HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-92-0675J-92-789 10/22/92 RESOLUTION NO. 92- 675 A RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE "ROAD TO REBUILDING CONCERT", TO BE HELD AT THE BOBBY MADURO BASEBALL STADIUM BY BIG VOTE '92 ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1992; WAIVING THE RENTAL FEE FOR SAID FACILITY; SAID WAIVER CONDITIONED UPON THE EXPENSES OF THE EVENT NOT EXCEEDING $100,000 AND ORGANIZERS PAYING FOR ALL COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT AND OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The rental fee is hereby waived for the the "Road to Rebuilding Concert" to be held at the Bobby Maduro Baseball Stadium by Big Vote '92 on Saturday, November 7, 1992. Section 2. Said waiver is hereby conditioned upon the expenses of the event not exceeding $100,000 and organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services and applicable fees associated with said event and obmmining insurance to protect the City in the amount as prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. CITY CODWSSION MEETING OF OCT 22IM RMolution No. 92-- 75 • PASSED AND ADOPTED this .22nd day of Ootobsr, 1992. ATTEST• MATTY HIRAI, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: IRMA M. ABELLA ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: // A• QUtATTOcTOV CITY M32$6:osk:IMA VIER L . , S4AREZ , OYA R 92- 675 nunicANx A on-aw Ba"rIT aUIDELINOR The following guidelines are in effect through September 30, 1992. They will apply to proposed benefit concerts for Hurricane Andrea► relief. Each of the guidelines mu t be complied with prior to any public announcement or commencement of ticket sales. 1. Miami Arena's General Manager must receive written confirmation from an authorized agent of each participating artist that the artist(s) is donating their services. 2. A contract With the beneficiary organization must be duly executed. Financial settlement shall be directly with the tax exempt charity. 3. Tax exempt numbers and/or certificates must be delivered to Miami Arena General Manager. 4. Technical riders must be received from each performer, and an acceptable experienced production firm must be retained for the everi't. 5. Ticket prices and on -sale information must be finalized and coordinated with Miami Arena Box Office and Ticketmaster. 6. No corporate identification or signage will be permitted. 7. Key personnel and decision -makers for licensee shall be identified in writing and each of their roles specified. 8. A face-to-face meeting shall take place with licensee, production firm and Miami Arena VP/COO and General Manager. If all of the above conditions are net, Miami- Arena shall waive 100% of -rent (base rent and percentage). Arena operating expenses, stagehand cost, and $1.00 per ticket Seat Use charge will be deducted from box office receipts, and net proceeds will be wire transferred to the licensee by noon the following business day. Managed and Operated by Leisure Management Miami. Inc. 121 N.W. Fust Avenue Miami. FL 33136.4102 • Telephone (305) 530.4400 • FAX (305) 530.4429 92- 6'75 20d 100 05:60 01-60-266t October 14.1"2 Attention To: All Record Labels- Executives Music Divisions- Producers, Managers and Artist Dear Sirs/ Ms., The "Road to Recovery Rebuilding" Coalition requests your support in the recovery and rebuilding effort for our community. The Coalition is estrblishedto assist Blacks and other disadvantanged 'citizen who wish to participate in our community rebuilding process, by establishing a Road to Recovery Rebuilding Fund. The Road to Recovery coalition consist of numerous broad -based civic, professional and community organizations that will be directed by Metro Miami Action Plan (MMAP) which will serve as the administrator of any funds generated. The Road to Recovery coalition will sponsor a benefit concert: " Saturday, November 7,1992 at the Miami Orange Bowl Soul, Reggae, Rap, R & B, etc.... Concert The Radio stations of South Florida have joined hands in support of this very Important community project to respond to the caWx a needs of South Florida's Black Community. They ask, alone with us, that you support this project by providing the following; * Artist to perform * Cover ALL Artist Expenses ' Corporate Sponsorship Any Additional Services you can provide This is a rare opportunity to help less fortunate families and individuals overcome this tragedy and rebuild a better community than previously existed. Please join us on the " Road to Recovery." Sincerely, Mr. Jerry J. Rushin Edward Margolis Vice Pres./Gen. Manager President WEDR 99 JAMZ WMBM 1-800-749-9337 (305)672-1100 Mr. Hector Hannibal Program Director WHQT HOT 105 (305) 445-5411 92- 675 BIG V07B 92' — AlINORM VOTER REGISTRATrONDRIVE 6/wlll...- AAA....... W%#%M B AO'rw--....w P•....�....n •n.. _.. ..� ..., ...� .�.-.. i a - Draft 9/30192 Road to Rewyety Rebuilding Pond ftosWa Hurricane Andrew has been called the third largest natural disaster of this country, causing the following damage to Dade County alone': • 250,000 people left homeless / 150,000 are African Americans • 100,000 full time jobs lost / 65,000 were held by African Americans • 25,524 houses leveled / 18,000 were inhabited by African American families 65 Foster Homes 23 Day Care Centers 23 Nursing homes destroyed ' 8,000 businesses destroyed 20 billion dollars in overall damages • 2500 all. mi. leveled, wiping out 17 zip codes from Biscayne Bay to the Everglades ' 183 million dollars in agricultural loses For those of us in the South Florida community, mediamverage of the aftermath be avoided. This catastrophe has affected all of us in some form or other. Those of us who were spared the ravages ofdestructionreekedby this 140 mph storm, have to go on with our fives. Those less fortunate struggle for basic survival and lack basic necessities such as adequate shelter and food Unfortunately, the majority of the minority residents of the community most devastated aie unable to fill out the forms or go through the tedious bureaucratic process bemuse of high illiteracy and/or lack of transportation This historically under served and economically disadvantaged population will once again be excluded from the programs being offered. Furthemnore,these people are receiving most of their help from non-profrtorganizations, such as United Way and the American Red Cross. These organizations are more accessible and require less formal paperwork, nevertheless, these organizations are exhausting their funds and soon will no longer be able to oliatheir assatand. Most of their programs are not eligible for government subsidy. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) grant program is issuing temporary housing and food grants, however, their assistance isjust that: temporary. Their puts do not provide long term solutions to those victims who do not have thebenefntof insurancedaims. Ile residents of Florida City, (481A Mack and one of Dade County's all Black municipalities) lived at a 37'/o poverty rate and was 901/o devastated'. These are the people who will suffer the most. They must build their lives from snatch and that will not be an easy task considering that they didn't 'The Miami Herald 9-13.92 and Dade County Planning Authority 'Miami Tunes 9.17.92 'Miami Herald 9-20.92 92- 675 t { have that much to begin with. Families are living in tent cities with small children and the psycological ramifications of this will be long tern, especially for the children. Came and domestic violence increase daily. Racism has prevented relief workers from delivering goods and minority families from getting housing.' These problems are threatening the future of African American families because it will take longer for them to reorganize their lives. The RRR relief Fund has a projected fundraising goal of $5 mil to be raised within a one year period. These funds are to be raised to specifically provide low and middle income housing for these displaced families,implement educational and support programs, and improve the overall socio-economic conditions of the African American community. The goal of the Road to Recovery Rebuilding Fund is to raise funds to enhance the existing efforts of the non-profit organizations that are providing long term solutions to the problems arising from the hurricane. Aside from raising funds, the RRR Fund intends to raise the level of awareness so that everyone can contribute to the recovery process. In establishing a total resourcebank of monies, goods and servioes,the fund will assist in the socio-economic of the historically under served population to ensure their future stability. The organizing committee for the RRR fund proposes to establish a community council for Black Affairs under the auspices of the Metro Miami Action Plan (MMAP) to delegate and oversee the funds raised and ensure that those who are in the most need will benefit the most. The programs offered by MMAP, The UnitedWay,TheUrban League NAACP,SCLC,RainbowCoalitionandothernationalnon-profitorganizationswillprovide long term solutions to the socio-economic problems that have inhibited minorities from participating in the mainstream economy. In order to accomplish this ditl-icultbut necessarytask, the RRR Fund has established the following goals to be accomplished with the funds raised: 1.) Establish a Public I Private Sector initiative under the auspices of MMAP, to bring minorities in to the socio- economic mainstream through effective public education and effective advocacy 2.) Optimal support and effectiveness of servioes on behalf of minority communities to speedily expedite the recovery process 3.) Optimal Black socio-economic security and Black Economic Development 2 'Miami Times 9.10-92 92- 675 The overall program objectives of the fund are: IA.) Public education for Black business I B.) Advocacy for Black business 2A.) Effectively empowered self-help organized action 2B.) Effective social functioning X) Effective knowledge and skill aognirement of Blacks students by mans ofquality education and academic excellence 3A.) Establish a resource and information infrastructure consisting of goods, monies and services 3B.) Eft ivedissemination of information relative to the overall recovery efforts 3C.) Assist in the development, retention and expansion of Black owned businesses Inorderto raisethe funds sothatall ofthesegoals can be accomplished, the RRR Fund has developed thefollowing activities: 1.) To hold two benefit concerts 2.) Implement a Radiothon and a 800 number directing donors to send their contributions to a special account 3.) To initiate a national fund raising campaign targeting corporations From a public relations perspective, the Road to Recovery Relief Fund will serve to illustrate the plight of the under -served victims ofHurricane Andrew and to provide a vital service to this segment of society at a time when many of thesepeople anti experiencing the most dire financial and psychological straits in theirlifetime. The Road to Recovery Fund will serve to educate the public of the plight of the poor by enhancing their visibility. In doing so, the Fund will target efforts of the MMAP and other organizations in promotional campaigns urging their involvement and support of their respective roles. The Fund is also designed to improve these oWdzatio* marketability, and illustrate the importance of their growth and survival, "Let's Get Busy.. Da The Road To Recovery", the series of concerts described herein, will employ the support and cooperation of stellar talent to embody the quintessence ofa rust rate production. These concertswill showcase acne dela creme talent and luminaries, give kudos to the legacy of national Black organizations, and enlighten the public of the enormous devastation of Hurricane Andrew on the poor and the tremendous opportunities created by this natural disaster. 3 92- 675 Perhaps, most importantly, the concerts will provide the visibility to encourage support and assist in emphasizing the essential role Black organizations and institutions play. in keeping Black America strong. The presentation of Black artists, couched in the form of a benefit concert, will lend itself to focus on the community's commitment to people in despair while providing extraordinary entertainment of universal appeal. The following companies have expressed their interest to participate in the concert series: Rude Boy (Atlantic) Records Island Records Tommy Boy (Warner Brothers) Records Jive Records MCA EMI Rush Artist Management L'Agenoe, Inc. Garret Sound and Lighting Wean working with these companies to select the groups from their rosters and provide production services to those that eonfum for the concerts. Cameo appearancesand Recognition Awards will feature host of outstanding Black organizations as well as dignitaries instrumental in the Road to Recovery Fund such as: Black Mayors Black State Legislators Congressional Black Caucus National Black Organizations Black Entertainment Television has shown interest in telecasting a live broadcast of the concert providing further media exposure to the overall fund raising efforts. The Radiothon is to serve the same purpose as the concert series as well as provide a vehicle to promote the RRR fund programs servicesand needs on a national scale and possibly to broadcast the concert. In addition, the Radiothon will encourage all of the Black oriented radio stations to promote the RRR Funds efforts through public service announcements and acknowledgement of all the supporters and contributors. Therefore, the radiothon primary goal is to increase the annual fund raising goal by SO% and promote the ongoing fund raising effort. The RRR Fund National fund raising campaign intends to target: Black Mayors and Elected Officials, Black Corporations, National Corporations, Celebritiesand national organizations for funds. It is time for all Americans to assume the moral responsibility to ensure that allareincluded in the Democ raticprocessand reinvest into the Black community. By contributing to the RRR Fund, the solutions to a problem that has long plagued the American social and economic system can be eliminated We must ensure that the future generations of African -Americans is sacred on an social and economic level. Furthermore, by integrating this large segment of the population into the economic mainstream, the overall economy is improved because we produce more businesses, consumers and taxpayers. 4 9 2 - 675 1 It can no longer be aoxptable that the majority of the African -American population are illiterate, lack basic job and social skills, or are dependent on the government. The RRR Fund intends to turn cries of oppression into solutions of success. Poverty, illiteracy and exclusion must be eliminated. Through funding structured, socio-economic reforms, the RRR Fund intends to do just that. Won't you help enter the new century with a population ready to deal with the challenges of the new social order? The participation ofall is vital and essential to the recoveryofthe community, The storm has left people without the essential living necessities: food, shelter, clothing. The RRR Fund will help people recover their loses from the storm and build a new tomorrow as self reliant and educi individuals. Sion ano = Multi -national Finns Multi -national corporations Black Corporations National Professional Associations (Bar, Medical etc.) Foundations S50MU sponsor Blade Mayors Blade Legislators Banking Institutions Professional organizations (m kind services) S25AMns� Celebrities SIOMOMSAr private donors 5 i 92- 675 F,_ ClfrArAAR DOOR ZX=J rX0NAb, INC. 2190 50VTNaA.ST 17 rit ST"or SUXrZ 210 FORT LAtWffR0AL8, FZ 33316 (305 ) 761-1510 (rAX) 761-8150 F A X a PAGES -INCLUDING COVER SHEET DATE: 10-14-92 FAX 374-4567/581-8041 TO: Ken Watson/AJ Taylor FROM: Ray Steinman/Dan Barnett RSs Big vote 192 Concert The following is the list of artiste that expressed interest either directly or indirectly through management/agents for Hurricane Reliefs Bonnie Raitt Ziggy Marley Latin All -Star Band Jerry Lewis Dionne Warwick Harry Connick Jr. Beach Boys Tito Puente Chayanne Xuxa Whitney Houston Bobby Brown Prince R.B.M. Mariah Carey Natalie Cole Basia Lionel Richie Emmanuel 50 N 65i19 P.01 DATH: 10/14/92 FAX 4 (305) 326-1303 TO: Mr. Kenneth A. Wateom, Director COMPANY= B16 VOTE 92' FROM: Van 8mither RRs "Road to Rebuilding" Concert November 7th a 8th, 1992 Please find our attached proposal for your upcoming concert at Miami Orange Bowl. We hope to hear from you with your further instructions. Regards Sports & Entertainment Insurance Services One Galleria Blvd., Suite 21lZ Metairie, LA 7G001 (504) 836.5120 (504) 836-5119 Fax 9 2 - 675 Atlanta • New Orleans • Philadelphia ■ S&E 30483E,5119 p,02 Single Event Liability Proposal BVHNT s Charity COncert(s) to benefit Hurricane Victims at Miami Orange Bowl EVENT DATES : November 7th & 8th, 1992 LIMITS OF LIABILITY ( BROAD FORM CGL 86 OCC. $2,000,040. Each Occurrence $2,000,000. Aggregate BXTSNSIONS OF COVERAGE Contractual Personal Injury Advertising Injury Promises Medical Payments - $1,000. Limited Worldwide Additional Parsons insured Host Liquor Fire Legal - $50,000. Broad Form Property Damage incidental Had Malpractice Non -Owned Watercraft Extended Bodily Injury ADDITIONAL INSUREDS : City of Miami, Miami Orange Bowl, and Contemporary Services EXPECTED ATTENDANCE: : 30,000 PREMIUM $8 075.00 PAYABLE 5 DAY& PRIOR TO THE EVENT CASHIER'S CHECK ONLY! EXCLUSIONS : Spelled Out In Policy Declarations. OPTIONAL COVERAGES AVAILABLE THROUGH S&E : Weather, Non -Appearance, and Hole -In -One Coverage. Workers Compeneation, Liquor Liability, and Non -Owned & Hired Auto Liability. Owned/Rented Equipment Coverage, and Medical/Disability (Group and Individual). Sports &EntertainmentInsuranceServices One GaUffia Blvd., Sft 2112, Metairie,1 A 70001 9 2 — 675 (504) M5120 (504) 836-5119 Fax Atlanta - New Orleans • WadelphW -CONFIRMED ARTIST($) FOR THE "ROAD TO REBUILDING" CONCERT AS OF 10/10/92 o JAMES (J.T.) TAYLOR* MEN AT LARGE* RUDE BOYS * ■ 9 STARLINA YOUNG* STACY LATTISAW * M.C.S.C. 9 THE NU BEGINNINGS* DENNIS EDWARDS* DAMON HARRIS* FLORIDA NIGHTINGALES* BASS PATROL (FEATURING D.J. FURY) THE DOGS HALF PINT* PIECE BY PEACE * MIAMI BOYZ PRINCE RAHIEM PAIR OF JOKERS POPPA DREAD ANDEZ-THE HEAVYWEIGHT OF ILLUSIONS DECRESCENDO --THE ULTIMATE MICHAEL JACKSON IMPERSONATOR* SOFT-N- WET DANCERS BLACK STONE ASH CHAYS' REBELLION DILLIGAF ACTIII KWOTE YOSIAH* LEO CASINO & THE LIBERTY CITY PLAYERS* SOLID WASTE .. 1` THE•MOON JUNKIES - - ' .. 'GIT ITIFROM THE BACK BOYZ NMOR PARK RARGERS* YOUNG SUSPECTS SYSTEMATICALLLY DOPE ANTHONY POLITE WILLIE P. LIGHTSEY CHARMYN BRENT CHARLES PRINCE OF AUTHORITY COLOR BLIND ALSTON BAIR* VALARIE TYSON MONICA CROSBY E.J. & COMPANY 1 SHARON CANNON AVATAR FANTASIA (MODELING CO.) TAMARA CAMPBELL A TA A TASTE OF XXT SY (FASHION REVUE) THE MIAMI SLAMFEST SUPER WEEKEND JAM TOUR *--NATIONAL ACT (RECORDS, ALBUMS, CD'S RELEASES EITHER PAST OR CURRENTLY) 92- 675 XONEIRMED ARTISTS) FOR THE 1180AD TO REBUILDING" CONCERT AS OF 10/10/92 JAMES (J.T.) TAYLOR* MEN AT LARGE* RUDE BOYS STARLINA YOUNG* STACY LATTISAW * M.C.S.C. THE NU BEGINNINGS* DENNIS EOWARDS* DAMON HARRIS* FLORIDA NIGHTINGALES* BASS PATROL (FEATURING D.J. FURY) THE DOGS HALF PINT* PIECE BY PEACE * MIAIYII BOYZ PRINCE RAHIEM PAIR OF JOKERS POPPA DREAD i ANDEZ-THE HEAVYWEIGHT OF ILLUSIONS i i DECRESCENDO --THE ULTIMATE MICHAEL JACKSON IMPERSONATOR* SOFT-N- WET DANCERS BLACK STONE ASH CHAYS' REBELLION DILLIGAF ACTIII KVIOTE 4 YOSIAH* . LEO CASINO & THE LIBERTY CITY PLAYERS* SOLID WASTE M •• 1` THE -MOON JUNKIES - - -G1T ITfROM THE BACK BOYZ MANOR PARK RANGERS* ' ... YOUNG SUSPECTS SYSTEMATICALLLY DOPE ANTHONY POLITE WILLIE P. LIGHTSEY CHARMYN BRENT CHARLES ,{ PRINCE OF AUTHORITY COLOR BLIND ALSTON BAIR* VALARIE TYSON MONICA CROSBY E.J. & COMPANY SHARON CANNON AVATAR FANTASIA (MODELING CO.) _t ' TAMARA CAMPBELL A TASTE OF XXTASY (FASHION REVUE) THE MIAMI SLAMFEST SUPER WEEKEND JAM TOUR *--NATIONAL ACT (RECORDS, ALBUMS, CD'S RELEASES EITHER PAST OR CURRENTLY) ` 92- 675 � f Pit rPA1 6 kk k!j u I u e 1 i a 1 Mhl*-1, MAOKCNOAI�%, NLW JI-14SEY 07601 W(WI P4;3-Y 387 / FAX;(201 �143-MWI 10-5-92 To A.J. Taylor From : Tore Manning/MTM Management Associates Dear A.Z. It was nice talking to you regarding the Miami Hurricane Relief Effort. HTM Management & Artist J.T. Taylor & Starleana Young supports the effort. J.T. Taylor & Starleana would be proud to participate in this great cause. It's very inspiring for AFRICALN AMERICANS to come together and help others. Please keep my office abreast of the developoments regarding the Miami Hurricane •Relief .Effort. Very trfly r Tom Mannin rs, i 102? 'W. 11roward Boulevard suite 216, O1. 23317-1308 October 8, 1992 To: Mr. Ken Watson Mr. Arthur D.O.C. Blair Froms Monte' N. alright It would be a pleasure to work with you on the Road to Recovery HURRICANE Concert, scheduled for October 23, and 24, 1992. PIECE BY PEACE Featuring AJ Taylor/Pair of Jokers would be proud to participate in this great cause. Again, it is always a sincere effort to help other African Americans work to succeed. .. e 92_ 10.,84.*92 15134 9 212 974 9141 It '�AlliHi NSUfa'�1'iN `' 03 144. =I TALENT` CONSULTANTS 1NTMA'I ONAL, Ltd. October 6, 1992 Mr. A.J. Taylor JAM RECORDS Via rax} (3051 74y-4507 Dear Mr. Taylor: PAr our numerous conversations, let this latter serve as a confirmation of DENNIS EDWARDS' and DAMON HAKKIS' participation in the "Road to Recovery" benefit concert at the Orange Bowl in Miami on October 23, 1992. As original members of the Temptations, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Harris are proud to help represent R & B music by performing at this event. IL Is our undertstandinq that you will be covering all expenses for the Artiato and their band. For your information, there will be eleven people in the AntnuragA. I will advise names and home cities, fur your use in Lsookinq flights, later this week. Please be advised that the Artioto will require four horn players (lead trumpet, second trumpet, trombone, tenor nax) , In addition re •tha musicians they will britsg. 1 will be in touch during the next few clays to finnli2a dataila. If you have any questions or need further iufurmaLluss, pleatse du not hesitate to contact me. RcysrAsl 17 TI P. S ARD On Dehait of Dennis Xdwards and Damon Harris 200 Wen 57th SUM • Suite 910 • New Yotk. N.Y. 10019 (2121 592.9661 Telex 91onoo710 • E." TW-US * raz 111•974.%63 i(�••11.+92 12t 5 9 212 974 4itl tflttlit "9ULthM' 61 TAiliNT CONSULTANTS 1N1'BttNAT[bNAL, Ltd. October 14, 1992 Mr. A.J. Taylor JAM RVMRhfi Via Pjkxt 1305- �74-4567 Dear Mr. Taylor: Per our conversation, let this letter serve as a confirmation of C1JUCK JACKSON's participation in the "Road to Recovery' benefit concert at the Orange Rnwl in Miami on November 7, 1992. As an original member of the Del Vikings and a renowned A & B vocalist in his own right, Mr. Jackson is proud to help reprennnt R & B music by performing At this event. it is our understanding that you will be covering all expenses for the Artist And his band. r'or your informatioc,, here will be seven people let lice wtstourage, all of whom are from Now Yorke I Hill adviac names, for your use in booking flightn, next week. It you have racy questions or need further information, please•do not hoaitato to contact mo. Regas, . _ IM P. S J'►Nl�RD !� On behalr of Chuck J-acKson P.s. Please note that T have conrirmed the appearance of DENNIS LrDWAxoS and DAMON HARRIS utt the new date, November 7th, and will also advise their specific requirements next week. 200 Wes 17th Seca * Suits 910 • New York, N.Y. 100t9 (212) su-966t Tcta19102900710 • B-Moil TC1-US • Feu 212-974-9163 92 675 T DAHL WHtUrk's WANAUMENT -"coming clean" ATTN I Mr. A.'J. Taylor FROM 1Uarryl.!Wheeier's Management it is oar pl.'i99t*r44 ur8 to have be invited to be a p1 RECOVERY BENT �ONCERT at The Orange Bowl in,Mi� 1992. Darryl• management proudly accept 1 of 4-sight'*e cordq Recording Artist THE NU BEGINN: agreement listed �elow 1. Hotel acccommoditiona for 8.4rm 2. Airfair for 8 : 3.: ,H"I• for 8 dur ng entire stay. 4. Ground tr4aispottation for entire stay. Thaik you for centideripg The Nu Beginning, and rE positive you6 grb.0th in -mind Y am With' you all tf 0cerely i Darryl eeljqr, Sr. i . t of the ROAD TO i F1 On Oct-2304 is event on behalf kNjjhder the14ollowing ember with love and way. i •IC October 6, 1992 Kenneth R. Watson Big Vote 92 Minority Voter Registration Drive 700 N.E. 26 Terrace Suite 302 Miami, FL. 33137-4672 Dear Kenneth, As you know, Joey Boy Records, On Top Records, J.R. Records and American owe their faith and existence to the populace of South Florida. Therefore this letter serves as confirmation that the following acts will be available for your "Road to Rebuilding fund Concert" October 23 & 24, 1992 at the Miami Orange Bowl. 1. Bass. Paatrol featuring D.J. Fury 2. The Dogs 3. Half Pint 4. Florida Nightingales 5. Miami Boyz For any questions concerning on stage equipment needs or promotional items feel free to contact me at (305) 635-5588. Thank yo Allen*L. Johns on g2_ 301 N.W. 24* VMEET. MIAML FLQINDA 33142 • rNONE& (30M 693-1f� - 633.E 8400 Nott-ruaAst 2 t4b Avictvtutc • MUM. PLOPtDA-33138 TELSPHOME (305) 757.1969 - F!Ax (305) 757-3456 October 13, 1992 Mr. Eric Ward Vision Records Dear Eric, As you know we at Luke Records are strongly behing a concert that would support the victims of hurricane Andrew. I am enclosing the letter we originally sent to various labels in reference to a releif concert. On a number of occasions I called Estefan Enterprises and finally received a letter which I am attaching. Let me state once again that Luke Records staff and artist are strongly in support of a concert to raise money for the victims of Andrew. Si rely, bie Z. Bennett Director Public Realtions Luke Records, Inc. 92 tit:: ROAD TO RECOVERY RELIEF FUND 1390 NW 14th AVE. MIAMI, FL 33125 ATT: KEN WATSON DEAR MR. WATSON, WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE PRINCE RAHIEM PREFORM AS PART OF THE HURRICANE RELIEF CONCERT AT THE ORANGE BOWL ON THE 24th OF OCTOBER, 1992. PLEASE CONTACT MR. ANTHONY FRAZIER AT (305) 757--2533 OR AT 893-9191, WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION. SINCERELY, RON ALBERT VICE PRES. 92- 675 I 13385 West D=w Highway North Miami, Florida 33161 • (305) 893 9191 SOUTH FLORID ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK SPECTACULAR PROMOTIONS o PUBLIC RELATIONS • ULTRA•CAEATNE AD AGENCY RESULTS DRIVEN MARKETING • EVENT PLANNING S COORDINATION ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDER a REFERRAL SERVICE OCTOBER 2, 1902 MR K13NNETH R. WATSON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BIG VOTE'92 3041 N.W. 151ST TERR. MIIAMI, FL. 33054 VIA TELEFAX #: 305-374-4567 DEAR MR. WATSON: THANK YOU FOR INVITING US TO THE PARTYI WE ARE MORE THAN DELIGHTED TO OFFER TO YOU AND YOUR ORGANIZATION OUR FULL ENDORSEMENT OF THIS IMPORTANT PROJECT AND WE STAND READY TO PROVIDE TO YOU WHATEVER ASSISTANCE THAT WE CAN RENDER WE HAVE ALREADY MADE CONTACT WITH MANY OF OUR LOCAL AND NATIONAL TALENT SOURCES AND WE ARE EXPECTING A FLOOD OF ARTIST CONFMMATION LETTERS AND ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES TO MAKE THIS EVENT HAPPEN! AT PRESENT WE HAVE A NUMBER OF RECORDING ARTISTS, PERFORMERS, AND ACTS THAT i3�L 1I�ILABLE� AT NO COST TO YOII. TO PERFORM PLEASE REVIEW THIS PARTIAL TALENT ROSTER (ATTACHED) AND SELECT WHICH ACTS THAT YOU ARE DI TERESTED IN SO THAT WE MAY NOTIFY AND MAID, ARRANGEMENTS FOR TH U TO BE THERE. (MORE TO FOLLOWI) ONCE AGAIN, YOU HAVE OUR FULL SUPPORT ON THIS ISSUE AND "LETS GET CHAT[ MAN SOUTH FLORIDA F11'I RTAINNIENT NETWORK, INC. D.O.C. RECORDS & PROMOTIONS LDI FILE Mailing Address: 700 N.E. 26 Terrace • Suite 302 • Miami, FL 33137-4672 • 6.r T'�91%N\Nor& ANDEZ- THE HEAVYWEIGHT OF ILLUSIONS DECRESCENDO- THE ULTIMATE MICHAEL JACKSON IMPERSONATOR M.C.S.C. -SINGING GROUP STRAIGHT FROM THE BOTTOM -RAP GROUP SOFT-N-WET DANCERS THE MOON JUNKIES -DANCERS GIT IT FROM THE BACK BOYZ-DANCE GROUP YOUNG SUSPECTS -TEEN RAPPERS MANOR PARKRANGERS RAP GROUP (NATIONAL) DILLIGAF RAP GROUP ACT III SINGING GROUP BLACK STONE ASH -ALL FEMALE ROCK BAND KWOTE-RAP/DANCE GROUP SOLID WASTE -RAP GROUP YOSIAH-JAZZ GROUP (NATIONAL) LEO CASINO & THE LIBERTY CITY PLAYERS -JAZZ (NATIONAL) LPL RASCALS-RAP/DANCE GROUP CHAY'S REBELLION POPPA DREAD -REGGAE MUSIC