HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-92-0376J-92-436 5/78/92 92-- 376 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF N & G BEST LAWN, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING OF GROUNDS MAINTENANCE FOR THE NEW SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN AND PARK WEST MALLS ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE YEAR PERIODS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING CONSERVATION AT A PROPOSED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $8,950.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKWEST TAX INCREMENT OPERATING BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. 550108-340, PROJECT NO. 689001; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received April 29, 1992 for the furnishing of grounds maintenance services on a contract basis for a period of one (1) year with the option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods to the new Southeast Overtown and Park West Malls for the Department of Development and Housing Conservation; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to one hundred and forty seven (147) potential suppliers and ten (10) bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available from the Southeast Overtown/Parkwest Tax Increment Operating Budget Account No. 550108-340 Project No. 689001; and ary cOI NIISSl4v MEETING OF 1 t J U N 1 1992 Resolution No. 92- 3'76 �� WHEREAS, this service is needed to provide grounds maintenance services to the new Southeast Overtown Mall located at NW 7th Street between 3rd Avenue and 1st Court and the Park West Mall located at NW 9th Street between 1st Avenue and Miami Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Development and Housing Conservation Department recommend that the bid received from N & G Best Lawn, Inc. be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The April 29, 1992 bid of N & G Best Lawn, Inc., Inc. for the furnishing of grounds maintenance services to the new Southeast Overtown and Park West Malls for the Department of Development and Housing Conservation at a total proposed annual _± cost of $8,950.00 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the Southeast Overtown/Parkwest Tax Increment Operating Budget Account No. 550108-340,Project No. 689001. e l e - 2 — 92— 376 Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized)/to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a Purchase Order for this service and thereafter to extend this contract for two (2) additional one (1) year periods subject to the availability of funds. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED thisllth day of June 1992. �r Z,-XAV I ER LdVAREZ,, YOR ATTE MATTY HIRAI, CITY CLERIC PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: If CARMEN L. LEON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Q I N J,40S, III CITY ATT EY - 3 - V: 1/ The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all =3 requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code G provisions. 92- 376 DID_RECURITT_LIST DID ITENt Ground id� enance Se-ry. De as tmei3Sd DID NO• s l DATEDID(S) OPEHHDtpl-.�.1r,rZ,9�.�99.2-10.:L .c1..uL-------------------------- TOTAL DID DOWD Qr D_YDDER 7ID �tiOVlfT CASHIER'S CHECK 1 J..R. Alvarez Land Clearing N (See attached �?�SfN N_N ---------- w__NN_NNN-w Greenworks, Inc. -Robert Brown Bldg & Maint., Inc. " I.funjos- rading Co., Inc. ----------- Allstate Specialty N-Nw�-rww-r-rrNN -ww-w Y-w Sunshine Enbironment Julep Lawn & Landscape i4ai.nt.In N---wNN-Y A & G Best ' Lawn Service (We only received _=jt one copy of the bid „�.9_ Procurement Division ----------------- Ocean Crown Environmental Serv. EG & DD Services, Inc. --N--N—� --N---------------- NN----- NN -- ---------L------------- • ------------ rw--- - ------- ------ jo BID: --------- ----------- -------------- --=1------3 -.------ -- George & James Lawn Ser. TransalQbal Ij-c • ----------- ------ AWAr I( LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT AID NO 91-92-071t Sealed bids will be received by the City of, Miami City Clerk at her office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan Ahakican,Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 not later than 10:30 ' for the furnishing of all labor, materials and eqet ent1aR required for grounds maintenance services at the Southeast Overtown and Park West Malls located at NW 7th Street between 3rd Avenue and 1st Court (2 blocks) and NW 9th Street between 1st. Avenue and Miami Avenue (1 block) on a contract basis for one (1) year for the Department of Development and Housing Conservation. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any other location or office shall be deemed not responsive and will be rejected. Ordinance No. 10062, as amended, established a goal of Awarding 51% of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for All Goods and Services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises on an equal basis. Minority and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority or women vendors are advised to contact the City Procurement Office, 1390 N.W. 20th Street, Second Floor, Telephone 575-5174. Ordinance #10032 established a "First Source Hiring Agreement" program to stimulate the creation of employment for City of Miami residents. For details of the program's requirements, contact the Neighborhood Jobs Program at 579-2468. Local preference may be applied to those vendors whose primary office is located in the City of Miami, provided the amount of the bid or bid is not more than ten percent (10%) in excess of the lowest other responsible bidder or bidder. Detailed specifications for the bids are available upon request at the City Procurement Office. The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertise. (Ad No. BM) Cesar H. Odio City Manager., 1. i . tt Ty -of ' (in REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT DEPT/DIV. i ACCOUNT CODE - DATE Proctarement (fPgrNDev. Cons & Housing C r(O E A PROVED BY: PREPARED BY ► 5$0108-2$7 -18-921 575-5174 DIRECT L4ura Wkite Publish the attached adv$rtisement times. f (number of times) ! Type of advertisement: ` legal 1 ssfffed display tDheck One) # e9 � _ If � s i x Size:, -- - Starting date First four wordtft&iisement: This number must appear In the advertisement. Remarks: .. , . 1 i rounds Maintenance Services - J 1 DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. ` LINE" `;- PUBLICATION' DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT : INVOICE AMOUNT 0` A is-- � rt 13•2 Miami Review Mami Times D ario Las Americas :;. Fvi E F3 !=4 f5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11. F12 UNE TRi NS' -:_ VO CHER YY� MM DD. Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR 1 INDEX CODE OBJECTPROJECT 11 13 ; - `17 18; 25134 39142 45 50151 56 57 j82 63 65 t 71 0 I t I ',`VP 2 02 287 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 12 314 15 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT6 72 AMOUNT 80; 5 2 p 0 2 0 1 4 6tl Uf t'Uni'IJ I'IUJI bt ntlUnntU Un IUUn DID 111%1 uL likow"f\Llt 1LL ,fr BIOS TO: THREE 3 Offles of the Clty Clark ( ) COPIEESOF 3500 Pon A~can ort" MUST SETBE OF FORMSRNED P.O. a0y ��s YOUR BID MAY BE Ylarvll, Florida 33133 DISQUALIFIED. Paps 1 of TELEPHONE NUMBER MAILING DATE (pry) ps.on 575.5174 April 15, 1992 April 29, 1992 at 10:30 a.m. and ntay not be withdrawn within ninety days after such daft and time. Ail awards made u a result of this bid shall conform to oecdons of the charter and code of the Oty of Miami. A CORPOP STATE OF: CITY-STA f CWVfY that this Ord is rmada wWWW itrW undWWWMl V. agrovinal , of eonnaet/orh with any Corporatlori, Mrrn. a peraah auerrirminp a Ol6/arthe ran» man"" Supplies, or oowfvnsnt. and is In off raspoem /err and wrtntwf eaiusron er fraud.1 pre* to abide by of condinorn of thra bid and Canny mat I am s,rnonzad to sign this bid for me biddw CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INVITATION TO 810 BID SHEET 1-92-071 Grounds Maintenance Services on for 'no bid" CERT1R190 ON CA11MIUM CHECx 15 ATTACHM. wMEN REQUIRED. IN THE AMOUNT OR s AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Manual) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Typed) TITLE GENERAL CONDITIONS BIDDER: To Insure acceptance of the bid. follow these Instructions. SKALSD SIDS: An bid streets and We tam must be executed and submitted In a seated envelops. The tact of the envelope WWI contain. in addition to the above addrew the data and time of the bit opening, and the bid numbst. Bids not submitted on attached bid form may be refected. All ads are subject to the conditions sooetrled herein. Those wfiCh do not Comply with these condition* are subject to relection. 1. EXECUTION OF BID. Bid must contain a manwi signature of an authorized representative in the space provrosd above. The Company name must also appear on each page of the bid as requirsd. 2. NO SID: If not submitting a bid. respond by retuenhhg ens copy of this form. marking It 'NO BID", sad explain the reason In go spots orovidod above. Ropes ted failurs to Quota without tuMdent justification shall because for a oval of the suopiara name from the bid mailing IIaL NOTE To Quality as a respondent bidder mum submit a 'NO Stir. and It must be recewed no later than the stated bid opening dots and hour. 3. 610 OR'ENINO: Shall be "IC. On the data and the time specified on the bid form. It is the bidders resaonsiWity to ensure that his bid le delivered at the proper time and place Of the bid Opening. Bids which for any reason are not so delivered. will not be ebnadared. Were by telegram or telephone are not aoapaba. 4, 9W TAOULATIONM Wil not be tumishod. Bid flip may be exanuned during normal working hours. S. P RICEII. TI MS said PAYMENT: Firm prices shall be puotad: typed Or printed in ink and Include all pecking, handling. shipping ehargw and delivery to the destination snowm harahkh. Bidder, is raqusatsd to offer cash CH mn ant for prompt invoice payment. Discount time will be computed from the dab of satisfactory dwvw y at place of aeeeptatm or from receipt of correct invoice as this office sI»cfled. whiahewt is law. a) TAXIII& Do not Include state Or federal taxies not applicable to munieipa>lltlea b) UWAKILM Bidders are expected to axsmine the specifications. delivery schedule, bid prices, extenvons and all inettuetsons pertaining to supplies and services. Failure to do so will be at bidders risk. c) Dl$COUNTB: WIII be considered in determining the lowest net cost d) CONDITION AND PACKAGINGIz, It Is undeetood and agreed that any Item offered or shipped as a result of into bid shall be new (current production nWdel at the time of this bid). All oontainsis shall be suitable for storape.or shipmwm and all pneM shelf inclu0e standard comirm al packaging. e) SAFETY STANOAM& Unlsas aawwm edoulafald in the bid. all nwwt.ewred items and tabneabd assemblies shelf comply with applipbN requirements of Occupational So" and Health Act and any standards thereunder. f) UNDExWmIfTERV LANORATOR1Es: Unless otherwise sti- PUlated In the bid. aN manufactured items and fabricated assemblies shall carry U.I.. approval and nimamination listing where such no been aommshed. g) PATIAMr.. Payment will be made by the City after the items awarded to a vendor have been gem inspected. and found to Comply with award speeificallone, free of damage or d~ and property invorcad. All invoieas shall bear the purchase order number. a 0EuvEI1Y: Uniaa actual date of dowary is specified (or if specified delivery cannot be met). show number Or On required to make dalivery after tempt of puehase of m in spans piOvided. Quivery brew may bacon e oases for making an award Jose Spacial Condltionsl. Delivery snail be withkr tho noimaf working hours Of the Most. MOndoy throlph Friday. FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN THIS FORA MAY DISQUALIFY THIS SID MANUFACTUAER'S NAUSS AND APPROV20 EOUIVALENTS.- Any manufocturer's nemeo, tr000 names, brand -model names, information and or catsloq numWrs lilted In a specification a» Mr fnformtallem, not to limn onmoontlan. TM bidder mey offef any brand for which he to on suthonted represents"". wflieh meet at oeaeeds the apeclficanon for any Itemo(s), tf the bids wo baswd On equivalent products, indicate on tlw bid tam the manuhttut- ar'a Malmo and nunibef and indicate any dewatlon from the aaeCl- ficatlons, YOUR 810, LACKING ANY WRITTEN INDICATION OF INTENT TOOUOTT AN ALTEANATE BRAND, WILL Bti RECEIVED AND CONSIDERED AS A OUOTATiON IN COMPLM COM- PLIANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AS LISTED ON THE BID FORM, a. iWORUATION AND 0119 IH M Lf 9RATVRRs Biddle» mutt furnish all inton"Agen mmUmted in one seem Vmv%W on tfM bid form. Further, as may be wpweNiwd owarl'i" . oath biddwf mYat nrOMat #Of bid virQuatlon CM 0MIchee, and de= "" iRWIturt and teeflttlbwt speciAgtfofa Bowing the products oft to. Aefwrtftow to ntaftblPa $UM"f tied with a pm"0ua t" or an Mie vnth thw buyer will not tantify vahl prOvtaon. fi. WnRIPWATIONIII: Any auemw Coneawf it candiwne and Ii{ 60aarfl0attora st"Vfd be directed to n» lamcuren+em onto in vMUMg n0 latef tMn thrte ISI awe otter to tole No oventny. Ir+etuttwi tMuat »t«wta the loci of bat oven+f Q wW tstd number i t 0k CONFLICT OP WISES T he "MM rWvundwr. * wA4sCt to all 0"If t of rotor pfpvloofis of v w city of Mkww' Owe County, of no StNt of Ft MVL AW AROEt As eft bwwt lnteftet at vie city ftuY requons. rm mi"t to twwtved 110 rtfwet city and an beds find to warvw arty inwqulerrty in Dada reaw.wd: to occeot any it"" at grout of raw" urifees Cuati- Mwd by bx% wr, t= ADDITNNOAL 0U&NTTi M For a served not emcweaifvp natwty I101 ft" item V* date of sev"Mance of ewe Otter by tt» buyer. V* npM is reMfred to atdu"me wddtbbnal quwntlbee at vo wictw tiro pi tlMa wavattwton, <Q addltiofval Calwnabwt wrte not aCa:eofaDre, ttvo "'d One" fftelat taw 1" '810 IS FV`R SPECIFIED CUANTTry CRt.Y— id URVWX AM WAMII.&MM. Lhvrea oehwrrreM 1110100 wd ve two" anwet dwlano wro wa l l rtey, swfretw end rwoi*Cwf" xw mot WA to w o-owd. fi*am must or~ on an emu"" are w serrtt waaaarft v1101104ty am swiv.ow 8=1111aiwa are on+CreOwct w t a SAWU& ?aeeefto of now,a, whop 01"d Tat, aaurt be ka maned tree at earensw, aid fir hat aua -Al go fsagaaK be returi+wd ea t!ywi afrefars eaxwrrsfa. tAwpfyw,pa oar tt'fw rwssta of aarr� ttwa tort mw msaw voilfta ZVI sera 1100owwog am V for bmw EKA siv®aVOU M tw*e,wlia "OAK to 11""d wear &e en r+a %& rwwswowttrrrsri best+e ears en+a awr++rerre, era +rv>efecter sn+c ewes 'S TC CQKTWACT C;0VQCOZ10rt& rrataw iwfait Rio wood kreopowlryAt,>t sera aawo�gwseltaiwirtoaw ArfwfC� titan OR Vet Pillie as ®aiawwwwra of Agmuftm awe coafsamer Saw 414 M wt " tam selafCailraw "w" L wMms"Mms. ?Aft alto! awe "d We" awry "aR iI& Ce"ife wise ream I %l - an Oee>Q• art 11111 ado 00 OPM M aieaftoaVwR twwrasa 41% accep 4reifm mom >itfM Flwlfviea ftftftL M"t, ftmaawr.i.d wa Camerect. 'ai � wra+t Era �aearesnt ens +�etenaii t rreaet#ors Owe"a.Awfaa�wr lox ee trs w,rw,e. �r�,waata anet ftearrfra+e as tsawtlsrtrtesaaea+fwsia ciao xwNeofae in Mow awwli!q awe vp two we w1r Visionless aaatr ypao4. fai�aeAit u, ItraatFtf � t� o>e metrrait+a vseUeeatrwetrs sesar ache: �+ Ziaaea "a* 2i illfa+gaf *$WPM ttla ON WliC ew"Ploltim, wit theme 4%ww tfe0a0 aaef an aroma rot V* atiso lwrs manvis ftov ewr0 awe %MR so CW at blapi a's wwofalar+a0it" aria *E. 11111110111110C aaC! &M Tsna alaaearowe t+ awe aleewefaneta.watowltaw aasomwaves W2 wpomm 0.blow aaae.'amu reslfwwrr<a+t aetsmavaon®ittaaL atuaa>tefac art set aaoimatae� Q+►R+issaseaatsra<aittetR.aaiiwmcriwwtlrewwZt►�egrierlirat '�Qa ewlaroee itieati aiapitgewaw Zit mat �:. 17. DISPUIn case of TES- f arty doubt or ditforsnee of ob;mon to to the items to tie furnished he»urtder. Me decision of the city manager shaft be final end binding On Huth ptrttes. 12 11L acvnHUffNTAUMl"IC"()"E: tntheeantamyqover,men- tw rastricnons trlay be impowwd wfliCn rfOttld MOCessttate altefs- tlane of vow mabrtat, quality, wonmemnto or perfo+mancs of the Items offered on this orooaaal ortor t0 thetr ds Busty, it shall be the reeponsiblilty of in* successful bidder to ftodty the city at once. indicating in his Iw WMS tofadfia rtqulatlon wn+ch featr+rwd an altontlon. The erty newervww the ftgM to aeCept arty such arters- Von including any prroa adfu6171110nfts ocCIIISMnee thw»oy, or tc cancel the coo Itl at no expenas oo the any. 11A LEO,AL RlZOWREtiiEtiT>'L: Fo0well. seats. coumy. aria city tours. Ordlnaneau moss. and regtelaMOns that in arty runner affect the home corwrtd im tom sooty. Lack of krwwlsdge by the b4osir anti in no .ray be a cane fOr rMief hum raeo"billty. 211 PA71 M AND ROVALTM& Thai bidder, w r0tout encero fm sited inownrlity and save hartntaaa as eny am ttt wmptoyews trove IIANI ty of any mature or ktntL Wicfuding coat and exowmes for of on scimunt of any cooyrigfrud. pawned. or unpetwrtisd invon- a Of*Com of trttclwffiairmfecUmmiM or used In the pw lOrwar4e of the Carvttxt. irifauding IIX wwo by V w City of Miami. If mw bidder Um arty dw"I - Qwvor fnawoom Cow by iwtters. patent or ccoyrigm it ie enMell►ty agrawd and undemim"d wathout wftevotlon that Uiw bid pi VW include an raystaw or cm analnq from the use, of flocs doeVu device. or mataruft on airy way invofred in vie wont. 21. AOVttllTt$MIX in subrmrtOr a vo 9 al. bidder mga hot to use ttve m suns nre»rrom as a ow t of any coee"alre w Sam t: o Vt *mm of etw sawAatlon may bw sue"at to aeaon Corertod uoidwr Pomona tS dt tide docuimarm ZL AiiIQ811111111110M. Any Purchwe Orowr uauuod ourilivo t to hire bed rirvtatan and vlw inoewwa.facti 91W PI COarra dots nwrOufX er art nos QapgnabM wxcsM vRM V w onpr wimnsn soci vrsl of 7 w Cry. UASWTP. The supodw ~ locoed ant am vas C=tty co sauft. tROrrdL cis ein'kwf71, a4wrRL arks onmoeoyewa rlarirretlw trots► ter of airy bred e► v w peirvorweirm of that ca"war~ .2i in V w w4em of an arrow On Ww Can ce ro coca w n eiowriarnq taint pax w or in SO coin 9 taw waanded anus, va win once srawia p»ewrL wscw,ot iwr+wfi n+w OrOdar c>Mrariy szaat tows tTw iCltae OnrCw e baaad an an wit car mono bail. M Pft= ADJUTTUMM my once deatame n di wv we can&= vaimad eeVW or rsaa0l+ of aetrtaw esaaer w or on am cWt lost claw cm av=11 o e LO W sett apiitttl bw tewma an sA we C*v of k0saax 2L CAFSCVLAAT10ftAXcww=Ce asteer[ore. firs¢`iweat 20 drra attar a'ewc,5w dams Cr -- a CommG 90r --w zr=c:ca- v bee.`a merswa. rft e "" M sir . mew a s+ ear: MOIR teas taq/aral #seem of we to I=& - QT>E110111IOIo : sew QS r of "was rasarrat Zara eoscom sa doer,. we df T" . _...mow or &TV wam for M 20*0090 !{ tir�oapaG Gona;G E22mialiaw of we C=mw c aw vc weal tie my i afaewial aDiwaaaanit w � �l liliftagg zn om or abaaetna a wmally 'wgereaeases area. Ztn c oview w e sea rViv 30 Cos, 1w simowass, sffa�eoeti. NICITE. .�'i ANQ ALL :. w" « S' ,il' 7A.*, '$r:. � � VARY ff�it 'x"a� � ., I" �"VE " JAMI, FLORIDA ,6T (Continued) BID NO. 91-92-071 TMT: BID SHEET A14D ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED IN TRIPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. -- IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms: (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of $ if awarded all items. Warranty and/or guarantee: Delivery: calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice of Award. Number of calendar days required to complete work after start. Delivery Point(s): In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices indicated on the attached bid sheet(s). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S): a) List principal business address: (street address) b) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) (Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary) MINORITY PROCU RMRNT CO PL•I NCS The undersigned bidder acknowledges that (s)he has received a copy of Ordinance #10062 as amended, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami and agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. Bidder: (company name) Signature: Date: Print Name: Indicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check sine box only) [ ] BLACK [ ] HISPANIC [ ] FEMALE If firm has an existing plan, AFETR►,cAYVE ACTION P .AN effective date of implementation: If firm does not have an existing plan, the Successful Bidder(s) shall be required to establish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Ordinance #10062 as amended. See Appendix I for sample. Bidder: Signature: (company name) 113 111113= 11=07M9t :► I 1=14 111A1 t I &MVIVNEu.'mI . I I CITY OF MIAMI, FLORA N0. BID SHEET (Continued) INSURANCE REOUIREMENTS Bidder shall pay on behalf of, indemnify and save City and its officials harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, and causes of action, which may arise out of bidder's performance under the provisions of the contract, including all acts or omissions to act- on the part of bidder, including any person performing under this Contract for or on bidder's behalf, provided that any such claims, liabilities, losses and causes of such action are not attributable to the negligence or misconduct of the City and, from and against any orders, judgements or decrees which may be entered and which may result from this Contract, unless attributable to the negligence or misconduct of the City, and from and against all costs, attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in the defense of any such claim, or the investigation thereof. The vendor shall furnish to City of Miami, c/o Procurement Management Division, 1390 NW 20th Street, Miami, Florida 33142, Certificate(s) of Insurance which indicates that insurance coverage has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below: A. Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 440. B. Public Liability Insurance on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less than $ 300.09o.00 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. City must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non -owned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work in an amount not less than statutory combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The City needs to be named as additional insured. BINDERS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. -i The insurance coverage required shall include those f classifications, as listed in standard liability insurance -j manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the vendor. All insurance policies required above shall be issued by - companies authorized to do business under the laws of the State - of Florida, with the following qualifications: A t f{ 4 CITY OF MIAMI, FLL_ DA \ J N0. 91-92-071_ BID SHEET (Continued) The Company must be management, and no financial strength, Key Rating Insurance company which holds Authority issued by of Insurance, and Guarantee Fund. rated no less than "B" as to less than "Class V" as to by the latest edition of Best's Guide or acceptance of insurance a valid Florida Certificate of the State of Florida, Department are members of the Florida Certificates will indicate no modification or change in insurance shall be made without thirty (30) days written advance notice to the certificate holder. NOTE: CITY BID NUMBER AND/OR TITLE OF BID MUST APPEAR ON EACH CERTIFICATE. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this Agreement. The Bidder shall be responsible for assuring that the insurance certificates required in conjunction with this Section remain in force for the duration of the contractual period; including any and all option terms that may be granted to the Bidder. --If insurance certificates are scheduled to expire during the contractual period, the Bidder shall be responsible for submitting new or renewed insurance certificates to the City at a minimum of ten (10) calendar days in advance of such expiration. --In the event that expired certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates which cover the contractual period, the City shall: A) Suspend the contract until such time as the new or renewed certificates are received by the City in the manner prescribed in the Invitation To Bid. B) The City may, at its sole discretion, terminate this contract for cause and seek re -procurement damages from the Bidder in conjunction with the General Terms and Conditions of the Bid. The undersigned bidder acknowledges information and agrees to comply requirements. Bidder: (Company name) Date: that (s)he has read the above with all the above City Signature: Print Name: A PURCHASE ORDER WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED, SIGNED AND RETURNED TO THE PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORA HID SHEET (Continued) r PRICE BID FACILITY 1. Southeast Overtown Mall NW 7th St. between 3rd Ave. and 1st Ct. (2 blocks) 2. Park West Mall NW 9th St. between 1st Ave. and Miami Ave. (1 blocks) 3. Steam Cleaning as specified 4. Cost for fertilizing and chemical weed killing when needed (All other services specified must be included in the above monthly costs) Exceptions to Specifications (if any): ID NO. 91-92-071 /per year $ /each time Social Security or Federal Employer Identification Number Occupational License No. Expires: (copy to be submitted with this bid) BIDDER: BIDDER SIGNATURE: (PRINT) : POSITION: ADDRESS: PHONE: PHONE/BEEPER: (Where contractor or designee can be reached every day during regular working hours) FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID. OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BID NO. 91-922-071_ SHEET (Continued) VENDOR BACKGROUND INFORMATION This questionnaire is to be submitted to the designated City Office by the bidder or proposer, along with the bid or proposal being submitted for the goods and/or services required by City. Do not leave any questions unanswered. When the question does not apply, write the word(s) "None", or "Not Applicable", as appropriate. Failure to complete this form, when applicable, may disqualify your bid. L I C E N S E S 1. County or Municipal Occupational License No. (if any) (attached copy) 2. Occupational License Classification: 3. License Expiration Date: 4. Metro -Dade County Certificate of Competency No. (attached copy if requested in Bid or Proposal) I N S U R A N C E 5. Name of Insurance Carrier: 6. Type of Coverage: 7. Limits of Liability: 8. Coverage/Policy Dates: 9. Name of Insurance Agent: Agent's Phone (with area code): E X P E R I E N C E 10. Number of Years your organization has been in business: 11. Number of Years experience PROPOSER/BIDDER (person, principal of firm, owner) has had in operations of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or Proposal: 12. Number of Years experience PROPOSER/BIDDER (firm, corporation, proprietorship) has had in operations of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or Proposal: BIDDER/PROPOSER NAME: l\ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BID N0. 91`g�� BID SHEET (Continued) -a 12 13. Experience Record: List past and/or present contracts, work, jobs, that BIDDER/PROPOSER has performed of a type similar to that required by specifications of the City's Bid or Proposal: FIRM NAME/ADDRESS DATE OF JOB DESCRIPTION OF JOB 14. References: List references who may be contacted to ascertain experience and ability of BIDDER/PROPOSER. NAME/FIRM ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. 16. Has BIDDER/PROPOSER carefully inspected the job site: 17. TO PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAIL INFORMATION AS TO QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE, ATTACH DOCUMENTATION TO THIS FORM. Name of Bidder Proposer FIRM Date Signature of Authorized Agent (Owner, Principal) Type or Print Name of Agent or MIAMI, FLORIDA BID NO. 91-92-071 SHEET (Continued) _ L MINORITY STATUS INFORMATION SHEET Please check one box only and complete any and all sections applicable to your firm. 1. Indicate Minority/Women Classification of Business Enterprise (BIDDER): [ ] B=BLACK [ ] H=HISPANIC [ ] F=FEMALE [ ] NM=NON-MINORITY 2. If ONE OF THE FOLLOWING, give details of Minority/Women Participation within firm(s), or as it may apply to this bid, if awarded. Indicate Minority/Women Classification of each company: A. JOINT VENTURE: Provide information regarding Minority/Women firms participating and the extend of participation. Dollar +ill ,-.11' usiness Address • Amount B. SUBCONTRACTORS: Provide information regarding Minority/Women firms participating and the extend of participation. Dollar Firm Name Business Address Did Amount C. SUPPLIERS: Provide details regarding Minority/Women firms that supply you with goods or services; state the extent. Dollar pit-M- Business Address Bid Amount Ir APPENDIX 01 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY for EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of (Company Name) to base its hiring and promotions on merit, qualifications and competency and that its personnel practices will not be influenced by an applicant's or employee's race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. One of the management duties of all principals at (Company Name) is to ensure that the following personnel practices are being satisfied: 1. Take every necessary affirmative action to attract and retain qualified employees, regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. 2. Maintain equitable principles in the recruitment, hiring, training, compensation and promotion of employees. 3. Monitor and review personnel practices to guarantee that equal opportunities are being provided to all employees, regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. (Company Name) is committed to take affirmative action and aggressively pursue activities that will serve to enable all employees and applicants opportunities available throughout this organization. Clearly, the above actions cannot be accomplished as a secondary duty for any individual, despite the full support of management. And so, to monitor our efforts, (Company Name) has assigned one of its principals as the Affirmative Action Director to monitor all activities of this program. Employees may contact (Name of assigned principal) at (telephone number) regarding this Affirmative Action Policy. DATE: (Signature/Title) DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION City of Miami Code Sec. 18-56.4 (a) Authority and-eouirement to debar 40 s,gsoend: After reasonable notice to an actual or prospective contractual party, and after reasonable opportunity to such party to be heard, the city manager, after consultation with the chief procurement officer and the city attorney, shall have the authority to debar a contractual party for the causes listed below from consideration for award of city contracts. The debarment shall be for a period of not fewer than three (3) years. The city manager shall also have the authority to suspend a contractor from consideration for award of city contracts if there is probable cause for debarment, pending the debarment determination, the authority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in accordance with regulations which shall be issued by the chief procurement officer after approval by the city manager, the city attorney, and the city commission. (b) Causes for debarment or suspension include thg following: 1. Conviction for commission of a criminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public or private contract or subcontract, or incident to the performance of such contract or subcontract; 2. Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty; 3. Conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of bids or proposals; 4. Violation of contract provisions, which is regarded by the chief procurement officer to be indicative of nonresponsibility. Such violation may include failure without good cause to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract or to perform within the time limits provided in a contract, provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control of a party shall not be considered a basis for debarment or suspension; 5. Debarment or suspension of the contractual party by any federal, state or other governmental entity; 6. False certification pursuant to paragraph (c) below; or 7. Any other cause judged by the city manager to be so serious and compelling as to affect the responsibility of the contractual party performing city contracts. (c) Certification: All contracts for goods and services, sales, and leases by the city shall contain a certification that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above or debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b)(5). The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above, or debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b)(5). Company name: Signature: Date: opt -? r STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE NO. 10032 Bidder certifies that (s)he has read and understood the provisions of City of Miami Ordinance No. 10032, pertaining to the implementation of a "First Source Hiring Agreement". Bidder will complete and submit the following questions as part of the bid. Evaluation -of bidder's responsiveness to Ordinance No. 10032 may be a consideration in the award of a contract. Violations of this Ordinance may be considered cause for annulment of a contract between bidder and the City of Miami. 1. Do you expect to create new positions in your company in the event your company was awarded this bid by the City? Yes No 2. In the event your answer to number 1 is yes, how many new positions would you create by virtue of performing this contract? 3. Please list below the title, rate of pay, summary of duties, and expected length or duration of all new positions which might be created by virtue of your company's award of this job. POSITION/TITLE RATE OF PAY DUTIES EXPECTED Circle one LENGTH OR Hourly/Weekly DURATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (Use additional sheets if necessary) BIDDER'S SIGNATURE: DATE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR BID. Calf Of M[AM[ =3 r t r Pl�asa CnsCR "'t enly f ] Htsc►n{e. f 7y..�,� �t �ij tt+a ts'tttarslrtd agree to it* fallovi"I COPlttle+rs: 1) tMt a! Mn r*ad City of !{tasel's Crdteance qo. 1052 as asradeQ a44 w"t the fifty-" ptrctnt (511) owbership t re"Ireaarrt ter e!ftorityfvessilw r"Istrati., states and will abide by all of tree - 4s19={ay a*�8 reytislatla s �e+itrafeg lase City of WIM11 ploarity a14 tlt a lecs{etss EaterFrlse troordar"; 3� %44% If st alf tlse lairl'"tlem sabotted *j 1,11% wide wt;,"&.0 ayg4s. i {T sSWIL'-*ar A11rsr fteliGtlasr thcul3 i'rm"e to be false. 0110 *44t . aml i cart's Imm ♦!!'n l be sv = l f�rm the C4.; sf erase ,s *wwty, Vvmdky! lilt •9 tR. we fwr «1tc t4 t*! % �� itatsrt; Vu tTat trte 0*4 Of, "W"m �7a�=�1y+.s"rs ii+e r+vtt- Mr orr ate^! s+r 11;1* ' not-t¢'t, ri R'OR�{!2 t.''*e '.,.s:."z tau' !: U ='iumg 'Mir fo7snir 'ma-ar{r "to A- 7+i s" nq +� t Fsrascff k sfr mr a �lergt M s *, saQ mrf� t s& :' tf� wts: "mr Ulm tf.'s«tr-vdl;; 4.1 wee Zr.� mf wtm& ,+gym r'fo'r_= Get" lien zip MTV fit mmStmw mm sr is cs or M*V "w 'lt• rt ^i ,(.! iflsa^a 'yLt`tnEES S'!. 7tLffi"1'. -m t1rW'i e-at mr rft bvntk ' A= 9'erv- tN'�rr., ar"t Z; ve. -,a• w'::t Tf 'I" Alt.. iw=. a. rimtl mt = Cta «srrw^!r j., stss� tsf!!r a! It "S `'mr Ott t;it --4w .j` ry nwt *: aft mws ,t myd 'nm W* I've 1'tm +'mp:1.`. rmmt ril= if in num. :tr flier N'foET"i Tot NjrE Yid, .:77 `.ttat" 'alas: V' * a31r "mm, 'toss~ .o T-:V a =m ;ri' ! [;arr[ w --m-r: ft' .` c, : Wrd 'v o- tim," tralmitt=nt r& manclicmrt km it'sotar- 'domnta *3w,t=mn r+ mr -mars ltn, tn* sty sA' the Minn-'t�eilitoresr Sm.,msm 1-htmmii-4 -,m, nnat -ni : ffsil ttim'i ' Z t j- adr Mt'+sit may+ ssraree .m fi r r m rmo arr i "fhr.t4V-' m. antt:tmrinm ''-s mttmrt,tw.t aawr mtatl= ,sstr it= ,fit i !t :. 44:..r :rri>er- mu" r! and or. am -u r Ctm ssrt s =rwm sr s nv !:fie 0' lmr � t7ta! r.- prmssarm.nt rtt is taxi, irti es ;tirsee�tans � ".:ai~ � dtte !!rrr !to "Tins 11 (iitrj:. cttrtJ'fiMr Wntm alas ImedY1tm' f r lire 1mr- rstw'tybrrmLYmr. =nTz m"z Im MTW until vi?t 4{p0 c*W Qm dkmwwrtme Mattnt t =d- tm '!ray ^..1' tyy art: Mt aW t + w mrnsC ees na* aho ttetsrat an • 11mm 00 4OYIdhUmt1_ Firm'lame_ i.Tw �upim am am c>m=mmm cd", amr:, �44mi3Y, adi!F = =Turarm =d7) (►Mast►, il ti km U. Ctzto2; ; faear t. n u in rz am rl) thi ft 4W a tusi imx raaatm time sf tlw bvv as» 1 -mbst mm rpmwvA i itarttrerr m'r #4 jurttsre■sm %v aa- :tugs fA*7- oaf as 1Wi kbP QW . tatW 2U M agar ai 1' aU t rM ati as jo nr_ kmeesYuM. cox;. MT, 7 A%M1:-71" 11TM ter. In-, Am utin - atisaewi>Sa�ac ttaee f � nv; i sasitrsseass: es: M e�t7ar^ r.Ct_ .� cros� - si0rw- P't!!1t S M ritr CU" tsl btm tLmd feta+a : 3� QRIDA STAi17�li'FS, ON PUDjJ�C'I7 N 287.133(3)C �-NTITY C ES �f MUST BE SIG IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OMCEI( �SioRi�Bt� TO ADMINISTER OATIIS. '-his sworn statement is submitted %ith Bid, Proposal or Contract No. for This sworn statement is submitted by [name of entttY submitting swo:a statement) whose business address is = an<t (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is (If the entity his no FEW, include the Social Security Number of the indbidual Aping this sworn statement: __ . } 3, Aiy taame is and lay relationship to the [iFlem prmt name of buUvkhW s4pinfj lathy umed agave is I =dcntzad that a 'public eattzy time' as deffacd is Pzragmptt 29 .133(I)(g). j Wrids Statn n- mum a vwbu a of any state cr feral law try a paws wuh respect to a: kd dir=ay reiawd to the =asmica of tA=Dess with ally public a nry. or With asa at=?' Cr paiiticai srbdmsioa of M Otte: sure or with the United Sratcs. includin& bw rat united m. azy bid of contraa fat goods o. servi ~s to be pm ided to war public satire or. an agewy or potincal sWx_*k =n of any other stain or of the t wiled mates and =voh-w4 az=rmsz. L-2z:. tom, hibezy. c ciml aa. rackm=mg, orssgi ..cc c maul mns-zpca c. S. I taftntnd that iaarl=C cc ' rf' as dew im ft-AV2ph 2973M(D,(b). Fhsr*ft Stags, a ftftg of &A c+r a amv== at a pubbc c=q c n. vuh or wzboa an a"haws of SwIt. in ake b3end of ust a trial etn of reuxd relazing my by km5=m= or =Ibr...st = aft= hair L IW as a trsadtt c€ a �wy RC"'Y:�. manjm7 CML or e=y Cif a Pka cf vxiLy Cr Z010 ormtae• 1 •ern .rja,M f Vs vRarr/�._ r."rMr lrp IY � .9A' j�I' �aYY"�tw `as�-:lYir ri{ti. ry b.JI.�M1. 4 Y'. •rr.�\"Ha 1.� w N bti My M� M :•.� �rt�'11 �fNM`. gab}+tN :fr h.y. -Yin, rM.v/ •!. A'. •q r►:'Ys'n r'l' �wW Rx Ma 'M •b qt, r n.A .w•aial.'., �'1Ya'rt. Alta+ { ;Y1}... •,INr:" 15•.►••, 4FMF�r..rp� aws�...�o•q•.. u�.wt} .. fh,.++h ;•p'.3 .h,,:6r�N. �,,,,y '.}a .• ..:++'.*u •. }•' .s<. YN, w}.v..a4..i•.�es•..•er H. %,4 ".Y.11+•r wt':: si.'f`Yi N.c I.R,i rM'Y•`.TA' •tF;l �+ �, M. 14 aY+•+. k..�.ra.'•q=e '•b Y',!.»n4 N• ..li'K..a p� >'rVa; t+. Y: M.a.Me• rN•'Wtai. t'+a ♦iC, aL• r1 rnM.: f'A'Yr: .jY .fipre :tL �`�. �+r `tea F. N.f[++f•' 1"••. yY•Y M.4 . 1i. M} p.n �MasYMtNtaF .(t• NINr •w.'aY rr • ,++N:�Y e. )H Y'.,A ",es+kr �.+rr�Ni. l».la +hlM '".raawaa,. "if,W rr.: M'•}, a. y.�ti yY ewe Yi a a+ab. w. h•a!•r ti hey*rY. wagr•}$..��.br.r •s h••t�}}M wwr '9 c pah..}s. �'E u Hb� 'r- +r, .+y..r:a, Ni•. r, �«r:wa. a,r..a«.•..r ..�w`.,a...,... d. P..r;+... ..r m••a rW►"NIa tF: +r.!%twt k' Na}:OirM rr Nr= N: 1!tY N:A N4Y a r• ! 1. - +t1 +••Y.�a ne! he ba taM.}i} ••rlaya#:Ire ♦lbta Ll. pa.. tti •Y)aa 'atl H;t Mp.taNM'r••••- tN' Ha p+! l� h 'r4'il M. NI ` w.•l. I.4♦ {f •Nafi r I •f wr Yoh/i 'a< pbraa-i•; f^!M� :4Y(.}I. . 4/# N►': ,1 'rw !. 1}T 'a• r• WI•,a • • r .Y•aaa - }1f-�.,p+r .er.^Nr• gas }I a � s}lN.'. Nine r..,..r.. w •a�wuthas. ..«•rW : /tr Ia rp tit t. +•} N 4a�y„ i Y. H' •ti iaa.Ya{IF, rk4. :F• al y.•IYw •-rtb r ll•YPI'alas �aY. ;::.r�••Y�rll a} .i} r}YtM1•r ,r`%..' 41a ls.vtHl Va.r:lb rN}a aYta `Jp. aY�lt'+Yth •I/YY .ttaYl; �-.r r HY rNai xtri �WatxaY .ya FYFt -•I tl1••PrNbsra' rrFi. pill. `N:tay.ar�•♦ •<i Mom,.. + �. ;i'r hcttner the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any oft3cers. directors, executives, partners, shareholders ployees, members, or agents who are act n management of the entity, nor any affiliate of ntity have been charged with and cat�A of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, r. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directcrs, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989, &L1P [Please indicate which additional statement applies.] STATE OF COUNTY OF There has been a proceeding concerning the conviction before a hearing offimr of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer did not place the person or affiliate on the convicted vendor list. [Please attach a copy of the final order.] The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted vendor list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in the public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted vendor list_ [Please attach a copy of the final order.] The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted vendor list. [Please describe any action taken by or pending with the Department of General Services.] [signature] _ Date: PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, [name of individual signing] who, after fast being sworn by me, allied his/her signature in the space provided above on this day of . 19 My commission expires: Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 11/99) NOTARY PUBLIC FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID. 11 E CA=12CITY OC t,�lAt.' i_OR!D�+ INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM �> Honorable Mayor and Members GATE ' • fnnn FIB= of the City Commission ►�! � I. S�15JE..T Resolution Authorizing Bid No. 91-92-.071 ROM s d REFERENCES Cesar H . Odid City Manager �11 ENCLOSURES It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution awarding Bid No. 91-92-071 to N & G Best Lawn, Inc. a Black/Dade County vendor located at 13081 NW 43rd Avenue, Opa Locka, Florida 33054, the lowest responsible and .responsive bidder for the furnishing of all labor., materials and equipment to provide Ground. Maintenance Services to the new Southeast Overtown Mall located at NW 7th Street between 3rd Avenue and 1st Court and the Park West Mall located at NW 9th Street between 1st Avenue and Miami Avenue. The contract shall be effective for a period of one (1) year commencing with the date stated in the Notice of Award and shall. be renewable annually for two (2) additional one-year periods. The total proposed first year cost is $8,950.00, which funds are available from the Southeast Overtown/Parkwest Tax Increment Operating Budget Account No. 550108-340 Project No. 689001. The Department of Development and Housing Conservation, has received ten (10) bids pursuant to Bid No. 91-92-071, for the Ground Maintenance Services for the new SEOPW 7th and 9th Street Malls. All ten bids received were minority vendors, three (3) located within the City of Miami and seven (7) located within Dade County. It was determined that N & G Best Lawn, Inc. was the lowest responsible and responsive bidder meeting all the City's requirements. 92- 376 CA a -t Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page #2 The total funds available for maintenance services at both Malls are $25,000. The additional funds in excess of the grounds maintenance contract $8,950.00 will provide for repair and replacement costs of mall fixtures and equipment damaged during the next year, which will be processed through the Procurement Management Division at the time of need, in accordance with the City's procurement policies. SOURCE OF FUNDS SEOPW Tax Increment Operating Budget Account No. 550108-340 Project #689001. MINORITY P R TCT32ATTQN Award is to a Black/Dade County Vendor Attachments z 92- 376 r 1 H T c o— XP ` CITY OF MAIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM EA DATE May 22, 1992 t`KE : TO ,Judy S,: Carter Park West Mall Maintainance Chief P� ocurement Officer suFutof : Bid #90-91-001 (Did Title) Approvals FROM : � [torbor J. Bailey •••• •��••••••$ove'lapmer�cD for bepartm nt of .. <=1?' This department he erified available funding with the Departments of Finance and Management & Budget that funds are avaib a to cover the cost of the subject bid the amount of Account Code Number O I FINANCEI REVIEW & APPROVED BYe (Exceptifor-funds already appropriated or items include,,d in FY budget C'firlos NcLaj Directof!/Departof Finance BUDGETARY REVIEW & APPROVED B'Ye (Except for items funded through Capital Improvement Program)„ ManohaftSWrana, DireCtor Department of Management & Budget CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDIH { REVIEW AND APPROVAbs i B uar o' Ro r guez Capital;Program Manager i i (This orm properly signed is part of the Bid evaluation and recomme dation package to be placed on the agenda and must be attache. to the resolution cover memorandum.) — _ i - t 92- 376 3 ?o �1, FLORIDA cam. BID NO. 91-92-071 (Continued) A _ gam: BID SHEET AND ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED IN TRIPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms:-, (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of % if awarded all items. Warranty and/or guarantee: Delivery: �G? calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice of Award. r7 Number of calendar days required to complete work after start. Delivery Point(s): In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Items) at Prices II indicated on the attached bid sheet(s). =3 `` OF'O"ANY OWNER (S) : N E OF . �0 ?1NY OFFICER (S ) a) List principal b%s/i/fness address: (street address) b) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) (Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary) II THORITX PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE The undersigned bidder acknowledges that (e)he has received a copy of ordinance #10062 as amended, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami and agrees to comply with all = applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, incl ing� ny amen , is hereto. � Bidder: %� Q- Signature: ,-�' (c ,pany name) Date: Print Name: rid 41&__ Indicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check am box only) [� BLACK [ j HISPANIC [ j FEMALE AFFTRWtA_TIVE ACTION PLAN If firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementation: If firm does not have an existing plan, the Successful Bidder(s) shall be required to ?stablish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Ordinance #10062 as amended. See Appendix I for sample. Bidder: 49A f / 1daW S&ViC- Signature: Al (company name) 7 6 :AILURE TO C. MPLETE. SIGH. ANIL_..R I R_N__rTHIS .1,QM MAY AWARD OF BID ' Bid No. 91-92=071 i i ITEM: Grounds Maintenance at the Southeast Overtown/Park West Malls - DEPARTMENT: Development and Housing Conservation TYPE OF PURCHASE: Contract for one (1) year with the option to = extend for 'two (2) additional one (1) year = periods. - REASON! To provide grounds maintenance to the new - Southeast Overtown and Park West Malls. i POTENTIAL BIDDERS: 147 BIDS RECEIVED: 10 TABULATION: Attached FUNDS: Account Code No. 550108-340, Project No. 689001 BID EVALUATION: Bid Invitations Bid Mailed Responses ALL VENDORS ............................ 147 10 MINORITY/FEMALE (M/F) VENDORS.......... 128 10 Within City limits .................. 17 3 Registered with City ................ 78 6 Black (B) Vendors....... .............. 63 4 : Located within City limits.......... 10 1 Registered with City ................ 51 3 Female (F) Vendors . ...... ............ 23 3 Located within City limits.......... 2 0 Registered with City ................ 12 2 Hispanic (H) Vendors................... 42 3 Located within City limits.......... 5 2 Registered with City ................ 15 1 NON MINORITY (NM) VENDORS.............. 19 0 Located within City limits.......... 4 0 "No Bids ".............................. - 2 92- 376 Reasons for "No Bids" were as follows: I. George & James Lawn Service - "No Bid (Insurance)". Z. Transglobal Marketing, Inc. - "No Bid". RECOMMENDATIQN: In IT IS RLCOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO N & G BEST LAWN, INC. AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $8, 950. (r-`-,, . - 92- 376 0 CITY OF MIriM , RAVIDA TAr•�(ILATICtt OF BILS frM t WkW MAIL rrM'; 4= FOR nT- SEr)PW -:711 AtU )111 - rRErr MALL BID NO. 91-92-071 OLt= TUKXS TR IM Co. AUSWE SPfl('.2ALTY 3310 N.W. 178I1I St. 371 W. 21st Strut opa L cka, FL 33056 Hialeah, Fl. 33010 MIIMM CLASSIFICATION FEMALE HISPANIC •F am BRC7w HILL RC GG & DD SERVICES DC SiRYii M ERiVIFOM 13ol N.W. 51 Street 4281 N.W. 178 Street 19031 rt.w. 10rh Cc Miami., Fl. 33141 Miami, Fl. 33055 i'i.i.]mi., Fl. "' 69 BLACK BEACK FEMA,11L • tPRICE TOM ITNIT PF1a--T=L SEOPW 7TH Sr M111 $5,000/Mo SE0,000/Yr S1,500jlb $18,000/Yr $ 850/Fb $10,200/Yr S 400/MD S 4,800,'Yr $1,170;Mo $14,040 PARK WEST M ST $2,500/Mo $30,000,rYr $ 500imb $ 6,000/Yr $1,050/"b $12,600/Yr S 400/Mo $ 4,800/Yr s 422/Mo S 5,070 STEAM CLEAR= $ 5,000/Yr $ 200/Yr $ 1,200/Yr S 5,400/Yr $ 250 CWr EM FERrMIZDG $1,000/FAA TIME S100/EACH TIM $100/EAM TIME $1,200/EPCH TIME $2281,`F.ACII TIME EST1tO= ANWJAL TOM $96,000.00 $24,300.00 $24,100.00 $16,200.00 519,5R2 *Vendor located within City limits MCI r-1 -*I%- Ci OF MLW, FLi'.,Rlr)A TAMMCH OF BIDS " ,7cq2cs MAINTENANCE FCR THE SEOpw m AND M SrPEET MAIL BID NO. 91-92-071 BIDDER G BEST LAW, INC. OCEAN CRCW gmrpa#j2ML *J.R. ALVAM IM 2890 Virginia St. 1507 *GMENNOM INC. JTZ" LAM & KNDIT. 3239 W. Trade Ave 08 17000 N.W. 67th Ave 13081 W 43rd Avenue 33054 1031 W 202 Street Mimi, Florida 33169 Coconut acme, F1 33133 Coconat czove, F1 33133 Hialeah, F1.33011 opa'Locka, FL HISPANIC HISP-MIC 40� F ALE mnmm aAsslFIC=CN MAa UAa PRICE InTAIL Q=U= (IF SEOM 7TH Sr Mall M= $350/mo $4,200/Yf S475/Mo $5,700/Yr $1,300/Mo $15,600/yr $2,248.75-/MD $26,965/Yr $800/t�b $9,600/1 $350/Mb $4,200/Yr $395/Ma $4,7401'Yr $ 9,600/Yr $1,021.25/Mo $1.2,255/yr $800/M7 $9,600A PARK WEST 9M ST 300/Yr S 2,000/Yr $9,600/',i 5"-M CLEAN= $400/Yr $2,400/Yr cogr FOR FERr=ING SISO/EACH TIME $1001EAM TIME $SOILAM TIME $950/EACH TIME S300/SX2i TIM ESTDPM ANOLML TOTAL S8,0,50.00 $12,940.00 $25.550.00 $42,190-00 $29,100. *Vendor located wiUdr. City limits I