HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-92-0473J-92-S26 6/29/92 RESOLUTION NO. 9 I re A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), RECONFIRMING RESOLUTION NO. 89-548, ADOPTED JUNE 7, 1989, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE FLAGLER/CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, AND DETERMINING THAT SECURITY AND STREET MAINTENANCE AND SIMILAR SERVICES, AS DECLARED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89-828, EXTENDED FOR ONE YEAR BY RESOLUTION NO. 91-292, AND EXTENDED FOR AN ADDITIONAL NINETY (90) DAYS BY. RESOLUTION NO. 92-248 (COLLECTIVELY INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE), BE AGAIN EXTENDED THROUGH MARCH 7, 1993, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED NINETY TWO (192) DAYS; ESTABLISHING AND LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES IN SAID DISTRICT BENEFITING BY THE PROVISION OF SUCH SERVICES FOR SAID ONE HUNDRED NINETY TWO (192) DAYS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK; FURTHER EXTENDING THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE RANGER PROGRAM ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1992, AT WHICH TIME IT SHALL BE REPLACED BY AN ARMED PRIVATE SECURITY SERVICE. WHEREAS, Chapter 170, Florida Statutes (1991), authorizes the levy and collection of special assessments against property benefited for the purpose of stabilizing and improving retail and/or wholesale business districts and/or nationally recognized historic districts through promotion, management, marketing and other similar services in business districts of the municipality, and WHEREAS, on June 7, 1989, by Resolution No. 89-848, the City Commission declared the Flagler/Core Area Security District to be a Special Improvement District for the provision of the 10 # above specified services in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter 170, Florida Statutes, as amended; and WHEREAS, a preliminary assessment roll was filed with the Office of the City Clerk indicating the area to be improved, the property to be assessed and the amount to be assessed against each parcel of property to be benefited, as required in Chapter 170 of the Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 1989, by Resolution No. 89-8B1, the City Commission scheduled and thereafter held a public hearing on September 14, 1989, to hear testimony from all property owners and any other interested persons regarding the propriety, advisability and cost of making improvements in the Flagler/Core Area Security District; and WHEREAS, all affected property owners had received appropriate notice of said public hearing as prescribed by Chapter 170, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, all complaints, comments and objections by interested persons and affected property owners were received at said hearing and thereafter treated on the basis of justice and right as reflected herein in regard to the improvements and the assessments; and WHEREAS, said Flagler/Core Area Security District has been deemed a sucoessful element in the ongoing effort to stabilize and improve the Flagler/Core Retail area; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 1991, by Resolution No. 91 292, the City Commission, after a publio hearing, extended the term of the Flagler/Core Area Security District for an additional year; and - 2 - 92- 473 WHEREAS, all affected property owners had reoeived appropriate notice of the above mentioned publio hearing and were given an opportunity to present testimony on the subject extension; and WHEREAS, The City Commission is oognizant of the property owners' oonoerns, and is desirous of implementing various reoommendations of the Downtown Development Authority's Flagler Core Area Security Distriot Advisory Committee ("Advisory Committee") on this matter; and WHEREAS, on April 30, 1992, by Resolution No. 92-249, the City Commission after a publio hearing, extended the term of the Flagler/Core Area Security Distriot for an additional ninety (90) days to allow for additional property owners' input regarding the subject program; and WHEREAS, subsequent to said Resolution No. 92-249, the affected property owners, along with the Downtown Development Authority ("DDA") and the Downtown Miami Business Assooiation ("DMBA"), held three open meetings to disouss various security oonoerns and alternatives; and WHEREAS, at the last of said meetings a vote was taken among the property owners or their designated representatives in favor of oontinuing the Flagler/Core Area Special Assessment District through Maroh 7, 1993, for a period of One Hundred and Ninety -Two (192) days, and oontinuing the City of Miami Polioe Ranger Program, subjeot to issuance of a Request for Proposals for armed private seourity services for the Flagler/Core Area Speoial Improvement Districts whioh would immediately replace the Rangers at the oonolusion of bid processing and contracting; - 3 - 92-- 473 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Resolution No. 89-548, adopted June 7, 1989, as amended, which ordered the creation of the Flagler/Core Security District Special Improvement District is hereby reconfirmed, and it is hereby determined that the properties served by the security, street maintenance and other similar services, as declared by Resolution No. 89-828, and extended by Resolutions No. 91-292 and 92-248, are benefited by the stabilization and improvement resulting from implementation of the subject district. Consequently said services shall continue to be provided by the City of Miami in the Flagler/Core Area Security District for the time period set forth below. Seotion 8. The subject properties shall be assessed as follows: a. Buildings intended predominantly for offioe use and surface parking lots shall be assessed at .175 per $1,000 of assessed value; b. All other buildings shall be assessed at $.928 per $1,000 of assessed value. Seotion 4. A final assessment roll shall be promptly filed with the City Clerk's Office in accordance with this - 4 - 92-- 473 V Resolution and the applicable provisions of Chapter 170, Florida Statutes. Such assessments contained in said assessment roll are hereby levied and stand confirmed and remain legal, valid and binding special assessment liens upon properties against which such assessments are made, until paid. These assessments shall be recorded in the "Improvement Lien Book" and the final assessment roil shall list the lots and lands assessed and the amount of benefit as to each such lot or land and the manner of payment of such assessment to be paid by all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon such improvements or specially benefited thereby and further designated by the assessment plat hereinafter provided for and more particularly described on "Exhibit A", attached hereto. Section 5. An additional one hundred ninety two (192) (March 7, 1993) day extension to the Flagler/Core Security District Special Improvement District and attendant Special Assessments is hereby declared. Said extension shall be supplemental to that authorized by Resolutions No. 89-828, 91-292, and 92-248, and in accordance with the final assessment roll to be filed forthwith with the City Clerk. Section 8. The final assessment roll, special assessments levied therefrom, benefit period, and billing period shall only be for, and restricted to, one hundred ninety two (192) day time period (March 7, 1993). Section 7. Resolutions numbered 89-848, 89-828, 91-292, and 92-248 are hereby incorporated herein by ref erenoe thereto, as if fully set forth herein. 92- 473 01 C Section 8. The continued use of the City of Miami Police Department's Ranger Program is hereby authorized to provide the security services required pursuant to the subject special district through September 30, 1992. However, said program shall be replaced by an armed private security service upon the completion of bid procedures and contracting. Section 9. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of 4ruly ( 1 , 1992. KAVIER L. VAREZ,JAMAYOR ATTES MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK PR PARED APP OVED B : APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ell 2 A' J el E. Maw 1 A Jo' es, III of Assistant City Attorney City Atto ey JEM:rm:osk:X304l Exhibit A Leydl Description for rlagler Areo Spc-vial AsNessment District' Begin at the H.E. corner of Block 102 North of A. L. Knowlton Map of Niami according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book D at page 41 of the Public Records of trade County, Florida, said corner being 30 feet south of the City of Miami Monument Line on N.E. P Street and 10 fNNt west of t110 City Of MiArli Monument Line on Biscayne Boulevard; thence run southerly along the west R/W Line of Biscayne Boulevard to its intersection with the westerly extension of the South R/W Lind of Chopin Plaza, said line being 25 feat South of and parallel with the City of Miami Monument. Line of S.E. 2 Street extended East to the Dade County Bulkhead Line; thence East along the South R/W Line of Chopin Plaza and its extension thereot, to a point of intersection with the East property line of Tract D, of DuPont Plaza, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 50, Page 11 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South along said East property line of tract f< to Its intersection with the Easterly extension of the North R/W Line of S.E. 3 Street; thence Nest along . the North R/W Line of ' S.E. 3 Street and its extension thereof to the Wiest R/W Line of South Miami Avenue; thence South alone the West R/W Line of South Miami Avenue to its intersection with the North R/W Line of S.N. 3 Street; thence Nest along the North R/W Line of S.N. 3 Strpet to its intersection with the East 92- 473 R/W 1 t n(- of the 1 .1 .1:. Hai 1 ro.id; thence. North acid Northwesterly along the tasterly R/W I.1m, of the F.E.C. Railroad to its intersection with the tact. R/W Line of S.W. 1 Avenue; thence north along the east R/W Line of S.W. 1 Avenue to i1-5 intersection with the South R/W Line of West Flagier Street; thencts east along thv south K/W Line of Hest Flagler Street to it's intersection with the Southerly extension of the east R/W Line of N.W. Miami Court; thence Horth along the east R/W Line of N.W. Miami Court and it's extrusion thereof, to the south R/W Line of N.W. 1 Street; thence west along the south R/W Line of N.N. 1 Street to it's intersection with the southerly extension of the east R/W Line of N.W. 1 Avenue; thence north along the east R/W Line of N.W. I Avenue and it's extension therFof, to it's Intersection with the south R/W Line of N.W. 2 Street; thence east along 1he south R/W Lino of N.W. 2 Street and N.E. 2 Street to the .N.L. cornor of said Block 102 North. said Corner also being on the west R/W Line of Biscayne Boulevard, and also being the Point of Deyinning. 92- 473 . 0 50 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 0 Honorable Mayor and Members of th City Commission FROM Cesar H . Odio City Manager DATE FILE June 29, 1992 J-92-526 SUBJECT Flagler/Core Area Special Assessment District Extension REFERENCES For July 9th ENCLOSURESCity Commission Mtg. it is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the attached Resolution extending the Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District for a period of One Hundred Ninety Two (192) days (March 7, 1993), and continue the Police Ranger Program until September 30, 1992, when it would be replaced by an armed private security firm selected pursuant to competitive bidding procedures. On June 7, 1989, the City Commission established the Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement District by adopting Resolution No. 89-548, as amended. One June 30, 1989, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 89-626 establishing the millage rates. The properties were assessed according to two categories: 1. Buildings intended predominantly for office use were assessed at .175 per $1,000 of assessed value; 2. All other buildings and surface parking lots were assessed at $.928 per $1,000 of assessed value. Due to the diminished benefit accruing to surface parking lots,it is now recommended that said property be assessed at the lower 1:75 per $1,000 of assessed value rate. On September 14, 1989, the City Commission determined, by Resolution No. 89-828, that security and street maintenance and similar services should be provided for a period of one (1) year in the Flagler/Core Area Security District Special Improvement, and further levied special assessments against properties in said district benefited through the provision of such services in 92- 473 `E 11 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 On April 11, 1991, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 91-292 extending the Flagler/Core Area Security Distriot Special Improvement District for one (1) additional year. Since the adoption and through all extensions of the above, security service has been provided by the "City Ranger Program." Said program has had a significant, positive impact on crime in the area. The success of this program prompted unaffected property owners to request an expansion of the district. This expansion was approved by the City Commission on June 20, 1991, by Resolution No. 91-468 and confirmed on September 11, 1991, by Resolution No. 91-670. Additional City Rangers began patrolling in the expanded district on March 8, 1992. The budget for the expansion area in 1992 was $84,877.00. Subsequently, all property owners in the original district were invited to a meeting to present their views on the continuation of the district. At that time the property owners expressed concerns about the existing Ranger program and requested that the City investigate the privatization of this service. On April 30, 1992, the Miami City Commission approved Resolution No. 92-248 extending the Flagler/Core Area Security Distriot for only ninety (90) days, pending additional input from property owners. Pursuant to said ninety (90) day extension of the program, property owners , merchants and other concerned citizens met with the police and and private security companies on three additional occasions to discuss their concerns and the use of private security, versus the Police Department's program. At its third meeting, June 8, 1992, the property owners and DDA Advisory Committee on downtown security jointly voted to continue the Special Assessment District until March 7, 1993 (192 days), subjeot to: the City Commission approving a RFP for an armed private security firm which, upon conclusion of bid procedures, would be substituted in lieu of the existing Rangers for both Special Assessment Districts; the DDA'S coordination of — the RFP prooess and selection prooess on behalf of the City and in accordance with established City of Miami procedures; and establishment of a selection committee comprised of four (4) property owners and/or their designated representatives, one (1) DDA representative, one (1) DMBA representative and one (1) City of Miami Police representative. The property owners also conditionally agreed, subject to the City Commission's approval and implementation of the - 2 - 9 w 4'7 3 f Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 3 The property owners also conditionally agreed, subject to the City Commission's approval and implementation of the aforesaid, to the continuation of the existing Ranger Program through September 30, 1992. They also want the continued assignment by the City of the two officers and one (presently supervising the rangers) to supplement the proposed private security service. The Selection Committee's recommendations would be made to the City Commission at the first meeting in September. CHO/JEM/rm/M371 Attachment