with explanation - None.- 91- 875 £r . TM a3 ow i ,. 9 • tife Estate 96he Other none her f6it is our opinion that the following parties must oin in the plattingof above �describea real property in order to g ait; l 'Y ,CIrLoRIDA a`n+i the public, a good and proper final plat of the afore title to the dedicated areas shoran on the described property, , the subdivision thereof to be known as EIET tTTOPrA EBTATES Special d ExceptionNumber s interest Chase Manhattan Financial Mortgage 6 Services, Inc., i Recorded`5/14/86, O.R. Book 12888, Page 902j Clerk's File No, 86R154806i Dade County,Florida - Chase Manhattan Financial Mortgage 6 Services, Inc. Recorded` 4/25/91' O.R. Book 14998, Page'115, Clerk's File No. 91R135919, Dade county, ':Florida I, 'the undersigned, `further certify `that` I am an Attorney at Law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida, and am a member in good Standing of the Florida'Bar. Respectfully submitted this 30th day` of 'September, " 1991: -. NAME OF FIRM: ARVIN PELT TORNEY �+T LAW „ y BY: JAWIR'P4TZ ` ` 3250 Mary St et, Suite 501 Miami, Flori a 33133 r , y TY 91 8' fit J t }F; r' s .. f of 7 z Rj �T �t Mr. and Mrs. east Utopia i 1 Male August 1, 1991 In addition to the above requirements, you should bei aware of the followinat 1. State and I Coca I I awa requ I re the I nst& I I At I on of var I out ' phyalcal Improvements In the public riphtt►of••way when = property Is platted. These subdivision' Improvements - Include paving, drainage, landscaping, sidewalks, etc. In i some Cates this could represent a substantial -Investment R on your part. a ;. 9. The alteration, relocation or Instal latlon',of utlIItle3 .•4' such as storm and sanitary sewers, electrio, telephone, water, etc., caused by this plat will be at the property i owner's expense. Also, utility easements may be.required on the property being platted. 3. A building permit will not be issued ontheproperty being platted until the final plat is recorded. Also, the Certificate of Occupancy for any building construction will be Issued only after all the required subdlv.lslon •Improvements have been completed. s 4. Approval for fire flow requirements must be obtained from` the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department prior to the Issucnee of a building permit. G. Additional Items must be provided to the City; of Miami Department of Public Works before the final plat' Is., submitted to the City Commisslon for approval.You, °wIII be' notified In writing as to what these items are .after :the amount of the bond has been determined for the necessary-, '. subdivision Improvements. S. Tentative plat approval Is only valid for one (1) year^from,; the date of the Plat and Street Committee Meeting at whlch time It was approved. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please refer to the attached sheet for the appropriate person to. contact. Sincareiy, sees J y . E . Chairman, Pi 3 Street Committee a' JJK:pc Enclosures Contact Sheet cc: Juan J. 8onflil plat and Street 'Committee Members ,r Kile <A.x be s C v i .l Enq l neer i nq (Highways) 91 ✓ Survey* h Pat * a of fr .E RR RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt a resoluti,on accepting the plat East Utopia Estates, and approving recording the same in the Public Records of Dade County Florida, BACKGROUND: The Department of Public WorK S has reviewed this plat, and has determined that it is now in order for acceptance by the City commission. The proposed record plat entitled East Utopia Estates is a resubdivisioln of Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 of East Utopia (16-7) all lying in . Sec ti on 29, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Dade, County., Florida. The area platted consists` of two (2) Lots containing 0.53+ of an acre. It is zoned R-1; SD-181 overlay. Also attached are the following documents necessary for the C I ty Commission to consider in MaKing their decision: (1) Resolution accepting the Plat 2 Engineering -Report (3) Plat and Street letter (4) ''Print,of proposed Record Plat -1 9 8751, W-TrIMM777 TTT