HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-92-0396J-92-286 06/02/92 RESOLUTION NO. 9 2- 396 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby appointed as members of the Commission on the Status of Women of the City of Miami, Florida, to serve terms of office commencing June 1, 1992 and expiring May 31, 1995: 1REGINA BERMAN 7970 Biscayne Point Circle Miami Beach, Florida 33141 2. SHARON BOCK 1891 Coral Way Miami, Florida 33131 CITY COhfthISSrom MCETLNG OF J U N 1 1 1°992 �a=eluti� J.� N a IF 3. KATRINA DANIEL WTVJ 316 North Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 4. SUSAN GULLER 14050 S.W. 84th Street, Suite 203 Miami, Florida 33183 5. RACHEAL ISAN _ 1581 Brickell Avenue, Apt. 607 Miami, Florida V3131 6. DEBORAH MEN 6024 N W 201st- Terrace Mir j Lakes, Florida 33169 =j 7. PAULINE RAMOS 1777 N.W. 16th Terrace Miami, Florida 33125 = 8. POLA REYDBURD <� 9 Island Avenue, Apt. 2308 = i Miami Beach, Florida 33139 — c -j -2- 92- 39+6, WWI 9. DENISE RIVERS 1315_0NOrth—West .3rd Court _Miami, Florida 33161 10. ROSARIO--RO-M-AN-� 13325 Southwest 47thStregt Miami 11. MIRIAM 5-9HQF-I-E--L-P-- 1090-5 Southwest -jjjth_Terrace 187 12. EUGENIA TYNES- 7810 Northeast 4th.=rt,--p3o. 305 miami, Florida 3 118 13. DANIELLE WEBB - 10295 Collins Avenue., Apt-718-N Bal Harbor, Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. 91 9-- 396 PASSED AND ADOPTED this llth day of june r 1992• ATT T MATTY HIRAI City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: IRMA M. ABELLA Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A.)aUIN141 JONE II City Attorne M2883/IMA/bjr/rcl -4- VIER L. SUTAREZ, 92- 396 .�, . lot H, e 5 1. LAW . D E—EP -r ,nlrox TeleCopler 7021 V. 1-92. ; 10:30 MX,-Wolflo: OAS Monday, I Juno 1992 I& Cam Oft City Manager city 4f naw 3500 Pan American Dtive Mlarnl, Plorlda 33133 Uear. Mr. 0d1m: In compliance with the recent request from the City► Commission, enclosed please find a resolution for thirteen new members of the Miami Commission on the Status of Women. Please be advised that eight of the thirteen, names recommended -are residents of the City of Miw4 and/or own property/businoas in the City of Miami, as requeated by the Conuulsaipners. The nonitnees to the Commisalorc on the Status of Woman are of foUawa: REGINA HFiI: KA.N Qewiah/Hispanic) - Owns a business in the City of Mfamf, Owner of National Matt Centers. -fiat experience to fund stain$ with the PTA and other organitationa. SHARON BOCK (Anglo) -A resident of th# City ofMiamL - A Real Estate Attorney and commercial litfgator. - owner orthe Southeaat Title Insurance Company, Mc. •.`"48 extensive volunteer experience, including Planned PanentHood, United Way Fun041afn8 Campalgn, Arid the Greater Miami Chamber of Commtm. KATRINA, UANML (An$lo) ' -- -A resldarit of the CityoflalMM/. • A noted bmade ut f ournatist zVerienesd in health and public a f Safm r portinS. `CIA 92- .396 L7 11 COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMM12W s, eeyshore Drive. Miemt, fl 33IW1305► $ 9.3v3 -1 `�� ter? LJLl- 4-- . T HU .<orox Tttecopier ?021 9 ' 152 LAW DE=PT .�40�w a -sz , io:3J Mocc if$OR P.0? 31441 :e 3 SUSA.N GULLtR (Jewish) - A reR(den t of the City of Mtarat. - A self-employed attorney. Has volunteered legal services to NOW, and with litigation on behalf of abused women, and with the Guardian at Litem Program, 1(ACHSAL ISAN Gewlsh) - A resident of the City of Miansi. • An Assistant Public Defender, and a member of the Juvenile Court Rules Committee DEBORAH MENEFEE (Black) - A clinical educator apecialiting in women's health issues, Has extensive training in the area ofrnammograms; and serves as a volunteer CPR instructor. PAULINE RAMOS (Angio) • A resident of the City of Miami. - A professional volunteer involved in numerous activities, including Fairchild Garden, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Center for the Fine Arts, and many more. FOLA REYDBURD (-Mpa►r►ac Jewish) yJ - An Assistant to the Dean of International Studies at the University of Miami, An experienced fundraiter. Also has extensive history in program development in. Jewish causes, DENISE RIVERS (Brock) - An educator by profession, currently attending Florida ,Memorial College working toward an Exceptional Education certification. Involved in cooperative educational opportunities for women. ROSARIO ROMAN (Hispanic/Nicaraguan) - Employed as the Assistant Director of Minority Student Opportunity Pro8rams at M14mi-04dt Community College. - Involved in numerous organizations, including SALAD, the YWCA Board of Directors` National Hispanic Quinctntennial Commission of Florida, and the Nicaraguan American Women's Civic Association. MIRIAM SCHOFIELD (Anglo) - Employed by Dade County as the Director of Perinatal HIV Reduction Demonstration Project. - Has extensive background and experience in health and educational Issues, iiae been involved in women's organizations and activities in NISM4 and Irian. 92— 396 - ut4 .y- y t H u y tzrL L- F4 W IJl=F'1 .xerox Telecopler 7021 0 .2 ', 10:31 MACC-Wolffon 00 = 04 . P - 0 4 BUGBNIA TYNES ('Black) -A resident of the City of Mia"sL - Spnw as a coordinator at Transitional Living Program, Miami Bridge, Inc. Mal extensive experience in corrections, and is involved itt other programs including the Dade County Schools Mmtor program, and Big Brothtr4ft Sisters. IDANIRLLB W8813 ('black) - Own# a business to the tarty of Miami, - Former managing editor al ThL MaMl Times. Owns and operates an aerobics studio, called Danielle's Dancsaerobtcs in Miami. Has extensive background in tales and communications. The City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women Is to have 2.3 appointed members to its Board. The memWs of the Conur"slon reflect the make up of the City. Thar* are currently i2 members on its Boitrd, Lncludtng Ms. Patricia Parekh, recently appointment by Commisatoner DaWkLtia. With the Inclusion of these %S recommended twines, the Comrntsaion will have 23 t�mbors. N Please allow this request to appear on the agenda for the upcoming Commtseion meeting, so that CSW can continue its conuritment for the cause of women's issues for our groat City. Thank you anti best wWwo for a nice day. ftcerely, Dffnadette A. Iviords, Chak encloaure: Revolution HAM/its cc: Laura Lutes, Agenda Office Susanik Soea, First We Chair Judy Mer, Second vice Chair Irma Abella, Assistant City Attontoy 92-- 396 3 Qlitv of Pffitamt� MATTY HIRAI City Clerk June 26, 1992 Ms. Regina Berman 7970 Biscayne Point Circle Miami Beach, FL 33141 Dear Ms. Berman: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the =� Commission on the Status of Women of the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553) . Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. 7irely, M TY HI AI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3sw Pan American DriveR.O. Box 33070e/Mlamt, FIorWa 33U3-0705/(305) 250-5)60 MATTY HIRAI City Clerk June 26, 1992 Ms. Sharon Bock 1891 Coral Way Miami, FL 33131 Dear Ms. Bock: CESAR H. 0010 City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. Si erely, TTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/= Pam, American Drive/P.O. Box 33VWMiam1, Florida 33233.07W(30S) 2WS360 r Stag of �fitamt MATTY HIRAI City Clerk ' June 26, 1992 Ms. Katrina Daniels WTVJ 316 North Miami Avenue Miami, FL 33128 Dear Ms. Daniels: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. SiAzyrely, X/Le �- �- � MATTY HIRAI City Clerk MHsvg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3SM Pan American Ddvv?.o. Box 33WWMlami, Florida 3=-07oe US) rA)-SY0 AML WN Ujitu .a� �t�tmt� MATTY HIRAI City Clerk June 26, 1992 Ms. Susan Guller 14050 S.W. 84th Street Suite 203 Miami, FL 33183 Dear Ms. Guller: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade .Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553) . Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, 1s another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. 0S erely, TT/YH I R A City Clerk MH:vg Enc.'a/s l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3sw Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 33070E/Miami, Fkxida 3323 4VW(3U) 2WSM s P-,- fA ititla of�Rtaritt MATTY HIRAI City Clerk June 26, 1992 Ms. Racheal Isan 1581 Brickell Avenue Apt. 607 Miami, FL 33131 Dear Ms. Isan: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553) . Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. Si erely, ATTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/35W Pan American Drive/P.O. box 33OWMlaml, Florida 33U34VW(*S) 250.5360 MATT'Y HIRAI City Clerk •\'Jf r 0 Ms. Deborah Menefee 6024 N.W. 201st Terrace Miami Lakes, FL 33169 Dear Ms. Menefee: June 26, 1992 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel:s75- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines �± to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit bodies. your membership in said Congratulations on your appointment. i S rely, TTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CEERK/3sm Pan Americsn Dave/r.o. Box 33if whmami, Fwida 33n347o (3m) 2w sm �i#fir of �tnmt� MATEY HIRAI City Clerk Ms. Pauline Ramos 1777 N.W. 16th Terrace Miami, FL 33125 Dear Ms. Ramos: Of ?1 June 26, 1992 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553) . Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. Si erely, M TTY HIRAI MH:vg City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/m ran American DriveM.O. Eon 33o7ae/rti 4n%1, Florida 332334WOW 2WSM "Ni. 91h GIT,it tt MATTY HIRAI CESAR H. ODIO City Clerk City Manager June 26, 1992 Ms. Danielle Webb 10295 Collins Avenue Apt. 718-N Bal Harbor, FL 33154 Dear Ms. Webb: Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553) . Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. AATTY rely, HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/ s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3sm Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 33070 Mismi, Florida 33?33-WW(305) 2s0.5360 imal C�ttg of 1 *1 01 MATTY HIRAI =' i City Clerk June 26, 1992 Ms. Eugenia Tynes 7810 N.E. 4th Court, No. 305 Miami, FL 33138 Dear Ms. Tynes: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553) . Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. S cerely, 9TT/�YHI�RAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3SOD Pan Amerian DriveR.O. Baz 3331I MMiaml, Flo►i& 33233-WW(3)S) 2W53W Tifig of Pffitault , MATTY HIRAI City Clerk • June 26, 1992 Ms. Miriam Schofield 10905 S.W. 177th Terrace Miami, FL 33187 Dear Ms. Schofield: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. Si erely, VATTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3W Pan American DtiveR.O. Box 33UMMiaml, FWkI& 33233OW(3W ZWSM irf �tantt MATTY HIRAI ' CESAR H. ODIO City Clerk '� wn�, �an �� City Manager June 26, 1992 Ms. Rosario Roman 13325 S.W. 47th Street Miami, FL 33186 Dear Ms. Roman: Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held w on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor. Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. SjAcerely, (fTLYH I R A MH:vg City Clerk Enc. a/s t s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/35w Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330 Whilami, Rxida 33233-07W(3012WSMO (11ttij of �tnmt MATTY HIRAI 7 City Clerk fell June 26, 1992 Ms. Denise Rivers 13150 N.W. 3rd Court Miami, FL 33161 Dear Ms. Rivers: CESAR H. ODIO City Manager _ Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. ' Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. S cerely, - ATTY HIRAI { City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s e �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/35M Pan American Or1ve/1•.0. Box 3307WWami, Florida 33233-0705/(X6) 2WSM �t�V of�taxY[t� MATTY HIRAI City Clerk June 26, 1992 Ms. Pola Reydburd 9 Island Avenue Apt. 2308 Miami Beach, FL 33139 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager Dear Ms. Reydburd: I Enclosed herein please find a copy of R-92-396 which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on June 11, 1992, appointing you to serve as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of Miami. Pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution — and/or Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13, as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women, you will be required to file a Source of Income Statement form with the Dade County Supervisor, Elections Department. Their address is: Metro Dade Center, 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1910, Miami, Florida 33128-1993 (Tel: 375- 5553). Also enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991, outlining some guidelines to assist members of City Boards and Committees in complying with the Government in the Sunshine Law. Also enclosed, for informational purposes, is another memorandum from the City Attorney, dated October 22, 1991 on legal requirements concerning Conflict of Interest and Dual Office Holding circumstances which may prohibit your membership in said bodies. Congratulations on your appointment. S cereIy, TTY HIRAI MH:vg City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3sw Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 33070E/Miami, Florida 33233-07w(3m) 2wsm